Steward Zaaiman Introduction Sociology

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Introduction 1. Why this book? feleisin, ends with the following waspoten South Afia from soclologieal perspectives. The specific focus fn this introduction to the study Tn adopting this focus you will re we need to $0 uch farther alld thon simply stedying South Aric Weleome tothe stady ofthe exiting ead svtromely challenging world of sociology — & ‘country through thei eyes. They see a country which Ins achlaved etontshing pola! renewal. They 8 ‘noved by the ones and abiding sone of ubuntu ‘manifested by is pwope, Toy encounter a degoe of frstworld sophistication which they did nt tnoce of South Afric natsalbeety. On the ot Ind, they eso went to know abot it problems thallenges unemployment csime sh n particular tours brochure uted to proc, I indoad & that experiencing am upsurge In eeanemie growth ‘xpeiencer stable goverment and has astoag tte ope lt rises th unexplored talent. However. (hie tr ali a society facing mony challenger and svith which thie etbook wil erouly engage, Ths Teck wil ak tough qustions abou other problems mic contitution fn the wold. 1 esos and howto respond to them. Butt also ‘sf questions abut ov nd mariah, endship ‘roupe and answers gueetioos ke why you fel lot then you dont hav you cll phone. The im 0 {nd small evryday and global ~ seersingly obvious aoe and ough, dfficul cnx. This eens developing ‘he analytical and thinking skill noowsary 10 ‘understand the socal fore and fore that bape fanilios and the rhoong seer takes and impact toon What saan, mp ‘hor ocaty rom acbioing able il all South ‘soared In any aces how opprtunitis ae grasped ‘dow challenge ast depends onthe prope tnd {howe they let to roeeent wm. al abou the folowing thos in ership postions in politi end ‘econo the way a which soit erred end ‘tracted the nvelvetent of te einne and rags tf other social factors end fees. Then factor ane sd ely a sett in te quet funtion tt bes. ‘Much lv depends on gabe eonamic ad polcl scons aswell lca and label socal fren, can be ‘vocal environment in whic thoes oppeetaity fo ont but which ean et with soci proms. to an an emerpig mnashet vocety. The development ‘fount i na only dapat ot people and Unie Toare and how te orpnized. Devlopet in en inceainghy aod raply globlisog, word thai sgles of I thar patterns of consumption ‘hee the ponies of oel pode end economic eveloptants, Cloal tndencies have.» power Inpect on national stably in many countries, Sach our and scopic power, chase and ign Fale abd an tncrousnglyIntrconnected woe, ‘Sociolgys A. South Afi ated teary elucaionl inaituions, But bootie i sich an extnave textbook, it will leo er al in socilgy, who rad some of the chapters in draft Iasng peo of hit Knowledge. This soa ‘comprehensive compendium othe themes hat frm This tenthok will nro yourlarnng experience this textbok wil provide you with old te theoretical foundation om which to bil sound ‘eetning oils nthe socal scinces, Th iin are nd hoe its nt the label vlogs Df which wear ll par. Tho plight of marginlised Pritlged to Bo educa to playa ere active 0 ad herby contribute postely to soclty, In this How, yo might ask can te study of roklony Youan exami of the way fa wich scoot thik ‘out aod explain one ape ofthe scl weld eth In bald type ar expand nthe Glossary the hack of this book. Daa be surprised if you heveto consult 2. Thinking sociologically of rnponies, One clad « fad bid people and sci groups tgeller Aca eps us connected. Weare ia immediate oma with an important event? We expareno «Tos of being Tinod wth oor immediate soll group. Tho social ave ben drupe apd owe oa isle Avothr ffl) clase thnks, you wil ror Ho would explain bow this nto ewetich feotury technoiogy elu lepony bas powertally ‘opin soiety This thinker, who id the at tenth century, would be intrested a bow th al economy has doveloped the materia as fo tho production of billion call hones x 2 plat nd this contempary technology i our everyday Hive ‘ne af the ling scgate to ha wor ty would explon our soe of big lot in ems of the teak sae in which we ive. Another orient Contomporry scilgit would say that w fel & ‘het f something happened to wt What we cou {hat we lve In ak socket, would explain You will Sind it intriguing, tate Row otha itor imporant eave w cea Mo of what scogy systmatic and arma anes 3. What is sociology? Sicology aout the acne sty of human sola Interaction ead the sei! frcr wick shape mich n behaviour. Sociology sade the patorns wich arise following prsgrapis explain this bit dential "The tor wooly” comes from the Franch word Stctology shes combination of te wore. ‘Thre pat scl derives rom the Lin ocr seaningcompenion Tao roond part ogy eas ves derived Irom the Grek word ages ening ‘erfore, te oanrchars speak sbout th nei + The socal fotos that sociology studios inca tho wide vray of soll aetons of