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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526


Detection and impact of land encroachment in El-Beheira

governorate, Egypt
Ahmed A. Afifi1 · Khaled M. Darwish2

Received: 29 December 2017 / Accepted: 5 April 2018 / Published online: 10 April 2018
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Mainly, the high fertile land of Egypt is limited and threatened by the problem of land dwindling. In this context, three
temporal satellite imagers were utilized to generalize the land cover changes. This is to reliable monitoring the urban sprawl
changes and its action on farming area in El-Beheira governorate, Egypt, after the revolution of January 25th. The two
algorithms of supervised maximum likelihood and post-classification change detection were implemented through cross
tabulation for monitoring the urban sprawl to achieve change detection. Implementing ancillary data, digital interpretation and
the area expert knowledge further refined the classification results. GIS utilities assist to argue out the risk of urban expan-
sion at the expense of highly productive units. The output results showed that the rapid imbalance changes occurred among
three land cover classes (urban, desert and cultivated land). During the (1985–2013) period, the urban land cover area was
increased from 137.9 to 579.4 km2 (23.8%). Nevertheless, in just 3 years (2010–2013) urban sprawl expanded from 381.9 to
579.4 km2 (65.9%) as a total loss of cultivated land, during the insecure situation of the 25th revolution. Exclusively, these
changes strengthened the land fragmentation processes over the green land as a result of urban encroachment. Information
on urban growth, land use/cover change are essential for local government and urban planners for the amelioration of future
sustainable development.

Keywords Encroachment on land · Change detection · Land cover · Remote sensing · GIS

Introduction food production, i.e. extension of green areas through hori-

zontal expansion and maximization of land production. This
Food protection and continuous loss of cultivated land are policy aims at diminishing the pressure on old and highly
issues of the Egyptian government concern. Out of the entire productive farming land, reducing population density in the
Egyptian territory, only 5.5% is considered to be agricultural habitation areas and lowering pollution origins by estab-
land, where the highest population densities concentrated lishing manufacturing zones outside the delta and valley.
in the Nile delta and valley (Abd El-Kawy et al. 2011). The Therefore, determining the rate and trend of land cover con-
principal purpose is to control Egypt’s predominating unfa- version is a fundamental issue for the current and future
vorable population to agricultural land ratio. The Egyptian development plans that establish rational land cover policies.
government adopted policies endeavor to independence in Urban encroachment and land degradation are the pri-
mary motivating forces of ground use/cover changes in the
Nile delta region. Urbanization is an inescapable process
* Khaled M. Darwish due to economic development and uncontrolled population
growth. Encroachment of urban parcels on agricultural land
Ahmed A. Afifi may pose dire consequences (Hegazy et al. 2008; Shalaby
and Gad 2010).
Soils and Water Use Department, National Research Centre For this purpose, the temporal dynamic utilities of remote
(NRC), Dokki, Giza, Egypt sensing data can play an significant role in observing and
Land and Water Technologies Dept., Arid Lands analyzing land cover changes. Latterly, issues regarding
Cultivation Research Inst., City for Scientific Research land-cover changes have attracted the interest of those who
and Technological Applications, Borg El‑Arab, Alexandria, model geospatial and temporal land conversion patterns to

