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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CB COM CHENE sn | LI 19MB, Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Entrepreneurship Development Tie: 3 be go” i i 2 1. Answer any FOUR ful questions from Q.NOL 10 i 2 .No. 8 is compulsory. a Ta. itn teiomn nape sn xeon emer [EL * Booking es fs nes pi cman) ZG. Diese the oe ofenreprenarshp is eonomic vel conta) ds HE 2 a What do you mem by social enteprenesip? @sntars) 44 © Bapainhe quate ofan etrepene that maken . (wrens) FE 6 alan he nest indstal poly of poe tienes 85 Ff 5a stort ate nina cosets 1” Drawa schema of busine plan ggasi orneas) Fe Esplin the vere expt pros ont) i ED 4 Buin eamiy vay coms) 32° 5. xolan the functions ed by NABARD. formas) yt Discuss he ste, capably of my business. Gown u Sa Write a short need for development of rural entrepreneurship. (03 Marks) go onal ade ora) i ® ih of family shareholder ofthe fay bsies. HH ‘uanaris a2 Hoss Single Window System? ean ‘ pla? What ares dvarages? (eran) 82 ie to cierto interntonl business {omar a snp of iy tune, smi : ‘Explain the importance of international business to the firm (07 Mfars) Aine exterencr Explain the funtion of en enrapreneur Sostr) tof? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18MBA26 ‘ CASESTUDY — Compulory ‘The Murs Grow Started inthe early 19008 by Dewan Babaduc Murugappa Chettiar a¢ money lender and trader, the family-goveened Murugappa Group is one af the Irgest business greups in “Indi, with ver Re35 billion in sales and over 23,000 employees as of 2004, yi nd fourth generations of the family are successflly managing the loose cox several companies and ¢ number of SBUs that form the group. The fil business isa means to serve the society and have contributed immensely ‘lead quartered in Chennai, the group hata diversified porto in Saniatyware, Fertilizer, Abrasives, Automotive chains, Cyses, {fom this portfolio consists of IR enabled services, financial snd pactations Bach ofthe seven flagship companies ofthe group was member 25 (CEO, with no formal inteaction among the companies but only informal conautations among family members, Male family me exceutives and depending on thei performance, move up mentored by senior family members, both on bus In 1991, withthe opening up ofthe Indian econo ‘group in a! more formal way and oicialy ‘eater as junior ion, They are elk sdvantages o be mt Corporate Board environment required speedier ould be made when dvds) family members were emotionally iavolved ness unis and focused on their ineividul company's day-to-day decison to retracture, dowasize or afd ‘other or cousin running I, that entity was a favourite ofa Questions: 4 Bring out the salen charac What were th calles ‘Mary Bh the year 1991? omar, 20f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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