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In adolescence, nutrition is very important,
because nutrient requirements are increased to
ensure healthy growth and development. A
healthy diet must meet the changing nutritional
needs of a growing teenager. Adolescence is a • Proteins: Protein is important for growth
period of growth and development, so a healthy and maintenance of muscle. Adolescents
and good nutrition is essential. need between 45 and 60 grams of protein
All adolescents need some of these foods to each day.
protect your health: • Calcium: Calcium is essential for
• Fruits and vegetables: are full of vitamins and development of strong and dense bones
minerals. Fruits and vegetables are also having during adolescent growth.
>iber, which helps you feel full. • Iron: As adolescents gain muscle mass,
• Whole grains: Whole grains contain a lot of more iron is needed to help their new
health bene>its, including possibly helping muscles cells obtain oxygen for energy.
prevent heart. At least half your grains should
be whole grains. This includes whole wheat,
oatmeal, and brown rice.
• Proteins: help your body heal, gives you energy,
and more. Such as meat, >ish, chicken, etc.

• "Dietitians Association of Australia." Dietitians
Association of Australia Adolescent Nutrition
Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. <http://‐the‐public/smart‐eating‐for‐
Teenagers need additional calories, protein, you/nutrition‐a‐z/adolescent‐nutrition/>.
calcium, and iron. • (Life Science & Health Science 164) Life Science
• Calories: Adolescents need additional calories & Health Science. McGraw‐Hill Create. <vbk:
to provide energy for growth and activity. Boys
• Maya W. Paul, Melinda Smith, M.A. and Jeanne
need between 2,500 and 2,800 calories a day,
Segal Ph. D. "Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy
and girls need approximately 2,200 calories
Diet & Sticking to It." Healthy Eating.
each day. Teens should choose a variety of, Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
healthful foods such as proteins, low‐fat dairy,
whole grains, fruits and vegetables. healthy_eating_diet.htm>.
“More than 10 times as many U.S.
citizens have died prematurely from
cigarette smoking than have died in
all the wars fought by the United
States during its history.”

Smoking causes many diseases, which can

harm you permanently or cause death, but
why does cigarette smoke causes such
damage? Consequences from smoking
Smoking Cigarette smoke irritates not just affect your respiratoty
the walls of the bronchial tree. After a long system, but also your brain and heart,
period of time of smoking, the irritation and once you start smoking it’s
increases, what causes the body to almost impossible to stop smoking.
produces a lot of mucus with the intention Don’t risk your health for a relaxing
of trying to calm bronchial irritation shot, it’s not worth it.
leading to bronchitis or emphysema.
Nicotine is one of the main chemicals
found in cigarettes. One of its effects is to
stop the movement of cilia and makes
them unable to drag the mucus out. This
causes the increase of mucus production.
Smoking cigarettes is the biggest
risk factor for lung cancer. Tobacco smoke
contains more than 60 different toxic
substances, which can lead to the "Respiratory Reading 4." Respiratory Reading 4. N.p.,

development of cancer. The 2 types of lung n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.
cancer, which grow and spread differently, • "Smoking ‐ Effects on Your Body." Better Health
Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2014. <http://
are the small cell lung cancers and non‐
small cell lung cancers. The risk of lung pages/Smoking_effects_on_your_body>.
• Mannix, Catherine Marie, RN, MSN, OCN; Bartholomay,
cancer increases with the number of Marian Mahin, RN, MSN, AOCN; Doherty, Carol S, RN,
cigarettes smoked over time. BSN, OCN; Lewis, Maryellen, RN, BSN, OCN; Bilodeau,
Mary‐Liz Connors, RN, MS, CCRN, ACNP‐BC. Clinical
Journal of Oncology Nursing16.3 (Jun 2012): 278‐85.
Les organes du
corps humaine!
Trouvez les quatorze mots de la liste daus
la soupe de lettres.!

