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Good afternoon ,ladies n Gentlemen!

Its here. its now! Our 42th high school reunion! We’ve been a
powerful force and are continuing to be a key influence in our
changing world.
Our generation made major changes to the world the effect of which
are still evolving and 1980 was milestone year.
Its 42 years later but were still the same kids, without the hang-ups
or competition, insecurities or cliques...
Tonight, we come together as a group of folks who share a common
experience. Who journeyed together during a time when we thought
we knew it all, when we were full of optimism and rebellion and
Tonigh.we share our memories, mourn those who left us way too
early, and reconnect with each other.
Tonight I would like to drawn attention to our big brother Rolly .. who
have shown his expertise in creating this Group chat / twitter and
with the help of the technology we were able to bridge the gap
between a long loss friend,batchmates .. without his initiative we
would not have been able to have a reunion like bro Rolly
saludo kami lahat !
Tonight.. i would like also to thank you all to the following ..sponsors
of our beautiful T shirt ...venue .foods .music ,decorations .
With all of this beautiful wisdom shared just to make our reunion
memorable events ..thank you !
And hopefully this will not be the end of our reunions this is just the
beginning of many more events to come..
Facebooks /group chat is created to let us keep in touch and perhaps
we could organize another night like this in the not too distant future.
All that is left for me to say is thank you from the bottom of my heart
" Mabuhay tayong Lahat"
Goodnight and have safe trip home and I hope we can all do this
again soon....


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