Supervision Mission To YESS Project Current PWMP Eng

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6/23/23, 5:33 PM Supervision Mission to YESS Project; PWMP - Current beneficiaries

Supervision Mission to YESS Project;

PWMP - Current beneficiaries
* showing mandatory questions to be filled in

1. Your educational institution of origin:

Mark only one oval.

Polbangtan Bogor

Polbangtan Malang

SMKPP Banjar Baru

Polbangtan Gowa

2. Beneficiary’s Name: *

3. Gender: *

Mark only one oval.



4. Mobile Number : *

5. In what year did you enter this educational institution?

6/23/23, 5:33 PM Supervision Mission to YESS Project; PWMP - Former beneficiaries

6. What semester are you currently in? (for Polbangtan)

Mark only one oval.

__ Semester 1
__ Semester 2
__ Semester 3
__ Semester 4
__ Semester 5
__ Semester 6
__ Semester 7
__ Semester 8

7. What grade are you currently in? (for SMKPP)

Mark only one oval.

__ Grade 10
__ Grade 11
__ Grade 12

8. Province of origin: *

9. Di strict: *

10. S u b d i s t r i c t : 2/5
6/23/23, 5:33 PM Supervision Mission to YESS Project; PWMP - Current beneficiaries

11. Will you return there after graduation? Yes/No, Please explain!

12. In the PWMP program, what business activities did you develop? Brief description
(narrative including important data such as revenue, profit, distribution area, and
marketing channels).

13. What is your reason for choosing that PWMP business?

14. Is this PWMP business run individually or in a group?

Mark only one oval.


Group 3/5
6/23/23, 5:33 PM Supervision Mission to YESS Project; PWMP - Current beneficiaries

15. If in a group, who are your business partners?

Mark only one oval.

Close friends from school
Designated friends from school

16. Do you or any group member intend to continue the activities after graduation?

17. Where will you and your group continue the PWMP Business?

18. If you do not wish to continue those activities, what will you do after graduation?

Mark only one oval.

Start a company
Become an employee

Work in the family


Still unsure 4/5
6/23/23, 5:33 PM Supervision Mission to YESS Project; PWMP - Current beneficiaries

19. So far, what benefits have you gained from the conducted PWMP activities?

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