people and ‘he social pater, rpelations and intone Meeting encounters of ininideals on the set to global sical procasts, Sometines students In the socal pet ofthe allowing heme: ildhead, communication, conflet, poles police! sas, povert, acm, prople emerge which sciloy am sc. Auth tlie o evry parton, the sudy of sociology acomes very inediat ntarsting at laa, mes the hnowedge fa soealgy ts obtained by specie methodologies ot ways and ruler of ample of what ehodology tf raphy plays wor nite to ky Ina soccer match, they would be expected to ply according wo the eules of seca. Sime socbolgite sro expeced to aide by the eles of mint tad. Tae ane that scilgical st fit topthor aa 4 conistot whe, Tis Inet the acsouat must be taeda loge deductions. generalitations o itepretatlont of observtions or af ater astertina, Troop ach logel lace scily i threo nomen cal_koowledge must provid Knowledge in which such explanations are cote rust ultimately be futifed end antl acclogy males + Sociology mos sie or abject ramone given through explanations should bw based on thorough resuch. Saficent ‘he findings, om which the Knowidge is aed, wore verified through acknowledged procedures of empirical cbsrvstion and 1+ Sociology must ree agsost ekg moral Idgerent. rode, Scilacentiickaowledge rather Proves things at they are. However wil at in many eats scilgit ae 4+ Sociologia! knowing final Tris porate tht set owt aide bosons al Sectoid 1 proviso This me the ke Dowrseviwing and new onc conte fo roan sgl kad + Scientific kody theoretic Socelogy doers and explant ace) Penecoe throng reson arguent Thi what thee mene, Such forms Weck pct ot phonons, Cana ie Imapnalemeril enemas oo i, ‘Therfre they cn define the tsb cenepts ‘nay find thatthe definitions of ram of thse you nny bave led strggled somewbt! You wil than by pasty supezed howe touch you havetnaraed Whe You bin to undertad Sociology ithe sytmatic wry a dried shove you alndy will have lead that scologit have pociicnpprochos and perspectives an bow they ‘tudy cn Tie intoductan now heute on one Iypiealsocalopcel approach to society. misting coll phones wat a fun camps, thie scius coe in, especialy among the youth, ene ofthe det challenges South Aion oct faces 4. The sociological imagination {Imagine you ao the only one of your fiends in your fact on your parsoaal circumstances. Not baving Insome ar an income end makos you fel excl ty. Tis Tagine that you and quits # numberof you I might be Blamed for bing ‘rondo your community te unesployed and that et all have porrona rovbls You all hate «ssi prblam. Unemployment ssi sus, Your shared In woclety, which you experience cllctvly. Th =oaton of our vnemploysent thus an ne longer be “You ar et sponsible fr ti uation ca bla you or oc pling your welt. {he second mindest yo found yoursl oer with yon prsonally bad oss the esponsibility and dcaventther you aor your ands, could be Hamed for being unemployed when yout ‘uosmployment has vated. You al stil had a petsonsl Preblam. But your lack of ob mast be soon ab the al snd global economic pocese. In ‘gor socal problem. To ndertand thet your shared ssemployment snk to troader social events and Eirumtanon ito display sscilogial imagination, To exercise thi acologel imagination meant be bb to link snd understand your own situation in he IgA whats happening in Bonde sot. was sed by © Weght Mille (1916-196 to describe he approach by which poop could discern whet ete them adorei i i ks the two poles of ocial understanding and analysis the fda ane soca). This fasghtsbaped much of eoilogy {eee Koo today. So powerful this Insight that You wil Find wxprest near the beginning of fed sociology textbook, This i bacaaee by using {heir ive. This ges thom the iight to del ith pleat imagination, poople could begin to ‘ns wn ie privat troubler and experince one's mn Indvksal biography. Gow doe not take into account that thee toubloe tty form pat of eer foci true, When using te insight tho acai sites, bt by derstanding them ath ight the ‘pger social plctar.Once they dots, then ty can Independendy ofthe nis) This lauds people 0 render sca sues Tetforo they ear Took beyond Viewed though « soilogical_ mination, fd rules and make thts their own, For the mos ‘art, pople are theo, totally unaware of the " ot then This ete Individual hum binge mote ar rnd and tad ‘ot important factors which input on ws people =u cultureand language oe Chapt), ou gee {ace Chapter las te Chapter 9) aar wa (ne Captor) a ll 8 our soo econonisbokground ose Chap 3, ‘Sociology ths alse to ley bate the sues that ‘aur personal robles fr pop. nthe wy peopl ioe enswer the question on what effet soca arse have of thle owe Le In socalogy, He there Smportnt to broden ott imagination with he bel Sociology consequently dove not shy away from social insvos ike oppression, domination, exploitation ‘ace, sede and ober socal lnfloencee and foros ‘that