Predicting Farmers Intention To Use PPE For Preve

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Predicting farmers’ intention to use PPE for prevent pesticide adverse

effects: An examination of the Health Belief Model (HBM)
Gholamhossein Abdollahzadeh a,⇑, Mohammad Sharif Sharifzadeh b
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Long-term use of pesticides has been associated with wide range of chronic diseases, and personal pro-
Received 4 June 2020 tective equipment (PPE) can reduce health consequences of pesticide exposure. This study used the
Revised 15 October 2020 Health Belief Model (HBM) as a framework in predicting farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE (face
Accepted 2 November 2020
mask, goggles, gloves, protective clothing and rubber boots) for prevent pesticide adverse effects.
Available online xxxx
Questionnaire including 33 measures of variables which was guided by the HBM were distributed in
May 2019 among a random sample of 387 rice farmers from Sari county in Mazandaran province of
Iran. The relation between HBM measures and the farmers’ confirmation of the intention to use a series
Farmers’ perception
Health motivation
of PPE for prevents pesticide-related health problems was investigated. The majority of the farmers
Pesticide risk (56.33%) agreed that they would use a series of PPE in their future pesticide handling. The results show
Preventive behaviors that the factors positively affecting farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE were three HBM components:
Safety actions higher levels of perceived severity of pesticide adverse effects, cues to action and perceived PPE benefits.
Further perceived PPE barriers has significant, negative effects on farmers’ intention. The overall pattern
of results revealed that the HBM components of perceived benefits, particularly PPE effectiveness in
reducing exposure to pesticide adverse effects and perceived barriers particularly PPE uncomfortableness
and unpleasantness for field work were found to be important predictors of farmers’ intention. These
results imply that extension and training programs which focus on severity of pesticide adverse effect
and the perceived benefits and perceived barriers of PPE will have a better effect on increasing the rate
of preventive behavior among farmers.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction Moreover the use of pesticides is frequently accompanied by unde-

