Year 3 Term 3 Week 3 Numeracy Plans - Sir Dennis

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ALL; were able to use the concept of number bonds to add pairs of numbers to the tens and hundreds.
They were also able to order fractions in order from the smallest to the largest.

We did not manage to do times tables, We will start on Monday.

Year 3 Week 3 Lesson 1 MONDAY

Main Focus Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Curriculum Objectives
Use function machines to Know 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 function; multiplication; N3.3A Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2,
multiply by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 times-tables division; input; output; inverse 5 and 10 multiplication tables; recognise and work out
and understand the inverse multiplication and division for the 3 and 4 multiplication tables
(up to and including 10 × ...)
N3.3D Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
involving multiplication and division using the multiplication (×),
division (÷) and equals (=) signs, for the 3 and 4 multiplication
N3.3E Solve 1-step problems involving multiplying and dividing
by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
N5.3F Divide numbers up to and including four digits by 1-digit
numbers with remainders written as integers and interpret
remainders appropriately for the context

Teaching Summary
2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 times-tables
Divide the class into five teams. Each team lines up, one in front of the other. Give each team a times-table (2, 3, 4, 5 or 8) according to their attainment. Place a
shuffled set of number cards 0–12 in front of each team. When you say go, the first student turns over a card and multiplies their team’s times-table number (2, 3,
4, 5 or 8) by the number on the card and writes the multiplication on a whiteboard. They then pass the whiteboard to the next person who turns over the next card
and so on until they have used all the cards. Which team finished first? Repeat, giving a different times-table to each team.
Main Teaching
• Tell students that today you will be using a function machine and explain how a function machine works. Explain that a number goes in (input), the machine
does something to this number and another number comes out (the output). You could use the function machine model described in the main activity.
• Divide the whiteboard into two columns, headed ‘Input’ and ‘Output’. Ask students up to the whiteboard to enter a number of their choice in the ‘Input’
column. You then act as the function machine and enter the correct number in the ‘Output’ column. Initially, the function should be × 2, although students do
not know this. Repeat a few times with the same function. Can students guess what the machine is doing?
• Ask students to work in pairs to suggest an input and predict the output. Choose a few to come and test their ideas. Then write the mystery function, × 2, on
the board.
• Repeat, this time with a mystery function of × 4. Enter a few numbers and ask students to suggest what the machine is doing. Help them to test their theories
and then reveal the function.
• Keep the function as × 4 but this time enter some outputs without revealing the inputs. Together write these as missing number sentences, such as
☐ × 4 = 20.
• Repeat for × 8.
• Change the function to × 5 and write this on the board so that the students can see it. Now enter 30 as the output. Students discuss in pairs what number
they think would be entered as the input and write it on whiteboards. Ask a student to share their answer by inviting them to the whiteboard to write the input.
Were they correct? Ask: How did you work out your answer? Discuss finding how many 5s are in the output and how division ‘undoes’ multiplication. Say:
Division is the opposite, the inverse, of multiplication.
• If time allows, repeat with other outputs for the functions × 5, × 4, × 2 and × 8, writing these as missing number sentences.
• Introduce a two-step function machine. Demonstrate how a two-step function machine works, with the output of the first machine being the input of the
Key Questions
• What do you think the machine is doing? If you enter four, what number do you think will come out?
• What number do you think went into the machine? How did you work that out?
Watch out for
• Students who do not know their times-tables.
• Students who do not see the link between multiplication and division.

