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The Leverage of Different Social

Media Platforms on the Academic Performance

Of LNHS Students


Title ………………………………………………………

Abstract …………………….…………………………….

Chapter I: The Problem ………………………………….


Brief Background …………………………………

Objectives ………………………………………...

Significance of the Study …………………………

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature ………………..

Chapter III: Methodology………….……….……………

Chapter IV: Results………………………………………

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.

References / Bibliographies ……………………………..

Appendixes: ……………………………………………..

Request Letter ……………………………………

Questionnaire …………………………………….


Social media has become a universal and almost inevitable trend that transforms

how generation Z communicate, interact and socialize. It has been an integral part of their

social and cultural fabric. Consequently, students are spending a substantial part of their

time on social media. The purpose of this study was to give more knowledge about the

positive and negative effects of different social media platforms to students of Laiya

National High School. Because of teenager's exploration, they can use it without any

knowledge about those social media platforms. At a young age, they are being so active

and focused on social media that caused loss of interest in their studies.

Today, it is important to determine the impact of social media on the academic

performance of students. This study aims to understand the leverage of using different

social media platforms to the academic performance of Junior High School Learners

School Year 2019-2020. Specifically, it aims to know whether there is a relationship

between the number of times the students spend on using social media and their grades.

The questionnaires were distributed from grade 7 to grade 10 to find out whether the

student's academic performance was affected or not

Research findings showed that a great number of students in Laiya National

High School are distracted by using different social media platforms. To this end, the

researchers recommend that social media use should be minimized especially if it is not

for educational purposes. Students should be monitored and guided by their guardians or

teachers on using different social media networking sites (SNS) to avoid poor time

management between entertainment on social media and academic activities in school.




People usually dive on the internet because of the benefits that social media gives.

It enables users to communicate despite their distance from each other and encourages

them to join on the social interaction of the world. Through social media, lives of

everyone especially to the students became easier, because sometimes, an educator uses

social media as a medium on their given school activities for a student. Also, social

media allows friends to talk to each other where ever they are. Because of this, many

people agreed to unite billions of people who are interested in social media.

Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to allow

people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. Many people define social

media as apps on their smartphone or tablet, but the truth is, this communication tool

started with computers. This misconception stems from the fact that most social media

users access their tools via apps. (Hudson, 2019)

Nowadays, society has relied on modern technology because it is efficient for

people. One of the products of technology is social media which many people are hooked

in. According to a statistic in the year 2019, there are 3.48 billion social media users

worldwide which were increased to 9% from last year's (2018) data. This simply means

that the world of social media is evolving too quickly and it takes a big part in the daily

lives of people. (Statista Research Department, 2019)


In another statistic made in the year 2018, there are 53.5 million Filipinos who are

using social media and when 2019 hit, the population of users increased to 2 million. The

virtual world is becoming wider and wider as the population increases but it is not the

only one that has been upgrading. With the help of creative thinking people, the main

purpose of social media which is searching, awareness and communication are added up

by entertainment and leisure. Much software has been developed and released in public

every year. In the year 2019, there are 21 popular social media sites over 100 others that

many people are really interested in like, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and

YouTube. (Kemp, 2019)

As of today, social media plays a huge role in our society. Almost all people

spend their time on using different social media platforms. As time passed by, social

media has become a necessity to everyone. And we cannot deny the fact that ever since

social media has pervaded, our life became easier. Henceforward, it is being abused by a

lot of people, especially students. Instead of using it for school purposes, communication

and another meaningful way they tend to use it for cyber bullying, for fraud and scam.

Social media has become an addiction for many people. Because of this, a lot of

students neglect their studies just to use different social media platforms. In lieu of

reading books to gain more knowledge, students are busy posting irrelevant pictures to

gain likes. For those reasons, the researchers became interested to conduct this study. At

the same time, some of them also got addicted and hooked in social media. This study

may also help them to know how to avoid the so-called addiction and to prevent the

effects that the social media might bring.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aimed to determine the leverage of social media platforms to the

academic performance of LNHS students.

This study also aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a) Sex

b) Age

c) Grade Level

2. What social media platforms are the students mostly engaged?

3. How does social media platforms affects students’ social interaction to:

a) Peers

b) Family

4. How many hours does the student spend on using social media platforms?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media platforms on the

academic performance of LNHS students?

Scope And Delimitation

The study will examine the students who use social networking sites like

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, and how it affect their academic performance. It is only

limited to the students of Laiya National Highschool attending a secondary education,

school year 2019-2020, who are engaged on using social media platforms.

Significance Of The Study:

The findings of this study will show how important limitations on using social

media for every teenager, especially all students, for future researchers and for teachers

also. It will also guide on using social media for its limitations and proper usage of it in

our daily lives and on our studies.

