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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

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700 bar type IV high pressure hydrogen storage

vessel burst e Simulation and experimental

Juan Pedro Berro Ramirez a, Damien Halm a,*, Jean-Claude Grandidier a,

Stephane Villalonga b, Fabien Nony b
Department Physics and Mechanics of Materials, Institute Pprime (UPR 3346), CNRS, ENSMA, Universite de
Poitiers, BP40109, 86961 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France
CEA, DAM, Le Ripault, F-37260 Monts, France

article info abstract

Article history: The damage model described in [12,13] is used to predict the burst pressure and the burst
Received 31 October 2014 mode of type IV hyperbaric tanks for hydrogen storage. The shape of the composite shell
Received in revised form (as well as the fibre orientation at each point) ensuring the mechanical strength comes
14 May 2015 from the plug-in Wound Composite Modeler. The FE simulations are found not only to
Accepted 19 May 2015 predict the global behaviour of the vessel (radial and axial displacement when undergoing
Available online 22 July 2015 an increasing inner pressure, burst pressure value), but also the damage modes at the ply
scale. Thus, they are capable of explaining phenomena such as the non linearity due to the
Keywords: presence of a gap between the liner and the composite shell or the possible leaks due to
Wound composite vessel delamination in the dome and providing the strain level in each composite layer.
Finite element simulation Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Burst prediction reserved.
Damage mode

pressure storage vessels [4]. Today, the use of high pressure

Introduction vessel to store hydrogen represents the most mature tech-
nology. The four different high pressure vessels [5] developed
Hydrogen is one of the most developed alternatives to tradi- so far are: 1) Type I: metallic vessel; 2) Type II: thick metallic
tional energy sources like oil and natural gases. It offers great liner hoop wrapped with a fibre e resin composite; 3) Type III:
advantages, such as a quasi e infinite source (seas) and no metallic liner fully wrapped with fibre e resin composite and
greenhouse gas emission. For more than a decade, this 4) Type IV: polymer liner fully wrapped with fibre e resin
way has been the focus of research and development efforts. composite. The gaseous hydrogen storage at high pressure
Hydrogen storage stays a key issue for the high scale deploy- with type IV vessels is nowadays considered as finding an
ment of fuel cell applications. There are different ways answer to most of the technological issues. To be efficient, this
to store hydrogen, such as liquid storage tanks [1], polymer storage must be done at high pressure (above 350 bar and up to
and composite foams [2], metal hydrides [3], gaseous high 700 bar for on-board applications). Recent developments on

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 5 49 49 82 31; fax: þ33 5 49 49 82 38.

E-mail address: (D. Halm).
0360-3199/Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
13184 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

