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assistance and loans from foreign

CHAPTER 1 banks.
● 1960 to early part of 1980 -
Highways and their development considered as the automobile age
are essential components of a country's where cars were no longer regarded
infrastructure, playing a crucial role in as a luxury item but as a necessity in
facilitating economic growth, connectivity, transporting people and goods, a
and transportation. The Philippines, like necessity for survival. "The nation is
many other countries, faces several on wheels."
challenges and considerations in planning,
designing, and constructing highways. Let's
discuss each of the mentioned aspects: A.a) Highway Planning Difficulties:
Planning highways in the Philippines can be
A.) Highways in the Philippines: In the challenging due to various factors. These
Philippines, highways are essential for include topographical challenges (the
connecting cities, towns, and provinces, country's mountainous terrain and
facilitating economic growth, trade, and numerous islands), population density,
transportation. The country's archipelagic urbanization, environmental concerns, and
geography presents unique challenges, land acquisition issues. Careful
including rugged terrain and numerous consideration must be given to these factors
islands. Highway development is vital for to ensure sustainable and effective highway
bridging geographical gaps and improving development.
accessibility for the population.
● Financial
● 1900 - transportations largely ● Political
depends on trails, waterways, ● Technical
railroad, earth roads and partially
graveled roads. The Americans B.) Highway Programming: Developing a
initiated the development of comprehensive highway program involves
roadways, connecting towns, cities setting priorities, identifying funding
and provinces. The macadam road sources, and determining the sequencing of
type was introduced and it was projects. This is crucial for efficient resource
widely accepted due to the abundant allocation and ensuring that the most critical
supply of stones, roads and gravel. routes are addressed first. It also involves
● World war II - continued setting short-term and long-term goals for
rehabilitation and construction of the highway network's expansion and
roads and bridges, through the improvement.
reparations and war damages paid
by the Japanese government and There are three inseparable sets of
other financial aids and grants inputs involved in highway programming,
received from the US government. they are:
● Fifty years after world war - major 1. Economic - Deals with the
highways and expressways were questions of resources.
constructed through the financial
2. Financial - The question of who c. Aesthetic film driving
pays and who spends, how much, viewpoint - Benefit of pleasing
and where? views and scenery from the
3. Political and Administration - This road.
involves decision making.
C. Quantifiable Non-Market Value
Direct Effects of Highway Construction l. Cost benefits to highway users -
and its Use Traveling savings time.
(non-commercial) Minutes save per
A. Quantifiable market value vehicle trip

l. Cost of highways as to:

a. Planning cost. C.) Community Involvement: Community
b. Right of way appropriations. involvement is vital in highway
c. Construction costs. development. Local communities should
d. Maintenance costs. have a say in the planning process to
e. Operating costs. address their specific needs and concerns.
Public consultations, environmental impact
2. Cost benefits to highway users; assessments, and social impact studies are
a. Vehicles operating costs essential to mitigate negative effects on
(including congestion cost) net communities and the environment.
income or decrease in costs of
vehicle operation per year 1. Solicit the cooperation and support
b. Travel savings time of public officials, non-government
(commercial). Net increase or organizations, influential persons
decrease in travel time and conservative groups of the
multiplied by the peso value of community.
commercial time. 2. Create special staff to carry out this
c. Motorist's safety (economic function
cost accident) Net change in 3. Community leadership opportunity to
expected number of accidents participate continuously in the
times the average cost per planning stage.
accident per year 4. Organize and develop skilled
persons to conduct group meetings,
B. Non-Quantifiable Non-Market Value workshops, hearing and other
related activities.
l. Cost benefits to highway user:
a. Motorists safety - Accident
cost of pain suffering and D.) Highway Economy: Efficient highway
deprivation. systems contribute significantly to a
b. Comfort and conversion - country's economy. They reduce
Discomfort, inconvenience and transportation costs, improve access to
strain of driving. markets, promote trade, and stimulate
economic development in areas along the
routes. The economic benefits should be obstructing other more important
weighed against the costs of construction improvements.
and maintenance. 2. If future income is committed to pay
past improvements, no more funds
The intent of expenditures for highways available to maintain the existing
and public transportations are system.
enumerated as follows: 3. With much available temptation is
1. To augment the country's level of there to over build and recklessly
economy. spend extravagantly.
2. To provide easy access to working 4. Interest of the loan is a big waste of
place. public funds.
3. To facilitate public services; police,
fire protection etc. E.) Location of the Proposed Highway:
4. To facilitate medical care, schooling Selecting the right location for a highway is
and delivery of related basic a critical decision. Factors to consider
services. include traffic volume, connectivity to key
5. To give landowner benefits to destinations (cities, ports, industrial areas),
transportation and increase property topography, and environmental sensitivity.
assessment. Careful planning can minimize
6. Benefit to motor vehicle users environmental impacts and maximize
through lower cost of operations and economic benefits.
7. Benefit in time saving. To improve the highways, there should
8. Less road accidents. be tentative plan as to the control, and
9. To give maximum comfort and ease minimum design speed, roadway cross
of travel. sections, and maximum slope with the
following considerations:
Arguments of those who Favors
Borrowings are: 1. Reliable cost estimate.
1. The need is immediate to have 2. Character and hourly distribution of
instant infrastructures. traffic.
2. No impact project will be seen 3. Economic and community benefit
because the "pay as you go" fund is factor.
scattered throughout the entire road 4. Availability of funds.
system where the situation is most
critical. Location surveys in the rural areas are
3. Borrowings encourage investors divided into 4 stages.
because of fast progress. 1. Reconnaissance survey of the entire
area between the terminal points.
Counter Arguments of those Against 2. Reconnaissance survey of all
Financing Infrastructures through feasible routes.
Borrowing: 3. Preliminary survey of the best route.
1. Borrowing may impair the credit
rating of government agencies,
4. Location survey, staking of the right 5. Gutters.
of way, the highway and the 6. Curb structures
structure for construction. 7. Sidewalks
8. Drainage inlet and outlet structures
Activities of numerous types.
● Under stage I - Reconnaissance 9. Manholes
survey of the entire area 10. Rip-rap and other devices used for
● Under stage II - Reconnaissance bank protection.
survey of feasible route 11. Fences and right of way.
● Stage III - Preliminary Survey of the 12. Other survey markers.
best route.
● Stage IV - Location Survey Highway Specifications is Divided into