sirable effects such as poisoning and chronic health effects for
Pesticide is important part of the agricultural production sys- farmers and farm workers during the load, mix and spray of pesti-
tems all over the world. Using pesticide in farming practice provide cide products as well as clean pesticide clothing or spray equip-
a lot of advantages for farmers including preventing and control- ment, posing a threat to the quality of agricultural products and
ling crop losses due to harmful pests such as insects, plant diseases food and serious contamination for soil and water (Agne et al.,
and weeds, increased harvest yields and protect crops from reduc- 1995; Damalas, 2009; Abhilash and Singh, 2009; Litchfield, 2005).
tion of product quality (Damalas and Eleftherohorinos, 2011; The most common health effects associated with pesticide
Litchfield, 2005; Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017a; Damalas, 2009). exposure in agriculture have been well documents in several stud-
ies and include headaches, skin and eye problems, salivation, nau-
sea, diarrhea, respiratory depression, burning sensation, weakness,
⇑ Corresponding author. cough, seizures, and loss of consciousness (Kachaiyaphum et al.,
E-mail addresses: (G. Abdollahzadeh), 2010; Strong et al., 2004; Esechie and Ibitayo, 2011; Walton
ir (M.S. Sharifzadeh).
et al., 2016; Maumbe and Swinton, 2003; Kori et al., 2018; Akter
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
et al., 2018). Similarly, various chronic effects such as hormone dis-
ruption, damages to the brain, birth defects and cancer were
reported among different groups of farmers (Mills et al., 2009;
Abhilash and Singh, 2009; Alavanja et al., 2004; Kamel and
Production and hosting by Elsevier
Hoppin, 2004).
1658-077X/Ó 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh, Predicting farmers’ intention to use PPE for prevent pesticide adverse effects: An exam-
ination of the Health Belief Model (HBM), Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences,
G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Therefore, appropriate exposure reduction measures are provided a well-developed conceptual basis for different educa-
required to reduce the negative side-effects associated with occu- tional interventions (e.g., Bunn et al., 2002; Cyr et al., 2010;
pational pesticide exposure. Luckily, the health effects of pesticides Thornton and Calam, 2011; Salari and Filus, 2017). Given that the
can be minimized among farmers and other pesticide operators by HBM is well established and widely used for health interventions
using personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with this study used this model to predict farmers’ intention to use
pesticide (Damalas and Abdollahzadeh, 2016; Walton et al., PPE for prevent pesticide health problems.
2016). A large body of research on the safe use of pesticide has The HBM suggests that the tendency to participate in health
shown that use of PPE, including face mask, goggles, gloves, hat, maintenance behaviors is based on a two-stage assessment
protective clothing, boots and respirator when working with pesti- approach: (1) the threat perception of the situation, and (2) the
cide is effective risk-mitigation strategy to prevent pesticide expo- evaluation of benefit and cost of the health maintenance behaviors
sure’ health problems (Gomes et al., 1999; Tsakirakis et al., 2010; (Rosenstock, 1974; Maiman and Becker, 1974; Janz and Becker,
Hines et al., 2007; Damalas and Abdollahzadeh, 2016; Damalas 1984). Based on this model, the threat perception of the situation
and Hashemi, 2010). contains three subcomponents including (a) the perceived suscep-
Despite the hazards inherent in pesticide handling process, PPE tibility to a particular disease or illness, (b) the perceived serious-
is rarely used by farmers or farm workers while working with pes- ness of contacting a particular disease or illness, and (c) cues to
ticide in farm field (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019; Ibitayo, 2006; Clarke action that stimulate appropriate health maintenance behavior.
et al., 1997; Arcury et al., 1999; Walton et al., 2016; Esechie and (e.g., sickness of a neighbor farmer and information about the pes-
Ibitayo, 2011; Damalas et al., 2019). In one study in Gaza strip ticide exposure’ health problems transferred by the local extension
revealed that despite the awareness of protective equipment agent). The evaluation of benefit and cost of the behavior pertains
advantages, only low percentage of the farmers reported perma- to perception of the positive outcomes of various actions available
nent use of gloves, goggles, or special boots when working with to reduce the threat assessment and perception of the possible
pesticide (Yassin et al., 2002). Many studies have investigated bar- undesirable aspects of the health maintenance behavior (Janz
riers and benefits of wearing PPE among different groups of farm- and Becker, 1984).
ers, farm workers and pesticide operators. Common reasons cited A number of studies have used the HBM variables to explain
for non-use of PPE during pesticide handling were lack of adequate farmer’s intention and safety behavior when working with pesti-
knowledge about the importance of PPE in pervert pesticide risk cide (Bhandari et al., 2018; Khan et al., 2013; Yazdanpanah et al.,
(Phung et al., 2013; Norkaew et al., 2010), discomfort, the unavail- 2016). Support for the HBM constructs in predicting farmers’ pre-
ability of PPE when needed, the extra time required for using it, ventive behaviors of exposure to pesticide adverse effects was
and the non-necessity of PPE for every situation (Weng and not consistent across studies. One contributing factor to this prob-
Black, 2015; Damalas and Hashemi, 2010). While PPE potential to lem is lack of consistent operationalization and measurement of
diminish direct exposure to pesticide and consequently reduce the HBM constructs in the domain of preventive behaviors of pes-
its related injuries were most cited as benefits of PPE use ticide risk. This study operationalized constructs arising from the
(Tsakirakis et al., 2010). The results of some studies revealed that HBM as predictors to use a series PPE (face mask, goggles, gloves,
the majority of farmers are unaware of the type of PPE that should hat, protective clothing and boots) during pesticide handling in a
be used when working with pesticide (Damalas and sample of rice farmers in Sari County, Mazandaran Province, Iran.
Abdollahzadeh, 2016). Sharifzadeh et al. (2019) found that per- The region is well known by intensive rice production with mass
ceived barriers of using safety measures such as time, cost, acces- use of chemical products for the control of rice stem borer
sibility, uncomfortableness related to PPE use were the strongest (Abdollahzadeh et al., 2015). Moreover, a sizeable fraction of farm-
determinant of farmers’ safety behavior in pesticide application. ers in these areas do no wear PPE during pesticide handling due to
Bakhsh et al. (2017) reported that health cost and perception of barriers such as limited accessibility and low affordability.
adverse health effects are main predictors of adopting PPE among Government-sponsored campaigns to promote safe use of pesti-
the cotton pickers in Pakistan. cide and particularly PPE use have had little effect on changing
Despite the importance of wearing PPE when work with pesti- farmers’ behavior. Therefore, understanding determinants of farm-
cide, relatively less attention has been attracted on explaining ers’ intention to use PPE would enable educational interventions or
determinants of farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE in farm agricultural extension programs to target more effective strategies
field. Moreover, academic research explaining hazardous behavior for promoting, and implementing pesticide risk-preventive prac-
related to pesticide use which guided by theoretical basis has been tices within farmer groups.
somewhat limited, as the majority of existing literature have The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After this introduc-
extensively discussed the role of demographical and farm manage- tion, basic information related to study area, research design, sam-
ment’s characteristics. pling technique, measures and method of data analysis are
Many psychological theories and models have been suggested reported in the second section. The results are presented in the
to explore human behavioral change toward a variety of health next section, followed by discussion and conclusion sections.
care practice. Those theories that have focused on human behavior
change include the Health Belief Model (HBM), Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Transtheoret- 2. Method
ical Model (TM), Social Cognitive Theory and, the Precaution Adop-
tion Process Model (PAM). Although these theories have been 2.1. Study area
designed and developed to examine behavior change at the indi-
vidual level, some scholars claimed that among these theories This study was conducted in the Sari County, Mazandaran Pro-
the HBM is the most suitable and commonly used technique to vince (the largest rice-producing area of Iran with 53% of the total
study the health-related behaviors (Glanz et al., 2008). The main cultivated area) located in south coast of Caspian Sea, Iran (Fig. 1.).
reason is that health motivation is at the central focus point of it, Sari County is spread over an area of 3685 km2 and contains some
and HBM addresses problem behaviors that have raised health of the most fertile agricultural lands in Iran. The basic economic
concerns (Rimer and Glanz, 2005). Several prior researches have sector of Sari County is agriculture with main agricultural produc-
been successfully applied HBM to address the reasons people tion of rice, wheat, barley, fruits, and cotton. The surveyed area was
engage in a wide range of health maintenance behaviors and selected for the study because the majority of farmers in the area
G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Map of the study area.