Main Activity
Use a function machine to multiply and divide by 3, 4 and 8
In advance, prepare three function machines, made from a shoe box with a clear plastic wallet stuck to the front and a slot cut out on opposite sides. Put students
in pairs. Give each pair a function machine containing a function card, × 3, × 4 or × 8, to be placed inside the plastic wallet. In pairs, students take it in turns with
one student posting an input number card 0–12 into the box, with the number facing away from the rest of the group. Their partner writes the correct output
number on a blank card and reveals it to the rest of the group. The rest of the group then try to guess the input number. Repeat with each pair.
Choose two of the machines to put next to each other. Post a 1-digit input number card into the first machine and then post the output number card from the first
machine into the second. Together make the new output number card that will come out of the second machine. Put these three cards to one side ready for the
plenary. Repeat, using two different machines.
Assessment Focus
• Can students multiply any single-digit number by 3, 4 or 8?
• Can students use their knowledge of multiplication facts to work out missing number multiplications, such as ☐ × 4 = 36?
Y3 TB3 p14 Multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Y3 TB3 p13 Multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p04-13
Y3 TB3 p15 Multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Further Support
Give students a multiplication square (RS 121 Multiplication grid (10 times-table)) or counting sticks (RS 164 Counting stick: 2 times-tables, RS 165 Counting
stick: 3 times-tables, RS 166 Counting stick: 4 times-tables, RS 167 Counting stick: 5 times-tables, RS 168 Counting stick: 6 times-tables, RS 169 Counting stick:
7 times-tables, RS 170 Counting stick: 8 times-tables, RS 171 Counting stick: 9 times-tables and RS 172 Counting stick: 10 times-tables) to help.

Show the class the two-step function machine used at the end of the main teaching. Enter a number 0–12 into the first function machine. Ask a student to write
the output on a blank card (with the number facing away from the class), then to input this number into the next machine, write the final output on another card
and show it to the class. Can students work out what number came out of the first machine? Can they work out what number went into the second machine?
Repeat with the same pair of steps, then a different pair.

Physical Resources Photocopiable Resources
• Blank cards • RS 121 Multiplication grid (10 times-table)
• Felt-tipped pens • RS 164 Counting stick: 2 times-tables
• Function machines × 3 (shoebox with plastic wallet stuck to front) • RS 165 Counting stick: 3 times-tables
• Number cards 0–12 • RS 166 Counting stick: 4 times-tables
• Whiteboards • RS 167 Counting stick: 5 times-tables
• Y3 TB3 • RS 168 Counting stick: 6 times-tables
• RS 169 Counting stick: 7 times-tables
• RS 170 Counting stick: 8 times-tables
• RS 171 Counting stick: 9 times-tables
• RS 172 Counting stick: 10 times-tables
• Y3 TB3 Answers p04-13
• Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21

Year 3 Week 3 Lesson 2 TUESDAY

Main Focus Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Curriculum Objectives
Solve problems involving Use partitioning to double height; weight; metres; N3.3B Know doubles up to and including 20; know their related
multiplication, use scaling to 2-digit numbers, use the grid kilograms; multiply; divide; halves
multiply heights and weights method to multiply 2-digit times N3.3D Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
by 2, 4, 8, 5 and 10 numbers by 3, 4, 5 and 8, and involving multiplication and division using the multiplication (×),
multiply 2-digit numbers by 10 division (÷) and equals (=) signs, for the 3 and 4 multiplication
N3.3F Solve missing number problems for multiplication and
division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables
N3.4A Solve simple problems in contexts, deciding which of
the four operations to use

