Hahnemannian Gleanings 1979 Vol. 46 Q4

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Phimosis is primarily the disease of the children. Many children get

affected with this disease and suffer much in life. It causes the affected one
-pains while urinating owing to narrowing of preputial orifice. A victim of
.this disease not very unoften suffers from fever and gets emaciated. It
weakens him and makes him irritable and nastily peevish. He is never con­
tented. Even good words do not satisfy him. Everything puts him out of
humour. He is easily vexed.
Along with the above symptoms his concomitant urinary troubles
begin. He cannot urinate easily. The frontal part of his penis gets swollen
and urine passes in drops. The urge for urination remains even after mic­
It is often seen that formation of pus starts and gangrene sets in as a
matter of course. Gradually the very act of micturition turns out for him a
painful task.
This disease prior to now had only one treatment and that was the knife.
Many present day eminent doctors suggest operation after examining the
penis of his patient found to be suffering from fever very often.
After much endeavour and research it has been tentatively proved that
.with the application of special type of apparatus and medicines within a
very short period of time and without any danger and sharp pain this
disease can be treated and cured. The very need for operation is absent here.
This assertion is made after curing fully a good number of patients by
administering some of our medicines according to signs and symptoms. viz.
Arnica, Ledum pal., Mere. cor.• Thuja, Aconite etc.
It has been known after investigation that this disease is hereditary and
infectious in character and prior to now no good treatment excepting opera­
tion was there for this, but with our newly evolved method of bomoeopathlc
treatment even during recovery time no bleeding is noticed and In addition.
time. taken is surely less and the child gets well very quickly and safely.
In conclusion opinion on phimosis of Dr: J. PH. Berteau. author of
Physiological Synopsis oi Homoeopathy & The Homoeopaihic Treatment of
Syphilis. Gonorrhoea. Spermaiorrboea, and Urinary Diseases is cited here.
"PHIMOSIS: This is caused by the infiltration of fluid into the cellular
tissue of the prepuce, forming a large. long, dark, reddish-brown, bulbous
swelling at the extremity of the penis. its borders being enlarged, cracked,
and so narrow that but a small portion of the secreted pus can make its
escape. and rendering the retraction of the prepuce behind the glans impossi­
ble. the remainder collecting underneath. forming a fluctuating swelling.
(Continued on page 487)
(iii) An obstinate case of rhinorrhoea. often bloody. long under the
treatment of various experienced homoeopaths. on superficial symptomatic
indications. was found to have a malignant growth inside the nasal cavity
(totally overlooked by the former homoeopaths) was, of COl1ISe. ullimately
relieved by appropriate antimiasmatic treatment
5. Consultation with specialists (eye. E.N.T., heart. neurologist, ortho­
paedist. surgeons. etc.) in any case of doubt is essential. But the rub lies in
the efficiency of doubting at the proper time.
6. Regular special investigations are often essential in various cases of
anaemia. juvenile diabetes. disorders of kidney, liver. etc. torproper diag­
nosis and follow up of the cases. _
'Here. I have attempted only to give some outline hints about the prob­
lems, simply to draw the attentionto some important tasks often overlooked
or neglected by our colleagues; a more detailed and fuller discussion on all
aspects would turn.this article into a treatise. So I beg to be excused for this


(Cominued from page 517)
of a physician while facing the drugged and inoculated children. While
totality will always remain our sheet anchor. a direct antidote will either
cure or clear the symptom-picture.
1, therefore. suggest that in all sub-acute lingering cases. a course of all
three potentized antigens_& polio should be administered in 200th potency
at a week's interval. picking first the antidote suiting the case in hand.


(Continued from page 518)
Persons with a long and narrow prepuce are the most subject to it. and
balanorrhoea is always present.
"Treaunent : If the remedies are selected with care, the disease is goner­
ally easily subdued. and it is only in very severe cases. and when gangrene
threatens. that the knife becomes necessary. Should the apparently appro­
priate remedies be of no avail. slight incisions in the prepuce will allow much
of the fluid to escape. and pave the way to speedy relief.
"PARAPHIMOSIS: Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans is termed
paraphimosis. and is much more dangerous. as. should the constriction be
not speedily removed. strangulation of the part ensues. and the whole penis
is likely to be destroyed by gangrene. In these severe cases there is no remedy
but the knife. The remedies are same as used for phimosis,"
. -~ ...