init poop freedom and npsct Improvemeet of sciy. However, the entct 10 entroversial matter. Some scilgit prefer merely that sciloiats shoud alto be davalved polity nd partcptedrcly im proces that may Delp snd tunaformetve oe in sciy, Anca be expec ‘horas bogs dost about this vew of oilagy. Tis bopins to take rot, the queton trae: what do we do with the powerful In fe sch an The re nae i onthe only twentieth oatury telling th colt modal n patel, not only «plas in which lo preent academic scientific foci cheng, tn thir way i angued tha socicogy ‘ould stor away fom bong atypia conservative strongly in thw 10508 in Germany by «prominent froup of social aay and thinkore called. the Frankfurter Sebule Tbe Frankfurt Schoo) Thar iow tent will come acon thro tin both in amd well eyo wocilogy. Tha main cllabortore ial echolare who grat body of wok, {ite scilogy itil eased today ach Thoodor Adorno Lain Golmienn agen Haber arry ownage Mes Hkbaer, Robert § Lynd Herman iikovsky and Wri il of eoonmie tssne mks this ‘consensus on goer] goals an means of ¢ ew ‘Such progress may be achloved if greter consensus ewever,curraty the engagement of sacology with saclay i argued difrenty, In 1990, one of Ati (ASSA) congress. He we impressed by what Ioreferredo a pute sociology in South Afr, H Asocition in 2004, be argued stongly im hit ology with the public. Burawoy contrasted this kind of Foetology with profesional sotlogy~ en seudemic ‘acpline that mainly addseane ober profesional Burawoy ape thatthe ie of public socilgy rents ofthe discipline to ngage in the discipline by applying its theoretical insights ‘nd empirical methods to engige in baton. These study the subjoct fan academic? Should sociologists lve in pb ‘out the nature and snus of he dacipiw, Google Ieaders inthe pli! nad economic pers dome lap eave constructive critique from socllogits, They mostly beet bandl penetrating equ ofthe fchuded, nod and se sci eceniic taie t ple, Scilla thief no trhich thy oul ik ni to elo fn ny sare ilo donot part toto quate ations ‘clot andar ond ac ar analy whey fully rele soll veal, however Ina way which When you sti this textbook, H shoud bese igated and tok shape as 4 stand prosent thor demand «sini sppition (ofthe ocala again, Thinkers and thors have always cflected aia challange of he tho fascinating story of welch will be rely tld shoulders of the Inlet glans who figure fa thir ory of bow human boinge bive stomped to understand thet ‘ous, eat Philosopbare.Thae thinkers, forever to thousand ors, trae tei pe oat sia 5. Origins of sociology followed by an exparon of tho soil condition that to Augusto Comte who, in 2898, conceptualised sociology axa aclentifie discipline. However, fom ome exteat suoceflly formulating, the mein probleme tha scllogy as inte face theoretlaly Sad methodologically. ‘Those way thinkers also al factors which ure the object of soclologics] enquiry. To scim through those erly thought holp you uedeetand the tsk tht sociology a= 5.4 Ancient times hhought about how socety. worked. ‘This eaiy ogy dovloped a a acience, pope + Whatarthecadesf vo ofthe roling powers A deoper reality’ bso the surface ofthe world hareterined by the diminishing infhunce of tho opportunity to begin selling independently sou scifi within thn apie. They envisnged { deparealiy yon the things tht pop sew and ‘xperencod. The thinkers spt all ht ime frying vs that rains constant ~ when allo emer to ‘on changing Sack a andelng se ty a Thoary tore focoredondtfent eds for chs ‘despar realty scan seen below Eventually tha feos shod tengo adenetand this dpe ‘The underying structure ofthe logos erat (0-480 BCE fr testanc, proposed that there de an andedyng tructure ogo) according to which the surtounding wood faetined thie Underlying structare could be comprehended, he ‘hough, this would lelp ef lend a Woe and wise ‘fe Taisharmoch insommen withthe tion a oll ‘mapination discosed above, Healt sored onriats of oppolng rte fpposten in an saad Tinsel forweed om ail free tht cated within is soity In they of En Hav cn bo found You wil encoustr at major thera theme in hs bok ™ nepotie energy snl fr change in of South Africa soins, the savin very protste con to tind. Conliting interests Treen the raling party pli! ame and the ogtve energy ~ which can bave postive effects at Jono improved sci condtons, ‘The guiding power of Mind Anoxagara (400-42 OCH inrodued new sietitic ‘hong paterns,thowecltingto speculative rear, ‘This way of thinking began asking qustons about terponible forall moerea toward new ington in society. Anexaores expressed ths pelncple by {hat center nd orders the word objects Thi is particully inpurtat lor understanding Gera ‘which eachod it pean th emergence of thease ‘organisations andthe bureaucracy which oats Wat can we know? ‘Th thinkers of the fh eetury BCE contradic one another ia hl hort desig oral. Ths ol tut and stds that ‘man i be