700 bar type IV vessels have demonstrated very promising - The choice of the element types in the FE models. Shell
results (high cycling resistance, burst pressure, hydrogen elements are mainly suitable for analysing thin to
tightness, gravimetric and volumetric storage capacities…). moderately-thick shell structures whereas solid elements
To reach commercial deployments, this technology needs are more appropriate for accurate calculation in spite of
research and development to cut costs and improve perfor- their more laborious use for winding mesh procedures,
mance, reliability and durability of current high pressure which could appear to be too time consuming in the opti-
vessels. The internal pressure generates high mechanical mization procedure. Another limitation concerns the ac-
stresses which lead to a massive use of carbon fibre. The curacy of axisymmetric models to faithfully simulate the
composite material represents from 50% to 70% of the final composite cyclic periodic behaviour.
cost of the vessel (Fig. 1). - The damage models. An optimization procedure will have
An optimization of the composite mass and structure will to take into account all the damage mechanisms occur-
allow reaching a significant cost reduction of hydrogen de- ring in the structure. Numerous damage models for
vices. An improvement of numerical simulation is needed composite structures are available. For example, the
because today most of the research departments work with more sophisticated are based on micro-scale [10] but are
simplified models, frequently far from the real problem limited by their complexity and numerical cost. More-
(complex lay-up and material architecture, very thick com- over, macro-models [11] seem to be more appropriate for
posite parts…). The work presented in this paper is a part of complex and large structures but still remain to be tested
the OSIRHYS IV project, supported by the French Research on pressure vessels.
National Agency (ANR) through “Hydroge  ne et Piles a 
Combustible” program (HPAC program). The purpose of this In this paper, the results of burst simulations performed on
project is to clarify uncertainties and approximations of high a type IV pressure vessel are presented. A continuum damage
pressure vessel composite design and calculation. The project model dedicated to wound composite structures [12,13] is
is dedicated to the whole design and simulation chain. It aims used to simulate accurately the material behaviour. The
at improving material characterization, behaviour simulation pressure vessel FE model is built using the commercial soft-
and tank design. The goal of OSIRHYS IV project is to develop ware ABAQUS. The complex wound composite geometry and
and validate models and methods for composite high pressure orientation, mainly in the domes, are managed by using a
design. specific ABAQUS subroutine (ABAQUS Wound Composite
Facing the wide range of possibilities in the design of such Modeler). Two types of simulations are performed, one in a
pressure vessels (materials, topology, process techniques, three-dimensional framework whereas the other uses
composite lay-up, winding angles…), it was decided to axisymmetric elements. The goal of these two simulations is
limit this study to a particular topology, material and to compare the advantages of each FE modelling, mainly in
winding process. The aim of this approach is to gain in terms of damage description and computational cost. The
knowledge, have a better comprehension of the behaviour specific continuum damage model used in this work is able to
of these pressure vessels in order to figure out design rules simulate properly the damage state and predict not only the
and effective optimization techniques in relation with burst pressure but also the safe/unsafe burst (no ejection/
manufacturing processes. This preliminary step is pivotal ejection of metallic bosses). This damage model uses the fixed
before enlarging design parameters and finally answering damage directions approach to model wound composite
industrial and economic stakes. Current simulation limita- damage modes (fibre breakage, matrix cracking, out-of-plane
tions are related to different models and behaviour un- damage, shear-related damage) in the framework of the
certainties. For instance, the following aspects can be Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes. In addition, initial
quoted: and induced anisotropy, residual shear strains and viscosity
are also taken into account. Details about this damage model
- The lay-up design, in particular in the end-closure revo- (formulation, identification) can be found in Ref. [12,13].
lution areas (thickness evolutions [6e8], winding angle Its salient features are the following:
evolutions with geodesic trajectories based on the Clairaut
equation or with non-geodesic techniques [9], layer su-  The model is able to distinguish the different damage
perposition, slippage parameters, …) modes (brittle fracture for fibres, fibreematrix interface

Fig. 1 e Cost repartition of a type IV pressure vessel (QUANTUM, USA).

