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L aunching Music S treaming App

with The AP P S olutions

Table of contents:
What is an app MVP?

Performance license: what, why, and where

Essential features for a music app’s MVP and estimates

User app

Admin panel

Other services

Your next steps Project vision Technical documentation

How we deliver successful projects

Our technology stack

What is an app MVP?
MVP (minimum variable project) is the app's first version. It will include only essential functionality,
sufficient to verify your business idea, and enough users to use the app and rank it. In this way,
you can launch your app to the market faster without spending extra resources. We prioritize
functionality for the app's MVP during the Inception phase when technical documentation is ready.

MVP's benefits:

F aster time to market

Lower development costs

F lexible project scope

Agile team
Performance license: what,
why, and where
What Where

A performance license is a permission from a legal There are three main performance license providers ASCAP, BMI, and SE SAC.
entity that represents the artist’s work. This can be the
artist themselves, a publisher, record label, performing ASCAP. The American Society of Composers, Authors, and P ublishers is more
rights organization, or music licensing company. widely known as ASCAP. Visit the ASCAP Licensing FAQ page to learn how to
get the license and how much it will cost.
BMI. BMI is an abbreviation of Broadcast Music Inc. As the largest P RO in the
U.S. copyright law requires those that publicly perform US, BMI represents about 12 million musical works and more than 750,000
copyrighted music -including websites and other digital musicians. You can receive a BMI music license after sending the query via a
services that transmit music to the public - to first obtain Digital Licensing page.
a license from the copyright owners of the songs
performed. Thus, you need to buy a P erformance SE SAC. SE SAC currently licenses the public performances of more than 1
license for your music streaming app because using million songs on behalf of its 30,000 affiliated songwriters, composers, and
other artists’ music without a P erformance agreement is music publishers. To learn more, visit the Licensing FAQ page. To check out the
illegal. text of the agreement, visit the SE SAC Internet P erformance License page.
B asic features for a music
app’s MVP and estimates
The mobile music app will include two parts - a mobile app for users, and an admin panel to manage users’ activity and music content. The
estimate below includes the time required to implement MVP ’s functionality for both native platforms - Android and iOS.
User app P layback (Android 120 hours, iOS 120 hours) Appears on the footer when a user
is listening to music. Includes P ause/P lay button, Next/P revious track buttons,
User onboarding (Android 6 hours, iOS 6 hours) Includes a splash Repeat track/album. Also allows the user to add a song to a playlist (choose
screen that welcomes new users . from existing or create new), and Shuffle mode.

Registration and log in (Android 40 hours, iOS 40 hours) Allows Search (Android 36 hours, iOS 36 hours) Allows the user to search for a song by
user registration via email or by verifying a phone number. putting the name of the artist or song in the search field.

Settings (Android 28 hours, iOS 28 hours) Lets the user change Subscription (Android 40 hours, iOS 40 hours) Charges the user monthly or
the username and password. annual subscription for using your app.

Tab bar (Android 4 hours, iOS 4 hours) Includes a library button P laylist creation (Android 40 hours, iOS 40 hours) Allows the user to create
and search field, Browse section, and user playlists. playlists, name them, and add songs. Total estimate 402 hours to develop the
Driver app for Android, and 402 hours to build such an app for iOS.
Browse (Android 88 hours, iOS 88 hours) Offers new releases,
most popular tracks, and a list of artists. Total estimate 402 hours to develop the Driver app for Android, and 402 hours to
build such an app for iOS.
Admin panel Other services

