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Topics for Ancient & Medieval HiStory


 Chapters-1-6: Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are easy read and they are good
in terms of understanding how to study history.
 Chapter 4 are very important from the perspective of important
1. cities, their development and features.
(Our Past-I)
 Chapter 5 focuses on Vedic Civilization and
 Chapter 6 on early kingdoms and republics. Exhaustive notes
should be made for all these chapters

 Chapter 7 deals with Buddhism, Jainism and other important

teachings like Upanishad etc.
NCERT Class VI  Chapter 8 focuses on Mauryan empire and contribution of Ashoka
(Our Past-I) in Indian history.
 Chapters 9 and 10 explain growth of villages, towns and cities and
also traders kings and pilgrims.

NCERT Class VII (Our Past-II)

Economic and Social aspects are covered under chapters 6-7. Chapter 8
deals with Bhakti and Sufi movements. Chapters 9 and 10 deal with
3. NCERT Class X (India and regional cultures and disintegration of Mughal empire and emerging
the Contemporary World regional powers.

 These books should be studied in continuation with whatever you

have read in books of class VI-VIII. Chapter 1 focuses on
NCERT Class XII (Themes in chalcolithic and Harappa Civilization.
Indian History Part-I)  Chapter 2 covers Mahajanpad period of 600 BC to 600 AD. You
should enrich the notes (Class VI-VIII) that you have made with
learnings from this book.

Chapter 3 and 4 again focus on Mahajanpad period only but on social,

NCERT Class XII (Themes in economic and cultural aspects are highlighted. These chapters have lot
Indian History Part-I) of newness that you might not have covered. So, prepare notes very
 Chapter 5 deals with accounts of travellers and this is very
important to understand history from the observer’s point of view.
 Chapter 6 is about Bhakti and Sufi movement and you have
NCERT Class XII (Themes in
6. already made notes about this when you completed your history of
Indian History Part-II)
class VI and VII.
 Chapter 7 explains the Vijaynagar empire. This is very important
for the prelims as well as the mains exam.
Topics for Art & Culture
 You should completely read and make detailed notes of chapters 1
and 2.
 For chapter 1, you should focus on maps as well as major
1 (Introduction to Indian Art-
historical sites and rock paintings.
 For Chapter 2, art form of Indus Valley Civilization is discussed and
it is very important for prelims.
 Chapters 3 and 4 are to be completed on this day.
 Chapter 3 deals with art form of Maurya period. Due attention
NCERT Class XI should be paid to architecture as well as sculpture.
2 (Introduction to Indian Art-  Chapter 4 deals with art and culture of Post Mauryan period. You
Part-1) should pay attention to Mathura school, Sarnath and Gnadhar
School. Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta Caves are also discussed in
 Chapter 5 discusses later mural traditions. It is related to Chalukya,
Pallava, Pandya and Chola dynasties. Apart from these Vijaynagar
3 (Introduction to Indian Art-
empire is also covered. Prepare detailed notes of all important
mural forms.
Chapter 6 deals with temple architecture and sculpture. Here Nagar,
Dravid and Vesar style of temple architecture are discussed in detail.
4 (Introduction to Indian Art-
You should also focus on sculpture part of deities as well in this
 Chapters 7 and 8 present Bronze sculpture and important aspects
of Indi-Islamic architecture.
 Bronze sculpture of Gupta, Vakataka and Chola period are
discussed. These are very important from the prelims perspective.
5 (Introduction to Indian Art-  Chapter 8 focuses more on art and culture of Delhi Sultanate and
Part-1) Mughal Empire. You should also include literary work of this
period into your notes that you have prepared while going
through the medieval history of India.
 Also important is to cover the glossary given at the end of the
Topics for Modern History
 The chapters of this book are very important for understanding
invasion of India by the British. The book explains how British
invaded India and influenced its administration, governance,
1. culture and economy.
(Our Past-III) Part-1
 Chapter 1 informs us about basic things that we know.
 Chapter 2 chalks out the journey of the British Empire in India. It
clearly represents the idea that “the Flag follows the Commerce”.
Modern India  In chapter 2, focus on the arrival of different European Countries
(NCERT Class XII-Old NCERT) in India, their factories and strongholds.
NCERT Class VIII  Chapter 3 explains how the British first occupied the Neighbouring
(Our Past-III) Part - I areas and introduction of British administration in those regions.

