Goodwill Webcast Slides English

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IFRS® Foundation

Discussion Paper
Business Combinations—
Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment

Introducing the Discussion Paper

05 June 2020

The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter, not necessarily
those of the International Accounting Standards Board or IFRS Foundation.
Copyright © 2020 IFRS Foundation. All rights reserved.
Before we start 22


The views expressed are those of the presenters, not necessarily those of the International
Accounting Standard Board (Board) or the IFRS Foundation.

The full text of the Discussion Paper is available at

For a summary of the Discussion Paper, you may refer to the project snapshot at

To ask a question during the webinar, type it into the designated text box on your screen and
click ‘submit’. You can submit questions at any time during the presentation. We’ll try to
answer them at the end of the presentation.
The Discussion Paper 3

To improve the information companies provide to investors, at a

reasonable cost, about the acquisitions those companies make.

2004 2013–2015 2015–present March 2020

Timeline IFRS 3 issued* PIR of IFRS 3 Goodwill and Discussion Paper

Impairment project

The Board is mainly seeking comments on:

• the usefulness and feasibility of its new disclosure ideas; and
• new evidence or arguments on how to account for goodwill.
Feedback Comment deadline 31 December 2020 (changed from 15 September
2020 because of the covid-19 pandemic)
* IFRS 3 introduced the impairment-only approach and replaced IAS 22 which required amortisation.
The Board’s preliminary views 4

Improving Require companies to disclose:

 disclosures about • management’s objectives for acquisitions; and
acquisitions • how acquisitions have performed against those objectives subsequently.
Some targeted improvements to existing disclosures.
 Improving the A Can the impairment test Not significantly, and not at a reasonable
accounting for be made more effective? cost.
B Should goodwill be No, retain the impairment-only model.

C Can the impairment test Yes, provide relief from the annual
be simplified? impairment test and simplify value in use.

Other topics • Present on the balance sheet the amount of total equity excluding goodwill.
• Do not change recognition of intangible assets separately from goodwill.
 Improving disclosures about acquisitions 5

What is the issue? Board’s preliminary view: require disclosures

At the acquisition date:

Investors do not get enough
information about • Strategic rationale for acquisition
acquisitions and their • Objectives for the acquisition
subsequent performance
• Metrics for monitoring achievement
of objectives
• Such information would allow investors
to hold management to account
After the acquisition date:
• IFRS Standards do not specifically
require companies to disclose
information about the subsequent Performance against objectives
performance of acquisitions.
 Improving disclosures about acquisitions 6

Board’s preliminary view: Companies should disclose information management uses

internally to monitor acquisitions

What metrics should be disclosed? Should all material acquisitions be disclosed?

• No single metric suitable, because • Disclosure of all material acquisitions could be

business combinations are all different onerous for serial acquirers
• Management approach: • Preliminary view: define ‘management’ as ‘chief
• Less costly to produce operating decision maker’ (CODM)
(IFRS 8 Operating Segments)
• Insights into how management
manages acquisitions • Are these the acquisitions that investors would
like to know more about?
• Can be operational or financial metrics
• Might be information about combined
business where integration occurs
 Further improvements to IFRS 3 disclosures 7

Message from stakeholders Preliminary view of the Board

• Synergies are often an important part of an Require companies to disclose in the year of
Expected acquisition. acquisition the amount, or range of amounts,
synergies • Help investors better understand the factors of synergies expected from an acquisition.
that contributed to the acquisition price.

Defined benefit • Some investors consider these liabilities to Require companies to disclose the amount
pension form part of the capital employed for of defined benefit pension liabilities and debt
liabilities & acquisitions. of the acquiree at the acquisition date,
debt • Needed to assess return on capital employed. separately from other classes of liabilities.