Students: This study will provide knowledge on how excessive use of social

media influences the life of the teenagers, especially in terms of their studies and school

behavior. It may also help students to gain more interest studies because of shorter time

for social media that may result in gaining higher grades than before.

Teachers: This research may help teachers to know how they are going to

approach and give advice to students regarding their failing grades because this research

can make them realize that improper guidance might result in the student’s behavior. It

may also give them idea why many students losing their interest in their classes.

Parents: This research will educate parents that they should guide their children

on using different social media websites so that they can balance their time in studying

and it will not affect their academic performance negatively.

For future researchers: This study will help them to gather ideas and

information about how social media affects students’ academic performance. This will

also provide deeper understanding about the given topic.




According to Osharive (2015), the world today is celebrating the improvements in

communication technology which has broadened the scope of communication through

information and technology in communication no doubt has turned the entire world into a

“Global Village”. But as it is, technology like two sides of a coin, bring with it both

negative and positive sides. The world has been changed rapidly by the evolution of

technology; this has resulted in the use of technology as the best medium to explore the

wild area of knowledge. Research findings showed that a great number of students at the

University of Lagos are addicted to social media. To this end, the researcher

recommended that social media should be used for educational purposes as well; social

networking sites should be created to enhance academic activities and avoid setbacks in

the students’ academic performance, and students’ should be monitored by the teachers

and parents on how they use these sites. This is to create a balance between social media

and academic activities of students to avoid setbacks in the academic performance of the


Social networks are becoming major are becoming a major tool for education and

entertainment. Social media is the fastest growing web application in the 21 st century.

They explore such a relationship despite the type of leverage, bad and good. In education,

two streams are prevailing; the use of social networks as a tool supporting activities

deemed important for educational institutions, instructions, and students. The second

stream is the bad influence of social network infliction student behaviors and time

management. (Shanab, 2015)

The result of Beasley’s (2017) study proved that there are positive effects of

social media on students. One of them is that students create groups for their classes on

social networks like Facebook. They also used integrated messaging and video chat tools

to communicate long. Another positive effect was students can take advantage of these

platforms to upload their resumes and connect with professionals and apply for a job.

Students also used social media as an outlet for creativity. These platforms paved the way

for students to use new technological tools.

Based on Selvaraj (2013), social media increased student learning through student

interaction. Challenges arise when social media are incorporated into an academic course.

The assumption that students are familiar with the use of certain types of social media

can cause educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources of encouragement

necessary to support students’ usage and learning. (Cole, 2009)

According to Allcott, et al. (2019), social media have had profound impacts on the

modern world. Facebook, which remains by far the longest social media company, has

2.3 billion monthly active users worldwide (Facebook 2018). As of 2016, the average

user was spending 50 minutes per day on Facebook and its sister platforms Instagram and

Messenger (Facebook 2018). There is maybe no technology since television that has so

dramatically reshaped the way people get information and spend their time.

Balalle (2019) proved that there is a contradiction between social media and

general educational practices. The contradictions are between those who see the old

education system is good than the new technology and those who can understand the

advantages of such media for teaching and learn in student education.

Kolan et al. (2018) investigated the effects of social media on the academic

performance of students at the University of Ghana. The findings of the study showed

that a number of students are addicted to social and there was found to be detrimental to

their academic life despite its importance on students’ academic life such as

disseminating knowledge, group discussions, and building relationships through these

sites. To this end, the researchers recommended that faculties or schools in various

universities organize public lectures on this topic to enlighten students more on the

possible implication of these sites when they are not surfed judiciously; lecturers should

direct works and assignments through these sites to encourage their use for academic

purposes and also the school authorities should restrict access to certain networking sites

that may distract students during learning.

According to Mingle (2016), social media networks in one way or the other

could affect students in their studies. This is a result of nature of the usage and how these

students participate on these networks comes with a lot of positives such as improvement

in reading skills and writing, the ability of the student not to discern and use it properly

could affect his or her studies and could not result in lower grades.

According to Pulido (et. al 2018), the social impact of research has usually been

analyzed through the scientific outcomes produced under the auspices of the research.

The growth of scholarly content in social media and the use of ALT metrics by

researchers to track their work facilitate the advancement in evaluating the impact of

research. However, there is a gap in the identification of evidence of the social impact in

terms of what citizens are sharing on their social media platforms. This article applies a

social impact in social media methodology (SISM) to identify quantitative and qualitative

evidence of the potential or real social impact of research shared on social media,

specifically on Twitter and Facebook. The researchers define the social impact coverage

ratio (SICOR) to identify the percentage of tweets and Facebook posts providing

information about potential or actual social impact concerning the total amount of social

media data found related to specific research projects. They selected 10 projects in

different fields of knowledge to calculate the SICOR, and the results indicate that 0.43%

of the tweets and Facebook posts collected provide linkages with information about

social impact. However, their analysis indicates that some projects have a high

percentage (4.98%) and others have no evidence of social impact shared in social media.