Teaching Summary
Multiply by 4 by doubling twice and find a quarter by halving twice
Show students two of the function machines used in the last lesson with both functions showing as × 2. Enter a number card less than 10, take out the correct
output card, enter this in the second machine and show students the second output card. Ask students what has happened. Say: This pair of function machines
can help us to multiply numbers by four, by doubling and doubling again: double trouble! Enter inputs and ask students to write on whiteboards the number that
will be the output of the second function machine. Begin with numbers less than 10, then quickly progress to numbers less than 25 and multiples of 10 up to 100.
Can they write the output before it makes its way through both machines?
Enter 40 as the final output. What will be the input of the second machine? Agree that this will be half of 40 (20). Ask: What will be the input of the first machine?
Agree this will be half of 20 (10). So the function machines have found a quarter of forty by halving twice. Select other multiples of 4 less than 40 to begin with,
then bigger numbers such as 88, 64, 100, 120 and 240. Students find a quarter by halving twice and write the number on whiteboards before you reveal the first
Main Teaching
Tell students about a family of three giants: father giant, boy giant and baby girl giant. Explain that the boy giant is three times taller than his sister, the baby girl
giant, and that the father giant is five times taller than the baby girl giant. Write the height of the baby girl giant on the board: 2 m. Ask: If the baby girl giant is two
metres tall, how tall is her big brother? And her dad? Take answers from the class and write the correct heights on the board.
Short Task
Students work in threes to shuffle a set of number cards 2–9. The first student takes a card and writes the number on a whiteboard. Say: This is the height in
metres of the baby girl giant. The second student triples this number to find the height of the boy giant and the third student multiplies the number by 5 to work out
the height of the dad giant. They write the three numbers in a line. Repeat, with students taking different roles.
• Take feedback, asking groups to share their answers.
• Now write a different height for the baby girl giant on the board: 5 m. Ask: Which group of three has told us the height of the other two giants? The rest of the
class agree the heights. Write them on the board: 15 m and 25 m.
• Write a third height for the baby girl giant: 8 m. Ask: If the baby was this height, who can tell us the height of the other two? Write their height measurements
on the board: 24 m and 40 m.
• Now explain that the boy giant is twice as heavy as the baby girl giant and the dad is four times heavier than the baby. Write a weight for the baby girl on the
board: 20 kg. Say: If the baby weighs twenty kilograms, how heavy is her brother? And their dad? Take answers from the class and write the correct weights
on the board.
Short Task
Students work in threes to shuffle together place-value cards 1–9 and 10–90 made from RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS 24b
Place-value cards (2). The first student takes a card and writes the number on a whiteboard. This number represents the weight in kg of the baby girl giant. The
second student doubles this number to find the weight of the boy giant and the third student multiplies the number by 4 to work out the weight of the dad giant.
They write the three numbers in a line. Repeat, with students taking different roles.
• Take feedback, asking groups to share their answers.
• Now write a second weight for the dad giant (120 kg) on the board. Ask: How can we work out the weight of the baby? Discuss that if the dad is 4 times the
weight of the baby, then the baby is a quarter of his weight. Write the weight for the baby: 30 kg. Say: Now we know baby’s weight, we can work out her
brother’s weight! How much does he weigh? Again, write the weight for the boy giant on the board: 60 kg.
Use the following task to assess understanding of the following outcomes. You can use it in this lesson or at another time in the day that suits you.
• Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 multiplication tables
Ask the students:
1) Solve these multiplications and divisions.
9 × 3 = __ (27) 6 × 8 = __ (48) 8 × 4 = __ (32)
__ × 5 = 45 (9) __ × 4 = 28 (7) __ × 8 = 24 (3)
55 ÷ 5 = __ (11) 18 ÷ 2 = __ (9) 80 ÷ 8 = __ (10)
2) Write two multiplications and two divisions using the numbers 3, 8 and 24. (3 × 8 = 24, 8 × 3 = 24 24 ÷ 3 = 8, 24 ÷ 8 = 3)
3) Write as many different multiplications as you can with an answer of 40.
__ × __ = 40 (Any multiplications with an answer of 40, such as 4 × 10, 10 × 4, 5 × 8, 8 × 5, 2 × 20, 20 × 2.)
Champions’ Challenge
Work out the missing numbers.
• __ × 2 × 3 = 24 (4)
• 5 × __ = 50 ÷ 2 (5)
• 4 × 3 = 48 ÷ __ (4)