heavily depend on the use of insecticides, such as diazinon, an in Fig. 2. Based on this model, the following hypotheses are
organophosphate insecticide that is applied up to five to six times proposed:
in a cropping season (Noorhosseini-Niyaki, 2010) to control pests
especially the Asiatic stem borer. Moreover, this area has been rec- H1. perceived susceptibility of pesticide adverse effects has a
ognized as being at risk of occupational injuries and health prob- positive effect on farmers’ intention.
lems associated with pesticide exposure such as exhaustion, H2. perceived severity of pesticide adverse effects has a positive
sweating, cough and headache, dizziness, skin inflammation and effect on farmers’ intention.
irritation, nausea and vomiting (Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017b). H3. cues to action has a positive effect on farmers’ intention.
H4. health motivation has a positive effect on farmers’
2.2. Design

In this research we apply HBM to explore why farmers will take

action to prevent, or to control pesticide-related health effects. Perceived
susceptibility H1
According to this model the factors which influence farmers’ inten-
tion to use a series of PPE during pesticide handling i.e., perceived
susceptibility (likelihood of experiencing health injuries and poi-
soning by pesticides), perceived severity (feelings about the seri- Perceived H2
ousness of experiencing a health effect associated with pesticide
exposure), perceived benefits (perceived effectiveness of PPE use
in reducing health effects associated with pesticide exposure) Cues to H3 Farmers' intention
and perceived barriers (The negative effects and the barriers asso- action to use a series of
ciated with PPE use in farm field i.e., time, cost, accessibility, side PPE during
effects during use). The HBM also proposes that (e) a cue or a trig- pesticide handling
ger to appropriate action is necessary- such as having a contact Health
with extension agents in farm field, or media attention to the motivation
health threats of pesticide, may alert farmers to adverse effects H4
of pesticide and thus increase their willingness to use PPE when
PPE barriers
work with pesticide. In addition to these variables, measure of
health motivation which suggested by several previous studies H4
can include in predicting health behavior (Becker et al., 1977;
PPE benefits
Becker & Maiman, 1975). We considered individual measures of
these six HBM components as independent variables. The hypoth-
esized model of relations between the HBM variables is presented Fig. 2. Hypothesized model of relations between the variables.

