5 Aspect of Personal Health

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5 aspect of Personal Health

One of the most wonderful aspects of life is that it is unique to each individual. We all have ups
and downs, but we deal with them differently in terms of mental, emotional, physical, social, and
spiritual aspects of life.
Recognizing the statuses of the aforementioned beliefs would help us better comprehend how we
have lived so far in our effort to find balance in our lives. This crucial stage assists us in
identifying the positive and negative aspects of our existence.

The ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions. The ability to
form and maintain good relationships with others. The ability to cope with and manage change
and uncertainty.

Emotional health pertains to our ability to muddle through our emotions, both negative and
positive. pointed out that emotionally healthy people are very good at acknowledging how they
feel concerning things that they find unpleasant. Such a coping mechanism paves the way to
decisive actions that can benefit you and other people.


self-awareness. Someone who is self-aware can perceive themselves accurately and

understands how their behavior comes across to others. ...

l health involves our capability to create significant relationships with other people and
positively work alongside them. Not only that, it is also relevant to how you connect with others,
adjust to social situations, and feel the belongingness towards society. In Umberson and
Montez’s Social Relationships and Health, it was said that people who involve less to society are
prone to various health problems. Thus, this aspect should be well considered as part of our
overall well-being.

Participating in community activities. The ability to form and keep friendships. In friendships
and relationships, setting limits is important. Having a strong support system of family and
Spiritual health is deeply connected to all four aspects of overall wellness. It relates to our moral
principles based on our individual beliefs, cultures, and traditions. A spiritually healthy person
acts accordingly to the aforementioned factors as far as mental, emotional, social, and physical
health is concerned.


Prayer, mantras, and meditation are just a few examples of ways to practice spiritual wellness.
Physical disciplines such as yoga and tai chi, journaling, rituals such as spellwork, celebrations,
and commemorating holy days are some of the other options.

Physical health touches our physical ability, from a healthy lifestyle to physical fitness.
Commonly, it is described as our prowess to maintain or develop our heart function, muscular
strength, flexibility, and physical body composition. As this aspect is already familiar to all of us,
we already know that regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and proper hydration are its main
contributing factors.


Our endurance, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular, digestive, and other physical attributes are all
important. This is how well our bodies are equipped to navigate around the environment on a daily

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