ma the embyo of the phenomenological ar interpretive Darspetive In sociology that you wil encounter fa CCaapor 1 and throughout tie estbook. The way of ‘Te idee of justice inked to political uphval and social tame de to war, Philosophers boge to atk deeper questions rough dialog (tar ealed dialectics. He dd fearchingquertions, Socrates did wot ony devcribe the axlting onder Through his dialogue be ale {nformed socetyandinflaedteautoraticlesdes local authorise, Legend depicts him endieg is ‘own fe by taking otto ina public display guided lon of what igh, The ideal society These infrmalfenchings wer lowed by taching Inaitutions where there wee thorugh rection on rality and spacial the alationahip betwee he ‘comprehensive word rrctre oor 2 the aca {he fet Weta ‘unity’ in Athens. Thar he pd Socrates’ dicourentchaiqu of dialctos ‘deeper ely =the elit beyond he things people to around thom. Pato ban by Snveiating the ‘iernt forms of poll organisation as he a ‘hem inthe ty tat of Athena He vlewed the act tocity ha existe, Thus, the presen ont {snot the Heel ae, bu toe to reach the highs eal, tpi a perfotd stato, deamarly ures ging pincpa which ations dnp telly, uch athe eink cat? eerie 'w Arcblbop Enwritus Desmond Tu Such a del Image lps guide the driv for actu nation ulling hich could ot be reached i thi) encourages oople never tobe sted with tol current plitel to explain carta genoa Ine which ster human iso toveards a a al prpon Ariaole (284-922 BCE) wa +p ‘mind fro the cure, atul ons Oly then xn one ‘mock the aww apn in your mind. Arie dd ‘of marbles potentially statue. Thea only ede tn extemal fore or movement to became fatal don theorist’ analy scity. Though apie ‘lene sci canbe understood and that kw The centrality of ow Inthe Roman Ephrewhieh alo nda more pretend lolli daponitin. "Thuy focused onthe appli of law. Doing thi tine Lert 00-85 BCE) contributed to an eveltionary vow of soley, Already over two thousand yeu tgp, be domontited how soil tolationships were tho extent tat hun beings ative to improve aie liver and to stay clear of unnoceetry compete ‘This ery thorsing iin ine withthe funetonalist The dillrentagprtscocnty bare psitne uot the philosophers that nut In society developing ina ordered end 5.2. Viewpoint of the early church and the Midale Ages rh the hutch fathers bape establish the fea tha acy ‘Theralore on could not place oo mach empha toclal development and sail iaaituions, beets of he camming Judge thet would ond sotety. Ask ure aod cannot be eliminated? Parallel modes of soc being ‘laze father in tipp, Alpes tbe Roman province ‘te disnagaion of the Roman tapure~ and the ering inevitable ako-over of society by ungodly Teather powers. According thle design, soaty utansousy, The ar the euthly r well ity two opposing cultures or ways of le ~ hat of good evil which epost tal desroction, This analysis This onalye Spline nso suse is allow belles from partlipsting fe pte afl By contratng and expsining the Informed thom feces ~oconcntae on the spi ron, night of toute Fike wry ol, ‘The king as God's representative In the Middle Age, this line of thought wos cried furthe: The Roman Chole pls, Thomas Aquinas (12254275), war the hey thinkar in this ep According to his social analysis society shoul be ‘oon the real in whch bomane, by ate, ook, their wn Ineents Therefore especor pat, God, ‘Aquinas’ socil analysis helped to prove theological Toginacy forthe masurhy, which was the frm of overamant a hat time. A monaze, be thought, wat for onpniing the lls of nani ‘he state and external social factors ees tot of Hrd (1352-2406) He indicated through different sages of derelpeat thereat fo Peyheloglal and onvionmenal fos 5.3 Age of Enlightenment ‘The power of razon Tha Age of Enlighonmen was a intellectual move fon and faith Senne thought. Tntellectal {nterctange and apie were advanced athe In this wa the dominating roo of the church aw nceesingy pied espns notbortyofthe tate Chapter on Polite ad governance above "hat ofthe hare In aden, th Inellsctuale ofthe day began evsagd an improved society. Thay Began ta Toman vitlonaity ar noble force that eould make tiffeence to their weed. All tha wat ede wat fer thinking people to apply thlr mind to societal problems. Tough sbtract soil analyse they ‘alt pot hw pate ace im eich al eal live ‘Te social contract The focus then shifted away from Bil acceting the theme ofthe soci! conta ‘zen Boum prominent. The Eegish pilwopher, Thomas Hobbes (08-1679, departed from earn iwpointe that mankind lived and eared fo ach ‘Sd therefore pple ota ved in oar each her (histence. He argued that etzens sould ogre to ‘vender thai feedom veiling tm exchange for trouldbegoaanted: Such social contac, how trou also wapowercitons to dca the ruler 1704, took this oton further. 