Examples of quantitative and qualitative evidence of social impact are provided to

illustrate these results. A general finding is that novel evidence of the social impact of

research can be found in social media, becoming relevant platforms for scientists to

spread quantitative and qualitative evidence of social impact in social media to capture

the interest of citizens. Thus, social media users are showed to be intermediaries making

visible and assessing evidence of social impact.

This research examined the relations of social media addiction to college students'

mental health and academic performance, investigated the role of self-esteem as a

mediator for the relations, and further tested the effectiveness of an intervention in

reducing social media addiction and its potential adverse outcomes. In Study 1, the

researchers used a survey method with a sample of college students (N = 232) and found

that social media addiction was negatively associated with the students' mental health and

academic performance and that the relation between social media addiction and mental

health was mediated by self-esteem. In Study 2, they developed and tested a two-stage

self-help intervention program. They recruited a sample of college students (N = 38) who

met the criteria for social media addiction to receive the intervention. Results showed that

the intervention was effective in reducing the students’ social media addiction and

improving their mental health and academic efficiency. The current studies yielded

original findings that contribute to the empirical database on social media addiction and

that have important theoretical and practical implications. (Hou et. Al, 2019)

According to Fiester (2016), in-depth interviews were conducted where 30

participants provided information about their social media usage and interactions with

films online. Participants answered questions dealing with their average social media

usage, their favorite social media sites, their history with film interaction online, their

knowledge of the film Suicide Squad, their current interactions with the film online, and

how they viewed Suicide Squad’s social media campaigns and how they believed they

could be improved. Individuals with high usage of Facebook and Instagram showed high

levels of interactions with the film’s accounts. Participants who used Facebook, Twitter,

and Instagram daily were aware of the social media accounts for the film and believed the

Facebook and Instagram accounts were the strongest of the three. Overall, participants

had different uses and gratifications for why they used the applications or social media

sites of their choice to know about upcoming films. These uses and gratifications are

what keep them following and learning about the different films being advertised.

Social media are web-based services that allow individuals to create either a

public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, to whom they share a connection

and view and transverse their list of connections and those made by others within the

system. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the impact of the use of social

media on students’ academic performance in the Malaysian Tertiary Institution. Thus

considering the abnormal use of Social media platforms by students, it is expedient that

Universities and colleges in Malaysia educate their students to positively use these

platforms for educational purposes which will eventually result in a positive impact on

their academic performance. (Mensah, et al. 2016)

Social networking has become a common international trend that has spread its

reach to almost every corner of the world. The use of Social media sites has exploded and

evolved into an online platform where people create content, share it, bookmark it and

network at a prodigious rate. Among the prominent users of social media are the students.

It tells about the impact of social media sites on student academic performance in Samuel

Adegboyega University. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study.

The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The result shows that there is a significant

relationship between time spent on social media sites and academic works. It also

revealed that the nature of social media activities that the student engages in does not

have any significant impact on student academic performance. In addition, the study also

shows that the gender of the student has no impact on the usage and activities of social




Research Design

The design allowed researchers to hone in on research methods that are

suitable for the subject matter and set up their studies up for success. (Bhat, 2020) There

are different various meaning in the internet but in terms of research design, it talks about

the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher.

The researchers chose descriptive design on delivering their study. A

descriptive research design can use a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods

to investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does

not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures them. The

research design should be carefully developed to ensure that the results are valid and

reliable. (McCombes, 2020)

The researchers decided to use quantitative research as their design of this

research paper. Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to

test or confirm theories and assumptions. This type of research can be used to establish

generalizable facts about a topic. (Streefkerk , 2019).


According to Befring (2015), quantitative methods include formalized

principles that form the basis for a stringent research process that proceeds from

formulation of research questions, research design and the selection and analysis of data

to interpretations and conclusions. The data will be linked to specific variables, and

standardized methods are applied for data collection (for example in expert assessments,

observations, interviews or formal testing). The variables can thus be expressed in

numerical form, and the data material can be described in the form of tables, graphs or

statistical measurements such as averages, variances and correlations, and analyzed with

the aid of e.g. analysis of variance, factor analysis or regression analysis.

Research Instrument

The researchers used survey. Survey research is the collection of data

attained by asking individuals questions either in person, on paper, by phone or online.

Conducting surveys is one form of primary research, which is the gathering data first-

hand from its source. The information collected may also be accessed subsequently by

other parties in secondary research. (Margaret Rouse, 2017).

Context and Participant

The data for this study was collected inside the campus of Laiya National

High school. Only 50 junior high school students were chosen to answer the

questionnaire. They were chosen based on their grades and section. Most of the

respondents are from the higher section because they are most likely to be affected by

their academic performance in relation to the use of social media.

