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The Forbidden Feminine

The Archetype of Mary Magdalena

I am referring to the Ancestral Great Mother:

Great Woman of Mary, Our Lady, La Nuestra Señora,

Lady of Compassion

However, in this context I am referring to Mary Magdalena - as an archetype pattern of the

psyche in the Soul, as opposed the Greater Mother that holds one half of the container of
existence itself.

Read from Metaphysical Bible Dictionary :

The emancipation of women in the West seems to be quite advanced.

Women : we have the same rights and duties before the law, and can develop their skills freely.

Modern literature and lm, women are portrayed as active, energetic, self-assured, autonomous
human beings.

So you might wonder if anything is still forbidden for women?

MY answer to that question is "yes".

During centuries of misunderstanding and the distortion of the female energy, a wound has
developed in women's souls.

A wounded woman may attain:

a career,
enter into relationships, and
look after herself,
Below the surface she often suffers from self-doubt and a sense of

There is a deeply embedded sense - which can come the Limbic

System, familial ties, cultural ties etc.

Also deeply ingrained in the houses of the female psyche.


have a rich inner life

have much to give
it is hard for them to stand up for themselves
set boundaries.

This leads to a loss of self and a lack of grounding.

inspiration, and
love in the hearts of women, and

uncertainty about their self-worth and

authenticity, and wonder if their true face is
even welcome.

I was confronted with this forbidden female within myself

I always felt I had to over work to prove myself and try my best to gain approval and love.

I had to suppress my personal needs.

For the rst time in my life I had a basic sense of self-love that is so crucial.

Self-love means loving yourself the way you are instead of the way you "should be".

- not fully matured yet, but to a large extent, it has increased my inner strength and improved
my self-awareness. Now, I often
- feel joy and contentment with regard to my work and life.

- The forbidden female within has nally been allowed to show herself.
Wild, Free Soul who works in the world, and whose elaborate and exploratory inner life
keeps her Spirit close to her consort .

Archetype : Mary Magdalene.

Parables of Christianity - she represents the forbidden woman.

In Historical accounts : she was a whore, free and independent, a wild woman who had to
be liberated from the demons of her sins by Jesus.

Archetype Mary Magdalene : powerful and at the same time loving teacher.

direct and confrontational

gentle and full of understanding about our human emotions.
Not a feminist
wise and passionate woman who acknowledges the pain in both men and women,
and calls for cooperation between the male and female energies.

While the outer barries are being removed - woman are increasingly confronted with inner
barries that can only be overcome through an inward path.

Mary Magdalene, there is a forbidden female energy in both men and


This female energy is related to our feelings, our intuition, and our hearts.

There are many archetypes formed in the feminine psyche which

constellate other aspect of the feminine - we will get to these over time.



MM speaks:

1st message: ”the wound in the abdomen of women” as she called it.

The disempowerment of the female energy is most evident in the abdominal region
of the body.
Deeply embedded lack of self-worth because subversive male dominion over her
supreme powers of the centuries.

There is a void in this region:

associated with a lack of self-worth.
heal this psychological wound, it is not enough to establish equal legal and social
rights for women
requires a deeper healing, and that is exactly what Mary Magdalene's messages

2nd message:
Female and male energy,:
sexuality, and
about healing the wound in the abdomens of women and
the hearts of men.

3 message:
the awakening of this higher male energy is of fundamental importance at this time in
history - healing the wounded masculine
emphasizes the wound of the male energy.
wound in the hearts of men, preventing them from surrendering to their feelings and
Healing this wound is just as important as restoring the abdominal power in women.
The dark side of the female energy: the manipulative, possessive, or hateful aspect of it
that can take over when women lose their sense of self.

D istinction between a fear-based, resentful aspect and a loving, heart-centered aspect.

Each Sex needs to take responsibility for their own shadow or dark side.

Both can be victims and perpetrators in the intricate games played out in relationships.