I Fa. Flv.NcJs MANAPUIt.AM, Hassan
, ,.
No br~ch of medicine is so much concerned with the growth and
·1' development of the individual as pediatrics. National health stipulates
healthy children and in this respect Hcmceopatby can playa most significant
role. Not only it can cure children's illnesses. hereditary or acquired, but it
can also purify the foetus of fumilisl traits by treating the motbcr during
pregnancy. As a preventive medicine in the widest sense of the word it has
no equal. It is no exaggeration to say that Homoeopathy bas an edge over
other systems of medicine particularly in pedlatry.
In the words of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy, a
doctor is the conserver of health if he knows the conditions that affect
health and the conditions which engender and entertain diseases and if he
knows how to keep them away from the heallhy man. Hence the ultimate
aim of any 'healing profession should be public health, to maintain and
upgrade the health of the whole society. 10 enhance the prlwer of resistance
of the whole society against any form of disease. This is perhaps what we
mean by comparatively recent term. community medicine or social medicine.
namely medical and hygienic supervision and management of a local popula­
tion for that matter. the whole human race.
In aU these affairs. that is, in order to achieve a healthier human society.
particular attention must be given to infants and children (pediatrics), but
not at the neglect of old people (geriatrics), nor of the child bearing women
(ante natal and post natal care). One cannot either exclude any of the mate­
rials of hygiene (e.g. food. drink. air. residence, soil. drainage etc.) eugenics.
social science or family planning. Again, one should have sufficient grasp of
preventive medicine in regard to hereditary, congenital diseases and consti­
tutional and environmental disorders and finally various forms of communic­
able diseases.
From the angle of view of his social responsibility, no conscientious
physician can afford to evade the concern for all these multifarious problems.
But alas! the solution of any of these problems is very little in his hand.
It is in the bands of the social leaders. bureaucrats and above all, the govern­
meats. But it is onIy the physicians who can guide those authorities as well
as the public in the interest of true health of the whole human race.
But, unfortunately. the traditional system of medicine, Allopathy, that
1979] HOMOEOPAnn FOR- OnLo HJw.m 523
dominates the medical world today. is not. being able to free' itself from the
overpowering.sway of the lifeless mechanical materialism. For they. conse­
I quently, fail to look towards and deal with a human entity as a holistic.
individualistic being with body-mind-soul, intimately interrelated to the
environmental conditions. Rather they take a human entity as a machine
with assembled and interrelated parts of various dimensions and Intricacies.
Consequently, various measures taken by them end in a vicious circle.


A few instances may be taken up here to clarify the above statement.
In supervising the nutrition of the people. the traditional system would advise
invariably stereotyped and sweeping general measures. caring little for the
dietetic habits. customs and tastes of the people. They advise various artificial
and synthetic food products which cannot but vitiate the vitality of the
people, in spite of apparent fair. health for the time being. Synthetic vita­
mins, for instance, especially wbcn overdosed, besides their constructive
and maintenance value. have two definite reactions: a destructive action
proportionate to its normal constructive action. It has been demonstrated
that vitamins C & D help to overcome rickets; but it has also been demon­
strated that excessive doses will cause rickets. Secondly, the permanent dis­
ability of the system to react to normal vilamin intake. This is comparable
to the effect of insulin administration in diabetic patient; he soon loses his
ability to produce the necessary secretion in his own economy. Thus. thc
excess supply of vitamins (synthetic) robs the body of its normal reception
of the natural vitamins.
Whereas, no true homoeopatb will ever think. of solving this problem
of nutrition by any generalised and stereotyped formula. Keeping in his
clear view the basic elements. proximate principles. vitamins and calories
essentially required for proper nutrition. he. while arranging for the same,
takes into serious consideration the dietetic habit and custom of the parti­
cular society and family, and even the desires and aversions. agreement and
disagreement of the particular individual case. And in all cases he tries to
avoid denatured or artificial food. products.


