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A tyrant wants to live a good life

A tyrant wants to live a good life
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A tyrant wants to live a good life
A tyrant wants to live a good life
Chapter 2
The Tyrant Wants to Live a Good Life Volume 3
The Tyrant Wants to Live a Good Life Volume 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Tyrant Wants to Live a Good Life Volume 4
The Tyrant Wants to Live a Good Life Volume 4
Chapter 3
A tyrant wants to live a good life Vol 5 (Complete)
A tyrant wants to live a good life Vol 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Tyrant wants to live a good life


Ramgle Novel

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 1

The lesson of my life is good luck. And I was evil.

I got everything I wanted.
Money, power, power, and even men.
I removed the ones that bothered me and gave my power to those I
The whole world seemed to be in my hands.
But the end of having it all was ruin.
Who would have thought that my life, which I thought would only be
happy, would end in a handful of shabby ashes?
Maybe I didn't have anything in the irst place... … .
The man I loved hated me and chose to die, and the people I
imparted strangled me with that power.
People pointed at me as a tyrant, and their anger burned my palace.
My palace shone more splendidly than ever in the lames.
Yeah, that's enough.
Life lessons are enough.
I gladly accepted death.


“Uh-uh, peek-a-boo?”
But what is this situation?
I thought as I saw the face luttering in front of me.
This nanny is familiar.
He struggled with his hands and feet that didn't move like his heart.
A small hand as white as cotton wool stirred in the hazy air with
insigni icant movements.
Plump and small hands like a newborn baby.
“Princess Dorothea. Look here!"
The nanny returned the mobile hanging over my eyes, but I was
more distracted by the nanny's words.
Dorothea? Did I say Dorothea now?
My name is Dorothea Milanaire.
The emperor of Ubera, who was born as a princess and ascended to
the throne after killing his brother, who was the crown prince, with his
own hands.
However, the tyrant Dorothea was executed at a young age in front of
“Princess Dorothea, you are so pretty, how can you not smile once?”
The nanny looked at me with a sullen expression.
It's no wonder you can't laugh!
Apparently, everyone was calling me a tyrant and calling me to death.
But that miserable and regretful end disappeared like a bubble.
Was it a piece of a dream? Was it a nightmare?
I'd rather it be If it was all a dream... … .
But even so, the memories of the past were so vivid that the nape of
my neck was cold.
The unbearable agony seemed to crush his heart, causing the
newborn's weak lacrimal glands to burst.
“Oh my gosh! Are you hungry?”
The nanny hugged me as I cried.
A warmth that I had not felt in a long time enveloped me. Warm, cozy
and thoughtful… … .
Yeah, maybe this was a lesson. Teaching to live right.
A chance to turn back my life, stained with evil and regret.
The burning passion and motivation to live one more life were
exhausted, and only exhaustion and gloom, but it was impossible not to
That's right, it can't end like that again.
I will not repeat the same regrets.
let's live well
That is the goal of this life.


However, as a baby who could not speak or walk, there was nothing
he could do right away.
A life where all you have to do is lie in the cradle and squirm while
looking at the spinning mobile and sleep when you feel sleepy.
Isn't crying less without whining the good life you can do now?
It didn't feel stuffy, but it was a comfortable and comfortable day.
'By the way, how long has it been since you slept like this?'
A baby's desire to sleep is really great, so if you want a little bit of
warmth, you fall asleep.
It was a sweet time like honey for me, who couldn't sleep properly
due to insomnia.
When I was about to commit myself to sleep, which is more precious
than jewels, I heard a sound that broke my peace.
Loud noises outside the cradle. A voice with a short tongue that calls
out to me strangely.
“Oh, my little brother!”
With an exhilarating greeting, his head popped up above the cradle.
"did you sleep well?"
Blue eyes like the sea on a clear day, wavy platinum blonde hair, and
breasts full of cheeks. My brother who has a lovely pink cheeks full of
To be precise, my dull older brother, Raymond Milanaire, who died
once at my hand.
“I miss you baby!”
Ray looked at me and smiled brightly.
His rosy cheeks were like peaches, and the scent of fresh milk wafted
from him.
Pure, defenseless, round eyes were looking at me lovingly.
Yes, it was those eyes.
The eyes that made me take the irst step on the path of tyranny,
which are disgusting to look at because they are stupidly good.
“Oppa will protect our baby.”
He was always the same.
The pure eyes that were shining brightly were so plastic that a snort
came out.
To protect the subject that died at my hands.
The rightful prince, Raymond Milanaire.
I killed him, my real brother, with my own hands and ascended the
The history of the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire began with his death.
The day that stabbed his heart.
It seemed that the sensation was still vivid in this hand, as small as a
maple leaf.
'I can't make the same mistake again in this lifetime.'
He killed Rei and usurped the throne.
It was the starting point of all my regrets.
You can't kill him again.
You can't be a tyrant again.
So, I don't hate him and I have to endure whatever he does... … .
“It’s chewy and soft.”
Rey patted my face with a swaying force until my cheeks were ripped
have to be patient If you don't want to kill him, you have to be
patient... … .
My cheeks keep growing.
Eventually, my patience reached its limit.
I cried loudly as if yelling and clenched Ray's hand.
"baby! Cry!”
Perhaps the pinching hand hurt, Ray let go of his hand in a hurry to
ind the nanny.
I'm trying to live a good life, but I don't have to touch it!
I stopped crying as soon as Rey let go.
There is no need to cause noise pollution by crying for no reason.
But the nanny was startled and comforted me by holding me in her
“Prince Ray!”
“I didn’t touch it hard… … .”
“The princess’ cheeks turned red!”
At the nanny's bruise, Ray made a walnut chin and puckered her lips.
“But she’s so cute.”
Rey grabbed the nanny's arm and stepped closer to look at me in her
A round, pale face illed his vision.
Oh please.
As you can see from the fact that he killed Rei and usurped the
throne, I didn't really like him.
It's because he didn't like his dullness, frustration, and stupidity from
the past.
I couldn't convince him that he had more than me on such a subject.
Therefore, it meant that I was sorry to have killed him, but I would
not be happy to accept his hot breath on my face.
'I'm offended because it sounds like a donkey is snif ing next to you.'
As she wrinkled her eyebrows because of her tight face, Rey smiled
and pushed out her pink lips.
“Baby kiss!”
The most terrifying sound I had ever heard in my life, three times
more force entered my forehead, and I crumpled up with all my might.
However, the moist and soft feel that touches the cheek.
Ray touched my cheek and kissed me deeply until it made a
squeaking sound.
Hell spreads out before your eyes.
My cheeks could not resist the slippery and unpleasant suction force
and were sucked in.
'Ugh! dirty!'
“Aww! Aww!”
I struggled with as much dissatisfaction as I could.
Rey was startled again by my crying and stepped back.
Please God, take this guy out of my face so that I can live a good life
this time!
Living a good life is not an easy task.


My growth was rapid.

He grew up the same height as other children, but spoke earlier than
others and walked earlier than others.
It was only natural that I, who already knew how to do it and
practiced intentionally, was faster than others.
The nanny was amazed at the speed of my growth and was amazed
every day. So was Ray.
"humanism? What is it?"
“People are the most important thing.”
“How does Dorothy know that? Look at your genius!”
Ray hugged me tightly.
He smelled of fresh grass, and his frizzy blonde hair luttered and felt
on his skin.
“Leave this.”
“Dorothy is so small and cute, how do you know all those wonderful
“Because let it go.”
“There is no other sweet and smart baby like Dorothy in the world!”
Ray grabbed the three-year-old me and hugged me. My tiny body was
lifted into the air like a doll.
'Have three powers!'
Rei, who was only ive years old, was so strong that he even lifted me
up and shook me up and down.
Then, she sticks out her pink lips again and kisses my cheek one after
another. Five times!
Unlike when I was a child, I could speak language and express my
thoughts accurately.
I gently rubbed the back of my hand on the cheek where Rey's lips
had touched.
“Dorothy is so pretty. I love that my baby girl is Dorothy.”
Rey's eyes twinkle and shine despite my reaction. What do you think
is pretty?
Even though he reacted bluntly every time, Ray persisted in pouring
out a barrage of affection towards me.
“I’m not pretty.”
“Isn’t it pretty? Who says our Dorothy is not pretty?”
Rey placed her hands on her waist and raised her eyebrows iercely.
“No, Dorothy! Dorothy is so pretty!”
Ray grabbed my shoulders and dragged me to the mirror.
Ray put me face to face in front of the mirror.
"look! Pretty! There is no other baby in the world as pretty as
He insisted irmly, pointing to me in the mirror.
I followed him and looked in the mirror.
As Ray said, there was a pretty girl standing in the mirror.
Blonde and blue eyes that prove that he is related to Rei. The facial
features, which were densely located on the white skin, were clearly
performing their roles even though they were still young.
Obviously, the external components were pretty good.
Actually, even before the return, I got a lot of compliments about my
My servants who followed me praised my beauty almost every day.

'You are truly beautiful today.'

'The most beautiful and greatest in the world.'

I gladly gave wealth and power to those who whisper sweet words to
And they drove me to death. Pointing your inger at him as a tyrant.
So I no longer believe what people say to me that I am beautiful.
expressionlessness re lected in the mirror. indifferent eyes. Lips that
have forgotten how to smile.
There was not even a clue of the word loveliness in the dry
Far from being cute, it looked like a porcelain doll with a creepy
okay. this is me
“Look, Dorothy.”
Ray looked at my re lection in the mirror and smiled over and over
“… … Not pretty.”
I turned my head away from the mirror.

“The irst Emperor Milanaire had a spirit stone, but it was lost when
it came to Theresia.”
The nanny was reading a children's book to me and she told me
about Jung Ryeong-seok.
It was a pretty elaborate explanation, but the problem was that it
was wrong.
“Nanny, the disappearance of the Spirit Stone of Light happened
during the time of Coresus.”
There is a difference of nearly a hundred years between Theresia and
Corresus, but they confuse them.
The nanny closed her eyes for a moment, then looked for another
The nanny who looked through the family line of the imperial family
looked at me with her mouth wide open.
"Oh My God! Princess, are you memorizing all the genealogy of the
The nanny was amazed when she saw me memorizing the entire
family tree of the Milanaires.
Oops. I should have pretended not to know.
The family tree of Milanaire was memorized early even before the
return, so I said it too familiarly.
“Your Majesty the Emperor should know this… … !”
The nanny slapped me on my knee and regretted it.
A princess two years younger than Rei can memorize the family line
of the imperial family that Rei can't memorize yet.
The nanny was pretty proud of me being smart.
But I quietly shook my head.
That person doesn't need to know.
Emperor Carnan Milanaire. In other words, my father.
But I found it very dif icult to associate him with the word father.
To be honest, the word 'father' felt like an unfamiliar foreign
An unfamiliar word that can be roughly translated into a certain
meaning, but whose etymology or exact feeling is unknown.
I was connected by the blood of Carnan and Milanaire, but that blood
line meant nothing to me.
Apparently, he inherited blonde hair and blue eyes, but he didn't
inherit the important Milanaire quali ications.
'So I've never seen your face before.'
When I returned, I was six years old. I haven't seen my parents' faces
since I woke up.
My mother died shortly after giving birth to me, and Carnan was
indifferent to me.
How hard was it to get the attention of Karnan, who was so
indifferent in the past?
I mean, even if I fell in front of him on purpose, I showed off my
cleverness, I worked hard to do better than Ray, and I tried to be
But in the end he didn't look after me.
The irst reason I hated Rey was probably Carnon.
Unlike me, Rey received a lot of attention and love from Carnon.
The time with Carnan, which was not allowed for me, was allowed
only for Rey.
Rey received gifts from Carnan without doing anything, ate together,
and could ask any questions she had.
Why do you care more about playing in the dirt or your favorite Rey,
fooling around every day?
I study hard, I am good at swordsmanship, and I can draw the
complicated sentences of the Milanese imperial family without making
any mistakes.
So I hated Ray.
Tormenting him as much as he could, and taking what he possessed
was the only way to release his character.
The more I did, the more Carnon hated me, and my relationship with
him entered an endless vicious cycle.
'Don't let Dorothea leave the room for a month.'

Even when he was scolding and punishing me, Carnan didn't look me
in the eyes and gave orders to the servants and nanny.
I longed for love, but my life was too ugly to be loved.
Like reaching out to catch the beautiful moon, my love has always
been one-sided and unreachable.
It seems that Carnan wanted me to cut my branches and grow them
into an ugly tree, but unfortunately I was born with a tough
temperament like a weed.
Feeding on anger and resentment, the seeds of evil grew.
The birth of the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire, who is jealous, jealous,
trampled on, robbed, and greedily devoured others.
'Come now, what does that matter have to do with the reason?'
I didn't mean to blame them.
Because I realized that even imputing my sins to others is pointless.
It's probably just my fault for being unlovable.
It's all my fault for being so ugly and crooked that I couldn't even fall
in love.
'But it's okay now.'
Still, thanks to my second birthday, I did not feel sorry for Carnon.
'Cause there's nothing more to look forward to
Rather, I thought that it would not be bad to live without seeing a
single shadow of Carnon for the rest of my life.
I'm tired of trying and longing to be loved. I feel tired.
I just want to live like an old object thrown into an empty room and
go quietly as if it rots with the passage of time.
But unlike me, the nanny sighed deeply, as if she was disappointed by
Carnon's indifference.
“Your Majesty will surely be delighted to see the Princess.”
no, nanny. That person is not like that.
I should have dried the nanny a little more aggressively that day.


“Princess, shall we go for a walk over there today?”

Perhaps the nanny wanted to catch the wind, so she suggested taking
a walk in a direction she didn't usually go for.
The imperial palace was very spacious, and there were many
gardens to take a walk in.
'That's Alice's hometown.'
Alice was the name of my mother whom I had never seen before.
An idyllic and idyllic garden created by Carnan for Alice, who misses
her hometown.
That's why it was called 'Alice's Hometown'.
'The atmosphere was pretty good, so I liked it too.'
Before I returned to the throne, I used to spend time there
I wondered if I could calm my heart even a little in a place that wasn't
lashy but modest and quiet.
So I stupidly accepted the nanny's proposal.
The nanny took me to Alice's hometown with a pretty happy face.
Alice's hometown presented a warm landscape where evening
smoke seemed to rise.
A pond where water lilies grow, brier and wisteria, cattails swaying
in the breeze, a small stream and a water wheel, and a small wooden
arch bridge.
A garden that is natural and simple, but with that much effort.
The nanny took me to the bridge across the pond.
“Princess! Look over there. The carp is swimming. carp."
The nanny spoke like a child and pointed to the pond.
In the pond, beautiful koi that had been airlifted from a distant area
were swimming.
The koi cut through the water, and occasionally came up to the
surface and murmured something.
The nanny asked me if I would like to feed her koi, and she held small
brown pellets in her hand.
I thought it would be great to feed the carp, but I wanted to make a
living on those ish too, so I sprinkled the rice my nanny gave me to the
at that time.
"your majesty!"
The nanny suddenly shouted loudly, and I was startled and threw all
the koi rice into the pond. Because of this, the carp entangled in the
water luttered and splashed the water.
'your majesty?'
Abandoning the carp that had locked to eat, I turned around and saw
Carnon enjoying a walk there with his servants.
Only then did I realize that this was the nanny's wicked scheme!
When I asked to go to a garden I hadn't been to in years, I had to
igure out there was a purpose!
A few days ago, His Majesty had been singing a song saying that he
must see the Princess.
'You were as stupid as Ray!'
Being deceived by the nanny, I couldn't be so pathetic.
But I couldn't escape because Carnan's gaze was already on me. I hid
behind the nanny.
Carnan's eyes, as they were walking from afar, were focused on the
nanny and me.
“I see you, Your Majesty.”
The nanny got down on her knees and greeted me, and I still didn't
hide behind her.
Carnan's brow wrinkled at my rude manner of skipping greetings,
but I kept my mouth shut.
There is no other father who neglected his child until he was six
years old.
Then you wouldn't want him to greet you with a smile.
“Who dares to come into Alice’s garden?”
Carnan asked displeased.
I knew it. you don't recognize me
Before my return, I had met him earlier and often because I cried and
abused my father because I wanted to see him.
“I am a nanny with Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
“Dorothea Milanaire?”
Carnan's gaze met me, and he wrinkled his brow.
“… … I’m going crazy.”
I quietly swallowed a breath of empty air.
That's why I didn't want to see it. Because Carnon and I have never
had a good time.
I looked up at Karnan so clearly that I felt cocky.
His face was quite younger than he remembered, but he also exuded
the heavy dignity of an emperor.
“This is Princess Dorothea Milanaire, Your Majesty.”
The nanny introduced me, who had been behind me, by making me
stand in front.
You don't have to, nanny.
“Are you not educated?”
Carnan looked up at me without saying goodbye and asked as if he
was annoyed.
I endured what I wanted to say, 'I don't have parents to educate me,'
with a promise to live a good life.
“No, Your Majesty! The princess is very smart and special!”
“Well, all I see is a little cheeky little sissy.”
“Well, I guess it was because the princess was surprised that it was
her irst meeting with His Majesty. He is also bright in the royal
etiquette... … .”
The nanny sweated and glanced at me.
ha… … .
I sighed and bent my knees.
“See you, His Majesty Milanaire.”
It's all for the nanny to say hello to Carnon.
As I politely greeted Carnan, he looked down at me with cold eyes.
“How old are you?”
“Wow, huh, huh.”
“I am six years old this year.”
I felt sorry for the nanny who struggled to answer Carnan's question,
so I answered it myself.
Then Carnan met my eyes again.
“Where is that special?”
“The nanny is excessively unarmed. There is nothing special about
me. your majesty."
"your majesty! As you can see, the princess is humble and very
intelligent compared to her age. You are already memorizing the entire
family lineage of the imperial family!”
The nanny seemed to be very determined and dared to recite me in
front of Carnon.
The nanny Tane was passionate about making the princess who had
been neglected until now caught in the eyes of the emperor, but I was
not grateful at all.
Hearing the nanny's words, Carnan's eyes narrowed.
"okay? Is it true that you memorize the family tree of Milanaire?”
I wanted to say no, but if I did, the nanny's neck would be blown off
for lying to the emperor.
Still, she's a nanny who has worked for me all the time, and I can't let
my throat ly off here.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
I had to mix things up with Carnon.
“Memorize it.”
Cheeky Carnan.
I barely caught hold of his brow, which was about to squish at his
“I think your Majesty already knows about the imperial family
Carnan's expression hardened as I responded with a rebellious
Everyone trembled as if a winter wind was blowing in the garden at
his irm expression. Except for me and Carnan.
“Do you not know the family line of the Milanaire imperial family?”
“Are you testing me now?”
“I think your Majesty is trying to test me.”
Everyone was astonished at my remarks, and the nanny's eyes were
so big that they popped out.
But I knew.
Even though Carnon is indifferent to me, he's not crazy enough to
slap my six-year-old daughter's throat.
Tyrant was my modi ier, not Carnon's.
Carnan was a monarch with a fairly decent reputation in terms of
politics. Although he wasn't a good father.
“What good is it for me to write a pedigree here?”
In response to my bold question, Carnan let out a short breath.
“Are you vomiting the Emperor’s orders?”
“This is to save the time of His Majesty the busy Emperor. Aren't you
so busy that you haven't looked for me since I was born?"
Oh, I didn't resent the 'father' I met for the irst time in 6 years.
It's just that I didn't like giving orders to topics that I had never paid
attention to before.
Carnan's eyes luttered slightly at my words, but then they found
their place.
“Are you only going to write your family tree when it’s in your
Carnan's eyes lit up with a little interest.
“I just hope that at least you and your Majesty’s time will not be
“What the nanny said is true.”
Carnan murmured with tears in her eyes for a moment, then looked
down at me again, who was only about knee-high.
“Dorothea Milanaire. If there is anything you would like to have,
please tell me.”
Can you tell me what you want?
I couldn't see a single smile on Carnon's lips, but I was startled as if I
had been hit in the head by his words.
unexpected reaction. I thought you were going to sound cocky.
As far as I can remember, Carnan never said this to me.
But now Carnan seems willing to at least throw a bone at the
taunting dog.
the problem is.
'What I want from you... … I don't.'
Maybe it was before the return, but now, there was not a single thing
I wanted from Carnon.
I know better than anyone that having wind is meaningless.
But Carnan did not tolerate the dog's disrespect of the Emperor's
sincerity and looked down at me with bitter eyes.
“Answer me.”
The nanny was restless at the blade-like eyes of her six-year-old
daughter, but fortunately I had long developed tolerance for this kind of
As I was shaking my head for a while to forcefully think of what I
wanted, a useful thought came to me.
“Please make the inest wine in my name.”
When I saw Carnan's face, the idea came to me because I was a bit
"What… … ?”
“I think it will be edible after I grow up if I age it well.”
I can't make it right now, so I thought it wouldn't be too bad to have
Carnan do this.
Alright, wine. It also takes time to mature.
I don't know how the grape farming will be this year, but if it is aged
well, it will become a drink that can be enjoyed in moderation after
becoming an adult.
At my answer, Carnan's stern gaze returned to the nanny.
“Nanny, what did you teach this child?”
“I, I have never even talked about alcohol in front of the Princess,
Your Majesty!”
The nanny, trembling in fear, lowered her body to the loor and
“A six-year-old asked me to dip her in wine.”
Carnan's voice threatened the nanny in a savage manner.
Up until now, I had no interest in my education, so it was not right for
me to get angry late.
“Your nanny didn’t teach you.”
I stopped Carnan from putting the pitiful nanny in trouble.
“What if my nanny didn’t teach me?”
“I read it in a book. There are some wines that have been aged for as
long as several decades.”
Actually, I used to drink quite a bit, but I'm still too young to say I do.
Other than that, I already knew deeply about the adult world, but I
decided to keep my mouth shut because if I said that, the nanny could
suffer a heart attack and die.
“Did you read it in a book?”
Carnanchigo had too many questions.
I wondered if it would be counted among the longest conversations I
had in my past and present life.
“It’s a book called “Portrait of Babelua”. There, there is a scene where
Babelua is drinking old wine with her lover, describing it as having a
great lavor. So, I was curious to try a good wine.”
I improvised casually and wrapped the nanny around.
The nanny is annoying because she's so fussy, but she's the only one
who takes care of my work.
You need a nanny to bring food, and you can ask the library to bring
the book you want... … .
“Have you read <Portrait of Babelua>?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief that I had read Portrait of
<Portrait of Babelua> was a play written by a knight in a way that he
observed the life of Babelua while traveling with the fallen nobleman
The character's anguish and metaphorical expressions are excellent,
so it was selected as the essence of the play.
Still, it's not very long and the sentence itself isn't dif icult to read, so
even a six-year-old can read it... … trying to be impossible
Carnan's eyes narrowed towards me.
“… … good night. I'll pick up the inest wines under your name as you
wish. So, the family line of the imperial family, memorize it.”
Carnan looked at me like a watchman and continued.
“However, if even one is wrong, I will punish your nanny for lying.”
At Carnan's words, the nanny's body trembled.
To make such a threat to a six-year-old child to memorize the family
I sighed deeply inwardly.
I nodded with the terrifying thought that maybe my tyrant's
cotyledon might have been inherited from my father.
"like. Starting with the irst Milanaire, I will write the closing price
I decided to live a good life, so I have to save the nanny's life.

“Princess, you did a great job!”

While the nanny squeezed her trembling breasts, she poured praises
on me.
This is because he memorized the imperial family line in front of
Carnon without making a single mistake.
Even though it took quite a while for me to reconsider, Carnan
watched me through to the end.
It was a one-sided test, but have you ever met Carnon in person for
so long?
Carnan was weird.
"Your Majesty's Majesty will now take an interest in you."
“Nanny, I don’t want much attention from His Majesty the Emperor.”
I said, deliberately, building blocks of wood like a child.
I feel bad when I meet Carnan.
It's hard to live a good life when you feel bad.
Therefore, in order to live a good life, one must not meet Carnan.
By a neat syllogism, I wanted to avoid Carnon.
However, the nanny looked at me with incomprehensible eyes, and
soon became drenched in sorrow and hugged me tightly.
“Poor man… … .”
“… … .”
I was held expressionless in the mother's arms.
“Princess, Your Majesty is the princess’s father.”
Unfortunately it is. Carnan is my father, and I have no choice but to be
his daughter.
“Your Majesty will like the Princess. You’re just too busy to pay
"stop it. nurse."
It's just a nanny's wish.
I know better than anyone that it's useless to have such
So don't blow a false wind.
"I am sleepy. cut it.”
I thought the nanny would keep talking about Carnon, so I pushed her


After all, the nanny's wish was nothing but wind.

As I expected, Carnan never came to visit me.
Since then, I've only met Carnan a few times from a distance and just
glanced at him.
Living in the same imperial palace, and as I grew up, my scope of
action expanded, so an accidental encounter with overlapping lines of
It was insigni icant than walking through the garden and meeting a
butter ly, and there was no reason to write it down in a diary or to keep
it in memory.
I was alone in the Conberta Palace, the most cornered palace in the
Imperial Palace.
So I turned eight.
'If it were the same as before, I would have already been punished
several times by Carnon.'
It reminded me of the days when I was punished for screaming and
screaming at a whale whale for trying to show me a better side than
I was very sad too. Needlessly looking forward to being alone,
hurting my heart alone, and crying alone again.
I thought again that knowing the future is a very good thing.
If I had not known the future in this lifetime, I would have clinged to
Carnon again.
It must have made me hate to see myself, who was still unlovable by
pretending to be ugly.
'Living a good life is... … It doesn't do anything.'
The moment you try to do something, you will be hated and angry.
So I will kill Rey again, and lose the man I loved... … .
Just when I was thinking that, a stupid voice called me from afar.
That voice I hate.
Carnan took it off easily, but I don't know why he's so obsessed with
“Nanny, say I don’t exist.”
I escaped the ray and hid in the thick forest.
Scared to hide, Rey entered the Conberta Palace garden. It was
"nurse! Dorothy?”
"I do not know? Where have you been?”
The nanny politely pretended not to know as I asked.
Judging by the way he spoke, he seemed to know that I was even
playing hide and seek with Ray.
“Maybe Dorothy… … Doesn't it mean that you haven't been here often
these days?"
yes, please If you don't come, why bother? you'll like it
I thought, shaking my head at Ray's absurd reasoning.
Ray has recently been recognized for his quali ications to succeed
the throne, and has been busy preparing for the crown prince's
ceremonial ceremonies to be held in a few days.
So it was very comfortable and nice.
“I was going to show you how to deal with the spirit of light.”
Ray muttered.
spirit of light. It was the quali ication of Milanaire and the
quali ication of the emperor.
A legend that has been passed down from the two spirits who
founded the Empire Ubera, Milanaire and Fried.
A long time ago, the elemental master Milanair borrowed power
from the light spirit to make the sun rise, and the elemental master
Fried summoned the dark spirit to call into the night.
When Milanaire gave life to life, Fried gave them rest, and when
Milanaire illuminated the world with a warm light, Fried gave them a
shade to rest from the light and heat.
Thus, the world here, the Empire Ube, was created.
The descendants of that elemental priest, Milanaire, are the Imperial
The descendants of the elemental priest Fried are the Grand Duke
Fried family.
The two families were the great pillars that supported the empire.
But that's a long time ago.
'I've never even summoned a spirit of light.'
Over the generations, the bond between the two families and the
spirits gradually faded.
Milanaire's power, which had made the sun rise, has weakened
in initely, and now it has reached the point of illuminating only a small
In addition, some descendants who could not handle spirits at all
began to be born.
One of them was Dorothea Milanaire.
A child who has not inherited the strength and qualities of Milanaire.
It was a long-standing tradition of the Empire that only those who
could wield spirits were entitled to become emperors, and I, Dorothea,
were completely excluded from that tradition.
On the other hand, Rei, who was able to summon spirits from an
early age, gradually became able to properly use that power and was
inally recognized as a Crown Prince by the emperor.
That gave me one more reason why people wouldn't love me.
Someday I will also deal with the Spirit of Light, and this hope had
already been abandoned before my return.
I never summoned a spirit until I died.
So I was even more jealous of Ray.
Spirit of light, what is that?
In ancient times, Milanaires made the sun rise with a spirit of light
and made life grow, but can they be used as lamps to illuminate dark
night roads? Would it be useful for rummaging through an
underground warehouse?
A trivial ire ly that barely maintains its authority by relying on the
thin story of the past.
I could not acknowledge the authority of that light.
Even Rey, who stood on top of me with that frivolous authority, could
not be recognized.
So I decided to pick up a knife. To usurp the authority of the spirits in
the world.
I declared with a blood-stained sword that I would personally ascend
to the throne, end the age of mythology and usher in the age of man.
But in the end it failed.
Unable to deal with spirits, I was executed in the name of a tyrant
within a few years of taking power.
Perhaps it is true that the spirit decides the emperor.
My humble and miserable end may be the punishment that the great
legend in licted on me for arrogance.
“Nanny, do you really know where Dorothy went? My friend came
and tried to introduce me.”
As I crouched down in the grass to restore the past, I heard Ray's
voice right near the grass.
friend? If I were to call them friends, they would be kids around the
age of Ray, but if I met them, they would just be crazy.
I didn't want to see the spirits I couldn't handle, nor Rey's stupid
friends, so I decided to run away from this place altogether.
An unexpected hide-and-seek began, and I crept away to avoid Rey's
The good thing about being young was that it was small and easy to
It hurt from scratching the soft skin on the branches of the bush, but
it was much better than playing with Rei.
Carefully moving through the bushes, I was inally able to get out of
the garden.
'I'm sorry, nanny. Ray please. I should go up to my room and take a
I tried to run up to the room with my light feet. By the way.
I was only concerned about getting caught by Ray, but I bumped into
a black object protruding from the corner and hit the buttocks.
"Ouch… … .”
Who else is in my palace other than the nanny?
Both servants and servants come to this place only when they need
to manage the palace.
"Sorry. it's okay?"
A hand clasped in front of my fallen face.
With white and pretty, but small hands for an adult, I raised my head
and looked at the person I bumped into.
And I couldn't hold his hand and froze.
“Are you seriously hurt?”
Beautiful red eyes looking at me. Black hair like jet black.
“… … Theon.”
because he was
As if instinctively, he opened his eyes as if surprised for a moment by
the name that lowed from the tip of his lips, and then smiled.
Every little change pierced my eyes and sparkled.
“Do you know my name?”
A soft voice towards me.
He's still young, but nevertheless, that voice I haven't heard in a long
“Why are you here… … .”
I thought I should run away from him, but my body wouldn't listen.
His heart was beating louder than ever, and he was only running
towards Theon.
Theon Fried. The person who taught me how to beat the heart.
Intense red eyes contrasted with the classy-looking dark hair.
Unlike his intelligent eyes, he has a solid body that seems to be able
to run in the ield all day.
But what moved me more than that.

'Nice to meet you. Princess Dorothea Milanaire.'

His voice was polite and gentle.

Fried, who thinks of silence as a virtue, did not talk much like a
human being, and he was a person who shined softly like the moon that
illuminates the dark night.
And he still shone beautifully in front of me.
"ah… … ! Really sorry. It hurt a lot.”
He knelt next to me with a slightly bewildered look on his face.
His white handkerchief gently wiped my cheek.
It was then that I realized that I was crying.
Tears I didn't know were dripping down and wet my face.
“The clothes are very dirty. Can you get up?”
Theon gently brushed off my skirt, which was covered with dirt and
grass, as if worried.
At his kind words, I collapsed.
I shut my lips tightly to hold back the tears, but emotions slipped
through the gap.
I was saddened and hurt so badly. But at the same time, it was illed
with joy.
“Theon… … . Theon... … .”
I was afraid to meet him, so I tried to forget about him and live. But
at the same time, I felt like I was going crazy because I wanted to see
you so much.
My love and my husband... … He who abandoned me and committed

'Remember that. Your greed has killed me.'

His last words before he died were anger and resentment towards
He who left like that is now living here in front of me so beautifully.
I ended up holding on to his collar and voicing my intense longing.
I knew he would think of me as strange, but I thought I would die if I
didn't say it.
"I miss you… … .”
You left me, I became a tyrant and you were executed, and I returned
and painted your face for a very long time until now.
Theon gently wiped the tears from my cheeks with his hand, even
though he didn't understand what I meant.
Why are you so warm now?
You never gave me a glance. You didn't even hold the hand I reached
How many people know that the great tyrant, Dorothea Milanaire,
has never actually kissed her husband?
"there… … Do not cry."
Theon mumbled strange words and hugged me as if to soothe my
crying and patted my back.
His warm arms and soft arms wrapped around me.
Oh, Theon, please... … .
It was the irst time. what he held in his arms.
The warmth made me cry louder like a child.
“Black, uh… … .”
Just because he was alive, I felt like I had ful illed my duty in this life.
He may be the reason I returned... … .
Then a bright voice was heard from afar.
Rey, running from the garden, stopped and looked at me and Theon
in turn, then frowned.
“Theon, did you make our Dorothy cry?”
Rey glared at Theon with uncomfortably cold eyes.
Theon looked bewildered and looked into my eyes.
"maybe… … I think so."
“You are a bad boy! I thought we would be good friends.”
Rey got angry and took Theon away from me.
Apparently he was quite angry on the other hand, staring at Theon
and showing his hostility.
“Dorothy has never cried like this as a baby!”
Ray has known since I was little that I rarely cry.
Being back, it was natural.
Only when they were very young, when their bodies were not
developed enough to use language, they made sounds similar to crying
to communicate.
Even if I fell while running, even when the nanny was away for a
while and left alone, I didn't shed a single tear.
The nanny was worried about not crying abnormally, so she
consulted a doctor.
“What did you do to Dorothy?”
“Sir Raymond, that’s… … .”
“I didn’t cry because of Theon!”
I shouted at Rey, who was mad at Theon without knowing anything.
“Isn’t it because of Theon?”
“It’s because there’s dust in your eyes.”
Rey tilted her head at my poor excuse.
I felt like I was going to die of embarrassment to ind out that Ray
had cried.
"Really. Something like thorns got in and it hurts so much... … .”
“… … it's ine now?"
Idiot Ray looked into my eyes to see if there was anything wrong
with whether he believed my weak excuses or not.
His blue eyes looking at me were so clear that they were tired.
“I cried and fell. it's okay."
"thank god."
Rey smiled relievedly.
Even the nanny, who had rushed after Rey, was surprised and wiped
my cheeks with tears in them.
“Oh my gosh, our princess! You were in the garden, and when did you
get here!”
The appearance of the nanny and Rei gradually calmed my heart.
“Dorothy, I did this to introduce you to a new friend.”
Rey refreshed the atmosphere and pulled Theon closer to me.
'Is the friend you introduced me to was Theon?'
“I made a mistake in the irst meeting, Princess Dorothea. My name
is Theon Fried.”
Theon formally greeted me and kissed the back of my hand.
Even though I had gone through the path of regret once, my heart
was running like an untamed wild horse, heading where I wanted to go.
Theon's smile once illed me with unscrupulous hope.
We are now at a fresh start. There was no conversation between us.
so… … Is it okay to forget me, who cruelly longed for love, shake off
the misfortunes of the past and start over?
If I love you a little more, won't you look after me this time?
If life comes back to give me a new chance... … .
But that dream was soon shattered.
“Theon, why did you go alone?”
Despair that came before my hopes were ripe.
“Julie! Because you are waiting.”
His gaze on me turned back to her.
At the tip of Theon's gaze, her pink hair, fragrant like spring, and her
purple eyes sparkling like amethyst.
A bright smile as if a shadow had never been cast. So a very lovely
girl ran to Theon's side and stood there.
Julia Delevingne, Theon's irst and only love.
Due to family promises and my stubbornness, I had no choice but to
marry her, but Theon only loved her until death.
The two of them, who have been childhood friends for a long time,
are like puzzle pieces that it well together, so special that there is no
room for me to intervene.
After all, my life was like that.
I longed for Carnan's love but didn't get it, I longed for Theon's love
but didn't get it... … unlovable life.
Theon looked for Julia even after marrying me.
Dozens of letters exchanged with Julia without me knowing.
Knowing this, I didn't let him go to Julia, and I didn't even do it
recklessly because I loved him so badly.
I was blinded by jealousy towards Julia. I prayed that Julia would
disappear from Theon's side, no, that she would die.
And when my faithful subordinate made a plausible charge and
brought Julia's death, I rejoiced. Now thinking that Theon will come to
But in the end, Theon escaped from me by death and went to her
He died because of my greed after all. My sel ish love killed him.
Can I call it love? Even now, this feeling that feels like it will break
your heart?
“Julia is here too!”
Ray had already greeted Julia and called her warmly.
“Dorothy. This is Julia Delevingne. They said they came from the
Grand Duchy of Freedia with Theon.”
Rei introduced them one by one formally. Theon and Julia explained
that they had come to the island with their parents to attend Ray's
book-launching ceremony shortly thereafter.
After the introduction, Julia politely bowed her knees and bowed
“Hello, Princess Dorothea.”
Julia smiled brightly and greeted her lovingly and kindly. to the point
of jealousy.
no. You should laugh, Dorothy. You can't hate Julia.
“… … hi."
I tried to raise the corners of my mouth to say hello, but my
emotions were out of control.
Unlike her innocent smile, my smile was stained with all kinds of
It was because Julia and Theon naturally held hands and rubbed their
What did you expect, Dorothy? To the subject that killed Theon once.
“Dorothy is there… … .”
“I want to go up to my room, nanny.”
Before Rey could say anything else, I pulled on the nanny's white
The prince who I killed with my own hands, the love who chose death
to avoid me, and the woman my love loves, there is no place for me to
stand in between.
I couldn't stand the pain just to exist.
"yes? Aren't you hanging out with your new friends?"
"I feel tired."
I turned my eyes away from them and ran up to the room.
Forgetting that my hand couldn't let go of Theon's handkerchief.

The name Milanaire was a curse to me.

Because I had to attend Ray's inaugural ceremony just by the name
of Milanaire.
Even though Rei didn't like being crowned, I had to admit it.
“What do you do, Dorothy! I am so nervous!”
“Stay still, Ray.”
Rey, who was preparing for the opening ceremony, could not stand
still as she walked back and forth in front of me.
I was so upset that I couldn't concentrate on reading the book.
I was looking at a history book whose cover had been replaced with a
children's illustration book.
After my nanny came up with Carnan's scheme, I got into the habit of
deliberately changing the cover when reading a dif icult book.
“I am the Crown Prince today, Dorothy.”
"okay. The prince of the great empire Ubera.”
I replied nonchalantly.
Before returning, I was very dissatis ied with Rei becoming the
Crown Prince.
Although I was only eight years old at the time, I had a clear
understanding of the political implications of the ceremony.
Even if it didn't have to be political, it was clear that Ray had a better
place than me.
And that Dorothea Milanaire will never be able to get up there, and
she won't be celebrated for being the hero of a big event like the Crown
Prince's ceremonial.
Therefore, I stood there with a fat face throughout the ceremony of
his inaugural ceremony, and as soon as the ceremony was over, I
became annoyed with the nanny again.
While resenting myself for not being able to summon the spirit of
But now, I was prepared to hand over the throne to Rei.
I don't like Rey, but I wouldn't bring him down or kill him again.
'But I'm a little worried.'
Considering that such a bright idiot would rule the empire.
Spirits make emperors, but they do not have much power, and they
do not give advice on governing the country.
Of course, I wasn't a good monarch either, so I can't even say
anything with ten mouths. Because they ruined the country with
excessive greed and obsession.
So what I worry about Ray is that a dog covered in dung is a dog with
“The Crown Prince is an important position, Ray.”
I had a lot of things I wanted to say and my emotions were
complicated, but I only said one word.
Hope you don't make the same mistake as me.
Unlike me, I hope you don't make a mistake.
“Huh, huh, I know. So I'm so nervous! Dorothy, do I look like a
Rey took a deep breath and turned around.
No, I feel like an idiot every day. A little dressed fool.
An idiot with a half-curly blonde hair greased and dressed in a white
uniform and cape.
It's nice to look at, but it hasn't changed that he's still a Ray guy.
No, on the contrary, the serious look did not go well with Ray, so it
felt even more ridiculous.
People praised Ray for being quite brave and handsome, but well.
“It would have been better if Dorothy instead of me was the Crown
Prince. Dorothy must have inished the book-opening ceremony nicely
without trembling. Dorothy is smarter than me.”
“… … .”
Those words were too stupid to cover them up as pure and kind.
If I hadn't returned, I would have slapped him right away.
How cruel those words are to a person who can't become a prince,
the fool Ray who was born with everything doesn't know.
So I couldn't like Ray, who was pure, kind, and lovely.
“I can’t because I can’t summon a spirit.”
“No, Dorothy will be summoning spirits soon, right?”
No, I never see it. until the death.
Whether or not she knew my heart, Rey held out her chest and
assured me that the day I would meet the spirit would soon come.
Ray does not know that hasty consolation and encouragement are
like hacking into pieces for me.
I bit my lip tight as a bad heart kept growing inside me.
'Ray knows nothing.'
It's just that I don't know
Dorothy, you must live a good life. do not forget.
Then Ray sneaked up to me and sat down.
“Dorothy, can’t you just tell me to stay strong once?”
"why me?"
“If Dorothy tells you to be strong, I think I’ll do well.”
Rei tilted her head with a soft smile and met eyes with me. A pleasant
blue light shone refreshingly from the inside of the golden eyelashes.
I wrinkled my eyebrows over my blunt face in a gesture that seemed
to wag my tail like a fox.
“Just ruin it.”
“Dorothy, don’t do that, huh? My brother, hug me just once. yes?"
What I was asked to do was suddenly developed into a hug.
Even the charming nose was perfect, so I gladly answered.
“Yeah, ruin it.”
Where do you dare to swear? Instead of hugging, I'm holding on to
wanting to give you a ist if it's a gift.
He grew pale like a dog with droopy ears, bowed his head and puffed
out his lower lip.
“Dorothy seems to hate me just looking at me.”
did you know that now? I really don't even notice
Still, I'm working hard not to show hatred, so I understand, Ray.
I couldn't put it out through my mouth, but I wanted Rey to realize it
on his own and not look for me in the future.
“Prince Ray, you must go in soon.”
Just then, the servant in charge of the ceremony came to pick up Ray.
“… … Dorothy, will you still come to see my book-opening ceremony?”
If you can't go, you don't want to go, but you can't go.
As he nodded as if he couldn't do it, he smiled.
“If Dorothy is watching, I think I can do well.”
“… … .”
If it wasn't for Ray, I might have liked him.
He could have just thought he was a good fool and made him cute.
Ray's eyes twinkled as if he was expecting a single word to say good-
bye, but I ignored him in the end.


Ray's book closing ceremony.

I was fortunate to have my seat in front of Theon.
If Theon had caught my eye because it was in front of me, I would
have been melancholy at seeing Julia standing next to him after being
mesmerized by him.
The only dissatisfaction was that Carnon was in sight.
Nominally I was the daughter of his blood, so I had to stand in the
front row close to Carnon.
As the ceremony for appointing the Crown Prince was a national
ambassador, Carnan wore a golden cloak that covered the loor and was
holding a scepter that symbolized the Milanese imperial family.
At the end of the scepter that Karnan was holding, there was a
sculpture of a spirit with arms outstretched as if hugging the air.
Originally, the spirit stone of light should be placed in the arms of the
spirit, but it is empty because the spirit stone fell into the sea and was
lost in the past.
It is possible to replace it with another gem, but it is said that putting
another gem in the place of the spirit stone is an insult to the spirit, so
it is said that it was left empty.
'… … Did you ind the broken pieces of that spirit stone?'
I think I heard the story of inding the Spirit Stone right before being
executed, but at that time, I gave up everything and lost my mind, so
my memories were sparse and hazy.
“The light of the glorious Milanaire shall shine upon the whole
empire… … .”
Meanwhile, as the opening ceremony was held, I realized something
'Carnan, the barrel is small.'
When I was young again, the book closing ceremony was
It was not deliberately prepared frugally.
Since it was the place to announce the successor to the next throne,
it was a big event where the entire palace was buzzing and noisy for a
few days before, and it was also a place where many nobles gathered so
much that Fried came a long way.
'When I was young, Ray's ceremonies seemed to be big and great.'
There was a time when Carnan, who sat proudly on the throne, felt
terrifying and distant.
There were times when I felt like a great being that I couldn't reach,
and I felt like I had to get his attention to be recognized as a part of the
But now Carnan was nothing to me.
To my eyes, Carnan's accessories looked rustic, and the chandelier
hanging from the ceiling looked small and shabby. The seats were too
cramped and the lowers were too common.
It was because my eyes, which had taken the peak of luxury, were too
When I had a banquet, I lit a ire that did not go out even at night as if
the sun had risen, brought the best alcohol and food, and played and
drank. He cuts jewels and beautiful stones to make lowers and trees,
and invites dancers from distant lands to dance.
If I had held the dedication ceremony, it would have been much
bigger, louder, and extravagant than this.
'… … Like a tyrant.'
It was possible because he was a tyrant who ate the backs of his
So I'm guessing Karnon is doing a good job.
At that time, Ray entered along the red carpet in the middle with
people standing up.
A majestic pipe organ was played, and countless candles lit up.
When Rey appeared, those present all at once bowed their heads.
Around Rey, the spirit of light was buzzing like a mosquito.
Evidence of the Crown Prince. Quali ications of Milanaire. emperor's
'… … You don't need that kind of power.'
I beat Rey without it.
I stared at Rey walking in, struggling to push the past behind me.
His tensed face and stiff shoulders were funny.
With trembling hands, Ray, who came with the chorale, looked as if
she would stumble over the hem of her long robe at any moment.
In the meantime, Rei rolled her blue eyes without looking straight
ahead and met my eyes.
Immediately after looking at me, the corners of his mouth went up
and he smiled broadly so that he could see his teeth!
'What are you doing! You have to look straight ahead and walk!'
What a stupid laugh at a ceremony that should be solemn!
It would have been nice to have stopped there, but with his laughter,
the spirits of light that orbited him along the orbit began to luctuate
That idiot, doesn't he handle spirits properly?
'Look ahead, in front!'
I shouted out my mouth to Rei, who was not looking ahead.
Ray nodded eagerly as if he recognized the shape of my mouth
The nodded head shook the choir in his hand, and the spirits shook
as if dancing.
'No, why are you nodding your head during the ceremony!'
Silly Ray!
Fortunately, Ray followed my instructions and saw the front, and
climbed onto the podium safely without falling.
I couldn't take my eyes off of it, as if I had left a child on the water's
Such an idiot is the next emperor.
If it were me, a mistake like this... … no. You don't deserve to think
like that, Dorothy.
I shook my head to shake the thoughts away.
However, I wish that the person who became the emperor on my
behalf would be a great saint who would go down in history if at all
possible, but that was just a pity.


There was another reason why the name Milanaire was not good.
The great imperial family was that it had to look like an externally
plausible family.
At the banquet hall that was held after the ceremony was over, I had
to stand by Ray and Carnan just because I was a Milanaire.
“You look exactly like the deceased Empress, Her Majesty.”
“It is very similar to the appearance of Her Majesty Empress Alice as
a child.”
“You’re talking nonsense.”
Carnan cut off the words of those who showed interest in me and
changed the subject.
From then on, the centerpiece of the whole story was Carnon and
Ray, and I stood in the background like a candlestick on the wall.
The body of a large adult, concentrating on the conversation,
obscured me, and I was pushed back as if I had been cut off from the
group talking more and more.
'I hate this.'
Bringing people in and treating them as a background.
And you shouldn't leave because it's 'Milanaire'.
If it had been before the return, he would have been caught in the
midst of them, trying to get attention from among them.
I would have tried to prove just how smart I am and how valuable I
am. At the same time, he must have cursed while stating Rei's
shortcomings as a crown prince.
But now, I kept my mouth shut and waited for this time to end
“Dorothy. come here."
Surrounded by grown-ups, Rey sometimes turned around and called
me back in the shadows, but today's protagonist, swept away by
people's attention, turned away from me again.
Then someone stood next to me and handed me juice.
“Isn’t it fun?”
It was Theon. He was holding red pomegranate juice like wine. The
pomegranate color, clear and red as his eyes, suited him well.
I stiffened like a fool and looked at him.
Theon is talking to me, handed me juice... … !
I couldn't help but be surprised.
Theon was polite but kept a certain distance from people.
There seemed to be a fence around him, so no one could easily
approach him. Except for Julia Delevingne.
But why does he come and talk to you irst?
Maybe you brought the juice for me? Really?
Thinking of him having the juice for me again, my heart started
racing without knowing the subject.
"Please eat. You haven't eaten anything since before."
from before? So you're saying you've been watching me for a while?
When it comes to things related to Theon, I go back to being a child
and get excited and concerned about the little things.
I took the juice he gave me, calming my trembling hands.
But he didn't even think to drink the juice he gave him.
With Theon by his side, he didn't think about what to put in his
mouth, but it was the irst time he had given him something like this,
so the pomegranate juice felt a waste.
I can't drink this. I think it would be a waste to bring it to the room
and display it.
I wanted this red drink to last a lifetime without evaporating and
“Her Majesty Raymond was very proud of the princess. He's very
smart, he's a genius."
"yes. They say you've already memorized all the cesarean studies."
I didn't know where to put myself at Theon's praise.
It was true that I was smarter than Ray.
Not only through regression, but even before regression, I learned a
lot faster than Ray.
Despite the two-year age difference, he outperformed Ray in various
ields such as geometry, philosophy, and history.
It was because I felt that there was nothing worse than Ray because I
was burning with my desire to receive attention and to have
If I read the constellations before Ray and calculate the time, I
misunderstood that someone would love me more.
I believed that if I answered any question before Rey, someone would
recognize me.
However, what came back unexpectedly was not recognition, but
“I hope to see you at Episteme.”
At Theon's words, I had to control my expression again.
Episteme was the best academy in the empire, a school that nurtures
talented people, and a place of exchange for excellent nobles to spend
time together and form networks in advance.
Not only Ubera, but also foreign royalty and nobles, most of whom
graduated from Episteme, and even formed factions among the nobles
who graduated from Episteme.
However, unlike Rey who was able to enter the Empire's highest
academy, the Episteme, I was not allowed to enter the Episteme
because I must not be ahead of the Crown Prince.
Was I born to decorate Raymond?
If I go to Ephisteme, I can show you how great I am, so why are you
saying no!
At the time, I couldn't quite understand it. Even nobles who can't see
spirits do well in Episteme, but I felt like I was going crazy because I
couldn't go as a princess.
In the end, not being able to accept that fact, I iercely resisted.
I left the palace and threw stones at Episteme. The stone I threw
broke a window and hit the eldest son of the Duke of Bronte in the
The severe head shattered intensi ied protests from the Dukes of
Bronte, and Carnan imprisoned me again in the palace and prohibited
me from giving food except water for a week.
The relationship with Karnan, who had already been bad, was
completely separated by that.
“… … I’m not going to Episteme.”
"why? If it's a princess, obviously... … .”
As Theon continued speaking, he noticed that my expression had
hardened and shut his mouth.
Unlike Rey, he was quite intelligent and able to keep quiet.
Although he is still young, it seems that Fried's family tradition of
'silence' is already ingrained in his body.
I didn't mean to.
I wanted to talk to Theon, but the story of Episteme came out... … .
I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with him, so I hurriedly
tried to ind another topic.
“Today’s weather… … .”
“Theon, the Grand Duke is calling!”
But before he could ind the subject, Julia called him.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Princess. The Grand Duke is calling. See you again
Theon rushed towards Julia at the call of Archduke Fried.
“… … okay."
I answered Theon's back as he moved away. in a sound he couldn't
When Theon left, I felt a little more humble.
No one seemed to care about me.
If you're not here, no one will care.
It was from the beginning though.
'I just have to go in.'
I walked over to Karnon to tell him I was going in irst.
The desire to sneak in was like a chimney, but the politeness of this
place meant nothing.
"your majesty."
When I called for Carnon, a nobleman standing by Carnon turned
around and slapped my arm.
The wind spilled the pomegranate juice Theon gave me on my
Red water soaked my white dress.
“Oh, Princess!”
“… … Dorothea.”
I was about to be annoyed by how I was feeling, but Carnon looked
down at me coldly.
“Dorothea. Apologize.”
Maybe it's my fault?
I even forgot that it was against etiquette to ask the emperor, so I
spoke back.
Someone hit my juice glass and got my clothes dirty.
I stood still, and my opponent turned around and hit me, spilling the
juice Theon had given me.
But where are you going to apologize? To my dirty clothes? Or maybe
to my being who was there? Or to the me in the past who decided to say
hello that I didn't even want to be polite?
He was furious for a moment, but he knew why Carnon was doing
It was the Duke of Bronte who struck me. The Duke of Bronte was an
important guest for Carnan.
It was because Bronte's eldest son was right that I threw stones at
Episteme and then fasted for a week.
It means that the great emperor valued the duke more highly than
the princess whom he might see several times in his life.
Those present at once understood what Carnon's judgment meant.
“Your Majesty, Dorothy… … .”
Rey, who didn't understand the meaning, tried to intervene, but I
gladly apologized.
What's so hard about apology? You decided to live a good life.
In the old days, I would have yelled at the whale and protested that it
wasn't my fault, but now I'm even tired of meaningless ights.
Because Carnon didn't do this for a day or two.
I am the only one who gets hurt when I think about it with sadness,
resentment, and sadness.
just this... … It's as natural and normal as breathing.
“Princess, no. I accidentally... … .”
“It was my mistake for interrupting the conversation.”
It was my fault for intervening between His Majesty the Great
Emperor and His Majesty the Duke, who were talking without even
knowing the fountain.
I was bad I… … 'cause I'm a bad person
“Robert. The princess's clothes are dirty, so let the nanny bring them
Carnan called aide Robert, and ordered him to get out of here.
His ingers move with one swipe, just as if he were removing dirty
garbage from a noble place.
I clenched the empty juice glass.
The juice that Theon had given him spilled out and not a single drop
I'm really used to this kind of situation, but it's hard because it's
been a while.
Robert patted me on the back and led me out of the banquet hall.
'I'd rather be ine. I have an excuse to go in.'
I thought to myself like that, and turned around quietly, following
I wanted to go quickly and rest.
But then. I made eye contact with Theon and Julia, who were
standing together on one side of the banquet hall. Their gazes of
concern and sympathy.
At that moment, blood rushed to his face.
It was de initely something I could pass on with a worn-out feeling,
but as soon as I realized that the two were watching, I became in initely
ashamed and wanted to hide somewhere.
I ran straight up to the room.
Without an assistant or nanny, he went into the room alone and
closed the door.
Theon's expression did not leave his head.
'Don't look at me like that, Theon.'
don't look at my ugly face
don't look at my shame
If you don't love me, don't worry about me.
A glass of juice illed the red love, and then spilled again with de iled
I locked the door and crouched down, hugging my juice-soaked
I thought I was okay with spilling juice on my clothes, being treated
like that by Carnan, and even bowing in my pride and apologizing, but
Theon's eyes turned over at once.
I clenched the hem of my robe in a feeling I could hardly control.
'you hate me.'
Even though I know it won't work with Theon, I hate myself for
making him unhappy once, and yet my body and mind are shaken at the
sight of him.
Ironically, I only wanted to show a perfect, beautiful, and wonderful
igure in front of him.
I wanted to show the image of a princess who was recognized by
Carnan and kept her place in a beautiful way at the party.
I didn't like that.
My feelings for still wanting to see him like that.
Besides, my bad heart deeply jealous of Julia who stood by him.
'You know that Theon never loves me.'
He still had Julia, and I was still Dorothea.
For Theon, he built a splendid palace that will go down in history,
made the most fragrant garden, gave him a rare and beautiful bird he
had never seen before, and gave him clothes and jewelry that everyone
would envy, but he couldn't get love.
A heart that could not be turned no matter how hard I tried.
'But what are you expecting?'
The answer is already there, but the foolish regret kept pretending
not to know and forcing it.
have to let go Let Theon go.
However, the stains left by the juice he gave him seemed not to be
erased no matter how much he washed them.
at that time.
knocking on the door.
“Dorothy, are you okay?”
And the voice I didn't really want.
I bit my lip tight.
“I came here because I was worried. You see, Your Majesty... … .”
“Leave me alone, Ray!”
I covered my ears and shouted at the door.
I don't know why he, today's protagonist, left the banquet hall and
came up to my room.
But Ray didn't give up and shouted at the door.
“Parties are no fun. So Dorothy, shall we play together?”
At the end of his words, the emotions he had been barely holding
back exploded.
I walked over to a bang and slammed the door open.
“This is not a place where you can get out like this just because it’s
not fun! If you are a prince, act like a prince! Don’t just think about
playing, do what you have to do, and do it right!”
A nervous voice echoed through the hallway.
Then Rey made a bewildered face and trembled as if she was about
to cry.
“I mean… … I'm worried about Dorothy... … .”
“No need to worry about you!”
So please stop paying attention to me and go away.
“Princess… … .”
At that moment, an ominous voice came from one side.
no way… … .
When I turned my head, Theon and Julia were standing side by side
in the hallway.
In an instant, my heart fell into the dark abyss.
Why are Theon and Julia here... … .
“Theon and Julie came to play together… … .”
Ray said in a weeping voice.
As soon as they opened the door, they were shooting at Rey, so they
didn't know they were there.
I looked back at the two of them with a surprised expression and
stepped back into the door.
no. These are not the things I want to show you.
But I made no excuses before them. Instead, he slammed the door
again and locked it as if running away from them.
I lost strength in my legs and my head was dizzy, so I sat down in
front of the door.
'What will Theon think of me now?'
A rude and bad-tempered person who is despised by my father, the
emperor, and dares to get nervous even with the crown prince.
Anything else?
I buried my face in my hands and crouched down.
How dare you think of being loved on a subject like this.
Even I hate myself so much, who would like me?
I made a mistake and I burst into tears. The more I hated crying, the
smaller I crouched and hid myself from the world.


I couldn't get out of bed for several days after that. It wasn't a cold,
but I had a fever and felt sick.
“He is a healthy person… … .”
“It must have been a shock to the princess that day.”
The doctor who came to the examination said, 'Because he's so
smart,' he added a little.
“If you rest well, you will be well in a few days.”
The doctor prescribed me an antipyretic and left.
You're just getting sick of something like that. He was so pathetic and
weak that he tried to hate me again.
“Princess, if you are bored, can I bring you a book?”
The nanny tried to make me feel better. Sorry for the nanny trying to
take care of a kid like me.
“Nanny, how about moving the nanny to another palace?”
“It’s hard work here. The other servants come and go for a little
while, and the rest is up to the nanny.”
“Are you having a hard time? There is no other place as comfortable
as here. How lucky it is to have someone as smart as the princess.”
The nanny laughed because I didn't mess around with things and I
didn't have much to do.
“So, be a little messy and complain about it, Princess. The princess is
too mature and she tries to do everything by herself.”
The nanny gently stroked my hair. Even though I thought I was pretty
big now by the age of eight, I felt the nanny's hands were very large.
“If you get messy and complaining, the nanny will be annoyed.”
“I am here to do that.”
“It will be annoying.”
Even if I said that, I knew well that I would soon get angry if I was
grumpy, messy, and bothered.
He's a good boy who doesn't crash and listens well, so he's probably
taking care of my nanny.
It wouldn't be easy to do all sorts of chores while watching a child
alone in this lonely and lonely Conberta Palace, but I didn't want to add
dif iculty to that.
“I will live a good life.”
I didn't want to call myself a bad child.

Two months later, I turned nine.
But that didn't change anything. Few people still visited the Palace of
Ray hasn't come to visit me since that day. After becoming the Crown
Prince and entering Episteme, he seemed to be quite busy.
'I was even angry that day.'
Rey's crying face lashed through his head.
now you hate me won't come to me That's good.
Now I just have to live a good life without any hindrances... … .
“Dorothy… … .”
this. Rey, who I thought would never come again, stood in front of the
door and looked at me, crouching, leaning on the bed.
“I brought you a present.”
Ray, who looks at me and can't come in, is arrogant.
Even though you were so angry that day, how could you think of
coming to see me? It's crazy, but are you really stupid?
As I looked at him in an awkward way, Ray sneaked into the room, as
if he had accepted my silence as a sign of af irmation.
In his hand was a basket of tomatoes that he had brought as a gift.
Suddenly, what tomato?
“It’s the irst tomato I’ve grown myself!”
Ray proudly held up the tomato basket and smiled brightly.
a tomato? So, does that mean that the Crown Prince was sitting while
growing tomatoes?
Rei has been quite busy with her of icial attendance at Episteme.
Since he has just become the Crown Prince, there must have been a lot
of new things to learn and many things to do.
But you were wasting your time plowing the ields like this?
“Growing tomatoes is fun. I also planted pumpkins and eggplants!”
Ray confessed that he had built a vegetable garden behind Stipes
Palace, the Crown Prince's palace, without Karnon's knowledge.
He knew from his previous life that Ray was tending a garden.
However, at the time, Rey and I were not on the same side as we are
now - although it is dif icult to say that we are still on the same side - so
Rey tried to hide that fact from me as much as possible.
Ray probably thought that I would ruin his garden if I told him about
It was indeed the right choice. If he had told me about the garden
before returning, I would have ruined it.
Anyway, that's why I knew that the garden was just a piece of
However, since I have accepted him to some extent in this life, I have
easily con ided my secrets. stupidly.
“… … You didn't study, did you grow up like this?"
I looked at the tomatoes and asked.
To the Crown Prince, while attending Episteme, I was not faithful to
it, and was immersed in my favorite game?

'If you are a prince, act like a prince! Don't just think about playing,
do what you have to do and do it right!'

Why did I get angry when I said this to him?

A feeling of betrayal came over me.
Unlike me, who lived desperately, Ray lives happily.
That way, he could have become an emperor.
I didn't have time to care about the garden or anything, I only ran to
defeat you, but you were still a legitimate prince.
“I studied in my spare time.”
As my bruises lew sharply, Rey made excuses as if she was dying.
Occasionally? At those words, laughter broke out.
Instead of studying in my spare time, I should have been growing
tomatoes in my spare time. No, I should have studied while I was
growing tomatoes.
Even though the main cast was overturned, it was too overturned.
He was already eleven years old. Now I know what to do, but why am
I so innocent and immature?
Is it because everything is easy? Everything was given for free?
How I tried to get what was just given to you!
I forcefully swallowed anything I wanted to get mad at him and tried
to rationalize it.
“… … You can't be a good emperor like that, Rei."
Be nice, yes, be nice.
Even as he made up his mind to do so, the desire that Rei did not
become the emperor rose.
why are you Why is the Spirit of Light only visible to you?
Greed raises my head again, and I remember my sins again and
forcefully break my greed.
No matter what Rei was, it was true that I did not become a good
"ah… … Well, yes... … .”
Rey's expression hardened at my words and he bowed his head.
Ah, well, yes. Was it going to end with such a silly statement?
Contrary to my core feelings, his answer was too light.
He glanced at me and slowly put down the tomato basket.
“Still, Dorothy, try the tomatoes. It will be delicious.”
Whether he understood me or not, he continued talking about
I turned away from the tomato basket he had put down.
It's obvious that if the great Crown Prince postponed his studies and
ate the tomatoes he grew as a hobby, he would pretend to be.
When I didn't respond, he nodded.
“Of course, I’ll do well in Episteme and become a great older brother.”
It was an unbelievable promise.
I don't need a nice brother. 'Cause I don't want a nice brother. So,
make sure you cover your face properly.
The words reached his lips, then swallowed again into the depths of
his heart.
“But Dorothy, don’t you want to go out?”
Rey noticed that I was getting dark and quickly changed the subject.
“Dorothy has never been outside the Imperial Palace.”
At his words, I understood.
By the time I was nine years old, I had never left the Imperial Palace
as if I was locked in a castle.
I didn't have any friends to go out with, and I didn't have anything to
He didn't even go to Episteme, so he had no reason to go out.
Everything you needed was in the Imperial Palace, and if you needed
anything, you could just call a person to the Imperial Palace.
A tailor came to the palace to match clothes, and the imperial chef
provided what he wanted to eat.
If you want to take a walk, go out to the large Imperial Palace garden
where you can walk all day.
Moreover, as I had already become an emperor and traveled all over
the empire, I was not curious about the outside world.
“How about going out? It’s frustrating to be in the Imperial Palace.”
Ray seems to have had fun going out while going to Episteme
Rei explained that there were a lot of things outside the Imperial
Palace and other things.
How many people, how free, how many unfamiliar objects on the
He made a great introduction outside the imperial palace, where he
had been to a new continent that had not been discovered anywhere.
You really know me as a fool.
Everything he was talking about was all I knew.
Things that are common without knowing it, but are rare to see in
this old-fashioned imperial palace.
“If Dorothy goes out, I’m sure it will be fun. Because you are smart,
you will feel a lot of things.”
he smiled brightly.
“Would you like to go out with me someday?”
Rei turned pale when he refused with a single blow.


“Princess, don’t you really want to go outside?”

The nanny asked me quietly.
The nanny seemed to be still interested in Rey's words a while ago.
Moreover, after Ray of icially started attending Episteme, the
number of visits to me has signi icantly decreased, and the nanny is
very concerned about him.
Ray was the best friend to me, but that too disappeared or
Rei was almost the only visitor to the Converta Palace, so it was not
that the nanny's concerns were not understood.
'But I'm thankful that Ray was busy.'
It's comfortable and quiet.
“When you go out, you will feel refreshed and refreshed.”
The nanny continued to persuade me. It's already been a week since I
talked about going out whenever I had time.
“You might ind something that the princess likes outside. How many
So I'm not curious.
But the nanny wanted me to see and learn more, saying that I could
not see the real world by living in this narrow palace.
A few days of chirping that more experiences will make me a better
Eventually I surrendered.
do it It was a bit harsh for me to never go out of the Imperial Palace
until I was nine years old.
She's not the princess in a fairy tale who is cursed and locked in a
“Okay, nanny.”
There was no reason to refuse to go out until he was stubborn.
The nanny was happy to see that my answer was the beginning of a
positive change for the nanny and prepared my outing.
“But, just in case you don’t know, I’ll give you an hour or two to look
The nanny wrapped the cloak around me and said,
So, that was the starting point.


“Okay, you must have properly communicated the terms to that

woman, didn’t you?”
“Five big ones. To the Red Well in a week.”
I was overhearing the conversation with my eyes covered with a
towel or something.
I could feel the rough straw on the loor and the dry air wrapped in
dry dust and sand with every breath I took.
So this.
“She looked like a pretty rich girl.”
kidnapping children.
On my irst outing, I encountered such a formidable incident.
While walking on the street, the nanny collapsed with a terrifying
popping sound when she was afraid to step on a sparsely populated
After that, a handkerchief covering my mouth and nose hit me from
behind, and I lost consciousness.
They seem to have brought me here, and the nanny kept me until she
came to my senses, and then sent me to fetch the money.
They didn't even seem to know that I was a princess yet.
I was awake to a certain extent, but perhaps because of the medicinal
energy, I was dazed and drowsy, and I left my collapsed body as it was.
The kidnappers kept talking about whether they thought I had lost
my mind yet.
“They say that if you leave the girl behind, you will die. So I was like,
'Would you like to kill both of them here? If you want to save the girl,
bring the money,' and she goes away crying. Oh, I thought I'd just take
that girl with me and sell it."
I could hear the kidnappers giggle among themselves.
Seriously, if you want life to be dirty, it can get dirty somehow.
I was more angry than scared.
I wanted to live a good life, but why is everyone so anxious that they
can't touch me?
“When are you going to kill him?”
“Once we are certain that the money is in our hands. Before that,
there might be some use for it.”
“It’s crazy to see a little girl wearing clothes that are more expensive
than our house price.”
"then. Those unlucky people should be burned to death.”
A spit spit was heard nearby.
I'm like this, who once was even an emperor.
The fact that I had just been kidnapped by that frivolous kidnapper
caused ridicule.
it was easy
There was no escort driver assigned to me normally. Even with the
guards who adequately defended the imperial palace, my safety was
suf iciently protected.
So, it's about going out for a while, so I thought there was no need to
bring an escort driver.
I never received death threats, no one threatened me, and no one
knew that I was a princess except for the nobles who frequented the
imperial palace.
I acknowledged my and the imperial complacency.
But what upsets me is that I don't have the strength to ight them.
I am nine years old. The physical condition of dealing with an adult
man was miserable.
Besides, I didn't even sharpen my swordsmanship.
Before the return, I used to use a sword enough to be called the
incarnation of war, but after the return, I purposely avoided the sword.
I was afraid that I might use the sword for something bad.
Because of that, I am now a girl who is inconvenient enough to be
said to be a white student.
I misunderstood the subject for a while. Because of the memories
before the return, I believed that I could handle some risk well.
I don't have any skills right now.
'It doesn't matter if I die early, but at least I don't want to die from
these guys.'
I don't have a dream of eternal life, but I don't want to end my second
life with being caught and killed by a kidnapper.
Even if it's an unlovable life, since it's the second time, I want to die
gracefully and normally.
I shook my head, waiting for it to clear up a bit.
can i get out?
“It has been three days since she left, and there is still no news.”
“It will take some time to prepare and get to the Red Well.”
three days? I've been asleep for three days?
Somehow, I felt so weak and thirsty.
I found water when I woke up in the middle, and I also remember
that they gave me water.
Was it the drugged water?
After thinking for a long time, I have come to the conclusion that I
can't just lie down like this.
First of all, Plan A is to appeal to me as an ordinary and weak girl so
that they can be vigilant.
I knew that being smart would only dig my own grave.
“Wow… … .”
I tried to rub my eyes over the eyepatch that covered my eyes, but
the eyepatch bothered me and tried to pretend I was about to take it
Fortunately, my hands and feet were free.
After three days of starvation, the probability of defeating the grown
men and escaping was close to zero, so they didn't seem to have tied
them up either.
“I think you’re awake.”
“Kid, are you awake?”
A voice saying hello passed through my ears.
“Wow, I can’t see this… … .”
“Release me.”
I heard someone approaching, and I removed the eyepatch that
covered my eyes.
In a dark and shabby room, there was no dazzling feeling even when
the eyes that had been closed for a long time were opened.
There were no windows, so he couldn't tell where he was, whether it
was night or day.
'Once the kidnapper... … Do you see two people?'
I checked the situation while pretending to open my eyes sullenly.
One was playing cards alone on one side, and the other was killing
time sitting in the chair next to me.
The person sitting in the chair next to me had a long scar on his
forehead and a sword around his waist.
From the looks of it, they didn't seem like a great organization, but
they looked like government gangs from the streets.
'… … Did you just get hurt by these guys?'
Really low self-esteem.
“Hello, kid.”
The guy sitting next to me made eye contact with me and smirked.
But that smile looked dull rather than sweet.
I happily accepted his greeting.
Not only is it not scary, but irst of all, it takes time to understand
them, so you have no choice but to get a crush on them.
It seemed like things were going to work out somehow because I
sent a nanny, but if there's anything I'm worried about.
'… … Carnan might give up on me.'
You may think that it is better to spend money as a discarding hand
than to give money.
Maybe you think it's good.
'You can't just trust Carnon.'
He said three days had already passed.
This means that the imperial family has not been able to ind such a
thief-like kidnapper for three days.
After a week had passed, I didn't know what they would do to me.
Carnan's trust in Carnan had penetrated the ground and was rotting
under the subterranean bedrock water and lava.
If there was a problem, it was the condition of my body.
He starved for several days and had no energy because he had taken
“Who are you?”
Helpless, I decided to pretend to be an innocent child. Fool Ray for
I opened my eyes wide and when I asked, he looked at me for a
moment and then smiled.
“You are a cute little girl. I am Tutu.”
“Is Uncle Tutu the new nanny?”
"nurse? no. Not a nanny.”
“Then are you your friend?”
I smiled brightly. Like an idiot who can't understand the situation
without notice.
'If anyone had seen Dorothea Milanaire like this, they would laugh at
their belly button.'
I was angry at my situation where I had to win the favor of them even
with a smile that didn't it my personality, but I had to put up with it.
“Yeah, I’m Daddy’s friend.”
Perhaps because of my smile, Tutu's face suddenly loosened,
responding to my innocent acting.
“Then can I call you Uncle Tutu?”
“Uncle Tutu? Huh, yes, Uncle Tutu.”
Tutu smiled as if he liked the expression "uncle".
“Because he’s aristocrat, he looks pretty like a doll.”
Tutu looked me in the eye and muttered, and I forced a smile on my
Come on, there used to be a thing a certain blunt-spoken guy said to
me almost every day.

'If Your Majesty can smile, I can do anything. So, your Majesty, please
smile just once.'

Aside from the credibility of those words, people used to say I was
beautiful even before I became emperor.
As it was during Rey's opening ceremony, people said that I looked
just like Empress Alice.
My mother, Alice, who had already passed away, was so beautiful that
Crown Prince Carnon fell in love at irst sight.
Furthermore, it was the woman who stole his heart to the extent that
he would not remarry until the time of his death.
Even after her mother's death, the nobles occasionally talked about
her beauty.
I don't like the look in my eyes, but it doesn't look terrible in other
people's eyes.
“But where are you?”
I asked, shaking off my thoughts.
“This is my uncle’s house.”
lie. No matter how poor the house was, there were hardly any signs
of people buying it.
But there was no other way than to cheat.
I had to buy some time before I igured out the situation.
“Wow, but what’s that on your uncle’s face? cool!"
I smiled broadly, pointing to the scar on his forehead.
There was no time to get angry or intimidated, and when
compliments came in, Tutu scratched his head in favor of it.
“Huh, huh? This is it. This uncle once had a 17-on-one ight with
scary people... … .”
“17 to 1? Did you ight with 17 people by yourself?”
I'll be bluf ing in moderation.
"right. Uncle alone fought with seventeen!”
"Wow! My uncle is the strongest in the world!”
I responded to the ostentatious bluff and clapped with small hands.
If it's 17 to 1 with a body like yours, maybe you're ighting an ant?
thinking that
“The ight was originally a ight we promised to ight with our bare
hands. But some mean guy pulled a knife out of his clothes.”
Oh, that's right. It seemed like it.
“He was aiming for my heart. It’s a wound from avoiding it.”
I don't know why he got such a scar on his forehead while avoiding a
knife that aimed at his heart, but he seems to have avoided it very
“I must have been sick.”
“This is nothing.”
He forgot that he had kidnapped me and became an uncle who told
his nephew the story of his heroic past.
“Your uncle is strong.”
“And it’s fast.”
Tutu made a loud 'shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' sound and moved his body
Oh, little. do it in moderation There are limits to what you can see.
"big. All. me. all."
I applauded and matched the tutu's bravado.
Tutu got excited, came closer to me, sat down, and continued
bluf ing.
As I listened, I could see that his imagination was very good.
I met a bear in the forest and I won it with my bare hands, so the
bear's skin is hanging on the house, or it was hit by a landslide and I
dug out the soil with my hands and survived.
'If that's the case, why don't you try writing a novel instead? If I had
that kind of imagination, I would have been able to make a living.'
I thought in a series of mechanical exclamations.
Listening to his bluff was as arduous as facing Carnon.
But thanks to you, I got time to sneak a look around.
Unfortunately, there was nothing in my favor, such as weapons, exit
locations, or the environment.
Having roughly grasped the situation, I did not need to listen to Tutu
any further.
"uncle… … I am hungry.”
Tired of listening to Tutu's bluffs, I interrupted his story as soon as I
had time.
If you listen more, your temper will come out.
Besides, his hands were shaking from hunger that had reached the
“Ouch! Our little girl is hungry!”
Tutu went to the man who was already on my side and was playing
Sitting on a chair at an angle, iddling with cards, he did not hide his
“Danny, he’s hungry.”
Danny stared at the tutu.
At a glance, it was clear that Danny was higher in the hierarchy than
“That’s right, it’s time for us to eat, and the kids starved a lot… … .”
Danny glanced at me scornfully.
But it was de initely time for dinner, so he ordered Tutu to bring him
a meal.
They cleared the playing table and prepared the meal.
The food served was quite reasonable.
'You kidnapped me and you're enjoying your dinner with the money
you'll get.'
One well-cooked chicken on bread topped with cheese.
Only after the smell of food stung my nose, the hunger I had been
ignoring came back.
It had been a long time since I had such a severe hunger.
Hunger to ask for a slice of bread even on one knee, which can make
people humiliated at times.
I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to drop to the level of begging the
If I opened my mouth, I felt like my saliva would leak out secretly.
Tutu naturally grabbed me and sat me down in front of the table
where the food was served.
“Where do you sit? Go down.”
Danny looked at me with a stern look.
Resoluteness that does not allow me to be humble.
It's not like I'm sitting there, but it's like someone who treats me like
a criminal.
The muf led words, "Can I just give you a piece of bread?" climbed up
to my throat, like a spider's web, and was barely swallowed.
“But the kid… … .”
“Aren’t you out of your mind? Are you here to play?”
Danny wrinkled his brow, and the tutu quickly curled up.
I quietly got down from the chair. Even after taking only a few steps,
my head was spinning.
You starved for three days, right? I feel more hungry than that.
“Tie him to a pole.”
“It’s my uncle… … .”
"Are you kidding me?"
Feeling frustrated with Tutu's soft behavior, Danny stood up with a
knife and came up to me.
He held a dagger the size of a sage's hand at me.
“Kid, we brought you here to kill, not your uncle.”
“… … why?"
“When I see rich kids like you, my belly gets twisted and I can’t stand
Danny grabbed me with his wretched hand, dragged me, and threw
me on a pole.
Perhaps because of three days of starvation, his body fell into his
hands very lightly.
I bit my teeth hard at the unpleasant treatment rather than pain.
Danny came with a rope and tied me to a pole.
“Danny, though, that’s a bit too much… … .”
“I’m going to kill you, what’s wrong with you? Or do you want to die
Tutu shut his mouth as Danny threatened with a dagger in his hand.
Then as he was about to sit down at the table again, Danny jumped
up like a frog.
"Ahh! shit!"
“Why, why, Danny!”
“Scorpion cub!”
Danny ran into the corner of the room.
I looked under the table and saw a scorpion I did not know where it
came from, lying lat.
While showing off its shiny dark brown shell.
Tutu, who found it, also slowly retreated back.
'… … A scorpion.'
I thought of a place where a scorpion might come from.
There are no scorpions in the Islands of Lampas... … .
There was only one place to point out.
In the past, when we were at war with a neighboring country in the
western desert, I remember suffering quite a bit from scorpions.
Sometimes there were soldiers who suffered damage, and there
were scorpions in my barracks.
Later, he was unable to catch scorpions, so he collected the scorpions
he caught and even held a scorpion ighting contest.
When you see the air is dry and the sand is scattered on the loor, it
must be right there.
'Even if you run away, it will be dif icult to return to the system... … .'
Shouldn't it have been two full days, even on a cart?
It is quite far from the islands, and there are not many villages near
the desert.
Even if I run away with my small body, I will quickly catch up with
them and have no travel expenses.
First of all, I'm hungry and I don't have the strength to run away.
“Tutu, catch that scorpion or throw it outside.”
“What if I am stung by a scorpion?”
While I was contemplating, the two of them were locked in a corner,
trembling like fools.
'I'm dying of hunger, but it's very noisy.'
It's not like people who aren't aristocrats see a scorpion once or
twice in their lives.
It was obvious that if I was stung by that little scorpion once in the
desert, I would die without treatment.
You'll die of poisoning before you even see a doctor.
“Damn it, this is why I hate deserts!”
I alternated them with scorpions.
Fortunately, the scorpion looked lat and had no intention of
'I have to think about eating something irst.'
My head was too dizzy to think more.
“Uncles, if I catch a scorpion, will you give me bread and milk?”
“Bread and milk?”
Tutu and Danny looked at each other.
“Can you really catch that scorpion?”
“If only I had two sticks.”
They were terri ied of entrusting me with a crisis situation, but they
couldn't ind any other solution.
In the end, they had no choice but to comply with my terms.
"great. If you catch a scorpion, I'll give you something to eat."
“Then let me get this out of the way.”
Get rid of this damn rope.
Then the tutu came close to the wall, sneaked up to me, and untied
the rope.
With my hands free, I picked up two of the lottery sticks I had been
waiting for.
Then, holding it like tongs, he grabbed the tail of the scorpion that
was on the loor and carefully lifted it up.
“I got it.”
I quietly picked up the scorpion and showed it to Danny.
“Hurry up!”
“Where are you going?”
Where there are no windows? Can I put it in your mouth?
“You can’t kill me, but will your uncle do that?”
Kill the scorpion for what sin. The guilt is on you.
"container! Let's put it in the bin! Our water bottle!”
“Why put a scorpion in a bucket of water, you bastard!”
While the two of them had a contest, the scorpion struggled with its
claws wildly extended.
not cute either
“Uncle, look at the scorpion. Have fun!”
As I smiled coldly, their faces became paler.
Two shiny claws and a stoutly outstretched tail were truly menacing.
“I am hungry and my hands are weak. I think I will miss it.”
If I miss and someone gets shot, that person ends today.
I thought maybe it would be a good idea to introduce a scorpion to
the two of them.
Then Danny ran away from me, running away from me, and opened
the locked door.
“Leave it outside! If you throw it away, I will give you something to
A kidnapper willing to open the door to a kidnapped child.
A single scorpion was the key.
“Are you going to give me something to eat tomorrow?”
“The day after tomorrow?”
As I lifted the scorpion as a toast, Danny exclaimed with tight eyes
Scorpion, the most beautiful creature in the world for this moment.
I left the room with the ecstatic scorpion.
The room led into a narrow, dark hallway.
Then I realized why there are no windows here.
'This is the basement.'
I made my way through the hallway and headed up the stairs.
Can't we just go out with the scorpion and run to the village? It's
hard, but I won't die from starving for three days... … .
I scrambled my head up the stairs and pushed the closed wooden
door open.
Then a bright light poured down. A dry sand wind blew with the light.
I frowned for a moment at the light so bright that it was hard to open
my eyes, but I slowly adjusted to the light and looked around.
'here is… … .'
And I knew. Why are they neglecting my surveillance?
The outside that came up from the underground was a ruined village
in a wasteland near the desert.
It was an endless wilderness, covered with sand, and it was
impossible to see where it was headed.
The intense sun was shining directly overhead without a single
shade, heating up the sandy loor.
I'm at a loss as to how to ind hope here.
With this body, it was clear that he was going to fall over there on the
way to the hot horizon.
Which way is the town? Where will people be? Who knows I'm here
My heart also dried up and dried up in a land that was as barren as a
blank sheet of paper.
I set the scorpion down on a parched bush in the distance.
Unlike me, who didn't know where to go, the scorpion went around
the sand as if it knew which way to go and then disappeared.


Fortunately, they knew how to keep their promise.

I could ill my meal with bread topped with stinky milk and camel
They were never friendly, but neither did they use excessive
intimidation or violence against me in case the scorpion reappeared
'I wish there was just one more scorpion.'
The next day, Tutu, who had gone out to ind food, came in.
“I went out to the village and heard that the princess disappeared
from the island!”
“… … What?"
“I must have been kidnapped!”
Danny's eyes turned directly to me.
His eyes weren't a very good sign of my fate.
I was worried about this, so I never said anything about my origin
until now, but this happened.
Who the hell is it? The person who spread the news that the princess
was abducted.
It is a matter that should have been kept secret even for the sake of
the imperial family.
“Damn it, things got bigger!”
Danny banged his ist against the wall.
“Tutu, follow me.”
Danny left me alone in the basement and took the tutu out.
My head got complicated as well.
Danny probably didn't mean to touch the imperial family in the irst
I guess I was just thinking of having a drink with a suitable noble
However, if the target is the imperial family, they will face the death
penalty for treason and all kinds of felony crimes.
So their only option is to make this happen and live in hiding or get
out of the empire.
There is no option for me to return to the imperial court.
'It's crazy to wait for Carnan.'
I searched the room while the two of them left.
They found a piece of leftover bread, a water bottle half full of water,
and a dagger that Tutu had left behind.
I grabbed the dagger and swung it around in my hand.
The movement of my hands felt stiff, but it must have been better
than an ordinary person.
Even after taking a long break from training, I was the one who held
the sword before returning.
'If only I had a map... … .'
I desperately needed a map, not knowing the direction to get to the
village, but there is no way the kidnappers carry such a great object as a
I hid the dagger and bread under the cloak and put my ear close to
the door.
“… … Kill that bitch and go straight to Hark... … .”
“But he’s a kid! No need to kill... … .”
“You are a princess! If that bitch is alive and exposes our faces, we
will die.”
"still… … .”
“Do you think the emperor will keep the princess kidnapper alive?
You go and get two camels. In the meantime, I'll be dealing with that
My fate had already been decided.
In the end, I had no choice but to pick up my sword.
There aren't many opportunities. There is only one way for me to
defeat Danny, who is physically disadvantaged.
The sound of the tutu moving away was heard and the door opened
“Where is this girl… … !”
Hiding behind the door, I cut his leg as he entered the room with a
It was my only chance to surprise him, who was mean but
“Ugh! This sissy!”
Danny moaned and turned right behind him.
Due to the weak strength and the blunt blade of the knife, the knife
could not go in as deeply as expected, and he failed to cut his ligaments.
Danny quickly pulled out a knife and grabbed my neck.
The body, unable to overcome the power, was pushed out and
crashed into the wall.
I reached out and tried to draw his arm, but my body was small and
my arms were short.
My knife slipped through his forearm, leaving only small wounds, no
fatal wounds.
It's because I'm weak because i'm not strong
I was ignoring it because I was afraid that I would become greedy
again when I became strong, but for this moment, I resented my weak
Danny twisted my wrist to drop the knife and strangled me.
I felt like my neck was going to break, and I was suffocating.
“No matter how hard you try, there is nothing you can do!”
Danny smiled, revealing this at my attack.
At that moment, I don't know why those words came to me and
stabbed me so cruelly.
No matter how hard I try, I can't defeat Raymond, I can't go to
Ephisteme, I can't get Carnan's attention, I can't get Theon's love, and
even the servant I trusted will abandon me and put me on the
Even if you try, you can't do anything.
Because of that, my limits were cut off.
When I hit his chin with a force I don't know where it came from,
Danny bent over and let me go, and I picked up the knife that had fallen
and cut his leg deep once more.
Red blood spurted out, and Danny's body leaned to one side and
“Damn it!”
I even cut off the other leg of Danny's swearing words.
Danny, lying on the loor, screamed and struggled, and I cut his
clothes and tied them to the loor.
Danny looked at me with fear and trembled.
Those eyes I saw a lot before returning. The eyes of people looking at
me with a sword.
It was then that I regained the reason I had lost for a while.
Re lected on the blade, I had the face of a bad person.
No, I didn't mean to be bad. I just wanted to live... … .
I shook my head and stepped back.
“… … I really want to live a good life. But why doesn't everyone leave
me alone?"
I wish I could just live quietly and let it die.
As I stepped backwards, I left the scene, leaving the bleeding Danny.
As I ran away from the dark underground, what greeted me was a
desolate wilderness.
I ran away, but I had no destination.
No one told me where to go to get to the village, how to meet people,
or who could save me.
It would have been nice to be able to follow in the footsteps of the
stupid Tutu, but the sand wind whirling in the wilderness had long
since erased the traces.
I saw the sky and the shadows.
The sun that the irst Milanaire had made was shining on me.
'Let's go towards the rising sun.'
The desert is in the west, so it was a simple and clear thought that if
you walked east, something would come out.
So I started walking blindly to the east.
There were dry trees and cacti that could be sparsely marked
milestones, the ruins of a house buried in the sand, and a dried up well.
When I looked for traces of the village, I had hope.
I hope you can survive. Soon there will be a village where people live.
Dry dust rushed into my lungs.
I was sweating and thirsty, and I had half a bucket of water.
I walked diligently, moistening my throat just enough to wet my
cracked mouth, but I couldn't ind a single shadow of a person until the
sun went down.
When the sun went down, the wilderness showed a different violent
appearance than before.
The heat was gone and the cold came. The hot wind lost its warmth
and became cold.
It was Fried time.
Milanaire's time and Fried's time were just harsh to me.
The sand where my feet had been buried became shallow, but the
ground was still dry.
All I can know is looking at the stars and inding directions.
But even that was obscured by the clouds along with the increasingly
chilly wind.
Astronomy, which I soon knew, did not help, and I had to move
forward only using the direction I had taken before as a guide.
There was no light in the wasteland.
If I could handle the spirit of light, would I have been able to
illuminate the dark path ahead?
Would it be different if it was Ray?
As time passed and I got more and more exhausted, the fear I had
forgotten when killing Danny began to creep closer.
'Is Danny dead? Or maybe Tutu came back and found out that I had
run away and was chasing after him?'
Killing people wasn't scary. Because I've already killed a lot.
Still, strangely, my body trembled.
What scared me was my helplessness.
A feeling of helplessness that has no choice but to walk in the endless
darkness without knowing where the destination is.
I wanted to pray to a spirit or a god, but I stopped.
Spirits will never come to me, and God will no longer be merciful to
me. I was not worthy of God's love.
Finally, my legs relaxed and I fell forward.
The ice-cold sand took me in.
There was a rough, colorful noise with every breath I took, and the
cough didn't stop because of the sand dust.
My body, which had been shaking since before, could no longer
control it.
great. It's okay to die like this.
It's much better than being executed in a tyrant's crown or killed by a
stupid kidnapper.
It wasn't the life I wanted to live for a long time, and I didn't want to
leave a name for it.
No one will remember and mourn my death for a long time.
'The life I came to pay for my sins, it would be nice if it ended sooner.'
I crouched against the rock and thought.
I waited for this punishment to end, thinking about why I was
brought back to life, thinking of the many punishments I should have
Then a faint light appeared in the distance. It sounded like the sound
of horseshoes.
The lickering light at the edge of the horizon was getting closer.
was a person
Why does God always torture me like this?
Why can't I give up my greed even after being like that?
This situation was wild and resentful, but because I was greedy by
nature, I saw hope again, and I longed for my life.
I got up on the rock and raised my trembling hands, hoping the lights
would ind me.
"here… … .”
His voice was dry and cracked, and he couldn't make a sound.
I tried to call them with all my strength, but my voice was only
scattered in the deep darkness.
I took a step heavier than ever.
to get a little closer to them.
Not knowing whether those wandering the wasteland during this
night were bandits, good men, or slave traders, I hoped for a glimmer of
'… … It might be the one that Carnon sent.'
Someone might have sent you to ind me.
It was funny that I thought like this even though I was neglected so
much, but I was originally that kind of person. I wanted to believe that
someone would love me.
But I couldn't take a few steps and fell again.
The night sky, which even covered the moon, was really dark. It
looked like it was going to rain soon. In this parched land, quite by
I became more and more dazed, and I no longer had the strength to
call on those lights.
As I was losing my mind, it seemed that I heard a certain sound.


It was in the Imperial Palace that I woke up.

There was a wet towel on my head and my body was still grimy and
The curtained room was dark, but only a small light leaked through
the cracks in the door.
“They were unnamed kidnappers.”
“You mean you were just kidnapped by those guys?”
Carnan's voice was heard from the doorway.
It was the irst time he had come to my room, so I was shocked as if
my heart would stop.
Carnan did come to ind me. When I'm kidnapped, they try to save
It felt like it was burning in my chest.
Somehow he was my father who gave me blood... … .
“Everything bothers me.”
At that word that leaked through the crack in the door, my heart,
which had been heated, became cold again.
'… … Annoying?'
Everything I've been through has been dismissed as 'annoying' for
“Find out who leaked this and deal with it. And outside, publicizing
that the abduction of the princess is false rumors, and anyone who
repeats such rumors should be severely punished.”
Carnan's annoyed sigh was heard.
The sound of that sigh became a dagger and pierced his chest.
Seriously, what else did I stupidly expect? I must have lost my mind
for a while because I was sick.
I clenched my teeth.
Maybe it was because my body was weak, so my mind was weak.
'Carnan was originally like this.'
Carnan hated me from the beginning.
It was always my fault if I fought with Rey before returning, and it
was also my fault that Rey did something wrong.
When I turned ten, I bought a steed for Lei, but when I turned ten, he
didn’t take care of anything.
The birthday bouquet that my nanny gave me, it turned out that it
wasn't Carnan, but the people of the Imperial Palace.
I was so angry that I broke everything in Rey's room, and Carnon
punished me for being locked up in the room for a month.
After that, Carnan treated me as the embodiment of greed.
Yes, I was de initely a greedy person. Because I wanted to have
Like Tantalus, tormented by eternal thirst and hunger, he longed for
all that Rey had, everything that I didn't have, and everything that could
make up for my lack.
I know it was ugly.
So I rationalized that I would be hated by Carnon because I was
That's exactly what I wanted to believe.
But after the regression, too much has been proven.
I don't ight Rey anymore or take anything from him, but Carnon still
doesn't like me.
'You will be punished for being a tyrant.'
Yes, I am paying the price of the crimes I committed in my previous
life here again.
I decided to rationalize it like that again.
Otherwise, I think I'm going to cry out loud.

My body didn't get better easily.

After taking sleeping pills and starving for three days, I barely
quenched my hunger with milk and bread, and after ighting with
Danny, I walked in the wilderness all day, so it was only natural that my
body couldn't stand it.
After returning to the Imperial Palace and suffering from high fever
for nearly a week, my body temperature barely entered the mild fever
The body gradually returned to recovery, but there were no
noticeable changes.
“Princess, are you okay?”
asked the new nanny.
The nanny who took care of me for a long time before was cut off at
the Imperial Palace for this kidnapping.
If you ask me, it's not the nanny's fault. There would be nothing a
nanny could do.
I felt like I had one more mistake, so I wasn't feeling very well.
Fortunately, the nanny was not punished further.
“I think it would be better to go to recuperation and fully recover.”
“Is it a cure? But the princess just went through something like that...
… . Shouldn't you be staying in the Imperial Palace?"
The doctor and the new nanny muttered in small voices.
'Healing... … ?'
The two were pretty careful about discussing recuperation, but the
word caught my ears.
If you go to recuperation, at least you won't be staying in this palace,
and you will be able to distance yourself from Carnan and Rey, and from
Theon and Julia who are attending Episteme.
'You have to be strong.'
I realized this
Even if you want to live a good life, you need strength.
Until now, I was afraid that if I became strong, I would not be able to
properly handle that power again.
I fear that I will gain the strength to be able to decapitate others and
enter the path of tyranny again.
But power is like a sword.
If used incorrectly, it harms people, but if used well, it can cook
delicious food, serve people, and protect people in crisis.
'You can go to the recuperation to increase your strength.'
Here, there is Carnon's Eye, Rey, and Theon comes to visit.
As long as they are there, I don't have the courage to pick up a sword.
"there… … I'm going to recuperate."
“It’s so frustrating here.”
This is the irst time I have properly expressed my opinion after the
kidnapping, so the nanny and the doctor looked at each other and
shared their thoughts.
Then someone knocked.
“Tiktok, hello, this is a lower~”
The door opened and Ray, whose face was covered with a rich
bouquet of lowers, came in.
Ray gave a bouquet of lowers and smiled softly, but I didn't laugh at
His actions just seemed silly.
He's been visiting me every day since I was kidnapped, and it wasn't
a bother at all.
“Are you here, Sir Raymond?”
“Dorothy, are you okay today?”
Rei handed a bouquet of lowers to the nanny, asking if she was
embarrassed by my non-response.
He was wearing an episteme badge on a white shirt, probably right
after he had inished his episteme class.
“What were you talking about?”
He came naturally to me, sat down, and smiled.
But I didn't look at him.
“We were talking about how to go to the hospital because the
princess is not feeling well.”
“At the same time, there is a separate palace in Cerritian that is good
for recuperation. The climate is mild and it is near the beach, so the
princess will feel refreshed.”
“Still, Dorothy’s health has improved a lot. Do I need to go to the
nursing home?”
Rei seemed to be subtly opposed to my recuperation.
“I want to go.”
“But Dorothy, if you go there, you are alone.”
"I do not care."
It's not that I'm not alone here.
“Dorothy… … .”
Ray stared at me.
The eyes were like a puppy begging for food, so I frowned.
Why are you looking at me with those eyes?
As he moved his gaze, he added that something came to mind.
"right. You can go to Episteme soon too. From this year on, you are
just the right age to take the entrance exam.”
Ha, why do I have to stay here, episteme?
I burst into laughter.
“I’m not going to Episteme.”
"why? Dorothy, if you are, you will be able to enter Episteme as a
senior. Because you are smart... … .”
“I can’t go.”
“I can’t go.”
“Why do you think I can’t go… … ?”
Why do you think you can't go?
“Are you intimidated by the fact that studying the episteme is so
dif icult?”
Ray asked innocently. It's so pure that it's annoying.
Rey had quite a hard time getting into the episteme.
He passed the Episteme entrance exam with a score of just closing
the door.
It was also the result of private education that was bloody in the
imperial family.
The long history and tradition of the imperial family nailed it as 'a
prince can drop out of Ephisteme, but he can't not enter the school'.
Ray suffered from that time, and there were several times when he
whined in front of me that he didn't want to study.
I don't even know what my heart is.
“I've barely had time to do it, but Dorothy, smart enough, can do it.
Don’t give up easily.”
“Are you giving up easily?”
The tip of my lips twisted at his gentle comfort.
Did I give up easily? Episteme?
Do you know how hard I studied to get in there?
Do you know how much I cried and protested the day Carnan
ordered me not to go in?
There have been times when I secretly escaped to take a test, but
was caught and locked up in the room again.
Until I give up on episteme completely... … How many had to be put,
how long did it take?
But what? give up easily?
He who has everything easy can't understand me.
“I have nothing more to say to you. Get out, Ray.”
“Dorothy… … .”
“Get out!”
As I shouted sharply, Rey's eyes lit up with a bewildered light and
went round.
The nanny and the doctor next to me looked at me in surprise.
“I’m sorry, Dorothy… … . I didn't mean to upset you. I just want you to
stay here and be with us.”
Rey bowed her head and apologized. The nanny and the doctor's
expressions then change to sympathy.
'under… … look at this And I'm a bad bitch.'
A good older brother who worries about his younger brother and a
younger brother who is hysterically annoyed.
This is the relationship between the legitimate Crown Prince and the
unjusti ied princess.
I really hope Because I can be so kind and pure at heart.
I bit my lip and didn't say anything.
“I’ll just leave.”
Ray looked at me and quietly stood up.
As Ray left, the nanny approached.
“Her Majesty Raymond did this because he was worried about the
know. I know!
Ray is good and I am bad. It's the truth everyone knows.
I didn't want to hear the kind and kind nanny's comfort, so I covered
my head with the blanket.
I have a real reason to go to the hospital.


In this respect, I was grateful for Carnon's indifference.

Carnan threw it away as if it was up to me to go to recuperation or
Soon after discussion with the nanny and some of the servants, my
treatment was decided.
I headed to the south palace, which occasionally serves as the
summer vacation home of the imperial family.
“Welcome, Princess Dorothea.”
The manager of the detached palace welcomed me and opened the
A white stone building stood facing the emerald sea.
There was no Rey and no Carnan here.
There are no old memories buried in the Imperial Palace.
The Imperial Palace was not only the place where I was born and
raised, but also the place where I killed Rei and where my love Theon
It was also where my people and servants came in and made me
knelt wildly and marched to the square.
Looking back, I was amazed at how I had survived that nightmare
until now.
I didn't even go to a place where bad memories were left behind on
purpose... … .
'I'm so glad you came.'
The more I thought about it, the more satis ied I was, and I took a
deep breath of fresh air.
I needed a place without old scars.
“My name is Clara, who will accompany the princess here.”
A woman in a white apron greeted me.
Clara was the irst maid who came down from Lampas, and was not
originally in charge of me.
Even though he looked young, he seemed to have come to a corner of
the country after being pushed out of the ranks.
“From now on, you will be staying in this room.”
They led me to a room with a terrace overlooking the sea.
It was a clean, sunny room. A cool sea breeze blew in from the open
I was satis ied because the scenery was completely different from
my room in the Imperial Palace.
While looking around the room, someone knocked on the door.
I turned around and saw a man big enough to ill the door.
“This is the knight Stefan Greenwall, who will be with the princess in
the future.”
Clara introduced me to an escort knight who would be by my side
while I was staying in the private palace.
Short black hair and dark skin. Scars passing through the eye area.
Overwhelmingly tall, broad shoulders, and strong muscles.
“Stephan… … !”
I almost pretended to know him.
My escort driver must be Stefan!
A person who will rise to the rank of deputy commander of the
Knights of Brilliance, the best knights in the Empire.
He was one of the top ive most talented people I've known in my
entire life.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that if I was the emperor of
the empire, it would be the whole world.
But I didn't like him.
Because Stefan also died at my hands.

before return. His relationship with Stefan was not very deep.
At that time, I led the army to the islands and occupied the Imperial
Palace at once.
And last but not least, Raymond.
Stefan was a knight who stood guarding the inal gateway to Rey.
“Nice to meet you, Sir Stefan.”
I greeted him, wiping the blood-soaked sword.
I didn't have a meeting with him.
I was interested because he was quite famous inside and outside the
Knights Templar, but Stefan wasn't the kind of person I could get along
That big stature and tightly closed lips were the same back then.
“The princess said hello, but she didn’t answer. It's still
“… … .”
I didn't like Stefan who was speechless.
Seeing Stefan without an answer, he seems to think that the
princess's words are not worth listening to.
Because I think of a lot of 'silent things' that stand in my way.
Instead of answering my words, Stefan drew out a sword that was
much longer than a normal man's sword.
“Are you not willing to surrender, Sir Stefan?”
I had mercy on him.
The palace was already in my hands.
The place he is guarding is the last bastion, the Emperor's Room
with Rei.
The knights to help Stefan have already died or surrendered.
Stefan was an excellent knight, but it was impossible to face
hundreds of soldiers alone in the absence of allies.
“… … .”
“In such a case, it would be better to answer wisely.”
I smiled at Stefan, who didn't answer.
Even though there was a way to live, I felt sorry for the stupidity of
being ready to die.
But I had no intention of showing any more compassion to him.
“I really wanted to ight with you, but now is not the time to let go of
such personal feelings.”
When I lifted my hand, the archers came forward.
Ray was still there.
The ight with Rey was my responsibility.
I knew very well that Ray was by no means an easy opponent.
Therefore, he does not make the mistake of being careless by taking
a lot of time to ask Stefan.
At least until then, I was a person who could make cool and wise
judgments to achieve what I wanted.
“May you have no regrets about your choices.”
At the same time as my command, dozens of arrows lew towards
Since there was a limit to striking with a sword, arrows were lodged
in Stefan's limbs.
In the narrow hallway, not even outdoors, Stefan ran forward without
dodging the arrow.
With arms and legs studded with arrows, he swung his sword at the
There was a lurry that opened the door of death, but Stefan, who
was always silent, did not shed a single moan.
However, the blood on the corners of his tightly closed mouth
informed his condition.
Stefan persistently confronted the soldiers as the word indomitable
would suit him.
But I didn't like the word fortitude.
There was annihilation at the end of that unbreakable will.
“Even if you stop me here, what will I do with my body that will not
last long.”
Anyway, Stefan's won't stop me.
I grabbed my sword and clicked my tongue.
And I blocked Stefan's sword that crawled through me.
I was a little surprised that the power coming from the body with the
arrows was stronger than I thought.
It wasn't to the point of being overpowered.
I saw Stefan biting his chin tightly as if he was about to break a tooth,
easily blocking the large Stefan's sword.
Look, you already know you're going to die.
I read death in his eyes.
He was afraid. He wanted to run away from the pain of death.
The sharp arrowheads stuck in the arm holding the sword, and his
legs stained red with blood were clasping him.
An extremely ordinary human who is afraid, succumbs to great
power, and wants to avoid pain.
However, he only had greater courage and will than fear.
Even in the face of the fear of death and the pain that extinguishes
the spark of life, he only valued something more to protect.
“It is… … Nice to see.”
It's better to be a roaring and exploding ire than to be a shabby,
extinguished embers at the end of life.
With great joy, I cut off Stefan's body.
The sword cut through his wide chest, blood spilling out, and his
knees pounding to the loor.
Stefan looked at me kneeling.
Those black eyes pierced his brain like thorns.
An unspoken feeling that I've never encountered before.
He tried to interpret Stefan's last will, but his eyes soon turned cold
and stained with death.
Stefan knelt down like a stone statue.
“Lord, are you dead?”
Those around him were very frightened, and he was wary of the
great Stefan, who knelt down.
His body stood upright, as if alive.
“… … okay. dead.”
His gaze at the last glance was so intense that I stared at his death for
a moment.
Those eyes that were neither fear nor resentment nor resignation.
I wanted to ask what he was trying to say, but he was already dead.
“… … Branch."
I did not keep my feet tied to the end of Stefan.
I can't stop contemplating what his will was. There is no time to
delay and hesitate in curiosity.
Because there is still one bigger ight left.
I took the warmth of countless lives and headed to Raymond's room
with the heated sword.

And now, those eyes that wanted to leave an unspoken will were
looking at me.
I stared into Stefan's black eyes.
After all, it wasn't a very good feeling to have someone I killed once
alive and in front of me.
'Can I get along well?'
I was already worried.
Stefan's character was already well known.
He is blunt enough to feel disrespectful, too talkative, and his mouth
is heavy and loyal.
Even though he was not gentle in appearance, if he kept his mouth
shut, ordinary people would get scared and run away.
'… … Still, I'm glad I didn't have any words.'
At least nothing will provoke me like Ray.
I approached Stefan.
I've felt it for a long time, but seeing him as a nine-year-old, I felt that
he was taller.
Maybe 7 feet?
Due to his height and size, Stefan appeared to be in his mid-to-late
The 18-year-old was probably just beginning to establish himself in
the Knights of Brightness.
'It just came to me at a time when I had to build up my skills and
climb up one by one.'
Still, if you were my escort, you would have settled down to a certain
I felt a little sorry for him.
It would be a plausible career to be a escort knight for the princess,
but it would be quite dissatisfying for a knight to come down to this
distant province and support the nine-year-old closet princess.
The town where the detached palace is located is peaceful, so there
will be no incidents that will help you improve your skills, and there
will be no publicity.
“Thank you.”
I reached out to him, expressing my deepest condolences.
Because of the height difference, the expression of raising hands
rather than reaching out was appropriate.
“… … .”
Stefan stood there staring at me bluntly, even though I asked for a
Yep, this was his biggest problem. That's why it didn't suit me.
'That's why I was only able to go up to the vice-chief with that skill.'
He came from a bad background, but he had no sociability, so he had
the best skills among knights, but there was a limit to his advancement.
Even the positions of the generals, the generals, and the generals
appointed by the state above the vice-chief.
Even though I had the ability to go up further, after I became the vice-
chief at the age of 20, I couldn’t rise to the top of the vice-leader until I
“I, knight, shake hands… … .”
Clara, who was watching from the side, said to Stefan very carefully.
Clara looked frightened by Stephan's tall stature, broad shoulders,
and a scar on her face.
At Clara's words, Stefan looked down at me bluntly and stretched out
his hand.
But my hand won't hold.
Hey, you didn't mean to high- ive?
But he didn't seem to want to hold my hand again.
It's still cheeky, really.
'It's a cancellation that I'm glad I didn't say anything.'
Contrary to Ray, staying with Stefan was frustrating, and the thought
that I might explode.


I sat at my desk and held a quill.

I bit my lip and wrote the letters on the top line of the paper with my
sullen hand.
Then he looked at the paper for a long time with a puzzled face.

[The bucket list of living a good life.]

I tried it once, but I thought it was a little too much, so I luttered the
tip of the quill with my small hand.
The reason I decided to write this embarrassing list was because,
contrary to my promise to live a good life, life didn't turn out the way I
wanted it to.
Every time I bump into Ray, I become a bad person again, and every
time I meet Theon, my promise breaks down.
But now there was no Reido, no Theon, and no damn Carnan.
Wouldn't it be possible to live a good life in this quiet detached
'Yeah, so you have to set your own standards to achieve your goals.'
Even in my previous life, I used to write down the things I needed to
achieve my goals.
I straightened the pen again.
By the way… … How do you live a good life?
You must have lived a good life before you can live a good life.
I wrinkled my eyebrows and glared at only the white paper.
No one ever taught me how to be kind.
kindly... … what is good
“Princess, what are you doing?”
Clara asked when I couldn't write anything with my pen.
“… … Clara, what should I do to live a good life?”
Really, what should I do?
Are you a good person if you don't kill people?
“If you want to live a good life, you must irst listen to your parents.”
Clara smiled and gave a very boring but useless piece of advice.
Do you listen to your parents? That's not in my dictionary!
“Don’t be like that.”
Clara approached me when I was in love.
“What are you doing? Living a good life bucket list?”
Clara burst into laughter as she looked at the bucket list I was
Then, if Stefan was curious, he sneaked up behind me and peeked at
the list.
“Why, why, why are you laughing?”
Embarrassed, I tried to cover my bucket list, which had nothing but a
title, with my little hand.
His face was hot and hot.
It is true that I decided to live a good life, but the word 'nice' was
somewhat embarrassing.
“You live a good life, so you’re cute. Why are you writing that?”
Why are you asking the obvious? I want to live a good life!
Besides, it's cute, so why don't you make it cute with something like
It's a phrase I've heard often since I was a child, but no matter how
much I heard it, I couldn't get used to it.
This is because, unlike the words pretty or beautiful, the word “cute”
felt something like an arti icial affection that couldn’t be afforded.
So, that kind of tickling and clunky feeling that doesn't suit me.
So I was extremely burdened with the word cute and hated it.
“Well, how about something like this? Give your father ten
“… … Clara is a ilial daughter.”
That's all that comes out one after another.
Clara's suggestion was like Ray's aegyo. In other words, it goes
beyond very useless things and goes against my nerves.
The thought of giving a massage to Carnan was terrifying.
What are you going to do for me to give him a massage?
Oh, it will relieve some stress. It's your chance to strike the great
Emperor, Carnon with your bare ists.
Moreover, that is not a good thing. At least by my standards.
“You don’t like it? So how about laughing ten times a day?”
“Laugh ten times?”
“Come to think of it, I have never seen the princess smile properly.”
Clara said, iddling with her chin.
I glanced at the mirror on one side of the room.
A nine-year-old girl with a blunt expression was re lected.
As a tyrant, I rarely smiled, which made people more afraid.
It wasn't that I didn't like to laugh. I just had nothing to laugh about.
Even after becoming emperor, strangely enough, I had everything I
wanted, but I couldn't laugh.
'Clara's words make sense.'
When I think of the image of a good person, I usually think of a
person with a kind smile.
There's no such thing as a good person with a bad face.
I looked in the mirror and gently raised the corners of my lips.
Embarrassed by the convulsive unnaturalness, I quickly lowered the
corners of my lips before Clara and Stefan saw them.
'Do you think it's too much?'
I grabbed a pen and iddled with it, then drove Clara and Stefan far
away from my bucket list to ink them.

[First, a friendly smile once a day.]

This was a great decision for me.

'after… … .'
After taking the irst step, the second step was a little easier.

[Second, do not covet others.]

It was a pretty plausible kindness.

I wrote a little below it.

[The throne belongs to Rei. Theon belongs to Julia.]

The nib for writing short phrases scratched my chest and made my
heart ache.
Neither the latitude nor Theon is mine.
After engraving indelibly on my chest, I let out the breath I had been
holding on to unconsciously.
Wanting to move quickly from the second commitment, I hurriedly
typed the third in.

[Third, saving a million people.]

Saving people would be a good thing.

The third promise was in the sense of atonement for sins committed
in the past life.
How many people have died because of me in the last life?
Not only the people I killed with my own sword, but also the wars I
waged, the labor I did, disasters and diseases that I did not properly
deal with, and hunger.
I thought that maybe 500,000 people died because of that.
Perhaps more people have died than that.
People who might have lived if Rey became emperor died because of
So, in the sense of atonement, in this life, twice that number, a million
people are saved.
Besides that, I wrote a few more things related to good deeds.
Say thank you three times a week, donate over 1 million blancs each
'For now, just this... … .'
Those alone are enough of a successful life.
I got up from my seat and looked outside.
The blue sea could be seen over the white sandy beach.
The waves were crashing as if to cool my light heart.
“I want to go to the beach.”
The reward for coming to recuperate lies in that landscape.


I went out to sea with only Stefan.

Stefan was an excellent knight. I didn't have to care about him.
Sometimes I forgot he was following me.
Only after I turned around and checked the footprints on the sandy
beach, I knew that he had been following me for a while.
He didn't say anything, he didn't interfere with my work, he didn't
touch me. But in the end he was by my side.
Thanks to that, I was able to enjoy the calm created by the sound of
waves, seagulls, bubbles, and the sound of the wind.
I was the only one on the beach.
I thought so... … In-young was seen in the distance.
At the end of the sandy beach where the sun was shining, there was
no one other than me.
The man was sitting on the sand with his knees bent.
He looked at the sea in the distance and buried his head in the palm
of his hand.
He was a small, crouched child the same age as me.
'Who is it?'
Stefan seemed to recognize the child before me, but did not step
Because it didn't seem like a threat.
But when I was able to discern his silhouette, I had to stop.
The boy was a face I knew well.
Silver hair luttering softly in the sunlight, sheer nose and jawline.
The most beautiful person in the world as far as I know.
Looking at his beauty, it was as if the sea was pushing its waves hard
on the sand to catch him.
The sun was shining only on him, and grains of sand seemed to
twinkle for him.
Even the seagulls that lew in the sky forgot to lap their wings and
were sitting on the rocks looking at him.
"ah… … .”
Stefan also looked at his face and sighed.
A face that makes Stefan speak.
How can anyone forget her perfect appearance?
'Ethan Bronte.'
I remembered his name.
When Dorothea Milanaire was called a tyrant, her closest aide.
The 'golden-eyed angel' of the social world.
The nickname 'Golden-Eyes Angel', whose name was unknown, was
embarrassing, but there was no nickname that suited Ethan Bronte
that much.
From the perspective of those who love Theon, Ethan's appearance
could be said to be the best in the Empire.
As he walked across the ballroom with his long legs, the eyes of the
people present were all on him, and Ethan would make eye contact
with the people with a bright smile on his pretty face.
The rapturous admiration that immediately illed the ballroom.
Everyone would be captivated by him if he stared at him with his
sparkling golden eyes, as if he had put all the light in the world, and
greeted him with a soft, mellow voice that could be called the third
In addition to looks, if it's singing, it's singing, if it's dancing, it's
dancing, and if it's an instrument, it's an instrument. There was nothing
that couldn't be done if it was something to promote in the social
An overwhelming existence that makes it a dream for anyone,
regardless of age or sex, to share a word with him.
However, God did not give everything to one person.
Ethan Bronte had a fatal problem, just as Ray had taken the throne
but was a good-natured fool.
That's right, if you only look at the sakka hidden in his beautiful
Ethan was never a good and upright man.
Maybe it was a blessing to him.
It was so wicked that no one could see his dark inner world.

'If I do it, everyone does it, Your Majesty. The system is full of people
begging for not being able to lick my toes.'

Ethan knew all too well that he was good.

His appearance was both a weapon and a shield, and his power was
With a kind and gentle mask, he made everyone on his side, and he
used it skillfully to move at his own pace.
'As you said, the lord of River South is dead. How the hell did you
know that?'

When Seongju, whom I did not like at all, died suddenly in an

accident, I remembered that Ethan had predicted the death of Seongju
a few days ago.
Shortly after that prediction, Seongju was killed by his old servant.

'It's not that I didn't do it. For my Majesty.'

Ethan smiled and kissed the back of my hand.

Now that I come to think of it, even I, who knew what was behind his
mask, was taken advantage of by him.
When he killed Seongju for me, I rewarded him with joy, and Ethan
did more for me.
He helped me deal with the guy I didn't like, brought what I liked, and
killed Rey.
He was the one who killed Julia, Theon's love, as I wished.
To that extent, I gave him all the wealth, power, and honor, and he
rose to the throne at an early age.
I didn't even know at the time that I was being used by him.
I just thought I had a loyal servant.
Between the family who did not love me and Theon who ignored me,
the person who moves only for me.
A person who understands and understands my heart.
So I thought it was natural to give him what he could give freely.
Thank you. Because it seemed that I was recognized as much as he
And Ethan, who had everything, even aimed for a seat next to me in
the end.
'Your Majesty, why do you have that arrogant man by your side?'

One day, he saw Theon walking up the stairs alone, ignoring my hand.

'If I had married His Majesty, I would have cherished them.'

Beautiful golden eyes gleamed towards me.

I was offended by those eyes full of desire.
The greed for insulting Theon and aiming for the seat next to me is
clearly visible.

'Ethan. I thought it was your talent to choose what to say and what
not to say.'
'… … I'm sorry, Your Majesty.'

Ethan was a clever man, and after that he never again cursed Theon
or talked about marriage in front of me.
But at the end of death I realized that I had made the wrong choice.
When I was condemned to be a tyrant and put to death, the prime
minister was acquitted by all.
'The Prime Minister was trying to somehow protect the country
under a tyrant'.
That was the content of his indulgence.
Even, he was appointed to become the next emperor after my death.
His angelic appearance and pretentious kindness were the privilege
of being forgiven of all his sins, so I took all of his sins and put them to
He watched my neck fall from the nearest point.
I met him here again.
Like a joke of fate trying to tie me back together, who barely escaped
from Carnon and Rey.
It was then that I remembered that this Cerritian belonged to the
estate of the Duke of Bronte.
'Brontera... … .'
It wasn't that Ethan didn't come to mind when he heard the name of
the Bronte family.
Rather, he was the irst thing that came to mind when I thought of
But I never thought that we would meet like this, so I was a little
The detached palace was located in a remote place quite far from the
castle of Seongju, and if you tried hard, you could not meet him for the
rest of your life.
'You have to avoid it.'
The alarm rang in my head and I tried to turn around.
But I saw it. Ethan Bronte's dazzling jewels shining transparently
around his eyes, no, tears.
He bit his lip and wept as if the world had ended, as if he had nothing.
But without making a loud noise, he was sobbing like a whisper to
the waves.
This was the biggest problem.
Ethan Bronte, handsome enough to stick his tongue out of all nobles.
Ignoring his tears was like a hungry cat ignoring ish.
While Ethan is crying, there will be no one who can pretend not to
know, I guarantee.
Even Stefan couldn't get up to see him cry.
'furthermore… … I've never seen Ethan cry like that.'
He was close enough to be called my right arm.
He had never cried so desperately in his life with me.
How could Ethan Bronte, who was always con ident, swaying
people's hearts with a smile, and controlling the whole world, collapsed
like that?
I looked at him from afar, crying.
Unlike Ethan Bronte in his previous life, Ethan crying on the sandy
beach was small.
Crouching in front of the vast sea, he looked weaker than anything
Not the Ethan I knew.
It wasn't the sly and clever golden-eyed serpent there, but the child
who recognized sorrow too soon.
'It's not that Ethan was bad from birth.'
It's not like she used people from inside her mother's womb,
abandoned them, betrayed them, made fun of them, and made fun of
Yes, no child is born badly, perhaps… … .
I wanted to believe so. even for me
'If that's the reason for crying like that, maybe... … .'
It was the Duke of Bronte who bumped into the pomegranate juice at
the last Rey's ceremony.
In other words, the person who becomes Ethan's biological father.
Ethan would have been able to follow the Duke of Bronte to the
Moreover, if there is such a handsome and talented child, it is the
parents' heart that they want to show to the social world.
However, he did not come up to the system.
It was because of Ethan's long-standing complex.
'… … I was a scribe.'
Ethan, the bastard of the horse, was the son of the duke brought in
from outside.
As a result, he was not allowed to enter the episteme, nor did he
appear at all the social events held in the institution.
It was only as an adult that he appeared in the social circles of the
Bastard, from non-Episteme, a belated debut.
Nevertheless, the sudden 'Descent of Angels' drew a lot of attention
from socialites who liked issues and gossip, and Ethan made good use
of it and quickly settled into the social world.
I felt something like a comradeship for him.
I also couldn't get into the episteme, because I was always behind
Rey's shadow. Still, I wanted to get people's attention.
Perhaps it was because I was of his kind that I was able to discover
the twisted nature behind Ethan's glamorous mask.
'That's why I cried so much... … ?'
If you've always tried to hide in the house because you're the eldest,
that's ine.
'Because I did too.'
Before I returned, I cried a lot because of Karnan, who didn't
recognize me, and because of Rey, who had everything unlike me.
My heart raced as I watched Ethan crouched down alone and burst
into tears.
My old self overlaps.
'Ethan needs to stay away... … .'
The one who led me down the tyrant's path and beheaded the tyrant.
Even though I knew there was nothing good about being involved
with him, I buried my feet in the sand and didn't move.
I already knew why I couldn't turn my back on crying Ethan.
If Ethan doesn't set foot in evil. If only you could live a good life like
Could my return give Ethan a new life?
I waited for his tears to stop with the sea breeze.
Ethan looked at the sea with red eyes to see if he had calmed down
until he shed tears until he was exhausted.
I moved my feet, which had been stuck in the sand for a while, and
approached him.
The closer he got, the more his sad beauty became clearer.
Hello Ethan Bronte.
His golden eyes widened at my courageous greeting.
Red bloodshot eyes, tear-soaked cheeks and sleeves were clearly
He was so surprised that he didn't even know I was coming, he didn't
say a word.
"iced coffee… … .”
hi… … I thought it would come out, but it wasn't.
Instead of saying hello, Ethan got up from his seat and stepped back
as if he had seen a monster.
And before I could say the next word, he ran away without even
wiping off his sandy clothes.
Like a princess leaving the ballroom before the fairy's magic was
broken, Ethan disappeared completely over a distant rock.
"ah… … .”
I was just talking I'll let you cry alone
Was I trying to pretend to be kind?
As I stood blankly, Stefan looked at me blankly.
His black eyes were like, 'Will you catch me?' I shook my head as if to


As soon as the news that the Princess of the Islands had come down
spread, contact from nearby ladies rushed to the detached palace.
They sent letters of visit over and over again using the excuse of
greetings to get acquainted with the princess.
I'm close to myself, so where can I use it, but for the local nobles, the
relationship with the princess is quite a network worth putting
A storm rages on in the daily life where you want to be quiet.
'Yes, I'll say hello once and inish it.'
Equipped with the heart of a good person, I invited the ladies to the
detached palace.
But soon, I realized how dif icult it is to live a good life.
“Oh, you are so cute!”
Who is it. Who else said cute?
I looked around the ladies around me with sharp eyes, but they were
elevated during a special time in the detached palace, and they didn't
even care about my eyes.
“What, you look like a doll!”
“I was sick and I was very dry. Have some more delicious food here.”
The ladies looked at me and snorted.
I was anxious to see if everyone thought of me as my nephew.
Curly blonde hair and round blue eyes. A little small for his age.
They were very happy to see me in my rich dress.
All the food they served was piled up on my plate.
“Eat some of this too.”
“Thanks for your concern, but I can eat on my own.”
Due to the excessive consideration of the wives, I had to refuse many
As a sign of begging him to stop eating, he took a fork and drank the
oyster mushroom and chewed it.
“You are so sassy! You don't even eat junk food... … . You really learned
well in the royal family.”
“How come, look at what our princess is true to. Chew it well and eat
it well.”
The ladies laughed at how wonderful it was to eat a single oyster
Oh, I'm tired.
It was like being surrounded by a hundred lei.
“How could such a young princess come to this far place alone?”
“I want to take the princess to my house once. Although shabby, you
will not be lonely.”
No, I'm here to enjoy loneliness.
“Really, Princess. How about coming to my house and staying for a
few days?”
They said in a cheerful voice, as if they were trying to be my mother.
The background of losing my mother from birth seemed to stimulate
their sympathy.
It would be enough sympathy for a young girl who never grew up
with the love of her mother, to be alone in a large palace. It would be
good gossip to chew on.
“Thank you for your words, but that's ine, madam. It must not be a
“Oh my, you lungs! It is an honor, not a nuisance, for the princess to
No, I mean you are the lungs? It's not that I'm bothering you.
I tried to be kind and smiled.
“Do you feel lonely and bored if you live alone in a separate palace?”
“No, it’s okay.”
“How come you eat iron so quickly… … . Don’t even be brave.”
No, it's really okay. Really. Please accept the words as they are. please.
“I’m old enough to play with my friends.”
No, I'm way past that age.
“My child is the same age as the princess, and I have to bring her to
say hello.”
I lifted my head and looked at the woman who had brought up the
But the other wives said it was a good idea and said that they should
bring their own children and play with the princess.
'What nonsense are you talking about!'
I imagined children around the age of ten running around in the
detached palace and clinging to me.
It was clear to my eyes that the garden was full of children with good
physical strength and immature children who had not yet experienced
secondary sexual characteristics.
My peaceful palace will be a mess, and I will become a babysitter!
It was hard to handle even a single Ray, but how many of those kids?
“Right now, it’s hard to run around and play with me because I’m
recovering, and I’ll invite you separately later when I get better.”
I hid my clenched ists and politely declined with a nice smile.
The detached palace had to defend peace.
“At this age, I can’t even go out and play… … ! I want to give you some
medicine that is good for your body.”
“No, it’s ine. It is not enough to take medicine.”
I waved my hand.
Please don't send anything like that. My disease is a disease that can
be cured if left alone.
“Hoho, the princess is also proud, but I guess she is still young. You
hate drugs.”
“Originally, children do everything they can to avoid taking bitter
The wives laughed among themselves again.
The more we talked, the more misunderstandings piled up.
I turned my eyes to Stefan and Clara and sent an unspoken rescue call
to get them out of the situation, but Clara was watching with a happy
smile and Stefan, as usual, stood silently like a stone.
Rather, Clara clasped her hands together and nodded, as if she
thought that she had regained her vigor when she saw me, who had
become more talkative than usual—of course, to defend against the
raging attacks of the ladies.
'Oh my God, no one's on my side!'
okay. Life is inherently lonely.
The world was a lonely way to be born alone and die alone.
At that time, a lady sitting in an orphanage on one side called me.
'The Duchess of Bronte.'
“I would like to invite you to my house someday, is that okay? I
promise I will never treat you to bitter medicine.”
asked the Duchess in a digni ied voice.
Duke of Bronte, Ethan Bronte.
Ethan, who was crying last time, lashed through his mind.
I hesitated for a moment and then nodded.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
I decided to add 'Ethan's Dogs and Cheonseons' to my bucket list of
living a good life.


“Did you have fun today?”

“No, I think I’m going to die of exhaustion.”
The ladies went home, and I slumped on the sofa.
How can you be so excited and talk about me alone.
Sometimes I felt like a grain of wheat sown before the pigeons or a
chunk of meat thrown into a pack of wolves.
Everyone surrounds me and pecks every nook and cranny of me.
It was a time when I was reminded of how much patience is required
to live a good life.
If it had been like before, I would have shouted out to the wives and
said one word, no, ten words.
'Well done, Dorothea.'
“It was so good to see the princess being loved so much.”
At Clara's words, one of my eyebrows went up.
'Are you loved? I?'
Was that awkward, tiring and unbearable scene of praise the scene of
“Everyone liked the princess, so they didn’t know what to do.”
Clara said the reason they trembled at Yunan was because they liked
I want to take care of you even a little more, I want to think of one
more thing, I want to walk even one more word.
“Because I’m a princess, I’m doing this to make connections.”
“I don’t watch the princess with a loving eye to see if the princess is
chewing on mushrooms just to make connections. There would have
been no slap on my knees for the princess's cuteness. Is it because your
eyes are different?”
Ugh, I hated those eyes.
I've never been treated like this in my past life.
Ethan often said tickling things, but he skipped his pretense.
He was accustomed to cynical eyes, blunt words, cold demeanor,
indifferent individualism, confrontation and competition.
And in the end I thought it was right.
Only strong can survive.
Only if I have a cool charisma, people will not recognize me and
ignore me.
It's too sweet to be horribly praised and staring with tickling eyes.
“It all comes from the love of the princess.”
Clara could see why Dorothy had won the hearts of their wives.
First of all, it looks like a pretty and cute doll!
In addition, he made his words blunt, and occasionally made laughs
like an old man who was not his age.
It was not unreasonable for the ladies to call themselves 'mother of a
“It’s a loving heart… … .”
The act of snoring and making a fuss with laughter was too lashy
and felt like a cluttered and miscellaneous room.
Light, frivolous, and harsh.
"I've never done that to someone I love."
I've never been so snarky and teasing at Theon before.
Of course, I had many thoughts of wanting to receive Theon's touch,
but I never forced it.
I was a staunch weakness in front of love.
I was afraid that if I did that, Theon would hate me.
When I reached out to grab my hand, he hid it irst.
Later, he would appear wearing gloves because he didn't want to
touch me.
My only courtship was to give him countless gifts, praise him, and
torment him alone.
If you can imagine, the picture of Theon putting food on my plate was
not well portrayed.
The way they laugh at each other, joke around, and laugh about small
things... … .
It was as if I wasn't the real me in that imagination.
But if this kind of sweet is the true love of people who live kindly.
“… … It’s dif icult.”
I thought seriously.
Giving or receiving love doesn't seem to it my aptitude.
I thought about it.
I don't know how to love properly, so it might be impossible for me to
live a good life.


“Come here, Princess.”

“Long time no see, Prince Bronte.”
I saw the Bronte family coming to meet me.
It was the Duke of Bronte and his wife, and his servants and servants.
They even arranged a meal for me.
The large table was full of food that seemed to have been prepared in
several days.
Onion macaroni topped with cream and cheese, sirloin steak topped
with assorted spices, crispy browned turkey, rose rolled salmon topped
with chickpeas, non-alcoholic apple lavored sparkling wine, hazelnut
and lemon Yogurt musley, rice pudding… … .
It was too much for the Bronte and I to eat, but Ethan wasn't there
I pretended not to know anything and sat down without mentioning
The meal began and conversations with the Duchess and the
Duchess were made on various topics, but Ethan was not mentioned
“By the way, I heard that you have a son… … .”
Even though I knew everything, I got annoyed at the being erased, so
I broke my luck irst.
“Do you know our Jonathan?”
The peacock smiled broadly.
Oh right. he was there too
Jonathan Bronte was the daughter and eldest son of the Duchess.
And he was also the guy who got hit in the head when I was annoyed
with the episteme and threw stones.
But other than that, his existence was hardly remembered. Because I
died before I became emperor.
Did I mention that he died in an accident while hunting? Did I say he
died riding a horse?
Anyway, he wasn't that important to me. He wasn't friendly, and he
was closer to Ray than to me.
“Jonathan is currently attending Episteme and is living in the
dormitory. Did the Crown Prince ever tell the princess about our
Jonathan? haha!"
The Duke of Bronte smiled proudly.
It was as if their shoulders were shrugged when they thought that
the Crown Prince and Princess knew their son.
“Oh, no, I just saw Brontega’s son. They say Ethan Bronte... … .”
Ethan's name had not come out of the Duke's mouth, so I had to say
his name directly.
Then the Duke and Duchess met their eyes in bewilderment.
I didn't want to see him not knowing what to do.
“Ethan Bronte, aren’t you?”
When asked again, the duke answered quickly.
“Hey, there is. I've met you before!"
“Yes, we met by chance while walking on the beach. Is Confucius
Ethan also absent?”
The two of them smiled at my continued question.
Their eyes glowed with triumphant light as if they had found
He must have mistakenly thought that I fell in love with Ethan at irst
Well, it's not unreasonable to be mistaken as most young girls who
see Ethan will react like that.
Whether you're mistaken or not, it doesn't really matter.
I ate milk pudding and waited for an answer.
“You are interested in our Ethan! Ethan was not feeling well today, so
he was unable to eat, so he was inevitably absent. I have been
disrespectful to the princess.”
Their attitude has changed quite favorably.
He said that the princess was interested, so he seemed to be
calculating whether to continue the relationship somehow.
I don't know what kind of misunderstanding I'm making, but I'm just
going to use that misunderstanding.
“I thought you could be friends with me. May I meet you?”
“Then I will guide you after dinner. Perhaps Princess Ethan will be
happy to visit you.”
After dinner, Ethan's nanny, who had been waiting in advance, took
me to the garden.
Because the climate in the south was mild, the garden was in full
A lower garden where the scent of lilies descends so deeply that it
makes you dizzy.
The nanny led me down the long vine arch.
Stefan was tall and hunched over his shoulders and followed him.
“Master Ethan, Princess Dorothea Milanaire is here.”
As they exited the arch, the nanny turned to the boy sitting at the
outdoor table.
Then the boy who was sitting among the white lilies looked back.
Her silver hair luttered and glistened in the sunlight.
An ecstaticly beautiful boy, as if gold dust was only scattered around
Perfect beauty as if the god of beauty never left his side for even a
single moment.
Ethan's eyes widened as if surprised by the sudden visit.
Do you remember what happened at the beach last time?
But he quickly got up from his seat and smiled.
His beautiful golden eyes pierced my heart.
If I hadn't loved Theon, I must have passed on to Ethan like all the
other girls.
'The short hair suits him really well.'
I thought his beauty would shine brighter by letting his long silver
hair down, but it wasn't.
He perfectly digested even the neatly cut short hair like a master.
I asked after trimming my neck a lot for nothing.
“Ethan Bronte, right?”
He looked surprised for a moment as if he didn't expect his name to
be called, then returned with a polite smile.
"Nice to meet you. It is an honor to meet Princess Dorothea.”
Ethan greeted him with a calm and polite voice.
“Me too, nice to meet you.”
“I am more than happy that the princess has found me.”
Ethan smiled once more to kill a man.
It was a smile that perfectly matched the white lilies.
Then something fell on the loor next to me.
When I turned around, I didn't even know that saliva was dripping
from my mouth as the nanny was wandering around looking at Ethan.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
After I turned around, the nanny came to her senses, wiped her lips
and bowed her head.
Then Ethan looked at the nanny and smiled again. As if to die again.
As he intended, the nanny clenched her mouth with a pounding
Ethan was young, but he knew he was handsome.
'Yeah, this is the Ethan I knew.'
“Then call me if you need me.”
The nanny made a face that looked like she was about to tremble at
any moment and hurriedly left the place.
“Stefan may step back for a moment. I'm going to play with Ethan."
At my command, Stefan glanced at Ethan and nodded.
Everyone retreated and I approached him cautiously.
Stefan was watching us from afar beyond the lower bed.
Ethan calmly guided me to the seat.
It's like someone who doesn't remember what happened at the
beach. Or like you don't recognize me.
But there's no way he couldn't have recognized me. He was certainly
surprised to see me.
But now he was pretending not to know me.
'It means you don't want to talk about that day.'
“But how did you get here? It's not a place worth coming alone... … .”
His voice, which had not yet undergone metamorphosis, gave a soft
and refreshing feeling.
Although she was still young even after her transformation, she was
more sexy than this... … .
“I am recuperating in a nearby private palace.”
“Correction? So, shall we go inside without blowing air?”
Ethan said as if worried about my ill health.
This is this guy's weapon. Pretending to be kind to his handsome
Who dares to hate Ethan Bronte like this?
"no. Rather, it was frustrating because I stayed inside too much.”
“You drank a lot.”
He looked at my slender wrist and said.
After the kidnapping, various things overlapped and I lost a lot of
lesh and muscle, so I could see bones and blood vessels on the back of
my hand.
Ethan seemed genuinely worried about me. As always.
“I’m ine now, and I’m gaining weight again these days. I like living
“Okay, even though it’s a small garden, I hope you like this place too.
So that the princess can get well sooner.”
Ethan smiled and cared for me affectionately.
Even though I had seen Ethan for a long time, I couldn't tell if he was
genuinely friendly or if he was hiding something else.
Can you be so cunning already? With such a pure face?
Even with that thought, looking back on what Ethan had done so far,
he could never be vigilant.
I looked into Ethan's eyes.
Then Ethan tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.
Oh, I see.
“What’s on my face?”
I nodded involuntarily.
“Uh… … where are you?"
Ethan was startled and rubbed the back of his hand on the round
cheek that had not yet shed.
Ethan's unconscious habit of lying with pretense.
If you look at it quietly and push it up, you wiggle your eyebrows
Usually, few people could look straight into Ethan's handsome eyes
for long periods of time, and his twitches were so subtle that it was
almost impossible to notice the habit.
I also found out about his true form after observing him, so I'm the
only one who knows his habit.
'Later, I even changed that habit, so even if this guy said nice things
to me, I couldn't tell if it was a pretense or not.'
Fortunately, the young Ethan now responds more clearly as to
whether he is less adept at lying.
But I can't say I know it.
“You’re handsome.”
I was a bit nauseous and frowned upon with cliché d jokes.
At that moment, Ethan's face turned red.
“Huh? Yes? no. that is… … .”
Ethan's gaze drifted away from me into the air and he stuttered.
'what? Didn't he already know that he was handsome?'
I'm sure you'll get this kind of reaction to a word you just threw out.
Ethan I know blushed only in four situations.
When you stand under red lights, when you eat spicy food, when you
have a fever, and when you have to blush to your advantage.
If you were like Ethan in the past, instead of blushing when you said
you were handsome, you brazenly said, 'You're overrated. Could it be
compared to Your Majesty's beauty?' would have passed
That's why he's shy
I smiled as I looked at Ethan's blushing face.
More and more, Ethan wandered, not knowing where to put his eyes.
'This is how young Ethan felt.'
I wanted to tease Ethan a little more.
“Didn’t you hear a lot about being handsome or cute?”
“No, not at all… … .”
Ethan lowered his face, red as if about to explode.
no what is it Every morning, 'Today is a good morning!' With a face
that seems to say hello.
“The princess is the most beautiful person I have ever met.”
"ah… … .”
Also, Ethan Bronte.
A snake that entices people by whispering sweet words.
'Sincerity… … Maybe?'
The word "beautiful" was heard by people tired of it before
Theon didn't come with me, so I often had Prime Minister Ethan
standing next to me, and people gave us all kinds of praise for our
Said to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
There was also a joke that I and Ethan had conquered the world with
their faces and ascended to the positions of emperor and prime
Furthermore, some said that I and Ethan were heaven-sent partners.
Of course, I cut off the head of the person who said that.
But now I'm not sure if the compliments were real or if they were
just whispers to blind me.
"thank you. For praising me.”
Whether that was the truth or not, it was enough to say it.
No one blushes as stupidly as Ethan.
Ethan looked at my smile and smiled after me.
The windy garden made his soft hair sway gently.
“You are prettier because you smile… … . Oh, wait a minute.”
Ethan looked at me and reached for my face.
His ingers gently stroked my cheek.
I closed my eyes at the sudden touch and heard Ethan's small laugh.
“The hair is attached.”
When he opened his eyes, he met his eyes as he was approaching
Oh, you are so pretty, Ethan.
As I stared blankly at him, Ethan looked up at the sky for nothing,
averting his eyes irst.
“Actually, I’m glad that the princess has come. I have no friends.”
“My brother doesn’t like me going out.”
If it's my older brother, I'm probably referring to Jonathan, who went
to Episteme earlier.
From Jonathan's point of view, the stone that rolled from the outside
would probably look unappealing.
Besides, the children who were born outside the father's face are
also half-faced, so people will like them.
I vaguely remembered Jonathan's outright dislike for Ethan.
“And even if I go out, I can’t hear good things… … Oops!”
He covered my lips with his hand as if he had said something wrong.
If it's a bad thing, it's probably about his origins.
I looked away, pretending not to hear. It was best to pretend not to
know about his bad situation.
There were times when I cried in the sea… … If it's just a mistake,
there's a good chance it's Ethan's intentional mistake.
He would occasionally display his unhappy plight and win the
sympathetic favor of the people.
I'm sorry for Ethan who cried last time, but there was Ethan I knew
until now to fully trust him.
“Ah, anyway, that’s why I’m so glad that the princess came to visit
Ethan smiled shyly when he inished speaking.
It made me feel better because the laughter was sincere.
foxy guy. That's why it's dangerous. I used to be obsessed with this
kind of candy spread before.
“… … If you have time later, come to Anastas Palace to play.”
I whispered a word.
I had been refusing to visit children my age, but Ethan seemed to be
Wouldn't Ethan live his life in a slightly different direction if I were to
be his friend?
“Is that really okay?”
As I nodded, Ethan smiled broadly, genuinely happy, and lightly
kissed my cheek.
I rolled my eyes in surprise.
what? kiss?
It was the irst time Ethan had kissed him.
In my last life, when I met Ethan, I was already engaged to Theon, and
I was not old enough to do this when I was big enough.
Moreover, Ethan wasn't a naughty guy enough to tease his lips like
He was a man who knew the nobility and worth of my lips.
I glanced at Ethan with my dazed eyes closed, and Ethan smirked,
revealing his white teeth.
“Thank you, Princess.”
Ethan's words reminded me of the 'hearing thanks three times a
week' list on my bucket list.
'Today, I think I've only heard Ethan say thank you, but should I hit
this too... … ?'
Ethan's words of thanks are likely not sincere, so I didn't put Ethan's
words on my bucket list.


“Knight Stefan!”
One day, after living in a separate palace, Clara mustered up the
courage to call Stephan.
Then the big man looked back.
He was tall enough to reach the ceiling, and his wide shoulders and
back, as well as the muscles that re lected under his clothes, were
daunting at all times.
Moreover, Stefan doesn't speak much, so he gets nervous whenever
he talks to him.
Clara swallowed one gulp and opened her mouth.
“Uh, it’s the princess’s birthday in a little while, so shouldn’t we
prepare something?”
“… … .”
As usual, when there was no answer, Clara thought she was just
But Stefan nodded.
“Are you going to prepare?”
Clara smiled broadly and recon irmed, and Stefan nodded again.
"What a relief! Actually, I had a lot of trouble iguring out what to
prepare as a present for the princess. No matter what the princess gave
me, there was no response.”
“… … .”
“You’ve been living with the princess as well as the knight. Do you
have any gifts that the princess will like?”
“… … .”
Clara waited for Stefan's answer for a long time, but his lips were
glued together and did not fall off.
“I haven’t liked gifts so far, and it seems like they like to read books…
… .”
At Clara's words, Stefan nodded again.
"ah! Come to think of it, there is a book that the princess likes the
most. It's a story book about a lion warrior... … !”
Clara remembered the book Dorothy often read.
It is a story book about a lion warrior who is ignored by all animals
and overcomes hardship and adversity to become the most
courageous and respected lion king.
In fact, it was Dorothy's fake cover trying to play a childish level
whenever she read dif icult books like astronomy or ancient rhetoric,
but Clara didn't know that.
“Then why not do a surprise event instead of a gift?”
“… … ?”
"So… … .”
Clara gestured to Stephan, lapping her hand.
As Stephan stood with his eyes closed, Clara pulled his clothes and
made him bow.
And whispered in her ear the grand plan she had in mind.
"how about it?"
After sharing the plan, Clara looked at Stephan with excitement.
“… … .”
Stefan shook his head quietly.
as if that wasn't the case.
“Princess… … I'm nine years old... … ”
“Prince Raymond said he liked it very much when he was 10 years
old! I'm sure the princess will like it too."
I don't think so... … .
But the person with the loudest voice always wins, and Stefan's voice
was as if nothing.


“Happy birthday, Princess!”

Clara was noisy in the morning.
It was my birthday and Clara seemed more excited than I was.
For breakfast, I had two fried eggs with sunny side up next to toast
saying it was my birthday.
'Well, I like this.'
Usually one egg, but two. In addition, it was brilliant to see the yolk in
a perfectly semi-boiled state came up in a circle.
I'm not so poor that I regret a single fried egg, but somehow, such a
small change in my daily life just makes me feel good.
With that thought in mind, he popped the egg yolk, ignoring the
heart-shaped ketchup.
Two fries gave me a very satisfying meal.
As soon as I put down the napkin after eating, Clara quickly came to
my side.
“It’s such a nice day today, would you like to go to the beach in front
of me?”
“Aren’t you bad for me?”
I looked out the window and saw the cloudy sky. The sky was full of
gray clouds.
“It’s my birthday, so it’s good to go outside and play.”
"Well… … not really."
I said so, then changed my words again as I saw Clara's eyes twinkle
with anticipation.
"Ok, ine."
there's something
If it was a walk, the previous nanny had used it for me.
Come to think of it, Stefan hasn't been seen since morning. What the
hell are you up to?
It was an obvious masterpiece, but the plan was quite sincere, so I
decided to follow Clara.
I put on a light cardigan and went out with Clara to the beach in front
of the villa.
It was a cloudy day, and the wind from the beach was cool and salty.
A gray sea resembling a cloudy sky on a dimmer sandy beach than
I felt the end of the world in the waves crashing wildly.
This is great weather for a walk.
It's the perfect weather for my birthday.
"Oh! Princess Dorothy! Look at the seashells over there. So pretty!"
Clara, that line is too contrived.
Clara said, pointing to the white sandy beach.
The sandy beach, which was usually dazzling in the sunlight, was
covered with a muddy and dirty gray color.
In the meantime, shells that signaled the clam's death were
I wasn't really interested in seashells.
If you see a person who likes seashells, it is the person whose
sensitivity is so dry that you want to ask if you want to pick it up
because human bones are so good.
But, as a good child, I didn't ask, knowing that such a question would
be offensive to the other person.
Instead, he obeyed Clara's words pointing to the loor and picked up
the clams.
'Isn't it something like that I picked up a shell ish and buried a gift
underneath it?'
It's nothing special, but just picking up shells made me nervous.
However, even after picking up a lot of seashells, there was no gift.
It's not disappointing, but somehow I felt like I was in vain.
How long do I have to pick up?
I grabbed the clam in both hands and looked back.
But Clara didn't have to be behind me.
I looked around and found her.
it was this Where are you going to hide and blind me?
Just as I was about to disintegrate that I had just been tricked by
Clara, a huge thing approached me from afar.
I took a step or two back, looking at the odd, gigantic object.
That gigantic thing, clad in a bizarre mask and with a brown tail,
approaching me with clumsy steps... … .
'It's Stefan.'
Even if he was wearing a mask and a lion's robe, he looked like
Stephan from here and there.
When the hell did you ever make those weird clothes again?
I endured the twitching of my brow and looked at Stefan's clothes.
A mask that looks stuffy, a luffy mane made of wool, brown clothes
that cover the whole body, brown gloves and large doll shoes made to
imitate a lion's paws.
'Isn't it hot? … ?'
Although the weather was cloudy, it was not a pleasant and cool day
to walk on the sandy beach wearing such thick doll clothes.
There was only one person who could make a giant lion costume the
size of Stephan.
'Clara is a complete accomplice. No, it must be the leader.'
Because Stefan wouldn't have come forward and said he'd be a lion.
'Did you think I would be deceived by something like that? What do
you see me as?'
Stefan, dressed in a lion's robe, crossed the sand and stopped in front
of me, then bowed his head and looked at me.
I didn't like this childish prank, so I opened my mouth.
“There you are… … .”
“… … Whoops.”
As I was about to call out Stefan's name, I froze at the sound of his
'Stephan said it was a joke... … ?'
That blunt knight Stefan? I can't believe he's wearing that lion's suit,
“… … I'm brave... … Lion warrior Leo.”
ah… … ! Don't do it, Stefan.
I had goosebumps all over my body.
It was then that I realized that Stefan was copying Leo, the
protagonist of my favorite book cover, The Tale of the Lion Champion.
I wanted to cry out to him to stop at his acting, which was
embarrassing even to me.
But seeing him, who can't speak, even wears such clothes and writes
lines, it's a pity that he couldn't say that.
'Yes, this is today's good deed. Because I'm kind.'
I don't know if I'm really good, but Stephan in the lion warrior's suit
was so pitiful that I felt like crying.
"Wow… … . Are you really the lion warrior Leo?”
When I asked with a forced smile, Stefan, no, the lion warrior Leo
A sense of wonder came over Maybe Stefan would too.
At the same time I realized
The fact that everyone will be embarrassed the moment I call him
Stefan here.
Sometimes what you don't know is medicine.
“… … .”
In the awkward silence, the sound of rushing waves was repeated.
Speak up, Stefan. you started!
“… … Whoops.”
please! don't do it! Don't boo! You're banned!
I got goosebumps and took a step back.
Then Stefan came up to me and waved his hand.
“Leo, I’m not afraid… … .”
I'm not running away because I'm afraid!
He continued to take a step backwards, but Stefan followed steadily
and persistently.
He was honest and would not back down until his mission was
It wasn't until I reached the very end of the beach that I realized I
couldn't get out of the lion champion's trap.
Okay, then I'll break through it head-on.
“Would you like to have this?”
I held out the seashell that I had been holding for a long time.
Then Stefan went back and forth, and reached out his hand in a
brown glove and took the clams I had handed him.
I handed over the shells that were obviously full of my two hands, but
not even one of his large hands was full.
Stefan didn't know what to do with the seashell he had received from
When I saw that, maybe my embarrassment had become dull or it
just felt cute.
“Put it in your pocket.”
I pointed to the open pocket on the belly of the lion's robe.
Stefan was delighted to ind out that he didn't know there was a
pouch there and put the clams in it.
'Clara. If you were thinking about the lion smoke, you shouldn't have
made a pocket there.'
A pocket on the belly of a lion. Not even a kangaroo.
Clara usually has a lot of pockets for practicality when sewing, but
that habit came from here as well.
Whoa, I have no choice but to pretend that I am not a good person.
The main character leading this sketch had to be me.
I continued with the next question.
“Where is your deer friend?”
Stefan didn't expect this question, so he staggered like a broken
machine before inally opening his mouth.
“… … at home."
That's the answer... … !
“Did you come to see me because it’s my birthday today?”
Yes, this was a birthday event.
So, if you just celebrate your birthday, you probably achieve the main
purpose of the event.
Stefan nodded instead of answering my question.
No, it was the right time to just say 'Happy Birthday' and disappear,
I looked up at him as if to speak quickly.
He could not speak, even if he lacked conversation skills, he was
lacking for a long time.
Even if I only resemble half of Ethan half.
“Aren’t you going to congratulate me on my birthday?”
Then he shook his head and nodded.
“Princess Dorothea… … happy birthday. … … Whoops.”
Stefan said.
He leaned over and patted my shoulder awkwardly.
I stopped laughing at how hard he was working through the lion
It's creepy, but it's still good. who is working hard for me
“Thank you, Shu… … Come on, the brave Leo.”
I almost said it was Stefan, but luckily, I just skimmed it.
Then Stefan bent his knees and squatted down to my height, and
then he stood up again, holding me in his arms.
I was held in his arms and loated in the air.
He started walking along the beach, holding me steady in one arm.
I could sense that Stefan was tall.
The sea looked farther away, the wind somehow seemed to be
blowing harder, and the loor was far below.
Stefan took me and walked to the end of the beach. His footprints
were lonely on the white sandy beach.
It was the irst time I had been so close with Stefan.
There will come a day when Stefan will wear a lion's suit for my
birthday and say oh-oh-oh.
There will come a day when I will be held in Stefan's arms.
'… … It was a knight on Ray's side.'
When I think of the past, I feel refreshed.
When I killed him, frankly, I laughed at Stefan, who was willing to die
in his own blood to protect Rey.
He also thought that the foolish choice of risking death was a good it
for the ignorant Stefan.
I think I looked down on that knight who was a mercenary and had
no sociability.
But only now did the knight Stefan Greenwall look different.
A knight who works hard and silently walks his own path. Even
though his origin must have been an obstacle, he did not waver.
I saw a glimpse of myself in his appearance.
My past, when I was born without becoming a Crown Prince and had
to carve out my own path.
But unlike me, who was crooked, he walked his own path quite
He was a better person than me.
“You were a brave and wonderful person… … .”
Then Stephan stood tall and stopped.
“… … .”
Stefan, in the lion's mask, looked at me silently for a long time.
Realizing that my words were too frivolous, I parted my lips to muf le
my words.
By the way.
“It’s not a person, it’s a lion… … .”
At Stefan's words, I burst into laughter.
right. Now you are a lion warrior. Not Stefan.
Stefan seemed to understand that I was praising the lion warrior
"Sorry. Lion warrior.”
I'll give your compliments formally later.
Stefan had a lot to apologize for. thanks too.
Then, as if waking me up from thoughts, raindrops fell on my cheeks.
“Oh, it’s raining.”
“… … ?”
Unlike me, who noticed immediately, Stefan, who was inside the
cramped lion's robe, didn't even notice it was raining.
It's been cloudy since morning.
The rain, which had been falling drop by drop, soon turned into a
shower and began to pour into a downpour.
"elegy… … !”
Then Stefan held me tightly in his arms and covered my head with
one hand and ran to the palace.
He hugged me and ran down the sandy beach in the rain-soaked doll
As I was walking, I came to a fairly distant place on the sandy beach,
so I had to walk on the sand for a long time to get to the detached
Besides, I'm wearing a lion's mask, so it must be hard to breathe.
“You can put me down!”
“… … .”
But Stefan never let me down.
He sighed only after arriving at the detached palace and setting me
down under a canopy to block the rain.
“Princess! choux… … ! Lion!”
We ran into Clara, who was just coming out with an umbrella.
Clara looked at Stefan with a large towel wrapped around my
Stefan was standing in the rain and looking at me without coming
under the awning.
“Come in without rain.”
I beckoned, but Stefan shook his head.
Then the lion warrior waved his hand as if he had to leave.
Where are you going when it's raining?
His mane and clothes, wet from the rain, were like a mouse that fell
into the water.
I shut my mouth when I tried to tell Stefan to stop talking and come
You'd hate to take that doll's clothes off in my place.
Stefan was overly blunt.
okay. Where do you get that doll's clothes off?
That wouldn't be a perfect crime. me and you too.
“Thank you, Lion Champion.”
I decided to protect their childhood.


