IGC 2 Element 5 - Sec (2017 - 07 - 21 12 - 08 - 17 UTC)

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RRC&ARME 30.11.


NEBOSH International General Certificate in

Occupational Safety and Health

Unit IGC2

Element 5: Electrical Safety

© RRC Training

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this element, you should be able to
demonstrate understanding of the content through the
application of knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar
situations. In particular you should be able to:

• Outline the principles, hazards and risks

associated with the use of electricity in the
• Outline the control measures that should be
taken when working with electrical systems or
using electrical equipment in normal workplace
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Unit IGC 2
Element 5.1

Principles, Hazards and Risks

Associated with The Use of Electricity
in The Workplace

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Basic Principles
• An electrical circuit comprises 3 elements:
• Pressure = potential difference
– Measured in volts (V)
• Flow rate = current
– Measured in amps (I)
• Resistance = obstruction in circuit
– Measured in ohms (R)
• Linked together by Ohm’s Law:
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Potential Difference
• “Electrical pressure”
• The driving force or pressure
which “pushes” an electrical
current around a circuit
• Voltage: unit = volts (V)

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• Current can be thought of as “flow”
• Electrons flow through the materials
making up a circuit
• Current: unit = amps (A)

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• “Resistance to flow”
• The resistance of a circuit to the
passage of the electrons
• Resistance: unit = ohm (Ω)

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Ohm’s Law

I = V/R V

R = V/I

NB Current is given the symbol “I”

So, if you know the values for 2 of the elements, you can calculate
the third

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• Alternating current (AC):
− Mains supply is AC
− Current flows backwards and forwards
− UK = 230 volts, 50Hz
− USA = 120 volts, 60Hz

• Direct current (DC):

− Battery supply is DC
− Current flows in one direction only

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The Hazards of Electricity

• Electric shock
− Heart fibrillation
− Muscle Contraction
− Burns
− Arcing
• Fire and explosion
• Secondary effects

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Electrical Shock
Current (Ma) flowing Effect
through the body
0.5 - 2 • Threshold of sensation
• Tingling sensations
2 - 10 • Muscle tremor
• Pain
• Muscle contractions
10 - 60 • Unable to release grip
• Unable to breathe
• Ventricular fibrillation
• Cardiac arrest
60 + • Extreme muscular
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• Burns

Severity of Shock Influenced By:

• Voltage – the higher the voltage, the greater the
• Duration – the length of time that a person is
• Current path – the route that the electricity takes
through the body
• Frequency – of the AC current
• Resistance – skin condition, clothing, etc.
• Contact surface area – the more skin that is in
contact, the more severe the injury
• Environmental factors – metal surfaces, humidity,
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Electric Burns

Direct contact
• Current flowing through the
• Entry and exit point and

Indirect contact
• As result of arcing, fire or
explosion following an
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electrical accident

Fire and Explosion

• Electrical equipment may be faulty and
• The system may be overloaded
• Equipment may be misused
• A flammable atmosphere may be present
• Electrical equipment may produce heat or
sparks as part of its normal operation
• Poor internal connections

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Static Electricity
• Build-up of potential
difference (volts) between
• Caused by friction
• Surfaces become
• Spark caused on contact
with earth
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• Ability of electricity to “jump” across an
air gap
• Usually involves high voltage
• Main hazards
− Electric shock
− Burns (direct, indirect)
− Damage to eyes from UV radiation emitted

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Secondary Effects
Physical injury caused by an electrical
incident, such as:

• Cuts
• Bruises
• Broken bones

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Group Discussion Point

What type of incidents could occur when
using portable electrical equipment?

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Portable Electrical Equipment

Accidents with Portable Electrical
Equipment can be due to:
• Using unsuitable equipment
• Using in damp conditions
• Misuse
• Physical abuse such as driving
over cables
• Repairs carried out improperly
• Continued use of faulty, defective
• Chemical/abrasion damage to the flex
• Lack of inspection testing or

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End of Section Quiz

1. Explain what is meant by the terms:
• Voltage?
• Current?
• Resistance?
2. What are the hazards associated with
3. How can electrical equipment cause

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Unit IGC 2
Element 5.2

Control Measures

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Protection of Conductors
• Insulated to prevent contact with live
− Cable coverings unbroken
− Equipment casing intact

• Inspect to ensure protection is in place

• Ensure electrical panels are locked

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Group Syndicate Activity

What factors do you think
should be considered
when selecting suitable
electrical equipment for
use on a construction site?