4 sola contact ‘stables « soctty that netons indopendeaty of government. Govermast thor should ct at an {ndopenint ination ta which society dl politcal conta This eonceptulisstion provided "he posit foc nonazchine and dittnshipe obo thrown in favour ofthe omeing ntiowsaer | think therefore 1am {hs wold bck othe method a eytmatl optic ff tho. Feonch aura. scence pilose, Rend Desert (15963050 According to Descartes ‘ethod: one shuld keep on doubting unt ane finds ‘lea principe that cannot be doubted. Ths ony thing that one cannot doubt e he fc tht you are the one wo Is paforming tho doxtting. From this flows pint of depute for scientific Kaowledg et Tea retually ele th socal thought and whi Enlightenment ‘uilng on this principle, thinkers dared 10 be cal and von 19 question fact in sooty which they bad alwoyssecpted on the higher aulorly ff the eburch aon ght of hoor pilwophers nanied. their ‘movement the Enlightnment in Gorman, Ayflarang This past thot poop wor fret think and investiga ings for themelves. They began ores ontadtons in society which dilleed from how thoy tought ‘Shout general le which contol the overt of social phenomena. The pilasphers proposed wich "nivel laws “beyond tho phaoomens that Pople Contended, pele can understand the trent Prcerae in el area of ging th iow onthe existing soci. Meta-physis ‘What thi means i that infellectusl began 0568 social problems at existing frie tat contradicted Udo the dopey of bow aia ght to rly became Known a he scence of metepyses Uieta means ‘ute’ pond The g ‘tbe thie montelopeculatin wes truly een The fmong fats, ot didnot diver te knowledge about This is where the speculative philosopiy of Iman Kent 0724-1808 produced an Sopesva ‘nivel las alr) of deeper really hat imports rieening to the world of phanomnn (at) The fueston which aoe, however was how that ould Airctly and have i tested through expecimention? For this was the criterion for tr scence that te. Kant proposed th coracsin: the think seston We cannot know the phonomens as they bayond whit we cin experience, Out impressions ff the phenomena around as ae modltod and fred through ovr mind. Our mio area ental procetsing pln tht err those impreatons ie understandeble units (peeeptons and hen proceeer ‘hm by appiying mal actrees of bow ‘Gingecoght to bel Kents conceptual eonstrcton Aiicul to undertand and romsine mich dacaeod ‘and dtd wo tie dy, The creative mind This Kantian form of Koowidye Snplie » unique relationship betwen or mind and ths things aon ‘The human ied iterate wih th phenomene I lverver, but na erly in the manner fa stent taking oe’ i rahe ke ude aking the ight {uations to ive th core jag Th th things "hat peopl eave are latin othe mg or portion of the abeoror. Tho person or sf wn cbasrvws ay Phenomenon imports mang to tse perceptions ‘quickly so that soilogy embodies this Won ~ there fre many ‘prepectve and iret approchos fa or Kant, the world of beste fits epee! ‘he human mind and when the mind perceves eek those nt. This whale ny peeation ofthe facts Ia thinking sly do ot neg fact for respected sclniicinattatons. {reserve the Fight to lntrpet things surrounding me to Impt poston assexaminer-On th thor hand however eit ean I can only peeve thos things that ‘ppc to me. With thls design othe relates Bteen the sbverving mind and pheoorens, Kent paved tho way theratclly forthe Isler development of ‘Phenomenology at we ow i ‘Te rational world Aller Kant theorising. & date faved up among took the basic principles of the Rolghtenmient further. ‘Toi analy focused erally on scety eer to-undarand forces which uadeletin development of following Kans cur about the lite of burnan reason (the boundaries ofthe mind that est nly pan Yo Joana Goi ‘hough nt oey x meal aly ed), bat the tole of realy, a aes tonal, ll of buen, tur and sooty are driven by an nding proces vesting that doe at fit the rational des (Cll “snerconrsditions ara made rational and come part af harmonious etlooa whe Inner ‘ogi of transformations Willa eedrich Hog (1770) built on Garman deals idea of ich an underlying satiol cycle of single World Spit Welgest in Garman ‘elds society forage, German socal tegration According o Hops dsigh this Wo Spin tok on Pols end weanomice daring cansctiv sages in ‘human history. By examining the povasans of have ‘he uansormatons in sock. The dete! tenon Iwo the existing and emerging sags unleese masa of coative anergy. Thin onion era over develop through the diferent stage on sway tothe total rations and fre nck alist wanted to preven throgh tol ty Seas ean how the sity of he tn ough funtion ete. Howover, sak contrast to thet ‘ndnjbl reality of he suffering fhe peopl ol hat pari stood ont sharply. Thee people wee ina very "ulnerble postion pstclalin he ac amine Change the word ‘Thephileopy ofan easy bing turns upside dow, li he foanditon for Kat Mars well Laon tertquo of soi shouldbe la that Marx appli framework of the camper dato sen th Kelis Therite, ch eh eae Hol and thors, on how {0 establish the ial