Modern India  Chapter – 3, pay attention to British policies in India and

(Old NCERT – Class XII) development of means of transport & communication.
NCERT Class VIII (Our past -  Chapter-7 on the impact of British on artisans and skilled people in
III) Part II India.

Modern India
4.  Chapter-8, on how British tried to civilize Native Indians.
Old NCERT – Class XII

NCERT Class VIII  Chapter – 4 presents social and cultural aspects of India of that
(Our past-III) – Part – I time.
 Chapter-8, on how British tried to civilize Native Indians.
(Our past-III) – Part – II
Modern India
 Chapter-10 on social reform movements.
Old NCERT – Class XII
 Chapter-9 on the status of women & caste system.
(Our past - III) Part-2
Modern India Old NCERT  Chapter-5 on the contributions of Raja Ram Mohan Roy & Ishwar
Class XII Chandra Vidyasagar.
NCERT Class VIII (Our Past -
8.  Chapter – 5 & 6 on the establishment of the British rule in India.
III) Part – I
NCERT Class XII  Chapter – 10 & 11 on the problems faced by the Indians under the
(Themes in Indian History company.
NCERT Class VIII (Our Past-  Chapters 11 clearly explains the journey of National movement
III) Part-2 from 1870 to 1947.
 Chapter 13 presents influence of Gandhi in Indian history and
NCERT Class XII (Themes in polity. His role in leading the national movement is very lucidly
Indian History Part-III) explained in this chapter and you should read the chapter very
 Chapter 14 explains the reasons and the outcome of partition of
NCERT Class XII (Themes in
11. India. A general reading would suffice for this chapter.
Indian History Part-III)

 Chapter 15 is important and you have covered this in polity section

NCERT Class XII (Themes in (Framing of Constitution) already. Try enriching your notes of
Indian History Part-III) polity from this chapter which highlights the historical
underpinnings of our constitution making.
 Chapters 6-9 have a very wide focus. These are important from the
NCERT Class XII (Politics of
13. prelims as well as mains perspective. You should not miss any
India Since Independence)
important concept or constitutional development in the process.
Topics for POLITY
 Chapter-1-4: In these chapters, we should study the chapters on
democracy and governance (Chapter 3 and 4) more intently and
NCERT Class VI (Social and should make notes on every concept discussed.
Political Life-I)  Chapter 5-9: These chapters are very important for conceptual
understanding of local government (Chapters 5-7). Read chapters
8 and 9 for simple understanding of the concepts.
 In this book chapter1-3 (Equality and Working of State
NCERT Class VII (Social and Government) are important. Also important is to cover chapter 10
Political Life-II) which talks about struggle for equality. Rest of the chapters can
2 be covered with cursory reading.
NCERT Class VIII (Social and  Chapters 1-4, which cover the Indian Constitution, secularism,
Political Life-III) laws and need of parliament are very important and should be
covered intensively.
 Chapters 5 and 6 which deal with judiciary and chapter 9 and 10
NCERT Class VIII (Social and
3 (Public Facilities and Law & Social Justice) are important from
Political Life-III)
prelims perspective. Chapters 7 and 8 are more mains centric.
This is a very important book for concept building. Chapters 2, 3, 5 and
6 (Democracy, Constitution Design, Working of Institutions and
NCERT Class IX (Democratic
4 Democratic Rights) are very important for concept building. In chapters
Politics Part-I)
1 and 4 focus on things which are more of definition based and things
which are India centric.
This book is also as important as the class IX book for concept building.
NCERT Class X (Democratic Chapters on Federalism (chap. 2), Popular struggle and movement
Politics Part-II) (Chap. 5) and chapters 7 and 8 which focus on outcome of democracy
and challenges are very important.
Chapters-1-4: These chapters focus on Why & How of Constitution,
NCERT Class XI (Indian Rights, Election and Executive. These are very important for the
Constitution at Work) understanding of Indian Constitution and exhaustive notes should be
prepared for each chapter.
NCERT Class XI (Indian Chapters 5-7: These chapters focus on Executive, Legislature and
Constitution at Work) Federalism and are very important for prelims exam.
 Chapters 8-10 focus on Local Government, Philosophy and
NCERT Class XI (Indian
8 Features of Constitution. These chapters should be done with
Constitution at Work)
intent and focus.
This book focuses on challenges and development of governance in
India after independence. This chapters should be studied with the
NCERT Class XII (Politics of view to relate the concepts into applied aspects of governance.
India Since Independence) Chapters 1, 3 and 4 which focus on Nation Building, Politics of Planned
Development and Challenges and Restoration to Congress
Government are more important.
Chapters 6-9 have a very wide focus. These are important from the
NCERT Class XII (Politics of
10 prelims as well as mains perspective. You should not miss any
India Since Independence)
important concept or constitutional development in the process.
Topics for Geography
 The book is actually a very easy read. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are
easy to read and notes should be made on all chapters. Chapter
4 can be done in general reading. Please focus on maps and
NCERT Class VI (The Earth Our pictures and make notes from them as well.
 Chapters 5 and 6 focus more on physical geography. These are
important concepts to master. This will be covered in great
detail when you will cover the NCERT book of XI and XII as well.

