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Designing Effective

Workplace Instruction
Facilitated by:
Lori Howard Melissa Dayton

CASAS Summer Institute, June 13, 2012

 Warm-up and Introductions
 Presentation/Practice
 Background Information: Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
Workplace ESL Programs
 Read and discuss
 Workplace Needs Analysis
 Review the process for analyzing a workplace
 Analyze a sample needs assessment report
 Curriculum Framework
 Write sample lesson objectives and assessment activities
 Formative and Summative Evaluations
 Review evaluation procedures
 Evaluation/Application

2 CASAS 2012
5 Steps to Workplace Instructional Design
 There are 5 steps* of effective instructional design for
workplace language training :
1. Conduct a Needs Analysis of the Workplace
2. Develop Curriculum
Use the Needs Analysis to develop Performance Objectives
and a Curriculum Framework
3. Plan Instruction
4. Determine Instructional Strategies
 Write a Teacher’s Guide including Lesson Plans
 Write Learner’s Instructional Materials based on Lesson Plans
5. Conduct Formative and Summative Evaluations

* Adapted from Friedenberg, et. al 2003 and Grognet 1996

3 CASAS 2012
Goals and Objectives
 By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
 Identify the 5 steps of effective workplace instructional design
 Identify the components of a workplace needs analysis
 Review a needs assessment report
 Identify the components of a workplace Curriculum
 Write sample workplace lesson objectives and assessment
 Identify purposes for formative and summative workplace

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The Ah Ha! Moments

5 CASAS 2012
 Please stand up
 Sit down if you are a:
 Teacher in a workplace program
 Coordinator in a workplace program
 Administrator in a workplace program
 Think/Pair/Share
 Introduce yourself to a partner
 Name
 Agency, Location
 Position
 Ask:
 What do you hope to learn at this session?

6 CASAS 2012

Presentation: Planning,
Implementing, and Evaluating
Workplace ESL Programs
By: Allene Guss Grognet
Project in Adult Immigrant Education (PAIE)
Center for Applied Linguistics
June 1996

7 CASAS 2012
Presentation: Background Information
Part 1
 Form Groups of 4-5
 Number off 1-4 (5th person takes number 1 also)
 Each person reads the corresponding part of “Workplace
Literacy” (parts 1-4)
 1 – Green
 2 – Goldenrod
 3 – Blue
 4 - Orange
 Read your section of the article (5 minutes)
 Underline the important parts of your section of the article
 Select 3-4 of the most important parts to share with your
8 CASAS 2012
Presentation: Background Information
 Raise your hands 1-4
 3 is the Facilitator
 2 is the timekeeper
 Facilitator asks each group member to share in turn
 Timekeeper allows 3 minutes per person to share and
answer questions

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Presentation: Background Information
 What questions do you have?
 How does the information you learned from this activity
relate to your experience or your practice?

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Workplace Needs Analysis

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Workplace Needs Analysis:
Should enable…
 Employers:
 to understand skills required to do the job
 to assist with prioritizing training needs

 Education Coordinator:
 to assist with prioritizing training needs with employer

 Curriculum Developers:
 to choose priority course content (competencies)
 to understand how and where competencies are used (evidence

12 CASAS 2012
Workplace Literacy Skills Analysis: Components
1 - Preliminary Needs Assessment
 Initial company call
 Initial company visit/tour

2 - Formal Needs Assessment

Literacy Skills Analysis Employee Assessment

 Supervisor Interviews  WPLN assessments
 Worker Interviews and Observation
 Workplace Vocabulary

Background Research
 Company-provided information
 Training manuals, textbooks
 Web Searches

3 - Needs Assessment Report

13 CASAS 2012
Initial Meeting and Tour
 Research the company before initial meeting
 Obtain overview of company’s products and services,
workforce profile, organizational changes, skill-related
 Identify company stakeholders / key contacts
 Obtain general view of relationship between
management, workers, union (if present)
 Lay the groundwork for TRAINER team to begin needs
 Employer goals
 Employer experience with language training for employees
15 CASAS 2012
16 CASAS 2012
Needs Assessment Report
 Report should include:
 Project background, company’s goals, stated needs and
 General observations
 Detailed workplace literacy skills analysis results
 Workplace vocabulary list
 Priority curriculum areas
 Recommendations
 Discuss report with employer:
 Report findings
 Curriculum options
 Expected outcomes
 Next steps

Sample Needs Assessment Report
 Context/Case Study
 Review the Needs Assessment Report
 Skill Levels (page 11)
 Assessment Data (page 6)
 Analysis (pages 9-10)
 Vocabulary list (page 12)

18 CASAS 2012
Sample Needs Assessment Report Activity
 Review sample needs assessment report through eyes of:
 Employer
 Education Coordinator
 Curriculum Developer
 Answer the following questions:
 What information in the report will help you plan training?
 What other information do you need to plan training?

