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(Group 7)

February 14, 2023

A narrative report on the celebration of Christ the King College of
Maranding Valentines Day.

Group Members: (GRADE 11 OLL)

 Rebuta, Princess Miles A.
 Laguindab, Jelpha
 Demit, Paula
 Lim, Glen Patrick
 Retes, James
 Ortega, Justin
 Marquez, Jhonloyd
Valentine's Day, also known as "The Day of Love and Friendship," is a
celebration that is held every February 14 and varied in different places
around the world. Every year, we are bombarded related to this
celebration as hearts, alluding to friendship and romances. Every year on
the 14th of February, people celebrate by buying gifts, flowers, candy, and
teddy bears and giving them to their one true love. Some people celebrate
with their significant other or their friends. This is a time to show the true
meaning of love and thankfulness to someone that you truly care about.
This special day is also celebrated at school. During the month of
February, many high school students go the extra mile to show their
special someone how much they care for them. When it comes to school
students, every one of them makes Valentine's Day wishes for their
classmates and teachers. Therefore, Valentine's Day easily becomes the
celebration of friendships among young children in elementary and
secondary schools. Exchanging cards full of cute Valentine poems and
heart-shaped sweets, otherwise known as 'conversation hearts,' is an
inseparable part of a cute Valentine's Day celebration in every schools.

On February 14, 2023, Christ the King College de Maranding

commemorates St. Valentine's Day. The Student Body Organization (SBO)
and Supreme Student Government (SSG) coordinated and carried out the
half-day event. This program was specifically designed for students,
teachers, and staffs to help them celebrate Valentine's Day. Hand cuff,
Love jail, blind date, wedding booth, movie marathon, music booth, love
radio, and love message box are among the activities provided on that
particular day, and they are especially popular with students.

Heart pinning’s will never be omitted from school events on

Valentine's Day since they represent love on that particular day. At exactly
6:40 a.m., the SSG and SBO officers began the heart pinning activity, which
cost 5 pesos per two hearts. It was also necessary to wear it during the
day since it represents how love surrounds us and allows us to experience

the essence of Valentine's Day. The heart pinning halt began at 7:50 a.m.,
when it began to rain. Following that, students went to their various
classrooms for the GSK.

Love on air was one of the most popular activities on that exact day.
Since it began on February 6 until February 14, 2023, more students have
become interested since it is their own unique method of expressing their
love for their teachers, classmates, special someone, and friends. Many
students dropped letters in the confession and devotion box throughout
the day, which costs 5 to 10 pesos every dedication and confession letter.
The CKCM Broadcasting club led this activity, and they were also in charge
of announcing the letters around the campus. Every 11:40 a.m. and 4:20
p.m., letters are publicly stated by the presenter, who sends love on air
from the letters to which they are addressed.

Blind date is next to the list. A common acquaintance of both

participants arranges a blind date. The two persons who take part in the
blind date may have never met or seen each other, hence the word "blind
date". Throughout the event, selected SSG, SBO, and CAT officers prepared
and organized the given event located at the CKCM High school
department computer lab 2. On this particular day, the officers were the
ones who supervised and monitored the students who were involved in
the activity. The event had a 10-minute time limit for 10 pesos, and after
10 minutes of sitting next to each other and talking, they were able to
unwrap their blinds and see each other, as well as say their names and
shake hands. This activity is not typically intended for lovers, but it can
also serve as a bridge to friendship. Since it is the beginning of learning
about someone's life interests without knowing their names, faces, or
appearance. But, deep down, who they are as a human being. Throughout
the event, students were anonymously chosen by their peers to be paired
with someone else. And two of our groupmates are involved in this event.
In terms of the interview, Mr. Lim remarked that “ I was one of the
students who was secretly selected by someone to be blind-dated with a
friend of mine. Since we are already friends it is not that hard to create or
make conversations/topics. But! While we were in the blind-date
room/section, everyone was either so sweet or they were awkward. Since

we are all still students some of us still do not know how to communicate
that well. But some of the students who do not know how to communicate
or create great conversations took action instead of communicating. So it
was super thrilling since we do not know what people will do for love or
what people can do for love”. Mr. Randy Angel, the High School activity
coordinator, oversaw the activity's success, which was led by the allocated
chairwoman, Ms. Shake Jhamaille Dragon.