Data Collection Procedure

1. The researchers have their questionnaire validated by a teacher of Laiya National High


2. The researchers collected their data by using a questionnaire. The researchers

distributed the questionnaire personally to Junior High School students of LNHS.

3. The data gathered have been tallied and illustrated by a table.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or

logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.

According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) various analytic procedures “provide a way of

drawing inductive inferences from data and distinguishing the signal (the phenomenon of

interest) from the noise (statistical fluctuations) present in the data”.

In this research a descriptive analysis methodology was used to analyze

data. Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data

set, which can be either a representation of the entire or a sample of population (Kenton


The researchers tallied the answers of the respondents and decided to use

tables to illustrate the data gathered. They used the measures of frequency and weighted

mean to compute the result and used statistical commentary to make it easier to




Percentage (P) It expresses a value for a variable in relation to a whole population as a

fraction of one hundred.

P= (F/N) × 100


Frequency (F). It is the number of time a data value occurs

N = Total number of the participants or respondents

Weighted Mean

Weighted mean is a type of mean that is calculated by multiplying the weight (or

probability) associated with a particular event or outcome with its associated quantitative

outcome and then summing all the products together.



x = each observation

n = number of observations.

The researchers carefully used and analyzed this formula. It was checked and double-

checked to ensure accuracy of the result.




This chapter discusses the findings and data analysis from the

questionnaires completed by Junior High School learners of Laiya National High School.

The purpose of this study is to identify the different factors contributing to the leverage of

social media platforms on the academic performance of LNHS students.


Table 1.1. Profile of the Students according to their sex


Male 12 24%
Female 38 76%

The figure shows that out of 50 respondents, 12 students are males garnering 24%

while 38 respondents were female garnering 76%. This means that there are a greater

number of female respondents since female students are the more active social media

users and at the same time, they are also concern about their academic performance.

According to Vermeren (2015), men and women have varying degrees of online

activity across different sites. 74% of internet users are using social media, with women

(76%) having a slight edge over men (72%). She also tells that this is because women are

more vocal and express more of their personality. It is also because of the marketing and

selling items online that made girls so interesting.

Table 1.2. Age of Respondents


16 5 10%
15 12 24%
14 10 20%
13 16 32%
12 7 14%

The table shows that the respondent’s age is mostly 13 years old garnering the

highest percentage of 32%. Followed by 24% of the respondents who are 15 years old

and 20% of the respondents who are 14 years old. Out of 50 respondents, 14% of them

are 13 years old and the least number of students with only 10% is 16 years old.

Table 1.3.Grade level of Respondents


Grade 7 15 30%
Grade 8 15 30%
Grade 9 15 30%
Grade 10 5 10%

The demonstration of the table articulates that grades 7 to 9 got a coherent

percentage which is 30. While the least respondents where from the 10th grade


Table 2.1. Most Often Used Social Media Platform


Facebook 0.84 1
Instagram 0.28 4.5
Twitter 0.28 4.5
YouTube 0.5 2
Tiktok 0.16 6
Google 0.4 3

The finding indicates that out of 50 respondents, 42 of them use Facebook which

ranked as the most often used social media platform. YouTube takes the next place while

Google ranked 3rd. Instagram and Twitter have the same number of users which made

them both ranked 4th. And Tiktok ranked as the last placer. This means that the Facebook

app is the most famous social media platform in the students. This finding was supported

by Clement (2020). On a statistic made by Clement, he provides information on the most

popular networks worldwide as of January 2020, ranked by a number of active accounts.

Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and

currently sits at almost 2.45 billion monthly active users.

Table 2.2. Numbers of Social Media Application that the Student use in a day



1-3 21 42%
4-5 24 48%
6-10 5 10%

The table shows that 48% of the respondents use 4-5 different social media

applications a day. Out of 50 respondents, 21 of them use 1-3 kinds of it. Meanwhile,

only 5 out of 50 respondents use 7-10. It simply means that only 5 of them are very

exposed on social media in a day and 24 respondents are too risky for such exposure.

Based on a study made by Osharive (2016), students have too much exposure to

the social media networks. He also said that this implies that student’s exposure to social

media networks has a significant influence on students’ academic performance.


Table 2.3: Number of Social Media Apps Students Have


1 2 4%
2 4 8%
3 9 18%
More than 3 35 70%

Based on the data 70% of the 50 respondents answered that they have more

than 3 social media apps that they have accounts with. 18% have 3 and 8% had 2 social

media apps that they have accounts with. Only 4% out of 50 respondents have only 1

social media apps that they have accounts with. This means that the students of Laiya

National High school have a lot of social media apps that they have accounts with.

Table 2.4. Devices Students use in accessing their social media accounts


Mobile Phone 47 94%

Computer 1 2%
iPod 0 0
Laptop 2 4%

As shown in the table, 94% of the respondents used mobile phones in accessing

their social media accounts. 4% used laptop and 2% used computers. Meanwhile, none of

the students used the iPod. This shows that students prefer mobile phones than the other

device because it is cheaper and compatible with the other devices so it is not

complicated to use.

