GS302 - Theme 4 - ASCC - Lecture's Version

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GS302 – Introduction to ASEAN

Pillars of ASEAN

ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community


Instructed By: KLL

Three Pillars of ASEAN
Ø ASEAN Community
▪ ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC)
▪ ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
▪ ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
ØWarm-Up Questions
1. Who govern the ASCC? How does this ASEAN body work?
2. What are the characteristics of ASCC that is different from the
other pillars of ASEAN?
3. Why did ASEAN need this pillar alongside APSC and AEC?
4. What are some of the challenges that ASCC face in achieving
its ASEAN Community Vision 2025?
5. How has ASCC impact the lives of people?
6. In your opinion, is conformity the essential key, or is diversity
the key to ASEAN harmony?


ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

Ø ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

▪ Main Goals
✓ Developing a people-centered and people-orientated
community (solidary & unity)
▪ Instrumental Goals (2015)
✓ Human Development
✓ Social Welfare and Protection
✓ Social Justice and Rights
✓ Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
✓ Building ASEAN Identity
✓ Narrowing the Development Gap
2015 Instrumental Goals

Ø Human Development Ø Social Welfare and Protection

• Advancing and Prioritizing Education • Poverty Alleviation
• Human Resource Development • Social Safety Net and Protection From the
• Promotion of Decent Work Negative Impacts of Integration and
• Promoting Information and Globalization
Communication Technology (ICT) • Enhancing Food Security and Safety
• Access to Applied Science & Technology • Access to Healthcare and Promotion of
• Entrepreneurship Skills for Women, Healthy Lifestyles
Youth, Elderly, and Persons with • Improving Capability to Control
Disabilities Communicable Diseases
• Building Civil Service Capability • Ensuring a Drug-Free ASEAN
• Building Disaster-Resilient Nations and
Safer Communities
2015 Instrumental Goals

Ø Social Justice and Rights Ø Environmental Sustainability

• Promotion and Protection of the Rights • Trans-Boundary Environmental Pollution
and Welfare of Women, Children, the • Education and Public Participation
Elderly and Persons with Disabilities • Environmentally Sound Technology
• Protection and Promotion of the Rights (EST)
of Migrant Workers • Policies and Databases
• Promoting Corporate Social • Use of Coastal & Marine Environment
Responsibility (CSR) • Management of Natural Resources &
• Freshwater Resources
• Climate Change
• Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)
2015 Instrumental Goals

Ø Building ASEAN Identity Ø Narrowing the Development Gap

• Promotion of ASEAN Awareness and a • Issues in Developing and Implementing
Sense of Community Projects Under IAI & Other Sub-Regional
• Preservation and Promotion of ASEAN Frameworks
Cultural Heritage • ASEAN-6 to continue assisting the CLMV
• Promotion of Cultural Creativity and • Assessment Studies on Social Impact of
Industry Regional Integration
• Engagement with the Community
2025 Characteristics of ASCC

Ø Engages and Benefits: A committed, participative and socially-responsible community through an

accountable and inclusive mechanism for the benefit of our people, upheld by the principles of
good governance
Ø Inclusive: An inclusive community that promotes high quality of life and equitable access to
opportunities for all, and promotes and protects human rights of women, children, youth, the
elderly/older persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, and vulnerable and marginalized
Ø Sustainable: a sustainable community that promotes Social Development and Environmental
Protection through effective mechanisms to meet the current and future needs of our peoples.
Ø Resilient: A resilient community with enhanced capacity and capability to adapt and respond to
Social and economic vulnerability disaster climate change as well as emerging threats and
Ø Dynamic: a dynamic and harmonious community that is aware and proud of its identity cultures
and heritage with district and ability to innovate a actively contribute to the global community
Challenges and Milestones
Challenges and Milestones
Answering Warm-Up
1. Who govern the ASCC? How does this ASEAN body work?
➢ The ASCC Council ensures that relevant decisions of the ASEAN Summit pertaining to
the ASCC pillar are implemented. It also serves to enhance coherence and consistency
in ASCC policies and oversees the implementation of the ASCC Blueprint. The ASCC
Council meets twice a year, with its first meeting held on 24 August 2009.
2. What are the characteristics of ASCC that is different from the other pillars of ASEAN?
➢ Participative and socially responsible community upheld by the principles of good
➢ Inclusive community that promotes high quality of life, opportunity for all, and human
rights protection for everyone
➢ Sustainable community that promote social development and environmental
➢ Resilient community to adapt and respond to social and economic vulnerabilities,
disaster, climate change, emerging threats, and more
➢ Dynamic and harmonious community that is aware and proud of its identity, culture,
and heritage
3. Why did ASEAN need this pillar alongside APSC and AEC?
➢ These three pillars are intertwined with each other. ASEAN is one of the highest economic
growth region in the world, and it also achieves peace and stability after the Cold War.
Moreover, ASCC is needed to assure that the livelihood of the people is promoted and
protected. At the heart of the ASCC lies the commitment to lift the quality of life of its
peoples through cooperative activities that are people-oriented, people-centred,
environmentally friendly, and geared towards the promotion of sustainable development.
➢ A rule-based and people-oriented, people-centred community (APSC)
➢ A resilient, inclusive, people-oriented & people-centred ASEAN (AEC)
4. What are some of the challenges that ASCC face in achieving its ASEAN Community Vision?
➢ Environmental Degradation
➢ Poverty
➢ Overpopulation
➢ Human Rights
➢ Diversity
➢ Development Gap
5. How has ASCC impact the lives of people?
➢ The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Society includes extensive and multi-sectoral cooperation. As a
socio-cultural community, the ASEAN community will jointly overcome various
challenges in the fields of population, poverty, employment and community welfare.
6. In your opinion, is conformity the essential key, or is diversity the key to ASEAN harmony?
➢ Diversity is one of the main key features that promotes harmony in ASEAN. ASEAN
firmly holds the grip of principle of non-interference in its Member States’ affairs which
clearly illustrates the sense of tolerance and acceptance. Under the motto “Unity in
Diversity”, ASEAN has long used the concept of multiculturalism to promote the collective
cooperation inside the region.
Ø The ASCC's primary goal is to contribute to creating an ASEAN Community that is
socially construct with the aim of building a collective identity and establishing a society
which is inclusive and harmonious to achieve permanent solidarity and unity between the
nations and the peoples of ASEAN.

Ø Having an Inclusive and Harmonious Community in ASEAN means showing respect to all
of its citizens, giving them full access to resources, promoting equal treatment and
opportunity, eliminating all forms of discrimination, engaging citizens in decision-
making processes that affect their lives.

Ø ASCC opens a world of possibilities which brings human growth, sustainability, and
development together, and accomplishes them fully in the new and evolving challenges.

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