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2 13185

and out-of-plane rupture) and the progressive degradation global mechanical response (load vs. displacement curve) but
due to matrix microcracking. Two additional phenomena also the local damage patterns (comparison with microg-
are incorporated in order to get a better representation of raphies or pictures from digital image correlation). This vali-
shear behaviour: matrix viscosity and permanent shear dation on “simple samples” is here completed by simulating
strain. the damage mechanisms and the global mechanical behav-
 It is supposed that each damage configuration is decom- iour of complex hyperbaric vessels. This paper deals with this
posed in a set of scalar damage variables, associated with latter issue which is the heart of the project Osirhys IV
given directions related to orthotropy axes. The permanent (comparison of simulation tools).
strain, due to irreversible sliding of cross-plies, and the In a first part, the geometry of the tank is presented, as
viscous behaviour are taken into account by specific scalar well as the loading and the boundary conditions. The
variables. emphasis is put on the complex winding orientation simu-
 The tensorial functions representation theory is a guide to lation in the domes. The winding model is validated by
build the thermodynamic potential (strain energy per unit comparing the mass of the simulated structure and the
volume) from tensorial invariants. actual one. In a second part, simulations of global dis-
 The normality rule, associated to different threshold placements and burst pressure are carried out and
functions, is found to be flexible enough to simulate both compared to experimental data. Damage maps at the ply
types of damage evolution (brittle and progressive) and the scale allow explaining the specific fracture modes of the
permanent strain evolution. Regarding viscosity, it is tank.
assumed to occur as soon as a shear strain is applied.
 As it is necessary to identify the model parameters from
samples representative of the pressure vessel, a specific Tank finite element modelling
manufacture process has been implemented to elaborate
plates made of wound composite. Tensile tests performed Geometric model
on [0 ], [0 , 90 ] and [±45 ] samples give access to the
parameters. Wound pressure vessels are complex structures because (i)
 In order to overcome the well-known mesh dependency they are multi material structures with a great number of in-
due to the use of softening damage constitutive relations, a terfaces, (ii) they contain complex ply sequences, (iii) the
simple technique by delay effect (i.e., a viscous damage dome shape depends on thickness of the composite plies and
evolution) has been selected. This technique can be easily on their stacking sequence in the cylindrical part. The dome
implemented in a User Material subroutine, unlike more strongly influences the whole structure behaviour (deforma-
complex methods such as non-local models. In the present tion, burst pressure, burst mode).
work, a generalization of Duvaut-Lions scheme [14] has The inner volume of the pressure vessel of type IV at stake
been used in a similar way as in Ref. [15]: each “instanta- is 2.5 L. It is composed of three different parts: the metallic
neous” damage variable r is replaced by an equivalent bosses made of 316L stainless steel, the polymeric liner (PA6)
regularized one rv whose evolution is given by and the carbon fibre/epoxy composite shell. Each part (or
r_ v ¼ 1=tðr  rv Þ, where t is a characteristic time associated material) has a determined function in the structure: the
to the regularized damage. This parameter (which in- metallic boss connects the structure with the outside for
troduces a dependence on the strain rate) has to be iden- refuelling operations (for example), the liner is used to ensure
tified from tests performed on samples containing stress the structure tightness. The composite shell has a mechanical
concentrators [12,13]. function: it endows the structure with thermo e mechanical
strength. Fig. 2 represents a schematization of this type of
This model has been validated by simulating the behaviour vessel.
of notched wound composite samples subjected to tension up Burst tests on tanks have been performed, according to
to fracture. It has been found not only to accurately predict the Fig. 2. Two burst modes may occur:

Fig. 2 e Type IV pressure vessel.

