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ffmpeg linux cut mp4 video from 01:02 to 01:05ChatGPTTo cut a section of an MP4

video from 01:02 to 01:05 using FFmpeg on Linux, you can use the -ss (start time)
and -t (duration) options. Here's the command:bashCopy codeffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss
00:01:02 -t 00:00:03 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4Let me explain each part of the
command:-i input.mp4: Specifies the input file, which should be replaced with the
actual filename of your MP4 video.-ss 00:01:02: Sets the start time for the cut. In
this example, it starts at 01 minute and 02 seconds.-t 00:00:03: Sets the duration
of the cut. In this example, it's 3 seconds, so it will cut from 01:02 to 01:05.-
c:v copy: Copies the video codec without re-encoding. This is used for faster
processing and no loss in video quality.-c:a copy: Copies the audio codec without
re-encoding. This is also for faster processing and no loss in audio quality.
output.mp4: Specifies the output file where the cut video will be saved. You can
change the filename to your preference.After running this command, FFmpeg will cut
the section from 01:02 to 01:05 from the input video and save it as output.mp4.

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