Can WP Ims 036

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*Foocument cove | CHAPTER 10 e 20 3.0 40 2) 7.0 80 90 e 10.0 110 120 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 ROUTE | Name Date Desig./Sign’ SIC CAN [Rev. pare | 01-11-2021 |PAGE| 1 0f7? wwa.cve [Rev. #] 00 LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN -CN PRODUCTION PLANT LIME DRYING AND HEATING SECTION OPERATING PROCEDURE ROUTINE PROCEDURE WITH MEDIUM RISK (TYPE-II) DESCRIPTION Change Record oe acmeimen | EN MRED | Scope ~~ Chemicals involved Hazards and Risks Involved Safety Requirements/ Precautions Process Prerequisites Safe Operating Limits Alarms and Trips Actions against deviations Process Description Procedure & Responsibilities Emergency Handling Attachments and Records Related Documents Distribution Lists | Revieweosy | revieweoey | aPPRovED By (REFERENCE! Aa Gashir|) | M. Aslam Rashid | sultan Mahmod | Hyder Ali | QMS: 75 re : forarz02) | ot202// | ova: 200 yp yt HSE 79 A eo” ongs: | Day Engr um can | DM East | 75 | ! DOCUMENT CODE | CaN wrws.o36 |REV. #[ 00 [REV.DATE| 01-11-2021 |PAGE| 2 0f 22 ‘Dhaye LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN—CN 0 tly PRODUCTION PLANT 1.0 CHANGE RECORD: | i Hl | | Rev. Page | Chapter | Section | S.No. | No.| No, | Date nas No. | No. | Description of Change | 8 | oo onsnamar |a22| a et | | | fa | | | | | | | | eo Lo) eee 3 j | WHER I RET | | | | eee . | I | | 4. | | | 5 | | ; | i | | | | Route | PREPARED BY | Reviewesy | Revieweosy | APPROVED BY REFERENCE | Name | H. Adil Bashiny | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmdod | Hyder Ali ams: 75 pate | 01-11-2021 | \)_ o1-a1-2022 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 NSE: 7.5 \ | ones Desig /sien| sic can KU" | Day Engr UM CAN DM East ae DOCUMENT Cope | »AN-wr-iws-o36 [REV.#] 00 | REV. DATE | 01-11-2021 [PAGE| 3 0f22 Qe, LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN-CN Q PRODUCTION wily PLANT 2.0 PURPOSE 21 Guidelines for normal operation, startup, shutdown and emergency handling of Lime drying. and heating section for the training of GTE’s, Trade Apprentices and area operators. 3.0 SCOPE 3.1 This document describes the steps to be taken regarding operation, startup, shutdown and emergency handling of Lime drying and heating section. 4.0 CHEMICALS INVOLVED. 4.1 Natural Gas ORIGINAL @ = 42-— cacos WHEN IN REL 4.3 K2504 4.4 NHB 4.5 Ammonium Nitrate 5.0 HAZARDS AND RISKS INVOLVED sr# | HAZARD RISKS } a Bust emission 5.1] Uimeoust |b. airpolltion |e! Materia tosses | a. Water contamination 5.2 | Lime wat | cea ls Lines choking. | a. Human Contact 3 | Lime Spillay 53) pillage | Trip Hazard Oe ee ea 6.0 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS/ PRECAUTIONS, 6.1 Use mandatory PPEs. 6.2 Use polka / industrial gloves & dust mask as per job requirement. 6.3 All F-Keys, wooden hammer & certified hoses are placed at their proper places for easy access. 6.4 — Walkie talkie should be available in control room for better communication. 6.5 Ensure clear tagging of motors & screws in field. 6.6 MSDS of lime, natural gas, AN, NH3, and K2SO4 should be available and clearly understood by area operators. | route | pReparepey | Reviewepey | REVIEWEDBY,| APPROVED BY REFERENCE, Name | H. Adil Bastyr | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmoéd | Hyder Ali QMS: 7.5 [pate | 01-11-2024 |) | 02-11-2021 | 01-11-2021 o112021 ge HSE: 7.5 | OH&S: | Desig./Sign) sic CaN KUL” | Day Engr UM CAN DM East fos | DOCUMENT CODE | SAN-WP-iS-036 REV. # REV. DATE | 01-11-2021 [PAGE| 4 0f 22 LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATIO! 00 elt | @PR ly y PRODUCTION CAN-CN PLANT 7.0 PRE-REQUISITES 7.1 Ensure that all work permits have been closed. 7.2 Check whether all motors are coupled and free to rotate. 7.3 Ensure that megger of all motors have been checked and found ok. 7.4 Ensure the availability of power, instrument air, plant air and fresh water supply. 