Main Activity
Solving multiplication and division word problems using scaling
Give students the word problems about two families of giants on RS 634 The Ginormous family and RS 635 The Humongous family. Students choose one of the
families and write possible heights for them. They repeat for the other family. Sit with the group. Do they notice any patterns? Can students spot a relationship
between the middle giant and the tallest giant? Encourage them to answer all the questions on each resource sheet.
Assessment Focus
• Can students use the inverse relationship between multiplication and division to work out unknown heights?
• Can students explain how to work out the height of the tallest giant using only the height of the middle giant?
• Can students use scaling to find an unknown height using a known height?
Y3 TB3 p16 Scaling
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Solving multiplication and division word problems using scaling
Give students the word problems about two families of giants on RS 634 The Ginormous family and RS 635 The Humongous family. Students choose a family on
one resource sheet and write possible heights for them. They repeat for the family on the other resource sheet. Do they notice any patterns? Can students spot a
relationship between the middle giant and the tallest giant? Encourage them to answer questions 1–3 on each resource sheet and to try questions 4 and 5.
Assessment Focus
• Can students use the inverse relationship between multiplication and division to work out unknown heights?
• Can students explain how to work out the height of the tallest giant using only the height of the middle giant?
• Can students use scaling to find an unknown height using a known height?
Solving multiplication and division word problems using scaling
Give students the word problems about two families of giants on RS 634 The Ginormous family and RS 635 The Humongous family. Students choose a family on
one resource sheet and write possible heights for them. They repeat for the family on the other resource sheet. Encourage them to identify any patterns. Can
students spot a relationship between the middle giant and the tallest giant? Encourage them to answer all the questions on each resource sheet. Challenge them
to devise problems for each other to solve, using the relationships on one of the resource sheets.

Assessment Focus
• Can students use the inverse relationship between multiplication and division to work out unknown heights?
• Can students explain how to work out the height of the tallest giant using only the height of the middle giant?
• Can students use scaling to find an unknown height using a known height?
Further Support
Students make the heights using multilink cubes (one multilink cube represents 1 m) so they can see the scaling and relationships between the heights.

Discuss some of the questions on RS 634 The Ginormous family and RS 635 The Humongous family. Ask: Which questions were really hard to think about?
Explain how we know that if Helga is twice Timmy’s height and Mum is four times Timmy’s height, then Mum is twice as tall as Helga and that Helga is half of
Mum’s height. Emphasise the inverse relationship between multiplication and division, so doubling and halving ‘undo’ each other.

Additional Activity
Students can have a go at the additional activity Once Upon a Time from the NRICH website.
Linked with kind permission of NRICH,

Physical Resources Photocopiable Resources
• Blank cards (output cards for the function machine) • RS 22 Place-value cards (1)
• Felt-tipped pen • RS 24a Place-value cards (2)
• Function machines (shoeboxes with clear plastic wallets stuck to the front) • RS 24b Place-value cards (2)
• Multilink cubes • RS 634 The Ginormous family
• Number cards 1–9 • RS 635 The Humongous family
• Place-value cards (1–9 and 10–90) • Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
• Whiteboards
• Y3 TB3

Year 3 Week 3 Lesson 3 WEDNESDAY

Main Focus Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Curriculum Objectives
Use known facts and Know 2, 3, 4 and 5 multiple; multiply; place-value; N3.3A Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2,
multiplying by 10 to multiply times-tables and multiply calculation 5 and 10 multiplication tables; recognise and work out
multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4 and 2-digit numbers by 10 multiplication and division for the 3 and 4 multiplication tables
5 (up to and including 10 × ...)
N3.3D Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
involving multiplication and division using the multiplication (×),
division (÷) and equals (=) signs, for the 3 and 4 multiplication
N3.3E Solve 1-step problems involving multiplying and dividing
by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10

