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Before reading/listening
1. Lead into the topic
The purpose of this step is to get students’ attention. Below are some sample activities:

 Show pictures or videos

 Present discussion questions
 Conduct the game
2. Introduce new words
The purpose of this step is to provide necessary language. You can teach new words in many
ways. For example:

 Show pictures
 Explain the meaning
 Use synonyms
 Use situations
 Ask questions
II. While reading/listening
At this stage, you will conduct activities to check students’ understanding of the text.
1. Introduce the tasks
2. Show tips to do the tasks
3. Give students time to do the tasks
4. Walk around to monitor
5. Have students share answers in pairs
6. Call students to provide the answers (Note have students explain their choices)
7. Correct students’ answers
You can change a new reading task if you want. Ensure the new task is appropriate.
You can add games to make the task more interesting.
III. After reading/listening
1. Have students do some vocabulary activities.
2. Have students do a speaking/writing activity.
3. Announce what students will need to prepare for the next class
Note that you should keep track of the time

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