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_o~veroerce ,/flltl -:: er1ough E to

remove e- !hm 0/om
• • f-1 s{Je.ctr?Am œnverge at '1' E (11=1ro n~oo '>
.' h nuous spectrun? •Cf II w0 veimgfflJ li!J111
e speitrum =d1:sc,e1e 15 11r;h1-
~• 3 -=-==T= TtT~tt"~\--~-7~-__,.~i:~~~~;:iJ--,~
.-=~--= • Ec ôÇ(€pVfdence
hOtd n -wor
= EoCEtmnsïHùîi()q
leveis ---.J

n-: lTt-rt~ ~~:::-=1J.ati:l:.~ 1/:/9" 9et- c,o~r o.~ -nvn nu.tM

, :\- : -~ ~~ LJ.L/Li.~~-'.f _ 1 ' ae1Jt1Ve 0tO mie (n{A$S ::: -fh e,
1 Ly,nen 5en-e.r t ().f ighttd mass (:).verage Œ-a11
_ _;_:__~-:-:-----
( t)V) row ratI y rxwrril7q 1JO/rJf)eJ
YlUC!lt(S OF-an e1emefJf retahYe to /11

.Oercen r 01J\A nj (tn ce, :: °lo of ~ +v1e ma55 oF Œc-11 wrm

eacVJ i'50tupe fYI romp. or ve/MJVe • Is0 e1ec:ti0()iC 2. e1emen11
OHV · (ri , [ liJ Sc.lrne e,- conPrg lA ra rron
mIC mass
nr, • ((IOSS .5~,ctmtreter c11] 1
• Etectro/1 ~orltqurv'lll~ es in eoch orblltll ~. 1 12.s
0 5

• El&1w1 ~rmngemMf "'qJ ,n eocn t 1eve1 ex <z, e,eiJ

• (!/)y oYbdVt dttljKlll7S " e·.) ivi ea. ch O(bi'ta I i- af(lt E tM[JCh a'b
e • FlUt'barJJ fni7Ct()ll '" e-s frlf StAb/eveM
fui dq ,,j,iJ iVI f t b/C W 1-CVfü ffK)I'( JW bk'.
f- lli:Jl~~1,~liîJ b wh?/7 3d OM/Jierl, 4s e: s removed W
t Qj\tl • ra
l,\I i J exctu.sion vnnü()Ll=e} iYI
"- -----..--- w ri 1e q;me orbitaI na ve oflp. spi(/ fi]
. · • Hunds r2we "fl 1111 s1.Abteve1 o(bitr,115
• pnnaPIf oevets (fi , v, :l) 0l'IW /- hrne 1A t1til .fut li Ither\QCCe
1 ~w C
J(}l(t-tnfd w.ote~e/J Il~, ls,Zp) rm in. rtpLAl5ill'l)
WhiCh COllff,M OltJttms • VromolfCt'l =( fv ortJtlal w 1' f (O.CLII
L)mCAï (5 ÏV\ f tevel: 1lli .
Qo.d!Oootu(tS (-- Ill fOf ctHbon ~atiro
rnrAV OrbiftllJ iVI Elevel =tl ·7
, e: qycm r,
E=- ,c
œd 11 rieals ~anttA,ri 1c # =w t , .rrwm ci) r r
I 1-r.n-t'h' -.mti tu molt to drff' 5LIbkve1s • Fttvmic mctS5 /fi! = tt pt
(U1 (1 V1° foaCln er

. iDnt bor1d e/e,c1n)
L.for1n ions t-o actJ mltt -force "''" opp -durchecl tbns .
( C1t01A() 4 -H'ncl ~.}e~ ,Sta/J/e oetet (Comp1er s a17d p subshetd
m •L , 'V, 1 u r'J,c M-ca -f' E)_
~111vcuenr ttmnslt10/J mem1~) _,,.to~ d1/'F11s es ,/hm
, IX su bievets : >1 str,tp1,:: ;on N cl!{({'tfnf- {l){ot1r.s
nEN 10 Prfclitt bone1 Ci10ta(tfr >o.=,-~ iOfliC b/C e· m(lyfJ-f{) :t..
6 .u--o.-:J:; polar Cova1eaf bC e ' 'Shait11 t11Jt>fvftJIIIV,>(),ij-=flO«NOfef1tl
• . • _ ceq,u cl Il'-/ 5hl4 t«1
Ion,c cmpct; -= 1tflf,,f,>P 1
b/c neeris E 1o drrft{pf -forres btn rtJnJ'
(.;,91tt1t0t w 1i crorgc. detlfl/1/ 15 mc,11 -,.-11 cha~a)
~-= bnma blC ;on5 srcte bysrde /. reputse. +ea111natter.
4 vo1u1 HhK{ lttrdency to uapou,tzt) bt c '1' E1lJ /;rrupf ·
L, qoa:I eteCA,rra_t Q.O/lducm6 wtJen n101,eo ;di5fPlreol

Udns hee -m rno ve - nu- so wner, ..«;ln:/J.

