Generation Gap Affecting Our Lives

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Stop it mom!
Now the times have changed it would not go exactly how it was during your time.
This is our time!
Parents who had seen different times find it hard to parent the children who do not belong to
their mindset and environment.
Tell me what is enough freedom?
How should the parent decide?
Stick to how they were kept or loosen up a little ?
What if the child goes on the wrong track? What if the tightness of norms pushes them to
childhood trauma
what is right and what not we cant really decide!

A very pleasant morning to one and all present here I ______________of 10th D am here with a
very relatable topic ‘Generation Gap affecting our lives’.

Generation gap is a natural part of societal evolution, it requires empathy, open-mindedness,

and efforts to bridge differences to foster better understanding and cooperation among
different age groups.
Generation gap is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that influences many aspects of our
lives. While it can lead to challenges and conflicts, it also provides an opportunity for growth,
learning, and the enrichment of our society through the exchange of diverse perspectives and
This is as difficult for the parent as the child
The impacts are no where mild
It creates a gap between close relationships
loosens the grip

The way outside this situation is to have a broader mindset by not always accepting of changes
to be made only on the other end. Be accepting of different perspectives and respectfully put
our own. The efforts are to be made from both ends to bridge this gap.
Lets go ahead with some practical steps-
The initial step would be to able to communicate with them and express openly. Also be a good
listener and not object of every belief they have.
Irrespective of whether you enjoy your parents’ company or not, try spending more quality time
with them.
Geniuine gestures are to be shown, be more respectful and let them be a part of your problems
and happiness. Locking doors away from them is not the right way to address any issue but
taking time to solve it is. Recognizing the unique contributions and perspectives of each
generation can lead to a more inclusive and cooperative society.
The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They
have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another." These lines by
Quentin Crisp very nicely put forward the generational gap issue.
I conclude by saying-
If we don’t try to cover this gap
this beautiful relationship would lack
Lets trust the younger one’s to teach us new things
and allow the older ones to take decesions
When hand in hand
Life would be full and grand

Every child requires an understanding and accepting parent to look up to. The same way every
parent wishes their child to have faith in them. It does get complicated at times but until both
generations stand strong together and take co operative decesions their remains no barrier.
This gap definitely has to be addressed from both ends and worked for to ensure none suffers.

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