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How to 10x Your Focus (without medication) 10 science-based technique: =) Cony BUC PU et ae EE Reseed (adrenaline) for alertness eC ecco n ng CooTaot hee] le Ride (ol Dopamine acts as the driving force to eect Post Source: Focus Toolkit: Tools to Improve Your Focus & Concentrations Huberman Lab Podcast #88 ai YOUR Fag rere ) cee Bea ad Seo cee Se cee RR retary Acetylcholine (Direction) Mindfulness, meditation, or deep work eee SSCS CEC eco er Reh ecm Bo Let's dig deeper. ) ea cra Sleep (1/2) MSR ar te Huberman emphasizes dialing this in Pees Cum Cunt Cen nes No amount of caffeine and cold showers PU ae ce ) ea cra Sleep (2/2) Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D. © hubermanlal in 30m of waking for oid bright light (all colors) 10pm-4am, 3. “If safe for you": Mg Threonate (~140mg), Theanine (10 nin (50mg) No caffeine post 2pm No alcohol ) ea cra Build focus like a muscle (1/2) Huberman says to start small. SCR Searcy focus without distraction. PS Clee le Roe ) ea cra CMR Cente Cy) DAN KOE @ a Athedankc Focus is a muscle. Start with 4 sets of 20 minu litting Wh Aa Cora PCT Cee SCRUM a eae ec icl eam ARCO Me eeu RCCL CoCr men) If you want to avoid an afternoon caffeine crash, delay your intake for 90-120 minutes after waking. @ Cony Dee eceeet Ot) RSs cence accra) A quick round of this breathing technique eee Ronan eM CU ae ol) eas CSE ook) a Eon NY 4 Lo J & Catt eu Bu RRC e GER lure Lee l Me Reina - Creatine monohydrate (5 grams per day) ST RUS n eer Pun ratey Teun) ioc eee USS (consult your physician) @ Cony ECL CLy CEM Ce cn rune) increase focus and concentration Huberman recommends: Peres) PRU ae ROMA Lot work. Cee aU eo Ries @ Cony De Pr ea ea tee este asec) ac RCAC UU RCs Pec CR Cai € occa Prey Ree Ree un Ca A diet high in sugar and processed foods rere coer Ea kcctce Dees Tune Coeur yg Rese a ace aC CRY your body (and brain) work optimally. re) ee ad Cet cs aT OCRed Re epinephrine and Goperins levels. eRe CCM BCR CE ku alo Here's what I do: Dang 2. Turn the water cold for the last 1-2 minutes Aa Cora Cur) There are 2 factors to consider here SR CaS) Me eee TNE) 2. Too much food can make us lethargic The key is to find what works for you. TCC MCRL ORCC me If you need some food, that's ok too. 2) ea Coad Tec Huberman recommends emphasizing behavioral tools, nutrition, and sleep before considering supplements or Pere ou omen If you enjoyed this. You'll love my newsletter: Where I share my favorite: tips insights to help you become 1% better each day. Click the link in my bio to sign up and receive my FREE goal-setting template.

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