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Discrete Mathematics PED 356

Tutorial Session
Exercise Problems

4. Let Q(x, y) be the predicate “If x < y then x2 < y2” with domain for both
x and y being R the set of real numbers.
a. Explain why Q(x, y) is false if x = - 2 and y = 1.
b. Give values different from those in part (a) for which Q(x, y) is false.
c. Explain why Q(x, y) is true if x =3 and y = 8.
d. Give values different from those in part (c) for which Q(x, y) is true.

Problems from Ex 3.1

Problems from Ex 3.1
Problems from Ex 3.1
The proposed negation is not correct. The proposed negation is not correct.
Correct negation: There are an irrational There are two mistakes: The negation of a "for all“ statement is
number x and a rational number y such that xy not a "for all" statement, and the negation of an "if-then"
is rational. statement is not an "if-then" statement. (See Previous Lecture)
OR Correct negation:
There are an irrational number and a
rational number whose product is rational.

Problems from Ex 3.2

Problems from Ex 3.3
Practice in Tutorial Session

Ex 3.1 Problem 13,19,22,23,24,25,and 32

Ex 3.2 Problem 11,13,16, and 24
Ex 3.3 Problem 9,10,11 and 12

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