Teaching Summary
Multiply and divide by 10
Write a 2-digit number on the board, such as 26. Ask students to predict what the answer will be if you multiply by 10. They hold up place-value cards made from
RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 23a Place-value cards (3), RS 23b Place-value cards (3), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS 24b Place-value cards (2) to
show their answers. Write the answer on the board to confirm. Remind students how digits move one place to the left when you multiply by 10. Repeat with other
2-digit numbers, including multiples of 10, such as 30. Repeat, but this time show 3-digit multiples of 10, such as 370. Ask students to use place-value cards to
show the answer when you multiply by 10. Ask: What happens when we divide by ten?
Main Teaching
• Write out the 3 times-table on the board up to 10 × 3 (or use a poster) and briefly revise the 3 times-table, writing in the answers. Say: If we know our three
times-table, we also know our thirty times-table! Work through each calculation in the 30 times-table, writing the answers alongside those for the 3 times-
table. Ask: What do you notice about the products, the numbers in the thirty times-table? Draw out that they are each 10 times bigger than the numbers in
the 3 times-table. Chant down the table, saying: One thirty is thirty, two thirties are sixty, three thirties are ninety…
• Repeat with the 4 times-table and the 40 times-table.
• Repeat with the 5 times-table and the 50 times-table. Reinforce the relationship between the 3, 4 and 5 times-tables and the 30, 40 and 50 times-tables.
• Relate these relationships to the 2 and 20 times-tables. Say: You know your two times-table: two times six is twelve, so what do you think twenty times six
will be? How can you tell?
• Write 40 × 5 on the whiteboard. Say: We can work this out as forty lots of five or five lots of forty. Discuss which is easier and conclude that 5 lots of 40 is
easier. Re-write the multiplication as 5 × 40 = . Point at the calculation. Say: If five fours are twenty, what are five forties? Point out that five 40s can be
written as 5 × 4 × 10 or as 20 × 10. Ask: What happens to digits in a number when we multiply a number by ten? They move one place to the left, so five
times forty equals two hundred.
• Repeat with 8 × 30 and 40 × 7, helping students to turn the multiplication round to make it easier to do and to make best use of known tables facts.
• Write 60 on the whiteboard. Ask: How can we get sixty by multiplying a multiple of ten by a single-digit number? Write suggestions, such as 3 × 20, 2 × 30,
6 × 10. Ask: Any others? (1 × 60)
Short Task
Ask students to work in pairs to write multiplications involving a multiple of 10 with an answer of 120.
Take feedback and list them on the whiteboard.
Key Questions
• What happens to digits in a number when we multiply a number by ten?
• If six threes are eighteen, what are six thirties? Four fives are twenty, so what are four fifties?
Watch out for
• Students who think we add a 0 to numbers when multiplying by 10 (this has the effect of shifting the digits to the left when multiplying whole numbers by 10,
but can cause difficulties later when multiplying decimal numbers by 10, such as 1·7)
• Students who make arithmetic errors when working out the rearranged multiplication

Main Activity
Y3 TB3 p17 Multiples of 10
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Multiply 1-digit numbers by 30, 40 and 50 using known facts
Ask students to work in pairs to write out the 3 times-table. Then ask them to write the 30 times-table alongside. Use a counting stick to support this. Ask: What is
five lots of three? So what do you think five lots of thirty might be? Count in steps of 30 to check. Establish that 5 × 30 = 5 × 3 × 10 and that this can be rearranged
as 5 × 10 × 3 or 50 × 3. Discuss how it is much quicker to do three lots of 50 than 50 lots of 3. For example, counting 50, 100, 150 is quicker than 3, 6, 9, 12…
150! Next, students write the 4 and 40 times-tables side by side. Play ‘Bingo’. Students draw five circles on whiteboards and write different multiples of 40 in them.
Call out numbers up to 10. They find this many lots of 40. If they have the answer, they cross it off. First student to cross off all their numbers calls Bingo!
Assessment Focus
• Can students use 3 and 4 times-tables and place value to multiply multiples of 10 by 3 and 4?
Y3 TB3 p18 Multiples of 10
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21

Further Support
Use 20p and 50p coins to support counting on in steps of 20 and 50 and to generate the 20 and 50 times-tables. Compare these with the 2 and 5 times-tables.

Divide the class into four teams: A, B, C and D. Each team stands in a line, one student behind the other. The first person in Team A writes 20 at the top of a
whiteboard and passes to the next person, who writes 40 and passes it to the next person, who writes 60 and so on all the way to 240. The last person in the line
passes the whiteboard to the person at the front when necessary. Team B does the same but counts in 30s, Team C counts in 40s and Team D counts in 50s.
The first team to write the 12th multiple holds the whiteboard up. Discuss how easy it is to know our 30 and 40 times-tables and so on when we know our 3 and 4