518 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526

those who want to understand the reasons and impact of land et al. 1999; Shalaby and Tateishi 2007). Definitely, analyzing
cover changes (Keshtkar and Voigt 2016b; Wu et al. 2008). and quantifying the actual extent and geospatial distribution
Recent and precise land cover change information is indis- of land use/cover is an importance matter to environmental
pensable to comprehend both human influences and envi- change at various scales. Several investigations were per-
ronmental effects of such alterations that is in turn assisting formed focusing on the urban expansion impact on ecol-
in natural resource management (Shalaby and Moghanm ogy, environment, ecosystem and natural resources (Selvam
2015). Up-to date and precise land use/cover detection is 2012; Kumar and Rajput 2013).
a continuing demand for sustainable assessment, where it The research is to propose a methodology to discover
operates as one of the master input criteria. As a result, prop- and assess the urban sprawl hazard and its influence on agri-
erly geospatial mapping land use/cover alteration as well cultural land in El-Beheira governorate, using satellite data
as temporal detection have has been appreciated by several in integration with GIS utilities. Furthermore, designing a
research studies for the decision making activities (Deng model to predict urban sprawl based on chronological series
et al. 2005). and population growth. Therefore, multi-spectral satellite
Urban sprawl causes wastage of agrarian land with con- images of the study area over a period of three decades
sequences of material changes on agricultural ecosystems have been chosen to explicate the variations in land cover
(Jain et al. 2016). Change detection, analysis, planning and phenomena.
urban expansion can be achieved using multi-spatial and
temporal remotely sensed data (Yikalo and Pedro 2010).
The process of change detection investigates the state differ- Materials and methods
ences of a phenomenon or an object by remotely mentoring
it at various time series. It is indicated and/or characterizing Study area
changes in land use features based on co-registered multi-
temporal remote sensing information. The basic assump- Regionally, El-Beheira is one of the largest costal governo-
tion in using imagery data is that the process can identify rate that located mainly in the west of the Nile delta. From
changes between different dates that is uncharacteristic of the geographical point of view, it is situated between lati-
normal fluctuation. A number of researchers have addressed tudes 29°56′ to 31°29′N and longitudes 29°32′ to 30°49′E.
the point of accurately monitoring land-cover/use change El-Beheira governorate is bordered by the Mediterranean
in a broad environmental diversity (Almutairi and Warner Sea to north and Giza governorate to south, while it is
2010). From the literature point, numerous investigations aligned by Rosetta Nile branch in the east and Alexandria
and publications have been proposed to discuss land change and El-Alamein governorates in the west (Fig. 1). It has a
detection in arid and semi-arid environment (Lenney et al. total area of about 9826 km2, population of 4.43 million
1996; El Bastawesy et al. 2013a; Hassan and Omran 2017). inhabitants, which corresponds to 441 person/km 2 as a
The mentioned reviews reported that urban development population density. Elevation ranges from 1 m to 69 m a.s.l,
commonly occurs through the deduction of cultivated land. with higher elevations concentrated in the southwestern part,
There are abundant techniques applicable to detect and reg- where El-Tawheed village is located.
ister differences (e.g., image differencing, ratios or correla- Officially administrated, it contains 13 districts, 14 towns,
tion) and these supposedly attributable to land cover changes 77 local units, 470 villages and 5333 hamlets (Ezba), while
(Yuan et al. 1999; Maldonado et al. 2002; Deng et al. 2008; Damanhur is the capital city. El-Beheira is a major agricul-
Hegazy and Kaloop 2015). tural governorate, with an agricultural area occupies about
Nevertheless, the straightforward change detection of 14.9% of the entire cultivated land in Egypt. It is estimated
modification is rarely sufficient. Generally, more informa- that there are about 315,000 ha (750,000 feddans) that could
tion is needed concerning the primary and eventual land be reclaimed in different districts. The basic man made fea-
use/cover types and the ‘from–to’ analysis (Khorram et al. tures in the study area is the Cairo-Alexandria agricultural
1999). The techniques of post-classification and comparison road, which cross and split it into two divisions. The domi-
of derived thematic maps go beyond plain change detection nant climate condition of the west Nile delta region is arid
and endeavor to assess the different change types. The suc- Mediterranean, which is characterized by less precipitation.
cess depends mainly upon the reliability of the image clas- The mean annual rainfall less than 200 mm and the tempera-
sification and land cover maps. ture ranges from 9 °C in winter to 30 °C during summer
In general, large scale changes, i.e., considerable urban with °C a maximum of around 45 °C (Eladawy et al. 2013).
development or widespread logging might be portrayed sim- Agricultural activities in El-Beheira are characterized by
ply, whereas evolutional changes in term of, erosion, suc- small farm holdings with an average of 1.5 ha. The soil par-
cession, colonization or degradation, the main boundaries ent material is mainly clayey. The main summer crops are
may be indistinct and classified-labels uncertainty (Khorram cotton, maize and rice, while the winter crops are basically

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526 519

Fig. 1  Location of the study


wheat and the Egyptian clover, which is for cattle feeding. Topographic maps (scale 1:50,000) covering the area under
Field irrigation is implemented by subdividing the field into investigation, generated by the Egyptian General Survey
small portions (AbdelRahman et al. 2017). Authority (EGSA) in 2011, were rectified and converted to
a digital format.
Data and maps
Methodology framework
Collection of primary data sources includes soil map of
Egypt (ASRT 1982), topographic-sheets (scale 1:50,000) The methodology consists of analyzing data of differ-
and multispectral Landsat images TM and ­ETM+, for the ent times derived from satellite images to combine urban
years 1985, 2010 and 2013. The secondary data sources land use maps with data on soil properties contained in
include demographic data out of the Egyptian Packing the established soil database using the geographic infor-
and Statistics Center (primary census abstracts for the mation system (GIS). The integration of GIS technology
years 1992, 1996, and 2012). In addition, number of 11 and remote sensing imagery proved to be an efficient

