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Catalysis Today 262 (2016) 95–99

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Role of the interfacial water structure on electrocatalysis:

Oxygen reduction on Pt(1 1 1) in methanesulfonic acid
Andrea P. Sandoval-Rojas a,c , Ana M. Gómez-Marín a,b , Marco F. Suárez-Herrera c ,
Víctor Climent a,b,c , Juan M. Feliu a,∗
Instituto de Electroquímica, Universidad de Alicante, Apt 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain
Eco-Lavka, Cra. 79, #49a -30, Medellín, Colombia
Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Most of electrocatalytic reactions occur in an aqueous environment. Understanding the influence of
Received 16 June 2015 water structure on reaction dynamics is fundamental in electrocatalysis. In this work, the role of liquid
Received in revised form 24 August 2015 water structure on the oxygen reduction at Pt(1 1 1) electrode is analyzed in methanesulfonic (MTSA)
Accepted 25 August 2015
and perchloric acids. This is because these different anions can exert a different influence on liquid
Available online 19 September 2015
water structure. Results reveal a lower ORR electrode activity in MTSA than in HClO4 solutions and they
are discussed in light of anion’s influence on water structural ordering. From them, the existence of an
outer-sphere, rate determining, step in the ORR mechanism is suggested.
Interfacial water
Pt(1 1 1) surface © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oxygen reduction
Methanesulfonic acid
Hanging meniscus rotating disk

1. Introduction [1,2,9–12], the influence of interfacial water structure on the reac-

tion is still poorly understood [4–8].
Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is by far the most important In this work, the role of the interfacial water structure in the rate
cathodic process in energy-related applications. Unfortunately, on of the ORR at Pt(1 1 1) electrodes is considered. In this sense, the
platinum, the most active pure metal for this reaction, oxygen electrode activity in the presence of methanesulfonic acid (MTSA)
reduces to water with a large overpotential,  ∼ 0.3 V [1,2]. Addi- is evaluated. This organic acid is chosen because despite its pro-
tionally, despite years of intense research, the reaction mechanism moting effect on the equilibrium that exists at room temperature
is still unknown. This imposes a serious drawback in the devel- between ice-like and non ice-like water structure [13,14], reflected
opment of advanced energy-conversion systems, and an improved in noticeable changes in the shape of the characteristic voltam-
molecular understanding of the ORR reaction kinetics is essential metric profile of Pt(1 1 1) in non-adsorbing electrolytes, it is not
for the design of efficient and cheaper catalysts for this reaction. expected to specifically adsorbon this platinum surface [15]. There-
From electrochemical studies, it is well known that favorable fore, any change in the ORR dynamic in presence of this acid can be
catalytic properties depend sensitively not only on the energet- attributed to changes in the water interfacial structure and not to
ics of bonding interactions at metal–liquid interfaces between key poisoning of active sites by sulfonic anions. In addition, a compari-
reaction intermediates and the electrode [3], but also on the effect son of the electrode reactivity in another acidic solution involving
of the water structure in the interface and the electronic distribu- non-adsorbing anions [11,12,16,17] is also made. Differences are
tion in the metal, which may modify the electronic properties of interpreted in terms of the effect of the anion on the structure of
the substrate [4–8]. However, while several studies on different interfacial water.
Pt-based materials have shown that the ORR kinetics and mecha-
nism are strongly affected by the nature and structure of electrodes
2. Material and methods

Electrodes with (1 1 1) surface orientation prepared following

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 965 909 301; fax: +34 965 903 537. standard procedures [18,19] were used as working electrodes. The
E-mail address: (J.M. Feliu). ORR was measured at the hanging meniscus rotating disk electrode
0920-5861/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
96 A.P. Sandoval-Rojas et al. / Catalysis Today 262 (2016) 95–99

