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Configurations file of SVM :


1) /etc/lvm/
2) /etc/lvm/
3) /etc/lvm/

Q. What is soft partition ?

Ans. Soft partition is a free utility in use for creating a no. of file system or
single metadevice on a single hard disk,
we can create 1000 soft partitions in solaris.

Q. How to create a soft partition in a single slice ?

Ans. 1) creating a slice on hard disk by using command format

2) create a metadevice

# metainit d50 (metadevice name) 1 1 c0t0d0s4

3) # metainit d20 (Soft partitoon) -p d50 (metadevice name) 100m (size of soft

4) create a file system of soft partition.

# newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d20

5) creating a directory for mount point.

# mkdir /sp (dir. name where you want to mount soft partition)

6) mount soft partition on /sp dir.

# mount /dev/md/dsk/d20 /sp

6) put entry on vfstab for permamnet.

# vi /etc/vfstab.

Q. How to increase the size of soft partition.

# metattach d20 (soft partition name) 50m (size you want to increase)
# growfs -M /mountpoint (/sp) /dev/md/rdsk/d20

Q. How to create raid5 ?

Ans. #metainit d5 (raid5 name) -r disk1 disk2 disk3
# newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d5
# mkdir /raid5
# mount /dev/md/dsk/d5 /raid5

Create vfstab entry for permanent.

# vi /etc/vfstab

Q. How to add size (slice) after creating raid5 volume ?

Ans. 1) creating slice for using format command
# format
# metattach d5 (raid5 name) c0d0s4 (slice name)
# growfs -M /mountpoint (raid5) /dev/md/rdsk/d5

Q. Packages of SVM.
Ans. SUNWmd

Q. Daemon of SVM ?
Ans. 1) metad
2) rpc.metad

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