4 -= 5{Juote rtl ()JOtt( 1,1c cnarged 1011s arroCICll hV potlr flzO
, + fJIAUeCI f>{J(lJ 1arr1ce. .J
Form V1 lC1 Unit _, ~rm11e.s-,. rat10 01- ron,c &m/d.-
'C.OVaten+- bOnd =(!/ect1r).57alJC at/7a:tli:,; ,,,non 1Polyarom"
bln SIX/ft'tl fJC/lr d ~"J C111tlrB
Charp lludei 11i onmetr:11s> I ~ "~
O(mmM1um ~/-

• (!;P--:) snott'C/ bln Ulltmr • lf 6() rfJU(1(/

n. s, n91 eafCfl7
~f:,~tle rvo3-
• r10nd teflgH, -4J/5ftlfltf b/17 nurtt1 S{)/fb/te SOLI -
,u_-'> 1 ,J ,. _w:,, (JJ1C!'pllClft Pa 3-
• eon [tïCIJ2rr1 é tfÇIJ1_trc.rAn ulJJtl(J/
cl h\Jpocntonït crtJ -
(rJ.ewbed by wnd e11fha1pv) cntori,-e ctoi-
5t,om-r /5trr)f/Cj(r +r,c,;1dOWJ(e I etc.
•tn)'.)le bOtHlS c rerrhrora/-t Cl Ot1 -

• A 1en9fh :; J s11tn9fh . Ck/roma,e, Crô~ ~
4 snated paff5 e-s = J, 11n{frh b!C c1,:ct1roma1e Cri 0 ~l,;_
1 nuet,e/ ~-trraaron fore. ·s lfJU/0 tt(
, t\eLtrone!f)t1~f ttf rttanve tAtnilllfPo rprbona1e co/~
CA.n Utrlm hrJ; fora .mrctl f}Cl1r e 5 /ÔJCOYbt1nrAt</ _l:\co~-
rn () crJvaœnf tol?r/. ~i~~ffenw~ 31 _
CA.ceta re n fe c2.H$' oi-
of1marYJ0 o MrLo l4 -
' 8onrJ Po1onty C/Jum bv c/1/'f: Ill FIV t(}o1ar ha.s 1mmItJ1Jct" tJ/"
e+?C1rrf Iouvmmer,;ca/ e- c/1Jt,ip1417vn) -
f:J. po1or 1-toOkf: Rt~ mantio) • ® td1m;e COtdtm! bPnts
;J,H ••s-- J L>Jnateri es hoo, J altJf/J.
· .0 : (dof!or i t~ mrt&IJiv1r (il S(Jaœ) -
Lewis 'ln'~\AVIIVJ
1 ~.«11;H ~Hf~ H- f.J- H
-µ f1
- deterrn,ne cenrrv,, att.m <:!>if;; 1 ••
lfo1- bortlinq cc,mcov) # u.œe.aea lo6.NI~ ...
~Lewis c~,c -for #bo11ds tcova11n1)
-, {)r)d Pen phera R etlfms, if aeedeol, t'A.(jd~ ~ s1 " I tfécmp/é'lé' ~ / -
_,adtol lfs l7 Il /;0/5 (8 e~ft(f/~
-, [ ] qneJ O?a7- frr {X)ll/(AfCm/C (OY?- 01rtd 8 Jf:Yfet)
· _...._ ~ont~ cL hCt~Y15~
Lew 15 C.Otlt1t01rnns l>5/?irl!/ -'· l/;e~'-/Qr s1dJiJd1tv
: 8or'), ci.cld. :ë1 -f?:>e - li ~
• f.eJ()flt11Jc~ · • ·• :.ê..( -:ç ï
4 =-lt ve-r eau, ha),cdcf Sf7UCftl tes = >j p!{l[f/J'JR/ll
e-- = M!effes -flaves 0Pt7l7n rtr dattte v1r ff/iJl-f! bvlldr-
Bc e-/"J... Gr~sorio.nœ h'Jbn·cts .., bcndS J..;
;c add rsu bntu:-f. -es for
l Vrlv.r
pf po 1V1,11v,,/
,rJH-.-v? '( - :
1 ;'() +errne.chco-e E. . _..: :,;. .. o
0 -:-_

' ft/ft/j!Jr[ (,0JIO/f17/ 51)/;(/f • EtRcrrrccd

L-; Q/Cl(l()nc/ go«/ #Jermt1I to!ldtlChJ~~ff-f1e~llx Conol rJ.Ch r1ti;
harr;I, 1 ma, ../elivfllerlttll (/()q ,5°) nOfJ-(TlOblle) l7ynObi(-e chatjeS
lf()'l5 ,detxcl/,e1s)
l. lzmt /Jil-eqood etectJiCCil concit1c1r:7t; J#ft/ L.mo11t:n/C1(,{,. iunK,
SII/Jf}efl/ d()I fô laye,s, ,J,11!/A t l/Jf.5 oJn ;aye,s rnetr11s, a.Cfd5l~s
4 C1@/J/Jene -= :JOOC/ e- c.onc/uctr:lf /!,tJT-lherm!/1 •/J/IOVS
condUefor- U?PWn (JI/Jq/e {!/lm -tf;l{t);#J/Ylt 4>.1, me1t1l1
I !t' srronget +han sfee/, 1 fllP ennan eed properlles
GCvO Pt1l/ertllJ.. ;.S-ern,tf)f/r/tLc~r (1~07ee- (1'511:lb1e,Jf)on9)
. ) l, f)OJJ/ble bic .
lrJpbfkfV , J/IJP. tLi. lJHil Iaei.1 no,-,-q,~Cht:"naî l:xl/'!fl"'j
~/{A fJ /!r =m()x so Iu '!,!fi soI re1J t at TIP. lf._;;:~j~c:J;ff/1.f:c:;:1,9~~).
5c,1t'\A~hO(l soin; (J}t- /1)vyc.. -r (,( ,.,,, 1A î -

4drs,rrvr-r,ntn eqnr ~. (l)l;f.Cl,j1~N01r,u1,1-+ (ar,(,'. q_5te,/n/t'JJ .J-1-ee1 ~-frVJ

~v . ,.; or cr. r,r, renJ 1/e ~ I l ; ,
L,(X)lar "'- sotub1e w"' np ,r\..wm- Cd/705/vn rè.J",;JOn/'J
L::.compqrf new and old ~ru r- trmn 1 _,_ ,,
4wa1er~sl1()?~ 'bic (JF#=-s . ivrnl >tovaten+-> 17UrQl11Ci
L» sIm i1ar pr7/C/n"Jy CC//7 #'l;t'/v?'if.
• e- ~Y~!t~}~~rJ~wœ~)
• boncl tenqfh, anq1es
• l P'1' space man l3P
' e- (){if 01 mu-.x OPC!Yr 17J v l'e pIll /S{W)
•e- dome11hs smq1< regwns ê v11ctrrf-
lLP, 8P) =vs EOJê C()J(lr
2 édomGt1ns i bondect
C\totnJ l 80° no lP trnear
7,{d.omc11n5 3 '(X)llded a/tfl?J 120° nouJ mtt,m'
p (Jar ~120•