Table 2.5. Effects in Students Social Interaction


Poor relationships with family members 6 12%

Poor relation with friends 4 8%
Helps meet more new friends 40 80%

Based on the data, 80% of the respondents answered that social media helps

them to meet more new friends. 12% said that social media causes poor relationships

with their family members and only 8% have a poor relationship with their friends. This

shows that most of the students' interactions with others are not affected negatively by

social media. Lenhart (2015) said that social media plays a critical role in connecting

teens to new friends, allowing teens to learn more about new friends and get to know

them better. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of teens who have made a new friend online say

they have met new friends on a social media platform. Two-thirds (62%) of teens say

they have shared their social media usernames with a brand new friend as a way to stay in


Table 2.6. Effects of Social Media Platforms in Peer Relation


Have a great communication with friends 44 88%

Relation with friends is not affected 3 6%
Have a poor relation with friends 3 6%

The table shows that 88% of 50 respondents have great communication with

their friends. While 6% of the students' relations with friends are not affected by any

social media platforms. The other 6% of the students are disconnected from the real

world because of the online dimension. Despite this, the table shows that most of the

students’ relationships with their friends become more open to each other through the use

of social media.

According to Newman (2013), having painted a picture of the developmental

characteristics of adolescences, it becomes clear how social media have emerged as a

valued tool for forming and/ or enhancing peer relationships. Adolescents are actively

engaged in online communication with peers, sharing information, participating in

games, reading, posting and responding to the others.


Table 2.7. Online World compared to Real World


Strongly Agree 8 16%

Agree 34 68%
Disagree 8 16%
Strongly Disagree 0 0

There are 68% of 50 respondents agreed that they gained more new friends in

the online world than in the real world. While there are 16% strongly supported this. The

remaining 16% of the students disagreed on this idea. This implies that most of the

students gained more new friends while using social media than gaining friends in the

real world.

According to Peter (et. Al 2009), opportunities to form friendships through

social media are especially valued by young people who have difficulty in face to face

interactions. Youth who are socially anxious, shy, and unattractive or rejected by peers

can form friendships with a wider range of peers beyond the limited environment of their

school or neighborhood. These young people may find that they can take time to think

about what they want to say to others and enjoy positive comments from friends who

respond to them.

Table 2.8. Students’ Emotions


Extremely happy 7 14%

Happy 41 82%
Bored 2 4%

The table shows the students' emotions while using different social media

platforms. 82% of the 50 respondents felt happy and 14% felt extremely happy. This

proved that social media has a big influence on the students' emotions. Still, there are 4%

who feel bored while using social media.

According to The Educator 2018, Weinstein found that while social media use

evokes a wide spectrum of emotions in young people, the majority of students portrayed

their experience of social media use as predominantly positive. According to the findings,

72% of the respondents reported feeling happy about the use of social media.

Table 2.9. Emotional Extent when using Social Media


Strongly Agree 5 10%

Agree 17 34%
Disagree 26 52%
Strongly Disagree 2 4%

Base on the table above, 52% of the students disagreed that using social media

is happier than spending time with people. While 34% agreed, 10 % of the students

answered strongly agree. And 4% of the respondents answered strongly disagree.

Therefore, most of the students spend their time with their family or they are happier

spending time with people than using social media platforms.

Table 2.10. Amount of time students spend using social media


0-1 hour 3 6%
2-3 hours 18 36%
4-5 hours 21 42%
More than 5 hours 8 16%

Base on the given data, 42% of the students use social media for 4-5 hours,

while 36% of the students answered 2-3 hours. 16% uses social media for more than 5

hours and 6% spend 0-1 hour for using social media. Therefore, most of the students

spend their time using different social media platforms for 4-5 hours a day.

According to Erin, teens (ages 13-18) spent about 9 hours daily on entertainment

media, including social media and entertainment media like TV, online videos, reading,

and mobile games. Teens (ages 8-12) averaged about 6 hours. While this statistic

includes a wide range of activities since it looks at all entertainment; they break down

different types of media consumers based on their preferred medium. The graph below

shows that tweens identified as “social networkers” spend the most time on entertainment

media, clocking in at almost 10 hours daily. Only a portion of that time is dedicated to

social media, however. Among teens, “heavy viewers” of TV and movies spend the most

time on media, again with a portion of that time spent on social media. Teen “social

networkers” still spend about 9.5 hours a day looking at media as well, 3 hours and 17

minutes of which are spent on social media, on average.

Table 2.11. Number of times Students open their Social Media Accounts


Once a day 3 6%
2-3 times a day 22 44%
4-6 times a day 13 26%
More than 6 times a day 12 24%

Based on the gathered data above, students who open their social media

accounts for 2-3 times a day is 44%, while 26% of the students answered 4-6 times a day,

24% open their accounts more than 6 times a day and 6% answered once a day. It simply

means, students frequently used/opened their accounts, students are very engaged with

social media platforms.

