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DAT for Guidance Test Booklet Adopted by permison. Copyright © 1990 Person Edveatn, neo fit). European adoption copyright ©1995 Pearson Education, ne or rofl). Al igh eerved.Pblshed by Pearson Assesment, 8 Sond, Landon WC2R ORL Pei in ha nied ingore This pblcaton i roleced by copyright and pemision shold be sbi rom the publihe rare ony sre repre, sroge i reel sysom, or ronan in any frm e by any mas, elon, mechanical, pecopyng, ecotdng, or thevse. SBN: 978 074910401 8. Verbal Reasoning INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Verbal Reasoning on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet, Do not write in this test booklet. This is a test to see how well you can reason with words. Each sentence has two words missing — the first word and the last word. Each answer choice has a pair of words that is related to the words in the sentence in some way. The first word of the pair should fit at the beginning of the sentence so that the first two words in the sentenee are related to each other in a certain way. The second word of the pair should fit at the end of the sentence so that the second two words in the sentence are related to each other in the same way as the first two words. When you have chosen the pair that you feel best completes the sentence, mark the letter of that pair on your answer sheet. Look at Example A. EXAMPLE A is to bark as cat is to A miaow — kitten B dog —mizow © — dog——seratch D seal — kitten E tree— scratch In order to choose the correct answer for Example A, look carefully at each pair of words, Only one pair of words will complete the sentence so that the first two words are related to each other in the same way as the last two words, Answer A is wrong because miaow and bark are not related in the same way as cat is related to kitten. Answer C is wrong bet wuse although a dog barks and a cat scratches, the actions are not the same type. Answer D is wrong because although a seal barks, eat and kitten are not related in the same way. Answer Eis wrong because tree and bark are not related in the same way as cat is related to serateh. The answer is B because dog and bark are related in the same way as cat and miaow. Cirle B for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet. Look at Example B. EXAMPLE B s to right as west is to . EF left—north G direction —east H left — south J wrong — direction K__left— east be In order to choose the correct answer for Example B, look carefully at each pair of words. Which pair of words will complete the sentence so that the first two words are related in the same way as the last two words? ‘The answer is K because left and right are related in the same way as west and east. Le right, and west is the opposite of east. Fill in circle K for Example B on your answer sheet. the opposite of Look at Example C. EXAMPLE C . is to pencil as ink is to... A eraser — paper B pen—well © paper — black D — lead—pen E eraser — blotter In order to choose the correct answer for Example ©, look carefully at each pair of words, Which pair of words will complete the sentence so that the first two words are related in the same way as the last two words? ‘The answer is D because lead and pencil are related in the same way as ink and pen. The lead of a pencil and the ink of a pen both produce marks on paper. Fill in circle D for Example C on your answer sheet. Remember, you are to choose the pair of words that completes the sentence so that the first two words are related to each other in the same way as the last two words. If you have difficulty with a particular problem, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have time, go back to the problems on this test you have missed. Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for farther instructions. moamD> Aemos moomD Remo BoamD Remo is to fake as genuine is to phoney — authentic real — true mask — real authentic — sincere fraud -— phoney is to often as rarely is to seldom — hardly always —— sometimes frequently —- seldom frequently — always ‘occasionally — never «is to begin as close is to finish — stop finish — near end — open stop-— go start — open is to stream as deep is to shallow — ocean ‘water — well winding — well brook —— ocean shallow —— bottomless is to top as roll is to spin twirl spin — ball bottom — round toy — ball + is to magician as joke is to. charm —- gag trick — humour wizard — comedian charm — laughter trick —— comedian 10 u 12 BoOwD> Remon moomD Remos Boom Remos is to contract as handshake is to. signature — gesture business — greeting signature — agreement business — gesture treaty — friendship is to four as duet is to. quartet —— song quartet — two quarter — two two — one number — song is to slumber as rouse is to. . dream — wake sleep ~— wake nap — doze dream— sleep wake — stir is to retract as forward is to retreat —— backward reject — reverse extend — advance extend — backward enlarge — advance is to party as summon is to invite — court attend — order gather — jury attend — ticket celebrate — trial is to bite as wasp is to snake — nest spider — sting dog — insect bark — sting spider — insect 18 - is to street as corridor is to... 19 «is to hand as sock is to A drive—lane A. glove — shoe B car— passage B_ glove — foot € corner — canal © ring — toe D_ pedestrian — house D_ finger — foot E avenue — hallway E_ fist —punch 4 is to tree as bud is to. 20 is to thin as abundant is to... F seed — rose F fat — plentiful G sapling — flower G skinny — scarce H_ oak — petal H diet —feast J seed — petal J fat — skinny K forest — bouquet K thick — sparse 15 to question as reply is to. 21 is to fatigue as drink is to. ‘A. answer — respond A. rest —thirst B_ challenge— ask Brest —water © quiz — ask C strength — water D query — answer D_ sleep— food E inquire — challenge E_ weariness — thirst 16 «is to dig as spoon is to. 22, is to ordinary as special is to..... F ditch — scoop F average — general G shovel — soup G common — unusual H ditch — knife H_ unfamiliar — inferior J shovel — scoop J unusual — rare K dirt—ladle K odd — peculiar 17 .....i8 to write as mumble is to. 23 is to product as farm is to...... A read — listen A industry — harvest B_ print — whisper B_ manufacture — grow © print—— hear © labourer — crop D scribble — listen D_ industry — field E_ scribble — speak E factory — crop 18 is to late as first is to... 4 . is to accompany as desert is to F carly —-second G last —- second H slow — fast J carly — last K_ behind — last abandon — isolate escort-— rescue separate — isolate joiy — abandon escort — join 28 29 30 Remon mOOW> F nema is to expose as bury is to cover — hide shield — eover reveal — conceal see — hide visible — hidden «++ is to school as doctor is to... education — medicine scholar — physician lesson — illness. education — hospital teacher —— hospital is to future as history is to . forecast — fact goal — event prophecy — past prediction — event present ——~ past is to cold as warm is to ice — fire hot — cool frozen — heat ice — hot friendly — tender is to bicycle as row is to pedal — oar wheel — boat pedal — boat ride eer wheel — paddle is to graceful as crooked is to.... charming — curved clumsy — bent awkward — straight clumsy —— dishonest beautiful — straight 31 33. 35 36 F H moOmD Remon moOmD on H a is to election as applicant is to.. vote — interview voter — candidate campaign —— employment candidate —— employment voter — business is to respectful as impolite is to honour — insult courteous — rude polite — gracious discourteous — disrespectful friendly — rude is to sweater as weave is to... knit —loom knit — basket jacket — rug wool — yarn jacket — loom + is to poverty as surplus is to.. money — waste wealth — excess pauper — shortage save — waste wealth — shortage is to solve as plot is to problem —— scheme puzzle — manoeuvre answer — outline mystery — unravel puzzle — story is to robin as fur is to bird — animal nest —— pelt feather — coat, feather — fox wing — pelt 37 mua F G H a K sell — pick trade — take purchase — select bargain-— favour sell — steal cloth — timber tint — chop stain —axe fabrie — stain colour — paint ig to buy as choose is to.... is to dye as wood is to..... 39 mom Remom is to sentence as letter is to. paragraph — message word — stamp paragraph — alphabet subject — message phrase — word is to wave as eye is to... hand — wink hair — lash ‘ocean — storm beach — wink signal — see Numerical Reasoning 9 INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Numerieal Reasoning on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet. Do not write in this test booklet. This is a test to see how well you ean reason with numbers. Read each problem. If necessary, work out your answer on rough paper, You may not use a calculator. Look at the possible answers listed and decide which answer is best. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have chosen. Some of the problems have no correct answer listed. If you do not find a correct answer, mark the space for the letter next to None of these, which means that a correct answer is not among the choices given. Look at Example A. EXAMPLE A ‘What number continues this number sequence? zTaTsT eT] A 9 B 10 Cc i D 12 E None of these In Example A, the correct answer is 10 because when you count by 2s, 10 follows 8 in the counting sequence. Circle B for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet. Look at Example B. EXAMPLE B What number should replace Pin this correct addition example? Io Ramos Zornes fone of these In Example B, the correct answer is 6 because 5P + 2 equals 48, and only 6 can replace the P in this addition example. Since 6 is not listed among the choices given, the answer is None of these. Fill in circle K for Example B on your answer sheet. If you have difficulty with a particular problem, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have time, go back to the problems you have missed on this test only. Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for further instructions. 10 1 What number should replace F in this correct, 2,480,799 divided by 20 has a remainder of — division example? A Al Pa)FIS a A 9 ca == B None of th aa jone of these D4 E None of these 2 ox + Te-9r + 10 = What number should replace L to make the equation correct? F ~60x* + 10 44 G 3x?-63x + 10 Lo 36 H 3x—-2x +10 . J 8x8 16x + 10 ae K None of these None of th ta J 18 K None of these 5-2 = 144 3 5-12= +4. pte A 1245 : B 12-5 Ad © -6~12) a D ~a2+5) Ba E_ None of these ct Dz E_ None of these 4 What number should replace P in this correct 0% of 50% of 800 = addition example? 4PPPA + 4PP7 F671 memos geen jone of these 150 20 50. 45 None of these Remod 10 u 12 ‘What number should replace K in this correct division example? AT Kays Aa Ba C5 D6 E None of these 4 = 10% of — F o4 G4 H 40 J 400 K None of these 16x? + 4y? + 3x? = A 19x? + 4y? B 19xt + 49? Carty? D 23x42 E None of these What number should replace N to make the ‘equation correct? Fo G5 HG J 2 K None of these 1B 4 15 16 an Ie 2x" + Gx = 2x7 + Sx + 5, then x A -25 B-t cor D 06 E None of these Which is GREATER than one? Foils . ala x K None of these What number should replace J in this correct addition example? 2434 +2407 ‘BAI moOmD Zowee jone of these What number continues this number sequence? Vio [9 [Vel 7 |? F5 G 36 H Yi 8 K None of these 12 17 What is the SMALLEST number that is exactly 21° What number should replace R in this correct divisible by 2, 4, 7, and 21? subtraction example? A 176 B 168 Cc 84 D 42 Ao E None of these Bil c 6 Ds E None of these 18 What number should replace N in this correct 22 Which number is exactly divisible by 3? subtraction example? xara F 766 Es G 68 82700 H 796 roa 3976 G4 K None of these HOS J 6 K_ None of these 19 2B ytx+ Ix- A or + 5y Boe 6 Ctx? — Gy? D jy-ar a E None of these D 15 B_ None of these 20 What is 84189 < 199 .ounded to the nearest | 24 What number continues this number sequence? 6.889 whole number? F 28 G H 20 J 16 K None of these [x00 [ato [660 [900 | 0 100 150 200 None of these 25 27 What is 710 < 80 rounded to the nearest thousand? 50,000 5,000 57,000 60,000 None of these BOAmP What number should replace 4 in this correct, multiplication example? 6a x Ag ~ $1032 Remon gease jone of these = ole ahs ole K None of these 13 29 What number should replace T to make the equation correct? 1a 02 T 08 A 65 B 52 Cc 40 D 10 E None of these 30 Which values for x make x + 3 > 11 true? 5, 6, 7, 8, AOmOm None of these 31 What number should replace F in this correct. division example? F855 DRIP? 9 1 4 3 moOWP None of these 32 Which has a value of one? F ige G aim woes Sots K None of these 14 34 What number should replace J in this correct multiplication example? 156 x J 582 A 3 B4 C7 D9 E None of these What is (12) x (22) x (64) rounded to the nearest whole number? F 20 G 6 H 10 J 5 K None of these What number should replace # to make the equation correct? A 0.03% B 03% Cc 3% D 30% E None of these 36 37 2 x 100,000 + 8 x 1000 + 9 x 10 = 090 28,900 190,000 None of these If x = 10, then 3x*— x 290 None of these moOm> fb K None of these 39 39-40 0 15 Use this flow chart to answer questions 39 and 40. ~ S ee ee Ste ° No Yes Step >| Divide by « seeps L Yes Step 6 Subtract Step 7 Ifyou enter 8, how many times must you go | 40 If you enter 9, what is the number when you through Step 4 to reach STOP? A B c D gE 8 4 2 1 Ne lone of these reach STOP? F 6 G5 H 3 J 2 K None of these Abstract Reasoning v7 INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Abstract Reasoning on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet. Do not write in this test booklet, This is a test to see how well you can reason with figures or designs. Each problem has four Problem Figures and five Answer Figures. The four Problem Figures form a series with something happening in each Problem Figure. You are to choose the Answer Figure that should be the next figure (or the fifth one) in the series. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have chosen. Look st Bsapte EXAMPLE A Problem Figures ‘Answer Figures - “~ j A B Cc D E In Example A, you can see that the arrow is moving 90° clockwise from each figure to the next. Which ‘Answer Figure should be the next figure (or the fifth one) in this series? The answer is A because the next position for the arrow should be straight up. Circle A for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet. Look at Example B. EXAMPLE B Problem Figures Answer Figures LY TL PELE) UE ll uli] 1 WII} VT F G 4H 3. OK In Example B, notice that one line has been added to each square. In the first square there is one line; and in the second, third, and fourth squares, one line has been added each time. Which Answer Figure should be the next figure (or the fifth one) in this series? The answer is K because five lines should be next in the series, Fill in circle K for Example B on your answer sheet. Remember, you are to choose the Answer Figure that should be the next figure (or the fifth one) in the seri of Problem Figures. If you have difficulty with a particular series of Problem Figures, leave it and do the ones you find easier. ‘Then, if you have time, go back to the series you have missed, Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for further instructions. Problem Figures Answer Figures i e ss | w oO # ¢ | | S | al » ) E | = : 75 Ix*) « 20 a —_ Problem Figures 17 a | a a4 | st | 4 4. 8 | % 19 Ele oll] >> Tale ale To a | Tp [Al FFP | oi! - = Trea] >| He © I ba A > 4) 4/0 s|oi4| WiwFw i B Cc D E lo lk. Ne Ie. | B c ‘ D : E 4b ba URL A) od B |e |e le | B Cc —p -E © | cd &| G H J kK Jolalo c D E DID . ze | QO A B Cc D fecoco|ecco [oeco Jooo Jooe Joce joe foeo ooo | 800d ooo joe ‘ooo {oo }o035 (000 joos F G H J K ahd x] kk Mee] AR] Se) | Ak) aol a] ee) Sete IE | aE | ee | OK * A B D E 22 Problem Figures Answer Figures 8’, oloalualao| lajeol|Ac/oad\on mlafste/la o}/almilala a A B c D E SPAR IAB AAD ABAD IAD DR eiailvlesia FG Hs kK . |. J AIAILAIA "lv [c[o]O] WKIOlOlO - A B c D E a6] ~ | 7 7 AB Oa mA On F G H J K v/m | cole ols | [ oy oO | o je Joa a alas 4| lt of’ : ‘ . o<| S < ) g

de id ad be | 5B ee we vo os or | T2se cs sx ca cs | 9200 ca ac a0 6 18 fr Re on PP oor | BBRB AO OR GA AD | SB ar av ur a w | 73.49 7» 78 e v7 | 9800 OB BO 00 80 14 Aa AB 6a 8A ad | B4mw mv vw vm wo | 54 pq co go og ao | TA 16 or 7 78 17 | OA zy zx xy YE YX ir tor Tt | 8500 09 a0 00 00 | 55am na aman an | 75d a4 ov a ps | 950U OC UC VO CO 16 wa war | 86 PR pa AD AP ar | 56 Gj Jo po mp op | 16 ut 4u wi 46 | 96ce o> 00 0 we 1743 32 ta 4 3a | 8704 ov ® ve 0D | BT i ot op pe st | 77 o% 7% 79 ov x7 | OT Aa AB Ga OA aA 18 x7 ve vs x0 vr | B8ee EF oF Fo FF | BB ra na or m ar | Wis 13 31 v6 si | 9Bz0 zz Ze xe oz 1999 7 19 oe or | B9ze ze ze ze ez | BO eb as Ww a be | T9en cn do od nt | W9OP Po UP pp BB 20 20 25 cos se | 4022 nz ez an zw | 6015 ot ta ea a8 | 80m Him in of | 100ce Cz 2 20 9 10 ws wm 22 pp 18 ow ww 16 11 69 18 19 ve 204 Fr oe ca wv ov vx ° vs °a py oy Part 2 27 xv zy | 21 ae ae oR PP oe | AL wu ws ww we uw | OL 8 81 71 78 17 | Bl oe re ro os or osc | ir a nn | Ber ak re | 62 www w w | 824K av ve vA x4 wo ao | 23mw mv vw vit wa | 43 a 20 392 13 21 | 63mm MN NN nn mM | 83 en ze ne on mn ce co | 24 uy wu uw ww uv | 44 2 2 qu 2 ue | 64 eo of 09 oe we | MoT un wove | ox x ot ce | Mw oe www | Oa tee a 2s | BM wo cs ce | 26 av wov naw | 46 a0 et ca ta te | 66 2m ne 42 ah ot | 86 us ue ce au ov to bo | 27 yx x wry x | 47 wi si sv vs wv | 67 yz Ww vx xy zx | 87 PR PB RB AP BP ze 26 | Ber ry Fe LF Le | 48m he ot oh m | 683 Sn os ns an | 8B Ar AP pA PP oor rd cr | 29mm nM vw MV Ny | 49 za mz am az ma | 69 wo co rw ow wr | BYSK SK sx Xe XS wots | B06e ef oF Fe FF | 50 ex sa ax xs xa | ar re vo oF oa nom ar wu mw | 3188 ce sc ss ss | Sl wav waa | Tm tm in at | MoU gC Uc Uo co pa ap | 32 ne no ee om oh | S2aw WWM MM mw | 72 yu w ww w uw | 92AB AD DA BR BD vx ny | 83 4a a0 da to ca | 5344 aw NH NA HN | 73 tm pe ot on mt | 98 xx x0 00 Ox OV mn mu | 8426 21 14 12 42 | 5408 Ds JB 08 00 | 74am na nm mn an | 94 HN HZ ZH ZN NH an mn | 35a0 aq 00 oq co | S589 3 s3 0 a5 | Tx me 73 a7 7 | 9B A Ww av WAR yw yo | 36 xc ex ec co xe | 56x0 00 ox v xx | 76 jg a8 a2 & ja | 9600 ca ac a0 oc yo 5 | 87 ar ra wo or oa | S758 ca ac os ss | 7759 ov sv vo 0 | 9720 zz ze xe 02 un wo | 886 es 7a cc ze | 58 x7 vo ve xo we | Tm m wn Ki | 9860 a9 a a9 06 me dv | 89 us ve co ow ow | PU Hw came am | 99Mm MN NN on mM 41 0 | 4060 ro ew ow wr | 60-8 RO OR BR BD | BO m mx an vx w | 100a0 a9 02 og GO 28 Mechanical Reasoning INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Mechanical Reasoning on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet. Do not write in this test booklet In this test, you are to read each question carefully, look at the picture or pictures, and choose which one of the three answers, A, B, or C, is the best answer. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have chosen. Look at Example A, EXAMPLE A Which ball will fly higher when the bat hi (If no difference, mark C.) Example A shows two pictures that look similar. However, one detail is different: picture A shows the bat hitting the bottom of the ball, and picture B shows the bat hitting the top of the ball. Ball A will fly higher because the bat is hitting the ball from below. Circle A for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet. Look at Example B. EXAMPLE B Which weighs more? (Ifequal, mark C.) Example B asks, Which weighs more? (If equal, mark C.) As the scale is perfectly balanced, A and B must weigh the same, so fill in circle C for Example B on your answer sheet, Remember, if the question relates to two or more pictures, assume that the pictures are exactly the same except for the one detail that is shown to be different. Before you answer the question, look at each picture carefully and notice the one detail that is different, If you have difficulty with a particular question, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have ‘time, go back to the questions you have missed on this test only. Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for further instructions. 29 30 1 Which hammock can hold more weight? (if no difference, mark C.) 2 Which doorstop is more likely to slip? (If no difference, mark C.) al ol 3. Which weight will be lifted more easily? (if no difference, mark C.) 4 Which person can see the other person in the mirror? (f both, mark C.) mm MIRROR 5 Ifshaft “Y" is turning in the direction shown, in which direction will gear "X" turn? (if either, mark C.) 6 Which picture shows how the bulb should be connected to the battery for the bulb to light? rr 31 7 Which box can be pushed further without hitting | 10 When the handle is moved in the direction the floor? shown, in which direction will gear "X” turn? (if no difference, mark C.) (f back and forth in both directions, mark ©.) 8 To unwind the ropes, in which direction should | 11 With which nutcracker can a nut be cracked the board be turned? more easily? (either, mark C.) (If no difference, mark C.) 9 When struck, which drum will make a 12 ‘The trolley has just been moving in which higher-pitched sound? direction? (if no difference, mark C.) (either, mark ©.) When shaft "X” turns in the direction shown, which way will the fan blades turn? Mf either, mark C.) 14 Tfonly the right oar of the boat is pulled, in which direction will the boat move? 15 If the person does not grip the sander firmly, in which direction will it move? (If back and forth in both directions, mark C.) 16 The trains are moving in the same direction that the wind is blowing. Which picture shows that the wind is blowing faster than the train is moving? (if neither, mark C.) 17 Which pulley system allows the crossbar to slide in the direction of the arrow? (if neither, mark C.) 18 If gear “X" makes only one complete turn, gear “Y” will make A two complete turns B_ one-half turn © one complete turn ay: AA AA» elt age Soe e®s O Ms A@s Cc S Cras St pear 19 Which drain is less likely to leak? (if no difference, mark C.) 20 21 When the car moves at a constant speed, which pair of wheels will spin faster? (If no difference, mark C.) 33, 22 In which group will all three magnets pull together? 23° Which tug boat will get its barge through the canal more easily? (if no difference, mark C.) When the ball is dropped, at which point will it be moving faster? (If no difference, mark C.) oatoetbctlartam ba Mgprntnnntet rt 24 Which bulb can continue to glow when the switch is opened? (if neither, mark C.) A CU 34 25 If the belt is moving, which shaft will turn faster? (If no difference, mark C.) 26 27 As the person approaches the wall, in which direction will the top of her shadow move? (if neither, mark C.) If both objects are pushed, which one will roll in circles? (if both, mark C.) | 28 Which wooden joint will be harder to pull apart? (Uf no difference, mark C.) 29 When the handle is pushed down, in which direction will the wheel turn? (If up and down in both directions, mark C.) 30 What will happen to the balloon as