2 bonrJed alemJ 111- 0

1 LP
... -

4 e- omainI l/ bondedCHcms /,()Cf,5° notf f(t/()het/ral

3 bo17dedcrtmJ- /0+.50 i- L.P 1>1gmo1 &•
(}(JfflmtclaI --~-S°
2 bOneled (1'11/m.f' l(J'-/.5° 2l.P
!Onnr --,,
5e-domwns s bonded tJ#(;Yllf '"l:na/
'f0°and nol/J O(CP -
IZ.0° rpyt()mil.1 1/~ l O "
if rtmove
rvwn<J 4 oonaed {')twJs ~ev 'c,1111 1W ~ esow C '/J"
q1;1~ tvrrn If sr.; t:/~ •
3bondeel CAntns 900
tlP 7--sMrxrJ ~-.1•"
2 bont:lecl CdQJJ1 10011 3 lf'
lin.ear -
TnHrmolecLl/a r foras=
.nrmm,1ecuIar~10fJ/C1 crttmCf. Idn motéttlLes Iweot • /'l'Jn,-,
COW/R/Jf; me/Ç///ff). UA//PC/rétl lo
4 Vanaerwacl/s = LOB< ril/Jd1ps f;-tr;//d/l?fj · r'u~~~nirx;IUce
{Ofs _=+emptJt!mJre fri,re bl/J ac/jrlttnr mdeet/1-ef {# ft7JmPrltf/l!p.dl~';
L> fi Ze l1Fm~l,,fn9 e:sJ Cll?c/ f flCl,Pe ( //tJW -trt?l'l#t/ pc/Cé(;?pJ :: 1 W1ctrgtlliœar
Ol(Jdl(JS t#tm~tJm J,J/l t.._Pôll/f tnoleUAte;)
pemal'UJt cl/j/tJle.1
H-bond111g =at177Jcmn blllr,: Haltt/1 ~nd -1'élf/~ MF t wgJ J-r~ir. 7
mera lht txJnd e1arrostancawctrzn b1n lafil(e@ rcn1 q11.o1e1domi e-
'-'>tt d_f!OCâltZ/X} e::sl SiZeO:,f7Pl)(l'acl1v11)1_{hC1rge, tf ca,n;n =- S!H½IJM s
4 rtr/nJfm11: smn~ {1deJoca I t--.S) . C)OOd Con cil.À..ottv3" 0 F ~ t t-+ eLU;IUiJJ
J rnCJ11eai:(ti duc/J!t/ 1ltf'IJOus11mfl !l!:l{;f,/l(J,(.
-- -.. .
-- -
'()enods (r()WJ),9roup1 rco1umn)
• metCI/S, trJn-n,ef"ll/J, tneft/1/IO/r/J 5 , r ......:_ , ?Ir ;f'--

• Y7Prfsen1v1nve tlt>mtnfJ ffrAnaP> 4 Ietf• net force OF o\:tiru~,Y

•fJOh, rtp f d ()Inc/ P J. n ude,u s e.ic.e(k 0 n \Jes
' frJOdtrfJ /Jt11cdt( wnen e1emen11 • o.crnss f)erTod ·
Of trqnc,ed bV aMJmiC 'If tz >, -ftlere ; J • c.onstan-r dc(A)î ~OJ...f
~ftl'Od!c r-ecurrtnce .,. 9m.dua1 Ch~«Jf •~ ;r.
,n P~tJ t Chff)J pt0p1. 1/ - ,
':' ·
'-'>5ht;; intfrPetffK.e hm
' -r Pr,.. ~ r: J<, >1Utet/J Cine/ r~·f (Ce-:I
L., refllcn ovemf/ Citr1ClbtWn dl- altJm PdrlleJ {)fic/ clatnllre b/n =Elevets)
1 if. ff1' .. .4 ~tr'I· ul
S\1 t • • 'r CACfî)SS VV' ,UC,4
a b1W,1e1'Petï(L,I
\./ CU'}J,tanf-
• Uf.f • f- clown ~rru P·
sr1e: .•. clown >11"1 f· • v: .;::;,,'J.r'",,, -
-rJrl l7 m irJ é f-o reQ?ove .:Jl')';t::)lé e--.s

from :1.tmle (jCl~tlJ' C/1(y)?S
rJ.1Jmnce 'rlln nerghbolllnnfj r/fJ(t/
L,'t1 in their 9/()Wl'l« J/tl)e
• +down ql{)l//J; il Ofoto1r pe,norl "f...c,\ E -- . x..+ -t e.-
, ~J'1 - .-;-/N-/ y- 1 /JC,Off penà:;1 {4'-Zek.· -1 E)
L.,hln lOnr(os,-f irl/Clffl(e).
• .Jt down j_Yl)Up .t-f'ShF..·.J.t).
• ,fi down qrowp; t tJC!(JfI penrxl txœ()t100si C117Mp 13 t1er#.l:!1J1
• <1Clf7()tN .lmatler 1/10/J l'Ort'/lrA!OP' /(J 5/AÔJhell V.f. Stable J"/n Z). +-
• am'Ons 1(Jl'flt_r /IICft? /J(Jrt/l/d/&i?7. G,,m<4p 16 ,Jtr t/71117 15' 1•11 p5ubfht1
re--e- rept:151p1,1, srot;Je OCkrtJ-llol1if o' , nopa;te()( .5lJrJe- repuLSi1r1.
l(i/Jt!Jnre hotn t?Uctefl/J-J.
• txn;on 1arrY,, fflafl ctJf1v'n wsame · ~"VT"k,<,- 7.., ~ -
rrrf hm L--, a-mt,{ol1?ll7 tJr ~fr71TJ
parOnf Ü.trm or l- C01r1qflfl.7/ PorshClh::d "°flÎ? CP//.
(Il e·s lé ftv(fr) . w-1- c,cnrsspen--od- I'! leff) J\

'(_[P.C1ifjn y-:q:/ ,.w1_., .fm,r t • J downgrovp tlfht,e-r ,mllhe/J
t...., /J 1: When 1rno1t es (.ACJ,llc.vr rv .y v11c..