520 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526

technique for analysis and mapping of urban land use Image acquisition and pre‑processing
change (Chen et al. 2003). Some concepts from SOTER
modelling (Van Engelen and Wen 1995) were borrowed In this research, temporal coverage Landsat TM and
to structure a database for evaluation and spatial anal- ETM + images from 1985 to 2013 with a standard spatial
ysis. In this database, two kinds of information can be resolution of 30 × 30 m were acquired from the (USGS)
distinguished: (1) geometrical data out of soil map and Geologic Survey archive (http://earth​explo​
urban sprawl by interpretation of satellite image, i.e. the Precise per-pixel registration of multi-temporal satellite
location and domain of an object exemplified by a point, data is essential for change detection since registration errors
line, surface and topology (shapes, neighbors and deline- could be misinterpreted as land changes. Basically, the RMS
ations hierarchy), and (2) attributed data, i.e. the object error between any two dates should not exceed 0.5 pixels
characteristics. The two types of information exist in the (Lunetta and Elvidge 1998). Images with an error less than
established database are consisting of a geometric com- a half-pixel were registered (about 15 m). In this regard,
ponent that indicates the location and topology of the geometric correction was done using specific ground control
mapping units, and of an attributed section that describes points from topographic maps to geocode the 1984 dated
the characteristics of non-spatial mapping unit. This study image, which was base to register all other images.
requested knowledge combination from different fields The RMS error between different images was minimal
of soil science, geography geoinformatics to comprehend than 0.4 pixels, which was acceptable. On the other hand,
the impact of land use/land cover change on urban sprawl the PCI which state for the Geomatica ATCOR model
detection (Fig. 2). was applied for the image pre-analysis process of atmos-
pheric correction (Richter and Schlapfer 2013). Atmos-
pheric and terrain effects were eliminated to determine
the true ground reflectance of earth’s surface. This model

Fig. 2  Model framework adopted for analyzing variation detection in response to land use/land cover change

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526 521

requires data, some of which is obtainable in the metadata Urban sprawl detection
file. Atmospheric location area was set up as rural area
and atmospheric condition was identified as mid-latitude Regardless of the technique applied, the achieve of imagery
summer. change detection basically depend on the nature of the
change involved, success of the image processing and the
classification functions. In the area under concern, field
Image classification observations have shown that the change in land cover
between the three dates was clearly marked and abrupt. In
Mostly, image classification is an important process in cap- this study, post-classification change detection procedure
turing detailed information about land-cover. The model was applied. Considerably, post-classification is the most
used in this investigation operates in two steps. At the first evident technique of change detection that requires compari-
step, we compared several methods that are considered to son of independently generated classified images. Post-clas-
be suitable for land-use image classification. Training sam- sification comparison proved to be the most effective tech-
ples were selected for the training process. After selection, nique, because data from two dates are separately classified,
different classification algorithms were performed to create thereby diminishing the problem of atmospheric correction
the classified maps. Ultimately, accuracy of the classified normalization and sensor variations between different dates
maps was validated not only by visual observation, but also (Bayramov et al. 2016). The analysis of cross-tabulation was
by cross-validation statistical methods (Kappa coefficient performed to project the geospatial distribution of urban
and overall accuracy). The second step engaged classifying sprawl areas on different soil types (Parsa et al. 2016). Fig-
all satellite images (1985, 2010, and 2013) using the best ure 2 demonstrate the modeling approach that implemented
classification technique identified in the first step. Eventu- in the study methodology.
ally, all classified images undergo an accuracy calculation
Supervised classification was accomplished using ground Results and discussion
observation points and digital format topographic maps of
the study area. The accuracy assessment was performed Soil map of El‑Beheira governorate
using 300 points from field data and standing land cover
maps. With a view to rise the accuracy of urban land cover Originally, soil map of El-Beheira was produced from the
class, the visual interpretation result and subsidiary data soil map of Egypt (ASRT 1982). The generated map has
were integrated together with the classification result using been updated according to the Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 12th
a GIS utility (Meshesha et al. 2016). Edition (2014) (Fig. 3). The obtained results demonstrate
that the Vertic Torrifluvents is the major sub great group in
the alluvial region. It covers an area of 3026.15 km2, which
Digital soil mapping is representing 47.78% of the soils.
The Typic Torripsamments and Typic Torrifluvents
In this study, soil map was generated out of the archived soil sub-great groups interfere with the previous one within
map of Egypt that produced by the Academy of Scientific the alluvial landscape that covering an area of 550.04 and
Research and Technology (ASRT 1982); the original termi- 428.77 km2, and representing 8.68 and 6.77% severally. The
nology of soil order, suborder and great groups have been sub-great group Typic Haplocalsids covers significant areas
updated according to the latest Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 12th around Idko and Mariout lakes, with a total of 536.74 km2
edition (2014). Obviously, after edge matching, there was a (8.47%) of the total area. Limited patches of sub-great
recognized deviation between the produced maps and the groups Typic Aquisalids, Typic Haplosalids and Typic Cal-
well registered landmarks, driven out of the resources maps cigypsids interfere with Typic Haplocalsids covering areas
and images. The obvious deviation has been attributed to of 28.01, 72.25 and 1.80 km2 that are representing 0.44,
the lack of recognized coordinate system and the rubber- 1.14 and 0.03%. The sub-great group of Typic Quartizip-
sheeting escort the edge-matching task. Therefore, a spatial samments covers an area of 994.39 km2 (15.7% of the soils)
adjustment conversion has been carried out. Precise rectified and located at the southwestern borders of the governorate,
topographic maps and accurate geo-referenced satellite data adjacent to the areas of sand dunes. It is also interfered by
have been utilized to establish the transformation process the sub-great group Typic Torriorthents, which exists in lim-
using ArcGIS platform. A semi detailed survey approach ited patches having an area of 107.25 km2 that represents
was done throughout the study area in order to gain an esti- 1.69% of the total soil area. The shifting sand dunes cover an
mation on soil patterns, available land forms and landscape area of 430.96 km2 (6.80%), while sand dunes cover an area
features. of 149.70 km2 (2.36%) (Table 1). Nevertheless, the urban