Physical Resources Photocopiable Resources
• 20p and 50p coins • RS 22 Place-value cards (1)
• Counting stick • RS 23a Place-value cards (3)
• Place-value cards (1s, 10s, 100s) • RS 23b Place-value cards (3)
• Posters showing the 3, 4 and 5 times-tables (optional) • RS 24a Place-value cards (2)
• Whiteboards • RS 24b Place-value cards (2)
• Y3 TB3 • Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Year 3 Week 3 Lesson 4 THURSDAY
Main Focus Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Curriculum Objectives
Multiplying numbers between Know 3, 4 and 5 times-tables multiply; place value; 10s; 1s; N3.3B Know doubles up to and including 20; know their related
10 and 30 by 3, 4 and 5 using and use these to derive smaller; bigger; value; double halves
the grid method multiples of 30, 40 and 50 and N3.3D Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
double 2-digit numbers by involving multiplication and division using the multiplication (×),
partitioning division (÷) and equals (=) signs, for the 3 and 4 multiplication
N4.3H Multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
using a formal written method

Teaching Summary
Count in steps of 30, 40 and 50
Use a counting stick to support counting in steps of 30 from 0 to 300. Repeat, this time pausing occasionally to ask multiplication questions, such as: What are
three thirties? Repeat for steps of 40, then 50.
Main Teaching
• Ask students to work in pairs to make the number 26 with place-value cards made from RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS
24b Place-value cards (2). One student takes the 20 card and the other takes the 6. How can we double twenty-six? Draw out that one student can double
20 to give 40, the other student doubles 6 to give 12, then they add 40 and 12 to find double 26 (52). Ask: How can we multiply twenty-six by three? Discuss
multiplying each card by 3, then adding to find the total (78).
• On the whiteboard, show 26 × 3 using the grid method. Draw the table below without the answers filled in. Ask students to do one part each (3 × 20 and
3 × 6). Remind students how the grid really helps us to keep track of what we are doing. Write the answers as you do them, reminding students to add the
part answers to get the final answer.
• Ask: How can we use this grid to work out five times twenty-six? Ask students to draw a grid on whiteboards. Take feedback, discussing how students
worked it out. Model on the whiteboard.

• Repeat for 4 × 26 and model on the whiteboard. Check that students understand how the grid is used to structure and keep track of the steps in

• Tell students that a shop is selling animal stickers at different prices and write these on the board: monkey 16p, elephant 14p, zebra 27p, tiger 25p, lion 23p,
giraffe 24p. Say that you would like to buy the giraffe sticker, priced 24p. Ask: How many ten pence and one penny coins in twenty-four pence? Make 24p
using two 10p coins and four 1p coins. How much would it cost to buy three of these stickers? Complete the grid to help:

• Repeat, this time pointing to the monkey sticker costing 16p. How much would it cost to buy three of these stickers? Write the numbers in the grid. Say: We
have not learned our six times-table yet, but that is no problem as three sixes is the same as six threes and we know our three times-table!

Short Task
Ask students to work in pairs to choose a sticker and find the cost of buying two stickers, then three, four and five stickers. One student in each pair does two of
the multiplications and the other student does the other two.
• Take feedback.
• Ask: Do you think it is more expensive to buy three stickers costing twenty-three pence or four stickers costing sixteen pence? How many of the
twenty-seven pence stickers can you buy for less than one pound?
Key Questions
• How can we multiply twenty-six by three?
• Do you think the answer to four multiplied by twenty-six will be smaller or bigger than five multiplied by twenty-six? Why?
Watch out for
• Students who are not multiplying each part of the 2-digit number by the 1-digit number
• Students who write 2 and 4 in their grid instead of 20 and 4 when multiplying 24 by a 1-digit number
• Students who forget to add the part answers or make errors in the final addition