<Aseous at(l(f)f to ftJrm jmtle ,~a;si(Jfl r- • -1v;, r~it:r

v X<fl, e- 1"7 )t- f tt~ tt I c,G{~o, u.~ E /.:,, ê fr) o1t-t'rco me :rmr.5

• 4
Mfll55 pe::;,
trdown OIJ1Af)
-~d~?::S, '(;f:::!::,K
m~ en - G\n::iup 1~ ,t-"1Cfl t"C)
'/Y/0, ~:-more eXOfhC/miC -: e·a.f.ft11iltf min ot-t- l 'e
L) e-tJ/Ai?ifV JJ!tl/ll?q to rtleCIK E to j(?l//?é'- 4 e(J"f,//fn/-IfYJFs ~f Il{
(1~ nonmemJS m 1'0rm a~osJ. t,, 1/TlP me/tJtf btc,1mefal/KIM
eiœprrtns: ~11)"1{) If l(f f-h(l1fl e~{XCkd, Iilili] (.;d,mp nr.nmetr:11.f blCJ Lt,f:5
{l/z p j()b5hêll J'q5ft/bilih/ 1 motelto gain) down
.~17)()/J fflt/r,,1/S
~r(}{,((J z t(rfharJexµ:tkd(JSUbJl?t/f.filleuf (15/,[-:: tmetr:1/lIC lxv}clJ)
Ju 1' 1V add-to PscAb11v, Il) • ,f dOWll jfOUP fl{,f}l)16/0 (f
• /\ "ri r') " f f)(

L-,i\\\J\SWrt ~Y'\~ihOn -frvm -to non-(Y)e-tt:AlliL tnora.ùef.

Gac,,io-w~ Ll'D~=me-te\t axlC(es (Noz.O and m~fS) ot,SS'O,ve
ln ~GHC-r ·ru -fo0n bcAs1c s.l:.),'ns.., O\mphotenc G)(icte..s (A-lz.Oi')
\' CA..C-fcl or b:A~ ( t0 bCt of GJCrcn , non- rne..·t-vH o 'J<l CA...Ll
(S;Oi, r~ ~10 , P1.10~ ,.S o!), o2,CJiD-z (A-iO} oH55ol ve in f/lJ()ter ro
form ~CACHC s() \'ns.
L) ~llc.kti~I condUUl\/lfv\ 1 for me-tal OXftleJ { ~ î()(ls'>, 'Jefl/QI
--For Si Oz, nor,e oi rlcn--tY1-th)I o,:.rd-es.
L, 0-t}uC-M tt, =?JÎ wu- +if vm 1 ay,d es c.-oni c bcJ "4l>,
lür?i t
ic.A(H aovaunr for f, i Oz. {n-e.tvJO C0Vt>.laf1-r bCI~),
f1()1ewtar bcr/lpl s) -foy non~me-ml
~ " - - 1 t l}J ~W! r, 'iJ ovf tA ) 1w wato-, tu51
m~ols) tHtD,.t)~ rYl~lOH)zco,q,) ~ \i 3Pos'CfU<,)
rY)~O(S) +i1-tc1t~co-4 m~tlit HiOu) P'10101~~4rvooH~ lH10o~'+1/(V1APOq~ )
~) 1
/(hCJ.()d, wba~)
h ~l,c V (Il~ ~ ~ o Ç O >''-P():'r

Al l U3 t 5) -,. 3H l 50 qrnq,ç-4 Al z(50q)3rwl,31110m ,:

RI l 03 l1(~t0<;_) t 7N(AOH ("'')-l) If\JCfAI (OH)

IV'WC\t{'.(. ~1., ~ - If~ '()

•ctnP+fl~ I
• 4 ô'\own ~t0lllp L1 a.e1oca1fUc) e-s
Vailc-tbf e'>
• ocross penod r r;on-me-trAt5)
•Cnern rtn = CH85 (a«es= cotoufi heatltiqh r,hf/lbh Id)~ new )UD5tr:Ah ce,
• r3alClnœ il mtNHo
: HOmOÇtJ1('J){)S m l 'xturt c111 pc,111 ;n same pr;a;e. runifOtm J, Up(J fbr hete
rnote, - oourratJ1e meas(J;ement:r ()I c;;em enl/ht's ta10m,mo1e(,/,{jf,AJ
M 1r•
Ûv1( ma)) tf\-:: -rn l~) 1011sJ /
-=> the mass rn g 1J,c-011e {eqUal to rf!Oh\le
W\ l0'1()\) mo1e dr Cf Jr.tbflt:I/Xe at-orr/t(maJi,r;IAf
• A~09(1dr05 Co rStrAO~ N A= !J.. '11 enhtit~\ - G. oz)( ,oi1~J~;or ')
n lmCJn
1G_,,,rJ SfrJtCh ana ( ,th.
8 1h11 - ------
• 0 lCH 1 MOI
v coeH7atflls) frJ Con-ve-1r bfflJfAbf tanœJ
m rross to rnote5 and rno1e5 10 mass, a;; 1/ttl l?(fdif motan ntl/n
\n'-~ 1 ) xm-, . "
&m tnolt.s ln) ~N1 . -
• tl!'o1nca' formula
rm -
TJ rnc,e btt)(ti,. xN,,-,
eotihts (N)
--.J <
L>;ma11-est wnole 1:/ rvff77J of' e1eme/11J ln a cmpc/.
* pen:t,nt- to rn.os ':i I mc:Ais to rno ce s1 d.iu,-J.t by srno u, m. u it1p\ fo ~ ,.
by fm{J/ICJr 1=/lllOJe.s > fYIIA lt1P\'-I IF -nat.-mm1\

( WrJI-( ïo OIS g1 'i by l,no), o1tVf()e atl

' YnJ ief.111\ G\r Fo (IYJ t,!