When I returned to the room after washing my wet body with warm
water, I found a letter and a gift on the other side of the room.
“Clara, what is this?”
“This is a letter from the system today. His Majesty Raymond sent
Clara said happily.
“… … ah."
Clara was puzzled by my reaction.
“Aren’t you going to open it?”
I ignored the gift and climbed onto the sofa and sat down.
Just then, Stephan returned.
It seemed that he had changed clothes after inishing the role of the
lion warrior Leo.
I don't know if it was rain or it had already been washed, but my wet,
dark hair was falling down calmly, unlike usual.
Under a light white shirt, the contours of his tightly-muscleed body
were revealed.
Once again, I felt that Stefan was a irst-class knight.
Stefan seemed to have a good feeling when the corners of his mouth
were slightly raised.
'It's clear that you think I've been completely deceived.'
The innocence of those who believe in my innocence.
“Where have you been, Stephan?”
I greeted Stefan innocently, pretending not to know anything.
But when I asked, 'Where have you been?', Stefan was embarrassed
and did not know what to do.
“… … .”
“Chief Stephen, wait a minute… … You went to the tree.”
Clara spoke on behalf of Stephan, who was sending the eyes of
No, sending the princess's escort knight to a tree is a very strange
And on a cloudy and rainy day like this, you're going to make wet
Wouldn't it make you look too stupid if you were deceived by such a
I was very worried, but I decided to pretend to be fooled one last
“Stephan, you know what? I went to the beach today and met the lion
warrior Leo.”
After-sales service for sure.
The corners of Stepan's lips went up about 5 degrees at my words as
if it were a surprise.
He seemed to enjoy the role of the lion warrior.
Clara and Stefan seem to be as innocuous as Ray.
“Stefan, but it’s my birthday today, so won’t you give me a birthday
I asked, looking at Stefan who was pleased.
A lion warrior is a lion warrior, and I need to get a gift separately.
It's too hard to pretend to be an innocent child, so it's a pity to just
let it go.
At my words, the corners of Stefan's lips went down again and he
looked at Clara.
Clara smiled shyly and shrugged.
Stefan tells him to do it himself.
“Do you have any presents for my birthday, Stefan?”
I lowered my eyebrows and asked, Stefan, confused, looked at me
and Clara.
His large, crude hands clenched and stretched nervously, and his
tongue drenched his dry lips.
“You really don’t, Stefan?”
“… … .”
Stefan did not know what to do at my question and shook his body to
and fro.
I don't have a gift prepared, I have to make a gift, but I don't have the
ability to improvise, and I don't have the wit.
He was driven into a corner with no way out.
“No… … .”
As I shook my head, Stefan rushed to me and knelt down on the sofa
to make eye contact with me.
“I, later… … .”
Stefan's large hand grabbed my hand as if pleading.
“But it’s my birthday after all.”
Then, Stefan puckered his mouth and said over it.
This is going to make Stefan cry soon.
“Actually, I have a present that I would like to receive from Stefan… …
Sorry, Stefan. The gist was this.
When I got lucky, Stefan stood tall and stopped and looked at me as if
to say something.
His sincere eyes were waiting for my words.
That's right, good job.
I told Stefan, who seemed to be willing to listen to anything, a wish I
had been thinking about before coming to the hospital.
“I want to learn swordsmanship.”
As soon as I inished speaking, Clara and Stephan's eyes widened at
the same time.
“Princess, is it swordsmanship?”
“I am too weak. I hate being weak. Like the last time the scary guys
caught me, and at the beach this morning, what would I have done if I
had met a scary person instead of a lion warrior?”
I looked at Clara and Stefan and asked.
It was the art I loved.
I loved the sword so much that if you ask what was the biggest force
that made the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire, many people would say
I was so talented in swordsmanship that I could even include myself
in the top ive of the powerful including Stefan.
It was a pleasure for me to handle the sword.
The only hobby I can release my stress from.
This too was sublimated into my tyrant's temperament, but it was a
problem... … .
The irst thing I wanted to do when I returned was to grab a sword.
However, I was ignoring it for fear that I would have a bad heart if I
took the sword again.
If I hold the sword and gain strength, I fear that I will greedy for
something bigger with that power again.
But I knew for sure about the kidnapping.
A good person must be strong as well.
The sword doesn't decide what's good or bad.
At my words, Clara and Stefan just looked at each other.
“Then teach me swordsmanship, Stefan.”
I grabbed Stefan's sleeve tightly.
“… … no? Aren't you going to give me a present?"
Stefan nodded vigorously at him.
sign of permission.
okay. Everything is going according to plan.
I smiled at Stefan.


a few months later.

I was left alone after practice with Stefan, waving a wooden stick and
After a few months, the sword was quite familiar.
The skinny, shabby appearance that only showed the bones was
gone, and the strength in the limbs made it much easier to lead a
normal life.
'It's much better because it's light.'
I thought, swinging a wooden stick.
Accurate and easy to handle. Of course, with this thin stick, you won't
be able to ight the enemy properly and you'll break it.
My skills were too good for a beginner.
It was natural to have the skills before the return.
Even so, Stefan had not yet given me a true sword.
Am I worried about getting hurt? Or I'm jealous because my skills are
way too high... … ?
But gradually, I wasn't satis ied with the wooden sword alone, so I
was thinking about making my own sword.
Then I heard a shout from behind.
I quickly turned back and stretched out the wooden stick. By the way.
"oh… … !”
It was Ethan, not Stefan, who was behind him.
Ethan was startled by a wooden stick that had suddenly entered his
neck and fell backwards.
“Hello, Princess Dorothea.”
Ethan greeted with a smile while grimacing as if his butt was hurting
on the loor.
Even the way Ethan hit his butt wheel was beautiful.
“Sorry, I thought it was Stefan… … .”
I reached out to him.
Then Ethan looked at my hand for a moment, then grabbed my hand
and stood up.
“You’re fast.”
“Fast… … .”
I still have a long way to go to catch up with Stefan.
It was an excellent skill for his age, but he was still not a match for
After taking a break from the sword for nearly 10 years after
returning, I lost a lot of my senses, and it was also due to the fact that
this body, which had not exercised properly once, was so poorly
“It looks great to me. I have no talent for swordsmanship.”
I nodded at Ethan's words.
He was good in many ways, but he was clumsy when it came to force.
He danced well, so he could handle a sword to some extent, but he
never raised a sword.
But what's the problem with that? He has strong supporters who do
not even need to raise a sword, but raise a sword instead.
“But what’s going on here?”
“I’m bored.”
Ethan laughed shyly.
At that moment, as if the world was helping, a breeze blew and his
silver hair luttered and luttered.
His white skin transparently embraced the sunlight, and his golden
eyes shone brilliantly.
Somewhere along the wind, the petals lew away, and the appearance
was very exquisite.
'… … That's why people die.'
I also just had my heart pounding.
“You told me to come play when the princess is bored.”
As Ethan said, there was a bit of a commotion behind him.
When I turned around, Clara and the servants of the villa were hiding
behind them and watching Ethan.
It must have been that he was praising Ethan by looking at his
appearance as he babbled and stomped his feet.
“I didn’t even give you a call irst. I didn't even know you were
coming... … .”
“Did you come all of a sudden and be rude?”
“It’s not rude, but I was surprised. appeared suddenly.”
“I thought I was going to say something, but I was so absorbed in it
that I didn’t think I should interfere.”
Ethan said he was going to wait quietly until I inished practicing.
“I didn’t know you would recognize my footsteps so quickly.”
“I thought it was Stefan… … .”
As I shrugged, Ethan pulled out a handkerchief and reached out.
“You seem to be in good health.”
Ethan smiled and muttered, wiping the sweat from my forehead and
I shrugged my neck slightly, startled by the unexpected gentle touch.
“I came here to get healthy… … .”
Ethan, who wiped the sweat, smiled.
I was embarrassed for nothing, so I raised my arm and sniffed my
scent. It didn't smell very good because I was sweating.
“I’m sorry, Ethan. I was sweating too much.”
I took a step away from the fragrant and clean Ethan.
Then Ethan smiled a little and shook his head and took a step closer
than I had been.
“Even though it’s so close, I can’t smell it. Rather, it smells like grass
and wind, which is nice.”
Then Ethan took my hand.
I didn't realize it when he got me up, but my hands were sticky from
Ethan seemed to be offended, so he tried to pull his hand away, but
he smiled and took me inside as if nothing had happened.
“Last time, I showed you the dukes, so this time, please show me the
private palace.”
“But I have to wash.”
“Then you can introduce me to the bathroom of the annex irst.”
"What… … ?”
What is he talking about now?
A bathroom is a space for bathing.
Dorothy raised her eyebrows in embarrassment.
“I’m going to wash up. Wash your hands too.”
Ethan blinked for a moment and said innocently.
My eyes were clear as if I had become disrespectful as I thought of
taking a bath for a moment.
"Oh yeah… … . to wash up.”
Ethan grabbed his hand and told him to go.
But wait. Do you need to go to the bathroom to wash your face?
Usually the servants take the wash water in the washbasin. Isn't the
peacock the same?
Belatedly, when I opened my puzzled eyes, Ethan smiled a little.
“It’s a joke, Princess. I'll be waiting for you in the living room. Prepare
yourself and come out.”
Ethan said.
How could you say something like that at that age?
Ethan had a strange power to control people.


After I washed and changed into new clothes, I introduced Ethan to

the private palace.
“The princess’s room… … It is very neat.”
Ethan tried to compliment my poor room.
My room wasn't a place for kids to play.
A place with no toys, no objects to stimulate curiosity, and a plain
and plain place.
Before returning, my room was not like this.
I have everything I want to have, so I can decorate my room by
collecting everything.
When all the ornaments called ornaments of famous artisans were
bought, the title was released, and one wall was illed with famous
swords that were famous in the world.
Beautiful paintings were used as wallpaper, and works of famous
sculptors were attached to every corner of the room.
At that time, I wanted my room to be more glamorous than Ray's
room, no, anyone else's room.
So my future historians will assert that there is no work of art as
beautiful as my room.
But at the end of my life I realized.
that it's all useless. That no matter how much you ill it, nothing ills
I already have it all, so I don't have the desire to own anything
So, my room in the detached palace was too bleak to call it the
princess's room.
“You did a great job bringing the present.”
"braided. The princess has specially invited me, but I cannot come
What he pulled out of his bosom was a splendid locket pendant set in
goldsmith with ive red gems.
A pretty angel and lowers were painted inside the pendant.
Even if I saw a lot of luxury items, it was an item of considerable
Ethan's tastes have been good for me since the old days, and so did
this pendant.
Presumably, if it had been before returning, he would certainly have
been delighted with Ethan's gift and reciprocated greatly.
“Where did you get this?”
“Where am I from? I'm still Bronte."
He reminded him that even though he was a bastard, he was the son
of a duke.
Still, it's a bit too much to exchange without seeing each other a few
“It’s too good for me to receive. Take it back.”
I kind of felt like a bribe, so I politely pushed Ethan's hand away.
"Yes… … ?”
“I’ll take my heart.”
“Are you sure you don’t like this pendant?”
“No, it’s a great pendant.”
“It’s great, but why don’t you take it? Don't you like this?"
Ethan questioned me with his golden eyes.
He had the face of a beautiful boy, but somehow it seemed to hold me
It seemed like he was begging to be accepted.
“We just met. These are really close and I think it would be a good gift
to someone you love.”
I was a little concerned about Ethan's reaction, but I declined once
“A close and precious person… … .”
He grinned softly with a blunt tone of voice and then smiled bitterly.
“I thought the princess was close and precious, but I guess she is
Ethan quietly put the pendant back in.
“I must have been a little excited by myself. It was the irst time
someone had visited me and invited me like this, so I thought I should
bring a nice present. I’m sorry if it was a burden.”
"ah… … .”
Ethan, you are a weak person. What if you put on a bittersweet smile
with such a pretty face?
He really has a talent for making people's hearts heavy.
But Ethan didn't bring up the pendant any more and looked around
my room.
Thanks to that, the atmosphere was lightened, and I was able to put
down a little heavy load.
“What is this letter?”
Ethan looked around the room to ind something to talk about.
Where Ethan pointed, there was a letter I did not know.
“It must have come from the imperial family.”
The letter was stamped with the design of the Milanaire family.
The imprint with blue feathers showed the sender's sincerity, but to
me, it was not a letter I liked at all.
“It’s not important.”
Even without looking closely, it was clear that it was a letter from
Ray has sent me regular letters since I came down, but I haven't
opened one.
I don't understand his behavior in sending unanswered letters over
and over, but Rey's stupidity was not my area of understanding.
“If it’s from the imperial family, it might be important, but if it’s
because of me, then please wait for a moment… … .”
I can already guess what's inside.
It must contain the life of a student of Episteme and the Crown
And he must be expressing his grievances.
In the past, Ray had a very dif icult time while attending Episteme.
He wasn't as smart as me.
After entering Episteme with dif iculty due to his tutor's thorough
private education, he was always at the bottom of the list.
In horseback riding, swordsmanship, and physical strength, he
achieved excellent results, but the rest of his results were a mess.
If he said he was the last to inish even after getting perfect marks in
swordsmanship and horseback riding, you would get a sense of how
messed up he was.
'It's because I'm secretly digging soil in the garden... … .'
If I had been to Episteme, I wouldn't have squandered that golden
opportunity that way.
I had to learn things that he could easily understand and learn from
good teachers only by self-taught.
Just thinking about it made something hot inside me again.
I didn't have a good teacher, and I had to nurture myself by carefully
collecting all the things I could hear over my shoulder.
Surely I was smart. Although not properly educated, he never lacked
in arguing with the people of Episteme.
I could understand all the noble phrases and ideas quoted by nobles,
long historical stories, and even the hidden meanings contained within.
It was just a problem because I was blinded by greed.
Anyway, that's why I decided not to read Ray's letter.
Because if I saw the complaints about the episteme, I would get
It's better for Ray and for me.
“I can see you later.”
I won't see it.
Ethan took turns looking at the letters with me, then looked back.
“Isn’t there much to see?”
“To be honest, yes. Since you're a princess, I thought the room would
be very fancy, but it's not."
Ethan laughed, saying he thought there might be pretty paintings,
vases, ornate mirrors, or precious alarm clocks.
Then Ethan stopped with his eyes on the side table by the bedside.
“What is this?”
“Ah, that… … !”
What Ethan pointed to was a handkerchief embroidered with
Frieda's coat of arms.
The only thing I brought with me from the Imperial Palace.
The handkerchief that Theon wiped away my fallen tears.
I quickly put it in the drawer.
“I don’t think it was imperial… … .”
“Yeah, I got a present.”
No, Dorothy. It's not a gift, it's someone else's item that you couldn't
No, it's not that I couldn't return it, it's that I didn't return it.
Add lies. Add evil.
One handkerchief made me a bad person.
While in the Islands, he had a chance to return it to Theon.
You could return it to the Crown Prince at the ceremony, ask Rei to
return it to Ephisteme, or leave it to a servant to return it later.
But I still had his handkerchief on the excuse that the timing wasn't
'If anyone sees it, I'm sure it's a pervert.'
You secretly stole someone else's handkerchief and keep it by the
'still… … It wasn't stolen, Theon must have forgotten.'
I tried to rationalize.
As the master of the Fried family, Theon must have many other
handkerchiefs besides that handkerchief.
He didn't even know that Theon was gone, because he didn't wear a
particularly ine fabric, and he didn't even wear a handkerchief that was
painstakingly embroidered.
“I guess you are still not feeling well. Seeing you sleep with a
handkerchief on your bedside like that.”
"uh? Yes. I have a cough at night.”
Ah, another lie added.
It's really hard to live a good life.
"this… … . You should get well soon.”
Ethan lowered his eyebrows and worried about me.
“Then I’ll give you a handkerchief next time. Will I be able to gift a
handkerchief to the princess?”
Ethan's eyes twinkled, asking for permission.
"yes… … . okay."
I nodded my head because I was upset that I had rejected the
pendant earlier.


I woke up in the morning to eat and go up, but today, the people of
the detached palace move a bit busily.
“Princess, how about going up to the Imperial Palace?”
"What? already?"
Now that I'm used to this life and feel comfortable, do you want me
to go up to that palace again?
I had no intention of ending my nursing life of less than a year yet.
From the moment I came down to Anastasia Palace, I came here with
the intention of living here for at least a few years, and at least for the
rest of my life.
However, the expressions of the servants, including Clara, were not
“There is a terrible plague circulating around here.”
“It’s the lu, but it must be very serious. There are a lot of dirty people
outside the castle, so the disease seems to have spread quickly. There
are already many people dying from pneumonia.”
“Can’t you ix it?”
“It can be ixed, but it’s an epidemic.”
Even if it was a curable disease, infectious diseases were dif icult to
It was impossible to manage the poor and dirty people individually,
and it was impossible for them to buy expensive drugs and receive
So he couldn't leave the princess in a dangerous neighborhood.
Wouldn't it be a big deal if I purposely went to recuperation for my
health and got an infectious disease?
The people of the detached palace seemed to want to move me to a
safe place.
Clara's words made me ponder for a moment.
I don't want to leave the palace.
Then there was only one conclusion.
“You can ix it.”
“Let’s cure the epidemic. There is a cure.”
“But most people who get sick don’t have the money to treat them.”
Clara, who thought my words were the simple conclusions of a child,
explained step by step why those people had no choice but to fall ill and
“The money is mine.”
“I can pay for the medicines and the manpower to treat them.”
“Well, that’s it.”
Clara, as well as Stefan, who was standing next to him, opened their
The face that has something to say but doesn't say anything.
“I’m a princess, can’t I even spend that much money?”
I knew.
The fact that the budget allocated for me every year and every month
is circulating because I don't spend money on speci ic places.
It's useless, so let's sprinkle some cool money on this steam, well.
I remember the third item on my bucket list.

[Third, saving a million people.]

One million people was a very large number, so in order to

implement the bucket list, we have no choice but to aim for this
In addition to this, it was almost impossible to ful ill my bucket list if
I did not play an active part in the upcoming war or natural disaster.
'Because you have a lot of money even if you don't have a good
Having a lot of money was a good thing.
Because you can ill in the dose index so easily.


The power of money was greater than I thought.

In less than a fortnight, the plague disappeared like a bud.
There was also a dif iculty in having to bring it from afar because
there were not enough herbs to make medicine in the middle, but the
princess's name and money solved it all.
“Thanks to the Princess!”
Clara praised my good deeds generously.
But even though I did good deeds, I was not particularly happy.
It was just money that was not used and wasted, an amount that
would not affect my life even if it disappeared.
'I don't know if this is a good thing.'
Is it good to just spend the surplus money?
Besides, I had only heard rumors that the plague had been caught,
but had never seen or talked to anyone who had survived with my own
money, so I had no idea what I was doing.
That was then.
“Miss Lee! I want to see it!”
“I can’t get in!”
A loud noise was heard outside. Among them, very vulgar words
were heard.
“Ah! Don't let it go, you bastard?"
“This kid? Where are you swearing at this?”
I had no choice but to look out the window, as the sound was stuck in
my ear canal.
At the entrance to the garden of the detached house, a servant of the
detached palace and a scruffy little boy were ighting.
The little boy was taken outside by a servant, but soon rushed like a
water buffalo and tried to enter the villa again.
“What a fuss!”
Clara covered her mouth with both hands at the absurd and vulgar
things that were taking place in the peaceful detached palace.
“Find out what’s going on.”
Clara nodded at my words and ran outside.
In the meantime, a vulgar noise pierced my ears.
Stefan looked at me and quietly pointed to the window.
“No, you can hear it even if you close the window.”
I looked out curiously.
Clara, who arrived at the entrance, talked about something.
And taking advantage of that gap, the little boy broke through
between the two and ran into the garden of the detached palace.
'One toughness is awesome.'
However, not all things were done only by tenacity, and the little boy
was once again captured by other servants.
In the end, one of the servants beat the boy who was making an
uncontrolled riot.
"Puck," and the small body shriveled up.
"this… … .”
But the little boy got up and shouted.
“Because I want to see the princess!”
Unlike the voices at the entrance, which I had heard sparsely, his
voice shouting from the middle of the garden came to me clearly.
'Did you come to me?'
It's a face I've never seen before.
I got up from my seat, half curious and half worried.


“Let it go, you children! Let go!?”

“Let me go.”
“Wow, Princess!”
At my words, the servants who were dealing with the little boy came
to a halt.
I made my way to the garden where there was a commotion.
“Come on, are you a real princess?”
The little boy looked at me with a bewildered look on his face.
The kid, who looked about the same age as me, was shabby.
It must have been the guy who was rolling around on the street with
his harsh words and no manners.
"okay. I am the princess.”
At my answer, the kid stared blankly at me and opened his mouth.
He sold his mind so much that he didn't even blink when he looked at
“What is the purpose?”
I asked the kid with a silly expression on his face.
Then, as if in a blink of an eye, the little boy twisted his body to get
out of the hands of the servants who had stopped at my command, and
rushed straight to me.
“… … .”
The little boy who was going straight towards me was hit by Stefan's
leg that blocked me and fell backwards.
Stefan looked down at the little boy with a blunt face.
I forgot that Stefan was always standing behind me silently, but he
was an excellent knight and he didn't let this slight danger go
The little boy was terri ied when he saw the big Stephan.
Stefan doesn't seem so mellow.
“Rain, get out of the way, you giant bear!”
“… … .”
I was surprised by the kid's reaction.
To be able to say things like that to Stefan, are you a fearless guy?
'Where else did such an idiot come from?'
I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.
“You can hear everything there.”
“Damn, I came to give this to the princess!”
Along with the rough chuimsae, the little boy put the small sack he
was carrying on his back on the loor.
“… … What is it?”
“It’s the potatoes I got for my boneless work!”
“… … .”
I didn't have anything to say for a moment, so I just looked at the
little boy with my mouth shut, as if possessing Stefan.
potato? What do you mean by that?
“Damn, didn’t the princess send you medicine?”
As if he had never learned the language of a noble nobleman, every
word of the little boy was harsh and rude.
How can you speak such a vulgar way to a princess? Don't you know
that contempt of the imperial family is scary?
The saying that being ignorant means being brave is right.
I coughed softly, as if to warn against the swearing that continued to
annoy me.
But my expectations were too high.
It was impossible for the kid to understand such a polite warning.
“So take this!”
The little boy didn't seem to know how to be polite in front of the
But I stopped because I thought it would be too childish and tiring to
pinpoint the kid's rudeness and indulgence.
“What is this?”
“Drug, it’s the price of medicine!”
The little boy responded as if he was bewildered at my naive
drug price... … ira.
As I looked up at Stefan, Stefan nodded once and opened the bag the
kid had put down.
There were about 20 potatoes with very small seeds in the sack, and
more than half of them were damaged or sprouted.
The servants standing next to them clicked their tongues when they
saw the condition of the potatoes that could not be eaten.
A sack that is hard to ind a normal potato.
At irst glance, I thought he was preparing to feed me.
“Did you bring this to the princess to eat?”
The servants were angry.
“Then eat potatoes! Would you like to wear it?”
Even though I am young, I am not shy about people who are like my
The servants were holding on to the fact that they wanted to bang
the little boy's head right in front of me.
Everyone raise your ists. If you get angry at such stupidity, you lose.
It won't work if you get excited about someone like that because you
can't learn it.
Instead of getting angry, I made eye contact with Stefan.
Stefan looked at me as if asking what to do with this messy potato.
“Take this back.”
There was no need to use a potato in bad condition, and I didn't want
to even pluck the things of such a scruffy kid.
Then the boy's eyebrows rose.
"done! If you get it, take it!”
"ha… … . take it. Because I don't need it."
I said calmly, suppressing my anger.
“You don’t need blood?”
The kid looked at me in shock.
“I have no reason to accept potatoes from you.”
“But thanks to the medicine the princess sent me, my younger
brother survived! Damn, really... … I almost died!”
“Because of the princess, my brother lived, damn it! You don't have to
repay the favor!"
The little boy wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
He was probably one of those who bene ited from the plague cure I
It's a good thing that my brother survived thanks to drugs... … . Damn
it, but why are you swearing! Anyone who sees it will know that you are
the enemy!
It is said where the little crab learned only bad words, and pays off a
thousand nyang debt with a single word.
“So, this is Boeun… … .”
I saw the potatoes he gave me.
Potatoes were absurdly insuf icient for the price of medicine.
The quality is so bad that even if it is put on the market, no one will
buy it.
However, it felt a little strange to think that he must have brought it
all the way here to repay the favor.
Although the seed is small, it must have some weight, and there is no
way that such a child would have come here on a horse or carriage.
“Damn it, my mom did. Don't live in debt. So, don’t be afraid to take
I laughed out loud because I was very, very, very burdened with
“Little boy.”
“Little boy! I am bigger than the princess!”
right. I was just a little bit smaller than that kid.
"ah… … . It doesn't make much of a difference though."
When I met children I didn't know well, especially with those
immature guys, I sometimes forgot that I was smaller than them.
“Anyway, what’s your name?”
“… … joy."
The little boy stopped the ight with Stephan and answered
With short, magpie-shaped hair, squishy clothes, and a long mouth, I
thought it was a boy, but when I looked closely, it was a girl.
“Where is your house?”
A vigilant light appeared in Joey's eyes when he asked for personal
His eyes were frightened, wondering if he might be punished for
causing a riot.
It's clumsy, but it seems there's such a limit.
“How far is it from here?”
"afoot… … about two hours. So I couldn't go back any further!"
Joey shouted as if trying to excuse the reason for the riot.
It's a two hour walk one way. I've come a long way carrying a heavy
Well, you can plant sprouted potatoes somewhere in a large garden.
"great. I'll accept the hard work I've brought so far."
At those words, Joy's expression brightened.
Stefan then tied the bag of potatoes back together and picked it up.
Then Joy raised her hand in embarrassment.
“Now, the sack must be returned! It's mine! Just take the potatoes!”
It was a shabby and old sack, but it seemed to be a very precious
property to Joy.
Eventually the servants had to take the potatoes out of the sacks.
I could clearly see his grumbling expression, asking if he had to do
such a troublesome thing because of the old sacks that had been
crumpled here and there.
As the servants emptied the sack, Joey reached out to pick up the
"for a moment. The sack is for me.”
But I didn't give Joey the empty sack.
A look of embarrassment appeared on Joy's face.
“Damn, that’s mine!”
"swear word. Just do it one more time. That is contempt of the
imperial family.”
"pro it… … After all, it's mine!"
Joey tried to run at me again, and Stefan simply stopped him.
I called Clara, regardless of whether Joey hit Stefan or bit his leather
shoe with his teeth.
"Clara. Go and ill me up with some potatoes.”
"yes. Not the potatoes we have now, but the potatoes we have in our
At my words, Clara took the sack and headed to the kitchen.
Joey didn't listen to me because he was struggling with Stefan.
I waited for Clara as I watched Joey attack Stefan with a string of
cotton ists.
I'm not afraid, and I'm full of candies up to the top of my head.
It was quite the appearance of a big Stephan sticking to a ight that
looked scary but had no chance of winning.
And not long after Stefan had been patient, Clara returned with a sack
of potatoes.
“Princess, here you are.”
The sack that Clara brought was heavy with thin potatoes.
“Come on, Joey. I will return the sack.”
Joey, who was ighting Stefan, took turns looking at me with the
bloated sack.
"damn! Then there is no reason why I brought potatoes!”
Joey saw the potatoes in the sack and cried.
But while swearing like that, he couldn't hide his swallowing saliva.
Potatoes bigger than your ist, which you wouldn't normally see.
If you take it, you and your brother will have enough to eat for a few
“It’s a reward for praising me.”
“I never praised the princess!”
“You came for two hours with a sack of potatoes and told me that
what I did was a good job.”
"I? I never said it was a good thing.”
I swallowed a sigh of relief at the one-dimensional answer.
Yeah, I never said it with my mouth, but I showed my actions.
I am grateful enough to repay the kindness through suffering.
“You are the only one who came to return the favor.”
Treating infectious diseases was nothing more than ful illing my
bucket list.
A mechanical decision made for the goal of living a good life.
I've heard of many people living there, but I've never really felt it.
Good deeds that were only proven by ink and numbers seemed to
have no substance.
I couldn't see with my own eyes whether a person really lived or not,
and I didn't really understand how valuable it was.
But thanks to Joy, I could feel a little bit of what I had done.
Although it was a shabby potato for what I had, for the irst time I felt
like I had been praised for a job well done.
Some people thank me so much.
Somebody will remember me as a good person, who my father,
Carnan, also turns away from me, who doesn't look down on Theon, and
who I was pointed out as a tyrant.
To be honest, I might have been a little touched, but the atmosphere
was ruined by that damned curse.
“It’s going to be heavy, so I’ll pack a wagon and send it home.”
“But… … .”
“My brother said he was sick. No matter how sick you are, shouldn’t
you eat well and be healthy?”
“… … .”
Joey's momentum was dampened by talking about his younger
Joey looked at me and muttered to himself again.
“Damn it, wait. I will de initely pay you back for this next time.”
“If anyone hears it, I think you will get revenge.”
I burst into laughter at Joey's threatening remarks.
Then Joy's face turned red and she couldn't make eye contact with
There is also a surprisingly cute side.
“Put him in the wagon and send him away.”
I made it easy to take Joey home with a heavy sack.
As the servants prepared the carriage, Joey stood tall with his head
down, as if a stake had been pierced in the sole of his foot, and then
opened his mouth.
“… … thank you."
“Damn, thank you!”
Joy, whose ears were red, shouted while looking down at the loor.
My voice seems to be crying a bit.
“… … If you thank me twice, you'll grab me by the neck."
I just laughed at the harsh thank you.
With this, it seemed that I could safely ill my 'Thank you three times'
bucket list this week.
Chapter 2

Dorothy liked the sound of the clash of swords. It was a natural

preference. However.
“Mr. Lee… … !”
“… … .”
It was another thing to get angry every time the sword he wielded
over and over was blocked by Stefan's leisurely hand movements.
Even more so if you can't break the cheeky posture of having one
hand behind you.
Sweat dripped down Dorothy's forehead and ran down the tips of her
'Why can't my body be like my heart!'
Before the return, his skills were comparable to Stefan, but now he is
slow, short, powerless and shaky.
What I was originally able to do didn't work out the way I wanted to,
so I resented my inexperience.
“Princess! Do it in moderation and come in!”
Clara, who was watching Stefan and Dorothy, shouted from the
terrace on the second loor. But Dorothy remained silent.
Dorothy is twelve years old.
It has been three years since I started holding the sword. Her skills
had already risen to a level comparable to that of other knights. It was
an amazing achievement.
But even so, it was impossible to defeat Stefan, one of the top
Regardless of age or career, it's natural.
'The Knight Stefan is much bigger and has a lot more experience, so
why do you want to win so much?'
Clara thought that Dorothy was very strange.
How unfair is the princess who is usually quiet and listens to when
she loses to Stefan?
'Still, I can't stop looking at the way they like and immerse
themselves like that.'
Other than that, Dorothy, who was always blunt and lackluster, was
the only one who was immersed in and worked hard to do.
Excessiveness is a law, but Clara thought it was a good thing that
Dorothy was interested in swordsmanship as well.
Dorothy's body was healthy enough that she didn't have to worry
about it anymore.
But no matter how much it is, it is dif icult to hold on to the sword
from morning until late lunch.
Dorothy was engrossed in listening to her no matter how much she
called. Clara pondered whether to force herself to stop by throwing
herself between the two of them.
Stefan looked at Dorothy after checking the sloppy Clara who had
been shouting before.
Dorothy couldn't hear Clara, showing no sign of stopping.
“… … .”
As Dorothy swung the wooden sword without letting go, in a snap,
Stefan grabbed the sword in her hand.
When Dorothy looked up at him in surprise, Stefan blinked as if to
quit and enter.
Plus, Clara might have jumped down with something like a
Dorothy understood what Stefan meant, but wrinkled her brow.
“But where are you holding a sword in your hand! Are you making
fun of me for being weak now?”
Holding it with your hand means that the swing is slow enough to be
seen, and weak enough that it does not hurt even if you hold it with
your hand.
If you want to stop, just say it. Do you really need to insult me with an
action like this?
Stefan shook his head as he looked at Dorothy, who was as prickly as
'I'm not trying to make fun of you, because if you don't do this, it will
end... … .'
Clara told her to come in, but she couldn't stop.
Stefan comforted Dorothy by handing a towel to her, whose face was
red from rising fever.
Dorothy's clothes were all wet with sweat, and the color had
Upon entering, Clara was waiting, with a face as angry as Dorothy,
with her hands on her waist.
“Clara… … .”
“I called you a few times, but you’re only now coming in! It's past
Clara hurriedly took Dorothy to the bathroom without Dorothy
calling her name.
“Look at this! Where is this princess? Beggars!”
Clara said while pointing to the mirror in the bathroom.
Dorothy's re lection in the mirror was messy with her sweat-
drenched hair, and her face was dripping with soy sauce.
“How many things have come to the princess today! Come in and
take a look.”
Clara took off Dorothy's clothes and put her in the warm water she
had prepared.
“Ah, did you receive this month’s grace today?”
“Yes, I am.”
“So, what is this month’s grace?”
“A pound of wilted chicory.”
Dorothy laughed at Clara's answer.
'Blessing of the Month', which started at some point, became a small
pleasure for Dorothy.
'I didn't know that naughty potato could do it.'
Shortly after returning Joy, a suspicious object was placed in front of
the detached palace once a month and every dawn.
At irst, the doorkeeper thought it was garbage and threw it away
several times, but after catching Joey at dawn, he found out that it was
Joey's work.
In other cases, it was done to repay the favor with those insigni icant
Dorothy's lack of conscience was pierced because it was a gift she
had to walk a long way to a house without children, but she said she
would quit soon and let it go until it was full.
That's how long I've been waiting to see where I've come.
Dorothy gradually got accustomed to the gift and began to wait for
Joy's gift every month.
'Still, I have to go back and forth for four hours because of a pound of
Looking at what he was doing, he was stubborn enough to be stupid,
but at the same time, it felt virtual.
I'm going to have to give him a prize, but should I catch Joey at dawn
next month?
“It’s not something you can eat. If you pluck out the inedible leaves,
will the only thing left will be the yellow stems?”
“I wouldn’t say anything about what I eat. The princess is going to eat
it, so I'm more concerned about it. No matter what you say, it is my
wish that the princess eat better things and wear better things!”
Clara was a bit nagging.
Joey's gifts usually served as ingredients for dinner that day or
became part of the chef's garden in the backyard.
“Still, Reniere is given a special mission every month, so she puts
great effort into the menu so that she can do it properly.”
Dorothy laughed.
Chef Reniè re seems to have developed a sense of challenge to make
the princess eat deliciously with low-quality ingredients.
Thanks to that, on days when 'Blessing of the Month' came, a special
menu would come out.
Perhaps there will be a menu that uses chicory for dinner tonight as
“Oh, and Princess, a letter came down from the island.”
“… … Ray ger?”
At Clara's words, Dorothy asked in a half-knowledge.
Ray sent one or two letters each month. Dorothy, as always, had
neither read the letter nor responded to it.
However, Ray did not give up on the unanswered letter and
persistently sent it.
“Yeah, you sent me two copies this time.”
As soon as Dorothy inished bathing, Clara handed her two letters
from Ray.
Dorothy tried to put it in a corner without opening it, as is
customary. However, one of the letters stood out.
“It’s Stefan, this is it. I'm from the Knights Templar."
Although it had the imperial seal on it, it was written that the sender
was the Knights of Radiance belonging to the imperial family, and the
recipient was Stefan Greenwall.
Since there had been very few letters from Stefan until now,
everyone seemed to think that the letter bearing the imperial seal was
As Dorothy handed the letter, Stefan opened it with a large hand.
Dorothy and Clara looked carefully at Stefan's expression as they
read the letter. It was because I was so curious about what the letter to
Stefan would be like after a long time.
But Stefan's expression didn't change at all, and he couldn't tell if
what was written in the letter was a good thing or a bad thing.
A letter from the Knights Templar, even with an imperial seal, would
be important.
“What letter?”
In the end, Dorothy had to ask herself.
It was only after the princess asked a question that Stefan's mouth,
which was always closed like a clam, was opened.
“… … It’s about the knights promotion test.”
Stefan said bluntly and put the letter in his arms.
If it was a promotion test, it meant that Stefan had met the
requirements to become a high-ranking knight in the Knights Templar,
and the opportunity had come.
“It’s so good!”
Clara clapped her hands in joy. This opportunity was an opportunity
that only came once, after waiting several years for the knights.
“… … So, it went really well.”
When Clara rejoiced over Stefan's good news, Dorothy's
congratulations were delayed.
Stefan glanced at Dorothy congratulating me.
“… … .”
Then he took out the letter he had in his arms again and handed it to
“Can I see?”
When Dorothy asked, Stefan nodded.
In response, Dorothy cautiously accepted Stefan's letter, ignoring it.
When I opened the letter, as Stefan had said, it was written about the
promotion exam that had been going on for the irst time in several
In the Knights of Brilliance, the knights who meet certain
requirements will be tested for promotion to higher ranks.
The dates for the promotion exam were very tight, so I had to leave
during this week to meet the schedule.

[No replacement staf ing.]

Decisions engraved even with the imperial seal.
"ah… … .”
Clara saw the contents and sighed a little.
This meant that the imperial family would no longer support
Dorothy as a princess escort knight.
In other words, when Stefan leaves, there is no Dorothy's knight.
Dorothy stared at it for a moment, then opened her mouth slightly.
"it's okay. It’s so peaceful here, and it’s well maintained.”
Dorothy shrugged her shoulders as she returned the letter.
I was a little surprised because it was unexpected, but Carnon's
decision was not new.

'Everything bothers me.'

A human who spoke like that even after her daughter was abducted
and returned. On the contrary, the last name that has attached Stefan
up to now has been futile.
Had it not been for the kidnapping case, there would have been no
Stefan from the beginning.
Maybe this is why he wants to die in danger? Dorothy often thought
"However… … .”
Clara was about to say something, but stopped and looked at
There is no knight of the princess! So far apart like this, you mean to
entrust the safety of the princess to just a few guards and a nearby
security force!
Clara wanted to hold on to Stefan.
But for Stefan, this promotion test was an important opportunity
that could be a turning point in his life. So I couldn't catch him right
"don't worry. I learned swordsmanship from Stefan and my body has
improved a lot, so I can protect my body.”
I can live well without any escort knights.
Dorothy smiled broadly, trying to lighten Stefan's heart as he had to
Stefan stared at Dorothy with her mouth shut.
Clara leaned back slightly, wondering if it was dif icult to be caught
between the two of them. It wasn't a matter for Clara to argue.
"I… … Then, Princess, I will come and see you for dinner. Take a
Clara nodded and vacated her seat.
But Dorothy thought it would be better for Clara not to leave.
What do you have to say? Stefan is leaving. I have to leave.
How do I hold onto it?
A suffocating silence fell in the room Clara had left.
It was always so quiet when I was with Stefan, but I don't know why
this silence is so uncomfortable these days.
“Stephan will de initely pass the exam.”
Disliked by the silence, Dorothy opened her mouth for nothing.
Stefan, whom I've been with, was a nice guy, so Dorothy really
wanted him to do well.
But Stefan just stood by Dorothy's congratulations without saying a
I'm trying hard to congratulate you, but if I give you a nice tea, where
will it go?
“Honestly, I don’t have to set a ball or hang out with other knights
because of my escort, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to get promoted,
but I’m glad.”
Dorothy was a bit too talkative.
He hoped that Stefan would not be stranded because of him.
He says he wants to live in this private palace, but for Stefan, life in
the countryside must be hard work.
Do you have any special skills, other knights to deal with, and regular
training to hone your skills?
What kind of knight would want to do the job of chasing an uncute
girl after being alone in a secluded countryside?
If Dorothy had power in the imperial family, she would have survived
by thinking about her future connections.
That's why there must be no knights coming down here for Stefan...
“It’s better to go up than to escort me in a country like this. Stefan
will surely be able to rise to the top of the Knights Templar. I bet you.”
Dorothy smiled hard.
'It's okay if Stephan leaves. Really.'
Carnon, Rey, Theon, Ethan, and the people. Until now, many people
have turned their backs on Dorothy and moved away.
Therefore, Dorothy was con ident that even if Clara and other
servants, as well as Stephane, left, they would take it lightly.
Servants are what you need to ind again in this area, and as long as
you have a janitor and some people who do chores, you will have no
problem living.
Rather, he hated being the 'bad person' holding them back.
'Stefan, who once rose to the rank of deputy commander of the
Knights of Brilliance, can't ruin his life because of me.'
Stefan, who has been with me so far in this place that all other
knights hate to come, is amazing.
So, it's okay.
“But looking at the date, I have to prepare quickly and go up. I will
have to go and prepare for the exam.”
Stephan didn't say anything, while Dorothy spoke to herself.
“… … .”
“It’s still short, but since we’ve been together, I want to give you a
farewell party.
Dorothy looked up at the huge Stephane. But Stefan kept his mouth
shut and didn't answer as usual.
Seriously, I've gotten along really well with this rude knight who
chews on the princess' words.
“Tell me, Stefan.”
Dorothy urged further, and inally Stefan's mouth was opened. But
Stefan's voice was lower than usual.
The atmosphere was a little frightening, so Dorothy opened her
mouth hastily.
“Before I leave, this is my last request… … Aren't you going to listen?"
Dorothy's voice crawled into me again because I'm sorry to ask you
not to leave in a hurry even if you leave my side.
But Stefan said nothing. Silence without nodding her head was like a
roundabout refusal, and Dorothy clenched her lips.
“Still, I thought that I got to know Stefan a little, really, a little bit… … .”
We have been together ever since we came here when we were nine
years old. Even though we didn't talk much, he was always by my side,
and I learned swordsmanship... … .
Then Stefan knelt down in front of Dorothy and made eye contact.
His eyes, who were always so high, lined up exactly with Dorothy
sitting in the chair. His black eyes were terri ied because he still
couldn't understand what was inside.
“You can’t go a little late… … ?”
Dorothy's voice dwindled even quieter. Then Stephan grabbed
Dorothy's hand.
“… … I am the escort of the princess.”
That short, unexpected word struck Dorothy's heart.
my escort knight. my… … escort knight.
"However… … It’s better to go up higher than here.”
Everyone will think so. This is a question with a ixed answer... … .
Instead of answering, Stefan just stared at Dorothy with black eyes.
He would sometimes embarrass Dorothy with his glamorous words
in his eyes.
Dorothy shut her lips and swallowed a single tear at those eyes that
said that she would never leave and that she would always be by her
"People… … Stefan would call you an idiot for staying here.”
Dorothy said in a slightly trembling voice.
Stefan didn't add any more words to Dorothy's grumpy words. He
didn't say anything and didn't let go of his hand. As if he had already
said everything enough.
At that, Dorothy could not make eye contact with him any longer and
lowered her head.
Why are all the fools around me?
No matter how I look at it, why do I choose to lose out of a problem
that is obvious to me?
“Why does Stephan choose the bad over the good?”
Dorothy couldn't understand Stefan's decision.
that's good for you That's how you can become a high-ranking knight
of the Knights Templar and become a leader. For the rest of my life in a
country like this, even if I had been an escort knight saying that the
emperor would no longer assign it to me... … .
Stefan looked at Dorothy quietly.
“It’s just doing what I want.”
Stefan added as if that was all he had to say.
Drops of water formed on Dorothy's blue eyes, which had grown
“Stephan is an idiot.”
Even before the return, Stefan was like that.
Even at the moment when Raymond's defeat was certain, he tried to
protect Raymond until the end. Even though it was very clear that he
was going to lose.
He was a man who made stupid choices with honesty.
“… … Thanks, Stefan.”
Even though she knew it was a stupid choice, Dorothy was happy.
Thanks for choosing Dorothea Milanaire, this stupid option that no one
Even if I pointed a inger at it for being sel ish, I couldn't help it.
Dorothea Milanaire is a bad person by birth.
Even though it's my second life, I'm still not used to being abandoned
by someone, so I'm very, very sorry, but thankful.


Dorothy went out into town with Stefan.

The reason Dorothy went to town was to ful ill her bucket list.
Practice living well.
Picking up something that someone dropped, picking up a load, or
even giving a boat to a child who is hungry when something is not
It was cumbersome to do, but once I did it, I felt refreshed as if I had
completed an important mission.
When she went out into town, Dorothy wore shabby, unadorned
clothes that did not reveal her identity.
If it was known that she was a princess, she could become a target
for bad things like the kidnapping case the other day, and it was
because she was not able to freely move around because of
troublesome attention.
Today, Dorothy dressed up as a commoner and roamed the streets
like a beast looking for food for good deeds.
At that time, what caught her eye was a crowd of people on one side
of the street.
Dorothy ran over there, wondering if she could do anything good.
“You should know what it says.”
“It’s going to be about a festival that’s coming soon.”
People gathered in front of the bulletin board with the
announcement of the Duke of Bronte and murmured.
Everyone was curious about what the duke had said, but it seemed
that no one among them could read.
'I can read you!'
Dorothy found a good job of the day!
Read announcements for dark-eyed people.
The problem, however, was that Dorothy was still short—she wasn't
the tallest of her peers—and her posts were obscured by hustle and
He lifted his claws and stretched his head out, but he couldn't even
read the letters because he couldn't see them.
Then her body was lifted up.
“… … .”
Now, the age of being lifted up like a baby had passed, but to Stefan,
Dorothy still seemed small and light.
When Stefan lifted it, Dorothy was able to look down on the people's
heads. Thanks to that, the notice that had not been seen was
immediately visible.
Dorothy was a little awkward to be hugged by Stefan, but she
hurriedly read the announcement so that he wouldn't be heavy for long.
“This year, an amateur swordsmanship competition was held!
Applications can be made at the reception desk in the square from
today to the day after tomorrow. It is divided into age groups and held
in a tournament format, and the prize money is… … .”
Dorothy read the text calmly. The people who had been chattering,
sharing only speculations in frustration, shook their heads as if they
knew only then.
When Dorothy inished reading the announcement, Stefan lowered
her back to the loor.
“Stefan, it’s a swordsmanship contest.”
Dorothy's voice was mixed with some interest.
Stefan knew exactly what she was thinking. Stefan's gaze turned
towards the plaza. 'Shall we go?' like asking.
At that, Dorothy nodded her head once and moved lightly.
In the square, as advertised, there was a convention reception desk
made of a small tent.
Dorothy proudly opened the reception desk tent door and entered
with a little excitement.
“I’m here to register for a swordsmanship contest.”
The reception desk was quietly lying with lies.
It wasn't until Dorothy entered that the sluggish man glanced at
Dorothy and Stefan.
“Are you an amateur?”
When the man frowned and asked, Dorothy's heart pounded.
Do you have any skills on your face?
Did you feel the aura of the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire, who was once
the incarnation of war? Were you not too conscientious?
“What kind of amateur is that size?”
As Dorothy was thinking about everything, the man pointed to
Stefan, like Dorothy, was also wearing plain clothes, so it was not
revealed that he was a knight.
However, he seemed to have sensed that he was not the culprit from
his height and skeleton.
"no. Pros can’t take it.”
“Hey, it’s me, not this person who wants to take over.”
Dorothy seemed to have been ignored, so she took a step closer to
the man.
I'm the one who came in and shouted that I'd take it in.
"iced coffee… … Is that so?”
The man glanced at Dorothy with a look of ignorance and pulled out
an application for a children's contest.
He seemed to ill out the application form for those who did not
know how to write.
But Dorothy was stunned.
children's competition?
Behind the man was a poster with lowers and a smiling sun.
I didn't come here just to compete in children's competitions.
“It’s not that child!”
“What is it? Just looking at him, he looks like a child. Still, you seem to
be able to read letters, don't you?"
The man picked his ear and ignored Dorothy.
Such rude!
If it was the old Dorothea Milanaire, this guy's head would have been
cut off and it would have been rolling on the loor.
“I am twelve years old. I'm de initely a teenager. Let me go to the
youth tournament.”
“Hey, kid. It is said that older sisters and older brothers who are 18
or 19 will appear in the youth competition. This is not a place for a
small child like you to play war with a sword.”
“Thanks for your concern, but I didn’t come here to play war.”
"I'm not worried about you, it's because it's a place where kids like
you can't just run around, play, and muddy the water?"
The man's smirk passed through his ears.
Sarcastic tone, annoying indifference and ignorance.
He was dismissing Dorothy's request as a child's life.
'Be nice, be nice... … .'
Dorothy recounted her creed inwardly, soothing the sword of self-
defense that was crying from her waist.
You can't go into town to do good and do bad things.
“Baby, if you don’t like children’s contests, eat more of your mother’s
milk and come at least 15 years old.”
You want me to drink more mother's milk?
His childish words touched Dorothy's nerves.
It was Dorothy who grew up not eating even a drop of mother's milk.
The man's words bothered her even more to her, who had never seen
her mother's face only as a portrait in the irst place.
“As you can see, I am already well past the age of breastfeeding.
According to the rules, anyone over the age of 10 can participate... … !”
“Tttttttt, I can’t do it anymore, seeing you talk back to me in a rude
way. Where do you open your eyes like that? Did your father teach you
that way?”
The man cut off Dorothy's words and clicked his tongue. At that,
Dorothy felt a throbbing pain in her chest.
Does Abby teach that way?
“… … I don’t teach.”
“My dad never taught me anything.”
Carnan didn't want me to go to Ephisteme so he wouldn't teach me.
He never came to me, and he didn't like me going out and learning.
“But you can do well without learning.”
I can do well without that kind of parental love.
“Where is the little one talking like that? Parents are going to get
upset because they’re raising a kid like you.”
The man shook his head and sighed deeply at Dorothy.
Dorothy clenched her teeth at him.
Am I wrong enough to even hear a sigh from a person like that?
Is it so wrong to grow up because I can’t even eat my mother’s milk,
to learn nothing from my father, or to rot in my parents just by being
Dorothy eventually couldn't contain her emotions and tried to draw
her sword.
If you pull out a sword and prove yourself here, that man will surely...
But it was Stefan who drew the sword before Dorothy.
In the blink of an eye, Stefan's sword was stuck on the reception
table. It barely slipped between the man's ingers.
When Dorothy turned around in surprise, Stefan was looking down
at the man with a daunting sight.
Originally, he didn't have a blunt and easy-going face, but now he has
a much more terrifying face than usual.
"rule. Protect."
A short, bold word from Stephan.
“Tongue, tongue, are you threatening, now?”
The frightened man stuttered.
Stefan took one step closer to the man.
Then his large shadow fell over the man.


In Stefan's words, the man was neatly organized. Thanks to this,

Dorothy was able to successfully submit her application to the youth
“Thank you, Stefan.”
“… … .”
The man who had just threatened the man had returned to silent
mode again. But even without an answer, Dorothy felt good.
Stefan looked at Dorothy like that, and paused as if to stretch out his
Not knowing what she was trying to do, she looked around and saw
Stephan's large hand gently resting on her head.
When Dorothy looked up at him in surprise, Stefan gave her a quick
pat on the head.
I usually feel bad when I touch my hair, but somehow this touch
wasn't that bad. No, I actually felt pretty good.
So Dorothy accepted his hand as if she had become a docile puppy.
That was then.
“Can’t you hear me?”
A harsh voice caught Dorothy's attention.
“Yes, brother.”
"older brother? who is your brother Did I call you the master?”
“… … Yes, master.”
From one side, Jonathan, the eldest son of the Duke of Bronte, and a
huge mass of luggage were walking behind him.
The person following was carrying such a large load that his body
was covered, and his face could not be seen properly.
He could see his arms trembling from the burden he was carrying
The moment I was contemplating whether to help or not to do one
more good deed, the burden I had in my arms collapsed and spilled
onto the loor.
At the sound of the porcelain teacup and teapot breaking between
the luggage, the people around them looked at it at the same time.
"what are you doing!"
“I’m sorry, Master.”
The boy carrying the luggage bowed his head.
“Ethan… … ?”
Dorothy immediately recognized the silver-haired, bright boy.
Ethan Bronte, the bastard of the Dukes of Bronte.
Ethan shrugged his shoulders as if he were Jonathan's servant, and
was terri ied.
It was the irst time that Ethan, who was always smiling and playing
with people, was so stiff.
At that moment, Jonathan's hand slapped Ethan's cheek.
“I was going to give it to my mother as a present, but because of you,
it all fell apart! Do you want to die?”
Jonathan was swearing at Ethan.
Ethan heard Jonathan's cursing and began to pick up the fallen
But it was almost impossible to re-stack the piles of things alone.
"ah… … !”
Ethan, who was collecting shard lies, winced as if he had cut his
hand, lifted his inger, and bit it with his lips to suck.
“Where are you? put it away quickly People can't pass because of
you! I broke the damn gift and ruined everything! An unhelpful
While urging Jonathan nervously, he kicked the small box Ethan was
about to pick up.
Dorothy clenched her ists at him.
In the end, Dorothy intervened far and wide.
“Don’t pick it up.”
Dorothy stopped the broken teacup with her foot to keep Ethan from
picking up the shards.
Then Ethan, who had been squatting, looked up at Dorothy and
widened his eyes.
“You’re not an idiot, why are you sitting there picking it up with your
bare hands?”
Dorothy shoved the broken pieces of porcelain with her feet and set
them away from Ethan.
Then Jonathan tapped Dorothy on the shoulder.
"What are you doing?"
“What are you doing, what are you doing? Today’s good deed.”
Dorothy raised her eyes at Jonathan, who looked down at me
“Do you know who I am? You crazy kid!”
Jonathan's hand went up high, but Dorothy didn't blink an eye as if to
give it a try.
But Jonathan's hand, loating in the air, could not come down.
“… … .”
Because Stefan was looking down at Jonathan's wrist tightly.
His silent black eyes led Jonathan into a terrifying stillness.
“Do you know who you are? Jonathan Bronte, the eldest son of the
Duke of Bronte, right? Have you come down because it's Episteme
vacation now?"
Dorothy recites his personal information to Jonathan over and over
In general, even though they know that he is the son of the lord here,
no one can confront him.
But Dorothy is an exception.
“So do you know who I am?”
Dorothy asked Jonathan the moan who was caught by Stefan.
“How do I know someone like you?”
Jonathan, who came back to his hometown after a long time, did not
recognize Dorothy, whether he did not know that the princess was
living in a separate palace in this area, or was unable to connect the girl
in front of her with the princess.
No matter how casual you are, you can still recognize them.
“Jonathan Bronte. Ignorance is sometimes a sin.”
The saying that ignorance is not a sin applies only to those whose
status is that ignorance is not a sin.
In many cases, ignorance is a sin, with consequences.
“Because I’m kind, I’ll pass this time. If you want to live a long life in
the future, how about you behave well?”
Dorothy laughed softly. Jonathan's face twisted oddly.
“What are you talking about, little sissy!”
Dorothy was caught in Stefan's hand, ignoring the torch, Jonathan,
and turning to Ethan. Then Ethan squatted down on the loor and
jumped to his feet.
Dorothy grabbed Ethan's wrist.
Dorothy grabbed Ethan's wrist and left the place.
“You, what are you doing! Aren't you standing there?"
As Jonathan shouted, Stefan grabbed his wrist even tighter.
"iced coffee! hurt! It hurts!”
Only after Jonathan screamed in pain in his wrists did Stefan let him
go and follow Dorothy.
Dorothy grabbed Ethan's wrist and walked without stopping until
Jonathan was out of sight.
Ethan saw a small hand holding his wrist.
Compared to when I irst met her, she had grown and became
stronger, but still small.
The little hand was leading him forward.
Dorothy stopped walking until she reached a place where there were
no people.
The hand that was holding Ethan slowly fell away.
Ethan waited a little longer to see what Dorothy would say now.
Wounds on ingers, red, swollen cheeks.
Since I saved him from Jonathan and brought him here, I'm sure he's
worried about the scratches on his beautiful body like everyone else...
“Stefan, thank you.”
But Dorothy saw Stefan instead of Ethan.
Dorothy let go of Ethan's hand, and Ethan's hand fell into the air.
Ethan stared at his hand, which had been released so easily.
“If it wasn’t for Stefan, things would have gotten bigger.”
Dorothy was busy talking with Stefan whether she knew it or not.
Dorothy didn't think the practice of being kind was completely
If it had been before, I wouldn't have left the man at the reception
desk or Jonathan alone today.
'I think I've gotten a little nicer.'
Dorothy looked at Stefan with a little bit of triumph, and he nodded.
"So… … I thought I was really lucky to have Stefan.”
As Dorothy confessed shyly, a quiet smile appeared on Stefan's blunt
Ethan watched Dorothy quietly, biting his lip and stroking his cheek
with his hand.
"oh… … .”
Only after Ethan let out a small painful sound did Dorothy look back
at him.
Ethan's cheeks were red and swollen.
It looked like Jonathan had hit him hard without mercy.
“Hey, your cheeks are swollen.”
"it's okay… … . It happens often.”
Ethan laughed bitterly. She was so slender that she could even buy
Stefan's sympathy.
But Dorothy was puzzled.
"often? I thought Jonathan would be able to cook enough for you.”
Dorothy didn't understand from the scene where Ethan was only
being dealt with by Jonathan.
That Ethan, who even played with her, who was the emperor, is being
obedient to Jonathan? Are you still young?
Even so, Ethan isn't the kind of person who can't just go through
something like that... … .
No, rather than that, is there someone who can shrug off Ethan's
Who dares to undermine that beauty that draws out the soul of a
It's not strange to see people scratching Edan's face, seeing that
there are woodcutter who want to cut down the tree of a thousand-
year-old spirit, and there are people who want to engraving names
with a knife on ancient ruins dating back to the early Milanese. … … .
“The master hates me. I am an outside child.”
I see It seems that there is a relationship that cannot be overcome
even with that face.
If the younger brother that my father brought from outside was this
pretty and beautiful, he might be jealous even though he doesn't like it
“If it’s okay with me, can I stay with the princess until Jonathan-
sama’s anger subsides?”
Ethan lightly pinched the hem of Dorothy's robe.
Dorothy swallowed her saliva in her eyes that gleamed with a sad,
sad light. Those beautiful golden eyes held her with an irresistible
I brought it out, but sending it right away is a bit dif icult... … .
“Yes, Ethan.”
Dorothy couldn't help but nod her head.


Why couldn't he have predicted Jonathan's coming down from

Episteme vacation?
Brilliantly shiny, curly blonde hair, a bright smile, and blue eyes that
shine brighter than jewels.
"Lay… … ?”
Raymond Milanaire. It was also a vacation.
“I missed you, Dorothy!”
Ray, who had grown taller, ran to Dorothy, hugged her tightly and
turned around.
Dorothy's feet loated in the air and her skirt luttered like petals.
“Did you miss Dorothy?”
“Let go.”
I want to see you asshole.
Dorothy wanted to refund Ray for holding her. Who can't take this
“I missed Dorothy so much. I wanted to escape from Episteme and
run to see Dorothy.”
Rey poked her lips out for a kiss on the cheek, and Dorothy covered
her lips with her palm.
Where do you stick your dirty snout?
at that time,
“Princess Dorothy.”
There was a voice that pierced intensely as if hitting Dorothy.
no way.
Dorothy's heart pounded.
Ray let Dorothy go, and Dorothy slowly turned her head.
"It's been a while."
He was standing behind Ray.
Her dark hair was luttering in the wind, and her ruby-like eyes were
on her.
“Theon… … ?”
How did he get here?
He was noticeably taller and had a skeleton. So she got closer to the
igure she loved.
"What a relief. You remember me.”
Theon grinned, and Dorothy's heart trembled helplessly.
How could you not remember I've never forgotten you in my whole
Her heart raced madly at Theon, and Dorothy wanted to tear it apart
if she could.
I thought it would be better if I got rid of my throbbing heart without
“… … Why is Theon here?”
“I asked you to come with me. Episteme is on vacation, so let's go
Ray said with excitement like a waving dog, whether he thought he
had done well.
Dorothy's mouth clenched at him, and he grabbed Rey's wrist
roughly and entered the private palace.
“Hey, Dorothy, wait a minute!”
Dorothy didn't stop and strode up to her room, despite Ray's twisted
feet and poking steps following her.
Dorothy threw Ray into her room.
Ray looked at her with wide eyes, startled by Dorothy's harsh
behavior, unable to hide her embarrassment.
“Why are you here!”
"I want to see."
"what? What is it like for me to live in a corner of the country?”
“Dorothy… … .”
“Why did you bring Theon?”
I just want to forget, I don't want to see, I don't want to be shaken, so
why do you come all the way here to seduce me?
Then there's no reason for me to run away!
“Theon also knows you, so he wants you to go to the private palace
together. Theon said he liked it, and Archduke Fried said it was okay
too, so he told me to go.”
Dorothy asked iercely.
“Who is my doctor? my permission? What about my heart?”
There was no doctor in Dorothy who was living here.
Regardless of Dorothy, the decisions of Rey, Theon, and Archduke
Fried determine everything. As if she is living here, but this space is not
No, it might actually be.
This Anastasia Palace belongs to the imperial family, so even if
Dorothy was staying, Crown Prince Rey could visit whenever he wanted
Dorothea Milanaire's doctor didn't even have to think about it at all.
“I’m sure you will like it too… … .”
do you like How can you understand so easily what I don't know?
Why do you imagine other people's minds as you like them and make
decisions about them?
“Why are you always on your own? Don't you even think about my
position? If only you are happy and happy?”
“I just wanted to entertain Dorothy, so as a surprise… … .”
“This is a disaster, not a surprise!”
When Dorothy shouted, Ray stiffened in surprise and then closed her
lips as if she was about to cry.
“I just… … I'm afraid Dorothy will be lonely because she's living alone
in the villa... … .”
A single teardrop dripped down Rey's head and wet the loor.
cry? Who wants to cry now?
What the hell are you crying about?
Ray also turns Dorothy into a resonating villain.
I'm sure Dorothy will look bad in the eyes of others.
The great Crown Prince took time out of his busy schedule to come
to this far-off palace, but the hospitality is sparse.
“Stop crying.”
“I’m sorry, Dorothy… … .”
What do you mean you know you're sorry?
Dorothy licked her lips.
Why doesn't his apple sound nice? Why are his tears so annoying?
Now I can even hear the snif ling sound.
“Stop crying.”
Dorothy had no intention of comforting him. I couldn't even comfort
'Damn it.'
Dorothy would have gotten really angry if she had been facing Ray
Dorothy left Ray alone and turned around and nervously opened the
door and stepped outside.
By the way.
“… … Princess.”
“… … !”
As Dorothy left the room, she met Theon who was standing in front
of the door.
Theon looked at her with worried eyes.
'Are you sure you've heard it all?'
Dorothy's heart sank again.
It would be nice if we could skip it and ask what it would be like to
hear it while we were far away, but that doesn't work.
I hope Theon didn't hear me get angry.
Don't get me wrong that I hate him.
Don't think of me as a bad person.
Again, with vain expectations, I began to worry that I would not be
loved by him. I was so afraid of being hated by him.
Disliked of being greedy even after doing things that would be hated,
Dorothy ran away from Theon and ran to the patronage.
“Princess Dorothy, wait a minute!”
When she reached the patronage, Theon, who followed her, caught
Dorothy was startled by how hot Theon's hand felt as if it had been
on ire.
It felt like his hand was about to melt.
“Would you mind giving me some time?”
Theon's voice warmed up in his chest.
Theon, undressed as a child, was moving from a boy to a young
man's maturity.
It was a little hard to breathe, so Dorothy had to take a deep breath
and exhale.
Were you always this nervous?
Did I love you this much?
The depth of emotion I had felt for a long time was so deep that it
was embarrassing.
I thought it would be ine and nothing would be wrong.
I thought that I had become very dull by living in a separate palace.
“… … First of all, I'm really sorry that I came all of a sudden. I should
have sent someone ahead of time.”
Theon's voice coming from behind made my body tremble as if
ringing a bell.
Dorothy stood with her back to Theon, unable to release her hand.
The reason I couldn't take my hand off was because the hand he held
was so precious. Because I've been waiting so long for him to hold my
But the reason they couldn't see each other was because they didn't
have the con idence to be loved. Because I didn't deserve to be loved.
“Your Highness had informed you in a letter in advance that you
would come to visit us during vacation, but the exact date was not
revealed because the schedule in the system had not been set.”
letter. Dorothy recalled Ray's unread letters.
Ray was very kind and delivered the news in the letter, and it was all
to Dorothy for not reading the letter.
“Of course, I think you must have been offended by suddenly coming
along with me. I'm not even from the royal family... … . I sincerely
Theon was also polite and kind.
It's not for him to apologize for. I'm just doing this because I'm bad.
Those words tugged at the tip of Dorothy's lips, but she couldn't spit
them out.
From the moment he meets Theon, his body and his head play
separately, and he doesn't listen to what he says.
“Coming here… … I wanted to see the princess again.”
Theon's unbelievable words pierced Dorothy's chest.
did you want to see Why did he never pay attention to Dorothea?
Before returning, Theon had never said a word that he wanted to see
her even after marrying Dorothy.
Rather, he avoided Dorothy as if he hated seeing him, and he hated
standing in one place to death.
When Dorothy turned to look at Theon, she was looking at Dorothy
with sincere eyes.
At that one look, Dorothy pressed down on her chest.
was wild The words I wanted to hear so much back then, the
beautiful eyes I so desperately wanted to see, that I could face him so
easily after giving up on him.
Why are you looking at me now?
“I was very worried.”
Theon's red eyes sank very seriously.
“I’m worried… … ?”
Theon smiled bitterly at Dorothy's question.
“Pomegranate juice… … That’s it.”
Theon was afraid that talking directly about the kidnapping would
hurt Dorothy, so she turned around.
In initely unfamiliar and friendly, his interest.
What could not be done with beautiful palaces, precious birds,
lowers, and jewels, and what could not be done with a lifelong plea,
seemed possible with sympathy and compassion. Unfortunately.
“That’s why I irst told His Majesty that I wanted to go with you.”
“… … .”
“Am I uncomfortable?”
Theon asked cautiously. Dorothy didn't know how to respond.
It's uncomfortable, but I don't want to say it's uncomfortable.
An ambivalent feeling choked Dorothy's throat.
Meeting Theon was de initely painful. But at the same time, it was
With one touch of his hand and one look in his eyes, Dorothy used to
realize clearly that she existed.
So you can't say it's uncomfortable.
If you say it's uncomfortable, Theon will leave without even looking
at her.
Even the smallest opportunity Theon offers would end up kicking
Dorothy had to choose.
“It’s not uncomfortable… … .”
After all, Dorothy's choice was determined from the beginning.
Dorothea Milanaire doesn't know how to forsake Theon Fried.
Theon looked at Dorothy with friendly eyes, as if a little relieved.
“But why do you always have that face when you see me?”
Theon asked, looking into Dorothy's eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks.
that look?
Dorothy didn't know exactly what expression she was making.
But it was clear that it would never be a pretty expression.
Dorothy tried to put my expression within the realm of the ordinary.
"I… … I want to get along well with the princess.”
Theon leaned back slightly and came to eye level with her.
He said as if asking for forgiveness. Like don't hate yourself.
At that one word, the fortress that had been built solidly collapsed.
I want to have a good time.
I've said that to you hundreds of times, Theon.
Before the return, hundreds, no, thousands of times on your back
that turned away from me.
Her heart was pounding, and Dorothy couldn't control her
I don't even have time to think about a kind smile, kindness, or
To you, who seeks kindness by sympathizing with me with your eyes
as pretty as jewels, I... … .
At that moment, someone came in between Theon and Dorothy.
“My cheek hurts so bad, is there any medicine? Fingers too... … .”
Ethan's red, swollen cheeks covered Theon exactly like the moon
that swallowed the sun.
Then, as if being pushed by a huge wave, the mind that had loated
returned to reality again.
That's right, I brought Ethan.
I was so startled by Rey and Theon that I completely forgot Ethan's
"yes… … ! About, yes. Because I was hurt.”
Dorothy avoided Theon and nodded hastily.
It seemed that the more he faced Theon, the more he couldn't stand
the pounding in his chest.
“I’m sorry, Theon. Ethan's hurt and needs some medicine. I was a
guest, but I forgot.”
Dorothy spoke busily without even making eye contact with Theon.
Dorothy, refusing to answer Theon's words, took Ethan and rushed
to the in irmary where the medicine was stored.
It was stupid.
The person I love said he wanted to get along with me, but running
away in such a hurry.
But I couldn't help it. I'm not used to this kind of thing, so I don't
know how to do it.
Dorothy entered the in irmary with Ethan and shut the door.
“Princess… … ?”
“Oh, I brought you, but another guest came and didn’t pay attention. I
should have looked for medicine as soon as I arrived.”
Dorothy hurriedly put Ethan to one side of the in irmary and
gibberish as she rummaged through the shelves.
Her hands trembled at opening and closing pitiful drawers, lifting
and placing boxes in cupboards, lifting things around and making
"Uh, where's the medicine? It would be around here.”
Ethan sat quietly in his chair and watched Dorothy.
Dorothy, who was looking for medicine, was confused and eventually
spilled the items on the shelf.
"oh! this… … !”
Dorothy barely sighed as she looked at the objects scattered on the
Why is nothing like this today?
Dorothy squatted and picked up things that had fallen on the loor.
Then Ethan quietly approached and helped pick up the items.
“Oh, thank you.”
Dorothy couldn't see Ethan for some reason.
I feel like my expression is going to be messed up again now.
Today, things don't turn out the way you want them to.
From the letter I received this morning from Karnan, the application
for the swordsmanship contest, and the sudden arrival of Reid… … It's
all messed up.
Dorothy put her organized things on the shelf, trying to suppress her
Dorothy struggled to raise the corners of her lips, not wanting to
show her mixed feelings in front of Ethan.
“Oh, I can’t ind it by myself. I guess I'll have to ask Clara where the
medicine is."
Dorothy smiled awkwardly as she walked away, and Ethan grabbed
“I don’t need medicine. It's just swollen cheeks."
“But I de initely want you to apply some medicine… … .”
"it's okay."
Ethan smiled brightly with his red, swollen cheeks.
“Aren’t the princesses in need of medicine more than that?”
"I? why me?"
"just… … You look a little sick.”
Ethan's eyes narrowed quietly as the smile faded away.
For a moment, Ethan before his return came to mind, and Dorothy
took Ethan's hand away.
“I am not sick.”
“No, where… … Do you have a fever?”
Ethan's hand approached and touched Dorothy's forehead.
From a distance, the sweet scent of lowers wafted from Ethan.
The scent of Ethan seemed to ill the narrow in irmary.
“I really don’t feel sick!”
Dorothy shook her head hastily, removed Ethan's hand, and stepped
Then, Ethan raised the corners of his lips as if he could see it.
“… … I think I can see why the princess came to recuperate.”
Ethan muttered to himself.
Dorothy's heart sank again at his words.
Ethan's yellow eyes seemed to peer into her heart for Theon.
Even before her return, as if she had read her mind, she was the one
who commanded what she wanted before anyone else.
“It’s not like that. I came here because I was really sick.”
“What is that? You just said you weren't sick, didn't you?"
Dorothy felt trapped by Ethan.
Ethan waited for Dorothy's answer with a face disguised as
You're a real bad guy.
“Now go back to the duke.”
Dorothy pushed Ethan away.
I had no desire to play with his pranks.
Then Ethan tidied up Dorothy's messy side hair and whispered in
her ear.
“Can I help you? the disease?”
A slyly pretty smile came over Dorothy.
As if a deceitful snake swallowed the fruit of time, for a moment it
seemed as if time with him had stopped.
“I like the princess.”
Ethan whispered softly like the wind.
She had to look into her eyes to see if the words were hypocrisy, but
Dorothy couldn't make eye contact.
No, you don't even have to make eye contact. that this is a lie
“Stop joking around. I hate pranks like this.”
Dorothy pushed Ethan away again.
“… … Yes? I thought you would laugh, wasn't it fun?"
Ethan shrugged and smiled.
“It’s not fun at all.”
“You must be in a lot of pain to not laugh at such a joke, really.”
Ethan's words sounded mean, so Dorothy glared at him.
“If it doesn’t hurt, just leave.”
“Who is the Princess?”
“I will be here a little longer.”
“Because you’re not sick.”
"get out."
Dorothy put her weight on her hands and pushed Ethan out of the
in irmary.
“If you want to go to the dukes, tell Clara. I will prepare a carriage for
Dorothy drove Ethan completely down the hallway and slammed the
door shut.
Ethan saw the coldly closed door in front of him. His eyes, which had
just shown a subtle playfulness, became cold.
“… … Strange."
Ethan muttered softly, stroking his lips with his inger.
Then, as if calling for his gaze, Inyoung passed by.
A red-eyed boy standing at the end of the hallway.
'Oh, that kid.'
Ethan found him and shook his head with a smile.
"Nice to meet you."
It was a polite and friendly smile, but Theon's face was hardened.
“Who are you?”
“My name is Ethan Bronte of the Dukes of Bronte. Bronte is a family
that rules this area.”
Ethan greeted him brightly with an innocent face.
"approximately… … did you paint it?”
"sure. Princess Dorothea applied it herself, so it doesn't hurt at all
anymore. By the way… … Am I the only one introducing myself? I don't
know who the master is."
Ethan's horse was soft and boney, so Theon realized his mistake.
“… … Theon Fried.”
Theon replied brie ly.
'Yes, the son of the great Prince Fried.'
Ethan cynically recalled his origins.
A grand duke who is in line with the imperial family. Milanaire and
Fried from the legend.
You're so close to Milanaire from your distant ancestors, you're
going crazy.
I thought that the black hair was a terrible match with the Fried
family, who somehow deals with dark spirits.
“Wow, it’s amazing to be a Prince of Freed. I didn't expect to see you
like this, but it's an honor."
Ethan clapped his hands a couple of times and said.
But Theon ignored Ethan and went to the in irmary where Dorothy
Theon hesitated for a moment before trying to knock, but Ethan
grabbed his hand lightly and stopped him.
“The princess must be very tired today. You say you want to rest
quietly by yourself.”
Ethan glanced at his wounds and added, 'As you can see, I was kicked
out of the in irmary, too sick.'
Theon looked at Ethan with a irm expression on his face.
Ethan only smiled at Theon's hostile reaction.
'Theon Fried, the atmosphere is very different from before.'
I asked Dorothy to tell me about her mistake like a dog with only a
tail, but now... … annoying.
“Today, I practice swordsmanship hard, and go around town with
me… … Are you tired?”
Ethan grinned, and Theon's lips clenched tight.
“… … Are you close with Princess Dorothy?”
Theon's closed lips opened with curiosity.
Ethan didn't like Dorothy's name, which came out of Theon's lips.
"no. Princess Dorothea and I are not very close. As you can see, it’s
just like putting medicine on if you get hurt.”
Ethan smiled with a humble face. Then Theon's expression froze.
“I can’t even call you by the nickname ‘Dorothy’ like the master. We
just live close and we don't have any friends, so we only see each other
occasionally. About once a week... … ?”
In front of Theon, who had met Dorothy for the irst time in years,
Ethan scratched his cheek with a shy smile.


Dorothy sat alone, time and time again trying to control her
Sometimes I took a deep breath, I wrinkled and straightened my face,
and sometimes I rubbed my face with my hands.
I've tried the kind smile that I've practiced hard until now over and
over again.
But her face re lected in the window showed no sign of
'Every time you meet Theon, you think like this, Dorothy?'
Dorothy bit her lip at my pathetic look.
No matter what he did in the future, he had no choice but to meet
Even if we don't go to the episteme, we will meet at our debut
tangent, and as a member of the imperial family, we will have no choice
but to come and go.
It's Milanaire and Fried.
And he will become the man I loved over time.
But how can I see Theon?
With what face, with what expression.
Dorothy pressed the back of her hand to the corner of her red eyes.
The shadows of the past, which she had forgotten, were clinging to
her ankles.
The door to the in irmary was locked and someone knocked on the
Lay? Ethan? Or Theon?
No one liked it, so Dorothy squatted silently.
Then the knock was heard again.
However, this knock was almost heard from a height close to the
ceiling. It's like knocking on the top of the door... … .
If it was Ray, he would call her by name, 'Dorothy', and Ethan and
Theon were the same.
But there was no other person who just knocked without a word.
Dorothy wiped the slightly reddened corners of her eyes and opened
the door.
As expected, it was the great Stephan standing in front of the door.
"What's up… … ?”
“… … .”
Without a word, Stefan looked down at Dorothy and looked inside
the in irmary.
“Are you hurt?”
Stefan shook his head.
“Then are you looking for Clara?”
Stefan shook his head and looked down at Dorothy.
Oh, you were looking for me?
Dorothy, who has been with them for a long time, has reached a level
where Stefan can understand the meaning of his eyes to some extent
without having to speak.
“… … Did you and Theon go to Ray?”
Stefan shook his head.
“Then I will stay here a little longer… … .”
I didn't feel like going out, so I answered, and Stefan asked with his
eyes if it would be okay for him to go inside too.
Dorothy didn't want anyone else to come in, but she nodded as if it
was a quiet and silent Stefan, it wouldn't matter if she was next to her.
When Stefan came in and closed the door, Dorothy sat down on a
small sofa in the in irmary.
“… … Stefan sits too.”
Because I plan on staying for a long time.
Dorothy tapped the rest of the sofa next to her.
Stefan hesitated in front of the sofa, not knowing what to do. The
escort driver is not allowed to sit recklessly, but as Dorothy said, I think
I should sit next to him.
"sit down. Stefan is so big that the already narrow in irmary is stuffy.”
Stefan stopped at him, and inally sat down cautiously next to
Stefan was tall and broad-shouldered, taking up a lot of space, but
fortunately, 12-year-old Dorothy was small.
Each of them is about 0.6 and 1.4 servings, so it was not cramped
even if I sat on the sofa for two people.
The two sat next to each other without a word for a really long time.
All I could hear was the sound of breathing at a steady beat, the
chirping of birds outside, or the occasional sound of the servants
passing through the hallway.
In that calmness, Dorothy's heart slowly regained her composure.
At that time, Dorothy had some spare time, so she glanced at
Stefan was sitting next to him, staring at the wall in front of him. It
looked free.
However, it was one of the virtues that escort knights should
To stay still so as not to offend the person you are serving, you have
to be alert than anyone else. Standing behind as if there was nothing.
Perhaps the average person would certainly sit still and doze off, but
Dorothy had never seen Stefan doze off.
When Dorothy looked up at Stephan, who was sitting still, Stephan
met her eyes, wondering if she needed anything.
Dorothy hesitated for a moment at the speechless Stefan, and then
opened her mouth.
“Stephan… … . Can Stefan keep a secret?”
Stefan nodded quietly at Dorothy's question.
“What I say… … Aren't you going to tell anyone else? To His Majesty
the Emperor Clara.”
Stefan nodded again.
Dorothy somehow felt as though she could con ide in Stefan about
Like a secret diary that no one can open, even if I write my story
down, it feels like no one will see it.
A trustworthy person who will never tell anyone.
So Dorothy carefully con ided to Stefan what she had been
cherishing as a core alone.
“You know, I had a very scary dream… … .”
Of course, I can't divulge everything as it is, so I mix in shallow lies.
“In my dream, there is a person I really like, and he hates me. In the
end, I hate it so much... … You're going to die by hanging yourself in my
Dorothy's little ist curled up.
The reason he couldn't meet Theon properly wasn't just because he
loved him.
Every time I see him, I remember the terrible end. Even though I love
him, if I draw the end with him, in the end, that's all he is.
Bed with white sheets, high canopy. Under that canopy... … his
sagging body.
When that scene came to mind, I couldn't face Theon. Because of the
appearance that reminded us not to forget our sins.
In a previous life, she was a villain who ruined and ruined Theon's
My heart still races when I see him, but when I think of Theon's
words to her, it's all negative.
I regret meeting you.
i don't love you
i hate you
It's terrifying that you come back to life,
Because of you, I'm dead.
Dorothy closed her eyes, trying to shake the memories away.
Stefan watched Dorothy silently.
“I’ve been thinking for a long time… … I was born killing my mother.
That is why I was born as a bad person from the beginning. therefore…
… You can't be loved and you're destined to be a bad person no matter
It sounds absurd, but sometimes Dorothy only imagined such absurd
When Carnon doesn't love her, when I can't have what Rey has, when
Theon turns away, when the people point their ingers and curse at her
for being a tyrant.
And when I can't change that 'fact' no matter what I do.
If Dorothea Milanaire becomes a bad person, everything is resolved,
so it is convenient to conclude that way.
I ruined everything, and it's because of me that people left me.
All bad things are my fault.
"therefore… … Sometimes I’m scared.”
I wonder if there is nothing but evil at the root of Dorothea Milanaire.
She must be evil from the seed.
“… … Don't you think it's stupid?"
Dorothy said so and smiled awkwardly.
Stefan might have seen her and thought she was a coward who had
only had nightmares and was seriously ighting.
I didn't know if I would think that I was a little annoyed when I saw
him whining.
So I thought I was just saying it. Don't say it, just think for yourself. As
Then, a large hand approached Dorothy.
Stefan grabbed Dorothy and hugged him tightly, and hugged him
tightly in his arms.
Then, with a hand large enough to ill half of Dorothy's back, he
patted her on the back once.
That one small tap made her heart pound.
For a moment, Dorothy was about to cry, so she buried her head in
Stefan's shoulder.
Stefan's hug is like saying that someone who loves you exists.
“Thank you, Stefan. And I'm sorry... … .”
I killed you like that in my last life.
After returning home, Dorothy couldn't help but wonder why she was
born again.
Even when I was dying, I was completely convinced of 'why I must
She knew better than anyone that Dorothea Milanaire deserved
death because she was evil, evil, and a tyrant.
Because of that, I didn't scream that I couldn't die, and I didn't curse
Even when Ethan blamed all his sins on him, he was blunt.
The tyrant, heading to the execution site, quietly placed his head on
the guillotine.
any… … with an empty heart.
Maybe he was waiting for death.
But why did I have to live again? Why are you a naughty person like
Shouldn't this opportunity be given only to good heroes? For
someone like Stefan, for example.
Dorothy resented this painful life she had started over.
But what is certain is that once you live again, you cannot live like
you used to.
I don't want to live that kind of life again.
“I really want to live a good life.”
As Dorothy buried her head and mumbled, Stefan hugged her tighter.
“Princess, good child… … .”
Stefan patted Dorothy on the back.
Dorothy laughed at him.
“Yes, I am a good child.”


Clara went up to Dorothy's room to ind Dorothy, and found Ray

standing tall alone.
“Sir Raymond?”
When Clara called, Rey squeezed her eyes tightly with her palms and
lifted her head.
His eyes were wet with red.
“Did you cry?”
Clara decided not to say, 'You cried.'
“Did you argue with Princess Dorothy?”
“Dorothy must hate me.”
“I came to say that it was a disaster… … .”
Rey, who wanted to calm down a little, remembered Dorothy's words
again, and tears welled up.
For the past few years, Dorothy has been living alone in a remote,
rural residence.
Of course, Ray thought that Dorothy would be bored and lonely.
His mother was absent, his father was busy, and Ray was Dorothy's
only older brother.
Is it strange to be worried about my little brother, who is alone in a
distant land?
Was it an arrogant mistake to think that Dorothy would depend on
If I come down, you'll be happy. it will make you happy you will be
What gift will you bring? What would you like me to give you? What
are the items of the system that are not in the Cerritian area?
There is a sea in the detached palace, so I have to play in the sea with
We should eat something delicious together and ask them to take a
tour of the detached palace.
Episteme The sincerity I wrote down in the letter, looking forward to
it even before the vacation.
All of that was a disaster for Dorothy.
“In Dorothy’s eyes, I look too stupid.”
Ray found a reason for Dorothy to hate me.
Dorothy was smart from a young age and used to do everything on
her own.
Two-year-old Dorothy was able to solve problems that Ray couldn't
solve, and she knew what Ray didn't know.
Unlike him, who barely inished last in Episteme, Dorothy was a
genius enough to be admitted to the top.
To Ray, Dorothy was a proud younger brother, but to Dorothy, he
must have been a less proud older brother.
The pitiful gaze he occasionally sent toward him represented
Dorothy's heart.
Still, Ray believed that there was a certain amount of affection in
those eyes.
But it seems that wasn't the case.
“You are an idiot! You’re the kind of person who goes to Episteme!”
Clara said to Ray who was smirking.
You go to Episteme and you're an idiot!
Episteme was the empire's premier educational institution.
A place where talented people from all over the world gather!
Moreover, it was an independent educational institution, not a place
where admissions could be freely decided by the imperial family.
Ray was a digni ied passing student who passed the exam properly.
Just walking in there is already huge, how can you call it an idiot!
“I still got 80th place in this episteme test… … .”
After hearing Clara's words, it was a bit unfair, so Ray made excuses
for herself.
80th place out of 100 students per grade in Episteme.
It may be a pathetic and shabby grade for some, but it was a great
achievement for Rey, who came in as a pull-up in the Episteme
entrance exam.
In addition, swordsmanship and horseback riding were ranked as
one of the best, and now I knew how to solve dif icult equations.
Of course, compared to other Episteme friends, it still lacks a lot, but
for Rey, it was the result of a lot of hard work.
In order to reach that level, I endured the painful times of episteme
by studying with tears every day.
Waiting to go see Dorothy on vacation.
“Don’t cry, my lord. It must have been the words of the princess who
came to visit so suddenly.”
"no. Dorothy must be sincere. You never responded to my letter.”
There was always no reply to the letters I sent with my heart once or
twice a month.
Ray wasn't stupid.
Still, foolishly, did Dorothy not receive the letter? Is Dorothy Too
Busy? Or is it that you are not feeling well and that it is dif icult to
reply? I sent a reply, but was it lost in the middle? I imagined such
excuses and rationalized the non-response.
It's so sad that Dorothy doesn't reply after receiving the letter.
“I wish Dorothy would like me… … I never know what to do.”
Clara didn't know what to say to Ray like that.
Clara knew vaguely that Dorothy didn't like Ray.
She would be happy to receive a letter from her brother from far
away, but Dorothy didn't always look at Ray's letter.
Joey, who was rude and lowly, was generously accepted, and he got
along very well with Ethan, the illegitimate son of the Duke of Bronte,
but he was only cold about Ray.
“Does the nanny know what Dorothy likes? If I do what Dorothy likes,
will Dorothy like me?”
Ray looked at Clara as if asking for help.
Because of his desperate blue eyes, Clara was compelled to answer
Clara thought about what Dorothy, who was always blunt, liked, and
then came up with an answer.
“Oh, you like to practice swordsmanship. You do it every day without
skipping a beat.”
"fence? I'm good at swordsmanship!"
Rey's face, which had been gloomy like a rainy day, cleared up a little.
He had one of the best swordsmanship in the episteme.
A subject he has few con idence in. If that's the case, I'd be able to
show it off proudly without being ignored by Dorothy.
“Then if I show you how to use a sword, will you like it…? … ?”
Ray was buoyed by the hope that maybe he could teach Dorothy a
sword or practice with him.
"ah! right. Just a few days later, there is a swordsmanship
competition held in the village under the name of the duke. How about
going out there?”
“A swordsmanship contest?”
Ray nodded.
If he wins there, won't Dorothy recognize his skills and look at his
cool side?
Trying to do anything, Ray asked Clara to apply so she could go too.
Then someone knocked on the door.
“Rei, the princess must be feeling a bit unwell.”
“Are you feeling ill, Princess?”
Clara asked in amazement.
You must have been lying with a sword until this morning.
“I should have told the princess irst, but she suddenly came to me…
… i was so rude I'm not in good shape, but a guest who didn't even
invite me came... … .”
Theon didn't believe Dorothy was ill.
Dorothy was deliberately avoiding him. He didn't say exactly what
the reason was, but it was certain that he was an uninvited guest here.
“I think it would be better to just go back and see.”
"Oh! You came today, what are you talking about? However, you
should rest here for a few days.”
Clara waved her hand.
It was not polite to kick him out as soon as he arrived, a guest who
had come a long way for Dorothy from the Islands to here.
If I just went, wouldn't it be a waste of time to get to this far place?
“Maybe you are a little tired from practicing swordsmanship this
morning. He also went to town. I'll go and check the princess. You two
are resting in your room.”
Clara rushed to the in irmary that Theon had told her to see Dorothy,
who was ill.
When Clara left, only Ray and Theon remained.
Theon glanced at Rey.
There were tears in Rei's eyes.
Ray, who was over lowing with happiness when he came down here,
was no longer.
“I didn’t mean to come.”
"no. It's because of me.”
Ray laughed bitterly.
Feeling pity for that, Theon quietly patted Rey on the back.
He knew best how much Ray looked forward to meeting Dorothy, so
he could best understand how Ray was feeling right now.
Ray used to talk about Dorothy as usual.
Especially after sending a letter to Dorothy, every day I ask, 'Will I get
a reply today? Will I get a reply when I return to the palace?' He was the
person I was waiting for with a face full of excitement.
However, as days went by without a reply, Ray became quieter and
But just because he didn't say it didn't mean he didn't wait for
Dorothy's reply.
When he goes back to the palace, he always checks irst to see if he
has a letter from Dorothy, and then turns around quietly.
“It must have been that the princess came to me for no reason and
felt worse. I am not a member of the imperial family, nor am I close to
the princess… … place."
Theon, who was comforting Rey, stopped talking.
What caught his eye was a small handkerchief next to Dorothy's bed.
The embroidery on the corner was the coat of arms of Prince Fried.
The handkerchief, which is very different from this villa, the space of
Milanaire, was folded like a very precious object and placed in the
center of the side table as if it was displayed.
'Why is he there?'
Theon remembered giving her a handkerchief a long time ago while
dusting off Dorothy's.
Dorothy, the princess, doesn't have a handkerchief, so it must not be
that she is still using his handkerchief.
'I thought I would have thrown it away... … .'
It didn't matter, Dorothy didn't like Theon. maybe.
But do you keep things close to people you don't like?
Or did I keep it so I can return it when I come? by the bedside?
The handkerchief was obviously his, but Theon looked like an
unbreakable code.

Ethan knew who he was from an early age.

Her mother was a woman selling herself in a bar, while her father,
who was dif icult to call her father, was a great duke.
He was born and grew up with his mother for four years before
coming to this duke's family.
The mother needed money and could not afford to raise the child.
The duke did him better than expected.
Not only the duke, but most of the people of this spacious duke's
mansion favored him.
It was thanks to the face that 'looked like the bitch who slapped the
Duke of Bronte'.
Ethan knew from a very early age that his appearance was superior
to others.
His world was kinder than others.
There was always sincerity in the vain compliments I hear every day
for being handsome.
When someone else smiles, the reaction is different than when he
When his half-brother Jonathan talks to him, he reacts differently.
The comparison was easy, and he found that a rolled stone shines
brighter than an embedded stone.
Is it because he inherited the blood of his mother who worked in a
bar? He knew how to win the hearts of people.
If you subtract the color of the vulgar mother and add the color of the
aristocratic Bronte family, the perfect 'Ethan Bronte' is completed.
So it was easy for the great Ethan Bronte to survive in the dukes.
People gave him another piece of chocolate when he smiled, and
when he shed a tear, the whole cake came out.
Not even the Duchess could hate him.
No, rather, I cherished him and felt sorry for him.
“What’s wrong with this pretty little child… … !”
Ethan's arrival deteriorated the Duchess' relationship with the
Duchess, but neither of them blamed Ethan.
Because there is no sin in a cute little child.
Ethan paid the most attention to the Duchess.
Everything inside the duke was the wife's business, so he rolled his
head to make him look more like a lovable child.
Fortunately, the eldest son of the Bronte family, Jonathan Bronte, was
not so clever.
While Ethan was only doing things that would be pleasing to him,
Jonathan had an accident just like children his age.
Ethan liked Jonathan like that.
Compared to the inexperienced Jonathan, Ethan stood out more.
Adults themselves were children, but they were strange people who
hated children having accidents.
Anyway, thanks to that, Ethan, who was smart and quick-witted, was
able to survive.
In particular, Ethan enjoyed deliberately touching Jonathan's things.
“Ethan! That horse doll is mine!”
When I touched Jonathan's thing, Jonathan got angry and ran and
took the thing violently.
“Ah… … !”
Ethan was knocked down by the power of his big brother, and then
the servants came running in surprise.
“Master Ethan!”
“Black… … . I had dirt on the doll, so I tried to shake it off... … .”
With a moderate sniff, the servants sided with him, and it was
Jonathan who was scolded.
“Jonathan! Ethan was trying to shake off the dirt, but what if he steals
it so quickly!”
The Duchess was also on Ethan's side.
“He touched mine all the time! I didn't put it on the doll!"
Jonathan shouted the whale whale as if it was unfair. It looked really
“Because you are the older brother, you have to understand Ethan!”
Ethan then smiled contentedly inwardly and grabbed the Duchess'
“I am ine, mother… … .”
Wiping her moist eyes with the soft, white back of her hand, looking
up, the Duchess' heart melted again and she said, 'Oh, Ethan!' and
hugged it.
Ethan hugged his wife and raised an eyebrow towards Jonathan
without anyone knowing.
'Stupid guy.'
It was repeated over and over again, and Jonathan hated Ethan very
Ethan liked the more Jonathan hated him the more he hated him.
The lovely and pathetic position of the underdog was the position
Ethan loved.
Even if Ethan attacks Jonathan irst, everyone now favors Ethan.
Except when you have to show 'Ethan Bronte' in front of outsiders.
No matter how beautiful and kind the child is, Ethan Bronte was born
to the Duke of Bronte by having an affair with a bar girl.
A small igure for Bronte.
The people of the Duke of Bronte were busy hiding Ethan's presence
when guests came.
Jonathan introduced Ethan as a servant when he was discovered by
his friends.
It was all because of Jonathan's sense of superiority toward Ethan.
Ethan was not allowed to wear clothes or items with the Bronte
family pattern on them.
Even the Duchess and Duchess cared for Ethan, but were reluctant to
take him out to public places.
No matter how you look at it, Ethan wasn't the Duchess's son, and he
stood out too much among the bastards.
“Ethan, we really love you. know?"
That's what the Duchess said whenever she went to social events
with Ethan.
At that time, Ethan replied with a small smile.
“Yes, mother.”
Ethan was a good listener.
“Can you help me get my violin strings when I come back instead?”
“Of course, Ethan.”
He was a child who took care of what he could get as much as he
listened well.
Each time the Bronte and her husband left Ethan alone or hidden,
they would listen to Ethan's wishes one by one out of a sense of regret.
Ethan was happy with the deal.
Because I don't want to go to a party like that anyway.
However, despite their efforts, Ethan's existence was already known
in this area.
Ethan's presence could not be hidden in the irst place.
Although he was not of icially recognized, none of the people living in
the Cerritian region knew that he was the illegitimate son of a duke.
Because it's a scandal, I just take it easy and don't put it in my mouth.
“Still, as a bastard, it’s good to live like that.”
People said so.
After all, it's a good treat just to be able to live in the duke's mansion
with an outside child born to a bar girl calling his father father and a
duchess who is not his mother as his mother.
From Bronte's point of view, it was to help the shame of the family.
They were 'good enough' for Ethan the bastard.
So, Ethan quietly lived as the 'secret bastard of the Duke of Bronte'.
calmly waiting for the time.
However… … I changed my mind.

“Master, your cheeks!”

As soon as Ethan returned to the duke's house, he received the
attention of many servants.
Jonathan slapped him so hard that it still had red cheeks.
Normally, Ethan would have gone to the Duchess and the Duke of
Bronte to show off her red cheeks.
Then he said it was nothing and smiled sadly, glanced into Jonathan's
eyes and seemed hesitant.
That way, the Duke and Duchess would know that it was Jonathan's
Jonathan would be furious from the irst day he returned from
Episteme, and Ethan would have been able to play with Jonathan's toy
for a long time.
But I didn't really want to do that today.
"it's okay."
Ethan left the servants who were paying attention to him and went
straight to his room.
He had no interest in making fun of Jonathan, winning the duchess'
favor, or playing with servants who would lick their feet.
'… … Dorothea Milanaire.'
He came up to the room and remembered the little girl.
The last time I saw that damn expression.
Ethan took a deep breath and washed his face dry.
'Are you too weak?'
Ethan looked at the mirror in the room. There was a boy with an
angelic appearance that was no different than usual.
A beautiful boy that everyone admires.
Hana Ethan didn't like how she looked in the mirror.
He ran his hair back and forth behind his ears, then rolled up his
sleeves and pulled up his knee socks.
'… … Not bad.'
He's always looked perfect, but is it because of the marks Jonathan
slapped on the cheek? No matter how much I touched it, my igure was
not illed with spirituality.
It was always like that after I met Dorothy.
From the beginning, Dorothy seemed uninterested in his beauty.
It's not that I don't disapprove of his looks, but it ends up being
Don't be swayed by any of his actions.
No matter how many times she went to the private palace to play,
Dorothy was greeted with him as usual.
Ordinary yet too ordinary, ordinary yet too ordinary.
There was no sign of welcoming him, nor did he smile broadly with
joy when he saw his face.

'It's too good of a thing for me to receive. Take it back.'

I even refused the pendant that I had deliberately chosen with great
care and did not receive it.
why? Is it expensive and good jewelry? Don't you like this?
Ethan's head was confused by the unexpected and different reaction
of Dorothy.
But if he wasn't interested in him at all, that wasn't the case either.
Ethan looked at his white wrist.


Dorothy, threatening Jonathan, grabbed his wrist and ran ahead.

Even though he is short and his stride is narrow, how fast is he?
At that time, it seemed that there was still warmth around the wrist
that Dorothy was holding.
Ethan followed Dorothy, anticipating.
He will be worried about his wounds soon and will be able to put his
heart into his pitiful eyes.
But Dorothy was busy talking to Stefan before that.
'Aren't normal people supposed to be concerned about my cheeks
and cut hands?'
Can't you see that one side of my face is red?
But the relationship between the two seemed so close that he
couldn't intervene.
It was inconceivable to leave him behind just to say thank you to that
big bear.

'oh… … .'

Do you really need to see it like this?

Dorothy's gaze returned to him only after he patted Jonathan's cheek
and pretended to be sick.
But even more shocking was after arriving at the detached palace.
Dorothy was talking with Ray and Theon as if she had completely
forgotten the existence of Ethan.
Dorothy only realized he existed, only after he poked her face.
Ethan stayed by Dorothy's side.
Princess, look at me. Do you want to see such a beautiful day?
No matter how many times I called him, Dorothy treated him
completely as a ghost.
And Dorothy saw Theon Freed over him, transparent as a ghost.
The way she looked at Theon was so pathetic that even people who
didn't know her could recognize her heart.
The princess already likes the great grand duke, Sonja-bun.
Ethan recalled the handkerchief lying in Dorothy's room.
Although Dorothy hurriedly hid it, it was de initely a handkerchief
with Frieda's crest engraved on it.
'… … I wish I had tore it up.'
The owner of the handkerchief was Theon Fried, those red eyes.
'Theon Fried.'
Ethan bit his teeth tightly.
He remembered the look on Dorothy's face while talking to Theon
That expression that seemed to collapse at any moment was
engraved in his mind and never left.
Ethan didn't like the look on Dorothy's face.
No matter how hard he tries his whole life, it looks like he can't give
it as a gift.
That is the expression Theon Friedman can give Dorothy.
'I hate Theon, but I hate Dorothea even more, who likes Theon even
with that kind of face.'
The boy re lected in the mirror was staring at him coldly.
Beautiful but not beautiful at all.
At that moment, the door opened with a click, and the boy in the
mirror immediately took on the light of an angel.
“Master, please sit here. How… … .”
A nanny came in with a small vial, gauze and a water bottle.
The nanny sat Ethan in the chair and looked at her red, swollen
Ethan smiled, though he didn't like the nanny making all the fuss
over her barely red cheeks.
“Thank you, Nanny.”
At that smile, the nanny smirked.
'Yes, this is normal.'
Everyone likes me when I smile, right?
Even if her cheeks were swollen, there was no problem with Ethan's
'Hmm... … .'
Ethan pondered for a moment, then looked at the nanny.
“Nanny, but her face is a little red. where… … Do you have a fever?”
Ethan gently touched the nanny's forehead.
Then the nanny opened her eyes wide.
“Is your face red? oh my, that can't be it Do you really have a fever?
Does the master seem like he has a real fever?”
After the nanny touched her cheeks, she slapped her thighs and made
a fuss.
Seeing the nanny who was making a fuss like she was going to die,
Ethan thought calmly.
'Yes, this is normal.'
If you touch your forehead while making eye contact, you should like
it. you have to be excited
Even the Duchess sometimes comes to see my face when I'm
But Dorothy didn't.
Ethan tried a few more.
After tidying up the messy nanny's side hair, the nanny sticks out the
other side as if asking for more.
It was bothersome attention and effort, but Ethan smiled and tidied
up both sides of the nanny's hair and smiled.
“I like nanny.”
As I whispered a small whisper in the ear of the nanny who was
applying the medicine to her cheek, the nanny's face turned red as if
she was going to burst her nose at any moment.
“Hey! How! I like you too.”
The nanny answered with a happy smile.
She will go to the other employees today and brag about it. Master
Ethan said he likes him.
There was enough time between the people of the duke family to talk
to each other how pretty, cute, and lovely Ethan was today.
Ethan, seeing the nanny's reaction, rolled his tongue inwardly.
'Look at this. Everyone likes it, but why? … .'
Ethan remembered Dorothy, who was staring at him.

'If you want to go to the duke's, tell Clara. I'll prepare a carriage for
When Ethan said that he would not even see him off, Ethan
wondered if he had heard it wrong.
Then he pushes his back to get out and slams the door!
absurd thing. Such a beat can only be received from Jonathan.
How come Dorothea Milanaire doesn't look after me? why.


Theon is in the villa.

Everyone would laugh at me if I said that I couldn't sleep just
thinking about it.
Dorothy thought, burying herself in the duvet.
Theon and Rey's room was in the hallway opposite Dorothy's, and
you could feel Theon from that distance.
While Dorothy avoided encountering Theon, she never forgot that he
was here.
Theon seemed to be staying for a few more days because of Rey.
Although angry, Dorothy had no right to expel Rey and Theon.
Because this was a private palace owned by the imperial family, and
Rei was higher than Dorothy.
'I can't sleep.'
It was insomnia that had been coming for a long time.
Turning to his side, he saw Theon's handkerchief on the side table.
'… … I'll have to give it back.'
Dorothy gently rubbed the handkerchief with her ingertips.
Taking a deep breath, Dorothy's handkerchief luttered slightly.
'I must have forgotten, isn't it strange to come back now?'
It's just a handkerchief.
Dorothy eventually got up from her seat, placed the handkerchief in
question on her palm, and stared intently at her.
It's not a very important issue, but it can be so troublesome.
There are so many things in the world that are more important than
this, so why are you pouring your energy into it while you can't sleep?
What about those who blame themselves like that?
Worrying is worrying.
Dorothy lifted her head, stared at the black ceiling, and sighed again.
The darker it gets, the more I think of Theon.
I don't know if it's because he's a 'freed' or because his black,
charming hair resembles a chestnut.
'Are you supposed to be sleeping by now?'
Thinking of Theon sleeping, my heart pounded again.
before return. She loved watching Theon sleep.
The time Theon was asleep was the only time allowed for her.
Theon always avoided seeing Dorothy, so it was dif icult to see his
face, but it was different when he was sleeping soundly.
Fortunately, Theon likes to take naps, so if you are lucky, you may
ind Theon sleeping somewhere.
no luck
He was always tempted to have his servants and servants ind out
where Theon was taking a nap, so inding him who was taking a nap
was not luck but inevitability.
Theon's nap was the only time she was allowed.
Instead, in the dark night, when Fried's time came, Dorothea was not
allowed a handful of time.
She wanted to be with him every night, but she failed every time.
When I went to his room on a dark night and opened the door, he was
nowhere to be seen.
Instead, what greets her is a terrifyingly cold, suffocatingly lonely
He always drew the curtains to avoid even seeing Dorothea looking
out the window, so at night his room was so dark that not a single light
came on.
However, the soft burnt smell of the candles that wafts wildly.
It was obvious that she had quickly turned off the ire when she felt
her coming to him.
Were you writing a letter to Julia?
Are you taking naps at night to do other things?
Dorothea did not have the courage to lift the darkness and enter.
I fear that if I turn on the light, the hatred and resentment hidden in
the darkness will be revealed. I'm afraid I'll meet the enemy's full eyes.
I'm afraid those eyes will hurt so much.
If I had the courage then, if I had forced the light to enter Theon's
room... … .
'Perhaps my sins have grown bigger.'
Theon's death may have been much earlier.
Theon's death. death. death.
'I can't.'
Dorothy closed her eyes tightly.
Theon can't get over his thoughts.
Dorothy went out to the terrace overlooking the night sea with a
handkerchief in her hand, wondering if it would get better if she got
some wind.
The sea at night was so dark that I couldn't see an inch ahead, and the
stars barely pointed out the horizon.
The sky was still, and the sound of the waves crashing in the night
breeze could be heard in the distance.
The white handkerchief luttered along the wind that called the
waves, wiping the air.
In the darkness, the white handkerchief seemed to shine white alone
in the moonlight.
Then a gust of wind blew and snatched the handkerchief from
Dorothy's hand.
Dorothy almost fell under the patio railing as she reached for the
Dorothy barely managed to take her eyes off the handkerchief
blowing in the wind.
The handkerchief that had once circulated in the air luttered and fell
into the garden just below.
The moment I thought I was lucky that I didn't ly far.
Someone picked up a handkerchief.
'Who's in the garden this night... … .'
Dorothy grabbed the railing and looked at Inyeong's owner.
He picked up the handkerchief and looked up at the terrace where
the handkerchief had fallen.
“Theon… … ?”
My heart throbbed as if it had been pierced by an arrow.
Theon, who met Dorothy's eyes, also looked at her with her eyes
wide open in the dark.
“It was late at night, but you didn’t sleep.”
Dorothy's face lushed red when she realized that the handkerchief
was in Theon's hand.
Theon noticed that he still had his handkerchief.
Moreover, it was discovered that he had gone out to the terrace with
the handkerchief in the middle of the night.
Could it be more embarrassing than this?
I wanted to ind the mouse hole and hide right away, but running
away would seem odd.
"eww… … yes."
“I, this is… … .”
Theon checked the handkerchief in his hand and scattered his words.
What should I say?
Dorothy's mind was confused as if someone had scribbled it.
In the end, a childish excuse came out.
“I was going to give it back. I was thinking about how to return it, but
I returned it to the owner like this.”
Quite by chance, wonderfully.
Dorothy smiled and looked away.
Theon then followed Dorothy and smiled lightly.
“You look better when you smile.”
"uh… … ?”
Dorothy's laughter stopped at Theon's words.
'What did Theon say to me now... … .'
“Would you like to be there for a while?”
Dorothy answered with a frown, and Theon's words were frozen in
place as if they were corporations.
Then Theon lightly climbed the almond tree next to him, and sat
down on a thick branch that stretched out to the height of the terrace.
Theon approached in an instant, and Dorothy turned to ice, not
knowing what to do.
The moonlight shone over Theon.
The waves crashed behind Theon.
Stars fell around Theon.
“Thank you for not running away.”
Sitting on the almond tree, Theon whispered to Dorothy with a smile.
'What should I do, I think I'm going to cry.'
Dorothy struggled to contain her emotions that were overshadowed
by the friendly Theon.
He, who always ran away from me, thanked me for not running away
from me.
Dorothy felt like a dream at this moment.
Maybe this was really just a dream.
There's no way Theon could be so kind to me in the irst place.
Dorothy pinched her thigh under the sleeve of Theon secretly.
It hurts. So is this a realistic dream?
“Why haven’t you slept until this hour?”
Theon asked, leaning slightly against the wooden pole, grabbing the
handkerchief she had dropped.
I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of you.
Those words lingered on the tip of his tongue and melted.
"just… … I couldn't sleep.”
“Is it because of me… … ?”
Theon asked quietly, and Dorothy shook her head in amazement like
a thief with numb feet.
Did you even read her mind?
Dorothy was grateful that the pounding of her heart was buried in
the sound of the waves.
"What a relief. I was worried that I might not be able to sleep because
it was uncomfortable to stay here.”
“It’s not like that… … !”
Dorothy shook her head vigorously.
To be honest, it's true that Theon is uncomfortable.
Because he cares about him, he becomes cautious about every move
and becomes conscious of him.
But it was an inconvenience he was willing to bear.
Although he was angry with Rey, it was clear to Dorothy that Theon
was something he wanted to see.
A dangerous existence that I miss so much that I don't want to see it.
Dorothy glanced at Theon with an anxious mind.
“There, Theon.”
“Yes, Princess.”
“Can’t we just come over here and talk… … ? I’m so nervous there.”
I'm afraid you'll fall
The almond tree branches looked thick and strong, and Theon was
terri ied that Theon was going to die at any moment, even though he
was leaning on it stably.
This is a disease of the past.
Just the sight of him perched on a branch reminds him of his last
appearance hanging on the bed.
Dorothy reached out to let Theon cross over to the terrace.
Theon looked at the white hand extended to me.
During the day he tried to run away from him, but now he reaches
out to come closer.
White pajamas, long loose golden hair, and blue eyes in the
In the middle of the night, Dorothy's invitation to her room seemed
unacceptable for some reason.
“Even if I stay here… … .”
"you hate me."
Dorothy said irmly with dry lips.
Her face was full of anxiety, as if she was afraid of an imminent
With those eyes, Theon had no choice but to hold her hand.
"then… … .”
Theon took Dorothy's hand and crossed the stone railing as gently as
a cat.
Theon stopped breathing as the distance with Dorothy was much
closer than expected.
Dorothy had a gentle aroma, like someone who had just taken a bath.
Feeling strange, Theon hurriedly took a step away from Dorothy.
“The Princess is truly an unknown person.”
People lifted and released, pushed and pulled. I have no idea who I
"So do you."
Dorothy said to Theon.
Theon smiled and nodded.
Everyone is like that. Others say that it is an unknown world that has
not always been reached.
Theon wanted to know the unknown Dorothy.
“Why couldn't you sleep? Where are you sick?”
Theon remembered that during the day Dorothy was in the in irmary
saying she was sick.
I thought I was going into the in irmary to turn him down. Was it
really painful?
"no. I woke up from my sleep. The terrace window must have been
Dorothy skillfully pulled out the lies without realizing it.
“Then why were you out in the garden so late at night?”
“I like the night.”
“A night?”
“I think it’s because it’s Fried. Even when I was in Episteme, I used to
go for walks at night secretly.”
yes i know That you sleep late at night and enjoy naps.
When Dorothy was mentioned about the habits of Theon she knew,
somehow she felt proud as if she had answered correctly.
“Then, Princess. You just have to go back to sleep. It was very late.”
"yes… … .”
“And this. You can keep it with you if you need it.”
Theon held out the handkerchief I was holding to Dorothy.
A handkerchief for him was nothing more than a light item that could
be given to Dorothy.
After all, if I come back to him, it's just like any other ordinary
handkerchief... … .
'is not it? It's a little different because it's a handkerchief that I went
to the princess.'
Thinking so, Dorothy's eyes twinkled and shone.
“I really can take it… … ?”
Dorothy asks happily.
Before returning, Theon had never given Dorothy a present.
The birthday wreath prepared by the servants could not be called a
gift without a wedding ring or emotion that had to be given and
received formally.
So the handkerchief was more meaningful.
A part of him that Theon willingly gave up for Dorothy.
Theon nodded with a little bit of grati ication, seeing Dorothy more
delighted than she had expected.
"thank you."
Dorothy carefully took the handkerchief, and Theon smiled slightly.
“Then I will go back to you.”
It's too late, I've learned it's rude to stay in a lady's room for too long.
“Good night, Princess.”
"yes… … ! okay."
Theon left a light greeting and went back to the room.
Dorothy closed the door to the patio, ran to the bed, and laid back on
her back.
Theon said good night, but can I sleep again?
'It's such a small thing, you're such a fool, Dorothy.'
Dorothy thought as she buried her face in the pillow.
Don't get excited, don't get excited.
I mean, Theon did it without thinking.
If I was thrilled that I gave him a handkerchief, everyone in the world
would have gotten married.
Exciting alone and afraid of later disappointment, Dorothy tried to
pluck out all the budding minds.
A short time of just a few minutes, a simple conversation of just a few
words, and an unusual gift that can be given to anyone.
I didn't buy it for Dorothy, I just gave her a handkerchief.
It's nothing special, but you shouldn't like it this much, Dorothy.
'I have Julia.'
Dorothy once again re lected on her bucket list.
[Second, do not covet other people's things.
The throne belongs to Rei. Theon belongs to Julia.]

'Still, if Theon likes me, even if I try to be a little greedy... … .'

I do not know. what is right
Even though it's my second life, I don't know.


“Princess! There is a swordsmanship contest at the festival

Clara opened her mouth to entice Rey to go watch a swordsmanship
By the way.
“Wow, the princess also applied for the swordsmanship contest? Is
that also a youth tournament?”
Clara shut her mouth at Dorothy's unexpected reply.
“Why are you so surprised, Clara?”
“No, the princess is still too young to participate in the youth
tournament, so if she gets hurt… … .”
"it's okay."
If Dorothy said it was okay, that was ine, but that wasn't the
'Then you're saying that His Majesty Raymond and the Princess are
going out together!'
Even when things got twisted, things got twisted up tight.
Ray tricked Dorothy into 15 years of age, saying that she would show
her skills properly, and signed up for a swordsmanship contest under
the name of 'Louis'.
But Dorothy decided to go to the contest too!
Clara stared at Stefan behind Dorothy.
'Why didn't you tell me, knight!'
Stefan's eyes widened at Clara's piercing eyes.
Clara wanted to grab Stefan by the collar and shake him.
It's not strange, since Stefan was originally speechless, but he said he
should have said something about such a big deal!
Clara wanted to slap Stefan's broad back with her palm right away.
At irst, Stefan was a big, speechless, scary-looking Stephan, but now
Clara was seen as nothing but a big, bursting bear because Stefan was
She resented Stefan for locking her mouth, but now it's irreversible.
'It's a big deal if you two get together!'
When Dorothy and Ray stick together, all plans are messed up.
It's a matter if Ray beats Dorothy and it's a matter if Dorothy beats
If Rey defeats Dorothy, Dorothy will be offended by her defeat, and if
Dorothy defeats Rey, Rey's 'overcoming the image of an idiot brother'
becomes impossible.
If Dorothy defeats Rey even in swordsmanship, Rey, who is con ident
in her swordsmanship, will be shocked, and Dorothy will look at Rey
even more pathically than before.
'No, no. Still, there is no law that requires the two of you to stick
Still, it was a youth tournament.
Both Dorothy and Ray belonged to the younger axis.
If you get stuck in the middle of an 18 or 19 year old, you won't
survive long in a tournament-style tournament.
So Ray and Dorothy were more likely not to meet because one or
both of them dropped out before they met.
'I want the two of them to win and go to the championship, but this
Clara wants them not to ight more.'
Clara wiped away her tears.

“You’re only going to see my competition, Theon.”
“Okay, Ray. Don't worry, I won't go."
Theon decided to stay a little longer in the detached palace at the
reluctance of Ray and Clara.
'Besides, Princess Dorothy doesn't seem so angry anymore.'
Theon remembered the Dorothy he had met that night.
Fortunately, Dorothy seemed to have opened up to him a little.
'But it's still awkward.'
I thought that the relationship had loosened up a lot by giving the
handkerchief as a gift that day, but as the day dawned, Dorothy refused
to hang out with him again.
We ate separately, and if we run into each other, we go back to our
room to avoid it.
Dorothy was like a wave.
Waves that come close to you with a shoo-a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
wave of waves that fall far behind without ever having to catch on if
you wet your toes.
“Theon, it would be good for you to go to the tournament too. If
you’re a sword, you’re pretty good at it too.”
At Rey's words, Theon shook his head.
It is true that he was good at handling swords, but his skills were
lacking compared to Rey.
Moreover, he didn't like loud noises like going to competitions.
“I will de initely win. I’m going to win and give the whole prize
money to Dorothy.”
Ray remembered Dorothy, who had become acquainted with each
other during the past few days at the private palace.
Even though they lived in the same villa, Dorothy seldom met Rey.
It can't be found, and it's hard to ind.
I didn't come here for this.
I was going to swim in the sea with Dorothy and explore the sights in
the Cerritian area together.
I'm sorry, but after the swordsmanship contest, can you and Dorothy
get along a little better?
“You can do it enough.”
Theon also encouraged Ray like that.
He knew Ray's skills very well.
As one of the most talented in Episteme, he is at a level comparable
to that of any other knight, so it will not be as smooth as it seems.


It was only natural that the two people who arrived at the venue
were embarrassed.
'Weren't you here to cheer?'
'I thought you came to see.'
Until they came to the stadium together, Dorothy and Ray thought
they were just trying to cheer each other up or to watch the
“Clara, did you know?”
“I found out yesterday too, Princess! Why didn't you tell me you were
leaving early?"
Dorothy sighed.
With Dorothy's eyes in the distance, I saw Rey preparing for the
By his side, Theon was helping with the preparations.
Whether I should say it was fortunate out of misfortune, Theon said
that he would not play.
Dorothy thought for a moment about giving up the competition, then
shook her head.
'I don't want to stop doing what I want to do because of one Ray. This
is not a bad thing either.'
Dorothy tied her hair tie tight.
Even if I have to ight Ray, I have to win.
“Are you nervous, Princess?”
"no. None.”
Dorothy sacri iced her life to go to war, and was also the one who
built irepits with her own hands to usurp Rey's throne.
It wasn't to the point that I was even nervous about this
neighborhood competition.
However, it had been a long time since I had a ight with Rei, so my
blood was boiling a little.
Unlike Dorothy, who was resolute, Ray, who was far away, was taking
a deep breath.
“I’m trembling, what should I do?”
Rei seemed to be taking the episteme exam.
He was usually not nervous when competing with his friends, but
when the word 'exam' was added, he was more nervous than necessary.
But today, Dorothy was more concerned than that.
“Is Dorothy okay? … ?”
Ray was worried about Dorothy, who has the smallest build among
the players preparing to compete.
No matter how you look at it, Dorothy shouldn't have appeared in
this contest.
Many of the contestants were already big enough to be called adults.
Dorothy, who was one of the smaller players in Rey, had a smaller
head than Rey, and had already lost in her physical condition.
It's a big deal if Dorothy gets hurt while ighting such a big person.
As for confrontation, there are many things that become dif icult and
injuries are common.
Ray thought that it would be better for people like that to stick with
him irst and cut them off in advance.
Just then, the referee of the tournament announced the draw.
A total of sixteen players will participate.
'Please don't let the Crown Prince and the Princess get stuck in the
irst edition!'
During the tournament, Clara held her hands tightly and prayed.
And when the draw came out, Clara was relieved that the god of
fortune was with her.
The irst name is 'Louis', and the last name is 'Dori'.
They were respectively Ray and Dorothy's pseudonyms, so even if
they went up to the tournament, they would only be able to meet in the
“Perhaps the brackets were evenly distributed so that the older kids
go up.”
Clara murmured a little to Stefan as she looked at the draw.
Stefan, who was wearing a beret and disguised as a writer, nodded.
Meanwhile, they weren't the only ones watching the draw.
'… … Dorothea?'
Ethan, who was sitting behind the Duke of Bronte, recognized her at
a glance.
Small stature and blonde hair. He pretended to be a commoner, but
there was no way Ethan could not recognize Dorothy.
'Why Dorothea?'
What was the thought of the noble royal family participating in such
a pathetic rural contest?
Moreover, Dorothy, who was only twelve years old, seemed clearly at
a disadvantage.
Ethan quietly rolled his eyes and looked at the seat in front of him.
Unlike him, who barely sat in the back seat because he was the
eldest, the Bronte and Jonathan were sitting there.
The duke and duke didn't seem interested in the swordsmanship
Although it borrowed the name 'Duke's Boat', this festival was only a
proper event to unite the local people and to gather irmly under the
Therefore, rather than paying attention to who will be in the match
and what kind of game will be played, I have been busy chatting with
other people sitting in the spectator seats.
Ethan quietly rolled his tongue.
'Besides, from the beginning the opponent... … It's that guy.'
Ethan saw Alex, a contestant standing proud and proud of his
Dorothy and Alex were almost twice the size.
Ethan knew Alex.
He had bumped into Jonathan a few times and had quite a few
accidents, so he was well-known in the duke family.
Alex used to do bad things as a captain among the children in this
Taking money from children's noses, or showing off their power by
beating someone weaker than me until they die.
Due to the poor quality, Ethan was like a piece of garbage that didn't
even do business with him.
After quietly counting, Ethan parted his lips.
“Why are you like this, Ethan?”
When Ethan called the Duke of Bronte by his honori ic title rather
than his usual 'father', the Duke looked back at him affectionately.
The Duke was ready to listen to whatever his pretty son had to say.
“Looking at that bracket, I think the kids with too much size
difference are at a disadvantage.”
Ethan pointed to the contestants.
“It is important that the people who will make it to the inals do not
compete in the irst place, but safety is also important. It will be fair to
each other.”
The peacock licked his chin and looked at the contestants. There
were de initely people who were noticeably different in size.
“And if you do that, people will see the results and ind it boring. I
want more people to see the contest in the name of the Bronte family.”
A smile appeared on the Duke of Bronte's lips as Ethan spoke softly
with a pretty face.
Hey, the contest for the duke's name shouldn't be slow.
“It’s wonderful, Ethan. It's kind of nice that you even care about kids
like that."
The Duke of Bronte stroked Ethan's silky silver hair and raised his
inger backwards.
Then the servant behind him ran and listened to the duke.
Ethan's words borrowed the Duke's mouth and changed the


Dorothy was quietly preparing for the match.

Since she participated without revealing that she was a princess,
everyone was interested in the appearance of a pretty, small, unfamiliar
At that time, there was a buzz around the preparation for the game.
“You want to change the draw?”
“Why did you change everything after announcing it?”
Dorothy also listened carefully and heard that the difference in
weight class would be recti ied.
At the same time, the eyes of the participants turned to Dorothy.
It's because I was referring to her without even saying the difference
in weight.
“Oh, I must have been too scared of my opponent. Haha, I was
embarrassed to ight with a kid like that, but it was okay.”
Alex, who was on the other side, smiled and relaxed his shoulders.
Then a calm voice struck him in the back of the head.
“I’m afraid, I didn’t eat it.”
When Alex turned around, his cheeky, raised eyes were glaring at
“Baby, weren’t you begging me to change the draw? If not, why would
the bracket change before the match starts?”
Alex looked at Dorothy because it was funny to see the little girl
teasing him, and he poked out his chin.
But Dorothy shrugged and grinned.
“Neither do I. Perhaps the organizers wanted to keep you alive for a
long time.”
“You’re big, but it’s a little embarrassing if you lose from the irst
game. So, I guess you're paying attention to make it to the round of 8 at
least. Since this is also a show, they seem to take that into account.”
Dorothy clasped her hands casually and stretched them out, and a
blood clot appeared on Alex's forehead.
“Little crab! Do you know who I am?”
“In this area, is it customary to ask someone to introduce
Like Jonathan Bronte last time, why is everyone asking who he is?
They were the ones who urgently needed self-discovery and
Angry at Dorothy's cheeky remark, Alex reached out to grab her by
the collar, and she swung to the side as if to avoid dirty things.
"pro it!"
“If you want to ight, go to the arena. If you ight in a place like this,
you are a bad child.”
Dorothy looked at Alex with a calm, serene look.
Alex sharpened it.
“You, don’t change the draw!”
“You won't regret it? It would be embarrassing if we lost and
eliminated from the irst game.”
Dorothy cared for Alex with a kind and kind heart.
Caring for Alex is a good deed of the day.
"what?! It's the size of a mouse drop! You are dead!”
Alex groaned and ran to the draw.
He loudly urged the servant of the duke, who was changing the
match, to keep it as it is.
Dorothy intervened while arguing that he couldn't be a servant.
“Leave my draws alone.”
Dorothy pointed to the name plate that read Dory.
“But, dear, you and your partner are also the same age… … .”
“Please proceed. I want to go to the grave early and rest.”
“If possible, it would be less embarrassing to lose to my hand, who is
the winner.”
Dorothy shook her head slightly and ran through her annoying hair.
The servant narrowed his eyes as if there was no absurdity at the
little girl's bold words.
“Look! Don't change the draw!"
Alex was so angry that everyone could hear it.
In the end, at the request of Dorothy and Alex, the draw went largely
Meanwhile, Rey swallowed his saliva when he saw that his name was
on it.
“I am the irst. Dorothy is the last. By the way, Dori’s pseudonym is so
Ray picked up the sword and said.
It was his irst game, so he had to go straight to the pitch.
“Go ahead, Ray.”
"of course."
Ray clasped her nervous hands and smiled.
He entered the arena with a somewhat stiff gait.
As soon as Ray got on the pitch, he looked for Dorothy in the stands
before his opponent.
He waved to Dorothy, but Dorothy saw his greeting and refused to
accept it.
“If I said hello once, it would relieve my tension.”
While Rey was muttering alone, the opponent called 'Frank' swung
his sword and relaxed.
Reid properly gripped the sword at the sound of the fake sword for
competition whipping through the air.
I have to show Dorothy what a great brother he is.
The sound of the trumpet signaling the start was heard.
With the sound of the trumpet, Dorothy saw Ray's eyes change.
Time for a puppy to become a lion.
The blue eyes that had been clear and clear suddenly changed as cold
and sharp as ice.
'… … I still hate it.'
Ray's eyes change suddenly when he's focused.
Dorothy had never liked those eyes.
Ray with those eyes always made her nervous.
I'd have been able to ignore it if Rey had been just a dumbass and
incompetent idiot, but at critical times, Ray had the eyes of an
adversary that seemed to bite Dorothy.
At that time, Dorothy had no choice but to recognize Rey as a
competitor she wanted to beat and a wall she wanted to break.
That's why Dorothy couldn't take her eyes off Ray's game.
Ray didn't make a single sound after the match.
He never took his eyes off his opponent with his tightly closed
mouth, perfectly inding his weakness.
The feet, which had been moving without threads, with a smirk,
irmly stepped on the ground and pointed out the right place.
The difference between his skills and the neighborhood kids was as
stark as the difference in his status.
His body moves smoothly following the uninterrupted breath.
Each gesture of his, and each of his feet, was like art, and Dorothy bit
her lip.
Rey's sword succumbed to his opponent without allowing a single
With the sound of the trumpet announcing the end of the match,
Rey's face was loosened and returned to his usual stupid face.
“I won!”
Ray was excited and ran towards Dorothy.
“Dorothy! I won!”
Ray's bright smile turned towards Dorothy.
Dorothy turned to look at her puppy-like eyes, wishing for praise.
“… … Silly."
If you call me Dorothy, you and I will be exposed.
“Dorothy, am I strong enough to protect Dorothy?”
“I never asked you to protect me.”
Dorothy walked away from the noisy Ray.
As always, Dorothy really wanted to beat Rey.
'It's not bad to want to win.'
Dorothy clenched the sword around her waist.


As Dorothy's match began to prepare, people's reactions were more

irritating than ever.
Some spectators left their seats to go to the toilet, went on their way,
or were absorbed in gossip, presuming that the result was already a
determined ight.
But Ethan Bronteman was different.
'At the most, I changed the bracket.'
Dorothy's opponent was the same.
Ethan knew that Dorothy was good with swords.
Dorothy, wielding a sword, was as beautiful as a butter ly and
stronger than a sword.
When I looked at it, I could only see Dorothy without thinking of
anything else.
Maybe Dorothy will beat Alex.
On the other hand, it was also certain that even if Alex hit Dorothy
once, a part of Dorothy's body would be broken.
Where the hell is a game that puts a 12-year-old and an 18-year-old
'I'm not feeling well... … !'
It was only recently that I pushed him away because he was not
feeling well.
It was only a few days ago that he slammed the door of the in irmary
with a face that looked like he was about to cry.
But now you're going to ight with that bastard?
Ethan clenched his ists as he watched Dorothy prepare for the
match under the pitch.
If I was weaker, it would have been better to be sel ish, I didn't like
the insistence on choosing the thorny road.
And if you get hurt... … .
He forgot to take good care of his expression and showed his tension
as it was.
Meanwhile, below the arena, the guys who seemed to be Alex's
friends giggled and shouted.
"Leader! Be quick, baby, you'll get hurt!"
Dorothy clicked her tongue when she saw them running around and
arguing here and there.
It's childish to think that kids who are old enough to eat are still
playing alley leader.
Then Alex twisted his back and came over to Dorothy's side.
“Baby, you will regret what you said before hitting the ground. Be
careful not to bleed that pretty face.”
Alex tapped Dorothy's head and said.
Dorothy's brow furrowed.
Why do you hit someone's head offended?
For a moment, Dorothy was about to be angry, but then came to her
'Don't hit people, good kids who don't hit people... … .'
Controlling the heat rising from within, Dorothy clenched her teeth.
'I'll be going up to the stadium soon, so hit me then... … .'
Dorothy waited for the hour of legal and wholesome violence to
The stadium was cleared and the match that Dorothy had been
waiting for so much began.
Dorothy and Alex went up to the arena together and faced each other.
“Can I get hurt?”
Alex raised one corner of his mouth and raised Dorothy slightly, but
Dorothy lightly ignored those words and raised her sword.
Rather than it in with his childish puns, I wanted to swing the sword
'It would have been better if it was a real sword.'
Only the fake black shape made to avoid casualties in these festive
matches was plausible, but soft and blunt, it would have been better to
call it a stick.
“Fighting Dory!”
Ray's voice came from afar.
Rei was cheering, but Dorothy looked at Theon.
he was looking at her so that I can't help but win.
The trumpet sounded her heart.
At the same time, excited Alex ran to Dorothy irst.
Dorothy looked straight at Alex as she rushed towards her.
'… … I'm not used to it.'
Dorothy was unfamiliar with Alex's attack and didn't know what to
'You're too slow.'
Alex was so slow that he gave him too much time to think about
whether to avoid it irst or drag it a bit.
It's dif icult because there are so many options.
If it were Stefan, the low of the sword would change like a ghost and
follow in the midst of this slowness.
Dorothy remembered her practice with Stefan and took a step in
search of the right timing.
It had only taken one step, but the attack missed so effortlessly that I
could put a bridge between Alex's sword and her.
“Is that good enough?”
Alex laughed to hide his embarrassment.
Dorothy looked at him with cold eyes.
“You are not good enough.”
To be honest, I was expecting a little bit, because it's the captain.
Dorothy swung her sword and hit Alex's thigh.
Alex screamed un iltered at Dorothy's stronger than expected power.
He had no idea how such power could come from his small and thin
When the smaller side made an effective attack on the larger side,
cheers erupted from the spectators who watched the match without
Alex was so hot that he forgot he was in pain, so he immediately
turned to counterattack.
'this… … There are so many gaps, it's hard to decide where to hit.'
puck! puck! puck! puck!
A quick, even thud rang out.
Even after hitting like that, there was still time left, so Dorothy took
the sword one turn.
A groan escaped Alex's mouth.
The center of gravity is high, so I struggle, and it is large, so there are
many places to hit and it is slow.
“Turtle hides in its carapace, but what if it’s so slow… … ?”
Dorothy tucked her hair behind her ears and looked down at Alex,
who was on her knees.
Alex bit his teeth and tried to get up.
Who'd give me time to get up while being so lewd?
“You can’t get up if you do that.”
Dorothy's sword struck him again on the shoulder and knelt down.
At this level, did I just say not to come out?
At the reception desk, I insisted on going back, so I participated, but
to no avail.
As Dorothy stood proudly and looked down at him, Alex, fevered,
tried to attack with his ists and torso instead of his sword.
He collapsed on the loor in pain as if his wrist was about to break.
Where's the idiot who runs barefoot at someone with a sword?
If your ist goes out irst because you're hot, it's your own loss.
Dorothy was about to let out a sigh of pity.
“That’s why I stayed still when the referee changed the draw.”
I've been merciful for a long time.
Dorothy said to Alex.
Alex's face turned blue.
“You, what are you!”
Well, a good kid?
The referee declared defeat for Alex, who couldn't get up, and raised
Dorothy's hand.
“The winner is-! duty!!"
Cheers for Dorothy poured out from all sides.
Theon looked at Dorothy with her triumphant hand raised.
The light of the sun was pouring pure white over Dorothy.
Dorothy, who had not shed a sweat, seemed to glisten in the sunlight
for some reason, and her blue eyes that met him seemed to silently
give him victory.
It was dazzlingly beautiful.


“… … ugh.”
Alex came down from the arena and sighed.
His self-esteem was shattered and trampled on, and his body and
mind were torn apart.
“Great, Captain!”
The boys who served Alex as captain locked around him.
"done! I am no longer a captain!”
Alex wiped away his tears and looked at Dorothy.
Since you lost so horribly to such a small kid, how do you maintain
your position as a captain?
Those who had gathered next to Alex also turned to Dorothy.
"then… … Is he the boss?”
They murmured at the little Dorothy.
Dorothy looked at them and shook her head as if pathetic.
“I’m not interested in being a neighborhood alley leader.”
“I tried to sit in the captain’s seat… … Because it’s a bit bad.”
I've even played a boss that's a little bigger than the bastards who
rob the neighborhood kids.
Dorothy was bitter as she recalled the past.
Dorothy didn't want and shouldn't have a position like that.
“So you go on, alley manager.”
Dorothy quietly left.
Then Ray, who was far away, ran to her.
“Dorothy, you are amazing!”
Ray was very excited and rolled her feet.
He looked more happy than when he had won.
At most, I used a pseudonym to compete, but are you going to talk
about it all over the place?
When Dorothy glared at him, Ray sighed and nodded her head.
“I didn’t know you could do this much swordsmanship. What
happened? When I was in the Imperial Palace, I never held a sword... … .”
“Don’t even pretend to know.”
They look alike, and their skills stand out, so they'll be caught off
guard when the Duke of Bronte sees them.
Dorothy passed Rey indifferently.
Ray looked behind Dorothy as she moved away.
“… … dif icult."
Ray's smile darkened.
I wanted to give you a lot of compliments.
Rey had done it herself, so she knew how much effort Dorothy had to
put in to get to where she is today.
No matter how genius Dorothy was, that level of leisure and skill was
not created overnight.
Besides, I had never held a sword when I was in the Imperial Palace,
so it must have been the two years I spent in the detached palace.
Theon quietly placed a hand on Rey's drooping shoulder.
“We can make it to the inals, Ray.”
Rey laughed at Theon's words.
“Haha, right. I never thought I'd ever run into a knife with Dorothy."
“I didn’t know I would see the princess’s sword either.”
Dorothy, who is quiet and silent, who seems dark somewhere, had
such power hidden.
Although the match ended quickly and I only saw simple movements,
I could ind traces of skill and pro iciency in Dorothy.
He was someone who could shine like that.
He could understand why Rey was excited.
After watching Dorothy's match, his heart raced too.


Dorothy and Ray went on to win consecutive victories without any

surprises, and they made their way to the inals without hesitation.
And Dorothy was approaching the semi inals.
If they win this match, Dorothy will face Ray in the inal.
Dorothy relaxed slowly so that the pleasant heat did not subside.
The previous opponents were so easy, I felt like I had just warmed up.
“It's the semi- inals! These opponents are two players who have
blown a new wave of this year's game! duty! And Joey!”
Joy, I thought it was a familiar name.
Is it a common name? Somehow, when I hear the name Joe, I vaguely
think of a potato… … .
Dorothy saw the opponent coming up on the other side.
A face with scruffy brown hair and a wrinkled expression.
But the sullen face soon saw Dorothy and slowly opened and her eyes
"potato… … ?”
"shit. What's this!"
It was the kid who started swearing out loud.
The child who brings the grace of the month every month.
'You can't recognize his name right away!'
Dorothy's name was blurred because she remembered Jhoira as a
potato rather than a common name.
Clara, Stefan, the chef, and the servants all understood when they
said 'potato'.
If you're a little confused, you can add one more modi ier, 'Potato
Moreover, today Dorothy only saw Ray's irst match and deliberately
did not watch the following matches.
I didn't watch any more matches with Ray in it because I didn't want
to see Ray's eyes, and I didn't watch any matches that weren't.
Conversely, Joey didn't even recognize Dorothy.
Who would have imagined that a player named 'Dori', who lew
around the stadium, would be that gentle and arrogant princess!
“Why is the princess here… … .”
Dorothy had Joey arrested for fear of revealing her identity.
Joey kept her mouth shut for Dorothy, but twisted her head in
Dorothy looked at Joy like that.
It is a form with a clumsy sword, and a very tense face.
He was a little taller than before, but his dirty and frizzy things didn't
change at all.
'He's young, how did he apply for this contest again?'
Thinking so, Dorothy understood.
The nasty potato guy was the kind of person who would overturn the
application table and do whatever he wanted to do.
'Kang is still there.'
Dorothy saw mottled bruises and abrasions on Joey's face and arms.
If you can see this, your thighs, back, and stomach probably won't be
'I think I was beaten hard in the previous game... … .'
If I was hit like that, I would have surrendered, but why did I hold
Even after winning like that, there were still two matches left in the
Besides, the remaining opponents were Dorothy and Ray.
You must have seen the skills of the two through Joy's eyes.
Knowing that, Joy's persistence was imaginary, and she wanted to
give her victory as a gift.
“Damn, why did the princess participate in such a contest? With so
much money rotting!”
Joey snorted a little.
Oh, was it the money?
When I asked why a novice who seemed to not know how to hold a
sword was forced to participate in such a competition, it was because
of the prize money.
As it is a peacock contest, the winner of this contest was given a
prize of 10 blancs.
It was too small for Dorothy, so she didn't even care, but Joey was
aiming for it and holding on to it.
I think the cost of treatment will be higher.
“Damn, do I have to repay the favor here?”
“I need money, damn it, here’s the princess… … .”
Joey bit his lip and cried.
I don't think he's going to repay the potato for his favor by losing to
me, right?
You really don't think you can beat me, do you?
Besides, even after meeting the princess, is it 'I guess it's a princess'?
Cut your greetings and say 'Damn'?
Dorothy frowned as she looked at Joey, who was just as rude and full
of unfounded con idence as before.
I'm sure last time he gave me a rotten potato and said, 'Don't be
afraid to take it.'
“Damn, I really need money. Princess, you have a lot of money.”
Although Joey was quite dissatis ied with Dorothy, it seemed that he
was still debating whether to repay the favor.
For Dorothy, it was absurd.
Who will repay the favor? And who let you lose as you please? you
just lose to me
It's been a while since I've seen him, but he was still a naive guy.
How he had survived until now with such a nature was very
“Hey, you naughty potato.”
As Dorothy practiced patience and called out to Joey, she wiped the
moisture from her bruised eyes with her sleeve.
“Are you still going to repay the favor?”
Joey nodded at Dorothy's question.
It seems that the idea of doing good to Dorothy is still deeply
ingrained in her while receiving this month's grace all along.
"great. then beat me If I win, I’ll do it with repaying the favor.”
Dorothy said as she swung her sword and straightened it.
I mean, stop thinking that you're going to lose in a pathetic way.
I've beaten the profane potato, but I've never seen a potato babbling
about 'I lost it'.
“If I win… … ?”
Joey swallowed his saliva.
"okay… … !”
Joey had no reason to turn down Dorothy's offer.
If you beat Dorothy, you can win the prize money and repay the favor.
Joey still thought he would beat Dorothy.
No, I vowed to win even if I died.
When the trumpet sounded the start of the game, Joey clenched his
sword and swung it at Dorothy.
A sword worse than Alex drew an unpretentious arc and de lected
Dorothy was really at a loss for words at her clumsy workmanship.
You were trying to beat me with this skill? You mean you were trying
to see me?
Since you're an outsider who doesn't even know the swordsman, is it
easy to see everything?
Dorothy was also curious about the previous match she had not
How did you win two games with this skill like wild water?
You mean Joey's opponent was worse than this? Is it possible to have
less skill than this?
Dorothy thought again, leisurely avoiding Joey's sword.
Joey swung her sword a few more times at Dorothy, but Dorothy
evaded all attacks with just a few steps.
“Damn, please be right!”
No matter how much he swung it, the sword was not hit, and the
drug was raised, and he shouted like a cry.
Dorothy looked into Joy's eyes.
'… … That's a real thing.'
Just by looking at Joy's eyes, it was like a knight who went to the
battle ield and prepared to die.
It seemed to be of great use to the thing that was supported on the
crotch, if it was used well.
But that's it.
“Sorry, potato.”
Dorothy lightly slapped Joey on the back and Joey's body staggered
But Joey soon stood upright on both feet and looked at Dorothy.
“Damn, the princess doesn’t even need a prize!”
Because I participated without any interest in how much the prize
money was.
No, I forgot that there was even a prize.
“Then take a break!”
Joy's sword, desperately desperate to the point of desperation, was
swung again.
But Dorothy didn't agree.
Dorothy's sword slammed Joey's thigh, and Joey fell to the loor.
He fell to the loor and his knees were splintered and blood was
But Joey got up again like a dwarf.
'It would hurt if I hit it pretty hard.'
Even though it was a century that would not be strange even if it was
bruised, Joey took up his sword and rushed forward again.
Naturally, Dorothy did not welcome her, and once again struck her in
the back with the intention of subduing Joey.
Then Joey fell to the side. Compared to being supported by evil, the
body could not keep up and collapsed easily.
I couldn't eat properly, so how strong would my body be... … .
But Joey got up again.
By this time, Joey would have realized that he had no chance of
Dorothy seemed to know a little bit about how Joey managed to win
the game earlier and get here.
“Damn it, I… … I will win.”
Joey grabbed his sword again and spat out swear words.
“You can’t win.”
“I will win!”
Even if you die, you win. win unconditionally. The only option is to
win. Only then can you win prizes.
Joey ran towards Dorothy with her sword high, but it was pitifully
He could have hit Joey a few more times, looking at the loopholes,
but Dorothy didn't.
I didn't mean to watch it. He was only worried about Joey's life.
Reality is not a romantic novel, so there are some things that cannot
be accomplished even with desperate efforts at a corner.
“Why does a rich kid like the princess come out… … !”
As if it was painful in the places where Joey was hit, tears welled up,
snif ling his nose and wiping the corners of his eyes again.
She resented Dorothy.
'It's against the law for a wealthy nobleman who specializes in
swordsmanship to appear in a contest like this!'
It was unfair. Dorothy doesn't even need the prize money, but the rich
people end up taking the money.
Dorothy met Joey, who was staring at me, biting her teeth.
“… … Money is not the only reason we ight.”
“I just like to win. Besides, I don’t like to manipulate the game by
Just because Dorothy was a tyrant didn't mean she welcomed all bad
Rather, he was stricter than anyone in competition and victory, and
that rigor was close to strangling others.
Anyone who has seen Dorothy sharpen her teeth to beat Rey would
"I'm not selling my victory for just ten Blanc good deeds, Potato."
It's a pity that Joey didn't get the prize money, but that didn't give
Dorothy a reason to lose.
Dorothy didn't want to prolong the ight against Joy. If you drag it for
a long time, you'll only be making fun of Joey.
Therefore, Dorothy slapped Joey on the back, thinking to con irm
Joey's defeat.
Joey's back was bent and he fell to the loor.
A well-rounded attack. Joey was beaten without a command.
Dorothy was sure of her victory.
“Damn, I could sell my life for those ten blancs! Baby!”
Joey jumped up and rushed like an ox and smashed into Dorothy.
Dorothy fell down with Joey in an ignorant attack that she could not
have imagined.
Joey sat down, crushing Dorothy on the loor, trying to punch her in
the face with her ists.
Dorothy managed to turn her head to dodge, and Joey's ist slammed
into the loor.
“… … Silly."
While I was in pain from my attack, Dorothy lifted her leg and
grabbed Joey and threw her aside.
Joey rolled on the loor, and Dorothy quickly got up from the gap.
The abusive potato, who rushes to the point of giving her life in this
small game, stimulated Dorothy in many ways.
Dorothy was lying on the loor, holding Joey's wrist with her feet, and
then slashing the side of her face with her sword.
The moment he tightened it, he thought that the sword was really
going through his neck, and he held his breath and hardened.
“… … .”
His eyes were terri ied, but they did not give in and were looking for
a chance to rise again somehow.
I know a lot of cursing, but I don't know the world, but I have to live
The eyes she sees for the irst time, unfamiliar to her who is living a
second life.
She was really ready to sell her life for 10 Blanc, so Dorothy clenched
her sword.
“… … Selling your life for 10 Blanc is stupid.”
Dorothy said looking into her eyes.
At that moment, Dorothy's sword, which had been stuck on the loor,
was immediately attached to Joey's neck.
The trumpets sounded announcing the end of the game.
Joey realized the match was over while he had sold his mind to
Dorothy's words.
At the thought of being deceived by Dorothy, Joey got angry and
yelled at her and punched her.
“If you win, you will be rewarded for your favor! Damn, you were
kidding me! My 10 Blanc... … !”
However, her ist only stirred in the air, and Dorothy calmly raised
her sword and avoided the ist.
“If you are alive, you can earn 10 blancs somehow.”
"What? somehow? What do you know of someone born as handsome
as a princess!”
“Yeah, I was born good, so I don’t know how you lived. I know this
though. There are many ways to earn 10 blancs without having to sell
your life.”
10 Blanc.
Worth 100 pounds of lour. The price is about ive common people's
It wasn't a small amount, but it was too little money to sell his life.
It was cheaper than a book, more than a silk, and less than a pig, so
it's not worth the price of a person's life.
“For me, that method… … .”
“I’ll tell you how.”
“Come to me when the time comes when you have to sell your life for
10 Blanc.”
“Are you sympathizing with me?”
Even though the match was over, Joy was angry and swung her ists
at Dorothy.
“Can you sell your life for 10 Blancs but not your pride? No, I think
selling your life for 10 blancs is more damaging to your pride.”
Joey's eyes, which had been burning at Dorothy's words, suddenly
went dark and lost their light.
The ists that had been swinging through the air as if at a loss for
words also stopped.
Is it a habit to stop your body when you stop thinking? It's not a good
habit to use a sword.
Dorothy thought so and gently pressed down Joy's hand, which had
stopped in the air.
“You can take your pride where you want it, potato.”
“I am not a potato… … !”
“It’s a potato. It's also an insulting potato."
Dorothy smiled as she looked at Joey, and the referee con irmed her
“You know where I live, so come to me when you need ten blancs.”
Dorothy said so and left the arena.


As it was a game with many surprises, more people gathered to

watch the inal than at the beginning.
And the main characters of the inal were Dorothy and Ray.
“Dorothy… … .”
Ray, who was preparing to go up to the arena, cautiously called out
In my heart, I wanted to hold Dorothy's hand and say good-bye, but
Dorothy couldn't allow it.
Ray had a complicated mind ahead of the game.
Should I win or lose Dorothy?
Neither side seemed against him.
“You know, Dorothy. Do you want to be number one?”
Ray asked Dorothy carefully.
Then Dorothy looked at Ray.
“Just think about looking at it.”
After reading Ray's thoughts, Dorothy warned her with a stern look.
Joy and Reina were equally arrogant.
You say you're weak enough that someone can afford to take care of
At that, Rey fell asleep like a de lated balloon and nodded.
“I won’t… … .”
Ray thought his younger brother would want irst place.
And he was willing to gift the 1st prize for his younger brother.
If you want, I wanted to give Dorothy a great victory as long as she
didn't get hurt.
“Even if you do your best, you can’t beat me.”
Dorothy pointed at Ray's arrogance.
'Why does everyone think he's going to win?'
Do I look so weak?
Unlike Dorothy, who was offended, Ray somehow felt better about
Dorothy's complaints.
I thought Dorothy would put her heart into this match.
Maybe this match could be a time to share the truth with Dorothy.
It occurred to me that this might be the irst time Dorothy did her
best for Ray.
After the arena was cleaned again, Dorothy and Ray went up
Clara rolled her feet as she watched the two of them con idently
entered the arena.
“Really, I don’t know who to cheer for.”
If the two ight, someone will lose. No matter who wins, there is a
loser, so it was also a problem.
“Who do you think will win?”
Clara asked Stefan, but, as always, he didn't answer.
However, his ists were clenched irmly, unlike the previous matches
he had been watching leisurely.
As the trumpet sounded in the clear sky, Dorothy made eye contact
with Ray.
Rey's eyes, holding the sword, were sharp.
If he had loosely loose eyes, he was going to beat him up without
Dorothy and Ray, you and I both clashed knives at the same time.
A loud sound echoed like ireworks exploding.
Dorothy's ingertips felt Rey's power.
A toughness that cannot be compared with its predecessors. And
solid basics.
Babo Ray has always liked to simply repeat basic training.
It's ignorant training to the point where he looks stupid because he
doesn't do any tricks, but that's what made Rey stronger than anyone
Dorothy was a little envious of Ray's simplicity.
After doing a simple movement tens of thousands of times, you
might get tired of it and think about other things, but Ray had never
expressed that kind of expression.
So even after returning, the basic skills were pushed by Rey.
She grabbed the sword late and was younger than Rey, so maybe it
was natural, but Dorothy wanted to win it.
Still, Dorothy had Dorothy's strengths.
It is said that his eyes and brain rotate faster than Ray.
Rey's gaze was distracted as Dorothy twisted her small body as she
faked her gaze.
Using Rey's bewildered eyes as a stepping stone, Dorothy's sword
headed towards his neck.
Rey evaded the attack with an intermittent drive and stepped back.
'Obviously I thought I would have the upper hand.'
Dorothy clenched her sword, deeply feeling her lack of skill.
Even after returning, even a 14-year-old Rei still can't win.
Dorothy and Ray traded more sums than any other match played
Each time the two swords collided, the audience's voice rose with
At that moment, the tip of Rey's sword passed Dorothy's arm.
Although it was a blunt sword, Rey's strength and speed ripped
through the skin just by swiping the tip.
'Damn it, come to your senses, Dorothy.'
Dorothy frowned, more angry at giving Rey a break than being sick.
Then, Ray's sharp eyes loosened.
“Uh, ah, are you sick?”
Rey's bewildered gaze turned to Dorothy's thinly blooded arm.
Dorothy clenched her teeth as she looked at Ray, who was stupidly
concerned about her enemies during the ight.
Now to Ray, Dorothy was the enemy.
Still, Rey is stupidly worried about her enemies. I didn't even think of
trying to ill this gap.
Ray was nothing like before.
'It's the same as back then.'
Dorothy's mood dropped to the ground because of Ray's reaction,
and Ray's innocent expression made her even more angry.
“It doesn’t hurt, so focus on it, Ray!”
Rey straightened her sword again and nodded.
But even as Dorothy swung her sword, her former gaze did not
Rey, unable to fully unleash her skills, was helpless in front of
Dorothy's sword.
Do you have any plans to ight? Are you planning on attacking me?
A ight like children's pranks hitting tuk-tuk sticks. A blade without a
sharp edge.
Dorothy swung her sword and shouted, and Rey trembled in
As a result, Ray completely gave Dorothy a chance to attack.
Rey, unable to stop Dorothy's sword, stopped breathing.
By the way.
“… … Did I tell you not to look at me?”
Dorothy's black stood still without touching Rey.
Ray opened her eyes and looked at Dorothy who had stopped.
The moment Dorothy stopped, Rey had no intention of attacking
even the perfect gap.
"me… … I didn't see you.”
Did you see this or what? Why are you standing still even when my
sword doesn't move?
“… … .”
Rey shook her head, but Dorothy lowered her sword and turned her
There was no point in ighting anymore.
Rey's concentration was completely broken, and even defeating Rey
in such a stupid state didn't feel good at all.
“You idiot.”
Whether victory or defeat, I don't want to face anything unless it's
sincere. Moreover, if the opponent is Ray.
"I'd rather ight potatoes than you."
At least she fought with all her heart until the end.
Dorothy groaned nervously and ran out of the arena.
Ray hurriedly followed Dorothy as she left the arena.
He never meant to upset Dorothy.
No, I didn't understand why Dorothy was so angry.
He never really tried to look after Dorothy.
At the height of excitement, as the players left the stadium one after
another, the panicked referee ran towards Dorothy.
“Hey there, kid. It would be dif icult to give up in the middle of a
match like this!”
The referee, who was in a hurry to catch Dorothy, almost tripped
over, not seeing the string that held the stadium tent pole below.
However, a string that had already been caught on the foot and pulled
tight pulled the post standing in front of it.
Dorothy looked back at the creaking sound.
A large pillar was leaning over Rey, who was following her.
“It varies… … !”
Dorothy clenched her teeth.
The tent completely collapsed with a loud sound, and dust lew in all
“Princess! majesty!"
Clara and Stefan were startled and ran straight to the fallen tent.
It was impossible to see what had happened because a huge tent had
hit Rey.
Meanwhile, Ray, lying under the tent, slowly opened her tightly
closed eyes.
Obviously the pillars were collapsing.
A white awning covered all sides and was invisible.
“Dorothy… … ?”
“You really don’t help my life.”
Dorothy's frown appeared above Rey.
Dorothy's push pushed Rey's body out of the way.
Dorothy, who was about to step away, frowned at the pain she felt in
her arm.
One of Dorothy's arms, which had pushed Rey away, rested on a pole.
Dorothy tried to push the pole and pull her arm out, but the pain in
her arm was so severe that she couldn't move.
“Dorothy… … !”
Rey's eyes trembled at Dorothy's arm.
Then the tent that covered them was lifted.
Clara screamed in surprise, and Stefan quickly but carefully laid
Dorothy's arm away and cleared the stumbling block.
Even after the pole was removed, my arm still hurt as if it had been
hit by something heavy.
“Oh, Dorothy… … .”
Rey's voice was trembling as if she was about to burst into tears.
'Why are you crying when I'm hurt?'
Dorothy carefully moved her swollen arm, biting her lip.
Suddenly, Theon ran and looked at her.
What a shame this is
If possible, I want to show only my good side, but I get hurt and cause
trouble everywhere.
Dorothea Milanaire is pathetic.
People gathered around Dorothy, murmuring.
Dorothy bowed her head, avoiding Theon, who looked at her
Meanwhile, Stefan knelt next to her and checked her condition.
“Ugh… … .”
Stefan just touched his arm to check his condition, but a small moan
leaked out of his own accord.
I think it's cracked properly.
Stefan immediately grabbed her and hugged her.
Really, it's all a mess.
Dorothy regretted coming to the game a little.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Author : Ramgle
Publisher : Kwon Tae-wan, Woo Cheon-je

E-book publication date : 2021-07-02

List price : 3,600 won

Provided by: CL production

Address : Room 401, 38-9, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

ISBN 979-11-293-8401-0

This book has been published as an e-book by KWBOOKS under contract with the copyright
Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of the company
is prohibited by the Copyright Act.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Chapter 2
Chapter 2

As soon as the Duke of Bronte learned that it was Dorothy in the

accident, he brought her to the duke's house so that she could be
treated by the best doctors in the area.
The doctor said that Dorothy's injuries were so severe that she had
to wear a solid cast for at least a month.
At the very least, he said that it will be over in a month because he is
young, and he did not forget to be careful next time.
“Why did you run to me!”
Clara was upset to see Dorothy's arm in a cast.
So, what did you run away for?
Dorothy herself didn't know why she pushed Rey away and caused
me to get hurt.
It's Ray, whom I normally wish I didn't have, but I couldn't remember
what I was thinking at that moment.
It just re lexively popped out.
Just one reason that comes to mind.
“… … It's better for the princess to get hurt than the prince."
A story everyone can understand. A message that the world has
always forced on her.
The prince takes precedence over the princess.
The princess cannot and should never be ahead of the prince.
At least… … Until the princess kills the prince and ascends the throne.
“I think it’s better for a princess to get hurt than a prince… … ?”
But Clara asked, as if shocked by Dorothy's words.
“Why are you so surprised? That's right. Who will you save when the
Crown Prince and Princess are in danger of dying?”
Dorothy said bluntly.
“We need to save both of them!”
“What if we can’t save both?”
What if Rei was in the east and I was in the west of the palace, which
was on the verge of being destroyed by ire?
Or what if you could only lower the rope to one of the two people
hanging from the cliff?
What if the kidnapper offered to return only one hostage?
Clara felt as if the blue eyes looking up at her were testing me.
Clara was unable to answer the question.
For the Imperial Family and the country, it was right to save the
Crown Prince.
That was the 'correct answer' decided by the Empire and the
Imperial Family.
It is nonsense to say that all lives are equally precious.
I just want to have such a hopeful dream.
For humans, the order of importance is determined like a number.
Sometimes the order is vague and different from person to person,
but at least for Ray and Dorothy, there was a sequence that could be
used throughout the world.
The prince has priority.
Although Clara is Dorothy's nanny, she was a member of the Imperial
Family and cannot deviate from this rule.
If you save the princess, not the prince, irst, you will be guilty of
breaking the law.
“Look, Clara can’t answer.”
Dorothy grinned.
You cannot overcome reality with just a good heart.
And sometimes, such a good heart can become a sin or be pointed at
as evil.
“If Rey is injured now, the Duke of Bronte will probably be on his
knees begging to be killed.”
Just because the princess was injured, she panicked, and if the prince
was injured, the duke would have lost his title or suffered a great
Fortunately, however, Dorothy was a princess who lived alone in a
corner of the country, which His Majesty did not care much about.
Clara was unable to speak for a long time at Dorothy's gentle answer,
and then she inally opened her mouth.
“Princess, I will rescue the princess if the Crown Prince Rei and the
princess are in danger together.”
"done. I can save the prince, but if I save the princess next to me, I
might be accused of treason, right?”
Dorothy laughed like a joke, but it wasn't a joke at all.
For example, if you save Dorothy from the two people hanging from
the cliff, it's as if you killed Rey indirectly.
The strict rules of the imperial family were not satisfactory.
When things happen, you need someone to take responsibility for,
and sometimes innocent people are the victims.
It's a world that asks the person who saved Dorothea, 'I saved the
princess instead of the prince'.
Maybe he will be framed for intentionally killing the prince and
trying to make the princess the next emperor.
"it's okay. Even if it's not me, someone will jump to the rescue! I am
the one serving the princess!”
Clara clenched her ists.
“Perhaps Knight Stefan would think so too.”
Clara turned to Stephan, and Stefan nodded silently.
Dorothy's heart pounded at the words of the two of them.
“… … Thank you for the empty words.”
“It’s empty words! I’m serious.”
“Just do it blankly. Save Ray later if something really happens.”
I think that's a good choice for each other.
In her second life, Dorothy didn't want to survive until she killed Rey.
If I lived instead of Rei, all that would be left was guilt.
For the rest of my life, I'll be ingered under Rey's shadow again, and
my precious things will be ruined.
Whether Clara or Stefan, I will not be able to properly protect the
precious people who saved me, and I will be riding on the treadmill of
the same sin… … .
So it's much better for Ray to live.
Dorothy laughed weakly.