7.5 Fill Pre-startup checklists of Lime section. (CL-CAN-018/019/20) 7.6 Clear and logical communication to coordination engineer and Utility plant shift engineer is mandatory for smooth operation. @ 2&9 SAFE OPERATING LMITs » | Parameter SR# | | Description Design Value 8.1 | Fuel Gas Pressure 9kg/cm? | Instrument air, | 2 | 82 | Pressure | 06 kg/cm Fresh Water 5 | 3 2 | 3 | pressure | 25Xe/em Dn m7 5 3.4 | Drvlime temp. to = mixing tank | as | | ao | time bin | | ji 9807-71/72 8.6 | suction 120°C temperature e Return ar g.7__| temperature at pee | cyclone discharge 15-126 226-1, (ae PSP AN as mm of we burner Vacuum | | | 47-2: ii gq (17-223CNburner | ewe Vacuum ‘ORIGINAL _ WHEN IN REV Normal Value Safe Operating Lis 10 Kg /cm? 08 - 11 Kg / cm2 5.5 kg/cm? | 05-06 Ke / cm? | 25Kesem? =| 2-3.5Kg/em2 80 to 100°C 60 to 130°C 120°C | 100 ~ 140°C 180-220 °C 160-260°C | -Sto-15mmofWC | -2to-30mm of WC oS ”Lrhr hr ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWED BY REVIEWED By/ | Name | H. Adil Bashi | M. Aslam Rashid Sultan Mahmgod Date 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 IO | 01-11-2021, Desig./Sign| SIC CAN Day Engr ee CAN | | jf APPROVED BY REFERENCE! Hyder Ali ams: 7.5 | 01-11-2021 Seer Cues DM East + [pocumeNT cope |< x-we-ims.o36 [Rev.#] 00 | REV. DATE| 01-11-2021 |PAGE Q”) wy LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN—CN 15} Ly PRODUCTION PLANT 9.0 ALARMS AND TRIPS tas |Description | Logie/ Function [Trip Set Point | | Annunciation panel will sound | PAL 15-208 Instrument Air Low Pressur femag st Air baad Alarm in control room. | 3 Kefem2g Tiras 17980771772 suction H0t 2 | opti tpt CN burner | aa0'% temperature | 15.201.33 Natural Gas Pressure low to CAN | 1 ogic wit trip the CAN burner 0.2 Ke/emg ' PSL 15 201-38 | ess 15-1010 discharge | Logic willtrip the CAN burner 35 KPa | | SH 17 201-34 | BiBh Natural Gas Pressure t0 CN | «opie wit trip the CN burner 1 Ke/em2g, | Bune e Low Natural Gas Pressure to CN | osta7 20133 Log wil ep the CN burner 0. Kafem Burner (PSL 17-201-33) e ed | ae | a [ ORIGINA | Whenmt 2 10.0 ACTIONS AGAINST DEVIATION = I { | Deviation / Causes Effects j Remedial Actions problem | | ‘Inform Utility plant and Coordination | >, Engr. about fuel gas high pressure and | | Us tteh pressure of [AE HB/ems PSH IT A tnt comet / | Fuel Gas High natural gas from weil operate | Stop lime feeding to 17-1801 Schenck | nd trip th Pressure | PIC-O1 at Utilities | 2d tthe ON | Burner | st CCR >9K | te? ee ‘kg/cm’ © High pressure of 1.75 | >1Kg/em’ —« Malfunetioning of |" (Hh Prosar 91 175 | eons the PSV — 17-241 | @ | | Low pressure of | At 02 — Kefem’g | natural gas from] pressure PSL 15-201 PIC.U1 at Utilities | 33 and PSL 17-201-33 | | ee | Inform Utility plant and Coordination and move the 17-1204 conveyor belt to Lime store. + Consume the Lime bin level with prilling if PCV of CAN Burner let down to required pressure above 0.5 kg/cm’, otherwise stop prilling. Engr. about low pressure of fuel gas and ask them to maintain it Stop lime feeding to 17-1801 Schenck > | Wve the 17-1204 conveyor belt to kg/cm’ the CAN and cn | 2nd move po <0.2 kg/cm’ |* Matfunctioning of | burners, respectively. | | Coes the SOV / SRV | SOV / SRV. + Un-confined natural | ‘+ 5} Stop all the HOT job in area where | * Leakage on Natural | gas in atmosphere | natural gas released and isolate it from gas circuit lead tofire incident. | | upstream isolation | Instrument air | © Tripping of |* On low instrument | # Inform coordination Engr. & Utility plant | tow Pressure | instrument air | pressure < 3 kg/em’e, | about low pressure of instrument ait. | | compressor at | all auto valves will go | * Stop lime feeding to 17-1801 Schenck ROUTE PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY | REVIEWED BY | APPROVED BY [RereRence Name | H. Adil Bashiry | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmoy Hyder Ali | QMS: 7.5 Date 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 | or11-2021|// | 01-11-2021 HSE: 7.5 i Oe! OnBS: Desig./Sign| SIC CAN | Day Engr | um can Abb OM cesta ee || ere || t DOCUMENT CODE | caN-wp-ims.036 [REV. #] 00 | REV. DATE] 01-11-2021 [PAGE| 60122 | LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION: | CaN—CN PRODUCTION PLANT <6ke/cm’ | utility plant. to their failsafe | and move the 17-1204 conveyor belt to | Instrument Air line breakage / leakage. © Tripping of fresh- pump at utility east plant. water Fresh water Low Pressure * Fresh water line breakage / leakage. + Water Head tonk caske/en? | level opening for water head tank evel make up. | Eve teeta lime «CAN servbber| blockage. | * Return duct flapper opening more than 15% eee | eicinee Conien castourner | apper dosed at ler . 15 mmH,0 to suction 2mmH,0 stuck position, in = 15-1009/ 71/ 72/6 flapper closed = CAN burner drain gate opened. © CAN leakage | Blockage in lime | duct lime and Rout | PREPARED BY Name | H. Adil Bashi Desig /sign| SIC CAN b, duct Position. So, CAN/CN burners will trip. Pev 17-215, Tic 17- | 105/06/07/08/09/10, uc 17-408/09/12 auto valve will open while rest of all auto valves will close on | ther fail-safe position. On low. fresh-water pressure < 2.5 kg/cm’, lime scrubbers washing nozzles may chock. Hence vacuum will break which will result in poor lime lifting and back firing of burners. AN / Lime ratio disturb in mixing tank Hence product quality will suffer. AN slippage with lime | at VBFs shall increase. CAN burner back fire Production loss Lime store | * Consult chapter 13.0 for emergency | handling, | ORIGINAL | WHEN IN RED | “i # Inform coordination Engr. & Utility east | plant about low pressure of fresh water. Reduce the set point of wet / dry lime Schenck. Consult chapter 13.0 for emergency handling * Check the dry lime sample and adjust burning + Wash CAN scrubber + Adjust return duct flapper opening at n16F * Check the suction flapper of 15-1018 blower. | + Check the suction flapper of 15- | 1009/71,72 : * Check the drain gate of CAN burner. | | * Check and rectify the lime duct leakage. | * De-block lime duct and cyclones. | | ‘= Deblock duct by dismantling gate at 4100F near 15-1010 lime | ! REVIEWED BY | REVIEWEDBY | APPROVED BY REFERENCE M. Aslam Rashid Sultan Mahmgod Hyder Ali. = | QMS: 7.5 | 01-11-2021) | 01-11-2021 01-11-2021, | HSE: 7.5 | | ona, Day Engr UM CAN DM East |} as DOCUMENT CODE | [REV. #] 00 | REV. DATE | o1-11-2021 [PAGE| 7 of22 a Day LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : caN-cn | Ir }e Jy PRODUCTION PLANT | cyclones. | * Blockage of return | duet of 15-1009 oriGina | WHEN IN RED 11.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION: 11.1 COMPONENTS OF PNEUMATIC CONVEYING SYSTEM: 11.1.1 Fan blower The Furuse of the fan is to blow the material from one place to another or induced a vacuum inet @ system which will shift the material from one place to another. The mode of transportation ie “den: through vipelines incorporated between loading & unloading place. At the loading place a cyclone with airlock is provided to accumulate the material being transported, and rest of the unwanted or fine dust is accumutited in t ust collector 11.1.2 Cyclone separator ve designed to effectively remove large te moderate size particles from air J hic separati pis a method of removing particulates from an air, gas or water s without the use of filters, through vortex separation, Rotational effects and gravity are used to separat tures of solids and fluids. 