G{) ctual n:f/1() ()F
CA Ç,Wf,! I
. .
,nu \t1 p\.'-1 5Ub~...-'t p~ cF
1 emp'1nw, fODYIU \f.À b'1
-e1.1menlf fil c-mpd r,emp•f'l°Ce' #11-S riuinoei-

•Perœm CiJmpo51H{J() bV mass (lleiement- x looo1,

elé'm~n; ln Cl7J;:x/
6, o/o ecteh
Pltotot o
• vim/rinJ R.eO(Jfll- {LP)~ CCmpl-eK\'-t con~rn~
L, use sm,ch grtd fO œ11c. ami tncrtnJ Of' pmclttcl ./tJ/ a11 ieCl~ m
ClPv,elrJ/.J sma1ufr Cll??t-J l ~n1,n1 \~~ sfoi~~l{)c.l\..l..QA
•t.xœss 12eag,em _.. f17ote -/l?al'J retlfl,red w~ l
4 etr!C. mafs GO/lsvmd by r-Kn a, tF anrl .StJbhact l??n-J'lrJ/7:11
fh{}{Jf ffr ..YS rfmC/llilA'j ( culd lt? ¾ fpr.f()/liClenr CF @.ftl/7J~)

•AV09?dr05 Law JtrJ1-es #l(}lt t{{f{af fJOtllrMJ or 9.a;eJ mea1uttd

tU· 1ame +-tmp. anJ prf.JSllrC· t:ofl/tli/J CJ/J eftttll' # «- f.-(:l/11c'les
Voc n _., Volume proçoAi0<1a..Q -+û of-<p-5
•mû\~r VOlUf(l.e IJ' (Jowme ocat/J@ by :1.n11Jte rJF anv fdrr/3)
Vf(I:. V (dm ) ~TP::: 100\CP(A (tosro..1,1::r-3 \c (ô'()

n SfTll? = lO0\CPO\llOs-ro,1,2~8t l2S°C')

(mGt) -
• rn ol~Y- vowme Of e1n rdeaJ o/).S a~ 57P t'l.l'dm1-mof1
lltw,ou =V tdr11 1 ) >< mo1ar VOltJl'1e fa/:1}
• TdW\ &a~ ~CA~ ct-ev ic.u-e -n-ocn ic,l-e,ol tôOS ~J1'.),\)t:uf fnOS\-
CH· ii +tmp. bic pomoe.s stCMJtr.: A' OPfX) Fo, pot-€()tra1 .rrn~.
• tirent Theof\/ oç mettllr-= as large\~ empt'-J SfO.ce -_w
ft-ee m0Vin9 par-ttc.Les (IF rw9i~\ble VOLL,UY'-€ +no ;~~mcu <t:too
1 Ideo.Q Go<, e.q,t1 l')l::nRT m'-f,.
v1 ,s -+V'e
L--.....,1<. W1 i\Je ~a.1 o.s constan+, 0.'31 dm •
~Ol• IC
3 trfu
o, 8:!>l ~ 0
,. t.
BG\\ 1es LQW _., pressure -,~\le.nel'l propor-t,ofXl 1 ;o
p _ (mO~-t~mp = ~er.>-t- coo~-mn+"'I.
\I · ACIJtJS-fe,Ot" b IC ,t VO\. ci, .freq.,. C:olltSiô<l~ .

• Chor1es law volume ~~as ofireot-t\./ pl'"bpC\'tiono' 10 -fernp .

V con . V· PteSSUte,, consto(l+-~
T '~ SfAnt •• -T bic If' -1-ernp:: 1 t:,,·nehc JO rn(.Asr 'f' 1101t.1me
• Gaq - LvŒoc-:S Law .-,~SS\Art, oç...~ ciifeCii\-1 Ç)t"t)p()(,t-fo,'lC\I -fôt(,fhp.
P p T (rnas.s-+ VOfwnc cortSrr::1n+--) .
-,=-~ °' C()flSlttt>I :. = bic 'tkmp..- t\c:.inettc.E =1 froi - C0 " 131oris =1'1>C~

-"m!J,ned C1as EOn
f>,V. : ~l
7,, - ~ ___,~ 2 -:. f-r'flafl
,:infh'af \/1.l
• lli / , " . ,. 11.
Ï') t'5 'J_ IAdd'M Ç (j!/(j l,lS\ , !g (H "' 10 3 iç \< 1h") , m1(- : b'/ lO\ .ça~;etwrl

·A - --
~lAeous SollAtiOns 11as HzO o.s .SO\uenr (ilonspcuen,, 50rne,,-,mes ~Ol,ln.t,>i)