it rises to the surface? A It will become larger. B It will become smaller. C It will stay the same size, BALLOON ee 31 When plate "X" is moved in the direction shown, which way will the gear turn? (if back and forth in both directions, mark C.) 32 Which swing set could tip over more easily when the swings are in motion? (if no difference, mark C.) 6 ia fd . g — 33 When the fan moves as shown, in which, direction will most of the air move? 34 35 36 35 If the upward and downward forces on the balloon are exactly the same, in which direction will the balloon move? (if neither, mark C.) Which boat’s rudder will be easier to turn? (if no difference, mark C.) df When the handle is pulled in the direction shown, which weight will be lifted higher? (if no difference, mark C.) 36 37 Which water wheel will turn in the direction shown? (if both, mark C.) 38 39 If both cars travel at the same speed, which car is more likely to skid? (If no difference, mark C.) Gear “X” can lift a heavier load if it is moving in which direction? (if either, mark C.) 40 When the ball is thrown in the air, which path will it follow? (if either, mark ©.) 41 Which arch is stronger? (if no difference, mark C.) 42 Which end of the roller coaster is moving faster? (If no difference, mark C.) vs Da be OA <] ee Se <> xh <> p Ss ad x x g OR 37 43 Which box weighs more? (Uf no difference, mark C.) A B 44 What level in the can must the water reach in order to start pouring out of the tube? OnP> 45. When the weight is added, which spring will be stretched further? (fno difference, mark C.) A B 46 Which potato will cook faster? (if no difference, mark C.) 47 Which will create the smaller area of light? (if no difference, mark C.) A BY" 48 After sot in motion, which pendulum can ‘complete more swings in one minute? (if no difference, mark C.) 38 49 Which person must exert more force in order to move the rock? (If no difference, mark C.) 52 Which table can support more weight? (no difference, mark C.) 50 51 At which point would a rider feel the greatest spring? 53 In order to lift the small wheel off the belt, in which direction should the handle be moved? (if either, mark ©.) In which direction should the handle be turned in order to pull the boat onto the trailer? (if either, mark C.) 54 Which picture shows the path of a non-spinning ball that is bounced off the ceiling? 55 When the bicycle is moving, which wheel will spin faster? (if no difference, mark C.) 56 Which rope is less likely to slip? (fno difference, mark C.) 58 The stick will spin in which direction? (if neither, mark C.) 59 Through which channel will the water flow more slowly? (if no difference, mark C.) 57 In which bow! will the soup stay warm longer? f no difference, mark C.) 60 Which barge will ride lower in the water? (If no difference, mark C.) 40 Space Relations INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Space Relations on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet. Do not write in this test booklet This test consists of patterns with shading or designs on them. ‘These patterns can be folded to make three- dimensional shapes. Each problem shows one pattern, followed by four three-dimensional figures. You are to choose the one figure that ean be made from the pattern. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have chosen. Look at Example A. EXAMPLE A a < —— | In Example A, the pattern will form a rectangular box, with the top, bottom, and one of the short sides shaded. Look at the answer figures A, B, C, and D. Only one of these can be made from the pattern. Answer A is wrong because the top is not shaded. Answer B is wrong because one of the long sides is shaded, and the pattern shows that the long sides are not shaded. Answer C is wrong because the top is not shaded. The correct answer is D because the top and one of the short sides are shaded. The shaded bottom is hidden from view. Circle D for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet _——— ne 41 Look at Example B EXAMPLE B | & Ye) 36 [aye] In Example B, the pattern will make an object shaped like a house. ‘The centre of the pattern is the bottom of the figure, and, as the pattern is folded, the roof will be shaded on two opposite sides. Notice that each of the four sides of the house has a window. Look at the answer figures F, G, H, and J. Only one of these can be made from the pattern, Answer F is ‘wrong because the two shaded sides of the roof are next to each other, not on opposite sides. Answer G is, wrong because all four sides of the house are supposed to have windows. Answer J is wrong because one shaded side of the roof should be visible. ‘The correct answer is H because one shaded side of the roof is visible, and each visible side of the house has a window. Fill in cirele H for Example B on your answer sheet. Remember, the pattern always shows the outside surface of the completed figure. Each answer figure is the correct shape, but only one figure can be made from the pattern. If you have difficulty with a particular pattern, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have time, go back to the problems you have missed on this test only. Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for further instructions. 42 |, ot JYec Fseee Hosee pees DOSE Bp cS 5 qb woo ig) os | Base |SVISS ek | Se Sp & Kivaad 4 \ [ — a | Beye EVP Bl fe SOQe 8 Ss S998 2995 SOC S 48 +|\SBEaeCe AL G 90? 2eoe laaee VBE ese r G 2 Vv vVV WV EEE Spelling 53 INSTRUCTIONS Find the spoce for Spelling on your answer sheet. You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet. Do not write in this test booklet. Read each group of four words. Decide which word is not spelled correctly. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the answer you have chosen, Look at Example A. EXAMPLE A cycle gurl arrow wrote vamp In Example A, the word gurl is not spelled correctly. Gurl should be spelled girl. Circle B for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet, Look at Example B. EXAMPLE B lucky: album walkd trouble ones ed In Example B, the word walkd is not spelled correctly. Walked should be spelled walked. Fill in circle H for Example B on your answer sheet, Ifyou have difficulty with a particular question, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have time, go back to the questions you have missed on this test only. Do not go on to the next test. Stop and wait for further instructions. 54 oman vowe oman oom emom yom vow theme nomad rescue sufixe anonymous triumphant discusted rhinoceros glimse thrifty neutral logic frugal remidy ballad avenue symmetry resturant. eavesdrop pesticide lepard fossil vertical afford histerical technician immobile synthetic 10 i 12 13 4 pomp enon come mas vow oman emas epic radius omlet stern challenger emphasize bequeath perseription peculiar reciept episode traction accuse fabric tackol achieve pioneer tourest ‘commend visinity obstacle bachelor civilian sphere occupant, reckage faculty 15 16 7 18 19 20 a amos come emas vamp amon vow pomp explorer hhansome municipal coincide fanatic similiar mosquito lagoon Jeutenant captivity sensory dissatisty oblivion metaphor boundary couragous national friction hesitate inforce junction responsable transfusion controversy anniversary impersonate fashion inditment 22 23 24 25 27 28 vow enon vaow> emam vamp eman amos gesture despose moisture exertion rejoyce acrobat census scholar brochure moderation Tivelyhood hydraulic fortress departure sincerly quarrel bombard succeded continent gracious quicken oppossed demerit gallery preliminary distingwish consolation trampoline 29 30 31 33 35 amos pomp aman vamp emos your pomp sullen voleano allowable mediocure pharmacy compell betray trivial antibiotic investagate camouflage preferable implement architecture extravagant representitive bankruptcy linoleum interfer guidance symphony against doubtfull envious employment helicopter defendent altogether 36 a7 38 39 40 vow mam yowe emon ema apprentice moccasin franchise assumeing courtious accumulate recreation nuisance | replica quite solem memoir auxiliary reminisce hyphen majoraty geyser bargin academy re Language Usage 57 INSTRUCTIONS Find the space for Language Usage on your answer sheet, You are to mark all of your answers on your answer sheet, Do not write in this test booklet. ‘This test consists of sentences that are divided into four parts. In many of the sentences, one of the four parts contains an error in either punctuation, capitalization, or grammar. You are to decide which one of the four parts, if any, contains the error. Then mark the space on your answer sheet for the letter under the incorrect part, If there is no error in the sentence, mark the space on your answer sheet for the letter next to No Error, Look at Example A. EXAMPLE A Jason and Carl / will be mowing / the lawn / this Weekend. A B c D E NoError SUE Eee In Example A, the error is in part D. The word weekend should not have a capital letter. Circle D for Example A has been filled in on your answer sheet. Look at Example B EXAMPLE B Becky enjoys / taking long / walks through / the park. F G H J K NoError A ea ref Pe sree erie In Example B, the sentence is correct. Fill in eirele K for Example B on your answer