Theon was walking back and forth in the wide hallways at the Duke
of Bronte waiting for Dorothy's treatment to inish.
The Duke of Bronte gave up a room to wait for Dorothy, but Ray was
crying in the room.
Rey blamed herself for all Dorothy's injuries, saying that it was a
'disaster' that she came, and even Theon's comfort didn't work.
It seemed necessary to give Dorothy some time to be alone for a
while until she was healed and left.
'Princess, I thought you were seriously injured... … .'
“Master Theon Fried?”
While waiting for Dorothy, someone called his name.
Looking back, there was a beautiful silver-haired boy standing there.
'Ethan Bronte... … .'
Theon remembered him clearly.
It was an unforgettable look.
Especially today, because of the strong light on in the hallway, the
shadows and light were clear, so his features and lines stood out even
Theon was very concerned about Ethan's charming and elegant gait.
There was a strange tension as if trampling on him with every step.
“I thought you would be back soon, but you are staying here for quite
some time.”
Ethan slowly walked over to Theon and said.
It felt like a thorn to say hello.
“I don’t think it’s something you care about.”
“I was just thinking of the princess. The day the master came, the
princess looked quite uncomfortable.”
Ethan asked worriedly, stroking his lips with his inger.
I should have gone back if I was aware, is it because of my mood that
his golden eyes look so sarcastic?
“No need to worry. Because I get along well with the princess.”
“Are you two doing well?”
Ethan's eyes narrowed.
"you… … You are too interested in the princess’s work.”
Ethan smiled slightly at Theon's words.
The black shadow that clearly covered his face curved strangely.
"Right. I am very interested in Princess Dorothea.”
"What… … ?”
“I like the princess.”
Ethan's golden eyes shone coldly, pretending to be shy.
As if waiting for someone to say this.
If it sounded like a declaration of war, was he mistaken?
Theon didn't know how to respond to Ethan's words.
How should I react to him who opens his heart for Dorothy?
Do I have to say good-bye and move on?
No, I didn't mean to say that. I just felt that way.
“I heard that Master Theon has someone he likes. Are you Julia?
always going together So I hope you will understand my heart.”
Theon was somewhat startled by Julia's name coming out of Ethan's
How could Ethan, who doesn't even attend Episteme, know his
circumstances so well?
Did Jonathan Bronte come home and talk? Or the Duke of Bronte?
“I don’t feel like I did a background check.”
“When you say it’s a background investigation, I don’t feel good. It's a
famous story. Do you think that I have no ears to hear that I am not
attending Ephisteme?”
Ethan's soft words turned to Theon.
In Imperial Ubera, there was discrimination between those from
Episteme and those from non-Episteme, which Ethan pointed out.
Are you ignoring me because I'm not from Episteme?
Are you discriminating against people on that basis?
“There seems to be some weird rumors going around, but Julia is just
a friend.”
“We’re just friends… … . Miss Julia will be upset if she hears it.”
"I don't know how you know me and Julia, but it feels more rude to
judge someone you've just met for the irst time based on rumors."
“Hey, sorry if I was rude.”
Ethan bowed slightly and apologized.
Although he was obviously polite, Theon somehow felt bad.
“As I said, I like the princess, and I thought that Master Theon would
agree if she loved Julia too.”
Ethan had a pathetic expression on his face.
Then a servant came running from afar.
“Princess Dorothea’s treatment is over!”
Theon's and Ethan's heads turned to the servant at the same time.


As soon as Dorothy came out of treatment, the Duke of Bronte bowed
The Duke of Bronte, hearing the news of the accident, was unable to
stick his buttocks in the seat of the dung line all the time.
Most of all, he was guilty of not recognizing the princess and the
crown prince earlier.
“It is all my fault. I had to take good care of my safety... … !”
The Duke of Bronte sighed as he looked at the cast on Dorothy's arm.
It's such an unfortunate thing that the princess's arm was broken in
a contest for the duke's name!
'It's fortunate that Princess Dorothea was injured.'
If it weren't for Dorothy, Crown Prince Ray would have been injured.
If so... … The Duke of Bronte became dizzy just thinking about it.
In a way, Dorothy was like a benefactor to the Duke of Bronte.
Because he was injured instead of the Crown Prince and made the
work smaller.
“Princess, I have really committed a mortal sin.”
Dorothy saw the Duke apologize again and again.
Formally, he apologizes with the words to kill him, but that's just for
“It’s okay, Bronte. Thanks to the cooperation of the duke, I was able
to receive treatment so quickly.”
Dorothy didn't want to tell the imperial family about this.
I didn't even want to make a big deal out of fussing over my broken
If I had to tell you anyway, Karnon wouldn't really care, and he would
only hate him for whining about trivial things.
“We will take full responsibility for the treatment of the princess in
our Brontega. If there is any inconvenience, our family will do our best
to help.”
Dorothy did not get angry at the accident and nodded her head
The Duke of Bronte thought it was fortunate that the princess was
not picky.
I would have been very embarrassed if I had been sarcastic for
breaking my arm, or if I had been held accountable for being a princess.
“The carriage is ready.”
The Duke of Bronte was relieved and led Dorothy to the front door.
During the treatment, the sun was setting and it was dark outside.
Two boys were standing in front of the entrance to the carriage.
One is Jonathan, followed by Ethan.
Jonathan was trembling as he looked into the Duke's eyes, and Ethan
looked at Dorothy's arms and face, then closed his lips.
As soon as Jonathan made eye contact with Dorothy, he trembled and
bowed his head coldly.
Dorothy smiled at Jonathan like that.
I don't seem to know who I am anymore.
A few days ago, Jonathan, who was joking around asking if he knew
who he was, was nowhere to be seen.
Dorothy passed Jonathan with an arrogant gait.
Ethan's gaze followed Dorothy's.
"I… … .”
Ethan reached out to grab Dorothy's sleeve, but Dorothy passed him
by and climbed into the wagon.
Ethan's hand, which was outstretched in the air, stopped without
grasping anything.
It hurts my heart to be hurt, I hope you get well, I hope that you will
protect the princess' body more than anyone else from now on. Today's
match was really cool.
He had prepared several options for what to say, but all of them were
useless, and Ethan stood hunched over with Dorothy's back.
Ray and Clara climbed behind Dorothy, and Stefan got on the horse.
The wagon started running, and there was no greeting.
For Ethan who was left alone.


Inside the carriage heading to the detached palace.

Dorothy looked out the window in a complicated thought.
Why did you save Ray?
That question never left my head.
Ray followed Dorothy and looked out the window.
It's a dark evening, and there's nothing to see, but Dorothy wondered
what she was seeing in that pitch black darkness.
“Dorothy… … .”
Rey carefully opened her lips to Dorothy.
Rei was crying profusely, her voice was tight, and her eyes were
swollen and red.
"Thank you for today."
Rey said, pressing her knees with her gently gathered hands.
Dorothy didn't respond to Ray's thanks.
“I’m sorry you got hurt because of me.”
At Rey's apology, Dorothy's eyes turned slightly toward him, then
back out of the window.
“No need to be sorry.”
Dorothy said without making eye contact.
"However… … .”
“It was just because you were in trouble when you died.”
Dorothy's small murmur softened Rey's expression, which was
about to cry.
Dorothy wants me not to die. I thought you hated me
Dorothy's focus was on 'because it's dif icult' rather than 'because
it's sad' when you die, but Ray seemed to think that was it.
“But Dorothy, it’s okay next time.”
Ray said, leaning against the window just like Dorothy.
“I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. No, I just hate that you
get hurt.”
Ray's expression softened in an unusual way. Full of sorrow, he kept
his mouth shut, trying not to let it rise.
At that, Dorothy's eyes lashed back to Ray, then to the darkness
outside the window.
Dorothy didn't like Ray that way.
No matter how much I push, the 'kindness' that creeps in and tries to
like me.
A letter he sends sincerely even without replying, Seungri, who is in
the background because he is worried about her injury, and sincerity
who smiles softly even though he always ignores him and tries to act as
an older brother.
His pure good intentions were a pain for her, who had lived a life
de ined by evil.
When I saw Ray, who knew how to genuinely like others, something
like disgust came up from time to time.
Because Dorothy thought it was undesirable for someone like Ray to
become emperor.
The emperor had to bury the time.
You have to be calculating, able to use people, and make decisions so
coldly that you can trample on beautiful emotions and sometimes feel
Wars must be waged with neighboring countries if necessary, people
must be exiled for war, side with one of two con licting groups, and
those who fail to do so must be left tormented.
People should be hired out of necessity, not love, and those who are
unnecessary should be boldly tightened.
A good man cannot be a good emperor.
So the thought of a good Rei becoming emperor made me annoyed.
“… … You have to ix that.”
Ray raised her eyes and looked at Dorothy with blue eyes.
Beautiful eyes that are so pure.
What am I going to say with you who doesn't know anything?
Dorothy chewed on Rey's question and shut her mouth.
Then Rey pinched her ingers and looked into Dorothy's eyes, then
opened her mouth abruptly.
“Dorothy. If you have any dif iculties or inconveniences, please tell
me. I will do it all.”
Rey said that it was all her fault that Dorothy was hurt, and that she
would be her hand in place of her arm.
Dorothy looked at Ray with cold eyes.
good job The Crown Prince will raise the princess' handbag.
Where did you get the crown as the crown prince and sell it?
“I can do it alone.”
“But it’s hard to live with just your left hand. It is dif icult to write.”
“It’s none of your business.”
“I made it that way, so why doesn’t it matter?”
Rei did not hide her disappointment and pursed her lips.
Dorothy looked at Ray with thin eyes.
Why do you want to be in the audience like that?
I really don't understand her.
“Are you really going to do it all?”
“If it’s for you.”
“… … great."
Just do what I tell you.


When Dorothy arrived at the villa, she stopped in the middle of the
stairs while trying to go back to her room.
Because Theon was waiting in front of her room.
Theon, who had not yet found her, calmly lowered her eyes and was
immersed in thought.
'Why is Theon waiting for me?'
The heart, who does not listen to the words, sees Theon again and is
Candles were lit in the dark hallway where night fell, so his red eyes
shone more charmingly.
The tip of his black hair was re lected in the light, forming a red
border around him, and the tips of his eyelashes that fell quietly were
troubled for no reason.
On the other hand, the buttons were lined up side by side without
being disturbed under the neatly folded white collar.
Ethan is beautiful, but Theon has a heart.
Dorothy was afraid that Theon had come to her to say something.
It's never meant to say I love you, so I can't help but be afraid.
In front of Theon, he becomes fearful, thoughtful, and stupid.
What's worse is that I can't stop even though I know I'm stupid.
While hesitating on the stairs, Theon raised his head to ind Dorothy.
"What's going on, Theon?"
Dorothy pretended to be okay and climbed the remaining stairs.
“The arm… … Are you okay?”
“It’s okay.”
For Dorothy, the injured arm was a symbol of weakness, immaturity
and lack.
Dorothy wanted to show Theon only her strength, perfection, and
splendor, not her weaknesses or weaknesses.
In my heart, I wanted to hide the arm with the cast, but it was
impossible to hide the ixed arm.
So, it was best to pretend as nothing as possible.
“So, what do you want to say?”
Dorothy, you can't talk like that.
Do you mean to kick Theon out with an exaggerated and arrogant
Dorothy scolded her lips with harsh words protruding inwardly.
“And today, it was great. There was an accident in the inal, but if the
match had been played to the end, the princess would have won.”
"Well… … .”
If Ray was sincere, I would have lost.
Theon spoke carefully, as if he had read Dorothy's mind.
“I think attitude and concentration are also skills.”
"ah… … .”
“Besides, the princess even rescued the Crown Prince.”
Theon gave Dorothy a small smile and cheered her on.
Dorothy felt my face heat up as if it had been turned on.
Theon's praise, recognition. Even the words of consolation to her,
who had injured her arm, were very good.
“… … thank you."
Dorothy lowered her head to hide her blushing face.
“And me, I’m going back tomorrow morning. I came to greet you in
advance because I thought I would be leaving early.”
"ah… … okay."
you're going
It was originally planned.
Because he had promised to go back to Freedia only after seeing
Rey's match.
there is nothing to regret
“My arm, I hope you get well soon.”
"yes. you also… … Be careful and go back.”
Thank you for being here.
Dorothy bid farewell to her with a calm expression on her face.
Theon smiled softly at him.
“You must be very tired, but sleep well tonight.”
"you also."
At Dorothy's words, Theon went back to his room.


Theon's greeting to get a good night's sleep magically took her sleep.
But today's insomnia wasn't just because of his excitement for
'ha… … .'
Dorothy sighed as she looked up at the dark ceiling.
My heart was pounding anxiously.
Will that terrible insomnia come again?
The fear of insomnia brought insomnia again.
'It's all because of Ray.'
After returning, he said he had cured his insomnia by living the life of
a baby, but it was because of Ray that reminded him of the past.
Dorothy didn't feel guilty about killing Ray.
At least that's what I thought at the time.
Nevertheless, it was Ray's death that started the terrible insomnia
that haunted Dorothy for the rest of her life.
Dorothy herself did not understand why.
I killed the guy I wanted to kill for the rest of my life, but why can't I
But there was only one thing that bothered me about Rey's death.
'… … You probably didn't lose to me, did you?'
That doubt made her heart pound every night.
I can't. Becoming an emperor is a matter of life and death, but you
lost to me in that battle?
The memories of the past she had been trying to forget for a long
time held her sleepless.


Dorothea Milanaire. She did not watch Carnan die.

It was because it was the way back after the war with the enemy
country, Hark.
"So… … What is the will of the Emperor?”
Dorothea asked in disbelief after reading the will with her own eyes.
"Protect Prince Raymond from Princess Dorothea... … It was.”
At the messenger's words, Dorothea stood still for a long time, as if
time had stopped, and didn't say anything.
So, not from the Harks or the wild northern barbarians... … you want
me to protect you?
Dorothea's hand trembled as she held the letter of will.
Does that mean I am now the enemy of the Empire?
Carnan's advice. It was a horse that took everything away from
Protect Raymond, who will soon become emperor, from Dorothea.
It means that Dorothea will become the enemy of Emperor
It means that you can put any number of traitors' masks on
Dorothea's face.
Raymond was able to take Dorothea's possessions using Carnon's
The army, the knights, the bankruptcy and the power she had.
A single word, 'a threat to Raymond,' means to lose a moment.
It is not uncommon for a new emperor to take the throne and purge
the hostile forces.
The Emperor had kindly provided an excuse for that, so now
Dorothea was in Raymond's grasp.
“To the very end, amazingly… … You are leaving me.”
At Dorothea's ingertips, Carnan's will was crumpled.
I didn't get anything from the beginning.
Dorothea couldn't have what Raymond had. All she has now is her
own achievement.
But now you're trying to steal even that.
Dorothea's teeth were broken.
The one who called her name was Ethan, the secretary who was
guarding her.
As a bastard, he could not be appointed to the center, and was in
charge of chores next to the princess, who was not able to inherit the
original throne.
But he was capable, and Dorothea took advantage of his abilities and
used him as a sage.
People were enamored with his beauty, but what Dorothea liked was
his cleverness rather than his beauty.
And I liked the subtle ilth that I felt from him. I think it's exactly the
same kind.
“The princess has the qualities of a true emperor.”
Ethan whispered to Dorothea in a soft but strong voice.
Raymond Milanaire is too docile to be emperor.
A good emperor cannot be a competent emperor.
“The era in which the spirit of light decides the emperor must come
to an end.”
The old-fashioned old people said that the spirit of light was
important and that it was the absolute law of the world.
However, it is not right to become an emperor just by dealing with
the spirit of light.
The position of the emperor is worthy only when a person with
ability rises.
“Princess Dorothea is the most suitable person for the position.”
Ethan approached Dorothea with the letter, willingly bowed down
and worshiped her.
“If we go back to the island, the nobles will de initely want to take the
princess’s army and cut off her limbs.”
Raymond's nobles will do anything to weaken Dorothea.
They will take the army away because they could be a threat to
I would not allow her power on the grounds that it could cause a
disturbance in the country.
Perhaps, it will take away her neck, which is a threat in its very
“Other than now, there is no chance, Princess.”
Ethan said, making eye contact with Dorothea.
He had become adept at lying, and he did not raise an eyebrow, even
if he made eye contact for a long time.
The expression on his face was so genuine that it moved Dorothea's
This is not the age of following the legends of spirits, but the age of
true humans.
The age of rising above the spirits with human power.
Ethan grabbed Dorothea's hand lightly.
“Become emperor.”
His lips touched the back of Dorothea's hand.
That light touch made Dorothea ring.
It wasn't that he didn't covet Raymond's place until now.
However, the slightest bit of conscience caught her by the ankle.
He was shackling himself, saying that the unquali ied should not take
the place of the quali ied.
But the conscience she was trying to protect was really insigni icant
and ridiculous.
Is it right for Raymond to become emperor, or is it a renunciation of
conscience for me to become emperor?
Is Raymond right and I am wrong?
why? Because he can't summon the spirit of light? Or is it because he
was born killing his mother? Because the Emperor did not spare me?
Because I'm too greedy?
no. It doesn't matter.
I just want something like Raymond or Dorotheana.
However, it was given to Raymond easily and freely, and Dorothea
had only to win by destroying and stealing.
okay. I'd rather break it than break it
“I will become the emperor.”
I will not deny my power and my existence.
Dorothea willingly took up the sword of rebellion.
Dorothea led the army that way and headed for the islands.
The last day of the grievous Emperor's funeral.
Dorothea ruthlessly pushed the army into the island without any
sympathy or courtesy for Carnan's death.
Those who were holding a pious funeral were defenseless.
Who would have imagined that the daughter would push up an army
before the death of the great emperor!
Ethan, with his good-natured rhetoric, allowed the briber to open the
gates of the closed island of Lampas.
Thanks to the cooperation of Ethan's followers throughout Lampas
and the soldiers who moved like Dorothea's limbs, Dorothea was able
to deal with the core nobles of the Raymond faction one by one.
It took less than half a day for Dorothea's forces to capture the
“You must hurry, Your Majesty.”
Ethan urged Dorothea to lead the army.
Dorothea had to take the emperor's cof in until Raymond's
reinforcements arrived from the provinces.
At least we have to cut Raymond's head before dawn.
But Dorothea, who was heading towards the palace, looked back.
Theon was always on Raymond's side.
Theon, who stood by Raymond's side.
My love, my iance, Theon Fried.
He must have been here for the emperor's funeral, but where is he?
“Don't worry, Your Majesty. Prince Theon Fried, I have put him in a
safe place.”
Ethan brought Dorothea's gaze back to the front again.
Ethan was perfectly prepared for everything.
The people of the Imperial Palace, Theon, and the army.
As if she knew for a long time that she would become emperor.
“So, your Majesty, you just have to look ahead and move on.”
A golden palace stood before her.
Ethan opened the gates of the palace for the hesitant Dorothea.
Milanaire's palace, which had always turned her back on her, was
shining facing her.
Yes, no need to hesitate.
She stepped into the palace where Raymond would be, the palace
where the emperor's cof in was.
There were already many soldiers and knights lined up in the palace.
But Dorothea was not afraid.
She also had soldiers who believed in her and followed her, each of
whom was a great hero.
Pleasant mercy was something she didn't have, and she killed all the
'Raymond's people' in the palace.
And after a long but not long ight, Dorothea reached the inal stage.
The emperor's room was quietly waiting for her without knowing
that a slaughter was taking place.
When I opened the golden door and went inside, the red sunset light
coming in through the window was lowing on the loor for a long time.
The sunset was redder than ever, but compared to the blood
Dorothea had stepped on, it was clear and dazzling.
There, as she was familiar with it, there were large tables and chairs,
curtains, chandeliers, wooden cabinets, and portraits of successive
emperors hanging on the walls where you could have refreshments and
chat with your servants.
The scene was so casual and peaceful that the shouts of the soldiers
from afar seemed like a completely different world.
The only difference was that the emperor's crown and spirit staff,
which belonged to Carnan, were placed on a red velvet cushion on the
As if waiting for her.
Raymond was standing in the middle of the room, watching the
The spirits of light hovered around Raymond.
A long shadow stretched behind his back as he watched the sunset,
reaching up to Dorothea's feet.
As Dorothea repeated his name, Raymond, who was looking at the
sunset, looked back.
His bright blonde hair shimmered brilliantly in the sunset light and
the lights of the spirits.
“Welcome, my dear brother.”
Raymond greeted Dorothea with his usual bright smile.
Dorothea's hand, holding the sword, gained strength, and the tendon
bulged out.
“He said he had won the war against Hark. Shall I make a toast for
Raymond poured red wine into a glass on the table.
The sound of lowing wine illed the room.
Red wine glides like blood into the golden goblet.
Raymond, who had illed two glasses, grinned, took one and handed
it to Dorothea.
“You should toast to the victorious hero.”
“Put the bullshit away.”
Dorothea contorted her face and said to Raymond.
Knowing that she had come to kill, he was as optimistic and
immature as always.
Dorothea hated that stupidity to the point of disgust.
“Then how about this? To have a drink in memory of my deceased
An absurd laugh erupted from Dorothea's mouth when he heard the
word "father".
He shamelessly said those words while listening to what he had left
next to me... … .
Unlike Dorothea, who was angry, Raymond was full of emotion.
A face that was wretched and wretched as if it were about to cry.
“We don’t have time to mourn properly even our father’s death.”
“You are very sad.”
Why should I mourn his death?
If I had such a duty just because of my blood, I would choose to drain
all my blood and replace my blood with the water of the Styx River.
“… … That's right, you always hated your father. Your father didn't like
you very much either."
Raymond's blue eyes were wet.
He looked at Dorothea with a soft face, like a blade of grass that
would drop dew when touched.
Dorothea did not want to see that weakness.
I hated trying to tie the relationship of hatred that was lacking by
saying that I didn't like it with the blood of father and daughter.
“Why are we like this?”
Raymond asked.
I wish that sentimental questions appropriate for the sunset could
be asked only to rural Koreans.
Dorothea didn't care why it happened.
It had to be like this.
From the time Dorothea Milanaire was born into this world.
“I wish you had trusted me a little bit. No, I would not have come this
far if I had given it a little more time.”
“Do you believe in you? Take your time and give it time? Then you
must have made a plan to beat me in the meantime.”
“Why not?”
Raymond's eyes fell heavily at Dorothea's sharp question.
Without af irming or denying, he took up his glass and drank the
Dorothea didn't like Raymond's behavior, which seemed to be
ignoring her even when he was about to die.
"I'm here to kill you, Raymond."
“Dorothea. I hope you do not regret your choice.”
"regret? You have to do that.”
Dorothea thought the word regret was a word that would never
come to her.
Her choice was to avoid the worst and survive.
She had no other option.
So no regrets
But Raymond looked at her with sad eyes. As if promising her
Dorothea was furious at Raymond's pitying eyes.
“… … Do you know what's annoying at this moment? If I kill you, you
will be criticized for rebellion, but if you kill me, you will be praised for
doing something worthy to preserve the throne.”
Dorothea already knew what people would call her.
Even if she wins this battle and becomes the emperor, her modi ier
has already been decided.
The emperor who rebelled, killed his brother and usurped the
Blinded by power, a greedy tyrant who drove up an army to his
father's funeral and killed even his own blood.
Such was the fact that she, who had not seen the spirits and had not
been recognized by the Emperor, had the throne.
But what if Raymond followed the Emperor's will, removed her and
'kept' the throne?
He will become a just and strong emperor who has removed the
forces that threaten him.
He will slay the traitor and carry on the great legacy of the
“Isn't that surprising? From birth, you are good and I am evil.”
“… … .”
“What, that expression that you didn’t know at all?”
The corners of his lips twisted up in disgust.
"You've always been like that, Raymond."
You were loved for having everything with ease, and I always had to
be turned away from behind.
It became a sin to have as much as you, and a virtue to have you
more than me.
Nothing, tangible or intangible, could make Dorothea surpass
Dorothea self-helped, recalling countless discriminations that were
hard to fathom.
“… … That's what you thought, Dorothea."
Raymond muttered like someone repeating a foreign language.
Ha, you really didn't know anything. No, are you pretending not to
But thanks to that, Dorothea was able to completely conquer her
She raised her heartless sword.
Raymond stared at the red glow of her blade at the end of the setting
sun, and calmly closed her lips.
Raymond also accepted that there was no other way.
He pulled out the sword he was wearing around his waist.
Raymond's sword was better than the sword Dorothea was wearing.
As always.
But Dorothea didn't care.
I have come this far after breaking many differences and
discriminations bigger than that sword, so I will win.
Dorothea faced Raymond, who was always in front of her.
In the meantime, Raymond's eyes had changed to the eyes of a
warrior to hold the sword.
Suddenly, the sun completely disappeared over the horizon and the
son-in-law became dark.
However, Raymondman lit up the room surrounded by the light of
the spirits surrounding him.
Dorothea rushed towards Raymond, who was shining brilliantly in
the dark air.
The spirits of light lit a light for the two of them as if to incite a ight
between them.
If only Raymond was defeated, the throne belonged entirely to
Dorothea felt more joy than fear.
Raymond was much stronger than she had imagined, and whenever
the sword collided, the spirits of light retreated from a distance and
then gathered again in a strong wave.
Raymond's sharp eyes seemed to tear Dorothea apart.
Dorothea liked the look in her eyes that was closer to evil than the
stupidly bright one.
Eyes that could bite the nape of her neck and eat her heart right
Yeah, do you want to kill me too?
Tension illed the room as if walking on a thin string passing over the
The cushions cut by the sword ripped open, goose feathers lew like
snow, and the ceramics shattered and shattered on the loor.
Raymond's sword, surrounded by the spirit of light, brushed past her
ear and cut off her long blond hair.
Raymond let Dorothea know that I had the upper hand.
“Surrender, Dorothea.”
Raymond warned Dorothea to surrender.
At the end of the day, the words to surrender were a strong command
battle like an emperor.
But Dorothea only smirked.
“If you want to win my surrender, you have to cut my hair, not my
I wouldn't even start if it would have been so easy to surrender.
At that word, Ray's eyes immediately collapsed.
Why do you have those eyes? why… … .
The only thing Dorothea could do to overcome Raymond was
In both strength and stamina, Raymond was superior to Dorothea,
and he was also superior to him in handling the sword.
Even if he had a bad study brain, Raymond was always excellent at
But Dorothea had nowhere to retreat.
either you die or i die
One of the two must die to end this ight.
Dorothea ran to Raymond again, and the two exchanged moves
Then, Raymond's sword, biting his lips tightly, cut deep into
Dorothea's waist again.
As the sharp blade thrusts in, Dorothea realizes that this is not a
minor wound.
A red line was drawn along the trajectory of the blade, and blood
lowed out.
That moment.
“Dorothea… … !”
Raymond's sword swaying with his eyes.
Dorothea did not miss the gap.
Her deep-seated sword dyed Raymond's chest red.
Changgrang, the sword fell from his hand.
When you ight, you should only think about winning until the end,
you stupid Ray.
Dorothea's blue eyes were drenched with a tense ecstasy that judged
There was no blood or pain oozing from his back.
won inally… … !
But it was Raymond who smiled irst.
Dorothea froze, as if her smile had been stolen from the smile that
spread across his lips.
why are you smiling... … ? did you lose dying!
Raymond took even the victor's smile away from Dorothea until the
very end.
A warm hand, which had not yet cooled, reached Dorothea's cheek in
He wiped the blood from Dorothea's cheek.
Dorothea stared at him with trembling eyes.
She clenched her teeth as if to break her chin.
“Don’t cry, Dorothea.”
The spirits of light surrounded Dorothea with a fading voice.
am i crying? What are you talking about? I'm so happy I'm smiling
like this! You are the one who is crying!
Dorothea wanted to shout at Raymond, but for some reason no voice
came out.
“It would have been better… … , Dorothea… … .”
Raymond's whispers came as if they were caressing her.
Dorothea was overcome with indescribable discomfort.
“Stop the bullshit… … !”
If you tried to shake me off with words sweet like candy, you'd be
I don't fall for those words.
Dorothea stroked Raymond's hand on her cheek.
Then Raymond, unable to withstand the strength, fell to the loor
His breath was so harsh that it seemed like it was going to break at
any moment, and he would sometimes stop breathing as if he didn't
Among them, Raymond looked up at Dorothea standing alone.
Dorothea clenched her ist at the innocent regret in Raymond's eyes.
He already knew that it would not be an honorable thing to rebel and
kill him.
But Raymond caught her even at the end of death, as if dragging her
down to a deeper hell.
A good smile that vividly proves that she is a villain.
He was good until the end, who should be cursed, resentful, and
blaming Dorothea like a machete.
"Sorry… … 'Cause I'm not good enough... … .”
Even the tears that fell at the end were absolutely terrifying.
Dorothea choked as his tears choked her throat.
I couldn't breathe well, so my head was dizzy and I was sweating in a
cold sweat.
It felt like her legs were going to lose strength and collapse at any
moment, so she held out as hard as she could.
The spirit of light hovered around her as if comforting her.
damn it I can't be swayed by such a crude sect.
The Spirit of Light, which is only granted to you, can never be my
i will be the emperor
Dorothea raised the tip of her lip, biting her lip hard enough to bleed.
“… … Goodbye, Raymond.”
Dorothea drew the sword from Raymond's chest, which plunged her
into the abyss of sin.
Red blood spurted out as if to bless her accession.
The spirits of light that circulated around her and Raymond gathered
around Raymond and shone brightly, then disappeared as they lost
their light in a momentary way.
Darkness overtook Dorothy, and her obituary was announced.
yes good bye The iercely pure sun that always covered me and
shone brilliantly.
So she took it. Victory, long dream, throne.
She had reached the glorious future she was pursuing.
A night when the sun is completely set. Standing alone in the
Emperor's room, where there was no light left.
By the way.

'Uh, ah, are you sick?'

Ray was the same then and now. damn it

In the inal battle, was Rey sincere?
Did you have any intention of defeating me?
His shaking was leeting, but Dorothy knew it implicitly.
It is a long period of time that can make tens of thousands of
judgments for a person who has reached the level of Rei.
That if I had a heart, I could somehow stop the blade from entering
my heart.
Seriously, is it true that I beat Rey? Didn't Ray lose?
The question has continued since that day, and is still unanswered.
However, Raymond Milanaire, who can answer the questions of the
day, no longer exists.
Dorothy crouched in the dimly lit night, trying to forget Reywa's
“Why me… … . Why did I come back like this?”
Everyone has no memory, so why me?
Dorothea felt her return as a punishment.
I accepted death, and I closed my eyes lightly.
Then, in the dark, the door creaked open and a ray of light came in.
A long beam of light slipped through the crack in the door and
reached the bed where Dorothy was sitting.
“Dorothy, aren’t you sleeping?”
There, Rey was standing with a light spirit as a lamp.
Dorothy looked at Rey in her pajamas, closed her eyes and sighed.
“Hey, why are you again… … .”
why is it you
“I think there is a noise coming from your room… … I don't want to
be able to sleep because I'm sick."
Rey hesitated, grabbing the doorknob.
A sleepy look was evident in his eyes.
He seemed worried that the arm with the cast would feel
uncomfortable while Dorothy was sleeping.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m sick or not. You can just leave it alone!”
"However… … You got hurt trying to help me too.”
Dorothy was the irst to not let me get hurt.
Ray muttered like that and iddled with the doorknob.
"that… … Just how did it happen!”
“Then why am I doing this?”
Rey, who even rebutted like me, cautiously approached Dorothea's
bed with a drowsy walk.
The spirits of light lit up the air like ire lies.
“I’ll stay by your side until I fall asleep, Dorothy.”
Ray smiled as she sat down with a velvet stool next to the bed.
Dorothy looked at Rey with a blunt expression on her face.
Unlike Ethan, he had nothing on his head, so he had a pure white
It would be a bad idea to scribble lines on that pure white face and
make it dirty with black conte. it wouldn't be good
Dorothy shuts her mouth as she tries to provoke Ray.
Meanwhile, Ray felt lucky that Dorothy didn't kick her out.
Rey lew the Spirit of Light to the ceiling.
“Look at this, Dorothy. Aren’t you twinkling and shining like a star?”
Rey worked hard to move the light spirit and embroidered the
ceiling like the night sky.
It looked like a starry night sky on a summer day.
“It’s not pretty. I don't like light spirits. It's too bright."
too bright It's dazzling and far away.
“Ah, yes… … . Too bright? Dorothy needs to sleep.”
Rey was embarrassed and made the light spirits disappear.
Dorothy lay down with Ray's back.
When Dorothy turned completely over, Ray covered her with the
An idiot trying to be his brother. I'm not thankful for anything.
Dorothy lay down and looked out the window, breathing quietly.
“Dorothy… … . You know, did Dorothy never miss her mother?”
Ray, who said he would put him to sleep, interrupted his sleep by
talking to him.
Besides, I'm a mom out of the blue.
“Dorothy is so mature… … .”
I could feel Rey leaning her head on the bed.
“Even when I was 14, I wanted to see my mother.”
“… … I am sorry.”
Dorothy mumbled as she turned around.
“My mother died because of me.”
Dorothy clenched her ists under the blanket.
The mother I miss so much died because of me, what should I do?
I can't even bring it back to life.
Even I've already killed your mother twice.
“What do you mean, Dorothy?”
“My mother died while giving birth to me. If I hadn't been born, my
mother wouldn't have died. Then you would live happily ever after with
your mother.”
Carnan and Rey must have lived happily ever after with the deceased
Empress Alice.
When Dorothy imagined her family without her, she always
envisioned a happy and warm image.
Carnan spends a day of laughter with the woman she loves, Alice, and
her sweet and cute son Ray grows up with a lot of love from them.
It's like having a picnic with the three of them spread out on a mat in
the garden and talking about a riot.
The three of them lie in the same bed, smile happily and fall asleep in
the warmth... … look like that.
However, with the birth of Dorothy, that warm family image was
The Milanese street with Dorothy is not at all warm.
A distant, cold, cold relationship where no family energy is felt.
Dorothy believed that it was the irst original sin of her many sins.
Rey's voice came from behind her.
It was a voice with her head leaning against the bed.
"do not say that."
Ray said with a irm command tone.
Just like when I told her to surrender.
Dorothy turned her head to look at Rey's tone, which she had never
heard before.
Contrary to the resolute words Ray had, when he became a walnut
chin, his lips were pouting.
“I thought I was lucky to have Dorothy.”
Rey clenched the sleeves of Dorothy's pajama.
One side of Dorothy's heart ached.
“To you, I may be an idiot, but I know this. That she won't regret
giving birth to Dorothy."
“… … .”
"It's not your fault that your mother died. that… … It's just like that.
like you saved me It’s like I came to visit you who can’t sleep.”
Ray muttered.
Dorothy had no idea what nonsense he was talking about.
What the hell is it just like that? That doesn't it the example at all.
Dorothy lowered her gaze at the stupid words that rattled back and
“You’re really stupid.”
When I was dealing with a fool, I felt like I was becoming a fool in the
same way, so I thought I should not deal with it.
“… … Dorothy is also an idiot sometimes.”
Ray mumbled in rebellion.
who's the fool
Dorothy did not respond to the fool's words, but turned her back to
lie down again.
There was a long void in the darkness after that, but Dorothy could
feel Ray procrastinating behind her.
Obviously there is something I want to say.
“You know, Dorothy… … .”
In the end, Ray can't stand it and opens his mouth.
Do you want to put me to sleep or do you want to chat with me?
Dorothy sighed in secret.
“Would you like to go up to Lampas with me… … ?”
Dorothy rejected Ray's courageous offer with a single blow.
I barely escaped and I am adjusting well to this life.
“But I also hurt my arm… … .”
“I’m injured, so I need to recuperate.”
Dorothy looked up and raised her casted arm.
At Dorothy's words, Ray did not speak for a long time, as if looking
for something to refute.
“What if my arm is all right? You are now healthy enough to hold a
sword. You still don't want to go to Episteme? You're so good at
swordsmanship, so if you really come to Episteme... … .”
“I’m not going, I’m never going.”
Ray laughed bitterly at him.
“Well, Dorothy is good at everything on her own.”
He did everything well by himself to the point where there was
nothing more to learn from Episteme, so the pressure to come to
Episteme did not work anymore.
Ray leaned her head on the bed and muttered.
“… … I want to live here with Dorothy too.”
“You should go back.”
"yes… … .”
“… … .”
“Dorothy, can I come over here again later?”
Rey mumbled in a sleepy voice.
Dorothy pondered what to answer his question.
Anastasia Palace was not originally built exclusively for Dorothy.
Since it was a place for the imperial family to freely use for
recreational purposes, she didn't have to add katabuta to Rei's coming,
so Rei doesn't even need to ask for permission... … .
“Think about it.”
Dorothy replied bluntly.
But there was no answer from Ray. Instead, he heard a squeaking
sound from behind.
When I turned around, Rey was asleep on the edge of the bed with
her arms crossed.
Her hips and bent waist on the stool looked very uncomfortable.
“Who puts them to sleep like that?”
How to put a person with insomnia to sleep on the subject of a child
who has never stayed up all night.
Dorothy stood up and sighed heavily.
Anyway, I couldn't sleep today.
Dorothy pulled Rey with one uninjured arm.
“Ugh… … .”
Rey groaned and tossed and turned.
“Ray, go to bed.”
"Yes… … .”
Ray, who was a nightmare, roughly dragged her body and put it on
the bed, and fell asleep immediately.
Dorothy got up and put Ray's legs out of bed on the bed.
He smiled as he held the duvet tightly in his hand, saying that he
should cover it with a blanket.
"ha… … .”
You complicate people's minds and sleep well.
Dorothy looked down at Ray's face in the moonlight.
If you hadn't died then, would I have been able to live another life?
Would the world be a better place if I surrendered?
Dorothy looked out the dark window, waiting for the sun to rise.
A ire ly was seen lying in the distance.


Early morning when the sun does not rise. Theon left the palace to
return to Freedia.
“I think His Majesty Ray and Princess Dorothy haven’t woken up yet.”
Clara said to Theon, who was leaving the private palace in the early
morning alone.
It was too late to wake them both up.
“It’s okay because I said goodbye to everyone yesterday. I'm even
more sorry to wake you up because it's too early. I've been really
indebted to you the past few days. thanks."
Theon greeted Clara and the servants who had seen him off.
Then I looked up and looked at the detached palace for a moment.
However, someone was looking at him from the second- loor
window. It was Dorothy.
'Did you not sleep today?'
Dorothy met Theon's eyes and disappeared behind the curtain in
Theon, who was about to wave his hand, lowered the hand he had
There was no way that anyone woke up this morning without waking
up on time, and it was more reasonable to assume that he did not sleep.
“I, the princess seem to be having a hard time sleeping… … .”
When Theon said that Dorothy was awake right now, it was like
asking Dorothy to see her off, so she said back.
“Ah, the princess is a bit sleepy. I tend to sleep late and wake up early.
Oh, did you feel any discomfort during your stay, Master?”
“No, not at all. I’m just worried.”
"Do not worry. Because the princess usually sleeps little.”
Clara laughed.
Dorothy couldn't sleep for a long time, probably because of the
insomnia before her return.
From what Clara had heard from her former nanny, Dorothy had
been told that as a baby she slept much less than children of her age.
Fortunately, he doesn't cry often and he's gentle, so it wasn't dif icult
to take care of him.
Even now, Dorothy slept for ive hours without waking her up.
“Ah, that’s good.”
I used to slept very little.
Is it not special to be awake on the night I dropped the handkerchief
and to be awake now?
Theon looked into Dorothy's room once more before getting into the
Dorothy was nowhere to be seen.
“Then be careful, Master.”
The carriage's door closed, and the coachman's whip drove the
The sound of squeaking horses' hooves moved away from the villa.

“Follow the tea.”
At Dorothy's words, Ray brewed tea in hot water and served it.
The crimson water was sparkling in the white teacup.
“Can I feed you?”
Then Dorothy glared at Ray and drank the tea with her hand.
“How does it taste? it's okay?"
“I’m too afraid to write it.”
"sorry. Shall we cry again?”
Ray looked as if he had become Dorothy's servant.
Clara left the Crown Prince Rey to do so.
This is because Ray wanted to lighten the burden on his heart.
“… … done."
'If the Crown Prince, who will become emperor, is not digni ied... … .'
He pours tea as instructed, fan if it's hot, and covers him with a
blanket if it's cold.
It was more suited to a servant who was cared for rather than an
emperor who served people.
'I'll do everything you ask me to do.'
Even if Dorothy deliberately twisted the work, Ray said it was okay
and helped Dorothy with a wide smile.
If it had been someone else, I would have already been annoyed and
had to quit.
Dorothy thought that she should slowly get to the point with Ray, the
futile one.
“Pen and ink. A lot of paper.”
"okay! wait!"
As soon as Dorothy had inished speaking, Ray ran to Clara and asked
where the pen and paper were and brought them back.
There is no other dog that listens well.
Dorothy cleared the table of tea and dessert, then laid the paper
“I can’t write because I hurt my hand, so please write for me.”
"okay! Call me!”
Ray took a seat next to Dorothy and held up her pen.
His gleaming eyes were waiting for Dorothy's lips to open.
“Large on top. 'Cesarology'.”
When Ray asked the question with her eyes wide open, Dorothy
answered irmly.
Rei nodded and scribbled the words 'Cesar Crane' on the top of the
Dorothy didn't like Ray's bad handwriting, but she kept her mouth
shut and sang the next verse.
“Medium font, Chapter 1. Dotted, the genealogy of the Milanaires.”
“Chapter 1… … Mila... … yes... … .”
Ray followed the letters as Dorothy called them.
A crackling sound was heard along the ink-drenched nib, and
Dorothy looked through the eyes of a hawk to see if Ray had spelled it
“I wrote it all down.”
“Then in the next small print. In the beginning, there was a king,
Milanair, who wielded the spirit of light.”
“In the beginning… … The spirit of light... … .”
Ray wrote down the verses Dorothy sang in a pose that looked like
she would bang her head on a piece of paper.
Dorothy recited a few more lines about the Milanaires, the roots of
the Milanese imperial family, and Ray meekly illed the paper.
However, when he reached the 3rd Emperor Rad Milanair, Ray raised
his head and shook his hand as if his hand was hurting.
“Wait, Dorothy. My ingers hurt so much.”
Ray placed the pen over the inkwell and clasped and opened it.
“But why are you suddenly using cesarean?”
“I like to study.”
Dorothy answered, sipping tea with her left hand.
“It is, but… … .”
Ray knew that Dorothy liked to study.
From a very young age, Dorothy loved to read and knew many things
that Ray didn't know.
“My throat hurts because I keep calling.”
As Dorothy cleared her throat and grimaced, a red color lashed
across Rey's face.
He thought that this tedious cesarean study would now be over.
However, Ray's expectations were completely wrong.
“Aren’t you memorizing all the cesarean studies? I won't call you
because I have a sore throat. Please write it to the end.”
“Cesarology… … to the end?"
Rey opened her mouth and stiffened.
Cesarean was an old guide book, a thick book series with a total of
twenty chapters.
The irst chapter, the genealogy of the Milanaire imperial family
alone, had more than one hundred pages.
In addition, it consisted of extensive contents such as reward and
punishment, military science, world geography, diplomacy, narration,
tolerance, economics, and history.
It was only called cesarean studies, but it was actually a name that
bundled several books into one.
“Did you not memorize it?”
You go to Episteme.
In Episteme, I did not learn cesarean in one book, but divided it into
several classes and learned the subject of cesarean.
Therefore, the Milanese imperial family had the Crown Prince
memorize the cesarean studies from an early age.
It was one of the terrible private education methods for sending the
Crown Prince to Episteme.
"that is… … In the old days, I memorized everything, but I quickly
forgot it.”
“If you forgot, you wouldn’t have memorized it.”
"uh… … But I almost remember it, so I’ll try it!”
Ray picked up the pen again and began to continue from the next
Dorothy looked through Rey's letter by letter through her watcher's
If he couldn't remember, Ray paused and tapped my chin with the tip
of a pen to contemplate and repeat the next verse.
“It was Ethar, not Chamber, who built the Stone of Brilliance.”
When Dorothy pointed out a mistake, Ray was startled and corrected
the typo, but fortunately she didn't repeat the same mistake.
When his hand hurts, he puts his pen down for a moment and then
grinned at Dorothy.
"done. make it this far today Your hand hurts.”
"really? it's okay?"
Dorothy glanced through Rey's cesarean, then nodded.
Until the time when Coresus lost the Spirit Stone that the irst
Milaneir had contracted with the Spirit. Ray wrote that much.
'Still, this is enough.'
Dorothy again pointed out and explained some mistakes, but it was
perfect except in a few places.
Ray smiled proudly as she saw Dorothy nod her head when she saw
her results.
“Chapter 1 is done, let’s start with Chapter 2 tomorrow.”
“Chapter 2? Punishment and punishment?”
“No, it’s not… … .”
Ray is somehow trying to help Dorothy, but she can't shake the
feeling that she's studying.
Of course, it's true that Dorothy is studying because Dorothy is next
to her and teaches you the wrong parts or misspelled words... … .
Ray scratched her half-curly blonde hair, trying to comprehend the
strange pang.
Meanwhile, Dorothy piled up the dry paper one after another and put
it on one side of the bookshelf.
“You know, Dorothy. Dorothy is smart. Swordsmanship is the best.”
Ray followed Dorothy's back and asked.
“So, what do you want Dorothy to be when you grow up?”
At Rey's question, Dorothy's feet just stopped.
What do you want to be?
Dorothy felt ripped off by Ray.
Emperor. It was what it wanted to be. And it did, but failed.
What I want to be this time is… … Well, nice guy?
“Why are you asking that?”
Dorothy got nervous at Ray because she couldn't answer.
If Stefan had asked him, he might have thought and answered with a
little calm, but when Ray asked such a question, there was no room for
"Just curious. What does Dorothy want to do? … . Because I think
someone like Dorothy can do anything.”
Ray noticed Dorothy's sharpening and looked up and said.
can you do anything? I?
Dorothy frowned for a moment, then laughed.
right. Having beheaded Rei and usurping the throne, he could do
even if it's bad
“You know, I want to be a farmer when I grow up. I grow wheat,
radishes, carrots, eggplants, and tomatoes in the ield, and dogs,
chickens and goats in the yard! Raising a cow.”
Ray looked at Dorothy's hardened expression and turned to her own
He even hummed while painting the idyllic countryside in which he
would live.
There is a large table in the garden, where guests make food with
vegetables they grow and hold a party, and also make bread with eggs
and harvested wheat from their own chickens.
Ray said that it would be good to come and stay in a detached house
like this.
“Actually, I didn’t like eggplant, but the eggplant I grew myself was
very tasty. At that time, I thought it would be good to become a farmer.”
“… … Are you still growing your garden?”
"uh? Oh no. it was before Or I think it would be nice to go hunting
while digging mushrooms and grass in the mountains and living like
But the story made Dorothy even more absurd.
You want to be a farmer or a hunter? Is that what the prince would
As Dorothy glared at him, Ray blinked her innocent eyes and smiled.
"When I become a farmer, I'll send Dorothy all the things I've grown.
Choose only those that are delicious and pretty.”
“Don’t be silly. You are a prince!”
Dorothy really wanted to hit Ray like that.
I couldn't understand how you could say that you want to be a farmer
even if you become a prince.
He had already been decided to become emperor. the highest place
in the world. She longed for it!
“Oh, I know, I just… … I said what I wanted to be.”
As Dorothy's voice rose, Rey smiled awkwardly and looked away.
His shoulders were drowsy, his hands clasped in front of his belly
“I know. That I can't be a farmer... … . I'm not that stupid, Dorothy."
Seeing Ray, Dorothy realized that she had spoken harshly again and
clenched her ists.
I got excited again because of Ray.
“Don’t tell me you can’t… … .”
If I say it, does it add to the pain?
To say that you want to become an emperor even though you can't
become an emperor, to repeat. How painful it was, Dorothy knew.
Then, suddenly, a thought occurred to me.
Surely, you don't want to be a farmer or a hunter as much as I wished
you to be an emperor, do you?
It's just a dream that often passes by children... … ?
Dorothy looked into Ray's eyes.
He couldn't help but ask Dorothy again, cautiously, whether the gaze
had relieved Rey's tension.
Ray sat a reasonable distance away from Dorothy, who was sitting on
the bed.
“Hey, Dorothy… … .”
“Did you receive my letters?”
“… … yes."
I got it, but I threw it away without reading it.
“Ah, I still got it… … ! thank god. I didn’t get a reply, so I thought the
letter didn’t arrive properly.”
What is happiness?
Wouldn't it hurt more that you didn't reply even though you received
Dorothy thought as she looked at Ray, who smiled relievedly.
“I was worried that I would be sad because I was living alone and I
didn’t even know that a letter had come.”
“Why am I sad?”
“It hurts, but it’s sad to be alone.”
Rey lowered her eyebrows and smiled shyly.
To Ray, Dorothy had come to 'remedies' due to poor health, so he
seemed to think that his sick brother was going down to the
countryside alone.
So, he made sure to send a letter at least twice a month for his
younger brother, who was ill and was living alone.
Even though I sent it so often that there was nothing special to
include, the letter would often exceed ive pages when I wrote it.
In his heart, he hoped Dorothy would read the letter and make him
want to go up to the Islands.
There are so many interesting things going on in the system, and
there are people waiting for her to come back.
What happened at the Imperial Palace or Episteme, new topics that
Dorothy might like, anticipation of going to the villa, and saying hello
how you are doing.
In the end, no reply came, but he hoped that my letter would be a
little bit of cheer and joy to his younger brother, who will be living alone
in a distant place.
Dorothy swallowed bitter saliva as she looked at Rey she liked when
she heard that she had received the letter.
“… … I like being alone.”
So you don't have to send a letter.
“I feel it every time, but Dorothy is so mature that she is like my
older sister. I hate being alone... … .”
Rey withered like a withered blade of grass.
Dorothy said to herself.
'If you've matured, life wouldn't be this hard.'
It was only a shallow trick to pretend to be mature.
In fact, I never liked being alone.
If there is someone who enjoys being alone, he or she has probably
never felt truly alone. Even if your body is alone, you must be someone
with a place to put your mind somewhere.
A person who is truly alone cannot love loneliness.
But Dorothy had to get used to being alone by being unloved.
In the absence of the mother, the alienation from the father, and the
neglect of Theon.
And to this day, she was still learning to be alone.
So that even if the day Clara and Stefan leave one day comes, nothing
will happen. not to be attached to others.
In a way that chooses to pretend to be mature rather than mature.
“You know, Dorothy… … .”
Rey's hesitant habit of talking, Dorothy was consistent with an
indifferent expression on her face.
“Why does Dorothy hate me? Talk to me and I'll ix it."
A brief silence was followed by a rather pessimistic question.
Ray was asking questions on the premise that Dorothy hated her.
Of course, the premise was not wrong, but hearing the question
directly made me feel like a bad person again.
Dorothy looked at Ray's blue eyes that shone like a puppy.
'Can you ix it by saying that?'
Dorothy turned her head instead of answering.
There were many reasons why I didn't like Ray.
I hate you for being so stupid and kind.
I hate seeing the spirit of light alone.
I hate that you take more than me.
I hate that you killed me in my last life.
I hate that you forgot all the painful memories I had.
All the memories I had with you in the past are only me, so I can't
blame you anymore.
“… … Why did you do that then?”
You can't answer this question anymore.
Raymond Milanaire to answer my questions is gone.
"yes… … ? when?"
“Why did you give up on the game in the middle of the match?”
I really want to ask.
why… … did you give up
“Oh, it’s not that I gave up, Dorothy, because I was worried about
you… … !”
Ray recalled the events of the match and answered.
Are you worried?
If I asked you back then, would you answer like this?
"Really. Dorothy. I never meant to look after you.”
When Dorothy's expression didn't show any light, Ray added,
“I hated it, Ray.”
"yes… … ?”
“You are good and I am evil.”
“What does that mean?”
“A fool doesn’t need to know.”
Dorothy lay lat on the bed.
Ray looked at Dorothy, who was lying on the bed with a confused
look on her face.
“Stop it. I am tired.”
“… … Dorothy doesn't like me being a fool?"
Ray felt that Dorothy's disregard came from her own folly.
The things that hurt Dorothy, that she doesn't understand her right
away, that her cesarean memorization is often wrong, and that Dorothy
calls him 'stupid'.
“The next time I come, I will de initely be in the top 50 of the
episteme test.”
"Really. I'll promise."
Ray added in a rather wretched voice.
But Dorothy knew.
Ray never made it into the top 50 of Episteme.
Before returning, Ray had never even been in the top 50.
“And next time you come, I’ll write the rest of the cesarean that I can’t
use this time.”
Next time you come, you're going to write all the cesareans.
By then, my arms should have been all healed, are you still going to
lift my feet?
Ray was also an idiot.


'It was that little princess!'

Jonathan ruf led his hair, recalling the day he had met Dorothy.
Somehow, he was carrying a strong man behind him!
It's not unusual to be as small as a rattlesnake, I said I liked the gang,
but it wasn't bluff.

'Jonathan Bronte. Ignorance is sometimes a sin.'

Recalling Dorothy's warning to him, Jonathan shuddered.

I hope you are not retaliating for our family for what happened this
time and what happened at that time, right?
"young master."
Just as I was locked in my room and afraid of all kinds of worries,
someone called Jonathan.
When I turned around, I saw Ethan, who was handsome as always,
looking at him from the doorway and smiling.
'That bastard, I knew that girl was a princess!'
Jonathan had a habit of getting angry when he saw Ethan.
Silly child!
The unrealistically beautiful appearance seemed to elevate Jonathan
even more.
“Why didn’t you tell me that the girl was a princess?”
Jonathan groaned and asked Ethan.
“I just didn’t have a chance to speak, Master.”
Ethan shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be unfair.
"it is not so! You could tell me behind the scenes!”
“But then I was too busy picking up things that had fallen on the
Ethan smiled softly, which made Jonathan even more pissed off.
Jonathan's clenched ist trembled.
“A bastard who resembles my vulgar mother… … !”
Ethan's smile cracked at Jonathan's words.
Not easily, Ethan's angry face leaked out.
That was then.
“Jonathan! What does that mean? Where did you learn such naughty
Madame Bronte, who had just come to Jonathan's room, cried out to
Jonathan with a pale face.
As soon as the Duchess's voice was heard, Ethan's cracked face wore
the veil of the weak again.
“Black… … . Mother, do you think I'm trash?"
Ethan, who had just been angered, wept and grabbed Madame
Bronte's hem.
Bronte's heart was ripped apart as tears fell from her angelic eyes.
Tears lowed down her white cheeks, dripping from the tip of her
chin, and scattered like shattered pearls that touched the loor and the
hem of her clothes.
“Oh, Ethan! Don't listen to words like that. They are just angry and
say bad things.”
Madame Bronte wiped Ethan's tears with her handkerchief and held
her in her arms.
“Jonathan, you wouldn’t be able to take good care of your little
brother, but you’d say that. Calling your friends for a welcome party is
"However… … !”
“No excuses, Jonathan. I'm amazed that you know such a terrible
word! I was expecting you to build up your culture in Episteme!”
Madame Bronte, who scolded Jonathan a lot, gave Ethan back to her
and made her weeping cease.
Ethan snickered a few times, then shut his mouth as if holding back
tears, then wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.
“I am ine, mother.”
“Poor thing. Why did you come to Jonathan's room?"
“After a long time, the master… … .”
“You’re a mastermind. Call me big brother, Ethan. No matter how
many times I ix it, it breaks my mother’s heart when she calls me like
Then Ethan glanced at Jonathan for a moment, then nodded.
Call me the master over there and call me hyung here.
It wasn't annoying and annoying, but Ethan was putting the
difference to good use.
“Since Jonathan is back… … It was nice to see you face to face. That’s
Ethan said as he wiggled his hand under the hem of his robe.
The Duchess of Bronte felt her heart melt like sugar in black tea.
He's the younger brother who likes my older brother after a long
time even though he's been bullied like that by Jonathan!
How could there be such a kind and thoughtful child!
On the other hand, Jonathan, who is already 15 years old this year, is
still bullying his younger brother.
The Duchess kissed the lovely Ethan on the forehead and praised
him for his kind heart.
“By the way, mother and princess were injured in an accident during
the last swordsmanship match… … .”
“Oh, yes. Your father is also very heartbroken about it.”
Jonathan's face turned to contemplation as Ae-dan threw his fortune
on Dorothy.
Didn't Ethan and he just talk about the irst time they met Dorothy
and were rude!
Jonathan hurriedly shouted to shut Ethan's mouth.
It was because he wondered if he was telling his mother all the
warnings he had given Dorothy.
The sound was so loud that Ethan was startled and trembled.
“Jonathan! Ethan would be surprised if he screamed like that! How!"
The Duchess was enraged, and Ethan turned to Jonathan with an
innocent, ignorant face.
“Why, brother?”
"you… … you… … .”
Unable to speak of the day in front of the Duchess, Jonathan
struggled and tried to make a silent threat.
Ethan laughed at him.
to be stupid
“Mother, by the way, can I come to visit the princess?”
“A visit to the princess?”
"yes. Still, we are responsible for our family... … I would like to say
“Ethan, what a wonderful idea!”
Ethan, who takes care of the household affairs, could not help but
love him.
Besides, Ethan had met and talked with the princess several times,
so it was not unusual to visit the princess.
“Come on, Ethan. I’ll tell the butler, so I’ll buy you a present for
“Thanks for the permission, Mother.”
Ethan looked at the Duchess, smiling bashfully, and kissed her lightly
on the cheek.
Madame Bronte melted in her loveliness.
What is the joy of raising children?
“Jonathan-nim, would you like to go with me too?”
Ethan asked in a soft voice.
But Jonathan shook his head violently.
There's something I've done to the princess, how do I handle it!
“Jonathan, it’s polite to go and greet the princess in a case like this.”
"I do not like it! Why am I greeting the princess?”
The Duchess' eyes frowned.
“Mother, it seems that hyung is uncomfortable, so I will go alone. Me
and the princess have a face-to-face relationship.”
Ethan smiled brightly as he stopped the Duchess.
After all, I didn't even think of going with you from the beginning.


It was the day after Ethan went up to the Reygar Islands to visit.
Ethan came dressed more neatly than usual.
A gray patterned jacket, a white shirt with a crossover tie, black
suspenders, and neatly ironed cotton shorts. brown leather shoes.
A perfect master as if straight out of a textbook.
If it's ordinary, it's an ordinary out it, but Ethan wore it and it looked
“I’m sorry for coming late, Princess.”
Ethan apologized for not coming right after Dorothy was injured.
"no. I wasn't hurt because of you, what?"
“I was very worried. I was wondering if this injury would interfere
with swordsmanship. You like it.”
“It’s not broken, it’s just cracked. He said it wouldn't make much of a
difference if everything got better."
Dorothy didn't want to expose her weakness, so she pretended to be
okay for nothing.
Ethan looked at Dorothy, who smiled shyly, saying it was okay.
“Why are you staring at me like that, Ethan?”
“It’s a little windy. Aren't you cold, Princess?"
Ethan asked, pointing to the window he had left open for ventilation.
I didn't really care, but a cool sea breeze was blowing through the
Dorothy couldn't wear long sleeves because of the cast, so she was
wearing a sleeveless dress with her arms exposed.
“It’s a little cold, but better ventilation.”
Dorothy said, stroking her cool arm with her hand.
Ethan then took off his jacket and draped it over Dorothy's shoulder.
The jacket that had Ethan's warmth touched his arm, and the
fragrant scent of lowers that Ethan had always wafted out.
“Even if you don’t feel well, you have to be careful.”
Ethan laughed softly.
“Oh, and since the princess came empty-handed, I prepared a small
gift for her.”
Ethan handed Dorothy the gift she was holding in one hand.
It was a gift that was light and small enough to it in one hand.
“You don’t have to bring these things… … .”
“It wasn’t just that he was injured, it was an accident because our
Bronte family didn’t take good care of it, so how can I come empty-
Ethan's golden eyes, looking at Jigsey Dorothy, seemed to want
Dorothy to open the present in this place.
It was a look that I hoped my gift would not be the same as the letter
that Ray sent.
Dorothy tried to remove the wrapping paper with one hand, but it
didn't work out.
"Can I help?"
"yes. thank you."
Ethan took the gift again and slowly unwrapped it.
Should I say Ethanian? He knew how to peel off the wrapper cleanly
without damaging it.
Ethan unwrapped the wrapping paper and held out the gift with both
Above his hand was a handkerchief framed with gold thread and
embroidered with a splendid sword.
The handkerchief was so luxurious that even Dorothy, who was once
an emperor, was soft to the touch.
“You didn’t like the present last time, but the princess said that she
would accept this gift.”
Ethan laughed softly.
The last time Dorothy was presented with a gorgeous pendant, she
turned it down because she felt embarrassed.
At that time, Ethan had seen Theon's handkerchief... … .
"ah… … . thank you."
Dorothy was amazed at the delicacy of Ethan, who had deliberately
bought the handkerchief after remembering the incident.
“I hope you like it.”
Ethan looked at Dorothy with a look of anticipation.
"Do you like it. But embroidered a sword on a handkerchief? How did
you get this unusual handkerchief?”
Usually handkerchiefs were embroidered with lowers or birds.
As far as Dorothy knew, no one had a sword embroidered on a
In just one case, except for Emperor Dorothea Milanaire.
Before returning, Dorothy really liked swords, so she used to collect
famous swords as a hobby.
When he felt empty, he ordered the best blacksmith of the empire to
make the best sword that would remain as a legend.
The problem is that it was a command from her point of view, but
from the perspective of the person receiving the request, it felt like a
threat to her life.
In conclusion, it took up a large part of the charge of 'the luxury of a
tyrant,' but I still thought it was a pretty good hobby.
Hanging the wall on one side of the room as if painting the entire
wall with my favorite sword, when I was depressed, I felt like the sword
was talking to me.
It was one of Dorothy's few happiest moments, except for the
occasional uncontrollable bad urge.
Anyway, as an extension of her hobby, she embroidered a sword on
her handkerchief.
“The princess seems to like swords, so I asked her to make a special
one. I'm really glad you like it. Now you can use it instead of the old
If it was an old handkerchief, it was Theon's handkerchief that Ethan
had seen.
Ethan said that the handkerchief looked very old and did not suit the
I got it from Theon several years ago, so if I used it every day like
other handkerchiefs, I would have thrown it out dozens of times
However, Theon's handkerchief was not used because Dorothy had
just kept it, and it was still intact.
“It hasn't been that long. Still clean.”
“But it is a thing of the past. It's brand new now.”
Ethan laughed softly.
“Princess, since I gave you that present, I want to ask you one thing.”
“There was one thing I wanted to do for a long time.”
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't read the inside of the fox's
cunning yet captivating smile.
"What… … ? Listen.”
"I… … I want to write on that cast.”
Ethan cautiously pointed to Dorothy's white cast.
From time to time, close friends would write encouraging words or
sarcastic comments on a friend's cast.
But that was something kids like Ray would do.
The Ethan she knows isn't fresh enough to play such childish
pranks... … .
Dorothy, who thought him strange, nodded to Ethan, who looked at
him with pure eyes.
No matter how crazy Ethan is, is he still a kid?
"okay… … . That’s what it is.”
If you have a good heart, you can give anything.
I'm going to take it off after a month anyway.
“Thank you for your permission, Princess.”
Ethan kissed her cast lightly.
Ethan had Dorothy sit down at the table and brought the pen and ink.
Somehow he looked excited, and Dorothy wondered what he was
Wouldn't it be nice to draw something strange?
Ethan carefully grabbed Dorothy's Gibbs from the table.
“Is it painful or uncomfortable if you hold it… … ?”
Dorothy shook her head.
Then Ethan sat down so that Dorothy's posture was not
Ethan picked up the quill with his long, white inger and tapped the
ink, then carefully pointed it out.
His golden eyes gleamed with enthusiasm unlike usual.
Writing on my arm made me feel very close to Ethan.
As his slender silver hair lew down, he grabbed a pen for a moment,
tucked his hair behind his ear, and started writing on the cast again.
Following his hand, the letters were engraved on her arm.
The igure was like a painting, and Dorothy held her breath
involuntarily and watched Ethan.
Your eyelashes are really long.
His eyes looking down at Gibbs were more serious and beautiful
than sly.
The eyebrows that follow the texture cleanly without any fuss, the
white skin without any blemishes, the straight nose bridge, and the lips
that are the irst to be described as pretty.
Ethan was a very strange person.
Even though I've seen it for so long, I often discover a mysterious
side that I've never seen before.
Dorothy saw Ethan concentrating on the cast and fell in love with
him after a long time.
As if time had stopped, Dorothy couldn't take her eyes off Ethan.
Ethan wrote something carefully for quite some time, and at the end
of a long time he put the pen down.
"That's Okay."
Ethan puts on Dorothy's cast with a wide smile.
It had been a long time since Ethan had been so engrossed, and
Dorothy raised her head wondering what he might have written.

[Beautiful pearls grow from old wounds,

It will shine brightly after a long and dark time.]

Cursive lowing gracefully over white plaster.

A metaphor that compares Dorothy's injured arm to a pearl.
It was a pretty plausible sentence for a young Ethan to write.
Ethan wrote his name underneath it as if to prove it was his writing.
[Only for Dorothea Milanaire, writes by Ethan Bronte.]

Ethan, who had his name tattooed on her arm, smiled and met
Dorothe's eyes.
Although the cast will be removed in a month, Dorothy will have to
carry this phrase for a month.
"Oh! Master Ethan is also good at writing! It's not a cast, but I can
write it in a big place and hang it!"
Clara, who was spying from the side, applauded when she saw
Ethan's words.
The content of the text as well as the typeface was beautiful.
Heck, I enjoyed reading the books and reports that Ethan wrote
before the return trip.
The nobility of the social world quarreled over Ethan's writing,
saying that beautiful people also had beautiful writing. He often took
charge of the signboard to be hung in the palace or important phrases
needed for a big event.
Aside from the martial arts, Ethan was a versatile man. So how can
people not like it?
“I hope you like it.”
Ethan clasped his hands together, waiting for Dorothy's reply.
"Do you like it."
If you say you don't like it, it's a strangely great phrase, and great
Thinking back, God gave Ethan too much.
“It’s something I’ve always wanted to say to the princess someday.”
“Have you been saying this for a long time?”
At Ethan's proud smile, Dorothy smiled a little.
“What would you do if you didn’t allow me to write in a cast?”
“I believed the princess would allow it.”
The number of cases of rejection seemed to be not in mind at all, and
his beautiful smile was brazen.
… … I hope I'm not swayed by this guy's plan again, am I?
Dorothy looked at him suspiciously, and Ethan smiled as if he knew
nothing, and met their eyes.
“Can I come again next time?”

“Look at this, Princess!”

A month later, Clara ran to Dorothy with the cast removed.
“Princess! letter! A letter has arrived!”
Clara shook the letter in her hand violently.
What is the big deal with the letter?
Judging from the timing, it was time for Ray's letter to arrive, and it
was a letter that was in a drawer that I would not normally open.
“There is a letter from the imperial family to the princess!”
in the imperial court?
Dorothy lifted her head and looked at the letter in Clara's hand.
'Is Karnon trying to summon me?'
Expectations and antipathy were mixed.
It really was a letter with the seal of the imperial family, and that was
also the Emperor Carnan.
This is the irst letter from the emperor who came here after two
years of coming down here.
'Shouldn't this be ripped off?'
No matter how much you hate the name Milanaire, you can't help but
read the story that came down from the imperial family.
Dorothy opened the letter from the imperial family with a little
“What is written on it, Princess?”
Clara and Stefan glanced behind Dorothy.
Dorothy, who was still reading the letter, did not speak for a long time
before folding the letter again.
“… … It's telling me to act like a princess."
Dorothy laid it down as if tossing a letter on the table with a blunt
Totally different from what I thought.
'What did you imagine?'
Knowing Karen better than anyone.
The letter was about diplomacy.
Soon, the Haruk royal family will be visiting this area, and they are
ordered to show their faces to welcome them.
The diplomatic ceremonies with Hark, a neighboring country facing
the west of the island, are held, and those coming from Hark come in
through Cerritia as a gateway.
Dorothy, who was nearby, was obliged to greet them face-to-face as a
member of the imperial family.
Moreover, the Prince of Hark, who is said to be coming with him,
took on the cumbersome task of being a good friend because he was
the age of Dorothy, who was entering Episteme this time.
“We have guests from Hark. Go and meet me.”
"Great! The princess would be in charge of such a big job alone!”
“Basically, the Duke of Bronte will take care of it.”
Dorothy knew quite a bit about Hark thanks to her experience before
her return.
After becoming emperor, Dorothy expanded the largest territory in
Ubera's history, and the most representative victim of that territory
expansion was Hark.
The reason Hark was sacri iced was because he touched Dorothy's
nose hair earlier.
And the hairs on Dorothy's nose they touched.
'Ethan Bronte... … It was.'
Because Monica, Prince of Hark and iancee of Nereus Pons, who
later ascended the throne, likes Ethan.
Monica was a daughter of the great aristocrat of Hark and was also
from Epistemee.
Nereus liked Monica, and Monica's family decided to engage Nereus
for political reasons.
But Ethan was caught in the middle.
At the debut prom, where Ethan made a splash in the social world,
Monica - like many other young girls - fell in love with Ethan.
Ethan, by nature, enjoyed using it.
Besides, it was his habit to be kind to everyone and to entice people.
There were times when many young-ae who met his smile said,
'Edan seems to have a crush on me' and then fought.
Even Dorothy would have mistaken Ethan for liking her if it hadn't
been for Theon and didn't know his heart.
When a handsome guy smiles and holds his hand, compliments him
on how pretty he is, and puts a jacket over his shoulder, it's only natural
for his heart to be tilted, isn't it?
Ethan was a foxy man. Also for Monica.
In the end, Monica breaks up the marriage with Nereus.

'I don't want to sell my body in the name of marriage.'

Because I don't want to get married without a heart.

Surprisingly, Monica decided to break up the marriage even though
she knew Ethan wouldn't come to her.
But Nereus blamed Ethan for all this.
Nereus was proud of himself, and Ethan laughed at it.

'You are blaming others for not being able to properly protect the
woman you like due to my incompetence. Hark's future looks bleak?'

Ethan anointed Nereus' wrath.

And it led to an attack on the Empire with the accession of Nereus.
They attacked the Cerritian area where Ethan's Bronte family
resided irst, and Dorothy blocked it with Ethan.
Maybe the timing was good.
By the time the war was over, Carnan died, and Dorothy was in
power, so she led the army up to the island.
Anyway, that Nereus of Hark comes here.
'Nereus, I didn't like Ethan very much from the beginning... … .'
Was it an instinctive intuition? Or would it have been natural if it was
a proud prince, from Episteme, of a country?
Nereus ignored Ethan from the beginning, ridiculed him, and spread
rumors about Ethan.
At irst, the two were opposites.
Incidentally, even Dorothy didn't like Nereus very much.
So, when Ethan scratched Nereus, he was thrilled and willing to ight
against Hark.
'I must have been bad. Monica's work was de initely upsetting.'
thinking became complicated.
What was clear, however, was that if Nereus met Ethan, he would
smirk, ignore Ethan, and crave him.
'Aren't the two of you going to meet? Ethan can't come out like this...
… .'
Dorothy decided she would rather believe that Carnan's orders
worked out.
This is because we can prevent the bad relationship between the two
of us from starting in advance.
It also gives a positive impression of the Bronte family in advance,
and helps to maintain a gentle relationship with Ubera.
'Hopefully, the bucket list of living a good life might be helpful for
number 3 as well.'
Living a good life bucket list number three, saving a million people.
If the relationship between Ethan and Nereus was well resolved, tens
of thousands of people could be saved.


Ethan did not believe Dorothy's visit.
This was Dorothy's irst visit to the Bronte family since her irst visit.
Ethan hurriedly set up a seat for Dorothy and had the car come out.
“Did you hear about people coming from Hark?”
“Yes, my father told me. Oh, come to think of it, the Princess will also
welcome Haruk... … .”
“So what did you decide to do?”
Dorothy, of course, assumed that Ethan was going somewhere or
hiding during Hark's visit.
As always, he remained a beautiful shadow of Bronte.
Besides, it's something grown-ups have to deal with, so there's no
need for Ethan to intervene... … .
“I want to say hi too.”
"What… … ?”
“My mother and father don’t seem to like it yet, but if I tell you the
truth, I think we will be able to even have dinner together.”
“Are you asking? why?"
why? Up until now, you've seldom shown your face in public.
Were you quietly hiding behind you?
“The princess is also coming. I heard that the prince coming from
Hark is the same age as us.”
Ethan grinned and Dorothy hurriedly exclaimed.
“No, Ethan!”
Ethan blinked at Dorothy's insistence.
“That, that… … .”
Nereus will ignore you, the one who didn't even go to Episteme.
Prince Bronte will regret putting you out in front of people, and you
will be hurt... … .
I should have said that, but no words came out.
As I was rolling my eyes around in embarrassment, a card came into
my eye.
“Tarot shop!”
“I saw the tarot ... … Not good.”
Dorothy had never seen a tarot book and didn't believe it because it
was a folk belief, but that was the only thing that came to mind right
“Princess, do you know how to read Tarot?”
"uh? No, not because I saw it, but because one of the palace maids
had a dragon astrologer... … .”
And Dorothy soon regretted it.
Isn't it not enough persuasive to not do what you want just because
of tarot points?
But it was already spilled.
“So, when you meet the Haruk people, the energy of death becomes
It wasn't a lie.
Dorothy knew the future, and she knew that Ethan and Nereus were
In a way, Dorothy is like a prophet.
“It’s okay, Princess. Do you see anything like that?”
Ethan burst out laughing at Dorothy's serious expression.
Dorothy's face lushed with embarrassment.
“Then you asked the astrologer about me too?”
Ethan looked at Dorothy as if cute.
The story goes like this again.
“I saw it for fun… … . But after listening to it, I feel a little queasy.”
“What else did you ask about me?”
Ethan asked as he sat closer to Dorothy.
He seemed interested in Dorothy's reading of the Tarot.
“Nothing but this. This is the story that the astrologer irst came up
"How amazing. The princess didn't seem to believe in tarot
divination... … .”
Dorothy's mouth burnt in nervousness and she drank the tea.
“Have you really seen the tarot shop?”
Dorothy couldn't help but nod her head.
It was a bit heartbreaking for me to lie, but it was for Ethan.
You shouldn't attend public events because of your birth defects.
If you attend, it will only cause some trouble.
better than these words
Dorothy knew better than anyone the pain of being excluded because
of a blood defect.
Because they have been despised and ignored for not receiving the
power of Milanaire.
I couldn't do something like Karnon to Ethan.
Even if I get ridicule.
Then Ethan lowered his eyes for a moment and thought about it,
then raised his head and smiled.
“Then there is nothing I can do. If the princess says she doesn't like it,
I don't want to do it either."
“I don’t believe in tarot, but the princess wants it.”
Dorothy felt sorry for Ethan's narrowing eyes.
“Thank you, for listening to my request.”
“Instead, the princess, please listen to what I want.”
Ethan did not miss an opportunity to his advantage.
It was so eccentric, Dorothy asked, being slightly wary.
“What do you want?”
“On the day the princess of icially debuts in the social world, then,
please allow me to escort the princess.”
“My debut escort?”
He nodded at Dorothy's question.
Debut was a long story.
You'll probably have to wait another 5 years.
“Can you promise me?”
Ethan's golden eyes looked at Jigsi Dorothy.
He was waiting for con irmation.
'It doesn't matter anyway... … .'
Before returning, Princess Dorothea Milanaire had a hard time
inding a partner to escort her for her debut.
Because he had never been to Episteme, he had no close aristocrats,
he was famous for his ilthy personality, and he was treated like a child
from the imperial family.
No one wanted her escort.
Dorothea Milanaire's position as a partner was a penalty.
However, even Carnan, no matter how indifferent, needed to gain the
right face for the princess to debut.
Not for Dorothea Milanaire, but for the Imperial Family.
At irst, Ray offered to escort him.
Dorothy, who was not on good terms with him, of course rejected
It was better to debut alone than to hold Lay's hand and debut.
Besides, to mobilize his family, the Crown Prince, to have an
assortment. don't be shy
In the end, Rey recommended her friend Theon, whom she had been
close with in Episteme, as a partner.
Carnan had a good view of Theon, so he readily agreed.
It may have been cumbersome to ind other opponents.
Theon could not refuse the position of Dorothy's partner, a friend's
request and imperial order.
And from that point on, Dorothea fell in love with Theon.
I know the seeds won't work, but I'm so worried that I'm going to ask
Carnon to get me engaged.
And the only luck she has been given in her life, and a gift that will
later become a curse.
It was Carnan who pushed Theon and her to be engaged.
For Carnan, Dorothea Milanaire's only use was to serve as a bridge
between Archduke Fried and the royal family of Milanaire.
You don't know how happy Dorothy was when the engagement was
Besides, Theon didn't hate Dorothy that much back then.
As is always the case with arranged marriages, he accepted the fate
of marrying Dorothy according to the will of the family.
Wasn't that perhaps the happiest time of Dorothea Milanaire's life?
He wasn't loved, but at least he wasn't hated.
'But this life won't be like that.'
Dorothy will neither be engaged nor married to Theon.
So Ethan's debut escort might have been a good thing.
However, I was embarrassed because I couldn't understand what
Ethan was thinking of making such a request.
“Debut is too far away… … .”
“Time lies by anyway.”
Young Ethan sounded quite old-fashioned.
'Do you want to build a relationship with the princess?'
Before returning, Ethan made his debut at the age of 20 because he
was a 'short-blooded Seo-chul'. It was a late debut compared to other
But if he escorts Dorothea, he'll be able to make a formal appearance
in the social world a little sooner.
Besides, since Dorothy is a princess, when it comes time to debut,
she will go up to the island and stand in the biggest debut event held in
the Empire, so it was a pretty good condition for Ethan's debut stage.
'But young Ethan has already done that calculation?'
Did I twist it too deeply?
Ethan urged Dorothy to spend some time contemplating.
“Promise me. He said that he would hand it to me on the day the
princess debuted.”
Ethan stared at her with golden eyes and sent a sad look.
Those eyes tickled, Dorothy nodded.
It's not a losing trade anyway.
As for the Nereus issue, we needed someone to escort us when we
Ethan smiled at Dorothy's af irmation.
“I wish that day would come sooner.”


The day Hark came in, Dorothy went to the Duke of Bronte.
The people of Haruk had thick eyebrows and eyes, and their noses
were on the high side.
The Duke of Bronte and the King of Hark had separate seats for
Dorothy was naturally in charge of Nereus.
It was because of the simple thought of adults that they were of
similar age and had many things in common as a princess and a prince
of a country.
“Prince Nereus, this is Princess Dorothea Milanaire of Ubera.”
Nereus had blue curly hair and thick eyelashes as if drawn in ink.
Her proud, cat-like eyes and tight lips were no different from the
Nereus Dorothy knew.
Dorothy waged a war with that Nereus, subdued him, and drove him
out of sight and imprisoned him.
I didn't even check what happened after that.
To Dorothy, Nereus was an arrogant king who tormented Ethan, 'my
But for now, we have to maintain a good relationship, so we can
approach Nereus with an open mind... … .
“Well, she’s pretty.”
Nereus looked at Dorothy and said in a cheeky tone.
I slammed the door shut, trying to open it up a little at the
appearance evaluation that came out before the greeting.
Nereus, who had lived as a prince of the kingdom all his life, had only
met his parents, the king and queen, who were taller than me, so he
could not imagine what kind of existence the little girl in front of him
'He's an arrogant guy.'
When Dorothy wrinkled her brow, Hark's servant, surprised,
explained that he had to be polite to Nereus.
“Prince, this is the Princess of the Empire.”
"know. But you say you can't even handle spirits?"
The sound of his laughter came behind him.
And soon, soft water droplets rose from his ingertips.
spirit of water. It was the power that had been passed down to the
Hark royal family and the Pons family.
While Milanere and Fried have weakened the bonds between spirits
and spirits during their long history, the royal family of Hark still
maintains close ties with the spirits.
It was also the source of Nereus' arrogance that he could wield
before the Empire.
'That's why I trampled on it.'
Leading the army makes it impossible to recover.
Before returning, Dorothy would grind her teeth at Nereus'
Nereus touched Dorothy's complex of inability to deal with spirits,
and Dorothy became impatient with him and ruined the mood.
I guess that gave people another reason to hate Dorothy.
But now I know.
Dorothy can kill Nereus without a spirit.
That I can turn that hark into a wasteland.
Because of this, Dorothy only looked at Nereus' arrogance as funny.
"okay. I don’t know how to deal with spirits.”
Dorothy smiled with a relaxed expression on her face.
“But do you know this?”
Dorothy took one step closer to Nereus.
“Haruk is a small country, and the status of an imperial princess is
the same as the king of a small country.”
Then, one corner of Nereus's mouth went up.
“If you can’t even handle the spirit of light, will you be treated like a
“… … Why do you think I'm here, Nereus?"
Because she's a princess, she personally came out to meet Haruk.
By the Emperor's order, on behalf of the Milanaire imperial family.
But when it came out like this, Dorothy didn't even need to be polite
and respectful.
“Is this basic common sense and manners to be learned before
entering the episteme?”
As Dorothy looked up with a smile, Nereus's brow wrinkled.
“I couldn’t even enter the episteme.”
“It’s not that the episteme didn’t go in, it’s that they didn’t.”
At Dorothy's words, Nereus looked down at her and burst out
“Hahaha, didn’t you come in? Your excuses are so lame!”
“We’ll see if that’s an excuse or not. At least, looking at my diplomatic
stance so far, it seems that I have learned a lot more than you.”
“Are you sure it’s not really an excuse?”
“Are you going to try it?”
“Why are you scared?”
Nereus grinned.
Dorothy smiled at him as well.

“Isn’t it the basic level to understand the changes in the busy season
and catchy ish season according to the movement of the astronomical
Moments later, only Dorothy had a smile on her face.
Nereus tried again and again to beat Dorothy, but what was proved
was Dorothy's knowledge and Nereus' ignorance.
Dorothy, who had fully answered all of Nereus's questions, asked
Nereus in reverse, but he did not answer.
It was natural. Because Dorothy's questions were something that she
had to study for 4 more years to get into the episteme.
Nereus bit his teeth tightly and was speechless, while Dorothy sat
down with him and drank tea leisurely.
“There is no shame in not knowing. That's why you entered
Episteme, didn't you? If you go and learn, you will know all of these
Dorothy said encouragingly to Nereus.
'Are you speaking kindly, am I?'
A kind tone, a friendly smile, a thoughtful conversation.
It's a lot more gentle than before, when I used to swear at Nereus and
even try a hand sword.
“Pretend to know a few more things.”
“You were the irst to pretend to be nice.”
“Episteme seems to be a place where you can enter if you know a
little more, but it is a place where you have to combine both literature
and dance.”
“… … So, you mean let's grab a sword?"
“Haha, you want to ight me?”
To be honest, Nereus was more con ident in his swordsmanship than
in his knowledge.
He was praised as a prodigy from an early age and was recognized as
a good swordsman.
That sleazy-looking girl would be able to break it down with one
Dorothy thought as she looked at Nereus with her nose raised high.
Why would you dig your own grave?
“I don’t avoid it if you want to.”
Dorothy put down her teacup.


“Do you know how to ield a black ield, Princess?”

Nereus glanced up and down Dorothy.
He was small compared to his peers, his skin was pale, and his arms
and legs did not look particularly thick.
How dare a girl with a smooth and pretty face look down on the
Prince of Hark.
On the topic of Milanaire that even spirits can't handle.
“If you lose to me, you will have to be polite at least. There is a limit
to laughing at the diplomatic rudeness.”
Dorothy, who had changed into a light out it, said with a sword.
Then, a roar of laughter erupted.
“I’m afraid I’m going to die.”
Nereus was well aware of his skills.
His skills were quite commendable.
He was the king and commander who came directly to the battle ield,
so it means that he is not a vain skill.
Unfortunately, however, the problem was that Dorothy's skills far
exceeded him.
“I should have taken care of myself… … .”
Dorothy smiled leisurely, raising her sword.

Meanwhile, Clara, standing on the edge of the vacant lot, slapped

Stefan's forearm and shook it.
“Damn it, Princess!”
How long has it been since the cast was removed? Another sword!
I broke my arm after going to a swordsmanship contest, and now I'm
going to meet the prince of a foreign country and have another ight.
sword, sword, sword. Please stop now!
That's enough of an addiction. Very serious poisoning.
However, even when Clara was harassed, Stefan didn't seem to want
to stop Dorothy.
'Because this person is also an addict! I'm an idiot for telling addicts
to stop addicts.'
Clara sighed and rubbed her forehead.
'If you do one thing, you try to inish it too much.'
Before picking up the sword, I read the book like a gluttony, and when
I grab the sword, I try to do it again until my body wears out.
It would be nice to just do it at a normal level and quit, but I can't help
but worry about driving it like it's going to hurt my body.
I'd rather do something other than a book and a sword, such as
painting, learning a musical instrument and dancing, embroidering,
collecting jewels or ine art, or else taking a nap or a good night's sleep.
How nice it would be to do all of these things in moderation.
To be honest, Clara couldn't understand what she was so passionate
about in the life of a good princess who had a lot of money and sold it.
If Clara were Dorothy, she would have lived a life of eating, playing,
drinking, sleeping, and chatting while meeting people, going out to play
if there was a good place, and buying a pretty necklace without looking
at the price.
But Dorothy was very, very, very sincere.
'That's the charm of the princess again.'
I'm worried, but I can't hate you again.
Dorothy, who is devoted to one thing with all her might, shines

Meanwhile, Dorothy held the sword in her hand and gently loosened
her wrist.
'By the way, it's the irst time I've competed after taking the cast off.'
I try to move around lightly, but I still haven't been able to do it like
His right hand, which had been resting for a long time, was stiff and
But he had no intention of running away with that as an excuse.
Just then, one of the duke's knights, who was serving as a referee,
came out of the middle of the vacant lot and raised a lag.
Then Nereus raised his hand as if to let him in.
He didn't want to approach irst when he was told to come, but he
didn't intend to have a sword with him for a long time, so Dorothy
approached him with a light footstep.
'Are you slow?'
Nereus thought as he saw Dorothy approaching with luttering steps.
He was not in the basic position to attack.
His gaze was not looking at Nereus, and one hand lost its function
and luttered moderately at the waist.
'You tried to beat me with this level of skill.'
Nereus raised his sword and attacked Dorothy who was approaching
At that moment, his green eyes witnessed a small smile.
chin, chin!
Dorothy caught his attack in an instant, de lecting him, and shoved
the sword close to the nape of his neck.
He felt the cool blade of a blade touching Nereus' neck.
Dorothy was clasping her one hand behind her as if she could defeat
you with just one hand.
Dorothy with a gentle smile and a lashing blade.
The moment he saw that smile, Nereus couldn't contain his anger.
Suddenly, water gushed out of nowhere and wrapped around
Clara, startled, screamed, and Stephan quickly ran to Dorothy.
But the water around Dorothy lifted her up into the air and out of
Stefan's reach.
Blue water spirits were seen hovering around Dorothy, who was
trapped in the water.
It was like water strangling my throat.
“Are you laughing at me for topics that even spirits can’t handle?”
Nereus grinded his teeth while iddling with the nape of the neck
where the sword had just touched.
'Spirit, the spirit of that damn bastard.'
Dorothy clenched the sword in her hand.
“To be born a princess without the power of a spirit. Ubera will soon
be eaten by Hark.”
Stefan clenched his ists at Nereus.
It was then that Stefan met Dorothy's eyes.
'Don't do it, Stefan.'
Dorothy shook her head.
Stephan's ists trembled as he read Dorothy's eyes.
If Stefan hits Nereus here, things get even bigger.
But when Dorothy is in danger, what he has to do is… … Just
protecting Dorothy.
Stefan clenched his teeth.
I couldn't stand to see Dorothy suffer any longer.
When he was about to attack Nereus.
Dorothy, who was trapped in the water, reached out her knife and cut
through the water.
Then the water split and the blue spirits that were hovering around
were scattered on the blade.
As soon as the water spirits dispersed, the water surrounding
Dorothy also lost its power and spread like an explosion.
At the same time, Dorothy, loating in the air, fell.
Stefan reached out towards the falling Dorothy.
Suddenly, fortunately, Dorothy's body was cradled in his arms.
“Collock, Colok!”
Dorothy gasped and coughed.
Clara also ran to her side and looked at her.
“Are you okay, Princess?!”
Clara caressed Dorothy's wet forehead and cheeks to check her
"I'm okay… … .”
“It’s okay, it’s okay!”
Clara shouted, glaring at Nereus, who had raised himself with the
help of his servants.
“We must formally protest against Hark!”
Clara was pouring curses into her eyes.
Dorothy caught her breath and looked at Stefan.
“Stephan, drop it.”
Even at Dorothy's request, Stefan kept her mouth shut and just
looked at her.
“It’s really okay. put it down.”
The two arms that were holding Dorothy began to gain strength, and
eventually they lowered her to the ground.
Instead, he covered Dorothy with the knight's jacket that was draped
over her shoulder.
Dorothy picked up the knife she had dropped from the ground again
as she fell.
And she slowly raised her eyes to see Nereus.
Nereus made eye contact and trembled.
Usually, if you are trapped in the water, you will suffocate and panic,
and you will not be able to get out.
However, even in that situation, Dorothy tried to target the water
spirit and made her lose her strength.
Its calmness, quick judgment of the situation, and the boldness and
accuracy that threaten the spirits by dividing the water.
Dorothy walked over to him, drenched in water.
“Sword, lift it again.”
Nereus felt a chill rushing through his spine at the soft words he
But he was proud of himself and couldn't bend himself like this.
“The power of spirits is also a means of ighting.”
Just like running fast and agility, and having precise ists, spirits were
also individual abilities.
So even if you use it, it's totally cowardly... … .
“Yeah, feel free to use it.”
Dorothy came down slowly and swung her sword with her eyes.
Nereus hurriedly raised his sword and stopped him.
Dorothy's sword drove him incessantly.
A cold, sharp metallic sound resounded throughout the mansion.
water spirit? If you were afraid of that, you wouldn't have been able
to trample on Hark before returning.
When ighting Nereus, it was Dorothea Milanaire who ran irst to
encourage and inspire spirit-fearing soldiers.
“… … Even without the power of a spirit, I can stop Hark or so.”
Nereus and Reid were all chosen to wield the spirits, but Dorothy
killed them and ascended to the throne.
“As promised, be polite in front of me.”
Her sword reached Nereus' neck.


After that, there was a little time until the afternoon schedule.
Hark was also very embarrassed by this incident, and Dorothy, who
was wet, also needed maintenance.
“You know how surprised I was?”
Clara grunted as she dried Dorothy's wet hair with a towel.
“Surprised. Did Stefan believe I would win?”
Dorothy looked at Stephan, who was standing behind her through
the mirror.
But even Stefan, whom he trusted, looked at Dorothy with a stern
expression on his face.
He also seemed quite upset about this.
“I am really upset, Princess. This must be reported to His Majesty the
Emperor. The Prince of Hark harms the Imperial Princess.”
Clara said, combing Dorothy's wet hair.
You're telling Carnon about this?
Dorothy scoffed.
You probably won't even blink an eye.
Rather, it is not possible to take the side of Hark.
Just as he sided with Duke Bronte rather than Dorothy at Rey's
ceremonial in the past, it was Hark rather than Dorothea Milanaire that
was useful to Carnan.
“In the end, it was because I won. Nereus bowed his head in front of
“The princess must have been in trouble! How long has it been since
you hurt your arm? To be honest, the princess doesn't need to focus on
swordsmanship that much. You don't even have to try to defeat the
prince! Knight Stefan is also very supportive.”
Clara took a deep breath.
Dorothy paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly.
It's not going to sell out like this.
Before I knew it, I had to defeat Nereus again with the sword and
defeat Rey.
When she irst returned, she deliberately did not raise her sword.
It was because he was afraid that he would harm Rei with that power
again after he had developed his strength.
However, as I immersed myself in swordsmanship under the pretext
of a kidnapper, I forgot that promise.
It was so much fun, I was excited.
“There is no point in winning.”
What are you going to do to win?
To defeat Rei again and become an emperor?
Or are you jealous of Julia and trying to annoy Theon?
To sell your soul to that greedy game?
Dorothy looked down at her hands.
“All of a sudden, I want to be the best again… … .”
Dorothy realized.
Have I been blinded by greed again?
“… … I will not hold the sword for a while.”
If it was for personal protection, the current skills were suf icient.
Dorothea Milanaire doesn't need to sharpen her sword any more.
You don't have to beat anyone.
“You thought well, Princess.”
Clara patted Dorothy on the shoulder.
Then someone knocked on Dorothy's room.
Clara stopped combing Dorothy's hair for a moment, then opened
the door and looked outside.
"Oh! Master Ethan?”
“I heard that the princess was injured.”
Ethan's voice was more urgent than usual.
“Are you worried about the princess?”
Clara was moved by Ethan running for Dorothy.
She is as beautiful as she looks.
“The princess is okay.”
Then Clara looked at Dorothy.
“Come in, Ethan.”
Afraid of losing Dorothy's permission, Ethan walked in a little faster
and looked at her.
“Are you really okay?”
Ethan's forehead was twisted in a beautiful curve.
“There are no injuries. Just because of the water spirit... … .”
Dorothy laughed bitterly as she spoke.

'If the spirit's power fades like that, Ubera will soon be eaten by

He defeated Nereus, but he will inherit the throne because he can

deal with spirits, and I... … will become nothing
no one will ind me
Then, a gentle hand slipped Dorothy's head down behind her ear.
"I'm hurt, I'm there."
When I looked up, Ethan suddenly knelt down and looked up at her
sitting on the chair.
He took Dorothy's hand, which was nestled on her lap.
“You’ve been like this before. In the in irmary of the detached palace.”
in irmary. It happened when Theon came to play at the detached
palace without notice.
“You say it’s okay with a face that’s not okay at all.”
Ethan pointed to the mirror.
Dorothy in the mirror had a very strange face.
I was angry and I was crying, but at the same time, I was trying to be
Dorothy knew this face well.
Before returning, the face I met every time I looked in the mirror.
That face, too ugly to even look at.
Dorothy hated it the most.
I'm sure it's been ine for a while, but why is this face again?
Dorothy turned her head away from the mirror, not wanting to see
her face.
Dorothy bit her lip, and Ethan jumped to his feet.
“Princess, do you know how to play the violin?”
He switched the subject a little awkwardly.
"violin… … ?”
"yes. A violin.”
When Dorothy asked the question, he grinned.
“I don’t know how to play an instrument.”
Dorothy, who had no hobbies other than swordsmanship, had no
knowledge of art.
The nobles tended to learn one or two instruments for culture, but
Carnan was not interested enough to teach Dorothy an instrument, and
Dorothy was not interested in it, so there was nothing to learn.
Ethan, on the other hand, was quite good at piano and violin.
When he sat down in front of the piano, people gathered around him
in an instant.
When the ladies sang songs, he accompanied them on the piano or
violin, expanding his personal connections.
'Everyone was anxious to ask Ethan for an accompaniment.'
“Then do you like to listen to the violin?”
“I don’t hate it.”
I didn't know anything about music to say that I liked it, so I
answered in a lump sum.
“Then would you like to hear me play?”
Ethan smiled softly and brought a violin from somewhere.
The violin concert started so suddenly, but Ethan was so enthusiastic
that Dorothy couldn't stop him.
He put the violin to his chin and naturally put the bow on it.
After touching the strings a few times and adjusting brie ly, he looked
at Dorothy as if to con irm.
“You will be surprised to hear it.”
With him, the bow glided over the strings of the violin.
A gentle melody lowed from his ingertips.
Whispers as light and sweet as birds chirping.
The sight of Ethan with his eyes down and playing the violin was as
beautiful as the melody he created.
The music from one violin suddenly changed the atmosphere of the
room completely.
It felt like I had to run around the room dancing and clapping and
Ethan's inger on the string moved quickly and smoothly for the
upbeat atmosphere.
Dorothy soon fell in love with Ethan's performance. To the extent
that I forgot the melancholy of the past.
When the performance was over, Dorothy happily applauded for
Ethan, and Clara gave enthusiastic praise.
Stefan also gave a small clap clap.
Ethan smiled and bowed his head toward the audience.
“It seems that Master Ethan is a violin genius!”
Clara, although not aristocratic, had worked in the court and heard
the violin several times.
Ethan's skills were not inferior at all compared to the musicians.
At such a young age, you can already play at a professional level.
"right. That's great, Ethan."
Dorothy nodded at Clara's words.
I was younger than the Ethan I met before returning, but my skills
were similar to back then.
At this point, can I hear Shindong's voice?
“If you praise me like this, I can’t help but listen to the next song.”
Ethan smiled and put the violin back on his shoulder.
The next song he played was <Wave of Spring>.
Unlike before, the soft and warm melody tickled my ears.
But then.
Ethan stopped playing when someone knocked on Dorothy's door.
“Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
A somewhat stubborn voice.
"may I come in?"
It was Nereus.
At that moment, Dorothy made eye contact with Ethan.
Ethan was a 'non-existent man' whom the Duke of Bronte did not
intentionally greet Hark.
“… … Is it that person? The person who tormented the princess.”
Ethan put down his violin and asked quietly.
His eyes were as cold as ice. It was a dangerous look.
Dorothy had a gut feeling that Ethan and Nereus should not meet.
“Ethan, just hide.”
“… … .”
Dorothy pushed Ethan behind the curtain.
Nereus' voice asked again from outside.
While Clara drags the time for her, Dorothy tells Ethan hiding behind
the curtain to be quiet, putting her index inger to her mouth.
Then he put a large Stephan in front of the curtain so that Ethan was
out of sight.
After hiding Ethan, Dorothy blinked at Clara.
Then Clara opened the door to Nereus.
"What's going on, Prince?"
Clara's voice to greet Nereus was different from when she met Ethan.
“Because I don’t think you’re suffering.”
The priest behind Nereus noticed Nereus' blunt voice.
King Hark, who learned of this incident, must have sent him to
“Fortunately, our princess is very healthy. Is that all you need?”
Clara said proudly, blocking the door.
Then Nereus looked at Clara.
“Wait a minute? Because I'm here to talk to the princess."
Nereus pushed Clara and strode inside.
Dorothy, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at him with sullen eyes.
“What’s going on?”
Dorothy asked without getting up.
Nereus looked down at Dorothy with his mouth shut.
The brief silence was a tense battle of lags.
When Dorothy didn't blink an eye, Nereus slowly opened her mouth.
“Nothing was seriously injured.”
“Only for business, simply.”
Dorothy didn't want to talk long with him.
“… … I apologize for what happened. I used too much power on
ordinary people who can’t even handle spirits.”
The reluctant apology did not give up his pride until the very end.
"it's okay. No one was seriously injured.”
Dorothy was about to add, 'I'm the one who won anyway?'
It's no use trying to win again.
“The apology is over, so it’s good to go back.”
There was no intention to bring Nereus to his knees, and there was
Ethan, too, so Dorothy tried to send him back quickly.
Nereus bit his lower lip sarcastically, then opened his mouth again.
“I wanted to invite you to tea time as an apology.”
A look of reluctance was evident on Nereus' face.
This, too, must have been made by the king of Hark.
“I’m a little tired, so I want to rest until dinner.”
“My father personally invites me, Princess. The Duke of Bronte will
also be present.”
If it was King Hark's invitation, it was a business, not a private tea
I have no intention of having tea time with Nereus, but I can't refuse
the king's invitation.
I came here to do that.
Dorothy sighed inwardly.
I wanted to do well, but it felt like it was getting more and more
"I see. … … Clara."
“Yes, Princess.”
Clara glared at Nereus as she lightly geared up for tea time.
"By the way."
While Dorothy was getting ready for tea time, Nereus opened his
mouth, turning his eyes to the room for a moment.
“I just played the violin, was it the princess’s?”
“Are you playing the violin?”
Dorothy asked, surprised.
At the end of Nereus' gaze was Ethan's violin.
“When did you start learning the violin?”
Nereus asked while looking at the violin.
It was then that Dorothy remembered one more piece of information
about Nereus.
He had an old-fashioned hobby and was quite interested in music.
After he ascended to the throne, he even started a business saying he
would create the world's largest orchestra.
Though trampled by Dorothy before the project was completed.
“I don’t know how to play the violin.”
“Before coming in, I must have heard the sound of the performance.”
Nereus' eyes narrowed.
“You must have heard it wrong.”
Dorothy broke the shichimi.
It is impossible to say that Ethan was there, and it was also a
problem that Dorothy, who could not play the violin at all, was rumored
to be as good at playing the violin as Ethan.
“Then this violin… … ?”
Nereus blinked and pointed to the violin.
“Let’s see if it belongs to the Duke of Bronte.”
“It’s laid out as if it had just been turned on.”
Violin and strings lying on the table.
It looked as if anyone had just touched it.
Dorothy jumped up from her seat.
"Clara. let's go. The King of Hark will be waiting for you.”
"Yes? Yes, Princess!”
Clara hurriedly packed her things and left the room with Dorothy.
“Prince Nereus, please guide me.”
“… … .”
Nereus seemed to want to say something more, but eventually took
Dorothy and left the room.
“But what about the escort knight?”
As Nereus was leaving the door, he looked back and saw Stephan
standing in front of the curtain.
Stefan had to follow Dorothy, but was trembling, unable to move.
“Oh, Stefan will come here to clean up. Right, Stefan?”
Dorothy made eye contact with Stefan, and Stefan nodded.
Dorothy ran ahead of Nereus, who wrinkled his brow once and left.
Only after Dorothy and Nereus left the room did Stephan barely
Then I heard laughter behind the curtains.
Stephan looked at the curtain and Ethan walked out leisurely from
the inside.
He was smiling as he looked towards the door Dorothy had left.
Then, he made eye contact with Stefan, who was as big as a muldae.
Stefan was surprised to see Ethan's eyes much smaller than him.
Some unusual eyes.
Even though this situation of hiding behind a curtain because he was
a Seochool seemed sad, he seemed happy.
“Princess, are you really cute?”
Ethan asked with a smile.
Stefan, as usual, did not speak.
It's true that Dorothy has a cute side, but somehow I didn't want to
respond to the boy's words.
Ethan is very beautiful, but so dangerous.
It was strange to see a boy who was still only 12 years old and feel
that intuition... … .
Then Ethan looked at him and tilted his head slightly.
“Aren’t you always talking like that?”
“… … .”
“Are you not going to return to the Knights of Brightness… … ?”
Ethan asked with a sad smile.
Do you know about the Knights of Brightness?
Stefan thought that this outgoing boy who had never taken a step out
of Bronte's estate might know more than he thought.
“What do you think of while protecting the princess?”
“… … .”
Stefan did not answer.
“I thought you wouldn’t answer.”
Ethan smiled brightly.
At that pretty smile, Stefan narrowed his brow slightly.
Also, a dangerous person.
“You have to go? It's the queen's escort knight. I'll take care of it and
get back to you."
Ethan picked up his violin and told Stefan.
Stefan looked at him with black eyes and turned away without a


“I am very sorry that Nereus threatened the princess.”

tea time.
King Hark apologized to Dorothy on behalf of Nereus.
However, his loud voice seemed to ask for a cute look at his young
son's behavior rather than apologizing.
“Nereus is so comfortable with spirits that he summoned them again
as usual.”
“… … .”
Dorothy left the tea to cool, then sat still and listened to their
So, the king of Hark also apologized in words, but Nereus was
arguing that he was a good spirit of icer.
Knowing that Dorothy can't handle spirits.
Self-esteem was an underdog.
“Because he is a child who controls spirits like limbs. I hope the
princess will understand a little bit about that. If you know how to deal
with spirits, you'll understand. … .”
“… … I understand."
Dorothy said with her eyes closed.
'I usually say that I'm immature', adding to myself.
No matter how well he treats spirits like his body, Rei has never used
his spirits to harm or attack people.
As it is a power that ordinary people do not have, he knew how to
always be careful.
But Dorothea kept her mouth shut, knowing that blaming Nereus for
inexperience would not help her relationship with Hark.
King Hark looked at Dorothy and laughed.
He liked to sit quietly and politely.
“The princess looks just like her late majesty the empress. She was
really beautiful.”
He looked at Dorothy, and as he spoke, the Duke of Bronte nodded in
“Perhaps this would have been the case if Her Majesty was young.
But the eyes and hair color are the same as those of the Milanaires.”
Empress Alice had black hair and pink eyes, said King Hark.
Dorothy knew it too.
I've never actually seen it before, but there was a large portrait of
Alice left in the Imperial Palace.
Dorothy was quite fond of the portrait.
I just liked the woman in it.
A young gentle smile on red lips. Unrealistic pink eyes. Black hair
resembling Theon.
Because Alice's maternal family was of the Fried family, Alice had an
atmosphere similar to Theon's.
“Perhaps when the princess grows up, she will become a great
beauty. Right, Nereus?”
In response to King Hark's sudden question, Nereus, who was
crushing the cake with a fork, glanced at Dorothy.
“It’s pretty.”
How can the word "beautiful" be so bad?
Dorothy did not give Nereus a single glance, only watching the tea
cooling down.
“By the way, I heard that you came to recuperation because your
health was not good?”
“Fortunately, after several years of recuperation, I have recovered a
“If it’s comparable to Nereus, it’s as if he has completely recovered
his health. But, your Majesty, has nothing to say?”
He was well, but it meant that he would not be summoned from the
“I prefer living here. It’s comfortable.”
Dorothy said so and took a sip of the cooled tea.
Maybe it was thicker than usual, so I used a little bit of black tea.


Hark's work has gone smoothly ever since.

It was because there was no collision with Nereus, and Haruk and his
party went up to the island safely.
'Next time, I'll have to reject even Karnan's orders.'
I didn't like social activities from the beginning, but this gave me
more reason to avoid it.
Because the attitude of ignoring Dorothy was not limited to the
people of Hark.
Even the nobles around this area, who at irst loved her and liked her
as a princess, became more and more talkative as Dorothy's
recuperation took a long time.
'… … I will live like this.'
no matter what they say
For Dorothy, doing nothing was normal and peaceful.
Fortunately, after Hark's work, Dorothy was able to return to her
normal daily routine.
The only change was that Joy's 'Grace of the Month' had been cut off
two months ago.
I thought I might have skipped the irst month for some reason, but
since the second month didn't come, Dorothy started to worry.
“Why doesn’t this month’s grace come? Maybe the potato is dead?”
Have you ever starved to death? Or was someone beaten to death
because of his arrogant personality? Are you in jail? Or maybe they've
been completely kicked out of this area.
Dorothy was seriously concerned.
I was even more worried because I was such an idiot who couldn't
tell the difference between the front and the back.
"Do not worry too much. I guess I'm tired now and quit. It’s even
more amazing what you’ve done so far.”
Clara told Dorothy, who was worried about Joey, not to worry, but she
felt bored and empty.
The most bleak was by far the chef Reniere, who was carrying out the
mission every month with the grace of the month.
But soon, things happened.
“No, is this guy here again?”
“The princess said she could come visit her!”
Stefan and Dorothy, who were in the backyard, heard the voice and
immediately recognized the protagonist.
The voice was pleasant for nothing, so Dorothy walked out to the
main gate of the detached palace with a light foot.
After all, there was a girl in a shabby out it with a twist. Just like
when we irst met. No, with a bigger sack than then.
However, the unfavorable posture of kneeling down and bowing the
head was different from the previous one.
"What's going on, potato?"
As Dorothy left, Joey, who was on her knees, lifted her head.
“Take this.”
Joey pushed the sack that had been placed next to me with all his
There were more potato grains than the last time in the surprisingly
heavy bag.
“Are you here to repay the favor?”
Dorothy thought that Joey, kneeling politely, was pretty cute.
“Princess. Did you promise last time?”
what promise?
“Save me!”
Joy put her forehead on the loor and bowed her head.
“What is in this sack is all the property I can give to the princess right
now! I'll give you all this. So please help me. I'll pay you back even by
grinding my damn body!"
Joey's voice was trembling.
Dorothy was quite embarrassed because Joy's appearance, which
had been good so far, was nowhere to be found.
“Hey, potatoes. What do you want me to help you with?”
When asked for help, Dorothy asked with a serious expression.
“I owe a debt to Seongju next door at my house. I couldn't pay it
back... … Damn, they took me and my brother.”
Joey gripped the dirt with his black hands.
If it was the next castle lord, Dorothy knew roughly. Was it Earl
“My brother will die if he goes there. I know how harshly the lord
treats his servants. An uncle I know went there and became a black
Earl Duncan owned a mine, and perhaps a black corpse meant a
person who died working in the mine.
Mining wasn't that hard.
'Besides, we need little kids.'
Mines often had to work in narrow tunnels, so they needed small
Without money or strength, children would be pushed into the
farthest corners, narrow corners, and dangerous crevices of mines.
Of course, the children usually died before they reached adulthood.
Whether you're crushed by a pile of stones, suffocated, injured by a
sharp pickaxe, burned or suffocated deep in the mines from lack of
I don't know if there are children who can overcome the dif icult
process, but even when they become adults, they have to work in the
mines the same, and their lives are never long.
“I told you to give me all of this, leave my brother and take only me,
damn it. This is not enough! Shit!"
Joey hit the loor with his ist.
So, this potato is the property Joey saved for my brother.
It is the product of an effort to prevent even the younger brother
from being dragged into the mine.
This is the result of two months' preparation without coming to
repay this month's favor.
However, the Count did not even consider such things as potatoes as
a means of trade.
it would be natural
Even if Dorothy looked closely, it seemed that it was not enough for
the ransom of the manpower.
“So, lend me ten damn blancs. I will work to pay you back.”
In that dire situation, Joey remembered Dorothy's words last time
not to sell her life for 10 blancs.
I don't know if 10 Blanc would be the ransom for her sister, but she
needed the money.
Dorothy thought Joey's calculations were absurd.
Who would give up taking them to the mines for only 10 blancs?
It was more expensive than that ilthy potato, but for the earl who
owns a mine, it was money he wouldn't even pick up on the road.
“You say you are going to the Count’s mine.”
If you go to the mine, it will be dif icult to contact you, and you never
know when you will die. How do you repay the favor?
“Well, if you take a little bit of the bread and stuff you get there and
send it here… … .”
"you're stupid? How do you send bread from there to here?”
The mine, of course, was located in a remote area away from the
Who would deliver a piece of bread from there to here? The labor
force of the person carrying it was almost a waste.
Besides, if you send a piece of bread, someone will eat it. The bread
given to the mining workers who were sold on debt is probably hard
and dif icult to eat with a bare mouth, and the amount must be small.
Dorothy shook her head at the stupid idea.
Joey's face was wet with despair.
“Then wow, do you want something, Princess? If the princess wants
it, I will give it to her, including my liver and gallbladder.”
Joey asked earnestly with a face with his tail lowered, terri ied, not
like her.
“Where are you going to take your liver and gallbladder?”
Unnecessarily bold and desperate.
“Damn, please help! Don't sell your life for 10 Blanc! This is the most
important thing in my life!”
Joey pulled in and grabbed Dorothy's legs with both arms and
stretched them out.
Then the servant who was by his side tried to remove Joey.
Dorothy raised her hand to those servants and made them stand still.
Stefan looked at Jigsey Dorothy, and Dorothy made eye contact with
The two didn't say anything, but nodded to each other.
"great. I'll save your brother."
At Dorothy's words, Joey lifted her head, and her face lit up with a
bright red color.
simple. and good just like anyone
“In return, you have something to give me.”
Dorothy said with an expressionless face.
Joey nodded.
"anything! I will repay you with all my body, Princess!”


“Why did the princess give me this… … ?”

Duncan looked at the box of gold in front of me and asked.
Although it doesn't look bulky, Duncan, the owner of the mine, knew
how much the small gold nugget cost.
“The reason is simple. Potatoes are delicious, I need a liver and a
gallbladder, and I have a debt.”
Earl Duncan could not understand the young princess's words.
“You are paying off your debt to Mr. Gutt, who lives in Black Town.”
Duncan was a very unfamiliar name.
Was there a gut among the royal family? But isn't a black town the
town where those dirty and lowly beggars live?
Duncan glanced at my attendant, and quick-witted he took a list of
debtors and looked through them.
“I am a gambler who borrowed 500 blancs.”
Gutt was an insigni icant debtor that Duncan didn't know.
Looking at it, Gutt owed a total of 3,000 blancs, including interest.
"gambler? Why does the princess owe such a debt?”
“You said it. Potatoes are delicious, you need a liver and a gallbladder,
and you have a debt to owe.”
“Uh… … iced coffee. okay."
After repeating Dorothy's words several times, the Count nodded as
if he inally understood.
I don't know if it's potatoes or liver or gallbladder, it's because of
Those who are addicted to gambling are insane to even owe the
princess for not having enough debt of 3,000 blancs.
If you even put your children as collateral, you might be able to come
to your senses.
That's what gamblers are.
When they squander their household income with debt, the tribes
try to repay the wasted household income by gambling again.
They are truly irresistible.
It makes making money a lot easier though.
Duncan groaned deeply when he saw the gold sent by Princess
If the Count takes the children who will act on behalf of Gut, it is
impossible to ful ill the debt, so arrange it like this.
“Princess, by the way, with this amount of gold, even the interest of a
person named Gut is left over.”
A bright counselor added to the market.
Even half of the bullion was already enough for Gutt's debt and
interest. However, there were six gold bars.
“Pay off the debts of the children in the mines with the rest of the
“If it’s a hat, tell me.”
'Cause what's left is money
As I always think, the only good thing about being born in the
Milanaire family was wealth.
“I also hope that in the future, I don’t want my children to work in the
“Princess Dorothea, I’m sorry, but this is not a matter for Princess
Dorothe to be involved in.”
Dorothea was a young princess who barely came to the private
palace to recuperate.
Of course, he was on top of him in his identity, but he was not in a
position where he could say this and that.
Even the emperor could not easily get his hands on the operation of
his mine.
In addition, there are certain things that only small children can do in
the mine, and it is dif icult to operate the mine without children.
This means that it is not just a debt problem.
"I know. It's not something I'm ordering, so that's what I want it to
Dorothy inished speaking and took a sip of her tea.
Dorothy was well aware of Duncan's mines.
I had overturned it once before returning and heard the tyrant again.
You don't know how much criticism was made for enacting a law
prohibiting children under the age of 14 from being forced to work.
The nobles were angry that I had no children to use, and the children
and their parents cursed that there was no place to earn money.
The Duncans were also one of the aristocratic families who opposed
The tyrant Dorothea raised his sword and shut their mouths, but he
was still not sure if the law had been properly implemented.
'Now I'm not even an emperor.'
Dorothy doesn't care, she has no quali ications, and she's been tired
of ighting like that for a long time.
However, paying off the debts of not only Joy, but of other children...
'It's all because of the bucket list.'
To ill the bucket list of living a good life.
It was really easy to buy good deeds with money.
“Well, I can see why the princess has such a heart.”
The count nodded, listening to the young princess's words
It must have seemed pitiful for children of the same age to do such a
A splendid life sometimes affords room for compassion and
compassion for the poor.
“But these kids are the ones who have to make money anyway. The
mines are their workplace and guaranteed jobs that make a living.”
Duncan laughed hotly.
Will those who work on behalf of their parents who owe gambling
like Joey be freed by paying off their debts right now?
After all, their house is in debt again.
You can't get out of poverty even if you're not in debt.
The mine was a poor job, but compared to other jobs, it was paid
enough to make a living, so those who were in a hurry or rushed to the
edge of the cliff were in a position to earn a lot.
“Where will they go if I drive them all out?”
starve to death on the streets Or will he be beaten to death by his
gambler's father?
Duncan said with a leisurely laugh.
Dorothy was already well aware that those words would come out.
“They are little children. At the very least, we need to be able to do
things that don’t require our lives.”
No matter how poor you are and you have to start earning money
early, there are plenty of other safe things to do besides mining.
The Count's eyes seemed to melt at him, and he looked at Dorothy
“Oh, a soft-hearted, kind, and pure princess.”
Duncan spoke commendably, but it didn't sound like a compliment to
Dorothy at all.
Because it seemed like they were making fun of me for being an idiot
who didn't know anything about the world.
“His kind heart is moving, but no matter how much money the
princess has, she cannot save everyone in the world. Aren't they called
humans because they're not gods? A man must also know how to hold
sympathy and sorrow in his heart.”
No matter how much money you have, you can't save everyone in
At the Count's words, Dorothy shut her mouth.
I know. already better than anyone.
Still, looking at the bitterness in his mouth, it seems that he has not
yet thrown away all the greed and regrets he had accumulated in his
past life.
“… … I will go back knowing that about the Gut side.”
“Yeah, I don’t know anything else, but I know for sure.”
Duncan laughed.


Joey could not sit impatiently and went round and round the same
seat like a cockroach.
“Won because it’s crazy! Sit still!”
“Where did the princess go?”
Dorothy left Joey in the villa and went somewhere.
Joey had no idea how things were going.
Dorothy said, 'I'm going to get the liver and gallbladder from the
potato, so wash and change your clothes.' Then she went away.
Because of that, Joy was caught by the servants of the detached
palace and washed away for over an hour.
I felt like my skin was peeling off after washing so lightly.
Then they put on a lace dress on Joey.
The dress, which appears to be Dorothy's, was too small for tall Joey,
with length high above the knee and short sleeves.
Joy scraped the dress that kept going up several times and lowered it
Wearing a skirt like a princess, and applying oil with a strange scent
to her hair, the smell of lowers came out of her hair.
It's not that I didn't like the rich clothes, but the clothes I wore for the
irst time were awkward and even embarrassing.
It was like committing a sin because it felt like I was wearing
something I shouldn't have worn, and it seemed like I was going to get
ridiculed because it was obvious that it wouldn't suit me.
Besides, it wasn't just that it was uncomfortable.
'What do you think the princess is going to do... … ?'
Joey wet his chapped and chapped lips with saliva.
'You really don't want to have my liver and gallbladder removed, are
I had already asked to save my brother and the deal had been made,
so I couldn't change my mind.
Joey's father, Gutt, came in after drinking alcohol and swung his hand
at Joey, saying, 'A person is born and shouldn't speak two words with
one mouth.'
Even when I said something with one mouth, I felt embarrassed
when I hit him not to say it twice.
'I say a hundred words with one losing mouth... … .'
In front of her father, whose words change according to her mood,
she was always right.
But what about Po without me? What if I live alone with my daddy's
Joey was worried about his younger brother as he ripped off his
combed hair.
Shall I go to my mother who ran away and ask if I can take care of Poe
since I don't have to take care of her anymore?
While I was in serious trouble, I heard the sound of a carriage
returning from afar.
The servant of the detached house told Joey to come out and took
him to Dorothy's front as she got off the carriage.
Dorothy got out of the wagon with arrogant steps and immediately
found Joey and stopped.
Standing in front of Dorothy, Joey clenched her ists and couldn't lift
her head.
Instead, he jumped up and pulled his ists down several times over
the dress that showed his knees.
'I'm ashamed of my clothes, what is this!'
Joey closed his eyes tightly.
Unsurprisingly, the princess looked at her out it and touched her
chin as if she didn't like it, and the bearded knight kept her mouth shut
with a blunt face.
“You don’t seem to have the guts.”
Dorothy, iddling with her chin, nodded, realizing what she was
Joey didn't understand what she was saying.
Dorothy said a word to Joey, who was bowing her head, and entered
the Anastasia Palace.
Stefan beckoned Joey, who was standing still, as if to follow Dorothy.
Dorothy took Zoe to a room with a closet large enough to use as
As soon as Dorothy arrived, the servants opened several closet
Dorothy was certainly frugal among the nobles, but she still needed a
spacious dressing room.
The clothes were neatly hung in the closet, but it was a very different
scene from Joey's house, where tattered clothes were folded in corners
or stuffed in old baskets.
Clothes were occupied one by one, triumphantly, as if they were
precious bodies.
No, clothes must be really precious.
Joey guessed that those clothes would cost more than my ransom.
Dorothy looked at those precious bodies with stern eyes and pulled
out brown pants and a white blouse from one side.
The high-waisted trousers that reached the waist were wide, but
they looked neat because of the crease angle, and the basic blouse
without decorations was white and clean without any stains.
Dorothy glanced at her clothes and Zoey, giving her a rough estimate
of her length.
“Change clothes.”
At Dorothy's words, people took Joey behind the partition and
changed her clothes in an instant.
'What's so special about a change of clothes, why do people rush to it
like this?'
What was better, though, was that the changed clothes were less
lashy than the previous ones and were easier to move around.
"What do you think?"
“Better than before. Previously, the clothes looked too expensive and
Joy thought that the clothes she was wearing now had little
decoration and looked casual, so it would be cheaper than a dress.
'It'd be better not to know that the clothes you're wearing now are
three times more expensive than the one-piece.'
Dorothy looked at Joey and smiled.
Unlike before, when he was very upset and embarrassed, Joey looked
a little more comfortable now.
“But you can’t go to the mines wearing these clothes… … .”
“Who wears those clothes to go to the mines?”
Why are you going to the mines in those expensive clothes?
“I told you to give me everything, including liver and gallbladder.”
“… … right."
“So, if you want to go, you have to leave your liver and gallbladder.”
“… … .”
At Dorothy's words, Joy closed her eyes as if resigning, and knelt
“… … What are you doing?"
“I will ask you one last time. Kill me at once.”
“… … ?”
Joey shook his head and placed his hands neatly on his lap.
Are you going to put your head out to slap your neck?
Dorothy opened her mouth wide, unable to say anything, as she was
determined to be ignorant and ignorant.
It's second to Ray for not paying attention.
Dorothy sighed deeply.
“You mean you have to work for me from now on.”
“Then the Count?”
Joey lifted his head, which had dropped.
It's like being afraid of the count in front of the princess.
Dorothy crossed her arms and looked down at Joey.
“The Count will count, shall I?”
Dorothy's forehead wrinkled in response to that, and the faces of
Stefan and the servants who were beside her also hardened.
"why? Isn't the Count bigger?"
Dorothy was nothing more than a 12-year-old girl.
So it was a natural conclusion that this kid would lose if he fought the
Dorothy was strong enough to make it to the inal of a
swordsmanship competition, but would she still die if the Count hits
Dorothy's short ist won't even reach the Count.
Joey had a con ident expression on her face, and Dorothy stuck out
her tongue at the imposing foolishness that was beyond common
“Where should I start teaching you?”
"why? I know everything I know.”
Joy opened her chest and exclaimed as if her self-esteem had been
'Ha, yes. What do you know?'
As Dorothy gave her a rough look of approval, Joey stood up with her
knees bent and looked as if she knew something great.
“Does that princess know how babies are born?”
Everyone, including Clara and Stefan who was behind Joey's
question, fell into a moment of silence.
Clara and Stephan's eyes slowly turned to Dorothy.
They seemed to think that Dorothy was still a pure princess who did
not know the secrets of adults.
Not to mention, I have never taught anything like that in this pristine
seaside private palace.
“Don’t you know?”
“I know.”
I don't know why Because I was a married woman in the 2nd time of
my life?
Of course, I've never had a night out with Theon, but I know
But at Dorothy's answer, Clara and Stefan looked into each other's
Their eyes luttering could also be felt in the back of Dorothy's head.
“How do you know, Princess? Maybe you believe that storks bring
As Clara whispered in her mouth, Stephan thought seriously and
'Listen to me, Clara. Stefan, why are you nodding your head!'
“From now on, while you are here, don’t pretend to be such useless
acquaintances. It's forbidden.”
At Dorothy's words, Joey raised an eyebrow in triumph as if I had
“You can’t talk even though you know, Princess?”
“You are more childish when you talk about things like that. And from
now on, don't talk nonsense to me."
“Are you upset, Princess?”
"no it's not?"
It's not that I'm snarky, it's that I was trying to point it out from the
It was a car that I thought I had to ix because the tone that crossed
that line was annoying.
It will be fun if you leave it alone, but one day, if you get caught by
someone by mistake, your neck might be blown away.
“And no profanity. In the future, please learn the etiquette
Dorothy took the list of simple etiquettes she had been carrying out
of her arms and handed it to Joy.
But Joey didn't take the list and stood still.
“I can’t read.”
“… … God, you have more to teach than you think.”
I forgot for a moment that there were only a few people who could
read among the common people.
“I have to teach you letters irst.”
“Do I need to know the letters? I didn't know until now, and I lived a
good life. Everyone I know doesn't know how to write, but I live a good
life. Even my father doesn't know the letters, but he's living well up to
that age."
The only thing Joey's father, Gert, could read was the cards.
No, I was in debt because I couldn't read even that well.
Knowing him well, Dorothy's eyes narrowed.
“Did you almost get dragged into the mines by living well without
knowing the letters? with your brother?”
“That has nothing to do with reading or not being able to read!”
“Unfortunately, it does matter.”
To be able to read is to expand the world many times.
And the wider world gives you more opportunities, more power, and
more power.
However, Joey's face, not understanding it, became slightly bruised.
'I think he resembles someone who is ignorant and has no interest in
Dorothy sighed heavily.
“So, Joey, what are you con ident about?”
“Are you con ident? Carrying stuff! Especially the water bottle!”
Joy was con ident that she could move the marble table over there by
herself to the irst loor.
So far, I've made a lot of money from that kind of work, mainly
fetching and carrying water.
It was thanks to the skills he developed while doing the job that he
was able to carry the sack of potatoes all the way here.
“There was even a time when I made 1 blanc a day by lying water!”
Joey spoke like a daily worker to appeal to his employer.
One blanc because the earning enough to be proud of is lying all day.
So, you must have come all the way here to ask for 10 blancs.
"I'll have to think about what I'm going to do for you."
The worlds of Joy and Dorothy were very different, so it seemed that
a little more thought was needed.
“For now, you will be staying here. You have to come out whenever I
“Then what about my brother?”
“My brother doesn’t go to the mines. Don't worry, I'll be ine at home."
Now that we're done talking with Duncan, neither Joey nor his
brother are going to the mines.
But Joey made a worried expression and opened his mouth again.
“Can’t we just come and go from home? Instead, if the princess
sleeps, I go home, and I will come back before the princess wakes up!”
“I, I keep my promise. I will not be late or run away!”
Joey said with his characteristic, grumpy eyes.
But Dorothy frowned.
“You mean going back and forth from there, which is only two hours
one way?”
“Of course I can.”
Joey answered without even thinking about it, and Dorothy bit her
Oh my, it seems like you don't have any fear of hurting your body.
“What does your mother do?”
“Mom has been out of the house for a long time.”
Next to her father, who was a gambler, her mother disappeared like
smoke one day.
She disappeared without saying a word, but Joy accepted that her
mother had run away after three days of waiting for her.
The process of convincing his younger brother was long, but he was
quite used to it now.
'I don't have a mother, my father is a gambler.'
“Then bring your brother with you. Your room will be large enough.”
Then, Joy's mouth opened wide in a half-moon shape as if it was
about to tear.
"crazy! Can my brother come here and stay? In a rich house like
“I told you not to curse.”
Joey patted my lips.
“Anyway, thank you, Princess!”
No matter how much I ate, it was tens of thousands of times better
than living in that damn house with my father.
First of all, there are no mice that bite their toes, right?
You won't have a drunken scary man, and you won't have to worry
about looding your house when it rains!
I was worried about how to spend the winter again, but it turned out
“But not your father. never. Only my brother.”
Dorothy added to the excited Joey.
If you bring in a little boy called Father, I might cut off his neck.
I decided to live a good life, but at the beginning of the day, it would
be impossible to say that it was murder.
At Dorothy's warning, Joey's head snapped as if it was about to
break, but she couldn't close her mouth, which was torn down to her
“The Princess is a good person. really. I think meeting the princess is
the luckiest thing in the world.”
“… … .”
Dorothy paused, but Joey looked at Dorothy with a wide smile.
“It remains to be seen whether this will be unfortunate or lucky.”
“Luck! Even an earthworm is lucky!”
Joy expressed her joy by piercing her ists into the ceiling.
“Thank you for taking me, Princess!”
Silly. It's good to be a slave, very much.
Dorothy also burst into laughter at that stupid look.
“Then I’ll go pick up my brother!”
Joey jumped up from his seat and tried to leave the room.
"for a moment!"
At Dorothy's words, Joey stood tall like a soldier listening to orders.
“… … I'd rather go with you."
"Yes? Are you with the princess too?”
Joy and Clara were surprised at the same time.
"It's because your father doesn't think he'll let you go."
“You can sneak out! Because they wouldn't be interested in us
anyway. I would have gone to gamble again. Besides, it’s not a place that
the princess would come to.”
Joy shook her hands vigorously to dry them.
It sounds like a big deal to be a princess in a black town!
“There are a lot of scary men out there, so I don’t know if they will
catch the princess. All my pockets will be ripped out!”
Joey knew very well what would happen if a rich man came to the
Black Village.
The people of the Black Village didn't let go if they had some money.
For pickpockets, for robbers with knives, for beggars who grab hold
of their pants and don't release them until they give you money.
"it's okay. Because Stefan.”
Dorothy turned to Stephan.
Stefan nodded quietly.

“You look so princess-like!”

Joey saw Dorothy as they rode the carriage and said,
I purposely tied my hair up and wore old clothes... … .
“The princess has eyes, nose and mouth all like a princess.”
Because inely grown teas low one after another from a white and
pretty face.
“And that knight is so big that he stands out.”
Joey pointed to Stefan on horseback following the carriage.
Stefan was also wearing old clothes, but he couldn't hide his unusual
Tall enough to pierce through the ceilings of houses in the Black
Village, and incredibly strong muscles!
“It’s not that reliable.”
"shit. I do not know. The princess is a big deal too.”
Joey sighed in despair.
Still, I thought I was happy.
Even if I meet my father, if the princess and that bear-like knight are
there, it will be ine.
If you bring Po by yourself and meet the man, it won't come out well.
I've been in a bad mood the whole time since I got a bad debt
reminder from Earl Duncan yesterday.
Joy is a handsome princess, so she thought she would take care of it,
so she gave up on pushing herself further and looked outside the
The second carriage ride after Dorothy's last ride was still a wonder.
I felt like I was a rich lady.
“Hey there, Princess.”
Joy, who enjoyed the feeling of riding in a carriage, opened her mouth
“Have you ever eaten apple pie?”
Dorothy raised her eyebrows at the pointless question.
If it's potatoes, we'll talk about potatoes. Why all of a sudden again?
“Apple pie is not baked with apples on a lump of lour, but rather a
piece of bread with butter, layer by layer, and sparkling with butter and
sugar on the outside.”
Joy diligently explained the apple pie, even pretending to stack it
with her hands.
Seeing Joy pouring out her passion to explain the word 'apple pie',
Dorothy wondered if there was a mysterious apple pie she didn't know
“I’ve tried any apple pie I know.”
“After all, I thought the princess would have eaten it. Do you like
apple pie?”
"What… … . But why?”
“I’m going to give it to you later.”
Joey chuckled.
“Apple pie? why?"
If it's a potato, I'll give you a potato like a potato.
“Because that’s the best food in the world.”
Joey laughed out loud.
Apple pie is the best food in the world?
“Who is it?”
“I've tried it, and there's nothing better than that. Because it tastes
better than meat? You admit it because the princess has eaten it too,
Joy said that about two years ago, she accidentally got half of an
apple pie from a noble and ate it, and she cried because it was so
There was nothing in the world that was so sweet and chewy, smooth
and fragrant.
“My younger brother also said it was the most delicious in the
The joy I felt when I barely hid it so that it wouldn't be taken away by
others and brought it home and gave it to my younger brother was
Joy and her sister said that she barely ate an apple pie with her front
teeth and kept it in a corner of the house, but the next day a mouse bit
it and she cried.
“… … Was it that good?”
"yes. Even in my dreams sometimes That day, I searched through the
small house all day, but couldn't ind an apple pie, but only caught three
or four mice.”
“… … .”
“Anyway, when I return the favor later, I’ll give you an apple pie as
well. By then, I will be old enough to buy you an apple pie.”


The carriage dropped off Dorothy and Joey a little away from Black
Stefan also got off his horse and followed closely behind the two
The Black Village was desolate from the entrance.
All the trees were dried out or cut down because they were being
used as irewood, and there were ilth all over the place.
Insects were lying in the air, and there was a stinky, unpleasant smell
mixed with all kinds of smells.
The man coming out of the Black Village was tired and his shoulders
were bent.
Dorothy tried not to frown.
It was a pity for Joy, but it was hard to believe that people lived in
such a place.
“That’s why I told you not to come… … .”
Joey muttered.
“I think it was a good thing we came together.”
“You will change your mind once you enter the village.”
Joey's steps became more and more cautious.
“Well, just in case, you can’t go out here, no matter what happens.”
This is not a town where elegant nobles like the princess live.
Joey added.
Dorothy nodded her head.
Before long, the village could be seen over the desolate and dirty
Rather than calling it a village, it looked like piles of boards were
gathered together.
In the Black Village, houses could not be built with bricks or clay.
Because if you put bricks, someone will take them off the next day.
When a house was built with dirt, the lump of dirt was also removed.
During a really dif icult time, the wooden planks on the ceiling of the
house were also removed.
All the roofs were lower than Stefan's shoulder height.
Those who wished to be a little taller could see their heads above the
roofs, and chat over them.
Traces of the dirty water were left in the middle of the densely
adjoining houses.
“What the fuck you bastard!”
Dorothy was startled by the profanity that came from the entrance.
On one side, there were people in shabby clothes.
I didn't know what he was doing, but the atmosphere didn't look very
“The bastards who are going to get sick are the worst. Did I get it
“Crazy. It was boring and embarrassing.”
They spit on the loor while swearing at each word, laughing at each
other that they liked each other.
He seemed to understand why there was such a swear word on
Joey's mouth.
If you live with people like that all day, the only thing a child can learn
is swearing.
As I passed the village entrance, people's eyes lickered and focused
on Dorothy and Stefan.
The gaze of the two of them carefully looked at them with hostility,
vigilance, and a greedy light to aim for a good opportunity.
“Did I? They are so noble.”
I thought it was okay to come dressed in shabby clothes, but it was a
good deal because it was mixed in this niche.
There was no headache, no open eyes, no curved back, no rough lips,
no yellow teeth, no skin disease.
Dorothy realized she had completely failed to blend in between
When Joy came to see Dorothy at the detached house, she realized
that she was more concerned about her dress and body cleanliness.
“Ignore it and follow me. There is nothing to steal anyway.”
Joey took the lead and whispered softly.
Dorothy and Stefan kept their mouths shut and followed Joey closely.
From broad daylight on, Dorothy saw people battling and ighting,
children lying dead on the dirty loor, and people stealing the laundry.
'It's not just a poor neighborhood.'
If it were just a poor neighborhood, the atmosphere would not have
been this dark and bloody.
There must have been traces of minimal morality or the unique
community of a small town.
“I came here because my dad said gold was found in a creek near
here, but there was nothing but dung.”
As the atmosphere darkened, Joey was joking.
So, the Black Village was not a traditional village.
Few people did ordinary labor, such as farming or catching ish in
If such a stable thing happened, I would have left this black town
right away.
The Black Village was a land where the poor people who were aiming
for a lot of money were temporarily gathered under the in luence of
mines and nobility, and the number of people who borrowed money
from gambling boards also increased, making it a rougher land.
“That’s our house.”
Joey pointed to a house built with planks to one side.
The house, which looked like it would crumble when Stefan was
kicked, seemed too small for Joey, Dorothy and Stefan to enter at once.
“Will Stefan wait outside?”
Stefan nodded, realizing that the house was too small for him to
So Dorothy left Stefan and followed Joey into the house.
“If I had known that the princess was coming, I would have cleared
the house.”
The inside was narrower than it looked from the outside.
Households were piled up, so there was only enough space left to ill
when only three people were crouching down.
As soon as Joey went inside, he was relieved that his father wasn't
there and called his younger brother.
As Joey called his name, the little boy crouched in a corner raised his
The eight-year-old boy this year was small enough to be considered
six-year-old on the surface.
There was a lot of mucus in his eyes, and there was a runny nose in
his pharynx.
There was a nice bruise down the nape of the dangling clothes, and
the frizzy hair was in much worse condition than Joey.
"pho! We are rich now.”
The little boy smiled broadly at the sound of being rich.
“I am leaving this house.”
“A house?”
“We're going to a better house!”
Joey grabbed Poe tightly with both arms.
“Then what about your father?”
“Except Dad.”
“Except Dad?”
Poe's voice was terrifying.
“What if my dad is chasing me?”
"it's okay. I'm going to a place my dad will never go after."
Joy con idently comforted her brother.
It looked pretty much like a sister.
“Can you see that guy over there? I will go with him.”
Joey introduced Poe to Dorothy.
Dorothy met Poe's eyes.
Green eyes resembling Joey could be seen from the inside of his
bloodshot eyes.
"hello. It's Po... … .”
Poe looked at Dorothy, who looked clean, and nodded.
Dorothy responded with a smile, trying to be as friendly as possible.
“Your sister is pretty.”
Poe whispered to Joey at Dorothy's smile.
That was then.
“Who is standing in front of our house!”
A distorted scream was heard outside, as if drunk.
At the same time, Joy and Po's eyes widened with fear.
Poe hugged Joey tightly.
“Wow, Princess… … !”
"don't worry. I came here because I was afraid.”
Dorothy reassured the two of them and went outside.
Stefan was facing a group.
Among them, a man so drunk that his face went red, pointed at
His body, without a jacket, was bulging out with his ribs exposed.
“Fuck, can’t you get out of my house right now?”
“… … .”
Stefan, surrounded by people, did not move a single step.
“Stephan, I think we should go now.”
Dorothy came out the door and said, Stefan nodded.
Joey and Po followed carefully, sticking their heads out the door.
“What is that girl, get out of my house!”
The man yelled at Dorothy, but Dorothy ignored him and grabbed
Joey and Poe's hands.
“Let’s go, Joey. pho."
"joy! pho!"
When the man shouted at the two children, they shuddered and
crouched down.
Dorothy pulled the two of them together, but they were still stiff and
unable to do anything.
“What plague are you trembling with now!”
“You sold these children to Earl Duncan. So I came to pick you up.”
Dorothy said to the man.
“Earl Duncan? I'm just on my way to meeting that person! I don't
need kids. Where are you lying?”
“Did the Count just say he didn't need them? Now these children will
not live here.”
Dorothy held Joey and Po's hands tighter.
The man's eyes turned to Joey as Stefan took a position to protect
“Are you going to run away like your mother?”
“… … .”
Joey did not respond to the man's words.
She was so atrocious that I wondered if it was Joy, who spoke
fearlessly to the princess.
Dorothy wrinkled her brow and looked at the man.
“Don’t threaten him. If you are an adult, act like an adult.”
“How did I raise those bastards!”
“How were you raised?”
Dorothy asked angrily.
How did you raise your two children to a mine for gambling debt?
“You don’t deserve these kids.”
Dorothy said, holding her little hand that felt bare bones.
“X-foot, where’s that little girl talking about her quali ications!”
As the man approached Dorothy with a strong chest, Stefan blocked
him and pushed him away.
Stefan's power pushed the man away as easily as a piece of paper.
Surprised by Stefan's power, the man opened his mouth and widened
his eyes.
“Joy, Poe. let's go."
Dorothy blinked at Stefan, took the two children completely outside,
and walked towards the entrance to the Black Village.
Then the Black Villagers, watching the situation, surrounded Dorothy
and Stefan.
“You seem to be precious people, but if you steal children, do you use
They united in unity because there was an event where they could
steal money.
Stefan nodded at Dorothy's words.
With that trustworthiness, Dorothy took the two of them by the hand
and left the place casually.
When Joey's dad and the townsfolk tried to block Dorothy's way,
Stefan stopped him.
“… … .”
Despite the threats from the villagers, Stefan did not give up.
Meanwhile, Dorothy walked leisurely through the village.
“Wow, Princess!”
As Joey called Dorothy as she dragged her along, Dorothy smiled as if
she didn't care.
“Stephan will stop everything.”
“Still, there are so many people… … .”
As Joey added, a scream was heard in the distance.
When I turned around, the people who rushed at Stefan were
bouncing like beans from a frying pan.
Stefan, expressionless, blocked the road and did not let anyone
Joey and Po couldn't keep their mouths shut at the amazing sight.
“Did you see it?”
Dorothy laughed softly.

Returning to Anastasia Palace, Dorothy had her servants wash the

gun and change her into new clothes.
“Sister, sister! Look at this! Do I look rich?”
Po, dressed in new clothes, ran excitedly and showed off to Joy.
He didn't have clothes that it Po, so he had plenty of room, but Po
was feeling good even as he lapped his sleeves.
“Po, you look like a real prince!”
Joey hugged Poe tightly.
“Are we really living here? In this palace?”
"yes. Instead, I have to work here.”
"The best! Now you're working for a rich family, aren't we?"
Dorothy was a little curious about Poe, who was so excited.
Would it be that good to say that I became a servant?
After all, if you live there, you'll be lucky just to work in a wealthy
Dorothy saw a sack of potatoes lying to one side.
It was the sack that Joy brought during the day.
My heart warmed a little at the thought of how much effort I had to
protect that sack of potatoes in the Black Village.
I'm sure my father or other people were looking for it.
The weight of a single potato felt several times heavier.
'stupid guys.'
I could have just come with my bare hands. come a little earlier
“So, Princess, what can we do now?”
Dorothy was pensive, and Joey asked.
“For now, take a break because you don’t have today.”
“Are you going to rest?”
“You came in all of a sudden and I haven’t decided what to do yet.”
Joey was restless at Dorothy's words.
“Still, I came into a wealthy house like this, and I can’t do anything.”
Joey couldn't stand not doing anything.
It felt like I was committing a sin if I stood still.
“Then take Po and sit here.”
Dorothy pointed to the sofa opposite her.
Joy took Po and sat down on the sofa.
Just in time, the doctor Dorothy had called came in.
“Did you call me, Princess?”
“Look at the health of those kids over there, and if you need
treatment, give it to me.”
Dorothy pointed to Joey and Poe.
"Yes, I understand."
The doctor and his assistant went to the sofa and examined the
bodies of the two men.
Swelling from the eye area and hives and swelling on the skin.
Wounds and bruises on the body.
Doctors looked at every nook and cranny of their bodies and
prescribed medicines.
“First of all, it is poorly nutritious. You should eat lots of fresh
vegetables and fruits.”
“Did you hear that? That's what you have to do. Eat fresh vegetables
and fruits without complaining.”
Dorothy said to Joey and Poe.
“Is that work?”
“If you get sick because you are weak, it will be a big deal, right? I
hate carrying leas and lice. In the imperial palace, sick and weak people
cannot work. That is the law.”
“The law… … ?”
“It’s called the rule.”
"iced coffee."
When I changed the word law to an easy word, Joy nodded.
In the Imperial Palace, servants must be healthy and clean.
How clean are the servants of Earl Duncan or Duke of Bronte?
Joey complied with Dorothy's orders.
“Clara, prepare those kids for my dinner tonight. I'll see if he's eating
well or not."
“Yes, Princess.”
Clara replied with a smile.


“Stephan, have you been injured or injured today?”

On the way to the drawing room for dinner.
Dorothy asked Stefan who was following her.
He turned around coolly to take care of Joey and Po, but it was not
easy to leave him alone.
Then Stephan smiled a little. It was a smile asking if he was worried.
"I'm not worried, just in case. Of course, I believed that I could handle
it on my own. Otherwise, I would not have left.”
Dorothy hurriedly apologized to Stephan.
Of course, I believed in my skills. I'm worried though.
Then Stefan lifted Dorothy and hugged her.
It was proof that he was healthy with no injuries.
"Ah Okay! I know it's healthy, so put it down."
Confused, Dorothy tapped Stefan on the shoulder.
Until recently, I was easily hugged by Stefan, but now it feels strange.
As my body grew, it seemed unfamiliar to me to be treated like a
Compared to Stefan, he is still quite small, but twelve is not the age to
be embraced by others.
At Dorothy's urging, Stefan gently lowered her to the loor.
As her feet touched the ground, Dorothy entered the drawing room
at a faster pace than before.
“Are you here, Princess?”
As Dorothy said in the afternoon, there were also seats for Joey and
Poe at the table.
Dorothy sat in her seat and waited for the two who had not yet
Soon, following the servant's guidance, Joy and Po entered the
drawing room.
At the same time, the two children's mouths burst out in
“Crazy, is that a table?”
Joey spit out abusive language without realizing it and looked at the
huge table.
The table was the size of her house.
“I can run on the table!”
The grape's eyes twinkled, shouted, and ran backwards.
They could not help but marvel at the beautiful ceiling paintings on
the ceiling of the drawing room.
“Aww, what a mess until dinner time.”
The servant explained to Dorothy why he was late.
The two of them ran around all day, not knowing the time was
passing, to see this huge palace.
To them, the pillars of the palace, the reliefs on the walls, the carpets
on the loor, and the curtains hanging on the windows were all full of
strange things.
“Sit down, everyone, don’t get excited.”
Dorothy calmed Joey and Poe, pointing to the seat reserved for them.
Joey and Poe rushed to their seats at Dorothy's words.
Unlike Joey, who sat on the chair at once, Po, who was short in
stature, struggled to get on the chair.
Eventually, Stefan came forward and sat Poe in a chair.
Only Po's face was visible on the table.
“I guess I should put something on the chair and sit down.”
The servant put a few more thick cushions on Po's chair, and only
then did Po get to see him properly.
The two couldn't talk excitedly because they were in front of Dorothy,
but they couldn't keep their heads still as they looked around the wide
“Why are there multiple forks and spoons? If I drop it, are you going
to use a new one?”
“Is this real silver?”
Joey and Po looked at the table and chatted among themselves.
'What is so strange.'
Dorothy was more curious about the two of them, and made the
servant serve food.
Before them was a very plain mushroom soup, plain bread and basil
olive sauce, plain goat meat, plain salad and pickles.
But the two children couldn't take their eyes off the food on the table
with their mouths open.
Excited legs swayed in the air under the table.
"meat! Meat, sister! Rich plate!”
Poe pointed to the steak plate and talked to Joey.
The plate is illed with such bright colors!
It was an amazing meal for them, who used to eat one meal every
“I don’t know what to eat irst.”
There was a gurgling sound from the stomach, and saliva was
pooling around Po's mouth.
After only a few bowls came out, the two were confused as if they had
lost their minds.
'If you go to a dinner party, you will pass out.'
It's like this with one main and several side dishes.
“From now on, I will teach you table manners. Nobles and royals are
also polite when it comes to eating. If you want to serve me, you need
to know that.”
Joey and Poe nodded at Dorothy's words.
I want to rush to eat right away, but since this was the princess's
food, I had to listen carefully.
“First, I use the outermost fork and spoon. I usually eat bread and
soup irst, sometimes with salad.”
Dorothy gave the order of the meal.
Contrary to worrying about what would happen if they couldn't bear
to eat because they were hungry, the two followed Dorothy's teachings
more docilely than they thought.
When Dorothy scooped out the soup, they both scooped up the soup
and put it in their mouths.
Poe ate the soup in a hurry.
Their faces were so full of happiness that Dorothy was happy to see
They ate the bread and salad in an instant, and in the order Dorothy
gave them, the two ate the main dish.
Po was not good at sharpening knives because he was still young, but
when that happened, Joey helped Po irst and cut and ate his own.
Joey also served his portion of food on Po's plate from time to time
during the meal.
“Don’t eat in a hurry, eat slowly.”
While answering that, the two of them ate several times as fast as
When Dorothy ate less than half of the steak, their plates were
cleanly empty.
Joy's plate, happy with the feeling of fullness, was clean enough to
not need to wash the dishes.
Poe was also sucking his spoon, trying to eat a little more of the basil
pesto that wasn't left.
Poe muttered, biting the spoon.
My stomach is full, but I think I can eat two or three or ten plates.
“I want you to learn eating etiquette every day, noona.”
Poe whispered to Joey, who nodded.
“I’ll eat more often from now on, so don’t be greedy.”
Dorothy said, adding one more steak to each of their plates.
I could give you more, but I'll pretend I'm fed more.
As a piece of Dorothy's meat returned to their respective plates,
their bright eyes turned to her.
“The princess is the nicest person I have ever seen.”
Joey's eyes widened.
“Are you a good person for giving me meat?”
“It’s not just meat. that damn... … No, he saves me from my dad, lets
me stay here, puts on new clothes, and lets me see a doctor.”
Joey looked at each one with his ingers.
"Right! The princess is the nicest person in the world!”
Grape smiled broadly and shook her head vigorously.
You're the nicest person in the world
Dorothy thought that was a word that really didn't suit her.
Even if you're the worst person in the world.
It was awkward and unfamiliar, like a pearl necklace hung around a
pig's neck.
Maybe you will be disappointed with my appearance later?
Wouldn't you blame me for my hypocrisy?
She was afraid, but at the same time grateful.
At least so far, I think it's telling me that I'm doing well.
Dorothy inished the rest of her meal a little quickly for the two of
them waiting.
As Dorothy put down the fork, Joy, who had been scratching the
empty plate for a while, was watching and opened her mouth.
“Well then, can we get up now?”
“I haven’t inished eating yet.”
At that word, Joy and Po's eyes lit up like hawks.
Still not inished?
“There is some dessert left.”
I've only heard of it, dessert!
Joey and Po made eye contact at the same time, trying to lower their
swollen breasts.
As soon as Dorothy signaled the chef, a large plate was placed in the
center of the table.
And Joey bit his lip.
“It’s the best food in the world.”
Dorothy said, introducing dessert.
On the plate was a whole apple pie larger than the face.
“It doesn’t require any manners, so just eat it.”
This is an award for doing well today.
Dorothy, who was about to add that, stopped talking.
It was because of Joey.
"this… … damn it.”
Joey chewed the soft swear words that came out of his lips.
However, her lips were trembling with swear words, and her eyes
were red and hot.
“The real princess… … !”
“I said that if you curse, you will be kicked out.”
“Are you kicking me out! Who told you to be kind to insult me? Even
if I get kicked out, it's already a lot better for me!”
“My sister is crying… … ?”
“Don’t cry!”
Joey wiped his eyes with his wrist and shouted at Po.
“Miss Lee, I was going to give it to you.”
“I’m not saying you’re good. I’m giving it to my liver and my
gallbladder to be good.”
Dorothy pointed at Joey and Poe in turn.

