Campaign Vovinam

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UNIT CODE: COM 1007- Profesional Communication


ASSESSMENT TITLE: Assignment-Communication

Promotion Campaign


ID NUMBER: 104178668



-Vovinam club is established on August 22,2019.SVC was born with the goal of
creating a meaningful and healthy sports play ground for staff and student inside
the school
-Currently the club have 35 club members
Club achievements include:
+ One gold medal, one silver medal and one bronze medal in the fighting category
at the cup king tournament organized by FPT
+ Two silver medals in the martial art act category of the cup king tournament
organized by FPT
-Vovinam martial arts club not only accepts people who learn martial arts but also
people who are passionate about this subject. Even if you don't know or can't
practice martial arts but still have passion, the club will accept you. The club also
has committees like the media board or the back office that are always waiting for
new members.Beside the club wants to increase awareness of the benefits of
praticing Vovinam around the school,ecourage student to participate in SVC to
learn more about this martial art

-Increase awarness of the benefit of practicing martial art around the school
-Encourage Swinburne students to join Swinburne Vovinam club
- Create an exchange environment for Swinburne students and let them know more
about this traditional martial art.
-SMART objective: + Recuit about 5 new member by offering a free trial class
over the next 2 week
+ Increase the following club Tiktok site by 20% by the end of
the 2 week campaign

TARGET AUDIENCE: Swinburne students of all levels of experience,including

those who have never tried martial art before
How we reach the target public by:
+ Using brochure
+ Creating the club's page on social media sites: Tiktok

SMART objective:

+ “Over the next 2 week we will recuit at least 5 new members by offering a free
trial class to interested students”

Specific: The goal is very clear that the recuit is to add 5 members in 2 weeks

Measurable: The stated goal is measurable because we have specified the time
period that the goal should be reached as 2 weeks

Achievable: The goal is attainable because at least 5 students are likely to be

interested in attending a free trial class during the campaign period.

Relevant:The goal is relevant since it is consistnet with the club’s larger mission of
ecouraging Swinburne student to join Vovinam club
Time-bound: The objective is time-bond because it specifies a time range of two
weeks to meet the recruitment aim

+”By the end of 2 week campange we believe to increase the following on the club
social media TIK TOK pages by 20% “

Specific: The objective is clear in term of the metric used to evaluate

achivement,which is a 20% gain in followers on the club’s TIKTOK page

Measurable: The objective is measurable since it provides a precise target to reach

within a time rage of two weeks

Achievable: The goal is attainable because it is realistic to predict that the

campaign will generate some interest in the Vovinam club and raise the number of
TikTok followers by 20%

Relevant: The objective is relevant du to the fact that it related with the club’s
larger mission of raising awareness of the benefits of martial arts practice and
attracting more Swinburne students joining the SVC

Time- bound: The objective is time-bound because it specifies a time range of two
weeks to achieve a 20% increase in the club Tik Tok site

Due to the fact that both objectives are specific,measurable,achievable,relevant and

time-bond.Which make them more clear,simple and actionable,so both goals are
consider a SMART objective

TIK TOK statistic:

Like: 191
View per video:500
TIKTOK site:

The media that will be used forr this project will be TIK TOK + Brochure
-We used social media site TIKTOK because the number of members
participating in that social networking site is relatively large and easy to use.
- Not only will we use ads on social networks, we will also use fliers that will be
distributed to students at school
=> This way we will know the number of people interested in the club set as well
as estimate the number of people receiving advertising

- Martial art is alway a fun and challenging way to excerxise as well as
improving physical fitness
- Vovinam is a traditional martial art of Vietnam, aimed at people who
practice self-defence and self-development.
- SVC offers a supportive and inclusive community for students to learn and
develope them self

- Social media campaign: Create a series of 30s video on tiktok showing some
of Vovinam moves . Use engaging visuals and clear messaging to attract the
attention of Swinburne students and encourage them to attend a club session.
- Using Brochure to advertise the club around the school
- Word-of mouth marketing: Encourage current club member to invite their
friends and classmates to join the club or spread word around the school on
the benefits of joining the club

- Monitor interactions on social networks TIK TOK, including likes, shares, and
comments, to calculate the campaign's impact.
- Conduct surveys before and after the campaign to find out the change in attitudes,
perceptions and behaviours of Swinburne students towards the club
- Monitor the number of students joining the club after the campaign to assess the
success of the campaign.

Campaign lauch: Thursday, March 2, 2023

Social media campaign: Ongoing for 8 week

Free trial session : March 16-18, 2023

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