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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Quezon
Lopez West District

Detailed Lesson Plan in

(Explicit Approach)

A. Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of line graphs and experimental probability.
B. Performance Standard: The learners are able to create and interpret representations of data (tables and
line-graphs) and apply experimental probability in mathematical problems and real- life situations.
C. Learning Competency: 0rganizes data in tabular form and presents them in a line graph.

1. Knowledge- Enumerate the steps in organizing data in tabular form and presenting them in a line graph.
2. Skill- Organize data in tabular form and present them in a line graph; and
3. Attitude- Appreciate the importance of organizing data and presenting them in a line graph.

A. Topic : Line Graph
B. References : MELC-BASED quarter 4 week 6, 21st Century MATHletes 5 p. 337-344
C. Materials : Laptop, Powerpoint presentation, Real objects, Visual, etc.
D. Process Skills : Cooperation, Observing, Creating, Interpret, Solving



A. Preliminary Activities
The pupil called will lead the opening
1. Prayer
Let us pray, ____ please lead our prayer. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, grade 5! Good morning/afternoon, Ma'am!
How are you today?

3. Checking of Attendance
Before we start our class today, let me see if Boom, Boom !
everyone is here. Let us have the checking of
the attendance with a twist. So when I call your
name you will say Boom, Boom!
Great job grade 5! I’m so glad that I have 31
students today.


Before we proceed to our lesson for today. Who

can still remember our lesson yesterday? (The pupils will raise their hands.)
Ma’am our lesson yesterday is all
Great job, our lesson yesterday it's all about about Temperature.

Now I have here a picture of thermometers so

all you need to do is to give the temperature
under its thermometer in a degree Celsius.

I am clear class? Yes Ma’am

Directions: Give the temperature in a degree


(The teacher will show the visual aids of

thermometers and call someone to answer)


Very good grade 5! I'm glad that You've

remembered our lesson yesterday.

Now that you already understand our lesson

yesterday about the Temperature, So let's
proceed to our new Lesson.
5.Establishing the Purpose of the Lesson

(The teacher will show the real objects and call

someone volunteers to act the problem in front
of the class using the creative visual aids).
Crizziel, Rhyzza, Lawrence, Janella and
King went to the Indian Mango tree on their
Granfather backyards. Crizziel picked 8
pieces of Indian Mango, while Rhyzza got
12 pieces, Lawrence picked 21 Indian
mango . Janella got 23 pieces and King
Picked 19 pieces of Indian mango.

Crizziel Rhyzza Lawrence

Janella King

(The pupil’s will count the number of Indian

mango picked by the five children, and the
teacher will teach them on how to
numbered it using the tabular NUMBER
presented on the board). PICKED BY THE FIVE CHILDREN
Now let us use the data that you’ve presented a
while ago the number of Indian mango picked
by Crizziel, Rhyzza, Lawrence, Janella and
King by follow the step by step procedure in y-axis
constructing a line graph. (Vertical Line

B. Lesson Proper It may represent almost any type of

1. I Do (Development) numerical data such as money, scores,
number of people, temperature,
(The teacher will present the lesson using grades, etc.
PowerPoint presentation).

Line Graph
Line graph is a graphical representation of
information that changes over time.

Line graphs consist of two axes: x-axis

(horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Each axis
represents a different data type.

(So the first activity we have is an example of

line graph, now let us have an another example)

Constructing a line graph

In Constructing a line graph, we follow these x-axis
steps: (Horizontal line)

1. Draw the lines for the x-axis and y-axis The x-axis has numbers
(x-axis and y-axis) representing different time
2. Use the data from the table to label the periods or names of person
axis. being compared.
3. Plot the points that corresponds to each
variable in the table.
4. Connect the points with the line The teacher will guide the
segment. students on how to create
5. Put a title on the graph. the title of the graph.
(The teacher will present the class the step
by step procedure on how to construct the
line graph) Plot the points that
corresponds to each
variable in the table.

So the y-axis was the

number of Indian Connect the points
mango picked by the with the line
five children. segment.

Crizziel, Rhyzza, Lawrence,

Janella and king was the x-axis
because x-axis represents the
name of persons.

Ma’am Janella got the most number

(The teacher will ask questions) picked Indian mango.
Who got the most number picked Indian
mango? She got 23 pieces of Indian mango!

Very good, so how many Indian mango that Ma’am Crizziel because she got only 8
Janella got picked? pieces of Indian mango.

And who is the one who got the lowest number

picked of Indian mango?
1,2,3 Brain , 1.2.3 Smart , 1,2,3 Brain
Good job grade 5! Smart
Now let us give Brain Smart clap for everyone.

So the problem they act a while ago have a

connection to our topic for today, because you
we're going learn on how to 0rganizes data in
tabular form and presents them in a line graph .
Example 2: Use the data in the table to
construct a line graph.
(The pupil’s will listen to the
teacher’s discussion)

Pupil 1: Plot the points that

corresponds to each variable in the
(So like what did earlier let us use the data
of “Joana Daily Expenses in School” by Pupil 2: Connect the points with
follow the step by step procedure in the line segment.
constructing a line graph). Pupil 3: Put a title on the graph

I will call some volunteer to answer it on the

board using the visual aid.