522 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526

Fig. 3  Soil map of study area

overlaid with thematic layers

settlement covered an area of 137.9 km2 representing 1.2% order to examine the impact of urban sprawl on agricultural
of El-Beheira governorate in 1985, which in turn increased land loss in El-Beheira, ArcGIS 10.4 was used for the inte-
to 579.4 km2 (5.1%) in 2013 (Table 2). gration of geospatial data analysis. The urban thematic lay-
ers were overlaid on top of the generated soil map to check
Encroachment on land in El‑Beheira governorate the urban settlement expansions in respect to the expense of
farming land.
Land-cover change (LCC) maps were created using a multi- Statistically, the effect of urban sprawl was estimated and
date Landsat images of 1985, 2010, and 2013. In order to the obtained actual change from 1985 to 2013 and the real
map urban settlement, a false color composites (FCC 432) impact on different soil types was illustrated in Table 2. The
were composed and applied for image processing, as well change detection results illustrated that, the most significant
as on screen visual interpretation. The urban settlement of change occurred from 1985 to 2013, which was caused by
El-Beheira governorate in 1985, 2010 and 2013 were repre- the expansion of urban areas. Analysis of LCCs indicate
sented together to show urban sprawl as shown in Fig. 4. In that, during this time period, the built-up areas increased

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526 523

Table 1  Areas and frequencies of soil sub-great groups in El-Beheira in the past two decades has been speedy. This proposes that
governorate natural land affected by human activities is rapidly trans-
Type (sub great group) Area ­(km2) % forming and being damaged.
Plainly, the urban sprawl during the 1985–2010 was at
Typic Aquisalids 28.01 0.44
the expense of the most productive soils where, the lost
Typic Calcigypsids 1.80 0.03
Vertic Torrifluvents area is 247.1 km2 (2.26% of the entire
Typic Haplocalsids 536.74 8.47
area) and the Typic Torrifluvents lost 32.7 km2 (0.3% of the
Typic Quartizipsamments 994.39 15.70
total area). Most of the urban expansion over the fertile soils
Typic Haplosalids 72.25 1.14
occurred from 1985 to 2010-time period. From 1985 to 2010
Typic Torrifluvents 428.77 6.77
the Vertic Torrifluvents, soils lost relatively small areas (i.e.,
Typic Torriorthents 107.25 1.69
60.3 km2) compared to 186.8 km2 during 2010–2013 period.
Typic Torripsamments 550.04 8.68
This expansion of urban areas over agricultural land can
Vertic Torrifluvents 3026.15 47.78
cause a decrease at the effectiveness of rural areas as a buffer
Consolidated rocky ridge 7.79 0.12
zone between agricultural and urban ground, which may
High dune 430.96 6.80
increase the environmental influence represented by land
Sand dune 149.70 2.36
degradation and diversity loss (Bajocco et al. 2012).
Total 6333.85 100.00