Ethan visited the detached palace after a long time.
It was the irst time I had met Dorothy since the day Hark came and
“Hello, Master Ethan.”
The people who visited the detached palace after a long time - like
most people who saw Edan - greeted Edan with a happy face.
“You look more handsome every time I see you, Master.”
Clara smiled as she guided Ethan to Dorothy.
Not to mention, Ethan has been growing day by day lately.
He gradually escaped the boy's face and began to take on the light of
a youth.
But the admirable beauty has not changed.
At Clara's praise, Ethan just smiled quietly.
In the garden of the detached palace, there were servants who put
strawberries and blueberries in baskets.
The servants saw Ethan and paused to watch him.
It's so common for people's eyes to stay on him, so Ethan didn't
All that mattered to him was meeting Dorothy.
He followed Clara into the villa building.
As soon as I entered, I heard a voice from the hallway.
“Why hide the pie in the corner of the room and then rot!”
Dorothy's voice was louder than usual, and Ethan turned to the side
of the sound.
Dorothy was standing with some two children.
Ethan, who knew all the nobles in this area, had never seen them
“I was trying to save. Because Po wants to eat it.”
“You hid this moldy thing to eat?”
“Every time I think of it, I try to take one bite… … .”
A little taller than Dorothy nodded.
Curly brown hair that stretched out and freckles all over his face.
stooped posture.
It seems far from culture or beauty... … boy?
'Who is it?'
Ethan's eyes narrowed.
It is clear that he is not a nobleman.
“You hid this to eat?”
At Dorothy's interrogation, the two boys with unfamiliar faces
nodded their heads.
Then Dorothy sighed, as if absurd.
“It’s a shame. I'm left. I'll throw it away... … ?”
“… … .”
Dorothy hesitated at the twinkling eyes of the two children.
Then the two children grabbed Dorothy's arms and hung them.
The smile slowly disappeared from Ethan's face when he saw that.
“Is it because you can eat only the moldy part from there? It’s only on
the outside, and it’s okay on the inside.”
"no! The rotten ones are just thrown away. Okay?"
“Looks like I’m rich… … .”
“… … yes i am rich So if you want to eat, don't hug the rotten thing
and tell me. I'll feed you whatever you want."
At Dorothy's words, the eyes of the two boys widened and they
hugged her tightly.
“Princess, you are beautiful… … !”
Ethan, who had been watching the scene quietly, looked up at Clara.
“… … Who are you?"
those trash?
At Ethan's question, Clara explained the existence of the stranger.
These are the children that the princess had brought to live in a
separate palace a while ago.
He added that his father saved him from being sold to the mines
because he owed a lot of gambling debt.
'So, after all, you're a vagrant with no roots... … ?'
Ethan's long eyelashes tumbled down and then slowly lifted up again.
“Is it okay for such children to hang out with the princess?”
Ethan pretended to be pure curiosity and asked Clara.
Clara laughed at him.
“Because the princess likes it.”
Clara said, just looking at Dorothy happily.
After Joey and Poe came in, Dorothy became a little more active.
He talks a lot and turns his attention to other things besides
They teach writing and manners.
“But if the imperial family inds out, it might be a disaster.”
Ethan said to Clara worriedly.
To have a vagrant as a friend when the princess can't even have a
social gathering with the noble girls.
“It’s what the princess likes. I need a friend like that. Because you've
always been alone."
Ethan's white hand gripped his sleeve tightly.
But soon, Ethan smiled softly and spoke with a soft voice.
"okay. If the princess likes it, I want to get to know her too.”
“Oh, Master Ethan too? It’s good to play together!”
Clara was delighted with Ethan's warm voice.
Then Dorothy took the boy who had been clinging to me, then turned
around and walked towards Clara.
Ethan just met Dorothy's eyes, smiled brightly, and bowed his head
to greet him politely.
“It’s been a while, Ethan.”
“How are you, Princess?”
“As you can see.”
Dorothy pointed to the children behind them.
On the plate she was holding was a slice of moldy apple pie.
“I’m sorry, Ethan, but I have to deal with this irst. Can you wait a
little bit?”
At Ethan's words, Dorothy went somewhere with Stefan.
Clara followed Dorothy's footsteps, telling her to rest in peace
because she often came to the villa.
Ethan looked at Dorothy's back as she moved away.
As Dorothy disappeared from view, he turned and looked at the
vagrant boy earlier with his slender eyes.
He stood there with a sullen look on his face, with his lips puckered.
Next to him was a little kid with a hamster-like face, holding his hand
Ethan looked at them quietly, cleared his face, and approached them.
"hi? Is this your irst face?”
He greeted them with a friendly smile. Very Ethan Brontë .
Then the two of them opened their eyes to the appearance of the
handsome boy.
"ah! Duke Master!”
The boy recognized him immediately.
“Do you know me?”
“I saw you in a swordsmanship contest!”
He had such a handsome face that he couldn't forget him, so Joey
remembered him clearly.
"iced coffee… … A swordsmanship contest.”
Ethan mumbled softly and then smiled again.
“I heard about you too. I'm here because of my father's debt."
"right. The princess saved us.”
The two of them nodded their heads as if they were proud of what
they were.
“So what are you going to do for the princess?”
Ethan asked with a smile.
"we? We learn letters. Now I can read just by looking at the spelling!”
“You want to learn letters?”
not working?
Ethan's beautifully extended eyebrows lifted up.
“Aside from that, I also learn history. fun."
Poe shyly helped out next to him.
“Ugh, I hate history, but I still have to learn, so I’m working hard.”
Joey frowned, then quickly changed to a smile.
Then, Ethan's expression became cold as if he had subsided.
“The princess took it, but you don’t know the grace, you guys.”
At Ethan's cold words, Joey shook his head.
“It is not. But in order to work here, I had to be healthy, learn
etiquette, and know the letters.”
Joey was doing what Dorothy was telling her to do.
Of course, even with Joy, I thought that the life I have now is not good
However, whenever Joy expressed her doubts, Dorothy always drew
a line to decisively study.
Not knowing the logic of the imperial family enough to refute it, Joy
had no choice but to keep her mouth shut and do what Dorothy told
“Aren’t you cleaning, doing laundry, carrying luggage, fetching water,
or making bed linen?”
“It says I don’t have to do it because everyone here is already doing it
Joey shook his head, unable to do anything.
The two already had a history of being scolded once for trying to
bring water to the kitchen.
If you are a newcomer and suddenly intervene in your business, the
rules already set by the people here will be disturbed.
“This place is strict and demanding.”
Joey and Poe said this was not a inite place for them to intervene.
Ethan listened to them and patted his foot lightly on the marble loor.
Tack, tak, thump pounding with a constant beat echoed in the empty
Ethan, with an expressionless expression on his face, fastened the
buttons on his sleeves, which had been lightly loosened.
Ethan's sluggish voice lowed through the very quiet hallway.
“Yes. We used to have hunting dogs in our house. He had straight
ears and a digni ied back, so his father liked him. They gave me good
meat and brushed my hair every day. But when I take him to the forest,
the hunt for him is not very cool.”
Ethan raised his eyes, gently iddling with the buttons on my sleeve.
Joey and Po trembled at his golden eyes.
“So you know what happened to that dog?”
Then Joey frowned and looked at Ethan.
“You don’t know?”
Ethan stared into those pathetic eyes and took a step closer to him.
As the distance from Ethan drew closer, Joy held her breath.
“One day, the dog came to our table. Boiled in a boiling pot with all
the skins peeled off.”
Ethan whispered softly in his ear.
Quiet warning. elegant threat.
By the way.
"okay? Do dogs taste good? No matter how hungry I am, I can't eat
the dog because it's pitiful. Poe likes dogs.”
Joey rolled his eyes and said.
When Poe heard that he had eaten a dog, tears welled up and cling to
Joey's leg, and his lips twitched, saying, "I feel sorry for the dog."
Ethan's face snapped and cracked.
But he soon burst into laughter.
“The level is not right.”
"ah… … . That’s why the princess seems to have made us study.”
As Joey looked at Po and muttered, 'The master craftsman is like this,
but the princess is really frustrated?' Po nodded.
Ethan looked at the two of them, unable to speak.
'Are you playing with me? Or are you really stupid?'
There's no way these ignorant people can play with him.
Ethan changed his expression again and then parted his lips.
“Then you did nothing and were attached to the princess like a
“What is a parasite?”
Joey and Poe looked at Ethan at the same time.
with eyes that don't really know anything.
Ethan didn't know what to say.
'How far should my level go?'
I can't even explain parasites to them here.
Can't you just say 'worms that crawl out of your feces' in a vulgar
What use is it if you give in a hundred times and explain it like that?
Those idiot bums will only be interested in the dirty talk that there's
ever been a bug like that in their poop.
Ethan felt deeply that he could even ight an argument with an
intelligent person.
Ethan lowered his gaze to the loor as if annoyed for a moment, then
opened his mouth again with a soft voice.
“Ha, I mean, no matter how much the princess said there was no
need to do it, if it were me, I would have done my best to ind a job. I
can't do anything stupid."
When Ethan stuck out his tongue with sad eyes, it was only then that
the two seemed to understand what they were saying.
“Wow, we were really going to work!”
“What do you do when you try to talk only with words? In the end,
you are only causing trouble.”
Joey was restless at Ethan's eyes.
Even if Ethan didn't say that, Joey had received so much from
Dorothy that his heart was in heavy debt.
“But what can I do for the princess… … .”
Ethan smiled softly again, as Joey spoke, feeling discouraged.
“The Princess doesn’t want anything big. Wouldn’t a small gift be
“A little present?”
“I just have a good idea.”
Ethan's eyes folded beautifully like a crescent moon.
Joey and Poe's eyes lit up as if possessed by him.
“Isn’t it time for the princess to snack soon?”
Ethan said kindly.


who would have imagined

The apple pie that had been on the table a few days ago was rotting
in the corner of this gorgeous villa.
And the two little kids would be eating it while removing the mold!
'It's impossible. It shouldn't be happening.'
Dorothy threw the rotten apple pie into the trash can and had the
servants of the villa keep a close eye on Joey and Poe.

'It's a shame. I'm left. I'll throw it away... … ?'

never thought about it

It was natural to leave food behind when you were full. It's foolish to
eat until your stomach explodes.
When aristocrats held a party, whole cakes were sometimes left
behind, and a few bottles of leftover alcohol were spilled.
Eating rotten food was foolish and dirty.
Of course, I knew there were children dying of starvation.
It was a story I heard a lot, and there were times when I made a
donation or a charity event for him.
But Joey and Poe's words were shocking.

'I'm rich... … .'

That was such a rich thing.

It's too natural for me to see that in the eyes of those kids.
Suddenly, I remembered what Earl Duncan had said to her.
Man cannot become a god, and therefore cannot save everyone.
That was right.
“… … .”
As I was immersed in my thoughts, I felt black eyes.
Stefan was watching Dorothy from behind, as always.
Like the moon that loats in the night sky and follows him wherever
he goes, his eyes followed Dorothy quietly and silently.
"Oh right."
Stefan's eyes were asking, 'Can I leave them alone for this long?'
Dorothy realized.
When Dorothy hurried back to the hallway where Joey had left her,
Ethan was the only one there.
“Ah, Princess.”
“Ethan, where have you two gone?”
“Are you busy going to the kitchen to do something?”
When I told you to tell me whenever you want apple pie, did you go
get the apple pie?
“Clara, look for the kids.”
After asking Clara, Dorothy went up to her room with Ethan.
However, Joey and Po, who had gone to the kitchen, were waiting in
front of her room with their hands folded.
Dorothy narrowed her eyes, as she was more suspicious of standing
in a more docile way than usual.
"What's up?"
Did you spill anything in the kitchen?
At Dorothy's question, Joey and Po shook their heads at the same
time and politely pointed to the room with their hands.
What is that anxious gesture?
Dorothy slowly entered the room with an anxious mind.
However, the room was the same as usual.
When she was a little relieved, there was only one thing different
from usual in Dorothy's eyes.
A small fruit basket on the side table.
The basket was illed with strawberries and blueberries that looked
like they had just been washed.
On the other side there was a small note that said 'I'm sorry' written
in crooked letters to show what I had learned.
“Princess, I will work really hard from now on!”
“I will work hard too!”
As Joey spoke with an alert posture, Poe clenched his tiny ist.
Dorothy almost laughed at the cuteness.
“Who works? I told you not to eat rotten food. If you get sick from
eating that kind of thing, it’s a big deal.”
Dorothy warned her, barely holding on to the corner of her mouth
that was about to go up.
You're even doing this because you're offended by being scolded for
the apple pie.
I was about to pick up the basket to eat together and move it to the
table, but in an instant, Dorothy's eyes saw what was lying underneath
the basket.
The white handkerchief embroidered with Fried's crest was wet.
The handkerchief was mottled with red and blue water from
strawberries and blueberries.
For a moment, Dorothy couldn't hide her expression hardened.
Theon's irst gift.
The handkerchief, which had been kept more precious than any
jewel, was dirty and lying on the side table.
For a moment, Dorothy bit her lip to hold back the heat rising from
her chest.
“… … Joey, why did you put this handkerchief underneath?”
Dorothy asked, trying to calm her voice.
“The water is dripping from the fruit. I felt like I had to put something
on the good furniture to avoid getting it wet.”
“Then you should have brought a tray or something to support it.”
What kind of thing is this handkerchief?
Dorothy clenched her ists, trying to calm her boiling feelings.
Obviously, Joy and Po did it with good intentions.
Knowing that feeling, I can't be the person who gets angry with just
one handkerchief... … .
'But this is not just a handkerchief.'
It was the only thing that I brought directly from the Imperial Palace.
The handkerchief that Theon wiped away her tears for the irst time.
How much effort have you made so far to keep it as it is without
leaving a single dust or dirt mark?
“I’m sorry, Princess. It's the Princess' snack time, so we're going to do
whatever we can... … .”
Joey and Po looked at her with frightened faces.
It was because Dorothy's face was full of shaky emotions that she
tried to control.
'Even fruit stains are not easily removed, so why not?'
Dorothy clutched the stained handkerchief.
“I de initely told you not to do anything.”
She barely swallowed the loud voice that was about to burst out.
I told you not to do it, so why did you do it?
Even though I knew that Joey and Po had no malice, sharp words kept
coming out.
“I’m sorry, Princess… … .”
Joy realized that something was wrong and bowed her head.
I was just paying attention to the 'nostalgic feeling' that Ethan said.
Nobles usually spread clean, pretty cloths on the table, so I thought it
would be better to put a handkerchief under the fruit basket.
'I thought it would be okay to put a fruit basket on the handkerchief
because it wipes the runny nose and the dirt on your hands.'
“Is the handkerchief too expensive… … ?”
Joey's voice drooped like withering spinach.
Dorothy couldn't say 'it's okay' even when she saw Joey and Po, who
were both terri ied and withdrawn.
because it's not okay
If it was more expensive, I could laugh at it, but Theon's handkerchief
was a kindness given to her only once in her life, who had waited for
her whole life.
The only memory that cannot be replaced by anything.
At Dorothy's call, Clara came in immediately.
“Here, remove the stain. right now."
“Yes, Princess! Do not worry. I will wash it as clean as new, so please
enjoy a snack.”
Clara, noticing Dorothy's mood, hurriedly ran to wash the
Dorothy bit her lip for a moment, then opened her mouth again.
“Joy, Po.”
“Yes, Princess.”
The two answered in a very tense voice.
“You must not touch other people’s things.”
"I didn't mean to touch you... … .”
“You cannot enter someone else’s room without permission.”
that's polite
Even if it's for me, don't touch it carelessly... … .
Poe cried as Dorothy looked at the two of them.
Joey then looked at Ethan, who was standing next to Dorothy.
“But the master said that if he brought a snack to the princess, she
would like it… … .”
At Joey's point, Dorothy's gaze turned to Ethan.
Then Ethan looked at Dorothy with an innocent face.
“I wanted to look good to the princess, so I just advised her that it
would be good to bring snacks… … .”
“But I told you to put it next to the side table so that the princess can
see it right away! It was the master who said that it would be better to
put something under the water because it was dripping!”
“I said this because I was worried that I would wet the princess’s side
table with a dripping basket. I don't think I'll ever touch the princess's
handkerchief... … .”
Ethan countered Joey's words with a worried and sad voice.
Joey was angry with Ethan like that.
Joey, not familiar with the laws of the nobles, only followed his
advice, hoping that it would be better if he followed his advice.
Snacks, fruits, baskets, letters of apples, aristocratic shapes, rugs to
protect against moisture.
Ethan generously provided detailed advice that Joey and Poe would
never have thought of.
That's why I was willing to follow it, but it's going to end up like this.
“Even if we didn’t say that, we… … .”
“Don’t blame me for your faults.”
Ethan looked at Dorothy like an innocent victim.
With innocent and beautiful golden eyes.
Either way, this was clearly Joey's fault.
Even though Ethan advised her, it was Joy who touched her
But Dorothy knew Ethan Bronte.
how cunning he is
How easily Joey and Poe, knowing nothing, can play on the tip of his
“Joy, Poe. Get out for a while.”
“Princess, really I… … !”
“Stefan, take the two of you out.”
As Dorothy spoke coldly, Stefan nodded.
Po was crying as if he was about to cry, and pulled Joey's hand.
I couldn't upset the princess any more.
Joey glared at Ethan as if he was about to kill him, and then took
Poe's hand and took a step full of anger.
When Stefan, Joey and Poe left, Dorothy and Ethan were left alone in
the room.
Ethan smiled slightly at Joey being kicked out, then looked back at
But Dorothy was staring at him with angry eyes.
Ethan approached Dorothy with a worried expression.
“Princess, are you okay?”
It was when Ethan offered Dorothy a word of comfort.
Dorothy's hand slapped his cheek.
For a moment, Ethan froze.
It was more shocking that Dorothy hit him than the cheek hurt.
“You are still the same.”
Dorothy looked at him and said.
Ethan was perplexed.
“What do you mean?”
It was clearly Joey who was at fault now.
But, somehow, Dorothy seemed to be more angry with Ethan.
Ethan couldn't understand her.
If you want to be angry, you have to be angry with Joey.
Rather, he is not a victim of this situation.
“Are you going to miss it all the way, Ethan?”
“Are you lost?”
Ethan, who looked at Dorothy with sad eyes as if he was unfair, was
very beautiful.
enough to attract people.
So Dorothy was even more angry.
Unlike Joey, who at least feels sorry for Dorothy, Ethan pretends to be
the victim until the end, far from admitting his guilt.
Not being able to hide her eyebrows twitching slightly at Dorothy's
staring eyes.
Had Dorothy not known who he really was, he would have been
completely innocent.
“It’s terrible.”
Ethan Bronte was the same as before.
And Dorothea Milanaire.
Still, her feelings for the handkerchief Theon gave her changed in an
He was angry and couldn't even contain his anger, so he couldn't
understand the feelings of Joey and Po, and now he even slits Ethan's
Dorothy was disillusioned with Ethan and with herself.
“I ruined everything because of you.”
I blamed Ethan, but Dorothy knew.
The root of all problems is you.
Trying to change Ethan so he can live right. How arrogant was that
I can't even do it properly because it's too hard to hold on to myself.
Again, I overlooked my incompetence and became greedy off topic.
It was Dorothy's fault for not avoiding him, knowing how much evil
Ethan and her meeting had created.


Before returning, the hobby of the 'Golden-Eyes Angel', who

appeared like a comet in the social world, was to drop his belongings
If he dropped a handkerchief or gloves, the girls who couldn't take
their eyes off him would pick it up.
Ethan knew very well that the youngsters rejoice just to touch his
And he enjoyed a sense of superiority as he watched the noble nobles
bend their waists and knees and bow their heads to pick up his
Sometimes there were young girls who secretly put things Ethan
dropped into their sleeves to get them, and Ethan burst out laughing to
You are a lady who picks up dropped items, and her low-level even
stealing is very noble and splendid.
A cunning person who enjoyed so quietly insulting the nobles inside.
Dorothea Milanaire was the irst to discover Ethan's subtle
And that was the beginning of her and his sins.
The evils of the two were so intertwined with each other.
A tyrant who ascended the throne by treason. The right arm of the
tyrant who drove him.
When the two evils met their partners, they took root and started to
And inally, Dorothea came up with an army, insulted her father's
death and murdered her relatives.

Immediately after Raymond's breath stopped.
Dorothea was immersed in the deep darkness that surrounded her.
Raymond's blood dripping from his feet.
Pain, nausea, and tremors throughout the body.
She walked past Raymond's corpse, dragging her heavy feet to the
loor, to the black center table.
On the table lay the crown of the empire she had longed for.
She picked up the crown with her blood-stained hands.
Joy! Dorothea raised the corners of her lips with all her might and
looked at the crown.
In the still, pitch black darkness, the crown rested on Dorothea's
hand in a black silhouette.
Yes, this is delight.
The life I've been pursuing all my life, the result of my hard work.
"Ha ha ha ha ha… … !”
Dorothea picked up the cof in and laughed like a madman.
She couldn't handle spirits, and she did it, who everyone told her not
At that moment, the sound of a door clicking was heard.
“Dorothea… … .”
When Dorethea turned her head, Theon was there.
When Dorothea found him, she trembled like a thief caught doing
something bad.
Why am I trembling? Dorothea advised.
That's fair. Now she was emperor and was proud to have killed
yeah i'm not guilty
I'm just a winner!
“Theon, look at this.”
Dorothea placed the crown over her head with trembling hands.
“Now, I am the emperor.”
Dorothea smiled broadly at Theon.
Blurry silhouette in the dark.
Theon sat down on the spot.
Blood dripping from the wound, Dorothea covered in Raymond's
blood, and Raymond's body lying on the loor.
“Sir Raymond… … .”
Tears fell from Theon's red eyes.
Dorothea saw that, and her heart throbbed like a twist.
Why are you crying, Theon?
You are my iance, Theon.
Your iancee became emperor? Then you should be happy!
Dorothea trembled at Theon crying.
“Rejoice, Theon.”
Dorothea wanted Theon to have more joy for her than the sorrow of
losing Raymond.
Dorothea moved her feet heavy with hesitation, approached Theon,
and knelt down.
Then he wiped his crying cheeks and smiled.
But contrary to her intentions, instead of wiping Theon's tears away,
her hand only splattered the ishy blood on his wet cheeks.
“Theon, you are now sitting next to the Emperor.”
Dorothea reminded him of his position again, but Theon wept in
As if Raymond's death was a more precious and important event
than her accession as emperor.
Those tears trampled, toppled, torn, and burned Dorothea.
The moment of the birth of the new emperor, which should have
been illed with joy, was swallowed up in grief.
As if Dorothea Milanaire's birth was a mourning.
It was from that day.
Theon, who had accepted a strategic engagement, began to hate
But Dorothea Milanaire was already emperor.
She forced her to marry Theon and made the palace hers.
“We cannot recognize Dorothea Milanaire as emperor!”
In front of the palace, stubborn nobles knelt and fought, and Ubera's
famous people were with them.
“Dorothea Milanaire is a sinner who usurped the throne!”
Although he killed many nobles when he struck Raymond, not
everyone was silent.
When Dorothea ascended to the throne, people raged as if the sky
had two sides.
At irst, Dorothea thought that it would be enough to prove that she
was doing her job properly as an emperor.
If I show my abilities, they will recognize me as an emperor.
But that was Dorothea's naive delusion.
“That is a waste of treasury!”
“It is premature.”
“You must irst look at the people near you!”
Aristocrats who hold on to their legs and oppose everything they
want to do.
They vehemently opposed Dorothea's decision, even with the
slightest sting, and spoke as if everything she did was foolish.
Although Ethan persuaded some, Ubera's stubborn loyalists did not
fall for Ethan's words.
Can not be done. Can not be done. you shouldn't Every decision you
make is wrong.
Nothing was right about her.
“Your Majesty, your Majesty is doing well. There are only a few who
oppose His Majesty. Ignore it and move on.”
Ethan said to Dorothea, who was interrupted by the criticism.
Yes, as Ethan said, there were only about three out of ten who
opposed it.
The other seven have already handed over to Dorothea's side.
However, the world called those three loyalists, and the other seven
called vassals who cling to the unjust emperor.
How much glass is the human heart.
Why is it that even if the seven speak kind words, the criticism of the
three comes and sticks?
Even after hearing ten words of praise, they kneel in front of the
palace, and the one word of criticism from them lingers in my ears
every night and doesn't leave... … .
“He who cannot see the spirit cannot become an emperor!”
“The murderer who killed His Majesty Raymond must not rise to the
“There is no justi ication for the current emperor!”
In the end, Dorothea raised her sword to close her mouth.
He who has ears that do not hear her voice must not open his mouth.
Dorothea captured and killed all the nobles and longtime of icials
called Ubera's loyalists.
Blood lowed profusely in the plaza of the islands.
So people called Dorothea Milanaire a tyrant.
And Theon trembled at the blood-stained execution ground.
“Dorothea… … .”
Theon looked at Dorothea and shook his head.
“You are crazy… … .”
His red eyes were full of anger and resentment.
The gaze of hatred from the one you love the most.
Dorothea felt like the world had collapsed.
“Am I crazy, Theon?”
“It shouldn’t be like this, it shouldn’t be like this.”
"Can not be done?"
You say no to me too.
Dorothea looked at Theon and asked.
“Then what should I do?”
Tell me, Theon. Can you tell me what to do? If you tell me you can, I'll
do it.
Dorothea pleaded with Theon.
I was going to follow whatever answer he gave me.
If only I could tell you what to do.
However, Theon looked at Dorothy and left without saying a word.
As if there was no 'becoming' for her in the end.
As if she was already wrong.
"under… … .”
Dorothea burst out laughing.
No, was that a laugh? Was it the remains of a cruel burn?
What had already happened was irreversible, and the path Dorothea
had to take was decided.
Dorothea Milanaire, beheading all of those who opposed it,
accomplished a feat that previous emperors could not.
The Ubera Empire, led by her, occupied the largest territory in
Look at this! The world works ine without that spirit!
Finally, Dorothea proved her abilities to the world.
The existing warehouse of the imperial family was full, and a new
warehouse was needed.
okay. She made everything possible.
Like an emperor, she enjoyed a luxurious life that everyone would
They ate rare fruits from the far south, drank pearls in champagne,
savored chocolate wrapped in gold, bought splendid peacocks, and
collected legendary swords.
The laughter of luxury and pleasure did not stop in her garden.
“How glad it is that Your Majesty is commanding the whole world.”
“If it were Raymond Milanaire… … .”
A nobleman was speaking, and his mouth was stopped by the chill.
Dorothea's sad eyes turned to him.
“… … Clark Ball?”
The nobles who were seated took in their breath and froze.
Emperor Dorothea, who had just laughed out loud, hardened her face
as if she had become a different person and put the red cherry in her
The garden, which had been illed with laughter, fell into a cold
silence that made it doubtful that he was deaf in an instant.
Raymond. A taboo word that should never be spit out in front of
Dorothea picked up her sword, which was at an angle to one side.
Realizing my mistake, Clark immediately knelt on the loor and shook
his shoulders.
“Your Majesty, I mean, Your Majesty is much better than Raymond…
… .”
Before he could inish speaking, red blood spattered on the white
tablecloth and the plate of food.
The nobles who were present closed their eyes in astonishment and
turned their heads.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Put it away.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Ethan, standing next to Dorothea, called the soldiers to collect the
After Clark's body was removed, Dorothea leaned back in her seat
and drank the blood-splattered wine.
“Why isn’t everyone talking? enjoy it."
Dorothea grinned at the atmosphere of the aristocrats.

Dorothea suffered from insomnia.

After Raymond's death, her insomnia got worse and worse.
During the day she was drunk with pleasure and luxury, but at night
there was nothing to appease her.
Theon was always locked up in her room and never with her.
She has stood still since that day.
After ascending to the much-desired throne, she lost her way.
She had no more Jealous Raymond to steal what she had, and no
throne to target.
So she began to covet the rare things she had never had before.
I thought that getting what I didn't have would ill the void.
But it didn't ill anything, and she was tired of the un illed emptiness.
“People still gossip about me.”
Dorothea scoffed.
“It’s the bullshit of the ignorant.”
Ethan answered.
“You still say that the dead nobles are loyal?”
“They are blind to old traditions.”
Ethan comforted Dorothea like that, but Dorothea, who was darkly
shaded, did not change.
“… … After that day, Theon doesn’t look after me properly.”
After Raymond's death, Theon has not dealt with Dorothea all along.
Even at a forced wedding or at an of icial ceremony of the imperial
family, Theon did not make eye contact with Dorothea.
Even if she made a bouquet of rare and beautiful lowers and
presented it as a gift, even if she made a ring with only one jewel in the
world and presented it as a gift, Theon did not know how to hold her in
her arms.
If he smiled just once, if he held my hand, I would be able to solve this
endless feeling of emptiness and sleeplessness.
He was a ruthless tyrant Dorothea, but did not know what to do with
his beloved Theon.
my love, the one i want
Dorothea, unable to intimidate Theon or forcibly tie Theon to the
bed, trembled alone.
I wanted to win Theon's heart, but it was painful that I could never
get that much.
How can I make Theon laugh?
If he laughed at the sound of ripping silk, he would tear all the silk in
the world in front of him.
How the hell do I get Theon to look at me?
“Your Majesty, it is late at night. Go to bed.”
“Yes, my Majesty.”
“Theon must hate me.”
Dorothea stared blankly at the dark dawn that illed the window with
empty eyes.
Ethan knelt next to Dorothea.
“Don’t worry about it. Your Majesty is the highest in the world and
has it all.”
"one… … When I think of Theon, it seems as if nothing is mine in the
"your majesty. I am by your side. I will cherish your Majesty forever...
… .”
“You don’t have to comfort me like that, Ethan.”
It was something that others would be happy to hear, but Dorothea
felt that even that was futile.
Because Dorothea was one of the few who knew that Ethan Bronte
was armed with hypocrisy and pretense.
His consolation was nothing but empty words.
Empty words that only add emptiness and emptiness.
“… … .”
Ethan looked at Dorothea and spoke.
“It seems that Prince Fried wrote another letter to the young girl
At his words, Dorothea's heart sank helplessly.
“It’s been over ten times already.”
After marriage, Theon continued to write letters to Julia.
Without talking to Dorothea, several times a year.
Theon was anxious while waiting for Julia's letter, but when Julia's
letter arrived, she received it with a happy expression that had never
been before, and after reading the letter, she read it again and again
with a sad face and put it in her arms.
The series of processes was the care and love that Dorothea
dreamed of.
What was not allowed for Dorothea Milanaire.
My heart ached again as if a scab had been ripped off a scar.
“Shall we get Prince Fried’s letter out of the way?”
“No, Ethan, you don’t have to.”
Dorothea closed her eyes.
Already, endless jealousy towards Julia was consuming her breasts,
making a bigger hole.
Looking at the contents of the letter, it was Dorothea who was hurt.
Dorothea couldn't stand it.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“I have to build a new palace.”
Dorothea opened her eyes and muttered.
The only way to win Theon's favor was to sacri ice what she had.
If I build the most beautiful palace in the world and give it to you,
Theon will look after me.
Staying in a beautiful palace will de initely make you feel better.
“The best architects, artisans and gardeners in the world… … Gather
all the experts you need and make sure you use only the best
Dorothea decided to build a palace that would go down in history
and become the legacy of mankind.
And he vowed to engrave his love on that great legacy.
Without realizing that it was the tyrant's sin.


But Theon was angry with Dorothea's decision.

“Did I ask Your Majesty to build a palace!”
No, Theon, it's all for you.
I know you'll be happy... … .
“Your Majesty is completely blind! You're not making the right
Theon hated all her gifts.
All the things that others longed for because they couldn't have it... …
“Ethan Bronte, get him out irst.”
“Theon, Ethan has been a loyal follower of me since I was a princess.”
“He is a servant, not a loyalist.”
“If I let him go, can you love me then?”
Dorothea asked.
Theon didn't answer.
“… … A person’s heart is not changed by a covenant.”
“But at least there will be no hatred of His Majesty as it is now.”
“Is Julia Delevingne the reason you don’t love me?”
Dorothea inally called her name, which she hated so much.
Then Theon's red eyes shook.
Didn't he know that that little commotion was as great a shock to
Dorothea's heart as an earthquake?
"I… … It’s not that I love Julia Delevingne.”
At Theon's excuse, Dorothea didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Maybe I'm covering it up for fear of hurting Julia?
Do you think I, the tyrant, will kill your love?
Dorothea clenched her ists.
He says he loves Julia so much, but if he truly loves Theon, would it
be right to send him to Julia for his happiness?
That thought ran through my mind.
But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't give up
The moment she let go of him, Dorothea felt as if all ties to the world
would be severed.
Without Theon, why do I have to live?
I've already lost all the light in my life, including wealth, power, and
even fame.
Without Theon, there was nothing left of her life.
Even the meaning of existence of a person named Dorothea.
Therefore, she had no choice but to hold onto Theon in an ugly way.
And the hatred towards Julia grew that much.
“Never let Julia enter the system.”
Dorothea eventually barred Julia from meeting Theon.
“I will reclaim the title of House Delevingne.”
After a while, even the small noble title that Julia had was taken away.
As a result, Julia became a very ordinary, no, even trivial to say the
I thought that would make me feel better.
However, as expected, her mood did not improve at all.
No, it just got worse.
The next morning after taking Julia's title, she sat in front of the
mirror, adorned with the help of servants.
Intricate cuckoo clocks, gold eagle statues, colorful glass bottles of
perfumed oil, and sumptuous luxury items sparkled in the mirror.
A necklace set with dozens of diamonds hung around her neck, her
hair was adorned with colorful lower-shaped hair bands, and earrings
were large enough to weigh her ears.
Her whole body was showing off her authority to the extent that
anyone could tell that she was the emperor.
But it looked more ugly and ugly than ever.
Eyes bulging out like a hole on his emaciated face, a body thin
enough to wonder if he could hold a sword properly, and eyes cloudy
like a lake after rain.
Dorothea was so angry that she wanted to break the mirror.
The large jewels in her ears sparkled and seemed to laugh at her.
Is it capricious boredom?
“Take off your earrings.”
Dorothea ordered the servant who had put a large earring on her ear.
"Yes? Your Majesty, but... … .”
“Take off your earrings!”
As Dorothea screamed nervously, the startled servant hurriedly
removed the earring from her ear.
However, he was afraid of the emperor's wrath, and he was
trembling and could not easily remove the remaining one.
That brief delay angered Dorothea.
Dorothea didn't know why she was angry.
Just annoyed, she grabbed the earring that the servant couldn't
remove, and pulled it out forcibly.
"your majesty… … !”
The servants and Ethan behind them shouted in surprise.
Red blood lowed from her ear.
Drops of blood dripped down and wet her bare shoulders red.
Still, Dorothea was irritable, as if she had messed up, but didn't mind
the pain in her ears.
It's not like you can't even take one earring off!
He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror with blood
lowing from his earlobe.
Dorothea Milanaire in the mirror was staring at her.
“Your Majesty, are you okay?”
Ethan couldn't hide his surprise and hurriedly approached her and
looked at her.
He tried to care for her wounds as preciously as a lower that had
just bloomed, but Dorothea struck him harshly.
That was then.
“Your Majesty, Prince Fried has eaten.”
The door swung open at the same time as the chief's voice came
from outside.
Dorothea saw the open door and jumped up from her seat.
“Theon… … !”
Her face, which had just been illed with irritation, brightened as if
she had turned on a light.
'Theon is visiting my room!'
Dorothea couldn't hide her laughter at what had never happened
It was as if the sun was shining in her room and the fresh air was
Just being able to see his face in the morning meant that the work of
the rising sun was done.
Dorothea, forgetting the blood dripping from her earlobe, ran past
Ethan to Theon.
“Why did you ind my room, Theon? Finally, yes, inally me... … .”
“Your Majesty, is it true that you have revoked the title of Delevinga?
You are forbidden from entering the system!”
Dorothea greets you with a wide smile, but Theon shouts in an angry
He stared at her with a face that looked like he was about to die.
I should have noticed that, in that it was a face that looked like it was
going to die, not a face that looked like it was going to die.
Later, Dorothea remembered the incident and regretted it, but
Dorothea at the time was unaware of his death.
Dorothea had never seen Theon so angry.
It was the irst time seeing Theon's face so terrifying, that if
Dorothea had not been trained to be hated for a long time, she would
have burst into tears.
The anger of a loved one was more frightening than the moment he
held out his sword to kill Raymond.
my husband. Theon, you could run and get mad at me like this for
Julia's sake.
That fact broke my heart and no words came out.
But that fear and pain began to set thorns on the tender lesh like a
"therefore… … How are you? What does it matter to Julia?”
A thorn protruded through a dry, tear-like throat.
“The Delevingnes have long been in the care of the imperial family
and our Prince Fried. But depriving him of the title of innocent
“Theon, you just need to turn off her and rest well, play well, and eat
well in this imperial palace.”
“Turn off your nerves! How much Julia... … !”
Theon, whose voice was raised, stopped to speak.
Despite the interruption, Dorothea knew what he was trying to say.
As if he had lost everything he had, his face, in despair, was shouting
out loud without needing to say anything.
"I love Julia Delevingne."
With him all the thorns that Dorothea had held raised their heads.
“Theon, you are mine. it's mine! But why are you looking at another
The fact that I couldn't name it with my mouth because I was afraid
until now. She asked it, screaming with dry tears.
“I never swore to be yours.”
Theon's eyes, looking at Dorothea, were supported by evil, as if they
were cursing the sky.
Dorothea's heart was torn to shreds, and her ingertips and toes
were numb.
Dorothea's palms slapped his cheeks, as if refusing Theon's words.
Then Theon fell to the loor.
“Theon… … !”
Dorothea, who had beaten Theon, was surprised to see Theon
collapsed and called out his name.
He never thought that Theon would fall so helplessly with a single
stroke of her hand.
Dorothea looked down at the palm that had hit Theon.
Her sins were engraved along the dull ingerprints and hard calluses.
Theon, who had fallen, staggered and stood up.
Then, Theon's red eyes stared at her, and he sprinted away.
“Te, Theon!”
Dorothea tried to follow him, but Ethan grabbed her wrist.
“Your Majesty, if you go now, you will only hurt Prince Fried. If you
wait until he calms down, he will surely apologize to His Majesty. Don’t
worry too much and just wait.”
Ethan grabbed Dorothea's sinful hand with his white hand.
"However… … .”
“Your Majesty, Your Majesty is higher than anyone in the world. Don't
be swayed by this. Everything is meant to return to His Majesty.”
Ethan whispered sweetly to Dorothea.
Dorothea's trembling subsided at the calm voice that settled in her
Ethan handed Dorothea's messy hair over with his hand, took out his
handkerchief, and pressed the blood from his earlobe, which he had not
cleaned before, to wipe it off.

Dorothea anxiously waited for Theon Fried.

And as an apology, he presented him with a greenhouse garden
where beautiful and precious birds were kept.
If it's a colorful bird brought from a distant foreign land, Theon will
open up and like it.
Even if you ignore the jewels, you will not be able to turn away from
the beautiful song of birds.
After setting up a greenhouse garden next to his palace, he seemed
to visit it often.
“Dr. Fried seems to like the birds.”
The words of the servant of Theon made Dorothea feel better.
You might be angry now.
Excited like a child expecting a birthday present, Dorothea went to
the greenhouse garden where Theon would be.
By the way.
The joy that had been in Dorothea after a long time was torn apart by
a sharp scream.
"What's going on?"
At Dorothea's question, the servant ran to the greenhouse garden in
a hurry.
Why does the greenhouse garden look darker than usual in the
Even after the servant had been sent, an ominous attack struck
Dorothea quickly.
And when she arrived at the greenhouse, Dorothea saw it.
Birds that fell to the ground and dead trees and trees stained with
And Theon, who stood alone in the middle.
“Theon… … .”
At Dorothea's call, Theon slowly raised his head.
Dorothea's heart pounded at the frustration, self-help and despair in
his eyes.
“Do you still love me?”
Theon asked.
He looked like he was smiling, and he looked like he was crying.
Dorothea was at a loss for words, frozen in front of him.
Like the corpses of birds that fell to the ground, so did her heart.
But Dorothea was foolish.
The deepest source of the pain that cuts through his heart was
Theon's face mixed with despair.
His sorrow was more painful than the death of a bird.
So Dorothea had no choice but to answer.
“I still love you.”
Sadly. stupidly. brutally.


From that day on, Dorothea became more and more anxious.
Theon didn't say anything to her, and it looked like it was going to
disappear like smoke at any moment.
It drove Dorothea more and more crazy.
Constant criticism, resentment, and neglect.
One ray of hope fell upon her.
“Julia is dead?”
"Yes. It was found in the Arbon region. It seems that he was caught
wandering around without an escort.”
At the general's report, Dorothea's eyes turned to Ethan.
Ethan was pretending not to know anything and had a naive
expression on his face.
Dorothea knew that he had been on vacation not long ago.
But no matter what happened, the end of the case didn't matter.
'Theon will look after me now!'
At last, Julia Delevingne, the thorn in her eye is gone and Dorothea
Milanaire's life is perfect!
Although she started with nothing, she won.
What a great victory this is!
Only Ethan was in the room, and Dorothea, the man, called him
For Julia to die at this time, her death must have been in the hands of
But Ethan smiled and shook his head.
“I am sorry, Your Majesty. If I had done something, I would have
earned Your Majesty's praise, but Julia's death was not mine."
Dorothea stared at Ethan who said that.
Then Ethan's eyebrows lifted up slightly.
His habit of lying.
But Dorothea decided not to ask any further questions.
“It doesn’t matter who did it. It seems that the old congestion is
being washed away. Of course, Theon's heart will be troubled for a
while, but as long as I take good care of that wound, that's enough.
Right, Ethan?”
I didn't kill it, Julia's death wasn't my fault.
Blind Dorothea excused herself like that, and Ethan nodded.
“You are right, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea thought that Theon would lean on her a little after Julia's
But Theon never became Dorothea's.
As soon as the news broke that Julia was dead, Theon, who had never
come to see her, opened her door again.
When he entered Dorothea's room, there was hatred for Dorothea in
the corner of his eyes.
“Remember that. Your greed has killed me.”
He came to Dorothea full of anger and cursed her as if screaming.
In an instant, Dorothea realized that something was wrong.
The eyepatch that was covering the eyes slowly came off.
“Theon, I didn’t kill Julia!”
Dorothea made an excuse to the one she loved.
Yeah, she never ordered Julia to be killed.
I never asked him to kill me.
Ethan, yes, he said he didn't do it either.
It was simply that Julia was attacked exquisitely.
If Dorothea was to blame, it was that she rejoiced over Julia's death.
“Theon, believe me. I never ordered Julia to be killed, and I didn't
even know where she was!”
Dorothea knelt before Theon and pleaded not guilty.
Theon looked at Dorothea like that and clenched his ists until the
veins swell.
He was weeping with his teeth closed as if his chin was about to
His tears ran down his cheeks and fell on Dorothea's knees.
“Don’t cry, Theon. please… … .”
Don't cry for Julia.
Don't blame me and cry.
Dorothea thought it would be better for Theon to hit her.
However, Theon kept her mouth shut and cried, leaving a look of
resentment and left.
And Dorothea's guilt was soon proved.
“Theon… … ?”
Late in the evening, as Dorothea opened the door to her lonely
bedroom and entered, a long shadow fell over the bed.
A shape that fell from the canopy.
Dorothea didn't realize what was hanging there for a moment.
Dark shadow, man? no. That's... … .
I doubted the truth, and my mind went blank.
And the moment he was convinced that the form was Theon, he lost
his mind.
When she woke up again, Ethan was there.
She thought what she had seen was a sleepless nightmare.
By the way.
"your majesty… … .”
It wasn't a nightmare.
The moment she noticed it, Dorothea vomited on the spot.
Ethan called the doctor, but to no avail.
The only way to cure Dorothea is for Theon to come alive.
After that, Dorothea couldn't sleep.
i killed it died for me
Theon because of me.
She was afraid to close her eyes, and she refused to take even the
strong sleeping pills that had protected her for so long.
Fainting or having seizures and falling unconscious were more
common than sleeping.
Each time, Dorothea met the people she had killed with her own
hands in her dreams.
Raymond came irst, then Julia, and inally Theon.
One day, her mother, whom she had only seen as a portrait, came to
her and strangled her, crying.
Occasionally her father, Carnan, also visited her. When the light
spirits moved away as if criticizing her, Dorothea woke up screaming in
the dark.
Ethan kept whispering to Dorothea like that.
"your majesty. It's not Your Majesty's fault."
lie. A lie so blatantly blatant.
It's my fault from start to inish!
“Your Majesty is the most beautiful and highest emperor in the
world. What are you afraid of? I am by your side.”
Ethan continued to whisper the false echo.
Are you the most beautiful in the world? Who is this haggard and
dirty woman in the mirror?
tallest in the world? After all, I didn't have anything?
Dorothea was disillusioned with all his words.
She did not take good care of the state affairs.
Not only did the government do nothing.
She did not care to pay wages for the halted construction of the
palace, nor did she pay a good price for those who lattered her.
Dorothea couldn't remember what she had done from that time until
her death.
Even remembering the moment was painful, so I easily forgot it, and
easily let everything go.
The rebellion against the incompetent tyrant took place only three
months after Theon's death.
The people and the nobles came to the palace with one heart and one
accord, cursing Dorothea.
And one step ahead of them, Ethan came.
“If you don’t give me the seat of Guk-seo, I will become the emperor.”
He offered the last deal.
Ah, the seat of the government. it's empty The place you've always
Those words reminded him again that Theon was dead.
"Do whatever you feel like… … . I can’t give you that place.”
Let Theon die like that and give Ethan his place?
Dorothea could never do that.
Then Ethan's lips trembled in anger.
"how… … . What the hell is that guy doing?”
At Ethan's question, Dorothy thought hazy.
“Theon… … .”
Dorothea stayed still with her lips open.
what was it
He was my irst love, my iancé e, my husband, my last love... … It's
probably the only thing I don't have.
I thought we had it by marriage, but in the end he belonged to Julia,
and that may have touched my greed even more.
Because Dorothea always had what she wanted to get her job, and
she longed for what she didn't have.
Like she coveted Rey's things she didn't have.
As if she longed for the throne she was not allowed to.
She endlessly longed for Theon she would never have.
okay. The aggregate of all desires, passions, and emotions was
Theon, and her love.
“Theon… … I am myself.”
The perfect mirror to project the greedy Dorothea.
Even if I try to throw it away, I can't let go of myself.
Love, hate, excitement, regret, joy, sorrow, happiness and pain.
An object containing all the emotions Dorothea had.
Dorothea Milanaire cannot be explained without Theon.
After hearing the answer, Ethan's expression contorted into an
incomprehensible expression, and immediately he smiled like a
"ha ha ha… … ha ha ha!"
Dorothea looked at Ethan with unfocused eyes.
Ethan's laughter lasted for a long time before it subsided.
"like. If this is your choice... … I will also follow him.”
“… … .”
“Don’t regret it.”
Dorothea seemed to have heard it from someone at some point.
Who said I hope you won't regret it?
Then Dorothea assured her that she would not regret it.
And now... … There was no room left to regret.
Dorothea was not afraid.
I was con ident that no matter what happened, it wouldn't matter.
What happened next was the expected sequence.
Ethan's servants and generals brought Dorothea out, and a mob
burned the city.
It was then that Dorothea felt refreshed.
She smiled madly as she saw the things she had been burning.
Those who came to arrest the tyrant tore her clothes, whipped and
tied her with ropes, and took her to the square.
Dirt and stones were thrown in front of the emperor instead of rain
of lowers and cannons.
There were so many swear words lying in, I was whistling so I
couldn't hear what he was saying.
There was no one, Raymond, Theon, or Ethan beside Dorothea as she
walked down the road.
All the bad things that happened during her life became her fault.
Plague or locusts, the murder of the lords that Ethan killed, the
extermination of the Delevingne family, and enormous corruptions and
crimes she did not know about, immersed Dorothea Milanaire in the
sea of sin.
'Is there anything I'm good at?'
I didn't want to blame anyone.
right. I am a tyrant
The Emperor is responsible for all the misfortunes that have
happened in this country, and she has made too many unhappy. even
I didn't do it, but it's all I did.
I killed Theon.
I killed everyone and ruined the country!
He even broke the will of the Emperor on the subject of not being
able to command the Spirit of Light!
Dorothea burst out laughing.
Such a foolish life!
I didn't know that whipping and stoning were painful anymore.
And when they reached the bottom of the execution table, Dorothea
found Ethan.
“It’s the last time.”
He was alone with Dorothea for the last time before being put to
“… … .”
Dorothea looked shabby, covered in ilth, and her hands were tied.
There was a time when I thought my death would be glorious.
The people of the whole empire mourn, put on a clean shroud, and
enter a beautiful cof in.
A wreath for me covers the cof in, a mournful funeral tune lows, and
full of incense.
A death like that, buried next to Theon and engraved with a plausible
Or I'd rather have died ighting Raymond, no. no.
Any death was meaningless now.
"I… … I don't want to become a public servant."
Ethan bit his teeth and swallowed.
Ethan, who was dressed in a white robe as the prime minister, held
the staff of a spirit symbolizing the emperor in his hand.
The appearance was, surprisingly, beautiful.
Even in blurry vision, it is particularly clear.
“Please save me… … Just say that one word.”
“… … .”
“If you just say that one word, I’ll take care of the arrangements so far
and save you somehow… … Please speak."
Ethan approached Dorothea, who smelled of ilth, and said,
He always smelled fragrant, and his words were sweet as always.
His white, ine hand slowly approached Dorothea.
“… … I'm sorry, Ethan."
Dorothea licked her dry, chapped lips and turned her head back.
The anger of the people and the wrath of the servants could be heard
from outside.
“I am evil.”
listen to their voices If I'm not evil, who is evil?
Dorothea laughed.
I guess, I guess the world needs it.
"you… … I want to become a saint.”
Even if you don't want to, Ethan Bronte will be a better lord than
Dorothea Milanaire.
Ethan, whom Dorothea knew, was capable and loved by all.
If he had killed the tyrant, the emperor would gain legitimacy, unlike
Dorothea Milanaire.
At Dorothea's words, Ethan bit his lip and let it go.
“Why don’t you want to live?”
“… … .”
Ethan looked at Dorothea, who didn't answer, and extended his
clenched ist.
“Take it.”
In his hand was a large jewel that he had never seen before.
Dorothea could recognize at a glance the jewel, which seemed to
shine on its own.
So she quietly shook her head.
Ethan tried to open his burning red lips again, but soon stopped at
her gaze.
His hand clenched again and fell down.
Ethan Bronte. A very quick-witted person.
He knew her heart just by looking at her.
"you… … You are the cruelest person in the world.”
Ethan mumbled softly.
At that, Dorothy nodded with emotionless eyes.
Yes, I know.
“So, they call me a tyrant… … .”
Dorothea smiled weakly as she turned her gaze to the accusations
pouring down like a torrential rain from afar.
And Dorothea left Ethan behind and went up to the execution table.
Like the irst time she had nothing, she was empty-handed again.
There wasn't even an imperial throne that was excessively usurped.
There was no love that I was forced to take.
He did not have the wealth and power he had built up horribly.
When he inally climbed to the execution table with his torn and
dirty body. Dorothea was happy.
Seeing Guillotine standing on the execution table, it was a pity that
Dorothea was not hanged.
No, do you dare to die the same way Theon did?
There is only one regret.
I'll die a little quicker.
I'll die irst before Theon commits suicide.
Before Julia died.
Before killing Raymond.
Before Carnon died and left his will.
Before Raymond became Crown Prince.
Before I realize that I am unloved.
Before my mother died giving birth to me.
I thought I'd die sooner.
If that was the case, no one would have died and would have been
Those who cursed at me and threw stones at me would have been
happy too.
done. This is the lesson of life.
So go ahead and kill me
Before I regret not having died sooner.
Slowly bowing her head under a long charge, Dorothea died willingly.

Dorothy's memory of the events just before her death was mostly
I can only vaguely remember how I got to the execution table, what
kind of conversation I had with Ethan, but I couldn't remember
anything exact.
But this was clear.
Dorothea Milanaire and Ethan Bronte are so similar that they make
each other more like each other.
Ethan's canine? That's something only really good people can do.
A person like me only darkens Ethan and myself.
Dorothy clenched her ists.
“Go back, Ethan.”
She could no longer be with Ethan.
I was afraid that if I stayed with him, my desires would blossom
again and I would walk the path of evil.
I was afraid of being blinded by evil and living that painful life again.
“Princess… … !”
As Dorothy turned her back with a cold cheer, Ethan, embarrassed,
grabbed her and turned her back.
Then the tears that I had been trying to hide fell down in front of
Ethan's eyes trembled at the tears.
Dorothy couldn't stand herself like that, so she tried to push him
By the way.
"Sorry. I'm sorry, Princess."
Ethan hugged her tightly.
“I was wrong. So please... … do not Cry."
Ethan begged, putting his head on Dorothea's shoulder.
His voice trembled with fear.
He, who had brazenly asserted his innocence up until now, suddenly
admitted his guilt and changed his mind. Not like Ethan.
Dorothy was confused.
“Let go of this, Ethan… … !”
Dorothy pushed him away.
Then Ethan's face appeared again.
He was trembling with a look of fear.
Ethan with such a face broke people's hearts, so Dorothy turned her
head and looked away.
Is this even a mask designed to escape the situation?
Or are you afraid of losing your connection with the princess?
Even though I had seen him closer than anyone for many years, I still
couldn't really understand his insides.
Dorothy couldn't understand Ethan's sincerity, so she purposely kept
eye contact with him for a long time.
He fumbled inside his beautiful eyes, trying to ind the truth hidden
in them.
But no matter what he did, he couldn't understand the meaning of
that expression.
Dorothy was perplexed.
“It’s my fault. They did it because they were jealous that they were
close with the princess. I wanted to be the princess’s only friend.”
Ethan grabbed her hand and confessed in a trembling voice.
“If the princess abandons me, I will be alone.”
At the end, a single tear fell from her golden eyes.
The dripping drop shook her heart.
“So, don’t hate me… … .”
Ethan said in a trembling voice, holding her tight.
With that sad face that didn't even linch an eyebrow.
Dorothy thought he was truly wicked.
Because I couldn't say I hate you.

“Did Haruk get back to you?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”
After Hark had inished visiting the Empire Ubera, Karnan returned
to his of ice.
Carnan nodded through the paperwork, then stopped and looked up
to see his assistant, Robert.
“He was talking about Princess Dorothea.”
Karnan remembered the words of the people of Hark.
“It seems that the hospitality at Cerritian was impressive.”
The people of Hark said that they had a positive impression of
Imperial Ubera because the Duke of Bronte and Princess Dorothea
treated them well.
Carnan put the pen on him and thought.

'Princess Dorothea seems very healthy. He grew up very wise.'

After Dorothea Milanaire had gone down to the palace, news of her
would have come from time to time.
When the plague circulated around Cerritian, Dorothea's active relief
had greatly improved public sentiment.
There were many other places that Dorothea donated to, and it had a
good reputation among the local nobles.
At a young age, he was praised for being clever and savage.
“A lot of people say that Princess Dorothea is a genius.”
At that, Carnon was silent for a moment in thought.
“… … Does the princess need more treatment?”
"no. Reportedly, he is healthy enough to compete with Prince
Raymond in a swordsmanship contest hosted by the Duke of Bronte.”
“Then tell me to come up.”
A smile spread across Robert's face at Carnan's command.
You are inally calling your daughter, whom you have been despising
for a long time.
“And take the episteme transfer exam.”
"Yes? Are you talking about Princess Dorothea?”
Assistant Robert asked in amazement.
“Then who would it be?”
Since he's from the royal family, there's nothing wrong with coming
out of the episteme.
I just didn't want to educate Dorothea, who can't even handle the
Light Spirit, to send her to Episteme.
It's a waste to put the ball into a lawed Milanaire.
But if you're smart, it might be useful again.
“However, the princess has never received the proper education for
the episteme exam.”
Robert was perplexed.
Raymond also called professional teachers and received education
from an early age, so he was able to pass the episteme pull-up.
Other aristocrats likewise burned their zeal for education to send
their children to Episteme.
By the way, did the princess who was recuperating in the provinces
enter Episteme?
To pass the exam in what is known as the best academy in the world,
studying alone without a teacher?
“If you’re smart, you’ll know it. If you can’t go in, you’ve done your
best there.”
Carnan said it didn't matter.
Carnan did not expect Dorothea to pass Episteme.
After all, Dorothea Milanaire is not imperial, and the best place to live
is to live and die quietly.
This was a test for Dorothea.
A test to ind out just how much Dorothea has heard rumors of her
ingenuity even in his ears in the islands.
Even if he doesn't have to measure Dorothea, the Episteme test
score will make it simple to determine Dorothea's level.
'I think he was smart.'
A few years ago, when we met in the garden 'Alice's Hometown', I
heard a little Dorothea memorize Milanaire's family tree.
Were you still reading books that were not appropriate for your age?
'Is that head useful for the imperial family? Or will it be poison? … .'
That was the only thing Carnon was interested in.
At Carnan's blunt reply, Robert nodded awkwardly.


Early in the morning when the sun had not yet risen, Stefan was
sharpening his sword.
He hardly ever used a sword after coming to the detached palace, but
he did not forget to sharpen his sword.
Stefan was a little overjoyed when Dorothy asked her to teach her
Besides training alone, there are things that I can use a sword for.
And teaching Dorothy swordsmanship, he felt more joy than he had
Because Dorothy lived up to his teachings beyond expectations.
Dorothy, who can teach one and know ten, or even a hundred, has
grown to quite a level that can be dealt with in just a few years.
Stefan assured Dorothy that when she came of age without a major
accident, she would have the skills to rival that of an outstanding
To the extent that the status of being a princess is scarce.
He thought he had no talent for teaching as much as he could not
talk, but seeing Dorothy, he seemed to know the joy of teaching.
'Perfect person... … .'
In Stefan's eyes, Dorothy seemed to have been born with a blessing
from God.
Not to mention the family is good, smart, savage, good at
swordsmanship, good-natured, cute and pretty.
Stefan did not believe in the legend of Milanaire or noble blood, but
after seeing Dorothy, he thought, 'Oh, is that the royal blood?' I used to
Wouldn't everyone be able to love a child like that?
Stefan recalled his irst meeting with Dorothy.
When I irst met Dorothy, she was a little far from the way she is now.
The irst time he met Dorothy was when the moon was lying on the
cold sand in a dark desert obscured by clouds.


That day, the Knights of the Knights of Brightness were dispatched to

the western desert with an order to ind the kidnapped princess.
Stefan was the irst to discover Dorothy in the cold, dark desert.
It was a miracle to ind her in the wilderness.
At that time, Dorothy was exhaling a shallow breath that cracked into
a small, slender body that was about to break.
When she held her trembling in the cold in her arms, she was as light
as if blown away by the sand wind.
He felt that it would break if he held her with even a little force, so he
wrapped her in a cloak and hurriedly ran to the nearby village.
The day she lost her mind and was afraid of the deepening darkness
every time she coughed.
He still remembered that it had rained when he arrived at the village.
Volunteering as an escort driver for Dorothy was greatly in luenced
by that job.
So when I met Dorothy here again, Dorothy did not recognize him.
He didn't seem to remember anything about that day.
Even with her small body, she greeted him with the dignity of a
digni ied princess.
Then he reached out to him a small hand with all the spines and
veins of his hand exposed.
was weak Like if he catches it, it will break.
So he put his hands together and hurriedly removed them.
'What was the Emperor's thoughts on sending this little girl to a
distant place alone?'
It's de initely the age the family wants to see. It would be hard to
bear alone.
All of them have deep meanings for the majestic Emperor, but it was
hard to understand leaving that child alone, no matter how much I
thought about it.
Others also felt sorry for the little princess.
People used to gossip that she had been abandoned by the emperor.
poor princess.
Even the nobles who often visited the Imperial Palace smiled broadly
in front of Dorothy, showing favor with them, but when they turned
around, they stuck out their tongues.
Does Dorothy know about it?
that you have been abandoned?
Stefan continued to be concerned.
'… … You probably know.'
Because Dorothea Milanaire is smart. enough not to show off what
you know.
So Stefan only thought Dorothy was a strong kid.
until you hear that.

'You know, I had a very scary dream... … . In my dream, there is a

person I really like and that person hates me. In the end, I hate it so
much... … You're going to die by hanging yourself in my room.'
Dorothy's confession in the in irmary.

'I've been thinking about it for a long time... … I was born killing my
mother. That is why I was born as a bad person from the beginning.
therefore… … You can't be loved and you're destined to be a bad person
no matter what.'

How could that little child have imagined such a thing?

He had never imagined that such an idea would reside in Dorothy's
I easily thought that all the scars had healed, or that they were
healing well because I had overcome the kidnapping as well.
The parts that are overly grown-up, the dryness that can be seen
even in laughter.
Even though Dorothy was signaling enough.
'Fate to be a bad person... … . Living a good life bucket list.'
After hearing those words, looking back, I began to understand
Dorothy's unique behavior one by one.
I thought that the appearances that were simply cute and quirky
were actually lowers that grew out of a wound that I thought was a bad
'Was it hurt that my mother died?'
Stefan thought, pondering Dorothy's words.
The death of Empress Alice was certainly a shocking event.
This made Emperor Carnan very painful.
Although Stefan did not see him in person, he was told that the
Empress died of excessive bleeding while giving birth to Dorothy.
Because the blood did not stop, the bed on which she gave birth was
soaked red, and the loor was dripping with blood, and with every step
she took, a reddish liquid got on her feet.
The bloodstained footprints of the imperial doctors and nurses
running around made it even worse.
He saw bright red blood pouring nonstop from a woman's body, saw
a helpless emperor next to him sobbing, and saw a blood-soaked child
being pulled out of a dead mother's womb.
Someone whispered, 'It was more terrifying than the battle ield to
see the bright red blood in the gorgeous palace, the empress's room.'
The doctor managed to bring the dying child back to life in a sea of
blood, but in the end, Carnon's hands cut his throat and died.
But it was a story that had to end on the adult line.
Dorothy doesn't need to know how terrible it was.
Even if it ends with 'My mother died when I was young', it's painful
But what kind of light-hearted person even said such a thing to the
princess... … ?
'The princess has lived with such thoughts.'
Stefan stopped sharpening his sword for a moment and looked at the
sharply shining blade.
A blunt, speechless man appeared above the silver blade.
A man who knows Dorothy's sincerity and hurt, but remains silent.
Indeed, he was too speechless to heal Dorothy's wounds.
It was his old complex.
I always try to talk, but I can't come up with the right words.
It would be nice if you could say a nice word to young Dorothy when
she was feeling a little daunted by such thoughts.
What should I say, lest I hurt Dorothy even more by saying something
While he was choosing a horse in agony, time did not wait for him
and ran irst.
'Why is my body so fast, but my mouth is so slow... … .'
Stefan was always in trouble.
He shook his head at the pretense he felt at that time.
There was someone at the door.
He got up with the sword he had been forging and opened the door,
and someone led behind the dawn light.
“… … .”
Stefan followed the fugitive.
Soon, he gently grabbed the fugitive's neck.
The one in his hand was a potato, no, Joey.
It was the child Dorothy had brought.
“I heard strange noises from dawn!”
Joey was caught in Stefan's huge hand and struggled to escape.
'This is the third time... … .'
Yesterday and that day, Joey was also spying on him sharpening his
I tried to ignore it, but I was still concerned.
Eventually, Stefan grabbed Joey and hugged him.
Joey hung loosely on Stefan's shoulder like a sagging blanket.
“What, what!”
Joey was caught in his arms and he struggled with his limbs, but
Stefan returned to his sword-forging position and sat him on a rusted
Stefan tied Joey tightly once with black eyes.
Don't spy, come close and sit comfortably and watch.
After passing a silent glance, he began to sharpen the sword that he
had not sharpened before.
The sound of grinding metal was repeated with a constant beat.
At irst, Joey was paying attention to Stefan, but when Stefan didn't
say anything, he slowly moved his hips, then sat comfortably and
“Hey, what happened to the knight?”
Joey, who was watching quietly, asked.
Stefan paused for a moment and glanced at Joey, then sharpened his
sword again without answering.
It wasn't because Stefan didn't want to explain it to Joey, so he didn't
There are so many different ways to become a knight, and to explain
it, you have to say lengthy and lengthy words, but Stefan did not have
that skill.
As he spoke, he would gibberish and stutter, and he might convey
something different from the truth.
Unfortunately or fortunately, Joy didn't seem to expect much from
Stephan's answer.
Because I usually don't have a word.
“If I become a knight, people will look at me nicely! Oh, I want to be a
knight too~ If I swing a nice and expensive sword, no one will be able to
attack me! Then I would protect the grapes and make a lot of money.”
Joey quietly chatted to himself next to Stefan sharpening his knife.
"I'm not a noble, can't I be a knight?"
After talking for a while, Joy smiled shyly.
It is said that even ordinary people can become knights, but it was
almost impossible for commoners to survive among the nobles who
had a good sword and learned from an excellent teacher from the
“Huh, I am lucky to have come to this palace as a servant.”
At Joey's words, the sound of a knife sharpening at a constant beat
Stefan looked at Joey with black eyes.
Joy kept her mouth shut, wondering if it was because she was talking
too much.
By the way.
“… … Do you want to be a knight?”
Stefan's words surprised Joey.
You can speak!
Joy's surprise soon turned into joy.
"Sure! That’s cool!”
If you become a knight, you will have nothing to be afraid of!
“… … .”
“If you become a knight, do you have to do things that are life-
Joey smiled at Stefan's eyes and read his words.
I didn't mean it that way, well, that's what he wanted to say to Joy, so
Stefan stayed still.
“But still, it’s better than being dragged into a mine and suffocating,
isn’t it?”
Joey shrugged.
“If I have to do something to die for, I want to die doing something
“… … .”
“And if you become a knight, wouldn’t you be able to repay the
princess for her favor? I can't be very rich, but if I'm strong... … .”
Joey lifted his head and looked at the sky outside the window.
A few days ago, after the incident that soiled Dorothy's handkerchief,
Joey thought she might be kicked out.
Dorothy must have looked very angry that day.
But that evening, Dorothy called Joey and Poe to forgive them.
From now on, don't touch things recklessly.
Also, it's okay to not have to bring snacks.
Poe, who had been nervous all day, burst into tears and hugged
Dorothy, who comforted Poe.
Joey admired Dorothy like that.
“Honestly, how can a kid like me repay the princess for kindness?”
Joey sighed.
I have received much, but I have nothing to give.
No money, no skills... … .
Even if you give the wealth you've accumulated throughout your life,
it wouldn't be a big deal to the princess.
Stefan looked at Joey, who had become pale with his mouth shut.

“Do you have something to say, Stefan?”

Stefan's eyes were different from usual, Dorothy asked.
Stefan nodded.
“Stephan has something to say to me irst.”
Dorothy smiled and made eye contact with Stephan as if to do it.
Then Stefan rolled his lips inward and bit them, hesitating, then
slowly opened them.
"joy… … Can I teach you?”
It was an unexpected suggestion.
Of course, it wasn't bad for Dorothy.
Recently, after having Joey and Po separate the letters, he was
teaching various things with a book, because unlike Po, who was
interested, Joey had a strong tee.
She endures without being annoyed because the princess has to do
it, but it is natural for her to lose concentration.
Rather, it was better for Joey to use his body.
So, I think it would be good if Stefan could teach Joey how to use
swords and how to use his body... … .
“Can you afford it, Stefan?”
Dorothy was worried about Stefan.
This is because the talkative Stefan and the lively Zoe seemed like
polar opposites.
But Stefan nodded.
Dorothy laughed at him.
“Then do it. My escort can be empty for a few hours.”
“… … .”
“Do you have anything else to say?”
“The Princess… … .”
Stefan asked.
Dorothy said that she wouldn't do swordsmanship training.
After Hark came and went, Dorothy did not hold the sword.
Was it the shock of Nereus' threat to Dorothy?
For unknown reasons, Stefan respected Dorothy's decision.
Because Dorothy has been working really hard so far and thought
she might need a break.
It's been a month already.
“I’m still a little… … .”
Dorothy shook her head.
Then Stefan looked at Dorothy with a tighter mouth that had already
been closed.
“Don’t look at me like that, Stephan. I don't want to hold the sword
anymore. I've done enough. I’m not going to become a prosecutor or a
knight, what?”
Dorothy felt a little sorry for Stefan.
It seemed that he betrayed his efforts so far.
But it's dangerous for Dorothea Milanaire to get stronger.
The desire to win is more dangerous.
Dorothy pretended to be casual and picked up the book, but Stefan
opened her mouth.
“… … Don't you like it?"
Boom, his word made Dorothy cry.
As he said, he liked it.
Dorothy felt alive when she grabbed the sword and swung it, as the
sharp metal cries bitterly.
A thrill that you don't normally feel, a joy that awakens the ive
“I’m a little tired now.”
said Dorothy.
Stefan's forehead was faintly wrinkled, but Dorothy turned away
from him.
Dorothy knew.
The reason she feels alive while holding the sword is that the
suppressed desire to compete, the desire to win something, bursts out.
That's a feeling Dorothea should never have.
“So now teach Joey instead of me, Stefan.”
Dorothy opened the book, avoiding Stefan's eyes.
It felt like a thorn had been stabbed in his chest.


“Am I a knight?”
“No, I am not a knight. You are training as a knight.”
Dorothy corrected Joy's exasperated words.
But Joey looked very excited, as if nothing mattered.
“Stephan will teach you. Stefan is the master who taught me
swordsmanship, so I have to learn it well.”
“The Princess’s Master!”
When Joey looked at Stefan with wide-open eyes, he turned his head
“Can I call you Master?”
Joey asked Stefan as he walked closer.
Then Stefan looked at Dorothy.
'Why are you looking at me? You should do what you like.'
Dorothy pretended not to know and let Stefan take care of it.
Joey's eyes twinkled and kept asking Stefan what he should call him.
Finally, Stefan nodded.
“Are you going to call me Master?”
At Joy's recon irmation, Stefan nodded once more.
“… … .”
“… … .”
Joey looked at Stefan with great anticipation and called him, and
Stefan kept his mouth shut and looked at only Joey.
Stefan nodded again at Joy's momentum that seemed to call until he
Joy raised her arms and hurrahed.
What could be so good?
Dorothy laughed at the blunt Stefan and the excited Joey.
After Joy and Po came here, the atmosphere of the detached palace
has de initely changed.
Joey left the room later, saying that he should brag that he has a
“I like you more than you think.”
Stefan's eyes were in agreement with Dorothy's words.
From that day on, Stefan set aside a certain amount of time to teach
Joey was very enthusiastic.
He looked much more excited than when he read the book, and
seemed to it his aptitude.
The problem was that he was too eager.
“There, Master. How do you shape your hands when doing push-
“Master, is it right for your shoulders to rise like this?”
“Master, Master… … !”
Stefan was tormented by Joey, who ran up to him whenever he had
time to ask questions.
Stefan, speechless, struggled to answer Joey's stormy questions.
He doesn't have the talent for words, but every time he shows his
moves, he personally holds Joey's posture.
It was a little funny to see the two of them performing the same
movements and matching each other.
What Stefan is saying is, 'So... … 'There was nothing but Joey
whimpered about it and followed it well.
Dorothy would often go out to the garden to watch the two of them
at her leisure.
After a brief break from sweat, the two entered the shadow of
Stefan's gaze, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a white towel,
reached Dorothy.
“… … .”
Eyes staring at her quietly.
It was a stubborn look that didn't look like Stefan.
"I'm out of interest now, Stephan."
Dorothy shook her head.
Then Stefan placed a sword by her side.
As if to lure animals with food, he lures Dorothy with his sword.
It was very beautiful with the blade shining smoothly in the sunlight.
If you hold the handle that its snugly in your hand and swing it, you
will feel the thrill of a lashing sword cutting the wind through your
Dorothy remembered the thrill of that pleasure in her body.
But Dorothy, who endured the lust, luckily did not fall for Stephan's
“Come on, Joey is waiting for you.”
Dorothy turned away from the sword and urged him.
Eventually, at Dorothy's words, Stefan went out to teach Joey again.
I glanced at Dorothy once more.

Meanwhile, the kitchen of the detached palace.

Chef Reniè re was going through something similar to Stefan.
It was because of the little kid who kept messing around with the
“You boy!”
Leniè re grabbed Poe's neck.
“I told you not to sneak around because the kitchen is dangerous!”
Dangerous for small children because hot and sharp things pass by in
the kitchen!
“If you are hungry, tell someone else. Then I will take care of you.”
Dorothy said that the irst day the two children came, she asked
them to ill them up.
I don't want the apple pie to rot in the corner of the private palace
So if Joey and Po wanted something to eat, Reniere was willing to
cook for them.
Besides, Reniè re was quite fond of two children.
This is because he was the one who made delicious dishes with the
'Blessing of the Month' that Joy sent every month.
Although I was quite fed up with nonsensical ingredients, when I
looked at the ingredients I worked hard to send every month, my heart
luttered at the thought of my own children.
“Can you get burned or injured while sneaking around here?”
Poe bowed his head with a pale face at the threat of Reniere.
“It’s not because I’m hungry… … .”
A shriveled, shriveled voice escaped from between her thickly
protruding lips.
“Aren’t you hungry?”
“I want to know how to make apple pie… … .”
“How to make apple pie?”
“I’ll try to make it later… … .”
Even if I get kicked out of this palace, I want to make it and eat it.
Lenier laughed at Poe's words.
Did you sneak around to learn to cook?
“Child, the ingredients to make apple pie are very expensive, aren’t
High-quality butter, re ined white lour, eggs, apples, sugar, cinnamon
powder… … .
They were ingredients that could never be obtained in the Black
Village, where you ight with a single potato.
Poe then pouted his lips as if to cry.
“You can’t even make apple pie… … .”
It's hard to buy and eat, so I tried to make a small one... … .
Poe cried out, and Reniere was perplexed.
“Chief! Why are you making a child cry!”
The assistant chef, who was by his side, bruised Leniè re.
Everyone treated Leniere as a criminal.
“No, that’s… … That’s not what I meant.”
I said it like a joke, but I'm going to cry like this.
Leniè re hurriedly sat down on her knees and patted Poe on the back.
“Ah, I got it. I'll teach you. drop.”
Reniere hastily promised to teach me how to make apple pie.
Then Po raised his round eyes and looked at him.
It was so cute that Reniere thought of the rabbit-like children in the
"Sure! You won't have to leave the palace, but even if you do, I'll help
you make an apple pie and eat it. Ah, maybe you can run the apple pie
business on your own.”
As Reniere promised, a smile spread across Po's gloomy face.
Poe imagined.
A little pie shop with the words 'Po's Apple Pie' written on the
wooden signboard!
When you open the wooden door that makes a chime, you can smell
sweet jam and savory bread, and you'll ind dainty apple pie on the
Among them, the patissier Po, with a white hat like a chef and an
apron dipped in lour around his waist, will be standing splendidly!
Then I'll present Dorothy's irst apple pie every morning.
"cool… … !”
A happy smile spread across the lips of Reniere and the people in the
kitchen as Po's brightened eyes looked.
“Then eat breakfast tomorrow and come to the kitchen.”
"thank you!"
Poe hugged Reniere wide.
Leniè re opened her eyes in surprise and then smiled.
Po nodded and said hello to the people in the kitchen, and then ran
with small steps to tell Joy about the news.
The people in the kitchen couldn't stop smiling when they looked at
the small back.
"Is not it cute?"
“Like a hamster.”
“It’s like a squirrel.”
When everyone was happy to see Po's small back. Reniè re opened
her eyes when she noticed that the kitchen people were all out one by
“But why are you all here? Aren't you busy? Get out of your mind!”
Reniè re, who was in initely gentle when dealing with Po, gave a lash
of dissent.

From a distance, Poe called Dorothy and ran.
It had been a long time since Po called her and ran to her irst.
Unlike Joey, Poe seemed to notice Dorothy after the handkerchief
The little guy was depressed, so it caught my heart.
'Maybe I was scared and hated? I wasn't angry either... … .'
It was the car I was so worried about, but Po grabbed her arm.
"What's up?"
Dorothy asked a bewildered question, but Poe didn't answer,
grabbing her arm and dragging her somewhere.
It was the dining room where Poe took Dorothy.
In the dining room, Joey came irst and waited.
“Come here, Princess!”
The two sat Dorothy down in front of a large table in the dining
“Isn’t it dinner time?”
It's been about an hour since we had lunch, and it's the dining room.
Do you want a snack?
Before Dorothy could ask a question, Poe ran back and forth towards
the kitchen.
Then, holding the silver serving cloth in both hands, he cautiously
stood in front of the table.
The short Poe carefully placed Cloche on the table.
“It’s a gift.”
Poe looked up at Dorothy in her chair and said.
“Last time, you made the princess angry. So today I really prepared a
“Hey, this isn’t our money.”
Po spoke in an excited voice, but Joey noticed and whispered in his
Then Poe stopped and corrected his speech again.
“Me, the ingredients were given by the kitchen. He also helped
make... … .”
Poe glanced at Chef Reniè re.
“Then it’s not a gift… … ?”
Poe muttered, rubbing his lips in despair.
So, did you feel sorry for what happened back then and kept it in your
mind until now?
That heart was cute and thank you, so Dorothy laughed.
Instead of asking Poe, Dorothy looked at Reniere.
Lenier nodded his head.
“Can I open it?”
Po and Joy answered Dorothy's question at the same time.
The two of them looked more excited than Dorothy who received the
Is giving a gift that exciting?
Dorothy carefully opened the lid of Cloche.
Po and Joey stretched out their hands and pointed to the contents
inside Closie.
“I made it!”
Poe shouted in a voice full of excitement.
Inside the cloche was an apple pie with a slightly distorted shape.
It was an apple pie that was crude but had no burnt spots and had a
buttery, glossy surface.
“I wanted to give the irst apple pie I made to the princess.”
Poe laughed out loud.
It was then that Dorothy could ind white lour on his chin.
“You said you made this?”
“Thanks to Chef Renier for his help. It's not pretty, but... … .”
“Princess, I said I would give you an apple pie!”
Joey also shouted with an equal force while helping Po's gift.
'I didn't expect to pay it back so quickly... … .'
My heart was pounding like a haze at just one crushed apple pie.
Poe glanced at Dorothy, who was still admiring the apple pie.
It was a look that told me to eat the pie quickly.
Clara then cut a slice of apple pie and placed it on a plate in front of
When the pie was cut, a cross section showed layers of apple slices,
jam-like illings and pastries.
Dorothy grabbed the dented end of the pie with a fork.
Joey and Poe were watching Dorothy without taking their eyes off
With a burdened gaze, Dorothy put a slice of apple pie into her
Poe and Joey, who watched Dorothy groan, came closer to the table.
He leans his head against the table and asks, with his eyes shining.
“Oh, is it delicious?”
Poe wet his lips anxiously, waiting for Dorothy's reply.
An apple pie I haven't tasted yet.
Maybe it doesn't taste good... … .
Poe's eyes widened at Dorothy's words and she smiled broadly.
“It’s delicious, sister!”
Joy and Po were excited and rolled their feet as if they had received
an award.
To be honest, the lour contains butter, eggs, apples, and sugar, but
it's hard to taste bad.
Besides, the chef helped me with things like setting the oven
temperature, so the taste was great.
“I’m so happy, Princess. Because the princess ate my irst pie!”
said Poe.
Poe said that when he made a pie, he wanted Dorothy to taste it irst.
“I’m sure Joey will be upset… … ?”
“No, I am not upset at all. Po is proud!”
Dorothy glanced at Joey, who smiled broadly and shook her head.
Of course, it was a little disappointing, but the joy of baking the pie to
the princess was greater.
"okay? Then can I eat all of this by myself?”
When Dorothy pulled out a plate of pie and asked, the eyes of the
two, who had just been excited, trembled.
I can't say no, because it's the princess's words, but the look in my
eyes asking if it's really true.
At that, Dorothy burst out laughing.
"It's a joke. Come and eat yourselves too. Can I eat the whole pie?”
With Dorothy's permission, the two quickly climbed up to the table
chairs and sat down.
As Clara put each piece of pie on her own plate, the two of them
ripped open the pie several times as if it was a waste, then gathered up
the courage to eat it.
“Po, it’s really delicious!”
As soon as Joey put it in his mouth, he shouted at Po without
swallowing the food.
“This is a real apple pie!”
Joy was excited and pointed at Pie.
So is it a real apple pie or a fake apple pie?
Dorothy looked at the two and smiled happily.
“It’s a little thing, though. It must have been dif icult to knead the
dough because of its weak angle, but I did it by hand from start to
Renier praised Poe.
The result was unbelievably good for an eight-year-old child's dough.
“I may try again next time.”
“If you have the will to do it.”
Reniè re told Poe that he seemed to have a knack for baking.
Poe rejoiced as if he had been praised for the irst time in his life.
“Hey, I want to try it!”
Po opened his eyes and burned his will.
It's pastry baking! If I can make apple pie well, will I be able to make
cakes and cookies?
Poe seemed to be invited to a new world he had never seen before.
"okay? Then come back to the kitchen tomorrow at the same time as
Poe answered, raising his arms high.
I don't know what it means to raise your arms high, but it was
probably an active af irmation.
“Renier. Are you okay?”
You must be busy with kitchen work, wouldn't it be a hassle to take
care of the little ones?
Of course, from Dorothy's point of view, it was fortunate that Poe
found what she wanted to do, but... … .
"it's okay. Instead, lunch or dinner desserts may be served by Poe. It
may not taste good.”
Reniere said jokingly.
Fortunately, the Anastasia Palace kitchen wasn't that busy.
The number of people to be fed was not as large as in the Imperial
Palace, and there was nothing as busy as a restaurant as it was always
possible to prepare a set number of meals at a set time.
Besides, it was enough to bring Dorothy for high-quality food.
No parties, no dinners, few guests.
Compared to the time when he had to run around the imperial family
all day, he was too relaxed.
When Po was decided to go to the kitchen, a servant hurried into the
The servant luttered, holding something in his hand with a bright
“Another letter from the Imperial Palace!”
in the Imperial Palace? Ray?
It happens all the time, do you need to be so happy?
The next words penetrated Dorothy's puzzled ears.
“This is a letter from His Majesty the Emperor himself!”
At the same time, Dorothy's face hardened.


Carnan's letter was not pleasant at all.

The emperor's seal on the outside of the envelope was like an
unspoken threat to force open something he didn't want to do.
Dorothy took one deep breath before opening the letter.
The letter was written in the handwriting of a scribe, not an emperor,
of a suitable length.
Dorothy's hand, as she was reading the letter, clenched her hand
tight enough to crumple the paper.
'When you've inished recuperation, do you want me to come up to
the system?'
It was contemptuous.
It would be better to pretend that there is no princess named
Dorothea and forget about it.
Carnan's plans are obvious.
'Doesn't it seem like you need a princess somewhere in the
There's absolutely no way Carnan would bring him up for a friendly
There must be no desire to see the face of her daughter, whom she
hadn't seen in years.
No, I thought I wouldn't go even if I wanted to see it.
Without a second thought, Dorothy picked up her pen.
The answer was ixed.


One evening after class at Episteme.
Rey caught up with Theon, who returned to the dormitory in the
As Rey grabbed him, Theon trembled in surprise.
However, upon recognizing Ray, he had a relieved expression on his
“I am terribly surprised. sorry... … .”
“No, because I don’t know how to catch it all of a sudden.”
Theon smiled awkwardly as Rey scratched his head.
“Why didn’t you come to the history class today? I thought my head
would break because you weren't there."
Rey spoke lightly, but looked at Theon carefully.
It was Theon, who had never missed a class until now.
“Ah, a little… … I am not feeling well.”
“Are you unwell?”
“It’s not a big deal, I must have been a little tired.”
Theon reassured Rey who looked worried.
Ray's gaze turned to his hand.
“You shake your hands a lot, Theon?”
"ah… … .”
Theon hid his hands under the hem of his robe.
Rey noticed that Theon's mood had changed a lot recently.
Is it puberty, which usually comes around this age, or secondary
sexual characteristics?
At that moment, I was worried that Theon might have been involved
in something bad.
Julia Delevingne ran from afar.
The igure of Julia running with her pink hair luttering was as
beautiful as a single lower.
Julia was also a pretty popular student in Episteme.
Good grades, kind, bright, kind. A person who has a good relationship
with both upper and lower class students.
Julia is popular with everyone, but the one she sticks with the most is
Thanks to that, Ray became close with Julia as well.
After entering Episteme, the three of them went together all the
time, attracting people's attention.
People were convinced that they would become the next
representative of the episteme leading the empire.
However, the mood of the three has changed recently.
Ray thought that the two of them seemed to be going more and more
together except for themselves.
Unsurprisingly, Julia saw Rey standing next to Theon, paused for a
moment, and then waved goodbye.
“Hello, Ray.”
Julia looked at Ray and smiled.
For the sake of friendship and the atmosphere of the school,
episteme prohibited the use of honori ics according to status.
In particular, the three close friends called each other by nicknames,
so Julia called him Ray, who was the Crown Prince.
“Hello, Julie. Did you have a good class today?”
“As always, it was boring and fun.”
Julia's purple eyes glanced at Rey's gaze for a moment, then glanced
at Theon.
Then Theon looked at Rey again.
“Oh, Ray. I have something to talk about with Julia today.”
"Oh yeah… … ?”
“Sorry, let’s talk again tomorrow, Ray.”
"yes… … .”
“Well then, see you tomorrow, Ray.”
Theon left the place with Julia.
Ray looked at the two as they moved away.
The atmosphere between the two of them was somehow different
from usual.


Julia put Theon, who had no strength, in a chair for once.

Theon shook his hand nervously.
“You look harder today, Theon.”
Julia held a warm teacup in his hand.
But Theon didn't put his lips on the teacup.
“… … The bird died this morning.”
Theon said while looking down at the tea in the teacup.
“The bird… … ?”
I woke up early in the morning and went for a walk, and suddenly my
eyes went dark and the bird died.
Theon muttered.
This phenomenon started last year.
At irst, the room was only brie ly darkened.
Theon thought there was something wrong with his eyes.
Or maybe I was too tired to sleep.
But that wasn't it.

'Theon, just... … Didn't it suddenly get dark?'

When he was with Julia, he had the same symptoms and realized that
it wasn't just him.
What? What is this phenomenon?
Fortunately, this phenomenon mostly occurred on a dark night, and
people mistaken the darkness for a momentary shaking of a light.
But Theon knew.
that the phenomenon originated from him.
That it was the work of a 'dark spirit' that wanders around him at
And the phenomenon got worse within a year.
The spirit's power, which was a little uncomfortable at irst, but
negligible, killed the little lying insects that Theon couldn't handle, and
then it got stronger and killed the little bird yesterday.
The power of the dark spirit is a static power. The power of silence
and darkness and death.
The spirit's power grew stronger, but Theon didn't know how to
control it.
“Why did I have this power?”
It has been nearly a hundred years since the Spirit of Darkness did
not appear in the Fried family.
Everyone knew that it was because of Fried's blood, which he
contracted with the dark spirit, had faded over the generations.
However, he suddenly jumped over several generations and his
power was manifested from him.
As if it were an atavism battle, riding on the pale blood of the
Julia hugged Theon, who was trembling in fear.
"it's okay. You will get better soon.”
“What if someone gets hurt like this?”
Theon asked, resting her forehead on Julia's shoulder.
"it's okay. Fried's blood has faded, so he won't be strong enough to
hurt anyone. We've sent a letter to Freedia, so let's wait until we get a
The Fried family had a lot of data related to the dark spirits, so I
didn't know if Archduke Fried would send me a book or give me
information he knew.
“And Theon, why don’t you be honest with Rey?”
“Rei knows how to wield light spirits. Maybe I can help you.”
“… … I asked for a hint, but Rey spoke and communicated with the
spirits from the beginning.”
but not me
Unlike the spirits of light, who are active and sociable, the spirits of
darkness are silent and do not respond no matter how much you talk to
“Do you have no such thing as sympathy?”
“… … Can we call it a sympathy?”
The relationship between Theon and the spirit was one-sided.
The dark spirits quietly declare what they want to do to him, then do
what they want and then disappear.
After frantically rummaging through the books in Episteme, Theon
discovered that the problem was with the spirit af inity.
Spirits come to the human world through a blood contract with the
spirit company.
However, whether or not the spirits could control the spirits that had
passed into the human world was another matter.
In order to control the spirits well, you need to have a high spirit
af inity.
However, Theon had a low af inity by nature.
“In the past, there were many Freeds who dealt with spirits, so
people with high af inity even dealt with the spirits of people with low
af inity.”
So, a person with a high af inity naturally became the freed head.
But now, there was no one other than Theon who knew how to deal
with spirits.
Theon gripped the teacup.
The words he wanted to ask Rey immediately reached the end of his
throat, but he swallowed his worries.
Ray was a friend, but he was the Crown Prince.
Rey always had a bright face, but Theon knew.
Ray had a heavy burden of being the crown prince, and it was hard.
The words that said he wanted to quit the Crown Prince as if
laughing and joking came out of deep sincerity.
But Rey didn't show any hard feelings except for the close friend
His father, who was the emperor, was strict, his mother died very
early, and his younger brother, who was smarter than him, was ill and
left for treatment in a separate palace.
Perhaps because of the early death of his mother, he had a special
attachment to his family.
You have to listen to your father, protect your only brother, and
prepare to become an emperor.
Nevertheless, he was born bright and clear without ever getting
angry, so he never complained to people.
Knowing this, Theon did not want to hand over his heavy problems
to Rey.
At least he wasn't going to tell Rey until he did everything he could.
“I can wait until I get a letter from Freedia.”


Recently, the Duke of Bronte has been deeply concerned about Ethan.
'Princess Dorothea is quite interested.'
The Duke rubbed his forehead, thinking of Ethan and Dorothea.
Dorothea refused to visit other young girls of her age or Yeong-sik,
but allowed Ethan to come to the detached palace.
The same goes for visiting the Dukes to see Ethan.
'After all, he must like Ethan.'
It's hard to ind a young girl who doesn't like Ethan.
Ethan's beauty was very good even for his father, the Duke of Bronte.
If he of icially went out into the social world and showed his face, it
was clear that Ethan's name would reach the island in no time.
'I'm from a little bit, but I don't know. Could there be even a scandal
with the princess?'
Bondi, Duke of Bronte, was planning to keep Ethan hidden.
Because he was Bronte's rich man who was born to a bar girl.
He comes from too insulting to be used politically.
A son who thought he might be able to get a seat for a wealthy lady in
the future because of his outstanding appearance.
However, if the princess looks into her eyes, the words change.
“I am the illegitimate son of a princess and a duke who was born
outside the eyes of the emperor… … .”
Aren't they a pretty good pair?
Princess Dorothea came down to this distant place on the pretext of
recuperating, but everyone knew that she was treated like a child
offered by the emperor.
The Duke remembered that Emperor Carnon had treated him with
greater importance than Dorothy at the previous banquet for the
Crown Prince's banquet.
'Your Majesty was a bit harsh back then.'
However, even though she received the emperor's cold treatment,
Dorothy was an imperial family.
'I mean, it's right after the Crown Prince.'
She is the only member of the royal family under Crown Prince
Raymond, so in an emergency, she might rise to a higher position.
'I'd rather now have a chance.'
Now that the emperor doesn't care, the defenseless princess is an
easy prey to target.
It was a pretty good investment to try as the son of a bar girl.
Even if Dorothy continues to be neglected by the imperial family, it
will not be a waste for Ethan.
The Duke of Bronte was determined.
“Bring the Duchess.”
It had been a long time since the Duke of Bronte had called his wife
After Ethan was brought from outside, their relationship had been
estranged for a long time.
As the years went by, raising their voices and ighting became less
frequent, but that didn't mean they were a friendly and close couple.
Not surprisingly, the Duchess did not respond to the duke's call.
“If you have a business, he tells you to come and speak directly.”
The servant reported to the duke with a troubled expression.
“This woman!”
The Duke was absurd and jumped up from his seat, but strode to the
Duchess's room with his own feet.
As she entered in a loud voice announcing her arrival, the Duchess
glanced at the Duke of Bronte.
“No rude knock.”
“I’m coming from my house to see my wife, should I even knock?”
“It’s noisy, so tell me something.”
As the peacock boils, the Duchess cut it short.
The duke then bit his teeth tightly and held back his anger.
If I was angry, I wouldn't be able to say anything and I would just
break up.
Because the words I'm going to bring up today were a good thing to
go against the will of the Duchess.
“It seems like Princess Dorothea has a lot of interest in Ethan these
The duke was alluding to his luck.
Then the Duchess immediately noticed his intentions and looked at
“So you’re going to let the whole world know that you’re sleeping
with a bar girl and bringing up a child? You must be ashamed!”
“You are right. okay! it's all my fault But what's wrong with that kid?
Did you too? The child is not guilty.”
“… … .”
“Are you going to lock him up for the rest of your life? Look at Ethan.
Now he's big enough to know the world."
“I think I’ve done my best for him just by harvesting and raising him.
Did I discriminate him from Jonathan? Dress them in new clean clothes,
feed them delicious food, teach them to play the violin, and make them
happy! I did all I had to do. But now, are you going to brazenly introduce
yourself as your son?”
The Duchess said that people would openly swear at them.
It will ruin the Bronte family's honor and make people laugh.
To that, the Duke of Bronte added.
“You, you even thought about sending Ethan to Episteme.”
When Ethan turned eight, he asked Jonathan to go to Episteme.
When his son, who had never been harassed for anything, was
harassed, the duke, weakened, decided to send Ethan to the island of
Lampas with a servant and a coachman.
The Duchess readily agreed to the matter.
“It was because you and Ethan asked so much. There's no way Edan
will pass anyway, so come and take a test called Sowon."
The Episteme exam was no joke, and how dif icult it was to pass
Although Ethan is brilliant, the Ephisteme test also included
swordsmanship and horseback riding.
It was a talent that Ethan did not have.
Therefore, the Duchess was convinced of Ethan's rejection, and sent
it out to relieve her mood.
Unfortunately, it was dif icult to meet the exam schedule due to an
accident on the way up to Lampas, so I couldn't even take the exam.
At that time, Ethan was so desperate that the duke and his wife were
quite rotten in a barrel that had been locked in the room after eating
and drinking for a few days.
Was Jonathan so envious of going to Episteme?
“Do you think Ethan would threaten Jonathan’s place?”
The Duke asked the Duchess's stubborn objection.
"no. never. Who would put a bar girl's son on the peacock seat?”
The Duchess assured Ethan that he would not succeed the Bronte
Ethan's succession to the Duke of Bronte was a sign that the family
would be destroyed.
Social circles will be arguing about when the Bronte family became a
The Bronte family inherits the blood of bar girls!
This would certainly be unacceptable even for the Duke of Bronte.
So Jonathan had to be above Ethan.
“But what are you worried about?”
So the peacock was frustrated.
Even if I introduce Ethan, there is no problem with Jonathan's status.
I just want to get insurance for the princess, the imperial family and
personal relationships.
“I am ashamed to carry my face! Have you ever thought about what it
would be like for me to have to laugh in front of people with a child my
husband gave birth to?”
“You like Ethan, too.”
“Ethan, you are beautiful. I'm going crazy because it's beautiful. But
that's it. What makes you happy.”
The Duchess was disgusted.
When Ethan irst joined the duke, of course she didn't like it.
But the little, greedy child knew how to melt the Duchess's heart.
He couldn't help but love his pretty face and his friendly, polite
manner of speaking.
He was not shy, he was proud, and he knew where he was.
In addition to being smart, he understood the Duchess' words from
an early age.
Sometimes he wished Ethan was his child.
But in the end, another woman's son.
"ma'am… … .”
“Then you wanted me to wear that pretty girl as an accessory? 'The
son of the woman my husband cheated on is so pretty. So it must have
been windy. Ho-ho?”
When the Duke of Bronte tried to convince him, the Duchess opened
her eyes and sarcastically sneered at him.
If you take Ethan to the social world, what will happen is not
Obviously, Ethan will be loved by people.
But at the same time, it will be at the center of rumors.
Ethan is smarter and more handsome than Jonathan, so everyone
will compare him to Jonathan and in late the rumors.
The duchess's son, worse than the bar girl's son.
Isn't it the perfect prey for gossip lovers?
This had to be opposed not only for the Duchess herself, but also for
Jonathan and Ethan.
There is no need to let the sons get caught up in a scandal and light a
ire that is already bad.
But the Duke of Bronte did not give up.
“I know, I know I am ashamed. Still, the princess is looking good!
Then other people don't care... … !”
At that moment, Duke Bronte stopped talking at the sound of the
In the chilling silence that followed, the duke and wife felt ominous
and looked back at the same time.
And the beautiful silver hair and golden eyes re lected through the
cracks in the door.
“Eh, Ethan… … !”
The Duchess panicked and called out his name.
Oh, why didn't you care that it was the end of Ethan's violin lesson!
The Duchess' heart sank.
Meanwhile, the Duke approached the door to appease Ethan.
“Ethan, I just misunderstood… … .”
But Ethan took a step back a little.
And as soon as the Duke of Bronte grabbed the doorknob, Ethan led
from the spot to the room.
Ethan didn't answer his father's call and just ran down the hallway
and disappeared.
The Duke of Bronte looked at the Duchess.
“You are so good!”
“It is because of you! Why did you suddenly bring up such a thing... …
“Anyway, I’ll take care of Ethan, so I know that!”
The duke let go of the threat and walked out of the duchess' room
with a nervous gait.
He headed straight to Ethan's room.
Ethan's door was tightly shut.
The duke could open any door in this mansion, but he was afraid to
open this door.
He stood in front of Ethan's door and cleared his throat once.
“Ethan, are you in?”
The Duke of Bronte asked, knocking cautiously.
Ethan, who would normally have answered his father's call, did not
The quiet silence made the duke even more pitiful.
The peacock wet his tense lips and opened his mouth again.
“I said that story earlier because I was too emotional. it's not the
truth We were ighting, and the words came out harshly for nothing.”
The Duke said to Ethan at the door.
There was still no answer from inside.
“Ethan, this father apologizes. Actually, I plan to introduce you to
people. As my son.”
The peacock moaned and confessed in front of the door.
He became anxious and worried that Ethan might be crying from the
“Ethan… … Ethan?”
At that moment, the Duke called Ethan's name several times and was
contemplating whether to force the door open or not.
Finally, the doorknob moved.
The door opened with a squeak, the hinge making a careful sound.
And the Duke of Bronte saw.
An angel with golden eyes shed tears.
The appearance of tearing pearl-like tears from her clear eyes
without crying as if she were swarming.
“Oh, Ethan!”
The Duke of Bronte felt like his heart was breaking and hugged
Ethan cried silently in the Duke's arms and spoke with a wet voice.
“… … Are you ashamed of me, Dad?”
“No, Ethan. I'm never ashamed of you."
If there's anything to be ashamed of, it's me, not this kid. The Duke of
Bronte thought.
“Is it my fault that my mother was vulgar… … ?”
“No, Ethan. absolutely not You did nothing wrong.”
“Then why do you keep hiding from me? Why are you two ighting
over me?”
Ethan asked the Duke of Bronte with disbelief.
It's been several years since I was brought to the duke's family, but I
had never of icially introduced it to people, so I had to live with my own
A being who hesitates to say his name in front of guests.
There were times when I had to doubt whether the word I love was
real love.
Tears falling from his cheeks, heavier than a block of iron, fell on the
Duke of Bronte's heart, making his chest heavy.
"I'm not hiding you, Ethan. don't promise I'm taking you to the
Countess Duncan's salon this month."
The Duke of Bronte hugged him and said,
If it was the Countess's salon, it was a place where nobles from
around the area would gather and socialize.
Especially this month, there was a concert held twice a year, so the
size of the gathering was bigger.
Besides, Princess Dorothea was also invited.
“Don’t formally introduce yourself to people as my son.”
"okay. You are now a full- ledged Bronte.”
The Duke said to Ethan.
Ethan's tears slowly stopped at that.
The Duke was able to put down his pea-sized sleepy heart when he
saw Ethan who stopped crying.
“And don’t take our words too seriously today. As I was talking, I
made a mistake because my words went out emotionally again. It was
like spitting in each other's faces... … .”
“I know, Father.”
At Duke Bronte's lengthy excuse, Ethan stopped crying and nodded.
“They really care about me.”
Conversely, at Ethan's words, which seemed to soothe the duke, one
side of his chest simmered.
A child who grew up too early, more mature than an adult.
To the Duke, Ethan was a sore inger.
“Yeah, that’s good. Well, let's get a new pair of clothes on before we
go to the salon. You have to greet people in fancy, fancy clothes.”
When the Duke of Bronte laughed, Ethan nodded and smiled faintly.
The smile that spread across her tear-soaked cheeks shook the Duke
of Bronte's heart.
Oh, what sin have we committed to this beautiful and kind child!
Guilt penetrated deep into the Duke of Bronte's heart.
“I love you, Ethan.”
With a sorry and sinful heart, said the Duke of Bronte.


“Wow… … !”
As Dorothy put on the dress and stood in front of the mirror, Joey and
Po opened their mouths in admiration.
Seeing Dorothy dressed a little more decorated than usual, they
couldn't take their eyes off them as if they were watching something
Blue dress with lace. sky blue ribbon. shiny necklace. A little bigger
than usual and colorful earrings.
“Princess! Very pretty!”
“You always say you’re pretty.”
"Right. Because the princess is pretty every day.”
Poe nodded as Joey smiled, revealing his teeth.
Dorothy felt a little better for him.
'Because praise is dangerous.'
There was a time when I thought I was okay with my looks, but at
some point people's compliments started to sound like lies.
Maybe it was after he wasn't loved by Theon.
No matter how prettier he was, he didn't look after him, so there was
only an ugly woman in the mirror who couldn't be loved.
That is why the words of those who whispered that they were
beautiful were always like the whispers of the gods.
However… … Joey and Po aren't the weaklings.
'I guess it's because I treat you well.'
Their praise might be a reward for living a good life, thought
“I’m going out for a while today, so both of you take it easy. If
anything happens, tell Clara right away.”
“Where are you going?”
The Salon's social gatherings held periodically by the Countess
I rarely attend social gatherings, but at least twice a year I needed to
show my face as a courtesy.
Especially this month, Mrs. Duncan had sent an invitation to Dorothy,
saying that she had put a lot of effort into preparing the concert.
Mrs. Duncan used to sing as a hobby, and she was going to present a
new song at this concert.
'Social gatherings are tiring... … .'
Dorothy, who doesn't have good memories of social gatherings,
didn't want to sit here today.
However, if you decline the invitation of your wife as a princess,
there will be other things like that the princess despises the Countess
or the Imperial Family is trying to abandon the Countess.
If you want to live a good life, you have to at least do this.
Because I can't live doing what I want to do.
“It’s a salon. Princess, you look like a real princess.”
“I was a princess from the beginning.”
Even thinking like that, I wondered if it was a happy sound when I
thought about the lives of Joy and Po.
Dorothy patted the heads of the two of them once, then moved on.
The sound of shoes, a little louder than usual, climbed into the wagon
across the garden.
Stefan closed the door of the carriage and got on his horse.
Come on, the wagon departed with the sound of a whip.
Dorothy saw Joey and Poe waving arms out of the carriage window.
I already wanted to go home.


Dorothy's concerns were just right.

People lined up to greet her when she appeared, and it took almost
an hour just to accept him.
But there was an unexpected greeting among them.
“How have you been, Princess Dorothea Milanaire?”
It was the Duke of Bronte who approached him with a soft but
superior smile.
Next to him was the Duchess, fanning inely to calm the boiling, and
on the other side was Ethan, as beautiful as ever.
Dorothy blinked for a moment as she saw Ethan proudly standing
next to the Duke of Bronte.
This was the irst time Ethan had of icially appeared at a social
gathering like this.
'The irst time Ethan appeared at a gathering like this was when he
was 20... … ?'
In the original social world, Ethan's presence existed as a shadow
behind a curtain.
Amid rumors that cannot be caught like the wind, 'a handsome and
unknown master'.
Even if he didn't show his face in the social world, he couldn't hide
the light from his outstanding looks, so there were rumors of ghosts
circulating here and there.
It was only after the death of Jonathan Bronte, the eldest son of the
Bronte family, that he took off his veil and revealed his true face.
Whether it was a horse accident or a fall, Jonathan Bronte died in an
accident while hunting.
The Bronte family was inevitably in need of someone to succeed the
In the end, Ethan Bronte, who had been hiding as a child, was
brought to the public to eat mustard while crying.
But what kind of change of heart happened to the Duke?
Ethan just smiled at Dorothy's startled look.
Dorothy shut her mouth to ask Ethan how he got here.
Because that question is tantamount to saying he shouldn't come
“You came with Ethan today.”
Instead of asking why Ethan had come, Dorothy said so.
“Yeah, I think Ethan also needs to learn some social studies.”
The Duke of Bronte introduced Ethan, and the Duchess' gaze turned
to another place, as if ignoring the situation.
"Good for you. Congratulations, Ethan.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
Ethan's soft smile shone beautifully.
After that, I could see the faces of the nobility sulking.
Even if I didn't listen, I could tell they were talking about Ethan.
But at the same time, they couldn't take their eyes off Ethan's beauty.
Ethan looked at Dorothy as if he was not conscious of other people's
gaze, and continued speaking calmly.
“Still, I’m glad that the princess is here. I was worried about what to
do with people I didn't know. It's my irst time in a place like this... … .”
“You will get used to it soon.”
Dorothy encouraged him.
Even before his return, Ethan took over the social world surprisingly
Gossip about his origin is just the level of the gossip-loving nobles.
People will eventually fall for Ethan's talk and charm one by one.
You'll want to invite Ethan to your party, you'll want to put a word on
it, and you'll want to brush your collar.
Even Ethan's attendance doubled the number of prom attendees,
making Ethan an important key to the success of the social party.
It was a result of people locking to see the handsome and friendly,
but also rumored protagonist, the acquaintances of the crowd coming
together, and people who wanted to go to a party with a lot of people if
Signs of the snowball were already beginning to appear in the eyes of
those gathered in the salon.
“Then see you later.”
The Duke said that Ethan should be greeted by the nobles, and that
he would see him when the concert started.
The Duke of Bronte took Ethan and walked away, and Ethan's gaze
slowly left a lingering lingering lingering impression on him, leaving
Dorothy away.
Dorothy saw the two moving away.
Today, for some reason, seemed to be an uneventful meeting.


Meanwhile, the back of the salon, where the Countess was preparing,
was noisy.
This is because the news that the piano accompanist at today's
concert had injured his hand in an accident.
It was a minor injury, but today's accompaniment was impossible.
“Jarin has been preparing for several months!”
The Countess was angry at the news that lew on the same day.
“Let’s ind someone else for now.”
“The concert is just around the corner, who the hell are you saving?”
“Someone in the crowd may be able to play the piano… … .”
“There are only people who learn as a hobby, but who can do this!”
The music-loving Countess already knew the level of piano
pro iciency of those she invited.
at that time.
"I… … Madam, if you don't mind, may I play the piano for you?"
The countess turned her head to the unfamiliar voice she asked
A beautiful silver-haired boy stood where she turned.
The Countess looked at the boy's golden eyes as if possessed.
"you… … ?”
Surely only acquaintances were invited, but who the hell is this
beautiful angel?
The Countess, who had been busy preparing for the concert, had not
paid attention to the new guests.
“I am late to greet you, madam. My name is Ethan Bronte, the second
son of the Bronte family.”
Ethan politely greeted the Countess with a smile.
"iced coffee! Bronte's... … !”
… … handsome bastard?
She had already heard the rumors.
And looking at Ethan's appearance, he thought. I think I can see why
the Duke of Bronte fell for a lowly woman.
'Hmm... … . Doesn't the Duke of Bronte feel sorry for hiding this
handsome son? Haha, if it's a son like him, I'd like to brag about it.'
It was rude to bring a bastard to an invitation, but the Countess
rekindled her interest.
What's more, if it's a handsome kid like this, wouldn't it be welcome
even if he was a beggar?
The countess smiled inwardly and opened her mouth again in a soft
“But the master of Brontega will play the piano… … ?”
“If only my wife gave me a chance.”
“The song I need to accompany today is Werthven’s <Glory>, is it
The Countess asked in a suspicious tone, but never lost her kind
She was adept at dealing with people enough to hold social
gatherings in the salon.
“Fortunately, it’s a song I practiced every day.”
“The <Glory>?”
Werthven's <Glory> was a dif icult song that required a lot of
practice even for those who could play the piano.
But is this boy already able to play that song?
“I’m a little nervous, but can I show you a demonstration?”
The Countess nodded her head as if possessed by her fresh and
alluring appearance.
What if you hit well and what if you don't?
That lovely boy wants to play the piano.
With the Countess' permission, Ethan sat down at the grand piano
on one side of the salon.
As he sat in front of the black piano, his silver hair shone in contrast.
Just as the black and white keys of a piano harmonize, just sitting in
front of the piano became a painting.
Ethan lightly tied her lowing hair with a ribbon and placed her hand
on the keyboard.
The white nape of the neck exposed under the ponytail, and long,
slender ingers.
With a light breath, he released his hand as he moved his inger over
the black and white keys listed.
A simple note that quickly rises from one level to a higher level and
then goes down again.
However, the clear piano sound was enough to draw the attention of
the people gathered in the salon.
As people's eyes turned to him, Ethan bowed lightly to the audience.
It was just to see if he could play the accompaniment, but people had
already stopped talking and waiting to hear him play.
Ethan, with his eyelashes lowered, leisurely scans the keys and the
score, then presses them deeply with his long ingers.
A sound that was pressed down with weight spread through the
salon, and he began to play the intense introductory part of <Glory>.
As the white, long ingers moved, the stacked tones rushed in like a
tidal wave, but at some point, as if a storm had broken out, her face
changed to a bright and joyful sound.
All of a sudden, people were completely concentrating on his
performance and listening to the music.
'Is this skill coming out at that age?'
You have small hands, how can you naturally digest that range?
It didn't end with precisely pressing the notes, but the strength and
melody of each note were also quite high.
The Countess was enchanted by his playing.
She didn't think it was too much to name Ethan a pianist.
The violins and lutes waiting next to him also began to pile up one
by one in line with Ethan's playing.
Ethan's performance, which started as a light practice, soon turned
into a complete concert.
In less than a few minutes, Ethan had everyone's attention
completely focused on him.
Dorothy also listened to his performance with her ears from afar.
It was similar to the last time I played the violin.
genius. A person greater than memory.
'… … It might have been better for me to become a musician rather
than a prime minister.'
The reason he didn't go down that path despite such a genius was
that he had too much political desire and desire to become a musician.
Besides, there were so many natural talents besides musical talent.
Clearly, Ethan was a person with many charms that could be said to
have been loved by God. If only the origin is excluded.
While Dorothy was immersed in her sentiments, Ethan inished
playing the climax for the last time.
People gathered in the salon poured applause.
Even though I didn't inish the song, it was an enthusiastic response
as if I had inished a song.
“Awesome! Each inger seemed to contain a soul.”
“How dare you hide such a genius until now!”
People praised Ethan and the Duke and his wife.
The Countess was even moved by his performance and wiped her
tears with her handkerchief.
Ethan looked back at the Countess Duncan with a friendly gaze.
“Countess, may I take the accompaniment?”
At his soft question, the Countess smiled and nodded.
“Of course, Master.”
The Countess rejoiced that the young pianist's participation would
make the concert special.
Dorothy took a sip of tea quietly as she watched Ethan sitting in
front of the piano and staring at her.
You still like to be noticed.
It's kind of an atmosphere that shouldn't be interrupted.
Dorothy naturally fell behind people, as she had done in the imperial
At that moment, his eyes met Ethan, who was attracting people's
“Princess Dorothea.”
Following Ethan, the eyes of the others were stinging on Dorothy.
The sudden focus of attention puzzled Dorothy as well as Stefan
behind him.
Ethan walked in a straight line to Dorothy across the crowd.
Dorothy seemed to be crushed by the gaze of Ethan getting closer
and closer to him.
Ethan approached with a graceful and aristocratic gait and stopped
in front of Dorothy.
Then he reached up close enough to touch his breath and whispered
in Dorothy's ear.
“I get nervous because people look at me so much.”
His whispers could only be heard in Dorothea's ears.
All I could see were two people whispering close to each other.
“I think I can do better if someone I know comes and sits in front of
I just did well, but I think I can do better.
Ethan inished whispering and wrapped his hand around her hand as
soft as silk.
His ingers, which had just played the piano, now seemed to play her
“Can you come over here?”
Ethan, with a tickled smile, pulled her forward from the back of the
He didn't even hold her hand tightly, but Dorothy was helplessly
caught in his hand.
Dorothy, who was marginalized in the back, got everyone's attention
and came to the closest position to the piano.
“This is the place that suits the princess.”
He sat down Dorothy, seemingly happy, and secretly met their eyes.
'It's harmful, really.'
If he's not vigilant, Ethan easily slips through the gap.
Before returning, the young girls joked that the only way not to fall
for him was to love others passionately.
That wasn't entirely wrong, thought Dorothy.
Ethan glanced at Dorothy and gracefully stepped on the white marble
loor and returned to the stage.
Numerous eyes watching the two closely.
If it was Ethan that Dorothy knew, this act was probably calculated.
He exhibited his relationship with the princess in front of people.
“Oh, even if not, I was going to have the princess in the front seat!”
The Countess apologized for not escorting the highest princess to
her seat in advance due to concert arrangements.
At the same time, he nodded as he looked at Ethan who had taken
Dorothy in the midst of a frenzy.
“Then let’s inish the rehearsal and of icially start the concert, shall
The Countess smiled and skillfully cleared the mood.
Soon after, at the Countess' signal, the concert began, and Ethan
slowly pressed the keys with his ingers.
His ingers low smoothly over the listed keys.
Soft hair swaying and swaying with the low.
And his eyes looking down at the score and the keyboard.
Eyes like jewels, half hidden by long, drooping eyelashes.
His ingers illed the salon with a magical melody.
Dorothy's heart tickled at the clear piano sound.
Why? It's de initely an accompaniment for the Countess, but his
performance gets stuck in your ears as if it's the main character.
'I think you should listen to me.'
Even when the Countess started singing, Dorothy couldn't
concentrate because of the piano melody that kept enticing her to
Was the song <Glory> so sweet?
Was it an honor to the god of love?
Ethan's ingers pounding the keys seemed to caress the listener's
The tone gradually increased as if tapping the toes and gently
sweeping the legs and thighs up to the waist, navel, chest, and nape of
the neck.
Dorothy held her breath involuntarily, concentrating on the music.
And the sound of a popping explosion made my heart swell.
Then her lips let out a breath.
At that moment, Ethan's gaze, which had only been on the score and
keyboard, lowed to Dorothy.
His eyes, which lowed through the slanted crevice of the grand
piano, grinned.
Dorothy's eyes were a little strange, and she lowered her gaze to her
Ethan smiled slightly when he saw Dorothy like that, then moved his
gaze back to the keyboard.


Ethan accompanied as many as six songs.

What is surprising is that he did all six different songs brilliantly.
I knew Ethan was gifted with a musical talent, but it exceeded my
Ethan received rave reviews and rave reviews one after another.
All the people chatting with alcohol put Ethan's name on the tip of
their lips.
And at the same time.
“The Princess and Confucius Ethan, do you get along well?”
The name of Dorothy mentioned together.
As soon as the concert was over, Ethan went to Dorothy proudly, and
the two seemed pretty close.
“They are a really good pair.”
"Right. Like fate.”
People looked at the two and talked.
Dorothy didn't like the atmosphere of being sulky about me, so she
went out to the terrace.
Ethan followed her and stood beside me.
In his hand was a crepe cake and tea.
“Would you like some?”
Ethan placed a plate and a teacup with a piece of cake on the patio
Dorothy nodded her head.
A breeze blew on the terrace, and the weather that went well with
Ethan shone.
I also liked that there were no loud voices.
“People say that the princess and I get along well.”
Ethan handed the fork to Dorothy and laughed as if it were funny, and
Dorothy looked away indifferently.
“That’s not a good thing, you know.”
Dorothy said she didn't care what they said.
A well-matched pair.
This was both a compliment and a contempt.
Both of them have genius talents, but they can't shine brightly, and
they came from half-baked, insigni icant compared to their high family
Abandoned Milanaire and bastard Bronte.
Although they do not speak, they thought that the two of them were
in a position where they could sympathize and exchange a lot in that
Dorothy and Ethan were both smart enough to understand the
But Ethan grinned at Dorothy's reaction.
"why? I am good.”
“… … what?"
“Do you hate the princess?”
Ethan asked with a pure face.
But Dorothy never believed the face.
“Should I like you?”
To be a snack to chew on for fun at classy teatime?
As Dorothy wrinkled her eyebrows, Ethan looked at her and
mumbled softly.
“… … You are cruel.”
“It’s too much,” he grumbled.
When Dorothy asked a question because she couldn't hear properly,
Ethan rubbed his lips and said it like a joke.
Then, a conversation was heard from below the terrace.
“When I see the princess, my heart aches.”
Dorothy stopped talking to Ethan and looked down at the garden at
the words that came from an unexpected place.
Just below the terrace where Dorothy and Ethan were standing, a
group of crowns could be seen.
“You’re so pretty, but it’s a pity that you have already been
abandoned by the imperial family.”
They didn't even know Dorothy was listening, and they were so busy
'I came out because I didn't want to hear... … .'
Dorothy deliberately ate the crepe cake with a fork, trying not to
“Because I can’t summon spirits.”
“If you can’t summon the spirit, you’re not Milanaire.”
“Honestly, the reason why people say that the imperial family is now
over is because the princess became like that… … .”
They weren't insulting Dorothy.
Their voices were full of sympathy and compassion.
They had pity on the princess who did not have the qualities of
But sympathy was more insulting than reproach.
Sympathy. It's a feeling for someone in an unhappy situation.
Compassion for the weak who cannot overcome that unfortunate
'They say it's true.'
Dorothy clutched the railing tightly, but accepted it herself.
There is no need to be angry with the right words.
The more you do, the worse it gets.
Whatever they say, Dorothy will live like this. At least this life is
better than the life of a tyrant.
By the way.
squeak... … .
A scream was heard from below, along with the sound of water
Dorothy looked up in surprise, and Ethan, with a cold face, set the
empty teacup down on the railing.
It's just a cup full of black tea.
“Who are you!”
The people below looked up in a voice mixed with irritation and
Their hair was soaked wet. Fortunately, the car was not hot as the
wind cooled it down.
As the nobles opened their eyes and looked up, Ethan's cold
expression changed to that of a young boy.
"I'm sorry. I accidentally put a teacup on the railing... … .”
Ethan poured the tea into his hand and apologized blatantly.
At the same time, the people below found Dorothy.
“Wow, Princess!”
They bowed their heads in embarrassment as to whether their
words were stabbed.
Ethan leaned against the railing.
“It’s okay, Princess. It's been over 100 years since the Prince of Fried
couldn't summon the Spirit of Darkness, but the power of the Prince of
Freed is still irmly maintained."
As Ethan spoke softly, the people below gave them poopy faces.
In fact, it was the expression of being caught wrong.
Ethan looked down at them one by one, as if engraved in his eyes,
and smiled.
“So even if Milanaire cannot summon the spirits, the merits of the
empire that Milanaire has built up in history will not be destroyed.”
Ethan said over and over, as if he had carved the sentence into
Dorothy's chest.
Merit that Milanaire has accumulated. trust.
'There's nothing like that.'
Dorothy could not agree with Ethan.
As long as Milanaire can't see the spirit, it won't be Milanaire.
“Just because you can’t summon spirits doesn’t mean you’re not
Milanaire… … .”
“Okay, Ethan.”
If I had to ight, I would only make a fuss.
It's not that what they said is wrong.
Then the people below quickly made excuses.
“We didn’t curse the princess, but we did it out of pity.”
"Right. It hurts my heart to live here at such a young age.”
“… … You don't have to be heartbroken. Because you are not unhappy
enough to hurt your heart.”
Dorothy couldn't stand it anymore and spoke a word.
Don't be heartbroken over my life. don't feel sorry for me
Because this is the best life I can live.
At least, because I believe that life is better than before.
“But, after all, the imperial family left the princess here alone, and
they haven’t been able to ind it properly for years… … .”
“I have recovered my health, but the princess needs to show her face
to the imperial family a little more actively rather than when she is
here like this.”
They worried about me even though I didn't want them.
no greed? I?
It seems that he hadn't been living his life wrong, Dorothy thought.
To hear that she, who lived with the label of being greedy, no longer
has greed.
Dorothy smirked.
Is the result of a good purchase coming out like this?
“Since there is no one here to give advice to the princess, it seems
that she is innocent without knowing the politics yet… … .”
Dorothy sternly cut off their advice.
“I don’t really want to talk like that.”
something you already know
And it's not as easy as you think.
To them, Dorothy might be a young princess who had just entered
her teens, but she had already passed through a long black tunnel and
was here.
But they did not know that.
“But if it goes on like this, all the famous nobles in the system will
ignore the princess, right?”
"Right. These are words from the heart of the princess's parents and
brothers. In particular, nobles who have graduated from Episteme are
never as humble as we are. Everyone's nose is so high that it can
penetrate the clouds and touch the sun."
I know, I know everything!
Dorothy bit her lip.
Then Ethan poked his head under the railing and smiled.
“You must have been very angry because of me because I got wet
with tea. You keep saying it even when the princess tells you to stop.”
It was a subtly friendly tone, so it was dif icult to tell whether it was
meant to quarrel or comfort.
“You must dry your clothes and touch your hair again. Would you like
to come inside?”
Ethan naturally knew how to get them out of Dorothy's sight.
At Ethan's words, the nobles murmured for a moment, then tried to
walk inside to clean up their wet clothes and hair.
At that moment, I saw a servant running screaming from the
entrance of Count Duncan in the distance.
"all! Everyone come forward and line up! The Emperor's carriage has
arrived! Sort!"
His Majesty the Emperor?
Dorothy looked up and saw the entrance to the garden in the
I saw knights on horseback and a splendid carriage approaching.
A lag that symbolizes the spirit of light. It was de initely the coat of
arms of the Milanese imperial family.
Dorothy's heart pounded.
Why the hell did the emperor's carriage come all the way here?
Dorothy turned quickly, and Stefan nodded quietly.
Dorothy hurried down to the irst loor with Stefan.
The nobility of the salon had already gathered in the hallway.
“Did His Majesty the Emperor come all the way here?”
“There was no message… … !”
Not only Dorothy, but the others, too, panicked, and quickly checked
her body.
When they barely lined up, the carriage stopped at the Count's
“Everyone be polite!”
The Count's door opened, and the knights lined up these ten columns
and entered.
The Imperial Knights, to which Stefan belonged, were the Knights of
And following him was a high-ranking of icial of the imperial family
with the emperor's decree.
Dorothy was glad he wasn't Carnan.
'It's probably not because of me.'
Dorothy thought that he must have come because of another
nobleman, or Stephan.
Instead of getting out of the carriage, he crossed the bowed people
and stopped in front of the Count's main gate.
The place where the minister's gaze suddenly turned to the place
where he could see at a glance as large as a distance was Stefan, and
Dorothy below him.
“Princess Dorothea Milanaire is the lifeblood of all things in the
Empire, the original contractor, and the executor of the spirits. Father
of Ubera, honor the decree of His Majesty the Emperor, who is the light
that dispels all darkness.”
Instead, he raised his head stif ly and shouted in front of the people.
'Are so many people really coming down because of me?'
While Dorothy panicked, people made a way for Dorothy and the
road split in both directions.
Dorothy's heart began to beat.
I couldn't even guess what was written on the bullshit in the
minister's hand.
But in my experience, I've never had a good job with Carnan.
Dorothy hesitated, and Stefan looked down at her quietly.
It was not something that could be avoided.
In the end, Dorothy stood in front of her, clutching the hem of her
dress with both hands, instead of holding the bullshit.
When Dorothy showed her manners, her ambassador issued the
emperor's edict.
“The Emperor of Ubera, Carnan Milanaire, commands.”
Instead, he decreed aloud for all to hear.
“Princess Dorothea Milanaire has recovered her health, so there is
no reason to stay in the detached palace. Princess Dorothea Milanaire
must be faithful to her duties as a member of the Imperial Family... … .”
Dorothy stood still in front of him, listening to Carnan's bull.
member of the imperial family. duty assigned.
It's not very comfortable either.
Even if you pretend you don't know, you can always mention your
name when you need it.
Instead, they listed Dorothy's duties as a Milanese.
None of those rights were given to Dorothy.
“Therefore, Princess Dorothea Milanaire follows the decree and
immediately returns to the Islands.”
Only duties and orders until the end.
Instead of reading all of Carnan's bulls, he rewound them, closed
them, and held them out to Dorothy.
Dorothy stood still, staring at the splendid bulls covered in red silk.
I could feel the hot gaze of her and the people around him.
Those who had just advised Dorothy to go up to the Islands looked at
each other in amazement.
But Dorothy wanted to if she could tear off Carnan's bullshit.
But it was an act of treason against the emperor.
Dorothy did not want to renew the bondage of treason.
Dorothy clenched her teeth.
An irresistible curse.
Dorothy bowed her head in front of him and held the decree with
both hands.
“The carriage is already ready. Let’s go straight to the system.”
"However… … .”
“It is His Majesty’s name. We will meet you without any
Instead, his of ice-like and hard gaze.
“Give me time to clean up too.”
“Your Majesty has asked you to bring the princess 'without delay'.”
Instead he said this strictly.
It was a tight schedule even if I left immediately to arrive at the
island within this month.
“You don't have to worry about everything you need for your trip.”
The wagon was already loaded with light travel luggage for Dorothy.
It seemed that he had already gone to the private palace to pick up
Clara and the other servants will organize the rest of the villa's work
and come up.
Dorothy clenched her ists.
Aren't you supposed to give me time to say goodbye?
lived here for many years.
With the exception of a few who came down from the Imperial Palace
like Clara, most of the servants of the detached palace were from this
area, so they wouldn't go up with them.
Can't even say thank you to them?
'Joy and the grapes... … .'
People who are not permitted by the Imperial Household cannot
enter the Imperial Palace.
To become a servant of the imperial family, you need the permission
of the emperor.
If Joey and Po are left alone like this, they will have to go back to the
Black Village, because they have no place to stand in the detached
And their father will treat the escaped children more than ever
“I understand that your Majesty the Emperor personally sent a letter
the other day.”
As Dorothy hesitated, the minister urged her, as if nothing was
“I certainly wrote a reply of refusal and sent it.”
In Carnan's letter, it was clearly engraved that he would not go back.
Then he nodded his head.
“That’s why I came to meet you.”
Because I didn't come up with it.
It seems that the problem was that he refused the emperor's words
the other day. Instead, he spoke in a formal and hard tone.
He thought Dorothy would take the time to return to the villa.
“I must carry out the orders of His Majesty the Emperor.”
A minister who could not disobey Carnon's orders could not be
“Then give me a moment.”
Even if you can't stop by the separate palace, you can take a moment
to talk right now.
Instead, he gave Dorothy permission until that time.
Dorothy borrowed a pen and paper to write to the Countess for a
Although it was unfair and angry that she could only say goodbye in
this way, Dorothy pressed her words of thanks on top of the letter.
He said he would come back if he had a chance.
In the other, I wrote to Clara what to do with the things in the villa
and how to get Joey and Po into the imperial palace.
Dorothy, who had written the long letter, stood up to ind someone to
deliver it while the ink dried.
Then, before she could even leave, Ethan approached.
“Can I deliver that letter to the annex?”
“Among the people gathered here, I think I went to the detached
palace the most to play.”
Ethan said honestly.
When Dorothy hesitated, Ethan added.
"Do not worry. If the princess entrusts me with the task, I will do it
He looked into his eyes, asking him to trust him.
Not a single eyebrow.
'I was angry last time, so I won't think of anything else.'
Dorothea remembered Ethan crying and begging him not to hate
After all, there was no one else to ask for more than Ethan.
Dorothy inally nodded.
“I would appreciate it if you would, Ethan.”
Dorothy folded the ink-dried letter, sealed it in an envelope, and
handed it to him.
“If you tell Clara, she will take care of it.”
Upon receiving the letter, Ethan nodded.
After hesitating for a while, not knowing what to say, he parted his
“… … Congratulations, Princess.”
“You have returned to Lampas.”
"iced coffee… … okay. thank you."
It wasn't a good thing for Dorothy at all, but in the eyes of others it
would be something to celebrate.
“I was still thankful that the princess came down to Cerritian.”
Ethan bowed his head.
By the way, I said goodbye to Ethan too.
“It’s been fun, Ethan.”
“Please don’t say hello as if we will never see each other.”
"don't worry. We will see you again.”
Dorothy laughed.
Regardless of his concerns, Dorothy and Ethan will surely meet again
Then Ethan laughed.
“Are you talking about the debut?”
Oh yeah. When I debuted, I asked to be a partner.
Dorothy, who had forgotten her promise for a moment, nodded.
“Until then, you must stay healthy. I will be waiting for that day.”
Ethan stared tenaciously into Dorothy's eyes, waiting for a de inite
He seemed afraid of where Dorothy would go.
Do you hate being your only friend away from you?
“Okay, Ethan. You too are in good health.”
At that moment, Ethan smiled as if his heart had calmed down.
“Then I must say goodbye now.”
Ethan slipped Dorothy's letter completely into his arms and looked
at her.
and. A soft touch on the forehead.
Dorothy for a moment forgot to breathe.
It seemed that the heat from his forehead was spreading all over his
His lips fell slowly, whispering in her ear.
“Hello, twelve-year-old princess.”
Dorothy looked at him with her hair white.
“It was nice to meet you.”
He said goodbye, unable to take his eyes off of Dorothy, as if trying to
capture each one in his eyes.


Rey's stomach churned at Theon's indifference recently.

'You're hiding something from me.'
He pretends to be okay, but Theon has a secret, a big secret.
Rey was going to wait until Theon spoke irst.
There must be a reason why you don't speak.
However, as the days went on, Theon started seeing each other with
Julia or shunning Rey more often.
'Are you two supposed to like it?'
Ray licked her lips and pondered.
Clearly, the two looked different from the others.
The affectionate eyes looking at each other, or the appearance of
whispering without anyone knowing.
'So now I have to fall between the two of you?'
I hate that.
What the two of you like is what we like, and I wish we could talk and
play together for a little bit.
“I have to ask you today. Are you okay, Tommy?”
Ray, who was taking care of the tomatoes, left her seat and stood up.
He wiped the dirt off his clothes and headed for Theon's library.
And before he even got to the library, he ran into Theon.
“Ray, it was nice to meet you.”
Theon grabbed him as if he had waited before Rey could even get his
quest out.
“Well, have you met?”
“I have something to tell you.”
Theon took him into an empty classroom in Episteme.
Rey was dazed for a moment, blinking her eyes, and then came to her
'Now you're going to tell me too!'
The time has come to reveal a secret that until now only Theon and
Julia have shared.
Rey twitched the corners of her lips as she was about to go up, barely
holding onto her, and faced Theon.
“Uh, what’s going on?”
Ray asked, pretending to be blunt.
Then Theon licked his lips and hid it.
He hesitated for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.
“Ray, you… … How do you feel when dealing with spirits?”
Theon's question wasn't what he expected, so Rey's blue eyes
I thought you were talking about Julia, but suddenly it's a spirit.
"Well… … . When dealing with spirits, it feels like lowers are
blooming in my chest.”
It was an embarrassing question, but Ray answered it seriously.
Calling out spirits like a lower blooming from the chest, and
whispering your heart like raining rain on the spirits, it becomes more
A feeling of being kind and cautious.
At Rey's answer, Theon's gaze fell and a shadow fell on his face.
"What's going on, Theon?"
Rey intuited that Theon's mood was unusual, asked Rey.
Unlike his usual soft and calm appearance, he was afraid of
"government ordinance… … .”
“The spirit doesn’t work for me.”
The moment Rey asked, Theon's red eyes looked at him.
The moment he met Theon's terri ied gaze, the air surrounding him
became black.
Rey called out his name in the pitch-black darkness that suddenly
came over.
The darkness so thick that Theon couldn't see right in front of him
terri ied Rey.
Then Theon's hand grabbed him.
“Help me, Ray.”
in the dark darkness. Theon's trembling voice reached Rey's ear.
And then Ray realized.
After a few generations, a dark spirit appeared in the Fried family.


Lampas, after a few years, was not unfamiliar at all.

I've been here for over 30 years before I die and after returning, so
it's not unfamiliar to me that I've only been to 3 years of recuperation.
Dorothy followed the guidance of the aide who had met her and
entered the Imperial Palace.
It had been a long time since she stepped on the loor of the imperial
family, making her somewhat angry.
And I met you, Carnan.
"Wait for a moment."
He brought the man from the detached house up to here, and made
Dorothy wait for him, saying he was busy.
Dorothy waited quietly in front of her, holding back the words that
were about to come out of her lips.
To borrow Joey's tone from his anger as an excuse, he was a fucking
emperor cub.
Only after the car following Dorothy had cooled down did Carnan
look up to meet her daughter, whom she had called in three years.
Everything in the Imperial Palace was familiar, but Karnan's face was
still unfamiliar.
“Why did you call me?”
Dorothy irst asked Carnan, who looked at her.
It was against the manners to open her mouth before the emperor,
but for Dorothy, this alone was a lot of patience.
“Once the treatment is over, you should de initely come back.”
Carnan narrowed her brows and spoke with a tone of admonition.
“Come back. You are speaking as if this is where I will be.”
“What do you mean?”
“Is there a place for me here?”
asked Dorothy.
I always keep it in the most remote palace, never visit it, and call it
when it is necessary for a ceremonial occasion and set it up like a wall
clock. Is there a seat for Dorothea Milanaire here?
No, maybe it'd be more useful to have a grandfather clock in her
Because a grandfather clock can show off its existence by telling the
time once an hour.
But Carnan seemed to feel that Dorothy's question was arrogant.
“You are Milanese.”
Carnan let out a heavy sigh as if suppressing irritation.
Milanaire, that's Milanaire.
“What is Milanaire?”
“You ask, ‘What is Milanaire, so that I should remain in this palace?”
I've never felt like a member of the Milanaires, so why does that
name hold me like shackles?
At Dorothy's question, Carnan looked at her as if she were looking at
a beggar who had nothing.
And he said it like it was natural.
“The clothes you’re wearing, the shoes you’re wearing, the carriage
you’ve been riding in, the food you ate today, and the private palace
where you lived for three years, the servants who helped you. It’s all in
Everything Dorothy had.
Everything from her hair to her lesh and blood.
So it was only natural that Dorothy would have to listen to Carnan's
No, even if you're not Milanaire, you must obey the Emperor's
“Take the Episteme transfer exam.”
Carnan ordered Dorothy without further elaboration.
In Episteme, admission tests were held periodically.
It is a place where you study hard and enter, but when you enter,
there are people who give up and fall behind in a place where more
dif icult studies await.
However, transfer was more dif icult than admission because there
were not many of them, and late-graders who did not pass the
admission period desperately lock to pass through the eye of the
'But you tell me to take the test?'
Of course, Dorothy was con ident she would pass the transfer exam.
If it's about the episteme test, I'm still able to get up from sleep and
memorize it.
“I don’t like it.”
Dorothy did not obey Carnan's orders.
Have you ever dreamed of going to Episteme? desperate wish?
It had long since rotted and faded away.
“Why did you suddenly want to send me to Episteme?”
He didn't say anything when he entered the school.
Dorothy was not a toy to play with at Carnan's whims.
"I've always heard that you're pretty clever. Not long ago, the people
of Hark also praised you.”
“… … .”
just because of that?
Even before her return, Dorothy was much smarter than her peers.
But what's different now?
What doesn't bother Ray? What is it that you don't like to be
obtrusive in front of?
“If I can pass the Episteme, I will think of you differently.”
Carnan's proposal was surprisingly unappetizing.
In the past, I would have been delighted with this and studied hard
and passed the transfer exam.
A chance for Carnan to see me differently, a chance for my father to
recognize me, because that's what Dorothea Milanaire desperately
But now it was a question.
do you think otherwise? Why do I have to look different to you?
“The exam is in a month. In the meantime, I will give you a teacher so
I can prepare for the exam.”
Others take exams that take years of study, and give them one
teacher for only a month.
Even as he did that, Carnon spoke as if he was doing something really
great for Dorothy.
Is Karnon aware of how unreasonable he is with his commands?
Did you know that making such a request to other children sounds
like an order to die?
Dorothy looked at Carnan and thought she was the same.
And he said he was happy.
Not expecting him.
I didn't even think that I would say a word to my daughter who came
back after a few years that I missed her.
Thinking so, Dorothy shook her head.
"no. It’s okay if the teacher doesn’t attach it.”
Then, Carnan's brow furrowed even deeper.
“Keep in mind that I am not giving you a choice.”
“I will take the Episteme transfer exam. But the teacher does not
have to attach it. As always.”
said Dorothy.
She didn't want to wrestle long with Carnon.
“You should think about the prestige of the imperial family.”
Dorothy refusing a teacher, Carnan added sternly.
A warning not to bring a result that is so disastrous that it insults the
imperial family.
Dorothy nodded her head.
"I know."


After Carnan's audience, Dorothy followed her aide to the palace

where she had been staying several years ago.
Converta Palace, the only small palace she had in this Imperial
Converta Palace, the most remote and old palace in the Imperial
Palace, was a place of love and hatred for Dorothy.
It was the only place she was allowed to, but at the same time it was
like a prison.
Dorothy looked at the old building.
It was clear that he had returned home, but he was choking.
When I got to the front of the prison, a mysterious igure who did not
match the atmosphere of the prison was waiting for me.
"Lay… … .”
As soon as Ray saw Dorothy, he ran to her at once and hugged her
“You are inally back!”
Dorothy snuggled into Ray's arms.
“Leave this.”
Dorothy pushed Rey as hard as she could, and he grinned.
“Your arm is all right!”
“When is the enemy?”
Do you think that time has stopped since that day?
“You seem to have gotten a little taller?”
“You are big.”
Dorothy replied bluntly.
I thought he had grown up quite a bit, but Ray seemed to grow faster.
Ethan and Ray, how come they are all growing sprouts like that.
Later, into adulthood, Dorothy couldn't beat them with her height.
It's quite unpleasant to have to look up at your brother you hate for
the rest of your life, so there were many times when Dorothy wanted to
be taller than Rey.
Now is… … Fortunately, I don't feel anything.
“And this!”
Dorothy looked at Ray and thought as she held out the bouquet that
Ray had prepared.
“It’s a welcome gift.”
Dorothy held a bouquet of lowers in her arms.
A bright bouquet of yellow and white roses went well with the ray.
Dorothy thought it would be better for Ray to hold the bouquet than
she would receive.
“You don’t need to prepare anything like this.”
“Do you hate roses?”
“It means you don’t have to pick lowers for me.”
"iced coffee… … . You hate picking lowers! cool! Then I'll have to
think about something else next time."
Ray shrugged and asked what gift she would like to receive next.
“What do you want?”
Dorothy ignored him and walked past him into the palace.
Despite Dorothy's indifferent reaction, Ray followed Dorothy like a
dog who met her owner.
It seemed that there was still a story he wanted to tell.
“I heard. Your Majesty will make you take the episteme transfer
“… … .”
“It would be great if Dorothy also joined Episteme! We go together,
and we come back to the palace together. Let me introduce you to my
friends... … . If it's Dorothy, I'm sure it'll stick. None of the Episteme kids
are as smart as you.”
"I'm not busy?"
Dorothy stopped walking and turned to look at him.
The Crown Prince, who attends Episteme, has time to meet up with
his younger sister in such a leisurely way?
As Dorothy stared up, Ray rolled her eyes, rolled her head, and smiled
"it's okay. I am not busy!”
“You must be busy.”
“Your brother is back after a long time, what could be more
important than this?”
Rey smiled, revealing her white teeth.
“A lot.”
“As far as I know, none.”
there is no Knowing and learning one more now will help you
become an emperor.
Compared to that, meeting Dorothy is useless.
What's the use of coming out to meet a neglected younger brother?
Dorothy looked at him and sighed.
He knew that nagging Rey would only lead to tiring and boring
“Don’t regret it later.”
Rey nodded proudly at Dorothy's warning.
“I have no regrets, absolutely.”
Stefan watched the two of them from a distance.
He thought that Dorothy and Ray seemed to get along very well,
considering that he had been ignoring Ray's letters all along.
Because Dorothy's expression, which had hardened after meeting
the emperor, seemed more tender.


Clara was constantly busy with a sudden call from the imperial
“How could you summon me so suddenly!”
Dorothy and Stefan had already gone up to the islands, and Clara had
to follow them up.
But there was too much to deal with and organize.
“Did you get everything? Queen's book? Is there anything missing?”
Joey and Po were lying in a pile while everyone was moving.
“No, sister. What will we do then?”
“… … I don't know."
Everyone was busy, so no one cared about Joy and Po.
The more they did, the more their anxiety grew.
Like old and unnecessary baggage left here, it seemed that the two of
them would be abandoned here.
“I don’t want to go home, sister.”
“Me too. Don't worry, Po! Even if you ask me to use it as a mop, I will
try to force you to stay here, so please wait for a while.”
“Did the princess abandon us?”
“… … no. It will not.”
at that time.
“Master Ethan?”
Ethan came to visit Dorothy's private palace.
Clara and the people of the detached house welcomed him in haste.
“You must be busy, but I’m sorry for coming.”
Ethan greeted the people of the detached house kindly.
“No, masters are always welcome. But the princess isn't here... … .”
“I know. I have a request from the Princess.”
Then Ethan's eyes turned to Joey and Po on one side.
The two men, who made eye contact with Ethan, stiffened on the
spot like a small animal facing a wild beast.
Joey grabbed Poe's hand for nothing.
I didn't know why my body was tense in front of those star-like
beautiful eyes.
Ethan's gaze returned to Clara after giving them one warning.
“Here is the letter from the princess.”
Clara accepted Ethan's letter with a smile.
After reading the letter, Clara wiped the tears away from her eyes.
“Our princess, you are also kind… … !”
Of course, Clara would go up to Lampas and serve Dorothy again, but
Dorothy, who took care of the servants of the villa, was just lovely.
She greeted each other by mentioning the names of the manager and
gardener of the detached palace, and even the names of the youngest in
the kitchen.
Clara had the people in the villa return the letter.
And one letter, sealed in another envelope, was about Joy and Po.
“Joy, Poe! The princess is telling you to come up to Lampas too!”
When Clara delivered the good news, the two, who were tense,
jumped and hugged each other.
It's a system! Isn't it the busiest city in the world?
I heard that it is dif icult to get a pass in Lampas, a system where the
emperor lives.
To be able to go to such a city!
Ethan looked down at them, who were noisy and did not it in with
the annex.
His white hands clenched their ists and curled up.
“Thank you so much for delivering the letter, Master.”
Clara and the people of the villa thanked Ethan.
Ethan replied with a smile.
“It’s something the princess asked me to do. Of course I should.”
“If you are not busy, would you like to go inside and have some
Clara asked, "I can't just let the precious guest go."
Ethan shook his head.
“I’ll just go back. What are you doing alone in the palace where the
princess is not there? I was just here to deliver the letter.”
Ethan politely said hello and left the private palace.
As he was about to get on the duke's carriage, someone caught his
footsteps from afar.
"young master!"
Joy and a small Poe with a good voice came running.
“Thank you so much for sending the letter! Without the master, we
would have been abandoned.”
Joey and Po bowed deeply and said to Ethan.
“And I’m sorry about the last time. At that time, I was so afraid that
the princess would be angry with us... … .”
Joey also apologized for the last handkerchief.
To be honest, Joey didn't really like Ethan until recently.
It was because Ethan made Dorothy angry that day because he was
pushing the snack fruit and so on.
Joey said he hated Ethan for making him behave that way.
“I was really stupid. It's not that I carelessly touch the things of the
princess. Then I got angry at the master who thought of me. But the
mastermind even delivered such a letter for us!”
Ethan quietly looked at Joey, who had said thank you several times
with an excited face.
“You are so lucky.”
A cold voice came from his lips.
"Don't paint the princess' face."
Ethan let out a cold word and got into the carriage.
The carriage departed without Joey and Po having time to respond,
and the two of them stood in front of the private palace and looked only
at the tail end of the carriage.
"sister… … . Is the master angry?”
Poe grabbed Joey's collar and asked.
Then, Joy put a lot of wind on her cheeks and wrinkled her forehead.
“I can’t say thank you, you’re just pretty trash!”
Joey shouted as he looked at the carriage that was so far away that
he couldn't hear his voice.

The Episteme transfer exam was held on a windy day.

Dorothy did not refuse Huang Ming and meekly accepted the
entrance exam for Episteme.
the problem is.
“You mean zero?”
"Yes… … .”
Adviser Robert seemed to be on a cushion of thorns.
A princess who got 0 points in the episteme test.
“Did you pay the blank?”
“No, I solved it all.”
Five hundred multiple-choice questions, and ten essay questions.
I wrote down the answer without leaving a single question, and it
was a neat 0 point.
It would be better than this if I took a picture.
“Swordsmanship, horseback riding, and archery exams?”
“You all took the exam.”
In the test for cutting the head of a target with a sword, only the leg
was cut accurately.
The horse seemed to come in perfect irst place and then stopped in
front of the target point.
All the arrows hit the outside of the scoring zone. And that's exactly
one point.
In other words, their skills are perfect, but they all fall short of the
test standards.
“You did that on purpose.”
It was then that Karnan understood the situation.
“It seems that the written answer is also quite controversial among
the Episteme professors.”
Robert showed Dorothy's answer to Carnan.
The answer sheet, which perfectly matched the amount and format
required for the question, was not scored.
Couldn't get it to score.
Carnan's forehead, who was scanning the contents, grew more and
more wrinkled.
When asked about the truth, he criticized Episteme by comparing it
to a frog in a well, and when asked about the anguish of a character in a
novel, he asked if he had ever pondered so desperately with the
anguish of a real character.
The quality of the writing itself was excellent, but it missed the items
that would be the grading standards, and in terms of content, it was
impossible to get good grades from the professors of Episteme.
It was an irresistible resistance.
“Call Dorothea.”
Carnan said nervously, laying down Dorothy's answer.
Moments later, Dorothy was called into his room.
“You called.”
Dorothy already knew why she was called.
“Episteme test, can you explain what happened?”
“They told me to take the test, so I did my best.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Dorothy's casual reply made Carnan angry.
“Is this your best? I made a zero point that was not in the history of
episteme by getting all the problems wrong!”
Carnan shouted, throwing her answer sheet on the loor.
The white paper luttered wildly and scattered in all directions.
Dorothy looked at her answer sheet as it fell, with still eyes.
“Isn’t that a good thing? I set a new record that was never before in a
great episteme.”
Even as Carnon was angry, Dorothy's voice was as calm as ever.
“Don't pretend you don't know why I'm angry, Dorothea. I must have
told you to think about the prestige of the imperial family.”
“I did my best during the episteme exam. However, it seems that the
direction of his efforts was different from that of His Majesty.”
Dorothy said as she looked down at her test papers that fell to the
loor like garbage.
Dorothy thought that the answer sheet was 'Dorothea-like' in her
own way.
did my best. It is only wrong to choose the best you can.
It will go down in the history of Episteme with an unprecedented
notoriety. Like a tyrant who made notoriety in Ubera history.
Carnan looked at Dorothy standing there with her eyes closed with a
blank expression.
There seemed to be no emotion on her face.
“What do you think of me?”
“The emperor of the great empire Ubera is overthrown.”
“I am also your father.”
Dorothy's expression twitched as Carnon wrinkled her brow and
At the end of the day, he almost made a sad face.
"father… … You say?”
“Did your Majesty ever really want you to be my father?”
Dorothy tilted her head and asked, wondering.
I was really curious.
Because I've never felt or thought of Carnon as a father.
“Your Majesty didn’t think of me as a pothole that couldn’t even
summon spirits?”
"It doesn't make sense to babble with a pierced mouth, Dorothea."
“Do you know my birthday?”
asked Dorothy.
Then Carnan's expression hardened bitterly.
“… … know. Remember it wisely.”
"ah… … My birthday was also the anniversary of Her Majesty's
Dorothy laughed.
Dorothy's birthday and Empress Alice's anniversary.
So Dorothy never had a birthday celebrated.
Because he was a child born with death.
Because he was a child born after he killed his mother and drenched
his blood.
Thanks to this, Dorothy has never been held in the hands of her
parents since the irst day she was born.
For Carnan, the death of his wife was more important than the birth
of his daughter.
Before the return, I couldn't understand it.
On Raymond's birthday, he throws such a grand party, piles up
presents, and smiles.
Why doesn't my father give me even a small lower?
The nanny explained the reason to Dorothy.

'It's the day my mother, the Empress, Her Majesty passed away.'

The death of a mother who can't remember a single face.

So, everyone mourned the birth of Dorothy.
But was it because Dorothy was a bad person?
She hated the dark melancholy that illed her birthday.
I could never mourn my mother's death as much as others.
No, it was more sad that no one congratulated me and cared about
me than sad that my mother died.
The feelings I felt for my mother, whom I had only met through
portraits, were worse than that of the nanny.
Rather, resentment is greater than love.
Dorothy, as a child, hoped that her birth would be more delightful
than her death.
It's sad, but can't you take a look at me? I live here like this.
Dorothy's arrows of anger and condemnation returned to Dorothy
when she swarmed and quarreled like that.
An immature, naughty, heartless, sel ish child.
That was Dorothea.
“On that day His Majesty would have wanted me to die and my
mother to live.”
Dorothy looked at Carnan and said calmly.
The anniversary of the Empress who was born. You would have
wanted to save the Empress even if you had to sacri ice me.
And Carnan couldn't deny it.
If a doctor asks if he wants to save the woman he loves or the child in
his womb, he will de initely kill the child and choose his wife.
It's not that Carnon is bad, most people have made that choice.
Maybe Dorothy didn't even know she would make such a choice.
Before returning, if I asked him to save either Theon's life or the life
of my unborn child, it seemed like he would choose Theon himself.
So Dorothy agreed.
It wasn't Carnan's fault. You were just born wrong from the moment
you were born.
A bud that bloomed with tears in the land of tragedy. Mis-rooted
“Do you still look at me and think like that sometimes? I wish I had
died and my mother came back alive.”
Carnan's eyes luttered at him. frankly.
Well, I already knew that.
When I was facing Karnon, I could feel that feeling even if I didn't say
“Where did you say that… … .”
“When I was kidnapped years ago, did you want me to die?”
As soon as he inished speaking, he turned his head.
“Where are you talking recklessly? … !”
Carnan's voice trembled.
A face as if his stomach was boiling, as if he had been hurt.
Dorothy's heart seemed to have been cut by a sword in Carnan's eyes
like that.
I'd rather be ruthless like everyone else until the end, why... … .
There was more pain elsewhere than the red cheeks.
“… … I can still hear the sighs of His Majesty at that time.”
He hated him for blaming Dorothy with innocent eyes as if he had
never done it before.
“Your Majesty took my abductions under control as if nothing had
happened. I am ashamed of the imperial face.”
The sigh and expression on his face as if he had one more task to
deal with are still clear.
Obviously, I was so tired and sick that my mind was clouded, but I can
remember that too clearly.
"that… … !”
Dorothy waited for the back of Carnan's words.
What do you want to say as you look down at the blushing cheeks of
your daughter that I slapped with my hand?
But there were no more words after that.
“Have you ever hugged me once?”
You never said a word to your nine-year-old daughter who returned
from being kidnapped, even saying she's glad she's back.
There wasn't even a single hairbrush or a single hug.
“Dorothea Milanaire.”
“You don’t have to call me that. Because the name Milanaire has
never felt like a blessing.”
If I had been born normally, I might have lived unaware of my dream
of becoming an emperor, my inferiority complex toward Rei, and my
father's indifference.
Because it's Milanese, precious blood that doesn't it the dirty veins
has lowed out... … So you had a dream that didn't it.
You didn't even have the quali ications of Milanaire, but you mistook
me for the real Milanaire.
“So, you don’t have to worry about being Milanese anymore. You
don't need to be invited to major events or ceremonies because you
don't want to and you don't want to."
There was de initely nothing stabbed, but it was a story that was too
natural to be dull, but for some reason Dorothy's voice trembled.
Dorothy clenched her ists, not wanting to shake her voice again.
“Then let’s go back. your majesty."
Dorothy hid her blushing cheeks and bowed her head, waiting for a
moment for Carnan's permission to drop, then just left.
Carnan's door closed, and Dorothy bowed her head and strode down
the empty hallway.
I was sad. I poured out everything I wanted to say to Carnon.
Although she didn't become a 'good person', Carnan will no longer
bother her by arguing about Milanaire.
It must have fallen off to the extent that it was attached to it a little
Dorothy thought so.
But he could not lift his head, which had fallen to the ground.
It's because the cheek that was hit by Carnan hurts so much.
It hurts more than a knife cut... … .
She didn't want to show anyone her red cheeks.
Then, someone grabbed Dorothy's shoulder and pulled her up.
It was Stefan who was waiting for Dorothy outside the door.
“Stephan… … !”
Seeing him, Dorothy hurriedly turned her head and hid her face.
It looks so embarrassing now.
Stefan looked at Dorothy with her mouth shut and hugged her.
As I was buried in his wide arms, I felt the warmth of the body
wrapped around me.
Dorothy's emotions that she had been holding back exploded at the
temperature that pierced her chest.
“Stephan… … I want to go back to the separate palace. I don't want to
be here anymore.”
Dorothy wept, trying to hold back her tears.
She wished that Stefan would take her out of here.
knowing that it can't be
Then Stefan hugged her tighter.
"I… … I want to disappear from the world. I don't know why I have to
live I want to quit everything.”
In the end, Dorothy burst into tears.
Dorothy wept like a child, staining Stefan's chest with wet tears.
Stefan hugged Dorothy tightly and patted her back.
Until she stopped crying, without saying a word, by my side as


“… … Stephan.”
Dorothy, who had been crying profusely, called him, wiping her red
swollen eyes.
Stefan nodded, even though Dorothy didn't say anything.
What happened today meant I wasn't going to tell anyone.
“… … thank you."
At Dorothy's words, Stefan rubbed her hair with a large hand.
At that, the corners of Stefan's lips rose softly.
It was subtle, but sweet.
Dorothy thought.
If it wasn't for Stefan, I might have already quit my life.
It wasn't a happy life enough to live twice, and the future I could see
was all black.
“… … Am I lucky?”
After crying for a while, Dorothy asked in a hoarse voice.
Stephan then pointed to the cheek instead of answering.
It was the cheek that was slapped by Carnan.
“… … Is this worse?”
Stefan nodded.
It was a total mess.
Back to this state... … .
'No one will care anyway.'
Clara hasn't been up to the system yet, probably because there's
more work to be done in the separate palace.
Dorothy thought that she had been worried about nothing, and
headed to the remote palace where she was staying.
By the way.
“Princess… … ?”
Why did such a coincidence come about?
Dorothy froze on the spot as soon as she ran into Theon.
Murphy's Law. When things don't work out, bad things happen again.
Theon seemed to be on his way to meet Rey.
He glanced over Dorothy's red cheeks and swollen eyes, and the
Emperor's palace from which she had appeared in a brief moment.
“… … long time no see."
"yes… … . Long time no see."
Dorothy's voice was as low as the sound of an ant.
His head fell to the ground where there was nothing.
“… … Are you okay?"
Theon asked cautiously at Dorothy's appearance.
My heart was pounding and couldn't stand the situation.
"yes. It’s no big deal.”
She tried to smile casually, but what her face created was a bitter
Theon then rummaged through the inside of his jacket and pulled out
a vial of a cloudy, sticky liquid.
He handed the vial to Dorothy.
“Apply it to the wound and it will be a little better.”
Theon said that while practicing swordsmanship at Episteme, there
are a lot of injuries, so he carries a small amount of medicine.
Dorothy stared at the bottle in his hand, then hesitatingly picked it
The glass bottle with Theon's warmth remained warm.
It was as if the ointment had already melted and soaked into my
“… … thank you."
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Theon asked.
His eyes were very kind.
The look Dorothy had long wished for him.
“Enough already.”
Dorothy replied.