The path towards balance and harmony consists of integrating the male and female
energies within ourselves.

THIS BRINGS : wholeness (Fundamental tenant of Gestalt)

establish a connection with our soul
allowing us to enter into bene cial relationships with other people based on
that soul connection.

Describes a process to becoming whole.

Th path to wholeness is different for both sexes, it eventually leads to the same goal:

inner freedom,
a connection with the soul, and
a more affectionate sexuality.

Feminine thought : the peculiar quality and capacity of sensing or feeling more keenly than
man, what exists in the world of spiritual matters.

Masculine thought : has the most power to act in the world of physical things.

In the real and divine marriage the man acknowledges this power of woman, defers to it and is
glad to pro t by it.

The feminine thought element has the most power to penetrate this unseen world and sense
rather than see what is going on there.

This peculiar feminine power and quality of thought : by the name of "intuition."

Inward teaching or knowledge of events beyond reach of the physical senses coming from
within. But such knowledge comes from without.

The feminine thought ranges and reaches out.

It traverses distances; material solidity is no obstacle to it.

It senses an event by means and power not capable of explanation.

It feels the acts or motive or character of persons.

It feels a coming good or a coming ill.

It brings its apprehension of things for good or ill back to the domain of its physical senses.

Its power for reaching out and into the realm of the unseen or spiritual side of life

this power of woman's mind is stronger than with man.

OUTER BARRIERS have been removed -

we are confronted with the INNER BARRIERS - that can only be overcome through

- Inner Barriers are related to deeply rooted feelings of UNWORTHINESS

- These feelings are partly created by our shared history of the oppression of women.
- We are steeped in energies of the past



- in you is the woman who as not been able to express herself for centuries
- Hide her inner strength and originality in sexuality, creativity and spirituality

This emotional MUTILATION - still lack self-awareness and suffer from a taboo against using
their male energy.

Women are reluctant to claim their space, to receive rather than give, to say "no" when
appropriate, and to stand up for themselves.

- Those that have been claiming space have down so NOT REALLY connected to their inner
faculties of KNOWING, RECEPTIVITY and blood and SOUL VOICE and have set their inner
forces against over-culture of the Male Standar

Male energy :
• sets limits,
• is self-oriented, and
• has the courage to distinguish itself from others.

Considering the fact that women have been oppressed by men, this sounds paradoxical.

Women need this energy to regain balance and become the creators of their own

- Woman need in order to heal their inner wound is male energy?

Yes. To shed some light on this,

you are a soul -

YOU have female and male energy latent within the psyche .

That soul can choose a female or a male life. T

The soul itself is free and uses both energies for everything it undertakes.

YOU oppress - when you make people believe they possess only female energy if they
are a woman and only male energy if they are a man.

- women were forced to identify only with being women, as de ned in terms of partnership
and motherhood.
- being irrational and emotional, as opposed to the masculine qualities of being rational and
- MEN - forced into a strict role, and in order to be "real men” -
- suppress their emotions,
- close their hearts, and
- strive to achieve things that were often not

ONE-SIDED DEFINITONS of Masculine & Feminine (forcing them to enact those roles) -

Led to an inner wound in BOTH MEN and WOMEN.

TO embrace - their MALE energy - they need to reconnect with their SOUL SKIN.

Needing both energies - restrict themselves of de nitions and roles and embrace the
individuality of the SOUL.

Men - need female energy to heal their emotional wounds - they need to feel fully justi ed in
owning and feeling their feelings.

THIS IS ABOUT THE SOUL - as a free, unique individuality that can explore anything -

SOUL as a divine principle - independent of earthly in uences and powers.

When people connect with their soul WE Become Self-willed and unpredictable

- Free from fear, social exclusion and death

- exertion from external authorities
- Attuned to their own inner voice.

Instead of outward authorities undermining OUR SELF-IMAGE - which the outer always
does so we loose inner faith and dominion

Emotional damaged by traditions of power

not allowed to show their vulnerability, feelings, crying and emotion.