Health during The Industrial
Disease was a constant threat during the
Industrial Revolution. Changes in the way that
people lived and the conditions in which they
worked led to disease being able to spread
much more rapidly, and new forms of disease
emerged that were really deadly. But why?
These diseases were mainly water based.
Water was often the problem. Factories
would dump waste into streams and rivers.
The same streams and rivers were used to
supply homes with water for washing and constipation or diarrhea. Typhus is a disease
cooking. One of the main killers of the caused by bacteria. Some of the symptoms of
industrial Revolution was Cholera. This deadly this disease are this ones: Back pain, chills,
disease was water based and spread through delirium, high fever, low blood pressure,
>ilthy cities with ease, killing thousands. This between others. Typhus can be really harmful
disease mainly spread through rivers and other if you don't treat it nicely. if you don't treat it
water sources such as water hoses and sinks. nicely from 10 to 60 percent of patients would
This disease had many effects. Most of them, die. There is a really good vaccine to prevent it
deadly. some of them are: watery vomiting and but if you get it and you don't take care, there
diarrhea attacks. This problems, if not treated is a really big possibility for you to die and
on time, would cause the person to dehydrate that is why at the industrial revolution it was
and die. really harmful.
Diseases took a big role during the
industrial revolution because back then, they
did not had all those cures we have now so a
lot of people started dying because of these
harmful diseases, and mainly diseases were
common because they would spread easily
because of the factories.

World resources institute, Making big ideas
Another deadly disease during industrial
happened, February 23, 2014
Revolution is Typhoid. Typhoid fever is a
bacterial infection that can spread throughout • h t t p : / / m e d i w a y s . c o m / c a t e g o r y . a s p ?
the body, affecting many organs. Without subrelated=278&id=14
prompt treatment, it can cause serious medieval ways, medical specializarions, medical
complications and can be fatal. These are some dictionary, envieroment century XIX, 23 February.
symptoms: a high temperature that can reach
39‐40°C (103‐104°F), stomach pain, headache, 6
E - M A G A Z I N E

What is your ideal caloric


If we get to see everything that our body

does for us its simply amazing. It’s even
more amazing when we eat, there’s such a
series of things where the food passes and
all the things that it makes. For example we QUESADILLAS
Cal. 293 (100g)
have our metabolism, which are chemical
reactions that take place in body cells.
Metabolism is the one that it is charge of
converting the fuel in the food we eat to
energy to power up everything we do.
There are proteins that are in charge of
helping better our metabolism. We also SANDWICH
have the Daily caloric needs, which this is
the total number of calories we take per
day, this is very important to control
because on base of this its what you are
going to be like in appearance. Finally, we
have the basal metabolic care in which is
the minim amount of energy that uses to Cal. 7 c/u
keep or metabolism to keep working. Here
are some examples.
BMR & Caloric Needs

Jessy Reyes Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight in

pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) -
Height: 62.598425 in (4.7 x age in years).
Weight: 99.208018 lbs
BMR: 655 + (4.35 x 99.208018) + (4.7 x 62.598425) -
(4.7 x 16). = 655+431.55+294.173-75.2 = 1305.523
If you are lightly active: BMR x 1.375 = 1795.094
BMR: 1305.523
CALORIC NEEDS: 1795.09 kcal
My diet
Breakast: Protein with a fruit cal. 11
Snack: 8 almonds cal.56
Lunch: A sandwich and a granola bar cal. 453
Eating: a portion of protein with a salad cal. 400 Roby Vazquez
Snack: Brocoli with ranch cal.50
Height: 62.59843 in
Dinner: 3 quesadillas cal. 345
Weight: 132.277 lbs
BMR: 655+574+ 294.2106– 75.2= 1448.0106
If you are lightly active (easy exercise/sports 1-3
1448.0106 x 1.375= 1991.014575
BMR: 1448
CALORIC NEEDS: 1991 kcal
My diet
Breakast: 2 Sunny-side up egg (100 kcal each) and 160gr of melon
(60 kcal) with greek yougurt 100gr(60 kcal) with 23 almonds (163
kcal) (483 kcal)
Snack: 1 medium apple (95 kcal)
Lunch: meat and some salad kcal. 495
Bere Nolazco Snack: one granola bar de kcal.200
Inches= 63.8 in Dinner: Half a cup of papaya(31 kcal) 1/4th avocado (60 kcal)
Pounds = 136.69 lbs with some turkey breast(100gr) (jam)(157 kcal) = (kcal 248)
BMR: 655+594.6015+299.86 -75.2 =
If you are lightly active (easy exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): BMR x
1.375 = 2027.109563
BMR= 1474.2615
CALORIC NEEDS: 2027.109563
My diet
Breakast: Almond Milk shake and fruit and vetetables juice kcal. 100
Snack: 8 almonds kcal.56 and one granola bar kcal.453
Lunch: Chiken with vegetables kcal.110
Snack: cookies 100 kcal.
Dinner: 2 quesadillas 293 kcal.