Main Activity
Y3 TB3 p19 Multiplying using the grid method
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Multiply numbers 10–30 by 3, 4 and 5 using grid method
Give each student a copy of RS 798 Arrays and rectangles of arrays and rectangles. Ask: How many dots are in the line of the first array? (15) And how many
rows? (3) We are going to work out how many dots there are altogether.
Say: There are ten dots in each row in the rectangle on the left of the array and three rows. How many dots is that on the left of the array? (30) Students write this
underneath. Ask: How many dots are in each row on the right? (5) And how many rows? (3) So how many dots is that on the right of the array? (15) Students
write this underneath. Say: We are going to use this information to work out how many dots there are in the array altogether. Thirty dots on the left and fifteen dots
on the right give forty-five dots altogether. Students write the number of dots altogether underneath.
Repeat for each array and then for the rectangles without arrays, using the labelled sides. If they need to, ask students to imagine the rectangles as arrays of
dots. Prompt them to think about how the rectangle is split into two sections.
Assessment Focus
• Are students beginning to use the grid method correctly to multiply numbers between 10 and 30 by 2, 3, 4 and 5?
Y3 TB3 p20 Multiplying using the grid method
Linked Resources: Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Further Support
Use 10p and 1p coins or place-value cards made from RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS 24b Place-value cards (2) to help
students understand the partitioning and multiplication involved in the grid method. Show a blank grid on the board for students to copy and fill in.

Write on the whiteboard: At a school sports day, there are 4 teams of 23 students. How many students take part?
Ask students to write a multiplication that solves this.
Write on the whiteboard: How many buns are in 23 packs of 4?
Discuss how the answer to 23 × 4 is the same as 4 × 23.

Physical Resources Photocopiable Resources
• 1p and 10p coins • RS 22 Place-value cards (1)
• Counting stick • RS 24a Place-value cards (2)
• Whiteboards • RS 24b Place-value cards (2)
• Y3 TB3 • RS 798 Arrays and rectangles
• Y3 TB3 Answers p14-21
Year 3 Week 3 Lesson 5 FRIDAY
Main Focus Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Curriculum Objectives
Use the grid method to Know 3, 4, 5 and 8 times- multiply; digit; commutative; N3.3D Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, tables and use these to derive grid method; partition; involving multiplication and division using the multiplication (×),
4, 5 and 8 multiples of 30, 40, 50, and 80 calculation division (÷) and equals (=) signs, for the 3 and 4 multiplication
and partition 2-digit numbers tables
into 10s and 1s N4.3H Multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
using a formal written method

Teaching Summary
8 times-table
Use a counting stick to support chanting the 8 times-table. Ask: One eight is eight, two eights are sixteen… up to ten eights are eighty. Ask students to work in
pairs to use the 8 times-table to write the 80 times-table. (Ask students who are very unsure of the 8 times-table to use a times-table which they do know, such as
the 4 times-table, and to write the times-table for the corresponding multiple of 10, so the 40 times-table.)
Main Teaching
Explain to students you are about to challenge them to do lots of multiplications as quickly as they can.
Short Task
• Write the following on the board: 4 × 30 = , 8 × 10 = , 20 × 4 = , 3 × 20 = , 3 × 30 = , 6 × 20 = , 20 × 5 = , 6 × 10 = , 3 × 4 = , 7 × 5 = ,
8 × 4 = , 3 × 5 = , 8 × 5 = , 6 × 4 = , 3 × 3 = , 6 × 5 = .
• Tell students to work in pairs and challenge them to do as many of these calculations as they can in 5 minutes. Can they work together to do them all?
• Go through the questions swiftly, agreeing the answers and then writing them on the board.
• Write 5 × 27 on the whiteboard. Ask students to look again at the calculations on the board. Ask: Which calculations could we use to work this out? Take
suggestions. Point out 20 × 5 and 7 × 5, discussing how 5 × 20 has the same answer as 20 × 5 and 7 × 5 has the same answer as 5 × 7.
• Model drawing a grid on squared paper. Students then draw a grid layout for this multiplication on whiteboards.
• Point out how we used the two separate multiplications to find the product of 5 and 27.
• Ask students to look at the calculations on the board again. Ask students to talk to their partners to find another 1-digit × 2-digit multiplication that they could
create using the calculations and write the number sentence on whiteboards, such as 8 × 25.
• Ask students what calculations will help work out 4 × 28. Discuss the commutative law of multiplication – it does not matter which way round we write the
numbers being multiplied: 4 × 8 = 8 × 4. Say: We can use twenty multiplied by four and eight multiplied by four to work this out.
• Repeat for 25 × 3, pointing out that 25 × 3 has the same answer as 3 × 25.
• Repeat for other multiplications such as 8 × 14, 3 × 33, 26 × 4, 5 × 28, 15 × 6 and 33 × 4.
Key Questions
• If you know twenty times five and seven times five, what else can we work out?
• If you do not know four lots of eight, what can you work out instead?
Watch out for
• Students who do not understand commutativity
• Students who do not know their tables facts or do not use them and place value to multiply multiples of 10 by 1-digit numbers