0,0 A
MTSA 200
150 HClO4 -1,0 0 RPM B

j / μA cm
-2,0 Ep2
100 Ep1 100 RPM 0

400 RPM -100

j / mA cm
50 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2

E / V (RHE)
j / μA cm

0 -5,0 j lim = -0.19 - 0.45 x ϖ


1200 RPM
-6,0 C

jlim / mAcm
-50 -2,5
1600 RPM
-7,0 -5,0
-100 -7,5
-8,0 2500 RPM
A B 3600 RPM -10,0
-150 -9,0 0 5 10 15 20
1/2 -1/2
0,0 0,3 0,6 0,9 0,0 0,3 0,6 0,9 1,2 ϖ /s
E / V (RHE) E / V (RHE) 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
E / V (RHE)
Fig. 1. Stable voltammetric profiles of Pt(1 1 1) in 0.1 M HClO4 (dashed) and
CH3 SO3 H (solid) at 0.05 V s−1 , from 0.06 to 0.9 V (A) and 1.2 V (B). Fig. 2. (A) Oxygen reduction on a HMRD Pt(1 1 1) electrode in O2 -saturated, 0.1 M
CH3 SO3 H: Positive (dashed line) and negative-going (solid line) sweeps. Rotation
rates are given on the curve. (B) Detailed view of CVs in the high potential region.
(HMRDE) configuration [20], using a Radiometer, EDI-101. All the Arrows indicate increasing rotation rates. C) Plots of jlim vs. ω1/2 . Scan rate 0.05 V s−1 .
experiments were carried out in a two – compartment, three elec-
trode all – glass cell, following an experimental protocol detailed signal attributed to adsorbed oxygen (Oads ) is also shifted to higher
elsewhere [19]. The electrodes were heated in a gas–oxygen flame, potentials in MTSA than in HClO4 [17,22,23]. Hence, better than to
cooled down in reductive atmosphere (H2 + Ar) and protected with anion specific adsorption, see below, changes in the CV in MTSA
a droplet of water. Solutions were prepared from supra-pure per- have been interpreted in terms of a higher promoting effect on the
chloric acid (Merck) and methanesulfonic acid (Merck for synthesis, water structure of the MTSA anion than ClO4 − , considering its abil-
≥99%) in ultrapure water (Purelab Ultra 18.2 M cm−1 ). H2 , O2 and ity to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules in the ice-like
Ar. (N50, Air Liquid) were also employed. All potentials were mea- network [13–15].
sured against the Reversible Hydrogen Electrode (RHE). The ORR was carried out in oxygen-saturated, 0.1 M MTSA solu-
All voltammetric scans were collected at freshly annealed sur- tions at different rotation rates, ω. Fig. 2A collects voltammetric
faces, cycled first in the low potential region to verify their quality profiles for ORR on Pt(1 1 1) surface, between 0.06 and 1.15 V at
as well as the cleanliness of the surface. The stability of the voltam- 0.05 V s−1 . The upper potential limit was selected to assure the mor-
metric profiles with time was carefully checked to ensure solution phological stability of the surface. Because the sweep direction can
cleanliness. As the requirements for HMRDE experiments are strin- play an important role on the shape of the CV [12,16], both positive
gent owing to forced convection, special care was taken to assure (dashed line) and negative (solid line) going scans are shown. In
solution cleanliness. IR drop corrections were also made when was addition, a detailed view of CVs in the high potential region and a
necessary to compensate the electrolyte resistance. plot of the limiting current, jlim , vs. ω1/2 are also given, Fig. 2B and
C, respectively. From the last figure, it can be said that the hydro-
3. Results and discussion dynamic response of the system is well described by the standard
Levich equation, within reasonable experimental error [11,12,16].
Cyclic voltammetric profiles at Pt single crystals in 0.1 M MTSA Curves in Fig. 2 show similar trends to those already described
and oxygen-free solutions have been recently described and results for Pt(1 1 1) in 0.1 M HClO4 solutions [11,12,16]. The reaction onset
were compared with the characteristic cyclic voltammograms (CV) is ca. 1.0 V, vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), and jlim
for these electrodes in 0.1 M HClO4 [15]. For Pt(1 1 1), different is recorded between ∼0.30 and 0.75 V. At E < 0.3 V, where Hads is
potential regions in CVs in both solution scan be clearly dis- adsorbed, there are two drops in the reduction current and the
tinguished, Fig. 1. At potentials lower than ∼0.50 V, where the voltammetric profile depends on the direction of the potential scan
hydrogen adsorption/desorption, Hads , and the double layer regions and ω. In perchloric acid solutions, hydrogen peroxide, H2 O2 , has
take place, there is an almost perfect coincidence between both been also detected in this potential region [9,10], and experimen-
curves. However, at higher potentials, when the adsorption of tal findings have been explained considering that Hads , may prevent
oxygen-containing species occurs visible differences between both O O bond scission or block surface sites [11,12,16]. Consequently,
CVs appear. only two electrons would be exchanged in this potential range.
At 0.5 < E < 0.9 V, where adsorption of hydroxyl species (OHads ) Results in Fig. 2A suggest that reaction inhibition by Hads , as well as
from water dissociation is expected, OH adsorption starts at slightly the H adsorption process itself, is practically unaffected by changes
lower potentials in MTSA than in HClO4 and this could suggest weak in the water structure of the solvent.
specific adsorption [21]. In contrast, the following sharp peak, the At high potentials and fast enough rotation rates, ∼ω > 400 rpm,
spike of the so-called “butterfly” feature [17], is slightly shifted to compared to the electrode scan rate, v, CVs display the typical,
higher potentials and this behavior is not characteristic of specific S-shaped curve theoretically predicted for RDE systems (steady
adsorption. Therefore, the dominant effect in the OH adsorption state response) [24]. However, at slow enough rotation rates,
region is the change of the shape of the voltammetric profile, and ∼ω < 400 rpm, j–E curves exhibit two current peaks: one in the
this suggests deep modifications on the structure of the interfacial positive direction, Ep1 , around 0.26 V, and other in the negative-
water. Correspondingly, between 1.0 and 1.2 V the voltammetric going scan, Ep2 , at ∼0.84 V, Fig. 2A for 100 rpm. In the case of
A.P. Sandoval-Rojas et al. / Catalysis Today 262 (2016) 95–99 97