According to Herhold (2018), Social media is ingrained in people’s everyday

lives; nearly all use it daily. Eighty-six percent (86%) of people use social media at least

once per day; including 72% who use it multiple times per day. Social media is so

popular because it allows people to manage and accomplish their everyday activities.

“Social media is a large part of everybody’s life,” said Josh Loewen, digital marketing

director of The Status Bureau, a digital marketing agency in Vancouver. It is how people

communicate, look for events, notice stores and brands, and find the weather. It is how

people are aided in their daily life. Social media is part of people’s routine and is an

essential way to communicate, shop, find things to do, and check the news.

Table 2.12. Age of the Students when they started using social media


7-9 years old 14 28%

10-12 years old 35 70%
13-15 years old 1 2%
16-18 years old 0 0

It is showed that the majority of the students with 70% started to be hooked on

social media at the age of 10-12 years old. It simply means that most of the students use

social media platforms during their adolescence. Meanwhile, 28% are at the age of 7-9

years old and 2% are at the age of 13-15 years old.

Teenagers are today’s most profuse users of social networking sites (SNS).

Contemporary youth are growing up in a cultural setting in which many aspects of their

lives will be mediated by social media and many of their experiences and opportunities

will be shaped by their engagement with SNS. Subsequently, questions and controversies

emerge about the effects SNS have on adolescent development due to how embedded

their lives are in social media. (Christofferson, et. al 2016)

Table 2.13. Time when Students are most active on Social Media


Day 14 28%
Night 35 70%
Midnight 1 2%

It is showed that the majority of the students with 70% are most active on social

media during night time. Meanwhile, 28% are active during day time and 2% are at


Prolonged social media usage, especially in bed, has a negative impact on students'

lives, it is important to understand the impact it has on their sleep and daytime sleepiness.

(Nasirudeen, et. al 2017

Table 2.14. Time when student sleeps after using Social Media


8-9 PM 21 42%
10-11 PM 22 44%
12-1 AM 4 8%
2-3 AM 3 6%

The majority of the students with 44% tend to sleep at 10-11 pm after using social

media. Meanwhile, 42% of the students sleep at 8-9 pm, 8% at 12-1 am and 6% at 2-3

am. This means that most of the teenagers used social media for long hours at night and

this causes them to have daytime sleepiness or sometimes insomnia.

Table 2.15. Reasons why students use Social Media Platforms


Communication 24 48%
Entertainment 12 24%
School Purposes 11 22%
Other 3 6%

The table above shows, different reasons for using different social media

platforms regardless of their gender. Communication got the highest percentage of 48%

followed by Entertainment which got 24% then 22% for School purposes and the

remaining 6% is specified.

Global Web Index's latest social media usage report shows that more than 40%

of people use social media platforms to keep in touch with friends, making this the top

reason for social media users globally. (Ahmad,2017).


Table 2.16. Students Opinion on Social Media’s Effects on Academic Performance


Strongly Agree 7 14%

Agree 22 44%
Disagree 21 42%
Strongly Disagree 0 0

Nowadays, students depend on social media on doing their school works such

as activities, homework, and projects. This clearly means that social media really has a

big impact on improving one’s Academic performance or making it worse. Table 2 shows

that out of 50 respondents, 44% of the students said Agree that social media affect their

academic performance. 42% Disagree while 14% of them answer Strongly agree. Out of

50 respondents, none of them answers Strongly disagree.

A new study released by researchers at The Miriam Hospital’s Center for

Behavioral and Preventive Medicine shows a link between social media use and poor

academic performance. The study not limited to usage of traditional social media outlets

like Twitter and Facebook, but instead included popular social technology like texting

(Carter, 2013)

In the new review the team found that as they had expected, students who used

social media intensively to communicate to their peers about school-related topics tended

to have slightly higher, not lower grades. In addition, they found that those who were

particularly active on social media did not spend less time studying. However, those who

used social networking sites very frequently, regularly post messages and photos, did

have slightly lower grades, although the team stressed that the negative effect is very


Table 2.17. Effects of Social Media on Students Academic Performance


Got higher grades 25 50%

Grades are retain 21 42%
Got lower grades 4 8%

Social media has been a great help for students in their studying but at the same

time, they need to know their limits on using it so that they can focus on things they need

to prioritize. Especially on studying, using social media can also be a distraction and

make big impact on academic performance just like what table 3 shows, wherein 50% of

the students get higher grades, 42% got their grades to retain and 8% get lower grades.

After a study of available work on this topic, it is difficult to come to a definite

conclusion as the research results are contradictory at times. However, most of the

researchers so agree with the fact that social media provides vast resources to the students

to ease learning and it depends on the person who is using social media that what purpose

he is utilizing this resource for. (Pal Kaur,2018).