' c/ec, tJv 11/ tf5 "50 it< 1-t'.s -ftta/- eôn dtW l le C-1,-jq h-f /10niCCtn Pd>, O.ctls ba.ies J
lOni( ot~ , . I
oa Otes.,.. CtciclslbC-ltiCS i~"' ; ~ wo+cx:- ( ma\r --neM~, .·• no frte
• JOIIA: on tOncen-twh11rl meoswcJ ,n PPrrJ M>ll'l:c .!_":;ot1,11<x 1,000,000 C\'lo~l
01!Ufe. -sma11 amr. sdlUf-e rt'IC1hrc'-WWlso,·n
• C0fl{eflhtAtce/ /Ctrge_ Pirtlt SO/Ute r(/OHv-e
ru So/Yen-1-
• Oil IAHon eqn. O, V, ; CiV, 115a4s ~1bf' _. frncl the -roto,
# mo1es, then 1-he 1rJm1 voiwme, the 11/v for ov-em11 [cJ
mO\~r COncen-rw,n·(J() ~mo,es O{ JOl&lft (Xr dm3{VOlumeJ OfSOl'n
(r--:L ~m,,) • 5ranoeud SO/Yl _,,11as KnOWn te"")
'V (dm-i) ~., rnus1-
• /Jl550C((lltJol7 éf/lJS ~. 11
O3 { s) 2'1nJ
n 3t -+~oz.- ba/c,nct!
((AC(_) 2.. latp

flv"C!-base nwncn XU ~ 5 ind!C()torsr m/ i })J;

(; ~ C(Cf anoiyff ( IAnKno wfi [cJ) W C( s-rrong Clua I M K I '
+ni..., 1->I•n neun--a lt'zc,1101? nca, rie1e,m1ne v otuyr,e 111n1n r
1-o -t,wn
r,eufrf/11ze v1110,,~,n
,....,, ,d·,i,me
rv, rv vr, , . of' ant11v1e, uu mole to COie Ec]
G,fOta I iOfJ Je eqr7s .. tfAq) ,~n ,t 1~CACls !bases inm ions; r1etiO()t'C :; r1 o ~pee,fatOrs tcJ
- - rJCr anO\\Jtt t<nown ()mt Xs reagen-,., rtma1ngp, xs tttn:I
• B_t.l ac/) \'lt ()7J,1V_1ef'
ttct.>1"'(I-;1 CCA IC '(5 reac-t(d ln 151"" (lt15inQ lntiO t CCAIC ()n(A\~-f{ te]
.... ·:.~~
• thern1C.C\I S\lStem _, cnem,cat~ or cnteresr und~90;ng a Ll
• ~UYTî)U>7cfln05 <$ llnlVtYSe (tncLuafn~ boUnoletrtf'>
• open 5'1sttm whefl matter--t€ e)(cneu-?e,e , c.-fo~ when JvUt--E ~ e
•rnermc11 en~v tG1 ;s ih-:t e- availOP,e from a sctbJt(lnce aJ
,o,. res w,,. 01 +ne\ ,,m,on oP itI PCll17èIll <-T) .
~ ~ l t <V ,s -the fl1fru.Fer lf -H?erma, f "' bit? suo11t1nceJ cltfr!t:n';,rs
n,,1' #t,ma1 eq,m. i cn1erea
•1empetohi\rt -, mecuutt 0i avemg,e uneMc- e- 01 f,fJ/'IKte.J'
•ta 10 r;metry _,, me()J ul'f heat //a,v iv ct11onlJ'lt?(r

fii" fl'IG 1lTt

ai:- heo.r ro +-kmp 01-sullftlll(e ½J l~'--J·?j

b'l .i~or1.°C {J•°c-•) _
L..spec,ff;c he(}1tCapaatvif Of~ {T~
~mol().( ne&1/- cap(Jtf/1/ iJ Of- 1,!!!?! (J•moT1• 0

•fh1 {g',?Lg' îhe~GJ. ~ enerc,tk conservect ed'l

lVfllYe. =é.51 rJt(h? +[.Ju~W)dl/l/:1.f ( no+- C. Cffea ldestrO\/
rre Y. :r • 111KroaI E meo.1t1~P'
[:: Otls'f~ttm:-C\~u"1)un<J;n9i) hv 11 r~rdtrecHy)
• G~u1nq.e tn er1ma1py = +he hea+ trqnsfèrrecJ bln
sys+em a(lr) surrouncllogs I' &1rrtetl ()tif u17ct-er
coflJrCl//1 preSSU'!· t phase matte~)
L. ste1~ funchO()I ndeflt (s-KPJ d1n·t me111erJ
'--t parn Wv\ y ,ne epe ,.
• t:"'dOJ.l,, ·c - /4} AH ~s cold OVJQ,t)J he~rlé ( rJi.J101v1ng ,11,erHflfJ
C"•, 11 ,erm, -\:!:) M , TW.,I ' 'IJ(}tr19s t
· etott,ermic ,e illl, .f<els 110~,trrAfls/eJ neQt IE ro Jt,l(f{)I,{, .

.::mJrll fA.U "' When t ol:?)etlr m

+nèimc!r'rff1trtJü ,
~a/W()fVS' tm~ rred from oeyerMf
~Hgttr -temp 1î> OW( f !1J.P un1:,1 Jam! (fhermcv ettm)
JOii . ll ...,u\L... ..~
EYOfller~-c tre1~qse,.€j \J~POA ~~1'
• 1-1ec1Hn9 curve r-eprf$fflt5 strJi-e changes lh ,,. ~,.,.,,. lô(IJ4rd

t it>plAt
Y~t'\ _..,
t)}-\ ~-t 5~,.~ \l.1
• Oorn;Jt'fl5CI t1/ ;,; fbr 11ry~11 10.1 1 Tc
- __ f{~ L,-1o+ne - slfrr -e 13 -T,
j ,ix.. surr1ca1onf/JtfCr
"~.. . v Jf. .k • etssunre Stal'tiD'cl~~ -
Q°'re Of QeO(-han >Cpr-es.sed Cts c.nange i.-t le:} of
Y--eCtC.--rc1n-t or produ.c+- ~r u~n--t-i'l'.Yl~. <. rMOl •clm· J. - ,)
>/' rctte I s oe., w ô." s po s ,-ti "e. •
;201-t-e o-F D,sc\ppeo,00ce rZ Cl -\-e.. or:- A p peCI rc-1n c_e
0ç 12 eac-H:l or:: P rr..c.l u..c..~