"your majesty."
“I know, Robert.”
Carnan muttered while resting her forehead.
He couldn't concentrate on his work after Dorothy left.

'Your Majesty that day would have wanted me to die and my mother
to live.'
The words Dorothy looked straight into his eyes and remembered.
What makes those words even more heartbreaking is that Dorothy's
words pierced his heart with precision.
Carnan still wondered what it would have been like if she could save
Alice the day Dorothy was born.
And if Alice could be saved, she would have been willing to endure
the death of Dorothy.
But I didn't want it to be like this.

'When I was kidnapped many years ago, did you want me to die?'

Would you rather have died? No way.

Anyway, where is the father who wants his daughter to die at the
hands of a kidnapper?
As soon as Carnan learned of Dorothy's disappearance, she
unleashed the Knights of Brightness and searched through them.
At irst, I thought that Dorothy was a kidnapping aimed at being a
princess, and moved with the related parts as the top priority.
But it must be the work of a kidnapper who knows nothing.
The coincidence caused confusion and delayed response.
That must have left Dorothy more fear and scars.

'… … I can still hear the sighs of His Majesty then, as vividly as I can

Carnan frowned.
Did I sigh then?
I've only heard that Dorothy woke up late, but was she awake when
he visited?
The kidnapping of the princess was a nationally important matter, so
it was quite troublesome to deal with it.
It could escalate into a diplomatic dispute or weakness, so he tried to
keep the case as quiet as possible.
That could have hurt Dorothy.

'Dorothea Milanaire.'
'You don't have to call me that. Because the name Milanaire has never
felt like a blessing.'

Carnan's heart grew heavier as she pondered over her conversation

with Dorothy.
As Dorothy said, he has not shown much affection for Dorothy until
No, even if I tried to give it affection, it didn't stick.
When Dorothy was just born, the grief of losing Alice was so great
that she couldn't take good care of her.
I didn't even have the courage to go see him.
For he had seen with his own eyes the scene of Alice dying and the
child being taken out of her blood.
When I saw Dorothy, that scene was the irst thing that came to my
mind and it was painful.
And naturally, as I turned away from Dorothy for several years, my
fatherhood faded away.
Besides, he didn't even become a loving father by nature.
As an emperor, he prioritized being faithful to the state, and he gave
Raymond a rigorous education.
Not caring about Dorothy like that became normal and
The only thing he checked was the budget execution of Conberta
Palace, where Dorothy was staying, and there were no major problems
with the details.
So he'll be taken care of by the nanny and servants. As a princess, I
just thought that she would eat good things and wear good things in a
good palace.
And as Dorothy grew a little, Alice began to appear in Dorothy's face.
When Dorothy was six years old, Carnan met her in 'Alice's
Hometown', and was surprised as if she was looking back at Alice's
If Alice had played in her hometown as a child, would it have been
like that?
But it wasn't Alice, it was Dorothy.
Carnan was overcome with strange emotions at the sight.
I was happy but at the same time displeased.
The fake Alice barely messed up his cold feelings.
And he felt guilty when he realized later that he had never gone to
see this child who looked like Alice.
If he had faced the guilt at that time and had been kind to Dorothy,
the relationship might have been different.
But he avoided that guilt and justi ied it.
I used to be that kind of person, I was originally a busy person.
Besides, Dorothy was growing up well on her own, even though he
didn't care.
Very smart enough to memorize the genealogy of Milanaire.
So I was a bit interested in it.
Until Dorothy inds out that she can't cast spirits.

'You still can't summon the spirit?'

It's been about a hundred years since Prince Fried couldn't control
spirits, but this is the irst time that a child who can't control spirits has
appeared in the Milanear imperial family.
It was a major problem for Milanaire, who had been afraid of
becoming like Fried for several generations.
A sign that Milanaire is leaning.
The irst defective product that shows that the justi ication that the
imperial family must be Milanaire is disappearing.
He couldn't believe that he and Alice had brought the end of
The child that Alice gave birth to when she died can't control a single
It wouldn't be cool if you could handle the spirits better.
So, Carnan turned away from Dorothy even more.
But today I heard Dorothy's voice for the irst time.
What did she think of her life and what she thought of him.
And the reality he faced was more miserable than he had expected.
“As Dorothea said, it would be better for me to be a man.”
Carnan muttered.
"your majesty."
“I know, Robert. It’s all my business.”
“How about paying a little more attention to Princess Dorothea?”
“… … .”
Does it make any sense to come and pay attention?
Carnan was skeptical of Robert's proposal.
“But we can't be like this forever, can we? The fact that Princess
Dorothea is Milanaire will not change until she dies.”
Carnan's sigh deepened at that.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Author : Ramgle
Publisher : Kwon Tae-wan, Woo Cheon-je

E-book publication date : 2021-07-02

List price : 3,600 won

Provided by: CL production

Address : Room 401, 38-9, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

ISBN 979-11-293-8402-7

This book has been published as an e-book by KWBOOKS under contract with the copyright
Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of the company
is prohibited by the Copyright Act.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 2

After breaking up with Dorothy, Theon headed to Rey's room.

The Emperor's Palace in the direction Dorothy was coming from.
It wasn't long before Carnan brought Dorothy to the Islands.
But why… … .
Theon, who was walking in thought, arrived at Rey's room.
After knocking and opening the door to enter, Rey, who was anxiously
walking in and out of the room, saw Theon and stopped.
“Theon! Dorothy failed the episteme exam!”
Ray's voice had an upsetting energy.
From the moment Dorothy said that she was going to take the
episteme exam, Dorothy was Ray who irmly believed that she would
surely pass.
He was excited about what Dorothy would tell her when she came in,
a tour of Episteme's playground, dining room, tower top, and even the
library and theater that Dorothy would love.
“Dorothy got zero points. It's the lowest score among all applicants!"
Rey's words reminded Theon of the Dorothy he had just met.
Now I slowly understood why Dorothy had such a face.
But that didn't make it hard to understand why Carnon slapped
Dorothy in the face.
“It’s 0 points… … . Surely the princess must be smart.”
“0 points?”
“To pick the wrong answer to every question, means that you
understand all the questions and options.”
Episteme's exams were famous for having a lot of content that was
dif icult to understand from the beginning.
That is why it is dif icult for senior passers to score 700 out of 1,000.
This is because there were a lot of problems that were too dif icult
for the age of the students taking the exam.
In addition, the test time was tight compared to the number of items.
It was such a dif icult exam, but I had to solve 100 questions in 120
The time distribution was also very dif icult, so there were many
people who took the last 50 questions.
If they succeeded in concentrating for two hours, the next test was
conducted immediately after a 15-minute break.
Because of this, around the last test, concentration was blurred and
the rate of incorrect answers increased.
Especially in the particularly dif icult test of episteme, there were
times when even the wrong option was the correct answer.
But Dorothy picked out 'wrong answers' for all of those trap
"I see… … !”
“Maybe the princess is smarter than Chief Episteme.”
“Yes! How did you pick all the wrong answers? Awesome, Dorothy!”
Rey's expression, which had been showing a lot of disappointment,
brightened in an instant.
Ray realized Dorothy's cleverness and said she was great, but Theon
thought Dorothy was greater in other ways.
No matter how smart you are, how do you think you'll get a zero on
the episteme exam?
Even if you can even imagine getting 0 points, you can actually put it
into practice.
It would be impossible without some kind of guts.
“Then why was it all wrong on purpose?”
"Well… … .”
“Is it because you don’t want to go out with me?”
Ray became depressed as if the pick wind had gone.
“It can’t be.”
“But Dorothy doesn’t like me very much.”
Ray lost his con idence when it came to Dorothy.
Ray, who always seemed bright, cheerful, and carefree, drooped in
front of Dorothy, like a dog soaked in the rain.
"maybe… … It must be for another reason. And the princess said that
she also accepted your bouquet. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't have gotten
“So Theon, would you like to go see Dorothy together after work for
the spirits?”
Ray suggested that we go to celebrate Dorothy, who scored zero.
But Theon remembered Dorothy's red eyes, bloodshot eyes, and red
“No, you better leave Princess Dorothy alone today, Ray.”
Dorothy didn't want to be seen that way.
“And you said you had something to tell me about the spirits today.”
Theon returned the subject from Dorothy.
It was the reason he came all the way to see Ray today.
“Oh, right! So, how have you been lately? It seems the spirits aren't as
troublesome as they used to be."
“… … I think I can do something about suppressing it.”
Theon replied.
Thanks to a letter from Freedia, the sudden appearance of the spirit
was prevented.
At least, the fear of harming others is gone.
There was no sudden fall of a lying butter ly or no carcass of a
mouse found.
“But if you keep suppressing the spirit of darkness, you will only hurt
If you forcibly suppress the spirit's appearance, the spirit's power
will only pool inside Theon.
The problem is that the power of the dark spirit is related to death.
In other words, it eats away his vitality.
“I read an old book that might be helpful. Come on."
Rey took Theon and opened the book he had found in the corner of
the Imperial Library.
As I opened the book, which smelled of old dust, a cloud of dust
spread through the sunlight.
“Because I study harder these days than during the episteme exam.”
Ray said proudly and fumbled through the front of the book.
And quickly found the part he was looking for and offered it to Theon.
“It’s about the irst Milanaires and Fried. The part where the two of
them made a blood covenant with the spirit king.”
Theon read the part he was pointing to.
The story of Milanere making a blood pact with the king of light
spirits and making a wish to create the sun, and Fried making a blood
pact with the king of dark spirits and making a wish to cast a veil of
night to escape from the overly hot sun.
Theon looked at Rey as if this was a big ind, and he pointed to the
lower row.
“Not here, light and darkness were one in the beginning, and it is said
that Milanaire and Fried balanced each other’s powers by restraining
them. So, can I help you?”
“Maybe the Spirit of Light can offset that power. We are balancing
Rey looked at Theon and her eyes lit up.


Clara, Joey and Po arrived the very next day.

It was because it took a long time for Joey and Po to go through the
reconciliation process to enter the Imperial Palace and to deal with this
and that.
Dorothy hit them with the swelling on her cheeks still intact.
“No, Princess! What's wrong with your face?”
As soon as Clara saw Dorothy after a long time, she was surprised
and ran to her.
“There were some minor accidents.”
Clara, noticing that Dorothy did not want to speak, looked at Stephan.
I wanted to tell you everything that happened in the meantime, but...
'Huh, what can you expect from that knight? Someone with a tightly
sewn mouth.'
Clara gave up.
Joy and Dorothy the grapes were surprised to see the palace bigger
than the separate palace, Anastas Palace.
“Even the princess can be beaten… … ?”
Poe asked Joey with a shocked expression.
Dorothy, who seemed to be the tallest person in the world, was
slapped in the face.
Who the hell slaps the princess on the cheek?
“You accidentally injured yourself while playing, Po.”
Dorothy laughed and explained to Poe.
Ah, it can be. But even the perfect-looking princess makes mistakes.
Poe nodded.
“Anyway, the two of you will be staying in my palace. Only the space
has changed, but you can stay as you would in a separate palace.
However, this place is spacious, so don’t go out into other palaces
“The royal etiquette… … I need to learn more.”
Joey's eyes widened.
I thought I had learned enough.
“It is much stricter here. If you make a mistake, your neck can run
Unlike the detached palace that Dorothy looked up to, this is the
palace where the emperor resides.
“Especially outside the Palace of Conberta, there should be no
What happens inside Dorothy's palace can be taken care of by
Dorothy, but it's dif icult for Dorothy to protect her if something goes
wrong elsewhere.
At Dorothy's warning, the two nodded nervously.
Dorothy looked at Joey and Po.
Now it felt like my people were here.
“You will be tired for now, so go wash up and rest. Clara.”
Dorothy's palace didn't have to be busy.


Since then, Dorothy has tried several times to go down to the villa,
but each time she has failed.
Instead, the budget paid to the Palace of Converta has increased
compared to the previous one.
'Do you mean to stay here without thinking of running away?'
I don't want to change the budget.
Carnan's heart was unfathomable.
Dorothy often ran into Carnan while she was at the Imperial Palace.
Unlike before, Carnan is starting to show more interest in Dorothy.
Of course, there was no needless chatter or invitation to tea time.
However, he would take Dorothy with him on important occasions or
send gifts on his birthday.
'I thought you'd be farther away from me, but why... … ?'
Why do you care because I tell you not to care?
Carnan's behavior, like a tree frog, made Dorothy wonder if he was
doing this to torment her.
So, when Dorothy encountered him, she quickly ran out of sight.
The change in his eyes from before was not uncomfortable at all.
Dorothy spent most of her time like a stranger.
He was con ined to his own territory and did not go out unless
something serious happened.
It was ine though.
There was Stefan and Clara, there was Joey and Poe.
Dorothy was content to build her own wall high and stay inside with
the door locked.
Occasionally, Ray would visit Dorothy.
After a few bumps, Ray gradually became more aware.
Talking about episteme in front of Dorothy, asking why she didn't
show off her talents, or urging her to go somewhere was less and less.
Ray would occasionally come to play with Theon when Dorothy was
in a good mood.
The two were very close, and they were famous for sticking together
even in the episteme.
Rey was the starting point for Theon, who was able to accept a
political marriage even if it wasn't love, before returning to turn his
back on Dorothy.
Because Dorothy killed his best friend, Ray.
After Dorothy killed Rey and became emperor, Theon treated her like
an enemy.
Hatred, contempt, ignorance and anger.
Theon gave her another reason to keep Rey alive.
“… … How are you today?”
When he met Dorothy, Theon was always cautious and asking
Probably because he remembers being slapped by Carnon.
Theon's calm gaze as she looked at her well-being made Dorothy's
heart race.
His skeleton was almost that of an adult, and his height was on the
large side among adults.
His red eyes, since he was a child, were like red wine that had
matured well, a light that would fascinate many ladies.
“You look good these days.”
He was so friendly that it made it dif icult to keep distance.
Rejecting Theon Fried was the hardest thing for Dorothy.
But fortunately, the whole world was not shaken by his word like
I was still excited and excited to see him, but at the same time, I got
used to giving up in moderation.
The days when I feel like crying are getting fewer. The days of
remembering his death are becoming rarer.
Instead, he was illed with gratitude that he was alive.
okay. It's nice to be able to see his face like this.
Dorothy was slowly getting more and more relaxed, and she was
slowly moving away from the past.
“Still, it’s great to have Dorothy. I was a little bored because I was
alone in the Imperial Palace.”
Ray, who had become accustomed to coming to Conberta Palace
where Dorothy was staying, said anew.
“To be bored. busy.”
“There’s a difference between being busy and being bored.”
Ray said that just seeing Dorothy made her feel better.
Because of that, Dorothy did not chase Rey outright when Ray came.
If there's one more reason to let Ray come, it's because Joey and Po
really liked Ray.
“You said you were friends with Dorothy in the villa?”
“Tues, woes, the Crown Prince!”
“It’s Crown Prince Haha, po… … !”
“Joy, you are wrong. It’s not lowering, it’s telling.”
Joey and Po sometimes got confused about the complicated imperial
etiquette, and Dorothy had to correct it.
Joey and Po saw Rey as something out of a legend.
Ray, a kind and kind person, didn't hesitate to put the two of them
together at tea time.
"Come on. Tell me the story of Anastasia Palace.”
Ray has always been like that.
A person with no dignity, no walls, no charisma, unsuitable for the
position of the Crown Prince.
So people who break down social barriers and let people loose.
Dorothy was very dissatis ied with that.
Even now, he thought that his temperament was not suitable for the
role of the Crown Prince and future emperor.
But still, I thought it was okay.
Maybe Dorothy was jealous of Ray's brilliance that everyone could
“Did you make these cookies yourself?”
Ray asked, surprised by the almond cookies Poga brought to tea
"Miraculous. I have never baked cookies.”
“Hey, can I teach you?”
“Is that so?”
Ray laughed softly, and Po shook his head and promised to do so.
"pho… … ! How do you teach the Crown Prince!”
Joey glanced at him and poked, and Po looked at Dorothy in a
bewildered way.
Surprised by himself for committing blasphemy, his round eyes beg
for help.
Rei laughed at Po cutely.
"it's okay. Baking cookies is interesting, so I wanted to give it a try.
It’s magical to see lour change like this.”
Rei and Po were proud to speak with the Crown Prince, and were also
delighted by Rey's tender kindness.
“Your Majesty the Crown Prince, you are very handsome.”
Joy couldn't hide her excitement when Ray left.
"okay… … ?”
that idiot?
In Dorothy's eyes, he was just a bright older brother, but in the eyes
of others, he didn't.
Wasn't it pretty popular in Episteme too?
Do people like him more because he is the Crown Prince?
“I think he’s the second most handsome man I’ve ever seen.”
“After that, the master of the duke family.”
Ah, Ethan... … .
Ethan and then Laylanie. It was too much praise for Ray.
It was clear that Rey had a ilter of power on it.
“Is he going to become emperor later?”
“Wow, the person who will become emperor ate my cookies.”
Poe admired purely.
The one who will become the Emperor, the Crown Prince.
In fact, Dorothy admired the place very much, much less the two of
“You are sure to become a wonderful emperor.”
At Joey and Po's words, Dorothy stopped holding a teacup.
“… … Yes, right.”
Dorothy nodded and brought the teacup to her lips again.
Dorothy shrugged off her concerns about what would happen if her
two children increasingly liked Ray more than she did.
'Why are you worried? When Joey and Poga become friends with
Ray... … That's good.'
Ray was stronger than Dorothy.
If Joey and Poe have a problem, Ray can be more helpful than
Carnan doesn't listen to Dorothy, but she listens to Rey.
“Joy, Po.”
"If the… … If you think you want to have Rey, just tell me.”
“I may be able to, but I’ll ind out when I have a seat.”
The place serving Rey is so popular that it doesn't often ill a vacancy,
but if it did, I could gather strength that Dorothy didn't have and help
Joey and Poe.
Then those two will have a stronger background.
But Joey and Poe looked at her blankly, as if they didn't understand
Dorothy's words.
“Why do we have the Crown Prince? We will be with the princess.”
“… … Ho, did you ever hate us?”
said Joey, and Poe asked dazedly.
Dorothy shook her head in surprise at their reaction.
“No, it’s not like that.”
“But why are you sending us to the Crown Prince?”
Poe's voice was cautious, as if frightened.
“I mean, you can do it if you want.”
“… … Do you want us to go, Princess?”
Po's lips trembled, and Joey grabbed Poe's hand.
Do you want to go to Rey?
“… … no."
I also want someone to be by my side.
But Dorothy was always afraid.
that you will become a burden holding someone's ankles.
Then Joey and Poe grabbed Dorothy's arm.
“Then don’t leave us.”
The two of them whispered.
Dorothy stared at the two of them.
Joey and Poe grabbed her hem and supported her, who was easily
shaken by the smallest things.
“… … How can I leave you?”
I'm afraid you'll leave me
At Dorothy's words, the two smiled in relief.


One day, as time passed, Dorothy grew taller to the height of Stefan's
chest, and her eyes became more mature and deep.
“Madame, I have something to tell you.”
A maid came in and found Clara, not Dorothy.
Clara looked at Dorothy at the maid's dark expression.
Clara, who had been happily chatting with Dorothy until recently,
stiffened as if she had sensed misfortune.
What's the problem I'm not aware of?
With Dorothy's permission, Clara left the room.
And Clara did not return for a long time.
Is there some serious problem with the palace?
The maids have a manpower problem, or something is seriously
broken... … .
'It won't be a big deal... … .'
Clara is a seasoned maid, so there's no need to worry.
With that in mind, Dorothy didn't really care.
However, I couldn't help but be surprised to see Clara who soon
returned with her eyes swollen and red.
"Clara… … !”
I've been with Clara for a long time, but it's the irst time I've seen
such a miserable expression on her face.
“Princess, I… … I’m really sorry, but can I take a few days off?”
"What's wrong, Clara?"
“That’s because my father passed away… … .”
There was no energy in Clara's voice, which was always strong and
Clara said that her father, who had been ill for a long time, passed
away this morning.
Dorothy felt sorry for the fact that she had been with Clara for so long
that she had never known anything about her family.
“I’m sorry, Clara. Had I known that my father was ill, I would have
given him a leave earlier... … .”
"no. I didn't know he would die so suddenly. Even if the princess had
given me a vacation, I would have come out.”
Clara laughed weakly.
“Come on, Clara. Don't worry about this one thing and take care of
“I’m sorry to see you like this in front of the princess.”
Clara bowed her head.
“I’m sorry, what are you sorry for? Don't mind me and go, Clara."
“Thank you, Princess.”
Clara bowed deeply and left the room.
Although Clara's father doesn't know her face, Dorothy's mood has
also changed.
Father... … . A normal father would be like that.
It is unimaginable for Dorothy, who has no ties with Carnan.
It was she who led the army during Carnan's funeral.
Dorothy called a maid other than Clara.
“Send someone to Clara’s side to help with the funeral.”
No matter how simple a funeral is, there were a lot of things to be
concerned about because it was a matter of receiving mourners and
performing ceremonies.
Dorothy ordered her to help Clara not have to worry about matters
such as money or hospitality.
“And send me a wreath in my name.”
“In the name of the princess?”
Sending wreaths bearing the names of the imperial family was
something that only famous nobles and high-ranking of icials did.
However, it would not be appropriate to send a wreath bearing
Dorothy's name to the funeral of a maid, a mere commoner.
"send. If not this time, when will I send the wreath?”
How many people in Dorothy's life are more important than Clara?
Perhaps the most fervent devotion to Dorothy in this lifetime was
“And I’m going to the funeral in person tomorrow.”
“Is the princess herself? But Clara Maid's house is on a street where
commoners live.”
Since he is in the position of serving the royal family, he would be
one of the most prosperous among the common people, but it was a
little too much for Dorothy to walk.
But Dorothy did not easily give up on her will once she had made up
her mind.
“I’m going, so get ready. Prepare a generous amount of condolences.”


Clara was not at all sad about the sudden death of her father.
There was no mother, and the older brother was not in a position to
prepare for a funeral.
Clara has to work hard to ind people to help with the funeral, a
shroud and cof in for her deceased father, a tomb, lowers for the
funeral, a priest to pray for, obituaries to friends, and a meal and a place
to entertain the guests who come to the funeral. did.
Fortunately, my father cut off ties with his parents' family a long time
ago, and he didn't have many acquaintances.
'I have so many things to inish by tomorrow.'
Clara thought that perhaps the reason for the complexity of the
funeral process was so that there was no time to mourn over the dead.
As soon as I got up after organizing my to-dos and holding my
complicated heart, someone knocked on Clara's door.
"who are you… … ?”
Has the obituary already reached the neighbor?
Clara opened the door with a heavy heart.
However, in front of him stood the lower court of icials who were in
charge of the ceremonies in the imperial family, dragging the people.
They knew the funeral rites better than anyone.
“Princess Dorothea sent it.”
“The Princess… … ?”
“You must be very disappointed, but please leave the funeral process
and content to us.”
They said that if Clara said she wanted the funeral, then there was
nothing to worry about.
Clara at irst thought they were scammers.
But soon after seeing the round badge given out by the imperial
family, he cast doubts.
It felt as if all of a sudden, the anxiety that had piled up like a
mountain was falling away.
They inquired about Clara's desired funeral and proceeded with it
He sent Clara's obituary letter for him, arranged the house for the
funeral, and helped with all the burial of his father's body.
It progressed so quickly and skillfully that Clara only had to quietly
follow them around.
And the order of choosing the cof in for the father.
“Oh, this cof in is so expensive that I… … .”
Clara shook her head in surprise at the cof in that was recommended
in front of me.
Those who came out of the imperial family did not even pay
attention to the cheap ones, and tried to choose the highest-quality
cof ins that the commoners could use.
The elaborately woven juniper cof in without the use of nails or
metal was too expensive for her, who was preparing for a funeral alone.
These cof ins could be used by merchants who made good money
even among the common people.
Of course, the desire to prepare my father's last cradle for the best
was like a chimney, but practical problems hampered it.
"Do not worry. The price will be paid by the princess. The princess
told me to serve you with the utmost sincerity.”
“Ha, but the princess has helped me enough… … !”
Dorothy had already helped her a lot with regards to the funeral, so
Clara was sorry to get more help.
“The Princess said that Clara’s family is nothing but her own.”
family. At those words, Clara inally burst into tears that she had been
holding back.
she was just a maid
In addition, Dorothy was too mature for her age and had a wall that
was dif icult to reach, so Clara worried that Dorothy was still distant
from her.
Someday you will open your heart to me you will laugh out loud
With that in mind, he served Dorothy with all his heart.
Furthermore, I cared for her with the heart of becoming a mother or
eldest sister.
For Clara, being a 'maid' was not just a job, it was life.
But I never thought Dorothy would do this.
No matter how much I care for the princess, to the princess, I am a
Even among ordinary nobles, it was rare for a maid to take care of
her household this much.
It's just that I'm grateful for the vacation... … .
Clara felt like she was being cared for again when she had to take
care of Dorothy.

According to the custom of Ubera, the funeral took place over a week.
It was to wait for guests from afar.
Clara greeted the guests with deep heartache and fatigue.
All the guests who came to the funeral stopped in surprise when they
saw the wreath placed at the entrance.
It was because the splendid wreath was standing even with black
Those who can read letters were even more surprised than that.
The name of the royal family on the wreath, Dorothea Milanaire.
“I worked in the Imperial Household and made a career out of it.”
“You are serving the princess directly.”
“I’m taking good care of my children, so even if I die, I’m happy.”
Those who visited the funeral said that Clara's father would bene it
from his daughter.
And the second day of the funeral.
Clara, who was guarding her father's side, felt the noise outside.
Clara looked out for a moment, curious to see the hustle and bustle of
the late hours, when mourners were rare.
And what she witnessed was the royal carriage.
Dorothy gets out of the carriage, Stefan is following her, and Joey and
Poe, and the people at the Palace of Conberta where Dorothy is staying.
Clara was so startled that she ran outside.
“Sorry for coming so late, Clara. I thought it would be a nuisance if I
came at a busy time.”
Dorothy was wearing an unadorned black dress and a black hat.
Stefan, who was always wearing a knight's uniform, was also wearing
a black uniform, and so were the others.
Clara's throat was choked again, and the corners of her eyes were
“Why did you come all the way here, really… … !”
Clara bruised Dorothy, knowing she shouldn't be doing this to a
grateful mourner.
Thank you, but thank you so much that it was hard to bear.
How the hell are you going to repay this?
Tears were dripping down her cheeks, and Dorothy quietly hugged
Dorothy grew taller and could hold Clara in her arms.
Then Clara fell into Dorothy's arms and wept.
Even forgetting the fact that he had left a precious guest outside.


Clara, having managed to wipe away the tears, belatedly brought

Dorothy and the others inside.
After lowers and prayers, Clara took Dorothy and her party to a
room reserved for mourners.
“Thanks to the princess, preparation was easy.”
Clara said in a hoarse voice and laughed.
It wasn't a pleasant laugh, but it seemed more comfortable than
“But are you alone without any other family members?”
Dorothy asked cautiously.
Then Clara rolled her eyes as if hesitatingly, then parted her lips.
“No, I have one older brother. However, since I am not in a situation
where I can receive guests... … .”
It's my father's funeral, and it's hard for the eldest son to have
With a slightly puzzled expression on her face, Clara spoke again
with dif iculty.
“My legs are uncomfortable. It's late, so he's probably asleep by now."
Clara pointed to a tightly closed room.
Clara explained that her father had helped her brother with limited
However, shortly after he and Dorothy came to the island from the
detached palace, his father's health deteriorated rapidly.
After that, my brother and my father came to a situation where they
took care of each other.
Clara had to take on the role of the head of the household because of
the two families who were not in good shape.
Two sick people. One daughter earns money.
Even though Clara's wages were never low, it was for that reason that
the household was tight.
Dorothy had no idea that this was the case with Clara, who was
always bright.
Dorothy, who did not like her own family affairs, did not like to
inquire about the affairs of others.
So I didn't know what Clara's family was like, or what Stephan's
family was like.
But only now did Dorothy regret her indifference.
“I didn’t tell you.”
If I had, I would have been able to take care of Clara in some way so
that she could focus on the housework.
"no. I'm not good enough... … I didn’t really like going into the house.”
Clara shook her head helplessly.
Her tone of voice, disguised as a joke, was once again pitiful.
After work at the Imperial Palace, when I went home, I had to take
care of the sick again.
Two adult males and one female alone.
After cleaning the messy nooks and crannies, preparing the meal for
tomorrow, and washing the clothes with unprocessed feces.
He did not like such a house, so he stayed longer in the Imperial
Palace as if to escape.
Rather, the time spent with Dorothy was much more enjoyable and
I thought to myself as I hated going into the house.
If I hadn't made this kind of money, we'd all starve to death together. I
wouldn't have been able to even take medicine.
But now, my heart aches.
A time when you thought both your father and your brother were fed
up, when you knew they were sick, but were annoyed by the
accumulated chores, and when you were pessimistic about your own
situation with two sick people by your side.
It was painful to recall those moments one by one.
As she shook her head like that, a heavy hand was placed on Clara's
shoulder, giving her comfort.
It was Stefan.
He comforted Clara without a word, patting Clara on the shoulder a
few more times as if he had patted Dorothy.
You've been good enough, Clara nodded as she seemed to be saying
“Still, thanks to the princess, I hear that my father is a good daughter
by taking care of my father’s last days.”
Clara said, trying to pull away the dark shadows.
“Clara is a good daughter. He is also a good person.”
Clara's lips trembled at Dorothy's words, but luckily she held back
the tears.
Then there was the sound of a creaking door opening.
When I turned my head, a man was crawling out of the loor, dragging
his legs, from inside the room.
"Clara… … . It looks like a guest has arrived.”
Clara's older brother was wearing a wrinkled black jacket that was
loosely said to be polite in his own way.
His scruffy hair, as if he had just woken up from lying down, was
enough to cover his eyes, and his chin had a beard that had not been
trimmed for a long time.
Clara looked at Dorothy and Stefan with bewildered eyes.
“Brother, why did you come out to sleep?”
Clara beat her brother.
In fact, she deliberately tried not to introduce her brother.
It was because I hated seeing my brother in front of others,
especially in front of the princess.
At least as far as Clara knew, no one was welcoming the disabled.
When a child with a disability was born, they cursed the immorality
of their parents, and there were people who were angry at them saying
that they could not have a disabled person as their neighbor.
Unable to ind a job, he could not earn enough money and raise a
family to grow old.
For him, 'self-reliance' was not allowed for the rest of his life.
Clara was both ashamed and afraid to show her older brother in
front of the princess.
By the way.
When Dorothy called, Stefan quickly recognized her gaze and ran to
help Clara's brother to his seat.
“Oh, excuse me… … !”
Clara's older brother apologized to Stefan, who helped him get to
Clara tried to turn away from her brother.
I wasn't usually on the bad side with my brother, but when moments
like this came, Clara would bow her head.
Until now, whenever I was with my brother, I had a habit of bowing
my head.
“Brother, greet with courtesy. I mean, this is the princess.”
Clara bruised her brother who had been sitting opposite Dorothy in
the ice.
It was then that he found out who Dorothy was and fell lat on the
“Wow, I didn’t know you were a princess! This is Anton, Clara's older
“Don’t do that, get up. I came here for condolences, not to be treated
as a princess.”
At Dorothy's words, Anton barely raised her upper body and sat
“I must be very heartbroken.”
“I never thought that the princess would come to visit me in person
like this.”
Anton was surprised at Dorothy's deep consolation, said Anton.
I couldn't believe just sending the wreath, but the princess is coming!
“It’s Clara’s job.”
“Keep, thank you so much for taking care of Clara like this. I also
heard a lot about the princess. Smart, beautiful, and perfect without
lacking anything... … .”
“It’s not… … .”
Dorothy laughed awkwardly at the compliments that lowed from
Anton's mouth.
“Clara is the most precious person to me. It’s also family.”
Dorothy was talking about Anton and Clara.
We talked about how good Clara was a maid, and how much Dorothy
thought of Clara as a family member.
He did not deliberately ask about his father or what his life would be
like in the future.
“Thanks to Clara, I was able to get my health back.”
“We, Clara, are very proud of what the princess said so.”
Anton was delighted to hear about Clara, which he had not heard
while in the house.
Clara, ashamed of Dorothy's praise, left to serve food and tea for her
Thanks to Dorothy's well-chosen topic for conversation, Anton
gradually relieved the tension that had shuddered in front of the
For a brief moment, the shadow of his father's death seemed to have
lifted from within the house.
But after a moment's hesitation, the shadows came back.
“… … Clara is doing so well, but I am holding her by the ankle.”
Anton took a deep breath.
he knew
He knew that his incompetence would become Clara's great shackles
after his father's death.
The reason Clara can't ind a suitable marriage even after her
marriage is over is also because of her existence.
“Clara was also quite popular, but men ran away when I talked about
her family. It's all because of me. No one wants to get married and carry
an unwanted load.”
Anton sighed pessimistically.
“I wish I could at least earn my own food, but… … .”
Anton tried to make things by hand sewing at home and sell them
through his father.
However, his father, who was not in good health, was not very good
at business, and he did not buy it because he hated it and said that it
was made by a disabled person.
“Without Clara, I would have done nothing but starve to death on the
spot. Or I would have dragged my legs out and begged for compassion.”
Anton did it himself.
Dorothy thought for a moment.
“Did you say you knew how to sew?”
“People like me should do something like that at home.”
Anton said he did most of the things he could do while sitting at
Sitting for a long time hurts my back, but it seemed like at least one
person had to do something like sewing or arranging the laundry.
“Are you okay with a small side job?”
“If I earn even a penny with my own hands, I have no wish. But there
are a lot of people with good limbs, so who would use a person like
Anton sighed again.
Of course, it is dif icult to become a farmer, a isherman, a hunter, or a
In addition, he had a hard time commuting to work and needed help
from others if he had to go to the bathroom or have to move a little
while working.
People did not want such chores to increase in an already busy
There is no kind job for a slow and clumsy person.
Then Dorothy looked at him with thoughtful eyes.


Dorothy, returning from Clara's father, sat down at her desk.

On the way back, I wrote down the thoughts I had organized with a

[Plan to establish support centers for the disabled.]

I wondered if he was planning something useless again, but Dorothy

continued to write.
Things I thought about while talking with Clara's brother Anton.
'You should at least have hope that you can do something.'
I wanted to provide a job where they could at least earn money to
pay for their meals, even if not independent enough, and a decent job
that people could do without being insulted.
'It would be nice if there was a system to receive support for medical
Could it be possible to create systematic medical support?
Doctors might also be able to see patients and help them research
treatments and medicines.
In addition, it may be possible to create a community where they can
have a social life for those who spend most of their time at home.
Wouldn't it be nice to meet and talk with people who can relate to the
same situation?
Dorothy spent several days researching the data, and even sent a
person to check the situation.
In fact, support for the disabled was something I was trying to push
forward even before returning.
While re ining the things she had in mind at the time, Dorothy drew
up a plan, unaware of the passing of time.
But suddenly, Dorothy's pen stopped.
'… … Can I get permission from the imperial family?'
It would be good to proceed as a personal hobby, but the permission
of the imperial family was essential for Milanaire's work, especially for
such a big one.
Like a bubble bursting, she woke up from her dream.
Dorothy knew how people would react when they heard of this

'That's reckless. How many disabled people would there be in the


Even when I go out on the street, I rarely see people with disabilities.
It was a waste to spend the imperial budget just to help those people.

'There are many other good things, but I'd rather use them there.'

How many archaic jobs support scholars or support artists.

Or it would be wise to invest in a merchant.
Whether it's a scholar, an artist, or a merchant, they get something
back when they apply.
It could later become a strong supporter of the imperial family, or it
could become a connection and pride among nobles.
But what about people with disabilities? Even if you help, there is
practically no return to the imperial family.
So he said that investing in scholars and merchants is the way to
make the world a better place. Don't waste your resources on helping
the needy and weak.
There was no way Carnon would allow this to happen.
'… … you're doing the same thing again Even if you suffer like that.'
Dorothy self-helped.
What everyone hates. unwelcome. uninteresting things.
Dorothy sighed as she looked at the plan she had been thinking
about and immersed herself in as many times as possible.
'I must be wrong... … .'
If everyone is against it, there must be a reason.
There must be a reason no one is trying.
Dorothy didn't have enough self-con idence to break through so
many injustices.
Because I had already experienced a major failure once when I
pushed myself to my will.
So, this is... … Impossible plan.
The personal desires of the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire.
'I wasted my time like an idiot... … .'
Dorothy crumpled up the plan and tried to scrap it.
at that time.
Just then, Ray came to see Dorothy.
Dorothy couldn't throw the project in the trash, so she hurriedly puts
the cover over the cover.
“Wow, look at those papers! You look very busy!”
Ray looked at Dorothy's desk full of papers and materials and asked.
"Nothing… … .”
Dorothy shook her head, pushing the rest of the materials to the
edge of the desk.
Then Rey showed interest with her eyes shining as if she had driven
a spirit of light.
“You seem to have worked really hard on something?”
Ray had never seen Dorothy so actively preparing for something.
It was Dorothy who always read a book with a bored expression,
went for a walk, watched Joey and Stefan practice swordsmanship, and
had tea time with Poe's baked dessert.
“Can I see it?”
Ray's eyes were more dazzling than ever, and it was a burden to ask.
Dorothy nodded her head as if resigning, knowing that there was no
use in drying her eyes.
At that, Ray smiled broadly and unfolded Dorothy's plan.
“A support center for the disabled?”
“I was just thinking. I will throw it all away.”
Dorothy said indifferently, but there were too many materials
prepared for it to be 'just thinking about it'.
Identifying the disabled population in Lampas, the size of the
subsidy, or speci ic measures for self-reliance.
“Why are you throwing it away? What a great idea! I have never seen
a plan that is more realistic and detailed than this.”
Ray admired and handed over the plan.
All the necessary things were included in the plan, but the important
parts were arranged so that they could be seen at a glance.
Dorothy's handwriting was pretty and straight, so it was easy to
'Because it's something I've done a lot before the return.'
It was a familiar thing to her, who was once even an emperor.
He was called a tyrant, but he didn't just leave the country to rest.
Not only war, but also large-scale civil works, personnel
appointments, inancial management, etc., the emperor had to do many
At irst, I worked really hard, and even though it was dif icult, I was
The reason I was so immersed in writing the plan this time was
because I remembered that time after a long time.
At that time, I was full of anticipation that I would be able to become
a wonderful emperor.
“Great, Dorothy. I'm really curious to see what it's like to actually do
After reading the plan, Ray was more excited than Dorothy again.
But Dorothy shook her head.
“It’s impossible anyway.”
At Dorothy's denial, Rey's gaze turned to the note she had just been
jotting down.
In the memo, the concerns about the approval of the imperial family
and the opposition of the nobles were clearly revealed.
“Do you need the Emperor’s permission?”
“… … .”
Ray knew better than anyone that Dorothy and Carnan weren't on
good terms.
"Can I help you?"
“… … you?"
“Isn’t it dif icult to ask the Emperor? I'll help you with that part!"
Ray laughed softly.
Dorothy looked at Rey's face brightly waiting for her answer.
No Dorothy without legitimacy, but ray with legitimacy?
My heart luttered a little.
It wasn't because the effort and sincerity put in so far was wasted,
but because it was something I really wanted to do someday.
I wanted to do it even if I saw the faces of Clara and her brother
“I really can… … ?”
"only! Dorothy If you hug me while saying, 'Thank you, brother.'"
“… … done."
Dorothy quickly turned her head and looked away, and Rey hurriedly
grabbed her.
“You don’t have to.”
“Child, you only have to do it once, so why do you hate it! Is this a
deal that I'm at the bottom of?”
Dorothy frowned as Rey frowned and asked him.
“Why do you want that?”
I was genuinely curious.
Why do you want to hear the words 'Thank you, oppa'? Why do you
want a hug?
"You've never done that to me since you were little. You've hated
hugging me since you were a year old. know?"
Dorothy's conscience was pierced by Ray's words.
I really hated it.
When Rei hugged him, he could feel his breath close, and his whole
body felt his touch.
“Of course I hated it. How comfortable would it be if a three-year-old
could hug a one-year-old?”
“I didn’t even hug the Crown Prince at the ceremony!”
Ray opened her eyes and questioned Dorothy.
Dorothy was surprised.
You idiot Ray still remembers those old days.
Dorothy remembered everything from that day, but pretended not to
know and shook her head.
“I don’t know, I don’t remember. Besides, what does hugging mean?”
"meaning? A lot. It's your permission."
The barrier that Dorothy always builds, the permission to take one
more step into it.
To become a relationship that is a little more understandable and
For Ray, that was more important than anything else.
“If you give me one hug, I will really convince Your Majesty, Dorothy.
Are you going to give up on this plan like this?”
Rey changed his strategy and began to persuade him rationally.
I prepared so hard, but I can't give up because I can't even hug once.
“… … Can't you do anything else?"
"Something else? How about a cheek kiss?”
“Ugh… … .”
Dorothy's face wrinkled as soon as Ray made the suggestion with a
broad smile.
“Look at it. Because hugs are the cheapest price.”
Ray clenched her chin and leaned her head over the table, staring
intently at Dorothy.
'Come on, accept the offer. You're passing it on at a very low price!'
Dorothy saw Ray like that and thought he had grown a lot.
I know how to offer a deal like this.
“… … great."
Dorothy's eyes narrowed and the answer opened.
At the same time, Ray's face was brightly colored like spring.
“However, you pay in advance.”
Dorothy drew a line irmly, looking at Ray excited as if she was about
to rush into her arms at any moment.
“I prepaid… … ?”
“Receive your majesty’s license.”
“Then why don’t you hug me now?”
“Don’t complain.”
Ray shook her head hurriedly, as if Dorothy was about to close the
"no! Wait, Dorothy. I'll get your permission in a few days."

A dreadful episteme exam was just around the corner, but Rey was in
a good mood.
'Cute, Dorothy.'
Ray seemed to go crazy because Dorothy was so adorable when he
gave him a hand as if he was looking after him with a sigh even after
Hugs or oppas, the small drooping eyebrows are cute whenever they
say things like that, the way he is engrossed with a pen is cute, and he's
cute when he says bluntly, 'Ray!'
'Do you think Dorothy is more open-minded than before?'
He walked out of Dorothy's room and smiled happily alone.
I didn't expect you to accept this offer.
Ray, who was contemplating about her affairs with Dorothy, abruptly
stopped walking.
In front of him hung a portrait of an orphaned woman.
Empress Alice, mother of him and Dorothy.
Ray thought that as time went on, Dorothy's face began to resemble
that of this portrait.
Ray had vivid memories of when her mother died. Even though I was
only three years old at the time.
I didn't see the scene where he died because the adults were blocked
from entering, but the pure white mother's face, lying in the glass
cof in, seemed to be visible when she closed her eyes.
Rey's irst memory.
And new memories that follow those memories.
Her younger sister, Dorothea Milanaire, comes to her mother's place.
my precious family.
Dorothy was very special to Ray, who lost her mother.
The newborn Dorothy was small and fragile, as if torn apart.
Her mother died and Ray was Dorothy's older brother.
'I don't want to lose my family again like I lost my mother.'
It's my brother's job to protect Dorothy.
However, contrary to Ray's wishes, Dorothy grew up exceptionally
quickly and closed the door of her heart as quickly as possible.
Ray tried to knock on the door several times, but Dorothy didn't open
it easily.
Dorothy got angry in unexpected places, and left coldly when it was
okay to laugh.
Ray tried to get closer to Dorothy, but failed every time.
Rather, if Dorothy had been like a normal child of her age, she would
have loved her and gave her her favorite candy.
'Would it have been different if His Majesty had taken care of
Dorothy even a little? If I had told you a little more about Dorothy... … .'
After the Empress's death, Rey also had a hard time dealing with
It became taboo to bring up the events of the day in front of him, and
naturally, I was careful to mention Dorothy, who was born that day.
Even for Rey, Karnon was dif icult to get close to.
Just because he was a prince, he had to follow the path set by Carnon.
The days I cried and studied for the entrance to the Episteme.
Carnan's harshly piercing voice.
The quali ications, responsibilities, duties that the Crown Prince
should possess... … .
For Rey, who prefers to whistle and catch cicadas, the yoke of
authority was dif icult.
At the same time, I was afraid of the strict father forcing me into that
When I was young, every time I had dinner with Carnon, my stomach
Strangely, when the meal was destroyed, the stomach sprouted like a
ghost. It's not a gimmick, it was really painful.
Fortunately, as I grew older, the strange symptoms gradually
As the Crown Prince, he received a bigger gift than anyone else on his
birthday and received a grand congratulations, but even that was a
coercion for Ray.
Aren't you supposed to do whatever you want on your birthday?
But why do you have to attend certain events, receive dazzling
congratulations in front of people, and keep boring seats… … .
I want to plant seedlings in the garden, observe insects, and play with
the soil. When I get hungry, I want to pick strawberries that I have
grown myself.
'I wish Dorothy was the Crown Prince.'
Rather, Dorothy was born with the qualities a prince should have.
Smarter and more steadfast.
It would have been better if Dorothy knew how to deal with the Spirit
of Light.
Then I'd quickly hand over the crown to Dorothy and run away like
Dorothy to a country villa like Dorothy!
'Look today! I prepared the work very carefully.'
Dorothy's planning was as systematic as she had taken on such a
large project several times before.
'After all, Dorothy is a genius. How did you prepare yourself for such
a thing in just a few days?'
A smile returned to Rei's face, who had just sighed.
There is no brother in the world more proud than Dorothy.
Rei looked at the portrait of Empress Alice with a smirk.
The eyes of the portrait, who were always staring at the same place,
were looking at Ray.
“It’s a long way from a harmonious family, but I think it’s a lot better
than it used to be. Compared to when she was young, Dorothy is kinder
now. Isn't it?"
Ray said as a joke.
The portrait of the Empress responded with an unchanging, gentle

“A support center for the disabled?”
Carnan, who had kept her eyes on the desk all the time, raised her
Rey stood up straight in front of him.
There was not a single smile on Ray's face.
“Yes, Your Majesty. Ordinary people don't want to let people with
disabilities do what they can. Therefore, even if you have the ability,
you are marginalized from society.”
“It is natural. It’s natural to use people who don’t have problems
rather than people with disabilities.”
“So, you want to leave the imperial family.”
“Are you going to spend the imperial budget on things that aren’t that
“It will be important to them, Your Majesty.”
“It’s inef icient. That's what you call a waste, a luxury, Raymond."
Beyond inef iciency, the damage is enormous.
Carnan could not lend the imperial name to such a thing.
“Since childhood, you have been easily swayed by sympathy and
emotions. Focus on the more valuable things, Raymond.”
If you want to become an emperor, you have to be able to do those
calculations quickly.
Carnan sternly warned.
In order to win the support of the nobles and run the empire, one
must not work with such an easygoing attitude.
“Isn’t it more valuable to support those in need right now than to
give money to merchants who already have no problems getting a
“What’s left of supporting them, Raymond?”
A deep wrinkle wrinkled Carnan's forehead.
Even though the killer would have been stunned by him, Rey stared
at Carnan without hesitation.
“The lives of the people will remain.”
Ray's answer had a wick.
He was one of those who could understand why Dorothy would do
But it wasn't Carnan.
“A country cannot move with abstract, plausible words, Raymond.”
“On a budget, it will be enough to save money to renew lowers in
vases in the Imperial Palace every day. The rest of the budget will be
taken care of by me and Dorothea.”
“Dorothea? Did the boy seduce you?”
Carnan's eyes narrowed at the name Dorothea.
“Are you kidding me?”
"He doesn't think of 'Milanaire'. No, I just want to fall for Milanaire.”
"That's because Your Majesty didn't ask Dorothea's will... … !”
Carnon calmed his anger and quietly called out Rey's name.
Should the emperor act by asking the little girl's will?
Rei kept her mouth shut at the pressure of silence.
"Don't take Milanaire's name lightly, Raymond."
“I never took it lightly. I said this because I know it's heavy. Because
only that weight can be a strength to help someone... … !”
Because Milanaire can do things that other people can't.
As Rey came out strong, Carnan put down the pen completely in
It was almost the irst time Rey had ever upset Carnan this much.
Rey hated arguing with anyone, and so was her relationship with
Even if he complained that he didn't want to study, if he wanted to go
against Carnon's heart, he shut his mouth and sat down at the desk
with tears falling down.
“Raymond Milanaire. Are you still not aware of the imperial crisis?”
Raymond kept his mouth shut, but Carnan continued.
“You know that Dorothea can’t handle spirits, right?”
A dazzling light began to gather around Karnan who spoke those
They were the spirits of light that were summoned by Karnan's call.
“You probably know what it means that Milanaire can’t cast spirits.”
"However… … !”
“Your children could be born as incompetent Milanese as Dorothea.”
“Dorothea is not incompetent, Father!”
“It’s incompetent for Milan!”
As Rey raised his voice and countered, Carnon shouted harshly.
Then, the spirits of light scattered in all directions, radiating blinding
light, and then disappeared.
Realizing that his voice had risen, he took one deep breath to calm
the excitement.
Rey clenched her ists under her sleeves as she looked at Karnan like
“If Milanaire fails to command the spirits, the imperial authority will
also be lost. Without the spirit, this Milanaire would be no different
from other nobles.”
In the long history of Ubera, there were those who were aiming for
the throne.
But despite this, it was all thanks to the spirit that Milanaire has been
the one and only imperial family for a thousand years.
symbol of legitimacy. A light that others can't even dream of.
“But even though the Fried family haven’t seen the dark spirits for a
hundred years, it’s been well maintained.”
“Stupid. It is thanks to the Spirit of Light that Freed can be
Because Milanaire, paired with Fried, is alive and well so far.
Because the imperial family, Milanaire, acknowledges Fried's
Because Milanair denies Freed's authority, she is denying the spirit's
authority, so she still placed Fried's status on a higher level.
Ultimately, a political symbiosis.
"If it weren't for that, Fried would have been stripped of the title of
Grand Duke sooner."
At Carnan's words, Rey bit her lip.
If the imperial family can only be maintained by relying on spirits,
isn't it already incompetent?
he was skeptical
“At this time, will you support the disabled in the name of Milanaire?
Do you want to let even the friends of Milanaire go away?”
“But they are also the people of Ubera.”
“If you want to take care of the people, rather take care of the
disabled. Because their voices are much louder. Don't do stupid things
like chasing chickens to save earthworms."
Carnan taught Rey how to set priorities.
Then Rey bit her lower lip.
“… … Your Majesty is the one who will put a price on the scales even
to the hearts of men.”
As Rey spoke resentfully, Carnon smiled coldly.
“If it’s reasonable and you can convince everyone, then you should.”

“So your Majesty’s permission?”

Rey shook her head at Dorothy's question and shrugged her
“Failure… … .”
"I knew it."
“But Dorothy, just do it!”
Dorothy shook her head bitterly, and Ray said coldly.
“You just do it?”
“I will take responsibility. Just do it!”
Dorothy looked at him with blurred eyes at Ray's proud declaration
of fool.
“How do you take responsibility?”
“I will say that I voluntarily allowed it. Oh, I wish that too! I will make
and present a plaque with the name of the imperial family on it.”
“Are you crazy, Ray?”
Dorothy slapped Ray in the forearm at Ray's crazy plans.
Even if that was the case, I thought that Ray would come to his
No, should I have slapped him on the cheek to get him to come to his
"why? It's not a bad thing. Did you say that you were worried about
the lack of budget? You take some of what comes out for me. I'll hand it
over to you through Robert."
“What are you going to do behind the scenes?”
“Well, I will do it in the future. Do you really want me to kick you out?
I am the Crown Prince.”
I am now the only Milanaire who can handle the spirits of light.
Ray thought to himself.
No matter how angry he gets, Carnan will never abandon Milanaire.
Then Dorothy stared at him.
Rei shivered as if pierced in his chest.
'Oh, I didn't mean to brag about being the Crown Prince... … .'
Dorothy used to dislike the fact that he was not smart enough to be
the Crown Prince.

'Your children could be born as incompetent Milanese like Dorothea!'

Considering Carnan's treatment of Dorothy, it was only natural that

Ray's situation was dear to Dorothy.
"I… … .”
“Why do you even want to help, Ray?”
Dorothy asked Ray as she was trying to correct my mistake.
Then Rey hesitated and rolled her eyes.
“I like doing what you want to do.”
His blue eyes stared at Dorothea's folded wings.
Those wings that were tied tight as if they didn't want to open them
on purpose.
“I want you to spread your wings, Dorothy.”
Ray's face was serious without a smile.
Dorothy shook her head at him.
It's not that I don't want to unfold it, it's that I have nothing to unfold.
Even if it had wings, it would be the devil's wings.
Then Rey grabbed Dorothy's hand.
“Don’t deny it. You are a really great and wonderful person. Dorothy.”
Dorothy's heart luttered at the blue eyes that met her sincere eyes.
Does Ray know? that the hand he's holding now has killed him
“… … Lay. You misunderstood me.”
"Oh sorry… … . Did I pretend to know too much again?”
At Dorothy's words, Ray looked up again and apologized.
why are you apologizing I am the one who should apologize.
“Why are you being so kind?”
Dorothy was devastated by Ray's appearance like that.
don't make it any worse hate me a little
I'd rather Ray remember my sins. It would have been nice if they
would blame me, accuse me of my sins, punish me, hate me and swear
at me.
“I really hate you, Ray.”
Dorothy said, pulling her hand away from Ray.
It was the irst time. Being honest in front of Ray.
Actually, I should have confessed earlier, but I didn't have the
I was afraid to bring my sins back and face them.
"Because you're jealous and hateful... … It made me want to put a
knife in your heart and kill you. know?"
Dorothy's confession caused a ripple in Rey's blue eyes.
Dorothy looked at his bewildered eyes and then the thorn stuck in
her became less uncomfortable.
Ray needed to know how far Dorothy had gone.
Knowing the reality of Dorothy, she is shocked, betrayed, and
“… … You're being deceived by me because you're so kind like a fool."
So it's dead by my hands.
“I am by no means a nice person, Ray.”
Naughty, I still feel uncomfortable every time you act kindly and go
Dorothy turned away from Ray and turned her head.
And waited for Rey to get angry or leave.
By the way.
“… … This is a bit of a surprise, Dorothy.”
Ray hugged Dorothy.
Dorothy in his arms froze with her eyes wide open.
“It’s the irst time. You said that honestly.”
Rey buried her head in Dorothy's shoulder and muttered.
I had no idea what he was thinking.
Even though I said I hate it, I hate it, and I'm a bad person... … .
“You didn’t hate me, you did it because you were sorry?”
Ray hugged Dorothy tightly and smiled.
sorry… … did you?
Don't you hate him?
“You think jealousy makes you a bad person, Dorothy, you are so
Ray felt like she was going crazy because Dorothy was so cute and
sorry at the same time.
You're such a stupid brother, you made it hard without knowing that
Dorothy was hurting because of the guilt.
I wish I had noticed Dorothy's signal a little earlier.
But Dorothy shook her head.
"no. I'm not that nice! I really want you... … .”
“Dorothy. To be honest, I hated you and was jealous of you.”
Ray confessed to letting Dorothy go.
Ray was jealous of me?
That naive, all-inclusive Raymond Milanaire?
“You know how upset I was every time you didn’t accept me? Besides,
I was envious of you, who was brave, smart, and did everything on your
own, even though you were younger than me.”
“It’s different from that, Ray… … !”
I mean, I killed you with my own hands... … .
I'm the one with the knife in your heart... … .
“… … knowing nothing.”
Dorothy bowed her head and clasped her hands tightly.
Rey looked at her ists clenched so tightly that her joints turned
Long blonde hair fell down her shoulders and a dark shadow was cast
on her face.
In the thick darkness that had swallowed up Dorothy, he reached out
his hand.
“Dorothy. Don't keep turning me into a shadow."
Ray handed over the hair that cast a shadow on Dorothy's face.
As she tucked her hair behind her ears, the sunlight from the window
crept onto her white cheeks.
Dorothy felt the warmth on her cheek.
“Really bad people don’t feel guilty no matter what.”
Ray said as she met Dorothy's eyes.
His words shook Dorothy.
Obviously she's a bad person, but Ray was comforting her.
Rey can do this because she doesn't know what she's done.
If he remembers the past, he will never be able to say this.
So, his forgiveness is fake.
Knowing that, Dorothy cowardly wanted to lean on a lie.
I wanted to be forgiven, leaning on that ignorance for this sin that
everyone had forgotten and had no place to atone for.
At least before the end of this life, if only I had heard a word that it
was okay.
“You are doing well, Dorothy.”
Touk, Rey's words touched Dorothy's chest.
Dorothy bit her lip.
But in the end, a single hot tear fell down his chin.
I couldn't stand it any longer.
Dorothy chose to collapse.
It was a bad choice for a bad person.
Because I swallowed the placebo even though I knew it wasn't real

“Ray, are you happy today?”
Theon asked with a puzzled expression.
It was the exam period, but it was the irst time that Ray had a laugh
like that.
Rey, unable to hide the torn corners of his lips, slammed his head
into Theon's shoulder, as if smashed into the shoulder.
“Why, Ray?”
Theon took a step back from Rey, who was in a strangely happy
The convexly protruding clown of Rey did not know that it would go
“Dorothy is so cute.”
"What do we do? I really want to take Dorothy around the empire.”
“If the princess heard that, it would be terrifying… … .”
“Hey, I really didn’t know why Dorothy was doing this until now. But,
wow, how can a reason be this cute? ha… … .”
Ray patted her forehead and didn't know what to do.
Theon was very curious about what had happened, but decided not
to ask.
If it's something that Ray would call Dorothy cute, it might be a bit
embarrassing for Dorothy.
“Theon, Ray!”
Just then, Julia ran from afar.
She stopped next to the two of them, and, like Theon, looked at Rey
and her eyes trembled.
“Ray, you look good today.”
“Are there many branches in the garden?”
"no. I decided to do something fun with Dorothy.”
Rei smiled, revealing her white teeth.
“With Princess Dorothea?”
“Shh, this is a secret, but I and Dorothy decided to make a support
“Are you a support station?”
“So, it is a place that supports people with disabilities who are
experiencing hardships in life. It’s not just about grants, it can be
vocational education, medical support, or create a community.”
“Is that a big plan?”
“Oh, and there were a lot of people who were disabled and retired
from the military. I plan to provide support for such people as well. It is
still in the planning stage.”
“It’s a plan that I’ve never heard of for a support center for the
Then someone interrupted their conversation.
When Rey turned his head, Nereus was standing there.
“You have a knack for doing crazy things, Ray.”
Nereus looked at Rey and smiled proudly.
Nereus, Prince of Hark, entered Episteme later than his peers due to
problems such as adapting to spirits, but maintained excellent grades.
He was popular for his exotic appearance, and his noble and
aristocratic attitude was highly appreciated among students.
“I can’t tell if it’s a compliment or an insult because you say it’s
absurd, Nereus?”
Ray laughed and said.
Rey was a nice person, but when talking to Nereus, his tongue was
strangely squishy.
“It means doing something meaningless. How many disabled people
are there in the world? Invest wisely.”
Nereus laughed.
“The money of the imperial family is not only used to play scales like
merchants, Nereus.”
Nereus shrugged as Rey responded with a smirk.
“Did His Majesty allow such a thing?”
Can't you just allow such a thing?
Rey also responded with a smile to Nereus' skeptical smile.
“I don’t think the Prince of Hark has anything to do with it? This is
Ubera’s problem.”
He spoke in a close and friendly tone, but in the end, that meant not
to get involved in Ubera's politics.
It was quite an insult to an Episteme student who later had
ambitions to go into politics.
Nereus hardened his face coldly, then smiled and muttered.
“The day will soon come when Ubera will be doomed.”
Julia, who was listening to Ray's story sarcasticly, asked with an
“It’s not wrong. In the imperial family, the price of the spirit is
already being cut off.”
Nereus snapped his inger and a blue spirit hovered around him.
Rei's face, who had been smiling all the time, also hardened.
He was holding Dorothy and laughing at the imperial family.
“Why, am I wrong? She had a very pretty face, but it made me sad.”
Nereus grinned when Rey was infatuated.
Rey clenched his ists and strode towards Nereus.
But Nereus stood calmly without fear.
Because he knew Rey wasn't going to hit him.
Because the ight between the two could escalate into a political or
diplomatic dispute.
And Raymond Milanaire hated quarrels and disputes.
He always chose peace, no matter how much he suffered or lost.
'It's like a coward.'
Unsurprisingly, Rey stopped in front of Nereus and did nothing.
"Even if Dorothy can't handle spirits, she'll be better than you. I heard
that there was a time when I had a ight with Dorothy and lost.”
Rey whispered softly in Nereus' ear.
The ight between Dorothy and Nereus in Cerritian was not good for
diplomacy, reputation, or mutual bene it, so everyone kept their
mouths shut and kept quiet.
Nereus' face turned bright red when he remembered the past that
had been buried like a secret.
“And I don’t know. Hark might be destroyed earlier than Ubera. How
will we know the rise and fall of the world?”
Rey whispered in Nereus's ear and smiled brightly again.
Theon had to hold onto his lips, which was about to come out with a
“Isn’t that right, Theon, Julie? In fact, who among us might be the irst
to die?”
Ray looked back at Theon and Julie and asked.
"right. Lay. You never know what will happen in the future.”
Instead of Theon, who shut his mouth to hold back his laughter, Julie
answered with a nod.
“So, Nereus. let's live hard It's a waste of time in a life where you
never know when you're going to die.
Rey tapped Nereus on the shoulder and left with Theon and Julie.


The plan to establish the support center went more smoothly than
Fortunately, people did not dislike buildings bearing the name of the
imperial family.
“And above all else, we have to change our perception.”
Dorothy believed that negative perceptions of people with
disabilities were the biggest obstacle to her work.
People used to think that disability was punished for committing
many sins in a previous life, or that God placed a curse on them
because of wrath.
“Anyone can have a disability. accident or getting sick. There is a
difference between disabled people and non-disabled people, wouldn’t
such a statement not persuade you?”
At Ray's words, Dorothy shook her head.
“No one knows that. But you don't realize it until you get hurt."
Healthy people have an implicit belief that they will be healthy for
the rest of their lives.
So, I don't take care of my body when I'm healthy, but I take care of
my body only after I get really sick.
Dorothy didn't blame them.
Even Dorothy made a promise to live a good life only after she had
ruined her life once and returned.
I wish I had lived a good life from the beginning.
“I wish I could make a different image for people with disabilities.”
“Hmm… … . It’s dif icult.”
“You can’t change it overnight, but you should try.”
Dorothy piled thick books in front of Ray.
“Hey, what is this?”
“I’m going to collect stories.”
Dorothy nodded her head.
Stories of people with disabilities. A story that has never seen the
light of permeating every nook and cranny of legends and history
Dorothy gleaned stories of people with disabilities from legends and
history books.
Things like a blind prophet, a great hero who lost his leg in war, a
great writer who wrote a great epic with one arm, a clown with a
crooked mouth but the wisest answer, and the story of a fool who found
a treasure that even a king could not ind.
“But how are you going to do this?”
Ray, who was helping Dorothy, asked.
“It’s a story. I need to hear it.”
“Are you going to hear me?”
“… … Ray, did you say you support the playwright William Schiller?”
"uh? yes. Everyone is passionate about sponsoring the art world.”
“I’ll ask you one favor.”
“… … .”
“Okay, I’ll just do it!”
Dorothy stared with her mouth shut, and Ray nodded coldly.
Meanwhile, Dorothy had them carve the story they found together
with Ray in carvings on the exterior wall of the building.
A total of four stories were engraved in such a way that the paintings
engraved in relief by inviting an outstanding sculptor complete the
story by walking along the wall.
The main characters in the paintings on the walls were all beautiful
and majestic.
“… … Will that work, Princess?”
Clara was worried.
What started because of Anton was fearful that Dorothy's name
might be undermined.
“People will just have fun watching it as if they were reading a
storybook. They don't think much of it, or they say it's cool to see that
the level of sculpting is excellent. Bonaroti is a famous sculptor. If it’s
his work, the nobles like it a lot.”
“Then it’s no use, is it?”
It's just like looking at a sculptor's work.
No one thinks about disability.
Then Dorothy nodded.
"okay. you just look casually The story of the disabled.”
"ah… … !”
I don't think it's unfamiliar, I don't think it's different.
Just like reading a story. Sometimes touching, admiring, and thinking
Before her return, Dorothy pushed hard whenever she pursued this
kind of work.
I just shouted that I should do it, and I decided to keep my mouth
shut and follow because this was right.
But now I know.
Regardless of right or wrong, in order for things to be successful in
the end, you have to slowly change people's thinking.
Therefore, Dorothy was also planning to spread the story by making
it into a picture book or illustration.
With the most beautiful illustrations, so pleasing to the eye and fun
to imagine the story.
“I’m going to make it available for everyone to see.”
their story.
Clara's nose twitched as she watched Dorothy's calm and meticulous
“You must be a real genius!”
“I haven’t done anything yet, Clara. What are you going to do if you
are disappointed later?”
Dorothy said bluntly, but Clara was ine with that.
Even if nothing changes, I am so grateful that there are people who
work hard like this.


After a year of hard work, the support center was successfully

Thoughtfully built with the meticulous collaboration of Anton and
others, the support center was not hated by its beauty.
“You know, I didn’t know there were so many disabled people in the
system until I did this job.”
A place to celebrate the opening of the support center, Ray said.
A larger number of people attended the application center than
The reason why the number of attendees is so large even though
they have limited mobility is probably because they have been waiting
for such an opportunity.
Theon and Julia, who came to celebrate, were equally surprised.
Where were all these people hiding?
“Not everyone came out. Because I can’t come out.”
They are people who need a big decision just to come out once.
I went to pick it up myself with a large dalguji and a wagon, and then
they took me out, so I was barely able to get out.
Even when you come out, you have to look at people and get hit.
So they lived as if they didn't exist.
“Dorothy, I think you did a really good job with this.”
Ray looked at the scenery and said.
There are still many things that are confusing and lacking, but it felt
like something no one would have started if I hadn't started now.
“There is still a lot left to do.”
Unlike Ray, who was looking at him with a surprised expression,
Dorothy said bluntly.
This can be said to be a fairly successful opening, but it is because
she only saw what was lacking in her eyes.
Greater efforts will be needed to ensure that quality vocational
education and support programs are available to meet these
Ray looked at Dorothy like that and smiled.
It was lovely to see Dorothy full of enthusiasm.
“Dorothy, can I hug you?”
“It failed to convince His Majesty, but in the end I did it with my help.”
When Dorothy refused, raising her palm, Ray pursed her lips.
Dorothy looked at him quietly as Rey mumbled mournful.
His eyes were very soft, unlike usual, and hesitation was re lected, so
Ray was looking forward to it.
With those eyes, I might even give you a hug.
How the friendship grew while doing this job!
Ray's eyes twinkled.
And Dorothy's hand out in front of him.
"thank you."
Dorothy rolled her eyes and took Ray's hand lightly.
It's not a hug, it's a handshake.
This work wouldn't have been successful if it wasn't for Ray, so this...
Dorothy was about to let go after a brief handshake.
However, Ray held Dorothy's hand tightly, not letting go of it once it
had come into my hand.
And with the force of the pull, Dorothy was sucked into Rey's arms.
"Lay… … !”
“Thank you too, Dorothy.”
Unable to lower the corners of her lips that rose happily, Rey hugged
Dorothy tightly.
Dorothy's face lushed red from shame and embarrassment.
“Let go of this, you idiot!”
There are people, what are you doing embarrassingly... … !
Theon is watching, and Julia is there too!
However, no matter how hard he pushed, he could not release Rey's
tightly locked arm.
Rey was originally a strong fool, and Dorothy was weakened by not
training in swordsmanship.
“Dorothy. I am so proud that you are my brother.”
He couldn't see Rey's expression because he was in his arms, but his
voice was quieter than usual.
Dorothy asked, hiding her lips.
"You're listening to idiots."
“Haha, right. I guess I'm stupid by nature. Even if it sounds stupid, I
just like this.”
Without knowing the heart of people, Ray smiled very carefreely.
was this? Finally, the reason you didn't kill me.
Did I cut that heart out with a knife?
Dorothy thought later.
The real fool might have been himself, not Ray.


And not long after, one day just before Episteme's summer vacation,
Ray and Theon came to visit Dorothy together.
“Dorothy! Look at this! Look at this!”
Ray ran to ind Dorothy.
In his hand was the report card for the irst half of the evaluation at
"look! I got in the top 50! 49th place!”
Dorothy received the 49th grade report that Ray was proud of.
“Look, did I say I can do it?”
He said to Dorothy in a con ident voice.

'The next time I come, I'll de initely be in the top 50 of the episteme

The promise I made to her in the detached palace long ago.

'I really did... … .'
Rei, who had never even been close to 50th place before returning,
did it in this lifetime.
“How hard you worked to keep the promise I made with you!”
Rey smiled, revealing her white teeth.
“When did you make a promise? … . It's too late."
Dorothy answered indifferently, but was relieved.
A Rei like this would make a really good emperor.
A warm, bright, and beloved saint, Emperor Raymond Milanaire.
“It’s a little late, but did you do well?”
Ray looked at Dorothy with clear eyes.
Dorothy stared into those eyes for a long while.
Then, as if urging Ray, he blinked once.
“Yeah, well done.”
Dorothy said, avoiding his gaze.
And the place his eyes met was Theon, who had come with Rey.
“Theon, you are proud of yourself too.”
Rey poked him in the side, and Theon shook his head awkwardly.
“To be embarrassed. Dorothy, do you know how far Theon inished?”
Ray asked.
Dorothy knew Theon's rank.
First place. Theon will be graduating from Episteme as a senior.
“What a job… … !”
Rey was about to reveal Theon's place, but Theon covered his mouth
with his hand.
“Because I am ashamed!”
“Why! It's a proud score! If it were me, I would have gone around the
system with a report card.”
The two of them quarreled with each other, and it seemed like a lot of
Dorothy laughed when she saw Theon for the irst time.
There was also such a
So bright and playful.
“Look at this. The princess is smiling.”
Theon whispered softly and tapped Rey's arm.
“No, it’s not funny, it looks good… … .”
Dorothy hurriedly eased Theon's embarrassment.
I just enjoyed this time.
We are not lovers, but we can have a normal conversation.
Rey and Theon groaned once more before Rey shoved Theon
towards Dorothy.
Theon looked at Rey for a moment, then hesitantly opened his
“Princess, if it’s okay with you, would you like to visit Freedia this
Dorothea's eyes widened in surprise at the suggestion she had never
'Theon is inviting me?'
“Episteme graduation was just around the corner, so Ray also
decided to come.”
Dorothy, startled by Theon's kind words, found Ray standing over his
Ray was watching the two of them with pounding eyes.
'That's what Ray brought up irst.'
He wants to go on a trip with Dorothy, but he won't accept his offer,
so he used Theon.
Ray's strategy worked well.
Dorothy's heart started pounding at the sound of her trip with
I wanted to calm my excited heart, but my emotions didn't listen to
“But Freedia is not a good place to play… … . I'm worried that the
princess might suffer something."
“Theon… … !”
After convincing Dorothy well, Rey intervenes in Theon, who
suddenly confesses her shortcomings.
That way Dorothy will never fall over!
Ray fumbled with his hands, conveying the meaning of nothing.
Even if Dorothy is watching everything.
“But it’s going to be a long trip, but I can’t take the princess without
saying anything, Ray.”
When Theon spoke seriously, the two of them opened their mouths
again and shuddered.
Dorothy looked at it and opened her mouth.
"know. Where is Freedia?”
At Dorothy's words, the two stopped silently arguing and looked at
“I read it in a book. I heard a lot about it.”
Freedia. Theon's hometown. Prince Fried's estate.
Where it rains often, it is foggy, the lake is calm, and the tall trees
block the sun.
A place where the footprints of animals are engraved on a wet dirt
road heavily covered with wet air.
Fried's land, famous for its shady, humid places, was not suitable as a
vacation destination.
Dorothy had taken Theon to his hometown the other day, before
It was because he was afraid that he would feel better if he went back
to his hometown.
But her efforts, as always, were in vain.
Dorothy was terri ied at his unfavorable appearance, which
prevented her from seeing the landscape of Freedia properly.
“But it’s okay if I go… … ?”
Dorothy asked Theon carefully.
What if I go out with Theon and he doesn't feel well, ruining the trip?
If Rei is forcing her to take her away, if I intervene without noticing...
“If the princess comes, you are welcome.”
Theon smiled at Dorothy, who was worried. to make your heart
Even with his permission, Dorothy hesitated for a long time before
“… … If I can go, I want to go.”
“Wow… … ! Big!”
As soon as Dorothy had inished speaking, Rey hurrahed, then
quickly acted politely.
Dorothy was worried again that she had decided to go.
Maybe it was right not to go.
Am I greedy for Theon again?
I'm sure Julia, a Fridian noble, would also go with me.
'Still, Ray goes with me... … . It's just a trip.'
Dorothy was too eager to travel, so she convinced herself.
'If I go on this trip alone, I might be able to organize my mind.'
The reason why I still feel sorry for Theon may be because I've never
had a proper time with him.
Remnants of love for something that was never allowed.
'okay. This is the last.'
A farewell trip that only I know alone, it seemed like the end of a long
unrequited love.


“You have to be careful, Princess!”

Clara saw Dorothy out impatiently.
She was very worried about Dorothy as she was leaving for a long
“Don’t worry, Clara. I think I'm just going to Theon's house to play."
“But Fridia heard that scary wolves live. If you ever meet a wolf while
passing through the forest... … !”
“Stefan is going with you.”
“So, you have to stay close to the driver. Don't fall.”
“Okay, Clara.”
Now that I'm not a child, I was very worried.
Dorothy really said goodbye and was about to get into the carriage,
but Clara caught her again.
“And Princess!”
Looking back to see what else he was worried about, Clara looked at
Theon, who was getting into the carriage, and whispered in Dorothy's
“Beware of the other wolves.”
Clara narrowed her eyes and looked at Theon.
Dorothy is sixteen.
Clara was worried about letting Dorothy go, who had become a full-
ledged lady.
Besides, going to an outsider's castle!
Dorothy laughed at Clara's sensitive reaction.
“No way, Clara.”
“You don’t know what’s inside men! Look. Who would leave a nice
and beautiful lady like a princess!”
Clara thought that Dorothy didn't socialize too much, so she didn't
know men very well.
'The princess is still innocent!'
If Dorothy had been to a prom or a social club where young nobles
gathered, men would have locked around her like a swarm of lies.
'Who can leave such a pretty princess still!'
Among them, the irst to be on the lookout for was that Theon Fried!
That master who comes to visit once a month with the pretext of
being a friend of the Crown Prince!
Although he had a calm and docile face, there was no doubt that he
was interested in the princess.
The kind eyes that always looked at Dorothy closely and caringly
were proof of that.
'If there was no intention, I wouldn't have invited you to Freedia!'
Clara's eyes lit up and Dorothy burst into laughter.
It was Rey's plan, not Theon's, who invited Freedia.
“Don’t worry, Clara. Theon has no feelings for me. Treating me well is
just because I am Ray’s younger brother, so I treat him like an older
Dorothy said so and surprised herself.
'To be able to say that Theon doesn't like me so easily.'
Was the old saying that time is medicine was correct?
Meanwhile, Clara beat her chest as if frustrated by Dorothy's words.
“Oh, my princess, you are so naive, I wonder if I will be relieved!”
Clara exclaimed that a gentle cat climbs the stove irst, and this time
she changed the target to Stefan.
“Chief Stefan! You can't leave the princess alone with a man! You have
to keep it!”
At Clara's burning eyes, Stefan nodded resolutely.
“Joy, you too!”
Clara also asked Joey, who was attached as a seed next to Stefan.
Thanks to Stefan, Joey was able to get a job as a servant to serve and
assist him.
Although it is not yet an of icial article, it was a great thing that a
commoner who had not received training for a long time had already
obtained a seed position.
“Clara worries too much.”
“Ask the world. If your 16-year-old daughter says she goes to another
man's house to play for several days, would you be worried or not?”
Clara put her hands on her waist and said angryly to Dorothy.
Then Stefan and Joey also nodded vigorously next to them.
“I think I’m just going to visit another estate.”
“Huh, but I’m sending you this way because you’re going with His
Majesty Raymond.”
Then Clara let Dorothy go.
Stefan and Zoe loaded their bags, and Ray called Dorothy.
“Go and be very careful.”
"Don't worry Clara too, I'm resting while I'm away."
Dorothy said goodbye to Clara and got into the carriage.
Stefan also skillfully rode the horse, and Joey quickly boarded the
back of the wagon.
"I will be back!"
With Dorothy's greeting, the carriage began to move little by little.
They headed to the hometown of Freedia, Theon.


The wagon headed into the increasingly dense fog.

The fog was so thick that I had to rely only on lamps to make my way
through, making me feel like I was swimming through a cloud.
Infrequently, the crowing of insects and the howling of wolves could
be heard.
It was eerie, but still and peaceful. A land of pure white, as if nothing
would ever happen.
Ray said as he looked at the scenery where he could only see the fog.
He gazed in wonder at the blur that had erased all the contours of the
Theon stopped him as he reached out to touch the mist.
“It’s dangerous to hold out your hand.”
If you put your hand out of the fast moving wagon, you could injure
your hand by a tree branch or obstacle that was obscured by the fog.
“I’m almost there.”
Theon encouraged the guests who would have been tired from the
long journey.
And as if proving his words were not false, a hazy black outline
emerged through the thick fog.
The low fog made the black castle appear to be loating in the sky.
As the carriage drew closer, the fog gradually cleared and the outlines
of the castle became clear.
And at the same time as all directions were open, the mist and the
light that fell through the clouds shone on the tall tower.
Unlike the imperial palace, which was built with several buildings on
a lat land, the castle of Pridia had several towers soaring high toward
the sky.
The sparkling white roof, the blue ivy that climbed the castle, and the
rainbow that loated through the clouds.
Dorothy couldn't take her eyes off the sun-drenched tower, as it
blends in with the mountains in the back like a painting.
Was it this beautiful?
The castle of Fridia I met in my last life was a gray, dark and gloomy
The hazy mist only added to Dorothea's uncertainty, the damp soil
was unpleasant as if it dragged her feet down to the ground, and the
door Theon locked tightly gave only a feeling of alienation.
But now Freedia is dazzlingly beautiful.
As if the fog of the past was a curtain set up to show beautiful
The carriage stopped in front of the castle, and Theon got off irst.
Rey got off, and Dorothy tried to follow her down as Theon reached
out to her.
Dorothy hesitated for a moment, then took his hand and came down
the steps of the carriage.
The moist Freedia's ground touched her feet softly.
And Theon smiled sweetly.
“Welcome to Freedia, Princess.”

“You two came when the weather was nice. There aren't many days
in a year when Freedia is so sunny. After all, the light always seems to
welcome Milanaire.”
Theon's mother, Archduke Fried, was delighted to be able to show
the two of them the beauty of Friedia.
The Archduke introduced us to Fried Castle and showed us the
rooms where Ray and Dorothy would be staying.
Ray's room was one loor up, and Dorothy's room was down there.
“It will be dif icult to climb up and down because it is a high castle,
but the view will be great.”
In this castle, it is said that the higher the room is, the higher the
person is.
Looking out the window, I could see the foggy land, high mountains,
villages, forests, and lakes as far away as the day was clear.
It was a scenery that could not be felt in the Imperial Palace.
The open scenery opened up Dorothy's heart, and the rainbow in
front of her was amazing.
Dorothy was a little surprised that she was still living her second life
and still had something new.
“Thanks for the invitation, Archduke Fried.”
“It is my honor to have you two who are the future of the imperial
family. Then you can rest before your meal and ring the bell whenever
you need anything.”
The Archduke pointed to the string attached to the side of the bed.
Dorothy nodded, saying yes, and the Archduke naturally stepped
As the Archduke was afraid to leave, Joey, who was carrying his
luggage, ran back to the window.
Looking at the scenery of Freedia, Joy shouted.
Stefan's eyes, who were always looking at Dorothy, were looking out
the window as much as now.
"I know."
Dorothy agreed with Joey's words.
“I think it’s a really good thing to have the princess.”
At Joey's words, Dorothy fell into thought.
Did the servants and servants who served me in the past think so?
Those who were always watching and lattering, or those who
questioned her legitimacy and criticized her.
Was there any one who thought it was good to serve Emperor
Dorothea Milanaire?
No matter how many times he thought about it, the answer was no.
Even the servants of the Imperial Palace would shake their hands
when serving her.
'thank god… … .'
I was grateful that the people working next to me were happy.
This life is still a little bit, I guess I'm doing well.
Dorothy looked at Joey and smiled a little.


The next day was also sunny.

Theon asked Ray and Dorothy to go see the lake.
" ishing! Can you ish too? I want to go ishing.”
"of course. You can cast nets on the creek side.”
"Shall we go! I will go!”
“I thought you would like it, Ray.”
Theon laughed.
Whether it's the forest, the ield, or the beach, once released, Ray will
be able to play all day.
Theon's gaze returned to Dorothy.
“How are you, Princess?”
Theon asked cautiously, not sure if Dorothy would like to ish.
“… … I will go too.”
Dorothy nodded her head.
"like. Actually, I had plenty of ishing rods ready.”
Theon smiled softly.
Lightly prepared, they got into the wagon and headed for the lake.
The lake, which could be seen from the castle, was not far away.
On the calm water surface like a mirror, the trees growing on the lake
shore and the curves of the mountain range behind it were re lected as
if two worlds were facing each other.
As the ishing boats of ishermen who were trying to catch ish
passed by, the water surface shook and trees and mountains shook.
When the servants prepared a ishing rod, Rey was the irst to accept
“I’ll put the bait myself.”
Ray lifted the ishing rod as if excitedly and threaded the earthworm
prepared by the servants at the tip of the sharp hook.
Although the earthworms were wriggling, he had a hobby of
gardening, and there was no sign of disgust at all.
When the servants taught him how to throw the ish, Rey quickly
followed suit.
The sound of fondant and ishing bobber falling out was pleasantly
He only cast a ishing rod, but Ray looked happier than ever.
“Would you like to try the princess too?”
Seeing Ray happy, Theon held up an extra ishing rod to Dorothy.
At Theon's kind suggestion, Dorothy couldn't shake her head and
Dorothy, who had received the ishing rod from Theon's hand, froze,
not knowing what to do with her nervousness.
“Can I put the bait on you?”
"yes? Yes… … .”
It wasn't that she couldn't touch the earthworm, but Dorothy nodded
I felt like an idiot who could only say 'yes'.
Theon looked at Dorothy and smiled and skillfully placed the bait.
"Come this way. I'll let you know."
Theon led her to the shore of the lake.
Dorothy stood next to Rey, led by his hand, as if drawn to the siren's
singing voice.
With Rey next to her, who was staring at her until her eyes fell out, all
of Dorothy's nerves turned to Theon.
“You can pull it back like this, then throw it and catch it while relaxing
your hands.”
Dorothy put the ishing rod back as he instructed.
“Ah! Princess!”
The nervous Dorothy leaned back so hard that the baited earthworm
bounced off and lew to Joey behind him.
“I’m sorry, Joey!”
"sorry… … ! I must have set the bait too weak.”
Dorothy and Theon ran to Joy at the same time.
Joey quickly brushed off the worm's cheek, picked up the bait, and
handed it to Theon.
Ray, who had been concentrating on ishing, laughed when he saw it,
but he quickly hid his laughter and turned to the lake, fearing that
Dorothy might be offended.
“It’s a bait for the princess, so you have to put it on well.”
Theon apologized again when Joey glared at her as if she had become
Dorothy's spokesperson.
“I’ll put it right this time.”
Theon tightened the bait several times and took Dorothy back to the
Fortunately, this time I was able to ish without any problems.
And not long after Dorothy had cast the rod, Ray jumped out of her
seat and pulled the rod.
“Oh, caught! Caught!”
Rey pulled up the ishing rod with all his might, and a lat ish smaller
than the palm of his hand was hanging.
Even though the ish was too small to eat, Ray exclaimed excitedly at
the irst successful ishing.
“Theon, Dorothy! It's the irst ish I've caught!"
Ray pulled the luttering ish out of the needle and put it in a bucket
on one side.
If I took it, I wouldn't be able to eat it, but for now I needed to put it in
an empty bucket, even as a souvenir.
“It’s easy to miss because it’s your irst time, but you made it right
The servants knew the timing of the ish's bite and praised the ray
they caught was amazing.
At that sight, Dorothy's competitive spirit rose in an instant.
'I'm more than Ray... … ! No, Dorothy. This is peaceful ishing. Time
with Theon.'
Dorothy's heart was controlled by the competitive spirit she had felt
for a long time.
Yeah, whether you get caught a lot or not, there's Theon next to you,
what's the problem?
That's what I was trying to think... … .
“I got it! Guess this is the taste!”
“Caught again!”
“Dorothy, look at this! This one is huge! Just my forearms!”
Unlike Dorothy's rod, which seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep
and remained silent, Ray caught ish one after another.
Dorothy took the ishing rod out, wondering if the ish had taken the
bait, checked the bait, threw it again, and thought the bait was wrong,
so she changed it and threw a new one.
However, no matter how hard she tried, no ish could even snore on
Dorothy's ishing rod.
Joey was standing next to Ray, who was constantly catching ish, and
Rey's bucket was full of ish and swam.
'Do even the ish like Rey more... … .'
As Dorothy's expression darkened, Ray looked at her.
“Dorothy, would you like to change seats? I think I can catch more
ish in my place.”
Pride exclaimed, 'I don't need it,' but Dorothy's head nodded up and
I've come all the way here and I don't want to go back empty-handed.
It was too disappointing to end the irst ishing without any income.
Dorothy gently swapped seats with Ray.
at that time.
"Lay! Theon!”
A voice as bright and cheerful as the sunlight came from afar.
I turned my head to see Julia running along the lake shore.
It seemed that theon and I were supposed to meet at the lakeside
'Julia can't be missing... … .'
Julia must have returned to Fridia for her Episteme vacation.
The Delevingne family, to which Julia belongs, has served Friedgar
closely for a long time.
Thanks to that, Julia and Theon have been close since childhood.
Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, Julia held a picnic basket in her hand.
“Hello, Princess Dorothea!”
Julia looked at Dorothy and greeted her politely and cheerfully.
Dressed in a dress with a large ribbon, she held her hat tight to keep
it from being blown away by the wind blowing over the lake.
That igure was lovely even to Dorothy.
“… … hi."
Dorothy greeted her awkwardly while holding her ishing rod.
Julia approached Ray and asked while the servants were preparing
their picnic.
“How much did you catch, Ray?”
Ray proudly showed off his bucket.
“Wow, you caught a lot, Ray!”
"Is not it? look at this This ish is trout. He's a silver ish... … .”
Ray was excited like a child and introduced the ish he had caught.
Seeing this, Dorothy glanced at her empty bucket.
It's nothing, but I'm a little shy.
What if I ask you to show me what Julia caught? enough to be
worried about.
“Did you catch a lot of princesses?”
“Ah, I just got over there and switched seats with Dorothy. It’s a
famous place, so it’s easy to get a seat.”
Fortunately, before Julia saw Dorothy's empty bucket, Ray hit the
player irst.
"okay? Then take a break after changing seats. I brought something
to eat.”
Julia pointed to the picnic basket she had left in the shade.
Meanwhile, the servants were laying the red checkered mats.
Julia ran to the mat and pulled out the food from the picnic basket.
The picnic basket contained sandwiches, berry tarts, biscuits and
some cheese.
When the servants brought out milk, juice, and fruit, it turned out to
be quite a hearty meal.
Ray, who was also busy ishing, put down his ishing rod.
Then I saw Joey, who had been watching ishing from the side.
“Joy, this time you’re looking at a ishing rod.”
Ray gave Joey a chance.
Ray laughed.
Joey ran as if he was waiting and picked up Ray's ishing rod.
“Princess, take a break too.”
Theon said, taking care of Dorothy.
"no… … . I haven't caught one yet."
What did you do to rest?
Quite a bit of time passed, but there was no result to take a break, so
I was embarrassed.
“When you ill your stomach, you’ll be ine.”
Theon grabbed her hand.
It felt like a pulsing electric current was lowing from my ingertips.
Dorothy had no choice but to leave her ishing rod and follow Theon
to a picnic mat.
Thanks to Theon taking care of her, she was able to sit next to Theon
There was too much food on the mat, so the seat was cramped, and
Theon's knee was touching Dorothy's knee.
Theon didn't seem to care at all, but Dorothy's attention was focused
on the slightest touch.
Even if there were thorns in my ingers, I wouldn't care more than
Because of this, I couldn't even concentrate on the conversation
between Ray and Julia.
“I want to be a real isherman. Of course I'm joking, Dorothy. I think
the ish like me.”
Ray said in an excited voice as she ate the sandwich.
He didn't forget to add that he was joking, remembering Dorothy got
mad when he said he wanted to be a farmer the other day.
“But Ray is really good with farmers and ishermen. you like it Soil,
wood, water… … like this. Is it because the spirit of light is the spirit of
life? Theon can't really ish. The dark spirit... … No, it's because it's a
family of dark spirits... … ?.”
Julia, who was talking with a smile, wiggled the tail of her horse.
Dorothy didn't really care about Julia's curling her tail.
It was because he was too busy taking care of Theon.
'Theon said he couldn't ish... … .'
Dorothy was a little overjoyed.
They have one thing in common that they are not good at ishing.
But on the other hand, it bothered me that Julia knew that Theon
couldn't ish.
'I have something to worry about.'
It's Theon and Julia.
“Oh, Julia. But this cheese is really good! Contains dried apricots!”
Ray switched the topic to food.
"Is not it? Theon also said that cheese is the best. It has no bitter
taste and is less musty.”
Julia again spoke of Theon's taste that Dorothy did not know.
Julia knew a lot about Theon besides that.
Things like Theon broke a glass when he was young and ran away
because he was afraid of being scolded, and how hard it was when he
took on the position of the grade representative in his favorite book,
Very trivial, everyday things that Dorothy doesn't know.
The appearances of Theon that I did not know at all, even after
getting married in my last life.
They shared such a pleasant story.
Theon and Julia seemed to talk to Dorothy well, were friendly, and
seemed to get to know each other well.
The more Dorothy went on, the less she spoke.
There seemed to be no room for Dorothy to intervene between them.
like it used to be.
Dorothy seemed to be from another world alone.
At that time, the servants on one side became noisy.
“Hey, go away! Go away!”
The servants were blocking the approach of the child with something
in his hand.
"What happen?"
When Rey asked, the servants laughed awkwardly.
“This is a kid who is a general in the village near here. I make money
by selling cheap things to the nobles.”
At the servant's words, he looked at the little boy and saw that his
arms were strewn with necklaces, bracelets, and wreaths made of
seashells and wooden beads.
The basket worn around the waist also contained dolls made of
woven bark or grass, as well as clumsy handicrafts.
A runny nose ran down his scruffy face.
“I’m selling bracelets! Selling necklaces! It even has pockets!”
The little boy squeaked and shouted loudly at them as they were
Joey, who was ishing, saw the boy and jumped to his feet.
“I, I want to live!”
It was surprising that Joey, who lives by saving the wages of a seed,
which is less than a handful, came out.
But Dorothy knew why Joey had gone.
Maybe it's overlapping with his old self.
Dorothy followed Joey to her feet.
“I want to take a look too. Bring it in.”
“But Princess, these things cannot be bought with money. In a few
days, the cord will break and break.”
"no! This is sturdy! I made it! I make the best one in this town!”
The child cried out in anger that his product had been neglected.
"Whether it breaks soon or not, I'll take care of that, so let me in."
At Dorothy's resolute words, the servants opened the door to the
child who had been blocking them with distasteful expressions.
Then the child with a heavy necklace on his arm ran to the picnic mat
with a squeaking sound.
“You made it really strong! My friend has been doing this for a year
and it hasn’t stopped!”
The child seems to have had a lot of experience selling things, so he
was quite skillful in laying out the items next to the picnic mat.
They were crude accessories that could not be found in Dorothy's
eyes, who only looked at high-quality jewelry made of jewels, but they
had a cute taste in their own way.
“Joy, if you want something, I’ll buy it for you. pick. You can also
choose pho.”
“Can’t I buy you something like this?”
At Dorothy's words, Joy smiled brightly and looked at the objects.
“Then I will live. Theon, Julie. Come and take a look!”
Ray was attached to the atmosphere, and Theon and Julia looked at
things together.
The shells sparkled in a unique color that was different from what I
had seen in the sea of the detached palace.
“I made it from the shell of a rainbow seashell from a creek near here.
I wonder if I can ind one out of a hundred of the rainbow conch.”
The child eagerly introduced his product, explaining how rare the
rainbow conch was, how he caught it, and how he tied the knot tightly.
Although they were cheap ornaments, they seemed to have great
pride and attachment to the things they made.
Originally interested in seashells and wooden crafts, Ray found it a
lot of fun to browse the children's stuff, so she picked out a few.
“Princess, I have two outlines!”
Joy chose a bracelet to share with Po.
Of course, the knights could not wear ornaments carelessly, so I was
thinking of tying them to something like a belt.
Dorothy also stared at the object and picked up a pin made of a white
“Stephan, come here.”
At Dorothy's call, Stefan, who was behind him, strode forward.
Dorothy motioned for him to bow down.
Stefan leaned slightly, and Dorothy tucked a white clam pin to his
“It suits you better than you think.”
When Dorothy saw that igure, she suddenly thought of the lion
warrior Leo.
On her irst birthday by going down to Cerritian's private palace, he
even congratulated her by wearing a lion's mask.
At that time, I was just picking up shells on the beach.
“It’s a gift, Stephan.”
It's not a big deal, but since we've been on a trip together, it's okay to
feel good.
Then Stefan looked at the clam pin on his chest for a long time.
Dorothy, who had brought a present for Stefan, also picked up a bag
of hard grass and a few trinkets she had never paid much attention to.
It was a souvenir to give back to Clara and the people of the Conberta
The child was delighted to see customers choosing so many items
that they couldn't ill even if they sold all day long.
Dorothy paid the price generously.
Everything Ray chose.
“This large amount of money is change… … !”
“Change is ine.”
“Princess! Then you will be spoiled!”
The servants dried Dorothy.
“It’s not just giving. I'm just giving it a try."
“But when you suddenly receive such a large amount of money, these
poor people will only want this kind of luck next time?”
"He's not stealing, he's making money the way he can."
At Dorothy's words, Joey opened her eyes and shook her head
Joey knew that making and selling something like this didn't make a
lot of money.
If you touch something like this, you're going to get scolded or
scolded to get out and do something right?
But the fact that you have to work hard to make and sell something
like this means that you want to do this.
“Because I gave him a strange nonsense and he ruined his life.”
"If that's ruining it, you can do it a little at that age."
You're only eight years old.
It's a good time to make something you want to make and sell it.
Moreover, the change Dorothy gave was not large enough to change
the child's life.
It's just enough money to have a decent meal with my family.
Then Theon laughed.
“The princess speaks like my mother.”
Theon said that his mother often said that when he made a mistake
when he was young.
When you're young, you can do more.
Dorothy was so embarrassed by him that she coughed in vain.
Dorothy paid the price and sent the child back.
They did not know that the child would later grow up to become an
imperial craftsman. Even Dorothy, who lived once in a lifetime.


Even after eating, there was no ish on Dorothy's rod.

Dorothy wondered if there was something ominous in her hands to
chase ish.
“Dorothy, we’re going over there to see mushrooms. Would you like
to come with us? Let’s take a look in the forest.”
After ishing enough to ill the bucket, Ray said he would take Julia
and Joey to the woods.
Ray seemed to want to suggest something else to play with Dorothy,
who couldn't catch a single ish.
But Dorothy shook her head.
“No, I will stay here.”
Maybe it's something like Ogi, or maybe it's because I'm offended
that I don't want to do something else.
Dorothy couldn't let go of her ishing rod, even though the time she
had spent so far was wasted.
“Then I’ll be with the princess.”
At Theon's words, Dorothy looked at him.
"okay? Then we will go together.”
Unlike Dorothy, who was surprised, Rey nodded, reassured that
Theon would stay.
Ray left the two of them behind and left for the woods with Julia and
Most of the servants followed them, leaving only Dorothy, Theon, and
Stefan, who may or may not be, frozen on the shores of the lake.
“You went too, Theon.”
Dorothy said something she didn't like to Theon, who remained by
her side.
Then Theon laughed.
“I love this lake. I already know everything about the forest around
"okay? I see… … .”
If you like this lake, you should bring him here before returning... … .
No, you wouldn't like it if you tried to force it out, right?
Dorothy now knew.
Before the return, Theon was apathetic towards Dorothy, not
because she didn't do what she wanted, but because she hated her.
Did you hate me enough that you wouldn't even give me a chance to
atone, not even give me time to change for you?
If you had told me what you didn't like, I would have even changed
the color of my eyes for you.
No, was it my irreplaceable past, my life, my blood that you hated?
Dorothy left only her ishing rod, which did not get a bite, loating in
the lake, and quietly looked at the surface of the water like a mirror.
Then, without Theon's knowledge, he put one hand in his pocket.
A smooth, hard object wrapped in a handkerchief was touched.
It was a bottle of ointment he had given him to treat his cheeks in the
The glass jar was wrapped in a handkerchief embroidered with
Frieda's coat of arms.
Dorothy, who used up the ointment, washed the bottle and kept it
with her handkerchief until now.
Items received from Theon.
It was intentionally taken with me when I left the Imperial Palace.
To clear my mind and let these things go on this trip.
I was worried that I could really do it, but I came here to make sure.
Theon got along very well with Julia.
Unlike that ugly Dorothy re lected on the surface of the water, Julia
shone lively.
Julia's pink hair looked brighter and softer than Dorothy's blonde.
Her bright voice was pure and her laughter was lovely.
Unlike Dorothy, who was melancholy, entitled and jealous, Julia was
clean and fresh.
When she spoke to Dorothy, she had no malice.
Her behavior, as lawless as Ray, made Dorothy even more
It would have been better if Julia had cared about Dorothy and kept
her in check.
It would have been okay if I ignored or ridiculed the princess who
was not treated properly.
Julia had numerous strengths that Dorothy did not have.
I was envious, and I thought it would be nice to be like her.
So Dorothy decided not to have any regrets with Theon any more.
It would be nicer to have someone like that next to Theon.
It took a long time.
Almost 20 years, until he turns his back on him, chooses to die, and
suffers to be executed after that, until he comes back and grows up this
A long unrequited love that ended in failure.
And the last regret of that unrequited love.
'How am I supposed to end this?'
Dorothy thought as she touched the glass bottle wrapped in a
Should I give it back to Theon? Theon wouldn't even remember
Dorothy glanced at his side, looking out over the lake.
Still, his eyes move the heart.
Like a calm lake where no ish bites, his eyes are looking elsewhere
than mine.
Dorothy wanted to drown in those eyes.
That was then.
The intense sensation felt at her ingertips woke Dorothy from her
The ishing rod that Dorothy was holding was pulled as if it were
being sucked into the shore.
She was startled by the bite at the ironic timing and grabbed the
ishing rod tightly.
“Looks like you got caught!”
Theon looked at Dorothy's ishing rod and straightened her back.
Dorothy stood up with the force of her ierce tug of the ishing rod.
However, the strength of the ish was not that strong.
'Did your strength weaken like this after taking a break from
swordsmanship practice?'
It's been a few years since I stopped practicing with Stefan. I
wondered if the strength of the ish had become too strong if I only did
basic exercise every day.
I could see the movement of the ish bouncing and splashing the
water under the surface of the water.
Dorothy grabs the rod and uses her force as if she is being dragged
into the lake, and Theon overlaps her hand and grabs the rod with her.
“I think the ishing line will break!”
“If you do one, two, three, pull together as hard as you can.”
Theon said as he leaned close to her.
His tight arms were tightly pressed against him, and his voice was
heard in his ear.
"one two… … three!"
With Theon's command, the two pulled the ishing rod with all their
With him, a large ish at the tip of the ishing line lew to the surface
like a bouncing.
Theon and Dorothy, who were giving them all their strength, fell on
the gravel.
and… … .
Dorothy felt the soft touch of her lips.
And Theon, who felt the same sensation, was looking at her with
widened eyes.
It's been a long time since I'd forgotten about the big ish lapping on
the gravel ield with the momentum to go back into the lake.
“Wow, Princess… … !”
Theon got up hastily and fell from Dorothy.
Dorothy sat down on the gravel and looked at Theon, stunned.
It's so leeting, I don't know what happened... … .
A hot sensation that spreads from the tip of the lips.
Stephan, who had been watching Dorothy from a distance, ran up to
her and stood up.
Stefan checked Dorothy for any injuries.
It was then that Dorothy came to her senses.
“It’s okay, Stephan. Rather… … !”
Dorothy and Theon luttered and ran towards the ish that looked
like they were going back to the lake right away.
The two of them squeezed the strong ish irmly to subdue it, and
together they managed to move it into the bucket.
Even with one, it was large enough to ill a bucket by itself.
The force was so strong that the force of the ish lapping seemed to
cause a bucket on the gravel ield to fall.
“This is the biggest ish I caught today. It is worth the long wait.”
Theon smiled at Dorothy.
Dorothy also laughed at the thought of making a fuss with one ish.
But why is your face hot?
'… … First kiss.'
It was too short a kiss to be called a kiss, but Dorothy decided to call
it a kiss.
irst kiss. First kiss with Theon. Theon's lips.
Dorothy unconsciously bit her lip, pondering the sensation of that
“It was originally said that the person who catches the biggest ish
wins. Today’s protagonist is a princess.”
Unlike Dorothy, Theon talked about ish casually.
The 'light accident that rubbed the lips' was so trivial that it was not
necessary to mention it.
No, maybe Theon couldn't feel anything.
It was so slight that even Dorothy was confused as to whether it was
real or an illusion.
“Would you like some more until Rey comes back?”
Dorothy nodded her head as if nothing had happened, embarrassed
by herself and more embarrassed to care.
Dorothy sat down next to Theon and looked at the lake with her
ishing rod again.
His gaze was on the lake, but his nerves were on Theon.
The sound of pebbles rattling as he moved.
The sound of the wind that his soft breath makes.
His black hair luttering in the wind.
Hands gathered in some places on the knees.
And the glass bottle and handkerchief still in Dorothy's pocket.
at that time.
Theon called Dorothy.
Dorothy, who was called by him, looked at him quickly, as if she had
become his servant.
His eyes, who were looking at the lake, were looking at Dorothy.
As if the lake he had just seen was still contained, his eyes were red,
yet calm and calm.
“Why did the princess accept my invitation?”
Theon asked Dorothy, who was waiting for him calmly.
Theon smirked as Dorothy glanced at him as if he had not
understood the intent of the question.
“Actually, I thought the princess would turn down my invitation.”
"ah… … !”
Have you ever accepted an invitation as a courtesy?
Dorothy, who was in initely timid in front of Tae-on, thought.
Noticing Dorothy's despondency, Theon quickly waved her hand.
“Of course, I was invited because I wanted you to come. But the
princess is somehow invisible because there is always an invisible
wall... … .”
invisible wall... … ?
“The princess doesn’t show her insides at all.”
“Sometimes I have no idea what the princess is thinking.”
Are you happy or sad, angry or happy, sick or okay?
Should I move closer, should I step back, or should I stop?
Am I out of line, or have I stepped on the line, or have I crossed the
“So I was always cautious. I had a feeling that the hand I reached
could become a blade for the princess.”
Theon smiled, but even that smile was tainted with caution.
Dorothy didn't know that Theon was thinking that way.
Theon's outstretched hand is a blade. No way… … .
“I was just being careful. you… … I'm afraid you'll hate me."
Dorothy said in a low voice, as if scattered in the wind.
But Theon, who understood the words, widened his eyes as if in
“Am I?”
Theon shook his head.
“Why do I hate the princess?”
He said.
But Dorothy just laughed.
You don't know how much you hated me to shiver.
How unhappy I was... … .
"I… … I want you to be happy, Theon.”
Dorothy said, making eye contact with him.
Even if you don't love me, if you're happy, so if you don't take your
own life, if you live a life that makes you smile for the rest of your life,
I'm satis ied with that.
That's why I came back.
Dorothy swallowed quietly.
Theon looked at Dorothy and smiled.
“I also want the princess to be happy.”
He said.
His sweet voice was enough to shake her heart.
His words in his ear were suffocatingly hot.
It was so hot that it burned my heart, and the heat spread all over my
body, and I felt like I was going to fall into hot tears.
Happiness, too many words for her.

'Remember that. Your greed has killed me.'

Dorothy still couldn't forget the red eyes that were trembling and
When I close my eyes, I can see Theon, who is about to break, and I
can hear the resentment towards her.
The last curse he left on Dorothy.
Isn't it deceitful and inconsiderate to pursue happiness while
remembering that?
Then Theon grabbed her hand and made her look at him.
Dorothy tried to pretend to be calm, but she couldn't hide her
trembling lips, so she had to bite her tongue.
Then, a touch touched her cheek.
When I lifted my eyes that looked like tears were about to fall, Theon
was in front of me.
Close enough to the touch of your breath.
“It’s the same face now. There are times when my words are like
swords for the princess. I wished for happiness, but the princess has
the saddest face in the world.”
Theon said with a slightly contorted face as if in heartbreak.
He was worried. Dorothea Milanaire.
'ah… … . Theon. You mustn't be so kind to me.'
It felt like someone was clutching my heart.
You can't break me down like this.
Don't shake the heart that you barely hold on to.
But in the end, a tear he couldn't hold back fell down on the pebble.
“Princess… … ?”
Dorothy hurriedly stole the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.
“It’s not sad. Why would you be sad?”
Dorothy said, pushing friendly Theon away.
After holding her breath for a moment, Dorothy smiled brightly.
“Theon, I just had something to give you back.”
Dorothy swallowed her tears and smiled and shook her head.
Then he held out a glass bottle wrapped in a handkerchief in front of
Theon didn't understand what they were for a moment, then realized
that they were the things he had given Dorothy.
"This… … .”
“I was thinking of throwing it away, but I think I have to give it back.”
Dorothy forced a handkerchief and a glass bottle into his hand.
Theon wouldn't even remember, just loat it on the lake, bury it in
gravel, or throw it in the ireplace, but Dorothy was reluctant.
It was sel ishness that didn't want to see my last heart abandoned.
In other words, it was the desire for Theon to deal with his last heart.
“Because it’s yours. you can throw it away I'm sorry I've had you for
so long."
I'm sorry for not giving up on you sooner.
Theon held it and looked at it for a long time.
“You still have this handkerchief.”
Theon laughed.
He remembered the handkerchief he thought he would have
forgotten because it was so trivial.
"ah… … . The handkerchief is a little dirty. The blueberries got
stained, but even after I washed it, it didn’t come off well.”
“It’s a pretty old handkerchief, but it’s clean for that.”
Theon said, looking at the handkerchief soaked in pale blueberry
“And this… … Is it the ointment bottle I gave you?”
To his surprise, he also recognized the glass bottle.
It was a different reaction than Dorothy had expected.
"ah… … yes."
“Why are you giving this to me?”
“It’s a bit like throwing away while organizing.”
I don't want to see them being thrown away in a shabby way while
organizing their minds.
“… … These are the things I gave to the princess, so there is no need
to return them.”
Theon glanced at Dorothy.
“Are you no longer needed?”
Dorothy nodded her head.
"yes… … . I don't think it's necessary now."
I think I'm ready to let you go
I heard kind words from Theon, ished with Theon, licked his lips, sat
next to him.
He wished for my happiness and worried about my tears.
Before returning, I accomplished the little things I wanted to do with
So don't be greedy now.
“It’s yours, so even if you throw it away, I want you to throw it away.”
Theon looked at Dorothy at him and nodded.
"then… … I'll take it right away."
“Thank you, Theon.”
For making me love you endlessly
Look at me so I can inish it.
Dorothy raised her head and smiled.
I thought it would be painful to cut off the ends, but it was more
refreshing than I thought.
I just can't say I love you anymore.

The aftereffects of the end with Theon were not as severe as
It was a little heartbreaking, but I didn't cry and I didn't regret it.
Maybe it was normal.
After his death, Dorothy's life was a process of accepting the end of
her life with Theon.
Perhaps it would be more correct to say that it took too long to
accept the end.
'Well done.'
Dorothy saw the empty spot where Theon's handkerchief had
It felt like something was missing, but it was right.
An empty seat, an empty heart.
“Princess. Princess?”
"eww. yes?"
Clara called Dorothy.
“What are you doing these days? Your mind keeps going somewhere
Clara pointed to the book Dorothy was holding.
The book that was opened earlier was in upside down type.
It was then that Dorothy hurriedly read the book.
“Yesterday, you rolled up spaghetti and made a ball on your fork, and
this morning, you took a bite out of every cookie Poe made for you.
What happened to Freedia?”
“No, nothing happened.”
“You’ve been like this since you went to Freedia!”
… … Isn't there any after-effects?
“Chief Stefan, tell me. What happened to the princess!”
“… … .”
No matter how much Clara opened her eyes, Stephan's lips did not
Clara sighed, thinking that moving Mount Tai would be easier than
opening Stefan's lips.
“Because it was really nothing.”
Dorothy waved her hands and opened her eyes.
Clara would be worried again if she had her eyes drenched in
“Isn’t the wolf doing something to the princess?”
“A wolf?”
“Master Theon Fried!”
Clara's bitter touch almost made Dorothy hiccup.
“Well, what happened! Did I tell you to be careful?”
Clara, who was quick-witted, gave her eyebrows a lot of strength and
looked at Dorothy.
Dorothy was a little scared of Clara, who was able to guess it as if she
had been watching from Freedia.
Is this enough to lay a mat on?
“Nothing happened, Clara.”
“Are there human souls lying next to you even though nothing is
“Because it’s not like that.”
“When I travel, it is easy to get caught up in the atmosphere and fall
in love. Don’t be swayed by your immediate emotions, and think
carefully about whether Master Theon is a really good person.”
“Because nothing happened. Don't worry though.”
“Hmm… … .”
Clara's eyes narrowed, so Dorothy averted her gaze and pretended to
be reading a book.
Chapter 3

In the winter when Dorothea turned 18, Raymond graduated from

“Are you here to celebrate my graduation, Dorothy?”
Raymond, who had just turned 20, smiled brightly with his cheeks
blushing from the cold.
A white breath spread from his lips.
Instead of answering, Dorothea put a bouquet of lowers in his arms
with a sullen face.
“A lower on such a cold day! Dorothy, you said you don't like picking
Raymond said with an excited expression as he took the lower in his
arms. He buried his nose in the lower, inhaled the incense with all his
might, and smiled broadly.
“Thank you, Dorothy.”
Raymond never imagined that Dorothea would come to Episteme to
congratulate her on graduation.
Over the years, he and Dorothea have grown closer, although there
are still some blunt two.
“You are inally escaping this prison-like place. Right, you know,
Dorothy? I am 32nd among graduates!”
Raymond said proudly.
It was a score that Dorothea had no choice but to admit.
His grades continued to rise right before graduation, and he
achieved the feat of being ranked 32nd among graduates.
It was strange.
Obviously, I never made it into the top 50 before returning, and when
I graduated, I was embarrassed to even say my place.
“Well, compared to Theon, my grades are low.”
Raymond smiled and looked at Theon on the podium.
As a senior graduate, he was preparing for a diploma presentation
Dorothea also looked at Theon.
His intelligent and serious eyes were still attractive. His white skin
stood out in contrast to his dark hair.
'I was that tall... … .'
It's been a while since the 20-year-old Theon was unfamiliar with his
He was already taller than the professors.
Theon's eyes met with Dorothy, who had been talking with the
professors for a while.
Dorothea linched and Theon grinned.
After visiting Freedia, Dorothy became sympathetic to Theon, while
Theon became more affectionate with Dorothea.
Is it good? The unrequited love remains as a friend at a reasonable
'luck… … I guess.'
Dorothea is obsessed with Theon, Raymond said.
“But it’s very noisy over there. Everyone seems to be looking for a
debutant partner.”
Raymond's gaze turned to the group of people gathered behind
It was quite noisy among the young nobles, who gathered together
like ants clinging to breadcrumbs.
It was a common sight at Episteme graduation ceremonies.
The biggest debut event held in Ubera, the Empire, was always held
when spring came after the Episteme graduation ceremony.
It is customary for those who are of icially debuting in the social
world, as well as those who have graduated from Episteme, to attend
the Debut Tangte Ball before going back to their hometown.
The Debut Tangte Ball is not just a place to celebrate those who
debut that year.
The Debut Tangte is the largest of the year-round proms.
Respected aristocrats and celebrities pay attention, and young
nobles can ind a good mate or make new connections.
It is considered the biggest event of the year for young nobles.
For this reason, the Episteme graduation ceremony became a place
to ind a partner for debut.
This is because this graduation ceremony is the only big event where
young nobles can gather before their debut.
“Dorothy, you’re debuting this year too.”
Raymond turned his attention back to Dorothea.
Dorothea is also expected to attend the debut tangent ball this year.
The nobles of Imperial Ubera usually debut around the age of 16 or
Before returning, Dorothea could not ind a partner and had to debut
at 18, a little later than average.
'At that time, my nickname was a socialite, a bad boy, so there must
be someone who wants to be a partner.'
Dorothea recalled her memories before her return.
Debut Tangt in my memory was not a very pleasant event. The only
thing I liked about Debut Tangte was being able to partner with Theon.
Except for that, everything was so bad that I didn't want to go
through it again.
“Dorothy, have you decided on your debut partner?”
When Raymond asked, Dorothea's gaze turned unconsciously to
Theon had already been decided to become Julia's debut partner.
I felt weird.
The fact that Theon, who stood as a partner at the debut Tangte
before returning, is by Julia's side.
'But this must be right.'
My previous life was wrong.
She remembered the eyes of the people she had met before
returning. They looked at Theon next to Dorothea with pity.
His eyes as if he had somehow managed to take on such a nasty job.

'Honestly, Princess Dorothea must have had a calm personality. Have

you ever liked one or two people? No matter how much His Majesty the
Emperor left her behind, she's a princess and that face.'
'That's the problem. You are too arrogant and high-spirited to be a
concubine or mistress just by looking at your face. It's too dangerous
from a political point of view.'

While Dorothea was away for a while, she listened to what the nobles
had to say to Theon.
The nobles said that there was nothing that was not caught in
There was nothing wrong with what they said.
At that time, Dorothea didn't have a good relationship with her, even
saying that she was making enemies.
To be close to Dorothea like that meant turning most of the nobles
who didn't get along with Dorothea, and even Crown Prince Raymond,
as enemies.
It was an undeniable fact, but Dorothea was angry.
She let out a dry breath and tried to swear at them.
By the way.

'If you want to insult my partner, stop.'

As Dorothea was about to step out, Theon, who was with the nobles,
opened her mouth.
At those words, Dorothea stopped on the spot.
my partner... … ?

'Hey, are you still pretending to be your partner? I always think of

you, but you have really good manners. It is a natural adult.'
'Well, you're having a hard time because you're close with Raymond.
Well, I'm glad you're calm today. I was so worried about breaking even
the wine tower.'

The nobles smiled and offered words of consolation to Theon.

At that moment, Dorothea's heart throbbed. who no one welcomes.
Garbage that no one wants to have around because it smells bad.
And Theon is a good janitor who cleans the garbage on behalf of
Really nobody wants me, right?
Dorothea clenched her teeth reluctantly as she thought she was
about to cry.
at that time.

'It's not hard work, I'm doing it because I want to.'

Theon spoke to them in a cold voice.

A friend of Raymond, he probably felt that Dorothea should be
Because he wasn't rude enough to stand still when he cursed his
But Dorothea was stupid.
because i want because you want me
Those words were so desperate that my heart raced. My heart
luttered and the tears I had been holding back burst out and I covered
my eyes with my sleeve.
And I fell in love without realizing that it was the bare minimum of
courtesy for my partner.
Theon was kind to the end of that day.
He never paid the tee of being forced to partner with Dorothy, and he
respected Dorothea's wishes.
It was the irst time. someone so kind The person who smiles softly
at Dorothea Milanaire.
But Dorothea made a person who was so warm cold.
“It’s okay if you don’t have a partner.”
Dorothea said dryly.
Then Raymond got angry as if it was his own business.
"What are you talking about! How can a partner be absent from a
debut? Have you not received your partner application yet?”
“I can't believe it! Doesn't everyone know that you're debuting this
“You still have time.”
“Still, it’s normal when applications come in to become your partner
from the irst day.”
Her name is the Imperial Princess.
No matter how powerless and marginalized the princess may be, the
Milanaire family is by no means a family to be ignored.
Even if Dorothea is despised, Milanaire is strong.
If Dorothea and Dorothea get along well at this ball and even get
married, they could become a member of the imperial family in the
“Leaving you so pretty, if it weren’t for my family, I would have
applied for a partner right away!”
“Calm down, Raymond.”
Dorothea calmly stopped Raymond, who was trembling.
That was then.
“You haven’t found a partner yet, Princess Dorothea?”
An arrogant voice came from behind Dorothea.
I turned my head to see Nereus standing there.
In his hand was a thick application for a partner that he had received
It looks like he's proudly saying, 'I've received a lot of partner
"long time no see. Prince Nereus.”
Dorothea greeted him after seeing him in many years.
He was still unlucky.
“If you haven’t found a partner yet, can I become your partner,
Nereus raised his nose and asked.
It was the look in which Dorothea looked forward to clinging to her
Dorothea looked at his proud face and opened her mouth.
“Even so, it’s not good to just decide on a partner like this.”
“Haha, ‘just’. You're still a princess, so have con idence."
Nereus laughed.
He was the one who received the application for a partner from
numerous Young-ae.
Even though it was an undeserved salary for Dorothea, who couldn't
even handle spirits... … .
“No, I don’t want to be with you Nereus.”
Dorothea frowned slightly at him smirking.
Of course, if you take Nereus as your partner, you won't be ignored in
the debutant.
Although he was annoyed in many ways, he was a reputable,
excellent partner among the aristocrats.
This is because he is a prince of a country, has excellent grades, has
good looks, and deals with spirits that ordinary people cannot reach.
But I didn't want to spend time with him throughout the debut
tangent to get a plausible partner.
Even if they made a splendid debut, they say that they use it
At Dorothea's refusal, Nereus' face distorted.
“Can’t you ind a better partner than me?”
Nereus asked, twisting his lips bitterly.
Discomfort, a sense of superiority that is never lost, stubborn pride.
“If you’re that good, wouldn’t it be okay to partner with another good
Dorothea pointed to the letters in his hand.
Then Nereus grinned.
“Even so, episteme teaches these virtues. Help those in need.”
Nereus looked at her with blue eyes.
“Isn’t it noble to offer a warm hand to someone who is struggling to
ind a partner?”
Nereus cursed Dorothea with a soft voice.
Dorothea's ists curled tight.
at that time.
“Hey, even our princess wants to help those in need, but you have
already decided on a partner.”
A soft hand touched Dorothea's shoulder.
And the subtle scent of lilies that you can feel on your ingertips.
“So how about begging for warm enemy ships elsewhere, Prince
Dorothea turned her head, startled by the voice, and her golden eyes
glared at her.
For a moment, Dorothea's heart sank.
Long, beautiful silver hair, inely painted eyebrows and a graceful
nose. A long coat suitable for a tall height, shoes with a sharp nose, a
vest with a soft pattern, black leather gloves, and even trousers that
were ironed straight.
Something to catch everyone's attention.
“Ethan… … ?”
Dorothea froze on the spot.
There were noises from all directions looking at him, and people who
wanted to see him surrounded them.
“It’s been a while, Princess.”
Ethan kissed her forehead and greeted her.
Dorothea looked at him with her eyes wide open at the soft and
warm touch.
“Ethan, how are you here… … !”
Dorothea's hair turned white.
This is the Islands Lampas, and Ethan did not come up during this
time. No, the Duke and Duchess put him out there early, so can he come
Contrary to her surprised, Ethan's smile was young.
“I missed you, Princess.”
Dorothea felt the heat in the cold wind as Ethan whispered softly as
he made eye contact with his deep-seated eyes.
“How have you been?”
His voice asks again kindly.
In the meantime, maybe the metamorphosis has passed, or the
beautiful beauty is ripe and has a sensual maturity.
Although the murmur was clearly audible in his ears, Ethan was
staring at Dorothea as if he had heard no such sound at all.
Meanwhile, Nereus wrinkled his eyebrows as he watched the
intruders intervening in their conversation.
“What are you?”
It was a face I had never seen in Episteme.
If there had been such a handsome student, Nereus, no, no one in
Episteme would have known him.
Nereus asked in a sharp voice, and Ethan grabbed Dorothea's
shoulder lightly and pulled him closer.
“Princess Dorothea’s debut partner.”
Ethan declared as if to listen to the people present.
“Dorothy… … Debut partner?”
Raymond's eyebrows frowned upon hearing that as well.
Dorothea remembered the promise she had made with Ethan a long
time ago.
'On the day the princess of icially debuts in the social world, then,
please allow me to escort the princess.'

It had been a couple of years ago, so I completely forgot about it.

Ethan tilted his head slightly toward Dorothea, who was bewildered,
and met their eyes.
“You haven’t forgotten me, have you?”
He glanced at Dorothy, as if putting a stamp on Dorothea's eyes.
“I can’t forget you… … .”
Dorothea shook her head, and Ethan gave her a smile of relief.
“You didn’t receive a letter, so I was worried that you might have
forgotten me.”
It was a cunning remark to punish Dorothea for not sending a letter.
Dorothea was stabbed in the chest for nothing.
Still, Ethan was the closest and most often met while staying at
Anastas Palace.
“You didn’t even send a letter… … .”
“I think the princess doesn’t like letters very much.”
Ethan's eyes turned to Raymond and then back to her.
It was because she remembered how she ignored Raymond's letter
and threw it away.
“Any promise… … Haven't you forgotten?"
“Oh, I forgot.”
Ethan's eyes narrowed as Dorothea shook her head hastily.
“I’m glad you remembered it now.”
"no… … . I remembered it.”
Ethan chuckled lightly at Dorothea's clumsy excuse.
Ethan muttered softly as if he could hear it.
Then Raymond cut the two of them apart. Ethan's hand was ripped
apart by Rey's power.
It was so natural that Dorothea didn't even realize that she was half-
hugged by Ethan.
“Were you Bronte?”
Raymond pulled Dorothea toward him and asked Ethan.
Raymond remembered Ethan correctly. It was not easy to forget that
awfully beautiful face.
“It is my honor to remember you, His Majesty Prince Raymond
Milanaire. We will greet you formally. This is the second son of the
Bronte family, Ethan Bronte.”
Ethan bowed his head and bowed politely.
Ethan's greeting was not only to Raymond, but also to the nobles
who had gathered around him.
A greeting that clearly imprints his existence in the mind.
His red corners of lips, which rise in a beautiful arc, have the power
to attract people regardless of age or gender.
Unsurprisingly, the sound of gossips could be heard from all
“I knew that too, that Bronte bastard! As rumored, you are very
“I wish someone like that would have come to Episteme.”
The nobles must have heard the rumors about Ethan and knew it
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the story of his beauty
had already spread throughout the empire.
“Are you Dorothy’s partner?”
“Yes, my lord. Even though the princess has forgotten me for a while.”
Ethan nodded his head warmly at Raymond's question.
Raymond looked at Dorothea, wondering if it was true.
"That's right… … .”
A promise is a promise, and it was better with Ethan than with
At that moment, Nereus, who had been ignored for a moment,
“Are you ignoring who I am now?”
Nereus raised his voice, and Ethan looked at him again.
Ethan opened his mouth with a gloomy face, as if he was quite
“Yes, I know. Prince Nereus Pons.”
It's obviously polite, but is it because of your mood that you feel the
Nereus felt that too, his brow wrinkled.
Dorothea was desperate. Ethan and Nereus couldn't meet because
they were opposites!
“But now I begged Princess Dorothea to be a partner? Is this Nereus
“Then did the princess beg the prince? I was already supposed to be
a partner?”
Ethan replied with a sly smile, and Nereus looked at him with eyes
full of anger.
Nereus gritted his teeth at the people's eyes focused on Ethan.
"cheeky… … ! How did you get into the graduation ceremony when
you're not even a student at Episteme?"
At Nereus' question, Ethan shrugged as if it was nothing.
“My brother is graduating this year. Finally, after failing the
graduation exam for a long time.”
Ethan pointed his eyes at Jonathan Bronte in the distance.
Perhaps because of a bad relationship, Jonathan deliberately stayed
away from Ethan so as not to get involved.
Episteme is not easy to graduate as it is dif icult to enter. Therefore,
it was not shameful to fail the graduation exam for a year or two.
Jonathan was also one of the students who graduated late after
“Your hyung was admitted to school, but you didn’t seem to be able
to get into Episteme?”
Nereus' voice was sarcastic.
Ethan looked at Nereus like that and answered with a soft tone.
“I don’t really have much to learn from Episteme. Here, just like the
princess did.”
His golden eyes shone coldly inside his curvaceous smile.
Ethan remembered that Nereus, who was about to enter Episteme,
had been seriously broken by Dorothea a few years ago.
At the graduation ceremony where the Episteme students gathered,
the atmosphere immediately froze when remarks ignoring Episteme
came out.
When their gazes on Ethan all changed from favor to anger, Nereus
opened his mouth with the eyes of the Episteme students on his back.
“I have a lat face, so I have a lot of pride. Well, that's how old wives
like it again."
At Nereus' insulting words, the students of Episteme burst into
Then Ethan glanced at them coolly and opened his mouth.
“Ah, unfortunately I didn’t learn this. Ignoring people from
Biepisteme, attacking people when they have nothing to say,
humiliating others to raise their nose… … like that?”
As Ethan chuckled, the laughter of those who had been sarcastic
Dorothea was perplexed in the gap.
He knew that Ethan and Nereus had a bad relationship, but he didn't
expect Ethan to come out with an openly aggressive attitude.
Ethan, whom she knew, used a strategy of harassing her from behind
without knowing how to treat her with a close friend no matter how
kind she was.
Thanks to that, I got along well with aristocrats from Episteme, and
even tied people to my hands and wielded them.
But why are you so openly opposed to the nobles?
“That’s funny!”
Nereus gritted his teeth, angry that he was being ignored by a
bastard who didn't even dare to enter the episteme.
“I hear it as a compliment for being humorous. Anyway, Princess. Can
I go to meet the princess on the day of my debut?”
Nereus quarreled for a while, but Ethan ignored him and turned his
attention to Dorothea.
As if he didn't care about anything but Dorothea.
Nereus grabbed Ethan by the neck and slammed his ist into his face.
Dorothea screamed in surprise.
Ethan bit his lip as he turned his head to the punch.
His lips burst open and blood was lowing.
“Where do you climb on the subject of bastard origin?”
Nereus looked down at Ethan and glared arrogantly.
“Nereus, stop!”
Eventually, Raymond stepped forward and sanctioned Nereus.
Ethan quietly rubbed his chin and stared coldly at Nereus. His eyes
were still beautiful, but they were cold.
The eyes of a snake trying to constrict the breath of its prey.
Dorothea instinctively sensed danger.
“Ethan, talk to me for a second.”
She grabbed Ethan's hand and hurriedly left the place.


In Episteme there was an in irmary for injuries that would occur in

swordsmanship and other training classes.
Dorothea headed to the in irmary to treat Ethan's injured face.
However, there was no one in the in irmary, perhaps because he was
busy with the graduation ceremony.
“Wait a minute, Ethan.”
Dorothea let go of Ethan's hand and looked at him.
The corners of his mouth were young with red blood that contrasted
with his white skin.
He looked at Dorothea with an incredulous look.
“Ethan, you don’t have to deal with guys like Nereus.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan didn't answer, just stared at her quietly.
Dorothea stopped talking at his mysterious gaze and looked at his
“Are you listening to me, Ethan?”
“… … Princess.”
“I really miss you.”
He gently caressed Dorothea's cheek.
It was so unexpected and sudden that Dorothea couldn't help but
As Dorothea linched and turned her head, he stared intently at her,
with his hands suspended in the air.
“… … Didn't the princess want to see me?"
He asked soft questions.
It was a dif icult question to answer whether you wanted to see it or
didn't want to see it.
Dorothea hesitated, and Ethan laughed bitterly.
“Are you sure you don’t like partnering with me?”
At Ethan's question, Dorothea hurriedly shook her head.
“No, I was just surprised by your sudden appearance.”
“Tell me you were happy rather than surprised. If you just say you're
surprised, you feel like you're being treated as an uninvited guest."
"ah… … . Nice to meet you, nice to meet you.”
“I’m glad you said that.”
He smiled as if he had just forgotten about his quarrel with Nereus.
There was red blood on the corners of his mouth, but he didn't care.
Dorothea was confused. Where did those eyes that looked cold as if
to kill Nereus went?
“But Ethan… … . Do you still want to partner with me?”
Dorothea asked.
“… … Why are you asking such a question?”
“So, that’s a promise I made when I was too young. I don't think
you've changed your mind."
It may have been sincere when we made the promise, but it has been
so long since then that we can change our minds.
In addition to being handsome, the Bronte family of icially
recognized him. Just looking at the eyes of the people earlier, the
public's interest in him was great.
So if you're trying to ind a partner other than Dorothea, especially if
he's determined to seduce your partner, you can do it.
A person who is more beautiful than her, has a great political
background, has a bright future, and has a lovely personality.
There are many more useful and wonderful bridesmaids in Episteme
than the neglected princess.
“Even if I change that promise to another promise… … .”
“It will be dif icult if you come and change your words.”
Ethan grabbed Dorothea's hand as he was about to turn.
“All I want is the princess.”
His hand was hot.
He was as enchanting as a trap on a sweet bait. A man so cunning and
attractive that no prey can escape.
Dorothea knew why he was so obsessed with him.
“Tell me, Princess.”
“I'm not going to be worth more than you think.”
Dorothea carefully pulled my hand out of his.
His only complex with outstanding looks and talent. bloodline. He
chose Dorothea to erase the name 'Seochuol'.
Having won the favor of her with Milanair's blood, he persuaded her
to gain enormous power, which he could never have attained as a
Dorothea was the perfect tool to clear his complex.
However… … .
“My bloodline is just a fake, Ethan.”
Dorothea confessed to Ethan.
She can't give him what he wants.
She didn't want Ethan to invest his life in crap. Furthermore, he
hoped that he could use his powers for a better and more correct place
than Dorothea Milanaire.
Then he shook his head in denial.
“Don’t say that. The princess is Milanaire.”
Again, his words reminded me of her family.
An important 'Milanaire' to him.
"I've never seen anyone as good as the princess."
An outstanding Ga-in who is smart, has excellent swordsmanship,
and knows how to do everything on her own.
Ethan seduced Dorothea with his sweet tongue, and Dorothea was
Am I as great as he believes I am?
Dorothea shook her head at the sudden rise of greed.
“Don’t be disappointed by going back later.”
She couldn't live up to Ethan's expectations.
“You will not be disappointed.”
Ethan answered without hesitation.
Like a man who looked to the future, he was con ident.
“Being so sure makes me even more disappointed. You have high
“Looking at how timid you are, the princess must have been very
Unable to deny his words, Dorothea kept her mouth shut.
Before the return, I expected a lot.
Maybe someday I will awaken the power of the spirits?
Wouldn't this be enough to go to Episteme?
Couldn't he be a great emperor?
Could theon be loved?
But it all came back to disappointment and disappointment.
“So you are not expecting anything?”
Ethan's eyes narrowed, and Dorothea turned his gaze elsewhere.
“Because it’s good this way.”
“Aren’t you giving up in advance?”
Dorothea felt as if Ethan's question was testing him.
“It’s just not being greedy. Greed is a shortcut to ruin your life.”
It's only now that I've learned to live according to the subject without
being overly greedy.
Then Ethan raised one end of his eyebrow as if puzzled.
“The princess is giving you a strange name.”
He met Dorothea's blue eyes.
“Normal people call such things like wishes, dreams, and hopes
rather than greed.”
Dorothea's eyes, who had been calm at the stone he threw, caused a
great ripple.
It seems that she once called her desires with those words.
The desire to be with Theon, the dream of becoming an emperor, the
hope of making a better empire with my own strength.
It seems that there was a time when I was chasing the future with
excitement and looking forward to a slightly better tomorrow.
But the words that were only beautiful began to wither like rotten
The desire to be with Theon, the desire to become an emperor, the
greed to ruin the empire.
“You don’t know anything… … .”
She said, swallowing the tingling feeling that swallowed her up.
Then Ethan came closer to her.
“You are the princess who doesn’t know anything.”
A thick scent lowed from him on the tip of his nose.
As he leaned slightly, his breath drew closer to his cheek.
He looked at Dorothea with deep, sentimental eyes. Inside his golden
eyes, something hot seemed to boil.
Dorothea lowered her gaze in a completely different atmosphere
from before.
It's nothing, but my heart is beating faster.
“Why are you so interested in me, Ethan?”
“A smart princess would know why I’m doing this.”
i know?
Dorothea shook her head. I really don't know why he is doing this.
Then the corners of Ethan's lips rose subtly. It was both a bitter laugh
and a ridicule.
“You know. You just pretend you don't know. Because the princess is
a smart person.”
He lowered his cold eyes and spoke only words that Dorothea did not
“… … The day I gave you the answer was the same as today.”
He muttered, wiping the back of his hand lightly on the cheek that
had been hit by Nereus. Red blood splattered on the back of his white
Then he stroked Dorothea's hair once.
“If you really don’t know, try guessing. It is by no means a dif icult
He wiped the cold light off again and smiled softly.


The day after Raymond's graduation ceremony, an unexpected guest

came to Conberta Palace.
It was the emperor's aide, Robert.
Dorothea frowned for a moment at the unfamiliar visitor. why did he
come Didn't I ind the palace wrong?
However, Robert, guided by Clara, bowed politely to her.
“Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Your Majesty has called the Princess.”
“… … me?”
Dorothea's brow furrowed involuntarily.
With Raymond's graduation, all the attention of the Imperial Palace
will be on him.
But why?
“It seems to be related to the debutant.”
Robert added to Dorothea's suspicions.
My debut tang? You mean Carnon cares about that?
It shouldn't be more surprising to say that Raymond took irst place
in the episteme test.
But Robert nodded as if af irming again.
“… … I know."
“Then I will be waiting for you downstairs. Get ready and come out.”
Robert said the word and left the room.
Looking out through the window, I saw that Robert had not left and
was waiting in the garden.
“Princess! His Majesty the Emperor is going to try to put some effort
into preparing for his debut Tangte! You seem to be paying more and
more attention to the princess lately, but... … !”
Clara trembled, saying it was a good thing.
As Clara said, Dorothea felt Carnon's interest increased more than
In the past, I would call her directly and tell her what would have
been roughly handled by a subordinate.
Face-to-face with Carnan increased more than before. From 0 times
a year to once or twice a year.
It was a far cry from Raymond's interest, but it was not
uncomfortable for Dorothea, who had been living with Carnon for the
rest of her life.
Even before he returned, he started to celebrate her birthday, which
he had never cared for before.
Even though they were all uninteresting things like music boxes and
embroidery sets.
Dorothea wondered why Carnon had suddenly taken an interest in
She pondered over the time he had changed.
He changed after she got 0 points on the episteme test. In other
words, since Carnan slapped her on the cheek.
'Are you sorry that you touched me?'
unacceptable thing.
It was unexpected that he slit his hand that day, but it wasn't too
surprising considering what he had been ignoring so far.
Or was it that her conscience was moved by the words she shot that
I've been living indifferent all my life.
'Carnan can't do that.'
Dorothea shook her head.
'Did a strange rumor spread?'
Bad rumors have spread about his relationship with Dorothea, so it
may be a show trying to cover it up.
Whether it’s an inevitable choice to preserve the prestige of the
imperial family… … .
Yes, it was much more realistic to think about it that way.
There's no way that Karnon would really change his mind.
'I don't know what the rumors are, but it has become uncomfortable.'

Dorothea frowned and slowly got dressed and went outside.
“Follow me.”
Robert, who was waiting, stepped forward a little faster.
But the pace of Dorothea following him was as slow as a snail.
It's always dif icult to face Carnan. The air is so cramped that it's
hard to breathe, the feeling of being uncomfortably seated on a cushion
of thorns, and meaningless conversations.
From there, you will answer 'yes, yes' and just nod your head and
come out.
Dorothea wanted to spend as much time as possible, but eventually
reached the Emperor's Palace, the Nesecitta Palace.
As she stopped in front of the Emperor's drawing room, her heart
was already suffocating, and Dorothea took a deep breath.
“Your Majesty, this is Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
"come in."
The large door that stood in front of Robert's report opened.
Dorothea stepped inside, moving her heavy feet with sandbags tied.
Carnan greeted her while sitting in front of a large table.
“Sit down.”
Carnan pointed to the chair opposite him.
“It’s okay, Your Majesty.”
Sitting is a long time. Dorothea didn't want to see Carnan for long.
"sit down."
I looked at her and said, as if not to make Karnan order twice.
Dorothea, helpless in front of Hwang Myung, had no choice but to
follow his instructions.
Then, as if waiting, the attendant placed the glass in front of her. It's
not tea, it's alcohol.
Having never had a drink with Carnan, she rolled her eyes to igure
out what that meant.
More sinister than having tea with him.
Unsurprisingly, canapes, olives, and cheese were placed in front of
the glass.
Dorothea glanced at the servants on a rather serious side dish. Then
the servant next to him poured red wine into Carnan and Dorothea's
The dark purple liquid turned red in the light and fell into the wine
And the servant set down the wine bottle so that the wine label was
facing Dorothea.
Dorothea looked at the unfamiliar wine label.

<Dorothea Milanaire 12 Years Old>

The hand reaching for the glass stopped at the name of the label,
written in nice cursive handwriting.
'Why is my name... … .'
Dorothea looked startled, and Carnan opened her mouth.
“Now that I’m about to debut, I can say I’m an adult.”
“I don’t know if you remember, but I asked you to make wine when
you were young.”
Dorothea realized the identity of the wine named after Carnon.

'Please make the inest wine in my name.'

'What… … ?'
'I think it will be edible after I grow up if I ripen it well.'

A long time ago, in the garden Alice's hometown, I made an

appointment with Carnan.
That promise came to the table after 12 years.
'I mean, that's when I really made wine... … ?'
It was a vain promise made by a six-year-old who didn't have any
wishes and talked about anything. Besides, it was a promise to
Dorothea, whom he hated so much.
So, of course, I thought I wouldn't keep that promise.
“It’s named after you, so you should taste it irst.”
Carnan raised the glass, and Dorothea followed suit.
As the wine luttered slightly, a bitter-sweet aroma spread along with
the oiling.
She carefully brought the glass to her lips. The scent that had been
stagnating in the round cup came rushing to the tip of her nose like a
sweet wave.
And soon, the wine, soft and heavy like velvet, lowed in the mouth.
The pleasant astringency and deep sweetness characteristic of a
well-aged wine were felt.
Luckily, the vineyards were prosperous that year, and the quality of
the wine was very good.
'It's a good wine.'
Dorothea thought quietly.
“It is wine made only for you. A hundred thousand bottles of wine
will bear your name.”
I see
Dorothea quietly nodded her head.
I thought that it was a little terrifying to see that there were 100,000
bottles of wine with my name on it.
'I made a promise in front of the nanny, servants, and servants that
day, so I must have kept my promise to establish my prestige as an
So why do you make such useless promises?
With that in mind, Carnan looked carefully at her expression and
“Aren’t you happy?”
'What part of the world should I be happy about?'
It was a little surprising that Carnon kept his promise to her, but that
didn't sway him.
As an emperor, he was just keeping his promise to keep his prestige,
but what kind of joy did he feel?
He really thought about Dorothea, so he probably didn't make it for
Dorothea isn't stupid enough to expect affection from Carnan. It was
the product of her lifelong experience.
But anyway, I had to give a formal answer.
“… … I'm glad, Your Majesty. Thank you for such grace as Ha Hae.”
Dorothea said politely with her eyes closed.
“You don’t look as happy as you say.”
“No, Your Majesty.”
“Isn’t wine more palatable than I thought?”
“No, great wine.”
“… … And yet, you don't laugh even once."
Dorothy's eyes widened at Carnan's words. Why are you complaining
about something else you don't like?
As much as he formally kept his promise, she also responded
formally. It means she has done her part.
“You don’t have to laugh to be happy.”
Dorothea spoke with a monotonous accent.
To be honest, wasn't Carnon the one who didn't care whether she
smiled or not?
“… … The wine 'Dorothea Milanaire' is all yours.”
Carnan promised to give Dorothea a hundred thousand bottles of
"It's too much for me to have, Your Majesty."
If you receive a hundred thousand bottles of wine, where are you
going to use it?
Even if the people of the Conberta Palace drink it with their
stomachs bursting, they won't be able to eat it all until the wine tastes
“After all, this wine is made for you, so you decide how to use it.”
As if he didn't like something, he took another sip of the wine with a
bitter face.
Dorothea was perplexed. To deal with 100,000 bottles of wine all of a
Dorothea turned down the wine he was offering, feeling like taking
on a job rather than a gift.
"it's okay. Your Majesty writes.”
“Then I will tell you to dump it into the river or burn it.”
it's crazy?
Dorothea almost had a curse coming out of her mouth. Even as a
tyrant, she never threw away a hundred thousand bottles of wine.
“That is too much waste, Your Majesty.”
“… … So it means you go.”
Why the hell is Karnon doing this?
“Are you testing me?”
How do you handle wine wisely?
Dorothea asked with a serious face, and Carnon stopped holding the
wine glass and looked at her.
"ha. Do you see me as the one who tests you?”
“… … .”
I couldn't answer no.
He asked me to memorize the family tree of the imperial family on
the irst meeting, and asked me to take the episteme test when he went
to recuperation.
It was always a test when he found Dorothea Milanaire and asked
him to do something.
As she kept her mouth shut without denying, Carnan raised her
“It means a gift to you.”
“… … Why?”
“Isn’t it going to be a debut soon?”
Dorothea understood the meaning only late.
Debut celebration gift.
'Why did Carnon make my debut? … ?'
She shook her head to igure this out.
However, because he was so nervous just being called by Carnon
today, his overloaded head struggled to ind an appropriate answer.
Thinking about what to do with 100,000 bottles of wine.
Unsurprisingly, Carnan read that expression again and said.
“You don’t seem to like the present.”
“No, Your Majesty. Satis ied.”
Dorothea took another sip of the wine as if to cherish it.
If you don't like it, but say you don't like it, you'll de initely get into an
Dorothea didn't want to spend more time with him because of the


Dorothea returned with a pale face.

I was with Carnan for an hour. One hour!
It was the Maginot Line that had emptied a bottle of wine and was
held by Dorothea, who barely stopped her from trying to open a new
'Why are you doing this... … ?'
Silence and conversation were repeated between the two as they
drank the wine.
Even if they drank wine together for an hour, the actual conversation
time would be less than half that.
Carnan didn't say much, taking the time to ask questions that didn't
Have you decided on your debut partner, how did you get to know
Ethan Bronte, what you plan to do with 100,000 bottles of wine,
whether you have close aristocrats, and whether you can't really
summon spirits.
But all those questions ended with his admonition.
Ethan Bronte is a servant, your position may change depending on
how you use the wine.
Dorothea kept her mouth shut in front of him. Barely holding back on
telling him not to meddle.
“Princess, are you here?”
Clara greeted Dorothea, limp.
“What happened to make you look so tired?”
“It was no big deal.”
At the end of Dorothea's words, a helpless sigh was attached like a
“It’s not a big deal, are you coming back exhausted like this?”
In response to Clara's question, Dorothea talked about what
happened with Carnon.
“A hundred thousand bottles of wine?”
“Because it is.”
“It’s such a good thing, isn’t it? Besides, the quality is great? Just
before the debut Tangte, a lot of nobles gathered in the system, so even
a box of presents would be a great help to the princess.”
Clara said with a bright face.
Wine is a good gift item to be used as a diplomatic tool.
There are many royal family members from abroad and celebrities
from all walks of life before the debut, so this is a good opportunity for
Dorothea, who has been locked up in the palace, to expand her personal
“Besides, the wine is named after the princess, so it’s even more
A golden opportunity to make her existence clear while giving a
Dorothea thought Clara's words were right.
The best use of wine is as a bribe or gift.
'But where will I use it because I have a friendly relationship with the
Dorothea did not want to increase her in luence.
Being close to nobles would only make things more tiring.
“There is no law that only nobles should drink wine.”
“But where are you going to use this ine wine? There is no one to eat
except the nobles.”
Wine was originally an expensive drink, and the wine that Carnon
gave was a special product.
Clara stood stunned, and Dorothea stood up, opened the box of wine
Carnon had sent irst, and pulled out a bottle of wine.
She walked over to Clara with several bottles of wine in her arms.
“Come on, this is Clara. Anton too.”
Dorothea put two bottles of wine in Clara's arms and walked to
Stephan, who was far away from behind.
“This is Stefan’s.”
As Dorothea held out the bottle of wine, Stefan, who was standing
upright, shook his head.
Come to think of it, I've never seen Stefan enjoying a drink.
“Oh, do you hate alcohol?”
I wondered if I could ask, but Stefan just stayed still.
Dorothea, who had been with him for many years, knew immediately
what he meant. I don't hate it, but I think it'd be better to say no
because it's burdensome to receive, but someone who can't lie.
"receive. If you can't eat it, go and brag to the knights. The princess
gave me a good drink.”
Dorothea took his hand and gave him a bottle of wine.
“And Joey, Po too.”
When I put two bottles in Joy's arms, who was standing next to
Stephan, Joy's eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.
“I've never had that wine!”
“Drink this time. I don't think I've ever drank anything but used it to
cook grapes."
“Do you still have two bottles?”
“I can give you more, so tell me if you want.”
Dorothea laughed and turned to Clara.
"Clara. Hand out a bottle to everyone who works at the Conberta
Palace. And I will send the three boxes down to Anastasia Palace.”
"yes! I see, Princess. And thank you for thinking of us... … .”
"thank you. Princess!”
“… … .”
Clara and Joey said thank you, and Stefan quietly bowed his head.
Dorothea sat down at her desk. It was to expedite the handling of the
baggage Carnan had handed over.
First of all, I will send them to the soldiers who are loyal to the
Empire and guard the borders day and night.
It doesn't matter to them who in the imperial family was sent.
'The imperial family gave me good wine' is not important.
So it will have little effect on Dorothea's political power.
“Aside from that, I will give it to those who serve the imperial family,
and I will send a small amount to hospitals around the world for those
who need to use wine as medicine.”
Wine has long been classi ied as a medicine used for disinfection or
gastrointestinal treatment.
After you do this, you will still have 100,000 bottles left over. You will
be able to shake off the alcohol that Carnan gave you.


Stefan returned to the Knights of Radiance with a bottle of wine that

Dorothea had given him.
It was the result of shaking his head hard and refusing to bring
another box to the knights to share and drink.
'Can I take something that can be used more usefully like this? … .'
Stefan glanced at Dorothea's name on the wine.
He was well aware that it was not uncommon for Carnan to give
Dorothea a gift.
Carnan himself made a wine named after Dorothea, so it must be the
best gift for Dorothea.
'He didn't seem so happy, but... … .'
Normal people would be excited to run around, but Dorothea sighed.
'Your Majesty is not used to being like this all of a sudden.'
It looks strange to Stephan's eyes, but how confused is he?
As a member of the Knights Templar serving the imperial family, it
was not a good idea to do it, but Stefan even resented Carnon a little.
Stefan remembers it well.
Dorothea, who was recuperating, tried to bring him to the palace
without a replacement, the only remaining escort knight.
Of course, Cerritian's guards guard Anastas Palace together, but
when a princess with a famous name, even a 12-year-old princess, is
out in a distant province, she knows what will happen.
Moreover, he forced Dorothea into the Imperial Palace, forced him to
take the episteme test, and when he got a score of 0, he slapped him in
the face.
And now you're suddenly paying attention.
Perhaps even if Stefan was Dorothea, he would have doubted his
'… … You can't do this.'
He thought, stroking the white seashell pins sweet like decorations
on his chest with his ingertips.
As a knight of the imperial family, you shouldn't have hatred towards
the emperor, but that wasn't easy.
When he arrived at the Knights of Brilliance, the knights who were
talking among themselves glanced at him.
“Sir Stefan. Wine all of a sudden?”
They asked with puzzled eyes.
It was because it was an accessory that did not go well with him, who
did not usually drink alcohol.
Stefan wanted to answer that it was given to him by the princess.
But the words did not come out of his heart, so he kept his mouth
shut and remained silent.
The knights contorted their eyebrows as if they didn't like his
Obviously, Stefan wasn't the type of person to it into a group life.
Because of his superior skills, he barely managed to join the Knights
Even though he had been down in the province for three years, his
skills were counted as one of the best in the Knights of Brilliance.
Nevertheless, the low status was due to his lack of sociability and
Korean-American origin.
“Where did the wine come from?”
“This is the irst label I have ever seen. Dorothea Milanaire... … ?
What's the queen's name?"
As Stefan nodded silently, the knights laughed.
“Which corner was the drink rolling in?”
They giggled when they said that.
It's a joke that Dorothea is a neglected princess who rolls around
from the countryside.
Stefan stopped their laughter and slammed the scabbard to the loor.
The knights, who had been chattering for a moment, became quiet
with the force that caused the loor to swell.
“… … Courtesy to Milanaire.”
No matter how speechless he was, it didn't mean he couldn't
understand rude jokes.
“… … It's even going to be so stingy about something like this. It's a
light joke."
“… … .”
Stefan knew how people viewed Dorothea.
Even within the Knights Templar, there was no one who supported
Dorothea's escort knights.
The reason Dorothea doesn't get the emperor's attention is that
those working in the imperial family are the most sensitive to notice.
There's Raymond, so there's no need to line up anywhere else.
Although Carnan has been paying attention to her recently, that alone
cannot free Dorothea from being treated as an alienated princess.
Rather, it only becomes clear that it is 'a situation where you should
be happy just to receive a birthday present'.
“Sir Stefan. So you can't go up. anyway… … .”
The knights said to Stefan, who stared at them with unshakable eyes.
For many years, the knights scoffed at him, who only served as
Dorothea's escort.
at that time.
“Sir Stephan! I brought Poe wine!”
Servant Joey, who returned to the Knights belatedly, called him.
Joey stopped when he saw Stefan's hardened face while running.
I've seen Stefan's expressionless face a lot, but it's the irst time I've
seen him look so genuinely angry.
“Wow, what happened?”
“Joy, did you get that Princess Dorothea wine too?”
The knights asked Joey, who looked at Stefan.
“Oh, yes! This is the wine that the Princess has been given by His
Majesty the Emperor! Chef Reniè re tasted it and said it was a very good
wine! I don't know the taste of wine.”
Joy raised the bottle of wine she had received from Dorothea and
“Your Majesty to the Princess?”
The tone of the knights' voices were slightly different. It was
unexpected that it was a drink bestowed by the emperor.
“He gave me a hundred thousand bottles. Right, Sir Stefan?”
“A hundred thousand bottles?”
As the knights' eyes gleamed as if prying, Stefan blinked at Joey.
Then, instead of answering the knights who wanted to ask about the
wine, Joey followed Stefan, who quietly left the place.


The debut tang came quickly.

