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JNGLE NATIONAL CURRICULUM (SNC) 5 fo Ae. Soto ecomnve wees of Pak 2 Dn Arsver 90% Education for all, in terms of curricul ji oo ot Sessment 80 that all children Macchia caulesomnny wate < rm tingle National Curiam a stephan. eS | oe sem of Education fora in terms of euriulum, medium offs ad « | eet which will ensure: oe dren havea fair and equal ‘opportunity to receive high quality education BS rCohesion and National integration | 4 leviatonet disparities in education content across the multiple streams | tesropparsntes for upward social mobily | f geuity ineducation raspy development of eiléren in the Hight of emereing intemational trends and Jocal aspirations | Seno ines-provinial mobility of teachers and students {CONSIDERATIONS ire developtent of SNC s driven by the following key considerations Teachings of Quran and Sunnah Vision of Quaid and Iqbal Constitutional framework ‘National Policies, Aspirati ‘Alignment with the goals and tat intemational trends in teaching, lear Focus on Values, Life Skills Based and Inclusive Education Reaper and appreciation for ferent cultures ane regions ssl ee content Promotion of intelectual, spiritual, aesthetic, emotional, social and physical development of learners «Move fay from rote memorization ane focus project, ini and ay pase Analytical, Critical anxt Crvative fons and National Standards rgets of SOG srning and assessment Fee Development of 21st century skills including | Thinking | $ Uot formation & Communication Tectinleny acy | ‘Aigninert with Trends in International Mathematics anal Scie Stucty (TIMSS) of SNC Devore rn velop of SNC, multiple comparative studies were co. Jpn SNC with intemational standards a 7 These include analysis of Pakistani Curried APOE and Cy . en ene standards comparison with Singapore, Malaysia/indang. UK standards. «s_Athe findings were incorporated in the SNC. jum (SNC)? WHAT IS THE SINGLE NATIONAL CURRICUI to provide a single system for education for all, to nn te govern go eve 2 AOE oc ate poi ar inequality y common system for education in terms of curriculum, medium of instru implement 3 corjatform for assessment 80 that al children around the country have cata opportunity to beable to receive high quality education. REASON FOR IMPLEMENTING SNC ; i - ‘cohesiveness in the education system has created large gaps between lea; that oe ace oer nequalty has been created th the Pakistani society. The Pakistan, so ent ts divided in thee main systems: The publle or government schools the private siz, sy ithe nadans. The education being given in these three systems has huge gaps which cri, Te eet divide between the children being educated from these schools. The main reason 1 Implement the SNC was to close this great gap between the three types of systems, CaiTicism ON SNC The implementation of this system has been opposed by many as they exclaim that ith not been thought through and hastily implemented. However, there refutations shows framework to be implemented in complete details acknowledge that the system outlines the iio that the outline of the curriculum has been given but none of the books have been enforced ‘Schools have to implement the minimal curriculum, other than that they are free to include whatever chapters and topics they feel are important, ADVANTAGES OF THE SNC ‘One of the major advantages for adopting a single national curriculum is the creation of equality between people of the socicty. When properly implemented, all the children will have s fair and equal to receive quality education. There will be social cohesion resulting ational integration at all levels. The inequality and social class disparity would be alleviates ‘hus, there would be equal opportunities for everyone for upward social mobility. © Need to know what needs to be taught ~ guidelines + Practical - provides a framework from which teachers ean work + Agreement on broad commen principles * Provides for equality of educational opportunity assess to knowledge for all studen's * Goal is to ensure vocational and economic success for individual and nation + Easler to transfer between schools Less expensive Fill political agendas (Cm teacher education with the teacher as a facilitator Curriculum forus on base skills “euves on obmervable behaviours, artefacts, and objective results Bp avy 198039 ¢ tobe the whole curriculum research * pxtaGis OF THESNC he major disadvantages of the si (conch the a ore aac eo act iba foc an ee a aes iy . This single national Oreo pret on i a Innovation ccm dei, ot fhe seve dadeatge cn cepa on HA scarily included in the curriculum and if a ae ¢ seen The schools feel they need to inculeate eos tn every schoo is the same Shue eee sed eyo ora et Seton product instead of proces (lack of critical thinking, problem sol Foxus on societal needs as compared to individual Se een Feats Gn goal or objective without critical conversation as to a relevant authentic ., Pes professional freedom and judgment, teacher autonomy, teacher asa technocrat : tive on an individual basis ~ no collaborative effort More competi Tends to testing lower level knowledge, comprehension, and memory emphasis Lack of creativity Lose student autonomy Imposed ideologies groves the process of curriculum development grant entry to elite universities, therefore high scores must be right for te matcs era whole. Most parents would probably lke their citron 0 have high scores. te mation ng at our nation as a whole we should come to a diferent conclusion In that However, ood want a combination of people that are able to be leaders, followers, heroes ‘eaters, producers, so that the ‘could function for the benefit of everyone, Reflect on how sre Png characerstics fr a quality curriculum may of may not be achieved by standards. + Empower teachers + Based on principled procedures + Flexible and able to change {Includes time lines for student’ learning, development, and growth + Identifies big ideas, concepts, and outcomes «Includes assessment: formative, summative, diagnosis, and generative + Students have a large say in evaluation + Includes ways to satisfy accountability ol be heat of the implemented ayaa Phase, ily implemented and be ily thou However, this is the testing Fea implementation and as the rope as, ings wil be canified. According the henge in gene OF SNC can then be modified for positivity and thus bring about positive

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