~\Je = - A [c.'"J f"ovc -t- ll [c")

( Y-ea.c,~Y)\-S') .ô -t ( pycd~"'") D. t..
s 10 p e oç - L'-1 ; '"I , J _
-tzlf1se/) t l 'X -z - 0< ,1
~ l c:çeof _ - t '--11. - '-! 0
olm3 seco..Y)t - ( 'X 2 _ -x I J

C,c., \\ \Sî M Theo-<'\-=> ~u.ccesStK..\\ CC\\.\~\01\~ YE.C{__u,re,

~fc«,~t: ~'f 1
C'tY1.d cx.rec-t- ar1-e~-
<.C\K o-F 12eac-nun c\e+eymir1ec\ b'I -A--eq_uen~'l of'
col\ iS.iOn~ ~f\cl ~11°"1 e.Rèc.-tiVe co1\.is-ton.1.

\1Y1et1e, fJ7e1~"i 1v1eori _., o..\l pav-n<.te_s hüve

k.,Y1et;C. e.Vte.~'f , -1-- +emp = -1' ~ine-trc.E ;- rnovc. fu~+cr,
-temp~ ClV) ô\VC~ blC pClv-t; ,n SUbSîOl'X~ l-'\
1'ff.€ti E
(YlC,\J,.V\le 11 - 6D I t2n1c,nYî O iS'TY)b l,\1ÏG~ u.Ç POY--.7"fC) e E'reya'-1
nul-- ~noum n €

· ·•
-fD tea.Cf
L» min E -to ,nitto-te
G\.C..Y)~VY) Y)CY')

GnolActh E ½ \cwe,v' Eo.. =-fa.s-rer

-to reacr recu:..-t-1 on ra+<,

::: 'f' .f'req_,. co\\,S\OI\S

( -t CC"l ~urn, 1' p1'C~S\.A~ ~s,
't 4!> e>f .So\\à)

:: 1' rC\-h: <'âl b'I fo. b.\~f'naK

ne h pc.e H-, N C\.'f
E(l\Ailibovtm ~K. wnen ncn or s(Jlme rate a.s r-11 reven-e, .
d n Qm ·c te. .fwd I rvs n:rts Shïl occv1tnng
in Cl o ~d s~ st-e rn bic no mcffter excnctnff, w 1urrouocltlljS
CèJ rxts !pro du c"1J c_ on s f-af7f bli1r no t ne~e55Cfntv eq)1101t
no ch an~ i o vn CA c rose. 0 pic pro pertt e sbtC Jarne omervabJe
e{fhe r dllf Cf1 on (sttH'l-'tiv ~r.s or pmduw)
r n m ()f1'1 J.,(y .
-vv , v ' .. r r 15 propomm !Yb /tJ/(ldacfJ
4mosttv produc~ ., /ie1 ro the n~9hr "
mosrtv t'{/-S ,, nes 10 me leff"

@t3a ICHJ (Cd Chem iCC,/ eq,111(l/f1on + sfeue COllclffTr)nJ {e.Y@ 5/JTP)
re+e.ttd b

F\ t
[clc. [01°' . f<GHiO Of rxtr prudvtCt5 :: COhlSffiNT
------\. Pc.l'tt «.{/"' r -te n, perurn i-e. : • neec.1-lo S\Ult Cllrdttt~

lA)0 l~1 ·UN1n~ 3

• _arger k'"' prücl~ • kc !.5 eq_m ams1e1nt m+errns Of [c] ;n lfl(;l ·dm-
°'+- eq,,m 11 iS tO nght • ~) 1 f(A VDU~ 0rîJdUC,i) (-«> Vi\'1v1Ctll
'.)mUIf en. s ,f' r'{-l'S
''lii?\ f(J
t eqJ'II
'I to P1eff.t'l i,utt~l
fb4Slm ll'j ctoesm
K <. J. f-Gf.vours reaCt()nfJ 3° -f'wd w nen .ii J
I' •
• when Q ~l(c.l r~ ot eq_,m
• predtct . cttrec-trv"l
nn " ' ~ -+o vY\1ft -tu a.cYlitve
eq,m {ICH~r-= 1er ['7Ybd<Av\5J)
'l 1

erinsf('c/-lJ;ww 1hé!Jl7/
4ac,,-d ls a p+ (H 1 ) dotJo,,. rab1e m du.JXlCl/e .. H.,.)
4 bCl;e iS a p-, (f/+) ().CCep17lr {mv1J t have l P oP ~J')
Cù"JU~O\\-t ()c,c\ \,<A~ )XA\r ---JJ ri1'flèr by one p~
H(-\ (?, Pt-+ ~H t eonJugctte bCI~ =fernove o~ H"'
f\c., c.1 ~ase~ c.sase. e. o..ctc,\ d _O\Cl.c\. cr(\e H -t
\ \ , , c.onjuqo,,e ac~ -
CCW°'.jUC_p...-e. ~-ïcl- ba~ ?C,\\ r-~

O..fYl1tn;.p~-~ s\JI bS~nce tnar cet n Oter eu p-1 c/()(K)r

or P"' accepror (nota soa~ C\CfCU baa-e -

ionic cn,p cl -.:-, cllSSC>CXtte -.S:l\t) the.Y\ cu:.,\ CJ 11::a~ - f ô ~

· No.1-\ CO 3 t .s) "\cut.,) H C.G; (.GlCt,"">
HCô-.r -( ,. lll) ..... Hz 0 (
.., ....., .
>, unz O -+ CD
I, '
r .\ \-
- . ' ( .e_) l { ;)) l \..) - ( q,q_)
OlU-r-o 10n, la nc>f) w~te --r 1-12..eù 3 ~ 1
L.,.\.-tzO :. ownpn,prohc,cont-ctins !>mo11 lo\Ar eq_u.a....Q. ~l'Y\'ts
~30 -t ooîcl OH - ( t in IO'n-">iNfOI) a5 C4.cicl, ltn, <:;o-i\ lf"O'n ar-s b Cl'ie)
F1n cl [ l-\ !>c{J -Fr û«' [ f¼ ci c\"J
~ - 1,00010\ ·c\nf 3 HC\t~<O,- ~ :: \ . C(;tr\.O\ • c\w--;.3 .
._ [ c:tc,cC) 0 lu , ~i'tC,,-h-C'(") °'- s t).. ~,c, r-r,o...R,
{.,-YI i~ i-S o.. Wt,,~ o.c..··cf,