Cristy Barney
Height: 1.67 m / 65.75 in
Weight: 63.2 kg / 139.33 lbs
BMR: 655 + (4.35 x 139.33) + (4.7 x 65.75) – (4.7 x 17) = 655 + 606.0855 + 309.025 – 79.9 = 1490.2105
Caloric Needs: 1490.2105 x 1.375 = 2049.03944 Calories
BMR: 1490.2105
CALORIC NEEDS: 2049.0344 cal
My Diet: to loose weight: 1,700 Calori es
Breakfast: 2 quesadillas made of corn tortilla (24 gr./52 kcal), cheese (20 gr./75 kcal), chicken (50 gr./98 kcal.) and tomato.
(20 gr./11 kcal.) A glass of skim milk (250 ml./ 90 kcal.) = 326 kcal.
Snack: 1 granola bar: (30 gr./114 kcal.) Jicama: (60 gr./49 kcal.) 2 pieces of turkey ham: (50 gr./46 kcal.) Potato chips: ( 30
gr./ 165 kcal.) = 374 kcal.
Lunch: Piece of chicken: (80 gr./156 kcal.) Rice: (90 gr./183 kcal.) brocoli: (50 gr./17.5 kcal.) Cheese: (20 gr./75 kcal.) = 432
Snack: 1 Apple (139 gr./72 kcal.) 1 Granola bar (30 gr./114 kcal.) 1 turkey sausage (62.5 gr./97 kcal.) = 283 kcal.
Dinner: 2 tacos of meat (70 gr./187 kcal) with avocado (15 gr./24 kcal.), tomato (20 gr./11 kcal.) and corn tortillas (24
gr./52 kcal.) = 274 kcal.

As teenagers we are in plain growth so our nutrition is a very important

factor that affects the way you loos and gain weight, in this activity we
combine math and science to learn the amount of calories each of us
should ingest for a day, by knowing this it is easier to maintain your
weight. If you have bad nutrition habits it important for your health you
start changing that! Eat healthy and do exercise.


• "Metabolism." KidsHealth - the Web's Most

Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed.
Steven Dowshen. The Nemours Foundation,
01 Feb. 2012. Web. 04 Mar. 2014.

• "Body Mass Index." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

Foundation, 03 Mar. 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

• "Daily Calorie Intake." Daily Calorie Intake.

N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.

Entrevista a un
Oscar Romero

1. ¿Qué fue lo que usted estudió? 6. ¿Usted cree que la nutrición afecta la
Médico cirujano y partero con especialidad en salud?
gastroenterología. De>initivamente, nuestro organismo
requiere de nutrientes para funcionar de
2. ¿Cuántos años le tomó esto?
manera correcta. Una mala nutrición puede
Nueve años.
generar padecimientos en las personas en
3. ¿Lo estudió por alguna razón en especial? ocasiones, ocasionando daños irreversibles.
Mi vocación de servir a mi pasión por el Las vitaminas, minerales, proteínas son muy
sistema digestivo. necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento
4. ¿Ha tenido alguna experiencia diJícil de nuestro organismo. La falta de ellas
desempeñando lo que estudió? disminuye notablemente el funcionamiento
Toda ocasión de ejercicio de mi área es una de nuestros órganos, por poner un ejemplo,
experiencia retadora. A veces se requiere de órganos como nuestros ojos requieren de
más de un especialista para diagnosticar vitamina A para mantenerse sanos. El
adecuadamente. complejo “B” para nuestro cerebro y así
podríamos enumerar para cada vitamina.
5. ¿En dónde fue que estudió su especialidad? Una nutrición balanceada provee a cada
Medicina general en la UANL y mi órgano de lo necesario para funcionar.
especialidad en la Universidad Navarra de
España. HEALTH CARE 10
7. ¿Qué piensa usted sobre el consumo del momento buscar preservar la vida. Es sin
tabaco? duda una gran alegría ver como los
El consumo del tabaco tiende a generar pacientes evolucionan y sanan así como un
una oportunidad siempre de ayudar. La
gran decadencia ya que contiene una medicina implica también un alto grado de
sustancia llamada nicotina que produce al estudio y preparación, todos los días hay
consumirla un grado de relajación que con el algo nuevo en este campo, algo que ayuda
consumo habitual llega a ser adictivo. El siempre a tener una mejor calidad de vida,
cuerpo humano se va acostumbrando a esta evolución exige estar siempre
recibir niveles de nicotina cada vez mayores actualizándose y estudiando. Queremos ser
para alcanzar el efecto de “confort” que siempre vanguardistas.
produce el fumar. Las personas expuestas al
consumo del tabaco son potenciales
candidatos a padecer de en>isema pulmonar,
en pocas palabras cáncer en los pulmones. Sus
vías respiratorias se van congestionando al
grado que todo el sistema colapsa y se
degenera ocasionando que se destruyan los
pulmones. El alto nivel adictivo del tabaco
hace que quien lo consume no pueda
prescindir de el por muchos años.