Land requisition system

Table 2  Change detection coverage areas for 1985–2013 For the expansion and the change of the land use/land cover,
Land use/cover 1985 ­(km )2
2010 ­(km ) 2
2013 ­(km )2 it is obvious that the encroachment not only in the agricul-
tural domain, but likewise over the River Nile as seen in
Urban 137.90 381.93 579.40 Figs. 6 and 7 and Table 3, where the fish farms increased up
Cultivated 4556.40 6665.55 7755.61 to 203.04 km2 in 2010 with an annual rate 4.9 yearly, during
Fish-farms 4.39 102.04 78.47 the period 1985–2010. However, during the 25th revolution,
Lake 47.74 50.19 40.42 the increase rate was 23.6 km2/year with a 30.04% increase
Sand-beach 112.34 14.04 15.36 of the total fish farm areas. This gain may cause the envi-
Desert 6581.68 4252.86 2997.08 ronmental pollution in the River Nile due to the excessive
Sum 11440.45 11466.61 11466.35 use of artificial feeds and additives. Moreover, the absence
of security during the 25th revolution, led attack the state
property of the desert lands (land requisition system), which
from 137.9 to 381.93 km2 (with a rate of 9.8 km2/year). undoubtedly could cause the wasting valuable riches of the
While, from 2010 to 2013, the built up area increased from land. The desert areas, decreased by 2328.82 km2 with
381.93 to 579.4 km2 (with a rate of 65.8 km2/ year). rate 93.2 km2/year that represents 35.4% during the period
(1985–2010). Nevertheless, during the period (2010–2013)
Post‑classification comparisons the land decrease was 1255.8 km2, with annual rate around
418.6 km2/year, which representing 41.9%.
In spite of the obvious increase in cultivated land, the urban
land was continuously increased, and the lake and sand-
beach were continuously decreased. Nevertheless, desert Conclusion
areas decreased significantly from 57.52 to 26.14% during
1985–2013, with a rate of 93.2 km2/ year during the time The elementary concern of the current research is that
period from 1985 to 2010 and from 2010 to 2013 with a continuing urban encroachment in El-Beheira could imply
rate 418.6 km2/year. During 2010–2013, fish-farms area potential threats to the highly productive agricultural land.
decreased from 0.89 to 0.68%. In addition, the lakes cover- Their topics should be strictly firm and strong legal actions
age was reduced a bit from 0.44 to 0.35% in the same time against any form of land violation processes upon these fer-
period. The expanse of water lakes increased a little from tile farm and non-renewable natural resource.
1985 to 2010 (Fig. 5). The authors reasoned that the lack and absence of secu-
Figure 4 illustrates just the static state of each phenom- rity and management control were the major factors affecting
enon in 1985, 2010, and 2013. Table 2 describes the sum- the urban encroachment over the agricultural estate, and on
marized specific (from-to) change information based on the desert land with especial respect during the 25th January
post-classification, comparison to determine (from–to) tran- revaluation. Accession to the Nile and lake water. Thus, it is
sitions. The work demonstrates that land-cover urbanization a thoughtful call to the government to establish and ensure a

524 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526

Fig. 4  Time series of detailed land-cover change detection maps for 1985, 2010 and 2013

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526 525

Fig. 5  Pie chart of land use/cover coverage (%) from 1985 to 2013

Table 3  Land use/land cover change with time

Land use/cover Changes of the land use/cover with time

1985 ­(km2) 2010 ­(km2) 2013 ­(km2)

Urban 137.9 244.03 197.47

Cultivated 4556.4 2109.15 1090.06
Fish-farms 4.39 97.65 − 23.57
Lake 47.74 2.45 − 9.77
Sand-beach 112.34 − 98.3 1.32
Desert 6581.68 − 2328.82 − 1255.78

law for protecting the Nile delta to be as a protectorate and a

territorial dominion (forbidden to be practiced in alternative
Fig. 6  Land use/land cover change with time purpose rather than agricultural land). Furthermore, change
the administrative boundary limit for all the governorates
that have not desert fringes to possess an associate with
receiving an elongation with the desert fringes for future
plans of urban extension.

Fig. 7  Temporal change detection of land use/land cover during


526 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2018) 4:517–526

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