~tiCfk) xj~ anr

st 'ong 'V,\(\ :: W<2Cl \C- o.tna.c:tfO}") fu-- pts Lclca:;~

~'\la~ ba~ ct~tiOA fur p+s rqq;,12p-roè)
~1'-0naer 4'-tcl = WCC,\u.-.. cc~ \.L~-te \::Cc5l.
Q1 ,w~r : : : ~\CQr ~d
Eq_,m,,\~u~ -+h-e. 0)(n +h-o..\- n,ov~s p-++t:.>,
b : . r,tn in C>Ff) oHrect;c n ~,,,ce ctn etn1Q"() .

G en.e,,yz:u_ +oqr,~°' -fb, \-\ A + \oo\ 0 1-1 ,..._.,, ..

Qc..1c fDY)il.ot~ ~n u~t"'t,l. Z.
(.Il. \C- J."'f.,t) ~,._q,,.,
_.,I" J -t-1 Qc,i cf i C "'nC> f\CJ~ rc-rtc. 'Ir\-t-

È 1-ec.rncctl ~on~(u__c..t"i,JI"~
L'> sn:v og,~ JUhi7-..Q. lùOU/o ••• h.crv-e. 1'- ions fu:e :tO f lo u..;
Lwec, lc.5 kC\.v<. i~<1s "in so 1·n .-:. J\ci\A..C1'1\Ji

flct,+e f fxn Cm wette-ç->


~n-o n s 1e..- ra+e dlAe. --ro na-rure. ôF P 1"-h-c\~k r

( $-trb t~r ~1"1Ufà b In cnw p +')
51YOY\...O\ s ==- "\ e.x.+-r-e.rY1< i w<o.t..s .::: mcde.r-o+c.. (~l,b\~ Qbc\Je/
-.J \oelow)
t ri r"'l-0 •

J,c)cls -= SOl,-tY'", StîCIC,'-/ 1 5hCl ~p 6,ccse.s -: bi rter1 s \lppeMA \ ~Y\-65 "'

- ..l tevceprl'\JH.1-

n, 1 cn1 \YYDPer=t-Je.s
~~~-,-al 01< ;c,I c. S c01efl'\ ' IYJC."tQl h'j clto'l'-ici e3 - ( <:)lo)-f) z\,
rn-e.ta \ CCH''oenc4 tes lm CO3) 1 rn,eta \ h'i cl ~Y)CC{ y 'oC:nCH-€.S
( ,'Y\~f \.\C..0 j)z.> o.n.o.\ ri\ °' o ni C\. t NH _ •
• Al l(o\i.S c.H~oNe. ,n wa~ r-ro prod L-<Ce OH {... s CJ \.u.1c:i,e'\
e )(. k:2-ülc;)4 \-\2ü(~~r-c~tl
~2vt 2 U \-\ -
L-=- rf\Cl Y"I~
o t-V>er\cets es
:.. . ,_ == ClK rD~
l\t~ reoot- w ~\-0.\~, 'cù.~s, o..'t'\Cl C-C\t"='o~s
'1'0 .-ftJY-~i()~-\~SC\tt+h-yd~t, 1 ol~p1ac.C.I"\ ~•'-r--'
.A __,. .lOI~ + i,JQler' 4 " (. v\ 'rrO \i -i..o-.Ti GYï ,.
aa~ + ,... d t h.Jr t
,.0 c,1 .. 00n,o~½C ~C\ n·-1-N •ttY".-tc<Awbor»<ArolC, c ;:Il-'-~
fYlAt w 1 ,.

C<.Cfds Cetus.e., m-ct"CA\ -ta ~'O't.Cl-e

---t.> b/c Qnfc,n
oÇ Q.c..fe,l ci i"!,ptCL.Ce.d. b'f n'\ e te\\ 1 SCll-r
m e17:4 \ \.-i r CJ h-er o " c:te.:•·w 1 ~n' € s. O\CJ re. ~ cep-ti bl-c
,-o Clue.A Corrt:>~,o-n
b h'l e tz:.ns 4-, .et cH.u h cl n,~-n on \J 1 \'i-es. =-
()(.).Y- CP f'r0Cl d
\./ Q.c...fd.."5) l nor nc.-r1 Ve. ~l'"\~'h +o cl î"S.p ICt.CL CLC,îclic.. H""
po f"\~ V ' \ _,,.
C D Y'"'bo-n1 C. a..c..,icl (.1-12...c..o l C.Ck.<è'-) \ '-'.Y")'i. 't'Cl.\ole.. ..&,- \mffiec.\îotc \~
cJ..~c.ornpo$e.S ;nro C.02 C~) + Hz..O <9-, '-q=>on -fo-rmCA't'P<)
"fa 1bc..nov...:> (Oz 'CS' ¾~~rd
Xt 1nAr'lJ\4.s c.t.c,.-cl _,. ~2SQ3 Cc..q_,___.\i20(.1, -t 50-zlC~") CO'\ditton~lf
~rnf'QC>niV\~c1~ N H'i 01-\ t~q,.) H2 o (.Q) N \..\'t <~
y 1'JC\Yb~J "- ._,- - -
lA.i u t-e r w hCt t-' S -e..e ?'. r o v-c r

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