Dorothea sighed as she stood in front of the mirror.
“It’s a good day, but why are you sighing so much, Princess?”
Clara asked, arranging the hem of her dress.
“I think I’m going to be tired today.”
"Yes. Our princess, you are so beautiful, people will not let you go.”
Clara smiled as she looked at Dorothea in the mirror.
I don't mean that.
Dorothea looked into the eyes of the expressionless woman standing
in the mirror.
The signs of exhaustion were already evident.
“Our princess. You're really beautiful, but there's only one thing on
my mind."
“A dress! It’s just so plain and ordinary.”
Clara looked at Dorothea's re lection in the mirror and shrugged.
As this is a once in a lifetime debut, I would have liked to have worn a
more glamorous and expensive dress.
The dress Dorothea wore was a white sheath dress without a single
jewel. The only thing that could be called decoration was white lace.
"done. Just because you wear expensive clothes doesn’t change
“It’s the irst time I’ve been to a ball, so I don’t know. The ball is, the
clothes are swords.”
Dresses and accessories are weapons at a prom such as a debutant.
It is a battle ield where we kill and save each other with prettier and
more expensive clothes and accessories!
Clara felt like she was going to explode because it was a pity that
Dorothea, who should have been the greatest warrior on the bloody
battle ield, wore such plain clothes.
“Madame! The princess is pretty no matter what she wears.”
Joey, who was watching from behind, interrupted.
“Joy, it’s because you don’t know yet. There are a lot of people in the
world who decide their class based on their clothes.”
“The princess is already a member of the Imperial family, so her rank
is high, right?”
When Joey asked a question, Clara shook her head.
There was still too much Joey didn't know about the world of the
“If I had put a diamond in it, it would have sparkled and stood out
when I stood in my debut circle… … .”
Clara looked at the plain white dress and regretted it over and over
At the Debut Tangte prom, there is a seat called 'Debut Circle'.
The debut circle is an exceptionally bright circular spot, as if the
lights of a splendid chandelier gather together and receive a spotlight.
Usually, a round carpet is laid to make the place stand out more.
Only those who debut that year and their partners can stand in the
debut circle, and usually the debuters take turns taking turns.
A debutant standing there can become the main character of the
prom during that time, attract people's attention, and receive applause
to congratulate them on their debut.
Therefore, the debut circle is the center and the most important
place of the debut tang.
At the same time, it was also Dorothea's least desired position.
'Will the same accident happen again this time?'
Dorothea recalled an accident before her return.
When Dorothea reached the debut circle with great anticipation, the
lights in the ballroom went out and it was dark.
Dorothea, who was supposed to be in the spotlight, fell into
darkness, and people screamed.
But soon, Carnan and Raymond summoned the Spirit of Light to
solve the situation.
But Dorothea's debut circle was already messed up.
Besides, when the lights came on, Theon was nowhere to be found.
Did you ind him with Raymond too late?
no luck After all, a strange accident happened at that time.
That day Dorothea thought the world was trying to get in her way.
'I'm glad I'm prepared in advance this time.'
I was neither angry nor afraid because I knew it was going to ruin
Dorothea just hoped that the sudden accident would go unnoticed
and quietly.
“Princess, your partner, Master Ethan Bronte, has arrived.”
Just when the preparations were inished, the news of Ethan's arrival
It was the exact timing, as if he had been watching her.
“Come on, Princess. Go and don’t be discouraged by the Episteme
Clara gave Dorothea perfume and cheered her up.
“I’m not going to die.”
"go for it!"
Clara clenched her ists and cheered for Dorothea.
Dorothea laughed at Clara's behavior as if she was sending her out to
Dorothea followed the servant to the entrance of Conberta Palace.
As she quietly dragged her dress down, she saw an imperial carriage.
And Ethan Bronte standing in front of him.
The servant who was guiding Dorothea and Dorothea stopped
walking at the same time, Clara, Joey, and Stefan, who were coming out
to see them off.
Ethan, wearing a white tailcoat, awakened the modi ier that was
attached to him as an angel.
The day he decorated the most beautifully.
He smiled as he found Dorothea.
It was natural for everyone to stop breathing at that moment.
Ethan crossed the stone path in the garden from his wagon and
stopped in front of Dorothea.
His white hand gently stretched out like a butter ly lying away. The
golden eyes looking up at Dorothea shone more dangerously than
Unable to withstand the tension in my heart, I pounded against the
wall. Like a warning to be careful.
Ethan's hands were waiting for her, white and smooth, as if claiming
his innocence.
Dorothea placed her hand gently over his white hand, like a prey,
watching out for being caught in a trap.
With a click, his hand grabbed hers as if a trap had been locked. It is
Dorothea's job to get out of this trap.
Ethan pulled Dorothea like a being with a gravitational force and
guided him to the wagon.
Unlike Dorothea, who was nervous, he looked more happy than ever.
It's so unsettlingly beautiful.


ballroom. Theon and Julia had arrived a little earlier than the others.
“Theon, are you okay?”
Julia asked Theon, who had stopped walking for a moment.
He doesn't show it outwardly, but it's clear that he's reluctant to do
“I’m a little nervous, but it’s okay.”
“Because of me… … .”
Julia regretted that she would choose a partner other than Theon.
"no. It's your debut and it's an honor to be a partner."
Theon smiled and reassured Julia.
“Ray, you said you were going to be late today due to circumstances.
If it's too hard in the middle, let's go out with me, Theon."
Theon nodded at Julia's words.
While the two were talking, people began to gather one by one. A
lively atmosphere quickly permeated the quiet ballroom, and the air
was warmed by pleasant conversations and music from people.
Among them, the door of the ballroom opened again and a new
debutant entered.
Tto-Gak-T-Gak, the hard heel of the shoe resonated on the marble
loor, drawing people's attention.
In an instant, the ball hall became quiet as if the sound of shoes had
swallowed up all the sounds.
While talking, Julia and Theon turned their heads in the sudden
And then, the two of them come in through the quiet air.
“… … Princess.”
Theon and Julia, like everyone else, were drawn to them.
Wearing a white dress and a white tailcoat, the two were dazzlingly
Every scene in which the door opened and they walked in was
Dorothea's blonde hair and Ethan's silver hair became gorgeous
accessories on their own.
Dorothea's dress boasted an elegant beauty without any
decorations, and Ethan in a tailcoat created the illusion of a fantasy.
It's just pure white clothes. Was the white color so alluring?
People's eyes shifted as they moved across the ballroom.
Even just walking, the presence of the two illed the ballroom.
The sight of the heads of the nobles turning together along the
trajectory of the two men produced a funny spectacle.
“If those two go to a party or a prom in the future, people will want to
go to the party just to see it.”
Julia looked at the two of them and muttered.
Seeing Dorothea and Ethan side by side gave me a more enchanting
experience than admiring any piece of art.
“It’s been a while since I met Biepistome.”
It was Nereus' blunt twist that woke Theon and Julia from the
Similarly, people slowly pulled away from the two of them and began
to open their mouths again.
But they all forgot the previous topic of conversation and talked
about Dorothea and Ethan.
"You're the prettiest and most handsome person I've ever seen."
Julia admired him, and Theon couldn't deny him either.
They are probably the most overwhelming couple among those
gathered here.
It wasn't just the looks that drew attention.
“It’s such a strange combination. Isn't it, Theon?"
Symbols of the fringes that resemble each other terribly.
It was the perfect prey to attract attention and at the same time
become the focus of jealousy, ridicule and gossip.
Already, Theon felt a strange atmosphere lowing through the Debut
Tangte ballroom.
Everyone was on the lookout for Dorothea and Ethan. The two of
them only entered.
“Princess, you must be careful.”
Julia also read the sensitive atmosphere and was worried.
Their sharp, sharp eyes like needles were aiming at Dorothea and
Ethan from all directions.
Such is the symbol of the fringe. Moreover, it is even more dangerous
if it is a beautiful and conspicuous minority.
In order to become mainstream, the mainstream must reject the
non-mainstream. Power can only be maintained by exposing the
inferiority of the mainstream and emphasizing the superiority of the
Theon was particularly concerned about people like Nereus.
Unsurprisingly, the gloomy words that start right away.
"Look Carefully. That cheap dress. You're a princess, but you only
wore a dress like that, didn't you?"
“I don’t have any sociability or social skills, so where are you going to
adjust to the prom? He is locked up in the Palace of Conberta and rarely
comes out.”
“Converta Palace? Was there such a place in the Imperial Palace? I've
never heard of it!”
Dorothea's demeaning words illed them with their superiority.
What a pleasure it is to be superior to the 'Princess'!
Moreover, even with such a gossip, Carnon does not charge with
blaspheming the imperial family.
they know
Long ago, at Raymond's dedication ceremony, when the Duke of
Bronte accidentally hit Dorothea's glass and spilled pomegranate juice
on her dress, Carnan favored the Duke of Bronte over Dorothea.
“I would have been very angry if Ray was there.”
Julia said, looking at the people talking about bad things.
“Everyone is jealous.”
They seem to ignore Dorothea, but in fact, they care about Dorothea
more than anyone else.
If Dorothea was truly 'a being who was 'negligible enough to ignore'
to them, her appearance could not be such a big topic.
Then the music that illed the ballroom stopped. At the sound of the
bell signaling the start of a full- ledged debut Tangte, people stopped
talking and looked up.
Jeonju, announcing the arrival of Emperor Carnan.
The nobility hurriedly found a place that would be most visible to the
emperor and occupied it.
“Aren’t you going, Princess?”
Ethan asked as he watched the people quickly gathering in the
Unlike horses, Dorothea moved very slowly and settled in a
moderately inconspicuous place.
As soon as she took her last seat, the loud music played again, and
the door to the high central stairway of the ballroom opened.
A ray of light poured through the wide open door, and Karnan
appeared with the spirit of light.
Milanaire's blonde hair that shines more beautifully under the light
of the spirit and crystals of light that spread brightly.
The light of the spirit made the emperor's majesty stand out even
more, and it aroused wonder to those who could not handle the spirit.
Dorothea also swallowed bitter emotions when she saw the spirit
she had not seen in a long time.
Then Ethan, who was standing next to Dorothea, whispered.
“It’s the irst time I’ve seen that spirit.”
Oh, I see.
I thought that he must have seen the Spirit of Light before.
“… … What do you think?"
“It’s worse than I thought.”
Ethan whispered in Dorothea's ear.
At that, Dorothea had to hold back her laughter.
“Not much? Are you a spirit from legend?”
“I was thinking of a much more dazzling brilliance than that… … . But
isn't that enough to scatter glitter around it?"
The two lowered their voices and whispered.
Ethan said that he had imagined a blinding, intense halo.
“A little disappointing.”
A faint smile spread across Dorothea's lips, seeing Ethan
disappointed with Carnan.
It's a bad feeling to be jealous and curse at a talent you don't have... …
There was someone telling me that the spirit was nothing, so I
couldn't stop feeling better.


Dorothea's debut tang, unfortunately, did not proceed with

People showed great interest in her and Ethan, who are the brightest
of the debutants.
Standing still, I could hear the two gossip from somewhere.
Some of them even actively talked to the two of them.
Those who approached with courtesy only gave a formal greeting
and disappeared, while those approaching curiously asked unpleasant
You really can't handle spirits? Wouldn't it be better to learn from His
Majesty the Crown Prince? Why didn't you come to Episteme? Is it true
that I got 0 on the test?
Questions Dorothea hates the most.
Dorothea tried her best to answer her innocent curiosity with the
utmost sincerity and kindness.
But every time she answered, it felt as if one side of her chest was
It may be one insigni icant question to them, but Dorothea had to
answer the same question many times over and over again.
Dorothea is the one who wants to ind answers to their questions the
As a parrot having to answer the same question every time, she grew
Her discomfort grew more and more, and she wanted to run away
from people's eyes.
I'd rather no one know me. If you pass by the wall.
“Princess, if you practice the power of the spirits a little, won’t you be
able to handle it? It’s like a person who can’t ride a horse can become a
good rider with practice.”
The same question for the ifth time in a row.
Dorothea bit her lip as if she had a sharp thorn in her neck.
at that time.
“Hey, Princess Dorothea can control spirits, but you don’t seem to
Ethan grabbed Dorothea's hand and answered instead.
Not only the girls but also Dorothea looked at him in amazement.
“The princess herself shines like a light spirit, doesn’t she?”
Ethan smiled brightly and gave the young girls a soft glance.
Then the girls laughed and nodded their heads.
“Ethan makes jokes fun too!”
“It was serious, but it’s hard to laugh like that.”
When Ethan accepted it with a smile, the young girls liked each other
and caused a stir.
So Ethan dealt with the young girls in moderation and let them go
“Thank you, Ethan.”
"You're welcome."
He smiled lightly, as if he was just doing what he had to do.
“I was a little embarrassed to hear about the spirits, though.”
Dorothea said with a smile.
It was a rather embarrassing joke, but thanks to that, the young girls
didn't ask questions about Dorothea, and they quickly retreated in an
atmosphere that didn't get angry.
Ethan's narration made even Dorothea want to learn a little bit.
“Everyone asks about spirits without exception.”
Ethan muttered as he looked at the side where the girls had left.
“… … It is an important topic that cannot be separated from me.”
And after looking at Dorothea for a moment, she opened her mouth.
“The Princess is performing better than I thought.”
“I wasn’t like this from the beginning. You got used to it.”
Dorothea laughed bitterly.
“… … If the princess had the power of a spirit, she would not have
acted like that.”
People who don't even look at her feelings and ask questions easily
and rudely. Those who are curious about the other person's sensitive
parts without hesitation.
It is because Dorothea seems easy to ask such rude questions from
aristocrats, who have been quite successful in the social world.
If Dorothea was properly digni ied as a princess, she wouldn't ask
such a rude and easy question.
“You said I can't do anything for you. What you see now is exactly
where I am.”
“… … .”
“After the debut circle is over, I’ll just eat a piece of cake and go.”
Dorothea said.
The reason she waited for the cake, not even interested in debutant,
was simple. Because Poe was involved in making the cake.
Other than that, nothing to expect here.
Ethan glanced at Dorothea, expecting a cake that Poe had just made
at this important debutant.
“Why do you look like that?”
Dorothea's staring gaze was so intense that she couldn't ignore it.
“I think I need something more than a cake. It’s a one-time debut.”
“The cake is enough.”
“My motto is to give your partner the most memorable prom.”
I do not know when such a creed existed, but Dorothea laughed
because it was a very Ethanian creed.
Would he have treated the young girls who always looked for him
like that even before he returned?
With that thought in mind, Theon came in at the end of an
inadvertent gaze.
He was sitting close to Julia and talking.
Judging by the expressions on their faces, they seem to be having a
very deep conversation.
Before returning, I fell in love with Theon Fried on the same day. The
day the long unrequited love began.
At that moment, Theon, who was talking with Julia, raised her head.
Dorothea made eye contact with him and quickly looked away. Had
he been caught looking at him?
Unsurprisingly, Theon and Julia approached her.
“Congratulations on your debut, Princess.”
“Congratulations on your debut.”
The two stood side by side and celebrated Dorothea's debut.
“Yeah, thanks… … .”
Dorothea replied with a forced smile.
Still, I wasn't jealous enough to hate Julia like I used to.
“You are beautiful, Princess.”
Theon looked at Dorothea and smiled softly.
At his light praise, Dorothea continued to smile awkwardly.
'You're cool too, Theon.'
It can be so dif icult to say those words.
Dorothea's gaze, unable to see his face right away, turned to Theon's
hand that was holding Julia.
Hands that are tightly entangled.
Ethan grabbed her hand then.
“Miss Julia and Master Theon get along well too.”
Ethan smiled as he moved closer to Dorothea's side.
The strength of Ethan's grip felt by the back of Dorothea's hand was
strong enough to hurt.
When she gave a signal with a twitching ingertip, Ethan realized that
power had entered his hand and relaxed slightly.
But still, it was tight enough that he couldn't get out.
“I heard that Master Theon has already made his debut. After
graduating from Episteme, are you going to return to Freedia soon?”
Contrary to the strong tension felt by his hands, Ethan had a leisurely
conversation with Theon.
“Ah, I plan to stay in Lampas a little longer.”
"Aren't you going to return to Fridia and succeed the Archduke?"
“There is still more to learn in Lampas.”
Dorothea almost raised the corners of her lips without realizing that
Theon was staying in Lampas longer.
Just because he stays longer doesn't mean anything more will
happen to her.
This is a habit.
“… … okay."
“How long do you plan to stay in Lampas, Ethan Bronte?”
Julia, who was listening to the conversation next to her, showed
interest and asked.
“I plan to stay in Lampas for a while.”
At his answer, Dorothea's head turned to him.
Wasn't it supposed to go down after the debut tangent was over?
“Since I was little, I have only lived in the duke’s residence, so I think I
need to learn more. Get to know a little more people.”
“If you’re Ethan-sama, you’re sure to get to know people quickly.
Everyone was already nervous because they wanted to talk to me.
Sometimes there are people who have bad cymbals, but don't worry
about it."
Julia said playfully and glanced at Nereus.
Surrounded by other nobles, Nereus was showing off as the true
center of the social world.
'It must have been because of those connections that the nobles did
not like when they hit the hark.'
Nereus had been close to the nobles of Ubera from an early age,
sometimes bribing them.
network diplomacy. It was a clever strategy of Nereus and Hark.
Thanks to that, it was obvious that Hark was increasing his national
power day by day, but the nobles of Ubera pretended not to know.
Hark carried him on his back, sometimes acting on an equal footing
with the Empire, sometimes even more arrogant than that.
The nobles of Ubera also agreed to Hark's rude request, saying that
war should not be waged.
But Dorothea was bothered by it.

'Isn't this the same as Ubera chasing Hark!'

Before returning, Dorothea's pride counted as high as that of Nereus,

so he insisted that he wage a war with the cheeky Hark.
But all of them were against her argument.
Was it because the nobles of Ubera were all paci ists? It won't be.
These are the people who show their teeth even when they touch their
rice bowls.
In the end, Hark was able to start a war with Hark only after he drew
his sword under the pretext of Ethan and his iancé e Monica.
Dorothea, who had previously insisted on war, thought it was right
and went to the vanguard.
'Hakr would still be increasing the number day by day.'
If Ethan doesn't touch Monica, won't Hark go to war? Did Nereus
really draw his sword and attack Ubera because of a woman?
At that moment, the sound of music announcing the beginning of the
debut circle was heard.
As the ballroom was illed with upbeat music, I felt the air lifted.
“Then I’ll see you later, Princess. And Ethan Bronte.”
Theon and Julia greeted politely.
And when Theon reached out to Julia as an escort, Julia naturally
folded his arms.
Dorothea looked at the backs of the two of them as they moved away
side by side. They it really well, she thought.
Then, Ethan called her to wake her up.
“We should go too.”
Ethan gently extended his arm to her. His long, strong arms were
waiting for her.
Dorothea carefully crossed her arms, and a soft smile crept across
Ethan's lips.
“Let’s go.”
He led Dorothea to the center of the ballroom.
The fast debutants were already dancing around the bright debut
circle with their partners.
The competition to preoccupy the debut circle was ierce.
It's because people's concentration becomes blurred towards the
second half, so even if they get to the debut circle, they don't get
The two, who jumped into the dancing group a little late, stepped
back from the debut circle and took a seat in the back.
Ethan politely reached out to her.
“Would you like to dance a song with me?”
He reached out with a rather contrived joke, but seductively.
Dorothea carefully placed her hand, and Ethan kissed the back of her
“It is an honor to be with the Princess.”
With a polite smile, he gently pulled her hand away.
“Are you good at dancing?”
Ethan asked, wrapping her arms around her waist.
He met him to dance, and his chest touched, and he felt his breath
Dorothea quickly turned her head and answered.
In the past, I also learned to dance like a fool, so I was a pretty good
dancer, but after returning, I haven't danced for a while.
I learned a month or two before the prom to remember it again, but I
couldn't guarantee my skills.
Ethan smiled at Dorothea's ambiguous answer and held her hand
“I dance well.”
A clear answer without any doubts about his abilities.
know. Because everyone said that dancing with you feels like lying.
At one ball, Ethan and the girls who were waiting to dance had a
“If it’s dif icult, trust me and follow me.”
Ethan took the irst step, gently leading Dorothea.
The two cut themselves into the middle of the dancing crowd very
Ethan gently guided the dance as if talking to Dorothea with his body.
Even if he didn't say anything, Dorothea knew what he wanted to do,
as if he had heard it.
It was in this part that Ethan was good at dancing.
Not only does it look beautiful on the outside, it also makes the
dancing person comfortable and enjoyable.
Like his sweet whispers, he charms the other party with his polite
and gentle gestures.
“Are you good at dancing for what you answered “probably”?”
It's thanks to Ethan's good pull, but he also has a sense of enhancing
the opponent's skills.
So it swept the social world at once.
Who wouldn't be thrilled with him like this?
“There’s really nothing you can’t do.”
Dorothea said, feeling his dance.
“There are a lot of things I can’t do. For example, to win the princess’s
Ethan said so and pulled Dorothea into a hook.
Dorothea, naturally drawn by his tension, got close enough to touch
the tip of his nose. My heart was pounding as I suddenly approached
the street.
“Ethan… … !”
“Focus on the dance, Princess.”
Ethan grinned as he gently grabbed Dorothea, who was about to
twist her feet.
Dorothea felt like playing in his hands.
Obviously, we were dancing together, but since his skills were better,
I had no choice but to naturally follow where he was going.
Dorothea was not aware of how the people around them were
looking at them, as she was concerned about every single action he
The prom gradually reached its climax.
Countless couples climbed up and down in the debut circle, and the
sparkling marble loor re lected the light of the chandelier and the
dancing people like a mirror.
And in the middle of the big ball were Dorothea and Ethan.
“The Princess and Ethan Bronte are really cool.”
After taking a break from one song for a while, Julia could not take
her eyes off Dorothea and Ethan.
It wasn't just Julia. Even Nereus, who had been busy swearing at
Dorothea all the time, left his mouth blank for now, and was dazzled by
the two of them dancing.
It was because of that reason that there were fewer congratulations
and applause for him than in previous years, even though people were
on the debut circle.
Dorothea and Ethan focused their attention as if they had received
the brightest light without even having to stand in the circle.
Julia, who was staring blankly at the two, looked back at her partner,
Theon. Theon looked at Dorothea and then shook his head.
“Theon, are you okay?”
"little… … .”
“Can I just go in? You better get some rest before Rey comes.”
“… … Then, let’s take a break after watching the princess’s turn, Julie.”
Julia nodded at Theon's words.
The debutants ascended and descended on the debut circle in order
according to the low of the music.
“Are we going to come up soon?”
Ethan asked as he looked at the closer debut circle.
The red carpet on the marble loor and the bright lights falling like a
blessing. A debut circle that can catch everyone's attention in the
middle of the ball.
Dorothea hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
I couldn't remember exactly when the sudden lights went out before
the return.
'If the lights go out again... … . That must be my destiny.'
Dorothea and Ethan slowly made their way to a position closer to the
debut circle.
Waiting for a seat in the debut circle, Dorothea glanced at Carnan,
who had been ignoring her all along.
For a brief moment, she met Carnan's eyes.
At the unexpected encounter, Dorothea was startled and averted her
'me… … Were you watching?'
He looked up again, but Carnon was looking at the debut circle with
an indifferent face.
Was it an illusion?
In the debut circle, Nereus was dancing with his partner.
'Yes, I must have been looking at Nereus, not me.'
Dorothea was more accustomed and comfortable to think that way.
“Would you like to go up after Nereus?”
Dorothea and Ethan waited in the seat closest to the debut circle for
Nereus' turn to end.
But when it was his turn to come down from the circle, Nereus did
not come down.
Usually, when you go up to the debut circle, it is common for the
music to be played down after a maximum of three or four passages. It
was because I thought of people waiting for their turn as there were so
many debutants.
But Nereus showed no sign of coming down when he entered the
ifth verse.
Then, Dorothea made eye contact with Nereus.
He seemed to want to prevent Dorothea and Ethan from coming up
next to him.
It also felt like someone else was noticing his next turn.
But no one came forward to take the place of Dorothea and Ethan.
In the end, Nereus couldn't stand it any longer and had to hand over
his debut circle to Dorothea.
Instead, when he came down from the circle, he deliberately
squashed his feet and crumpled the carpet of his debut circle to the
point of being folded.
When dancing, the carpet was one of the uncomfortable obstacles.
For this reason, the carpet applied to the debut circle is as shiny and
stiff as possible with a smooth coating.
However, since carpets are carpets, if they get wrinkled, the creases
get caught in the shoes or get wrapped around them, which is very
uncomfortable and often falls.
It was a childish number that tormented Dorothea without being
noticed by others.
But without hesitation, Ethan dragged Dorothea up the crumpled
“Be careful as it is dif icult to swivel or turn on the carpet.”
He gave Dorothea kind attention, but with a natural gait he
straightened the crumpled carpet.
Ethan took a graceful step from the place where he had put away
Nereus' childish tactics.
When the two of them reached the debut circle, even if they weren't,
the attention they were focused on drew more.
Ethan took Dorothea's hand and glanced around.
“People are all looking at us.”
Ethan laughed and whispered.
As he said, hot gazes were felt from all directions.
Theon, Julia, Nereus, and Carnan were also focused on the two of
In the eyes of unrealistic people, the light steps moving with Ethan
gave the feeling of walking on clouds.
“Ah, Crown Prince Raymond has arrived as well.”
While dancing with Dorothea, Ethan easily found Raymond entering
the ballroom late.
Following his words, I looked towards Carnan to see Raymond, who
had rushed in, sitting near the railing, breathing, and checking
When our eyes met, he smiled broadly and raised his hand as if he
was glad it wasn't too late.
“Good timing.”
Ethan saw it and laughed too.
Is the timing good?
“Princess, there is one last thing I want to ask you.”
Ethan's golden eyes asked Dorothea again.
“Have you ever thought about dealing with the spirit of light?”
His question was very serious.
Dorothea opened her mouth, led by that calming voice, soft music,
and relaxing dance.
Dorothea brought out the truth she had buried deep in her heart.
A satis ied smile spread across Ethan's lips.
“I was hoping for that answer.”
That moment.
The room darkened in an instant.
'This… … !'
The darkness that had overtaken him even before his return, as if he
had promised, appeared in Dorothea's debut circle.
In the darkness where he couldn't see an inch ahead, when Dorothea
was about to call Raymond.
“Now is the time for the princess.”
A sweet whisper in the dark.
At the same time, a blinding light enveloped Dorothea.
And the light that spread like an explosion in all directions drove
away the darkness that covered the ballroom in an instant.
The spacious ballroom was bright enough to swallow up even the
light of the chandelier, as if the sun had risen.
'Spirit of Light... … ?'
Dorothea looked at the ballroom, which had widened her eyes.
Not only her, but everyone in the ballroom opened their mouths in
surprise and looked around the ballroom. However, soon everyone's
eyes turned to her.
Overwhelmingly colorful and dramatic power of light.
The spirits, the source of that power, hovered around Dorothea,
illuminating them brightly.
However, the light engulfed her completely against her will, covered
the ballroom, and fascinated people.
Dorothea shook her head.
'No, I didn't do this.'
When they looked up in embarrassment, Carnan and Raymond were
looking at her in surprise.
Carnan's blue eyes trembled, and Raymond looked at her with a
mixture of surprise and joy.
At that moment, a beautiful, warm voice woke her up.
“The princess will become a legitimate emperor.”
Her silver hair shimmered beautifully in the light, and her golden
eyes were folded neatly.
He whispered in Dorothea's ear.


Dorothea grabbed Ethan's wrist and ran out of the ballroom.

Only after barely escaping the noisy crowd into the secluded room
did Dorothea face Ethan again.
"just now… … What did you do?”
Ethan did not deny Dorothea's trembling question.
“Spirit, that’s the only thing the princess lacks.”
Unlike Dorothea, who was confused, his voice was calm.
“How are you… … .”
Only Milanaire can handle the Spirit of Light.
Even before his return, he didn't have this ability.
“It doesn't matter how you know it. Now it is important that no one
can ignore the princess.”
Ethan said calmly, holding Dorothea's trembling ingertips as if to
soothe them.
“Aren’t you happy?”
Aren't you happy?
To be honest, when the Spirit of Light hovered around her in the
dark, her heart sank.
Even though I had lived once, I knew it was not possible, but I was
illed with hope that I might be able to deal with spirits.
But it didn't take long for him to realize that the power was not his.
"why… … You have that power, why?”
Dorothea's lips trembled.
Why does Ethan Bronte have powers that the Milanese don't have?
“This is not my strength. It’s the princess’s.”
"Do not lie!"
He wasn't stupid enough to mistake other people's power for his
Even now, no matter how much she called, the spirit did not respond.
Then Ethan put something in Dorothea's trembling hand.
“Use me, Princess.”
Dorothea looked at the lump the size of a pebble that had entered her
In her hand was a beautiful jewel that gave off a soft glow.
Dorothea knew immediately what it was.
“How do you do this… … ?”
A spirit stone of light that was lost long ago.
She knew this stone. Because I saw it once.
Before returning, when she was waiting for death. And even then, the
spirits... … It was in Ethan's hand.
“… … Now do you know?”
Ethan looked into Dorothea's swaying eyes and asked.
Dorothea felt goosebumps all over her body.
“Then you are back… … ?”
Dorothea asked in a trembling voice and stepped back.
She has been seen since Ethan from Cerritian. He visited her almost
every week, and naturally spent time with her.
There were times when Ethan seemed overly mature. Sometimes it
was so clever and clever that it was scary.
But it was all acting.
“It’s true that they regressed, but it’s precisely what made them
Ethan followed Dorothea's back foot step closer.
It felt like my heart was about to explode.
Ethan made a comeback? my time with him?
"why… … ?”
Touk, Dorothea's back hit the wall.
She couldn't withdraw further from Ethan.
As Ethan approached, her characteristic subtle scent of lilies came
over her.
Ethan's eyes looked both seductive and dangerous, like a snake
offering the forbidden fruit.
Dorothea felt choked.
“For you.”
Ethan's red lips whispered to her.
The words that came out of his mouth were completely unexpected
for Dorothea.
for me?
Dorothea shook her head.
He is a person who easily plays with people. He is a person who has
been hiding the fact that he has returned to this day.
So I couldn't believe it when I said that I came back for her.
But Ethan smiled bitterly as he stared at her as she was still lost and
“You still don’t know? the answer?”
A young hot longing stared at Dorothea above his yellowish eyes.

'Why are you so interested in me, Ethan?'

The answer to the question Dorothea asked at the Episteme
graduation ceremony was the same as the current answer.
A very easy and simple answer that she already knew.
But for a very long time, the answer she denied and ignored.
At Dorothea's tightly shut lips, Ethan's patience inally reached its
“If you still don’t know, I’ll tell you.”
And a warm touch rushed over Dorothea's lips.
Dorothea was swept away by his emotions that rushed in like a huge
Salty tears ran down the tip of his tongue, along with the delicate
scent of lowers emanating from Ethan.
He whispered to her with his sweet tongue, which entices people
into his own.
I say I love you. I've been patient for too long From the last life, until I
see you again now.


Ethan Bronte.
His irst life was full of unnecessary trial and error. I wish I had gotten
stronger a little earlier.
Unfortunately, his irst life was born without knowing how to deal
with people.
I was beaten when Jonathan slapped him on the cheek, and I cried
alone when I tore my favorite clothes and threw my precious shoes
into the pond.
For too long, innocent, in initely foolish.
He lived as a ghost of the Bronte family for a very long time until he
was called 'Angel of Golden Eyes'.
exists but does not exist.
'It's a luxury for a Seochul. Because of that smooth face.'

People talked like that about the ghosts hiding in the Bronte family.
The Duke of Bronte willingly brought the son of a bar girl to the
duke's house and raised him at the duke's residence, and the Duchess
who dressed him in pretty clothes, not his own son, seemed to be
suf icient in their eyes.
But Ethan Bronte, sadly, was terribly human to live as a ghost.
He could not be detached from human life, and he cried and laughed
at one desire.
He stayed up all night and cursed the god who made him live as a
I am a human, not a ghost. What they see in admiration of beauty is
not a painting or a statue, but a living human being.
Long unbroken in idelity made the weak boy stronger and stronger.
When Jonathan slapped him on the cheek, when he smashed his
favorite violin, or when he crawls like a dog in front of his friends as a
toy, he never forgot that he was human.
Ethan, who had been suffering from Jonathan, gradually learned how
to survive and sharply grasped his weapon.
And the only chance God gave him.
That day, as usual, I went hunting in the forest with Jonathan Bronte
as 'the master'.
He watched the death of Jonathan Bronte.


A horse that was startled by a bird that took off from a steep cliff and
ran wildly.
And Jonathan, who fell down.
Ethan grabbed the reins of the rushing horse and calmed him down.
When the horse was barely tied, Jonathan was nowhere to be seen.
Then, a moan was heard from under the cliff.
“Ugh, Ethan… … !”
Ethan looked down the cliff to hear the sound.
Jonathan was looking up at Ethan, barely holding onto a branch in
the middle.
He urgently called for Ethan and entrusted his life to a small tree.
“Master, are you okay?”
“Shut up, the rope… … ! Do you have a rope?”
Jonathan moaned and asked Ethan.
Ethan had a rope he carried for his hunting snare.
Ethan looked down at him intently.
“Take it down quickly. hurry!"
He said to Ethan angrily.
But Ethan did not go to pick up the rope and looked at Jonathan
Jonathan, who had broken his favorite violin, made him crawl like a
dog, made his friends laugh, and swung his ist at him just because he
felt bad, was looking up at him.
Jonathan Bronte, who had always trampled on him, was begging
Ethan for his survival.
“… … .”
“Aren’t you coming soon?!”
Ethan felt bad for a moment at Jonathan's rough prompting.
However, the rope was soon pulled out.
He then tied a rope to a tree near the cliff so that it wouldn't come
“Baby! Aren’t you going to get it soon!?”
Even though he was trying to tie it up as quickly as possible, Ethan
was worried about tying the rope tightly at the constant swearing.
Then he tied a rope to a wooden pole and threw it down the cliff.
By the way.
“You stupid bastard! You can't reach it!"
The rope barely reached Jonathan.
“You have to throw it yourself, you idiot!”
The distance it would have reached if it had been thrown down
directly from the edge of the cliff. But it was too dangerous.
Standing at the edge of a cliff where the soil is crumbling, that
scrambled body of Jonathan?
Ethan, who was quick to calculate, knew that he, even with poor
swordsmanship, would not be able to withstand his weight and would
fall together.
Moreover, he had no intention of risking his life for him.
“Baby! Get off the line quickly!”
"young master."
Ethan, who was struggling to save him, looked down at Jonathan
quietly again.
Even in a desperate moment, he continued to swear at Ethan until
the end.
“I picked up a beggar and raised him in my family, but he only has a
bad head, he’s useless!”
“… … .”
At Jonathan's swear words, Ethan stood up and turned his back on
"hey! Ethan! Don't come! want to die?! hurry! Do you think your
father will leave you alone?”
“I’ll call someone.”
Ethan turned away from him, savoring the strange feeling that
welled up deep within him.
What should I say? this feeling. This joy that can be felt even when
people are in pain.
Was this how Jonathan felt when he put a piece of glass in the bread
and hurt his mouth? So, did you smile and bite your tongue at that
Ethan seemed to be able to understand Jonathan's feelings for the
irst time.
“Damn it, hurry up! That's better than giving my life to someone like
And he ran to call the people.
… … probably ran away
His steps were heavy and moving slowly, so it was slower than usual,
but he called other nobles nearby anyway.
There were people pretty close, and when he returned to where
Jonathan was, he was still alive.
And inally, three or four men grabbed the rope and hurriedly
lowered the rope to Jonathan.
“Ha, damn it! I have no strength in my arms... … .”
Sweaty, Jonathan grabbed the tree and stretched out an arm that was
barely holding on to the rope.
However, a brief sense of relief called for vigilance.
Jonathan lost his strength and lost his hand holding the rope.
People were startled by the shriek that echoed on the cliff and looked
Edan also looked down the cliff with the people.
And he witnessed the end of Jonathan.
He said he should be sad because his family died, but Ethan's lips
twitched for some reason.
Ethan did not cry at Jonathan's death, but wept.
“It was an accident, Dad… … . I, I am so surprised... … .”
Ethan said with tears in his eyes in front of the Bronte.
Is this murder?
Was it his fault for bringing people in late? If he had summoned the
man a little sooner, would he have lived?
Well, Ethan didn't mind if Jonathan's death was his fault.
In the end, Jonathan Bronte, who had been tormenting him terribly,
was dead.
There is no longer an enemy of the Bronte family.
“Let’s take Ethan as our successor.”
The Duke and Duchess of Bronte chose Ethan as their successor after
lengthy discussions and ights.
He inally managed to make the ghost of the duke exist under the
human name 'Ethan Bronte'.
He saw this as an important turning point in his life.
And it turned out to be a far greater turning point than he had
Because of that, I was able to meet Dorothea Milanaire.


After being recognized as the heir to the duke family, Ethan attended
the Debutant of the Islands Lampas at a later age.
At the ball for the irst time, he was more about joy and
accomplishment than tension and fear.
People paid attention to his sudden appearance, and he knew how to
enjoy it.
After Jonathan's death, he learned a lot and succeeded in winning the
favor of nobles with his humble and kind words.
The noble nobles who were going through were attracted by his
smile, wanted to talk to him, and wanted to dance while holding hands.
Seeing people with such a high nose trying to attract his attention, I
felt a subtle joy. It was fun. Playing with nobility.
If there was a sassy master who plays the violin, he approached him
with a shy tone.
“Because I’m not very good at it… … .”
“Oh, can you play the violin?”
Ethan smiled at the person who was ignoring him who was born as a
bastard and who made his late debut.
“Could you listen to my performance and give me your
"good. Since then, I have been recognized by all the violinists, I
When one shudders, he humbly plays the violin.
As soon as his melody spread, people's eyes turned to him again, and
he poured out admiration.
"I… … Is it worth listening to?”
He lowered the violin and asked carefully, and people applauded his
“No, I mean, did you notice it like that while turning it on like this?”
“I’ve never heard it from other people before… … .”
“The Duke of Bronte has hidden a genius!”
When Ethan was praised like this, the great noble master, whom he
had been sarcastic about before, was lushed with a sense of inferiority
and insult.
After showing his face a few times at the prom, a group of people
followed him.
The young girls who are making a fuss to pick up the handkerchief he
dropped... … .
Then one day, a short laugh broke his secret play.
Ethan looked away and there was Dorothea Milanaire.
“Oh, sorry for laughing. I think it’s fun to play.”
Dorothea looked at him and waved her hand as if to continue.
caught up For the irst time.
He watched the woman discovering her secret play.
And I soon realized
'A person who is like me.'
The two had many similarities from the past to the present, and from
head to toe.
The two had excellent abilities, but they grew up being treated as
lacking in the family.
As a result, it became a non-mainstream 'non-episteme', but it was
not at all pushed by the people from the episteme.
Their appearance attracted attention wherever they went.
Also, the two had a dream that could not be ful illed.
The lives of two people who are surprisingly similar.
At that moment, Ethan thought that something called 'fate' might
With Dorothea Milanaire, everything was phenomenal.
Dorothea shone by itself everywhere. I achieved anything with my
own strength, and achieved any achievement with my own strength.
unrealistic person. So more beautiful people.
Finally, Dorothea's beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes became his
favorite colors.
Unfamiliar with swordsmanship, he fell for Dorothea's sword and
indulged in it for several days.
In Ethan's eyes, Dorothea was a perfect person who lacked nothing.
People treated her as a rogue because she couldn't handle spirits
even though she was a Milanaire, but in Ethan's eyes, that was only the
component that made her perfect.
How can you be so perfect even though you can't handle spirits?
A lower that has been cut because it is too beautiful. repressed
talent. So the thorns that grew.
Ethan's eyes could see that.
And just as he recognized her, Dorothea recognized him.
“Work in my palace, Ethan Bronte.”
Without asking his opinion, Dorothea ordered.
But it was so good. Because Dorothea Milanaire.
Ethan willingly went under her without even weighing it.
And while living in the Imperial Palace, he realized. Dorothea cannot
become emperor because of just one spirit.
He was as hard to accept that fact as Dorothea.
The only emperor he could admit was Dorothea. A God-given genius
who cannot be compared to Raymond.
What is the spirit of light?
Dorothea is itself the sun, the moon, and the star that embroidered
the sky.
Therefore Ethan dedicated his all to Dorothea. And thanks to his
support, Dorothea's in luence gradually expanded.
"Why don't you go down to Cerritian, Prince Ethan Bronte."
Raymond suggested to him.
An insidious intention disguised as a polite request.
Ethan scoffed at Raymond's suggestion and took his words as a good
It means that Dorothea's power is growing enough to make
Raymond wary.
“You are only poison to Dorothea.”
Theon also said so.
Oh, Theon Fried. He despicably took the place of Dorothea's iancé e
and fervently supported Raymond.
As a longtime Raymond friend, he rather grabbed Dorothea's ankle.
Dorothea couldn't even budge about anything related to Theon.
Ethan hated Theon Fried, who became Dorothea's weakness.
How can Dorothea get away from that cowardly Raymond
Ethan started digging to ind out everything about Theon.
Everything about Theon was dug up.
Even Dorothea didn't know about Theon Fried's secret secret.


and after some time.

The day he returned from cutting off the cheeky Nereus.
"So… … What is the will of the Emperor?”
"Protect Prince Raymond from Princess Dorothea... … It was.”
Carnan had been worried for a long time.
Dorothea's talents and desires were a threat to Raymond, and
Raymond was obviously too weak and docile to stop Dorothea.
Perhaps Ethan had noticed the things he had been preparing for
Dorothea as emperor.
Ethan was a little early, but he was convinced that the fateful day he
had been preparing for had arrived.
He caught Dorothea in confusion.
“Only the princess possesses the qualities of a true emperor.”
Dorothea needed a spark to ignite the courage to ascend to the
I had to break the conscience that surrounds my clumsy and ugly
“The era in which the spirit of light decides the emperor must come
to an end.”
How unfair and outdated.
After all, there will come a day when someone who cannot control
spirits becomes an emperor. And Dorothea will open the door to that
She deserves it.
“If we go back to the island, the nobles will de initely want to take the
princess’s army and cut off her limbs. If not now, there is no chance,
He grabbed Dorothea's hesitant hand. Trust me. You shouldn't be
broken in this place.
“Become emperor.”
My sun, my moon, my star, my everything.
He kissed the back of his emperor's hand.

He and Dorothea led the army and went up to the Islands of Lampas.
His plan worked hard, and during the funeral, defenseless Raymond
Parr collapsed helplessly.
No, even if I had defended myself, I would have knelt before
Dorothea, whom he revered, was a good commander, and also saw
the loopholes of Lampas and Raymond.
“You must hurry, Your Majesty.”
On the last road, Dorothea stopped while climbing the stairs.
The damned Theon Fried once again stood in the way of the great
“Don't worry, Your Majesty. Prince Theon Fried, I have put him in a
safe place. So, your Majesty, you just have to look ahead and move on.”
Ethan needed to remove the traps holding the new emperor's ankles.
He opened the palace door himself for the hesitant Dorothea.
“I will bring Prince Fried as soon as the job is done.”
And he was willing to play Theon Fried for Dorothea.


“Forgive the rudeness, Prince Theon Fried.”

Theon saw a beautiful man standing before me, bound to a red
marble column.
At the scene of a civil war that should smell like blood, he exuded a
particularly strong scent of lowers.
Clouds of smoke poured into Theon's room as he was preparing to go
out when he heard the news that Dorothea's army was coming, and
Theon lost consciousness and collapsed.
And when I came to my senses, I was in this state.
“What are you thinking, Ethan?”
Theon's brow furrowed iercely.
However, a relaxed smile did not leave Ethan's face.
“I am planning to take a new majesty.”
Ethan looked at the palace smoke rising in the distance with a
sentimental gaze.
The gray smoke rising into the civil war was the beacon of a new era.
Everything was going according to plan. All that's left now is the
beheading of Raymond.
Ethan was delighted with this historical event, which would later be
called the 'Princess Rebellion'.
He was sure of Dorothea's victory. Raymond can't kill Dorothea.
“Why are you tying me up without killing me?”
Meanwhile, Theon asked Ethan, who stood calmly and looked
Theon is a strong supporter of Raymond. So, even if it was
Dorothea's iancé e, it was right to kill him on the spot in case of a
But Ethan stiffened his face at Theon's question.
“I also want to kill him at least a day early.”
Ethan, who was always kind, whispered his sincerity with his eyes as
cold as a frozen lake.
Ethan Bronte's real face brought goosebumps to Theon's bones.
“I hope your Majesty should know that I paid so much attention to
Prince Fried.”
Ethan put on the mask again and smiled.
It's all because of Dorothea who puts so much effort into one Theon
in the midst of an emergency.
Because his emperor, Dorothea Milanaire, cherishes those who
inherit this dark blood.
“To save me for Dorothea… … .”
“Saving life is a secondary matter, so that Prince Fried does not stand
in the way of My Majesty.”
Ethan answered Theon by cutting off his words.
Preventing Theon from meeting Dorothea was the most important
part of this civil war.
If you leave Theon alone, it will surely block Dorothea's path.
When that happens, everything goes in vain.
“If it had been left alone, Prince Fried would have persuaded him not
to kill Raymond, begged him, and became angry, right?”
Ethan smiled twisted at the seemingly obvious future.
“Love is wonderful.”
It was only in front of Theon that Dorothea, as cold and unshakable
as snow, became a lower that broke without strength.
If Theon says no, Dorothea, who was pushing and advancing like a
water buffalo, stops.
very, very disgusting.
“If even Prince Fried denied Princess Dorothea, wouldn’t it be too
Everything Raymond had, and everything Dorothea didn't have.
She was now trying to get back what had been taken away.
“You are only now trying to stand on top of Raymond.”
If a man who loved even the irst and last dream was blocked,
wouldn't it be too cruel for Dorothea?
So Ethan captured Theon and kept him alive. for Dorothea.
Ethan looked away from Theon and looked at the palace where
Dorothea would be.
As if expecting a new era to come, the roof of the palace was shining
red and splendidly in the sunset.
A red smile appeared on Ethan's lips as the sun set beautifully.
"stop. Dorothea must not be emperor.”
“Why not?”
Ethan's golden eyes narrowed and turned towards Theon.
"that… … .”
Theon's lips parted and then closed again, unable to make a sound.
Ethan laughed softly with the sound of the wind.
“You have many secrets, Prince Theon Fried.”
Ethan's white, cold ingers brushed Theon's hair, which ran down the
“If it’s hard to say, you can say anything for any reason.”
People have listed countless reasons why Dorothea shouldn't be
Second, a woman with strong jealousy and greed who cannot
summon the spirit of light.
Or, he could call out an outdated legend and shout the legitimacy of
Raymond dealing with the 'spirit of light'.
But Theon said nothing.
Ethan knew why.
“Is it because His Majesty Raymond is so essential to Prince Fried?”
Ethan lifted Theon's chin with the tip of his white inger. The
crescent-shaped eyes were mocking Theon.
“How do you… … !”
Theon's red eyes trembled.
Ethan looked at the waves in his red eyes like jewels and looked at
them with compassion.
“Even if I’m not good with swords, this works well.”
Ethan patted his head with his index inger and smiled.
When he learned this secret, Ethan was overjoyed as if he had
discovered the principle upon which the world came.
The red eyes of Frieda born after a few generations. and the spirit of
“Are you losing your vitality by hiding the dark spirits? therefore… …
You should be with those who deal with the spirit of light.”
Theon, who was not weak, could not hide his piercing expression.
“Isn’t that why you got engaged to Princess Dorothea?”
Ethan asked coldly. Without loving Dorothea, cowardly.
He accepted his engagement to Dorothea in order to stay with
Raymond and stay with Raymond for a long time.
No matter how chaotic the world is, Ethan could not forgive Theon
for using Dorothea as the only means to be by Raymond's side.
“You don’t deserve to be with the princess.”
Ethan squeezed his attention.
In my heart, I wanted to end Theon Fried.
But I had to be patient.
“You knew I was going to die from this… … .”
Because time will kill him without getting his hands dirty anyway.
If Raymond dies, Theon Fried will also lose control of the Dark Spirit
and will rot from the inside out.
There's no reason to hate Dorothea by killing someone who's going
to be dead anyway.
“It is very regrettable for Prince Fried.”
Regrettably, he was delighted.
Rather, he intended to prove his pure respect for Dorothea by saving
“If Princess Dorothea inds out about this… … .”
“You know?”
Despite Theon's warning, a smile did not leave Ethan's face.
“Are you thinking of holding onto the princess and screaming? I got
engaged to you because of Raymond, but now you ruin everything!
What, like that?”
Ethan looked at Theon and spoke in an exaggerated tone like a play.
Like the tragic protagonist on stage, it was Theon's side that gave the
dreadful light of Ethan's tragic lines.
“You want mercy on the subject of deceiving the princess from the
beginning. So, wouldn’t it have been better if you were honest with the
princess in the irst place?”
Theon's head dropped helplessly.
From the moment he decided to be engaged, he felt guilty for

'Theon, people will be afraid to know that Fried's power is out of


Even his predecessor, Archduke Fried, and Carnan were concerned

about him.
From the beginning, the power of darkness was the object of fear.
It was for this reason that the irst Fried, who created the world,
handed over the emperorship to Milanaire and resigned to the family
of the Grand Duke.
Death and darkness are as close as life and light, but they have
always been avoided.
However, if it became known that there was an elemental who could
not properly control its power, people would be terri ied and would try
to harm Theon.
So he has hidden the power of the dark spirit from everyone.
But shouldn't I tell Dorothea the truth?
He hesitated several times.
However, when he met Dorothea, who loved him so much, he
couldn't open his mouth easily.
Moreover, it was even more dif icult to bring out the story of the
spirit to her, who has a complex about the spirit of light.
So, the days that continued silently with each other. Destiny twisted
so little. Who wrote the irst line of this tragedy?
Dorothea? Raymond? Or Theon, Ethan, or Carnon? Maybe the irst
Milanaires and Fried?
In the end, the present was the ruin that everyone made together.
Theon nodded and wept.
Ethan looked at Theon like that and thought.
Why do people attach so much importance to spirits that cannot be
saved even by their owners, who are tied to marble pillars?
Now, the time has come when we must take power not with
superstitious spirits, but with the power of human beings themselves.
The new emperor, Dorothea Milanaire, and her right arm, Ethan
Bronte, will prove the new era.
“So, the legacy of the old days, enjoy the setting of the last sun and
Ethan whispered softly with his back to the sunset, con ident of his

However, his dream was shattered little by little but too easily.
“We cannot recognize Dorothea Milanaire as emperor!”
“Dorothea Milanaire is a sinner who usurped the throne!”
A bunch of buggers grabbed the ankles of Dorothea, who became
Ethan and Dorothea thought that their wrath would be resolved
through jhana.
Reorganize the inef icient tax system, clear public records,
encourage scienti ic development, or provide relief to the victims.
However… … .
“That is a waste of treasury!”
“It is premature!”
“You must irst look at the people near you!”
damn nobles.
There was nothing easily passed by the opposing voices who
shouted each and every time.
If you cut off everyone's neck and let them sit, they wouldn't be able
to talk like that.
The two of them failed to try something new, and behind the scenes
they accused her of doing everything wrong on the basis of her
justi ication.
In the end, a purge was necessary. It was a process like the fate of the
new ruler.
However, in the process, Dorothea, which had always been strong,
began to crumble.
She was obsessed with proving her authority, her imperial power.
“Is it suitable for the emperor?”
“Is this behavior like an emperor?”
Dorothea asked questions every day.
When you eat, when you dress, when you go somewhere.
With all her nerves on her mind, checking each one, she locked
herself within the con ines of the emperor.
Even if you don't have to, you're good enough as an emperor.
I didn't make you an emperor to see you trapped by their words.
At the same time, even Theon dragged her into the swamp.
“I have to send Theon a present.”
Dorothea, unable to win Theon's heart, can only do things that are
visible to him.
She was obsessively indulged in luxury. to be emperor. And to win
Theon's heart.
Dorothea, who had been shining even alone, was losing its light.
At night, she suffered from insomnia and ate up even her healthy
Day by day, I lost weight, became weary, and became more sensitive.
Ethan couldn't stand watching her dim light.
'This is all because of the Spirit of Light.'
Because there is no Spirit of Light, Dorothea is not recognized as a
proper emperor.
Ethan pondered and found an answer.
“Investigate the Spirit Stone of Light thoroughly.”
The Spirit Stone of Light is a stone called the origin of spirit power.
The stone that the irst Milanere received when she signed a contract
with the Light Spirit King. national treasure of the empire.
According to the records, the spirit stone plays a central role in
connecting the spirit world and the human world.
Historically, when Milanaire possessed a spirit stone, the spirit's
power has been ampli ied several times.
So, the imperial family has maintained the power of a strong spirit
by inserting a spirit stone into the emperor's scepter.
However, about 100 years ago, due to an accident, the spirit stone
was torn to pieces and fell out of the scepter, and its whereabouts were
It was after that that Milanaire went down the path of marked
'With that stone, your Majesty may be able to deal with spirits.'
Even if you can't deal with the spirits, you'll be able to get at least a
Then people will recognize Dorothea.
Ethan had his servants ind out about the Spirit Stone.


However, there was no easy way to ind the spirit stone lost a
hundred years ago.
And at the same time, I found out that there was another person
looking for the Spirit Stone of Light.
“Fried Ball.”
Ethan grabbed Theon, who staggered as he climbed the stairs.
Theon made eye contact with him and hurriedly threw his hand
“Looks like a lot has happened.”
Ethan smiled at Theon's pale, bloodless face.
He was dying day by day with the power of the spirits, who knew
nothing but how to restrain the spirits of darkness from coming out.
Theon leaned against the wall, his face distorted, as it was dif icult to
stand on his two feet.
“How good would it be if you went to your majesty and complained
that you were sick? Then your Majesty will run right away... … .”
“Shut up, Ethan.”
Theon growled through his heavy breathing, but it wasn't a threat at
all. His gloved hands were trembling.
Recently, he even put on gloves to hide his ugly, dry hands, but he
couldn't hide his trembling.
Ethan looked at him with pitying eyes as if he were looking at a stray
cat in the rain.
"You're keeping it a secret to your Majesty... … . I don't understand
why you're doing it for the princess even though you don't love it."
“… … .”
Theon didn't answer, but Ethan read something in his silent eyes.
To Theon, Dorothea was love and hate itself.
He took pity on Dorothea, who was devoted to me early on. The
discrimination she faces, and her abilities that are too great compared
to that.
In Theon's eyes, Dorothea was a wild beast that had become violent
in a narrow cage. A big beast with the power and talent to become the
alpha of the pack.
So, although it is dif icult to call it love, I was able to understand her
to some extent because of her greed and jealousy.
Moreover, she was meek in front of him and was in initely tender. It
looked cute as he smiled broadly like a puppy longing for affection and
tried to get his attention.
So he wondered if he couldn't release the wild beasts that were
trapped inside, but maybe he could take care of them with affection.
Since he was born with abilities in various ields, he expected that if
his angular personality was softened, he would surely play an excellent
role as a member of the imperial family.
Arranged marriage would be ine, and it might be a good life partner.
But when Ethan opened the beast's cage and bit his old friend
Raymond's neck, his hopes vanished.
He madly resented her for killing Raymond. But at the same time, he
also resented Raymond.
His nakedness was a fool willing to give his head to a hungry beast.
He was too fragile to hunt wild beasts.
So Theon knew. It's not that Dorothea killed Raymond, it's that
Raymond was killed by Dorothea.
In this complex despair, he sank into the silence of Fried's motto.
If you pour out your resentment, what will happen?
So all he will do is… … .
“Is the work you asked Julia Young-ae going well?”
Theon found the envelope in Ethan's hand and widened his eyes.
A letter he sent to Julia a while ago.
“You are working in vain. You are looking everywhere for the spirit
stone that has already been broken and disappeared a hundred years
ago. Julia Young-ae is suffering a lot. They seem to be looking for
someone from a distant bloodline of Milanaire who can control spirits...
… .”
"I didn't know you had bad manners, Ethan Bronte."
Theon's eyes blazed red as if looking at an enemy.
It was all because of the dozens of letters I exchanged with Julia.
Julia was the only one who knew Theon's problems, and was also an
old friend who was willing to move for him.
“In order to save Prince Fried, your Majesty would destroy the world
and ind the Spirit Stone, so why don’t you tell your Majesty?”
Ethan gave pretentious advice in a light voice, as if humming.
It was said, knowing Theon would never ask Dorothea a favor.
“Even if I don’t add it, Ubera is already leaning, thanks to you.”
As Ethan said, if Dorothea inds out about his condition, he will try to
save the spirit stone even if it destroys the empire.
So Theon couldn't speak. Because the peace and well-being of the
empire was more important than his dying life.
The empire grew bigger than ever, but as the days went by, the
people's resentment grew and the distrust of Dorothea deepened.
He didn't want to even contribute to Ubera, who was already going
through a period of chaos.
Even if there is a limit to death, I will die in dignity.
“You cannot say that. Shouldn’t the one who enjoys the greatest
bene its of His Majesty’s power live with a grateful heart?”
Ethan grinned and scolded him.
For whom did you buy gold and silver treasures? I'm living like crazy
to give a present to someone, to look good to someone.
If it wasn't for Theon, Dorothea wouldn't have come this far.
and… … would have looked after him.
At Ethan's cold gaze, Theon stood up straight.
“Ethan Bronte. You will end up in the mud together.”
He hated Ethan more than Dorothea, who killed Raymond.
A silver fox who used to set free the wild beasts and did nothing, but
did everything. A cowardly and cunning monster that releases wild
beasts and escorts them.
Should have separated him from Dorothea earlier.
at that time.
“Theon… … !”
Far away, Dorothea, returning from government affairs, found him
and called out his name.
There was a suppressed joy on her face, trying not to show it.
Theon's heart tightened as she could clearly sense her joy. Complex
emotions were twisted and intertwined into a core.
He turned his back to Dorothea, who was slowly approaching him.
Facing her was now impossible for him.
Therefore, he turned away from Dorothea's call and climbed the
"your majesty. I have something to tell you.”
Ethan caught Dorothea trying to follow Theon.
Dorothea meekly captured Ethan.
Even if she followed Theon, she knew that she would only get hurt.
The wounded heart was exposed in her face.
Ethan wanted to hug her like that.
Forget such a person and lean on me. There's a seat for you in the
nearest place.
Ethan stared at her quietly, but Dorothea's eyes were only on the
stairs where Theon had disappeared.
No matter how much he waited, she never looked after him.
So he parted his lips to say something that would hurt Dorothea.
“It seems that Prince Theon has sent another letter to the young girl
And, as he expected, Dorothea looked at him with desperate eyes like
a deer caught in a trap.
Only like this, do you look at me?
Ethan looked at her delicate eyes and said to himself.
“It’s been over ten times already.”
A word that is calm and soft, but with a sharp knife.
Then Dorothea was cut without a single resistance.
Seeing Dorothea fall apart, Ethan felt anger, guilt, love and joy.
I know it's a twisted love He also knows that Dorothea, whom he
loves, is suffering.
But to get her to look at me, looking only at Theon Fried, I had no
choice but to use such a cowardly trick.
“Shall we get Prince Theon’s letter from the middle?”
“No, Ethan. You don’t have to.”
Dorothea closed her eyes in pain.
Ethan thought as he watched her bury her pain in her chest.
Where will my love end?
He already thought he had gone too far wrong, but that couldn't stop


Indeed, she and Ethan had many similarities.

He made a cowardly choice, knowing that he would hurt the person
he loved.
So Ethan had no choice but to love Dorothea like that.
In the end, Dorothea prevented Julia Delevingne from entering the
It was a boon for Ethan.
If Julia is disturbed, Theon will be even more endangered. Can it last
a year or so?
And, again, Theon came to visit Dorothea.
Theon, who was always calm, hurriedly opened the door and rushed
into Dorothea's room.
“Theon… … !”
And Dorothea, who had just been nervous, smiled broadly as soon as
she saw him.
Ethan's heart seemed to be crushed at the sight.
How much I am doing for you, why do you cry when you see me and
smile when you see the author.
If you look at me with those eyes just once... … .
“Why did you ind my room, Theon? Finally, yes, inally me... … .”
Her voice, illed with anticipation, resonated in Ethan's ears.
Ethan bit his lip and had to hold back his jealousy towards Theon.
“Your Majesty, is it true that you have revoked the title of Delevinga?
You are forbidden from entering the system!”
Theon mercilessly trampled on her smile, desperate for Ethan.
The smile that Ethan couldn't save even if he stole all his fortune,
Theon threw it away like trash.
And the words of Dorothea who dig into his chest again.
“Theon, you are mine. it's mine! But why are you looking at another
Dorothea looked only at Theon and cried.
Do you know I'm behind you Blinded by Theon, I have always been by
your side.
Ethan looked like he was being tortured just by standing there.
Because I couldn't be loved by Dorothea, I couldn't comfort Dorothea
who was sad.
But Dorothea, who was blind to Theon, couldn't see Ethan.
Ethan had to stand up like a ghost and quench his suffering.
And Theon pierced Dorothea and Ethan's chests with daggers.
“I never swore to be yours.”
Every word he spoke was deadly poison to both of them.
In the end, Dorothea, unable to overcome her anger and sadness,
beat Theon.
Theon, who became weaker as he became weaker, collapsed without
being able to control himself with Dorothea's hand sword.
“Theon… … !”
Dorothea was surprised to see Theon collapsed like a doll and called
to him.
Ethan noticed that Theon's condition was getting worse.
Theon was distracted by a headache that felt like it was going to
break his head. He staggered and slowly got up from his seat.
His tinnitus was heard, and death seemed to be breathing beside
The dark spirits struggled to take him to the world of rest.
Theon closed and opened his eyes again and again, trying to restore
his blurred vision.
And when he barely opened his eyes, he saw a handsome man
looking at him with a pitiful expression and shaking his head.
Every time he shook his head, his silver hair shimmered and
glistened, and his golden eyes were more beautiful with sympathy.
But that sympathy was never pure, and theon was de iled.
Theon jumped out of his seat and ran away.
“Te, Theon!”
Ethan caught Dorothea trying to follow him.
“Your Majesty, if you go now, you will only hurt Prince Theon’s heart.
If you wait until you calm down, I'm sure he too will apologize to His
Majesty. Don’t worry too much and just wait.”
Ethan grabbed Dorothea's hand with his white hand. Dorothea felt
her hands tremble.
"However… … .”
“Your Majesty, Your Majesty is higher than anyone in the world. Don't
be swayed by this. Everything is meant to return to His Majesty.”
Ethan struggled to overcome the anxiety and depression that
Dorothea couldn't handle alone.
He handed Dorothea's messy hair over with his hand, took out his
own handkerchief, and pressed and wiped the bloody earlobe from the
Then Dorothea's rough and unstable breathing slowly calmed down.
But still her eyes were on the door Theon had left.
I am the one taking care of your wounds now, so why are you… … .
He resented Dorothea.
Ethan did the stupid thing over and over again.
When Dorothea gets hurt, it's his job to take care of it. Then the day
will come when you will look back at him.
Theon's death is not far away, so just a little longer... … .


Meanwhile, Julia Delevingne went on a long journey for Theon's life.

I searched for the whereabouts of the Spirit Stone of Light, and also
visited the distant bloodline of Milanaire.
“Miss Julia, you don’t have to do this. Her Majesty Theon Fried's
illness was not due to her, nor was it her duty to correct... … .”
“Ben, then, do you mean sitting down and drinking alcohol when
your 20-year-old friend is dying?”
Julia stopped and looked back at Ben following behind.
Dressed in frayed and dirty clothes, she was too shabby to be called a
His hair, so short that it could not even reach his shoulders, was
unorganized as if he had been scissored.
“It must be the last remaining Milanese.”
A distant descendant of Milanaire, branched off from Milan a few
generations ago.
She was looking for the last remaining Milanaire.
“But, lady, it’s not because of Theon Fried that Delevinga is ruined!”
“Ben, be careful.”
“… … .”
At Julia's resolute words, Ben shut his mouth sullenly.
“After all, I can’t do anything under the Emperor right now.”
Even if he kept his title, there was nothing he could do with his
power in this chaotic era.
“But other nobles, generals, and knights seem to be turning to
support the current emperor. There are a lot of people who go under it
and live comfortably.”
Although Dorothea enjoyed luxury and pleasure, he was also the
emperor who made the empire the largest in history in two years.
Those who admired her wild and dogmatic force even made
Dorothea a hero.
“They are happy beasts if they eat or stuff them in my mouth,
whether the country is destroyed or not.”
Julia murmured through the weedy path.
Julia's worries were not immediate hunger, but the fate of the
empire. What do you do when you expand your territory? People's lives
are being devastated by war.
Those who give advice have already been decapitated or have hid
themselves in the depths for a long time in fear of being decapitated.
The people's resentment was high, but it was not enough to get past
the splendid walls of the imperial palace.
In order to survive as a nobleman in these turbulent times, he had no
choice but to speak tongue-in-cheek to Dorothea and match her luxury.
Julia thought that it would be better to throw away the duties of a
nobleman than to live like that.
As a wanderer, she sometimes thought of Raymond, who dreamed of
Did he have fun running through this wild ield? Would you have
loved a life of wandering without having anything?
Julia was about to get depressed thinking about her dead friend, but
Ben opened his mouth again.
“But these days, there are other people who are looking for Spirit
Stones and Milanaires besides us.”
"okay… … ?”
“The old woman who told me about Milanaire last time said that
someone asked the same thing a few days ago.”
“… … .”
Julia didn't know if that was a good omen or a bad omen.
If they can't stand the tyranny of the current emperor, there may be
those who want to ind another Milanaire and appoint him as the new
Or, conversely, they may be trying to ind and deal with other Milanes
in order to eliminate Dorothea's crisis... … .
“I must hurry.”
Julia hurried her steps to make sure she wasn't tired, and climbed the
Ben gasped and followed after Julia.
“Girl, I think this is the house!”
An old mud house was seen on the hill in the distance.
He was exhausted from the long journey, but his strength surged
when he saw the destination in his eyes.
Julia ran up the green hill.
It was uncertain, but when I saw a glimmer of hope, my heart
When they reached the top of the hill, Julia found the gate open. It is
common in rural areas where people are not very good at locking
But Julia gently knocked on the open door.
Knocking is the minimum courtesy you should have as a guest.
But there was no sound from inside.
“Did you go out for a while?”
Ben said as he brushed off the glue on his body.
Julia muttered and pushed the door carefully.
There was a creaking sound, and the door was pushed open slowly
by the wind.
and in it.
“I was waiting for you, Julia.”
A man beautiful enough to be mistaken for an angel was standing on
his feet in the red blood in the sunlight coming in through the window.


“Ethan, that’s great.”

Upon hearing that Julia had died, Dorothea happily called out his
There was no evidence or report of Ethan's doing it, but she knew
like a ghost that he had done it.
Maybe it's because she and he look a lot alike.
Ethan was happy that he had gifted Dorothea a smile.
okay. If you're that happy, I can kill hundreds of people.
Ethan shook his head, appreciating her brightened face.
“I am sorry, Your Majesty. If I had done something, I would have
earned Your Majesty's praise, but Julia's death was not mine."
He lied softly to Dorothea.
It would be nice to have credit for killing Julia, but Julia had to be in
an accident.
That way Dorothea won't feel guilty or sad in front of Theon.
She must remain noble.
'If Theon hears this news, he will not stand still.'
And as expected, Theon ran to Dorothea.
Hearing the news of Julia's death, he was more angry than ever.
He saw Dorothea as soon as he entered, and then he saw Ethan
and his cruel rebuke.
“Remember that. Your greed has killed me.”
Theon was a clever man.
Because I know very well what to say to make Dorothea fall.
Dorothy, who had just been happy, turned pale in an instant.
“Theon, I didn’t kill Julia!”
Dorothea pleaded guilty to a sin she had not committed, and knelt
before him.
“Theon, believe me. I never ordered Julia to be killed... … .”
Is the emperor on his knees? That proud Dorothea Milanaire put her
hands together and prayed like a criminal?
Ethan couldn't let it go, so he grabbed her arm.
“Your Majesty, wake up.”
He spoke as if pleading, but it seemed that Dorothea couldn't hear it.
Because that damn Theon Fried was weeping.
As soon as Theon arrived, she completely forgot about Ethan.
And he lost even the smile he had barely gifted.
“Don’t cry, Theon. please… … .”
Dorothea begged Theon not to cry, and I cried too.
Ethan looked at Dorothea begging as she knelt down and bit her
teeth until her jaw broke.
It was Ethan who wanted to beg him not to cry.


“Theon Fried!”
That day, Ethan went to visit Theon.
Theon, who was sitting on the sofa catching the sunlight, looked at
him with a face that gave up everything.
“Did you have to leave your majesty with guilt when you were
nearing death?”
Ethan was angry at Theon for nailing Dorothea's chest.
Had to put the sinner's shackles on Dorothea on the subject of the
day of death? To her who is already suffering every day?
Then Theon looked at him and smiled.
For a moment, Ethan felt as if the string in his head had been cut off.
“You made it all, Ethan Bronte.”
"You shouldn't have touched Julia."
Theon muttered with a colorful breath.
He knew it was Ethan, not Dorothea, who killed Julia.
By the way… … But did you do that to Dorothea?
“If you had known, you should have come to me, why, Your Majesty…
… !”
Ethan gritted his teeth, and Theon shook his head.
“That will make you suffer more.”
Theon made a painful expression as if feeling pain, but then smiled
Although he is now debilitated, he is a smart man.
Had he visited Ethan, Ethan would not have blinked an eye.
But if you go to Dorothea, Ethan will feel like he's falling from the sky.
“You have been doing people the way you want them to. Many nobles
have already followed you.”
Theon, who was talking, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and
coughed. There was red blood on his handkerchief.
But Theon didn't care anymore.
"The way you want it… … I'm not going to tell Dorothea anything
about the Dark Spirit."
He had a hazy smile.
Theon knew that Ethan had meticulously hidden the Dark Spirit and
Theon's health from Dorothea until now.
Dorothea was worried about Theon's drying up every day, but Ethan
tried to hide Theon's name in every way.

'It's called a corporal for the young girl Julia Delevingne.'

Dorothea knew that Theon's declining day by day was due to the
death penalty towards Julia.
“What kind of future do you envision after I die?”
Theon smiled faintly and asked Ethan.
That smile made Ethan nervous.
And before Ethan could answer, the son-in-law darkened.
It was a dark spirit.
Could Theon Fried not withstand the power of the spirits? Or are you
trying to fool him?
Ethan fumbled through the darkness to ind Theon.
“Theon Fried… … !”
Trapped in the dark, Ethan tried to calm his fast-beating heart with
A chilling silence in the darkness drove him more and more terri ied.
What are you thinking? Since you have a day to die for, are you going
to make one for your comrades?
Ethan thought a sword might come lying out of the darkness.
But the darkness soon dissipated as if nothing had happened.
Ethan closed his eyes at the sudden brightening of his vision. He was
able to look around only after slowly adjusting to the light.
And Theon was nowhere to be seen.
Ethan instinctively felt ominous.
Obviously there's nothing he can do about dying, so why is he so

He set aside other things and frantically wandered the palace looking
for Theon.
The garden where he often took a walk and nap, the palace Raymond
used, and the glass greenhouse he destroyed because he could not
control the power of the spirits.
But Theon was nowhere to be seen.
And the irst thing I found was Theon... … .
“Bah, the Emperor just... … !”
He hurriedly ran up to Dorothea's room at the horse of a priest who
had rushed to him.
And what he found was the fallen Dorothea. And on the next loor... …
Theon's body was there.
Ethan thought nothing for a moment, then his head illed with
countless thoughts again.
Theon Fried is dead. It also hangs itself by itself.

'That will make you suffer more.'

Theon's words echoed in his mind.

He chose the place of death as Dorothea's bedroom.
No matter how many times Dorothea called, she never walked. The
place where Dorothea stayed up all night in tears, buried in loneliness
every night.
Ethan stared blankly at the pale face of the fallen Dorothea.
She was in danger of being blown away by the wind at any moment.
Theon Fried. He completely succeeded in revenge.
Ethan realized he could no longer dream of a bright future with
A slender wrist that doesn't seem to be able to hold a sword properly.
Dry, cracked lips with bruises and crusts left over whether biting has
become a habit. Fully puffy eyelids with no lesh.
He sat down next to Dorothea and wept.
Dorothea was no longer shining brightly across the battle ield.
Ethan will never be able to restore Dorothea's old self.
The arms that vigorously swung the sword, the moist and smooth
lips, the smiles that dreamed of the future.
“Why are you… … .”
Why did you love Theon Fried?
If you had loved me, I would never have made you this way.
He would have made him a perfect emperor that everyone in the
world would envy.
Why don't I even get a chance at once? Why was it that you were
blinded by one love and couldn't see the other?
He cried and resented Dorothea.
But it didn't take long to realize that it wasn't just Dorothea who was
blinded by love.


After some time, when Dorothea woke up, Ethan was there with him.
"your majesty… … .”
He barely woke her up and called her out.
I prayed earnestly for her to open her eyes, but when I met her,
anxiety came over me as a huge wave.
What if she wants to die? How can I comfort her?
Forgetting all his resentment, he thought of Dorothea like a fool
Dorothea opened her eyes, staring into the air with hazy eyes, and
then her lips trembled as if recognizing reality.
And she emptied an empty stomach that had nothing to eat.
"doctor… … ! doctor!"
As soon as Ethan woke up, Dorothea, who was vomiting, urgently
called the doctor.
But the incompetent doctor didn't know how to ix Dorothea.
Dorothea couldn't even eat food. If I ate even a little bit, I would
quickly spit it out again.
When Ethan asked something, he didn't answer.
That cruel silence was as close as walking on a blade, making it
impossible to take my eyes off Dorothea.
“Your Majesty, close your eyes for a moment.”
At Ethan's plea, Dorothea stared into the air like a madman.
She had not slept for several days, and then she lost her strength and
closed her eyes as if exhausted or collapsed.
And when he woke up screaming again, Ethan hugged her trembling
body and wept.
“Your Majesty, it is not Your Majesty’s fault.”
It's not your fault, so please stop. It's all because of my lack. It's all
because I didn't prepare well. It's my fault for greedy for you.
“Your Majesty is the most beautiful and highest emperor in the
world. What are you afraid of?”
He asked Dorothea as if pleading.
I wanted to remind her many times who had forgotten her
outstanding value.
You, who was shining brightly, wanted this place so much. Don't cry
like that person is your life. Come back, not Theon Fried, but Dorothea
But Ethan wasn't born with the talent to rebuild Dorothea.
Dorothea stayed with the dead Theon Fried forever.

Meanwhile, Ethan had to take care of the government on behalf of
I don't know when Dorothea will make up her mind, but until then,
she must defend her throne.
As the emperor's agent, he put the emperor's seal in place of
Dorothea, and determined the national signi icance.
But even that is just a workaround. Imperial Ubera was barely
maintained by ixing the hole that had been made right away.
Ethan felt despair in the midst of it. The country I wanted to make
with Dorothea was not like this.
State affairs went against his plan from one to ten, and he was facing
the worst.
Other nobles and priests also felt the decline of Ubera's national
And inally.
“Now let’s drive out His Majesty the Emperor.”
The agenda was brought up at the high-ranking meeting.
“… … Are you driving me out?”
Dorothea? my only emperor
As soon as Ethan spoke those words, he looked at the high of icials
with a cold, hardened face.
“We cannot leave the tyrant like this. We must establish three
“You’re a tyrant… … !”
“Doesn’t the Prime Minister already know?”
The ministers pointed out the window as if not to deny it.
The anger of the people has already been pushed into the inside of
the imperial palace.
A decision was needed to calm that dissatisfaction and overcome the
“The responsibility for tyranny rests with the emperor.”
“Only the Emperor?”
Ethan raised one corner of his mouth as if he was plastic.
If Dorothea is guilty, they too. Who were the people who rejoiced
next to Dorothea when she had luxury?
Who was the thief who opposed Dorothea's decision the whole time,
and picked only the ones that were favorable to them?
And now Dorothea can't ill their pockets, so I'll throw them away?
They betrayed quickly as they did not follow them faithfully from the
“If the current situation is not on the emperor, who is responsible for
One offering is suf icient.
If you sacri ice one tyrant, the others will at least be spared.
“If you drive out the current Emperor, what will happen next?”
Ethan asked dryly.
Milanaire no longer exists.
It was because when he was digging for Julia, he killed all the distant
Milanese bloodlines. I was also worried about times like this.
I'm afraid the tyrant Dorothea will be driven out and the yamche
nobility cubs will think of bringing in another Milanaire.
By the way.
“Become Emperor, Prime Minister.”
Unexpected bullshit polluted the dignitary meeting.
Do you want me to become emperor?
“Isn’t it the prime minister who decides all government affairs now?”
Emperor Dorothea's seal, signature, and decision-making authority
were all in Ethan's hands.
Therefore, they decided to hand over the title of the next emperor to
Ethan, even nominally.
'You make your words slick.'
Ethan clenched his ists.
The reason I want to add him is to have an assortment.
After all, they will burn a civil war to regain the throne.
“Who do you think is the reason you are here now?”
Ethan shuddered and asked them.
All those who now ascend to the ranks of the Empire were those who
had driven Raymond out and had risen from Dorothea.
Their political roots were Dorothea.
“The problem is that our roots cannot sustain us.”
They spit out dirty words as if they had a disease that they could only
talk nonsense.
It was unreasonable to expect Dorothea to take care of her faithfully
when she was having a hard time.
After purging all those who spoke open mouths, only those born with
the heart of a bat were left.
“The only emperor to me is His Majesty Dorothea Milanaire.”
At Ethan's oath, the nobles laughed. It was clear that he did not
believe his oath.
Bondi Ethan was well versed in political calculations, so now he is
mistaken for 'humility' to be part of that calculation.
Ethan didn't want to hang out with them anymore.
“It hasn’t even been a few months since Kuk-seo left. But isn’t it
against the law to have such a discussion with your grieving Majesty?”
Ethan said that and left his seat.
'Damn it.'
His white ists were curled up tightly.
If the aristocrats say that, the situation has already reached its limit.
And Ethan was also feeling the limit.
'You just need to ind the Spirit Stone.'
After killing Julia, he was looking for the Spirit Stone based on the
materials she found.
With only the Spirit Stone, Dorothea will be able to regain her
authority. All this downfall was due to the Spirit of Light.

However, the uprising of the people quickly swept over the front of
the imperial palace like wild ire spread by a dry wind.
It was not at a level where he could sleep any longer.
The emperor's luxury had long been a rotten matter, and the new
palace he had been building for Theon had long been unpaid, with
construction halted.
In addition, famine and plague that arrived just in time drove Ubera
to death.
“Looking at the condition of His Majesty now, he will not live long
“If you are a tyrant who will die anyway, it is better to execute an
execution than to put the people to sleep.”
Saying so, the nobles looked at Ethan.
As they said, Dorothea was already going to death every day.
Even when she brought her favorite food, lowers, and jewels, she
never smiled.
He whispered sweet words every day to give her a little will to live,
and praised her for her beauty and great talent, but she would not
Day after day he bumped into an unbreakable wall and hurt him.
And in the end, Ethan had no choice but to accept this end.
Theon Fried wins.
He could no longer stop the tsunami coming from all directions.
“One hour is urgent, Jaesang!”
Dorothea's downfall was imminent.
People say that he is the next emperor, but after Dorothea is gone,
what can I be?
Ethan grew haggard as if he was about to die.

The last night before the tyrant's execution.
Finally, he went to Dorothea to hold on to a mirage-like hope.
“Tomorrow, people will come to execute you.”
He exposed the plans of the nobles to Dorothea.
But Dorothea shut her mouth and stared at him quietly. There was
nothing re lected in her hazy eyes.
Did you hear me?
“Aren’t you angry?”
he asked in a trembling voice.
Rather, she would have been angry and furious and would go out
with a sword and decapitate the nobles who dreamed of treason.
But she sat helplessly like a doll with a broken thread.
“Aren’t you going to run away?”
Ethan was angry.
I wanted to grab Dorothea, shake it, and shout that you were about to
I wanted to threaten her, drag her out, and tell her to run away
But as Dorothea quietly shook her head, he barely let out a piercing
“Give me a seat in the bureaucracy. Then I will do anything.”
I don't know what to do, but if he promised me that, Ethan could give
his all to protect Dorothea. If only she would allow her to be with me.
If you allow me to hold your hand at the end of your last.
But Dorothea remained silent like a rock.
“If you don’t give me the seat of Guk-seo, I will become the emperor.”
Ethan threatened Dorothea with evil.
If you don't accept me to the end, I'll turn my back on you.
So… … Accept me if I've really been of any value to you.
Then Dorothea's tightly closed lips slowly opened.
"Do whatever you feel like… … . I can't give you a seat in the state."
As if Ethan Bronte meant nothing to Dorothea, she completely
rejected even his last plea.
Ethan bit his throat tight for a moment. I felt my lips tremble.
"how… … . What the hell is that guy doing?”
He shouted at Dorothea. I couldn't hide my anger and despair.
But Dorothea faced his feelings and just stared at him silently before
opening her mouth.
“Theon… … .”
She paused for a moment and went back into her thoughts.
It wasn't her concern how much Ethan's stomach was boiling, or how
much he looked like he wanted to cry.
And she, who had been immersed in thought for a while, opened her
lips again.
“Theon… … I am myself.”
Her words shook his world.
So I who killed Theon, am I killing you now?
It wasn't wrong. He was the slayer of Theon and the slayer of
"ha ha ha… … . ha ha ha!"
Ethan couldn't cry, so he burst out laughing as if he had lost his mind.
To you who gave my whole life, I was a murderer.
"like. If this is your choice... … . I will also follow him.”
“… … .”
“Don’t regret it.”
Ethan found out by leaving these words to Dorothea. The person he
regrets the most is himself, not Dorothea.


What happened next was the expected sequence.

Dorothea's execution was carried out as scheduled.
The nobles gladly captured the emperor they were serving and took
them out of the palace in order to quell the resentment of the people.
Dorothea was thrown like prey to the people by the hands of the
She was clearly guilty, but on the other hand she was a victim of
other sinners.
The blood of the sinner Dorothea will paradoxically become puri ied
water. The blood that relieves people's anger and resentment, and
washes away the sins of the remaining sinners.
Ethan ridiculed her, thinking that her blood might do more sacred
things than the blood of a martyred saint.
People will mistakenly believe that the execution of Dorothea has
rooted out the root of sin.
You will be applauded for doing something great that will go down in
Cutting down a large already dying tree in a forest full of diseased
trees doesn't change anything.
Unless all forests are burned, the diseases that kill forests will not go
As Dorothea was brought out of the palace and walked among the
people towards the wretched horse, Ethan awaited the culmination of
that beautiful deception under the execution table.
He hid his trembling legs under the hem of his long robe.
By the way.
While he was waiting for Dorothea to get to the place of execution, a
henchman of the Duke of Bronte came to visit him.
And Ethan had a gut feeling.
“I found the Spirit Stone.”
A beautiful piece given to him by his henchman. A bizarre jewel that
is transparent and shiny as if it were shining on its own.
The treasures of Milanaire, which had been missing for over a
hundred years, have now arrived in his hands.
Ethan looked at him for a long time in vain, with the fragmented
spirit stone in his hand.
Fate ridiculed him to the end. At the time Dorothea Milanaire headed
for the execution table, the Spirit Stone of Light has now been obtained.
If I had gotten it a year earlier, or, if I had found it a few months
sooner, it wouldn't have been this far.
The futile hope that came to him at the last moment only twinkled
and ridiculed him.
“Sir, a criminal will arrive soon.”
Then a dignitary called him back to reality.
Holding the Spirit Stone of Light, he had to watch the execution of
the criminal Dorothea Milanaire.
He felt as if he had been separated from the world, and headed down
to the execution table.
In the distance, Dorothea was walking among the people.
Bloody bare feet. Even if he collapsed right away, his stride was so
weak that it wouldn't be strange.
Ethan bit his lower lip hard, as if each dangerous step was trampling
on his heart.
I had to suppress the urge to run to her.
She wanted to cover her torn clothes and the bare skin underneath
them with her own outerwear.
I wanted to take her to a safe, warm place right away, wash her in
clean water, give her a warm soup, lay her on a comfy bed, and whisper
that I love her.
But he learned through so many wounds that it was all a dream.
Dorothea Milanaire will strike out his outstretched hand. And he will
follow Theon to the execution table.
He knew Dorothea's heart better than anyone.
Because he, who resembles her terribly, also wanted to follow her to
the execution table.
Dorothea limped to the bottom of the execution table, blood
dripping from her forehead, and a foul odor.
When she saw him, she paused for a moment.
I didn't know if it was because of that or if it was because it was hard
to even take a step.
Just before she ascended to the execution table, he had one last time
alone with her, citing his petty authority.
Facing her up close, she looked more relaxed than ever.
If someone had only looked at their faces, they would probably have
changed the situation of the two.
Because it was Ethan Bronte who made the face of a person about to
be executed, and Dorothea Milanaire was the one with a face that was
comfortable and happy as if he was about to ascend to the throne.
“It’s the last time.”
Therefore, Ethan's words were inverted.
It was Dorothea, not Ethan, who decided whether or not to give him
one last chance.
"I… … I don't want to become a public servant."
Ethan put down his last greed.
Neither the scepter in his hand nor the spirit stone was useless.
“Please save me… … . Just say that one word.”
Please allow me to save you.
“If you just say that one word, I’ll take care of the arrangements so far
and save you somehow… … Please speak."
Even if you think about the arrangements in the past, live your life,
please. Even thinking of the time I devoted to you.
He approached Dorothea as if pleading with him.
The stench from her was not a problem. He might hold her in her
ilthy ilth, and lust after her blood-stained lips.
He reached out to Dorothea, who might be the last.
“… … I'm sorry, Ethan."
Dorothea avoided his touch and turned her head. As if he wouldn't
allow even his smallest touch.
Ethan slowly closed his eyes to hide his uncontrollable emotions.
“I am evil.”
Dorothea said.
Are you evil?
If it was evil, it was evil. If she were good, he wouldn't be able to cut
his heart to this extent.
Unless it's a demon, you wouldn't be able to torment me this far.
"you… … I want to become a saint.”
Dorothea's words were nothing more or less a mockery towards him.
You want to become a saint? Are you going to leave like that?
“Why don’t you want to live?”
I wasn't asking why.
It was just resentment.
Ethan clenched his ist and reached out to her again.
“Take it.”
In the hand he reached out, there was a spirit stone.
Dorothea, who looked at the jewel for a moment, seemed to
recognize its identity.
“It is a spirit stone of light. If this... … .”
Ethan stopped talking while trying to persuade Dorothea.
Dorothea's calm eyes.
'You know it can't be, you clever.'
She calmly awakened him, who, like a fool, was about to hang on to
any hope.
"you… … You are the cruelest person in the world.”
Ethan shook his head.
I couldn't hold back the tears lowing.
“So, they call me a tyrant… … .”
Dorothea muttered to Ethan, who bowed his head.
And Dorothea went up to the execution table without a moment
when he lifted his head and looked at her face again.
The appearance of the sinner Dorothea Milanaire made people
scream even louder. The sound echoed in his mind.
Everyone was criticizing Dorothea.
Ethan was upset at the sight of the nobles who were relieved to see
it, and he was disgusted.
Dorothea, who was put to death, was in initely humble.
Not only the sins she had to bear, but also the sins of others, she
stood calmly.
Rather, it was Ethan who trembled in fear. My heart was pounding
and I was sweating with anxiety and fear.
His sins were on display before all. So he did not have the courage to
see Dorothea's execution.
The moment Dorothea stretched out her head to put her neck on the
blade, he got up and ran.
Rejecting the opposition of other nobles and servants, he led far and
far from the execution table.
“Wow, wooow… … !”
He grabbed a tree by the roadside and vomited the sin of gluttony.
was this Were you like me when you faced Theon Fried's death? Did
you dry up and die like this?
He knelt on the spot and sat down. My legs were weak and I couldn't
support my body.
at that time.
A huge shout was heard in the distance, shaking the sky.
The sound of the death of the tyrant Dorothea Milanaire pounded his
He felt blood draining from his body.
He couldn't breathe, as if he had been executed.
But then, a beam of light spewed out from the gap between the
ingers he was holding tightly.
Ethan spread out his palms, startled by the dazzling light that
illuminates all directions.
The spirit stone was shining with a much more intense light than
“All Milanaires are dead.”
A voice whispering in his ear.
Ethan shook his head.
Standing in front of him stood a strange creature shining with an
incredibly bright halo.
“Are you my new contractor?”
A being who was too bright to even recognize the outlines asked him.
Ethan wondered if he was dreaming in the face of an unrealistic
No, it wasn't a dream, it might have gone crazy. Maybe it would be
better to live like this crazy... … .
“Look, King of the Spirit of Light, I propose a blood pact to the new
The Spirit King of Light?
Ethan stared blankly at the presence of this type like a madman.
“Will you accept my contract?”
Lux asked him.
But Ethan burst out laughing in dismay.
Lux was looking for a new contractor after the death of the last
Milanaire, Dorothea.
To tell you that Dorothea Milanaire is dead.
“If that’s the case, then why didn’t you come to Dorothea Milanaire?”
Ethan asked in a frustrated voice.
If you're going to come this close, so easily, you'd better come to
Dorothea as well.
“It was a bloody fate. Milanaire's blood has already faded, and she is
only the irst Milanaire who cannot summon spirits."
So, Dorothea is just born that way.
Ethan was furious at him.
An absurd coincidence left Dorothea unhappy for the rest of her life.
If he could just kill that evil spirit right now, he wanted to do it.
However, Lux stood there with an expressionless expression and
only looked at Ethan.
“I need a contractor. I ask you who possessed the Spirit Stone. Are
you willing to sign a contract?”
Then, regardless of Ethan's anger, he spoke what he had to say.
"me… … Did you make her like this and ask for a contract?”
Ethan raised the corners of his lips sullenly.
I want to powder the spirit stone right now and sprinkle it on the
burning lames and the deep sea of the abyss. Do you want a contract?
He grabbed the spirit stone tightly.
Lux then opened her mouth again, facing hostile golden eyes.
“Contracts are made under mutual consent. And I will pay you as
much as I get.”
“The power of the spirits.”
Ethan burst out laughing at Lux's answer.
“You don’t need that, so turn it off.”
Grievous resentment lowed from his teeth closed in anger.
How painful was Dorothea with that spirit's power. It was better that
such power did not exist in the world.
Then Lux opened her mouth again.
“The irst elemental can borrow my powers only once. Milanaire
borrowed my power to make the sun rise.”
Lux added.
Elementalists through a contract could not use as much power as a
spirit, but the irst elemental was able to use the power of Lux only
But no such words could come to Ethan's ears.
What do you do when the spirit's power is so great? What is the
meaning of making the great sun rise and set?
No matter how much the sun rises and sets, his sun is no longer in
the world.
I could bring her back to life... … .
A ray of light lashed across Ethan's mind, who was biting his teeth
Ethan's golden eyes, who were staring into the air, slowly lost focus.
“How far can a wish go… … ?”
“I can grant any wish related to my abilities.”
Then Ethan returned to a clear light in an instant as if he had found
the answer.
“Okay, make a contract.”
“It’s a natural choice, human.”
“Instead, save Dorothea.”
Ethan raised his eyes and stared at Lux, who was shining brightly.
Lux radiated a light so bright that he was blind, but he didn't care.
“Dorothea? Do you speak Dorothea Milanaire?”
“Yes, the victim you killed.”
“Reviving a person is… … .”
“Anything is possible.”
All of a sudden, Ethan had the relaxed smile he had when he was
lirting with people.
That smile seemed to be drenched in madness.
Lux was silent for a moment.
“The dark spirit killed Theon Fried. Because the dark spirit had the
power of death and rest.”
Ethan tried to burst out laughing as he spoke to Lux.
it was this The reason he has been alive until now.
“Then, on the other hand, the spirit of light with the power of life and
vitality might be able to save people.”
“… … .”
It was the power of the dark spirits that had faded from generation
to generation that even killed Theon.
But there's no way the Spirit King who says that the sun can also rise
can't save Dorothea, right?
ha, yes Theon Fried's death was a process to give this realization.
Ethan laughed like a madman.
Lux looked at Ethan like that and slowly opened his mouth.
“The power of the Dark Spirit King, Qies, does not reverse time.
Death follows the passage of time. But raising someone who is already
dead is against time.”
All life is destined to perish. The progression from life to death is
different from the progression from death to life.
“So it’s impossible?”
Ethan's eyes gleamed in a dazzling light.
It was Lux who said he would grant all wishes if it had anything to do
with Jehim.
Reading the madness re lected in Ethan's eyes, Lux opened her
mouth again as if she couldn't do it.
“Okay, I’ll bring you back.”
Lux's answer. That short word made Ethan's heart pound.
Dorothea... … Dorothea comes to life.
And when she comes back to life, she will present a spirit of light,
gradually illuminate her dark chest, and give life to her.
“A inal warning. This is against time.”
“I think it’s good.”
Ethan replied.
If Dorothea could live, he would have endured anything.
Lux smiled faintly at Ethan's determined answer.
“It is a contract. New spirits.”
At the same time, a dazzling light enveloped him.
And when Ethan woke up again, he was in a broken wooden box in a
small closet behind a dirty bar.

And at the end he stood here.

"How long I've been waiting for you, you don't know."
Ethan whispered with a hot breath.
Dorothea looked at him with trembling eyes.
Ethan looked at Dorothea, who was still staring at him, and
suppressed the urge to steal his lips again.
'The smart one and the cruel one... … .'
She acted as if she had just realized his sincerity. No, I think I've just
igured it out.
The Dorothea Milanaire he knows is smarter than anyone else.
There's no way Ethan Bronte didn't know he loved her. There's no
way I couldn't have heard the truth I've told you so many times.
But she loved Theon Fried, and at the same time was afraid of
breaking up with Ethan.
Even in the face of Ethan's blatant sincerity, he could not completely
push him away.
So she closed her eyes and pretended not to know.
She was so clever that she carefully prepared an evasive strategy so
that she didn't even notice herself.
'Ethan Bronte is a greedy man. Ethan Bronte wants me to get status
and power.'
She read it cowardly, turning love into a lust for power. Knowing that
it doesn't make sense, you know.
If he really was for power, he would have been with Raymond and not
Dorothea in the irst place.
The kind Raymond doesn't discriminate against Seochool, so if you
lure him in with his sweet tongue, he'd get a decent spot.
He may not be able to ascend to the prime minister, but it must have
been a safer and more convenient way than carrying a sword of
But Dorothea ignored even the obvious truth and interpreted
Ethan's words as barely spoken.
funny paper. Where is the little body that sheds tears at the collapse
of the emperor?
Before bringing out the tyrant, there's no way he's going to tell them
his plans in advance and beg them to live to the end.
But Dorothea was blindfolded to the end.
Ethan couldn't confess his love to Dorothea like that. Ethan knew her
well too.
For as long as Theon was there, he knew very well that he would
never get a place in Dorothea's heart.
The moment I make her aware of her sincerity, because I know I can't
be by her side.
“I wish I hadn’t remembered the princess… … .”
Ethan looked into her eyes, remembering everything.

'A inal warning. This is against time.'

He understood the warning of Elemental King Lux belatedly.

They could not completely erase the time that had already been
Thus, Ethan and Dorothea were born with the scars of their previous
lives as a curse as if they had put the brand of sin in their heads.
It would have been nice if this life had been a completely new life for
If that were the case, he would have been able to draw only beautiful
things on her life as white as white paper.
And he would have his name engraved in the place of Theon Fried.
I could have hugged her as much as I could, said I love her, kissed her,
and gave her a smile.
He quietly took her hand.
As his hand touched, the spirit stone that he had held in Dorothea's
hand shone brighter and brighter.
This is the second time he has given Dorothea the Spirit Stone.
Ethan wanted Dorothea to accept his devotion this time around.
“My only emperor, His Majesty. Climb up again.”
I hope that hope, not her greed, will bloom.


She was immediately called to Carnan.
Although the debut tang is not over yet, people's attention has
already been focused on Dorothea.
Carnan looked both embarrassed and angry.
“Were you able to handle spirits?”
he asked, raising his voice.
Dorothea didn't answer, and grabbed the spirit stone in her pocket.
It was the same for her that her thoughts were not organized.
“Dorothea Milanaire!”
Carnan called her again, pondering and not answering.
Dorothea opened her eyes at the loud noise.
“Why did you hide it?”
Carnan asked Dorothea.
“… … It is not hidden.”
“Then you mean that your power suddenly appeared today?”
Dorothea's mouth closed again at Carnan's question.
What should I say?

'Use me, Princess.'

Ethan's voice still lingered in his mind.

'If you have this spirit stone, you can borrow my power.'
The contractor is Ethan, but the Spirit Stone serves as a medium for
that power.
As long as she was close to Ethan, at least in the same lampas, she
could summon any number of spirits by borrowing his power through
the Spirit Stone.

'Forgive me for not giving sooner.'

Ethan apologized to her.

He thought early on that young Dorothea would pretend to be awake.
Because I wanted to justify it as soon as possible.
He thought about whether to pretend Dorothea was awakened in
front of Nereus or in the Countess Duncan's Salon.
However, when it is known that Dorothea has awakened, Carnan will
summon her to Lampas, and Ethan will no longer be able to support the
spirits by her side.
Even with the Spirit Stone, I can't help her in Lampas from afar in
Then, in the end, Carnan would suspect Dorothea, who could not
manifest her power again, and Dorothea would have suffered even

'I didn't want to make a single mistake.'

Meticulous, he waited patiently for the perfect time.

A place where Emperor Carnan and noble nobles can see with their
own eyes and believe in the power of Dorothea.
Where no one will doubt her power.
That was the debut Tangt.
Dorothea pondered the meaning of this power he had given him.
'Ethan wants to make me emperor again.'
Ethan whispered that if she had this power, she could become a
legitimate emperor.
Maybe it is.
The biggest reason Dorothea was pushed back by Raymond was
because she couldn't summon the spirit.
I don't deserve Milanaire.
But is it right to aim for the throne again?
Even if I deceive the world by deceiving the power of a spirit that is
not mine as if it were mine?
To become emperor, you have to defeat Raymond. He must be
demolished, dethroned from the throne and ascended.
'… … I can't.'
Even with the spirit of light, he did not have the courage to walk that
path again. He didn't want to hold the knife at Raymond anymore.
“Tell me, Dorothea.”
“… … I don’t even know what happened.”
Dorothea placed the Spirit Stone and stood upright.
"I do not know?"
Carnan's brow furrowed deeply.
“It happened all of a sudden without me knowing.”
Dorothea decided to humble herself.
Although she had never used the power of a spirit, she knew that the
power Ethan showed was much stronger than that of Carnon and Rey.
It was too dangerous to say that he had that power.
“Don’t worry, just show me.”
“Call the spirit again.”
Carnan looked at her with keen eyes, as if trying to test her.
It was an unfamiliar, very deep, deep interest to Dorothea.
Dorothea laughed to herself.
Since there is a spirit, your eyes change.
“I can’t, Your Majesty.”
is it coming?
Abandoning both her greed for the throne and her political greed,
she proudly shook her head.
Then, Carnan's brow wrinkled again.
“Just do what you did in your debut circle earlier.”
“I can’t, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea lowered her hand and looked at Carnan.
Carnan then closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her
“Focus all your attention.”
Karnan himself summoned the spirit and demonstrated.
Dorothea pressed her lips together to hold back her laugh.
Your Majesty the Great Emperor himself summons spirits for me. It
was something I could not have imagined.
“Your Majesty, is it important that I have the power of a spirit?”
Dorothea asked.
“After all, the prince is Raymond, and there is no need to use the
power of my spirit.”
Occasionally, I might be able to show it off as a member of the royal
family at an annual event, or attend a ceremony for the Light Spirit
But in the end, there is no place where the Spirit of Light is actually
Then Carnan looked at her with a cold expression.
“At least you won’t hear that Milanaire is over.”
“Milanaire is over… … ?”
“It is the sound of no need to listen to the sound of the declining
imperial family, the power of the spirits being cut off.”
Milanere, unable to summon spirits, was the point of collapse of the
great imperial family, the beginning of its destruction, and the origin of
its decline.
So Carnan was relieved.
It's not that he himself caused the end of Milanaire.
The child Alice gave birth to as she died is not the end of Milanaire.
“You wouldn’t want that either.”
Carnan stared at her with cold eyes.
As he said, Dorothea didn't want that.
But that's just the wind. Tragically, she came to the end of Milanaire.
After her death, the elemental sought a new contractor named Ethan
Milanaire was momentarily set aside by her.
Dorothea smirked involuntarily.
Carnan looked at Dorothea and wrinkled her eyebrows.
“Does this seem light-hearted to you?”
“… … Not at all.”
You are carrying this problem more heavily than anyone else in the
“If you know its weight, you will know just how important the power
of a spirit is.”
“… … .”
“From now on, let Raymond learn to manipulate the powers of the
spirits. As soon as possible, don't take too much of Raymond's time."
Carnan glanced at Dorothea, unanswered.
It was Dorothea who resembled Alice, but he couldn't read what she
was thinking.
“And I will move your palace to the palace of Lenascor.”
Carnan decided to move Dorothea from the most remote Palace of
Conberta to the new, wider and new Lenascor Palace.
The number of users will increase, and the drivers and wagons in
charge will also be upgraded.
“From now on, I will have to do my part as a proper Milanese.”
Proper Milanaire.
“All this time, I have been a poor Milanese.”
Carnan hardened her expression as if she had noticed the mistake at
that moment.
No, there is something to be said for making a mistake. It must be
"what I'm saying is."
“I understand the meaning of your Majesty.”
Dorothea stopped talking and bowed her head, pretending she didn't
know Carnon had opened her mouth.


As soon as she left after meeting Carnan, Raymond ran to her.
“What a surprise!”
He smiled broadly and hugged Dorothea tightly.
“I believed! I hope you have the power of spirits too! Dorothy,
He congratulated Dorothea several times in an excited voice. I was
so moved that I felt like my throat was choking.
Her power could be a threat to him, so how could he love him so
Dorothea couldn't laugh at his in initely pure and pure joy.
“Let go of this, Ray… … .”
“What do you say to His Majesty?”
“A deal to move my residence to Lenascor Palace.”
"what! That's great!"
Raymond was more than happy with his job.
Lenaskor Palace is one of several palaces used by Empress Alice, and
it is much larger, wider and more splendid than the place where
Dorothea is staying.
After Alice's death, Carnan left her palaces empty for a long time, and
Dorothea illed them.
“Dorothy, did you see the faces of the people when you summoned
the spirits earlier? Especially Nereus' expression. It was really cool.”
Raymond said he didn't know how excited he was to see Nereus'
wide open mouth.
“After you left, everyone was talking about you. Besides, you were
very strong. It’s incomparable to me.”
“… … Raymond. Let me tell you, I didn’t do it because I wanted to.”
Dorothea stopped walking and said to him.
Obviously, Ethan deliberately created the Spirit of Light. Brilliantly
and dramatically as to be seen by people.
Dorothea was worried that the power might provoke Raymond and
Carnan's suspicions.
If you misunderstand it as a political number trying to elevate your
position by displaying your overwhelming power... … .
“I know, Dorothy.”
“You looked very surprised.”
Raymond smiled and patted Dorothea's hair lightly.
“No need to worry.”
because I believe in you
His clear eyes spoke.
“… … You are worried.”
No matter how hard it is, the princess right under her has awakened
the power of the spirits, but it's so hard to let go.
“Ugh, of course not to worry! You wolves will run at you like crazy
now. There are a lot of dark-hearted people in the social world, so be
careful, Dorothy.”
Raymond stopped and looked back at her.
“You don't have to be so serious, Dorothy. I just got the power of a
spirit, that's all. Don’t make it complicated.”
He shrugged and smiled at Dorothea, who had hardened.
Then Dorothea found Ethan waiting in the distance.
“That guy… … .”
“Ray, I’ll talk to Ethan for a moment before I go in.”
“… … All right, Dorothy.”
Raymond looked at Ethan once and entered the ballroom where the
debutant was in progress.
As Raymond disappeared, Ethan cautiously approached her.
“Your Majesty… … .”
“Ethan. I do not intend to become emperor.”
Dorothea spoke irst.
Ethan's eyes luttered uncontrollably at him.
“But now the princess is also properly quali ied.”
Ethan grabbed her hand.
Now he could give Dorothea the power that tormented him for the
rest of his life.
She was able to repay the disrespect and contempt she had been
subjected to, and make everyone look up to her.
Now, even if she becomes the emperor, there will be no one to stand
in the way by arguing with legitimacy.
But Dorothea looked at him with calm eyes, as if she had already
made up her mind.
“Ethan, if you remember, you know. I don't deserve it.”
I have already caused many people to suffer once.
Raymond, Julia, Theon, many people, and even Ethan and Dorothea
and them.
But now, pretending not to know about it, closing your eyes, and
greedy for the throne again was unreasonable.
Then Ethan tried to convince her again.
“It was just one failure.”
Anyone can fail once in a while.
You can use failure as a nutrient for better success.
Now that she has all the conditions for success, she just has to move
on... … .
“I’m sorry, Ethan. The weight of the throne is too heavy for me now.”
Dorothea shook her head.
Thinking about the road I had to walk to become an emperor, and the
weight I had to bear after becoming an emperor, I felt like I was
It wasn't that I couldn't do it because of my conscience, but I didn't
have the courage to go down that road again.
Ethan saw Dorothea silently rejecting his wish.
In front of her saying she's sorry, what more can I say?
“… … I knew you would de initely want to become an emperor.”
Because it was like that in my previous life.
Because I was suffering from wanting to have the power of a spirit.
“I thought you would get this power and be happy.”
He was delighted that Dorothea had gained the power of the spirit,
and hoped that he would understand his heart.
But she turned down even the best gift he had prepared.
“… … It was all useless.”
He clenched his ists.
I thought I had done everything I could to give her, but even this was
not necessary for her.
What the hell was I going to give you?
what had to be done for you
Dorothea silently offered the Spirit Stone to him.
Knowing why he gave her the Spirit Stone, she had no choice but to
return it.
She won't listen to his wishes.
“Jung Ryong-seok… … .”
When Dorothea tried to return the Spirit Stone, Ethan shook his
“Someday you will need something.”
There was no need to get it back because it was a stone I found for
her anyway.
The fruit of his futile effort.
He wanted Dorothea to accept that one thing.
And if Ethan Bronte dies one day without leaving any blood, the right
to contract with Lux will pass to her.
As such, Dorothea's blood will become a source of great spirits.
“Because I’ve done such a big deal today, everyone is going to ask the
princess to show her the spirit.”
Ethan asked him to think of it as a revenge for what he had done.
Just then, the bell rang announcing the end of the debut circle.
It was the beginning of the banquet dinner.
Ethan calmly covered his face and smiled.
as if nothing had happened.
“Cake, you have to eat.”
He reached out to his debut partner.


When Raymond returned to his debut ball irst, Julia ran to him as if
“What about Theon?”
As soon as Raymond returned, he checked Theon's condition.
The sudden lights-out that occurred during the debut circle was due
to Theon.
Theon, who had been in poor condition since morning, could not
control the power of the spirit that was barely holding on to it and lost
“It’s okay now. It seems to have been resolved thanks to the spirit of
the princess earlier.”
Julia took Raymond to the place where Theon was.
Theon sat tiredly on an old chair on one side of the ball.
“Theon, are you okay?”
"Lay. sorry… … .”
Theon was sorry that he had caused a fuss.
I was trying to hold on until Raymond came, but the moment I saw
Dorothea in her debut circle, I might have relaxed for a while.
"no. Fortunately, not everyone is interested in it.”
“By the way, what about the princess? That spirit's power... … . Are
you really a princess?”
“Yeah, it wasn’t my and His Majesty’s strength.”
"then… … .”
“You said you were moving Dorothy's palace. to a better place. Maybe
someone else will be hired.”
Raymond said as he sat down next to Theon.
Then Julia and Theon looked at each other for a moment before
opening her mouth again.
“Are you okay, Ray?”
"me? what?"
“I don’t know much about the power of spirits, but the power of
Princess Dorothea seemed very strong.”
"right. You will be stronger than your Majesty and me combined.”
Raymond nodded.
Unlike him, who barely summons spirits by leaning on Milanaire's
faded blood, Dorothea's power was strong enough to remind him of the
irst Milanaire.
“So I mean… … .”
Julia hesitated, and Raymond laughed.
“Everyone is worried about me.”
"Of course. Not only me, but everyone gathered at the debut Tangte
is just talking about it.”
"I know what you're worried about, but you don't have to worry
about that, Julia."
“Are you sure that Princess Dorothea is not greedy, Rei?”
“No, I don’t know.”
Raymond shrugged.
The Dorothea he knew was always a cautious and cautious person,
but if he said that he had no desire for the throne at all, it didn't seem
like that.
Because she was always sensitive to Raymond's crown prince and
Carnon's emperor.
Besides, he is smart and has good abilities, so if he has the power of a
spirit, there is nothing strange about becoming an emperor.
“But how are you so carefree?”
Julia tilted her head and asked.
“I don’t know if Dorothy is greedy for the throne, but she knows my
heart well.”
“Your heart?”
At Julia's question, he only smirked.
“By the way, Theon, is it okay if I don’t help you now?”
Raymond turned around.
At that moment, the door to the ballroom that had been closed
opened again. The ballroom, which had been buzzing with the spirit
incident, became quiet in an instant.
It was the re-entry of Dorothea and Ethan.
At the beginning of their debut Tangte, the ballroom was quiet in
their position, but the current silence was quite different from that
Tension, not curiosity or interest.
But Dorothea and Ethan, unchanging, passed the ballroom without
looking at anyone, and stopped in the corner where they had been
The two didn't even talk to each other, they just stood there with a
somewhat subdued expression on their faces.
The nobles, who thought they would come in with excitement,
looked at the two men standing proudly with their mouths shut and
However, they did not have the courage to approach the quiet two
irst, so they were busy looking at each other.
And what broke that strange tension irst and crossed the line.
“It was a very lashy and wonderful debut, Princess.”
It was Nereus Pons.
“You know how to deal with spirits, and you’ve been hiding until
He was smiling, but it was clear that the judge had been twisted.
“It wasn’t hidden, it was an accident.”
“It’s an accident. He suddenly turned off all the lights and exploded
the spirit of light. It was really, really impressive. It was so bright that it
almost blinded my eyes?”
“… … .”
“The princess’s debut will probably be talked about from generation
to generation in the social world.”
Nereus said in a subtle tone that he couldn't tell whether he was
praising or sarcastic.
As he spoke, the other nobles also approached her, hoping that they
had the courage to do so.
“I don’t know if the princess knows how to handle spirits, so I may
have asked a rude question earlier.”
“After all, there’s no way the princess can’t handle spirits, so she’ll
surprise people with a surprise like this, haha!”
Some even apologized for being rude, others brazenly trusting her.
“What should I do if my debut circle is cut off in the middle… … . It
was just the princess’s turn to shine.”
“It was so beautiful to see the two of you dancing, please go up to the
circle and show it again.”
Her tone, which had been lightly slurred up until now, was now
dressed in humility and was busy paying attention to Dorothea's eyes.
They thought that changing colors as quickly as chameleons was not
rude or unconscionable, but lexible adaptation to social circles.
That might be correct.
Because it was a place where the enemies who drew their swords
quickly became a team, and the person they thought they would be
together for the rest of their lives struck the back of the head.
It's pathetic to expect a consistent attitude from them.
Then the dinner started and drinks and food were brought in.
“Then why don’t we even make a toast to Princess Dorothea?”
When Nereus stared at Dorothea and asked the nobles, everyone
turned to Raymond, who was on the other side.
The eyes begging for permission, asking if I can make a toast for
'Gee, that's what everyone really thinks.'
Raymond muttered inwardly as his gaze was focused on me.
People understood the relationship between Raymond and Dorothea
as a 'confrontation' as if they had made a promise.
Raymond smiled willingly for Dorothea and picked up a glass of wine.
The nobles cheered and applauded his permission.
In the midst of the noise, Ethan quietly looked at Dorothea.
People have sent congratulations and compliments for her all the
time, but she never spoke up.
She was watching the nobles quietly like a contemplative.
The nobles picked up a glass and illed it with wine, and Nereus
handed the cup to Dorothea.
Dorothea looked at Nereus quietly, and Nereus laughed.
“Everyone is congratulating the princess.”
In the end, Dorothea graciously accepted the cup.
Ethan also took the cup handed to him by the servant who was next
to him and looked at Dorothea's expression.
Obviously, she doesn't like this situation. This situation in which they
change their attitude in an instant and then try to sort things out on
their own.
This situation in which she hastily erased the bad memories she had
suffered and tried to cover it up with laughter as if those memories
were nothing.
“Princess, you are the main character of this toast, so please say
When Nereus smiled and offered a congratulatory speech, the people
nodded and waited for her to congratulate him.
Dorothea looked at the pretentious glass of wine in my hand and
“Everyone, thank you so much for celebrating my work as if it were
your own.”
She quietly took her glass and looked around the people.
"It's such a happy day, so drink only as much as you've ignored me
Having said that, Dorothea drank slowly.
The red wine slowly burned inside her lips, and disappeared without
a drop.
And when she put down her empty glass, people were staring at her,
Drink only as much as you neglected Dorothea.
If so, most of the teeth would be able to empty at least one glass, but
strangely, none of the glasses were emptied.
Dorothea smiled as she looked at the nobles, who were in despair.
"just joke. I didn’t expect everyone to be so bright and hardy.”
At that moment, laughter was heard next to Dorothea. Ethan had
been worried about her all the time.
“I will correct it. I wish you as much toast as you congratulate me.”
At Dorothea's words, the hardened atmosphere was inally relieved.
People all congratulated her and drank alcohol.
Ethan looked at her like that and quietly held out a plate of cake.
It was a cake that Poe made.
White whipped cream cherry, blueberry, strawberry and peach were
colorfully mixed.
“When did you get it?”
“As soon as the cake comes out. I kept the fruit in as many different
parts as possible.”
He also had tea in one hand.
I understand cake, but why tea?
Dorothea looked at his tea and he pointed to his still-empty glass.
“The congratulatory speech is so bland.”
“Ah, that… … .”
"just joke. I hate having alcohol on the cake. Can I get you a cup of tea,
Ethan burst out laughing at Dorothea, who was bewildered.
Dorothea nodded her head in relief.
But, quite by accident, Ethan didn't touch the glass until the end of
his debutante.


Even though the debut dance was not over yet, the news that
Dorothea had awakened the power of the spirits spread quickly.
The nobles who attended the debutantte had their servants deliver
the urgent news to their families.
And, of course, Dorothea's work spread to the Imperial Palace as fast
as light.
“Princess Dorothea?”
The knights in the Knights of Brilliance looked at Stefan as soon as
they heard the rumor.
There was no need for an escort driver for the Debutantante with a
separate guard, so he waited in the Imperial Palace until Dorothea's
ball was over.
“They are moving the palace to a bigger place. His Majesty the
Emperor himself ordered it.”
"Wow. You hit the jackpot, Sir Stefan.”
The knights said to Stefan with envy.
As Dorothea's status rises, it is obvious that Stefan's status will also
“After all, life is one shot. It’s easy to go down to the countryside and
get promoted right away like this.”
The voices of the knights grumbled in Stefan's ears.
Up until now, no one had applied for Dorothea's escort knight
position, and I had ridiculed him for keeping a hopeless, wretched
position, and now his position is comfortable.
Stefan didn't want to respond to them, so he kept his mouth shut and
just quietly took his sword.
Others envy him, but it made no difference to him.
As always, his job was to keep Dorothea's side.
If only there was something a little bit happy.
'The princess has the power of a spirit... … .'
That the person he serves will go to a better place. being recognized
by people.
Stefan wondered if a warm light would shine on her now.
He always wanted Dorothea to have a comfortable seat.
“Sir Stefan, but what do you mean by that? Did the princess have the
power of a spirit?”
On the other hand, Joey did not understand the situation yet and
It felt good to have the power of a spirit, but I didn't really feel it.
Just because she gains the power of a spirit, it doesn't mean that
Dorothea's personality suddenly changes or she becomes a completely
different person.
Also, something good happened to Dorothea, so why are there so
many unrelated articles?
“… … .”
Stefan looked at Joey quietly, as it was dif icult to accurately explain
the complex relationship.
“Okay, I’ll ask the maid Clara.”
With just Stephan's eyes, Joey knew what he was saying.
Then Stephan, who had been keeping his mouth shut for a while,
spoke up.
“To you too… … It will be a good day.”
“Oh, of course! Our princess is doing well! Anyway, I was thinking of
telling Poe to make an apple pie. We should have a celebration party!”
Joey gave a thumbs up.
'That's not it... … .'
Joey thought of this as just a happy thing to celebrate because
something good happened to Dorothea.
Even though she was still a servant, she didn't even know that maybe
she had a chance to be promoted to an of icial knight.
Stefan shut his mouth to explain a little more.
If you don't know, you don't have to expect anything.
Besides, he looks happy already, so Joey will be happy enough today.


After the debut, Dorothea got into the carriage with Ethan.
The noise of the glamorous and bustling debut tang faded away, and
soon only the sound of squeaking horses' hooves and the rattling of
wheels could be heard.
As things that had been disturbed by the noisy party calmed down
one by one, thoughts and emotions slowly moved to one place.
Dorothea to Ethan, Ethan to Dorothea.
However, the two did not speak for a long time.
Ethan looked at Dorothea sitting across from him.
Dorothea was looking at him with her red lips closed, as if she was
holding the words she wanted to say.
She still has a lot to say about the spirits and the past.
But she hesitated.
Ethan knew why.
So I couldn't talk to Dorothea, and I was silent in a space just for the
two of us.
But in the end you have to face it.
“Speak comfortably, Princess.”
Ethan opened the door irst.
Then Dorothea's lips opened heavily.
“… … "Actually, I resent you, Ethan."
Recalling the past that Ethan confessed in silence, emotions became
clearer one by one.
Ethan thought that the story would come out, so he quietly listened
to her complaint.
"If you hadn't hidden Theon's secret, it wouldn't have happened."
Even when she killed Raymond, he knew Theon's secret.
The darkness he encountered when he occasionally visited Theon's
room, and the way he was getting thinner every day, Ethan said was
due to his corporal disease.
The fact that he had cheated on her all his life, and everything that
happened because of it, confuses her.
If he didn't hide Theon's secret. There would have been no tragedy in
my past life.
“… … Why did you come here and tell me the truth?”
Dorothea wondered at the same time as he resented him.
He could have kept it a secret forever.
He could have lied that he discovered Theon's secret after Raymond
No, Ethan obviously should have done that.
Because he was a person who always made up his words to his
advantage and made people on his side.
Because I'm a person who doesn't dare to confess unfavorably.
Even if it was a mistake, too clumsy, too honest, embarrassed
Ethan looked at Dorothea, who had a question as big as resentment,
and parted his lips.
“Because I saw the princess crumble under the weight of that sin.”
Ethan said.
He didn't want to see her, who was withered day by day.
I couldn't have the con idence to see you again, who chose death
over life, suffering from the cries of the dead every night.
“I wanted you to know that it wasn’t the princess’s fault, that it was
all my fault that I killed Prince Raymond, and that I killed Theon Fried.”
He hoped that his sins would alleviate her sins.
So I hoped to forgive myself and live a life, not death.
He looked into Dorothea's trembling eyes and smiled bitterly.
He didn't really say it, but he knew vaguely.
Maybe today will be the last chance to be with Dorothea.
So, after the debut Tangte ended and I got on the carriage, this
suffocating silence might be foretelling the end.
“It’s not just the princess who has changed from the past.”
Just as Dorothea failed in the life of an emperor, so did Ethan fail in
the life of being loved by Dorothea.
Just as Dorothea killed Raymond and lost Theon, so he killed Theon
and lost Dorothea.
Therefore, just as Dorothea gave up the life of the emperor, he could
also give up the seat next to Dorothea.
for Dorothea.
“If you want to save the princess, you have to save Theon Fried irst.”
he knew
As he confesses his sins, Dorothea will have a chance to capture
Dorothea could now impart the power of light to Theon, who was
being engulfed by the power of darkness.
“With the power I gave, the princess will be able to keep Theon Fried
by her side.”
Now Theon will need Dorothea, and will never die of hating
And Dorothea will live happily.
Theon Fried gave a smile that Ethan Bronte couldn't.
Destined to love Dorothea by giving up on Dorothea.
So, today's debut tang was nothing but the last time given to him.

'It's my motto to give your partner the most memorable prom.'

He greeted her in the most beautiful appearance he could be.

Not only because of the power of the spirit, I wish you even a little bit
of happiness on the last day you hold his hand.
I hope that the time we danced with him, the time we talked with
him, and the day we were not ignored by the nobles will be a little
"and… … You don't need to worry at all. I will stay as long as the
princess can borrow my power with the Spirit Stone.”
So that Dorothea can use the spirit's power whenever she needs it.
He had already told the Bronte and his wife that they would stay in
Lampas for a long time.
So, if Dorothea needs a spirit, whether in front of Carnan or the
nobles, or for Theon, she will be able to use it.
“So, even if you resent it, please allow me to deliver the princess to
the end today.”
Because she'll have no choice but to watch Theon go up in her next
Ethan smiled as always.
Dorothea looked at Ethan like that.
“Really… … .”
Ethan was cunning.
The past, which he had been pondering all along, is blurred in front of
his pitiful smile.
I must have hated him, but then I couldn't hate him.
Just then, the wagon arrived at its destination.
Ethan irst got off the carriage and reached out to Dorothea.
She paused for a moment, and Ethan smiled as pretty as ever.
“Everyone’s escort, please don’t read it with a black heart.”
Dorothea, realizing that she was too vigilant, took his hand and got
out of the carriage.
Ethan's hand released her very slowly.
“… … Please have a good night.”
He bid farewell to Dorothea's last appearance with sincerity.
And he smiled softly as if nothing happened.
“… … Go in carefully.”
Dorothea politely greeted Ethan and headed to the Palace of
I wondered if Ethan was still watching, but she didn't.


When she arrived in front of the Conberta Palace, Clara and Stefan
were waiting for her.
Judging from the look on his face, it was as if he had already heard
the news about the spirit.
Clara greeted Dorothea with a voice one tone higher than usual.
“How was your debut?”
“It was ine.”
There was so much going on, but I couldn't explain it.
Dorothea headed inside with the two of them.
By the way.
“Congratulations on your debut, Princess!”
As soon as I opened the front door and entered, small irecrackers
exploded and pollen lew.
Dorothea blinked in surprise, and the people waiting at the front
door smiled broadly.
Po was standing in the middle, holding an apple pie, and Joey was
excitedly shaking the board that read 'Celebration Debut' in the writing
he was used to.
“Princess, I also heard about the spirits!”
“How is it that, without us even knowing it, he treats spirits like
crazy… … !”
They rejoiced in Dorothea's debut as if it were their own job.
Dorothea looked at it and inally burst out laughing.
Today's day was too long and I was tired, and I wanted to run to bed
right away, but there were people who greeted me when I returned
home, so I forgot the fatigue.
“It’s late, but everyone is not resting.”
“How are you resting? It's the princess's wonderful debut day, but we
have to wait!"
On a good day like this, he shouted that he couldn't sleep early.
She was excited to pick the wine she had previously given her as a
celebratory drink.
It was a little strange.
It is the same for the nobles of the Debutant and the Converta Palace
people to celebrate with more excitement in other people's work, so
why are you feeling relaxed and happy now?
“Did you bake the apple pie tonight?”
Dorothea looked at Poe's shiny apple pie and asked.
Po's apple pie had sliced apples on top in the shape of a lower, and
the shape looked just like a bouquet of lowers.
Poe was now a patissier good enough to open a shop.
“I heard that the princess has good news. Chef Reniè re told me to
bake it.”
Poe smiled softly with a face that had not yet fully fallen out of his
“Princess, don’t do this, go inside and eat.”
Surrounded by people, all Dorothea ate from lunch to dinner today
was a glass of celebratory wine and a piece of cake Ethan had brought
Dorothea went with the people to the large parlor table.
Reniè re brought some more cheese and biscuits to accompany the
wine, and Clara brought a few bottles of wine 'Dorothea Milanaire'.
When simple foods were brought up on the table, it became a small
but quite plausible prize.
Dorothea glanced at the table in front of her.
The tables were assorted, but the chairs next to the wide table were
Only Dorothea sits alone at the table.
She looked at the empty chairs for a moment and then turned her
“Everyone sit down.”
Dorothea spoke to the people standing around her.
Then all the people of Conberta Palace looked at her with a puzzled
“Are we?”
Do you want me to gossip with the princess? It is against the royal
Besides, the Dorothea they knew liked to eat alone.
It was extremely rare to eat at the same table with other people, and
it was very inconvenient when we had to eat together due to a social
Even when eating with the nearby Raymond and Theon, the amount
of food was reduced by half because of something uncomfortable.
But what if she puts people around the table and eats? Servants who
are not even nobles?
“… … no?"
Dorothea looked at the people with their eyes wide open without
saying a word, and asked, in a sudden dismay.
'Oh, is it uncomfortable to sit with me?'
I just wanted to sit down, so I suggested it, but I thought it might be
dif icult for the person serving it, so I thought it was okay.
“No, it’s not that I hate it, but how dare we do it with the princess… …
“It feels like I’m celebrating by myself, so I want someone to be with
Dorothea turned to the empty front seat.
Actually, I've been thinking about it from time to time. When you eat
alone at a large table, it would be nice if someone could sit down and
eat with you.
It seemed like it was nothing, but suddenly I had a thought.
That didn't mean he wanted to eat with Carnan or sit with
uncomfortable social aristocrats.
A little more comfortable, friendly, and the people she likes gather…
… A friendly table that you can only see in a book.
At that moment, Joy raised her hand, pulled out her chair and sat
down right next to Dorothea.
Clara and the others were terri ied, but Joey didn't mind.
“Po, sit down too!”
Joey gestured and pulled out the chair next to me.
“Sister, that’s against the law… … .”
Poe, who studied the royal law diligently, was restless when he saw
Joy's actions.
“But the princess told me to sit down. It is better to listen to the
above. Besides, when we were young, we even ate together with the
When I was in Cerritian, on the irst day I entered the private palace,
Dorothea sat down and ate with me, saying that she would teach me
table manners.
“So it’s okay.”
When Joey tapped the chair, the grapes couldn't resist any longer and
sat down on the chair.
Dorothea thought that Joy had a sense of humor at times like this.
One by one, under Joy's initiative, they sat around the table, and
inally, Stefan sat down.
Then the empty table illed with people.
Just the scenery alone made my heart warm and it felt like it was
Dorothea took a knife and cut the pie like a cake.
The pie was cut softly with the sound of a crisp, thin crust cracking.
A slice was removed and transferred to a plate, and the cubes of
candied apples inside spilled out among the savory buttery pastries.
Dorothea cut the pie according to the number of people gathered and
spread it out on a plate.
After pouring wine with Joy's colorful celebration panel next to it, it
felt like a small but pretty party table.
It felt much better to make a place like this than a prom.
“Thank you for congratulating me on my debut.”
“Congratulations on your debut!”
At Dorothea's cheeky greeting, the crowd raised their wine glasses
and shouted.


Dorothea came into the room slightly drunk.

Tired, she lay lat on the bed.
Then, a hard lump caught on her waist.
As I searched for the source of the stuttering pain, I found a black
pocket in my hand.
"ah… … .”
Dorothea gently opened her pocket.
A cobblestone-sized spirit stone of light was shining softly in the
black pocket.
As she lay on the bed, she took out the spirit stone and looked up at
the ceiling.
The mysterious stone, which is transparent like a diamond and
shining like a luminous pearl, showed off its presence in a dark room.
'It's like a dream.'
Too many things happened today.
It was too much to review and organize in one night.
When I closed my eyes and opened my eyes, everything that
happened today seemed to have happened.
Dorothea, who was quietly looking at the stone, rubbed the stone
with her inger.
Light spread from the spirit stone where her will was transmitted.
The spirit stones, which gave off a soft light like a glow-in-the-dark
drink, immediately shone brightly as if a candle had been lit, and
summoned the spirits of light one by one.
Dorothea stared blankly at the spirits loating in the dark room.

'Proper Milanaire... … .'

This little stone contained so much.

The power that Ethan gave, the light that would become strength to
Should I use this power as an excuse to approach Theon and be
I just managed to sort out all my feelings for Theon.
'Why now? … .'
Don't even give me a chance.
The spirit stone shone as if testing her.
I couldn't decide if the slight intoxication had made my head hazy.
'… … Is Ethan okay?'
I pretended to be shy and smiled, but there's no way it'll be okay.
I even turned back time for her and even gave her a spirit stone.
'You were really weak, Ethan Bronte.'
How do you make people worry like this?
If this is what he calculated and acted, it seemed right to be deceived.
'How are you sorry? someone just like me... … .'
Dorothea sighed.
Then the spirits lew around her and sparkled.
“Don’t comfort me on a topic that has never come to me before.”
Dorothea got grumpy for nothing, drove out the spirits and put the
spirit stone in her pocket.


After seeing Dorothea to the front of the Imperial Palace, Ethan

headed to the villa of Lampas owned by the duke.
He felt as if he were walking in a fog.
He unbuttoned the shirt of his tailcoat in frustration.
I don't need a straight Ethan Bronte anymore.
In the end, it had to be like this.
When he irst returned, he thought Dorothea would have no memory
of the past.
Returned alone, Dorothea would know nothing, so this life will give
him a chance.
He'll have his seat next to her.
But he realized when he met her in Cerritian, and there was Fried's
handkerchief at the top of her bed.
He will never have a chance in this lifetime.
She tried to approach her several times, but in the end her gaze
always turned to Theon Fried.
A boiling jealousy, but a feeling that must be thrown away.
'Theon... … I am myself.'

How can you keep her from saying that from Theon Fried?
It would be a lie if I said I didn't even have any hope.
He also thought that time might make Theon forget and give him a
That was the reason why I had just given the Spirit Stone to
I told Dorothea that I was late because I was waiting for a certain
time... … .
'Actually, I didn't want to give.'
The day I give her the Spirit Stone will be a day of farewell for him.
And now that the Spirit Stone has been handed over to her,
everything he can do is over.
Before long, he had reached the mansion owned by the Duke of
"ha… … .”
He let out a deep sigh.
Inside will be the Bronte and Jonathan.
I won't leave him alone over today's affairs.
Ethan paused outside the mansion for a while, choosing his
After taking a deep breath, he opened the door heavily and went
inside, forgetting to re-button his shirt.
As soon as he entered, the Duke and Duchess of Bronte ran towards
“Edan, did you and the princess do well today?”
They brought up Dorothea before they even welcomed him.
The Brontë s were not debutants and did not come down to the
Debutantte ball, but they also stopped by today's ball to keep an eye on
young politicians.
“How did you and the princess talk a lot?”
“To be a partner with the princess, you are very proud!”
They put Ethan in front of the door and burst into excitement.
“… … I am a little tired.”
Ethan said softly in response to the pouring questions.
Seeing Ethan's exhaustion, the Duke and Duchess quickly pulled
away from him.
“Oh, yes. just don't do it Come on up.”
The peacocks looked at him and nodded their heads.
Ethan left the two behind and went upstairs.
And when he went upstairs, he found Jonathan waiting in front of the
Ethan sighed as he fully unbuttoned his vest.
"I wish?"
As he approached the door, Jonathan stopped him.
“Get out of the way, brother.”
“You don’t call me the master anymore, do you? It was very big.”
“… … I told you to stay away.”
“You put the princess on your back and now you’re arrogant to the
Ethan closed his eyes for a moment and caught his breath as
Jonathan continued to ight.
Perhaps Jonathan was also very upset. I didn't like that he was going
to debut or that he became a partner with the princess, but today
Dorothea got so much attention.
However, Ethan was too tired to take his breath away from him.
“I understand why you are like this, but can we talk again
“You, don’t worry about today. okay? It won't change your life if you
do it once with the princess and partner."
Jonathan slapped his chest hard and warned him.
In the end, Ethan could not stand it and opened his mouth.
“… … Don't be fooled by the fact that the older brother is also Bronte's
enemy. If there is nothing else to offer, then we have to protect it.”
“What, what… … ?”
“You have to take good care of yourself. Be especially careful with
To Jonathan, who had only a year left to die from a fall, Ethan gave a
modest warning.
“What did you say to me now?”
“Before you call your parents, get out of the way, bro.”
"this… … !”
“It’s time to learn that if you hit me, the arrow will go back to you.”
Ethan didn't move an eye, even with Jonathan's raised hand.
Downstairs is the Duke and his wife.
Whether slapped or punched, Ethan was ready to call them right
Ethan stared at Jonathan quietly as he grinded his teeth and lowered
his hand.
As Ethan waited quietly, he pulled out of the way.
Ethan left Jonathan clenching his ists behind and slowly entered the
With the help of a servant, he took off his cramped tailcoat and
washed his tired body with warm water.
He tried to wash away these complicated worries together in water.
Now, what should I do?
It seems that this part of my life has ended with this.
regret came
I'd rather try to charge Dorothea.
I thought I'd force myself to hold on to it.
But Ethan Bronte was a coward.
What if his coercive behavior makes Dorothea unhappy again?
What if you ruin the girl who still loves Theon Fried?
Again... … What if I become Dorothea's slayer?
Ethan buried his distorted face in his hands in pain.
Even in two lives, he cannot ind love.
Then, a familiar sensation woke him up.
He had never summoned a spirit, but somewhere he felt the spirit
moving against his will.
'Dorothea... … ?'
It was a strange feeling from the spirit stone.
Ethan opened his distorted face and focused on Dorothea's presence,
which he could feel indirectly.
Although something was not clearly formed, I could feel that
Dorothea was calling the spirits.
Did they get in safely and show off the power of the spirits to the
people of the palace?
My heart, which had just collapsed, is beating violently, signaling that
I am alive.
He tenaciously pursued the strange sensation of being with her.
Does Dorothea feel me?
It seemed like he was spying on Dorothea, but he was excited and
couldn't pretend he didn't know.
But not long after, Dorothea's senses suddenly disappeared.
'no… … .'
He reached out to grab hold of a sensation he couldn't grasp.
Dorothea disappeared like a mirage.
he bit his lip.
But the fact that his power was connected with Dorothea gave me
comfort to live.


“Your Majesty, the Duke of Bronte has arrived.”

Carnan got up and walked towards the living room sofa.
Soon the door opened and the Duke and Duchess of Bronte and their
two sons entered.
Carnan's attention was drawn to one of the four.
Adviser Robert also swallowed dry saliva, unable to take his eyes off
the man standing behind him.
A beautiful young man who brightens up a room just by being there.
'A closer look reveals that the rumors are true... … .'
Carnan immediately recognized that he was Ethan Brontham, who
had become Dorothea's debut partner.
On the day of his debut, he looked great even when he sat in a high
seat upstairs and looked only from afar.
Leading Dorothea with her long limbs and dancing skillfully, she
stood out even in a ballroom full of people.
But when he looked up close, the aura he had seen from afar was
I wondered how great his face would be so famous that even the
emperor's ears could hear it.
But it wasn't just her beauty that drew her eyes.
'How can a person who is not yet 20 years old create such an
Despite his lowly origin, Ethan seemed calm and relaxed, without
showing any dismay in front of the emperor. That didn't mean it was
cocky or vulgar.
'It's not an ordinary bet.'
Was this guy Dorothea's partner?
I never approached it with a pure heart.
Carnan looked at Ethan.
“Greetings, Your Majesty. This is our eldest son, Jonathan Bronte, who
graduated from Episteme this time.”
It wasn't until the Duke of Bronte introduced Jonathan that he
pushed forward, and Carnan and Robert looked away from Ethan.
“Greetings, Your Majesty.”
Jonathan was polite to Carnan with a reminded but tense look.
Carnan looked at him and thought.
After all, it's normal for the average person to be nervous like
Jonathan and barely use the manners learned in the etiquette class.
“I will become a reliable singer of Bronte.”
Carnan was greeted with the usual compliments.
After Jonathan's greetings were inished, the Duke of Bronte blinked
at Ethan.
Then Ethan politely stepped forward.
Even though he had not walked a few steps, Carnon could see that
Ethan's gait was quite 'learned'.
Did he even receive strict etiquette training to hide his laws?
“And this is Bronte’s second son, Ethan Bronte.”
When the Duke introduced Ethan, Ethan greeted him as if he was the
norm in a etiquette textbook.
“It is an honor to be invited to such a precious place, Your Majesty.”
Carnan looked at Ethan with a stricter expression than he had seen
Even without going to Episteme, a more digni ied greeting and
attitude than Jonathan.
At irst glance, his conduct was as good as his appearance.
“… … Did you make your debut partner with Dorothea?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Did you know Dorothea?”
“When the princess was staying in Cerritian, we got close and met
“How often?”
“We don’t see each other regularly, but I think we saw each other
about four times a month.”
Carnan's brow wrinkled slightly.
four times a month? Doesn't that mean we met almost once a week?
He glanced at the Duke of Bronte.
To bring a son from a bad background close to Dorothea.
In a way, the peacock's investment was a success.
“Then, were you close with Dorothea?”
“Could you dare to tell me that you are close? It was just that the
princess gave her time with an open mind. I also just wanted to give a
little bit of joy to the princess who lives alone.”
Ethan answered in a calm, trusting voice.
“It gives me pleasure… … ? It sounds like Dorothea liked being with
“Because you need a friend from time to time.”
Despite Carnan's pressure, Ethan responded politely, without
showing any sign of reluctance.
Carnan frowned slightly at Ethan's reaction.
As far as he knows, Ethan Bronte spent most of her childhood in the
Even after making his face in the social world, he never left the
This is the irst time he has climbed Lampas and is the irst to attend
the Imperial Palace and the Emperor.
Usually, such people, regardless of age, were prone to trembling and
Being careful as if stepping on thin ice for fear of making a mistake,
looking at his eyes, there were many occasions where he struggled to
even pass the car through his throat.
However, Ethan answered his questions comfortably and kindly, as if
he were a close friend, without showing any signs of fear or
Just like the old public servants who have rotted and rotted for
decades in the social world.
Of course, because they were younger than them, there was a humble
and fresh atmosphere.
'I need to be careful.'
Carnan thought.
“Your Majesty, please sit comfortably and talk.”
Meanwhile, as soon as Robert came in, he stood at the door and
stopped Carnan from sacri icing Ethan with questions.
It was because he was anxious to see a young man being pressured
at the door, even in his eyes.
He escorted Carnan and his guests to the reception sofa, and then
brought them refreshments.
However, Carnan did not take his eyes off Ethan even after moving.
He took a slow sip of the tea, then looked at the Duke of Bronte and
Ethan, as if sifting through them.
"If you've been close to Dorothea in Cerritian, you wouldn't know."
Carnan put down her teacup and opened her mouth.
“Did Dorothea ever manifest the power of a spirit in Cerritian?”
At that, the Duke looked at Ethan and opened his mouth irst.
“Won’t the subordinates who went to the detached palace know
“It’s because everyone didn’t know, either they had no idea, or they
really didn’t know.”
“I was surprised because I didn’t know anything about it.”
“Ethan Bronte, how about you?”
Carnan quietly looked at Ethan like a newspaper, with his interlaced
hands resting on his lap.
Then Ethan lowered his gaze obliquely, as if recalling his memories
for a moment, and opened his mouth.
“As far as I can remember, I have never seen the princess wield a
spirit. It was my irst time to debut.”
Carnan's eyes narrowed at the clear and relaxed voice without
Carnan, who had never asked the same question, gave me another
chance to answer.
He remembered Ethan Bronte when he debuted.
When Dorothea's light spread out from the darkness, the face that
looked at Dorothea with a smile as if she knew it already.
“How can you tell a lie before His Majesty the Emperor?”
“If you are bold, you can do it.”
Carnan pushed him, but Ethan's lips didn't show a look of
embarrassment, but a smile.
“As a friend and Servant of Princess Dorothea Milanaire when I was a
child, I am just happy that the power of the spirit that the princess
longed for has been awakened.”
Like a cat navigating through a narrow gap, he lexibly answered
Carnon's questions.
Carnan was still concerned about his attitude, but didn't ask any
further since there was no evidence.
“Heh heh, that’s right, Your Majesty. I don't know how close Princess
Dorothea was with Ethan while she was in Cerritian. At that time,
neither the princess nor Ethan were close friends to each other.”
The Duke actively appealed to the relationship between Ethan and
Wasn't Ethan actively investing in Dorothea for this purpose?
Didn't he take Ethan to parties and social gatherings, despite the
Duchess's resistance to impress Dorothea!
I invested in Dorothea from such an early age, but I couldn't be
deprived of a position close to other nobles when I came to Inje.
“As you may have heard, during her stay in Cerritian, the Princess
always refused to visit other young girls and young people, but Ethan
would call Ethan to the private palace to spend time together.”
Even the Duchess, who was reluctant to let Ethan out of this position,
smiled and nodded at the Duke's side.
Jonathan, who was sitting next to him, looked at Ethan, who had
captured the emperor's and Bronte's attention, and bit his teeth tightly.
Ever since he met Carnan, he has been like a sack of barley.
'Didn't you come to introduce me!'
Jonathan is here today with excitement.
Meeting with Carnan was a very important event for him, who had
just graduated from Episteme.
He thought that the duke had prepared this place for him as he was
about to enter of ice in earnest.
An opportunity to put a stamp on the emperor and ind out what
kind of position he will take in the future.
He had expected his father to give me praises and recommendations
before His Majesty the Emperor.
However, until his teacup was emptied three times, Carnan and the
Duke were preoccupied with Ethan alone.
Tickling, Jonathan, somewhat nervously, placed the empty teacup on
the coaster.
Then the Duchess secretly tapped him on the thigh.
To put down a teacup aloud in front of His Majesty the Emperor!
Although he didn't say it, Jonathan was even more angry at the bitter
He made eye contact with the Duchess and patted his chest.
'Aren't you supposed to take care of me!'
I'm the eldest son of Bronte, and he only cares about that kid because
he seduced a princess with a half face!
Only then did the Duchess realize that she had made Jonathan wait
too long.
“Great, His Majesty the Emperor. And our Jonathan is just as good
and reliable as Ethan.”
Mrs. Bronte cleared her throat and belatedly turned her attention to
“This time I graduated from Episteme.”
“Were you the same age as the Crown Prince?”
“No, I am older than you.”
“You are late for graduation.”
At Carnan's words, the Duchess and Jonathan's faces froze.
“I think it’s because everyone has a little more leisure time after
graduating from episteme.”
What was delayed by failing the graduation exam, the Duchess
worked hard to wrap it up.
“I look forward to serving Your Majesty with great care, and as
Bronte’s next head of state, I would like to gain a lot of experience in
Lampas… … !”
"I can't stand it," Jonathan said with courage.
Then, Carnan's blue eyes turned coldly towards Jonathan.
“Lampas is not a training camp for the next Californian in Bronte.”
“… … !”
At Carnan's cold reaction, Jonathan's face lushed red.
Then Ethan, who was next to him, smiled a little and drank tea
Jonathan, who was embarrassed in front of Ethan, bit his teeth
tightly, but could not open his mouth in front of Carnon.


The Bronte family came out after Carnan's audience was over.
“Great, Ethan.”
The Duke smiled as he patted Ethan on the shoulder, who had
successfully impressed the Emperor.
Ethan looked the happiest among the dukes he had ever seen.
“It’s thanks to the two of you who cared for me.”
Ethan said with a pretense smile and turned his gaze to Jonathan
next to him.
He must have been very dissatis ied with his recent audience, so he
was staring at Ethan with a hardened expression on his face.
'After graduating from Episteme, it's time to get pretty excited, but
it's a shame.'
Ethan thought so and smiled at Jonathan as well.
“Thank you too, brother. Thanks to you, I also came to Lampas.”
Jonathan's face was only getting more wrinkled.
“By the way, Ethan, do you know how much you insisted on going to
Lampas when you were young?”
“Am I?”
Ethan pretended not to know what the Duke said.
“I don’t know if Jonathan was envious of going to Episteme, or if it
was strange that I went to and from the Islands, but I said that I wanted
to go to Lampas when I was young.”
The peacock remembered a long time ago. Then the Duchess smiled
and nodded her head.
“I cried and begged you to send me to Episteme, so I had no choice
but to give you permission.”
Ethan nodded slowly.
A childhood when Dorothea did not come down to Cerritian. He had
asked the Bronte several times with the intention of meeting Dorothea.
He said it was his only wish that he would not be choosy, and he shed
tears and murmured like a child.
Thanks to that, at the age of eight, he was able to leave for Lampas to
take the Episteme exam.
Unfortunately, on the way up to Lampas, there was a wagon accident,
which left him with a broken leg.
Being late for the Episteme exam schedule and being physically
injured, he had to come back down to Cerritian before he could even
reach Lampas.
“I couldn’t pass the exam at that time, so I was depressed for almost
a year and it hurt how much my heart hurt. You acted as if the world
had fallen.”
“How good it is that you came to the Rampas you wanted when you
grew up like that.”
Ethan quietly nodded at the Duke's laugh. The Duchess then opened
her mouth, gently pushing Ethan to stand by Jonathan's side.
“Ethan debuted and Jonathan graduated, and now that we are both
grown-ups, we should not ight and get along well.”
said the Duchess, putting the two of them together.
No matter how much they ight, the only place they can lean on is the
brothers, so we need to help each other and lead the Bronte family well.
'You dream too big, my mother.'
Ethan thought as he answered the Duchess's words with a smile.
She is counting.
The eldest son and her son, Jonathan, will of course become head of
the Bronte family. And Ethan Bronte will marry the princess and
become a member of the imperial family.
In that case, Ethan, who had a connection with the imperial family,
could become a strong support force for Jonathan.
But it could be.
Just by looking at Jonathan's face, who is quelling his anger because
he couldn't spit out swear words, the answer would come.
'I don't think so either. … … I can't.'
He iddled with the brooch in his pocket.
His gaze involuntarily turned to the east.
Conberta Palace with Dorothea.
I came all the way to the Imperial Palace, and it was a pity to go back
without seeing her face once.
"Oh oh! Princess Dorothea Milanaire!”
The Duke of Bronte called Dorothea in a loud voice.
Ethan turned his head like instinct and followed the peacock's gaze.
As he said, Dorothea was there.
As soon as I saw her face, I could barely breathe.
But, paradoxically, my heart was suffocating.
While Ethan was frozen on the spot, the Duke stepped forward and
approached Dorothea.
“Duke of Bronte… … .”
“I was just about to say hello to the princess! Oh, our Ethan is also
The Duke motioned for Ethan to come quickly and say hello to
Ethan made eye contact with Dorothea.
“… … Hello, Princess Dorothea.”
“Hello, Ethan.”
After greeting her, Ethan didn't know what to say.
To Dorothea, he pretended to inish the inal end calmly, but he was
not con ident to face Dorothea. And obviously Dorothea would be
uncomfortable with him.
As the two of them looked awkwardly at each other, the Duke of
Bronte opened his mouth with a recalled voice.
“Where did you go from the princess?”
“The Crown Prince asked to see us for a while, so we were on our
“Haha, you two are really close. Since the two members of the
Imperial Family are so friendly, isn’t it a blessing for Ubera?”
“Not very, very close.”
Dorothea replied indifferently.
Even with her words that sounded like a joke, Ethan's mouth was dry.
The Duke of Bronte looked at the frozen Ethan and chuckled.
“A guy who did well in front of the Emperor, becomes a suk-maek in
front of the Princess!”
Perhaps he thought he was shy in front of the woman he liked, the
Duke of Bronte patted Ethan on the shoulder and smiled.
“Come to think of it, our Ethan wanted to see the princess a lot. If it's
okay today, could you take some time... … .”
Ethan hastily stopped the Duke of Bronte.
Of course, he wanted to see Dorothea, but he never spoke to or
teased the Duke.
He is making up pretentious words in order to somehow connect
with the princess.
I didn't even know it would put the two of them in trouble.
Ethan still had a hard time talking to Dorothea with a smile. And
surely Dorothea would want to talk to him... … .
"like. I just had a story I wanted to tell. With Ethan.”
Ethan's eyes widened in response to Dorothea's question.
“Haha, I thought you would.”
The Duke laughed out loud and tapped Ethan's shoulder.
Unspoken pressure to get along with Dorothea.
“The princess seems to only want us, Ethan, so let’s go back for a
while. My wife and I have to go back to Cerritian soon.”
“Yes, you have come a long way to Lampas. May you rest in peace and
die safely.”
At Dorothea's greeting, the Bronte and Jonathan greeted each other
and left.
Ethan looked at the back of the Duke of Bronte and then turned his
gaze back to Dorothea.
“Princess, what my father just said… … .”
“Yes, Princess.”
“Let’s go in and talk.”
Dorothea quietly took the lead, and Ethan followed her without a
Ethan had always known about Dorothea, but now he had no idea
what she was going to say.
The two did not speak at all until they reached the Palace of
The only thing he could hear was a muttering noise as he followed
“Look over there! It’s Ethan Bronte!”
“The master of the Bronte family?”
It was the same when entering Dorothea's palace.
The servants who served Dorothea from Cerritian's private palace
could not keep their mouths shut when they saw his mature
"Unbelievable! You have grown so perfectly!”
“Oh my God, are you more handsome?”
Dorothea didn't con irm that Ethan was following, but people's
reactions indicated he was following well.
On the other hand, Ethan looked at Dorothea's back with a irm
expression, even in a situation where he would be delighted with the
people's hospitality.
He nervously touched the brooch inside his jacket pocket.


Dorothea arrived at the drawing room and looked at Ethan who was
following him.
“Sit down, Ethan.”
Dorothea sat irst on the parlor sofa, and Ethan sat across from her.
Clara gave them tea and light snacks for them.
“I have something to talk to Ethan for a second.”
At Dorothea's words, Clara and Stephan retreated out of the drawing
As the people retreated, the parlor became so quiet that even the
sound of dust lying could be heard.
Ethan sat still, like a man waiting for orders, not holding a teacup.
Every minute and every second piled up like a heavy pendulum and
weighed on my heart.
Sitting across from him, Dorothea ruled his time, sitting still and
It was he who turned the clock back on Dorothea's life, but it was
Dorothea who made his clockwork turn again.
Whether this time will be joy or sorrow, exactly when that moment
will come upon him.
Only the woman who is silent in front of him knows it.
In the horror of ignorance, the only world he could see was Dorothea
His world opened his mouth after he swallowed a sip of hot white
steaming tea.
His name was called out of her mouth, and the time that had stopped
in silence began to low again.
“I always thought this second life was my punishment.”
Her voice lowed in along with the small sound of setting the teacup
She de ined her life and her time as well.
The times he wanted to present for her, punishment.
“It was always painful. Why am I the only one who came back with
memories? Why can't Reina Theon remember the past? … … How come
I don't even have a chance of atonement?"
Dorothea said to Ethan.
The sin of losing a place to pray for a mistake caught her by the ankle
like a prisoner's shackles.
And every time she ran towards happiness, she asked, hanging heavy
on her ankles.
Do you deserve to be happy, who made so many people unhappy?
Ugly, do you deserve to be loved?
In front of that question, Dorothea was never con ident, and in the
end, she stayed in place, unable to take off her shackles.
I thought I had to endure this life. With a single thought that I will pay
for my sins and put everything right.
Ethan forced his expression to collapse at those words.
Were all his efforts to make her happy in vain?
He just wanted to give her a new life.
I just wanted to give her wings, who had to fall because there were no
spirits, and send her back to her dream. And if I was a little more
greedy, I just wanted to be with him.
But Dorothea is his love, his hard work... … called punishment. no
different from the previous life.
Ethan clenched his teeth and tried to bear the pain of his crushed
Dorothea looked at Ethan like that.
“But now I have a different opinion.”
Dorothea's voice came in a different temperature.
Ethan raised his eyes slowly with fear.
Dorothea was looking at him. and she told him
“This life was your chance.”
Boom, her words resonated in his darkened heart.
Obviously, there were many days when Dorothea had to swallow her
tears after returning.
I wanted to die again, and I felt resentful every day.
But now he seemed to know.
This life is a new opportunity prepared by Ethan.
It's a chance to know Raymond's sincerity, save Theon, and protect
loved ones like Stefan and Clara, Joy and Poe.
At her words, Ethan's heart throbbed and warmed. He bit his
trembling lips, holding on not to be swayed by his emotions.
But eventually.
“… … Thanks, Ethan.”
At her words, he lowered his head and covered his face with his
hands. She tried to hide her tears in front of Dorothea, but she couldn't
even cover her trembling shoulders.
I have to hide
Frustration that the most attractive gift I could offer, the 'spirit', was
no longer needed for her.
Pain as if my sins had killed Dorothea, who dreamed of becoming an
The pain of realizing that my life, devotion, and love were all wrong.
Still, the foolishness of having hope in her words.
Don't let Dorothea ind out about all of that.
She wouldn't love or care about my ugly feelings.
Then, a warm arm wrapped around his trembling shoulder.
A familiar scent lowed into his tears. And her voice whispering in
my ear.
"I'm really sorry."
Dorothea hugged Ethan and said.
In the end, he couldn't hide his tears and poured them down on her
It's not that she's sorry. It's not her fault.
Still, she is swept away by her words.
Dorothea couldn't help but hold Ethan quietly. I never learned how to
comfort her, but when she was in trouble, this was what she wanted the
She decided not to blame Ethan. Now she understands why she's
returned, and she has a new opportunity that Ethan has given her.


After shedding tears, Ethan cleaned up the red eyes.