• Existing disclosure requirements lack

guidance, resulting in diversity in practice. Require companies to disclose both actual
Pro-forma and pro-forma revenue, operating profit
information • Preparers question the usefulness of the
information, while investors think that the and cash flows from operating activities.
information is important.
 Improving the accounting for goodwill 8

What are the issues? Research undertaken by the Board

Impairment losses on goodwill Can the impairment test be

are recognised too late A
made more effective?
Could be due to:
• too optimistic cash flow estimates; or
• shielding of goodwill from impairment by B Should goodwill be amortised?
headroom (see next slide)

Can the impairment test be

The impairment test is complex C
and costly for companies
 Background—shielding 9

Acquired business Acquirer’s business Combined business

impairment loss
headroom assets

Carrying Recoverable Carrying Recoverable Carrying Recoverable

> < <
amount amount amount amount amount amount

If acquired business is run separately: If acquired business is integrated with acquirer’s business:
 tested for impairment separately  combined business is tested for impairment
 impairment loss  no impairment loss
 A Can the impairment test be made more effective? 10

Board’s preliminary view

No feasible The test is not intended to

Disclosure solution
alternative test test goodwill directly

• It is not feasible to make the • The test cannot always signal The disclosure requirements
impairment test for goodwill how an acquisition is discussed on slides 5–6 could
significantly more effective performing, but that does not provide information that
at a reasonable cost to mean that the test has failed. investors need about the
companies. • When performed well, the performance of acquisitions.
• Shielding cannot be test ensures that the carrying
eliminated because goodwill amount of the CGU as a
has to be tested for whole is recoverable.
impairment with other
 B Amortisation of Goodwill vs Impairment-only 11

Amortising goodwill Retaining the impairment-only model

some say… others say…
Goodwill is overstated, so management is not held The impairment-only model provides useful
to account. confirmatory information to investors.
Amortisation is simple and targets acquired Amortisation is arbitrary and would be ignored by
goodwill directly. many investors.
The impairment test is not working as well as the If applied well, the impairment test works as the
Board intended. Board intended, ensuring that, as a group, goodwill
and other assets of a business are not overstated.
Goodwill is a wasting asset. Amortisation is the The benefits of goodwill are maintained for an
only way to show the consumption of goodwill. indefinite period, so goodwill is not a wasting asset.
Amortisation would ultimately make the impairment Amortisation would not significantly reduce the cost
test easier and less costly to apply. of impairment testing, especially in the first few
 B Amortisation of Goodwill vs Impairment-only 12

Board’s preliminary view

There is no compelling
evidence that amortisation Retain the impairment-
would significantly improve only approach
financial reporting

The Board majority was small.

Stakeholders are invited to provide new arguments to help the
Board decide how to move forward on this topic.
 CB Simplifying the impairment test 13

Relief from an annual impairment test Simplifying value in use estimates

Having to perform the test annually, IAS 36 contains certain restrictions

even when they have no reason to on value in use that add cost and
suspect an impairment has complexity to the test, and deviates
occurred, adds unnecessary cost. from common industry practice.

• Remove requirement to test CGUs • Remove restriction on including some cash

containing goodwill for impairment at least flows in value in use estimates.
annually. • Cash flow forecasts still need to be
• Companies must still assess whether reasonable and supportable.
there is any indicator of impairment, and • Allow use of post-tax discount rates and
perform the impairment test if there is. post-tax cash flows.
 Other topics 14

Presenting total equity before goodwill Intangible assets

Goodwill is different from other assets Some believe that recognising these assets
because it: separately helps explain what the company
• can only be measured indirectly; and has bought in an acquisition. Others think
that the information is of limited use.
• cannot be sold separately.

Presenting total equity excluding In the Board’s view:

goodwill on the balance sheet helps to • there is no compelling evidence to
make this amount more prominent, change existing requirement; and
drawing investors’ attention to companies
• aligning the accounting treatment for all
whose goodwill constitutes a significant
intangible assets is beyond the scope of
portion of their net assets.
this project.
A balanced package 15

Possible changes the Board considered More useful
Reduce cost preliminary view

 Improve disclosures about acquisitions   Yes, change

 Amortise goodwill   No, do not change

Provide relief from annual quantitative impairment test …  Yes, change

Amend how value in use is estimated   Yes, change

 Present total equity excluding goodwill  … Yes, change

Include some intangible assets in goodwill   No, do not change

 In line with objective  In conflict with objective … No significant impact

Further information 16

The deadline for comments on the Discussion Paper is 31 December 2020. The deadline
has changed to 31 December 2020 because of the covid-19 pandemic; previously it was 15
September 2020.

For further information on the project and the Discussion Paper please visit
Get involved 17

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