My Script For The Cultures of Mindanao

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The Subanon are indigenous cultural communities scattered all throughout the

Zamboanga peninsula, which was originally named Sibuguey and is located in

West Mindanao. The terms subanon means people of the river because they used
to inhabit areas near the river. The term “Subanon” comes from the root word
suba, which means “river.” The suffix nun, non, or nen indicates a locality or place
of origin. However, they become dispersed, having them retreated into marginal,
less productive mountainous areas. (read the slide)
Linguists use the spelling “Subanen” because it is phonetically close to the way
the native speakers pronounce their ethnic name.

The Subanon people were once called heathens and are now known as
aborigines by early Spanish chroniclers. Aborigines, refers to the first people of a
place, the ones who were there from the beginning. They have different groups
with their languages and traditions. They used to live around Mount Malindang but
now have new divisions like Sindangan, Guinselugnen, Tuboy, Lapuyan,
Kolibugan, and Siocon. Their population has grown a lot from 1912 to 2010,
showing that the Subanon people have stayed strong over time, even with
changes and difficulties.

So, here’s the map where the indigenous tribe of Subanon are located. The
Subanon people whose traditional homeland is the Zamboanga Peninsula are
spread out through the provinces of zamboanga del norte, zamboanga del sur
zamboanga sibugay and in some municipalities of misamis occidental province.

So, the Subanon have lived alongside the Negritos and adopted Islam from Arabs.
Later on, the Tausug and Maranao controlled trade, making the Subanon pay
tributes. The Spanish and American times, brought challenges to the Subanon
people, shaping their history.
In today's Subanon tribe, their history of learning from Negrito communities and
interacting with different Muslim groups shows how their culture became diverse.
The challenges they faced in the past also made them strong and adaptable. All of
this history has likely shaped who they are today.

The Subanon people primarily depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Which
means that farming and these practices are very important for the Subanon people
today. Farming is their main way of living and they use different methods, and they
have seasons like "pendupi," "miyan," and "pemeres" to grow crops all year.
"Kaingin," or shifting cultivation, is also a big part of their farming and all of this
helps them have food, money, and a strong tie to their culture.
The "sumbalay" is really important for the Subanon people. It's like a community
made of families connected by blood and marriage and it is Led by a "timuay"
which means chief or leader. The word "gukom," is like a variant of the tagalog
term Hukom which means judge. This leader lets families make decisions and they
are the one who helps the families to take part in community matters and solve
problems together. The "sumbalay" is like the center of Subanon life, it keep their
culture strong and helping everyone feel like they belong together in the

For those who are not familiar with these practices or forms of marriage: The
polygyny, levirate and sororate. The polygyny is an arrangement where a man is
allowed to have multiple wives simultaneously. The levirate is a cultural practice
for subanon in which a man is obligated to marry his deceased brother's widow.
And the Sororate is the counterpart to the levirate where in this marriage, a man is
obligated to marry the sister of his deceased wife. These practices ensure support
and continuity of the family, while rituals symbolize unity and traditions strengthen
cultural bonds within the Subanon community.

The Subanon consider Gulay as a supreme being which is the the creator of
heaven and earth, the giver of life, and the creator of the first man and woman. In
other words Gulay is like their God. In Subanon indigenous beliefs, they also have
supreme deity knowns as Diwata Migbebaya who holds a central and revered role.
She ensures harmony and well-being within the community and connects the
Subanon people to their origins and the spiritual world. Subanon people also
believe in nature spirits that live in special places like big trees, rocks, and caves.

These beliefs are really important to the Subanon because through these beliefs it
help them know about good and bad spirits and how to live safely. Believing in
body and soul, and having a balian leader, keeps their community strong and
connected to the spirit world and they do this through Ceremonies, offerings, and
rituals to appease spirits.

The Buklog festival is a significant cultural event within the Subanon indigenous
community. This tradition and ancestral knowledge are passed down to the
Subanon’s younger generations, as it is the highlight or it is one of the practices
that brings the community together to celebrate their traditions, connect with their
past, and strengthen their unity. The Subanon buklog ritual is also spotlighted by
media and UNESCO, showcasing its cultural significance and the need for

The indigenous crafts of the Subanon People, such as pottery and weaving, play a
vital role in their culture and identity. Passed down through generations, these
crafts carry stories and traditions that connect them to their history and heritage,
fostering a strong sense of pride and belonging within their community.

The Subanon People's four epics, Guman, Keboklagan, Pematay nog Getaw, and
Sandayo, are very important. These old stories represents their culture and
beliefs. These epics are like mirrors reflecting their traditions and history, helping
them remember who they are. Just like we keep photos to remember, these epics
help Subanon People remember their past and what makes them unique.

In a similar way, Subanon music and song traditions also play a crucial role in
representing their culture. Music and songs are used to tell stories, celebrate
important events, and express their emotions.
Traditional instruments and melodies are used to create a distinct musical identity
that is unique to the Subanon People. These musical traditions are a form of
cultural expression, conveying their identity, values, and sense of belonging.

Subanon traditional dance is a lively way to celebrate and show the importance of
respecting different cultures. This dance helps the Subanon People remember
their history, and through performing it, it conveys stories or message that enables
the other groups to understand and appreciate them. The dance shows how it's
important to treat all cultures with respect and acceptance, even when they're
different. In essence, Subanon traditional dance proudly represents different
cultures and reminds us to respect them.

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