After pouring out a lot of emotions, he turned his gaze to a distant
place for no reason, perhaps because he was embarrassed too late.
Dorothea looked down at Ethan crying.
One of the important realizations was there.
I de initely thought that I wasn't loved by anyone... … There was
someone who loved me.
Dorothea couldn't take her eyes off Ethan, who was quietly
organizing his emotions.
As I had long thought, he was too good-looking. He is a beautiful
person even if he looks at each one individually and puts them all
together again.
So I was curious.
“Ethan, why do you like me… … ?”
Why is he such a handsome person? With so many women in the
world, she couldn't understand why she likes Dorothea Milanaire, who
is ugly and poor.
I also wanted to doubt his sincerity, wondering if he was acting just
because he likes me like that.
He even remembers Dorothea before his return.
As a tyrant, Dorothea Milanaire has become dreary and ugly day by
day, and has ended her life irresponsibly.
That igure was a crystal of ugliness that even Dorothea herself had
no choice but to hate.
Every time I think of them, I feel ashamed, guilty, and regretful, the
images I want to erase.
Ethan was the only one who remembered Dorothea like that.
But why… … .
“… … You made the princess like you.”
At Dorothea's question, Ethan slowly moved his gaze away from her.
Dorothea's heart pounded in his eyes.
After wet with tears, the golden eyes that became transparent were
more dangerous than the golden lumps that stimulated the lowest
desires of man.
“I tried to change my mind several times not to love the princess.”
He said to Dorothea, clearing his voice as much as possible, the tears
had not completely dried up.
It was Ethan who did not want to love Dorothea most desperately.
Whenever she loved Theon, when she broke down with him, and
didn't look after me after returning, I wished I didn't love her.
It would have been nice to know why I like you. If I had removed that
reason, I would not have loved you.
“If you tell me how not to love, I will gladly obey.”
Ethan looked at Dorothea and said.
At that, Dorothea lowered her gaze with a red, feverish face.
'You must have loved me.'
Just saying I love you is unfamiliar, but it was hard to handle it with
such a face.
No matter how hard he tried, the fever did not cool down, so
Dorothea fanned her hands.
Ethan quietly admired Dorothea.
'… … Someone who is not good at being loved.'
he already knew How strange it is for her to be loved by someone.
How uncomfortable they are with compliments or affectionate actions.
He hoped that Dorothea would be loved more. Until you get used to
being loved.
“… … The princess deserves to be loved.”
“Hey, stop it. Ethan.”
“So you can be a little more con ident.”
Don't doubt the word "I love you" and don't feel uncomfortable. It's
okay to accept it as it is.
At that, Dorothea bowed her head and muttered a little.
“… … thank you."
'A person who deserves to be loved.'
The words were a little poignant, so Dorothea engraved it on her
Then Ethan cautiously opened his mouth again.
“The princess said she would not become emperor.”
He asked more earnestly, without saying anything more that
Dorothea would be ashamed of.
Dorothea nodded her head.
“Then, what are you planning to do in this life?”
Ethan asked.
he wondered What a new wish that her dream, not the emperor,
would not be called greed.
Also, where should his life go as he lost his direction?
Then Dorothea hesitated for a moment, then carefully opened her
"I… … .”
Her lips shrunk for a moment as if shy.
“I am kind… … to live.”
Dorothea said that and bowed her head in shame.
Even though I had promised and thought about it many times, it was
still embarrassing to spit it out.
Unsurprisingly, Ethan blinked once, as if he had not expected it at all.
“Good… … crab?”
“Ugh, that’s how I made up my mind. I don't know if it's going well... …
The voice of Dorothea crawling.
She took a sip of the tea to soothe her dry stomach.
Kindness is obviously a good thing, but why does it feel so strange?
Was it because it felt like an overly idealistic and unrealistic word?
It's just that I want to live a good life, I'm not claiming that I'm good.
“Everyone has suffered because of me in the past life. So, I want to
live with a little in luence for good.”
Dorothea added the reason as an excuse.
Ethan glanced at her and smiled slightly.
That smile stabbed her in the chest.
“… … Isn't that funny?"
Dorothea hit the player irst at his laugh.
For Ethan who remembers Dorothea before his return, it was
probably a more ridiculous promise.
By the way.
“Not at all.”
Ethan shook his head.
“Isn’t it funny?”
“Because that’s what the princess wants to do.”
He had no intention of ridiculing Dorothea's wish.
If he had ridiculed her wish to live a good life, he would probably
have ridiculed Dorothea's wish before her return.
How unrealistic was the dream of a princess who looked justi ied
and hated to become an emperor.
Dorothea did what everyone laughed at as absurd.
“The princess can do it.”
Ethan trusted Dorothea.
Dorothea's chest luttered at his con ident eyes. Even I can't be sure,
he believes without a doubt.
It was reliable, so I felt a little more courageous than before.
“Come to think of it, that’s probably why the princess donated every
Ethan remembered from Cerritian that Dorothy had been donating a
million blancs each month somewhere.
Donating medicine to a village where an epidemic spreads, collecting
Joy and Po, setting up a support center for the disabled, etc.
Unbeknownst to him, she was already on her way.
Good luck, he thought.
"ah… … . And there is something I wanted to give to the princess too.
Jung Ryong-seok, I think it would be inconvenient to carry around.”
“Yeah, it was a car I had a hard time hiding every time.”
As Edan said, it was very inconvenient to carry a spirit stone.
If the Spirit Stone is discovered, there is a high probability that
Ethan's power will also be discovered, and someone may try to steal
the Spirit Stone.
For this reason, Dorothea always had the Spirit Stone on her body,
but she had to use all sorts of methods to avoid being noticed by
The spirit stone is the size of a small pebble that can it in a ist, but it
was dif icult to use as a ring or necklace because the grain was too
In addition, it was not easy to hide the spirit stone that normally
glows subtly by itself.
Dorothea would put the Spirit Stone in a small black pocket to
prevent light from leaking out, and then hide it inside the ribbon
around her waist or inside her sleeves with rich frills.
“I brought this in case it would be helpful.”
Ethan took out the brooch he had been iddling with from his pocket.
The gold brooch was said to have opened and closed secretly in the
center, but the inside was empty.
“If you put it here, it will be less inconvenient for the princess to
carry it with you.”
It was okay to wear a brooch as an accessory, and it was easy to hide
it by ixing it with a pin inside the clothes.
Even if I forgot and left it on the desk, Clara wouldn't have any
“Can you give me the Spirit Stone for a moment?”
At Ethan's words, Dorothea took out the black pocket she was
wearing around her waist and unzipped it.
The spirit stone showed off its presence by shining even under the
Ethan held out his hand, and Dorothea placed the Spirit Stone on his
At that moment, her ingertips were a little warm, and Dorothea felt
“I was thinking about leaving it to someone below, but I’m really glad
I could give it to you myself.”
Ethan put the Spirit Stone inside the brooch.
The spirit stone it perfectly into the empty space of the brooch, as if
it had been custom-made.
Ethan bent the small metal clasp inside the brooch to secure the
Spirit Stone.
Dorothea observed Ethan quietly.
Except for the clicking sound due to the brooch work, the room was
to the point where you can even hear the other person's breathing.
In the silence, Dorothea became unfamiliar with Ethan.
The long, white ingers I've always seen, and the eyes with long
eyelashes down, and the silver hair that shines transparently in the
"It's all done."
Then Ethan smiled and shook his head.
When the outer part of the work was closed, the lock engaged and the
spirit stone was hidden.
Because of the tight it, the light of the spirit stone did not even leak
It felt like he was paying close attention.
“Brochure, can I ill it?”
Dorothea hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
After receiving permission, Ethan got up and knelt before her on one
And I illed Dorothea's collar with a brooch with a spirit stone.
As his hand touched her chest, Dorothea unconsciously swallowed
her breath and made no sound.
“Don’t worry, you won’t get stabbed with a pin.”
Ethan smiled as he looked at Dorothea, who was tense.
It's not because I care about Finn.
Dorothea lifted her head not to look at Ethan and looked at the
chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
Before long, I heard a small click, and I could feel Ethan's hand
straightening the collar.
“It’s done, Princess.”
At that, Dorothea lowered her head again, and her eyes met Ethan,
who was kneeling.
For a moment, Dorothea's heart pounded wildly.
'Why are you doing this... … ? You know that Ethan likes me, right?'
There were times when I felt a trembling at the overly handsome
man, but never had my heart raced like this.
Dorothea couldn't take the golden eyes looking up at her as calmly as
“Go, thank you, Ethan.”
Dorothea straightened her back and distanced herself from him.
“It’s always been my job.”
taking care of her. helping out by your side.
He got up and went back to his seat and sat down.
Dorothea then took a close look at the brooch on her collar.
The brooch was lavishly crafted based on a lily pattern. The lily
pattern was one of Dorothea's favorite patterns, a pattern often used to
decorate the handle of a sword.
Ethan knew her taste very well.
“But now we are able to present a brooch to the princess.”
At that, Dorothea linched.
It was because I remembered something in the past.

'We just met. These are really close and I think it would be good to
gift them to someone you love.'

While in Cerritian, Ethan presented a jewel-encrusted pendant on his

irst visit to the villa.
At that time, Dorothea returned his gift with a heavy heart.
“You still remember… … .”
Come to think of it, I remember being quite surprised that the
pendant also matched her taste well.
I never even dreamed that it was because he returned.
Perhaps he intended to gift Dorothea a jewel because Dorothea
Milanaire enjoyed luxury before returning.
If it had been before the return, I would have accepted such a jewel as
a gift at the beginning of the day.
“Thank you for accepting the brooch.”
Ethan smiled at Dorothea, who realized later.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Author : Ramgle
Publisher : Kwon Tae-wan, Woo Cheon-je

E-book publication date : 2021-07-02

List price : 3,600 won

Provided by: CL production

Address : Room 401, 38-9, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

ISBN 979-11-293-8403-4

This book has been published as an e-book by KWBOOKS under contract with the copyright
Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of the company
is prohibited by the Copyright Act.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

After Ethan left, Clara immediately noticed the strange brooch on

Dorothea's collar.
“You got a present!”
"ah… … ? Yes."
At Clara's eyes, Dorothea had no excuses.
“Master Ethan has a good sense. The brooch goes well with the
"okay… … ?”
I'll be wearing it often in the future, so I'm glad it its well.
Clara looked at Dorothea with a determined look.
“Even Master Ethan, you have to be careful! Because the master likes
the princess!”
“Suck! Cologne, Colloc!”
“Oh my, Princess! Suddenly coughing... … !”
When Dorothea became sick and coughed, Clara hurriedly brought
her water.
Dorothea took a sip of water, barely holding her breath.
'Why is Clara so good-natured?'
How did you decide that Ethan likes me?
“I just heard Sare.”
“Yes, I know, Princess.”
Clara looked at Dorothea and smiled.
It's a laugh you don't know!
“… … How did you know that Ethan liked me?”
When Dorothea inally spoke frankly, Clara laughed as if she knew it.
“Did the master express his feelings to the princess in a day or two?”
Clara said, putting the glass of water on the tray.
“Did Ethan express his feelings?”
“Only that brooch. Who would give a gold brooch to the opposite sex
when he has no heart?”
This… … . It's because of the spirit stone.
“You mean ‘a day or two’? So, did Clara know for a long time?”
Clara's eyes lit up meaningfully at Dorothea's question.
“I’ve been watching you since you were in Anastasia Palace.”
“So long ago?”
Dorothea's eyes widened.
What happened to Ethan when you were in the detached house?
When I was completely young, nothing like this happened.
“Master Ethan, you came almost every week as if you were going to
“Hey, Ethan didn’t have any friends other than me.”
Because it was the peacock's ghost. The only person I will meet is
Dorothea, so of course only Dorothea will come to me.
"Right. Until then, I had seen it with fresh eyes. But sometimes,
Master Ethan’s eyes were different.”
Clara said that when Ethan looked at Dorothea, he used to have age-
inappropriate eyes.
Somewhere pathetic, pitiful, and at the same time hot and deep eyes.
Clara thought those eyes were foreign.
“To my surprise, it was the eyes of a mature man who had been in a
desperate and painful love.”
“… … Stand, please.”
Dorothea was not even her business, but her heart was pounding for
“He’s so handsome, I wondered if I misunderstood him, or maybe he
was born with such a deep look in his eyes.”
Clara said that's why Ethan always kept an eye on Dorothea every
time he came to play.
'Isn't Ethan busy just looking around because he's handsome?'
I'm sure I've seen the servants in the private palace grumble about
Ethan saying he's so cute and handsome.
Dorothea was a little suspicious of Clara's words, but decided to
move on.
“I knew it too, Princess!”
Joy, who had been quietly listening to Dorothea and Clara's
conversation from behind, couldn't stand it and left.
“Did you know too?”
Dorothea felt a little betrayed, knowing that Joey, who was likely to
be dull in such a situation, knew.
Dorothea wrinkled her brow seriously.
“That master, every time he sees me, he gets angry every day.”
“Don’t you remember the handkerchief incident? Of course, it was
my fault then, but Master Ethan Bronte also completely deceived me.”
Ah, then... … !

'I was wrong. So please... … do not Cry.'

Ethan hugged Dorothea crying and begged.

At that time, I couldn't understand him holding her, shaking as if he
was afraid of something.
But now he seemed to know what he was afraid of.
“Do you know how unlucky it was when the princess gave me a letter
while going up to Lampas irst? If he wasn't handsome, he might have
beaten the duke's master."
“Did you?”
“You must have been jealous of me, who received a lot of love from
the princess! You must be jealous even now!”
Joy, who had just been voicing about Ethan, quickly raised her chin in
triumph and shrugged her shoulders.
Hmm, maybe Joy's jealousy and Ethan's jealousy are different, but...
“I was convinced the moment I told you that this time the princess
would be a debut partner with Bok-Ethan Ethan. I know that Master
Ethan is a really scary person... … !”
When Joey inished talking, Clara nodded her head with a serious
Then, Stefan, who was still behind him, nodded his head.
“Did Stepan notice too?!”
At Dorothea's question, Stefan nodded as if it was natural.
He was a sensitive person, although he might feel ignorant and dull
because he did not speak and made prudent decisions.
Besides, he was always silently guarding Dorothea's back, so no
matter how dull he was, he could recognize the strange air current
lowing from Ethan.
No matter how much you promised, you came up from Cerritian to
Lampas to keep the promise you made when you were young. That's
something an ordinary person would never be able to do.
Besides, a debutant partner is a very meaningful and important
“When I came to see the princess at the debutant, I was like, ‘Oh,
today is that day!’ I realized it.”
Clara added.
Ethan's appearance that day was so beautiful that I thought he had
done his best for that day.
Originally, a handsome man did his best to decorate it, so it was not
really of the human world.
Besides, the tension, anticipation, fear, and joy that you can see
behind the smile that you smile at Dorothea.
It was as if the new groom had come to pick up the new bride.
“Still, don’t get carried away by the atmosphere or fall for the
master’s handsome face.
“What do I do with Ethan… … !”
“Anything! Whether holding hands, hugging, kissing, or spending the
night together!”
"Clara… … !”
Dorothea screamed at Clara's forward worries.


“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Obviously, he would have asked you to come up with a plan to
increase wheat production in the Barahan region.”
Carnan threw the report Raymond had written down.
“Yeah, changing the variety of wheat will increase it by about 5 tons.”
“Only ive tons.”
Carnan emphasized his shame.
“How many more people do you think it can feed?”
5 tons of wheat can be seen as a large number, but considering the
population of Barahan, whose staple food is wheat, it is less than
Barahan, in particular, does not have enough land to cultivate wheat
relative to its population. Therefore, it is necessary to handle as many
people as possible on a limited land.
“Even if it is not, the land is insuf icient, and half of it has to be cut off
and played.”
“But the Barahan region has a lot of dif iculties in producing wheat
due to the poor soil. The intellect will have to keep half of it fallow.”
This is the reason why there was no signi icant increase in
production in Barahan.
Since half of the limited plains have to be cut off, the ef iciency is not
good no matter how good the wheat variety is brought and planted.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“At least let me ind a way to make it possible.”
Whether you're an experienced farmer or an agronomist, you'll need
some help to ind the answer.
This was Carnan's irst assignment to test Raymond, a graduate of
“… … I see, Your Majesty.”
Raymond shut his mouth and quietly walked out of Carnan's room.
After graduating from Episteme, he had to focus on running the
empire in earnest.
But Raymond didn't always go smoothly. Broken, scolded, and wrong.
This was the case even though he was con ident in his ield.
I did a lot of research and seek advice to ind the right wheat variety
for the Barrahan land.
'… … It's probably because I'm immature.'
Raymond bit his lower lip.
“Your Majesty, next, we have an appointment with Marquis Dmitry.”
"I know."
Without a moment to be depressed, Raymond moved on busily.
I thought graduating from the hellish episteme would give me room
to breathe, but it wasn't.
Carnan had tightened him up to be more mindful, and nobles from
the provinces who had come from the provinces for their debut were
lining up to meet the Crown Prince, who had of icially entered the state
Because of that, Raymond has only slept two or three hours a day for
the past few days. Should I say I'm glad that I could close my eyes that
'It's been a week since I haven't been to the garden.'
After graduating from Episteme, my schedule was full, so I couldn't
even say hello to the garden.
The only thing I stopped by a week ago was to take a look around, but
the servants were in charge of taking care of the crops.
'I really hate to work.'
He wanted to take a nap in the cool shade next to the garden.
Or play with Theon or Julia, or go to meet Dorothea who has
awakened a spirit. If only I could give you a rest for just an hour.
“Your Majesty, your expression.”
When he looked tired, the assistant next to him pointed it out softly.
Raymond opened his mouth once and took a deep breath.
“The Crown Prince is served.”
When the door opened, the people inside stood up to meet him.
“Long time no see, Marquis Dmitry.”
Raymond walked in, smiling as usual.


At Carnan's order, Dorothea left the small Conberta Palace and

moved to the larger Palace.
The new Lenascor Palace was the palace where Dorothea's mother,
Empress Alice, stayed for several months when she needed a break.
Because it was a palace built for rest, the garden was particularly
spacious, and the palace itself gave me a very comfortable feeling.
The palace, which had been vacant for ten years after Alice's death,
received Dorothea with a clean look after several days of renovation
and renovation.
Dorothea looked around the new garden when she heard a familiar
voice in the distance.
The only person who still calls Dorothea Dorothy.
Turning his head, he saw Raymond taking off his jacket and running
towards Dorothea.
“Finally moved! Good job, Dorothy!”
He said as he looked around Dorothy's new palace.
“Good job. I just had to move my body.”
Compared to the servants who were busy moving things that had not
yet been organized, she had done nothing.
“Have you looked around the new palace?”
“Only the bedroom and bathroom.”
The new Lenascor Palace was only twice the size of the previous one.
Dorothea was too big to be alone, so there was an empty room left
I haven't been able to properly look around the rooms that I haven't
decided on what to ill, and I've only looked at the essentials irst.
“How do you like it?”
"yes. It's too unnecessarily wide.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
Raymond smiled broadly, and Dorothea stared into his face.
“You look tired, Ray.”
Dark shadows were cast around his normally bright eyes, and his
eyes were a little bloodshot. It seemed that the skin was rougher than
“I was a little busy with my debut. Now it's almost over. It’s time for
those who bothered me to go back.”
Ray could hardly rest for a few days as he was dealing with nobles
from the provinces before and after his debut. Then, when I had time, I
came to see Dorothea.
Still, it was fortunate that time had passed on the day Dorothea
moved the palace.
“… … Come in and rest when you have time, why are you here?”
Dorothea knew how tight and dif icult his schedule was.
Before returning, she had insomnia, whether fortunately or unlucky,
and worked during that time, but it was still dif icult and
There are so many things to be concerned about, both mentally and
physically, so it's a place where even a lot of stamina is ripped apart.
“Are you worried about me now, Dorothy?”
"no it's not. It's because I'm worried about the government. Because
if you're tired and you're not feeling well, you might not be able to do
anything. It is also important to stay healthy and in good shape.”
Raymond looked at Dorothea with a moved look, and she turned her
“So now that means you want me to stay healthy and in good shape,
“Think of it.”
With a tone of resignation, she threw out a word and resolutely
walked into the palace.
Raymond looked at her back happily.
Dorothea's worries seemed to wash away the tiredness she had
suffered from her political affairs.
'I want to hug you and kiss you on the side, really.'
Although Dorothea took the form of a lady completely naked of a
child, to him, Dorothea was still a precious and lovely little brother.
If Theon or Julia hear it, they'll treat it strangely, but what can I do?
I'm dying to like Dorothea.
Just then, Dorothea, who was about to go inside, turned to Raymond,
who was standing in the garden, grinning and smiling.
“Aren’t you coming in?”
Raymond could not lower the clown, which had risen as he pressed
his forehead to her muf led words.
driving me crazy. You're so cute, how can you leave others behind!
“Go! You have to go!”
Raymond couldn't hide his white teeth and ran after her.


The south wall of the irst loor of Lenaskor Palace is made of glass.
Thanks to this, when the sun rises, a bright light illuminates the inside,
so there is no need to turn on the lights.
The soft sunlight penetrated the white tie bag tied to the window
curtain, the round wooden table of maple, the unlit candlestick, and the
gold frame of the teacup illed with black tea.
“How much free time is this?”
Raymond leaned back against the soft backrest, thrilled with the
leisurely tea time he had with Dorothea.
He leaned comfortably on his neck and back, which had been
standing upright, and melted softly on the sofa.
“Because that’s how you rest.”
“When you come here, you rest while looking at your face.”
As if it was not worth responding to his words, she lowered her eyes
and drank the tea leisurely.
Raymond stared intently at Dorothea, unable to stop smiling.
“Before, you and I hated doing this.”
“Are you doing this?”
“I am not a prince.”
He pointed at himself, languidly, with his ingers.
There was nothing like the dignity of the Crown Prince in him now.
“Do you remember how iercely angry I was?”
Raymond smiled and brought out an old story.
When he was ten years old, he saw how he was trembling ahead of
the opening ceremony and how distasteful he was.
I followed her up after being kicked out of the banquet hall and heard
a loud voice telling her to keep her seat like a prince. I heard nagging
about playing with dirt in the garden.
Besides that, Dorothea was dissatis ied with his bright and innocent
attitude in the trivial daily life.
“It’s about when.”
“It’s only been a few years, Dorothy.”
Raymond chuckled, making fun of Dorothea, who wanted to pretend
not to know.
As he said, she once thought that emperors and princes had to be
But now I know. Strict authority and dignity are not the only answers.
The act of con ining herself to protect her authority and dignity may
have made Dorothea a tyrant.
The compulsion that everything should be perfectly imperial gnawed
at her and made her forget the essence of being an emperor again.
So, Dorothea thought it was okay for Raymond to give up his
authority and rest in front of her family. Because both the Emperor and
the Crown Prince need room to breathe.
As Dorothea watched Raymond drooping, he jumped up again and
sat straight down.
“Ugh, I really want to rest, but I can’t rest comfortably now.”
He sighed as if some trouble had disturbed him during the break.
“Is there anything that bothers you?”
“There is still work to be done.”
“Your Majesty asked us to ind a way to increase wheat production in
the Barahan region, but I can't think of any more. I must have
exhausted all my mental powers looking for wheat varieties.”
Raymond washed his face and shook his head.
“No, I don’t think like this when I’m with you. I don't want to... … .”
“Isn’t it dif icult to make Sampoje because the intellectual power is
weak there?”
“Yeah, even after pouring compost, half of it needs to be rested for a
year before it can be cultivated. In the worst case, I would have to take
two years off.”
Even farmers who have lived in the area for a long time have raised
their hands and feet.
Dorothea thought about it for a moment, then spoke up.
“I heard this a long time ago, but I heard that in some countries,
crops are rotated without emptying the land.”
“Is there no fallow land?”
“It’s about inding crops that consume different intellect and turning
them around. Planting onions in the spring, barley in the fall, and
soybeans the next year, so that the land can be turned non-stop.”
“Oh, right! I've heard of it too.”
“Can’t density do that? Especially in Barahan, the land is barren, so
they will do a lot of livestock, but they can even grow crops for fodder.”
"right! It seemed to me that wheat was growing well in the land
where the turnips were grown!”
“… … Did you grow turnips and density?”
At Dorothea's question, Raymond turned his gaze away and suddenly
pretended to drink tea and savor the incense.
How seriously have you been farming?
“I won’t say anything. Relax.”
At Dorothea's words, he barely smiled shyly.
“But why didn’t I think of that and was obsessed with the breed? I am
disquali ied as a farmer.”
“You are not a farmer.”
“Uh, um… … . But would it be said that it hurts your self-esteem for
not thinking of what you, who have never farmed before?”
“I also learned a lot about farming in writing, didn’t I?”
As most of the common people are farmers, agriculture is the
foundation of the country, so it is natural to study hard and learn.
If farming experience alone could increase the production rate, the
farmers would have already done it.
Research and experience are different, and coming up with an idea is
“Anyway, thank you, Dorothy. Thanks to you, I got the hang of it. It will
take some time to ind the answer.”
The corners of Raymond's lips rose happily.
'No matter how you look at it, I think it would be better if Dorothy
succeeded to the throne than me, but if you talk about it again, you'll
hate it.'
He thought as he looked at Dorothea sitting in the sun. I wish my fate
had changed.
Dorothea as the older sister, and Raymond as her younger sister. If
that was the case, we would have been able to live where we wanted
and show our abilities to the fullest.
The reason Dorothea hates talking about the throne so much is
because she knows that the throne is burdensome and dif icult? You
don't want to do Dorothea?
If so, it is correct that he, the older brother, bears this burden. Just
because it's hard, you shouldn't hand over the burden to your younger
“Right, Dorothy. Your Majesty has asked me to help you get used to
the spirits.”
"I do not need. I'll take care of it, so you don't have to worry about
“I’m doing this because I want to take care of you.”
He wanted to spend time with Dorothea as an excuse for taking the
spirit class. Using the spirit class as an excuse, I skipped some boring
schedules... … .
“Then come play when it’s convenient for you. Class is over.”
“Really, Dorothy?”
Raymond asked with a broad smile.
So far, I've only come here a lot, and I'm starting to like it again.
"ah… … . I'm thinking about grabbing the sword again these days, or
maybe some help."
"really… … You want to hold a sword with me?”
Raymond looked at Dorothea with a dazzling look in his eyes.
“You can’t do it if you don’t like it.”
"no! why don't you like it! good!"
After graduating from Episteme, I didn't have enough time to grab a
sword, but it was a good suggestion for Raymond.

Ethan stayed in the mansion and repeated his hesitation.
I went back and forth in the room, sat down on the sofa, then walked
back to the window and grabbed the curtains and looked at the streets
of Lampas.
It was all because of Dorothea that he remained in such a precarious
So… … . I don't know what he and Dorothea have to do with each
Is it okay to visit her at will, or do I have to wait for her to ind her
again, can I laugh and talk to her in a friendly way, or do I still want to
keep my distance, and above all, is there any chance of his love?
whether or not
'Why don't you use the Spirit Stone... … ?'
Every day, she waited patiently, but after that day, Dorothea never
used the power of the Spirit Stone.
If you use a spirit stone, you can feel her presence. It really makes
people miserable.
'Give up, Ethan Bronte.'
He thought, biting his lip.
With the intention of giving up on Dorothea and letting Theon go, he
confessed everything frankly.
Obviously, I thought that the debut Tangte was the last event to shake
off any regrets.
But why did Dorothea accept him as if he had a chance?
A cruel person no matter how you think about it. People said that
Ethan played with a human heart, but Dorothea was a Den player who
played with a human heart.

'I'm kind... … to live.'

If you live a good life, why do you make people so long and cynical?
“Damn it.”
He clenched his ists tightly and chewed the swear words softly.
Still, I was worried because I wanted to walk the same path as
What does it mean to live a good life? I didn't know because I had
never tried to live a good life.
Can I make a donation following Dorothea?
If that's the case, he can hand over all the duke's fortune he can afford
to places like a support center for the disabled or a nursing home that
Dorothea built with Raymond.
But that won't be the answer.
"ha… … .”
As I looked out the window with a deep sigh, I saw a group of people
gathered at the entrance of the mansion.
Ethan knows who they are.
After their debut, they waited for Ethan for several days. All of them
were noble girls themselves or their servants.
The arrogant young girls spent time at a nearby tea house and had
their servants wait for him, but the impatient girls gave up their pride
and waited for him on the cold street in dresses.
Prior to the return, this was often the case. It wasn't just before the
return, but it often happened when I was in Ceriti.
How disrespectful it is to the person being treated, and the noble
nobles who are well aware of it.
Before returning, Ethan was kind enough to accept Dorothea's force,
but now he was just disillusioned.
No matter how much he coaxes him with cowardice, if Dorothea
becomes emperor, he catches his ankles, or if he doesn't satisfy his
greed in moderation, he turns into a bat.
Besides, what do you do when you wait like that? Dorothea hasn't
contacted me at all.
Rather, I felt like sacri icing them and summoning Dorothea.
Then I saw Jonathan's wagon coming out the window.
Jonathan got off in front of the mansion, looked at the people
gathered at the entrance of the mansion, and frowned.
And immediately the sound of thumping footsteps.
Jonathan opened the door and entered without knocking.
“How can I not deal with the humans in front of me?”
He came to his room almost every day to make a fuss, as if he had
neurosis from those who had been dying in front of his house for
several days.
“It gets louder when I go out, so go to the butler and clean it up.”
When Ethan responded roughly to Jonathan as if he was annoyed,
Jonathan's expression distorted violently.
“You are starting to lose your fear, you.”
“Even if we see each other, there is nothing but blush, so why don’t
we meet as much as possible, even for the sake of hyung? It won't
happen, but if you really have something to say, do it through the
“You wouldn’t have been so proud of yourself. My parents are no
longer here.”
Jonathan raised his lips sullenly.
The Bronte and his wife returned to the territory of Cerritian, and the
only ones left in Lampas were the bad brothers.
There are no parents to protect Ethan, and Jonathan's physical
strength is still stronger than that of Ethan.
“Then hit it.”
“I can go out and talk to my brother. Because of you, I was beaten by
my brother. So please come back. That's a great idea. It is rewarding to
graduate from Episteme, the spire of intelligence.”
Jonathan's eyes twinkled at him.
It's only a matter of time before his reputation erodes if he does.
Reputation was a very important issue for him, who was already
nervous because he had not yet been able to get a proper priesthood
position in the Imperial Palace.
“If there is a rumor that Jonathan Bronte is abusing his younger
brother, it will reach the Cerritians right away, right?”
Ethan laughed softly.
Then Jonathan clenched the doorknob and slammed it shut enough
to leave the mansion.
I'm not going to win anyway, so how long will I be angry with him?
Ethan shook his head.
And when I looked out the window again, the butler was having a
hard time organizing the people.
However, the stubbornness of the nobles is not easily broken.
'People who have neither manners nor culture.'
Ethan saw the butler grunt and clicked his tongue slightly.
Ethan went out on his own, not because Jonathan had said
something, but because the butler, who had been working hard for
several days, felt sorry for him.
As soon as he came out, people's eyes were on him, and people called
out his name in a high-pitched tone.
Ethan went out to the entrance with an open smile.
“Everyone must be busy, so why are you here… … ?”
come and bother me
At Ethan's question, people reached out and held out something
through the bars of the gate. Things like lowers and letters.
“Ethan, take this!”
“Master Ethan, our young lady has told you to deliver it directly to
the master!”
Countless demands came in from their feelings.
In my heart, I wanted to spit out abusive language, but I can't.
“I am grateful for your heart, but if you stay like this, it will interfere
with the passage of carriages and other people, and I feel sorry for the
neighbors. Then we can’t stay in Lampas any longer, can we?”
Ethan smiled and said to them.
“I will accept it this time, but I will never accept it even if I do this
next time. Please, I hope I don't have to call the security guard."
He collected the gifts and letters that had been pushed through the
grates with gentle threats.
I'm thinking of throwing it away as soon as I enter anyway, but I
know that if you just tell me to go, I'll never go.
While he was accepting gifts one by one, saying thank you that he
didn't even want to, a hand handing out a letter caught his attention.
A woman with mint hair, wearing white lace gloves.
“I want you to read the letter.”
She raised her long eyelashes and looked up at Ethan.
An innocent face that seems to have grown up nicely in a
greenhouse. Ethan knows this young girl well.
'Monica Aponita.'
Nereus' prospective iancee.
By now, Nereus will also be graduating from Episteme soon, so there
must be talk of engagement.
Monica will be forced to marry Nereus under family pressure.
But Monica didn't like Nereus very much. He said he didn't like
Nereus's eerie personality.
Nereus is excellent in appearance and origin, but it is dif icult
because his personality does not match. I can't afford to live with him
for the rest of my life.
It wasn't that he didn't understand Monica's mind. Ethan didn't like
Nereus very much either.
Therefore, Monica wanted to use Ethan to break up with Nereus.
If we go a little further, maybe it's because Nereus hated it so much
that he found a place to escape to.
He knew why Monica had chosen herself as a sire from among the
many men.
Even if you push a normal master, it's the same as falling short of
Nereus's origin or background.
Except for Crown Prince Raymond or the grand duke's eldest son,
Theon, there is no iancee with a background comparable to Nereus.
So, rather, she found a 'provocative scandal partner'.
A man with a very provocative appearance who can convince
everyone why he fell in love with just one face.
A person with a perfect face, an imperfect origin, and even the
If it wasn't for him, how could he have a de iantly burning love with
Besides, the recent scandal with the divinity of the social world will
soon reach Nereus' ears.
It was clear that Nereus would bring out the breakup irst.
Anyway, Ethan didn't have to push Monica like that.
It was annoying, but it was because he thought it was one of the
important networks he had to manage.
Besides, thanks to Monica, it was relatively easy to get information
about Hark, and it was also interesting that Nereus was able to secretly
laugh at him.
But as she gradually crossed the line, Ethan eventually pushed her
away before she could even confess.
It's good to use others, but I hate being used.
Only Dorothea can use him.

'Aren't you using me to break up with Nereus in the end?'

'… … .'
'Did you think about my position of being caught up in a scandal
because of Monica Young-ae's circumstances?'

Monica did not respond as if stabbed in the right direction.

She returned to Hark that way, and after a while, news of the breakup
of Nereus and Monica came.
'I don't want to sell my body in the name of marriage.'

Monica declared proudly to Nereus and my father.

And Nereus, who had a grudge against it, came to attack the empire
shortly after he became king.
Of course, it must have been an excuse for Nereus to mention
breaking up with Monica. Because he was only aiming for the right time
to attack the Hoshi Tam Tam Empire.
Ethan thought for a moment as he looked at the letter Monica had
Now, this letter may have been chosen to break an engagement that
is still under discussion.
Is there such a thing as hope that if there is a man he likes, he will not
be able to stop the engagement?
Ethan pondered, pondering the meaning of the letter.

'I'm kind... … to live.'

Dorothea's goal is to live a good life.

So, if we stop war, will we live a good life?
After completing the calculation, Ethan smiled as he looked at
Monica, who was looking at me with a blank expression.
“You must read it.”
As he accepted Monica's letter, he looked at each other affectionately.


After tidying up the people and returning to the room, Ethan threw
away all the gifts and letters, leaving only Monica's letter.
A letter envelope decorated with pretty patterns like a love letter
was a bit heinous.
Ethan ripped open the envelope without using a paper knife.
As a result, the letter inside was wrinkled, but it was not important.
Ethan read Monica's letter with his brows wrinkled like a crumpled
At the end of the letter, a polite self-introduction and a few lines of
praise to win his favor were written.
The important thing was after the story that I saw it from afar and
liked it during my debut Tangte.

[Next week at noon, I want to serve a meal at the restaurant Caro.

I have something to say.
I will wait until you come.]

With him, the address of the restaurant Caro and the date of the
appointment were written.
“It’s so unlucky.”
One-sided promises were rude, but among young nobles these days,
these letters seemed to be read as 'passionate love' or 'a moving love
Ethan tapped the corner of the desk with a letter and shook his head.


Early in the morning, Stefan was wielding his sword alone as he cut
through the gloomy air.
Although there was no opponent, it seemed that he had to move his
body even like this.

'I'm thinking of appointing you as the vice president.'

It was because of the words Arthur, the leader of the Knights of

Brilliance, just said yesterday.
Arthur, the commander of the knights, said that he wanted to give the
position of vice commander in high esteem for Stefan's achievements
in the meantime.
But Stefan could not have known the meaning behind it.
'It must be because of the princess.'
On the day of Dorothea's debut, the knights who ridiculed him were
To the extent that Dorothea's status has been upgraded, it is to raise
him, who has been taking care of her for a long time. There is no
promotion test, as a special exception.
At that moment, Stefan felt a presence rushing behind him and
swung his sword.
The opponent was pushed back with the sound of clanging and
“Ugh, my wrist is going out… … .”
“… … !”
It was Dorothea who was holding her sword and iddling with her
throbbing wrists.
Stefan was so startled that he put his sword in and ran to her.
“It’s okay, Stephan.”
Dorothea waved her hand to convince Stefan that it was okay, but
Stefan looked restless and looked at her wrist.
As he habitually slapped him roughly as if he were dealing with
knights, it was fortunate that Dorothea didn't fall to the loor.
“After a long break, my skills aren’t what they used to be.”
Dorothea smiled as she relaxed her aching wrist.
Before the return, I had a skill that could be compared to that of
knights around this time, but it must have become so dull.
My body is very honest as I get weaker as much as I don't train and
become stronger as much as I try.
“But it’s been practice since dawn. What are you worried about,
“… … .”
Of course, Dorothea didn't ask, expecting an answer.
Stefan, who was originally speechless, would not be able to con ide in
his worries.
Dorothea smiled and put her sword in.
“Is it because of the promotion to the Knights Templar?”
Anyway, I already know what his troubles are. She didn't say
anything, but she already knew about her own business.
After all, Stefan's eyes widened to see if her guess was correct.
Mostly positive if Stefan does not deny it.
“I heard. Nominated for Vice-President.”
As she moves to the palace, the manpower she takes care of will also
undergo a major reorganization soon.
Stefan's appointment as deputy general manager is part of that
“It’s a good thing, but why is your face so dark?”
Once appointed as vice-captain, there is no need to see Dorothea's
The escort had to devote an entire day to the point where there was
no personal time, and it was very boring.
Especially if it's Dorothea's escort who doesn't do social activities or
public affairs.
When he becomes the vice-chief, he will have more personal time,
and the in luence and decision-making power he can exercise within
the Knights Templar will increase. In addition, your salary will increase
signi icantly and you will also gain fame.
But even with the good news, Stefan only looked at Dorothea.
Dorothea looked into his black eyes and smiled.
“Are you upset about something?”
At Dorothea's question, Stefan's eyes luttered slightly.
“Do you feel like you’re going up on my back?”
When she asked with a smile, he didn't deny it.
Because this appointment was more in luenced by Dorothea's status
improvement than his skills.
It seemed that he ascended to the rank of vice-captain in an unfair
It was an unacceptable decision for him, who tried to live his life
upright by keeping his beliefs.
Dorothea smiled as if there was nothing she could do about
Stephan's blunt appearance as always.
"You're not going up on my back, you've been chaining me to your
ankles all this time, Stefan."
As Dorothea corrected his concerns, Stefan shook his head. I was
telling her that I never had her ankles tied.
Indeed, a person who knows only one thing before or after the
Dorothea liked his actions too warm to be called loyal.
I thought it was a great fortune that I could count on my hands to
have met Stefan in this lifetime.
But that's just a personal impression.
“I am not stupid. Both Stefan and Zoe already know that they were
ignored by the Knights Templar because of me.”
There is no way to know that she was subtly devalued by the Knights
Templar while protecting the humble princess.
Dorothea's escort was such a humble position that knights would
avoid it.
The knights preferred to have a chance to go out and set the ball
rather than escorting Dorothea.
Because of this, Stefan and Joey were always treated as being pushed
aside for lack of ability. Until Dorothea awakens.
“If Stefan had served the Emperor Hana Ray, he would have become
the vice-captain sooner.”
“… … .”
When Dorothea's words hit the corner, Stefan kept her mouth shut
and bowed her head.
"I'm glad I didn't grab Stefan's ankle."
Before the return, he should have already been the vice-captain.
Time to be recognized for his abilities as he played a role in several
battles and served as Raymond's escort.
“Now is your chance, Stephan.”
Until now, Stefan has shown excellent results without missing out on
the annual knights training or skill check.
In addition, he was also highly regarded as a knight for being honest
and protecting Dorothea without a single lirtation.
There was nothing better than his sincerity to prove his loyalty to
the imperial family.
So, this is an opportunity that Stefan himself created.
But Stefan still kept his mouth shut and stared at her. There is still
something that bothers me, and the face seems to be reluctant.
Dorothea didn't understand why and looked into his eyes and
realized the reason a little later.
“… … Are you worried about me?”
“… … .”
Dorothea laughed at his blunt reaction.
“Other than Stefan, other knights will now be assigned as escorts, so
what do you need to worry about?”
Stefan bit his lip with a puzzled face.
He doesn't like the fact that the knights who had not even considered
Dorothea's escort until now are now offering her escort.
“Joy is there too.”
Joey doesn't know yet, but he'll be knighted at the upcoming new
knight ordination ceremony.
And after Stefan, he will be assigned to Dorothea's escort post.
“So, don’t worry about me and try other duties as a knight. As much
as Stefan cares for me, I also care for Stefan. therefore… … I hope Stefan
does better.”
Dorothea laughed.
He stayed by her side until nine-year-old Dorothea, who went to the
Cerritian Palace for recuperation, made her debut.
a whopping ten years. It's been too long for her talent to be tied to a
single princess.
“Obviously, watching Stefan do well, Zoe and the knights who serve
me will be able to dream too. And it's not like we're completely
breaking up."
After all, she is a knight of brilliance serving the imperial family, so
she will often run into her.
Unless there's a big problem, I'll be working in the Imperial Palace,
and sometimes I'll be a escort close to her.
“So, it’s okay to go further. Because I will be moving forward with
At that, Stefan looked at Dorothea silently.
The child, who was so small that it could not even reach his waist,
had grown to the height of his chest.
After not reading Raymond's letters, she now had a comfortable
conversation with Raymond, and Carnon gradually began to take an
interest in her.
There is Joey, a new knight who will protect her, and there is also a
spirit of light.
Dorothea, who exhaled colorful breaths with her fragile body, is not
Dorothea Milanaire, who had only been anxious as if she was
watching a child who was about to walk, hardened.
It may not be without pain, but there will be no need to hold her
crying anymore.
Stefan realized. While he was tied to Dorothea, she was on her way. It
was not Dorothea, but herself who stayed where she was.
So the time has come for her to become independent from Stephane,
no, Stefan from Dorothea Milanaire.
Stephan realized him and gently stroked Dorothea's head with a
large hand.
A small child was so grown up, why did I still see her as a delicate
child who could not be left alone?
He quietly looked into Dorothea's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on
the corner of his blunt lips.
“Thank you, Princess.”
Thank you for allowing me to keep you safe all this time. Thank you
for believing in this insuf icient and frustrating article until now. Thank
you for growing up beautifully and wonderfully so that I am not afraid
of leaving you.
I should have said thank you a little more up until now, but I hated
the way my lips were expressing to Dorothea only later.
Dorothea looked up at Stephan like that and smiled softly.
“Thank you too, Stefan.”


The inaugural ceremony of the Knights of Brilliance was held in the

largest main hall in the Imperial Palace.
Dorothea doesn't like to go to big events, but this time, she took the
initiative and attended the ceremony.
This is because Stefan's appointment as vice-president and Joey's
appointment are made at today's inauguration ceremony.
She took time to visit Stefan before the commencement of the
“Chief Stefan! Get along so well! Should I call you Vice-Captain now?”
Clara, who was with her, trembled when she saw Stefan wearing a
new uniform.
However, Dorothea decided to listen to this fuss in a pleasant way.
As Clara said, the uniform suited Stefan very well.
The shoulders were wide at right angles, the back was wide, and the
body well muscled was perfect for digesting the uniform.
“It’s great, Stephan. It's a good thing I told you to become the vice-
When Dorothea helped Clara's fuss with a word, Stefan looked a little
embarrassed and looked away.
“Wow, look at the medals on the uniform!”
Clara pointed to the lashing medal on Stefan's chest.
Stefan couldn't answer the compliments pouring in in succession,
and pursed his lips.
All the battles and achievements were things of the past before
Dorothea escort, and other than that, they were mostly decorations in
the sense of honoring faithfulness or loyalty.
Among them was a medal to commend the achievement of inding
Dorothea, who had been kidnapped as a child, and bringing her to
'There aren't many medals for the appointment of the vice-chief... … .'
As he swung the medal on his chest in embarrassment, his eyes met
Dorothea nodded at his gaze as if he had something else to say.
“What’s going on?”
“… … .”
At Dorothea's question, he quietly reached out to her.
Above his hand was a pin of white shell.
Since Dorothea gave it to him, it is a pin he has always worn on his
chest when he is escorting.
“Why is this? Are you giving it back to me now?”
I have been with Stefan for many years, but this time it was not easy
to grasp the meaning.
As if it was an incorrect answer, Stefan quickly shook his head.
"I… … .”
'Is Stefan talking!' Dorothea and Clara waited intently, but his lips
hesitated for a long time in frustration.
How dif icult is it to say a word?
Eventually, Stefan's gaze turned to the chest with the medal.
Dorothea then understood the meaning. It means that the princess
herself wants to wear it on her chest.
“You’re too shabby to it among those decorations.”
Stefan's expression hardened at her concern.
His eyebrows were making a strong claim that the clam ins weren't
shabby at all.
“How long are you planning to do this?”
I gave it to you once and I never took it off.
The kid at that time was so con ident that what he made was strong,
but seeing that it hasn't broken or broken even after a few years has
passed, it looks like it's really sturdy.
“… … .”
Stefan's eyes without an answer were saying 'to the end'.
Until these clam pins break.
If it didn't break, it seemed like he was going to ask him to bury it in
the grave as well.
“… … Didn't I bring you some presents? I'm sorry, Stephan."
In the end, Dorothea, unable to overcome Stefan's stubbornness,
muttered, putting a pin directly on his chest.
To give meaning to such a cheap pin and keep it for a long time.
Dorothea felt sorry and sad rather than grateful.
I should have taken care of it with better things.
Then, as always, Stefan shook his head kindly.
“No, nothing else.”
If I had known that I would cherish it like this, I would have gifted you
a wonderful jewel that would stand out among the decorations.
“But today I brought a present that will not be ashamed of Stephan.”
She thought she was lucky to have prepared a proper present today.
Dorothea signaled with applause, and a servant waiting outside
came in with a gift wrapped in expensive leather.
Dorothea presented the gift handed to the servant in front of
Stefan paused in amazement, but knelt down and politely accepted
her gift with both hands.
The heaviness of the weight that fell with his hands.
With Dorothea's permission, the leather was unraveled, revealing a
sword in a black, sharp sheath.
As soon as Stefan saw the sword, his eyes widened.
It had a clunky and simple appearance without decorations, but just
by looking at the handle, the feel of the sword was different from other
It was a perfect sword that minimized all unnecessary and focused
on the essence of the sword.
“It’s the famous sword Setter Calyps.”
To Stefan, who recognized the true value of the sword, Dorothea gave
the name of the sword.
Before returning, she had a hobby of collecting famous swords, and
among the famous swords in her collection.
After returning, he didn't enjoy the hobby, but he remembered how
to get which famous sword and what kind of charm it had.
The Settercalypse was one of Dorothea's favorite swords.
Because of its crudeness, ordinary people often do not know why it is
a famous sword, but those who know can know it just by looking at it.
A sword that is strong and hard enough to be called a sword that can
cut through rocks, perfect curves and proportions.
Therefore, the longer you look at Setter Calypse, the more beautiful it
becomes and you never get tired of it.
A mysterious sword that perfectly equips what a swordsman wants
in the midst of everything restrained.
Among the famous swords, the most convenient to actually use is
probably the Setter Calyps.
So, when Dorothea decided to give Stefan a present, she thought of
Settercalypse without looking at anything else.
“I thought it was the sword that best suited Stefan.”
The sword that best suits Stefan, who is silent and faithful to his job.
“This is the irst sword I use for my knight. So please accept it.”
At that, Stefan clenched his sword and nodded once.


Dorothea headed to the hall where the ceremony was held.

I want to see Joy's face too, but the knights who are appointed today
are said to have undergone rigorous ceremonial training ahead of the
Dorothea had a smile on her lips, not knowing why, that the profanity
potato was doing the ceremonial training.
And when she entered the hall where the ceremony was held,
Dorothea felt her gaze focused on her.
“Princess Dorothea Milanaire!”
"hello! I greeted you when I debuted... … ”
“Oh, my lord. You are so beautiful today.”
In an instant, the nobles gathered for the ceremony came to her and
greeted her.
'If that's the case, I would have come with Ray.'
Raymond and Carnan will probably arrive in the same order as the
Emperor and Crown Prince enter.
Raymond suggested that he go with him to the inauguration
ceremony in time for the ceremony, but of course Dorothea refused
The emperor or the prince will step on the red carpet in the center
according to the order of the ceremony, but as an ordinary imperial
family, she will have to quietly enter the aristocrats.
Looking at Raymond's expression, it seemed like he would follow in
Carnan's footsteps and join him, but he hated it even more.
However, I thought that it would have been better if the inauguration
ceremony started and quietly sneaked in after coming to Inje.
If it was, I wouldn't have gotten tired of receiving such pretentious
“Next week, I’m going to invite my acquaintances to have tea time,
will the princess come too?
“Thank you, but it’s been a while since I moved the palace, so I still
have a lot of work to do.”
When Dorothea politely refused, another nobleman next to him
“I’m planning to hold a party in my family next month, and it would
be an honor if the princess would also attend.”
Dorothea laughed awkwardly at the crowd of invitations.
At Cerritian, I turned down the invitation on the excuse that I was
still young and not feeling well, but now I have no excuses.
At this rate, it seemed that Dorothea could not rest until she had met
all the nobles in Lampas.
at that time.
At the gentle voice calling her, Dorothea's head turned like a habit.
It was Theon Fried.
'Theon also attended... … .'
“Your Highness Raymond was looking for you earlier, and you are
Ray found me? Dorothea tilted her head puzzledly, and he laughed.
“It seemed like an urgent matter, but I’ll see you before the
commencement ceremony.”
“I will guide you.”
Theon led her out to the back of the hall where the ceremony was
Dorothea glanced behind him and followed him.
It's been a few days since his debut, but he felt different from before.
'Theon knows how to deal with dark spirits... … .'
Dorothea thought, staring at his consideration as his hair swayed
softly, and he took a step forward in line with her stride.
I hadn't noticed at all.
Even when I lost Raymond and despaired, and as he died day by day,
she was foolishly blaming me for not loving me.
It was Theon who deserved to be resentful.
Dorothea had plenty of opportunities to notice.
When I visit his room every night, a frighteningly dark darkness
greets me.
The smell of burning candles in the midst of it, Dorothea mistakenly
thought that Theon had just blown out the candle and was pretending
to sleep.
But perhaps the candle was actually burning. Only the spirits of
darkness devoured the light.
In the night when Fried's powers were growing stronger, Theon was
trying to slow down the suffocation of his breath by releasing
uncontrollable power in the terrifying darkness.
Besides, the birds he killed. Even on the day when Dorothea's gift of
the glass greenhouse and beautiful and rare birds met tragedy, Theon
must have felt despair at his power.

'Do you still love me?'

The day the beautiful birds died, he asked.

How did Theon feel when he asked that question?
Dorothea sel ishly interpreted the deep despair of a young child and
could not properly read it.
How dare you say you loved him if you didn't know him well?
Dorothea was not con ident.
She was sel ish and ignorant. To Raymond, to Theon, and to Ethan.
At that moment, Theon's steps stopped.
There was no one around, and there were no noisy nobles, so it was
Dorothea looked for Rey and looked around.
“What about Ray?”
"ah… … . You seem in trouble, so I borrowed Rey's name for a while."
Theon said humbly.
Oh, that was it for me.
“Did I do anything wrong?”
“No, no. thank you."
“It’s the irst time I’ve seen you since your debut.”
"Yes… … .”
Dorothea kept a moderate distance from him, iddling with the
brooch she had on her chest.

'With the power I gave, the princess will be able to keep Theon Fried
by her side.'

Ethan said so, referring to the power of the Spirit Stone.

With this power, she will be able to save Theon, and maybe even
become an excuse to become engaged to him.
A chance to keep Theon by his side.
Still, Dorothea was hesitant to reach out to seize the opportunity.
'My heart... … Maybe it's because it's just been cleaned up?'
I thought he had handed over the handkerchief and the bottle of
ointment to him, and shook it off lightly.
I ended up with a long unrequited love, and now I am calm.
Even if he was holding hands with Julia, he could only feel the
bitterness of memories that could make him laugh in moderation.
You could tell Clara that Theon Fried doesn't like me... … . Now that I
have the strength to hold him back.
Dorothea looked up at him timidly.
Before returning, he seemed to understand why he had no interest in
Dorothea, so he willingly took on her debutant partner.
I now know why Carnan, who had never been interested in Dorothea,
suddenly pushed for her and Theon's engagement.
I thought it was odd that she was so aggressively pushing for an
engagement with the man she likes, unlike Carnon.
'I knew from an early age that it was an arranged marriage and that it
was a marriage without love... … .'
The reason he married him was Raymond... … It was a little sad.
You needed Raymond's spirit, so you married me, a member of the
royal family, and wanted to stay in Lampas. You were trying to use me.
'therefore… … You've always been closer to Raymond than I am.'
Despite being engaged to Dorothea, Theon remained close to
Raymond enough to be referred to as Raymond's strongest supporter.
At that time, I simply thought, “Is it because they are long-time
friends who have been close since Episteme?”
Theon ate more with Raymond than with Dorothea, and talked more
with Raymond than with Dorothea.
There was something sticky between the two that Dorothea couldn't
get in.
Something dif icult to even call friendship and the relationship
between the emperor and the gods of his subjects.
So Dorothea hated Raymond more. I can feel that even my beloved
iancé e loves Raymond more than herself.
Dorothea's sense of alienation, especially when there were three
Raymond, Theon, and Julia, would ignite her jealousy.
The feeling of being completely ostracized among them. Obviously
I'm Theon's iancee... … .
Dorothea iddled with the brooch on her chest again.
'Then again... … Will Theon ask me for an engagement?'
Now Dorothea also has the power of light. the power to save him.
'It's de initely a good thing, but why do I feel so weird... … ?'
I have the important power to save Theon, whom I loved so much,
and with that power, I can even marry Theon. Wasn't that what
Dorothea had been dreaming of for the rest of her life?
However, the reason why I felt a bit queasy was because of Ethan
who suddenly passed me by while thinking about Theon.
I don't know why he keeps falling in love with me.
Is it because Ethan gave me the power of light?
Are you interested in using the power he gave me because he loved
me for the sake of another man, Theon?
As she was immersed in complicated thoughts, Theon just opened
her mouth.
“It’s a little late, but congratulations on your debut and awakening
the power of the Spirit.”
“Ah, thank you… … .”
“I should have congratulated you on that day, but I couldn’t because
the princess is very popular and I had to go in early.”
Theon said that he went home that day with a toast for her for
personal reasons.
Perhaps because of the power of the spirit, he was not feeling well.
'The darkness in the debut circle was also due to Theon... … .'
Dorothea digs deeper and studies the power of the spirits after
Ethan reveals Theon's secret.
It was deduced that Theon needed to spend at least an hour with the
Light Spirit at least once a week.
This is called 'puri ication'.
Until now, Raymond has probably been in charge of cleaning.
The reason Theon couldn't hold up his strength during his debut
Tangte was probably because Raymond was busy.
After graduating from Episteme, the two did not have a chance to
meet unless they made time for each other.
So, of course, I couldn't make time to meet my friends in person.
“I wish I had stayed until the end to congratulate the princess.”
"no. I'm so crazy I can't even remember who congratulated me that
day. Maybe it was because you were the last person to say
congratulations to me.”
That's a lie. No matter how much I had organized my mind, I would
have remembered all of Theon's congratulations.
But Dorothea said so, and Theon laughed.
“Ah, Princess. Do you have time this week?”
"this week?"
"ah… … . You said you were busy earlier.”
“No, I was just trying to say no.”
Theon laughed as Dorothea shook her head and added hastily.
In fact, it is true that there are a lot of things to organize and deal
with after moving the palace, but for Theon, it is possible to take some
time off.
“Then would you like to have dinner with me this week? To
congratulate the princess on her debut, and also to celebrate the
awakening of the spirit's power. I have something to tell you... … .”
“Only the two of us… … ?”
Dorothea's eyes widened.
A meal with Theon?
“If it’s uncomfortable, can we invite someone else?”
“No, you don’t have to… … .”
Dorothea barely calmed down.
It is clear that he is trying to set up a place to tell the secret of the
spirit. There would be no other special intentions.
“Then how about lunch at the restaurant Caro in downtown the day
after tomorrow? If you don't want to go out, you can tell the princess
what you like."
The irst suggestion given to the invitee to ease the burden of
choosing the menu, and the option given to Dorothea.
Dorothea felt that Theon had taken great care of her.
“No, I actually wanted to go to a restaurant.”
Eating out in the imperial family is not uncommon.
Because there are irst-class chefs in the royal family, and if
necessary, you can invite famous chefs to eat.
There are many cases where you are invited to another noble's
house and the food is served at that house, but you don't feel the need
to pay money to buy food from outside.
However, among the young nobles, it was natural to use restaurants,
tea rooms, cafes, and bakeries.
In particular, around Episteme, there are famous restaurants favored
by aristocrats who came from other regions to attend Episteme.
The restaurants in the area usually boasted a luxurious and
glamorous style because they usually deal with wealthy aristocrats.
“Will the time be okay then?”
“Then I will wait in front of Karo that day.”
Theon said.


The knight ordained ceremony began with the ceremony of the

preliminary knights ahead of their appointment.
The ceremony performance, held at the right angle with a ceremonial
sword, is the lower of the ceremony.
Countless knights were aligned as if they were synchronized as one
body, one step, and one hand movement, without any deviation.
They all swung their swords splendidly in the same motion.
It's nice to look at and it's strange, but it's an opportunity to see the
angle and rigor of the Knights Templar.
Dorothea was able to quickly ind Joey among the knights who all
looked the same because they were wearing the same clothes and
performing the same movements.
As if Joey was a part of the body of the Knights Templar, he
performed the ceremony perfectly without any error.
Like an elaborate clockwork doll, Joy doesn't blink an eye, and moves
with a hard expression that doesn't seem to even smile even if
someone pranks her.
Dorothea was even moved by the sight.
Joey, who used to be a promiscuous potato, becomes a prosperous
When I irst met Joy, I thought that the relationship would end soon.

'Thank you, Princess! It was all thanks to the princess that I was able
to become a knight!'

Joey said so, but Dorothea didn't think so.

At that time, it was Joy, not Dorothea, who held on to this
Joy was the only one who walked a long way to repay the favor that
Po was saved from an infectious disease thanks to the medicine.
After that, I didn't leave the nonsensical ingredients in front of the
annex every month.
Dorothea, Clara, and Chef Leniere all couldn't keep their mouths shut
at Joey's absurd grit.
It was his immense tenacity that made Joy what he is today.
Joey says she was lucky enough to become a knight, but that luck was
her own.
The lucky one was Dorothea. Because that tough guy pushed his face
to ind him.
“Princess, the corners of your lips don’t go down.”
Clara, who was looking at Joey, noticed Dorothea's expression that
did not disappear and said,
“It’s ine, Joey.”
“Why do you look happier than the day the princess debuted?”
Clara whispered.
Even after becoming a knight, Joey continued to achieve good
It started late compared to other knights, but Joy's guts ate
Even though he was Stefan's servant, he went out to train alone at
dawn, and when he had free time because of Dorothea's schedule, he
spent the whole time thinking about the knight.
He is a guy who has done all the studies he hates, such as the
etiquette, history, chivalry, and tactics necessary to become a knight,
with his buttocks.
It wasn't that the other knights didn't work hard, but the tenacious
persistence of the one who was desperately living life and death in the
Black Village could not be defeated.
As someone who has seen all of Joy's process from the beginning to
the present, Dorothea could not hide the corners of her lips that rose
with delight.
“All- Attention!”
At the great command, the knights came to a stop in perfect
First, it's time to start the appointment of Stephan.
The knight candidates standing at an angle on either side of the red
carpet faced each other and lowered their swords 45 degrees to cross
them with an X.
And soon the big drum rang with a 'Dong'.
In response to the signal, the swords of the knight candidates were
raised to the ceiling one by one from the entrance.
As the sword rose as if the door had been opened, Stefan in uniform
stepped out through it.
As he walked through the swords that paved the way like waves, he
overwhelmed the wide hall.
It wasn't just because it looked good.
Dorothea realized that the blunt expression on Stefan's side with her
was the softer one.
Stefan, who had his face hardened, felt so intimidating that everyone
held their breath and shrugged their shoulders.
'Even before the regression, I thought it was an impression that was
dif icult to get close to, but it must have been that way.'
He seems to have gotten too used to Stefan's soft impression.
He crossed the nobility and knelt before Carnon and Arthur, the
knight leader of the Knights of Brightness.
Should I have to say that his arms were bent inward, Stefan felt more
solemn and handsome than Carnon.
'The setter calips look good too.'
Dorothea praised her eyes again as she looked at the setter calips he
had on his waist.
"Stefan Greenwall, as the vice-leader of the Knights of Brilliance, is
equipped with chivalry and becomes an example for knights in all
things, and swear to follow the imperial family only with loyalty and
When Carnon asked Stefan to swear an oath of knighthood, Stefan
cut off his own hair with a knife.
His dark hair lay on a red cushion.
Knight Commander Arthur picked up the cushion and placed it on
Carnon, who burned him and dedicated it to the Spirit of Light.
Carnan hung the medal that had been prepared next to Stefan's chest.
However, his hand that was holding the medal stopped for a moment.
It was because of the white clam pins.
Carnan wrinkled her eyebrows for a moment at a pin that didn't
match the decorations.
However, unable to speak during the inauguration ceremony, he
concluded the ceremony.
A large and splendid medal made of gold hung on Stefan's chest.
Dorothea looked at him and smiled happily.
Seeing the person I love do well is more enjoyable than I thought.
Since Dorothea will never kill Stefan in this lifetime, she thought it
would be good if Stefan would rise to the rank of commander of the
Knights of Brilliance.
After that, the knight candidates put their swords back in and stood
directly on the red carpet.
Now, the formal appointment ceremony of the preliminary knights
will begin.
This time, Emperor Carnan himself took up his sword and stepped
One by one, the new knights knelt before Carnon and bowed their
And when it was Joey's turn, Joey walked out with ambitious steps.
It also had arms bent inward, and Dorothea thought that Joey was
the best among the knights as extraordinary.
From among the nobility, a whisper could be heard over who the
knight candidate was.
Most of the knight candidates were nobles, and the nobles gathered
here also gathered to celebrate the appointment of their
acquaintances, so Joy's appearance was of course unfamiliar.
Dorothea felt the urge to shout in front of the nobles, boasting, 'That
digni ied woman is mine,' but she resisted it.
Joey knelt in front of Carnon and bowed her head.
Carnan's gaze turned to Dorothea for a brief moment, then turned
back to Joey.
And he raised his sword.
“In the name of King Lux, the light elemental king, and the irst
elemental commander, Milanair, I, Carnan Milanaire, and Joey
Greenwall, are appointed as knights… … ”
Joy's new castle, irst called together with Seo Immun.
To receive the knighthood is to receive a family name, so Joey also
has a surname.
In fact, there was much to be said about her sex.


Dorothea and Stefan and Clara and Poe were all head-to-head before
Joey's knighthood ceremony.
This was because commoners without a family received a new name
when they were appointed knights.
“Usually, it’s built after something like the area you’re from.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to put something like a black town in my name.”
At Clara's words, Joey frowned.
“Or maybe you could get something that could be a nickname or a
“Potato or apple pie… … ?”
Everyone shook their heads at Poe's suggestion.
Names like Joy Potatoes and Four Apple Pies are terrible.
The potato family that is passed down from generation to
generation, the apple pie family. It's a name that doesn't even appear in
a fairy tale book.
“Or make a favorite historical igure in a respectful way… … .”
“Princess Dorothea!”
“You want to be Joey Dorothea?”
“Are you profane?”
“Isn’t that the problem?”
Dorothea shook her head in an out-of-focus Joy.
Then Po intervened again.
“How about if it sounds like something out of the ordinary? It was
written under the pseudonym of the princess. then… … Joey Dory, Po
“Po, never give up your name. Even if you open a bakery later, get my
permission before putting up a sign.”
Dorothea said, putting her forehead on Poe's terrible sense of
Stefan's forehead, which was still standing, was also wrinkled, and
Clara pushed Po to the side.
Joey's surname will soon be attached to Po, so I tried to listen to his
opinion as much as possible, but if I don't pay more attention, later
generations will be counted as a terrible surname.
In the end, Poe sat next to Joey with a gloomy expression on his face,
waiting for the name of the family to be named.
“How did Knight Stefan come up with his family name?”
Clara looked up at Stephan.
Stefan Greenwall, who was also a mercenary, was a man who became
a knight without a family.
“… … .”
"Okay, it's my fault for asking."
Clara, who had a long experience, was quick to give up.
Dorothea replied with a smile instead.
“The place where Stefan lived as a mercenary for a long time was
where there was a forest. A forest where trees grow tall and dense like
a wall.”
Among the documents that came to Dorothea when Stefan became
the vice-president, there was a document about the appointment of
Stefan, and there was a story about the family of Stefan written there.
“Oh, that’s cool. I also want to do Joy Greenwall. One of the people I
respect is Sir Stefan.”
“… … .”
Then Stefan stared at Zoe. Joey felt Stefan's gaze and looked at him.
“… … .”
“… … .”
The silence of the two and the exchange of glances.
Dorothea and Clara and Grape are looking at them without saying a
“… … really? Is that okay?”
Joy opened her eyes wide and shouted loudly, as if she had realized a
great truth.
Then Stefan nodded.
With just a few glances and glances, the two seem to have talked a
Dorothea barely noticed their story.
In Stephan's family, Joey and Poe will enter.
“But how? Sir Stefan's family already exists, so I can't get into it at
“… … stepdaughter.”
“Then I… … Stefan's daughter?! Dad?!"
“New Daddy?!”
Joey and Po opened their mouths in amazement at the same time,
and Stefan shook his head hastily.
Even so, the age difference isn't even 10 years, but you're a father.
He has an uncle, and he will go in there, Stefan said silently.
“Anyway, Stefan is the one who goes, so it’s not dif icult to get things
done as long as Stefan’s consent is there.”
Dorothea smiled and added, and Joey glanced back at Dorothea and
Stefan with a lashing look in her eyes.
“So, will Po and me have a new family?”
“Is that going to happen?”
“Then what will Sir Stefan be to me?”
"cousin… … Will it be?”
It goes under Stefan's uncle.
Joey and Po were both startled at the same time.
No, is that so surprising?
Dorothea thought so, but it was strange to hear that Stefan, who
seemed high to Joey and Po, was called by the friendly and close name
of his cousin.
“Joy, you can get the family name yourself, would it be okay to join
the Greenwall family?”
“You become family with Sir Stephan! That’s a lot better.”
Joey happily accepted Stefan's offer, and Joey and Poe were adopted
into the Greenwall family.


'Joy Greenwall' at the knight's ceremony like that.

“Joy Greenwall devotes herself to the imperial Ubera and the
imperial family, and be loyal to the end of death.”
Carnan recited an introduction and lowered the back of the sword to
Joy's head and shoulders.

After the inauguration ceremony, Dorothea walked away to celebrate

By the way.
“Dorothea Milanaire.”
An unfamiliar voice caught her. A voice I wanted to ignore, but I
Dorothea looked back at Carnan with a solemn expression on her
“Did you call me, Your Majesty?”
Behind Carnan, his servants lined up, and Raymond was by his side.
In other words, as soon as he called Dorothea, everyone stopped and
focused on her.
“I think this is the irst time I have attended the inauguration
“My knight attended the inauguration ceremony.”
Dorothea was uncomfortable with so many people standing and
waiting because of her.
Why is Karnon taking all their time talking to me?
It seems that everyone was on their way to the Knights of Brilliance
after the ceremony was over, to congratulate them in person and have a
dinner in the name of the imperial family.
“It was Sir Stefan Greenwall. He was a very good knight.”
“He is a person comparable to the deputy commander of the Knights
of Brilliance.”
I didn't want to talk too much with Carnon, but he responded
because it was Stefan's compliment.
“Seeing him today makes me feel lucky to have Stefan Greenwall as
an escort for you.”
Wasn't Carnan the one who summoned him from Dorothea, who was
recuperating in Cerritian, and tried to get rid of the escort?
I have clearly seen the emperor's sanction in the letter to Stefan.
I had a lot to say, but I decided not to do it for the servants waiting
behind me.
“… … .”
“Soon there will be a dinner in the Knights Templar. You may attend,
Carnan said to Dorothea.
Carnan has been keeping an eye on Dorothea since her debut.
She was still not in a position to socialize with the nobles. Seems like
he's not shy, Carnon thought.
'He's a kid who always keeps his mouth shut when talking to me.'
Is it because of the long recuperation? Dorothea did not play the role
of an ordinary princess properly.
It's better than a hostile battle for the throne with Raymond, but
that's not the case.
So he himself tried to make room for Dorothea.
By the way.
"no. What am I going to do with the knights sharing their joy?”
Dorothea politely declined his offer.
Not only did she hate going to crowded places, but she didn't like it
because she knew how much the knights had neglected Dorothea's
escort post until now.
Then, if Dorothea comes to visit, I'm sure she'll show another false
interest and latter her.
Although she may look like a moth, the only things she wanted to
congratulate on were Stefan and Zoe.
But Carnan had no way of knowing her heart.
“The Knights of the Knights of Brilliance are those who serve the
imperial family, so you who are a Milanese should also celebrate their
appointment and appointment.”
“I am a Milanese, but I have never been there before, Your Majesty.”
At Dorothea's words, Carnan and others' faces hardened.
Everyone looked at Carnon in the cold air.
Usually, when the emperor makes such a suggestion, it is common
for subordinates to follow the emperor's instructions, even if
someone's wedding is held that day.
Even as a princess, Dorothea's words were breathtaking.
Carnan had an expression on her face that she wanted to say
something to her, who had never listened to him directly.
But because there were so many people watching, he swallowed the
long words.
“You can’t do it if you want to forsake the opportunity yourself.”
“Thank you for understanding my foolishness, Your Majesty.”
As Dorothea bowed her head deeply and stepped back, Carnan
walked past her with her mouth shut as if reluctantly.
Raymond, who was standing behind Carnon, looked at Dorothea and
smiled shyly.
'Let's practice swordsmanship in the afternoon.'
With that in his mouth, Raymond followed Carnon and disappeared.


After the inauguration ceremony, a banquet hall to congratulate the

new knights.
Carnan, who took part in the formal dinner, was interested in

'How about showing a little more interest in Princess Dorothea?'

Dorothea thought he had lost all interest in her, but that was never
the case.
Because, in a good or bad sense, there's no way you can completely
forget the child Alice left behind.
But he admitted it. that he had neglected Dorothea.
It was true that Alice did not treat her as a princess because she died
or because she did not see the Spirit of Light, and it was her fault.
So I made a birthday present for Dorothea and allocated a little more
Occasionally I tried calling Dorothea and talking to her.
But, like an emotionless doll, she gave only a set answer before
Despite all his efforts, the distance showed no sign of getting any
Time passed while still standing in the distance.
Dorothea matured day by day and became more like Alice.
If it wasn't for the color of her hair and eyes, it was enough to
mistake her for Alice.
Occasionally seeing Dorothea brought back memories of Alice, which
had barely faded, and made his heart ache.
It was then that Carnon began to reconsider the meaning of
The blood pus from the wound left by Alice's death had stopped, and
the scar left on the spot where the scab sat was now immediately
Dorothea Milanaire.
She was not the child who killed Alice, but the child she protected
while dying.
It wasn't until nearly 20 years later that he realized that.
Alice's last gift. Little Alice.
However, the only signi icant legacy he left behind was the wine
Dorothea made when he was six years old.
Should I say I'm glad it's still there?
The reason the wine was soaked was not simply because of the
The day I irst met Dorothea.
'I'm going crazy.'

He clenched his teeth at the rushing emotions like a tidal wave.

The child who killed Alice had an abominably adorable igure. And a
face resembling Alice pressed down on the weakest corner of his heart.
And the young Dorothea's eyes staring up at him hostilely. It was as if
he resented him for not protecting the dead Alice.
He was eaten by those eyes and had no choice but to keep his
And ahead of his debut Tangte, he reached out to his daughter as a
gift of wine. To his daughter who suddenly resembled Alice's face
Carnan hoped that Dorothea would get to know him a little bit,
accepting his courageous gift.
But Dorothea never smiled when she saw the wine he had prepared.
And the wine was sent to the frontier soldiers and medical facilities.
Do you not know how good the wine is and how much effort, capital,
and time it took for that wine?
Can't you imagine how he came up with this wine?
There's no way she can't read the implications of her clever and
smart girl, but how much more effort does she have to put in to ind
Every time he reached out to say good-bye, Dorothea threw it away
without looking at him.
And today.

'I'm a Milanese, but I've never been there before, Your Majesty.'

The words he spit out as if to listen to him pointed out his

Carnan didn't think it was his fault either.
But, how long do you think you will be frustrated with the past?
Nothing can be solved if you don't hold the outstretched hand!
She kicked an opportunity that came in through the vine.
I thought he was clever, but he was stupid.
'Why don't you want to use the spirit's power that you've awakened?
… !'
He was overjoyed when Dorothea awakened in her debut Tangte.
Yeah, there's no way Alice's daughter can't handle spirits.
Carnan hoped that Dorothea would establish itself externally.

'Your Majesty, is it important that I have the power of a spirit?'

Dorothea's reaction puzzled Carnan.

Dorothea was cold, who knew better than anyone how important it
He must have had the power of the original spirit, but he wondered if
he had deceived and ridiculed the imperial family until now.
Dorothea never showed the spirit's power properly after that, and
even after moving the palace, she quietly spent tea time alone as
'Are you going to live like that until the day you die?'
Carnan thought, taking a sip of the drink from the dinner table.
At that moment, Stefan came into Carnon's eyes.
Appointed as deputy general manager today, he remained silent in
the midst of the loud celebrations of the people.
'… … Did you say you escorted Dorothea for ten years?'
Carnan narrowed her eyes and stared at Stephan.
At that time, Stefan, who felt Carnon's hot gaze, turned to Carnon.
Carnon caught his gaze and picked up his neck for nothing.
Stefan waited lightly, as if he had something to say, and waited for
him to speak.
I didn't mean to talk, but Stefan's wait was so serious that Carnon
had no choice but to open his mouth.
“Sir Stefan Greenwall. What is that clam pin on your chest?”
A coarse clam pin that was annoying at the ceremony.
Although it was small in size, it stood out especially among the
decorations lashing with various colors.
In the Knights of Brilliance, it was not a problem to put one or two
decorative pins unless it was a counterfeit medal, but usually they wore
colorful jewel pins, not cheap seashells.
“… … Princess Dorothea Milanaire gave it to me.”
Dorothea? If it were a princess, I could have gifted you something
nice instead of a cheap pin like that.
Carnan didn't understand Dorothea, who gave her such a gift, or
Stefan, who wore it proudly.
But more importantly, Dorothea herself pinned Stephan's chest.
Carnan had heard early reports that Stefan and Dorothea were very
To him, Dorothea, who is just cold, smiles and babbles in front of that
bad-looking knight, and even wields a sword coolly.
It is said that when he was young, Stefan held Dorothea in a lash of
Carnan couldn't believe the blunt and rude daughter being embraced
by that reticent knight.
"If you've been escorting Dorothea for a long time, you know
Dorothea well."
“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”
A frustratingly slow response.
Dorothea wondered how she had lived with such a person until now.
Could such a person lead the knights?
Commander Arthur said that there was no problem because most of
the commands and commands went through physical signs and
standardized simple words... … .
“… … What do you think of Dorothea?”
At Carnan's question, Stefan's black eyes humbly looked down and
“The Princess… … .”
A long silence as if choosing a word.
Just as Carnon was about to pout, Stefan's lips opened again.
“He is the person I want to protect the most.”
There was no shaking in Stefan's voice, which came out late.
Then Carnan's eyes narrowed.
“… … What do you want to protect the most?”
At Carnon's question, Stefan twitched his mouth as if to answer
again, and then barely spit out his voice.
“… … It’s because I’ve been escorting you for a long time.”
A very simple answer for the amount of time it took.
But Stefan couldn't answer any longer.
Other than that, the words would be too long to explain in detail his
How would you describe the warm, sympathetic, yet heartwarming
feeling you get when you see Dorothea?
If it was love, it was love. It's not about loving with the opposite sex,
it's about something precious.
If I could ind the love most similar to him, it was family love.
But I couldn't be honest.
If you think of the princess you serve as your family, you will hear
that it is disrespectful.
Therefore, Stefan's mouth was shut brie ly.
Carnan was a little annoyed by his stuffy attitude, but asked calmly
The only place I could turn to for advice on Dorothea right now was
that frustrating article.
“What do Dorothea usually like to do? You don't even get along with
people, so what do you do in the palace? Have you ever seen Dorothea
use the power of a spirit?”
When Carnan asked a series of questions, Stefan was embarrassed
and nervous, and he kept his mouth shut, unable to answer a word.
I'm not sure if I should answer the questions one by one slowly, but
your Majesty the Emperor asks dif icult questions.
As Stefan rolled his eyes in confusion, Carnan nodded and opened his
mouth again.
“Okay, I’ll ask you slowly. What would you like Dorothea to do?”
Carnan has offered Dorothea an expensive gift, called her to talk, and
even offered to attend a good event.
But despite all the efforts of the emperor, Dorothea did not like
Will Stefan know the answer?
What Carnan should do for Dorothea.
Stefan pondered for a while, then lifted his heavy lips.
“… … It’s believing, watching and waiting.”
Don't settle for something material and intuitive right away.
Just like waiting 12 years to make wine, the relationship with
Dorothea will also take a long time to wait and trust.
Carnon would have wanted an immediate remedy, but Stefan knew
the weight of Dorothea's wounds from Carnon.
It is more than a thief's heart to hope that the pain accumulated for
decades will be healed in one day.
Unsurprisingly, Carnan's face was somewhat shocked by Stefan's
answer, as if he had hoped for that 'thief symbol'.
“Wait… … ?”
At Carnan's question, Stefan quietly bowed his head.
It is intimidating and coercion to hit someone and then reach out
your hand to say you're sorry and ask the other person to hold your
It was Dorothea, not Carnan, who deserved to reach out irst.
All he was allowed to do was wait for Dorothea to reach out irst.

The emperor, the prince, and the busy nobles who had nothing to do
with the knights soon made a toast and disappeared, and the banquet
soon returned to the joyous and wild festival atmosphere of the
The voices of the knights, excited with pleasure and drunkenness,
grew louder and louder, and Joy felt like her ears were going to fall off.
“Hey! Joy Greenwall!”
A group of knights who were ordained with her put their chins on
Joey's shoulder and talked to her.
They were drunkenly, their faces were stained red, and they held a
large glass of wine in one hand.
One of the strange pride of knights was drunkenness, and the more
they drank, the more they knew how to prove their skills as knights.
Joey didn't like them.
He hated alcohol from an early age, and he didn't like it even more if
he drank alcohol.
I wanted to bury the guy who drank so much that he couldn't control
Perhaps the in luence of his father, Gutt, who gambled and got drunk,
was a big factor.
'It's good that Sir Stefan doesn't drink too much... … .'
When he was in Cerritian, Joey thought that all the knights, like
Stefan, could refrain from alcohol and be moderate.
That's why, when I say 'knight', I used to draw a strong and cool
image while being ascetic.
But after coming up to Lampas, the image that was nice, reliable, and
sacred was shattered.
Knights liked to drink, and drinking was common even on the
battle ield. Alcohol has a great effect on boosting morale or something.
Well, her father, Gutt, was also a person who usually lived a very low-
key life, but when he drank alcohol, he suddenly became wild and brave,
punching and breaking things and raising his voice.
“Our Joy Green Moon, who is running on the road to a brilliant life~!
You don't even drink a sip on such a ine day!"
The knights who smelled of alcohol clinged to Joey and called her
with their twisted tongues.
Joey pushed them away, but the drunken ones staggered and sat
down on the table, pouring alcohol into the empty glasses.
"ruler! drink!"
A knight held out a glass full of alcohol enough to create surface
tension to Joey and looked at him with dazed eyes.
“If you don’t drink on a day like this, you will be disquali ied as a
knight! Appointment cancelled!”
"right! right!"
“Drink! Drink! Drink!”
The knights stretched their ists to the sky and urged Joy.
It was clear that alcohol had the effect of raising the throat.
Otherwise, Gut and that stupid voice can't grow that loud.
'Pathetic bastards.'
If you stay drunk, you will stumble and run to give your head when
the enemy comes.
Joey shook his head and pushed the glass from the knight.
Then, booing noises were heard from all directions.
Joy thought that it would be better to go in quickly and go see the
princess and Pona rather than hanging out with these guys.
As Joey turned away, ignoring them, a knight grabbed her wrist.
“I want to go in, wash my feet and take a nap.”
Joey twisted the wrist of the knight holding me and pulled his hand
“Hey, you can’t do this! The imperial family recognized you as a
knight, who lived like a beggar without anything, so you’re going to
take a nap?”
"What? Is there anything missing?”
At the knights who burst into laughter, Joy wrinkled a grim
Beggar... … ! No matter how poor she was, she never got anything
from a ball.
They carried water jars to the bone, moved loads until their feet
swell, and earned a fair price for their labor, feeding them with guns.
In order to repay the kindness that Dorothea had bestowed upon
him, he traveled back and forth for four hours each month and offered
the vegetables he had saved.
It was a time when I was poor and ignorant, and I never wanted to go
back, but I never did anything shameful.
Joey wanted to throw all the drunken idiots on the ground, but he
If you make a fuss at the inaugural dinner, you will paint the faces of
Dorothea and Stefan who trusted her.
Patience was one of the things she honed the most under Stefan.
“Look at that raging beggar! act like nothing Should I be happy with
my elevation? There is no other life as lucky as you.”
Tongues exuding a sweet and drunken smell were making a loud
noise, and then forced Joey's head to bow to the royal family.
The princess, whom she had been serving, suddenly awakened
because it was not enough to enter the imperial family under the
theme of a beggar and get a seat as a servant, so the knights thought
that there was no life more comfortable than Joy.
“Lee, won’t you let this go?”
Do you really want to hit one? I'm con ident I can win.
Those guys who lose every day in training are the lucky ones in life.
The lucky ones are those who were born into a noble family from
birth, wielded a ine sword, received a good education, and became
knights of course.
That's when Joey was clenching his ists.
Suddenly, the knight's hand that was pressing on Joey's head was
caught by something and fell off.
“Evil, ah ah ah!”
When Joey opened his eyes to a scream that seemed to be painful
enough to break his drink, Stephan was there.
“Sir Stefan… … !”
“… … .”
Stefan looked down at the knight who was quietly tormenting Joey.
Stefan's height stood out among the knights, and the sense of
intimidation was enormous.
He didn't say anything, but the knights automatically shut their
mouths and crouched.
“… … joy."
“Yes, Sir Stefan, no, deputy chief!
When I answered in a set-up position, Stefan blinked as if he wanted
to go.
Joey answered quietly Stefan and followed him as he walked.
Stefan took Joey out of the banquet hall and headed towards the
Knights Templar.
Joey looked at Stefan's back and couldn't lower the corners of his lips
that were raised.
She had always lived independently, taking care of her pho, but
looking at Stefan's broad back, she felt comfortable as if she had a place
to lean on.
Stefan took Zoe to his new of ice in the Knights Templar.
It wasn't inished yet, so it was distracting, but Joey was just curious
and turned his head around and looked around.
She was very upset when Dorothea decided to send Stephane as
deputy general manager, but it felt good to see her doing so well, proud
and proud.
After all, the smart princess's choice was right.
"Thank you for your help. And congratulations from the bottom of
my heart, Vice-Captain!”
Joy expressed her gratitude for Stefan's strong back, whom she
Stefan turned to look at Joey and raised the tip of his lips, which had
been closed in a straight line.
“… … Congratulations, Joey Greenwall.”
He handed Joey the sword.
Joey looked at him with wide eyes.
What he held out was the sword he had been using for a long time.
The sword that Joey was sharpening when he irst entered
Cerritian's villa and spyed on Stefan at dawn.
“Are you giving this to me?”
As Joey stuttered, Stefan nodded quietly.
Stefan now had the setter calips Dorothea gave him.
Unlike the setter calyps, which is called the famous sword, his sword
was nothing but a nameless sword, but it was a great sword that had
been with him while escorting Dorothea.
Although he may not always be by Dorothea's side, he hopes to
protect Dorothea as Greenwall with his black Zoe.
May he have the sword Dorothea gave him, and the sword he left
behind by Dorothea's side.
It will also be a good gift for Joey, who carries a modest sword.
With trembling hands, Joey picked up the sword that Stefan held out.
Whether it was a famous sword or not, the standards set by the
world did not matter.
Stefan's sword was the sword she had always admired.
Because when she closes her eyes and imagines Stephan, this sword
is always around her waist.
Her heart raced just by holding the sword.
There was no real blood, but this sword seemed to be able to carry
on the name of Greenwall.
“Please take good care of the princess.”
At Stefan's brief request, Joey nodded irmly.
“Yes, Vice-Captain!”


A few days after the inauguration ceremony.

The irst mission of 'Joy Greenwall' is fast approaching.
“Are you going to see Master Theon Fried?”
Dorothea nodded, clearing her collar in the mirror.
Clara brushed her hair from behind and smiled happily.
“I hope the princess is popular.”
Speaking of Ethan and Theon.
Perhaps, after Dorothea awakens the spirit, it may also include other
noble children who are interested.
'I'm sure others will see it that way.'
Dorothea looked at herself in the mirror.
He was going to eat with Theon, but he didn't look that excited.
Moderately enjoyable enough to prepare for an outing. There was also
a sense of tension.
'If I talk about spirits, what should I say?'
Dorothea was most worried about that.
If you ever get an engagement proposal, should you accept it or not?
no. Maybe they really just eat and come back to celebrate their debut
and awakening.
“Whew… … .”
“When you go out, you take a deep breath. Is this your irst time
going to a restaurant? Come have fun Don’t be burdened.”
Clara said, gently relaxing Dorothea.
Dorothearani sighs deeply when he meets Theon. It's something I
really couldn't have imagined.
“Joy, just in case you don’t know, protect the princess thoroughly.”
Joy clenched her ists, saying that she would successfully take on her
irst escort.


When the carriage carrying Dorothea reached the restaurant Caro,

Theon was already waiting for her in front of it.
He wore a matching black coat over his shoulders.
As soon as Dorothea's carriage arrived, he gave her hand to get off
the carriage.
Dorothea took his hand and slowly stepped onto the footrest of the
carriage and got down in front of the restaurant.
“Did you feel uncomfortable coming here?”
Theon asked kindly and led her towards the restaurant.
Restaurant Caro is more colorful than Dorothea thought… … It was
Dorothea, who was thinking of a moderately old-fashioned building,
could see it decorated with rose vines and statues of lovers.
In particular, at the entrance, there was a statue kissing with a
bouquet hidden behind his back, which was quite embarrassing.
"ah… … . It's not often that you can get a separate room. All other
places have open tables, so I thought it would be inconvenient.”
Theon also explained why he chose Caro because he felt that such
decorations were embarrassing.
Upon entering the entrance, an employee in a frilled maid out it
guided the two inside.
As Theon said, Caro was able to have a private meal as all tables were
in the room.
In particular, the city view of Lampas that can be seen out the
window from the room was the pride of Restaurant Caro.
However, the romantic decorations and lanterns still on inside made
Dorothea feel strange.
No matter how you look at it, it was a place where lovers would come
to enjoy a date.
“… … I'm sure Julia would like it here. The food is delicious, so I'm
sure the princess will like it too... … .”
Theon also wet his lips nervously and muttered an excuse.
The waiter inally led the two of them into a spacious room inside.
Even the heart-shaped doorknob greatly embarrassed Dorothea, but
Theon and Dorothea pretended they didn't see each other and went
And as soon as they enter, they are greeted with white lace and pink
ribbons reminiscent of a wedding hall, a rose vase in the middle of the
table, and sweet aromatic candles.
Both Theon and Dorothea felt something was irmly wrong, but they
found it more embarrassing to leave than they had already been in.
'Te, Theon probably didn't choose this place on purpose.'
Even if Theon was going to talk about their engagement today, it's
not likely that he's going to get a restaurant with this vibe.
Besides, the embarrassment re lected on his face was real.
"priority… … Please sit down, Princess.”
Theon pulled out a chair and gave her a seat, barely smiling over his
puzzled expression.
In the chair he took out, a cushion embroidered with a heart pattern
greeted her.
Dorothea met Theon's eyes, and Theon pulled out the back cushion
and threw it over the other decoration.
“I need to say something to Julia.”
“No, it’s my irst time coming here, so it’s amazing… … great."
Dorothea sat down in her chair and smiled.
I thought that I had been to various parts of the empire while living
as an emperor before returning, but I had never experienced such a
Do young nobles these days ind a mate in this way?
Although love marriages were on the rise, this new culture was
astonishing, and Dorothea once again thought that she had lived an
old-fashioned life.
Before returning, she was studying and training relentlessly to beat
Raymond, and despised rest, play, and enjoyment.
Even after becoming emperor, luxury and pleasure were for public
display, not real pleasure.
After returning home, he was locked up in the palace saying he would
not do anything.
'I think I didn't know how to live well as well as how to live a good
life... … .'
Dorothea thought as she looked at the colorful rose-patterned dishes
set on the table.
Meanwhile, Theon sat across from Dorothea.
Shortly thereafter, the waitress brought hot water and a menu to a
removable tray.
She knew the menu, but it was the irst time she tried it, so Dorothea
opened the menu with excitement.
There were several course dishes presented. The price for each
menu was not written, probably because the nobles who visit this place
don't care much about the price anyway.
Dorothea and Theon weren't really interested in the price of the
Dorothea thought, "I think I can understand why the high-end
restaurant business is starting to lourish."
'There are enough systems in place for this... … , no, this is not the
time to think like this.'
Dorothea shook her head to shake off her thoughts.
The two chose a course and detailed options, a process unfamiliar to
Dorothea and a little tiring.
As soon as the order was inished, the waiter brewed a cup of hot tea,
told him to pull the line and ring the bell if necessary, and then left the
While enjoying the appetizers in turn, the two had a light
A story about Raymond, which the two of them know well in
common, the embarrassment of the atmosphere of this restaurant, and
a story about running a support center for the disabled.
In a light story, Dorothea had to be nervous about when Theon's
main point would come out.
Soon the irst half of the course was over and the full- ledged main
dish was served.
The brown-colored steak with the shape of the grill, the colorful side
dishes, and the brown Daemi-glace sauce were a combination that
would not fail.
Whether Julia's recommendation was completely wrong, the food
was all of a high standard.
And along with the main menu, their stories, which only circulated
around the periphery, lowed into the main topic.
Theon, who was slicing the steak, hesitated and looked at the
interior decorations, then turned to Dorothea.
“The Princess… … What do you think of me?”
He carefully parted his lips to see if it would sound strange to ask
such a question in a space like this.
At that, Dorothea stopped the moving knife and made eye contact
with him.
There was tension in his red eyes.
Dorothea thought it was coming. As expected, his question was very
dif icult.
I was more comfortable in the past when I could simply say 'I love
Dorothea remembered the spirit stone brooch hidden inside her
“What do you think of me… … ?”
Dorothea answered the question with a question.
Then Theon put down the knife and fork he was holding and looked
at Dorothea.
And when he was about to part his lips.
With a high scream, the door they were in opened, and a woman's
body leaned over.
“Hey, you have to be careful.”
A seductive voice that catches a woman who almost fell.
When Dorothea and Theon looked at the door in amazement at the
same time, there was Ethan Bronte.
For a moment, Dorothea trembled as if she had done something
Ethan's golden eyes glanced at the two men sitting opposite each
other in the room, slicing steaks.
“What a coincidence. The Princess and Master Theon Fried are here.”
He smiled beautifully, but his narrowed eyes were sharper than a
“Oh, Ethan. How are you here?”
Dorothea asked.


The day Ethan received the letter from Monica.

He came up with two ways to prevent the war that Monica could
The irst is that he doesn't accept Monica at all. He was cold-hearted
towards Monica, leaving no room for even a single shot.
The second is to help Monica early so that she doesn't even get
engaged. Unlike before the return, Monica is not yet of icially engaged
to Nereus, so it is enough if she cancels her work before the
In that case, Nereus and Monica have nothing to do with each other,
and they won't attack you by mentioning Monica's name.
'I don't think stopping this one won't prevent me from going to war,
but... … .'
At least Ethan Bronte won't be mentioned at the outset of the war.
Dorothea will recognize his efforts.
Ethan pondered between two options, and inally came to a


Finally, the date Monica had written on the letter came.

Before going to see Monica, he pulled out some decent clothes from
the house and dressed himself up in front of the mirror.
But his expression was not bright at all.
'therefore… … Did the princess forget me after that day?'
The princess, who hadn't contacted me for over a week, didn't seem
to know how to ind Ethan Bronte irst, as always.
'Would you like to spend time with Theon Fried?'
That said, I didn't even use the power of the Spirit Stone, so I can't
say it's bad luck or good luck.
Blaming his impatience, he calmed himself and headed to the
meeting place with Monica.
The restaurant Caro is located a short distance from Ethan's Bronte
He knows what restaurant Caro is like. It was because many women
had asked him to see him in Caro before he returned.
Although the romantic decorations were a bit too much, it was a
restaurant that I wanted to visit with Dorothea because the food and
service were excellent.
'Of course, the princess wouldn't like a place like this.'
We will never come together.
It was clear that he only wanted to come with him, and in the end he
would act according to Dorothea's tastes, moods, and hearts.
And when he arrived at Caro, he saw the royal carriage standing near
'Why is that wagon here? … ?'
He thought of which of Dorothea, Raymond, and Carnon would come
to Restaurant Caro.
But no matter how much I thought about it, none of the three had a
picture of them sitting in the caro.
'… … Did the carriage come for imperial affairs? They're trying to
take Caro's chef to the imperial court.'
There is no law that says that only people from the imperial family
must be carried, so they may have sent a wagon for a purpose.
But in one side of my chest, the feeling of uneasiness did not go away.
“Ethan… … !”
Monica, who was waiting for him in front of Caro, greeted him.
Even though she deliberately arrived later than her appointment
time, she showed no sign of anger.
“There is an imperial carriage. Guess who came?”
“Ah, Princess Dorothea is here.”
Monica said lowering her voice.
Ethan's expression, which had a smile attached to him, hardened.
'Dorothea is here?'
Ethan knows her taste better than anyone. Dorothea would never
enjoy this kind of atmosphere. Of course, I am not the irst person to
come to this place.
That means someone invited Dorothea here. And it means that
Dorothea accepted the invitation without words.
The only thing that can do that is… … .
'Theon Fried... … I guess.'
Clever and knowledgeable about Dorothea, he was able to hit his
opponents with ease.
Ethan clenched his ists tightly.
It had been expected for a long time that Dorothea would become
close to Theon with the power of the spirits.
Theon needs Dorothea's power, and Dorothea likes Theon, so their
engagement will go smoothly.
'Don't be jealous when you know it all, Ethan Bronte.'
It was the path he had chosen to save Dorothea, a new life.
“Shall we go in?”
Monica asked Ethan, who stopped at the entrance to the restaurant.
At that, Ethan forced a smile and nodded his head.
Upon entering, people in maid clothes guided the two inside.
Private rooms continued on either side of the hallway where the
vases were placed.
Every time Ethan passed through each room, he was alert.
Somewhere here Dorothea and Theon are sitting together and
enjoying a meal.
'… … No, maybe Dorothea came here for something else. It's just my
guess that you're with Theon.'
As he passed through the room one by one, he shook his head again,
rationalizing himself in the tumultuous emotions.
The desire to see Dorothea, the desire to deny that she is with Theon
Fried, the urge to ruin the relationship between Dorothea and Theon,
the reason to connect the two, and the curiosity to con irm her.
The spirit seemed out of control of his body, and he stopped in the
middle of the hallway.
He stopped in front of a room.
He said 'a room', but his tip indicated that Dorothea was here.
No, it was an empirical analogy rather than a touch.
It was because of the empty appetizer bowl that the waiter brought
to clean up.
As an appetizer, they probably served fruit salad with sweet and sour
mustard sauce, bacon quiche, and butter egg soup.
One of the bowls had yellow marks on the rim as if it had been spread
with mustard sauce on a plate.
Because Dorothea doesn't like strong mustard.
Half of the bacon quiche was left. I don't enjoy eating quiche because
I'm hungry right away.
Butteregg soup was clean. Because I like soup that warms my body.
This is a common shape on Dorothea's plates, so he found Dorothea
by looking at the empty dishes that came out of the servant's hands.
Ethan's heart pounded as he realized where Dorothea was.
Are you really with Theon Fried while you're not looking for me... … ?
“Ethan, are you feeling ill?”
Monica, who knew nothing, asked him.
Since Monica was standing by Dorothea's door, she thought Ethan
was looking at her.
“No, Monica. But wait a minute, on Monica-sama's shoulder... … .”
Ethan's body moved according to his emotions in an instant.
He stretched out his left hand as if to tear the hair off Monica's
shoulder, and Monica unknowingly backed away at Ethan's enchanting
She leaned against the door with Dorothea, and Ethan's right hand
clicked open, grabbing the doorknob instead of Monica's shoulder.
“Hey, you have to be careful.”
Monica, who was leaning against the door, almost fell over without
panic, and Ethan skillfully picked her up and checked the inside of the
And his prediction, which he had hoped to miss, was exactly right.
Dorothea was enjoying a meal with Theon. The two of us are so
Joey, who was about to draw his sword at the appearance of an
uninvited guest, recognized his face and retreated.
Dorothea found Ethan and trembled.
why? While you were having a good time.
'You are doing very well so that the power I gave you is not wasted.'
Ethan looked at them and smiled.
“What a coincidence. The Princess and Master Theon Fried are here.”
“Oh, Ethan. How are you here?”
Dorothea asked.
Ethan calmly pointed his eyes at Monica, whom he had supported.
“I have an appointment.”
Dorothea recognized that the woman standing next to Ethan was
'Why is she with Ethan? If it's Ethan who's returned, he'd be well
aware that he shouldn't have anything to do with her... … ?'
Dorothea wrinkled her eyebrows as if puzzled and looked at Ethan,
but Ethan ignored her gaze and took care of Monica.
Monica, who barely managed to ix what almost fell over and cleaned
up her out it, greeted the two of them a little late.
“Ah, hello, Princess. And Theon.”
Monica, who attended the Episteme, greeted Theon in a familiar way,
perhaps as an acquaintance.
But Theon looked at them silently, more precisely, Ethan, with his
mouth shut, as if he was offended by the uninvited visit.
"I'm sorry. You interrupted our friendly time.”
Monica looked at Theon's expression and bowed her head to
“Rather than a happy time… … ”
“Yeah, I was just having a lot of fun with Maine.”
Dorothea was about to speak, but Theon didn't take his eyes off
Then, the corners of Ethan's lips twisted up coldly.
“The food looks so delicious. Me and Monica-sama just arrived... … I
look forward to it.”
Ethan's eyes, praising the food, turned to Dorothea and Theon.
Dorothea could not make eye contact with Ethan and shook her
It was only Theon Fried that looked at Ethan.
“I hope you and Ethan enjoy your meal with Monica too.”
Theon greeted the uninvited guests as if they were rushing to get
them out.
Ethan nodded his head and smiled.
“I hope you two have a memorable and enjoyable meal. then."
Ethan took his eyes off Theon, bowed to Dorothea, and left the room
with Monica.


After Ethan left, Dorothea stared at the closed door.

“Ethan-sama is very popular.”
Her gaze returned to the table only after Theon opened her mouth.
“Ethan among the girls of Episteme, Ethan-sama’s name often comes
and goes. You must have already asked for a date.”
Theon laughed.
A person who imprinted his existence on everyone with one
graduation ceremony and one debut.
The newsletters returned by the nobles of Lampas had a page full of
articles about Ethan.
'date… … .'
After all, coming to a restaurant with this kind of atmosphere means
Dorothea wondered what the two were talking about.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … .
'… … Didn't you say you liked me?'
It was strange to see Ethan, who had been weeping in front of her not
long ago, having a good time with another woman.
'Are you jealous of me now?'
Aware of her feelings, Dorothea stabbed a slice of meat with a fork.
What does Ethan have to do with hanging out with other girls? I
wasn't engaged, and I didn't mean to become a lover.
not. This is not jealousy, but anger at his inconsistency and the
futility of love.
It's only natural to feel betrayed when you go on a date with another
woman right away after making her return as if she'll love her for the
rest of her life.
There is no sincerity in love. You loved me, right?
Dorothea dipped the steak in the sauce and chewed it in her mouth.
As the meat melted softly after a few bites, Dorothea put another
piece of meat in her mouth.
Theon looked at her wrinkled lips and spoke irst.
“Then back to our story… … .”
When Theon broke his luck, Dorothea's hand stopped harassing the
She lifted her head, realizing that she had focused too much on
Theon has been watching Ethan ever since she left.
In his serious eyes, Dorothea had a foreboding that the time had
inally come. The real reason he called Dorothea today.
“Sir Joey, could you please step aside for a moment?”
Theon politely asked Joey, who was standing behind him.
Then Joy wrinkled her eyebrows and glared at Theon.
This is because, while coming here, Clara received the special task of
'protect the princess from wolves'.
“Just a minute, Joey.”
Knowing what Theon wanted to talk about, Dorothea asked Joey to
wait outside the door for a while.
Joey eventually glared at Theon once before moving away.
Joey leaves, and the two of them are left in Karo's room.
“So what’s the story you want to tell, Theon?”
Dorothea asked, pretending she didn't know anything.
I knew we were going to talk about the spirit anyway, but the two
needed to build up the story one by one.
“You asked what you think of the princess?”
However, Theon recalled the previous question, contrary to her
Dorothea nodded puzzledly at the conversation that didn't go as
And Theon quietly put down his knife and opened his red lips.
“I like you, Princess.”
His words illed Caro's air and shook Dorothea.


“Ethan… … Ethan?”
After closing Dorothea and Theon's door, Monica called for Ethan,
who stood still and remained silent.
It wasn't until Monica tapped his arm that his blurry focus turned to
“Let’s go.”
Ethan, who had been standing blankly, moved slowly.
They were ushered into a room across from Dorothea and Theon.
Monica and Ethan, like Dorothea and Theon, sat opposite each other
with a table between them.
“How do I place an order?”
“… … Do whatever you want.”
Monica asked, and Ethan answered.
“Do you also eat lamb? The lamb here is delicious.”
“… … as you wish.”
Ethan nodded and gave Monica everything she wanted.
After placing the order, Monica chatted eagerly in front of Ethan
while waiting for the food to be served.
Ethan nodded quietly and listened to Monica's story.
From the appetizers to the lambsteak he ordered, all Ethan did was
nod like a machine, repeating a simple response.
Meanwhile, Ethan suddenly twisted his face as he rolled up the hand
holding the knife.
"I… … Ethan-sama, do you think the food doesn't suit your palate?"
Monica asked cautiously.
After the steak came out, Ethan didn't cut a single piece of meat with
a knife and fork. I left the appetizer all the way before... … .
“No, I have no appetite today.”
Ethan's expression still darkened, and he clenched his teeth as if
holding back something.
It was because he could feel the power of the spirits in the room next
Dorothea was borrowing the power of the Spirit Stone for Theon
The clearer and clearer Dorothea's unfamiliar presence was, the
more it seemed that a nail was being pierced into his chest.
Monica, who was facing Ethan like that, put the fork she was holding
down on the table.
His demeanor has always been indifferent.
“… … Is it because of the princess?”
When Monica asked, Ethan raised his head in amazement as if the
word 'Princess' was binge drinking.
Ethan didn't seem to realize that he was not concentrating on this
“Why all of a sudden… … .”
“It seems that you are still only paying attention to the princess
Monica said, examining his expression.
It was then that Ethan realized that he had not touched the plate.
The surface of the meat that had been cooked warm was cold, and
the oil on the edge of the bowl was solidifying white.
Ethan averted his gaze when he realized he had been rude to Monica.
“I was really happy when Ethan accepted my invitation today. I
thought you might not read the letter.”
“… … .”
“Perhaps Ethan-sama wonders why someone who has never had a
proper conversation is so interested in him. It's only natural that you
don't like it. But I… … .”
“Mr. Monica.”
Ethan intercepted her words. And he smiled bitterly and opened his
“I like the Princess. You already know.”
Ethan cut Monica off before Monica could catch his ankle in a long
In fact, when I irst came out, I even thought about using Monica a
As she had taken advantage of herself before her return, this time
she intended to get more information about Hark in exchange for
accepting the terms of her breakup.
On the other hand, there was also a rebellion against Dorothea, who
did not seek him.
There are so many people who like me, and even if you don't accept
me, I'm still being treated like a fool.
I just wanted to be bluf ing. childishly.
Ethan Bronte can live well without Dorothea Milanaire.
It seems that Dorothea felt sorry for him for being with another
woman and hoped that he would pay attention to him again.
But the moment I saw her and Theon today, my brainwashing was
I bluffed Dorothea to take a good look, but it was he who got hurt.
As soon as he closed the door with Dorothea and Theon, he regretted
'What if I see you with Monica and misunderstand me?'
I was shaking as soon as I closed the door, how did you meet Monica
with the guts?
Those were the words of a clumsy rebel.
An idiot who is very angry with his parents and just goes out the
door and regrets leaving the house and only panics about how to get
A coward who wants to go back, get down on his knees and beg, and
bow his head so that he can enter the house again.
Monica reminded Ethan of his folly as he looked down at the dish he
never touched.
“But Ethan-sama, you are having dinner with Theon Fried.”
There is no place for you by Dorothea's side.
Monica seemed to have pity on his vain greed.
she's right
The power of the spirits lifted Dorothea to a higher place he could
not reach.
A top that suits her. The eldest son of the Grand Duke family is easy
to reach, but to a place that is dif icult for Seochul.
“Theon graduated with the best of Episteme and is close to the
Crown Prince. Prince Fried was close to the imperial family since the
time of the irst emperor of Ubera, and Theon also had a lot of
interaction with Princess... … .”
“That part.”
Ethan interrupted Monica.
Monica looked at him, a little startled, and a smile appeared on
Ethan's cold face.
“I know that part better than anyone.”
His smile spoke quietly.
I know, please keep your mouth shut.
“… … I think it would be better to get up irst.”
Ethan cleared his napkins, placed them on the table, and stood up.
With the restless napkins laid out and the food getting cold, Monica
followed Ethan to his feet.
Ethan stopped walking as he was about to leave the room as Monica
caught him calling his name.
Then he turned to look at Monica.
“I also give Monica a presumptuous piece of advice. It would be
better to be bold than to run away from a scandal.”
At Ethan's advice, Monica linched and trembled.
"I… … .”
“You can do it. 'You don't want to sell your body in the name of
Ethan laughed as he remembered what Monica had said a long time
Then Monica hardened her eyes wide as if she had caught her heart.
“Then I wish you good luck.”
Ethan said goodbye to him silently and left the room.
I'm sorry Monica, but in another sense, he has achieved his intended
If it goes against Monica like this, at least Nereus won't start a war
using 'Ethan Bronte'.
Still, his heart was heavy.
By the way.
“Ethan… … ?”
As soon as I left, I met Dorothea, who was out in the hallway.
It looked like she had already inished eating.
Theon went ahead to pay for the meal, and Joey seemed to be the
irst to queue up the carriage.
“Dining with Monica… … Are you done already?”
I could feel Dorothea's eyes looking at Ethan and the room
The helpless rebel could not answer and nodded.
Should I make excuses? You have nothing to do with Monica? why?
Dorothea wouldn't even care about me.
If you catch him again now, isn't it the same as threatening Theon
not to go, just like before the return?
You can't make the same mistake.
Let go, Ethan. let go of your mind don't hold on
It was as if two souls were ighting each other.
“But how did you get here with Monica? You know it's not good to get
involved in Monica and Nereus' engagement."
Whether or not he knows Ethan's secret, Dorothea asked him about
his relationship with Monica.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do what the princess is worried about. … …
Rather, the princess seems to be using the present I gave her well.”
Looks like you've succeeded in getting Theon Fried.
Ethan smiled as he swallowed the bitter saliva.
At his smile, Dorothea clutched the brooch that was fastened to the
inside of her sleeve.
She rolled her red lips inward as if nervously, and opened her mouth.
“Theon needs me.”
After Raymond becomes emperor, he'll be busy, so he won't have
much time to clean Theon on a regular basis, Dorothea said.
Moreover, as the enemy of Prince Fried, he needed an external
excuse not to succeed in the family.
"I… … I want Theon to live this time.”
Ethan's heart ached at her words, but he nodded.
I want you to live too. I know it in my head, but my heart just doesn't
follow it.
Ethan forced himself to raise the corners of his lips.
Then Theon appeared from the entrance.
Ethan looked at Theon, trying to calm his boiling heart.
Ethan wanted to get rid of his shell, which everyone praised as
beautiful, and have those dark hair, red eyes, dark lines and deep eyes.
Because the dark spirit can eat away all my life, so I only have to live
for one day, so if Freed lows through my veins.
Looking at Theon Fried, Ethan still had a bad impulse.
Whether Theon died or not, he separated him from Dorothea and
imagined himself taking the seat of Dorothea twelve more times a day.
No, he always thought about what it would be like to kill Theon in
advance after his return.
It was like cutting the lifeline of young Theon Fried, for nothing
But it was only because of Dorothea that he could not carry out the
After discovering that Dorothea had all of her pre-return memories,
he was unable to kill Theon.
If you kill him, Dorothea will doubt and hate him. Even if he hid the
fact of his return, he would have collapsed to death in Theon's shadow.
Ethan couldn't be the killer who killed Dorothea again.
“Princess, it is said that the carriage is ready.”
Theon, who had come to pick up Dorothea, found Ethan and bowed
his head lightly.
“You inished your meal early, Ethan.”
“The food is not to my taste.”
“If you two have more to say... … .”
"no. I can't stop you two from having a good time together."
Theon looked away for a moment, as if trying to step away, but Ethan
took a step back.
“It was nice to meet you, Princess.”
Ethan bowed his head, not wanting to be a hindrance to the
happiness she had barely revived.

Dorothea got into the wagon with Theon.
Sitting on the sway of the wagon, Dorothea's emotions also rattled
and shook uncomfortably.
After breaking up with Ethan, the shaking seemed to get worse.
Dorothea remembered the dark spirit that Theon had shown her.


“I like you, Princess.”

At Theon's sudden confession, Dorothea stopped breathing and froze
in surprise.
Theon looked at Dorothea like that and continued.
“Of course, it may not be passionate and hot love.”
Because the word I like you is a combination of various emotions.
Theon's emotions were closer to mysterious purple than passionate
red. The blue of friendship and the red of love, an ambiguous emotion
that lies somewhere in between.
Theon didn't know exactly how to name it. Because even in
Episteme, I never learned the de inition of this emotion.
What is clear is that this is a deep affection.
At irst, it was simply a liking for Raymond's younger brother. A
pretty and cute little brother of a close friend.
But gradually other colors began to seep into the clear light that was
only blue.
The irst time I met him, I burst into tears. The night she picked up
Fried's handkerchief that she had missed. Beautifully sparkling and
swinging a sword. The day I struggled to hide my tears after ighting
with Carnon. Lips rubbed together while ishing in Freedia.
And Dorothea, who colored her debutantante with a dazzling light.
The red color that was mixed in drop by drop gradually turned into a
mysterious light that could not be named.
A person who always cares. Someone who wants to reach out. Lovely
A feeling that has grown deep to be seen only as a friend's younger
It is neither blue nor red, so it is a more subtle and fascinating light.
“It may sound vague, but it’s true that you like the princess.”
His confession was candid, which made Dorothea even more
I'd rather say a raw lie that I love you, or draw a line that I don't love.
Why are you asking the other person a question with an unanswered
What is the reason for presenting something that is neither hope nor
Theon, who was staring at Dorothea, who was confused, spoke again.
"There's only one reason I'm being honest with you."
Theon also knew that his confession would further confuse Dorothea
and him.
However, there is only one reason to honestly confess feelings that
are not clear.
“I need the power of the princess.”
In order to tell his deep secret, he needed honesty.
He revealed a long-hidden secret in front of her.
The spirit of darkness came like night and erased the light of the
romantic incense candle that lit up the table, and swallowed the
sunlight that fell on the white plate.
At last Dorothea faced his deep darkness.
As much as the spirits of light whose eyes were so dazzling that it
was dif icult to open their eyes, the spirits of darkness were so dark
that they were afraid to close their eyes.
Theon's igure in front of him disappeared in pitch black, and
Dorothea couldn't even call his name as if even his voice was eaten by
the deep darkness.
A dark night without a single star or moon. The vast darkness, as if
nothing would be there even if you stretched out your hand.
So Dorothea was about to cry.
Could Theon endure this fear alone? When I killed Raymond,
wouldn't you want to kill me?
Her eyes were so far away from the darkness that she could not see
anything but tears.
I know I need to help with the Spirit of Light, but I want to give her
my hand irst, but I was afraid that she might see her ugly face when the
darkness disappeared, so she buried herself in the darkness and cried.
And when Theon withdrew the dark spirit, Dorothea buried her head
in her hands and could not raise her face.
“Princess… … ?”
Theon found Dorothea crying in the dark and stood up in surprise.
He approached her and looked at her.
Theon felt in initely sorry for Dorothea, thinking that he was very
surprised by the sudden darkness.
“I’m sorry, Princess. The spirit… … .”
Trying to appease Dorothea, she grabbed his sleeve.
“I wish I had told you sooner… … . A little early... … .”
Dorothea bit her lip as he looked at her.
Then it wouldn't have happened in my last life. Why didn't you tell
me? I was your iancee... … .
Perhaps it was because Dorothea before the return was not reliable.
Because I am not good, because I am not reliable, because I am
sel ish and greedy.
Even though he knew there was a reason for not telling him, he was
resentful and sorry at the same time.

And Theon requested marriage as before the return. If there's one
thing that's different from before, it's that he's been honest with her.
So Dorothea just has to accept his offer.
What about an arranged marriage? After all, marriage is a family
business. Besides, his feelings were purple, and he's a pretty friendly
No bad choice. No, the best, good choice to atone for his sorry
So Dorothea didn't have to worry.
To live a good life, for Theon's life, it's 'right' to be engaged to him.
By the way.

'I'm sorry, Theon. It's too sudden.'

Dorothea could not answer his proposal and ended up eating at Caro.
Theon did not further urge her to cry in front of the dark spirit.
So the two got up from their seats and climbed into the wagon.
The carriage carrying Dorothea and Theon was heading towards the
Imperial Palace.
She didn't even understand why she was hesitating.
Marriage to Theon, whom I wanted so much, I just had to do it.
What's so dif icult?
Then, Theon called her as if he had something to say.
His deep red eyes pressed Dorothea's heart even more heavily.
“Everything I said today was serious.”
He stared at Dorothea with unshaken eyes.
I know, your life is at stake. what i have to do
“So Theon, I… … .”
“So I want the princess to think seriously about it. I hope the princess
will not regret it.”
Dorothea hesitated and tried to part her lips, said Theon.
“What do you mean… … ?”
“Marriage is… … It’s not for me.”
At Theon's words, Dorothea woke up as if she had been hit in the
“I was proposing, not intimidating.”
Theon smiled faintly at Dorothea, who was engulfed in con lict.
He did not want to extort marriage as a means of sympathy,
compassion, or atonement.
The reason he was honest with Dorothea was that he also wanted
Dorothea to honestly examine her feelings and answer them.
That is why he was serious and sincere in his marriage to her.
“Marriage is also for the princess. It is also what determines the life
of the princess. So, even if I say no, it will not change that the princess is
precious to me.”
It was then that Dorothea realized that her thoughts were in the
wrong direction.
Perhaps she was trapped in the simple word 'kindness' and thought
that she was doing what she had suffered to Theon.
marriage without love. An unwanted pity.
Dorothea was doing the same things to Theon that tormented and
hurt her.
Dorothea clasped her hand on her lap.
“But the spirit of darkness… … ?”
Yet you will need me
“There must be another way. and… … Even if we are not engaged, can
we ask the princess for help?”
Theon smiled softly.
But Dorothea had that smile again.
Mixed hearts, could we have loved passionately if we had been
honest a little earlier?
As Dorothea's expression darkened, Theon asked.
“Are you in love with Ethan Bronte?”
Theon is a smart person.
The reason Dorothea's answer didn't come out right away can be
“… … Do you love him?”
Do you love Ethan? … ?
Dorothea looked at Theon in surprise.
She had never before ever connected Ethan with the word love.
Ethan told her that he loved her, but it was still a feeling of loating
without realism.
Ethan was nothing more than a loyal servant and friend to her from
before her return until now.
It was unfamiliar to put the word 'love' to Ethan like that.
“As I said, I want the princess to seriously consider this marriage.
therefore… … I want the princess to check her feelings for sure.”
Dorothea has only avoided her feelings until now. Because I always
thought my feelings were bad and wrong.
I thought it would be wiser to live in achromatic colors because if I
try to paint on white paper the way I want, I always end up with the
wrong color.
I was afraid of liking something and afraid of hating something.
Like a machine, I tried to adjust everything to 'goodness', repeating 'I
have to live a good life'.
However, Theon was concentrating on Dorothea. Besides living a
good life, what do you really want to do?
'what I want… … ?'
My desire and greed, no, hope and wish. What is it?
Dorothea ran into an unexpected problem.
Theon didn't rush Dorothea, who was confused.
“I will wait for the sincere reply from the princess.”
whether that is positive or negative.

Facing Dorothea, Theon burst out laughing as he went home.
'What the hell were you talking about, Theon Fried.'
Make sure you check your emotions.
The soft smile that had appeared in front of Dorothea had
disappeared, leaving only the hardened darkness on his face.
he knew The fact that Dorothea's heart is already leaning heavily on
Ethan Bronte.
'What kind of leisure did you have when you were not able to get
married by holding onto the hem of your robe?'
trembling so nervously.
Unlike the leisurely time in front of Dorothea, he desperately wanted
to marry her. Because his life was at stake right now.
He pretended he wasn't in a hurry, saying that Dorothea had other
options than marriage, but in fact, he felt like each day was walking on
thin ice.
He lives a life of worrying about when the loor he is treading on will
Marriage to Dorothea was to turn the thin ice he had stood on into
solid and stable ground.
If you marry Dorothea, the spirit of light will always be by his side.
Then he wouldn't have to be afraid of the dark night, he wouldn't
have to worry about when he would be able to meet Raymond, and he
wouldn't be afraid that the spirit would be controlled even on a bad day.
To him, who suffers from the thirst of death every day, if Milanaire is
by his side, who will be the fountain of life.

'Theon, if your condition does not improve, it will be dif icult for you
to get married anyway.'

Archduke Fried ceased to investigate his whereabouts.

If I tell you about the dark spirits, everyone will be afraid.
Moreover, even if he does get married, he has to be tied to Milanaire
for puri ication.
An incurable disease for which there is only one cure, Milanaire.
A terrible disease that can even harm others.
Who wants to have him as a companion, who must be subordinated
to Milanaire for puri ication?
Whether on a trip, at home, in a war, or in an important or emergency
situation, he had to choose Milanaire over his family.
If he doesn't receive puri ication from Milanaire, he'll become an
obstacle to his family.
'me too… … I don't want to live with two people.'
Theon clenched his ists.
He wanted to be free from Milanaire more than anyone else.
He wanted to return to Fridia to succeed his mother, Archduke Fried,
to travel to other regions for desired research, or to respond to the
invitation of a nobleman from a distant province.
Furthermore, he hated himself for causing trouble and burdening
Even if his life was at stake, it wouldn't matter to others.
If you are busy, it will be something you forget and want to postpone,
and it will be annoying on a dif icult day, and it may feel like a shackle
holding your ankle.
How about doing Jeong-hwa a day late? I'm not going to die right
away, but I'll just have to endure it for a day or two, right?
It's impossible to even think like that.
And indeed Theon did.
I'm starting to feel sorry for asking busy Raymond to clean up, and I
have to endure one more day.
It was because of that mistake during the debut Tangte.
Not wanting to bother Raymond, he endured the pain and eventually
lost control.
If Raymond becomes emperor, Theon will have a harder time asking
him for time.
So marrying Dorothea is the best way for him to survive.
Still, there was only one reason why he couldn't catch Dorothea.
Because Theon Fried really liked Dorothea.
And I know the dark and sad light that Dorothea sometimes reveals
whenever she sees him.

'It's the same face now. There are times when my words are like
swords for the princess. I wished for happiness, but the princess has
the saddest face in the world.'

At his words, Dorothea shed tears and smiled brightly, hiding the
dark feelings inside her.
Can I give her happiness? Can I ask her to stay with me?
He hoped that the light would shine on Dorothea, who kept her deep
wounds a secret.
Not 'darkness' like Theon Fried.
So Theon didn't want to hold her by the ankle.
He didn't want to put a heavy load on the wound that had been
covered by touching her tender pity.
I hope that the marriage chosen by virginity will not be a regret for
the rest of her life.
'… … There must be another way, Theon.'
No other way than marriage.
Theon comforted his own foolishness of forsaking the opportunity.
at that time.
“Theon! Have you been well?”
Julia, who knew of her appointment with Dorothea today, was
waiting in front of his house, worried about him.
Theon raised a heavy corner of his mouth and nodded.
“Julia, do you know how upset you were with the restaurant you
Theon removed the dark shadows with light words.
"why? How famous is Caro these days as a wedding venue!”
“My proposal is not like that.”
“Still, my heart moves more in that kind of atmosphere. Did you like
“Yes, food is acceptable.”
Theon nodded and Julia stared at him and grabbed his arm and
dragged him.
“After all, the place I chose is reliable. Rather, I found this interesting
book and bought it. It's a new book by William Schiller, a playwright
sponsored by Ray... … .”
Julia snorted and muttered.
Curious about what happened to Dorothea, the reason he didn't ask,
even though he would ask, was probably because he noticed Theon's
dark expression on his face.
“… … Thanks, Julie.”
Theon looked at Julia's back and let out a small sigh.
Then Julia, who was ahead, looked at him and smiled.
“It’s pointless.”


'Are you interested in Ethan Bronte?'

Theon knew her feelings better than Dorothea herself.

'So… … Do I like Ethan?'
Dorothea clenched her forehead and fell into anguish, with deep
wrinkles forming between her brows.
Dorothea couldn't believe her feelings.
Edan and I have been seeing each other for about 20 years, including
before and now.
Dorothea had never thought of Ethan as the opposite sex.
Of course, there were times when my heart trembled at his beauty.
But it wasn't because I liked him, it was a universal feeling that
everyone but Dorothea felt.
But suddenly Ethan began to look different.
So absurd and shockingly 'suddenly'. The starting point is probably…
… Ethan's confession?
'So, did you fall for it right away that you liked me?'
It's too hard, Dorothea.
It took me so long to forget Theon, how could I?
Dorothea didn't want to admit that cheap feeling she could pass on.
I fell ill so much while falling in love with Theon, and I hated myself
for falling in love so easily.
Dorothea sighed and looked out the window, lying on her desk.
She iddled with Ethan's brooch she had placed on the desk and
rolled it around.
On her hand, a golden light resembling Ethan's eyes gleamed in the
Dear Dorothea.
A modi ier I hadn't thought of before the return. That fact alone made
Dorothea feel better and her heart luttered.
There was such a Dorothea Milanaire in Ethan's world, and she
wanted to live in it.
But Dorothea was still unsure.
'this… … Is it love?'
Isn't it nice to just be loved? Or maybe it's a feeling of gratitude... … .
Ethan is the irst person to love and trust me like this.
'I really don't know.'
She had also solved all the questions on the Episteme entrance exam,
but she couldn't igure out which one was the correct answer.
I don't know people's feelings, I don't know if it's right to follow them,
and I don't even know what choices are necessary to live a good life.
Since it's my second life, I just want to make good choices without
ruining it. Why don't you know the answer even if you live the same life
one more time?
If I had made that much mistake in my past life, I would have known.
“I am stupid… … .”
Dorothea ruf led her hair in complexity.
At that moment, Clara, who had just entered the room, ran to her in
“Princess! What happen!"
"Clara… … .”
Clara looked at Dorothea lying on her desk as if she was about to
melt. It was the irst time Dorothea had been so troubled.
“Are there any serious problems?”
Clara asked Dorothea seriously.
Maybe one of the important things I was discussing with Raymond
went wrong.
Or maybe there is a problem with the support plan for single
mothers that I have been working hard on lately.
“Clara, am I doing something right?”
As Dorothea buried her head wide on the desk, Clara rubbed her
shoulders and said,
“My princess, you are doing too well, so you have no humanity. I
make mistakes and there are things I can’t do, but because I’m good at
everything by myself, sometimes I even feel sad.”
“I’m afraid of making the wrong choice, Clara.”
Dorothea lifted her head to comfort Clara and looked up at Clara
standing behind her.
I thought it would make me feel more comfortable as I thought of my
second life as an opportunity rather than a punishment, but it became
more burdensome.
Punishment is enough to endure with guilt, but opportunities must
be chosen, made and seized.
Better, better, kinder, happier for everyone. Because you can't fail
Clara then smiled as she smoothed out Dorothea's messy hair.
“I don’t know what worries the princess so much, but if she is, I’m
sure she will do well.”
“Clara only takes good care of me.”
“The princess is a good person, how can I look at her badly?”
“It’s biased.”
Dorothea muttered sullenly.
Then Clara's hand, who was arranging her hair, gently wiped
Dorothea's hair.
“If it’s a serious problem, can I listen to you? I may not be able to
come up with a good answer, but sometimes I can ind the answer by
speaking openly.”
After a moment's hesitation at Clara's words, Dorothea opened her
mouth carefully.
“Yes, there are two birds.”
“Are you a bird?”
Clara tilted her head at the sudden appearance of the bird.
“Yeah, one of my favorite birds, but because of my mistake, I got
angry and lew outside. So I worried about it every day and eventually
forgot it, but I got hurt late and came back. There is hardly anyone but
me to take care of the bird. and… … You want to live with me again.”
"Well… … . Any other birds?”
Clara listened to Dorothea's words with a serious expression.
“The other one has been visiting my house since long ago and sang a
song for me and plucked lowers for me. But back in the day, I didn't pay
much attention to the irst bird... … . But even after the irst bird leaves,
I’m thankful that you’re still by my side.”
"Ohh… … .”
Clara's expression turned interesting.
“I can only keep one bird, so which one should I keep?”
Dorothea asked carefully, and Clara laughed.
“It’s tricky, but it’s easy.”
"sure. You can choose the bird that the princess wants to keep.”
It's up to Dorothea to decide whether she's attracted to the irst bird
because she has an old friend, or whether the second bird she's been
close to is more attracted to Dorothea.
“But the irst bird needs me.”
“Aha, then does that mean that the princess wants to have a second
Clara's eyes narrowed to a sharp light.
At that, Dorothea linched.
… … right?
“If you really like it, ind a new owner who can take care of the irst
bird. Isn't there a law that says that the princess must gather and
“Isn’t the irst bird pitiful?”
“It is unfortunate that the second bird is the same.”
How painful it must have been to say that I did not receive a single
glance even though I came every day to offer lowers and songs!
With that kind of sincerity, they should have already accepted it
earlier, Clara said.
“The important thing is the happiness of the princess. In my
experience, caring for a sick person with only a kind heart is never easy.
Someday, even the princess will get tired. You will surely miss the song
and tenderness of the second bird.”
“… … .”
Dorothea could not refute Clara's words.
Even if I choose Theon, Ethan will still remain in the corner of my
“If the two birds truly love the princess, the princess will wish you
happiness. Otherwise, he was trying to use the princess.”
Clara rolled her eyes and added that she would not forgive a bird who
would take advantage of Dorothea's good heart.
At Clara's advice, Dorothea was lost in thought.
“Follow the princess’ heart. Especially love.”
“Is it love?”
I never said it was a love issue?
Dorothea opened her eyes and looked at Clara, and Clara smiled.
“Alas, look at my mind! I forgot to deliver a letter!”
Clara spoke skillfully and handed Dorothea the letters that had
arrived in the mail.
“These are the letters and invitations that arrived to the princess
today! Oh my God, there are so many people who want to see the
On one side of Dorothea's desk was a pile of invitations she had
already received.
In general, I would like you to attend a party or gathering that you
host, I would like to meet you, but I would like you to give me time… …
It was such a story.
Sending a rejection reply every time is also a problem. I wasted two
or three hours writing replies.
Dorothea opened the letters, hoping to get it done quickly.
The irst letter he opened was a hobby concert held by a certain
nobleman at a salon.
The aristocrats formed music clubs to engage in hobbies, and it
seems like they were doing recitals or something like that.
Dorothea immediately picked up a pen to write the rejection letter.
The concert is a representative event that Dorothea does not attend.
This is because Nereus is indispensable to gatherings related to music.
Again, Nereus's name was on the list of members of the club.
'There is no place that does not it.'
He tries not to get involved with Nereus as much as possible, but he
is a socialite and attends most of the big events.
Dorothea skimmed the invitation to write a rejection letter.
I felt like a chimney to write only two letters of 'not attending', but I
couldn't, so I had to look at the contents and write the cushion sentence
in front of me verbosely.
By the way.
[Special invitation: Ethan Bronte's Violin Recital.]

Ethan's name, written in the schedule of the concert on the

invitation, caught her eye.
It seems that Ethan was invited to attract people.
'Ethan is doing really well without me.'
Going on a date with Monica, going out to social gatherings, and
showing off her brilliant violin performance.
It's only natural for her to live well without her.
Dorothea shook her head at her childishness and raised her quill.
And without hesitation, her hand went down to write a reply to the
invitation to the concert.
I am willing to attend.


“Prince Nereus, long time no see.”

“Marquis Dmitry. Long time no see."
Nereus sat down to welcome the nobles of Ubera.
In front of them was a lavish array of food in a splendid silver
Nereus used to invite the nobles close to him to give him a lavish
It was part of a diplomatic and information warfare that he spent the
money of the Hark royal family on the Ubera nobles.
“This time in Ubera, they said they plan to increase customs duties
in the border area of Hark. Do you think the state of the treasury is not
doing well?”
“To run a large empire, the state treasury is always insuf icient.”
Nereus had a conversation with the nobles over a glass of wine.
“This decision is not pleasant because it feels like a check against
Hark. Until now, Hark has supplied the Empire with a signi icant
amount of wheat.”
“Hmmmm… … . But, hasn't the customs duty applied to Hark much
lowered so far? Now, it must be His Majesty's intention to treat other
countries on an equal footing."
“Why did you suddenly change your decision?”
“It was about time rather than suddenly.”
“Are you going to strengthen border security and merchant customs
“Looking at it, it seems that there are a lot of cases where the wheat
from Hark is being sold as an imperial product, so it seems to be a pain
in the ass.”
To prevent this, Carnon was planning to raise customs duties and
restrict the incoming hark wheat to some extent.
Nereus had no intention of leaving it alone.
This was the reason why he had to leave Hark to study in Episteme
in Ubera.
“If the ministers oppose at the next meeting, will your Majesty not
think again? When the price of wheat rises, the livelihood of Ubera
becomes dif icult.”
“But the wheat coming from Hark has a lot of chaff, so there are
complaints here and there… … .”
“The poor people need cheap goods even if the quality is not good.
“There are people who have been complaining for years, and there are
people who need it.”
Nereus smiled and held out the golden mermaid statue in front of
Marquis Dmitry.
The Marquis laughed haphazardly at him, and then slipped the statue
into his inner pocket.
Nereus' servants presented gifts one by one in front of the other
They smiled wildly and looked at them, but in the end they put them
in their pockets.
“That is also true. People welcome them with open arms as long as
they buy cheap things.”
After all, the customs duty at the border only went to the imperial
family, and it was not a policy that directly bene ited the nobility.
Therefore, there was no need to actively support the aristocrats.
Nereus smiled as he saw the nobles of Ubera taking care of the
mermaid statues.
'Ubera is already rotten to the point of rotting.'
It is an empire that has been running for over a thousand years since
the irst Milanaire and Fried.
No matter how great a country is at irst, it cannot be against the
truth of time of decline.
Emperor Carnan tried not to admit that Milanaire was on the decline,
but he could not resist the tide of the times.
For this reason, Karnan established his authority more strictly for
nothing, and tried to show that the Empire Ubera was still alive and
'But it's all plausible bluffs.'
Nereus traveled through Episteme and saw the narrow insight of the
Ubera nobles.
There are a lot of smart people, but not a lot of challengers, and they
are trapped in traditions and causes that are too old and withered and
It wasn't that I didn't understand. Thanks to that tradition, nobles
who only know how to roll their heads can rule.
Moreover, the power of the spirit, the root of that tradition, has now
run out... … it was
Nereus secretly clenched his ist.
Dorothea Milanaire's awakening de ied all his expectations.
'Didn't the Emperor and Raymond help you?'
He remembered Dorothea, who escaped from the ballroom of
Debuttente as if running away with a surprised expression in the spirit
of light.
'Looking like the lights went out all of a sudden... … . Most likely it
was a trick.'
Nereus shook his head for a moment and then opened his mouth
“Marquis Dmitry, I heard that Princess Dorothea continues to be
locked up in the palace even after her debut.”
Nereus turned the subject lightly and asked Dmitry.
“Because you’re such a weird person.”
“Have you ever seen him wield a light spirit after that?”
"I do not know. It's hard to see him face to face, but I tried to see him
as a spirit."
Dmitry said in a rather dissatis ied tone.
He added that even the servants of Dorothea had never seen the
spirit, as to what was so precious.
Nereus' eyes narrowed and the corners of his lips rose.
"Is that so? That's weird. You show your spirit like that in your debut
Tangte, and then you stay quiet again.”
“That’s what we all thought. Still, won't you show it to us during the
Light Ceremony?"
At Dmitry's words, the nobles nodded their heads.
Every year, on the day of the founding of the empire, the imperial
family holds a ceremony of light to express gratitude to the spirit of
At that time, the imperial family showed off the spirit of light and
showed the authority of the imperial family before the people.
However, Dorothea, who could not handle the Spirit of Light, had not
attended the ceremony until now.
But now that she has awakened the power of the spirits, she will rise
to an important position along with Karnan and Raymond.
“I am really looking forward to this year.”
Nereus smiled and nodded.


The day the concert is held.

Dorothea stood in front of the mirror and iddled with the spirit
stone brooch on her chest.
'Is the necklace a bit excessive... … ?'
She was troubled as she stared at the colorful necklace with jewels
like pine nuts.
The necklace wasn't the only concern.
Her hair with a hair tie in a braid after a long time didn't look pretty
either, and I was worried about whether a dress with a thin fabric
hanging in the sky would look too thin.
“Clara, isn’t it strange?”
“You are so pretty, Princess! If there was a goddess of beauty, this
would be it right now!”
“Doesn’t the necklace and the dress not go well together? Shall we
turn to pearls?”
"no. It's perfect now. You picked all the necklaces you own, didn't
Clara nodded her head resolutely.
Dorothea, who didn't pay much attention to her debut dress, had a
lot of trouble with her clothes today.
She looks pretty no matter what she wears, but Clara, who knows
Dorothea's troubles, did her best to help Dorothea.
“It’s late, Princess. Master Ethan's order might be over!”
"Clara… … !”
Dorothea looked at her, startled by Clara's dubious threat.
Clara laughed.
“Not only Master Ethan, but everyone will love the princess.”

Contrary to Clara's urging to be late, Dorothea arrived at the salon a

little earlier than the start of the concert.
I prepared it early in the morning, so maybe it was a natural result.
Thanks to that, the salon was still quiet.
'Is Ethan here ahead of time?'
Couldn't you have come early to do a rehearsal?
The only reason Dorothea attended today's concert was because of
I'm going to meet Ethan and try to organize my relationship and
feelings with him clearly and neatly.
Dorothea got off the carriage and entered the garden under the
guidance of the butler who was waiting in front of the gate.
She looked around to see if Ethan was there, but unfortunately, the
irst things she found were Monica Aponita and Nereus Pons.
'today… … Ominous.'
I'm nervous even if I start off fresh, but as soon as I entered, those
two caught my eye.
The two were talking about something in the dark, remote shade of
the garden.
Dorothea didn't really want to associate with them, so she ignored
them and tried to enter the building.
“After overturning your engagement, how did you come to the
concert I was attending, Monica?”
The cold, cheeky voice of Nereus lowed into her ears.
I don't know why my ears move so sensitively only at times like this.
“Oh, is it because of that Ethan Bronte you like?”
And Ethan's name stopped her from walking.
Nereus was dissatis ied that Monica, who had broken his
engagement with him, brazenly attended the concert.
“It’s very imaginary to have the courage to see me after doing that. If
you thought about your family and your parents, you wouldn’t be able
to do this, would you?”
“I also got invitations to the concert. I have the right to attend this
event... … !”
Monica's voice, which had given Nereus some strength to refute,
trembled thinly, contrary to her intentions.
Monica has been avoiding overlapping positions with Nereus as
much as possible recently to avoid meeting Nereus.
But Nereus shone in every place she was invited, as if trying to
isolate Monica.
Monica had to cancel most of her appointments to avoid him.
But today, I really wanted to hear Ethan's performance, so I had the
courage to come.
Monica tried not to bump into Nereus as much as possible, but she
couldn't because she was in the same room.
“You must know that I belong to the club that hosted the concert
today. Then, even if I got the invitation, I should have fallen in love.
Because of that one guy like a playboy.”
“Ethan Bronte is not a playboy!”
“Then you mean that Ethan Bronte is single-minded and can be your
Nereus scolded Monica.
Then, Monica's body curled up as if pressed by something heavy, and
Dorothea, who was listening to the conversation from afar, closed her
When Monica couldn't resist and was stunned, Nereus raised one
corner of his mouth and continued.
“Did you know that his mother was a woman selling herself in a bar?
Isn't it just because you inherited my mother's blood and go out with
women to get something?"
“You’re serious… … ! Ethan-sama is not like that!”
“Isn’t it? There are so many rumors about Ethan Bronte these days.”
“Prince Nereus always ignores people and says he’s engaged to me,
and he used to hang out with other girls for parties and social
gatherings as an excuse!”
Monica clenched her ists tightly as if showing courage, countering
Then Nereus' eyes grew cold.
“I’ve said it all… … ?”
Nereus, who had been treated like Ethan, raised his hand.
Monica closed her eyes tightly to him.
By the way.
“Stop it, Prince Nereus.”
With a irm voice, Nereus' hand stopped.
Monica opened her eyes carefully, and in front of her was a blonde
beauty holding Nereus' hand.
“Do, Princess Dorothea!”
“Princess Dorothea.”
Unlike Monica, who was surprised, Nereus' temple was trembling
with irritation and anger.
“I am grateful that a noble person personally attended today’s
concert, but now the princess is not going to intervene.”
“I hope that there will be respectable dignity in the royal family of
Dorothea spoke quietly without averting Nereus' eyes.
She clutched Nereus' wrist, and Nereus bit his teeth tightly and
shook her hand violently.
Then, looking sharply at Monica, who was withdrawn behind
Dorothea, she went into the salon building where the concert was
being held.
'You should be ashamed of being a hand jjigeom to a woman who has
no power.'
Nereus also punched Ethan at the last Episteme graduation
It's not an impulse, it's a habit. bad hand habits.
'I don't like it consistently before or after the regression... … .'
Raymond, Theon, Ethan, Stefan, and other people saw a side they
couldn't see after returning, but Nereus is a very intelligent person.
“… … Thank you, Princess.”
Looking in the direction Nereus had left, he kicked his tongue
inward, and Monica bowed her head from behind to express her
Her pure voice seemed to be somewhat dazed.
“Thank you.”
It wasn't that Monica liked her help.
To be honest, seeing Ethan with Ethan at the restaurant Caro was
heartbreaking and uncomfortable.
Fifty thousand thoughts ran through her mind, as Dorothea had no
way of knowing what Ethan and Monica had been up to that day.
Ethan talking with Monica with a smile hahaha, Edan hugging
Monica's waist, Edan slicing Monica's steak, Ethan wiping the sauce off
Monica's lips, Ethan complimenting Monica that she's pretty.
Dorothea smiled hard, trying to stop her endlessly expanding
“Did you have a good meal with Ethan that day?”
Pretending to be nothing, the softest voice possible.
However, even with Dorothea's passionate pretense, Monica's
forehead was slightly wrinkled.
“Eat well… … Did you?”
“Didn’t Caro’s food not suit your palate?”
Dorothea asked again, confused by Monica's reaction.
Come to think of it, Ethan said that that day, the food didn't quite it
his palate. Maybe the menu selection was wrong.
“Didn’t Ethan say anything?”
“… … What do you mean?”
When Dorothea asked, Monica shut her mouth somewhat sullenly,
then shook her head.
"If Ethan-sama didn't tell you, I don't think I'm going to tell you."
At Monica's words, Dorothea rolled her eyes and tilted her head.
“… … If Ethan-sama comes today, be sure to talk to him, Princess.
That's all I can tell you.”
After hesitating, Monica added a mysterious word.
Then he nodded once again saying thank you and disappeared into
the salon.


“Welcome, Princess Dorothea Milanaire!”

As Dorothea entered the salon, a loud noise greeted her.
For a moment, people's attention was focused.
As soon as the salon employees found her, they all greeted her with a
loud voice and escorted her to the center seat.
He seemed to be fully prepared when he heard that the princess was
A chair large enough to recognize that it was a special seat just by
looking at it had a softer cushion and a higher back than other chairs.
A rather burdensome chair was suitable to attract more attention
that was already focused.
“Is Princess Dorothea attending?”
“What kind of wind do you have?”
The atmosphere became chaotic when Dorothea, who had never
appeared for a while, appeared.
People from the salon's organizers heard the news that she had
arrived and rushed to say hello to her.
“Isn’t the seat uncomfortable?”
"it's okay."
“Anything you need?”
“Don’t worry about it because it’s not there.”
please. I mean, everyone looked at me.
Their excessive interest and hospitality was like a loud fanfare that
the princess had arrived.
On the other hand, Nereus, who belongs to today's organizer, was
staring at her from afar, wondering if he had been offended by what
happened in the garden.
'If you don't talk to me, I'm thankful.'
While Dorothea thought so, nobles gathered around her, obscuring
Nereus from her view.
“Oh my, why are you only here now, Princess! Everyone said how
much they wanted to see the princess!”
“I thought the princess was walking, but I thought a goddess was
coming. Indeed, Milanaire's halo... … !”
Excessive compliments were uncomfortable, but Dorothea smiled
Dorothea found herself more accustomed to this kind of atmosphere
than before.
“It was great to come today. The two people most people miss these
days are attending.”
“Are you two people you miss the most?”
“The Princess and Ethan Bronte. Especially today, there are many
people looking forward to Ethan's violin performance. Did the princess
come expecting Edan-sama’s performance too?”
Ethan's name pierced Dorothea's heart for nothing.
It's not that I want to hear Edan play, but it's true that I came here
because of Ethan... … .
“Now, little by little, I’m going to come to this place.”
Unable to give the answer she could see inside, Dorothea hid her true
intentions and pretended.
Then the arrogant voice of Nereus that cut through the people.
“That’s very fortunate. There were so many people who wanted to
see the princess’s face.”
Dorothea seemed to be getting people's attention, so he crawled
through the crowd and stepped out in front of Dorothea.
“I really wanted to see the princess too.”
“You wanted to meet me?”
Dorothea asked at his shameless attitude.
“Haha, the princess and I are not ‘spirits’ that we can’t easily talk to
with other people, aren’t we? As a spirit warrior, I wanted to share
some stories with you.”
The word 'spirits' is emphasized as if to listen carefully.
He seemed to be arrogant by emphasizing that he was different from
the others, but Dorothea felt a bit sullen.
And again.
“In that sense, Princess, won’t you show us the Spirit of Light once?”
Nereus' eyes narrowed coldly.
Dorothea noticed that he was trying to test her abilities.
“Are you going to make me a spectator?”
Dorothea hardened her expression and asked.
Nereus has been secretly ignoring Dorothea until now.
In particular, the power of the spirits was his only ability that could
not help him in front of Dorothea.
Therefore, it seems that he could not recognize the power of
Dorothea's spirit.
“I’m sorry if you were offended. But the spirit of the princess that I
saw in the debut Tangte was so surprising. Isn't everyone like that?"
Nereus looked around and asked, and they nodded.
It is natural for ordinary people to want to see a spirit as something
like mysterious magic.
“Obviously, when I saw the princess in Cerritian, I couldn’t handle the
power of the spirits, but it is very unusual for me to wake up so
suddenly, so I was amazed by myself as a spirit warrior.”
Nereus was suspicious of her based on reasonable guesses.
Dorothea's awakening was against the theory about the power of
spirits that scholars had studied before.
The time of awakening and the magnitude of the awakened power.
'It's strange that no one doubts.'
Dorothea could understand why Nereus was so openly trying to test
As Nereus suspected, her power is not really hers.
Perhaps he and others have these doubts as well.
However, there aren't many opportunities to meet Dorothea, and she
doesn't have the courage to dare to dig into her as a princess.
Or, since I am an ordinary person who has never dealt with spirits, I
just thought, 'I think there is something I don't know'.
“Isn’t it easier to summon a spirit from the princess than to smile?
Like this, I can summon spirits and show them in front of people.”
With a single gesture of Nereus, blue-colored water spirits hovered
around him.
outright assault.
The nobles admired the spirit of Nereus and turned to Dorothea.
Expectations as if Ubera could not stand still in front of Hark's
And a curiosity that sympathized with Nereus' doubts to some
The situation was moving in a direction that would get weird if
Nereus didn't respond.
“The reason I don’t want to reveal the spirit is because I don’t want to
let a spirit that has no use other than lighting a ire determine the value
of a person.”
At Dorothea's words, Nereus's forehead wrinkled, and the nobles
“Does that mean denying the authority of the imperial family?”
"no. I want to say that the authority of the imperial family is not
determined by just one spirit, Prince Nereus.”
In order for the imperial family to be imperial, it must have real
authority, not a spirit.
The ability to bear the weight of everyone's life and take
That is what determines the emperor's quali ications.
"You don't qualify as a ruler by lirting with spirits, Nereus."
Dorothea's beliefs did not change before and after the return.
There were times when I was shaken by Raymond's spirit, but now I
The reason Dorothea Milanaire was a tyrant was not because she
couldn't see the spirits, but because she couldn't take responsibility for
the lives of the people as emperor.
What you need is 'living a good life', another word for 'becoming a
good emperor'.
Dorothea made eye contact with Nereus and smiled, and Nereus bit
his teeth tightly.
“So, are you avoiding it to the end?”
Dorothea shook her head when Nereus raised the corners of her lips
“Is it possible? We cannot disappoint so many people’s
A ruler should listen to the wishes of the people.
Dorothea leaned back slightly and whispered in his ear.
“Don’t be afraid, keep your eyes open.”
A voice softly drifted into Nereus' ear.
At the same time, a strong light, like a irecracker exploding in front
of his eyes, spread like an explosion.
Nereus saw a wave of light spreading behind Dorothea like the tail of
a giant peacock.
The light that illed the salon took the breath of everyone present
and overwhelmed the crowd.
The light that illed the salon and spread out quickly wrapped around
Dorothea, and her dazzling platinum hair luttered and shimmered
with the power of the spirit.
Nereus was numb at the power of the strong spirit.
I hate to admit it, but Dorothea Milanaire, who deals with spirits, was
beautiful enough to make my heart lutter.
Whether it’s a spirit king or a god, if there is something more than a
human being, it makes me wonder if she would look like her.
And due to the overwhelming spectacle, even those who did not
know about the spirits knew that Dorothea's power was stronger than
that of Nereus.
“Did you dare to prove that even the spirits are weaker than me,
Dorothea asked with a smile.
Nereus stiffened, unable to even contort his face at the insult.
Others couldn't even talk about her amazingly gorgeous power.
At that moment, a single soft applause broke the silence.
Dorothea turned her head and saw a silver-haired handsome man
standing at the entrance to the salon.
Dorothea's heart sank.
Ethan made eye contact with Dorothea and said with a soft smile.
“You are indeed the master of the spirits.”
His voice is so sweet.
After he praised Dorothea, others followed him to applause.
Nereus's face was distorted, too, a beat too late.
However, despite the praise and applause of many, Dorothea was
staring at Ethan alone.
Thump thump, as soon as I saw him, my heart started rioting.
Ethan was wearing a black tailcoat to play the violin today, and his
silver hair was neatly tied with a black ribbon, as he always does.
Ethan, who had a slightly calmer atmosphere than usual, was still
elegant and beautiful.
With him, Dorothea's feelings for the hefty and cheap became clearer.
The emotions that had been complicated for several days were
It's as simple as looking at his face again.
I don't know how deep this feeling will be or how long it will last, but
what is certain is that my heart is beating towards him at this moment.
When his feelings became clear, Dorothea strode towards him.
And she stopped in front of him.
“I have something to tell you, Ethan.”


Dorothea asked the user to show her to a small room where she
could avoid people's eyes.
She made Joey guard the door so no one would disturb him.
A quiet room with only the two of us left.
Dorothea turned to Ethan after the door was completely closed.
Then Ethan smiled brightly, capturing his subdued expression.
“I am glad that you are using the power of the spirits well.”
Words spoken as if nothing happened.
Dorothea looked into his eyes. Still terribly beautiful, he did not
avoid Dorothea's eyes.
So her feelings only became clearer.
She hesitated, not knowing how to break her luck, and inally made
up the irst sentence.
“Ethan, I’ve been hearing about you the past few days.”
I don't know if it's a good sentence to start with, but she continued.
Recently, she had been hearing about Ethan through the servants.
Although I hadn't seen him separately since working at the
restaurant Caro, Dorothea could easily see what Ethan was doing every
It was because his every act was the object of interest, and those who
met him spread rumors proudly.
Ethan has recently been actively meeting social aristocrats.
As before the return, public interest in him was high, and his
popularity did not fade.
He also spent time with some of the youngsters who had written to
him even after his date with Monica.
That's why Nereus called Monica a 'player' of Ethan today.
Not only that, Ethan also attended social events that invited him and
dinners with nobles.
There were also news that young girls who wanted to marry Edan
already harass their parents, and that their parents were weighing
Edan with a poor background but good-looking.
Perhaps those who want to preempt him may have already sent a
courtship letter to Ethan.
'Before the regression, why didn't you think it was strange?'
Ethan, who is so popular, did not marry any woman until he was of
late age.
Dorothea just assumed it was because he was playing with a bunch
of nobles, or because he wasn't interested in women.
It's contradictory. If he had genuine political greed, he would have
strengthened his power by joining hands with a nobleman famous for
his marriage.
Dorothea was blinded by Theon, so she didn't take Ethan's marriage
very seriously, nor did he pay any particular attention to it.
Perhaps Ethan was more relieved that he was not married.
If he had decided to marry another family, it would certainly be
linked to power issues, and he would have to be very careful.
Dorothea didn't want to get tired of encouraging and interested in
his marriage.
'me… … It was really bad.'
He didn't pay that much attention to Ethan, who was always by his
With that said, can I come and confess this feeling now?
“You seem to be doing well… … . today as well I didn’t know you were
already friends enough to have a violin recital.”
Dorothea laughed awkwardly.
Ethan didn't answer him.
'You seem to be doing well?'
Ethan laughed bitterly inwardly.
Wrong. I couldn't keep up, so it became this shape.
The reason he roamed the social world was nothing more than a
struggle to escape from Dorothea.
When he saw Theon with Dorothea at the restaurant Caro, he
realized that the time had come when he had to give up his heart.

'I… … I want Theon to live this time.'

Dorothea and Theon will ill the time he does not know.
Even a very close and hot time that is not allowed at all for him.
So I had to shake off Dorothea somehow. So, I took out the letters I
had put on one side and made an appointment as soon as I could.
He also readily accepted the request for a date with the young girls.
Maybe if you meet a lot of women, you might be able to fall in love
again, right?
Dorothea isn't the only woman.
A woman who cares for his wounds and understands him may
appear and ill the void without Dorothea.
But even meeting a few people, his emptiness only increased.
I feel sorry for the young girls he met, but whenever I see other
women, I think of Dorothea and compare them.
All the criteria were Dorothea, so no matter who I met, I couldn't ind
anyone who met the criteria.
The more he met other women, the more he con irmed his feelings
for Dorothea.
Still, he did not stop meeting socialites.
It didn't matter if another fateful opponent appeared. You can forget
the sadness and jealousy that burrow into you by meeting with anyone
and talking about nonsensical stories.
When he was alone at home, distractions tormented him, and he felt
the urge to run to see Dorothea.
Just like before the return, I was tempted to kill Theon Fried, and I
had to kill my beating heart for fear of making the same mistake again.
His bright side of actively meeting people was nothing more than a
mask to hide his darkness.
'… … is that a good thing? In the eyes of the princess, I seem to be
doing well.'
Ethan sneered in front of Dorothea.
Knowing his heart or not, Dorothea smiled awkwardly in front of
"So… … It seems that you are living well, and maybe you are inding a
different path in your own way. I think you'll regret it... … .”
Dorothea's words were longer and unpretentious than usual.
In Ethan's eyes, Dorothea, who was gibberish and rolled her eyes,
seemed cuter for some reason.
Sadly, she is as lovely as ever.
Ethan smiled and nodded, not knowing what Dorothea meant by 'bad
“Tell me, Princess.”
I am ready to accept any hurt you in lict.
Even though I knew it would hurt, I couldn't stop looking at you, so I
gave up my whole life.
A foolish man could handle everything just by looking at Dorothea's
Even if she sticks a knife in his heart, he'll be happy to laugh.
Ethan smiled quietly as he waited for her next words, as Dorothea
clenched a small ist.
And brought out the desire that had been boiling deep in her chest.
“I think I want to be loved by you.”
Finally, Dorothea closed her eyes and spilled the water.
As Theon and Clara said, I think you will have no regrets if you tell the
truth at least once. I can't live without this feeling.
At Dorothea's confession, Ethan looked at her with wide open eyes,
frozen on the spot.
At Ethan's unheard of answer, Dorothea asked.
“… … Do I still deserve your love?”
Dorothea raised her head, which had been drooping with con idence,
and met her eyes with Ethan.
And the water that she spilled impulsively came to him as a huge
tidal wave.
Soon, her blue eyes became a hot lame and charred his heart. Those
eyes cut off Ethan's last patience.
It's all up to you.
He swallowed Dorothea's breath.
Dorothea was startled and trembled for a moment, but he craved her
red lips as if biting a sweet fruit, grabbed her and wrapped her in the
Do you deserve to be loved? Where else could you ask such a foolish
With the tip of his sweet tongue, he engraved deep into her as if to
remind her carefully.
You have loved, loved, and will love even if you don't want to.
If she wanted to, she could tell him I love her as many times as she
could until she ran out of breath.
He pushed her unbearably hot body temperature into her.
Dorothea was wet with the sincerity that Ethan had conveyed.
It was so amazing that my head exploded.
I'm sure I've kissed him before, too, but I was so surprised that I
didn't even think about it.
Was it so warm and sweet to share body temperature?
The overwhelming sense of happiness that I realized only later fell
into a single drop of salty tears.
A kiss with him was too provocative in her life, where even a light
hug was elusive, so she couldn't get out of it.
Dorothea became addicted to it and buried herself in the depths of
She wanted to be loved for a long time, but did not know how to be
loved, and now she is slowly learning how to do it.
And now he seemed to know that in order to be loved well, he had to
know how to love well.

The nobility of the club, which hosted the salon's concert, con irmed
the extension time.
It was because Dorothea and Ethan did not return even after the
concert's start time had passed.
But people were not at all dissatis ied with the delay of the concert.
Rather, he seemed to have no interest in the concert as he talked
about the spirit of light that Dorothea showed.
The music was not important to this event, attended by both Ethan
and Dorothea, who were the top socialites.
However, Nereus expressed his displeasure with his subordinates by
asking him to come to Dorothea and Ethan with an uncomfortable face.
“You’re already 30 minutes late because of the two of you!”
At the sancti ication of Nereus, the servants hurried to summon
Dorothea and Ethan.
He would normally be hanging out with other nobles gathered in the
hall, but he licked his lips in the preparation area behind the concert
'Dorothea Milanaire, you really know how to deal with spirits... … !'
He hid behind the stage curtain and clenched his ists.
He was properly embarrassed in front of the other nobles, so he
could not even go to the hall.

'Did you even want to prove that you are weaker than me, Nereus?'

Dorothea's words shattered his pride.

