Ex-Cadre MA-2017

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Disposal From 2017- 2019

Name of Courts/Tribunals Pendency Transferred/ Disposal Balance

Mr. Masood Arshad, Judge CNS Court,Lahore. at the Institution Restored during at the
Months/Year start of during the during the Total Cols: the end of
Sr.No Month month month (3+4+5) month month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jan-17 275 50 0 325 0 325
Feb-17 325 12 0 337 2 335
Mar-17 335 18 0 353 27 326
Apr-17 326 13 0 339 76 263
May-17 263 14 0 277 24 253
Jun-17 253 8 0 261 12 249
Jul-17 249 18 0 267 12 255
Aug-17 255 11 0 266 1 265
Sep-17 265 3 0 268 10 258
Total 2546 147 0 2693 164 2529

Year 2018 Pendency

at the Institution
Disposal Balance
during at the
start of during the during the Total Cols: the end of
Month month month (3+4+5) month month
Jan-18 275 50 0 325 0 325
Feb-18 325 12 0 337 2 335
Mar-18 335 18 0 353 27 326
Apr-18 326 13 0 339 76 263
May-18 263 14 0 277 24 253
Jun-18 253 8 0 261 12 249
Jul-18 249 18 0 267 12 255
Aug-18 255 11 0 266 1 265
Sep-18 265 3 0 268 10 258
Oct-18 258 20 0 278 13 265
Nov-18 265 12 0 277 13 264
Dec-18 264 10 0 274 31 243
Total 3333 189 0 3522 221 3301

Year 2019 Pendency

at the Institution
Disposal Balance
during at the
start of during the during the Total Cols: the end of
Month month month (3+4+5) month month
Jan-19 168 39 0 207 29 178
Feb-19 178 11 0 189 29 160
Mar-19 160 28 0 188 21 167
Apr-19 167 11 0 178 16 162
May-19 162 23 0 185 29 156
Jun-19 156 21 0 177 27 150
Jul-19 150 8 0 158 4 154
Aug-19 154 14 0 168 9 159
Total 1295 155 0 1450 164 1286
Pendency Transferred/ Disposal Balance
Mr. Masood Arshad, Judge ATC-II Multan,. at the Restored Total Cols: during at the
From 04 Nov 2019 during the
start of during the (3+4+5) the end of
Month month month month
1 Nov-19 46 1 0 47 9 38
2 Dec-19 38 4 0 42 9 33
Total 84 5 0 89 18 71

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