Only stand out if they have ambition.

Traditional IMAGE -

“Real Man” - is not guided by emotions (impulsive and sentimental) but by a head that is
rational and makes sensible decisions.

heart is rst disquali ed as “sentimental"

these restrictive de nitions,

"A woman is more emotional and therefore more unpredictable and more impulsive than a man;
a man is more rational by nature, so he is a better thinker and therefore a better decision maker.”

This whole idea of seeing the head and heart as opposites is awed. I

Head is the seat of thought - heart is the seat of love and compassion.

Love and compassion are not simply impulses or emotions, but a form of deep, living wisdom.

Developed heart is not at all temperamental, sentimental, or impulsive. I

• it steadfast and can penetrate truths that cannot be understood from the head alone.
• gateway to the soul.

Do you now understand why during the course of your history the de nition of the heart
has become so distorted?

MEN - collective wound that was energetically in icted on them can be found at the level
of their hearts -
feelings would reveal their weaknesses and therefore set them up to be a prey for
Always in Control
Able to defend

Defensive consciousness is totally at odds with the ability to connect with another.
Only when you show your humanity, YOUR QUESTIONS and DOUBTs are you are
fully present in connection to with someone else.

Fearful to be emotionally moved.

You need to let go of control - creates resistance in me - because to be attractive,
enviable and to nd a mate - they need to be DOMINANT - it is risky to touch the

THE PRICE THEY PAY - for this is a lack of feeling, vibrancy, and intimacy.

Life can no longer spontaneously ow through you through your feelings, hunches, and
intuition, because your head is in the way and creates barriers.

suppress your feelings; they simply are not there anymore. If your heart is closed in this
way, you start feeling alienated from life itself.
results in a deeply felt loneliness, a disconnection from both yourself and others.

WOMAN - the wound is in the abdomen.

They have been disempowered at the basic level of their self-con dence, CREATIVE
POWER, PERSUSAIVE POWER and their ability to stand up for themselves and AS A DEEP

How can the resurrection of the female energy contribute to this?

large numbers of women are experiencing a spiritual awakening.

need for a different way of living, one that is inspired by feeling, passion, joy, and connection
with other people.
Women experience more happiness in being with others than in standing out as a result of
some big achievement.
natural tendency to connect with others and to experience happiness, love, and
transcendence through these connections.

Transcendence -
knowing you are part of something larger than your personal self and nding joy in
This does not mean that you give up part of yourself.
It means that you grow. As part of your connection with something larger, you
contribute something valuable, and in return you receive inspiration and experience
the joy of being recognized and seen for you are.

They search:
For meaning
for a ful llment that makes them feel alive.
ful llment cannot be found in an external source, It arises from the experience of feeling
connected with all these things
knowing there is a meaningful interaction between you and your family, home, employer,
or whatever touches, amazes and inspires you.
female desire and ability to create deep connections is essential for the awakening of
humanity as a whole. The desire for an authentic connection is fundamental to the
change this world needs right now.
The ability of awakened women to engage in deep, meaningful, and passionate

Why is the female ability to connect so crucial?

Because dysfunctional relationships are at the root of virtually every problem in this world.
Empathy - the ability to imagine what other people are feeling within their frame of
reference - is a virtue of an evolved soul.
When people interact from true openness, major breakthroughs can be achieved.
Openness of the soul when connecting with someone else is transformative for everyone
If others do not feel recognized, their behavior is determined by defense mechanisms and
protective masks. If you are not open to someone else's soul, you lower yourself to the level
of the ghting ego.
You might be able to carry on a conversation, and even come to an agreement, but if there
is no real connection, your words will for the most part be empty.
Inauthentic communication is so prevalent in the world that talking to someone without
feeling a real connection with them has become normal. Feeling a true connection and real
emotions when interacting with others is something many people avoid.

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