Table 2.18. Students opinion if Social Media is a distraction or not


Strongly Agree 2 4%
Agree 21 42%
Disagree 24 48%
Strongly Disagree 3 6%

This table shows that out of 50 respondents there are 48% who answered

disagree that cannot distract their academic performances, 42% of 50 respondents agreed

that using social media can cause distraction, 6% among them answered strongly

disagreed, and 4% of them strongly agreed. The number of students who answered agrees

and disagrees is almost the same but those who answered disagree is 2% higher than

those who answered agree. It simply means that most of the students do not consider that

using social media is a distraction.

Table 2.19. Social Media Affecting the Students’ Academic Performance


Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 14 28%
Disagree 33 66%
Strongly Disagree 3 6%

This table shows that out of 50 respondents there are 66% who disagreed that

using social media can affect their academic performance, 28% of 50 respondents agreed

that social media can affect their grades, 6% of them strongly disagreed, and no one

chose strongly agreed. This means that most of 50 respondent’s academic performance is

not affected by Social Media.

Table 2.20. Disadvantages of Using Social Media


Lack of Communication in the real world 31 62%

Failing Grades 15 30%
Others 4 8%

Base on the constructed table above, 62% of the 50 respondents answered

that they are having a small amount of time in terms of communicating in the real world.

On the other hand, 30% say that they were having low grades due to social media usage

and 8% answered that they are having a short time for sleeping. Therefore the most

disadvantage of using social media is having lack of time to communicate in real world.

Connolly (2011) suggests an additional benefit: establishing enduring relationships

with real people. This means going beyond seeing others simply as peers who trade

digital content. For example, connecting with fellow dorm residents through Facebook

can help a student overcome the isolation that otherwise might lead her to leave school. A

twitter account can provide a shy student with information about events that facilities

face-to-face encounters with other students. Such personal interactions are vital to

creating and sustaining a sense of belonging.

Table 2.21. Effects of Using Social Media on health


Lack of Sleep 41 82%

Hallucination 1 2%
Dizziness 8 16%

To further examine the relationship between the use of social media platforms

and in body health, the results are found in the table above. 82% out of 50 respondents

answered that they are having a short time for sleeping, 16% are suffering from dizziness

and 2% of the respondents replied that they already experienced hallucination. Therefore,

the most common effect of using social media in a person’s body is having a short-

allotted time for sleeping.

However, social media use can have negative health-related consequences as well.

Using social media has been associated with important sleep-related outcomes such as a

shorter number of hours slept at night and poorer sleep quality. This is noteworthy

because the National Sleep Foundation reports that almost half of Americans don’t get

the recommended 7–9 hours of sleep on weeknights. Because social media commonly

involves interactive screen time, it may be more detrimental to sleep. (Sidani, et al. 2018)

Table 2.22. Activities Before Sleeping


Using social media platforms 37 74%

Doing your homework 7 14%
Bonding with your family 2 4%
Playing games 2 4%
Others 2 4%

The relationship between social media use and sleep is complex. As constructed

in table 1, 74% out of the 50 respondents answered that using social media platforms is

one of the things they often do before sleeping. While there is 14% of the student who

says that it's doing their home works. And the remaining 12% were divided into 3

wherein they spend by playing games, quality time with their family, and some other


A separate group of researchers observed a similarly-sized group of young adults,

also aged 19-32. The ones who checked social media in the 30 minutes before they go to

sleep were over 1.5 times more likely to experience disturbed sleep than those who used

it earlier in the day. (Pew Researchers' Center, Year 2019)


Table 2.23. Things you neglect when you are Using Social Media


Assignments 23 46%
Household Chore 14 28%
Eating 5 10%
Sleeping 8 16%

Social media and electronics have created a world of digital distractions for

students, making homework time a nightmare for watchful parents. The given data in

table 2 shows that out of 50 respondents, 46% answered that the things they commonly

neglect when they are using social media are their home works. While 28% of the

students say that it is the household chores. On the other hand, 16% say that they were

having a short time for sleeping. And the remaining 10% of the students forget to eat

because of the enormous use of social media. This implies that most of the students are

not that amenable in balancing things they do.

Shawna Bu Shell, an educational technology professor at Rowan University says

that some students cope with the distraction by budgeting social media time into their

homework schedule or going to bed early to get a jump-start in the morning. Kids are on

their computers using online textbooks and doing Internet research, allowing for easy

access to Facebook and Twitter. Throw in personal cellphone calls and text messaging

from friends and that can translate into late nights for students. (Dunn, 2013)

Table 2.24. Amount of Money Students spend a month


0-100 20 40%
200-300 13 26%
400-500 11 22%
600-700 3 6%
700 above 3 6%

It is showed on the data above that the majority of the students with 40% spend

less than or equal to 100 pesos a month of using social media. Meanwhile, 26% of the

students spend 200-300 pesos a month and 22% answered that they spend 400-500 pesos

a month. The students who spend around 600-700 and 700 above are both 6%. Therefore,

students do not spend that much money when using social media.

