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Part 1. Get ready !

Look at the following words and expressions. Which ones refer to anger and happiness?
Check their meanings in your dictionary if necessary.
gloomy to fume hysterical to go berserk
to be angry at to be cross with to jump for joy merry
cheerful to be pleased with to be satisfied with excited
delighted beaming with joy overwhelmed with joy in a bad mood
in a good mood be in high spirits to burst out of laughter to giggle
be on the verge of
to be saddened by to sob to weil
to whimper to complain about to be upset To sob
sulky dejected aggressive bad tempered
to be in a fury to fly into a rage to lose one's temper to be furious
to frown to glare at lose one's self control astonished
amazed dismay ill at ease embarrassed
uncomfortable to look down to look up to look away from
to frown at watchful to look sideways to tower

Part 2. Scene 1.
1. Watch the video sound OFF and tick  the expressions which best apply to the
Man Young lad Old lady
to turn turquoise to sob to be cross with
to fume cheerful cheerful
hysterical to frown to be upset
to go berserk to jump for joy ill at ease
anger amazed bad tempered
to be upset to giggle astonished
bad tempered beaming with joy embarassed
to be in a fury to lose one's self control aggressive
to fly into a rage merry uncomfortable
to lose one's temper to weil to be in high spirits
to lose one's self control sulky to look down
to tower dejected excited
aggressive to fly into a rage to tower

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to be furious gloomy to look sideways

2. What are they quarelling about? Imagine.

3. Watch again the first seconds of the scene sound ON and give the reason of their
4. Play the end of the scene and complete :
- According to the man, young lads ...
- The young boy ...
- The old lady says : "..."

5. Social background. Circle your answer.

Upper class Middle class Working class

Justify your choice bearing in mind elements from the house, the city, the vocabulary

6. What is the boy's dream?

- If only he + preterite
- He wishes he + preterite

7. What are the father’s regrets?

- If only he + preterite
- He wishes he + preterite regrets par rapport au présent

- If only he + had + PP
- He wishes he + had + PP regrets par rapport au passé

8. Translate:
1. Le père regrette d’avoir payé des cours de boxe
2. Il regrette que son fils ne joue pas au football
3. La grand-mère regrette de les voir se disputer.
4. La grand-mère regrette de ne pas avoir appris à danser.

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