G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

H5. perceived PPE benefits has a positive effect on farmers’ 2.5. Method of data analysis
H6. perceived PPE barriers has a negative effect on farmers’ Data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 16.0 for win-
intention. dows. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation (SD), fre-
quency, and percentage) were used to describe and interpret
data. Given that the dependent variable was binary (intention to
use or not to use), multivariate logistic regression was utilized
2.3. Sampling and data collection at the farm level
for assessing the predictors of farmers’ intention to use a series
of PPE when working with pesticide. The regression model is
Our field survey was conducted over a five months’ period from
adjusted for socio-economic variables such age, education, farm
May to September 2019. Sample villages and farmers were selected
size, and annual income from rice production activities. Moreover,
through a multi-stage sampling technique. In the first stage, among
we transformed the initial 5-point Likert scale of 33 individual
the total ten sub-districts in Sari County, we selected five sub-
items associated with each HBM component into a binary scale
districts purposely after visiting the area and with the consultation
(yes/no response) so all of these items were coded as dichotomous
of local agriculture authorities. In the second stage, 20 villages
variable (Cyr et al., 2010). Specifically, on the Likert-scale questions
(four villages from each sub-districts) were randomly selected
(where the answers were 5 = yes, I strongly agree; 4 = yes, I agree;
within each sub-districts, and finally, the farmers were selected
3 = uncertain; 2 = no, I disagree; 1 = no, I strongly disagree), 5 and 4
randomly according to the list of rice farmers published by the Sari
were coded as yes (1) and all other answers were coded as no (0).
County Agricultural Management Office in 2019. In the end, a sam-
Predictor variables were included to the model using the enter
ple of 387 participants was obtained and interviewed personally.
method i.e., all the predictor variables (33 HBM items) are entered
The respondents in the final sample were all male small-scale
at once. The Pseudo R square measures (Cox and Snell R square,
farmers with a mean age of 44.25 years. Most farmers had low edu-
and Negelkerke R square) were used to assess the predictive power
cation level; 17.57% were illiterate, while 29.72%, 40.83% and
in all models. We also used independent t-tests to compare com-
11.89% had elementary school, high school and college degree
posite score of HBM components between farmer who intend use
respectively. Regarding intention items 46.3% reported intending
a series of PPE and who did not intend to use it.
to use a series of PPE during pesticide handling and 51% reported
do not intend to use.
3. Results

2.4. Measures Two different series of logistic regression models were per-
formed to examine potential predictors of farmers’ intention. First,
We measured the dependent variable according to responses to a regression model was performed to explore the influence of 33
the question, ‘‘If a series of PPE were available to you now, would component items of HBM as independents variables on farmers’
you be likely to use it in the next pesticide handling?” Use a series intention to use a series of PPE during pesticide handling (Table 1).
of PPE meant using at least three types of protection during pesti- In this analysis we followed the strategy recommended by Janz
cides handling (face mask, goggles, gloves, hat, protective clothing et al. (2002) and we included the individual items associated with
and boots), for any farmer who used pesticides at all. Multiple each component of HBM in the regression model. The above
items were also developed for measuring each construct of HBM researchers made this recommendation because they believed this
(Table 1). These include: perceived susceptibility of pesticide kind of analysis would provide detailed information for health
adverse effects (six items, Cronbach’s alpha 0.73, adopted from improvement planning. According to this strategy, we entered all
Arcury et al., 2002; Abdollahzadeh et al., 2015; Levesque, 2011); individual items of HBM components in the first regression model
perceived severity of pesticide adverse effects (four items, Cron- rather than developing an overall score for each component. The
bach’s alpha 0.70, adopted from Mayer et al., 2010; results of the regression analysis indicated that the model reason-
Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017b); cues to action (six items, Cronbach’s ably fitted to the observed values and the independent variables
alpha 0.78, adopted from MacFarlane et al., 2008; Abdollahzadeh captured between 61.6% and 82.6% of the variance in farmers’
et al., 2017a); health motivation (six items, Cronbach’s alpha intention. The model is highly persuasive, with an overall predic-
0.82, adopted from Petro-Nustas, 2001), perceived PPE benefits tive accuracy of 92.0%.
(four items, Cronbach’s alpha 0.77, adopted from Tsakirakis et al., None of the component items of perceived susceptibility or
2010; Damalas and Abdollahzadeh, 2016) and perceived PPE barri- health motivation contributed significantly to farmers’ intention
ers (seven items, Cronbach’s alpha 0.70, adopted from Phung et al., to use PPE. The two items of severity component that were posi-
2013; Weng and Black, 2015; Yuantari et al., 2015). We examined tively affecting farmers’ intention included: ‘exposure to pesticides
the relationship between these 33 HBM component items as pre- can have chronic health effects in addition to respiratory problems
dictors and the farmers’ confirmation of the intention to use a ser- and dermatologic conditions’ (OR = 2.081, P value = 0.022) and
ies of PPE for prevents pesticide-related health problems ‘farmers who are consistently exposed to pesticides are at higher
(dependent variable). risk of developing cancer (OR = 3.481, P value = 0.010).
Respondents were asked to rate each item based on a five-point The two items within the cues to action component that had a
Likert scale ranging from 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = uncertain, statistically significant positive relationship with the dependent
2 = disagree to 1 = strongly disagree. A panel of three experts in the variable farmers’ intention included: ‘local extension agents and
area of health behavior, agricultural extension and education and agricultural technicians recommended using PPE for avoiding
crop protection were invited to validate the questionnaire. The pre- health problems from pesticide exposure’ (OR = 3.216, P
pared questionnaire was pre-tested on 15 farmers those were not value = 0.013) and ‘family members advised using PPE during pes-
be included in the final study to identify the clarity and simplicity ticide handling’ (OR = 3.819, P value = 0.007).
of questions for respondents and time required to complete. Based The three items within the benefits component that were posi-
on the results of the pilot test a few modifications were made to tively affecting farmers’ intention included: ‘using a series of PPE
the wording and order of the questionnaire to achieve a more log- during working with pesticides is effective in reducing occupa-
ical layout. tional injuries and health problems’ (OR = 4.018, P value = 0.004),
G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Multivariate logistic regression of individual HBM components associated with farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE during pesticide handling.

