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I dedicate this work to my mother Rosa Mariano and my brothers, it is precisely the possibility
of Fulfill a dream that makes life interesting. (Paul the Rabbit).
II. Tanks

When you dream alone, it's just a dream. When we dream together, it is the beginning of
reality. (Miguel de Cervan t es) This report with the approach of practical classes in the civil
construction company F M S, would not be the It would be possible without the contribution of
several people who encouraged me, helped me and supported me throughout the entire
journey. Firstly, I would like to thank God for the life and health he has provided, to my
Trainer, for his patience, competence in science and for all corrections, criticisms, evaluations
and suggestions raised during the execution of the report. F M S constructions and services
and all the professionals who give their best every day contributing their knowledge regarding
construction of buildings, and who welcomed me with open arms, providing their support and
understanding throughout the work carried out. I would like to thank my family for all the
unconditional support they gave me transmitting, as well as the affection and love that always
constituted a recharge of energy. To my friends, colleagues and IIM´u trainers, who directly or
indirectly supported me until this date.

T able 1: Schedule of activities

Table 2: work schedule


FM S Fernando Ma¡rio Sulemane

IIM´u Industrial Institute of Mugeba


The supervised practical classes aim to practice the activities learned in theory during the
course. Through the internship carried out at the company F M S constructions and services I
was able to add my knowledge to the events in reality, lived inside a construction site. Since
my main activity was the implementation of masonry techniques in the implementation of the
recent store to be implementedin the district of Mocuba , province of Zambezia.

The work experience was carried out at the company FMS constructor’s e services, by the
author of the present work. This was held in the Mocuba District, in the Massanica
neighborhood, the aim of the classes was to apply masonry techniques for the implementation
of a building, as well as for the learning in practice about everything that was learned
throughout the life of the course , in order to obtain the title of civil construction technician in
the qualification and CV3. FMS Constructors carries out works at a national level with a
complete team. The company is responsible for the work at all stages, from the foundation to
delivery. Therefore, the present report will write down some of the activities that were carried
out by me, showing what the contributions were to the progress of the work;
1.2. Institution features

F M S constructions and services is a bican woman construction housing company § tions,

bridges and roads, located in the city of Mocuba in the central neighborhood. The company
offers safety and stability conditions for Interns, providing all PPE safety equipment, so that
everyone perform their duties safely. The intern also receives transportation assistance, and
has the right to food. The interpersonal relationship in the company and the adaptation of the
intern is done in the best way possible, as everyone is healthy. They are treated in the best
possible way and are equal. Everyone has the right to follow, as well as give suggestions and
assist workers in carrying out activities.
1.2. OB J ET I VO S
 Apply Masonry techniques, to execute Masonry and structural structures;
 Write technical reports;
 Determine the type of traits

Mont of August
Week 1 1 Week 2 Week 3
Activities 08/13/2023-09/20/2023 08/21/2023-08/25/2023 09/28/2022-09/01/2023
M T W T F Sat
Masory survey on the 1st floor

Pillar formwork and filling

Beam formwork and filling

Table 1: Schedule of activitie

II. methodology

1.2. Methods and materies

The method used to be able to look at my report was used m is a scientific and empirical method
rich, on which I based myself on data collection using as my own the population of that area,
the specialized technicians of the area and supervisor, and the theoretical foundation I resorted
to some searches in modules learning throughout the course.

During the application in the field, it was possible to put into practice the experience of the
work of an implementation project of a store, which will soon be a reality. . The activities
carried out in the company were:

 Monitoring and dimensioning of beams;

 Monitoring and filling of beams;

All stages were monitored from the framing of the beam stirrups to the filling of the beams. The
trainee's role was to monitor and describe on a database what was accomplished during the shift,
listing both what would still be executed, and This is what needs to be rethought. FMS
Constructors has a short term internship system controlled by the company supervisor, which
assists all graduates in activities and any questions that may arise. The construction company
has many competent technicians and therefore, everyone must be rigorously committed to
developing their activities lives with total control and competence, so that everything goes as
planned. The company accompanies the intern in the activities that they are developing, based
on the daily notes that they must present contact the company's technician.

4. WEEK 3

 Activities

Masory survey on the 1st floor

Pillar formwork and filling

Beam formwork and filling

 Date: 18/08/2023

Before departure, firstly confirm the material and equipment needed. We arrived at the site
where the work was implemented, where we were welcomed by the textile workers and those
in charge of the aforementioned work.

 Lifting of veneering on the 2nd floor;

 Veneering;

The veneering is all used in civil construction that consists of m create structures such as walls,
or walls to seal off internal areas with bricks and mortar.
 Activity in the field

According to the definition structured in the concept of masonry, a part of the classes practices
culminate with activity in poor masonry where the sealing of internal areas on the second floor
or upper floor was also carried out, using block 0,15x0,40, with the trace 1:2:3.

 Column formwork, beam fillers;

 Formwork form

Is a structure in the form of a beam or net that surrounds the roof roof or ceiling, and it can be
used as a support or reinforcement for roofing.

 Activity carried out in the field

The formwork was one of the real steps realized in the activities of practical classes, in the
company FM S constructors. A lengthening beam formwork was built up to the level of the
account of the national road N 1, in pillars inside the building On the upper floor, the formwork
made was made of wood, observing all technical protocols.

a) The filling of the pillars was done with a 1:2:3 ratio, using the concrete mixer and vibrator
for compaction

b) The space meant in the braid from 25cm to beams of 15 and 50cm of 40cm

 Materials used to carry out the work

a) Brick Hammer
Brick hammer is used to cut the bricks and used to push the bricks if they come out of
the course line.

b) Concrete Mixer
Concrete mixer is machine which mixes the ingredients water, fine aggregate,
aggregate and cement to deliver the perfectly mixed concrete.
c) End Frames
Their use is similar to the line and pins. But instead of pins, L shaped frames are used
at the end of thread which hold the brick work effectively and level the alignment

d) Float
Float is made of wood which is used to smoothen the plastered concrete surface. It
contains handle on its top and smooth wooden surface on its bottom

e) Gloves
Gloves are required to prevent the hands from direct contact with cement, paints etc.
and to avoid injury while using machines, tools etc.

f) Hand Saw
Handsaw is used to cut the wood materials like doors, windows, slab panels etc.

g) Vibrator
Vibrator is used to compact the concrete by this the air gaps are filled with water and
workability varies without adding water to it.

h) Trowel
Trowel is used to lift and apply the cement mortar in small quantities. It is made of
steel and wooden handle is provided for holding. The ends of trowel may be pointed or
bull nosed.

IV. Conclusion
The report of work experience culminates witch that were developed in the company Fms
constructions and services in the district of Mocuba. With the division of the report it was
possible to manage with three approaches. The first, which went through everything carried
out during the classes, with the elaboration of data collected in the survey and used in favor of
the edification During this stage it is possible to put into practice concepts acquired during the
academic journey. He also became preponderant and had knowledge regarding technical
details and constructive processes. To solve problems in this scope, detailed research was
sometimes carried out to interpret the correct action of the elements of construction ignoring
the survey of land before implementation

V. B iographical references
VI. ALONS O, Urbano R odriguez. Foundations and infrastructure lectures. São Pau l
o , Estacas Frank i L tda ., 1979 . APE M OL Pau ssociation list of companies
executing piles cast on site Strauss S ystem. And specification of the execution of
type S trauss piles. S ão Paulo, A PEM OL, s. d. AZEREDO, Héli o Alves de. The
A t Building is your Roof. São Paulo. Ed. Edgar B l ucher L t da ., 1977 .

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