Whether you think valentine’s day is the most romantic day of the year
or the corniest day of the year and super popular day for weddings.
Wedding booths serve as both exciting element and entertainment. So it's
always expected to one of the activities during valentines. Luckily Christ
the King College de Maranding High School Department SSG officers were
able to plan and prepare such activities. Students were thrilled and
excited. They're all ready to pay and write the name of their desired
person to be married. Some were surprised and not expecting to get
married but they don't have a choice but to give in and participate. Some
are just so lucky to be able to be married to their crushes and desired
person. The activity costs 20 pesos and includes the services of four
wedding witnesses. This activity also includes marriage certificates,
wedding rings, and key chains to honor their Valentine's Day wedding. Ms.
Johaira Mangontawar, SSG President and event chairwoman, presided
over the event.

Movie marathons are simply a combination of the most popular films.

Even as children, watching television is a lot of fun since it teaches us
about plots and exciting ideas that appear in many stories. It might be
comedy, horror, or even rom-coms, which are popular among lovers.
Horror, on the other hand, is the most intriguing genre to watch. Imagine
being terrified, yet knowing you have someone to lean on. Watching
movies with your special someone is never a terrible idea. Movie
marathon was one of the activities that made students spent their money
during the Valentine's Day celebration. The event was hosted in the CKCM
High School Department computer lab 2, and it cost 15 pesos for two. The
event was monitored by the SSG and SBO officers together with the
assigned chairwoman Ms. Lyra Richelle Leyma.

Isn't it nice to simply listen to music on Valentine's Day? As love
surrounds us, music and its melody combine to create a really positive
atmosphere. Music booths are not new to Valentine's Day, as they are one
of the most anticipated booths at school activities and events. Where you
can suggest music you want to hear for a small fee. CKCM Melody club
exhibited their talents in instruments and vocal as they played and sang in
front of a vibrant crowd during the half-day event, notably at lunch.
During Valentine's Day, the event was held at the CKCM covered court in
collaboration with the College Department catering service. It is where
students can suggest songs to be played while they eat or even just by
staying at the chairs provided in front.

Love messages are truly the loveliest things a somebody can make for
you, especially when they truly come from the heart. Speaking about love
messages, it is also one of the events in Christ the King College de
Maranding's Valentine's Day celebration. The SSG and SBO officers were
in charge of the event. The officers' drop box is placed next to the High
School Department Canteen. There were also envelopes given; each letter
costs 5 pesos, and that 5 pesos allows for the delivery of letters to the
person to whom the letter is addressed. Simply said, the Officers are the
love couriers who carry your love and aspirations to your special

Being near someone you like fills your heart with ecstatic bliss. And
when it comes to being close to someone, handcuffs on Valentine's Day
are never to be overlooked, especially if you have a crush on someone.
Hand cuff and love jail is one of the events held by the officers. This
engagement took place in the Junior High School Building, between SMAW
and St. Benedict. The CAT officers and the SBO President and
Chairwoman, Ms. Jane Sanes, were in charge of monitoring and managing
this activity.

Valentine's Day is considered to be the day when we express our love,

warmth, and concern for our friends and family. It is widely recognized as
the day for expressing love. On this day, people exchange cards, gifts,
roses, and other things to express their feelings to friends and family. Love
is an unending desire, and Valentine's Day was created to honor this

desire. We can really see how in love people are in many ways, despite the
fact that there may be some hindrances and barriers in their paths, they
really find methods to make each other special, especially on Valentine's
Day. Many people, particularly teenagers, are seen working hard for their
loved ones, it is true that love works in unexpected ways. Regardless
matter how beautiful people appear on Valentine's Day, we can't deny the
fact that we still need to prioritize our studies and broaden our
knowledge. We can spend our time to other things, but education should
always come first. These events are simply heartwarming activities to
help people understand the importance of love and to honor God's love.

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