13186 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

 A safe mode: failure appears in cylindrical part and the filament winding process. One “pseudo e layer” (couple ±q)
metallic bosses go inwards the tank. This kind of burst is takes the following form [16] (Fig. 4a):
due to fibre breakage in circumferential plies. Other com- Each layer is thus considered as a couple of ply of orien-
posite damage modes as matrix cracking and delamination tation ±q: the plug-in WCM allocates material elastic proper-
have a little influence on this burst mode. This failure is ties to each angle q so that the stiffness matrix associated with
characterized by a brutal decrease of the axial displace- this angle corresponds to assembling of a layer þq and a layer
ment measured on the tank, after the maximum q (without coupling between bending and extensional
displacement point is reached. strains and without in plane shear strains).
 An unsafe mode: there is a metallic boss ejection due to Concerning the dome structure, it is important to note
failure in a dome. The cause of this type of structural fail- these angles evolve along this part, from the initial value q
ure is the fibre breakage of helical plies but the contribution imposed in the cylindrical part to 90 (i.e., perpendicular to the
of other damages modes, mainly matrix cracking, can be vessel axis) at the layer end point. At this point, the composite
determinant to change the burst mode from safe to unsafe filament turns around the pole and goes back towards the
due to fibres overload. To simulate correctly this type of cylindrical part. The software calculates the angle evolution
failure, a full description of all damage modes is needed. along the dome by using the following equation:
R0 R  R0
Fig. 3 displays typical examples for both modes. qðRÞ¼ sin1 ±d (1)
R Rtl  R0
Five tanks have been tested up to burst. The burst mode is
safe for each tank. The mean value of burst pressure is where R is the radial distance from the pressure vessel axis to
1750 bar and the standard deviation is 27 bar. current point in the layer, Ro is the radial distance from the
The input data for the FEA computations are the di- axis to the turnaround point, Rtl is the radius at the dome-
mensions of the liner and of the metallic bosses (320 mm cylinder tangent line (Fig. 4b), d is a parameter controlling
between the two boss ends and an outer diameter of 114 mm the winding geodesy [17]. If d is chosen equal to zero (fric-
for the liner). From this geometry, the composite shell has tionless winding pattern), Equation (1) corresponds to the
been modelled by using the Wound Composite Modeler classical Clairaut formulation [6]. Accounting for friction
(WCM) plug-in of ABAQUS software. The geometry of the (d s 0) allows one choosing the location of the turnaround
composite shell is automatically generated layer by layer. point. The exponent n adjusts the influence of the friction
Each layer is generated from the surface of the layer previ- term. The evolution of the layer thickness t in the dome is
ously generated (or the liner surface in the case of first layer). related to the winding angle by Equation (2).
The input data for the WCM plug-in are the layer winding
angle q and the layer thickness t in the cylindrical part. At each ttl  cosðqtl Þ Rtl
tðrÞ ¼   4 (2)
layer, WCM assigns material properties corresponding to an cosðqr Þ Rtl R
R þ 2  BW  Rtl R0
angle couple ±q, corresponding to the crossed pattern due to

Fig. 3 e Burst modes.

Fig. 4 e a) Filament winding process (yarn positioning of ±q layer). b) Angle geometrical data for angle calculation in the
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2 13187

with ttl the thickness at the tangent line (R ¼ Rtl), qtl is the
winding angle at the tangent line (R ¼ Rtl), qr the winding angle
at the current radius (R) and BW is the helical band width. This
last parameter controls the thickness growth at the turn-
around point.
In spite of the efficiency of WMC, some differences may be
observed between the actual shell composite dimensions and
those modelled by WCM. The main difference is the location
of the point at which the layer stops: modelled layers are in Fig. 6 e FE shell model (left) and 3D model (right).
general shorter the actual ones. This difference can be
observed by comparison with X-ray radiographies. This
discrepancy is probably due to an incorrect estimation of fibre
yarn sliding and requires adapting the model geometry to the
Table 1 e FE model specifications.
actual one by manually moving the layer end. Fig. 5 shows the
mesh of the two domes (axisymmetric model) once the ge- Model Elements type Elements number
ometry has been corrected. It can be noticed that the actual Axisymmetric CAX6 23,000
tank is not symmetrical. This dissymmetry can be modelled 3D (1/4 of total tank) C3D6 277,354
by the plug-in WCM: each dome is dealt with separately in
such a way the length of each simulated layer is close to the
actual one.
The different parts of the tank are put together, assuming a
perfect junction between liner and metallic boss. A tie-like
connection is imposed between composite on the one hand,
and liner and metallic boss on the other hand. This junction
forces the displacements of the nodes of both coincident parts
to be equal. The resulting model is shown in Fig. 6, which
compares two different versions of the tank vessel FE model.
These different models (shell and 3D) allow comparing results
and computational costs of each configuration.
Table 1 shows the two models (axisymmetric and 3D)
Axisymmetric quadratic triangles (CAX6) and 3D linear
tetrahedron (C3D6) finite elements have been chosen for a Fig. 7 e Mass comparison.
satisfactory match between the mesh and the complex dome
geometry. In the 3D case, a linear element has been chosen in
order to lower the computational time.
The Young moduli, the Poisson's ratios and the densities of
As a preliminary validation, the simulated tank mass
both materials are given in Table 2. The plastic hardening is
(composite, bosses, liner) is compared with the real value
identified from experimental data and considered linear
(Fig. 7). The FE model gives a mass of 1.81997 kg for the com-
(Fig. 8). As strain in metallic bosses is low, the plastic behaviour
posite shell, very close to the actual one (1.819 kg).
is identified from the beginning of the tension curve.
As far as the composite carbon/epoxy is concerned, the
Material behaviour
transversely isotropic elasticity is characterized by the pa-
rameters given in Table 3. This material is assumed to un-
As the PA6 undergoes very small strain levels (because of the
dergo complex damage phenomena (fibre breakage, matrix
high stiffness of the surrounding composite) and does not
cracking, shear damage, delamination, permanent shear
contribute to global deformation of the tank, the liner is
strains, matrix viscosity, …), which are captured by a specific
assumed to be elastic. The 316L stainless steel is elastic-plastic.
damage model presented in Ref. [12,13]. This model is built
by using a fixed directions damage approach: damage pref-
erential directions (related to material architecture) are
selected and associated to scalar variables representing the
damage/residual strain evolution. These couples (fixed di-
rections/damage variables) are the starting point for the
thermodynamic potential expression.