In regard to preventive medicine, both in the treatment of individual
cases as well as mass preventive measures. the allopaths put almost sale
stress and attention on various antimicrobal or antiviral measures. Thus in
order to prevent future atlacks of various infectious diseases they try to
enforce routine administrations of respective specific serums. antigens and
vaccines to all infants. As a consequence, a permanent internal dyscrasia
is created in them for their whole life, thus vitiating the health of the future
But, the situation is just the reverse in homoeopathic system of medieine.
. "".~

524 'THB'RurnEMANNlAN GLBAHINGS "[November

Any practitioner who follows the principles of true Homoeopathy, cannot

help paying attention to most of the basic aspects of community medicine:
he has to trace out the exciting and rnaintainiDg causes as well as the
obstacles to cure and strive his level best to remove them, The infallible
preventive remedy for any particular epidemic disease, irrespective 'of whe­
ther such a one ever occurred before or not, is found out by closely observing
only a few cases of the current epidemic. The remedy covering the-totality
, of symptoms of those few cases of the epidemic is found to be the most
dependable preventive against the particular epidemic. This is called genus
epidemicus for the particular one, and the same when administered to tbe
people of the afflicted locality. will most assuredly save them from the
attack of the disease. And as this genus epidemicus remedy is administered
orally in nonmaterial dynamic doses, they can never produce any side effects
or dyscrasia.
In actual treatment of diseases. the allopal.hs caLuraJly indulge in various
suppressive or palliative therapeutic measures thus further complicating the
vicious circle. On the contrary, the homoeopaths exert all their efforts to
strengthen the vital force of tbe people by proper constitutional treatment
and thus make them more fit to resist the environmental evils and diseases.
For instance let us take the case of allergic bronchitis. one of the problematic
diseases in children, In modern medicine, this condition is treated witb anti­
allergic and suppressive medicines which give quick temporary relief but
no cure. The tendency to get frequent attacks remains the same or increases.
With homoeopathic treatment. we try to increase child's resistance
power against the disease force and remove the allergic tendency the natural
way by prescribing a proper constitutional remedy .....hich is possible only
in Homoeupathy. For this, in addition to the laboratory reports, expressed
signs and symptoms of the disease. we consider also The peculiar or un­
common signs which are representative of the particular patient at hand,
along with his mental picture, constitutional diathesis, habits, tendencies etc..
likes and dislikes etc, The method of prescribing for children resembles the
method of diagnosing their ailments in that we are dependent entirely upon
objective signs for reliable indications for a remedy. The family history.
temperament. previous history, mode of onset etc. all these offer clues to the
proper remedy.
Again, with the homoeopathtc treatment of children, we fulfil Dr. S.
Hahaemaan's requirements in para 2 of his Organon for quick, gentle and
permanent restoration of healtb. He added: in the shortest. most reliable
and least harmful manner. The last condition alone, least harmful or bettcr
innocuous, would satisfy our therapy, because side effects and drug damage
are a great problem in Allopathy.
•• j