soley with the exiting onde. of Horacttus on socal spas thn to the gon, sbeohitit nto sca theories of the speculating However, i ook Mars some time to reflect on and ‘meter Ieeably the Gunton roe whine on wet with the ge and dificult philwopy of Hegel rerly can decribe the nacety by uncovering the before by vac tis pot of view, He only fund ‘dein structure (url aw or wher thoughts master ay afar aplyng the met of Lag sod iiercanimpoctom oly and actually change? Feuerbach (80-1872 young ellomer who eiigaed Moga dali approsch Inthe end. Mane analyse ‘The prionty of facts ofthe economic, material tas ost woe in tay Marimood ton socialthor social snaisathoegh waprequalenttologlxmentalconsrct button hicstiquec Hels sutualisticitpetaton the onoitehed rather theright way up asf ae Mar ‘Tae isltpilsopers, Hog in particular, bad toclenon was ben out ofthe pour living conditions Arveloped complex tinal sltons which wore the rood by the age of rvoition nad nds, produce of aking shoe Tee Hen of th ind hd ‘The rial content out of which Mare wrote will be "thr goo th octal itgrtion of sity by ns del with nthe flloing section sfoltia arangenentrordipastins Marsthought A summary of hi tsectory of human thought ‘ch ide shoal te bund on sonemen socal fate. oat tho scl! work, which covered «peri of ever, Marx teoce did not only examine the Hons aoa! tke 2 SED year frat node to bw made, Th table Bl vat butbeusedo thw materiel bass of reduction in giveran overview ofthe developmen of Ween sol ‘eck Thisapprosch you wilfindenplained ingrstar thought throughout the centuries sad wit infra etal i Chapter Inter soll perspectives a wcoogy, ‘oral thearict Soria parspecives thet originated from the theorist Soil imagination the suggestion of conflict heory Heraclitus (540-460 0c) ‘Angora (500-428 96) atlonal ordering of society Sopris th century BCE) [to cr Secroter 69-399 80 aTaCE) "dea; emphasis the inportance of teory Investigative theory infrmingscety the besinnng of so Pistol (84-322 ce) Applied sen Tr rts (9-55 BCE] Functonalim te evolutionary development ofsoity ‘usurtine (56-490) Sci nai explaining the status qo Thomas Aquinas (25-1775) Socal anal legting the statu quo Thal (1932-1406) Functional: the evolutionary development of sokty Thomas Hobbes (588-1679) 1b Locke (692-1708) enn Gott ee (762-1638) Meta theory abelutm) ‘With Friedrich Hegel (170-1630) dea meta theory (atonal design scl teary 5.44 Age of revolution and industralisation “and the need for sociology {The domination of Western thought sociology sou ob so daoply embedded in Westra ovgbt Yue oglnetthe history of des, raced the book and even eplie othe ial caper which ently on th story of socolgy in South Aven. The simple reason Is tha Western thought erage Un geoeal. Tht needs reconsideration at sociology. They ‘Weston soclolgy ~ or Aca soialogy {nour ese Enlightenment and revolution There are two ln rons why Wester soilogy Se dominant ly the Enlgnment crested the ‘ofthe Balghenmen! lr bene sccptble to the testa th wold and he eae ea vew ef sciey {hag abot act. Seon. the qustion with which der in aoclty was eld or ond be cred ‘Cat your thooghts back to South Afres® tho og of rvchition, thi wa ol the ene. The we socal oder as toed pi dwn, Thi od ‘musi soci! dalacation and human suffering Th ferent and sci wpeval of eotonary prods, Socal conditions give birth to sociology ‘Te iumndite conditions thet omen the creation of ‘lone called sot a ‘evelution frst the French Revolition 1780-1700) (whch edo widerprod soll and pola instability the problems ofthe sae, Thi occured in the period Teodingup wo the storming ofthe Basile bythe masses In adaton, the age of Enlight produced 4 ‘epintionof a down-odden poplin France, could Liberty, Equality and Fraternity wheing on the gull of tho King aod it wi, people wre seat the guile i his mane {eal approximately 18,00 people were exeeutod arlod wes th establishment ofa sce in Francs, {he abolition of seroma wel fhe sliioaton fe feudal prise ofthe nobles and Sold tra introduced. Feudal ates were broken up Ti "he European cousey with the Irs proportion of pendent all landowners Dictatorship Imad the republican sroggle a8 ugly proczswith ontlouour changer of power and With previous ‘ealutionry Ides bing put on tal: The defeat of Daring thi time of tail, the gel sccm fynerel Napoleon Bonaparte selzd power and fn 44 From 144 280 the Bourbon anarchy was insatd, Frner proclaimed anetbue Nopeleocic Sociology as solution of plital instabilty that Frene experienced during ‘heperiedfrevolutionand instalation, Intrme Lilaremaised ofthe Raliphtnment thinker rains! bsigus promoting hope abd expectations of declised human progress. France experianced. dlscond and pt ecllogy forward a sho way to create an Twas not, However, aly the paitcl vlatity viich ‘called for «now anawer 10 social etait 1140. Tie revelation dramatically changed the node ‘fprodation =the way in which the coonamy ath ty the inteduction of seem powered machinery td tools, at well ar developments in metallingy, ‘omial textile mamtartar, ulin end gas. Ses of America, France was sea affected by the restructuring of soit. Buin as an empice bad {te advantage of Intratonnl maha aallable fr eho eoton industry give Briain th eanomi de ‘Went ould na lenge euppy ts own neds Bran clonied Indi which bus been producing cotton for thousands ys Improved means of production Tha adustial Revelation elf wot agely triggered by James Watts improvement ofthe seam engine Ia {he production of goods. AL the beight of this ‘uchnologica revolution steam power was ued tad lead constructed about 10000 kof alway, ‘he German states 000 and France 3 00. By 18501 fpporturites fr manual labour ganerted by this Industry were manifold In conrst, South Africa a ‘colony had, bythe end of the 160s, constructed the mass tuneportation of oo ore and ene for Production purpowos and opened up mario for Capitalist industriaisation ‘apalistmodec production anaormed previously fericltaral society ino an ndusrial one, Socely ‘hanged completly. Th Industal Revolution soon thatthe worry were spared frm the products wich they ade, The workers wee ths aly viewed im tere of tht contribution to production. The {td ecules a the soem in the workplace. Kaleo ‘ade possible to employ cheep labour ~ which a ‘hat time contd of women and children woes Ina short span of tn pople wore expred to tal ‘ew dispensation of lobar in which manvallbour Duo to thie sudden upsurge in production ad increatd lec eceme paramount and later were kay rudy rsniaton thereoce ty the eaptliste ‘Thor th inauranos companive grow, To enhance produc ‘werolvented and managerial techniques developed Tn this way the cot of labour could be minimised Urbonsation bd never before oxparioced sacha Inflow and ‘ving the time ofthe revolution the population of Brain doubled, Tesble housing condone wore the roe of poverty and overpopolaton. Sewers {lpaet wes prevalent. The outbreak of epidemis, toch ts tuereulons,cholra and typhoid wore posi for Bian bi very at that hm {he end of the oven, nds nes led Farther Isbour legislation followed. Bventally the candtons of th work Polat struggles Tha mechanieton bought sbout by the Endo) enfiting ide abot the ial stata became an ‘ticular thetraglebetwecn monarchy, democracy poyerofeooarchios diinlabed, ith noclarty being reached on alternative politic made, Th church por lied. The ew opti industria node of Prohctinn cele posing oro aconome roblame raed rdaly ew soiety and fo he peopl of a ‘The need for socal order Fro within thee teving soca, pial and tconomis ceumatanonescigy as «field of tidy td ality posible in sores? Tce simpy wer 90 owlodg to provide people with direction on Bow fuch a sclty shoud be etbised and developed ‘The aoping struggle, wasons, canflies and ware ‘cil to provide such dytion to soit. 55. Sociology as discipline The dea ofsosogydaveloped ovr time and became ‘elon and an acadomiediaiplin. The ealat use ‘the cnceptsoilogy’ appr nthe unpublished stings of the Fonchman Emanuel Fos Saybe {irae}, dated 1780 At that tne soslogy was Towever nt got corncted ow fi of dy wat tho couypualised the disetpline of ocolgy” ix eve Aust Cte and Kec rx 818-183, Toth developed scotty uted eytome with recovery afloat epeilly at of Mar. At oul) popular tovilogiet war Hasbrt Spacer (120-190) ‘edad abel ssa of government Bat nto ater Prenchnan, Auguste Cont 170 Formal xeademi status Formal seacdemlesocalogy was Hee established fn France 9» Brule Durkheim (858-1017). Academie feclologr ves itreduce tn the Unit ‘Ameri 2078 and ip Blan i 1002. Thir wae neues of pefeencs for social asthroplagy in toh covet” academic circle, Full undergraduate ‘te its establish Aiecipline, acology proper rapidly. Ae theory ‘enfant profundity, Sociology in thi for also ‘sarod higeffluen on the way people thought {soto their detriment The comply of peoples Socios resulted tn scilogy developing into an xtonded end intiat diciplin. Ass fledged ‘varity of lemont, ora evel and intreltions Some sociologist am to dent relationships and ‘order in thie ild of ty. wile ober lacs mere Becrise much of cntemporsry Networking nd association ‘ountin hee established silo asocistios ‘Tho larguet asain ie that ofthe USA, contig cof approximately 21000 mvmbers Youn in 12908) Assocation (ASA) baa sll ambnshipUounded {1 109 out of previous aritiona) However, SASA, {active and prone ie own soilogy congress Association (8) funded in 04 + the olde oe isthe International Inetate of Socelgy 5 founded in 1 ‘Assodaton (SA) htpulmwise socclogy. or Socology (Sh retputwaisoc org) Webste of tne South afican Sociologia 6. Different perspectives Characerised by divers perspectives on. sci ts therefore shold Know how this disepline ‘ecton sociology developed in darptve ines a an ‘tompt to gives alotfeanewor on whother cde The answer to this question is yer and nc development of organizations. 