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InSight Testing

The username and password for InSight administrative access is demo//demo

The username and password for individual user access is configured per user during patient generation.

The patient tab in InSIght displays a list of all known InSight patients. Each patient generated has a series
of associated hyperlinks displayed by bold blue text. A historical list of all alerts that are associated with
a patient can be found by clicking on the exclamation mark next to the patient name. To generate a new
patient the user must click on the orange button labeled “Add Patient”.
This is an example patient named TestUserA. Any input field denoted with a red star must be filled out
before the patient can be generated. Some of this required information will impact data transfer and
login information. The Login and Password entered for the user may be used in the login screen in order
to access the individual user’s measurement log. The Assigning Authority ID, Assigning Authority ID Type
and ID Number are needed by the Health@Home Hub to associate patient data with the generated user
on InSight. The values entered into these input fields must match the values entered into the patient
account generated on the Hub. A user will also need to validate that the program name entered during
user generation is correct as the program name may not be modified after the patient has been created.
Each user has a patient database that graphs the trend data for measurements. The database supports a
“Live” view, where measurement data is displayed as soon as it is received and the measurements are
only stored for a set time period, and a historical view where you can view the measurement trends
from a selected beginning to end point.

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