S Hayakawa

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1. Describe your overall reaction to the essay. 2. If you have experience with retarded
people, give some of your own observations or conclusions regarding their place in
society. 3. Why do you think Dr. Hayakawa wrote the essay?

Life is always full of ups and downs, but sometimes some events seem to be
terrifying and we may feel like the carpet's been yanked out from under us. I think
that the author felt the same when he found out that his child was retarded. It is very
difficult for me to read such stories, especially when they are autobiographical,
because each time they make me cry, and this one was not the exception. This story
was worth reading and one of the most important points which I want to express at
the beginning of my essay is that it is an honor for me to live on the same planet with
such people as Hayakawa's family. Their son was diagnosed with mongolism and as
it was a dogma at that time that such children should be separated from their parents
and other kids, doctors suggested that they should put him into a special institution,
where Mark could grow and live. But Hayakawa's family even did not think about
such an action. Although they flew blind and did not know how to behave properly
with their son and at the same time help him feel of full value, they decided to step on
this battlefield and notch a victory.
I have also had experience with retarded persons and can say that they have
such rights to be a part of society as all of us. One of my cousins Sasha has
mongolism. When I was small his family lived in the neighborhood and my brother,
sister, the other cousins, and I could visit them, where we spent time together. It was
always the usual thing for us to treat him like an equal as we did not have any
prejudices and not because our parents told us to behave so, but because we felt that it
was right. I don't remember a lot from that time as soon as Sasha's family moved to
the USA but I know that he is loved by his family and won't be abandoned.
I suppose that S. Hayakawa wrote this essay to show the other families with
the same problem that love and patience can help to cope with any hurdle and a
retarded child is not a burden. For sure there will be problems and dark days but
serenity and a sound mind can become great helpers. Hayakawa on his example
showed that it is important to treat children with any retardation as we treat all the
other children and help them feel needed and loved.

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