Characteristics Parameter Standard p- Odds

estimate error value ratio
Perceived susceptibility
I am at risk of pesticide-induced illness. 0.869 0.456 0.057 2.385
My family members are at risk of pesticide exposure 0.458 0.457 0.317 1.581
I believe health of farmworkers hurt by pesticides 0.204 0.451 0.652 1.226
I believe health of farmworkers’ family members hurt by pesticides 0.059 0.505 0.908 0.943
I believe health of unborn children hurt by pesticides 0.246 0.524 0.639 1.279
I believe ability to have children hurt by pesticides 0.372 0.502 0.458 1.451
Perceived severity
Pesticide exposure can result in a wide range of acute health effects including nausea, dizziness, vomiting, 0.733 0.481 0.127 2.081
headaches, stomach pain, and eye problems.
Exposure to pesticides can have chronic health effects in addition to respiratory problems and dermatologic 1.032 0.450 0.022* 2.806
Farmers who are consistently exposed to pesticides are at higher risk of developing cancer. 1.247 0.484 0.010** 3.481
Illnesses related to pesticide exposure can cause fatality. 0.907 0.481 0.059 2.478
Cues to action:
Local extension agents and agricultural technicians recommended using PPE for avoiding health problems from 1.168 0.472 0.013* 3.216
pesticide exposure.
Family members advised using PPE during pesticide handling. 1.340 0.501 0.007 3.819
I have read about using PPE in the extension materials published by local agricultural services office. 0.631 0.484 0.193 1.879
I have attended a training course about safe use of pesticide. 0.227 0.570 0.690 1.255
I have heard about PPE from neighbor farmers. 0.553 0.497 0.266 1.738
I have read about safety measures during pesticide handling from the product label. 0.134 0.556 0.809 0.874
Health motivation
I am likely to change my behavior because of health risk of pesticide use. 0.761 0.520 0.143 2.141
I want to discover pesticide-induced illness early. 0.265 0.485 0.585 1.303
I search for new information to protect my health from pesticide toxicity effects. 0.418 0.514 0.416 1.519
I feel it is important to carry out activities which will improve my health. 0.716 0.560 0.201 2.045
I have regular health check-ups even when I am not sick. 0.210 0.660 0.750 1.234
Maintaining good health is extremely important to me. 0.495 0.527 0.347 1.641
PPE benefits
Using a series of PPE during working with pesticides is effective in reducing occupational injuries and health 1.391 0.481 0.004** 4.018
Using a series of PPE during working with pesticides is effective in avoiding pesticide contact with eyes, mouth, and 1.859 0.509 0.000** 6.419
Using a series of PPE during working with pesticides can prevent pathways of pesticide exposure for the operator. 1.502 0.471 0.001** 4.489
Using a series of PPE during working with pesticides is a good way to avoid potential hazards of different pesticide 0.457 0.464 0.324 1.580
PPE barriers
I find PPE awkward to use when working with pesticides. 1.058 0.455 0.020* 0.347
PPE would reduce the physical flexibility during pesticide application. 2.952 0.496 0.000** 0.052
Working with a series of PPE in the hot and humid paddy field is very tortious. 2.538 0.628 0.000** 0.079
Washing, storing, and reusing PPE is an unpleasant task. 1.987 0.477 0.000** 0.137
PPE items are not available locally. 1.030 0.450 0.022* 0.357
Preparing PPE for use is a time-consuming process. 1.501 0.459 0.001** 0.223
Paying for PPE is an extra cost. 0.696 0.460 0.130 0.498
Intercept 1.863 1.224 0.128 0.155