Table 2 e Metallic boss and liner material properties.

316 L PA6
Fig. 5 e Comparison of the simulated composite shell with E (MPa) y r (g/cm3) E (MPa) y r (g/cm3)
200,000 0.3 8 400 0.3 1.5
X - ray observations.
13188 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

Fig. 8 e Metallic boss plastic behaviour (a) and identification (b).

Table 3 e Pseudo layer material properties. Direction 1 e

fibre direction, Direction 2 e transverse direction,
direction 3 ¡ Normal to layer direction.
E1 E2 E3 y12 y23 G12/13 G23 r
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (g/cm3)
134400 8180 8180 0.36 0.38 4700 2920 1.55 Fig. 9 e Boundary conditions and measured

Model parameters are identified from a series of tensile

tests on [08], [02,902]s and [±454]s flat parallelepipedic samples
and comparison with tests of the same nature are used to
degrees of freedom at the other boss end (Fig. 9). The vessel
identify the damage model parameters related to initiation
is loaded by an increasing inner pressure ramp on the in-
and kinetics. It is worth mentioning that although flat these
ternal surface, ranging from 0 to 2000 bar with a rate of 8 bar/
samples are cut from plates which have been wound on a
s (Fig. 2). The FE analysis simulates the axial displacement
mandrel then laid down flat and cured and, consequently, are
(relative displacement of the boss ends) and the radial
representative of the tank.
displacement (inflation at the middle of the cylindrical part),
see Fig. 9.
 The 0 one is used to identify the damage threshold
and evolution parameters for fibre breakage (brittle
 The [0 , 90 ] sequence allows identifying matrix cracking Behaviour of the tank under inner pressure and
damage parameters. Unlike the 90 samples, the [0 , 90 ] burst simulation
ones do not undergo a brutal fracture (thanks to the
0 plies). It is then possible to study the matrix crack evo- This section investigates the pressure vessel behaviour. The
lution and its influence on global rigidity. displacement curves are first compared with simulation re-
 [±45 ] wound samples are used to identify diffuse damage sults. Different phenomena are analysed and explained by
parameters, residual strains and viscosity. Real and simu- using the axisymmetric simulation.
lated rigidity losses are compared to identify the diffuse
damage parameters. The residual strain vs. the total one Displacement curves
gives access to the parameters controlling the residual
strain evolution. Once these parameters are identified, the Fig. 10 compares the experimental and simulated (axial and
relaxation time and modulus are calibrated to simulate radial) displacement curves (among the five burst tests,
properly the viscous unloading parts. Fig. 10 displays the “reference test” which is the closest to the
mean behaviour). Experimental displacements are drawn in
Details on this identification procedure can be found in solid line and the simulated ones in dashed line. Displace-
Ref. [12,13]. ments are measured by LVDT sensors: a sensor is put on the
metallic base to record the axial displacement, another one
on the middle of the cylindrical part to measure the radial
Boundary conditions and loading swelling. The criterion chosen to detect the simulated burst
is the divergence of axial and radial displacements. The point
The chosen boundary conditions are: (i) constrained degrees at which the slope of the axial displacement becomes zero
of freedom (equal to zero) at one boss end and (ii) free (horizontal tangent) is considered as the burst moment. Note
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2 13189

