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WHY? NAME 3-5.
What is your job?
What are the things that you do
every day?
What skills do you need for your
Try matching the words with their
1. To make something better.
2. To see how advanced we
a) improve
are in something.
b) work on 3. To put effort into creating
c) develop something.
4. To grow by learning
d) use something new.
e) practice 5. To repeat something to
master it.
f) measure
6. To operate with something.
a) 1
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6
e) 5
f) 2
Here are some of the examples of skills:
camping skills, communication skills,
computer skills, English skills, life skills
presentation skills, reading skills
Make a to-do list of three tasks you need
to work on today. Include tasks from
different areas of your life, such as
school, home, or personal goals.
Choose an everyday object (e.g., a
phone, a book, a bicycle). Tell me about
how you use it in your daily life and why
it's important.
Life Skills: Make a list of three
important life skills you think
everyone should learn. Examples
could include cooking a simple meal,
managing money, or doing laundry.
Explain why each skill is valuable.
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary
words from the list.
1. To succeed in a job interview, you need good
2. Learning to cook and do laundry are
important _______________.

camping skills communication skills

computer skills English skills life skills
presentation skills reading skills
3. I need to improve my _______________ because I want to
travel to an English-speaking country.

4. Knowing how to start a campfire is one of the essential

_______________ .

camping skills communication skills

computer skills English skills life skills
presentation skills reading skills
5. Can you help me with my _______________? I'm having
trouble with my computer.

7. My favorite hobby is reading. I have excellent


camping skills communication skills

computer skills English skills life skills
presentation skills reading skills
1. presentation skills
2. life skills
3. English skills
4. camping skills
5. computer skills
6. reading skills
Communication Skills:
Describe a situation where good
communication skills were important.
What did you say or do to communicate
Camping Skills:

Have you ever been camping? Share your

camping experience and mention one
camping skill you used or learned during
your trip.
Life Skills:
Discuss a life skill you think is the most
important for everyone to have. Why do
you believe it's important, and how can it
benefit people in their daily lives?
Future Goals:
Looking ahead, which of these skills
(camping skills, communication skills,
computer skills, English skills, life skills,
presentation skills, reading skills) do
you think will be most important for
your future? Explain why.
Skill Application:
Imagine you have to teach someone
a skill from the list (e.g., camping
skills, computer skills). Describe how
you would teach it and what steps
you'd take to make sure they
understand and learn it.

Watch the video

and decide which
sentences are
about soft skills and
which are about
hard skiils.
a) You can’t do your work without them.
b) They are also called ”people skills”.
c) Communication is an example of this
type of skill.
d) You can learn them in school or when
you work.
e)You need to practise them with other
f) You can measure them easily.
g) You need them if you want to be
successful in your job.
one more taks with skills and editing

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