Cox & Snell r2 = 0.616; Nagelkerke r2 = 0.826; overall percentage of right prediction = 92.0%.
Significant at P < .05.
Significant at P < .01.

‘using a series of PPE during working with pesticides is effective in variables to be tested as predictor factors for intention to use a ser-
avoiding pesticide contact with eyes, mouth, and skin’ (OR = 6.419, ies of PPE (Table 2). In this model between 50.5% and 67.7% of the
P value = 0.000), and ‘using a series of PPE during working with variance of farmers’ intention is accounted for by the composite
pesticides can prevent pathways of pesticide exposure for the HBM component. The model is highly persuasive, with an overall
operator’ (OR = 4.489, P value = 0.001). predictive accuracy of 85.0%.
Finally, six out of seven barrier items that significantly The results in Table 2 show that the significant factors posi-
decreased the likelihood of using a series of PPE during working tively affecting the farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE during
with pesticides included: ‘I find PPE awkward to use when working pesticide handling include higher levels of perceived severity of
with pesticides’ (OR = 0.347, P value = 0.020), ‘PPE would reduce pesticide health effects (OR = 3.343, P value = 0.000), higher levels
the physical flexibility during pesticide application’ (OR = 0.052, of perceived cues to action (OR = 2.876, P value = 0.000), higher
P value = 0.000), ‘working with a series of PPE in the hot and humid levels of PPE benefit (OR = 4.491, P value = 0.000) and lower levels
paddy field is very tortious’ (OR = 0.079, P value = 0.000), ‘washing, of PPE barriers (OR = 0.036, P value = 0.000). These results indicate
storing, and reusing PPE is an unpleasant task’ (OR = 0.137, P that farmers’ intention is highly correlated with all the HBM vari-
value = 0.000), ‘PPE items are not available locally’ (OR = 0.357, P ables except perceived susceptibility and health motivation (all the
value = 0.022), and ‘preparing PPE for use is a time-consuming pro- hypothesis are supported except from the hypotheses H1 and H4).
cess’ (OR = 0.223, P value = 0.001). We also conducted the independent sample t-test to determine
In second regression analyses six composite HBM components if there is a significant difference between HBM components of the
(susceptibility, seriousness, cues to action, health motivation, PPE two groups. Table 3 displays a summary of the scaled means and
benefits and PPE barriers) were entered into model as independent standard deviations of each of the HBM components in the survey
G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Multivariate logistic regression of composite HBM components associated with farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE during pesticide handling.

Characteristics Parameter estimate Standard error p-value Odds ratio

Perceived susceptibility 0.575 0.310 0.063 1.777
Perceived severity 1.207 0.280 0.000** 3.343
Cues to action 1.056 0.303 0.000** 2.876
Health motivation 0.361 0.373 0.333 1.435
PPE benefits 1.703 0.281 0.000** 5.491
PPE barriers 3.317 0.371 0.000** 0.036
Intercept 3.679 2.190 0.093 0.025

Cox & Snell r2 = 0.505; Nagelkerke r2 = 0.677; overall percentage of right prediction = 85.0%.
Significant at P < .01

Table 3
Comparison of HBM components among intender and non-intender of PPE use.