NCERT Class VI (The Earth Our  Chapter 7 and 8 relate to Indian Geography. Make basic notes
Habitat) and be ready to add lot of information when you read NCERT
books of XI and XII.
2  Chapters 1-5 are important for the conceptual understanding of
Environment, Earth and agents of erosion Water and Air. You
NCERT Class VII (Our should make brief notes of these chapters and get ready to add
Environment) more information when you read NCERT of class XI and XII.
 Finish reading and notes making of chapters 6-10. These
NCERT Class VII (Our chapters are easy to read and you should use Atlas for proper
Environment) understanding. Important characteristics of biomes are very
important from the prelims perspective.
 This book is very important for Indian Geography. Complete 1
NCERT Class VIII (Resource and and 2 chapters which explain the physical geography of the
Development) country. Questions are regularly asked in UPSC prelims from
this topic.
Chapters 3-6 are very important to understand basics of resources,
NCERT Class VIII (Resource and agriculture and industry in India. It has an impact on Indian
Development) Economy as well. While making notes, Atlas should be used
This book should be read in continuation of Indian Geography books
NCERT Class IX (Contemporary of class VI and VII. There are many common concepts but the depth
India-1) increases. Focus on the maps given in the book and locations of
important geographical features and phenomena should be noted.
 This book deals in detail the resources, agriculture and
NCERT Class X (Contemporary industry. This you have already read in class VIII NCERT.
India-2) Moreover, similar topics will be dealt in detail in class XII NCERT
on India. Try to assimilate the learnings from all three sources.