Admin login (Web 8 hours) Allows authorized users to log in to the Not only developers participate in building your project. There are many
admin panel using an email and a password. other professionals whose work is also vital for project success. Thus,
expect to include the following services to your estimation.
Statistics (Web 24 hours) Shows the overall number of artists and
tracks available on the platform, the most popular tracks, and P roject setup (40 hours) Includes developing the project's architecture,
artists among app users. setting dependencies, and third-party libraries, maintaining communication
with the back-end.
Analytics (Web 40 hours) Includes daily, weekly and monthly
analytics of new subscribers, total revenue, and percentage of QA and testing (200 hours) E nsures the project's functions work as
users who canceled their subscriptions after the trial period. described in user stories and meet the requirements from technical
Content monitoring (Web 6 hours) Allows adding and deleting new
tracks. Bug Fixing (50 hours) Fixes all bugs discovered during the testing stage of
software development.
User management (Web 40 hours) Shows a list of new users
received each day, week, and month. In this section, the admin P roject Management (220 hours) Allocates tasks to developers, testers,
can create, read, update and delete the list of users. designers, and other team members. Reports to the client about features
implemented communicate the client's feedback to the development team.
Total estimate 118 hours for a web-based Admin panel’s MVP.
P roject Documentation (100 hours) Includes a detailed description of the
project, such as Business Vision, Functional and Non-functional
requirements, project specification, project architecture, a list of third-party
modules, and user stories.

Total estimation 620 hours for other software development services.

Your next steps
You might think that the developing phase starts right after we agree on approximate project estimates. However, this is far from the truth.
E very big project, such as a music platform, requires additional preparations from both the client and the development team.

Project vision
People develop mobile applications to solve particular problems users have. Therefore,
to develop a successful social media app, you need to know who you are developing • Clear the project scope
an app for, what issues users have, and how your app solves them.
• Thought-off high-level architecture
Such knowledge is called a 'project vision'. If you don't have a clear project vision, you
need to participate in a Workshop, a short (2-8 hours) brainstorming session with the • High-level project costs
development team. During the Workshop, we'll help you shape and validate your
business idea, create a bullet-proof project vision, suggest available technologies, and • Identified risks
a personalized commercial offer.
• Scheduled project iterations

Technical documentation • Clickable mobile app prototype

Technical documentation is the last thing most clients think about. At the same time, At the end of the Inception phase, you'll receive a mind map of the
technical documentation is a must for every project. It tells developers what system they preliminary project scope, high-level project workflow, architecture
are about to build. mockups, more realistic project scope, and estimated costs.
Since most customers do not have a written tech document, we create it in-house during Other deliverables of this phase are project specification, technical
the Inception phase. In most cases, the Inception phase is a 2-3 week period. This phase documentation, and user interface prototype.
helps developers define what your project should and shouldn't do, write use cases and
user stories, and define functional and business requirements. Contact us at to find out more about
guaranteed and optional deliverables for the Inception phase.
At the end of the Inception phase, you will receive the project's technical documentation,
clickable app prototype, and technologies to apply. Contact us at to find out more about guaranteed and optional deliverables
for the Inception phase.
How we deliver successful
We arrange calls at all stages of project development, from Before the development phase, we introduce you to team Every two weeks, we run a project demo with you to show
Presale to Final project demo, to clarify project members, explain their roles and responsibilities, gather new project functionality, provide feedback with our
requirements and answer any project-related questions. your expectations for the project and discuss upcoming concerns, discuss potential bottlenecks and solutions to
After each, our project manager sends you a follow-up tasks. eliminate them.
email with a call summary and solutions discussed.


At the end of each sprint, we send you an email with After we deliver a project to a client, we schedule a meeting
detailed descriptions of our activities, including a list of to receive feedback about working with our team, our weak
completed tasks, the number of hours spent by each and strong points, as well as areas of improvement.
team member, and tasks that remain.
Scrum process
Vision User stories Product backlog

2-4 week Sprint backlog Selected product backlog


Scrum planning

New functionality Retrospective

Sprint review
The AP P S olutions IT project
development life cycle
Our project development life cycle includes six phases with specific activities and deliverables at each step:

01 02 03 04 05 06

Monitoring Post-launch
Presale Inception Initiation Development

and closing support

Our working models
We provide different cooperation models depending on the project's complexity and scope.


we manage all processes shared responsibilities you manage all processes

This model includes a predefined scope of work and You can control the project roadmap or pass the You manage tasks assignments and progress
established timeframes. Also, the development team project's decisions to our dedicated project managers. management, so you'll need to have an in-house
is responsible for all project management as well as CTO and project manager.
the choice of tech stack.


S kype Email J ira

Workplace Trello
More from The AP P S olutions
Drop us a message at to find out more about us, our
services, and the technologies we use.

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