Variables Intend to use Do not intend to use t test (P value)

Mean SD Mean SD
HBM components
Perceived susceptibility 2.827 0.534 2.736 0.545 1.66 (0.099)
Perceived severity 3.512 0.601 3.170 0.663 5.31 (0.00)**
Cues to action: 2.751 0.614 2.466 0.526 4.91 (0.00)**
Health motivation 2.906 0.452 2.888 0.427 0.39 (0.69)
PPE benefits 3.854 0.611 3.318 0.618 8.51 (0.00)**
PPE barriers 3.216 0.585 4.048 0.453 15.29 (0.00)**

SD: standard deviation.

*Significant at P < .05.
Significant at P < .01.

for two groups of farmers (intend to use a series of PPE and do not a significant predictor of the intention to use a series of PPE during
intend to use). As expected, the results in this table confirm per- pesticide handling. Overall the model explained about 61.6% of the
ceived severity of pesticide health effects, perceived cues to action variance in intention to use a series of PPE. With regard to the HBM
and PPE benefit among respondents who intend to use a series of model but not specific to PPE use, the findings of this research are
PPE were significantly higher than those who do not intend to consistent with prior researches (Bunn et al., 2002; Cyr et al., 2010;
use a series of PPE (p < 0.01). However, perceived PPE barriers Thornton and Calam, 2011; Salari and Filus, 2017) indicating that
among those who intend to use a series of PPE were significantly perceived benefits were the most important predictor of intention,
lower than those who did not intend to use a series of PPE followed by perceived barriers, while perceived susceptibility and
(p < 0.01). severity had no or only a slight connection to intention.
The results of current study are congruent with some prior
4. Discussion studies for the components of barriers and benefits. Majority of
measures of perceived PPE benefits and barriers were included in
This study tested several predictors of intention to use a series the regression model. The results from this study revealed that
of PPE (face mask, goggles, gloves, protective clothing and rubber PPE effectiveness in reducing occupational injuries and health
boots) during pesticide handling using an adapted form of the problems, PPE efficiency in avoid pesticide contact with eyes,
HBM in 378 rice farmers. The results revealed that the majority mouth, and skin and PPE capability in prevent pathways of pesti-
of the farmers (56.33%) agreed that they would use a series of cide exposure for the operator were significant factors in regres-
PPE in their future pesticide handling while a noticeable propor- sion model. The optimal effectiveness of PPE in reducing the risk
tion of the farmers (43.67%) reported intention to not use of a ser- of pesticides and maintaining the health of pesticide operators
ies of PPE during pesticide handling. These proportions were has been an important factor in increasing its use (Tsakirakis
unexpected given that the literature indicates famers show low et al., 2010). The PPE barriers were a significant predictor of inten-
intention to engage in safety behavior (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019; tion include PPE awkward to use, reduction of physical flexibility,
Bakhsh et al., 2017), low willingness to use PPE when working pes- the torment of work with PPE in the hot and humid paddy field,
ticide (Sharifzadeh et al., 2017) and perceived low importance of washing, storing and reusing PPE is unpleasant task, problems with
personal safety in pesticide spraying (Damalas et al., 2019). The time constraints and accessibility in local shops. Other studies
unwillingness of farmers to not pursue preventive behavior may reported that due to limited availability of comfortable PPE, farm-
be due in part to the highly inconvenient of PPE or high cost of ers do not give priority to their personal safety (Phung et al., 2013;
PPE for small scale farmers in the study area as confirmed by pre- Weng and Black, 2015). In other studies, researchers have found
vious research (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019). that wearing PPE was highly inconvenient for farmers, as it
The findings of this study revealed that, most HBM constructs reduced their physical flexibility and interfered with their ability
were related to intention to use a series of PPE: perceived severity to work with pesticides (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019). The findings of
of pesticide adverse effects, cues to action, high PPE benefit and this study provide additional support that barriers are strong pre-
low PPE barriers (most hypotheses were strongly supported, dictors for PPE use. However, there is a need to more research to
except from the hypotheses H1 and H4). These findings revealed accurately identify how we can much encourage farmers to use
that the HBM are somewhat successful in explaining predictors PPE despite the inconvenience of working with this equipment in
of PPE use intention. Moreover, perceived susceptibility to the farm field.
pesticide adverse effects and health motivation showed to not be
G. Abdollahzadeh and M.S. Sharifzadeh Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