NCERT Class XI (Fundamentals  This book is extremely important from prelims as well as mains
of Physical Geography) perspective. Chapter 2 to 4 focus on various important aspects
of physical geography like interior of earth, Plate tectonics
theory, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. If you go through the
previous year UPSC questions, you will find that many questions
have been asked from this section.
 So, try to understand basic concepts over and above what you
have read in the previous NCERTs.
Chapter 5 to 7 focus on landforms and Geomorphic processes. You
NCERT Class XI (Fundamentals
8 should prepare notes from this section and achieve conceptual
of Physical Geography)
clarity in this section.
 Chapters 8 to 12 deal with the climatology part of the Physical
geography. Prepare notes and try to achieve conceptual clarity
NCERT Class XI (Fundamentals
on topics like – Composition of Atmosphere, inversion of
9 of Physical Geography)
temperature, tropical cyclones, Temperate cyclones etc.
 This is another important section from which questions are
asked in the prelims as well as the mains exam.
 Chapters 13 to 16 deal with Oceanography, Biomes and
Biodiversity. You should prepare notes from this section for
important topics like – Distribution of Salinity, Tides, Ocean
NCERT Class XI (Fundamentals currents etc. Try to learn about major Ocean currents, their
10 type (cold or warm) and their location.
of Physical Geography)
 The chapters 15 and 16 give you an overview of the Biomes
and Biodiversity section which is also an important part of the
Environment and ecology section of the syllabus.
This book deals with concepts of Population geography, Industry
NCERT Class XII (Fundamentals and resources about which you have already read in the previous
of Human Geography) NCERTs. So, try to enrich the notes that you have prepared on these
topics and try and cover this book in one go.
 Revise the Fundamentals of Physical geography NCERT
NCERT Class XI (India: Physical  Chapters 1 and 2 deal with location, structure and
12 physiography and. Use Atlas while reading these chapters and
prepare notes with a focus on all important features like
Himalayas, Deccan plateau, Coastal plains etc.
 Chapter 3 is one the most important chapter from prelims point
of view. Questions are frequently asked on tributaries of major
NCERT Class XI (India: Physical rivers of India.
Environment)  This chapter deals with the River systems of India. Use atlas
and prepare notes about tributaries of major rivers, rivers that
drain in Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.
Chapter 4 is another important chapter from which questions are
frequently asked in both prelims and mains. This chapter covers
NCERT Class XI (India:
14 important aspects of Monsoon and its mechanism. Prepare notes and
Physical Environment)
understand important concepts like – role of jet streams in monsoon,
Retreating monsoon and mechanism of monsoon.
15 NCERT Class XI (India:  Chapters 5 and 6 deal with the Natural vegetation and important
Physical Environment) soils of India.
 Prepare notes about the different vegetation types and the
regions in which they are found.
 Also focus on the regional distribution of soils, Nutrients found in
various soils as well as the problem soils of India.
 Chapter 7 deals with Natural Hazards and disaster in India. This
NCERT Class XI (India: chapter helps you in understanding the basics of disaster
16 Physical Environment) management which is important from mains point of as well.
 Prepare notes about important Natural disasters like – Floods,
tsunami, Tropical cyclones, Earthquakes etc.
 Revise the India Physical Environment NCERT
NCERT Class XI (India:  Chapters 1 to 5 deal with Demography, Migration and Human
Physical Environment) development on India’s perspective. Although the data given in
the chapters is not updated, you should try and understand
important concepts from these chapters.
NCERT Class XII (India Land
 The 5th chapter is particularly important from exam point of view
and people)
as it deals with the Indian Agriculture. Prepare notes about the
various crops and the conditions in which they grow.
 Chapters 6-12 deal with the resources, industry, transport and
trade. The notes that you have prepared from previous NCERTs
should be updated from these chapters.
NCERT Class XII (India Land
18  The 12th chapter is important from both prelims and mains point
and people)
of view as it provides insights on Issues and problems like –
Environmental Pollution, Slums, Solid waste management etc.
 Prepare notes from these chapters.
Topics for Environment
Chapters 15 and 16 deal with the basics of Biodiversity and
conservation. Prepare notes and try to understand basic concepts of
1 (Fundamentals of Physical
ecology. Also use Atlas for identifying important Bio-diversity
 Unit X (Chapters 13 and 14) deal with the factors that impact the
diversity in major Biomes like – tropical rainforests etc.
 Other important concepts to be learnt are – Adaptations,
Population Attributes and Population interactions.
 Chapter 14 deals with the basic concepts of ecology like – Energy
2 NCERT Class XII (Biology)
flow, Ecological Pyramids, Ecological succession, Nutrient cycle
and Ecosystem Services.
 Prepare notes for all important topics from these two chapters.
They will form the foundation of Environment section of the
 Chapters 15 and 16 deal with Biodiversity and environmental
 Update the notes on Biodiversity from chapter 15 that you have
3 NCERT Class XII (Biology) already prepared from geography NCERT.
 Also prepare notes from chapter 16 which deals with important
topics like air pollution, Greenhouse effect, Water pollution,
Eutrophication etc.
 Chapter 7 deals with the Natural Vegetation of India. It also
NCERT Class XI (India: focuses on various forest types, Forest Conservation, Wildlife
Physical Environment) Conservation and Biospheres reserves of India.
 Prepare notes on all the above mentioned aspects.
Topics for Economics
This book is introduction to the field of Economics. This book has 4
chapters and all these chapters are very easy to read and understand.
The various concepts in this book such as Human Capital Formation,
1 NCERT Class IX (Economics)
Production Costs, Poverty etc are covered in much greater detail in
Class XI and XII NCERT. Make basic notes from this book and focus
more on conceptual understanding.
 Chapter 1 deals with Development. It discusses about various
concepts such as literacy rate, IMR, Net attendance ratio, Human
Development Report etc which are extremely important for
prelims. Focus on understanding these concepts.
2 (Understanding Economic
 Chapter 2 deals with Sectors of Indian Economy. Focus on
fundamental concepts such as GDP, Employment etc. Also focus
on understanding how contribution of various sectors has changed
in India and its effect on employment.