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Selection and Suitability

• Factors to be considered include:
− Suitability for task
− Capabilities not exceeded (manufacturers
− Environmental conditions
− Weather, natural hazards, temperature, dirt
and contamination, corrosive chemicals, wet
conditions, flammable liquids and vapours
• Foreseeable types of damage

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Protective Systems

• Fuses
• Earthing
• Isolation of supply
• Reduced and low voltage systems
• Residual Current Devices (RCD’s)
• Double insulation

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• Designed to protect the equipment
not the people!
• Form a weak link in a circuit
• Designed to overheat and melt if the
current exceeds the fuse rating
• Rating should be above operating
current required by equipment but
less than the current rating of the
cable in the circuit
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Circuit Breaker

• Protects equipment not

• Electro-mechanical device
which does the same thing
as a fuse
• Rating should be above
operating current required
by the equipment but less
than the current rating of
the cable in the circuit
• Tamperproof

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• Outer metal casing
connected to earth by
• Provides fault current
with a low resistance
path to earth
• Electric shock should be

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• Will usually blow the fuse

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Isolation and Lock-Off

• Deprives the circuit of

• Ensures that it cannot be
re-energised by applying
some form of lock
• Should be clearly labelled
• Circuit should be tested
• Often referred to as Lock-
off/ Tag-out
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Low Voltages
• For hand tools, the 110 volt centre-tapped
(CTE) system is recommended
• System relies on the mid-point of the
reduced voltage transformer being
• Maximum shock voltage is 55 volts, but
full 110 volt supply powers the equipment
• Systems reduced to 25 volts are often
used for lighting on construction sites

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Residual Current Devices

• Designed to protect people!
• Interrupt supply in event of a small leak
of current to earth
• Very sensitive: 30 mA
• Very fast: 30 ms
• Compare current in live and neutral
• Should be regularly tested

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Double Insulation
• Live parts cannot be touched
• 2 layers of insulation
• Either layer sufficient to provide
• Eliminates need for earth protection

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Competent Persons – Refresher!

What do we mean by the term

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Competent Persons
• Knowledge
− Of electricity and electrical work
• Ability
− Understanding of the system, hazards and
− Understanding of when it is safe/unsafe
• Training
• Experience
− Experience of electrical work
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Safe Systems of Work

• Work “dead” whenever possible
• Work on or near live electrical
− only under exceptional circumstances
− and if controlled tightly

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Working On a Dead System

Before working on a machine check the
• Isolation and lock-off
• Warning signs
• Prove test equipment
• Prove dead
• Prove test equipment again

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Working On a Live System

• May be controlled by national laws

• Safe system of work to include:

− Permit-to-work
− Competent person
− Insulating PPE
− Boots, gauntlets
− Insulated tools
− Designated work areas
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Buried Cables
• May be struck during excavations
• Can result in:
− Arcing, shock, burns, fire

• Precautions
− Check plans
− Detection equipment
− Expose by hand digging
− Identify and label
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Overhead Power Lines

• Usually uninsulated
• Protect by:
− Isolation
− Safe systems of
− Barriers, signs, goal-posts
− Banksmen
− Non-conducting
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Group Syndicate Activity

• What action should be taken on finding
a person suspected to have suffered an
electric shock?

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Emergency Action
• Don’t touch the casualty
• Call for help
• Isolate from the power supply
• Call for ambulance
• Check for breathing
− Recovery position if breathing
− Start CPR if not breathing
• Treat burns
• Treat for physical shock
• Ensure medical help is obtained

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Inspection and Maintenance

• Applies to:
– Fixed wiring systems
– Portable electrical appliances
• User checks
• Formal visual inspection
• Combined inspection and testing

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User Checks
• Damage to cable sheath
• Damage to plug
• Flex fully insulated – no kinks/splits
• Inadequate joints
• Unsecured sheath
• Wet or contaminated
• Damage to casing of equipment
• Burns/scorch marks

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Formal Visual Inspection

• User checks plus:

− Remove plug cover and
check fuse
− Check cord grip
− Check terminals are secure
and no signs of internal
− Done by competent person
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Combined Inspection and Test

• Often known as PAT testing
• Visual inspection may fail to detect:
− Loss of earth integrity
− Deterioration of insulation

• Inspection and test is justified:

− When suspect equipment is defective
− After repair/modification
− At appropriate intervals

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How Often Should You Test?

Frequency is determined by:
• Legal standards and codes of practice
• Type of equipment
• Manufacturers’ recommendations
• Initial integrity/soundness of the equipment
• Age of the equipment
• Working environment
• Frequency and duration of use
• Foreseeable abuse of the equipment
• Effects of any modifications or repairs
• Analysis of previous maintenance records

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Group Question
What are the advantages and limitations
of Portable Appliance Testing?

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Advantages and Limitations of

Portable Appliance Testing

• Demonstrates legal compliance
• Detects faults not visible to the eye
• Allows early removal/repair of unsafe
• Identifies trends or patterns of faults

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Advantages and Limitations of

Portable Appliance Testing

• Provides proof of safety at one moment in
time only
• Does not ensure safe use or prevent
• Items may be missed and then remain
• Can't be applied to all equipment (e.g.

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End of Section Quiz

1. What are the advantages and

limitations of fuses?
2. What do we mean by the term
3. Live working is only permitted under
certain circumstances – what are
these? What controls are needed?
4. What things should be checked during
routine, visual, user inspections?
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