F.) Highway Plans and Specifications: 1. Standard Specifications

Highways should be designed and 2. Special Supervisions
constructed in accordance with engineering
standards and specifications set by In summary, highway development
agencies like the Department of Public in the Philippines involves a complex
Works and Highways (DPWH) in the interplay of planning, community
Philippines. These standards cover aspects engagement, economic considerations, and
such as road width, pavement materials, adherence to engineering standards.
drainage, signage, and safety features. Addressing these factors appropriately is
Compliance with these specifications essential to create a highway network that
ensures the quality and safety of the supports economic growth, enhances
infrastructure. connectivity, and improves the quality of life
for Filipinos while preserving the
The complete detailed scheme for the environment.
road which are incorporated in the
geometric designs are:
1. Traffic
2. Drainage
3. Erosion control
4. Roadside development
5. Structure
6. Soils
7. Pavement

Partial list of subjects covered by the

standard drawing:
1. Pipe culverts
2. Concrete box culverts
3. Guard rail and parapet
4. Curbs.
B.) Cross-section of the typical highway:
CHAPTER 2 The cross-section defines the physical
dimensions and layout of the highway,
Highway design technical including the number of lanes, lane width,
requirements, as outlined by the median, shoulders, and other elements. It's
Department of Public Works and Highways relevant because it influences how
(DPWH) standards, are critical for the safe efficiently and safely vehicles can use the
and efficient transportation infrastructure in road.
a region. These standards ensure that
highways are built to high-quality The cross section of a typical highway
specifications that address various aspects has latitude of variables to consider
of highway design and operation. Let's such as:
discuss the relevance of each of these 1. The volume of traffic.
technical requirements: 2. Character of the traffic.
3. Speed of the traffic.
A.) Consistency and design speed: 4. Characteristics of motor vehicles
Consistency in design ensures that the and of the driver
highway maintains a uniform flow of traffic.
Design speed considers factors like terrain, Read more: page 19 - 20
curves, and traffic volumes to determine the
maximum safe speed at which a vehicle can C.) Road Shoulder: Road shoulders
travel on a given section of the highway. provide a buffer between the travel lanes
This is crucial for safety and efficient traffic and the roadside. They are essential for
flow. emergency stopping, breakdowns, and
maintenance activities. Well-designed
Drivers expect the highway agency to shoulders enhance safety and accessibility.
provide them with:
1. Clear information and guidance Read more: page 21 - 25
through a variety of road signs.
2. Avoiding abrupt changes in the D.) Cut or Fill slope: Cut and fill slopes are
traffic as well as the road standards. used to level the terrain and create a stable
roadbed. Properly designed slopes prevent
landslides, erosion, and other hazards.
Slope stability is crucial for the long-term
integrity of the highway.

When the side slope requires

embankment with suitable retaining wall,
any of the following materials could be
used depending upon the natural
1. Fland placed stones.
2. Cement rubble masonry.
3. Concrete blocks.
4. Conventional reinforced concrete. sections and set in position by
5. T or counter forted designs. crane.
6. Cribs assembled from timber.
7. Precast concrete. G.) The Grade Line: The grade line refers
8. Metal elements. to the vertical alignment of the road,
9. Tied back piling. including the elevation changes. Proper
10. Earth reinforced with metal or plastic grading ensures that vehicles can navigate
bands' hills and valleys safely and efficiently.