8. ¿Por qué se interesó en ser doctor?

La medicina es apasionante, somos
organismos vivos perfectos, todo de funcionar
en total coordinación para que podamos vivir. 9. ¿Por qué se decidió en especializarse en
La medicina es también una vocación pues gastroenterología?
siempre está al servicio de los demás y se Desde pequeño me apasionaba lo
puede contribuir signi>icativamente, en el maravilloso del cuerpo humano y fue
bienestar de toda persona. Por otro lado precisamente el comprender cómo se lleva
también tiene un componente ético, se estudia a cabo la asimilación de nutrientes en el
medicina comprometiéndose en todo organismo, lo que me llevo a buscar esta
especialidad. Aquí podemos estudiar desde
lo que comemos y su efecto, así como todas
las áreas que contribuyen en el
procesamiento de los alimentos para
extraer sus nutrientes. En mi área
podemos revisar todo padecimiento
gastroduodenal es decir, esófago,
estómago, intestinos grueso y delgado,
hígado, páncreas y vesícula y a ayudar a
nuestros pacientes a que sus organismos
funcionen adecuadamente.

10. ¿Cuáles aspectos crees que son los más 13. ¿Usted cree que el ejercicio es
importantes para llevar una vida sana? importante aunque se tenga una buena
Hay muchos elementos pero los más alimentación?
importantes son: Sí, ya que el ejercicio trae muchos
• Tener una dieta balanceada. bene>icios. Ayuda a que tu cuerpo este
• Hacer ejercicio. sano para poder tener un buen
• Descansar adecuadamente. rendimiento en todas las áreas
• Tomar agua durante el día, al menos 3 litros (escuela, tareas, trabajo), mantiene tu
diarios. mente activa y te ayuda a descansar.
• Evitar excesos de cualquier tipo.
14. ¿Aparte de la obesidad, la anorexia
y la bulimia, sabe de algunas
enfermedades causadas por una mala
Sí, a pesar de éstas, también las
enfermades piscosomáticas y/o
psicológicas son presentadas en el

15. ¿Por qué cree que es importante

consultar a un nutriólogo?
Es importante visitar a un nutriólogo,
ya que son personas capacitadas para
ayudarte a tener una vida saludable.
También porque los nutriólogos cuidan
11. ¿Qué cree que sea lo más esencial para que tu salud y te ayudan a mantener un
los adolescentes tengan buena nutrición? peso ideal.
Deben de tener una alimentación de acuerdo
con algunos aspectos como el peso y la edad.
También hacer ejercicio es vital para los
adolescente, ya que están en crecimiento.

12. ¿Cuál cree que sean las consecuencias más

graves en una mala alimentación?
Las consecuencias de una mala alimentación
puede llevar a trastornos alimenticios como la
bulimia, anorexia y/o obesidad. Tambien puede
llevar a la de>iciencia del funcionamiento de los
organos. Otra consequencia es que es más
propenso a que te den enfermedades ; te
conviertes en una persona fatigada y estresada
lo cual lleva a actitudes y pensamientos


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