11.1.3 Air Lock Air lock 1 provided to lock the air passing from the cyclone. Rotary feeders {also known as rotary Jocks cr rotary valves (terminology Star wheel is used at CAN plant)) are commonly used in indus nd agricultural splications as 8 component in a bulk or specially material handling system. Rota feeders are primarily used for discharge of bulk solid material from hoppers/bins, receivers, and eyciore into a pressure oF vacuum driven pneumatic conveying system, 11.1.4 Dust collector e Dust collector is used to accumulate dust which is collected at the end from the system. The ction fen induces high vacuum enough to carry air-dust mixture from cyclones and feed into the ROUTE | PREPAREDBY | REVIEWEDBY | REVIEWEDBY, | APPROVEDBY REFERENCS ' | : Name | H. a M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmdod Hyder Ali QMs: 7.5 | | Date | 01-11-2021) 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 oe i Ona: Desig./Sign| SIC CAN Day Engr | UM CAN | DM East | 75 [ Document cope | can weums-o36 [Rev. #] 00 Rev. Date | 01-11-2021 [PAGE| 8 0f22 Dm? LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN-CN i ly PRODUCTION PLANT worieng on the principle of Strain gauge There is a Wheatstone bridge circuit, when the load acts on the load cells, the Wheatstone br converts that stress into equivalent electrical signal and that signal is transmitted to Intecont Pi Controller which indicates the equivalent weight in the Hopper. Wheatstone | bridge circuit | route | PREPARED BY | REVIEWEDBY | REVIEWEDBY, | APPROVED BY perenence Name H. Adil Bashir | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmfod | Hyder Ali_—| QMS:7.5 | 01-11- 2001 De ee e| Date 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 | 01-11-2024 _ Has: | | Desig./Sign_ SIC CAN | bay Ener UM CAN, | OM East we i 7s | DocumeNT cope | can.wP.ims.036 [REV. #] 00 | REV. DATE] 01-11-2021 [PAGE| _ 90f 22 LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN-CN PRODUCTION PLANT Strain geuges are bonded to the central sensing area in the form of a full Wheatstone bridge. E = Excitation Voltage 0/ = Output Signal 11.2.2 Loss-in Weight working principle LW feeder means that it works on the principal of Loss of weight in the Hopper. So as weigh r dacrsases, Load cells sense that decrease in weight per unit ume and that Is Low the s 0 ORIGINAL 11.2.3 Modes of operation: WHEN IN PEL Volumetric mode: —— In Volumetric mode the Schenck motor 15-1801 runs at a fix speed at the given Set point, wh: can be sven on the Danfoss Inverter Gravimetric made: tn gravirn th the actual feed rate so there ric mede speed of the motor varies directly w h deviation in the actual feed rate, 11.2.4 Lime Drying Chemistr Yet time is dried in CN burner using hot flue gases from CN burner, Care must be taken during ime drying as lime decomposition may occur at elevated temperatures as per following reaction Lime decomposition produces CO2 gas which is vented to atmosphere through 17-9807 blower. His! stack of 17-9807 is environmental pollution. 500~-600°C CaCOa(s) —————=—_ Cas) + Corlg) This reaction is reversible; calcium oxide will react with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate. The reaction is driven to the right by flushing carbon dioxide from the mixture as it is released. Route | PREPARED BY | REVIEWEDBY | REVIEWEDRY, | APPROVEDBY |ReFERENCE Name | H.A‘ Bashir, | M.Aslam Rashid | SultanMahmgod | Hyder Ali QMs: 7.5 | 01-11-2021, HSE:7.5 | Yantra ome | | ye | Date | 01-11-2021,) {J | 01-11-2021 | 01-11-2021, Desig./Sign! SIC CAN Day Engr e ia) DOCUMENT CODE | © Ail.WP-ims Rev. #| 00 [ REV. DaTE| 01-11-2021 [PAGE| 100122 | @) ail UME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION: | CAN-CN icity PRODUCTION PLANT fe i 1 Sina i ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY | REVIEWED BY, Hyder Ali =| QMS: 7.5 | Name | H. Adil Bashig | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmgod | | Date oat a [osstzon | 01-11-2021 pe ie | | 01-12-2021 | S OH&S Day Engr UM CAN | OM East be 25 APPROVED BY ferenence| Desig. Jsien| SIC CAN | DOCUMENT CODE REV. # REV. DATE | 01-11-2021 |pAGE| 11 0f 22 LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN-CN PRODUCTION