Main Activity
Using the grid method
Students work in pairs and use multiplication grids to work out answers to questions on GP 3.22.5. Support those who need it by asking how they will partition the
2-digit number and helping them with the grid layout. Through direct interaction and observation, check that students understand and can use the strategy taught.
Students complete at least questions 1–12, then question 17 if they finish. They take turns to multiply the 10s number and the 1s number for alternate
calculations. They both find the total.
Assessment Focus
• Can students use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8?
Using the grid method
Students complete questions 1–8 on GP 3.22.5. Then they choose their own numbers between 10 and 20 to multiply by 2, 3, 4 or 5. Give students a prepared grid
layout to copy to help with questions 1–4 and also provide counting sticks for different multiples (RS 164 Counting stick: 2 times-tables, RS 165 Counting stick: 3
times-tables, RS 166 Counting stick: 4 times-tables, RS 167 Counting stick: 5 times-tables, RS 168 Counting stick: 6 times-tables, RS 169 Counting stick: 7 times-
tables, RS 170 Counting stick: 8 times-tables, RS 171 Counting stick: 9 times-tables and RS 172 Counting stick: 10 times-tables). Give place-value cards made
from RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS 24b Place-value cards (2) to students who need further support.
Using the grid method
Students complete all even numbered questions on GP 3.22.5 up to 12, then complete questions 13–17.
Further Support
Link the multiplication of pairs of place-value cards made from RS 22 Place-value cards (1), RS 24a Place-value cards (2) and RS 24b Place-value cards (2) to
the grid method. Also provide counting sticks (RS 164 Counting stick: 2 times-tables, RS 165 Counting stick: 3 times-tables, RS 166 Counting stick: 4 times-
tables, RS 167 Counting stick: 5 times-tables, RS 168 Counting stick: 6 times-tables, RS 169 Counting stick: 7 times-tables, RS 170 Counting stick: 8 times-
tables, RS 171 Counting stick: 9 times-tables and RS 172 Counting stick: 10 times-tables) to help students who do not know their times-tables. Draw a blank grid
on the board for students to copy.

Write 112 ÷ 4 on the whiteboard. Ask: How many fours do you think might be in one hundred and twelve? Ask students if anyone did a multiplication for GP 3.22.5
that can help. Repeat with 112 ÷ 8. Ask students to work in pairs to choose one of their multiplication facts and use it to derive the corresponding divisions. Ask
some to share their findings. Choose some more calculations from GP 3.22.5 to share with the class, such as 75 ÷ 5, 144 ÷ 4 and 160 ÷ 5, asking students if they
can guess which multiplication they used.

Physical Resources Photocopiable Resources
• Counting stick • GP 3.22.5
• Squared paper • RS 22 Place-value cards (1)
• Whiteboards • RS 24a Place-value cards (2)
• RS 24b Place-value cards (2)
• RS 164 Counting stick: 2 times-tables
• RS 165 Counting stick: 3 times-tables
• RS 166 Counting stick: 4 times-tables
• RS 167 Counting stick: 5 times-tables
• RS 168 Counting stick: 6 times-tables
• RS 169 Counting stick: 7 times-tables
• RS 170 Counting stick: 8 times-tables
• RS 171 Counting stick: 9 times-tables
• RS 172 Counting stick: 10 times-tables

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