Fig. 10 e Burst test simulation and comparison with

experimental data.

that the shape of the divergence of the displacement curves

gives important information, namely the burst mode: the
mode is “safe” when the metallic boss goes inwards the tank
(drop of the axial displacement) and “non-safe” if the
metallic boss is ejected (sudden axial displacement in-
crease). As it can be seen, the model predicts a burst pressure
of 1620 bar. The axial displacement at this point starts to
decrease, which indicates a safe burst mode. The burst is
Fig. 11 e X-ray micrography: gap location (a) displacement
caused by the fracture of all circumferential layers in the
simulation with introduction of a gap (b).
cylindrical part: the fibre breakage controls the burst phe-
nomenon in the pressure vessel. The simulation however
underestimates the actual burst pressure: the experimental
mean value is 1750 bar. As the 3D simulation provides
an identical result, the results in the following correspond to axial behaviour). Fig. 12 exhibits indeed a high level of
the axisymmetric case, which is less computational time plastic strain in the neck zone of metallic bosses. As the
consuming. plastic strain level is highly influenced by the shape of the
Note that the experimental axial displacement curve ex- boss, this result provides information to designers.
hibits a strong nonlinearity in the very beginning, which
cannot be taken into account by the FE model. This phe- Local damage mechanisms
nomenon is probably due to the existence of an initial gap
between the metallic boss and the composite shell, caused by Another explanation for the non-linearity in the axial
the cure cycle following the winding process: because of the displacement is the initiation of composite damage. Fig. 13
difference between expansion of composite and steel, high shows the diffuse damage (matrix micro-cracking, fibre-ma-
stress gradients appear during the cooling phase of the pro- trix debonding, …) level at 650 bar. As it can be seen, this type
cess, leading to the gap formation. The existence of this gap of damage can be found not only in the cylindrical part but
has been confirmed by X eray observations (Fig. 11). The hy- also in the dome (dashed red line (in the web version)) and
pothesis of the existence of the gap can be corroborated by the may partially explain the non linearity of the axial
FE simulation: a gap-like flaw has been introduced by making displacement.
the composite shell longer and thus creating an interstice Fig. 10 also exhibits fluctuations of the radial displacement
between the boss and the liner on one hand and the composite occurring from a pressure of 1500 bar. As confirmed by the
shell on the other hand. A perfect contact between both parts simulation (Fig. 14), fibres in the circumferential layers of the
has been considered. Fig. 11b shows the result given by a cylindrical part start to break at a pressure close to 1580 bar. In
simulation without damage in the composite shell and a gap a first step, these local failures do not lead to tank burst:
of 0.125 mm. however, because of the load transfer, the surrounding
It can be seen that the radial displacement obviously is circumferential layers rapidly break, until the final burst at
not influenced by the existence of this gap and remains 1620 bar.
unchanged but the axial displacement exhibits an initial The damage model presented in Ref. [12,13] is able to
nonlinearity similar to the real one. Note, in Fig. 10, a second distinguish the different types of damage occurring in the
slight and more progressive nonlinearity of the axial vessel. Whereas Fig. 13 represents the diffuse damage
displacement appearing from a pressure level of around (which groups several phenomena as fibre/matrix debond-
500 bar. Two sources can be considered for this nonline- ing, matrix micro e cracking, …) and Fig. 14 the fibre dam-
arity. First, the role of plasticity of the metallic boss may age, Fig. 15(left) shows the out-of-plane damage (damage
be put forward (the steel plasticity has a strong influence on caused by stress in the direction normal to composite shell
13190 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