':-'. ,

The other conditions can and should be fulfilled. too. IC the correct
drug has been chosen, it acts reliably and rapidly. Acute 'diseases heal
quickly, no slower than with Allopathy. Chronic diseases need a long time
to develop and a correspondingly long time to heal. And here we have the
really most important point of para 2. the long term restoration of health,
which is laid upon us, particularly with children. With the limitation that
the patient may fall ill again because he is exposed again later to the most
varied influences. irritant or damages. Treated homoeopathically, he is able
to overcome these more easily.
Homoeopatby. of Course. has its own limitations which we cannot deny.
They are found with every system of medicine. Noone system alone can
claim tbe capability of curing and eradicating aU the diseases in (he world.
Our method of prescribing is based on the rule that a drug capable of
producing certain pathological effects with the consequent appearance of
certain symptoms arising therefrom, is capable of controlling and removing
identical symptoms when encountered in a sick individual. In other words.
what causes symptoms in a healthy human being will cure the same if
found in a sick individual. "Everything that can hurt can heal". Similia
similibus curentur. (Ref. Freels Manapuram: Medical Service, March-April.
Homoeopathic dosage is based on the observation that while large doses
aggravate these symptoms smaller ones act curatively. This is in accord
with the Jaws of nature governing balance in all things. "The amount neces­
sary to effect any change in nature is the least possible." Action and reaction
are equal and opposite.
Wilh the prescription of the correct drug (simHimum) selected on the
basis oC totality of symptoms, and given in the appropriate dosage, we can
not only cure gently and permanently the disease which disturbs the patient
and which brings him to us; other bodily disorders. which the patient often
only notices in passing, are also controlled by the similimum. In particular,
the general well-being of children especially improves. This is for us oflen
the most important criterion whether or not we have found the similimum.
Further, patients feel better not only bodily but also menially. As we have
repeatedly observed. the patients and especially children become more
balanced. Their irritability, depressions, fears or other disturbances gradually
become normal. They derive a normal development from homoeopathic
treatment, even scholastle performance improves. Thanks to Dr. S. Hahne­
mann, Homoeopatby can give real help to our little patients for their further
development, consequently for a healthier human society.
Thus it is clear that. of all the various systems of medicine. it is only
(Continued on page 501)
1979J OBJBCf-HBALTHY 0m.D 501
chorea, oxycephaly, hydrocephaly. epilepsy.
Management, Idiots and imbeciles require institutional and community
~~. .
12. Congenital defects are club foot. anencephaly, congenital hydroce­
phalus, spina bifida, meningocele, hare Up. cleft palate. imperforate anus,
pyloric stenosis. congenital heart disease, umbilical hernia.
Causes: Genetic and environmental causes.
Management: Probably medicine' cannot help, so surgical interference
is necessary.
OJ Immediately after birth: B_G-G. vaccination O.lcc. intradermally.
(ii) Ist & 2nd months: small pox vaccination by scratch method over
arm or thigh. .
(iii) 3ed month: Lst dose 1 cc. triple antigen I.M. and 1 ceo oral polio
(iv) 4th month': 2nd dose I ceo triple antigen I.M. and Ii cc. oral polio
(v) 5th month: Srd dose 1 ce. triple antigen I.M. and Ii cc. oral polio
But latest view of W.H.O. shows that better to give triple antigen at Sth,
7th & 9th month.
(vi) 24th month; T.A.B. 0.2 cc. followed by 0.4 ce. after 2 weeks.
Cholera vaccine 0.2 followed by 0.4 cc. one week after and both subcutane­
ously. .
Booster dose: 3rd year and StJl year; 1 cc; triple antigen each-t-one
dose polio oral vaccine.
(vii) 7th year: Rc'G. repetition.


(Continued from page 525)
the homoeoparhic system. with its out and out rational principles and
thoroughly objective approach, that can fulfil all the requirements and
tasks of community medicine and play a most vital role in, trying to save
ttIe human race from the various irrationalities of the present day civilisation.
For these reasons, we should take a pragmatic view of the country's health
problems in the existing socio-economic situations. There is a great poten­
uatny in Homocopathy to provide medical relief to the smallest in the
simplest way.
DR. R. R. SIlARMA. M.SC., PH.D. (London), M.A.-M.S•• Chandigarh

Apart from homoeopethic drug proving. clinical observation during

bcmoeopathic treatment is an important source of information for building
up the materia medica and repertory. This is illustrated here.
Col. M. S. G., V. S. M. (now retired) wrote to. me on 2 September
)974: "I wish to express my grateful thanks for treating me on 23 August
1974 last. Ours was a providential meeting in the office of Brigadier MLK.
Perhaps it was ordained. that I had to meet you there and instead of going
through a chain of tests for my ailment, [ was to have a miraculous short­
cut to return back to normalcy through your homoeopathic approach.
"I had suffered, off and on, for some years now: due to tbla reeling
sinking sensation. I first experienced this queer disease during 1962. When­
ever I lay down in bed, turned on my side. or bent down, this giddiness
overtook me. Everything seemed to reel and I was left shaken and weak.
only after a few seconds of this attack. All types of tests were carried out in
the military hospital to rule out various possibilities: worms, blood pres­
sure, heart and so on. Ultimately it was diagnosed as aural vertigo. My ear
drums had got affected due to continuous high altitude flying in non-pres­
surized aircraft during 1947-48 operations in Jammu and Kashmir. Being
young, I withstood these stresses and strains in those days although at one
stage I had to be put under the treatment of an ENT specialist as my ear
drums had got badly affected.
"Mer treatment in 1962. I suffered DO ill-effects of the ailment even
during the Chinese aggression in which I was directly involved. However. it
was in August 1973 that Ihe disease showed its ugly face again with the
same symptoms. I had cold caloric test and other treatments and was normal
after some time. This year the disease showed up again and I had come to
Brig. MLK for consultation so that a more lasting treatment could be
undertaken through the expertise available at PGl. A chance meeting with
you there gave a new dimension to this treatment. Your two doses cured
me of this disease on the third day of the treatment only. It was God's graee
and a near miracle cure, because I have never before been 50 easily and
quickly brought back to normalcy. What is more, these two doses, while
curing me of this reeling seIl5atioJl!giddiness caused my bowels to move
more freely and make me feel generally light and alert in the head".
The above quotes describe in the patient's own words the symptoms!
modalities. the course, and the effects of treatment. of the disease. He hB3
remained symptom-free for the last 5 years after treatment up to the dale
of my writing this communication.