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Curriculum Framework

20 CASAS 2012
Components of a Curriculum Framework

 Section 1 – Introduction/Overview
 Section 2 – Performance Objectives
 Section 3 – Performance Measurement

21 CASAS 2012
Curriculum Framework-
Section 1 Introduction
 Describe briefly the primary goal of the course
 primary performance objectives
 language skills to be improved
 Describe learners in aggregate terms (no names)
•Job titles •English language levels •Heritage languages/mother tongue
•Average length of time with employer •Educational backgrounds
 Describe pre/test and placement procedures
 Describe proposed course
 Location/classroom arrangement
 Schedule
 Instructional techniques, strategies and/or approaches to be utilized in
order to attain objectives
 Single level/multi-level course
 Materials, Equipment and Resources

22 CASAS 2012
Curriculum Framework –
Section 2 Performance Objectives
 List the Performance Objectives
 Show alignment with Competencies and Content Standards
 Outline the proposed sequence of instruction

23 CASAS 2012
Literacy Skills  Job Tasks

Customs Vocabulary
Common supplies
Greetings locations

Hotel Housekeeping
Customer Service
Oral Communication
Verb tenses Directions
past prepositions
present ordinal #
future locations
5 Ws + H

Curriculum Framework –
Section 3 Performance Measurement
 Describe how each lesson objective will be measured and
 Outline the course evaluation criteria
 Note: Part of the overall program and curriculum design
should factor in the criteria to measure the efficacy of the
program for all stakeholders (i.e., employees, employers,
funding agency, training providers)

25 CASAS 2012
Creating a Curriculum Framework
 Select Performance Objectives utilizing information from
the Literacy Needs Assessment Report and Workplace Literacy
Skills Analysis Summary
 Identify communicative tasks/functions related to the
performance objectives (these will become lesson objectives)

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27 CASAS 2012
Practice 1: Selecting and Prioritizing
Communicative Tasks
 Review the Workplace Literacy Analysis: Oral
Communication for Service Specialist/Wait Staff
(pages 9-10) and the vocabulary list (page 12)
 Brainstorm:
I. What actual workplace applications (tasks) match the
competencies listed?
 What tasks does the beginning level learner need to be able
to do to be an effective wait staff member?

28 CASAS 2012
Practice 1 (continued): Linking Job Tasks to
Curriculum Development
II. What language is required to perform each task?
Be specific:
1. Functions
2. Grammar structures, verb tenses
3. Vocabulary, terminology
4. Social/Etiquette conventions

29 CASAS 2012
Creating a Curriculum Framework
 Prioritize tasks by utilizing knowledge of effective
teaching methodology including principles of adult
learning and principles of language learning
 Consider criticality (urgency and frequency) of the task
 Consider complexity
 Consider organizing by talk type (who is talking to whom
about what)
 Consider organizing by broadening responsibility
 Allow opportunities for repetition and reinforcement of
key material

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Practice 2 – Prioritizing the tasks
 Prioritize the list of communicative tasks
 What are the top tasks

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Practice 3 - Lesson Objectives
 Utilizing the task list, think of one or two lesson
objectives for a 3 hour lesson for beginning level learners
 At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to:

32 CASAS 2012
Practice 4 - Performance Measurement
 Measure Tasks/Objectives: Describe how each lesson
objective will be measured
 Possible Assessments:

 Make sure the skills match

 An oral objective requires an oral assessment

33 CASAS 2012
Practice 4 (continued):
Performance Measurement Example
Performance Objectives Evaluation Criteria
1. Understand and follow In a role play with the instructor,
simple (levels 1, 2) or learner will demonstrate, with 90%
complex (level 3) work- accuracy, understanding of simple
related instructions and (levels 1, 2) or complex work related
schedules of work, using instructions and schedules of work
clarification strategies if using clarification when necessary.
2. Interpret and follow Given 3 signs and 3 product labels
written directions and from ABC company, learner will be
procedures on signs able to interpret the meaning of the
posted in the store and
signs and labels with 90% accuracy.
product labels.

34 CASAS 2012
Practice 4 - Write an Assessment
 Select one of the objectives you wrote in Practice 3.
 Write a description for an assessment for that will verify
that learners can “do” the objective
 Make sure the skills match
 An oral objective requires an oral assessment

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Formative and Summative

36 CASAS 2012
 Formative - while class is in progress
 Review match of curriculum/instructional materials to program
 Summative - at completion of program
 Evaluate learners
 Formal assessments
 Program-developed assessments
 Evaluate program
 Information from all stakeholders, i.e. teachers, supervisors, learners
 What worked and what didn’t work
 Qualitative and quantitative

37 CASAS 2012
Final Wrap-Up Report to Company
 could include:
• documenting how skills gaps have been addressed
o formal assessment measures (WPLN)
o informal assessment measures
• addressing employer expectations
• participant feedback
• trainer observations and recommendations
• definition of focus areas for continuous learning
• recommendations for next steps

38 CASAS 2012
Goals and Objectives
 By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  Identify the 5 steps of effective workplace instructional
  Identify the components of a workplace needs analysis
  Review a needs assessment report
  Identify the components of a workplace Curriculum
  Write sample workplace lesson objectives and assessment
  Identify purposes for formative and summative workplace

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 What are 3 things you learned in this workshop?

 What will you implement immediately?
 What will you implement in the future?

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