NCERT Class X  Chapter 3 deals with Money and Credit. Focus on understanding
formal and informal sources of Credit in India.
(Understanding Economic
Development)  Chapter 4 deals with Globalisation. Understand the concept of
Globalisation and its impact on India. Also focus on WTO and its

NCERT Class XI  This book is very important for Indian Economy.

(Indian Economic  Chapter 1 deals with exploitation of Indian Economy by British.
4  Chapter 2 deals with various steps taken by Government from
1947-91 for development. The historical perspective of Indian
Economy becomes important for Prelims.
 Chapter 3 deals with the 1991 LPG Reforms. Need to understand
the background and implications of these reforms.
NCERT Class XI  Chapter 4 deals with the current challenges facing the Indian
5 (Indian Economic Economy. Focus on concept of Poverty line and various poverty
Development) alleviation programmes of India. Make a list of all these
programmes and read about them in detail.
 Questions are normally asked in Prelims from this topic.

NCERT Class XI  Chapter 5 deals with Human Capital Formation. Understand the
linkages between human capital, economic growth and Human
6 (Indian Economic
 Chapter 6 deals with Rural Development. Focus on understanding
various challenges in development of rural areas.
 Chapter 7 deals with Employment. Focus on basic concepts such
NCERT Class XI as workforce, Formal and Informal employment etc. Make a note
(Indian Economic of government’s initiatives to boost employment.
Development)  Chapter 8 deals with Infrastructure. Focus on understanding
concepts of Social and Economic Infrastructure. Understand
India’s challenges in Education and Health
 Chapter 9 deals with Sustainable development. Focus on
NCERT Class XI understanding concept of “Sustainable Development” and
environmental challenges in India.
8 (Indian Economic
 Chapter 10 deals with Comparison of India’s development
Development) experiences with other countries. Focus on different aspects of
development in other countries in comparison to India.
 This book deals with important aspects related to
Microeconomics. There is a need to understand concepts related
to Micro and Macro Economics, theory of demand and supply,
9 (Introductory decision making of consumers and producers etc.
 Chapter 1, 2 and 3 deal with all these aspects. Focus on conceptual
understanding of all the concepts covered in these chapters.
 Chapter 1 deals with the Introduction to Macroeconomics. Focus
on understanding the difference between Micro and Macro
10 (Introductory
 Chapter 2 deals with National Income Accounting. Focus on
different types of goods produced in the economy and different
types of calculation of GDP.
 Chapter 3 deals with Money and Banking. Focus on concepts such
as Banking structure, Role of RBI, Narrow and Broad Money,
tools to control money supply in the economy etc.
11 (Introductory
 Chapter 4 deals with Income and Employment. Focus on concepts
such as demand, consumption, investment and relation between
 Chapter 5 deals with Government budget and Economy.
Understand the components of budget and types of deficits.
Focus on FRBM Act as well. These aspects are very important from
the prelims perspective.
12 (Introductory
 Chapter 6 deals with Open Economy Macroeconomics. Focus on
Balance of Payment and its components. Pay special attention to
determination of Exchange rate. Questions have been repeatedly
asked from this topic in the prelims.
Topics for General Science
 Chapters 1 and 2 focus on food and nutrition. It also highlights
important minerals and vitamins and the diseases that are caused
by deficiency of various nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
1 NCERT Class VI (Science)
 Chapters 3-5 can be covered by general reading of the chapters.
These chapters focus animal and plant fibre and classification of
 Chapter 7 focuses primarily on the plants and explains in detail all
important parts.
 Chapter 8 covers body parts and movements. Both the chapters