Natrum suJphuricum CM was given on the assumption that the cause of

the disease was a brain Injury, The labyrinth was thought 10 have been
affected "due to continuous high altitude flying in non-pressurized aircraft...
The readers would appreciate that Natrum sulpb. as a homoeopathic
- '. medicine for vertigo is not mentioned in 'the repertories and materia medicas
by J. T. Kent, W. Boericke and C. M. Boger under the modalities of stoop­
ing, bending head' forward. turning in bed. nor under reeling, sinking sensa­
tion. and so OIl, as presented by this case. 'Exhaustion after attack' is not
" -I mentioned at all under vertigo in the repertories nor under Natrum sulph. in
-I the materia medicas.­

Editorial comment: (1) The author's experience is very interesting. The

letter he has received from the patient is enough testimony of a cure and
that Natrum sulph. CM 'WaS indeed. a similimum to the case. Nevertheless.
it raises some scientific curiosity. In homoeopathic materia medica Arnica
mont., Cicuta virosa, Hypericum and Natrum mur. have also been men­
tioned as remedies effective for treating 'Brain Injuries', apart from Natrum
sulph. received by the patient. Where the choice bas to be made of only one
remedy which is most similar to the case in hand obviously. what guides in
its selection are the other factors in the case such as modalities. sensations
and concomitants. There are three modalities and one sensation reported by
the patient Of these.. Natrum sulph_ figures only in one modality. I.c. vertigo.
agg. while lying down whereas, Natrum mur. covers all other factors pre­
dominantly excepting the above modality. What comes to the aid of a physi­
eian under such circumstances where two remedies vie with eaeh otber? A
final choice depends upon the patient's mental symptoms, physical reactions.
likes-dislikes in food, uncommon. peculiar concomitants and the miasma tie
phase of the case. In the absenee of any of them it is' difficult to justify the
choice of Natrum sulph. except for the fact that it clicked and the result was
obtained. Further. the direction given to the selection of high and the highest
potency is that the images of the drug and the disease should perfectly
_correspond wttb eaeh other. In this case, the choice of the remedy is based
OD the assumption that the disease expression is a result of "Brain injury".
Granting that the assumption made is correct, there is no supportive evid­
eDCC Ior tae choice of Natrum sulph. for the case and hence, what would

have been the normal course for a physician was to give a medium potency
and watch for the result. Unless convincing reason is given for the choice of
a remedy and/or potency for the circumstances presented by the case. an
experience cannot be transmitted. In fact. it is doubtful Whether the author
himself is in a position to repeat the experience in another case!
(2) The author's experience is an invaluable clinical experience -of the
action of Natrum sulph. All tbe modalities of vertigo which lhe drug has
removed in the case become a source of evidence of the pathogenetic action
(Continued on page 574)
.~ ,,'.


dyscrasias in his patient.-The technology.helps him to trace the signposts

of retreat of the disease according. to Hering's law of cure to the stage of
permanent restoration of health as envisaged by Hahnemann in the second
paragraph of the Organon of Medicine .

.., l


(Connnued from page 567)

and hence the curative action of the drug. If the autbor's experience is
corroborated by other practitioners in their cases, then the drug could safely.
go under respective rubrics in the repertories.

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