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Host github.com Hostname ssh.github.

com AddKeysToAgent yes Port 443ChatGPTThe

configuration you've provided is a part of an SSH configuration file for connecting
to GitHub via SSH. It specifies an alternate SSH hostname and port number for
GitHub. Specifically:Host github.com: This line defines a host alias. It tells your
SSH client that when you attempt to connect to github.com, you should use the
settings provided below.Hostname ssh.github.com: This line specifies the actual
hostname to connect to when you use the alias github.com. In this case, it
redirects SSH connections from github.com to ssh.github.com.AddKeysToAgent yes:
This line indicates that when you use SSH to connect to github.com, the SSH key
used for authentication should be automatically added to your SSH agent. This can
help streamline the authentication process.Port 443: This line specifies the port
number to use when connecting to ssh.github.com. In this case, it uses port 443,
which is the standard HTTPS port. This is often used when SSH traffic is blocked by
a firewall, as it's commonly allowed through standard HTTPS ports.In summary, this
configuration allows you to use the alias github.com to connect to GitHub via SSH.
When you do, it will redirect your connection to ssh.github.com on port 443, and it
will automatically add your SSH key to the SSH agent for authentication. This can
be helpful in cases where standard SSH ports are blocked by a firewall.

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