E.) Cross Slope: Cross slope refers to the In laying the grade line, the designer
slope of the road surface from the centerline must consider the following:
to the edge. Proper cross slope ensures 1. Where earthwork is minimal and
proper drainage and minimizes the risk of consistently meeting sight distances
hydroplaning in wet conditions. in relation to grade line, economy is
one main consideration.
Read more: page 25 2. In mountainous areas, the grade line
must be considered balanced
F.) Highway Median: The median divides excavation against embankments to
opposing traffic flows and provides a safety get the minimum overall cost.
buffer. Different types of medians, such as 3. In flat are4 the grade line is set
grass, concrete, or barriers, can be used almost parallel to the ground surface
based on traffic volume and safety but sufficiently above the ground for
considerations. drainage purposes.
4. Undesirable native soil should be
For Narrow Median, there are four means provided with sufficient covering.
of reducing cross median accidents: 5. Grade line elevations along the river
1. Provide deterring devices - Two or stream, is governed by the
sets of double strip painted on the expected level of water flood.
existing pavement, raised diagonal
bars, low curbing and shallow H.) Right of Way: Right of way determines
ditches. the width of land needed for highway
2. Provide non-traversable energy construction. It involves acquiring land
absorbing barriers - The line chain legally and is vital to ensure that there's
link fence 1 meter high supported by enough space for the road, including lanes,
steel posts augmented by cables at shoulders, and other features.
the bottom and midpoint.
Non-traversable rigid barriers are
metal guard rails.
3. Provide non-traversable rigid
barriers -
4. Provide G.M. barriers - A high
non-mountain sloped face concrete
barriers called New Jersey. It is cast
or extruded in place or precast in
I.) Road Alignment/Widening of Curves:
Proper alignment and curve design are J.) Islands: Islands in the road can be used
crucial for driver safety. This includes for various purposes, such as pedestrian
ensuring that curves are properly banked refuge, traffic control, or aesthetic
and have appropriate radii to accommodate enhancements. Their design impacts traffic
the design speed. flow and safety.

Road Alignment Island is included in the design of

intersections for the following purposes:
● should be consistent 1. Separation of vehicular flows.
- it will only create hazard and 2. Separation of conflicts.
invite accident 3. Reduction in excessive pavement
● Designing circular curves of different areas.
radius from end to end or 4. Reduction of traffic and indications
compounded curve is not a good of proper use of intersections.
practice. 5. Arrangement to favor a prominent
● To have a short tangent between two turning movement.
curves is a poor practice. 6. Location of traffic control devices.
● A long flat curve is acceptable at all
times. It is pleasing to look at, with Types of Islands
less probability of future
obsolescence. ● Channelization - They are
● Alignment should be provided convenient for intersections. The
with tangent because there are size and shape of the channelizing
drivers who hesitate to pass on island will differ depending on the
curves. layout and dimensions of the
Widening of Curves ● Divisional - These are planned to
separate opposing or same-direction
A provision for a wider roadway is traffic streams through movements.
necessary on sharp curve for two lanes ● Pedestrian - Pedestrian islands are
pavement under the following reasons: provided to operate as safe zones
1. To force the drivers to shy away from for helping and guarding persons on
the pavement edge. foot.
2. To increase the effective transverse ● Rotary - This island makes it easier
vehicle width for non tracking of front for cars to move smoothly in and
and rear wheels. out. Instead of cars having to cross
3. To give additional width due to the in front of each other, this island
slanted position of the front wheel to gives them enough space to do this
the roadway centerline. safely.
4. For a 7.20 meters wide roadway, an
additional width of 30 centimeters is K.) Types of Interchange: Different types
necessary on an open curve of interchanges (e.g., cloverleaf, diamond,
highway. or diverging diamond) are designed to
efficiently manage traffic flow at
intersections. The choice of interchange
type depends on traffic volume and other

The functions of freeway interchanges

1. To provide separation between two
or more traffic arteries.
2. To facilitate the easy transfer of
vehicles from one entry to the other
or between local roadway and the

Types of Interchange

Freeway interchange:
1. Y - Type
2. T - Type or Trumpet
3. Diamond
4. Partial Cloverleaf
5. Cloverleaf

Channelize interchange:
6. Directional
7. Through Freeway with Rotary
Flyover with roundabout

Fully directional interchanges:

1. Four Level
2. Three Level

L.) Highway Intersections: Properly

designed intersections are essential for
traffic management and safety. They include
considerations like lane configurations,
signalization, and turning radii.
Entrance - A single lane on ramp vehicle
flows into the outer continuing freeway lane.
The design is either a taper blending into
the through lane or an auxiliary lane parallel
to the through lane. In either case, sufficient
length is required to allow the vehicles to
accelerate and merge into the ongoing
vehicle stream at a speed near that of the

Exit - Vehicles leaving the freeway need

distance to accelerate and clear the flow of
ongoing traffic. In situations where one lane
cannot meet the traffic demand, two-lane
M.) Freeway Entrance and Exit: The exits are necessary. In that situation, an
design of entrance and exit ramps on auxiliary lane must be added to the freeway
freeways is critical for smooth merging and at least 800 meters before the point of exit.
exiting of traffic. This includes acceleration Even with one lane exit, an auxiliary lane is
and deceleration lanes, adequate signage, necessary to reduce confusion and
and clear visibility. congestion.

In summary, adhering to DPWH standards

for highway design is crucial because it
ensures that highways are safe, efficient,
and sustainable. Each of these technical
requirements plays a role in creating a
well-functioning transportation network that
facilitates the movement of people and
goods while minimizing risks and

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