Table 2.25. Allotted time for Social Media and Household Chores


Strongly Agree 11 22%

Agree 20 40%
Disagree 18 36%
Strongly Disagree 1 2%

There are 40% of the 50 respondents who agree on having more allotted time in

social media during weekends than doing household chores. 36% of the respondents

disagree, 22% of the respondents answered strongly agree and the remaining 2%

answered strongly disagree. It means that most of the students spend most of their time

surfing the internet affecting his/her interaction with family members.




This chapter presents the summary, findings, and conclusions taken from

the results of the study. It also provides recommendations drawn from the conclusions

which are deemed important.


The researcher conducted this study to understand the further reason why the

students of Laiya National High School are too attached on using social media platforms

compared to how the students do before.

To be able to reach the researchers' goal, the they conducted a survey to get

information. The data was gathered and analysed.

The data provide answer for the following questions:

1. Profile of the Respondents

a) Sex

In the survey made by the researchers, out of 50 respondents, 38 are women

garnering 76% which is higher than 12 men with only 24%. This also means that women

are more interested in expressing their feelings and personality than men because of the

fact that the main purpose of social media is entertainment for everyone.

b) Age

The data shows that in 50 respondents, 13 years old have the highest percentage

of 32% while 24% are 15 years old. 14 years old garnered 20% and 12 years old have

14%. 16 years old have the least percentage of respondents with only 10%.

2. Most often used social media platform

Facebook rank as the most often used social media platform after getting the most

number of users upon the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, 42 of them use Facebook

frequently. This was supported by many statistics just like what Clement found out.

Facebook also has the most number of users worldwide with 2.45 billion active users.

(Clement, 2020)

3. How can social media platforms affect students' social interaction to:

a) Peers

Based on the survey, 88% of the respondents have a great communication with

friends. Social media acts as a bridge between two friends with a great distance.

Meanwhile, 6% of the respondents' relationship with friends is not affected and those

respondents who have a poor relationship with friends also have a percentage of 6%.

b) Family

In terms of social relationships, 80% of 50 respondents said that social media

helps them to meet new friends. Only 6 people have a poor relationship with family

members and 4 out of 50 respondents have a poor relation with friends with only 8%.

This simply means that social media is a big help on LNHS students to meet new friends

but there is also a fact that in every 5 people, 1 of them has a poor relationship with

family and with friends.

4. Number of hours spent on using social media platforms

Based on the survey, out of 50% of the respondents, 42 of them use social media

for 4-5 hours a day. Meanwhile, 36% answered 2-3 hours. 16% of respondents use social

media for more than 5 hours and only 6% spend 0-1 hour on it.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media platforms on the

academic performance of LNHS students?

Based on the data gathered, there are no disadvantages of using social media

platforms in terms of the respondents' academic performance. Social media is a big help

in their grades because the finding shows that 25 students got higher grades even they are

exposed to social media.


The main focus of this study is to enhance the knowledge of the students about

how can social media platforms possibly affect their school academic performance. To

sum it up, Laiya National High School students' academic performance is affected

positively by using different social media platforms. As a result of the survey

questionnaires, their grades get higher with the help of using different social media

networking sites. Though there is no doubt that most of the students are hooked on social

media and spend most of their time on it, they can still manage to comprehend and

participate actively during class

Though social media has negative effects on the academic performance of the

students such as distracting students on their academics and taking most of the students’

time, it also has good benefits. For instance, students can use social media networking

sites (SNS) for educational purposes and also serve as entertainment for relieving their


The findings of this study showed some noteworthy results. The first independent

variable is negatively related to influencing the academic performance of the students,

that social media came to be a great distraction for a student’s focus on academic works.

The other independent variable is positively related to influencing the academic

performance of the students, that social media is a powerful instrument in enhancing the

knowledge of a student especially in today’s generation.


After a careful analysis of the study, recommendations are hereby presented.

1. Students must lessen the number of hours spent on using different social media

platforms so that the academic performance would not be affected. They should use

social media in a good way. Make use of social media to help them with their studies,

communication and handling the environment. Everyone should be wary of the

consequences of social media overuse.

2. Parents should guide their children and limit their time in using social media platforms.

This will help them to focus on their studies and interact with others. They should also

remind them that not all websites are safe to use and checking must be done first to

assure that they are using a secure websites.

3. Teaching students the possible effects of social media in their academic performance

will be of great reminder. Mentors should help and guide the students to communicate

well with their peers and family.

4. Future researchers can administer the same research to validate the result of the study.

This could also serve as one of their references.



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