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y ho Miscellaneous Questions - Part | Perfection Course on English 7.0- Complete Course (Pret Mains)- Part I! Ce a eee} Direction(1-8): Below are some statements, given in a random order. When these statements are sequenced properly, they'll form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. There are various questions based on each of the statements. Read every statement carefully and answer the questions that follow. (a) Study after study has been devoted to proving that men edge out other species, including women, when it comes to competition. (b) This perhaps explains why such rivalry is strongest among women, all of whom are trying to elbow out one another to gain access to the crumbs left for them. (c) Yet, this competitive streak is underlined by a different motive; catching the proverbial worm is, apparently, not a prerogative for women: it is the scarcity of resources that forces women to compete. (d) The early bird catches the worm - this motto, which eulogises the competitive spirit, has been feted the world over and is perhaps best expressed by the dominance of industrial capitalism. (e) But then science is not set in stone; new research by a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard claims that women can be more competitive than men; the study found that ‘women are more competitive than men in situations where they are competing against someone they know well, such as a friend or family member. (f) Evolutionary rhythms, domestic responsibilities and the patriarchal social order, past research argued, have rendered women less competitive and, hence, more empathetic. (g) But the early birds are usually men: global cultures acknowledge them to be the torchbearers of the rat race. (a) Study after study has been devoted to proving that men edge out other species, including ‘women, when it comes to competition. 1. Which of the following statements can be chosen to refute the above argument? a. Research has consistently shown that gender differences in competitiveness are context-dependent and vary across different types of contests and settings. b. Some studies suggest that women tend to be more cooperative and collaborative in social situations, whereas men are more likely to engage in aggressive and competitive behaviors. c. Itis important to recognize that competition is not inherently a male or female trait but rather a human characteristic that exists in all individuals to varying degrees; both men and women can be highly competitive or non-competitive, depending on their personal goals, values, and experiences. A.Onlyb B.Onlyaandb C.Onlyaandc D.Onlyc E.Alla,bandc (b) This perhaps explains why such rivalry is strongest among women, all of whom are trying to elbow out one another to gain access to the crumbs left for them. 2. What have women been portrayed as, in the above statement? a. emulous b. go-ahead c. combative A.Onlyaandb B.Onlyaandc C.Onlybande D.Alla,bandc E. None of a, b and c (c) Yet, this competitive streak is underlined by a different motive; catching the proverbial worm is, apparently, not a prerogative for women: it is the scarcity of resources that forces women to compete. 3. Which of the following statements can you make to disagree with the last statement of the above portion? a. Resource scarcity can create competition and conflict among individuals or groups, including women b. Women, like men, have diverse goals, values, and preferences that shape their decision-making and behaviors, and are influenced by a range of social, cultural, economic, and political factors; hence, resource scarcity is not the only or the primary factor that determines women's motivations and actions. c. The consequences of competition and conflict over resources can vary depending on the context and the actors involved; in some cases, competition may lead to innovation, creativity, and cooperation, as individuals or groups find ways: to adapt to resource scarcity and overcome challenges. A.Onlyb B.Onlyb C.Onlyaandc D.Onlyc E.Alla,bandc (d) The early bird catches the worm - this motto, which eulogises the competitive spirit, has been feted the world over and is perhaps best expressed by the dominance of industrial capitalism. 4. What is the meaning of the phrase "the early bird catches the worm," and how does it relate to the dominance of industrial capitalism? A. B. The phrase means that those who wake up early and work hard will be rewarded with success, which is a key characteristic of industrial capitalism. The phrase means that those who are willing to take risks and compete aggressively will succeed, which is a key characteristic of industrial capitalism. The phrase means that those who are able to exploit opportunities and gain an advantage over their competitors will be successful, which is a key characteristic of industrial capitalism. The phrase means that those who are able to adapt to changing circumstances and evolve their strategies will be successful, which is a key characteristic of industrial capitalism. None of the above options (e) But then science is not set in stone; new research by a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard claims that women can be more competitive than men; the study found that women are more competitive than men in situations where they are competing against someone they know well, such as a friend or family member. 5. According to a new study by a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard, which of the following statements is true about women and competition? Women are less competitive than men in most situations. Women are equally competitive as men in most situations. Women are more competitive than men in most situations. Women are only more competitive than men in specific situations. None of the above options mOooOpm> (e) But then science is not set in stone; new research by a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard claims that women can be more competitive than men; the study found that women are more competitive than men in situations where they are competing against someone they know well, such as a friend or family member. 