Fig. 12 e Equivalent plastic strain at 600 bar.

version) in Fig. 15 middle) and thus polymer e metal joint

rupture, these local cracks are a path that can be followed
by hydrogen and lead to vessel leakage, as it has been
observed in several burst tests (Fig. 15, right). This example
proves that the continuum damage model [12,13] used to
Fig. 13 e Diffuse damage at 650 bar. simulate the composite behaviour in the vessel is capable of
providing global results such as the burst pressure and the
axial and radial displacement curves but also information
about the type, the location and the consequences of local
and responsible for delamination). As it can be seen in this damages.
figure, this kind of damage is localized close to the junction Other test data can be compared to simulation in order
between polymer liner and metallic boss (black solid line). to validate the damage model. Strain gauges have been
Whereas this location for delamination is not intuitive, it stuck on the cylindrical part. However, the filament winding
can be corroborated by experimental observations: this process implemented for the tank manufacture cannot ensure
delamination creates a path between the joint and the a perfect alignment of the fibre tows and leads to surface ir-
outside of tank. In the case of loss of liner tightness (f.ex. regularities and local strong heterogeneity. The strain levels
due to cracks revealed by endoscopy, red arrows (in the web provided by optical fibres are much more exploitable: the

Fig. 14 e Fibre damage (value 1 stands for broken fibres) at 1580 bar, 1600 bar and 1620 bar.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2 13191

Fig. 15 e Out of plane damage level at burst pressure (left), cracks in the liner observed by endoscopy (middle) and
corresponding liquid leak in a burst test (right).

Fig. 16 e Real and simulated strain comparison (left) e location of the circumferential layer containing optic fibres (right)
(helical layers are in blue, circumferential ones in red). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

strains within the composite shell are recorded by optic fibres ejection (or not). These kinds of predictions can be made only
which are wound in several circumferential layers (orienta- by using an accurate damage model which describes all
tion 90 ) during the manufacturing process. This device pro- damage modes. The multi e scale character of the model al-
vides an accurate and reliable strain measurement in the optic lows predicting quite well global behaviour, such as dis-
fibre direction during the test in real time. Comparison be- placements or burst pressure, but also more local phenomena,
tween real test and simulation is shown in Fig. 16. A good such as different damage modes onset, evolution and locali-
correlation between local simulated and experimental mea- zation. This description of local phenomena allows inter-
sures can be observed, in particular in outer circumferential preting specific mechanisms (hydrogen leaks, displacement
layers (C12 and C17). perturbations, etc…).
The pressure vessel has been found to be a very complex
structure whose behaviour is influenced by a large number of
Conclusions phenomena (plasticity of metallic boss, composite behaviour,
geometry and angle distribution in the dome, etc…). The most
A FE model of a type IV wound composite pressure vessel has important aspect to take account is the perfect knowledge of
been developed. In order to simulate properly the burst test, a composite material properties. This is complicated by a non-
continuum damage model dedicated to wound composites negligible porosity and fluctuations of fibres volume fraction
[12,13] has been used. The results obtained are fairly good: the in function of the vessel zone. Future works aim at investi-
difference between the simulated burst pressure and the gating a probabilistic approach of fibres breakage in order to
actual one is 7.74%. In this structure, fibre breakage is the most simulate burst in a more accurate way.
important damage mode, as it leads to tank burst. Even if this
mode drives the burst process, the use of a complex damage
model is justified by the existence and prediction of other
phenomena related to matrix cracking or delamination. These Acknowledgements
damage modes influence burst pressure and burst mode. For
example, out of plane damage can create a hydrogen leak way This work is supported by French Research national Agency
as it has been shown. Concerning the burst modes, matrix (ANR) through Hydroge ne et Piles a
 Combustible (project
cracking in the dome can be determining in the metallic boss OSIRHYS IV, N ANR-09-HPAC-010).
13192 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 3 1 8 3 e1 3 1 9 2

references through the thickness direction. Compos Struct

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