1 contbuted to operate and how thy ca be managed even more sft. Theta thought of sciloy lea blped exote «tory for democracy In modern sci. Sociology lid are the inequalities etwnon people and the explatation of era sections of soley. Such analyses helped theee issues. For this reason the disciplines of ts, for instance, to the ogy and stil work developed side bse in Soa counts. In thtssons, sacalogy di indeed set with he logealrestrctring foci and functioning of military frees. The reason état the slat socal thetise provided new fecaron powerandthemailsingatpeopleeroued cxtonded elntre. Sociology alta resarchad {he methods to exercise power through coercion ‘nd manipultion, This te turn ovestlly lod ticiontly The far-reaching theoretic diflerencee ‘mong tcilogit on bot society ought To be ‘Those debles are into conflict that did nat benefit people direc. in edlton, the enarmoos ‘roth ofthe word population enusd large sale tires by sclenceslone, Tita of flats tha conrbutin hat ociolgy can ako in soley ven if the contribution of sacalogcal knowl test in inproving soi. Soiclogy ie theeor ‘rae of ow society festons and of bat positive nthe chepeethrghout this hock you a8 Which tatrpot the seme subject diferent You Wil lso be export diferent contrasting end Conflicting perspectives This can be disconcerting to student looking for cart answers ay asom to yo that sociology dove no provide rea ssawere to social probome The ht that oral phenomene fenditonssaiguely and act according t thoi own ‘anderstand thio atone thst of eilogy tnedtoreaise the wafulees such vars night no "he comple ofsoiey hols for thom, 7. Sociology as social science ‘The broad field of sciences, In the roa fil of eines the divisions of natural Alistingushed Evamplor of such study elds are phic, ‘hominy, bilgy and zclogy ruateratios. + Tho humanities al with aepece euch 8 +The socal sciences developed during the ime of the Indust Revolution and. the Freack uphoavelandinenpesetosheempiricaleuccsses tho tatural senom and the apecusions ff metapyis, actors ttmptd to develop plicable discipline Sock dleiplina had to kal sclntiially with the socal challenges of tte vray of fle af oud such a antbropoloy fotze. histor. la inguistcs, pln) sence prcholgy public amination en sociology ure socal sciences tera of athe prychology and sociology. Of thes the oldest field of {octal cnt windy is economies, with Its eign Inaced back tothe pubition of Adam Smit The of he trm in 1838, Within tbe oad encyclopaedia stcular ath diailinn with he boadort ooue of {Ultb woclalschenoas. Whore theater oa siences focusom peific ara foci i sooogy tam moe, The discipline makes th whole of sciy te Feld of study. Sociology therefore dovelops pod owe sci Interpreting sls mang those Who take serous 8. Careers and sociology fectloglst Imagination. With sch takll oo ca Ive deeper derstanding of how sci tls hw people ca be athe te foil procenee 5 profeione Sotilony is therfore avery ust ‘id people in diverse captions Sue sceupatione fan" Include the following: project manager, Iabour relations ‘agate town” planners and Semnmunty developer, polie servants, human revourees managers poll lias, pycbologia td wcll woer,Ssilngy tn b very ef in titties caeors With postgrdst qualifications in Sociology sperific earor a lo be followed, such 1 deat in scilogy withthe At stp to develop th aotalanalyls als ou may 9. Structure of the book The aim ofthis tntbook ito present you with an Part presets the foundation of xc Ths foundations rer to the coresleaents of tecilogial their In Chapter 1 {wor Hwa alo poled ea that 50 ‘explana in Chepter2 (Revere oon). Th focus of the book thea moves on to the other core-lements of scilogy. or socety 12 Conuttutd i lcidted in Chapter 3 (Popelaton. fw itrproations to thr sition, ed (Chapor Soca hangs In this pst of this textbook you wil lars ow ‘he cle of eultre ia pooples Hee ia Chapter (Guturs Culture isthe madium witha which (Chapa 6 (Socialieaon snd Went Inde shaped ty three ascribed soci factors in the fe in Chapt 7 (Conds) cm ae deve in nation aretheeatbished practice in scity taser upbosvale an alin occur in iets Th stations explain inthis sation cre the falling Orpciaions, overeat and bureacrecyin Chapter 0, Family and households tn Chapter 1, Eduston in Cheptr 12, Relig and health in Chapter 1 Crimean deviance in Cupar 20, Urbessation sa Cheptr 2 and the Enviroment in Chapter 2 10. Features of the book This bok ocho standard features fo ach chapter "ho and ofeach ebay, ‘sss cures when presenting the chapters and lp od ay ward inte text, 11. Supplements to the book ‘Thetllowingeupplementaresvalableforreserbing inwruclors and tude ar provided fr sch chapee. + Forstudete 12. Acknowledgements os without he

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