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Copyright © 2016 by Devin Knight Magic

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage
and retrieval now known or to be invented, without written permission from the author.

Who Causes My Heart To Skip A Beat When I See Her

When the flow of blood in a person’s arm is stopped, the pulse
automatically stops also. Everyone should know this, but because they
don’t magicians and psychic performers can take advantage of such
The effects described in this release were used by a group of Hindu
fakirs that toured the states during the early 20s with great success. Not
only did they mystify the theatre going public, but also men and women
of science. Doctors and university professors in both the United States
and foreign countries examined these men and pronounced them to be
freaks of nature!
The fakirs showed the ability to control and stop their pulses; five
methods are explained in the first section.
` One of the tests that created much talk was the ability to stop the
heart from beating. That will be explained in the bonus section of this
I can attest that I have personally tried every method described in
this release, including the heart stopping and was successful with all of
These can be really effective effects to show people and reporters
and never fails to amaze. When I am a doctor’s office and someone is
talking my pulse, I often use Method 1 to freak out the nurse. Because
there are no gimmicks, this is easily done. Have fun.

Devin Knight

5 Methods To Slow And Stop Your Pulse
In this section, I will undertake to explain how this seemingly
impossible feat was accomplished, in such a manner, that not only were
medical men baffled, but also many magicians.
No Gimmick Method 1: This is the genuine yogi method used by the
Hindu fakirs.
Let a spectator take hold of your wrist and keep count of the pulse
in that wrist with his first two fingers. See Photo1. Now at will, you can
slow the pulse beat, then make it normal again!

The working is simple. Immediately, after your wrist is held and
the pulse found, take a slow deep breath, unknown to the audience.
Having taken this breath, hold it and refrain from breathing, as long as it
is humanly possible. Stay as still as you can.
Within a few seconds, the heart’s beating becomes so slow that the
pulse will nearly vanish from the wrist and the spectator holding the
pulse will find that it practically vanishes and he will not feel the beats.
To increase the pulse beat, it is only necessary to exhale very
slowly and begin to take normal breaths again.
No Gimmick Method 2: Here is how to stop your pulse by hidden
pressure. Hold your left arm against your left side, tensed and a little
back. Your arm is bent at the elbow to allow someone to take your pulse.
Apply a steady pressure on the left side of your body for a few
minutes. As a result, the blood flow stops, and your arm will become
pale and numb. This process is slow, the arm gets pale by degrees and
the effect is very startling.
If practiced a few times, the knack of applying the right pressure is
easily learned, allowing you to perform this method with ease.
This method is recommended for test conditions, where you must
be stripped to the waist and use no apparatus.
No Gimmick-Method 3: This is another Indian yogi method. You turn
your back to the audience. No one can be in front of you. Have a
spectator behind you take your pulse in your right hand. To stop your
pulse, your left hand, unseen by the spectator or the audience, goes up to
the jugular vein on the right side of your neck and applies a steady firm
pressure to the vein with your forefinger.
This vein can be found in your neck close to your collarbone and
you can locate it by its pulsations.
Method 4-Secret Girl Assistant: This one is best worked with a girl
assistant or confederate.
Have the girl come forward and be seated in an ordinary wooden
chair. The chair needs a straight top that runs across the chair, similar to
that shown in Photo 2. She sits in the chair sideways.
Have her stretch her arm over the chair top, away from the
audience. While she has her arm outstretched over the top of the chair,

she presses her arm firmly against the top of the chair, stopping the
blood flow. Her pulse will stop when checked and her arm will turn pale.
Once the pressure is stopped, the blood flows back into the arm and
pulse returns. Practice, practice with your secret assistant. This is very
effective, as you can apparently stop her pulse by waving your hands
over her outstretched arm.
I like to have her wear a long sleeve dress so the fact that her arm
turns pale isn’t noticeable.
Method 5- Apparatus Method: This is the original method sold by Joe
Ovette in the late 20s. He called it, Black Death, and the secret sold for
Two sub methods are explained, in case the performer wishes to
change on or off. Each is effective, but I prefer the one with the rubber

A small round hard-rubber ball about and an inch and half in
diameter is used. Through this ball, you drill a small hole, this going
right through the ball.
Into this ball a piece of elastic is threaded, and the two ends are
tied making an endless loop. This ball and loop are threaded on your
arm, under your shirt sleeve, next to your skin. The ball is pulled up as
far as it will go and hangs directly under your armpit.
Everything is now in readiness for the test. To cause your pulse to
stop beating, you have to slightly press in on the ball with your upper
arm. This will cut off the blood supply to your pulse in your wrist. This
is because the vein that supplies blood to your arm is near the surface of
the skin under your armpit. Therefore, your pulse stops and starts as you
press on the ball and release the pressure with your arm.
With the use of two balls, one under each arm, the performer can
make each pulse stop beating at will. Use two volunteers, one holding
each wrist. While one pulse is beating you can have the other one stop,
Alternative Sub method: This is based upon the same principle as the
ball, but in this case, no ball is used!
In this case, the performer rolls up his long shirt sleeve. In rolling
up his sleeve, he bunches it into a sort of ball and he sees that this goes
into his armpit.
Naturally, by pressing against this, the blood stops and so does the
pulse as in the previous sub method with the rubber ball.

Card Effect: With a little practice, you can have your pulse beat out the
correct number of pips. It is easy to force a card, then have the pulse stop
at the right count. Just ask the spectator who holds you pulse to start
counting the beats aloud. When the spectator says the number, the same
as the forced card, you press on the ball and your pulse stops. This
makes for a most unusual and novel effect.

Here are two effects that tie in perfectly with pulse stopping as
both show that you have total control of your body.

Stopping Your Heart

This effect is something I have used many times, especially when I
was playing the role of the psychic, Jason Michaels. I can attest that it
works, but I cannot guarantee that this is completely safe.
You should check with your doctor before trying this, to make sure
he tells you it is safe. If you have heart problems, then DON’T TRY
THIS! Obviously, if you stop your heart, you don’t want to stop it too
long, as it could prove fatal.
Therefore, I am supplying this information for educational
purposes only and to explain how the fakirs do this. Understand that
you use this information at your risk. Neither Devin Knight nor the
distributor is responsible for any bodily injury that may incur from
The information supplied here within is the same secret that Joseph
Ovette sold to the magic community for $3.00 as Ovette’s Heart
Stopping Test in the 30s.
You use two hard rubber balls on elastic loops under each arm. As
in Method 1 for pulse stopping, hold your breath as long as possible
without it being obvious. Press against both balls under your arms at the
same time.
This retards the heart, so by holding your breath, it appears that the
heart has stopped entirely.
Have a spectator place his hand on your chest to feel your
heartbeat, then proceed to use the previously taught method, so it
appears to him that your heart has stopped.
While using this technique, it is next to impossible to detect a
heartbeat, unless the person uses a stethoscope.
To start the heartbeat again, start breathing and release the pressure
you have on the two balls so the blood in your arms starts to flow again.


Raising your body’s temperature requires a piece of STRONG laundry soap
under your armpit, next to the skin. Cut off a piece and put it into your armpit. See
Photo 3.


A few minutes after placed there, your temperature goes way up! This was
used by a few during World War 2 to get sick leave. It created so perfect a
temperature that it fooled the doctors.


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