According to information of this study, the HBM component of Although intention to engage a behavior predicts actual behavior
perceived benefits and barriers are a significant and important pre- (Ajzen, 1991), when farmers reveal they intend to use a series of
dictor of farmers’ intention to use PPE. Therefore, in order to PPE during pesticide handling, it does not necessarily imply they
increase PPE use among rice farmer in the study area, developing will actually do so. Hence, subsequent researches should investi-
and implementing support subsidies for PPE and facilitating its gate whether the similar patterns of association are observed for
access in local agricultural service centers is essential. These farmers’ actual behavior when working with pesticide. Hence, sub-
results also suggest that extension and educational programs or sequent researches should investigate whether similar patterns are
training campaigns which provide sufficient information to beheld for the actual behavior of farmers when working with
increase farmers’ perceived severity of pesticide health effects, pesticides.
and also provide them with enough information on PPE benefits,
its effectiveness in reducing the risks of pesticides, its low potential 5. Conclusion
side effects and its availability, could increase the rate of farmers
considering PPE use during pesticide handling. The study has made a few theoretical contributions. The most
There was some support for the notion that extension materials, significant is the development of appropriate measures based on
training course or product label could influence the farmers’ inten- HBM to predict farmers’ intention to use PPE for prevent pesticide
tion to take safety measures when working with pesticide adverse effects. Furthermore, utilizing constructs of the HBM to
(MacFarlane et al., 2008; Phung et al., 2013; Damalas and instruct future researches is merited in that the individual mea-
Abdollahzadeh, 2016; Sharifzadeh et al., 2019). However, when sures arose from the model contributed to detect specific items
the individual items of each HBM component in regression model that were important determinants PPE use intention during pesti-
were entered, recommendation from extension agents/ agricul- cide handling. Specifically, this study revealed that perceived ben-
tural technicians and family members were significant cue to efits and barriers of PPE appear to play a main role in shaping the
action. Howbeit, these results cannot be generalized to other areas intention to use a series of PPE among farmers during pesticide
and other groups of farmers and further study is needed to explain handling particularly PPE effectiveness in reducing exposure to
the association between intention to use PPE and the recommen- pesticide adverse effects and PPE uncomfortableness and unpleas-
dation from extension agents and family members as important antness for field work. These findings have practical implications
cues to action. for efforts to encourage farmers to use PPE, particularly for provid-
Numerous studies (Maumbe and Swinton, 2003; Kori et al., ing technical supports regarding safe measures during and after
2018; Akter et al., 2018) revealed that pesticide-related health use of pesticide and also incorporating actions related to safe use
symptoms (e.g., nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headaches, stomach of pesticide in the context of extension programs that deal with
pain and eye problems) and even the probability of death due to favorite performance of PPE for preventing pesticide health prob-
pesticide exposure could influence the farmers’ intention to con- lems. However, some of the main constructs of HBM especially
sider precautions measures when working with pesticide. How- perceive susceptibility to pesticide adverse effects failed to predict
ever, when all individual items of HBM components were farmers’ intentions. Moreover, constructs outside the HBM (in this
entered into a single regression model, the chronic health effects case health motivation) were also found not to predict farmers’
including respiratory problems and dermatologic conditions and intentions. Hence, while the individual items detailed in this study
risk of developing cancer were significant predictors of farmers’ comprised suitable determinants, the findings reveal that HBM is
intention. Prior to this study, much of the studies revealed experi- somewhat successful to direct the psychological prerequisites of
ence health problems related to pesticide handling has relationship pesticide risk-preventive intentions. Unexplained variance sug-
with farmers’ intention to take safe use of pesticide (Sharifzadeh gests that other important variables could be recognized and addi-
et al., 2019; Schenker et al., 2002) and highlighted the impact of tional study is required to more definitively explain the predictors
health education to raise farmers’ safety behaviour. However, of farmers’ intention to use a series of PPE when working with pes-
based on the results of this study, it appears that details of training ticide and better guide extension agents and agricultural officials
content to draw rice farmers’ willingness to safety measures when in their intervention efforts.
working with pesticides should focus more on respiratory prob-
lems and dermatologic conditions and risk of developing cancer.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The strength of this study was the use of a sample that was at
high risk of pesticides health effects and also boosts methodologi-
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cal issues. Although a fairly substantial literature on the use of PPE
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
among farmers, and also its determinants has been recognized, we
to influence the work reported in this paper.
have applied various measures in operationalizing HBM compo-
nents such as perceived susceptibility of pesticide adverse effects,
perceived severity of pesticide consequence, cue to action, per- References
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