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It is a matter of grace for me to address this generous

meeting of the most learned Judicial luminaries. We are
assembled here today in continuation of full court meeting of
our tradition spreading over a span of decades. As you know,
the quick dispensation of Justice is difficult and intricate task.
We are, indeed, fortunate to have been blessed with the judicial
system that mandates a dispensation founded upon the
principles which are the common heritage to all human beings,
enshrined in the cardinal principles of the “rule of law” and
“due process”. All those who are directly involved in the
administration of justice, be they Judges, members of the Bar,
law officers of the state, prosecutors and members of their staff
are duty bound to ensure quick dispensation of justice in all
cases and without exceptions. This is possible only when state
organs and institutions perform function by remaining within
their allotted spheres.

Keptocratic tendencies prevail all over the society and if we

look into the working of various institutions of our Country, we
will observe that each of these is a Skelton-like hand stretching
its crooked fingers into the stygian sea of corruption. Therefore,
in this dilemma, about more than 220 million underprivileged
people of Pakistan are looking with lugubrious eyes towards the
judiciary for the redressal of their grievances.

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