5. According to a new study by a human evolutionary biologist at Harvard, which of the following statements is true about women and competition? Women are less competitive than men in most situations. Women are equally competitive as men in most situations. Women are more competitive than men in most situations. Women are only more competitive than men in specific situations. None of the above options moomp (f) Evolutionary rhythms, domestic responsibilities and the patriarchal social order, past research argued, have rendered women less competitive and, hence, more empathetic. 6. According to past research on the relationship between evolutionary rhythms, domestic responsibilities, patriarchal social order, and women's competitiveness and empathy, what is the potential implication for gender stereotypes? A. B. The research supports the gender stereotype that women are naturally more empathetic and less competitive than men. The research challenges the gender stereotype that women are naturally more empathetic and less competitive than men. The research suggests that women's competitiveness and empathy are shaped by a complex interplay of biological, social, and cultural factors, making gender stereotypes difficult to apply. The research concludes that gender stereotypes are not relevant to understanding women's competitiveness and empathy. None of the above options (g) But the early birds are usually men: global cultures acknowledge them to be the torchbearers of the rat race. 6. What is the potential impact of the global cultural acknowledgment of men as the torchbearers of the rat race on gender equality? A. The global cultural acknowledgment of men as the torchbearers of the rat race reinforces gender stereotypes and perpetuates gender inequality. B. The global cultural acknowledgment of men as the torchbearers of the rat race has no impact on gender equality because it is simply a reflection of existing gender differences. C. The global cultural acknowledgment of men as the torchbearers of the rat race can actually promote gender equality by encouraging women to challenge these gender stereotypes and compete on equal footing with men. D. The global cultural acknowledgment of men as the torchbearers of the rat race is irrelevant to gender equality because it is a matter of personal choice and not a reflection of societal attitudes or expectations. E. None of the above options 8. Which of the following combinations is the combination of THREE CONSECUTIVE statements after the correct rearrangement? f 240 g 9g e c >ats Q2y%®o A B. C. D E f the above options ° . None Direction (1-8): In the following passage, some of the words have been made bold, each of which is preceded by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given below that could replace the bold words so as to make the paragraph meaningful. The arrival of spring often (A). be an early indication a welcome change after the long, hard winter months. The Sun stays up for longer, the days grow warmer, the first flowers begin to (B). to produce, and in many countries the clocks tick forward into daylight savings time to (C). to become longer our evenings. But there is one change that is likely to be (D). not recognized or admitted as we move (E) slowly and gradually towards the summer — you start to get less sleep. Many of us are familiar with the (F), worry or pressure caused by having too much to deal with to (G). cause to gather the energy to leave bed in the morning during the winter,instead of hitting the snooze button. And scientists say this isn't (H). to overwhelm with shock. The arrival of spring often (A). be an early indication a welcome change after the long, hard winter months. 1) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position A? 1. prefigures 2. heralds 3. signals A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1,2 and3 The Sun stays up for longer, the days grow warmer, the first flowers begin to (B). to produce, and in many countries the clocks tick forward into daylight savings time to (C). to become longer our evenings. 2) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position B? 1. wither 2. bloom 3. flourish A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1,2 and 3 The Sun stays up for longer, the days grow warmer, the first flowers begin to (B). to produce, and in many countries the clocks tick forward into daylight savings time to (C) to become longer our evenings. 3) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position C? 1. prolong 2. lengthen 3. abbreviate A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1, 2 and 3 But there is one change that is likely to be (D). not recognized or admitted as we move (E) slowly and gradually towards the summer — you start to get less sleep. 4) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position D? 1. less appreciated 2. praiseworthy 3. taken for granted A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1, 2 and3 But there is one change that is likely to be (D). not recognized or admitted as we move (E) slowly and gradually towards the summer — you start to get less sleep. 5) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position E? 1. fixedly 2. falteringly 3. steadily A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1,2 and 3 Many of us are familiar with the (F) worry or pressure caused by having too much to deal with to (G). cause to gather the energy to leave bed in the morning during the winter, choosing instead of hitting the snooze button. 6) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position F? 1. strive 2. struggle 3. strain A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E) All 1, 2 and 3 Many of us are familiar with the (F) worry or pressure caused by having too much to deal with to (G). cause to gather the energy to leave bed in the morning during the winter, choosing instead to hit the snooze button. 7) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position G? 1. courage 2. muster 3. convene A) Only 1 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1, 2 and3 And scientists say this isn't (H). to overwhelm with shock. 8) Which of the following Words can appropriately fit in the position H? 1. flabbergasting 2. surprising 3. orienting A) Both 1 and 3 B) Both 2 and 3 C) Only 2 D) Both 1 and 2 E)All 1, 2 and3

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