0,00 2,0 respectively, as shown in the inset to Fig. 3A. Tafel slopes from 60

Log(jkin / mA cm )
1,0 to 88 mV have been reported for Pt(1 1 1) electrodes [11,12,16].
-0,15 0,0 Therefore, it appears that the presence of anions that promote
-1,0 water structuring reduces to some extent the ORR activity of the
-0,30 -2,0 electrode, without sensibly affecting the ORR mechanism.
0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 The difference in the ORR activity in MTSA and HClO4 solutions
E / V (RHE) during the positive-going scan slightly increases if some surface
defects are deliberately created onto the electrode surface, while

E1/2 E1/2 the same activity is measured in both solutions for the negative-
-0,60 going scan, Fig. 3B. In this case, a difference of 18 mV in E1/2 is
measured: 0.872 vs. 0.890 V. Thus, an increase in liquid water struc-
-0,75 tural ordering also decreases to some extent the ORR activity of
disordered electrodes, and probably of stepped surfaces too. Con-
-0,90 trarily, at oxygen-covered electrodes the effect in the ORR activity
is practically negligible.
A B Anyway, ORR activity in disordered electrodes is still higher
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 than in ordered ones, i.e. similar to what has been reported for
E / V (RHE) E / V (RHE) stepped surfaces in acidic solutions [11,12,27,28], steps and defects
also increase the ORR activity in MTSA. A small amount of surface
Fig. 3. Oxygen reduction at 1600 rpm on a HMRD ordered (A) and disordered (B) defects can be created by cycling the electrode several times until
Pt(1 1 1) electrode in O2 -saturated, 0.1 M CH3 SO3 H (solid) and 0.1 M HClO4 (dashed) Eup > 1.15 V [29]. In contrast, in the low potential region ORR activ-
solutions, normalized against limiting currents. Arrows indicate the direction of the
ity in MTSA and HClO4 are the same: in ordered electrodes Hads
scan. Inset to (A) Tafel slope values obtained for ORR reduction on both solutions.
Scan rate 0.05 V s−1 . at the terraces inhibits the reaction, while in disordered electrodes
this inhibition decreases, Fig. 3A vs. B [11,12,27].
Changes in the ORR activity with changes in the chemical nature
perchloric acid solutions, while Ep1 has been assigned to H2 O2
of solution ions have been also reported in alkaline solutions [3].
reduction, accumulated in the interface because of reaction inhi-
In this case, ORR activity decreases as the hydration energies of
bition by Hads , EH2 O2 ; Ep2 has been attributed to the reduction of
cations increases: Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Cs+ . However, in this case results
an intermediate soluble species, EORR [16]. This step would corre-
were explained in terms of the role of non-covalent interactions
spond to the rate determining step (RDS) in the ORR mechanism.
between hydrated alkali metal cations M+ (H2 O)x and OHads species.
Additionally, similar to that reported in 0.1 M HClO4 solutions [16],
Alternatively, these results could also be suitably explained consid-
voltammetric currents during positive going scans between 1.0 and
ering the different effect that ions exert on the structure of liquid
1.15 V, where the process leading to Oads appears [17,22,25,26],
water, similarly to results described here. In this sense, ions have
decrease as ω increases, Fig. 2B, suggesting that in MTSA solutions
long been classified as being either kosmotropes (structure mak-
dissolved O2 may also act like an extra Oads source and modify oxide
ers) or chaotropes (structure breakers) according to their relative
growth dynamics.
abilities to induce the structuring of water [17,30]: while water