(The will ask question)

(Pupil’s possible answer)
What is the title of the graph?
Ma’am the title of the graph is Joana
Very good! Daily Expenses in school.
So what is the day that Joana got the most high
expenses in school? Joana got the most high expenses on Friday!

In which day Joanna have the less expenses

in school?
She have the less expenses in school on
How much is the expenses of Joana on Monday
Ma’am, Joana have a 30 pesos expenses on
Good job! Wednesday.
So on Wednesday Joana have a 30 pesos
expenses in school, how about on Friday?
She have 40 pesos expenses on Friday
Very Good grade 5 ! Ma’am!

2. We Do (Guided Practice)
Through the discussion, let us have an activity
called “CONSTRUCT ME”.

(The Teacher will post the learning materials/

visual aids on the board)

Directions: Use the data presented in tabular

form make a line graph using the five steps in
constructing a line graph. then answer the
questions that follow.

How many total number of fruits Matt has


Very good!

Anyone who give the name of fruit that Matt

has collected the most?

Good job! (Pupil’s answer)

How about the fruit that Matt collected least?

That’s right! So how many pineapple has Matt

How many Apple that Matt has collected in the

Good job grade 5!

C. Closure/Generalization

Before we proceed to your last activity, let me

see how many of you remembered the lesson
that we discussed today. Ma’am the total number of fruits Matt has
collected was 89
Who can tell me the topic that we studied

Very good!
So when we hear the word Line Graph it is all Orange is the fruit that Matt has collected the
about what? most.

Ma’am pineapple is the least fruit collected by

So in Line Graph we use the two axes called Matt.
Yes___________? Only 4 pineapple Ma’am!

What is the y-axis in Line Graph?

He was collected 12 Apples in the farm

Very good that's right!

How about the x-axis?

Very good that's correct!

How do you make a line graph?

Yes____________? Ma’am the topic the we’ve studied today is all

about the Line Graph.

Anyone who can give the five steps in

constructing a line graph. Line Graph is a graphical representation of
Yes____________? information and commonly drawn to show
Ma’am it is called the y-axis and x-axis.

A Vertical Line and It may represent almost

any type of numerical data such as money,
Great job grade 5! You really understood our scores, number of people, temperature,
lesson today, grades, etc.

This time, let us have a group activity.

The x-axis has numbers representing
3. You Do (Independent Practice)
different time periods or names of person
3.1 Activity
But first, let us be reminded on the standards being compared.
while having an group activity. Can you please
give one, _________?
That is right, what else?
Ma’am to make a line graph we need to know
Here are your groupings.
Group 1 Pi-rates the step by step procedure.
Group 2 Squad
Group 3 Acute
(Pupil’s answer)
(The teacher will give the activity to the three
groups )
Pupil 1: Draw the lines for the x-axis and y-
Group 1 Pi-rates axis
Instruction: Count each fruit & veggie, then Pupil 2: Use the data from the table to label
Tally them using the tabular form and make a the axis.
line graph using the data collected. Pupil 3: Plot the points that corresponds to
each variable in the table.
Pupil 4: Connect the points with the line
Pupil 5: Put a title on the graph.

Ma’am Cooperation with you group mates

Participate Actively!

(Other students will give their answer)

3.2. Presentation & Analysis

Now that everyone is done with your activities,
let us watch the presentation of group 1

Group 2 do you agree on the answer of group

Well done group 1! With your presentation,
you will receive _____clap on your group.

Let’s now have the presentation of group 2.

Group 1 do you agree on the answer of group

Great job group ! With that, you will
receive___ clap on your group.

Let’s now have the presentation of group 3.

Group 2 do you agree on the answer of group


Great job! With that, let us clap our hands. And

shout “success”.

Values Integration:
How are you able to finish your activity

That is great! Cooperation and Working

together and showing cooperation among your
group members will help you to finish your
activity successfully on time

Great job kids!

So I have here another task for your individual

activity kindly read the instructions carefully
and answer it silently.


Directions: Use the data presented in tabular form and make a line graph
using the five steps in constructing a line graph.
Name: Date:

Directions: Use the data presented in tabular form and make a line graph
using the five steps in constructing a line graph.

Name: Date:

Directions: Use the data presented in tabular form and make a line graph
using the five steps in constructing a line graph.

Get your ballpen and notebook and copy your assignment.

Direction: Grade 5 Mactan held their class elections last Monday. For the position of president, Althea,
Rhyzza, Hannah, Rhiza and Jamaica were nominated. In their class of 31 pupil is, they gained the number
of votes as shown in the tally below. Were all of them present during the elections?

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher



Cooperating Teacher


Principal I

Observed by:
Supervising Instructor

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