PLANT ORIGINAL WHEN IN REL ROUTE PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY | REVIEWED BY, | APPROVED BY jReFeRENce| Name | H.AdilBashir | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahmood Hyder Ali = | QMS: 75 Date | 01-11-202' 01-11-2021 01-11-2021 | 01-11-2021 ea | | Oe ones | Desig./Sign, SIC CAN Day Engr WY UM CAN DM East DocumeNT cope | cAN-weuims-036 [REV. #| 00 [ REV. DATE| 01-11-2021 [PaGE| 120122 LIME DRYING & HEATING SECTION OPERATION : CAN—CN PRODUCTION PLANT 11.4 PROCESS DESCRIPTION LIME DRYING: The wet lime (CaCOs) with a water content of approximately 23% (13% is Design figure) is conveyed to the lime drying unit by wet lime belt conveyers 17-1201 and 17-1216. Lime is supplied to screw conveyer 17-1205 which is equipped with left handed and right handed screw divided in two parts. Thus itis possible to split the lime into two streams using 17-1205-72 trolley. One stream to lime drying Unit and other to lime bulk store through belt conveyer 17-1204. In case lime is fed to drying unit from bulk store, screw conveyer 17-1209 delivers lime to 17-1211 belt conveyer. There the lime is transferred to belt conveyer 17-1204 running in reverse direction. Lime coming from filtration unit/lime bulk store is transferred to belt scale 17-1801 (wet lime Schenck}. Lime falls in hopper 17-9802 of the dosing and mixing device and is introduced into drying duct via screw conveyer 17-9803, dosing screw 17-9804 and sling 17-9805. Hot air, required for lime drying , is ambient air delivered by mixing air fan 17-9809 to fuel gas fired burner 17-9808 where it is heated up to 500 °C. The consumption of fuel gas is measured, recorded and totalized by instrument FRO/FI 17-343, 'm cyclones 17-9806/17-9811 lime is separated from air. The dried lime is discharged from lime cyclones by two star wheels to screw conveyer 17-1203 and conveyed to lime bin 17-2014. Air distributer 17-12% distributes air via pipe system inside the bin to ensure easy flow of lime. Lime dust collection system 17. 2310 bin filter is currently out of service. The temperature of air (120 °C) sucked in by the dust fan 17-9807-71/72 is measured behind cyclones 17-9811 and is controlled by TIC 17-116. (TIC 17-116 loop merely indicates the temperature Temperature of CN burner is controlled manually.) The waste gases are washed in scrubbing unit 17-9810 with water to reduce content of lime in waste air. ORIGINAL 11.5 PROCESS DESCRIPTION LIME CONVEYING & HEATING: WHEN Ine tO e The lime conveying and heating unit serves for pneumatic conveyance and simultaneous heat’ of the CaCO; meal required for CAN production. This meal is required at elevation of approximately +60m and at a temperature of 160 °C in the mixing tank. The unit mainly comprises the following equipment and machinery: Burner 15-2401 with combustion air blower 15-1010 for generating the necessary heat by combustion of fuel gas; Cyclones 15-2306 for separating the hot lime meal from the conveying air; screw conveyers and the star wheel feeder for uniform transportation of hot lime meal to the mixing tank; blower 15-1009 for circulating the hot air; wet scrubber for waste air; lime water tank with pump; blower 15-1018 for waste air as well as dosing device 15-1201 for CaCOs meal and the star wheel feeder for uniform meal feed, Lime from lime bin is fed automatically controlled dosing device Schenck WQRC 15-1801 and via screw conveyers and star wheel feeder 15-1217 to the main air stream of the pneumatic conveying and thr heating system downstream the burner. | ROUTE | PREPARED BY | REVIEWED BY | REVIEWED BY/ | APPROVED BY |REFERENCE | Name | H.Adil Bashir | M. Aslam Rashid | Sultan Mahm | Hyder ali | QMS:7.5, | Date 01-11-2021, 01-11-2021 01-11-202 01-11-2021 | HSE: 7.5 | | oes | Desig./Sign, SIC CAN | Dayénge | um can 44/4, | om cast | | [pocumenr cove |

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