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Instructions: This mock bar examination consists of ten questions. You may either choose to be
graded or simply have feedbacks to your answers given (you will also be given feedbacks if you
choose to be graded).

For this examination, it would be advisable for you to time yourself a total of 110 minutes
(equivalent to 8 minutes per question, which is the average time that you will usually have for
the bar examinations).

Try to answer concisely and in essay questions, try to apply the three-paragraph rule.

Good luck!

1. In a mixed marriage, the Filipino obtained a decree of divorce against the foreigner
spouse in the country of such spouse and valid there as such. Can the Filipino re-marry?

2. A, a foreigner, and B, a Filipino are married with a child C. A, obtained a divorce decree
in his country, hence, B & C came back to the Philippines. A came to the Philippines and
got married to D, a Filipina. If there is a suit for support for C, can A invoke his law and
the judgment that he is not obliged under his national law to support C? Explain.

3. If there is a donation to a 5-month fetus of a woman is it valid? Explain.

4. Explain the reason why there is an advantage on the part of a mother of a child below the
age of 7 in case of question on his/her custody. Explain.

5. A rewarded his daughter B for passing the Bar Exam in the amount of P5,000.00 and a
house and lot by donating the same and delivering them to B. Are the donations valid?

6. B is an illegitimate son of A. A inherited a property from Y, his father who died. When A
died, his children C & D contended that B cannot inherit from the estate of A because the
only property left by him is the one inherited from his father X. They based their
contention from the barrier between legitimates and illegitimates. Is the contention
correct? Why?

7. A sold a parcel of land to B, a foreigner where C was a witness. Later on, A sold the
same property to C who was able to obtain a title over it. Who between B & C has a
better right? Explain.

8. A borrowed the jeep of B for the purpose of bringing C to the hospital. On their way back
to the province, the jeep was destroyed due to fortuitous event but the jeep was loaded
with passengers for a fee. Shall A be liable? Explain.

9. ABC Corp. sold a bus to X. While it was being operated by X, it met an accident killing a
pedestrian. Who between ABC Corp. and X is liable? Explain.

10. A, B, and C are the co-owners of a parcel of land, having inherited the same from their
parents. If A wants to sell an undivided 1/3 of the property and B & C refuse to give
consent, is it necessary for him to go to court to seek for an order allowing him to sell?

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