2 NCERT Class VI (Science)
are important.
 Chapter 9 can be seen as a means to understand the ecosystem
and biomes.
 Chapter 10, 11 and 12 require general reading.
 Chapter 10 covers topics of physics like motion, distance and
other units.
3 NCERT Class VI (Science)
 Chapter 11 covers basics of light and requires a general reading.
 Chapter 12 covers electricity and it also requires general reading
 Chapter 13 dealing with magnets is an easy read.
 Chapters 14 and 15 are important as these explain properties of
water and air respectively. The should be read in a focussed
4 NCERT Class VI (Science)
 Chapter 16 deals waste product and also focuses on their disposal
and recycling. This chapter is also very important.
 Chapters 1, 2 and 3 should be seen in continuation with the same
chapters of class VI. These are important to understand the plants
5 NCERT Class VII (Science)
and animal parts.
 Chapter 4 dealing with heat requires a general reading.
 Chapters 5 and 6 focus on Acid, base & Salt and on chemical
6 NCERT Class VII (Science)
 Chapters 7 deals with scientific explanation weather, climate and
 Chapter 8 explains wind storms and cyclones.
 Learning of these chapters is important for environment and
ecology as well.
 Chapters 9, 10 and 11 are important from the prelims perspective.
 Chapter 9 focuses on soil. This is covered in geography as well.
7 NCERT Class VII (Science)
 Chapter 10 focuses on respiration in organisms and chapter 11 on
transportation in animals and plants.
 Chapter 12 deals with another important chapter of biology and
that is reproduction. It covers all forms of reproduction in plants
8 NCERT Class VII (Science) and animals.
 Chapters 13, 14 and 15 are from physics which deal with motion,
light and electricity. A general reading would suffice for them.
 Chapters 16 deals with water and a general reading of this chapter
is sufficient.
9 NCERT Class VII (Science)
 Chapters 17 and 18 are important for the environment part as
they deal with forests and wastage of water.
 In this book, we can go selectively for those chapters that we have
already covered. Also important is to understand that Biology is
the most important section and should be covered exhaustively.
 Chapter 1 you have covered in geography and can be skipped.
 Chapter 2 on microorganisms is important. The you can go directly
10 NCERT Class VIII (Science)
to chapter 5 which focuses on coal and petroleum. This chapter is
covered in geography as well so try to add information in your
 Chapter 6 deals with combustion and flames and you should do
this chapter thoroughly.
 Chapter 7 covers conservation of plants and animal. It defines
national parks, wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserves. This is
important for Geography and environment.
11 NCERT Class VII (Science)
 Chapters 8, 9 and 10 cover cell structure, reproduction and
reaching the biology of adolescence.
 Rest of the chapters can be skipped from this book.
Class IX book augments the knowledge base that we have already
12 NCERT Class IX (Science) created especially in biology. You should focus on chapters 6 and 7
which deal with tissues and diversity in living organisms.
13 NCERT Class IX (Science)  Chapter 12-15 should get your maximum attention. In chapter of
sound, you should pay attention to sound waves and their
application like sonar etc.
 Chapters 13 should be seen in terms of nutrition and diseases.
 Chapters 14 and 15 cover biology as well as environment. Rest of
the chapters from this book can be skipped.
 In this book as well, our focus will be biology and environment.
 Chapters 6-8 are important for you and these cover the important
topic of Life and related mechanisms.
15 NCERT Class X (Science)  Chapter 9 explains genetics and heredity and Chapters 15 and 16
cover environment and Sustainable management. Detailed notes
should be prepared for the chapters.
 Rest of the chapters can be covered through general reading only.

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