When studying the ORR kinetics, a common approach, widely
is ordered by small or multivalent ions, it is disordered by large
used to analyze steady state reaction kinetics, which are first
monovalent ions [30]. Therefore, in agreement mentioned experi-
order with respect to the diffusing reactant, is by employing the
ments, the ORR would decrease at increasing liquid water ordering,
Levich–Koutecky equation [11,12]:
i.e. Cs+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+ and ClO4 − > CH3 SO3 − .
1 1 1 From the above results, the natural question would be why the
= + (1)
j jk Bω1/2 structure of liquid water affects the ORR activity. The bulk water
structure modifies (1) the OHads adsorption dynamics [15,17],
where jk is the kinetic current density and B (mA (rev min)−1/2 ) is a which in turn changes the adlayer structure and composition
constant given by: [22,25], and (2) the water dipole orientation at the polarized
B = −0.62nFD2/3 v−1/6 C b (2) water/electrode interface [6], affecting the structure of the electric
double layer (EDL). In agreement with the first reason, different
where F is the Faraday constant, n is the number of electrons trans- works have correlated ORR activities of Pt single crystals in acidic
ferred per molecule of O2 diffusing through the Nerst boundary media, evaluated as current densities at 0.9 V, with the shift in
layer, v is the kinematic viscosity and D and Cb are, respectively, the OH-binding energy, GOHads , on {1 1 1} terraces, when a reference
diffusion coefficient and the solubility of O2 . From Fig. 2C a slope charge of 40 ␮C cm−2 has been transferred, resulting in an volcano
of 0.45 mA cm−2 (rad)−1/2 is calculated from the adjusted straight type curve [31].
line. This value is somewhat higher than the 0.40 teoretical Levich In order to evaluate if the change in the OHads dynamics explains
slope for HClO4 solutions [9,10], and suggests a relatively higher the decrease in the ORR activity in MTSA, the total transferred
solubility-kinematic viscosity-diffusion factor (D2/3 v−1/6 C b ). Nev- charge during the positive-going scanin O2 -free, 0.1 M MTSA and
ertheless, it can be concluded that apparently ORR in MTSA and 0.1 M HClO4 solutions at Pt(1 1 1) is calculated and given in Fig. 4A,
HClO4 occurs through a similar, four-electron, reaction mechanism. together with the normalized ORR activity at 1600 rpm in these
To analyze the effect of the interfacial water structure in the solutions, Fig. 4B. For the sake of comparison, results at one stepped
rate of the ORR at Pt(1 1 1) electrodes, ORR activities in MTSA and surface, Pt(10 10 9), in 0.1 M HClO4 are also given. In agreement
HClO4 at 1600 rpm are compared, Fig. 3. As it can be seen, the ORR with previous works [31], a charge of 40 ␮C cm−2 is first transferred
activity in MTSA is slightly lower than in HClO4 , with a half-height to the electrode in MTSA, Fig. 4A, and thus, a lower ORR activity
potential, E1/2 , around 0.851 V vs. 0.865 V. Because the upper limit would be expected in this electrolyte.
potential, Eup , in this case was 0.9 V, small potential differences Here, it is important to remark, however, that for any dis-
are measured between the positive and negative scans: ca. 3 to sociative reaction, such as ORR, the reaction rate should always
6 mV. However, measured Tafel slopes in both solutions are quite follow a volcano plot as function of the dissociative adsorp-
similar: 71 and 62 mV in the positive- and negative-going scans, tion energy of the reacting species, regardless the RDS, owing
98 A.P. Sandoval-Rojas et al. / Catalysis Today 262 (2016) 95–99