sheet. Remember, in many of the sentences, one of the four parts contains an error. However, some of the sentences are correct and have no errors. If you have difficulty with a particular sentence, leave it and do the ones you find easier. Then, if you have time, go back to the sentences you have missed on this test only. When you are finished, stop and wait for farther instructions. Mr. Smith said, / "I do not remember / to who | I lent the book.” A B c D E No Error Without a doubt, / Steve's desk always looks / more neater / than Paul's F G H J K No Error Although it rained steadily / all morning, / the sun was shining / brightly in the afternoon. A B c D E No Error ‘An argument / arose quickly / between the company’s lawyer / and she. F G H a K No Error Ms. Jackson, / unlike the other managers, / make a point / of knowing every employee's name. A B c D E No Error ‘The Red Stars, / our football team, / played very good / in today’s tournament, F G H J K No Error Because they were thirsty, / Anna and him / drank the water / as quickly as they could. A B c D E No Error No one in town / knows that / the custom-made car / is hers’ F G H J K No Error ‘The head waiter said, “In just / one minutes / time, we will have / the woman's bill ready.’ A B c D E No Error ne 10 1 2 13 “4 15 16 Ww 18 59 | ‘To complete our short story, / Joe and 1/ hadn't but only / three more pages to write. F G H a K No Error ‘Teresa queued / for an hour; nevertheless, / all of the computer classes / were closed. A B c D E No Error ‘There was / two ham sandwiches / and an apple / in Mike’s lunchbox. Fr G H J K_ No Error You should have took / the Number 9 bus / to get to the local post office / on Staveley Green. A B c D E No Error Even after / a good night's rest, / Megan still looked / sleepily. F G H a K No Error Ms Patel, / my neighbour, / is a very / bright talented woman, A B c D E No Error ‘The Rotary Club / rented the Main Halll / in the Churchill Conference Centre / for its annual conference. F G H a K No Error Rachel had laid / her purse on the counter and then / had forgot / where she put it A B c D E No Error He don't / seem to know who / chose Kevin / to present the award to the police officer, FE q H J K_ No Error 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 After Ralph transferred / to a new job, | his attitude changed / very sudden, A B c D E No Error ‘There is only / one mechanic which / knows how to repair / the farmer's equipment. F G H J K No Error Beth, along with her fellow workers, / enjoys reading / the newspaper column, / How to Live a Good Life. A B ic D E No Error If your daughter's / temperature raises / any higher, / take her to the doctor. F G H J K No Error To whom / were you speaking / when you asked / that question? A B c D E No Error ‘The shop keeper said, /“We plan to deliver / your brother’s-in-law furniture / on 23rd July.” F G H J K No Error ‘Mr Stone wanted to know / if anyone had / ever sang in a / choir before. A B c D E No Error ‘The school’s driving instructor / should of / warned us about / the road works in King Street. F G H a K No Error Whom left / the ear parked / on the corner of Bowling Lane / last night? A B c D E No Error rr 28 Beside my) normal qutios, I now have to manage / a nine-week project. G Jd K No Enor 29 John stopped me / and says, | “I know where / the missing folder is.” A B c D E No Error 30. Victor's brother / was only five years old / when he begun / to play his grandmother's piano. F G H 4 K_ No Error 31 Kevin and the others / have been told / to deliver todays’ packages / to the warehouse. A B c D E No Error 32. My brothers, / Oliver and Sam, / prefer going to the shopping centre / by theirselves. F G H J K No Error 33 Ofthe four women who spoke / at the meeting, / Sally Ball was / the better speaker. A B © D E No Error 34 Bob Jones, / the new salesperson, / works hard at pleasing / the supervisor and she. F G H J K_ No Error 35 By the way Richard / has been asked to attend / the manager's meeting / in Room 85. A B c D E No Brror 36 Everybody who/ worked in the regional offices / were invited / to the company’s annual outing. 7 G H J K No Error 39 ‘Was it her / who wanted to invite / Councillor Jones / to the Christmas dinner? A B c D E No Error Helen if/ you read the book, / you will find the answer / to the teacher's question F G H a K No Error ‘The strong northwesterly winds / have blown / the yacht off its course, A B c D E No Error Do you both / know that delivery charges and VAT / is included / in the advertised price? F G H J K No Error

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