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Revieuy 4 Diff names: Teo aane aged Shedasa Hahejennpas Age ¢ Budda Cugpusushal Vaharnapadas: “Anguttara Niles — “ Buddist titeabuve ph language Sp lrgunge tit a: Sanaksit — Intellectual languoge oils q — Convenient ta common man y " Buddists —» palé Lang wage Prokrit “1 Join Nonth-west India — 2 Fanapadas South Indias _ 4» Nowth Sndia = 430, Name Capital tae Af sped Magadho. Rega Gruhqa -B> Petaliputra Anga Champa. Malla. Pava, Kashi (Bikax) oP) Viji/lidevi ——yaishalt (ethos) Kasi Varanasi , “Kavu Hackipapur , Sndroprasbo, Un ekoan Souasena, Moxthuaa. Panchala. ~~~ Abictthadra Kosala ~ Shrovasti Mabey Vevalaagata (ep) control i Avot Uggain (op) neal Subtimati (Bundelbiand) fowh- ( Fandhaca Takshasia(rasila) , Pushtalavali ao z m8 TRaralpardi) ——{ Pat-afghan border) Karmbdja. Ration $o ae, > Asmaka Podare [Rodan in sitambod'] Afstory jot Magadhas 3 dynasties _ Horyanka Sisunaga Narda Horyonta * Bimbisora [ s8tking € founder] TAS policies toeee , + Annexation (rae) Et Aang © Matzimonies {marriage alliounces} Ex: Kosaladevi (princess ¢ Kosala] . Diplomacy £8 “the dockoa'd Bimbi car, Tivaka Went fo Avanti to Saye. the KiKg, [Riendshie] ” # Apical : a He was a patricide Sisko kill hie phe His policy — wae. ext kast, varsolt , Malta , ocala == : * Seepna . | Hewas assassinated by Sisunaga S Senopakt "He built o fort ak the Confluence of Ganga Steemogs, dynasty * Sisuoaga —>» Avanti wlas coptured by bim # Kalasoka —> shifted Capéeal. -from Rojogi« & Pabalipuba He was assassinated by Senopati, Mahopedmanarda Nando demosty? ett Spud Religion: yain * Mahopadmananda Greatest among all Megadho, hulers 2 rst North Indian king conmpered the South-dndio, “Fal: [ph Godavas: agin] Except two moxth-wesk Janopads alb wee Congpexect by- Nauda . * Banonands § Lact ruler} Jn S248c, he was defeated by Chandra Gupta Maurya. toby Magedha aulers net touthed ‘the Noxth-wlest ‘Jorapadas? At that time ‘the @ Janopadas were Conguered by Frarians (pewsians) , they ave greatest Auless in world . ® Fisst Soreegnes- who congdtred India ~ Sysus Gras grandson * Rozius' np cmpig the € total Noxths “Dndto . According to Heredotus’, P Yong a8 proviences , Sndia Was one which gives 4S of income te persians . (sindes — tinder) . Domination of Pexsians came ta end becouse of Alezander - Dorius-T was defeated by Alexander . a He eben x “. Aa king of Tautla, “Amb” tnvited sleardes Alexander. was couple ¢ years tm Indio [p27 -s260¢) shop battle is “Wydaspas * Sn 3e3Bc, at Batstonia (Sron) alezandox. was died. * King 4 Synta , Selucus Nickata (Greek employ) . Le he vuled India After Alexander . Economte developments + * Introduction of metal coins [ee . gc] Easliest coins — Punch masked coins” Ly these coin Were. UNinecsiped Made up f Siluez $ copper ¥ Emergence g guild System srent (Sonstst) Means ~ -kasodation of merchant = Traders Koltika Sreni — Weapons manu foctuting Kulala sveni — pob montefactusing Gardila. sreni — Pk faumes . Religious development £ ; : on tetrodor: movemenk:: bere born , against the. ‘Brahman am . Mahamaya ten: Robul Rerche tohabalyana 5 qreak events in the life of Budda © Bisth: Lumbini symbol + Lotus osiginal. name > Siddhatde ff) Mahabhi nishkramoana ( Age: 29) Symbol = Horse. ( Kantaka) Gy Sambodhi Ages 3s polppes: An Gaye (ethos) , Under Bedic tree Cag dap) He became Budda { Tategatha _—» tho lenouss broth} Symbol : Podic tree Sex aS lecture of Budda - Bhatia chaksa Parivastana , of Saranath (oeor 6 Kas!) attended by 5 people . Symbol: chakra [twhed ¢ 3 spokes, @ndicates the, =o Astanga mnraxtga Mabopasiniavana ” Death Budde (8g) ivleshs Deasinagssl symbol: sthupo ra|qn Buddist Monuments 2 nan enna > ie Ruddict strucure built on the ; coON ashes ¢ Gudda or Buddist monks Pras, i Hore e x. a Semi domical structure ge * Vihata / Arama Predbiieshara —— mae Ceekeaimdertabor’) Residences f Buddict monks * Chaitya — prayer halt Docksines of Buddiams ( sonings of Budda, secular shin) He was rational ¢ Stentific philosopher. -¥* 4 