[5]. At higher potentials, the saturated interface may inhibit the

100 Pt(111) CH3SO3H ORR, either by blocking the access to the electrode and/or by the
Pt(111) HClO4 -0,3 dipole induced potential drop [5].
Pt(10 10 9) HClO4 Finally, it is important to discuss another plausible explanation
80 E1/2 for the experimental results described above. It could be said that
-0,5 the difference in the ORR activity in MTSA and HClO4 solutions
Q / μQ cm

arrives as a consequence of the different interaction strength of

60 the anions with the surface: i.e., if the adsorption strength of the

-0,7 MTSA anion could be considered higher than that for the ClO4 −
anion, MTSA anion could consequently decrease the O2 adsorption
Q = 40 -0,8
40 in a higher extent. However, in this case, a delay, or at least a small
inhibition, in the OHads adsorption would be expected, which is
contrary to what it is observed in Fig. 1 and 4A. Additionally, no
20 B -1,0 potential-dependent infrared signals attributable to the adsorption
0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9
of MTSA anions have been detected by infrared spectroscopy [15].
A E / V (RHE) For these reasons changes in water structure are preferred to anion
0 adsorption in the interpretation of the results from this work.
0,45 0,60 0,75 0,90
E / V (RHE) 4. Conclusions

Fig. 4. Total transferred charge during the positive-going scan of cyclic voltam- In this work, the oxygen reduction reaction in methanesulfonic
mograms, integrated from 0.45 to 0.9 V after double-layer charging corrections, in
acid (MTSA) on Pt(1 1 1) is measured to examine the role of liq-
oxygen-free, (A) and normalized oxygen reduction at 1600 rpm, in oxygen saturated,
(B) 0.1 M HClO4 (dashed) and 0.1 M CH3 SO3 H (solid) solutions at Pt(1 1 1). Scan rate uid water structure on the ORR activity. Results show that the
0.05 V s−1 . For the sake of comparison results at Pt(10 10 9) electrode in 0.1 M HClO4 ORR activity in MTSA solutions slightly decreases compared to the
are also given. activity in HClO4 , despite that in the first case a lower charge is
transferred to the electrode surface in potential region correspond-
ing to the kinetic controlled region for the reaction. Results are
the Brønsted–Evans–Polanyi relation and the linear relationship discussed in light of anion’s influence on water structural ordering,
between the adsorption energy of reactive and intermediate which in turns modifies the electric double layer structure at the
species [32]. Therefore, GOHads would be a natural parameter to interface. A stronger liquid water structuring would increase water
describe ORR electrode reactivity, following a volcano-type correla- dipole polarization at the EDL, or decrease the mobility/reactivity
tion, and the agreement between ORR activity and OHads coverage of participating non-adsorbed species. From these results the pos-
does not necessarily imply that the rate determining step for ORR sible existence of an outer-sphere determining step in the ORR
is the reduction of OHads , or Oads [33–38]. mechanism is suggested.
Indeed, if the availability of Pt surface active sites is the RDS
in the ORR, OHads coverages at E > 0.8 V, when mixed and pure Acknowledgments
kinetics controlled regions occur, would be higher in those cases
when the ORR is slower, because of less availability of Pt sites for This work has been carried out under MINECO project CTQ2013-
the reaction to take place. This response is clearly not observed 44083-P (Spain). APSR acknowledges the scholarship “Estudiantes
in Fig. 4A. Hence, it is possible that the decreased ORR activity in sobresalientes de posgrado” at the UNAL and COLCIENCIAS National
MTSA would not be a direct consequence of changes in the OHads Doctoral Scholarship (567). MFS acknowledges the support of UNAL
adsorption dynamics, but would be likely related with changes in (Research Project 19030).
the EDL structure. Stronger liquid water structuring may decrease
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