Noble Truths © Worlol ts full of misesy ° Cause of this misery u greed ° Conquering greed ercan attain Nirvona ° there ing woy to prevent misery + Mazga ¥ Astanga Moaga {8 fold path} Right actions Right effort Right speech Right Vévelihood Right vision Right awareness Right aim 37 Diapt meditation / # Middle path . ae , : / : , The ‘extremes @ exeny ‘thing "ahould be avorde “ * Pratyutta Saroappadaa’ [cause & affect ‘elabionship] Peenaypena Mahayere s shui changes : = pro-charge. fe wejents the any charge : aa — ico xpowated th religion e Lonquane = Sanskack ° tanguege — poli © [dol wossht pert © Nerver worship tol Ey mbot voorship (stupa, tree, ete] ns. # Bodhistvas — previous biaths ¢ Gudda Avalokrthe swara (Padmapan ) Monjusst ( bom in Amarauathi) Wjrapon’ , padma sambhava Amitabha Maitreya — Futuaz Budd (rofapowy tug sunh apy (oaschoum): Uo sunafrousay » draBoas gi spa gt. “paussaf-axccy TaAOUOLW Ku J¥MPpAG ° fin) oy meds Joryydo so134d nage * appar sy °F oaNgrg OMUIDYPLUQY *, Suaponnanips, /SUPOADLIO] s ’ soybues pyow - SPs. Ye PPI som exyppng . suas }.gompuan

weypequanmog, oad omen i “sodind Ay Hoysy Pyysoyoy anmeyos Bay i AS Dssu, vgrd7ebovs woyeqes 4uspisony ” Causey) oUDAT}DpUNY vqndypyey SION poly rho yoy vynibolor “one Wat “h a “ qe | i Mdese jz PUesh sg “4k | ons weet Guddtem? Moksha’ root Wagie * Sezunt interpol Sangha started by Budde , memos monks -- - Women a: Neuns *rosmat*- lbs seg Vanya * degeneration ¢ Sanghas ° es ope pali © dol wosship ¢ seform ¢ Brahmeniem . chinism 8 AAA 24 Texthankaras — ford makers 4. Rishaba watho | Adinatha. Symbol Bull aM. wemtnatha [triste Neenatho syenbdl + shell . “ard. Paysvaritha Parent: Ashvasenudn Syma: Snake Varmala, dwt Uved in ate. gic , Born n Royat family kashi New Aaligton was founded by him : Nigrauntha. Nitgran tho. = free fifo th. bonds 4 woxdd . & doctrines ° Asakyo.— Mon ipaq e Ahimsa — Non ingaty + Asateyo — nonsteeling + Aparrigrecho.— non accumulation ¢ ceealth ath, Vaydamana_ Mahaveeto Symbol : Lon “Born in 540BC, ak Kundageama [rlearto vaishal: in Bhat] kehatriga family — Tnatika Father: stddhasdh Mother! Gyishaladeue wife : Yashoda Daughter * Prey adatsht Son-in-lows samak Ae the age f G2, he reached the last stage le tithankara Kavali => Koivalyagyana, [oteimate. state 4 knowwladg?] Tina —> Conqusor (Become the mastet ove the Sense! | §atlekhana. —> Extreme facts t death Give max patn te your Senses without taking Wake. aud food . He deed in fava ,(#2) Historical founder 4 Binism — Parshanatha . Dockrinec Dockrines of Jainisn Sunken: i" iy ‘Paichacubias- . & qiventy Pantawathe sth by Mahoveeza ic Brahmachorga 2. “Trt fatnas : Samyat teriya [good action’) Samyor Guana, (right knowledge] Samyak visvos [Fetth) Approximately around 2008 UM hod been dividid mnt 2 sec + Sioetumbarac fishitedoths) —— Stulabhadra Digambasas’ [discotdad clothe) —. Bhadaa Bahy Swetambaras follower ¢ 23 tyithankors Digambaras « « ryth x Portaistapaavan sogktten by Hemachandacr — tagre famine in Magrada, Acc te this book, aXound 3008 12000 Monks left maghadla jleader teas Bhodka bahu Gud they Sled at Sravena Belgala, and became digambarog Chandra, Guptamanaga died at Sravano, Belgala . % Huge ctakue f sain monk in Sravana Belgalet calad a4 Gorateswara } Rahubgli Rahubal? This status wor bulll by Mintcker of Myson stake , Chamundaraya ( toth. an) * Gomatesioara Son of 1 tiythan kao, 2 He soasshrong man and | tongpered many Raj yer so People catled him a: Bahubali He tas noka -txthantota, * Mahamasttn bhisheka forevesy nye in Sravana Begala the people cblebaating an Ustavam . ay : as}ah Oroadasha Angas : Scaiptures of qaenion — compiled in oe AD ak aconference Feld ab- “Valtabhi * by Makaxt Gosaloputta fftendg Paboveera] Very popular we legeon in Mangan’ age Aes oppered. aftee 2008c Central theme» “Altgatt "doctrine Lspredetermination. Charvoka! Awe founder : Ajita keto. kaabali Very radical Philosophy Totaly belceved &n — matertal'sm f ethism & No life aftee deatf, .

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