Having already defeated him in swordsmanship competitions and
knowledge tests, she announced that she was superior in every way.
Her spirit, which she thought was a trick, was real even when looked
at up close.
In this place where there was neither Carnan nor Raymond, only
Dorothea manifested her powers, so there was no room for doubt.
Moreover, it was an overwhelming force that could not be countered
by Nereus.
It is a well-known common knowledge that the Haruk royal family
has a stronger bond with the spirits than Milanaire.
But why is Dorothea's power stronger than that? It doesn't make
sense conceptually.
'Then why did you hide it until now? I wish I had such a strong
power... … !'
He felt a fever and his head spin at the thought of how funny
Dorothea must have looked at him.
How can you play with people like this?
'Besides, even that bastard.'
Nereus remembered Ethan, who disappeared with Dorothea.
He has recently turned the social world upside down with a half-
faced weapon, and it seems that his nose has been raised by people
It was just a few days ago that Monica, who had been talking about
his engagement with him, broke the engagement.
Although others may not have seen it, Ethan laughed out loud when
he saw Nereus being pushed by Dorothea with the power of a spirit.
It is impossible for a prince of a country to be treated like that by a
bastard who could not even appear in an episteme.
The cheeky guy I didn't like from the beginning.
'Do you need one more shot to get your mind right?'
You were hit hard at the Episteme graduation ceremony, but you still
don't know your subject and run wild.
Nereus thought he had to trample that cheeky nose once.
Just then, a violin came into his eyes.
Ethan's name was engraved on the violin case in a lowing font.
Nereus' eyes narrowed for a moment as he read Ethan's name.
As for Edan's playing skills, he's also heard rumors about it.
Some people who heard his performance said that they fainted
because they were so ecstatic.
Even the Countess Duncan, who is famous for her picky ears when it
comes to music, was told that Ethan's skills were utterly praised.
He even said that he would like to invite him to a foreign royal
But Nereus ridiculed the rumor.
'It's foamy because of the looks.'
There are so many musicians in Lampas who say they're born, but
how well would he do if he learned the violin alone in Seritian, a distant
It's clear that people with a handsome face and rolled-up eyes
complimented him and made him bloated.
It would be more accurate to call it facial skills, not performance
Because of this, he was opposed to inviting Ethan to the concert
from an early age.
'Music is heard with the ears, not the eyes.'
He felt sorry for the aristocrats of the music club who wanted to
invite Ethan.
It was not because I wanted to listen to music, but because I wanted
to see his face.
Besides, if you invite Ethan to a concert, more people will come to
see it, so the music club is aiming for that as well.
In the end, Nereus couldn't stop the club's nobles from calling for
But the handsome Ethan Bronte now goes out and doesn't come
back, even delaying the concert?
Isn't it a bit terrifying?
Nereus glanced around.
The nobles were busy conversing among themselves, and the
servants were not going to ind Dorothea and Ethan with his torch.
Con irming that no one was watching him, Nereus carefully opened
Ethan's violin case.
Inside the case were more or less carefully maintained violins than
he expected.
The smooth curve of the violin was so beautiful that he coveted it. In
addition, the string was also wearing a silver-covered high-quality gut
'You've heard it's good.'
How to show off with expensive equipment for guys with nothing.
Ethan's violin, better than expected, was enough to fuel his irritation.
Nereus took the small repair knife next to him and cut the E string.
Although it was metallic, the thinnest E string was easily broken with
a single stroke of his knife.
After cutting one string, it was not dif icult to cut the other string.
Nereus smiled as he looked at the broken violin.
'Try playing well without strings.'
Nereus took the spare string in the inside pocket of the case and
closed the case in its original state.
Then I threw all my spare strings into the pond in the garden.


“Princess, Ethan Bronte. People are looking for you two.”

Dorothea and Ethan were awakened by the sound of Joey, who was
guarding the door, knocking on the door.
Dorothea's heart raced as if it had been stolen.
“When the story is over, tell him to wait a little longer.”
Ethan answered through the door instead of Dorothea.
“Have you ever had any problems?”
“No, nothing is wrong, Joey!”
Joy's voice was sharp, as if worried about what Ethan had done to
“The start time of the concert has passed.”
It was then that the two realized that time had passed.
"yes! We're almost done talking."
Dorothea looked around and met Ethan's eyes. Just making eye
contact made me smile.
“I didn’t know the time was like this.”
Dorothea laughed, and Ethan watched it. He wondered if it was a
dream to see Dorothea smiling in front of him.
It was so unrealistic that I was afraid that it would be an illusion that
would disappear when I opened my eyes.
So he couldn't leave Dorothea in his arms. I hope this will be the last
chance of his life.
"Perhaps… … Are your lips swollen or not?”
Dorothea raised her head slightly, as if asking her to look at her lips.
Then, Ethan kissed her lips lightly again.
“Ethan… … !”
"Do not worry. pretty."
Then he kissed Dorothea's forehead again.
“Stop it, Ethan. We must go now.”
“We just tell them to do it without us.”
Ethan said with a very serious expression.
Concerts were no longer important.
He didn't want to leave Dorothea in his arms, he wanted to spend the
night with her, and there were so many things he wanted to say.
“But Ethan, there are a ton of people over there to hear you play.”
Dorothea pointed to the noise coming from afar.
The reason why so many people gathered that it was hard to see it as
a regular concert held by a small hobby music club.
“I want to hear you play the violin too.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan let her out of his arms as if he couldn't
help it.
If the princess wants it, you should do it.
Besides, if you don't get out quickly, Joey will open her eyes iercely
and suspect the two of them.
“Before we go, can I ask you one thing?”
Ethan asked, leaving Dorothea in his arms, still holding his hand
Dorothea nodded at him and beckoned him to speak.
“Would you mind pinching my cheek just once?”
I'm afraid to let go of your hand right now, so I'm going crazy.
At that, Dorothea smiled and kissed him irst.
Then he bit his lip, making him feel a little sore.
“It’s not a dream.”
As Dorothea whispered with a smile, Ethan rolled in and hid the lip
she had just bitten.
“I guess it’s just a dream. There’s no way the princess would kiss me
Ethan's hand, holding Dorothea's hand, tightened even tighter.
I asked for a pinch, but you bit your lip. This is not the Dorothea
Milanaire he knew.
Then Dorothea waved his hand and smiled.
“I’m holding your hand so tightly, how can I pinch you?”
It was then that Ethan realized that he had completely bound
Dorothea's hands and released them.
Dorothea laughed at Ethan's sight.
Seeing that, Ethan also forgot his worries and smiled.
'What if it's a dream? You can't get drunk until you wake up.'
Dorothea was too lovely to forget the preciousness of the moment
due to the inevitable anxiety of the future.
The two of them enjoyed each other's unfamiliar appearances rather
than being unfamiliar and dif icult.
Ethan looked at Dorothea without a word.
“Is there anything you want to say?”
“In front of people, we keep it a secret.”
Ethan said, stroking her cheek softly.
He may hate it, but Dorothea knows why.
Dorothea was a princess who had recently awakened the spirits and
was attracting attention, and Ethan was a hot potato in the social circle
that has just been talked about.
The stories of Ethan appearing at a party or dating someone were
circulating in secret newsletters among the nobles.
Dorothea also declined most of the invitations, so she spoke little,
and the reason she didn't show up and how she met Theon were
already known among the nobles.
Besides, there was a lot of talk about the relationship between the
two who were partners in their debut Tangte.
If Ethan hadn't been actively dating other girls recently, there would
have been quite a bit of gossip about the two.
Anyone can easily predict how many unnecessary words will be
added when the two are put together.
Fortunately, if it ends with groundless and dirty rumors, those who
want to harm you directly may appear.
Dorothea and Ethan were tired of being harassed by people, and did
not want to rise to the ranks of the nobles.
“Okay, Ethan. Let's keep it a secret for the time being."
Dorothea also hoped that other people's gazes and rumors would not
affect their feelings and relationship.
Since we've been entangled so much up to now, we wanted to look
into each other's feelings quietly and calmly.
“I have to go back soon so I don’t get caught.”
The two disappeared together, so those who like to talk must have
already made up a novel among themselves.
“Then, I will go ahead and prepare a concert, Princess. Come slowly.”
Ethan moved on without taking his eyes off her. And before opening
the door, I made eye contact with her once again.
“I love you, Princess.”
He whispered softly to Dorothea, who wanted to be loved.


Ethan returned to the concert hall a little before Dorothea.

“Ethan! Where did you go, and now you are here!”
The host, who had been waiting impatiently for him, hurriedly took
him backstage.
“First of all, the order of the other songs has been pulled out in front
of you, so get ready right away.”
When he arrived, it was after the concert had started by pulling the
back order forward in order to avoid delays in the schedule.
Ethan's turn was next.
Ethan found his violin, which he had left behind the curtain.
Before going on stage, for one inal check and preparation, he
hurriedly opened the violin case.
By the way.
“… … !”
Ethan opened the case and looked at the violin.
The user who came to help him was also surprised to see the
condition of the violin.
“Who would do this!”
There was no way that the strings of the violin in the case could be
cut all by themselves, so it was obvious that someone cut them on
Surprised, Yong-in asked him if he would call someone to ind the
culprit, but Ethan shook his head.
It will be dif icult to catch the culprit anyway.
Ethan didn't want to waste his time doing a big job with the violin
Fortunately, the violin had no problems other than a broken string.
Besides, he didn't want the concert to be prolonged to catch the
If you want to spend time with Dorothea after the concert quickly, I
don't know.
He calmly rummaged through his pockets looking for the spare
string he always had in his case.
However, even the strings he carried as a spare were all gone.
'It's very meticulous and sincere... … .'
Ethan bit his lip.
There are people who can roughly guess who it is, but there was no
evidence that he was the culprit right away, and there was no arguing
“Are there any extra strings?”
Ethan asked the user who was more startled than himself.
“I haven’t prepared anything here, so I think I’ll have to ask other
“Then I’m sorry, but will you ask for forgiveness from others and lend
it to me?”
“Yeah, I’ll save you right away… … !”
In response to Ethan's calm response, Yongin also nodded and
hurriedly ran away.
Ethan looked at the inside of the case further, wondering if it was
The player can't properly manage the violin. Without blaming
anyone else, it was his fault for selling his violin.
At that moment, the string that had remained deep in the case
pocket was caught in his ingertips.
It was probably pushed so deep inside that the culprit didn't seem to
be able to ind it.
When I took it out, it was a G string.
Ethan thought for a moment with the remaining string and, as if he
had decided something, began to replace the broken G string of the
violin with a new one.

Dorothea sat in the front row reserved for her, waiting for Ethan's
'I guess I should have learned to play an instrument.'
If I had, there would have been more conversations I could have with
As soon as the previous performance was over, Nereus came up on
the stage.
Nereus had a pretty refreshing expression, although the pride that
had been strong with the spirit of Dorothea must have been cracked
“Now, here is the special invitation you have all been waiting for.
Please give everyone a big round of applause for Ethan Bronte.”
At Nereus' words, applause and cheers shook the hall.
Ethan appeared on stage to the enthusiastic welcome of the
He hadn't even started playing yet, but his appearance gave him an
excited response as if he had inished playing.
Nereus thought, 'As expected'.
I'd rather say that I like his looks rather than playing.
Then Nereus looked at the violin in Ethan's hand and wrinkled his
What he picked up was a violin with broken strings hanging from it.
I don't know how the G string was sharpened, but the other strings
were all hanging down.
The audience began to murmur when they saw the condition of his
“What is that violin, Ethan Bronte?”
Nereus asked, raising one eyebrow.
Ethan smiled at him and bowed his head toward the people.
“We apologize to everyone who has been waiting. As you can see, I
don’t think I will be able to present the song I promised right away due
to my carelessness.”
Dorothea saw his violin with ragged strings.
I've seen a lot of Ethan's violins until now, but this was the irst time
I'd seen it like that.
This is because Ethan, with his unique delicacy, was also very careful
about managing his instruments.
Besides, can all the strings be cut like that before the concert even
Unless I scratched a sharp point or hit hard with a violin, there's no
way I could do that.
“Aren’t you carrying extra strings for replacement?”
Nereus asked, and Ethan shook his head.
“I always put two of them in a case and carry them around, but today,
strangely, they all disappeared and there is only one G string left.”
“How can you be so ignorant of instrument maintenance? Isn't that
disquali ication as a performer?"
Ethan nodded at Nereus' sarcastic remarks.
"you're right. It was my mistake.”
I should have expected someone to do something dirty.
Ethan looked at Nereus and continued.
“I ask for the understanding of other musicians and ask for your
understanding. Instead, I want to play another song while you wait to
beg forgiveness for my negligence, is that ok?”
“Are you going to play that violin now? With only one string?”
“Isn’t the charm of a string instrument that it can produce multiple
sounds with one string, Prince Nereus?”
Ethan then looked away as if asking people for permission.
Then people cheered him on with applause.
At the audience's welcome, Ethan saluted politely, arranged the
violin strings and tucked them between his shoulder and chin.
Then he placed the bow on a single thin string and gently pushed the
sound into the air.
Then, the note changed from one string to create a soft melody.
The sound focused on one string spreads with a clear and delicate
Even a slight change in the position of his ingers often shifts the
pitch by a semitone or half a semitone, but his ingers clearly pointed
out each pitch.
Although it started slowly and quickly accelerated, he did not lose his
smile and digested the song leisurely.
People listened to Ethan's tune, skillfully plucking with a single
Nereus realized that Ethan wasn't just a iddler who played the violin
just for fun or fashion.
It's no wonder that he was invited to a royal orchestra somewhere. A
talent cherished by the Countess Duncan, who loves music.
Even Dorothea, who doesn't know much about music, was amazed at
Ethan playing with a single thin string.
When he inished his performance perfectly, people applauded
“What the hell is this song?”
“I've never heard a performance like this in my entire life!”
Not only the perfection of the performance itself, but also the unique
aspect of playing with one string attracted people's attention.
But Nereus already knew what he was playing.
“It’s Solganini’s ‘Meso Fantasia’.”
"Right. It's a really fun song. It’s also a song where you can feel the
charm of the violin.”
When Nereus answered correctly, Ethan put down his violin and
The Meso Fantasy was a variation on the theme of an opera by
Solganini, known as the virtuoso of the century.
A song that contains all the techniques that can be shown with a
single string.
Aside from the richness of the song, it was a perfect performance for
a show that would make waiting time enjoyable.
“When did you start learning the violin?”
“Before I was born… … yo. this?"
Ethan jokingly answered Nereus' thorny question.
Nereus' expression rotted, but Ethan's words were not lies.
It is because he played the violin quite well even before his return.
He also liked the piano, but the easy-to-carry violin became his
friend to ill his free time.
Being an illegitimate bastard who couldn't go out in social circles, all
he could do was spend time with the books and instruments in the
wealthy duke's house.
I didn't go to school or met anyone, so I was able to practice for eight
hours a day at any time.
However, he did not have any desire to make a name for himself as a
performer, and the Duke and Duchess only thought of musical
instruments as cultured ones, and did not intend to show him to the
public as a performer, so they never dreamed of becoming a performer.
Besides, 'that an amateur, not a professional, is at this level!' Because
compliments are more fun.
After debuting in the social world, after falling for Dorothea, the
profession of a violinist was further behind.
After returning, the irst thing he caught as soon as he entered the
duke's family was a violin bow.
I played the violin and the piano whenever I had time to get rid of
complex thoughts.
It was a little dif icult to build a body suitable for playing, but the
violin was one of his few hobbies, and he used to play the violin for four
or ive hours whenever he had time.
'If you simply count the number of years... … It's been over 30 years,
isn't it?'
Almost 20 years before the regression, and well over 10 years after
the regression.
Among them, 30 years is a long period even if there is a period of
neglecting violin practice.
As he counted the time, he suddenly felt old.
“Ethan Bronte!”
Then the user called him from under the stage.
Fortunately, he seemed to have gotten a replacement string while he
was playing.
“Then I will prepare the next song soon, so please wait for a
Ethan apologized to the audience and went down from the stage to
sharpen the strings.


A few minutes later, Ethan came back with a fresh string, skillfully
playing the next scheduled piece.
He made eye contact with Dorothea several times while playing.
They had to put up with a smile that naturally spreads when they
make eye contact without anyone knowing.
Since other people are watching, be careful with your facial
Fortunately, Dorothea wasn't the only one who seemed to be
possessed by Ethan.
The women who gathered there, and even the men, were
mesmerized by his performance.
In the enchanting and elegant melody of the violin, Ethan's beauty
shone more splendidly.
His long, smooth ingers luttering a violin bow, his luscious silver
hair swaying softly like a dance, and his thick eyelashes gently falling
down. Deep eyes soaked in the melody.
His performances were completely artistic, both visually and aurally.
When his performance was over, everyone gave a standing ovation.
After Ethan left the stage, the applause continued for several
Some even ran behind the stage where Ethan had left, handed them
the bouquets they had prepared in advance, and gave them presents.
Just by looking at it, it was as if Ethan had won a world-class
competition, not just inished his performance.
The concert was a success, and Ethan's popularity did not fade even
at the small party held after the concert.
Ethan followed Dorothea with his eyes, even though he was
surrounded by others.
Dorothea pretended not to be interested in Ethan and chatted with
others, but then glanced at him and looked away again as if to run away.
That brief eye contact was both breathtaking and dizzying.
'If you keep it a secret, what will be the excuse for meeting the
princess in the future... … ?'
Ethan's attention was focused on Dorothea in the midst of people's
"I… … Ethan.”
As Ethan was pensive, a familiar voice called out to him.
When I turned around, Monica Aponita was there.
“Oh, Monica-sama.”
Ethan looked at her with a cold expression on his face. Because I
didn't have to be nice to her anymore.
Besides, I don't want to be misunderstood by Dorothea.
“Today’s performance was really good.”
At Monica's praise, Ethan nodded his head dryly once.
“I’m going back to that hark… … .”
"Oh, I see. Please return carefully.”
It was a quicker return than planned, but Ethan did not ask why.
It must have been because it was inconvenient to be in Lampas with
the petty Nereus, I was just guessing.
Monica licked her lips as if she had something to say, then slowly
opened her mouth.
“… … The princess is so wonderful that I can't compare her to me, so I
think I can understand why Ethan-sama likes her.”
"Do not worry… … . 'Cause I'm not going anywhere to talk. However, if
you ever come to Hark in the future, please stop by our family.”
Ethan shook his head at Monica's words.
So… … Does that mean you even really liked me?
Then a servant came to Ethan.
“Prince Nereus wants to see you for a moment.”
At the name of Nereus, Monica linched again.
“I’m sorry, but other people tell me that they can’t ind me irst.”
When Ethan refused with a single blow, the servant was astonished
as if he had not expected it.
Did you think that if I sang to the theme of the broken violin string, it
would come?
“Eh, you said that you would make a good offer to Ethan.”
“It’s a good offer, but can you tell me that you politely decline it?”
Not even hearing what the offer was, Ethan declined with a grin.
Then Monica gently tapped him.
“I think you should go.”
Considering Nereus' personality, Monica gently recommended
meeting him.
Continuing to decline like this can make things even more annoying.
What's more, if the servant tells Nereus that Ethan hasn't come to
talk to Monica, things will get even more complicated.
Finally, Ethan sighed and nodded.


“It’s a great performance. It wasn't a rumor going around the world."

Ethan's eyebrows twitched slightly at the compliment that wasn't
His eyes were quite favorable, unlike before.
“Why didn’t you go into an orchestra or a music club and give a
concert with this skill?”
He would have achieved great fame if he held a violin and toured the
aristocrats who liked music.
He must have made a lot of money, and he must have enjoyed an
af luent life that anyone would envy.
“I just want to enjoy it as a hobby.”
"Do not lie. It’s more than just a hobby.”
“Thanks to the spare time, I enjoyed my hobbies a little more.”
Ethan grinned and accepted the word.
He knew why Nereus was doing this.
Although his personality was a dirty Nereus, his love for music was
'Before the regression, fortunately, there was no overlap.'
At the time of Ethan's late debut in the social world, Nereus returned
to Hark, and the two of them only skimmed through, never listening to
or listening to a performance.
Moreover, Nereus didn't like Edan very much even at the time, so he
thought that rumors about Edan's abilities were based on his
“I love supporting musicians, Ethan Bronte.”
“That word… … .”
“It means I will support you.”
Nereus raised his chin slightly, showing off his wealth and power.
Ethan knew the wealth of Hark's royal family.
It is enough to surpass Ubera, which has been an empire for a long
“This is the best way to use your talents as a bastard. Perhaps you
will be able to live much more abundantly than the poor nobles here.”
His eyes were illed with arrogance, as if he was giving something
great to the talented, but lacking opportunity and power, Ethan Bronte.
They looked so similar, Ethan couldn't hide his laughter and burst
out laughing.
“Are you telling me to follow the prince to Hark?”
“It’s much more livable than Ubera.”
You will get a large mansion that you can use for yourself, and there
will be employees for you.
Besides, if the prince sponsored musicians, they could live in Haruk.
In fact, many musicians studied and settled in Hark with the support
of Nereus and were satis ied.
“You will be able to meet the musicians I support and have high-level
conversations. Not only will it help you with your skills.”
Originally, art is about discussing, mixing, and bumping into each
other and enriching it, right?
Nereus was making a radical offer not only to give him money, but
also to provide an environment for music for free.
It's de initely a huge offer that can't be easily rejected.
However, Ethan raised an eyebrow as if it was fun looking at Nereus.
“Do you know the culprit who broke my violin?”
Ethan asked, narrowing his eyes.
Then Nereus frowned.
“Why are you asking me that all of a sudden? Are you doubting me?”
At Nereus' words, Ethan burst into laughter.
“I doubt it. I heard the prince was always behind the stage before the
concert, so I was wondering if he had seen the culprit.”
At Ethan's words, Nereus trembled slightly as if his feet were numb.
But since there was no direct evidence for Ethan, he shook his head.
“… … I was too busy to see it.”
“Ah, that’s very unfortunate. I was really curious as to who the culprit
was, who doesn’t know how to handle instruments with respect, and
who pours out his anger on a precious instrument.”
Ethan smiled, not taking his eyes off Nereus.
“If Prince Nereus also loves music, I think he will be angry with the
criminal’s ugliness and ignorance.”
“… … .”
Ethan grinned as he saw Nereus's hand, which was slightly re lected
under his sleeve, curled up tightly.
“If I become more famous with the support of the prince, this will
become more common. I am very grateful for your suggestion, but I
think it would be better for me to enjoy it quietly as a hobby, even for
my violin.”
After saying that, Ethan turned around.


The next day, Dorothea faced Theon with more tension than when
she confessed to Ethan.
Theon, as always, sat in front of her with his eyes still and calm.
“Are your thoughts in order?”
Dorothea couldn't help but stare at the teacup, and Theon asked
Still, Dorothea did not answer easily.
And her heavy lips pressed Theon's chest.
The reason the good Dorothea can't speak easily is because what
she's going to say to him is a refusal.
“You seem to have had a good conversation with Ethan Bronte.”
Theon smiled, suppressing the pain.
It was then that Dorothea gained courage and opened her mouth.
"I… … I think Ethan is good. Sorry."
At Dorothea's heavy irst words, Theon felt a throbbing pain in her
I didn't have high expectations from the beginning.
This was just a process to con irm her will.
It wasn't strange at all if she refused.
It's only natural for me to say no because we talked about arranged
He doesn't have the right to 'help me' by thrusting in the dark spirit.
Know. I know... … Still, it felt like my heart was being ripped off.
“If the princess is in the mood, then that’s enough for me.”
It was half truth and half lies.
He didn't want to long for Dorothea's stability until it destroyed
Dorothea's happiness.
However, on the contrary, it seems that she sincerely hoped that her
happiness was Theon Fried.
“… … Theon, I'll be happy to help you if you need the power of the
spirits. So you can talk to me anytime.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
Theon nodded and said that he would ask for help at any time, but
contrary to his words, he could not ask Dorothea to clean up.
Even though I felt that I needed puri ication this morning, I could not
ask Dorothea with this kind of heart.
I thought I would be able to cool off without any regrets, but Theon
thought that maybe my heart was bigger than I thought.


“Theon… … !”
Raymond hurriedly stood up from Theon, who had come to him for
puri ication.
Theon's expression was darker than usual.
“… … Lay."
Raymond quietly embraced Theon at Theon's low voice.
Theon rested his head on his shoulder and stood still.
Dark hair slid helplessly down Raymond's shoulders.
Raymond quietly patted his back and summoned the Spirit of Light.
“I’m not sorry.”
Theon muttered to his shoulder.
“What are you talking about, Theon?”
“I told you not to.”
He came and regretted it.
If I hadn't confessed, I would have stayed with Dorothea as good
friends and little sisters.
I would have been able to remember Dorothea Milanaire only with a
luttering and beautiful appearance.
Raymond patted his back on the shoulder as he cleared his darkness
at Theon's submerged voice.
“It was best to talk back then, Theon. Dorothy should have known
about your spirits.”
“I think it would have been better not to know.”
“Are you afraid of dark spirits?”
“No, he said he would help. Gladly. anytime."
It would not have been so painful if the spirits of darkness had
refused to do so because they were afraid.
I would have blamed the spirit, not me.
Another regret ensued.
What if you had proposed arranged marriage through the elders of
your family?
If Archduke Fried and Emperor Carnan talked about the spirits and
thought it was politically necessary, he might have been able to marry
Dorothea relatively easily.
Julia also advised that, if you want to talk about your engagement,
ask it through the family rather than privately in a restaurant or
Because that's the normal procedure, and it's in his favor.
If it had been a family-level discussion, Dorothea might have
reluctantly agreed to marry him.
But it didn't.
Because I can't ignore Dorothea's heart.
When it came to Inje, it seemed like it was a hoax.
Maybe Dorothea likes me, so her heart will lead me to... … such a
“… … I'm sorry, Ray. I know you're in trouble, but the only people I can
talk to are you and Julie."
“Don’t worry, it’s not dif icult.”
Raymond quietly accepted him and summoned the Spirit of Light to
purify him.
However, the relationship between Dorothea and Theon could not be
Besides, Theon's puri ication was also a concern.
Raymond, who has to work more and more as a prince and has to be
more careful about his behavior, it was not easy to meet Theon often.
If Dorothea and Theon had done well, he would have set aside time
for the cleanup issue.
“I’m sorry for always making you suffer because of me, Ray.”
“What are you talking about, Theon? I never thought of it as hard.”
If it's hard, Theon will be doing more.
It was because of the spirits that he, who was the chief graduate of
Episteme, couldn't get a post now.
He's just graduated from Episteme, and he'll have to work at the
bottom as a rookie bureaucrat, as that will make it harder to keep up
with Raymond.
"Lay… … If you're okay with it, I'm thinking of taking your aide exam."
“Aides exam?”
Rey asked, surprised by Theon's words.
Of course, the aide was also a key job that required excellent skills.
However, this did not mean that the position was not high enough
for the eldest son of Prince Fried and the chief graduate of Episteme to
In general, episteme senior graduates took the so-called elite course,
which did not include an assistant.
This is because, unlike other government posts with speci ic
decision-making rights and powers, an aide is treated as an assistant
to manage a given schedule.
Besides, he's not an aide to the emperor, but an aide to the Crown
“Being an assistant will increase the time I spend with you.”
Theon lifted his head, leaning on Raymond's shoulder.
He knew what Raymond was worried about.
It was a strange thing that no one could have imagined for him to
become an assistant.
It's like a knight with a bright future who suddenly wants to go into
the mountains and become a hunter.
Isn't it something that went beyond everyone's expectations?
Maybe everyone will be excited again.
Why did the famous knight go into the mountains and become a
hunter, while arbitrarily guessing the reason.
But since he was bound by the spirit of darkness, Theon had to make
a decision.
“I don’t know if I’m going to bother you with puri ication.”
“I feel so strong and happy when you become my aide! Who can get
such a reliable and capable aide!”
Theon smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying it wasn't Raymond.
Raymond was hoping Theon would get a better position, but he
couldn't afford to give up his aide and apply for another position.
It was probably Theon who struggled the most before making this
Theon knew Raymond's consideration, so his old friend was grateful.
“When I didn’t know anything, I only thought that spirits were good.”
Theon shook off the heavy energy and spoke lightly.
When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a spirit warrior, and I was
amazed at the stories of spirits that the ancestors of the Freed had
dealt with.
Raymond then nodded as if he agreed with Theon.
"right. It was amazing and good when I irst woke up.”
Raymond did it himself.
It wasn't dif icult or dangerous to control the spirits like Theon, but
he knew well that the spirits weren't just good.
Raymond's life changed in an instant when he inally summoned the
ire lies.
There were many times when I thought that how much I hated the
spirits when I was taking the Prince's class, and that if I had known that
this would be the case, I would rather have hidden my awakening.
'… … Maybe because Dorothea is smart, she's been hiding her
awakening until now?'
I hate the many duties and responsibilities that come with a single
It is impossible to suddenly awaken the power of a spirit at a late
Even though I know ten roads in the water, I can't igure out one road
in Dorothea's head, so the smart Dorothea who looked ahead several
times may have hidden the spirits deliberately.
“Seeing that, Nereus is amazing. That guy is a spirit samurai born
from his constitution. What would you have done if you couldn't deal
with the spirits?"
Raymond laughed, brushing off the heavy subject.
Nereus was sometimes envious of Nereus, who shuddered at the
thought of being able to wield a water spirit.
Nereus often threatened or suppressed people by showing the
difference in 'class' with the power of spirits, which was unimaginable
for Raymond and Theon.
To threaten other helpless people with a special power, a spirit,
might feel cowardly and mean.
Moreover, Raymond hated ighting in the irst place, and Theon
feared that the case would not end lightly if the spirit was brought out.
“Still, there’s only one thing you and my spirit did well. You're going
to be my friend for the rest of my life. No matter how much I hate you,
you can't get away from me?"
Raymond narrowed his eyes, poking like a threat to Jim Jit Theon.
“Besides, I have a wonderful feeling that I will get the world’s best
assistant thanks to the spirits!”
Raymond wrapped his arms around Theon's neck and played with
them, and Theon inally burst into laughter.
“If it wasn’t for the Spirit, I would have been on your side, your friend,


Upon returning home, Theon took out a handkerchief and a glass

bottle from the small box.
The old handkerchief was stained with pale blueberry water that had
not yet fallen out.

'I want you to throw it away even if you throw it away because it's

After getting these back from Freedia, he has kept the handkerchiefs
and bottles in the box.
He doesn't know why, but he felt that the items Dorothea had
returned were so precious that he couldn't afford to throw them away.
In fact, he had no idea what memories were contained in this object.
What was Dorothea thinking with the handkerchief, and why did she
keep the bottle of ointment that was easy to throw away and returned
it to him later?
What she did with this handkerchief and how much the ointment
helped her wounds.
But just having an object with Dorothea's story he didn't know made
him feel pretty close to Dorothea.
But now is the time to say goodbye to this old thing, the faded
He pondered for a moment with the handkerchief, then grabbed him
tightly and approached the ireplace on one side.
Theon stood in front of him and stared at the ire for a long time.
The bright light that drives away the darkness, and the warmth that
shakes even in small waves of the air.
And with a handkerchief clenched, a ist that could not be opened.


Dorothea's concern was, 'How do you naturally meet Ethan often?'

The best thing was to make room for Ethan to enter her palace on a
regular basis.
After all, Ethan has powers, so even if he summons him to the
Imperial Palace, he won't be suspicious.
It's just a matter of what pretext you call him... … .
“Princess, how are you feeling these days?”
Then Clara, who came in to pull the curtains, saw Dorothea and
I was seriously thinking about it until now, did you say it looked
“Yes, it looks good.”
Clara smiled and nodded.
Single, single, immersed in thought with a happy face, writing a letter
he never wrote, humming, and looking in the mirror again and smiling.
Clara was delighted with the most lively igure of Dorothea she had
ever seen.
"I… … Clara. Shall I learn to play an instrument?”
Dorothea asked softly.
“An instrument?”
“I went to a concert, but I don’t think I have an instrument that I can
handle… … .”
… … is an excuse. I wanted to invite Ethan.
Of course, it was also true that whenever Ethan played the piano and
played the violin, he became interested in playing an instrument.
“Good idea, Princess! I am glad that the princess is interested in
various things.”
Learning an instrument was like a symbol of the leisurely hobby of
those who had it, and nobles used to learn at least one semester from a
young age.
“You say that Master Ethan is so good at piano and violin!”
When Clara spoke up Ethan's name irst, Dorothea linched at the
hand holding the pen.
“Eh, Ethan?”
Dorothea pretended not to think about it at all.
'… … Are you too shy?'
Does it make sense to pretend you don't know Clara in the irst
I already know the strange current between Ethan and Dorothea.
Unsurprisingly, Clara actively supported Dorothea as if she was going
to help their relationship.
“Rumors are spreading that Master Ethan has wiped out the social
world these days. I heard that where did you get a high-priced
sponsorship offer?”
"okay… … ? Wouldn’t it be strange to call Ethan a lesson teacher?”
"sure. How many carts have you asked for lessons from Master Ethan
so far? The problem is that Master Ethan rejected them all.”
Clara was more rumored than Dorothea.
People who work in the Imperial Palace can only survive if they are
aware of the rumors in the social circle.
Anyway, thanks to Clara, Dorothea has a little courage.
“Then shall I ask Ethan?”
“Okay, maybe the master will also listen to the princess’s request.”
Clara nodded violently and showed a thumbs up.

Ethan could not hide the corners of his lips that rose as soon as he
received the letter with the imperial seal from the butler.
It was because of the precious name 'Dorothea Milanaire' written on
the envelope.
There is no such thing as a letter of intent. You wouldn't be able to
con ide in a secret love affair in a public letter with the seal of the
imperial family.
But nevertheless, the letter was so precious to Ethan that it was
Dorothea probably doesn't know. That this was the irst letter she
sent to him.
Ethan stood there for a long time like a pious priest who prayed
while holding a letter as if he were dealing with a precious treasure
that should not be buried.
He wiped the desk thoroughly with a handkerchief and carefully
placed the letter on it.
Even the smallest speck of white envelope containing Dorothea's
touch could not be tolerated.
Confused about how to remove the imperial seal without damaging
it, he took out the best paper knife in the drawer.
And like a delicate scholar excavating ancient relics, he carefully
removed the seal.
He carefully pulled out the letter from the envelope, which had been
removed without damage.
The paper, which was too luxurious and thick to be used as
stationery, was surrounded by a vine-patterned border with gold leaf.
At that, Ethan covered his eyes with his hand and calmed his
throbbing heart.
To those who don't know, it might be because it is a letter from the
imperial family, but he knew it, having worked with the emperor
Dorothea Milanaire.
Dorothea is a person who doesn't really care about the material of
The fact that the stationery she sent is so luxurious means that she
has chosen and obtained the stationery with care.
How much more adorable do you think it will be?
He took a deep breath and read the overly pretty letterhead.
Since the letter was sent through a public channel, the content was

[I was impressed with Ethan Bronte's performance at the last club


'It's Ethan Bronte... … .'

He was just delighted with the letters of Dorothea calling him by his
hard name.

[I am looking for a teacher to take over my lessons. Ethan Bronte

thinks it is suitable for this and sends a letter.]

Is it excessive self-consciousness to read sentences that only appear

in announcements saying that you want to see them?
Dorothea transformed even cliché d sentences that would normally
not be read properly into beautiful verses that can be pondered slowly.
Ethan read the few letters for a long time, as if reading a thick
research book.


Of course, Ethan's answer was yes.

Dorothea invited him to the imperial palace without delay.
Ethan picked out his favorite clothes and headed to the Imperial
He calmed his excitement as he walked to the palace of Lenascor,
where Dorothea was located.
Today, the sky is blue, the sun is shining brightly, beautiful birds are
chirping, and the wind feels moderately cool.
The world was so beautiful!
Although he's lived twice in his life, he's never felt the world so
beautiful. Because the world hasn't been nice to him since he was born.
However, in my current mood, Jonathan and Nereus on either side of
me seemed to be able to applaud them with a smile even if they did an
ugly butt dance.
And when he arrived at Lenaskor Palace, he ran into Joey, who was
looking around the palace.
“Ethan Bronte.”
Joy's eyes looking at him were sharp, but Ethan's eyes weren't that
Joey approached him with a modest gait and stood guarding the
palace as if blocking his way.
“I don’t like you lirting with the princess.”
Joey said to Ethan without looking back and forth.
After being appointed as a knight and even enrolled in Stefan's
family, Joey is now a nobleman, but her words were rude and short.
But Joey was lucky. How is Ethan's mood today?
“You may not like it.”
Ethan answered leisurely with the tone that everything in the world
is possible.
He sensed that Ethan's voice was different from usual, but Joey did
not lose.
"I'm against having a princess hang out with you... … !”
Joey remembered the cold and unlucky Ethan Bronte from his days
in Cerritian.
Ethan always feels that cheap air. The feeling of rolling your head as
if you knew all the numbers of the other person while pretending to be
friendly modesty.
Joey rolled his eyes, vowing that no matter how many people in the
world were blinded by Ethan's handsomeness, he would never be
But Ethan smiled kindly at her.
"sure. You may be against it.”
At the sight of his happy smile, Joey took a half step back.
'Have you changed your strategy?'
Ethan Bronte's energy was different from usual. But the more he did,
the more vigilant Joey only grew.
“If you are going to use the princess, you should stop at this point.”
Joey narrowed her eyes and looked ierce.
At Joey's warning, who was quite charismatic, Ethan laughed.
'The ignorant potato who didn't know anything grew up a lot.'
It was Joey, whom I didn't like very much, but maybe it's because
she's in a good mood today, she only looked proud.
Would you say that the heart for the princess is so unique and cute?
“You are using the princess. I came today after being invited by the
“I know you meet all the girls in Lampas these days. I’ve seen
everything you went on a date with Monica at Caro last time.”
“I don’t think we will see each other anymore.”
Ethan replied with a soft voice and refreshingly.
Then, a look of embarrassment appeared on Joy's face.
“You’re not going to meet me? why?"
“Is there no reason to meet?”
“Why don’t we meet?”
“I’m busy.”
“By the way, is the princess inside… … ?”
Ethan naturally avoids answering, passing Joey and turning inside.
Like a hawk chasing a target, he walked in search of Dorothea Bay.
“Ethan Bronte, if you make the princess hard, I won’t let you go.”
"Do not worry. Because I will not let anyone harass the princess.”
Ethan smiled and raised his hand as if he knew it, as Joey didn't give
in and put the threat on the back of his head.


A shrill, light knocking sound.

“You are looking for a music teacher.”
Dorothea's face bloomed brightly as Ethan poked his head out
through the crack in the door.
Dorothea covered her mouth with her hand, realizing that she had
raised her voice too loud in delight.
“How have you been?”
It had only been a few days since I saw him at the concert, but Ethan
asked as if they had been apart for months.
After exchanging a light but strong greeting, Ethan saw Dorothea's
Books and papers were piled up thickly on one side of the desk as if
he was working hard.
“Did you have any other work?”
"Ah, I'm going to attend a meeting instead of this month, so I'm
looking at some related stuff."
Last time Raymond offered her to attend a meeting instead.
Dorothea had planned to come quietly, but she didn't want to come,
just passing the time without knowing anything.
In particular, instead of this time, there were many important issues,
such as matters related to the hark trade and tax issues.
“Can I take a look too?”
It's been a while since I've seen data on state affairs, so Ethan's eyes
lit up with interest.
Dorothea nodded her head.
There is no such thing as a state secret, and Ethan is the person
closest to Dorothea who helped run state affairs.
“It’s just something the aristocrats are against.”
Ethan lightly glanced at the contents and smiled.
Instead, he was convinced that all important agenda items of the
meeting would be rejected.
Before the return or now, Carnan and the nobles would not have
changed much, so it would be no different from the past.
Dorothea and Ethan knew how dif icult it would be to reform the tax
system. Because both of them suffered severe failures before returning.
The reason Dorothea is interested in policies related to people's
livelihood is that she knows that Ubera's wealth gap and power
structure are biased toward one side.
Carnan and Raymond knew him too.
Carnan tried to handle the matter without harming relations with
the nobility. However, he tried to join hands with those in power, so of
course it didn't work.
Raymond, on the other hand, found it particularly dif icult to deal
with the unanswered question.
Observing the failure of Carnan's moderate method, Dorothea tried
to reform it by force and force, but failed as well.
It is easy to steal the bowl of the poor, but it is dif icult to steal the
bowl of the rich.
Perhaps it is a set procedure for Ubera, which has been in existence
for a long time, to disappear into history.
“Still, you looked hard.”
A faint smile appeared on Ethan's lips as he scanned her traces.
But, unlike him, Dorothea looked shyly away.
“I only saw it once.”
Her voice was weak.
I decided to live my life without paying attention to the emperor or
politics, but seeing that there are stories that I hear, my eyes are
starting to go away.
Do you want to leave a hunsu just because you tried it once?
If you actively bring up these kinds of things, it is obvious that you
have political greed.
It is common for good intentions to be perverted.
If he proposes a new policy to Raymond, he will accept it with
impeccable purity, but the other nobles will never.
Living in a world where invitations are plentiful just by showing a
“You just watched it once, really hard.”
Ethan said, carefully reading Dorothea's writings.
Instead of just preparing for a meeting, there were piles of traces of
Dorothea thinking about the problems and improvement plans of
various empires that were not on the agenda of the meeting.
There were also policies that seemed to frantically unravel the
desires that could not be resolved by being a princess in the back room
So he couldn't help but be happy. Because all the thoughts and plans
she wrote down were the same as the old Dorothea.
To be precise, with Dorothea Milanaire before becoming a tyrant.
Those days when I opened my eyes to restore the old glory by
making the empire a prosperous nation.
No, rather, the languages she wrote were more mature than before.
So Ethan had no choice but to fall in love with Dorothea again.
“It’s sad that these discussions are going to die without coming out
to the world.”
“Ethan, like I said, I don’t want to be emperor.”
“But you said you wanted to live a good life.”
"okay. I will live a good life.”
“These thoughts are so kind, Princess.”
The essence of the future she knows, countless trials and errors, and
the experiences and developments of failure.
In addition to support measures for single mothers and relief
measures for the poor, reforms of the inancial system and postal
system were also included to improve the lives of the people.
If implemented with the power of the imperial family, these
innovative systems, which can have tangible effects, will be able to
persuade even the nobles.
“But if I try to do this, everyone will think I’m trying to become
It takes power to put those ideas into practice.
If Dorothea wasn't a member of the Imperial Family, it would have
been better without the Spirit of Light... … .
“The 'living good' that the princess is talking about is really out of
the question.”
Ethan said, holding Dorothea's hand affectionately.
“What is the 'kindness' of the princess?”
Dorothea hesitated, rolling her eyes, as to how to answer Ethan's
After not answering for a long time, she hesitated for a moment, then
pulled out an old piece of paper that had been folded in the corner of
the chest of drawers and showed it to Ethan.
A list that I have been thinking about for so long that I can now cry
and cry even in my sleep talk.
“The bucket list of living a good life… … ?”
“After I returned, I decided to live like that.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan hid the corners of his lips that twitched
up with his ists.
'Oh My God. Isn't it too cute?'
Did you think like this after returning?
Like Dorothea Milanaire, it is development-oriented and planned.
Even thinking about it now, her stomach churns. When I crossed that
end and got a new life, how could I even write a list like this to correct
my mistakes? Besides, do you still have that list?
He carefully read Dorothea's old vows.

[First, a friendly smile once a day.]

'cute… … !'
Thinking of Dorothea trying to smile, it was so lovely that I felt like

[Second, not coveting other people's things]

'It's cute too... … !'

The thought of small, young Dorothea, sitting in front of a large, out-
of-size desk, writing this down, made me go crazy.
After all, the world is a place to live and see.
Ethan Bronte Who would have thought that there would be a lifetime
of seeing Dorothea Milanaire's 'Being Good' Bucket List?

[The throne belongs to Rei. Theon belongs to Julia.]

This isn't cute.

It was a phrase that was not pleasant at all to think of Dorothea, who
had written this verse alone after returning.
Ethan's expression, which was always full of smiles, stiffened slightly,
but his eyes soon moved over curiously about the next line.
Below that, some items for living a good life, such as saving people
and donating, were written.
'What does it mean to live a good life?' My heart raced because I was
so pretty when I thought that I would have written down each one
while pondering.
And one line that seems to have been written late at the bottom.
“Ethan’s… … Dog and Cheon Seon?”
Dorothea later realized that the matter was involved, and hurriedly
took the bucket list from Ethan's hand.
A time when I never imagined that Ethan had returned, and what I
added when I met him after returning.
Since I had decided to live a good life, it was a promise I wrote that I
would also make Ethan good, who had walked the path of the tyrant
“Hey, this doesn’t mean you’re bad… … .”
“Your face has turned red, Princess.”
Ethan smiled as he looked at Dorothea's face, which had turned red
to the ears.
It's called 'Edan's dog and dog'. He was a little surprised because it
was something he had never imagined, but honestly, he was happy.
Even if it wasn't good content, that he had at least one line in
Dorothea's promise.
'You were thinking of me.'
You might resent me for not stopping your execution. Or I thought I
had completely forgotten about it and didn't care.
“I’ll make sure to make my bucket list come true. Ethan’s dog and
Ethan smiled, kissing Dorothea's cheek.
Then Dorothea's face grew even hotter.
“Even if I didn’t write it that way… … !”
“So, in order to be open and good, I ask, does the princess know what
good is?”
Ethan asked a serious question in a rather light tone.
Here are the speci ic details for each one. So what do they have in
Dorothea's 'will of good', where you can see many trees but not see
the forest.
Dorothea fully understood why Ethan was asking such a question.
She also used to ask Clara questions because she didn't know exactly
what living a good life was.
And it was dif icult to de ine what 'good' was even until now, after
living a good life and living for ten years.
Even looking at the numerous ethical and religious books, it is a
cryptic problem.
“I don’t know, but I want people to live a better life. At least before the
Ethan laughed as Dorothea spoke cautiously.
“… … do you know that Princess, you've said something like this
Dorothea raised her eyes and asked, Ethan nodded.
“Before that, too.”
"Oh I?"
Dorothea opened her eyes wide in disbelief and shook her head.
I can't. I used to be a complete tyrant. He was so engrossed in luxury
and pleasure that he could not take care of the country properly, and it
was the evil itself that ruined everything.
“When you were a princess, you said it quite often.”
before ascending to the throne. She used to say with bright eyes that
she wanted to make the people of Ubera prosper.
Although she could not deal with the spirit of light, she was proud of
Ubera as a member of the imperial family, and said that she would
make a prosperous nation.
I will make sure that no one dies of hunger in the land of Ubera.
I will make sure that no one dies without money, without treatment.
He will deprive the nobles of excessive privileges and give them to
the people.
All will be equal
A dream that is too big for the times. A fantasy without reality.
Ethan loved her grand dream that everyone said was impossible, and
her eyes twinkled every time she spoke of it.
So he wanted her to become emperor, and he made her rise to the
But it didn't take long for her to give up on everything, discouraged
by a wall she couldn't hit and break until she became bloody.
At the time, she was too radical to pursue her unrealized dreams, so
she broke easily.
In the end, she was engulfed in deep disappointment, utter self-
hatred and self-help.
After giving up on everything like that, she was ruined to no avail.
The most tragic end of a dreamer who should not have it.
“Did I… … .”
Dorothea laughed sadly when she heard about her past.
He can't even remember himself, but how does Ethan remember all
those old things?
“To make sure that no one dies of hunger in the Ubera land, it was
really absurd for me.”
It's never an impossible story.
I tried to press and force the nobles to achieve it, so of course
nothing works.
Dorothea laughed at the stupidity of her old self.
“You thought Raymond was an idiot by those standards.”
Raymond is much more realistic than Dorothea and knows how
aristocratic society works.
He was much smarter, but to Dorothea, who knew nothing, he looked
pathetic and stupid.
Then Ethan took Dorothea's hand and said,
“I don’t think that’s vain, Princess. I think that such a world will come
one day. It may not be the time yet.”
“Even if Ubera were to fall and a new nation to be established, that
would be impossible, Ethan. It is a utopia.”
Dorothea had already realized once in her life.
Humans pretend to be rational and rational, but in the end, they are
busy chasing what is in front of them rather than looking far away.
They pretend to be the lord of all things, but in the end they are
sel ish, greedy, impulsive, and emotional.
Dorothea had already felt disillusioned with herself and those who
were blinded by their interests.
Wouldn't it be impossible for an imperfect human to create a utopia?
Could it be a vain dream?
Ethan then smiled deeply, making eye contact with her.
“It just takes one step closer to a utopia. I live a good life.”
Ethan's golden eyes looking at her were dazzling like stars in the
dark night sky.
Can we really create such a country?
But Dorothea shook her head as if to shake her thoughts.
“Don’t blow it, Ethan. I never intend to go into politics.”
Living as a secluded princess and accepting other people's choices, I
have ful illed my role and duty.
Ethan nodded as Dorothea glared at Ethan with a determined, stern
“But still, those ideas are too precious.”
“Things that don’t hurt the world even if they disappear.”
“If you don’t want the princess to appear, you can present it to the
world in another way.”
“… … how?"
“With my canine and cheonseonseon.”
Ethan smiled mischievously.


The music lesson, which was the main purpose, started a long time
later, as it had been a long time since we talked about state affairs.
"So… … You mean you can't read sheet music?"
“I can read it. i studied But it's slow at the level of detoxi ication... … .”
Dorothea was almost black when it came to reading sheet music.
The level of being able to read scales only by counting the staff. Only
basic notes were familiar to my eyes, and there were many things that I
didn't even know about musical symbols.
“Do you know the major and minor scales?”
“I heard it. Major and minor, right?”
"Right. And?”
“… … I only know until there.”
Ethan burst into laughter at Dorothea's shallow knowledge.
Oh, you shouldn't laugh.
The major scale and the major are just sang with different words.
Ethan wiped the moist eye area with his inger, and Dorothea put on
a sullen expression.
“It’s not that I’m kidding, I’m laughing because it’s so cute.”
I'm sure Dorothea has a bad side like this.
Every time he found a new dorothea, he would feel like putting a new
gem in his treasured jewelery box.
But the problem is that you have to start music lessons from the very
basics rather than you think.
It's been a long time since I was a beginner, so I couldn't properly
predict Dorothea's level.
“Then it would be better to start with the piano rather than the
“It’s easy to get the right notes. Do you have a piano?”
"yes. Fortunately, there is a separate piano room.”
In the past, Conberta Palace was small and did not have a separate
piano room, but there was a piano used long ago when Empress Alice
was alive.
Not so long ago, the room was a place where there was nothing to
enter except for the one time I went in to look around after moving the
However, after asking Ethan for music lessons, Dorothea went to the
room excitedly and checked the piano in advance.
Fortunately, the piano, which had been neglected for nearly 20 years,
did not look bad on the outside thanks to the basic maintenance of the
royal servants.
A grand piano that has aged gracefully without the lid warping or
rotting anywhere.
However, when Dorothea pressed the keys, it sounded strange to her
that she did not know much about music, and some keys were not
pressed at all or made no sound.
Is the term “bright apricot” used at a time like this?
“I called the tuner in a hurry this morning, but I don’t know what
Clara said she would take care of it, but there have been no reports of
the condition of the piano yet.
Maybe it's broken so it can't be used at all.
“Then shall we go check it out together?”
Dorothea nodded at Ethan's question.
“I will guide you.”
Dorothea grabbed his hand and took a half step forward.
Ethan saw the hand of Dorothea leading him.
She pretended to be natural, but she was quite nervous. He was
conscious of holding his hand.
Ethan couldn't help the smile that lowed from him, so he clasped
Dorothea's hand.
The two didn't say anything, but at the same time felt the same
This is so good, is it possible to have a secret love affair?


There was a single black grand piano and a sofa in the well
maintained room.
The piano was placed magni icently in the center of the room,
pretending to be the master of the room.
As if you had to politely ask the piano for permission before entering
the room.
Ethan also nodded his head at the black-bodied grand piano that
caught his eye as soon as he entered the room.
From the outside, it looks like it has been well cared for with no signs
of damage from humidity or sunlight, so it didn't seem like there would
be any major problems on the inside.
However, the tuner who came early in the morning was still
wrestling with the big piano after quite some time had passed.
Clara found the two irst, and the tuner who was touching the piano
was surprised and hurriedly turned and bowed her head.
“Because of how the piano is.”
Dorothea was concerned about the condition of the piano, which had
held the tuner for a long time.
Just as the treatment of a critically ill patient takes a long time, I
thought it would be the same for the piano.
But the tuner smiled broadly as he wiped the sweat from his
“Don't worry. Now we just have to do the inishing touches and we’re
"really? Does it sound good?”
Dorothea asked, half astonished and half delighted.
It was obviously a piano that couldn't even make a single sound.
“It’s just that it’s tuned and out of tune, but it’s in very good
The tuner said that he cleaned the inside of the keyboard thoroughly
and said that he could use it any number of times.
“If it’s okay, can I take a closer look?”
When Ethan asked a question, the tuner happily consented, but he
frowned and looked at him and Dorothea.
Ethan didn't care, went to the piano, checked the strings, and pressed
the keys.
From the irst key to the last key, the inger quickly skimmed up and
down as if on a slippery slope, and as Dorothea knew it, 'Doremi Fa
Solasido' lowed out clearly.
“Contrary to what I was worried about, the sound is clear and nice.”
Ethan smiled contentedly.
Since it was used by the royal family, it must have been a good piano
in the irst place, and even if left unattended, the environment itself is
good and simple cleaning seems to have been maintained.
“But it’s still a bit noisy… … ”
As Ethan spoke, repeatedly pressing one key, the tuner nodded.
“We are still coordinating. I love the space here... … .”
Ethan had a few words with the tuner over the piano.
Ethan's ears seem to hear the parts that Dorothea's ears couldn't
“It’s just that I’ve been neglected and uttered the wrong sound, but
the piano itself isn’t bad.”
Ethan said, gently sweeping the piano's elegant body.
"you're right. Just because it sounds wrong doesn't mean the piano is
wrong. All pianos are precious, aren't they? You can’t just throw it
The tuner nodded, deeply empathizing with Ethan's words.
If you carefully tune each sound to the desired sound, you will be able
to produce a beautiful sound.
Just because it sounds a little wrong doesn't mean you have to throw
it away.
Just like people and life.
The tuner, who had been talking with Ethan about the piano for a
while, looked up and said what he wanted to say.
“Well, if you don’t mind, aren’t you Master Ethan Bronte?”
"Ah yes. you're right."
Ethan laughed awkwardly.
There is usually only one reason to ask this.
“It’s such an honorable day to see the princess and Ethan Bronte like
this… … !”
The tuner smiled broadly with a smiling face, not knowing what to
He continued to praise Dorothea and Ethan for their looks, saying
that he had recognized Dorothea and Ethan when they came in.
It was a very boring story, so Ethan responded by nodding his head
with a gentle smile.
However, the tuner seemed more interested in his playing skills than
anything else.
It was because he had heard Ethan's name many times while
working as a tuner.
“I, if it’s okay with you, can you let me hear Ethan’s performance even
a little bit after tuning is done?”
He asked in a tense voice because he was not in a position to tell
Ethan not to dare to play.
“To check the sound… … . Do by that way."
“Thank you, Ethan! Well, then, I'll inish it quickly and clean it up."
The tuner bowed deep down to his waist, said hello to Ethan, and
hurriedly picked up the equipment to inish tuning the piano.
"Ethan, you're really famous."
"Iknow, right. I only need to be famous for the princess.”
When Dorothea marveled at Ethan's fame, Ethan quietly answered
Dorothea's ear so that no one could hear.
At that, Dorothea covered her mouth and bowed her head, not
knowing how to manage her expression.
At that moment, a muf led voice came from behind Ethan.
“Don’t mess around with the princess.”
Surprised, I turned around to see that Joy's eyes, who were guarding
Dorothea's back, were burning brightly.
“It’s handcrafted… … .”
Vocabulary selection.
In Joy's eyes, unaware that Dorothea and Ethan had of icially agreed
to date, Ethan was nothing more than a clever wolf trying to eat
“Even the princess should be careful about this guy’s beauty world.”
Joey whispered secretly to Ethan in Dorothea's ear, but he heard it
Dorothea laughed at him.
"okay. I'll be careful."
As expected, a secret love affair was unreasonable, and just as I was
thinking again, the tuner who inished the work stood up.
"it's over!"
The tuner said as he stepped back with his eyes waiting for Ethan to
Then Ethan sat down at the piano to check it out.
Although it was a brief performance, Dorothea clapped lightly for his
performance, and Clara and the tuner also welcomed him with
Ethan grinned as he looked at Dorothea's blue eyes focused on him
and placed his inger on the keyboard.
As he began to lightly press the keys with his ingers, a clear sound
spread like a drop of water on the calm waters.
He nodded once, as if he liked the sound of the piano, and continued
A sound that is heard one after another, like the sound of light rain.
It was a simple and lively nursery rhyme unlike the colorful songs he
usually played.
But he soon changed the simple, short phrase.
The sound, which started at Gaon-do, gradually went up and became
lighter and faster, then lowered like a fall, and changed to a loud and
heavy note like thunder.
Then it slowly subsided and softened again, and as the rain stopped,
his playing ended.
“… … He’s good at making me jealous.”
I heard Joey muttering involuntarily.
Joy was also a person who didn't know the 'um' of music, but Ethan's
performance had a strange power to captivate people.
Even Joey, who has never learned to play the piano and is not jealous
of anything, can move his heart.
She asks why Dorothea hears Ethan playing and asks, 'Should I learn
an instrument?' He seemed to know a little bit about what he was
“I wonder if the keyboard might be a bit heavy for the princess to
play, but it’s well tuned. It sounds good.”
Meanwhile, after inishing the performance, Ethan smiled at the
tuner and nodded his head as if he was satis ied.
Then, strangely, the tuner's face turned red.
“Go, go, thank you, Master Ethan! It was such an honor today.”
Was Ethan's one word enough to praise the idol he admired?
Perhaps if he kept a diary, he would ill out a few pages of his diary
today and celebrate it as a special day.
After the tuner said thank you, he said goodbye to Dorothea and the
others and left.
When the somewhat chaotic atmosphere was cleared up, Ethan
looked at Dorothea.
“Then we can teach now.”
It is very dif icult to take a class.
Dorothea had Clara and Zoe leave their seats during class.
Finally, it's time for the two of us again.
"I'm going to learn seriously, Ethan."
Dorothea declared in advance that this time was never reserved for
sweet time with him.
Of course, it is true that she wanted to ind an excuse to call him into
the Imperial Palace, but it was also true that she wanted to learn an
instrument, and she was always serious about learning.
It's her old credo to do it right if you decide to do it.
Knowing this well, Ethan nodded, saying it was natural.
“I will teach you seriously. Can't you get angry or say anything for
being harsh?"
“Strict training is always welcome.”
A smile did not leave Ethan's lips at Dorothea's words.
It's training, so it's probably not someone who focused on
Dorothea took a seat on the piano chair Ethan had just been sitting
on, and Ethan stood by her and watched her.
“Can you ind where Gaon is?”
I'm afraid you don't even know that!
It is common knowledge that two black keys in a row are in front of
each other.
Among them, the central one is the Tao.
When Dorothea pinpointed the exact level of Gaon, Ethan looked at
her in surprise.
“I feel like I am being ignored.”
“How much you know and how far you don’t know, it’s because you
haven’t igured it out yet.”
Then Ethan leaned over to Dorothea's side and placed his hand on
the keyboard.
Dorothea shrugged at Ethan who came close to the hook.
His warmth and subtle scent awakened her senses.
“When you play the keyboard, put your thumb on the keyboard like
this. You have to learn to it the width of the keyboard.”
He placed his ive ingers on the keyboard and slowly played Do, Re,
Mi, Pa, and Sol one by one.
Dorothea followed him and placed her hand on the keyboard, and
Ethan's hand gently wrapped around hers.
It was obviously in initely soft and warm to the touch, but Dorothea
felt like her hair was standing still.
“If your wrist falls down, your wrist hurts later. It is better to raise
the back of your hand so that it is level.”
He ixed Dorothea's drooping wrist and held it properly.
“Even when lifting a sword, if your wrist breaks, you get hurt easily,
but it’s the same when you play.”
Dorothea smiled and quickly placed her hand on the keyboard in an
upright position.
Compared to a sword, what is zeal... … . Like Dorothea, Ethan laughed
Because he smiled even at trivial things, the muscles in his cheeks
that had worked all day were aching.
After that, Ethan taught him to press the keyboard with both hands
to a certain beat.
Because she's not young, it can be dif icult to use her ingers luently,
but Dorothea has done it quite well.
In particular, he had the power to make a sound accurately and
sharply, and it seemed that it was because he had muscles because he
did not neglect physical training or swordsmanship practice.
“It feels pretty good to hit the keys.”
Dorothea, who had been beating the keyboard for a while under
Ethan's guidance, said.
The feeling of pressing and hitting something with your inger was
subtly a change of mood.
Does the feeling of hitting something small and hitting something
relieve stress?
I thought that it would be really fun if one day I could freely press the
keyboard and play my favorite songs.
"What a relief. Because the princess likes the piano.”
“It may be a bit greedy to say things like this on the irst day, but I
hope I can play songs sooner.”
“You can still do it.”
“Because you are learning as a hobby, today I will tell you an
interesting song. It's Wipimea's <Stand March>."
Ethan raised his two index ingers.
Then, naturally, he sat next to Dorothea and played symmetrical
notes with only two ingers.
Dorothea, intrigued by the way the song was completed in a very
simple way, quickly memorized the keyboard and followed it.
A simple variation on an easy-to-follow method.
“You saw it once and memorized it.”
“I can’t read sheet music, but I can remember well.”
As Dorothea smiled proudly and played <Stand March> again, Ethan
watched it for a moment and then started playing next to him.
Dorothea's beat was shaken by the sudden interrupted chord, but
when Ethan blinked as if to continue, she smiled and continued playing.
Ethan added splendor to a simple song with a completely different
note from Dorothea.
The two hands played side by side on the same piano key, and the
sound they made harmoniously made one piece of music.
At that moment, Ethan's hand, who was playing on the high
keyboard, lew between Dorothea's ingers, sat down, pressed a key,
and returned to where his hand was.
It was an instant thing.
When Dorothea looked at him in amazement, he quickly pounded the
keys between her hands repeatedly, playfully, and turned away.
His hand moved in an instant over the back of her hand as if to rub it.
What if I collided with his acrobatic and swift hand, I was so nervous
that I thought I would make a mistake because my ingertips tickled.
It's like being a normal person who went up to be a magic assistant
at a magic show.
No, this pounding chest is not just because of tension.
The subtle pleasure and ecstasy that comes when the notes he
makes are perfectly matched.
She was sitting next to Ethan, breathing in the same beat, becoming
Concentrating only on each other's sounds, as if holding each other's
hands tightly, as if embracing each other tightly in their arms.
Not wanting to deviate even a single sound from him, Dorothea
focused all her nerves and senses on her irst briquette and on Ethan,
the briquette opponent.
And when the keys were pressed perfectly simultaneously to the last
note, Dorothea burst out of breath and laughed.
“You memorized it quickly.”
“Isn’t that wrong?”
“It was the most perfect stick march I've ever heard.”
"lie… … !”
I don't think Dorothea couldn't play as badly as she could, but to
Ethan's sensitive ears, the irst piano player's irst performance was
But Ethan shook his head and smiled.
“It is true, Princess. I was so moved that I wondered if I could listen
to this song again in my lifetime.”
The perfection of a song doesn't come from how well you play a
splendid song, how well you play it, and how accurately you play it.
Even if it's a crude and simple song, it's a good song if it touches
people's hearts.
For Ethan, the song he performed with Dorothea was the most
heartbreaking of all the songs he had heard before and after his return.
And during that time playing with Dorothea, Ethan was more
immersed than ever before, and he fell in love with the music.
It's been a long time since I felt like I was completely immersed in the
song itself rather than playing the piano.
At that, Dorothea looked at Ethan's smile and leaned his head against
his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Ethan.”
"Yes… … ? What?"
“Just this and that. I can ill my life with these times, but it feels like
I've come back from a long and dif icult road. I’ll be like this a little bit
Then Ethan smiled and took her in his arms.
“I’m a person who cried because I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able
to come to this place even if I turned around.”
How grateful and happy I am right now, but it's a waste of time to ill
it with words of 'I'm sorry'.
“I cried… … ?”
Dorothea asked, surprised by Ethan's confession.
"sure. Much more than the princess can imagine.”
All the nights he had to be alone because you didn't love me were
tears for him.
But now all those tears are in the past tense, so he smiled lightly as if
recalling old memories.
But it was Dorothea whose expression became heavy again.
“… … I don't think I know much about you."
Ethan remembers all of her past that she doesn't remember, but
Dorothea doesn't remember much of Ethan.
To the extent that he confessed the power of spirits and told a brief
history of the past.
Ethan, who was a servant by her side, was a fragmentary memory.
She was beautiful, and she always seemed to get along well with her
subjects, and even then, her piano and violin skills were excellent, and
the nobles always praised her.
I didn't know it was on such a great level.
If I had known that this would be the case, I would have memorized
Edan's appearance before returning, one by one, and put it in my eyes.
Ethan's appearance at that time was only blurry. No, almost
everything I remember before the return was like that.
Dorothea had some regrets.
“I don’t even know your childhood.”
She knows that Ethan had been treated as a beautiful ghost by the
Duke of Bronte, but she had never speci ically heard of his life.
He didn't seem to like to talk about it, especially the four years he
spent at the bar with his mother before joining the Duke of Bronte.
Even if I can't remember because I was very young, if it's after
returning... … .
'When I woke up after the regression, I would have been with my
mother, not the Duke of Bronte... … ?'
When the thought reached that point, Dorothea's heart tightened.
What was he thinking when he returned with his memories and
opened his eyes?
“Are you wondering how I was until I returned and met the princess
Ethan asked that question, but Dorothea had a hard time answering
it readily.
He wanted to know the details of the person he loved, but he didn't
want to delve into the parts he didn't want to see.
Dorothea also had a lot of things she didn't want to see.
“Can I tell you?”
He smiled and asked if her heart, which was dif icult to answer, was
“You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to say.”
"want to do. Please do it.”
“… … great."
Dorothea nodded her head as if she couldn't win, and Ethan started
talking happily.
“When I irst opened my eyes after the regression, I was in a wooden
box with a bad smell. It was the closet behind the bar where my mother
worked. The ceiling was probably only about the height of my name
now. Even though my mother is short, she always came in with her
back bowed.”
At that, Dorothea grabbed his arm and hugged him tightly.
He complained that it was an unhappy life, but at least Dorothea
woke up in a warm cradle.
There was a nanny who took care of every meal, and I never shivered
from the cold because I had no clothes.
She suddenly thought that she had lived arrogantly, trapped in an
environment that was too comfortable and af luent.
“It was my irst time returning after signing a contract, and it took
me a while to igure out the situation because it was sudden. But I soon
thought about it.”
Ethan, who was talking, paused for a moment and looked at
“… … What do you think?”
“I want to see the princess die.”
He kissed Dorothea's forehead as he grabbed his arm.
Hot heat spread from where his lips touched, making Dorothea's
ingertips and toes tingle.
“Is the princess alive, how you are doing now, do you remember me,
or are you suffering compared to Prince Raymond and His Majesty? I
always thought.”
When I woke up in the morning, I wondered if Dorothea woke up
safely and happily today.
Around lunch time, I thought about whether she was good at eating
and what kind of day she would be spending today.
At night, I prayed that she would not cry and sleep peacefully in a
warm blanket.
Wishing that a cool breeze would blow by her side in summer and a
warm light by her side in winter, when her birthday came, she would
write an anonymous congratulatory letter that would not even reach
the imperial family.
Also, I thought about when I would be able to see her again, and how
to meet the princess with this small body.
“That’s it. What 'Ethan Bronte' did while the princess didn't know."
Thinking of Dorothea Milanaire. everything he devoted his life to.
So she doesn't have to wonder. The time she doesn't know is also full
of her only.
“Thank you, Ethan.”
It is a joy to the point of tears that there is someone who has always
thought of me at every moment I never thought of.
The fact that there is someone who loves and believes in me more
than me, even when I'm having a hard time... … .
“Before the princess came down to Cerritian, I also applied for the
entrance exam at Episteme.”
"really? I thought the Duke and Duchess of Bronte were just trying to
hide you... … .”
“Because you let me take the test without giving you my last name,
Brontera. as a commoner. You probably thought I wouldn't pass. I was
too lazy, so he asked me to watch and grant my wishes.”
He did not think that Ethan, who had never received a proper
education, was at the level of passing the Ephisteme.
Rather, it must have meant to feel the wall and come back and quietly
shut up.
“But why… … ?”
“I was late for the exam because of an accident while going up to
Lampas to take the exam, and I couldn’t take it.”
On the way up, there was a wagon accident, which caused Ethan to
be so badly injured that he had to stay in bed for a month.
At that moment, Ethan suffered as if Dorothea had died.
8 years after return. When the moment I had endured was futile in
vain due to a single accident, I fell into despair as if everything was
Even though I knew that there was a future and that I could see
Dorothea if I had more patience, I felt like I had lost everything for
some reason.
The Bronte and his wife said that when they recalled that time, 'even
Ethan's silver hair in the sunlight looked dark'.
“But a miracle happened to me too. Because the princess came to
Ethan looked at her with sweet, hot eyes that seemed to melt.
something that didn't happen in the past. An unexpected gift.
When Ethan met Dorothea at the beach, he missed her so much that
he thought he was hallucinating.
He had no idea that Dorothea had come down to Cerritian until the
Bronte and his wife talked about the princess's recovery.
“At the time, I didn’t know why it was different from the past.
Because I never imagined that the princess would return with me.”
“Then when did you know? I have returned.”
“I was skeptical, but when I saw Theon Fried’s handkerchief, I was
You still remember Theon, the Elemental King is making fun of me to
the end.
“I can’t believe it even today. The fact that the princess is leaning on
my shoulder, sitting next to each other like this, playing the piano… … .
When I return home, it will be like a dream again.”
Then he hugged Dorothea as if trying to hold the dream to reality.
“Then don’t leave me, Princess.”
He leaned his forehead against her and whispered.
Dorothea's lips pressed against his warm forehead and his breath.
“I’m not leaving.”
“A good person won’t lie, so the princess’ promise must be sincere,
He chuckled like a joke. speaking with sincerity.


A few days later, Dorothea learned that Theon had applied as

Raymond's assistant.
Unless there is a major incident, Theon will be able to get there
His skills and background were too good to be accepted as an
assistant, and the inal decision maker was Raymond.
Dorothea touched the spirit stone brooch at the news.
“What do you think, Princess?”
Ethan had come to her a little earlier than the piano lesson time.
“You look pretty serious, do you have any concerns?”
“No, nothing.”
Dorothea smiled and shook her head.
How do you say Theon was thinking?
It's not because I love him, but because of the spirit of darkness, it
was hard to completely ignore him.
“I heard that Theon Fried applied to the Crown Prince’s aide.”
Ethan smiled softly as he spoke, and Dorothea's eyes luttered.
Then again, Ethan laughed.
“Before you met me, you were thinking of Theon Fried… … .”
“No, it’s not like that… … ! I was thinking of you and naturally went
that way. I was thinking of you.”
“You think of me and Te Blabla-san, isn’t that a good thing?”
Ethan asked with a smile that was happy to tease Dorothea.
Then, Dorothea's expression turned pale.
“Okay, Princess. But seriously, I still wonder why you thought of
Theon Fried so seriously?”
“Because of the spirit. After all, Theon can only live with the Spirit of
Light... … . Anyway, that’s what I thought.”
“You’re ignoring what’s behind you.”
Dorothea said, wrapping his arms around him.
“I love you, Ethan. So I don't want to hurt you."
At Dorothea's whisper, Ethan had no choice but to surrender.
“Let’s go piano lessons together, Ethan.”


Should I say lucky or bad?

Ethan ran into Theon Fried on the way home from piano lessons
with Dorothea.
Ethan and Theon both recognized each other and even stopped
walking, but they were not willing to greet each other irst.
Just as Ethan was thinking about ignoring it, the polite Theon Fried
greeted him irst.
“It’s been a while, Ethan Bronte.”
I wish I had passed by pretending not to know.
“It’s been a long time. Theon Fried.”
Ethan greeted with a fake smile and remembered Dorothea this

'Because of the spirit. After all, Theon can only live with the Spirit of
Light... … . Anyway, that's what I thought.'

Dorothea didn't say anything after that, but Ethan knew what she
was thinking.
If I gave Theon the Spirit Stone, I would have thought that he
wouldn't have to be tied to the aide.
Theon's unusual behavior can be dismissed now, but Raymond's aide
alone won't last forever.
Either return to Fridia to succeed the Archduke, or rise to a higher
position in the center. One of the two should be done, but Theon can't.
In the long run, it is a choice that can only lead to problems in the
Dorothea must have been worried about that too.
Of course, Ethan knows that her worries didn't stem from feelings of
The bond that can only arise because we have known each other for a
long time, the guilt and responsibility of the past, the duty to live, and a
little bit of compassion.
But Ethan was jealous of her feelings no matter what.
He didn't want Theon to take even a single piece of her time,
thoughts, and heart.
“I heard that you applied for the throne of the Crown Prince.”
“I never told anyone, but somehow everyone knows about it.”
Even though he hasn't been con irmed as an aide yet, Theon
wondered why everyone was aware of the news.
Conversely, it was somewhat unpleasant for Ethan Bronte to know
“I heard that Ethan Bronte-sama is also teaching the princess to the
“The princess asked me irst.”
Theon's expression hardened at Ethan's bright smile.
“… … Do you always talk like that?”
“Is that like that?”
“It’s about subtly touching a sensitive part of a person.”
Theon, who tends to pass on everything bluntly, asked.
He knew Ethan had cold eyes when he looked at him. He was smiling,
but inside there was a sharp light as if he were holding a sword.
Not only now, but a long time ago, when we met in Cerritian.
When he and Raymond visited Dorothea, Ethan's eyes were wary as
if he was marking the territory.
Theon looked into Ethan's eyes and asked, Ethan laughed.
“Is it possible? Only you, Theon, bake like this.”
Ethan, with his eyes narrowed, embarrassed Theon with his honesty.
"why… … ?”
“Aren’t you asking because you don’t know?”
Ethan tilted his head innocently.
Theon must already know why.
“… … Are you really serious about the princess?”
“Aren’t you de initely not someone to take lightly?”
“I’m asking if you really have a heart.”
Theon's expression was serious.
Ethan felt that Theon's attitude was not the same.
Dare Theon Fried to ask Ethan Bronte the sincerity of his heart for
If Ethan had been the type to use his ists, he might have already
shoved his ist in Theon's face.
“Theon Fried-sama, are you really serious about the princess?”
Ethan's white face also turned cold with a smile.
"okay. At least than you... … .”
“Better than me?”
Ethan's brow furrowed in an instant.
"Don't judge other people's feelings, Theon Fried. Because I am much
more sincere than you think.”
Ethan said in a voice as cold as ice.
I've been waiting for her longer than you, madly.
It's not that he needs the power of the spirits, so he's not interested,
but he's loved all of Dorothea's appearance, even when he is suffering,
hurting, screaming, giving up on everything, and falling apart.
But people do not easily believe his sincerity.
I've never said that I love anyone easily, so why does everyone take
my heart lightly?
Even Dorothea before her return took enough time to waste her
whole life believing his sincerity.
why? He has a half face and is very popular, so why don't you just love
one person sincerely? Does the gentle, smirking smile look light? Do
you believe all the gossip and gossip he never gave out?
Would he have suspected that if he was ugly and didn't get along well
with people?
Ethan thought his appearance could be poisonous at times.
“Can you guarantee that you have absolutely no other feelings for
Princess Dorothea?”
“Do you have a different mind?”
Ethan's eyes narrowed at Theon's question.
Spirit, I wanted to bring up the story and crush Theon, but Ethan
resisted it.
You said that Edan's Gaegwacheonseon is on the princess's bucket
list, and it's dif icult to answer when asked how she knew about the
“… … Don't sway the princess with a shallow crush. You are already
suffering enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t have to know.”
Ethan said, twisting one corner of his mouth.
Theon's red eyes were full of hostility.
does he know Ethan Bronte's contribution to his survival is huge.
The reason he took an active interest in Dorothea was that the
spirits of light all came from Ethan.
That I had put up with for Dorothea what I wanted to kill many times
But Theon Fried doesn't know that.
“Ethan Bronte, how rude are you going to be?”
“I intend to maintain this level of rudeness in the future.”
“Don’t be rude and be careful. If your actions put pressure on the
princess, I will not stand still.”
Theon clenched his ists at Ethan's arrogant and rude attitude.
does she know What does Ethan look like?
If you don't hang out with someone like that and come to me, I'm
con ident I'll do better than anyone else.
“… … Are you jealous of me?”
Ethan asked, raising one eyebrow.
“I just hate having a rude person like you around the princess.”
“Ah, do you think it’s better for you to be with the princess than me?”
Along with Ethan's narrowed eyes, the corners of his lips rose
“Do you want me to be the bad guy? Don't you want it to be trash that
doesn't suit the princess, and that she hates?"
“… … .”
Ethan's voice was quite memorable. And his words pierced the
sincerity that lay beneath Theon's chest.
However, there is one reason that Ethan can understand his heart
“It’s called jealousy. young master."
Because he was madly jealous of Theon Fried.
The feeling Theon felt was probably nothing compared to what
Ethan felt.
'I guess it's not just because of the spirits.'
Ethan thought as he looked at Theon's distorted face.
He really values and wants Dorothea.
He re lexively felt a sense of 'crisis towards Theon Fried' due to his
years of experience, but on the other hand, he was happy.
Because the sentence that seemed impossible to exist in the world
was born, 'Theon Fried is jealous of Ethan Bronte'.
He also hoped that one day Theon would be so jealous that he would
want to strangle him.
Conversely, I wished he would have turned his attention away from
Dorothea altogether.
How to explain this paradoxical feeling?
“It is an honor for the master of Prince Fried to be jealous of me for
being lowly, but I do not need that glory anymore, so I hope you will
take it. At least I am con ident that I will love the princess more than
Ethan bowed his head politely and smiled.

Dorothea met Theon again at a meeting instead of scheduled.

Instead of attending the meeting on Raymond's recommendation.
Rather than Raymond, who was approaching him warmly irst, his
gaze was taken from Theon behind him.
So… … I care too much.
Contrary to her wish to remain a good friend, Dorothea had a hard
time seeing Theon right away like a sinner.
The good news is that Raymond gets stuck between the two of them
and blocks it?
“You are inally attending the meeting. I wish I had come out earlier.”
“I just came to take a look. I'm just going to listen and go."
“Where are you listening? Even among the ministers, most of them
fall asleep all the time.”
Raymond put his hand to his lips and whispered.
Then he saw Theon behind him.
“And say hello here. My new assistant, Theon Fried!”
Raymond patted Theon on the back and said proudly.
“Hello, Princess.”
"hi… … . Theon.”
Dorothea smiled awkwardly at Theon's greeting.
Ray took turns looking at the two of them who exchanged awkward
'The atmosphere is a failure.'
I thought it would be impossible for the two of them to meet
separately, so I thought about loosening them up a little bit, but it
seems that they are twisted so tightly that even his 'behaving brightly
without notice' doesn't work.
If it was Dorothea, it would seem that he didn't care too much about
such things and passed on coolly, and I didn't know that Theon was this
serious about Dorothea.
'Dorothy and Theon are more delicate than I thought... … .'
They pretend to be innocent on the outside, but on the inside they
are the most sensitive people in the world.
“Well then, shall we go in?”
Raymond opened the door to the conference room and brought in
the two men, who had become dumb with honey.


Instead, the biggest issue in the meeting was the customs duty of
The agenda, which I thought had no particular reason or reason to
oppose it, took a lot of time.
“Changing the existing tax rate like this could make our relationship
with Hark worse.”
Again, the words that looked at Hark again.
If it had been Dorothea before her return, she would have
immediately stood up from her desk, shouting and asking what Hark
was afraid of.
After all, the international community goes back to the logic of
power. Conventions, agreements, and treaties are nothing more than a
piece of paper that makes everything look good.
“But now, isn’t Hark’s wheat converted to imperial production,
deceiving and disrupting the wheat market? We have to impose some
“Isn’t wheat going to come in just by raising the tax rate? On the
contrary, it will only increase the amount coming through the black
market and only increase market confusion. The opposite effect is
At Raymond's words, Marquis Dmitry trimmed his beard and said:
“That’s why there has been talk of making the border more strict and
the level of punishment higher. Sir Dmitry.”
Carnan, who had been listening quietly, opened her mouth.
“Strengthening the border can make him feel political and forceful
pressure in Hark. By improving the relationship with Hark, it is better
to encourage a solution within the Hark... … .”
Dorothea heard those words and her lips twitched.
What if I put a little pressure on the hark?
The reason I noticed Hark's eyes is because he lost a local battle with
Hark during the previous emperor's reign and had a history of
So, we need to increase our military power. Do you think that a
country can only be governed by peace?
Dorothea thought about that, exhaling slowly, calming her thoughts.
'Yeah, war and diplomatic tensions are bad... … .'
Then Raymond spoke again.
“But the Hark will not attack the Empire that much. And we just need
to prepare for him and strengthen our troops and military power.
There are also ways to have more friendly relations with other
Raymond says a word as if scratching Dorothea's itchy spot.
'You speak pretty well, don't you?'
I don't like ighting very much, so I wondered what would happen if I
fell lat on Hark.
As he said, if a war is waged just because the preferential tariff on
wheat has been removed and imposed on an equal basis with other
countries, it is the Hark side that has no justi ication.
The Empire is in a more favorable situation to unite with other
countries internationally... … .
'Besides, even if a war breaks out, we can win enough.'
Because I was so scared that I lost once before.
This is like a human being afraid of a bee just because it has been
stung by a bee.
Of course, stings are painful, but isn't it much easier for humans to
kill bees when ighting bees?
Even so, being stung once in the past is like getting a bee out of the
back of a bee in advance.
“But Your Majesty, the Empire is making widespread use of cheap
Harksan wheat. But if you increase the tax on that, it will put a burden
on people’s livelihood!”
“That’s right, Your Majesty. It only makes the people more dif icult.”
All the servants said in unison.
But Dorothea, and Raymond, were waiting for these words.
“It is nothing to worry about.”
“I intend to increase production within the empire.”
"Yes? So, are you going to cut down the forest and increase the wheat
"no. The rotation will increase food production in the area of the
current wheat ield.”
“Is it rotation?”
“Look at the materials we prepared for you.”
Raymond pointed to the papers in front of them.
Inside it was written the rotation method of cultivating a mixture of
wheat, turnips, clover, barley, and soybeans.
“In this way, we expect to double the average food production in the
same area of land.”
Dorothea laughed quietly at Raymond's words.
It may seem like nothing, but what Raymond has done is staggering.
How can you produce results in just a few months for a work related
to agriculture that takes place over a long period of two to three years?
The result that surprised even Dorothea.
In the words of Raymond, it was the result of researching and
collecting all the rotation methods of domestic and foreign regions.
In particular, Raymond was able to understand and decide the
principles and feasibility of the research because he had cultivated and
farmed the ields himself.
If all goes as expected, this will be a great achievement that can be
called an 'agricultural revolution'.
“Of course, the results may vary depending on the nature of the land
and the climate, but we will spread this farming method to areas that
can produce this crop. Especially since we can grow crops together for
fodder, we can turn pastures where livestock are left into ields.”
Raymond's expression explaining the new farming method was very
“But this is just a plan that has not even been put into practice yet,
His Majesty the Crown Prince.”
"you're right. If you do anything yourself, aren't there many
variables? But how can you ight Hark and Chuck if you only believe in
“If production is not increased immediately, the people will have to
wait for several more years before the results come out, Your Majesty!
You have to look at people's lives. Even now, everyone is poor and
starves to death.”
Raymond made eye contact with Dorothea.
The opposition of the nobles was already expected.
“Then, if the harvest more than doubles within three years with this
new farming method, will the lords agree to raising the customs duty of
the hark, and promise not to increase the tax in each region further for
the 'people's livelihood' that the lords are so worried about?”
Raymond dealt with their objections as he had arranged with
Then, the faces of the nobles hardened with dif iculty.
“On the produce from the same land, only a certain amount should be
taxed. Because the people who are starving and crying come irst.”
"However… … .”
“As long as the rotation method is spread evenly, the wheat of the
empire can be exported to Hark in reverse.”
I knew that there would be strong opposition to Hark anyway.
In particular, Dorothea was the one who had seen the bill not passed
before the return.
Therefore, Dorothea prepared a meeting with Raymond, anticipating
opposition from the nobles, and strategizing in advance.
Raising Hark's customs duty is not urgent. How to use it in the long
Just then, Raymond had igured out a new rotation method, and
Dorothea sharpened him so that he could be used as a weapon.
“Barahan and some pilot areas have been using this farming method
since this winter. Since it is related to the previous wheat farming, it
can be seen that the irst year has already been completed. Perhaps in
the next year or so, the results will be accurate.”
Raymond said to the ministers.
Then, a faint smile appeared on the lips of Karnan, who was sitting in
the highest seat.
“If it is con irmed that the new farming method produces twice as
much food in the same area, omit all other procedures, raise the
customs duty of hark and strengthen the border.”
“But Your Majesty… … !”
“Let it be, don’t.”
Carnan emphasized once again to Dmitry, who was about to refute.
No more logically objected to it, and at the emperor's command, the
scribe made a clear record of the matter.
Dorothea met Raymond's eyes, and Raymond laughed, revealing his
white teeth.
And Theon watched the two of them silently from behind.


Instead, after the meeting, Carnan was troubled.

“His Majesty Prince Raymond did a great job with the ministers
Adviser Robert praised Raymond.
Today Raymond handled the aristocracy well on almost every issue.
To the extent that the emperor, Carnon, did not need to add any words.
At this level, even after succeeding to the throne, he would be able to
lead Ubera well.
However, Karnan's expression was not as bright as it was.
“On the other hand, Dorothea didn’t say anything.”
When he was told that Dorothea would attend the meeting instead,
he wondered if Dorothea was inally ready to serve as a full- ledged
member of the imperial family.
But Dorothea watched the meeting silently throughout today's
“… … Is it my fault?”
Having left her unattended for a long time, Dorothea may be
unfamiliar with the laws of dealing with nobles and the social and court
“I heard that Princess Dorothea prepared very hard for the meeting
instead. I heard that you and Prince Raymond also met separately to
discuss affairs.”
“The Crown Prince has said that Princess Dorothea gave the
beginning of today’s crop rotation.”
“Princess Dorothea has always had an extraordinary side. Of course,
he turned the extraordinary into eccentric and revealed it.”
Robert recalled Dorothea's getting a zero on the Episteme entrance
“Since you are attending a meeting for the irst time in your life, it
must be dif icult to deal with the ministers. But he didn’t even fall
asleep, and he listened the whole time.”
“I still don’t get close to the nobles.”
“Yes, yes, but I heard that you meet Ethan Bronte, the second son of
the Bronte family. He said he was taking piano lessons.”
“Ethan Bronte?”
Carnan remembered him as incredibly beautiful.
“Isn’t he a bastard?”
“Yes, but I heard that you have been close to Princess Dorothea since
After all, did I say that I was a friend? We've known each other since
we were little, so we can be close, but... … .
“Ethan Bronte has a lot of gossip.”
Carnan said with a frown.
As even the emperor knew, rumors about Ethan had spread widely in
A woman from a certain family was stricken with boss disease, she
said she went on a date with a woman from a certain family, she got
attention at a certain social party... … .
Perhaps he is the most famous servant in the Empire?
“If it’s that beauty, there will be no way to avoid rumors.”
“Your irst impression is not very good either.”
"Is that so? He was well-spoken and skillful. Of course, there are
many laws from where you came from.”
Robert was puzzled by Carnan's words.
This is because the last time he entered the Imperial Palace with the
Duke of Bronte, Ethan Bronte did not tremble in front of Carnon and
gave an excellent response.
But Carnan didn't like that.
“So I don’t know.”
The displeasure of facing a sophisticated and ine mask.
At such a young age, he showed the same attitude as the scoundrel-
like ministers, so it's impossible to know what's going on inside.
Besides, he has a good appearance, so if he swung his tongue a little,
it seemed that Dorothea would be deceived quickly.
“Maybe they are aiming for a connection with the princess or more.”
Perhaps that's why the Duke of Bronte also put Ethan, the bastard, to
the vacancy.
“Isn’t the princess young? I can still enjoy it enough.”
There's no way a princess can't marry a bastard, and there's a
handsome man, so she might be attracted to her and get along with her.
It's okay to let it be fun for now.
“But hanging out with Ethan Bronte is a problem.”
Wouldn't it be better to meet other people besides Ethan to see more
“Come to think of it, Dorothea never properly greeted the ministers.”
Carnan muttered, iddling with his chin.
Although she exchanged greetings with the nobles during her debut
Tangte, it was not a place for her only.
In the case of Raymond, Carnan took him with him from an early age
to greet the ministers at important events and keep them close, but
Dorothea never did that.
So, the nobles would feel dif icult for Dorothea, and they must have
retreated back from the meeting, feeling alienated and walled.

'All this time, I've been a bad Milanaire.'

He remembered what Dorothea had said to him.

'okay… … .'
he admitted
I didn't want to recognize Dorothea as a Milanese.
That he could not accept the existence that symbolized the death of
Alice and the decline of Milanaire.
But no more.
Dorothea Milanaire is the daughter of his blood, and a full member of
the Milanaire.
He didn't want Dorothea to lose his temper in front of the nobles.
“By the way, isn’t Dorothea’s birthday soon?”
"Yes. Yes, Your Majesty.”
Robert replied with a smile.
You're asking about Dorothea's birthday, not the Empress's death.
“It would be nice to make room for Dorothea that day.”
Dorothea needed a place to formally introduce herself in front of the
ministers and say hello.


Meanwhile, Ethan, who could not attend the meeting instead, melted
into the social world.
Fortunately, Dorothea was more comfortable dealing with socialites
than Dorothea.
As he did before his return, he naturally blended with people. No, did
it stand out rather than blend in?
At times he thought he would like to associate with Dorothea, but he
hoped that he could use his talents for Dorothea.
The social circle was very useful in that regard.
And it was all because of Ethan that all of a sudden there was a
discussion about the mail at the afternoon tea party.
It was because Ethan was lucky that he would only receive letters
and invitations by mail.
“Uh, only by mail?”
“The front of the Bronte mansion is always noisy and the wagons are
always clogged up, so they resent me. I have to ind a way somehow... …
Nobles have sent invitations or letters to their subordinates to
ensure accurate mail delivery.
Sometimes, it was polite to give it face to face, so he waited for Ethan
But all of a sudden, I'm only getting it through the of icial mail.
“But Ethan. Mail is inef icient.”
“Last time, the mail went wrong, so I got a reply after three years.
Even though it was right next door!”
“Sometimes they are returned because they can't pay the postage. In
some places, one beni is enough to receive a letter, but there are times
when even one blanc, which is a hundred times that, is not enough. It's
very uncomfortable!”
They all complained about the imperial postal system.
For that reason, the postal system, which was not systematic, was
always levied on cash, and sometimes the postal cost alone exceeded
10 blancs.
The recipient, who could not afford the postage, even returned him,
then the price was doubled or tripled and returned to the sender.
Because they could not afford the exorbitant postage costs, the
recipient and sender returned letters to each other, eventually leading
to lawsuits.
The reason postage rates are so absurdly inconsistent is that postal
rates are all decided at the discretion of the post of ice.
And, in many cases, they overcharged the post of ice, the villagers,
and the pockets of the local nobility.
As a precaution, those who were concerned that the mail might be
returned have sent money for the postage enclosed in the mail.
However, when it became popular, thieves or unscrupulous postmen
had reached the point of stealing mail.
Addresses were also unclear, so mail delivery was often wrong.
“It would be good if the postage rates are systematically set, so the
sender pays in advance. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to spend money
on receiving unwanted mail?”
Ethan took a sip of his tea and threw the topic indifferently.
Those who wanted to win Ethan's favor nodded their heads as they
answered the topic of discussion.
"you're right. We have to get rid of or ix that stupid system.”
"Right. I can pay whatever I want for a precious letter, but I don't
want someone to satisfy their own self-interest with that."
“Besides, there are so many ways to go wrong!”
They also considered postage a minor but very inconvenient
How ruthless, how could there be an idiom that says, 'It's like a
postman's heart' for a capricious thing!
However, as they usually did, the nobles were able to ind other ways
to do important work without using the post of ice, so they did not
bother to criticize it.
But the word “inconvenient” has been around for a very long time.
As people's complaints grew, the mouth of Young-ae, who was on one
side, opened quickly.
“Wow, the post of ice knows that. I am also thinking about how to
improve it.”
It was Young-ae who worked in the post of ice manager's post.
But the reaction of others was bittersweet.
“It’s a problem because I’ve been thinking about it for years.”
“You should be able to trust and send a letter, Won. The imperial
family doesn’t even leave even the smallest letter to the postman, is it?”
The status of the post of ice, which even the imperial family did not
trust, had fallen to the ground.
In addition, postage charges are high due to self-interest in each
region, but the amount returned to the post of ice is absurdly small.
“It is not a simple matter. The empire is so large and the addresses
are complex, and when you send a letter, the postman can't check
whether you paid the right amount or not. What can you do other than
cash on delivery?”
“You just have to number your address and indicate on the letter that
you have paid.”
“Numbers and markings? how?"
Everyone tilted their heads at Ethan's words.
Then Ethan smiled and explained the 'postal code' and 'stamp' that
Dorothea had envisioned, as if shedding lightly.
Initials and numbers for each large region, sub-region, and
neighborhood should be used to distinguish mail at a glance.
Also, purchase and af ix postage stamps to all mail serviced by the
post of ice.
The price of postage is the same in all regions, and the postage
required to be af ixed by distance and parcel size should be
Not so great in a way. However, with this simple systematization,
considerable inconvenience would be eliminated.
'Before the regression, I was trying to apply... … Theon Fried is dead.'
After Theon Fried's death, even the little things that Dorothea had
barely managed to accomplish were thwarted, and the light never
However, even after returning, Dorothea improved the idea a little
more concretely and ef iciently and did not let go of her thoughts.
Ethan loved Dorothea like that.
“If there are initials and numbers for each region, sorting by mail
would be much easier.”
The young girl of the post of ice also listened intently to his words.
“Ethan Bronte didn’t even appear in Episteme, but he has such a
clever side.”
The nobles nodded and praised him.
It would have been better if you didn't just add the story of the
The nobles again began to praise Ethan in every nook and cranny,
and Ethan thought he would like to go see Dorothea over a cup of tea.


One day, Dorothea's birthday and the Empress's death were about a
week away.
“Princess, Your Majesty the Emperor is holding a banquet for the
princess on her birthday!”
“It seems like they’re trying to set up a place for me because I haven’t
had a proper greeting with the ministers since my debut!”
Dorothea sneered, thinking that Carnon was doing something wrong
Until now, Carnon had never held a birthday banquet for her.
After she came to Lampas, there was a strange phenomenon of
sending birthday presents, but it was not held until the banquet.
It is because it is against the etiquette to hold a pleasant banquet on
the Empress's anniversary.
Therefore, Dorothea thought that this year, of course, Carnon would
only send gifts quietly.
“Look at this! He even sent me a dress to wear that day!”
Clara pointed to the blue dress the servants were carrying.
The dress in a color resembling the southern sea was lavishly
decorated with jewels, lace, and frills.
A dress that emphasized a narrow waist looked quite cramped. It
must have been that they had been told not to eat anything throughout
the banquet.
“He even sent necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that you can wear
with us. Shoes, of course!”
The servants opened a large accessory box and displayed the
accessories and shoes that Carnan had sent in front of Dorothea.
Jewels that sparkle so dazzlingly. And even shoes with ribbons.
At a glance, it seemed like the price of a few houses.
'It's extravagant.'
I'd rather spend the money you're sending me on something more
Dorothea muttered to herself.
An unwelcome gift, an unwelcome event.
The fact that he came to Inje and gave priority to Dorothea's birthday
suddenly while lovingly serving the Empress as if he would never
forget it... … , probably because of the spirit.
But Clara looked so happy and happy.
“I am so happy that the princess is doing well!”
Clara was thrilled that the emperor had sent Dorothea such a huge
gift and even held a banquet.
Because she was one of those people who knew very well how
mistreated Dorothea had been until now.
Clara assured Dorothea that a glamorous and voluminous dress
would look good on her.
That was then.
“Hey, the princess has opened a dressing room.”
Dorothea's face, who had been chilled by Ethan's voice, turned to
“Oh, Master Ethan! There are no lessons today, but what made you
come here?”
Clara asked, surprised, and Ethan smiled.
“I brought the sheet music I promised the princess.”
He glanced at the sheet music he was wearing on his side.
'Sheet Music? Did you make such a promise?'
When Dorothea blinked, he signaled with a slight wink of the nose
towards Dorothea.
You can't say 'I miss you so much'.
Knowing the meaning of his words, Dorothea hid a leaking smile and
nodded her head.
“Okay, I asked.”
“By the way, did the princess get a new dress?”
Ethan naturally came in and asked, standing next to Dorothea.
“The Emperor sent it to me as a birthday present. They even held a
banquet for the princess!”
"iced coffee… … . Don't you think we're paying tribute to the
deceased Empress this year?"
In response to Clara's answer, Ethan said, 'It's amazing,' and hid the
back words that were about to come out inside his lips.
“It has been nearly 20 years since he passed away, and the princess
has made her debut, so I think the Emperor will take care of the
princess more.”
As Clara explained that to Ethan, Ethan and Dorothea looked into
each other's eyes and smiled awkwardly.
“You must have thought that you needed a fancy dress to wear to a
“It’s such a beautiful and wonderful dress, but you won’t be able to
get a slice of bread in your throat when you wear it.”
Is it your intention to torture the princess?
Dorothea burst into laughter as Ethan muttered in Dorothea's ears.
'I was thinking the same thing.'
It felt good that my heart was pierced.
“Would you like to try on the dress?”
“… … Then will you take a look?”
It was Dorothea who was dissatis ied with the dress because it
looked lashy and cramped, but I thought it would be okay to try it on in
front of Ethan.
The dress is pretty, so I want to show it to Ethan... … .
Ethan nodded happily, and Dorothea asked Clara to try it on.
The three moved into the dressing room, and Dorothea let Ethan sit
on the sofa outside the dressing room and then went inside with Clara
to change.
It takes a long time to change the dress, so the servant of Lenascor
Palace gave Ethan a light refreshment, but Ethan did not wear it.
He iddled with his hand, waiting only for Dorothea to come out.
Waiting for Dorothea to come out wearing a dress, it felt like a bride-
to-be preparing for a wedding.
It's nothing, but why are you nervous and your heart is pounding?
At that moment, the door to the dressing room opened and Dorothea
came out.
At that moment, Ethan couldn't even stand up from the sofa and
ixed his gaze blankly.
Her white arms and shoulders were exposed over a sea-blue dress,
and dazzling jewels sat down like stars on her collarbone.
The blue jewel-studded earrings contrasted with Dorothea's
platinum blonde hair, further highlighting her splendor.
Dorothea looked at Ethan with her head lowered a bit shyly, as if it
was awkward to wear a fancy dress she had been wearing for a long
"What do you think? suited?"
As Dorothea's voice rang in her ears, Ethan wanted to hug her and
kiss her.
I wanted to propose to you right now to marry me right now.
Had it not been for Clara and the other servants watching, he would
have done so.
It was also because the clothes were beautiful, but what made his
heart tremble more was Dorothea wearing a dress for him and shyly
asking how he was.
Wouldn't it be right to get married while wearing an expensive
It was only after Dorothea called his name one more time that he
managed to regain his soul.
“The princess looks good no matter what she wears.”
As Ethan spoke, Dorothea licked her lips.
"It's not a very important evaluation, Ethan."
So, are you going to tell me you want to get married?
Ethan stood up from his seat, saying he was going to hold on to what
he wanted to say and take a closer look.
He came close to her and made eye contact with her, pretending to
examine her clothes closely.
Pretending to look at her bracelet, I lightly rubbed my hand,
pretending to be looking at her necklace, and bit my lip, looking at her
neck and lips.
“It seems that His Majesty the Emperor did not send any clothes.
really… … You are so beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
At that moment, a comfortable smile appeared on Dorothea's lips.
“Then change into comfortable clothes and go out.”
Ethan pushed Dorothea's back.
"already? Are you done watching this?”
“You’re pretty, but those clothes are cramped.”
No matter how pretty the clothes are, if Dorothea is uncomfortable,
they will refuse.
Besides, if I kept watching, I thought Clara would do anything in front
of all the servants.
“Because I love the princess no matter what she looks like.”
Ethan whispered a small whisper in her ear, and Dorothea's face
turned slightly red.
'I mean, don't say things like that. People ind out!'
“Then I’ll change my clothes and go out.”
Dorothea hurried into the dressing room.
Ethan thought as he looked at Dorothea hiding in the dressing room.
After all, do you want me to tell you not to have a secret relationship?


“Then you two can talk.”

When Dorothea changed her clothes again and came out, Clara made
a refreshment for the two of them in the parlor and walked away.
As soon as Ethan saw Clara leaving, he grabbed Dorothea's hand.
His ingers pressed densely between hers.
“Can I kiss you?”
Ethan asked, looking closely at Dorothea's face.
“Ethan… … !”
“I wanted to do it earlier, but there were people so I put up with it.”
I didn't even have a lesson today, but the reason I came here using
the sheet music as an excuse was because I wanted to see her.
As he rubbed his clasped hands, Dorothea nodded knowingly.
Ethan's lips swept over hers as soon as her permission fell.
“ … … !”
Ethan hugged her head and dug into her teeth.
He stroked her softly and tenderly, and Dorothea savored him as
sweet as it made his head dizzy.
Dorothea swallowed his hot breath and felt him sinking deeper into
her chest day by day.
She was learning from Ethan not only to play the piano, but also to
How we make each other's hearts beat, how we share each other's
temperature, and how we feel the preciousness of life.
“I love you, Dorothea.”
He whispered softly from a distance, almost as if his hot lips were
about to touch.
“I love you too, Ethan.”
Ethan kissed her again at Dorothea's response.
There is no end to people's greed, so he wanted to be her lifelong
I don't like having to come and see each other for a while and break
up like this every few days.
I intensely wanted a life in which we never parted every day, woke up
in one bed, lived under one roof, and spent the night together.
I also thought it would be nice to have a child born with her.
He will love the child too.
Unlike his mother, who sold him to the duke, and the Bronte and his
wife, who tried to hide it from people, I wanted to give love to the child.
so as not to suffer such injuries. To be proud to be the son or
daughter of Dorothea and Ethan.
But for some reason, if he thought about it, Ethan felt like he was
going to cry.
Even though Dorothea is in his arms, the future seems far away. It's
like a mirage in an impossible fantasy.
So he hugged Dorothea tighter, as if trying to catch the uncaught


“By the way, Ethan. Why are you really here today?”
Dorothea and Ethan sat next to each other and talked, still holding
each other's hands.
Their bodies were so tight that they could feel each other's warmth.
“Sometimes there are days when I can’t bear to see the princess. Just
like today.”
“… … In fact, so am I.”
There were times when I suddenly wanted to see Ethan in an
unexpected place.
“Besides, the princess’s birthday is not far away. So I wanted to
spend time with you that day... … . It seems that the Emperor has lost
the player.”
“Are you going to decline?”
“If you refused His Majesty’s banquet and met me, wouldn’t my head
be left behind?”
Ethan exaggerated and laughed.
However, as he said, you can't refuse the banquet that Carnon will
hold and go to meet Ethan, who is not an of icial person.
So Dorothea was even more dissatis ied with Carnan's decision.
I only send gifts every year, so why do I have to hold a banquet this
year? … .
“Your Majesty seems to be paying more attention to the princess
than before?”
Ethan grinned as he looked at Dorothea's dissatis ied expression.
"You're probably interested in the spirits, not me."
“Still, I think I’m lucky. Even now, your Majesty is starting to care
about the princess.”
Ethan said.
Of course, the relationship between Carnon and Dorothea is not so
good that it is dif icult to recover, but it is meaningful that Carnon, the
father and emperor, acknowledges Dorothea.
At least because Carnon won't leave a tragic will like before his
“There are a few years left. The time of His Majesty the Emperor.”
“Yes… … .”
Dorothea remembered Carnan's death before returning.
Before returning, Carnan died of a tumor. It had only been a month
since his condition worsened.
The malignant tumors inside the organs could not be cured even by
the most authoritative imperial doctors.
At that time, Hark boldly waged war was aimed at internal chaos
after hearing that the emperor was in critical condition.
Raymond stood by Carnan's dying side, while Dorothea went out into
battle to trample the cheeky Hark.
'It's really not much left.'
It may seem ruthless, but she wasn't heartbroken at Carnon's death
before, even now, before her return.
But I also felt compassion when I saw Carnan worrying and planning
for the future every day without knowing it.
Carnan always thinks of the future. The future of the empire, the
future of the imperial family, the future of oneself.
No matter how hard he tries, he tries to prepare and create a future
that will never come to him.
He thought of the future until the day he died.
His words are still unforgettable.

'Protect Prince Raymond from Princess Dorothea.'

He was worried about the future after his death until his death.
He was afraid that the greedy Dorothea, who was leading the army,
would eat the kind Raymond.
He probably didn't want his will to reach Dorothea.
Without knowing that Ethan could steal the will.
'I won't leave such a will this time, but... … .'
What would he do if he told Carnon that in a few years not too far
away, he would die of a tumor?
Dorothea was curious, but soon stopped wondering.
He is a rational and productive person. Perhaps knowing that fact, he
would arrange and decide the affairs of the imperial family and the
empire in advance for the future after his death.
I'm not going to say sorry to her. Because that's a thing of the past.
“I said something.”
Ethan looked at Dorothea's somewhat shady face.
"no. It's fate, after all."
Dorothea shook her head.
Then Ethan turned around as if trying to revive the atmosphere.
“Ah, I had a conversation with the nobles yesterday about the reform
of the post of ice.”
“Everyone said it was a great idea. If we make it a little more
controversial, the post of ice will de initely be actively reviewing it and
thinking about it.”
“Thank you, Ethan. actually… … I was a little curious.”
Postal codes and postage stamps were created.
Because in my last life, I couldn't even implement it and it ended.
“After the post of ice is over, I will try to spread the story little by
little about the other things that the princess had in mind.”
“Something else?”
Dorothea asked.
“The general commercialization of small deposit certi icates of the
imperial family through general merchants, companies, and soldiers. If
that happens, the national treasury will be able to afford it, and instead
of the heavy blancs and benis of today, it will be possible to trade with
deposits like money. It is guaranteed by the imperial family, so people
will trust it.”
Ethan mentions something Dorothea had been envisioning for a long
Now Blanc and Benny were both inconvenient to carry with metal
For this reason, the imperial family used a deposit certi icate with
the imperial seal stamped on it when making a big transaction.
It was very easy to trade with a deposit certi icate, and it was already
used as currency in large transactions.
However, due to the large amount of the deposit, it was inconvenient
to conduct general transactions during business.
Dorothea wants to miniaturize it so that it can be used in the private
sector as well.
“The most important thing is to ensure that counterfeiting is
impossible. Printing on paper is easy to counterfeit. And it's dif icult to
solve a lot at once. Prices could go up rapidly.”
“It would be better to start by breaking up the current high-value
deposits into smaller ones. You should also prepare to retrieve the
commercial Blancs and Bennys.”
“That part could be reviewed by the inance of icers.”
Ethan nodded and looked into Dorothea's face. Also, he looks much
more happy than before.
He liked to take care of the Empire's affairs like that to the bone, and
he was patient with it, he thought.

As her birthday drew nearer, Dorothea felt that her birthday was
quite different from the previous year.
“The Marquis Dmitry also sent me a present, Princess!”
A few days before her birthday, gifts that had not come to her began
to arrive.
'Isn't this more like a bribe than a gift?'
Dorothea thought, looking at the overly expensive gifts.
How many of the senders of this gift would really congratulate her on
her birthday?
is there any
'I think we should open a charity bazaar.'
Dorothea thought as she looked at the presents she had not yet
And on her birthday.
“Princess! Hurry up and get ready!”
Dorothea has been busy since morning with the preparations for the
banquet that Carnon had planned to hold.
She wore the dress that Carnon had sent her as a gift and wore
I didn't feel it because I was nervous when I wore it in front of Ethan,
but the necklace and the dress were much heavier than I remembered.
'It's crazy to go to a banquet wearing this out it.'
My neck is heavy and my chest is tight, how can I enjoy a banquet?
Starving all day long is a predictable procedure.
Besides, the dress was exposed all the way to the shoulders, so it was
obvious that it was going to be cold.
Wearing a shawl is also limited, so you have to stand by a warm ire
at a dinner party.
At times like this, she came to respect the nobility of the social circle.
Because there are great talented people who wear these kinds of
clothes every day.
They are artists who endure their own pain for the sake of beauty.
“As expected, the fabric is luxurious, so it has a soft yet luxurious
“It’s that heavy… … .”
The tightly woven fabric was thick and heavy, and it felt like I was
dragging a sandbag.
As Dorothea wiggled the hem of her heavy dress, Clara smiled as she
straightened it out.
"I've been wanting to try on clothes like this at least once, but the
princess, strangely, hasn't liked these clothes since she was little."
“Want to try it on? Would you like to try on Clara?”
Maybe once you wear it, you'll be like, 'Oh! I've been wearing it!' And
I don't want to wear it again.
Dorothea thought.
"no! How can I wear a princess dress! Even the precious dress that
His Majesty the Emperor gave him! Besides, it won't it my body."
Clara waved her hand and Dorothea laughed.
“By the way, is Master Ethan coming today too?”
Clara asked, daring to pin Ethan.
“Hey, why are you asking that?”
“If you just come, our princess will be very happy~”
Clara smiled and shivered softly. Then, Joey, who was behind him,
shook his head.
'Everyone knows!'
They know the relationship between Dorothea and Ethan. No, it's
strange that you don't know unless you're an idiot.
People who have known for a long time that Ethan likes Dorothea,
how can they not even see him go in and out of her imperial palace?
But even knowing that, Dorothea broke the shichimi.
"I don't know either. Whether Ethan is coming or not!”
It seems like it would be dif icult to ix it if it was of icially

Dorothea dragged the hem of her long dress and headed to the
banquet hall.
But she 'accidentally' ran into Ethan on the way to the banquet hall.
As soon as Ethan's eyes met, a smile spread across Dorothea's lips,
and Ethan approached her, trying to hide his delight.
"this. The princess is also entering now. It was a car I was in a hurry
to worry about if I was late for the main character.”
lie. He had been running around the banquet hall for over an hour,
waiting for Dorothea to pass by.
His cheeks and hands, which were slightly chilled by the still cold air,
were proof of him.
The reason I left the warm banquet hall was to meet Dorothea before
Theon Fried.
Today, Theon Fried will also take off his assistant's robe and attend
as a representative of Archduke Fried.
Ethan learned of this a few days ago and decided to greet Dorothea
irst before entering the banquet hall.
Dorothea looked at Ethan and gave strength to the muscles of the
corner of the mouth that went up and ixed it so that it would not go up.
“Your Master Ethan is really cool today!”
Clara, who was watching Dorothea from behind, clasped her hands
together in admiration.
Among the users of Dorothea, there is a joke like this. The best thing
about having a princess is that you can see Master Ethan often.
Ethan had a look that made people feel special just by looking at him.
Especially on days like today, when Ethan came out with a make-up,
just meeting him made the day worthwhile.
Today's Ethan stood out with a blue vest and emerald brooch.
'Did you have clothes like that?'
Red, blue, or rainbow, what color does not go well with that
appearance and body?
However, it seems that the blue vest wasn't the color Ethan wore
often... … .
“The two of you standing side by side like that, it’s like they’re
At Clara's words, Dorothea looked at her clothes and realized that
Ethan had matched her blue dress.
You are preparing from a place you never really thought of.
It felt like I had received a secret gift.
To the extent that the complaints that it was uncomfortable to wear
until morning disappeared completely.
“At a time like this, if Master Ethan escorted the princess again, it
would be a better it!”
At Clara's words, she looked into Dorothea and Ethan's eyes and
rolled her blue eyes.
Is this a secret relationship? Anyone can see that they are a couple.
Clara was openly tying the two together.
At this point, I think I decided to call it a secret love because I wanted
to try a secret love.
Watching Dorothea's round eyes move back and forth, Ethan burst
out laughing.
How lovely this woman is every day anew.
Dorothea's allure grows endlessly enough to be thrown as the thesis
of the century to the professors and scholars of Episteme.
“I understand that you are entering with your Majesty the Emperor.”
Ethan took a step back from Clara's suggestion and said:
"yes… … .”
Today's protagonist, Dorothea, is waiting in the waiting room next to
the banquet hall to enter with Carnan and Raymond.
But in my heart, I wanted to hold Ethan's hand and run away to a
place where we could spend time alone.
“I can’t enter the banquet at the same time with the princess, the
main character of today’s banquet, so I’ll let you go irst. and… … .”
Ethan took Dorothea's hand and kissed the back of her hand.
“Thank you for being born, Princess.”
Her birth, existence, and return. All thanks to him.
He smiled brightly and preempted the birthday wishes. Before the
Emperor and Crown Prince and Theon Fried.
When his lips touched the back of his hand, a tingling sensation
lowed from the back of his hand, shivering Dorothea's whole body.
“Thank you, Ethan.”
Dorothea bowed her head and said.
'Thank you for being born... … .'
Thanks to Ethan, I can live this life again, shouldn't I be more
Thank you for letting me be born. give me a chance And for loving me
so much
The tip of my nose suddenly wrinkled as I said happy birthday.
“I’ll see you later, Princess.”
Ethan slowly removed the thick gaze he had been sending her, and
headed for the banquet hall one step ahead of her.


“Dorothy, happy birthday!”

As soon as she arrived at the waiting room and opened the door,
Dorothea was startled.
It was because Raymond, who was hiding behind the door, popped
out and said happy birthday.
In his hand was a small raspberry cake.
“Happy birthday~ Happy birthday~! Dear Dorothy~ Happy
As Raymond held up the cake and sang a happy birthday song, his
servants sprung paper pollen from the sides, playing harmonies.
The chords were a bit untrained, and pollen lew and fell on
Raymond's semi-curly hair.
It was so childish for the grown prince to do such a thing, but it was
so funny that Dorothea couldn't hold back the laughter that came out in
the end.
Clara and Joey, who were standing behind Dorothea, also heard
squeaks from their laughter.
'I'm really stupid.'
Raymond, who inished the song in a magni icent way, offered
Dorothea a cake.
Above it was a long candle and eight small candles.
Raymond blinked as if to turn off the lights.
"Come on, let's inish it before His Majesty comes."
At Raymond's urging, Dorothea eventually blows out the candle.
The white smoke rising from the nine candles gave off a unique
“This is a cake I made myself without even sleeping today.”
Dorothea unknowingly said, 'You're crazy!' and I was about to spit it
“Poe taught me. I asked you to teach me cookies, but I took this
opportunity to learn cake.”
Years ago, when Poe irst served Raymond cookies, he had asked Poe
to teach him how to make cookies.
But Dorothea thought that Raymond was just passing by to
encourage Poe and Joey.
But are you really doing it?
“Oh, I grew raspberries myself. So I might put a few more.”
“That’s great, Ray… … .”
Dorothea said, tearing the pollen off Raymond's hair.
The word Dorothea's greatness had several meanings.
His curiosity, execution, passion, and... … His unique charm that is
not like a prince.
“You will be the irst prince in Ubera’s history to bake a cake himself.”
“It’s strange to eat bread every day and not know how to make it.
Isn't it strange that small grains of wheat can be mixed with other
things to make bread?”
Raymond put the cake down on the table and said, "Why don't you
make bread at least once in your life?"
As always, Raymond is a very different person from her.
Dorothea was also on the curious side, but like Raymond, she wasn't
surprised by the bread she ate every day.
When she ate the bread, all she thought about was taste and texture,
food distribution issues, and increased wheat production.
“Then you stayed up all night to bake cakes, went to the cemetery at
dawn, and waited until you came out again?”
Early this morning, there was a worship schedule to commemorate
the death of Empress Alice.
As a result, Raymond and Dorothea had to visit Alice's grave before
But in the meantime, I made a cake too, so it's clear that I didn't sleep
Still, Raymond looked very lively.
“I planted a spy outside and waited patiently whenever he came. So,
are you surprised, Dorothy?”
Raymond smiled broadly, revealing his white teeth.
“I was surprised… … . Ray, congratulations is enough. Don't stay up all
night for me."
It wasn't that he hated Raymond, it was his sincerity.
Then Raymond said, waving his hand.
“It doesn’t bother me at all. I do it because I like it. It's better when
you smile."
He enjoyed the time preparing something for Dorothea.
Choosing and making a gift for someone is exciting.
“So just say thank you, Dorothea.”
“You really… … That’s good.”
It was something she would never do in her life. Even if it was
Ethan's birthday, she wouldn't be able to do this.
'Am I not enough to think and care for others?'
So, do you ind it dif icult and burdensome to plan and implement
this kind of work?
Ethan would love it if he did something like this... … .
“Sometimes Dorothy, you say weird things. What does this have to
do with being good?”
Raymond patted Dorothea's head in a funny way.
Not all good people are like him, and not all good people are like him.
Raymond is right, but... … ,
Dorothea thought that his twinkling bright light contributed to his
A talent that Dorothea doesn't have. He vowed not to be jealous of
Raymond, but that talent was still a little enviable.
At the same time - I don't know if it sounds a little strange - but I
thought for a moment that it was 'a light not worth rotting as an
Then Clara quietly called Dorothea.
When I turned my head, Carnan was coming from the other side.
When Dorothea's expression hardened, Raymond noticed Carnon
was coming, and handed the cake to the servant next to him.
The two went in front of Karnon and bowed their heads in greeting.
Carnan looked at Raymond and Dorothea with blue eyes.
And seeing the dress Dorothea was wearing, she smiled faintly.
“… … you're pretty Dorothea.”
At the sound of his half-beat rest, Dorothea barely corrected her
shriveled eyebrows.
It was the irst time I'd heard anything like that from Carnon, so I
even doubted that my ears were wrong.
Even if it's your birthday, why are you making such a strange noise...
… . oh
Dorothea was convinced by my out it.
“I’m glad we got along well.”
Are you trying to be condescending to the dress he gave you?
Dorothea answered anyway to please the emperor.
“I am grateful for the grace bestowed upon me by His Majesty.”
An intonation that is not polite in a polite sentence.
There was no emotion in her voice, as monotonous as reading a
Carnan looked at Dorothea and said,
“Today, this place is reserved for you. Since the ministers of the
empire and people called me have all gathered, you have to do well.”
Then he turned to Raymond, who was next to him.
“Raymond, you must also think of Dorothea today.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Raymond, who had just been running around saying happy birthday
to Dorothea, replied with a irm manners.
Carnan nodded her head once, then moved on as if to go.
Dorothea waited for Raymond to follow him irst.
But Raymond patted her and told her to follow Carnon.
Raymond smiled and nodded as Dorothea pointed a inger at her and
asked, 'Me?'
It has been handed down for a long time as to who is irst and who is
last in the imperial family.
Prior to her return, Dorothea had never stepped ahead of Raymond
in such an of icial position.
When Raymond came to her palace to play, he was just ahead as a
guide, but in other situations, Raymond walked ahead in most cases.
But today is Dorothea's birthday, and she's the main character, so
Raymond is giving up his place.
"However… … .”
As Dorothea was still hesitating, he grabbed Dorothea's shoulder and
pushed her back, telling her to go ahead.
“Let’s go, today’s hero.”
Dorothea, unable to overcome Rey's power, eventually followed
Carnan one step ahead.
It felt very strange to walk ahead of Raymond.


Gorgeous banquet hall.

Dorothea followed Carnan right next to him and greeted the nobles.
Carnan greeted Dorothea directly with the nobles.
“I couldn’t go because I was so stubborn that I didn’t want to go to
Episteme. He was smart, so he rebelled like that.”
Carnan did not forget her praise in front of the nobility.
It's not that he didn't go to Episteme, it's that he didn't go, and he
was trying to make up for the weakness of the non-Episteme.
Fortunately, it was widely known that she got 0 points on the
Episteme transfer exam, so the nobles responded by nodding their
heads with a satis ied smile.
“Even after a long recuperation, you look very healthy!”
“Children are weak and easily fall ill. Now I am healthy enough to
wield a sword.”
Dorothea stood still, Carnon said.
He doesn't seem to want to reveal that she's been in care for a long
time without any reason.
He is concerned about the rumors that he abandoned the princess in
a distant palace and neglected her.
“I’ve been thinking about it since my debut, but the princess is really
“It’s a virtue that resembles my mother.”
Carnan smiled and nodded.
Dorothea couldn't even afford to visit Ethan to adjust to this
unfamiliar situation.
It was the irst time. What Carnon says for her.

'The princess looks just like the deceased Empress's Majesty.'

'You're talking nonsense.'

When she was young, he was the kind of person who would slash
Dorothea like a sword if someone told her that she resembled Empress
It was the Karnan who wouldn't give her a single glance even if she
was pushed back at a banquet or party.
Today, however, he continued to do what Karnan had not done.
This made Dorothea very upset.
'I can really be congratulated on the Empress's anniversary... … ?'
She felt anxious that something bad was about to happen.
Dorothea wasn't the only one surprised by Carnan's changed
attitude. The nobles who attended the banquet looked at Carnan and
Dorothea with bewildered expressions.
The reason why precious bodies were able to gather here today is
because the schedule was omitted to express condolences to the
imperial family on every anniversary of the empress.
However, the schedule was changed to a banquet at once.
Everyone thought that Princess Dorothea's birthday banquet would
never have happened in the history of the Empire.
“Are you the one who visited the tomb of the Empress, who passed
away at midnight yesterday?”
“Yes, obviously, the Crown Prince and the Princess were also present
at dawn.”
The emperor did not forget the empress.
As soon as the anniversary came, he visited Alice's grave as he does
every year.
But as soon as the sun rises, the banquet is held as if nothing had
happened, and everyone was surprised.
Besides, he gently accepted the words that the princess and the
empress, whom he hated so much, resemble each other.
“It’s a long time ago, so it’s easy to forget about it now.”
"okay. It's been almost 20 years... … . In the meantime, the princess
has been pitiful.”
People nodded.


Carnan's love for Empress Alice was great from an early age.
It was a relationship that started with Episteme, and Carnan always
couldn't beat Alice in the Episteme test.
At the time, Alice was the perfect woman that everyone would
recognize. An elegant, intelligent and attractive woman.
Carnan, the second-placed second-placed girl in the past, who was
desperately trying to defeat Alice, fell in love with her.
A time when all the noble men who fell in love with the popular Alice
had a ight at Carnan's hand.
Twenty years ago, he was a much more energetic, passionate and
fearless young man than he is now.
At the imperial prom where the candidates for the Crown Princess
gather, he has already entered Alice's hand.
I even made a garden for her on one side of the imperial palace, so
what more can I say?
He dug a pond in the empty land, made a creek, planted brier,
hollyhock, and willow, and built a rock and made a path.
Exotic expensive koi were brought in and released in ponds, small
animals and birds were purchased, and precious butter lies were also
He personally watched the whole process meticulously for Alice.
He always looked stiff when conducting government affairs, but
when he was with Alice, his face was full of happy smiles.
He spent the night with Alice every day, and accompanied her when
he had to go out.
At that time, there was a long procession of carriages for the
So when the Empress died, everyone was worried about Carnan.
Maybe the emperor is going crazy?
Even seeing Alice bleeding and dying with her own eyes, I expected
the Empire to be in turmoil for a while.
In fact, for a few days, Carnan suffered an aftermath that was deep
enough to make him ill.
There was no smile on his face, and he became sharp and sensitive.


The past years of constant mourning for Alice.

“They love so much, and in the end, the dead are forgotten before the
A nobleman clicked his tongue and shook his head.
Ethan was quietly listening to them.
Forgetting someone you love?
He never liked Carnon, but he didn't agree that Carnon had forgotten
It is not so easy to forget the death of a loved one.
But I guess I can afford it now.
'Because of the spirit.'
Carnan Milanaire with no conscience. Can a person change so easily
with just one spirit?
Ethan looked at Carnan with cold eyes.
It was then that Ethan found Theon Fried waiting his turn on the
other side.
His gaze, standing with Julia, was ixed on Dorothea.
Ethan didn't like that red gaze.
“Hello, Theon Fried.”
So he deliberately approached Theon, speaking to Theon, so as not to
see Dorothea.
Then his red eyes that had been directed at Dorothea naturally
returned to Ethan.
“You don’t seem to be working as an aide today.”
“Ethan Bronte.”
Ethan smiled brightly, and Theon's eyes, which had been boiling until
just now, became cold and sharp.
“Hello, Julia Delevingne.”
Despite Theon's sharp reaction, Ethan greeted Julia with a smile.
Julia looked at Ethan and Theon alternately, then nodded in response
to Ethan's greeting.
“Is that a gift in your hand?”
Ethan's golden eyes looked at Theon's hand coldly while smiling
In his hand was a gift wrapped in red silk.
As Ethan's gaze reached, Theon hurriedly hid the gift behind his
“Usually it was sent through a person in advance, but you come to
the banquet hall with gifts.”
Ethan shrugged his shoulders as if he was unusual.
You can't even carry a gift you received at a banquet while wearing a
It becomes cumbersome to have the servants keep all the gifts and
put them away, so it is polite to send them in advance.
But to bring it directly like this means that you have a different mind.
“Do you think you can capture the princess’s heart, Theon-sama?”
Ethan asked, pretending to be relaxed, but inwardly, his gift bothered
Ethan did not forget the handkerchief that Dorothea had kept for a
long time.
Even in happiness, he was always afraid. Because he knows best how
much Dorothea loved Theon Fried.
If Dorothea had her heart swayed by that one gift, my heart sank.
he was not con ident
Can I be loved by Dorothea as much as Theon Fried? Will she be able
to surpass the man she loved with all her life?
It was Ethan who was by Dorothea's side now, but he still felt like he
had not defeated Theon.
It's not love, but Dorothea is still concerned about Theon's life. No, is
it really not love?
Ethan sometimes wondered if he might be Theon's substitute.
Ethan Bronte is accustomed to gaining the upper hand among
people, but in front of Dorothea, he is in initely weak.
'no… … . Dorothea rejected Theon and chose me.'
Ethan tried to control the anxiety that rushed in whenever he saw
Dorothea loves me Now I am her lover.
Dorothea doesn't go to see Theon anymore, nor does she talk about
Theon irst.
Nevertheless, regardless of guilt or debt, he never forgets Theon's
presence in a corner.
Unless Dorothea suffers from amnesia, she will never forget Theon
He already occupies too much of her past.
It may be because of this anxiety that Ethan's desire for marriage
grows stronger every time he sees Dorothea.
If I announce to the world that you are my wife, my wife, and my
woman, I don't think I'll be anxious anymore.
A secret love affair, which is only inferred through rumors, cannot
calm the anxiety.
However, there are many hurdles to overcome in order for Seo-chul,
who was born to a bar girl to sit next to the princess.
The place where Ethan's gaze turned for an instant, Emperor Carnan.
He will never allow Dorothea to Ethan.
Will she be able to hold her to the end in the face of opposition and
criticism? What if she gets criticized, gets hard, or tired because of me?
So, while Ethan was by Dorothea's side, Theon Fried's existence was
always insecure and desperate.
To be loved, to keep love.
While countless thoughts illed Ethan's head, Theon opened his
"I don't think Ethan cares about my present."
Theon's stiff reaction made Ethan more concerned with the gift.
“I should have told you not to shake the princess with a shallow
Ethan said coldly.
“What if it’s not a shallow crush?”
“Bury it in the grave. Whether it’s a strong liking or a love affair.”
Theon's face contorted when Ethan revealed it to Theon.
Julia's eyes widened as she watched it from the side.
Standing in front of her is Ethan Bronte, known in the social world
for being kind and friendly.
Also next to her is Theon Fried, who was always calm and quiet.
But now, the two were glaring at each other with expressions as if
they were different people.
As if noticing Julia's gaze, Ethan smiled softly as he loosened his cold
"It's a joke. It is polite to hand over a gift.”
“Eh, Ethan-sama too… … .”
“Of course, I plan to give it to you directly.”
Ethan nodded his head lightly at Julia's hesitation.
Julia kept her mouth shut. she was sure
It was because of Ethan Bronte that Theon was rejected by Dorothea!
Oh My God! The Princess and Ethan Bronte are dating!
Of course, many people doubted, speculated, and talked about their
relationship, but they were not convinced.
Ethan had been hanging out with other girls for a while, so he
thought he would never be able to hang out with other girls like that if
he was dating the princess.
By the way… … By the way!
Julia rolled her eyes in surprise and looked at Ethan, and Ethan
Meaning not to go anywhere and talk.
Julia nodded blankly.
Julia wouldn't be talking about this issue, even for Theon's sake.
“Then, you should go see the princess.”
Ethan turned his head to look at Dorothea.
At that moment, Dorothea was also looking towards the three of
Ethan was going to give up the order so Theon would greet Dorothea
You have to say hi after Theon to see what he gave Dorothea and
what he said.
'I said happy birthday to you irst.'
before entering the banquet hall.
Ethan thought that it was childish to take care of Theon and keep
him in check, but he had no choice but to do so.
As for Theon Fried, I'm nervous and I'm going crazy.
Nevertheless, Ethan hid his anxiety and bowed his head to Theon,
pretending to be relaxed, and left the place with a more graceful and
graceful pace than anyone else.

“Your Majesty, this is Theon, the eldest son of the House of Fried, and
Julia of the House of Deleving.”
As Theon and Julia approached, aide Robert spoke to Carnon.
Carnan had a pretty good impression on both of them.
It was because he grew up well among the young nobles and got
along well with Raymond.
They will be Raymond's thick support.
'Besides, Theon also became Raymond's assistant... … .'
Carnan already knew about it. It was because of the secret letter from
Archduke Fried.
Did the power of the spirits reappear after a hundred years?
After hearing the story, Carnan thought about promoting the
marriage between Theon and Dorothea.
In addition to helping each other, it will also serve as a political
opportunity for Fried and Milanaire to bond more tightly.
“Greetings, Your Majesty.”
The two greeted Carnan with courtesy and then greeted Dorothea as
“Happy birthday, Princess.”
“… … thank you."
Dorothea smiled awkwardly at Theon and Julia. I have to deal with it
casually, but it makes me feel awkward again.
Dorothea looked at Ethan beyond the two of them. It was just that he
was concerned.
Surrounded by people from afar, he quietly drank champagne while
his eyes were on Dorothea.
After all, he must be concerned that Theon and her are together.
“I think the two of them got along relatively well.”
Carnan, who was next to him then, looked at Dorothea and Theon
and said,
Except for Ethan, to the best of Carnon's knowledge, Theon was the
closest to Dorothea. We once went on a trip to Freedia together.
“… … yes."
Dorothea replied.
It is impossible to say no.
For now, we've been told to stay together as before. Besides, as long
as Theon becomes Raymond's assistant, there's no choice but to see
each other often, so there's nothing good about making a grumpy mark.
At that moment, Theon's red eyes met.
Theon had been staring at her since before.
When Dorothea's eyes met, he smiled shyly and then continued.
“I didn’t send the present in advance, so can I give it to you now?”
Theon didn't seem to mind. His appearance is no different from
'Are you really okay? I mean, how sincere would he have been if he
had liked me?'
It was annoying, but it wouldn't be enough to worry about for a long
Dorothea was relieved and relaxed a little at Theon's sight.
With Dorothea's permission, Theon handed her the gift Theon had
been holding all along.
The rather heavy gift was beautifully wrapped in red wrapping paper.
“I would like to go in and check it later. I think it would be a bit
embarrassing to disclose it here.”
Theon said.
Dorothea nodded at his request.
Carnan watched the two of them carefully.
“Theon Fried, by the way, aren’t you engaged yet?”
"Yes? Yes, Your Majesty... … .”
“Milanaire and Fried have been friends for a very long time. Ubera
has a long history because they depended on each other and helped
each other without con lict with power.”
Dorothea and Theon, noticing the meaning behind Carnon's words,
met their eyes.
He wants the two of them to have a relationship. As before the
Then Raymond, who was next to him, smiled and naturally
“That’s right, Your Majesty. That Theon has served as my counselor is
probably a part of him.”
“Theon is talented enough to graduate from Episteme at the top. I
can't be your only assistant forever."
“You can stay with me for the rest of my life.”
“Theon will not welcome you, Raymond.”
Carnan looked at Theon. Raymond then smiled and looked at him.
“Why do you say such sad things? Theon, will you stay by my side for
the rest of my life?”
Theon nodded at Raymond's clever question.
It's because he knows that even talking about Theon and Dorothea's
marriage from Carnon's mouth will only make each other
“I will see you for the rest of my life, my lord.”
Although he was grateful for Raymond's consideration, his heart
raced. To himself who had to quietly withdraw from Dorothea.


Ethan faced Dorothea with Jonathan.

The two people, who stood side by side just because they were from
the same family, tried not to show that they had a bad relationship in
front of the emperor, but stood more than one step away from each
Jonathan Bronte was the only car that had recently received a junior
position in Rampas' Castle Guard.
This position seems rather insuf icient for the eldest son of the duke,
but fortunately, there will be no problem in returning to Cerritian and
inheriting the dukeship.
"Happy Birthday. Princess.”
“Happy birthday from my heart, Princess.”
While congratulating him, Jonathan deliberately pushed Ethan
forward and came forward.
However, Dorothea's gaze, as well as that of Carnan and Raymond,
were all directed toward Ethan.
Raymond seemed to have already noticed Dorothea and Ethan's
And Carnan was also keeping a close eye on their relationship.
Thanks to that, the two couldn't even talk about it.
They greeted each other happy birthday as if they had no
relationship, and had meaningless conversations.
“As for the security outside Lampas… … !”
Jonathan didn't even give Ethan a chance to speak to Ethan because
he wanted to go further than Ethan.
But that made the two of them laugh inside.
It was thrilling to see them casually looking at each other, pretending
to be nothing, and the words that were given to them casually and
carelessly ticked even more.
Among them, Dorothea waited. His gift I've been curious about since
this morning.
But nothing was in his hand, and he didn't talk about the gift until the
conversation came to an end.
Dorothea got a little nervous.
'I thought you'd play a violin for me... … .'
Material gifts are not desired.
Because she has already satis ied all her material desires, expensive
jewelry or ornaments are not important.
If Ethan gave it to you, even a small pea would mean nothing.
However, he did not mention the gift until the end.
'Maybe it's over with a gift from the Bronte family... … ?'
The Bronte family, not Ethan, sent her a gift earlier, as did other
It was a luxury cosmetic used in Cerritian.
It has recently gained popularity among the aristocrats, and it is an
item of considerable value, but to Dorothea, it was only one of many
items sent by various families.
But are you really going to end it with that? Tied up with the Dukes of
Bronte and Jonathan?
Dorothea's forehead narrowed concavely, and Ethan smiled as he
made a sullen expression.
But he did not take a surprise gift from his bosom, nor did he call his
servant to bring him a present.
Then he smiled at her, bowed his head, and gave the seat to someone
Ethan's ingertips passing by her passed Dorothea's ingertips
Dorothea's ingers tingled at his secret signal.
What does it mean?
Unable to read his thoughts, Dorothea became frantic.
But Ethan blended into the crowd, leaving behind only an enigmatic


As soon as Carnan inished greeting her to all the nobles, a large

three-tiered cake entered the hall to celebrate her birthday.
It was none other than Poe who pushed the cake tray in.
The cake was so big that Po, who wasn't tall, was easily hidden
behind it.
On the top layer of the cake, there was a rose made from apples, the
signature of Poe.
People marveled at the sparkling golden apples and roses soaked in
Did Raymond and I make a cake in the morning and even worked on
When the cake tray stopped in the center of the hall, Po's round face
protruded from the side of the cake.
His pale green eyes met Dorothea.
He smiled brightly as he raised his freckled round cheeks convexly.
“Happy birthday to you, Princess!”
Poe placed the cake and bowed deeply.
Dorothea had a strange feeling. How could a small pho be so big that
it was enough to put a cake at an imperial banquet?
I've never had a mother before, so I don't know, but is this what
mothers generally say?
Po's technique became more delicate and splendid day by day,
thanks to which he even ascended to a fairly high position in the
dessert department of the imperial kitchen.
Some aristocrats who enjoy gourmet even selected Pho's desserts as
'10 must-try desserts in Lampas'.
And at every celebration of Dorothea, there was a dessert made by
When Dorothea nodded her head happily and thanked her, Po, who
had done her part, retreated behind the nobles.
Carnan made Dorothea hold the cake knife.
In the center of the hall, surrounded by people, Dorothea cut the cake
and everyone congratulated her, raising their glasses at the same time.
“Happy birthday, Princess!”
Dorothea deliberately cut the cake so that the rose did not spoil, and
had the part with the rose placed on her plate.
As soon as the cake cutting ceremony was over, the band played and
the dancers performed.
People watched the show, enjoying cakes and food.
“Your Majesty, you must go now.”
At the end of the irst act of the show, Carnan's aide, Robert, said:
Carnan's purpose was to show Dorothea's standing, so his part at
today's banquet is over.
“Enjoy a little more, Dorothea.”
He gave Dorothea the highest seat of the banquet and left the
banquet hall.
The banquet continued even after the emperor was gone.


Throughout the banquet, Dorothea had a glass of wine in her hand.

They were mostly red wine glasses, but sometimes apple- lavored
champagne glasses.
She had to make a toast or wet her parched lips with wine.
But even as the banquet continued, there was one thing Dorothea
was most concerned about.
Ethan Bronte. A popular person even at her birthday banquet.
When the music for her was being played, or when the beautiful
dancers danced in the center of the banquet hall, she often glanced at
Ethan to make eye contact.
Then Ethan rolled his golden eyes slightly to look at her, and with an
unknown smile he looked back.
That smile made her even more anxious.
Even though she looked at her with sorrowful eyes, he was very
sincere in his 'secret love' with her today.
He came to her, spoke to her, and disappeared before being
Simple conversations, brief eye contact, and brief glances.
Even though he was making hot eye contact, he turned his gaze away
without any regrets at the sound of someone else calling.
Easily surrounded by people, he shimmered and shone without
Dorothea was such a savage Ethan.
'If that's the case, I won't have a secret relationship.'
I wish I could pretend to know more. I wish you could stay a little
closer I want you to be by my side, not other people.
Dorothea thought so, and suddenly felt herself becoming too
She shook her head, emptying her glass of wine.
'Don't cling to Ethan too much, Dorothea.'
She wanted an adult love.
Hasn't there already been a time when love was turned into hate
once again by hanging desperately?
I don't like messy and childish love. Therefore, mature love will be
possible only if you know how to make a secret love like Ethan. Waiting
with patience and faith... … .
At that moment, a young Ae approaching Ethan with a glass of wine
caught her eye.
Young-ae, who had been walking around Edan for a while, pretended
it was a mistake and approached Edan and bumped into him.
Young-ae, who spilled wine on Ethan's clothes, pretended to be
surprised and grabbed Ethan.
"I'm sorry! How do you like it!”
She pulled out a handkerchief and tried to wipe the wine soaked in
Ethan's clothes.
Dorothea saw that, and strength entered her hands.
"it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Ethan smiled at the young girl, removed her hand, and wiped her
clothes with her handkerchief.
Dorothea just got angry when she saw Ethan like that.
'Don't laugh, Ethan. Don't laugh!'
Growing up in a banquet hall is also a problem, and while Ethan was
rumored to be socially friendly, Dorothea wanted him to be as bad as he
is today.
I wish I had pushed Youngae while getting nervous.
Dorothea thought so, and suddenly realized that she was having a
bad idea.
'You push someone who made a mistake with Ethan! You've lost your
temper, Dorothea! You can't be jealous.'
Dorothea took the new wine next to her and gulped it again.
Meanwhile, Young-ae, who spilled wine, did not leave Ethan's side.
“But please take off your jacket irst. I made a servant... … .”
“I said it was okay.”
Ethan removed Young-ae's hand holding his jacket.
While Young-ae was embarrassed by the knife-like rejection, he took
off his jacket himself.
Then the blue vest and white shirt that fell snugly against his body
were revealed.
When his body, hidden under the jacket, was revealed under the light
of the chandelier, the people watching him stopped talking for a
Usually it is said that clothes are wings, but for Ethan Bronte, it
should be said that clothes bene it the body.
Ethan handed the wine-soaked jacket to the Bronte servant, and
slightly rolled up the sleeves of the slightly damp shirt.
“You can do this.”
"ah… … .”
Ethan said so to the lost young girl, and turned his eyes to Dorothea,
who was standing in the distance.
His gaze hung on the tip of his long eyelashes, and his smile spreads
Dorothea's eyes met him, and her heart raced.
My heart is beating because of what I've done... … !
Dorothea had to swallow the wine next to her to calm her feverish

The banquet continued until the sun went down, and as time passed,
people began to return home.
The banquet hall was empty as many had disappeared, and even
those who remained patient were drunk and cluttered.
Had it been for another seat, he would have gone back in
moderation, but Ethan intended to hold out until the end of today's
Ethan decided to cool off in the garden outside the banquet hall for a
while, avoiding the drunken ones.
Even though I hate dealing with drunken people, there is still only
one reason left.
He was waiting for time to monopolize Dorothea.
Carnan held a birthday banquet for Dorothea, so even if a date was
impossible, after the banquet was over, they planned to make time to
spend alone with Dorothea.
By the way.
“Ethan… … .”
A hand grabbing his sleeve.
I was deliberately out to a remote place without people, and I turned
my head to see if someone else was following me, and it was Dorothea.
“Princess… … !”
Ethan was startled and grabbed her hand.
Then Dorothea looked up at him, pursed his lips, and pulled his
“Why are you pretending not to know me? … ?”
Dorothea raised her head and looked at him.
Her pronunciation is a little messed up. Ripe red cheeks signaled that
she was drunk.
“You pretend you don’t know.”
“You pretended not to know. You acted like someone else... … .”
Dorothea waved his sleeve and blamed him.
Ethan was taken aback by the sound of her crying.
“That’s because we have to hide our relationship in front of others…
… .”
“You didn’t even give me a present… … .”
Dorothea bit her lip and slammed her head into his forearm.
At that moment, Ethan almost couldn't control the surge of desire.
“Princess, are you drunk?”
“Yeah, I got it. But the drunk man said he wasn't drunk. So am I not
Dorothea muttered, resting her forehead on his arm.
Ethan seemed to go crazy at her pronunciation as she tried to speak
without twisting her tongue.
I pretended to be ignorant and survived the entire banquet, but this
is the end?
“Yes. I get depressed when I'm drunk, Ethan."
“I know, Princess.”
Before his return, Dorothea the tyrant would open a splendid feast
during the day to drink, and to suffer from depression at night.
If I drink one or two drinks, my mood is moderately good, but if I
cross that line, it subsides to a terrifying degree.
That is the reason why I stopped drinking the alcohol I used to drink
often before returning, and only one or two drinks after returning.
I know myself well, so I've been keeping that line well... … .
All because of Ethan. He lifts people's hearts all day, releases them,
and makes them sad.
Dorothea murmured and confessed to Ethan the depression that
came from alcohol.
“I think I feel at ease. There is something greedy about it.”
Dorothea shook her head and muttered.
Immediately after the return, I was afraid of everything and I was
busy running away, but life slowly began to catch my eye.
She wanted to live.
This life like punishment I once thought I had to die, no, I had to die
was now good.
She came to love her life and remembered how to look forward to
“You can be greedy like that. Princess.”
Ethan said to Dorothea.
“I wish I could do these things as if I were an emperor… … I was
Dorothea let out a small burst of arsenic.
She would sometimes think about Ubera's affairs with
preoccupation, as if she had become emperor.
I think we should also do water and sewage maintenance business,
and I want to pay attention to the neglected technology development
Greed, which she thought had been well suppressed, illed every
nook and cranny of her daily life.
Dorothea sometimes felt deeply disillusioned when she found
herself thinking those thoughts again after failing as emperor.
“Instead, there were a lot of things I really wanted to say during the
meeting. But I couldn't... … .”
“I know, Princess.”
Because I have seen the thoughts you have hidden in writing that
you cannot spit out.
“I think I still haven’t given up on my desire to become an emperor in
the depths of this world.”
Dorothea squeezed her chest tightly.
I don't want to take Raymond's place with envy. It is not arrogantly
coveting the power of the emperor.
In a position where she can easily spread her in luence on Ubera, I
just want to be a little more active in what she dreams of.
The desire to have a voice without having to borrow someone else's
If she had been born into a noble family instead of a princess, she
would have gained a position and used her power even a little bit, but it
is dif icult for a princess.
Ubera, which has been running for a thousand years, has already
been divided among many nobles, leaving no land left to grant
Dorothea the rank of Grand Duke.
So it was better to shake off this greed and turn away.
Then Ethan brushed Dorothea's hair.
Dorothea stood still, feeling his hand.
Gradually, the gloomy and shaky heart from drunkenness inds
“Yeah, I think I’m drunk.”
Dorothea smiled bashfully, brushing her thoughts away. Then he
looked at Ethan and asked again.
“… … But why didn't you give me a present, Ethan?"
Drunk and the same subject comes back.
She seemed to be quite pleased that she didn't give her a present.
Ethan loved that Dorothea.
“I was going to give it to a place where there were no other people
after it was over.”
“Then you should have told me before… … . It upset you and you
drank until you were drunk.”
Dorothea slapped him in the chest.
His heart was beating so hard that it throbbed as if he had been hit
by a cotton ist that had been beaten with force.
"therefore… … What is the present?”
As Dorothea hurriedly asked, Ethan hesitated for a moment before
taking her hand.
The patience in Dorothea's eyes had long since run out.
“Follow me.”
He took Dorothea's hand and walked to somewhere.
They gradually moved away from the banquet halls where people


Ethan, who had already visited the Imperial Palace before returning,
skillfully went into a garden, avoiding the eyes of knights and people.
The dark garden, not lit by a single light, is surrounded by shrubs and
tall trees and cannot be seen clearly from the outside.
As the sun went down and the shade was thick, there was even an
eerie atmosphere in the garden.
Dorothea wanted to get out of the banquet hall like this, but it felt
strange as if she was running away with Ethan secretly.
In the middle of the garden was a small, white domed gazebo. Ethan
sat Dorothea in the gazebo.
“Would you mind closing your eyes for a moment?”
At Ethan's words, Dorothea gently closed her eyes.
Then I heard a small rustling and moving sound in my ear.
After a while, Ethan called her again.
“You can open your eyes now.”
At Ethan's permission, Dorothea carefully opened her eyes.
Then, an unbelievably enchanting landscape unfolded in front of her.
In the garden embroidered by the spirits, the faint energy
disappeared like snow melted and glistened with bright lights.
The lowers that had been sleeping in the darkness were in full
bloom, and the outlines of the pieces covered in darkness were
A luminary that sparkles as if the stars in the sky were brought down
here to the ground.
A feast of the spirits of light that cannot be made even with the
power of Carnan and Raymond.
And in the middle, Ethan, who shines brighter than anything else,
was standing with a violin.
Dorothea felt like she was in a fantasy.
“I dedicate this song to my princess.”
He bowed politely like a musician on stage, and then placed a bow on
the violin.
Dorothea did her job as a one-of-a-kind audience and applauded.
As he moved his bow gently, as if slowly spreading the wings of a
butter ly, a rich sound came out.
The melody of the violin wrapped around her and embraced her
To the music, small chunks of light swayed like waves and hovered
around her.
Dorothea, who knew nothing about music, did not know the title of
the song Ethan was playing.
However, the gentle wave of his ingertips penetrated deep into her
A letterless letter from him.
As if she had known the power of music from birth, she grasped
Ethan's secret language, which she had never learned, and held her
hand to her chest.
It was like consoling her that she was doing well.
We've endured well just because we've come so far, let's be happy
And, that I will always love you.
Dorothea raised her head because she felt like she was about to cry.
I'm so happy, but I can't cry.
I didn't want to cry in front of Ethan.
But in the end, tears fell from her eyes.
The music from Ethan's ingertips shook her.
A brief fragment of time left a clear and dark mark that covered her
old wounds.
After the performance, Ethan knelt down in front of Dorothea and
wiped the tears from his cheeks with his ingertips.
“Is my performance so sad?”
He broke Dorothea's tears and said jokingly.
Dorothea let out a small laugh with wet eyes.
“It was the irst song I heard.”
Dorothea stopped crying.
Did you have such a good song?
A melody that was so enchanting that I wanted to hear it every day.
My heart warmed more than any song I've ever heard.
“It’s only natural to hear it for the irst time. It’s a song I wrote
specially for the princess.”
Ethan smiled and kissed the back of her hand as a tribute to the song.
He sometimes wrote and played songs, but he had no interest in
composing. I never thought I had a talent for composing.
However, looking at Dorothea, I wanted to hear a song that does not
yet exist in the world and contains his emotions and sincerity.
So Ethan wrote the irst song and premiered it in front of Dorothea.
A word that Ethan, the muse, learned from Dorothea.
At that, Dorothea's nose tingled again. This is all because of
Dorothea was shriveled up in drunkenness.
“I like you, Ethan.”
Dorothea let out her emotions that lowed over the broken wall.
Ethan's eyes widened at that, and he couldn't bear it and took
Dorothea in his arms.
I like you, Dorothea.
What more do you need?
As Ethan pulled her into a hug, Dorothea didn't resist and leaned
heavily against his arms.
With him, the sweet scent of alcohol emanated from Dorothea.
Oh My God. What do we do? I want to carry Dorothea like this.
Ethan looked like he was going to get drunk by the smell of the
"I hope you're not popular, Ethan. I wish you were a little more ugly,
no, I wish you were a lot more ugly. He's so handsome right now, he has
no choice but to be popular... … .”
Dorothea said, digging into his chest.
Ethan was so stunned that he thought he was going to do something
He hugged him tightly, as if he wanted Dorothea to be absorbed into
his body.
“I wish the princess didn’t even say a word to Theon Fried.”
He confessed his heart to the drunken Dorothea.
Then Dorothea lifted her head, which had been buried in his chest,
and looked up at him.
“Better than Theon Fried… … Do you like me better?”
know. How vague and vague is this question?
But I can't help it. Dorothea's irst love and the man she loved for the
rest of her life seems to like her now, how can she not care?
I'm not sure if I'm attractive or capable enough to protect Dorothea
from Theon... … .
As for Theon Fried, he was terribly inferior.
“Ethan, I only cared about you today.”
Dorothea answered with a solemn expression on her face.
Theon was de initely present at today's banquet, and throughout the
banquet, her gaze was drawn like a magnet to Ethan.
In the end, he followed Ethan to the back of Ethan, who escaped from
his seat, and was ranting like this.
I don't even know when Theon returned... … .
“I like you so much, I just want you to see me. But you can't do that...
… . Then nothing has changed from the old days.”
Dorothea's words became smaller again.
"I'm afraid you'll hate me."
Dorothea was afraid that the ugly appearance of begging for love
from Carnon or Theon before returning would overlap.
and then… … Ethan might get tired of seeing her as immature as a
child, longing for love and leave.
Then a deep sigh was heard from above her.
At that sound, Dorothea squeezed his collar even tighter.
Then Ethan raised her head.
“The princess really drives me crazy.”
I was really trying to hold on until the banquet was over.
Ethan coveted Dorothea's lips. Perhaps because of the alcohol, her
lips were sweeter than ever, making her dizzy.
Then Dorothea dug into him in reverse. Leaning on his drunkenness,
he drank more boldly.
Swallowing each other's saliva, which was brimming with anxiety,
they entwined the bond of their relationship more tightly with the tip
of their tongues.
You don't have to think about anything else, you just love me and I
love you.
So they whispered to each other.
The more clearly they realized and engraved their emotions, the
deeper their breaths became entangled, the more thirsty they felt.
This alone is not enough.
The two were cramped. The narrow waist of the dress that grabbed
her, and the stiff chest of the best that wrapped her around him.
Even beautiful clothes were only an obstacle to swallowing each
other's breath more deeply.
you need a little more
Ethan unbuttoned the vest's buttons one by one, and unbuttoned the
shirt that made his neck cramped as if he was about to tear it apart. He
also pulled the ribbon of the dress that cramped Dorothea.
"ah… … !”
Dorothea let out a deep sigh as if breathing heavily and squeezed his
chest, which was re lected under her thin shirt.
Ethan sat Dorothea rubbing in his arms on the gazebo's bench and
bit the white nape of her neck.
"ha… … !”
Dorothea grabbed Ethan's hot lips and grabbed his forearm, trying to
dissipate the heat.
Ethan, who had put seals of his happiness everywhere on her, raised
his head and met Dorothea's eyes.
His golden eyes were hot as if on ire. A more fundamental and
stimulating desire than the desire for gold.
Dorothea could not stand the temptation of that desire and passed.
Her white legs were clearly visible under her disheveled dress.
Ethan answered the call of his muse and buried himself deeply.
“Dorothea Milanaire… … .”
When he called her name, she swallowed his lips again as if drinking
her name.
The spirits of light that had been hovering around him trembled in
the air, and then disappeared like a burst of light.
The son-in-law darkened as if dark, and the two were left alone in the


“You have to go in, Princess.”

Ethan patted Dorothea's hair and whispered softly.
Dorothea wanted to lean a little more on the lingering alcohol.
It was still night, and I hated having to go back because I was afraid
people would ind it.
At midnight, Dorothea deeply sympathized with how sad it must
have been for the protagonist of an old story who had to go back before
the magic was broken.
“I don’t want to go.”
“If you keep doing that… … I don't know what's the big deal."
When Dorothea hugged her and refused to let go, Ethan thought she
might run away with her.
Then Dorothea laughed. It was a smile with a heart that really
wanted to do something big.
But in the end it came back to reality.
“I will go.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan nodded and straightened her messy
Then his eyes turned to the back of her neck.
“I should bring a shawl.”
"ah… … .”
Dorothea covered her red scarred neck with her hand.
I really fell in love with it without thinking back and forth.
If Ethan's jacket had been there, he would have covered it with it, but
unfortunately, a young girl had spilled wine on his jacket and gave it to
a servant.
"it's okay. You can do this.”
Dorothea untied her gorgeously braided hair.
Then her long, soft platinum hair slid down.
Her wavy hair covered the nape of her neck.
Her hair shone in the moonlight, a light similar to his silver hair.
“Is it covered?”
Dorothea looked at Ethan and smiled.
Her hair was luttering in the wind. It is terribly beautiful, as if
hypnotizing a person.
Ethan wanted to covet her again.
That's all for today. No more, Ethan.
“You will ind it strange.”
“What do you mean the hair tie is broken? We’re going in anyway, so
we just need to talk for a while and then come out.”
Dorothea took his hand and said.
Then Ethan laughed.
“Princess, I heard that we are in a secret relationship.”
Dorothea let go of Ethan, who hinted that he was in a secret
relationship by giving strength to his hand.
Ethan smiled at Dorothea like that and held his hand again.
“There are few people around here at this time, so it will be okay for
a while.”
Now it is hard to tell whether this is a secret love or a public
relationship, but it was clear that they were dating anyway.
“Let’s go, Princess. I'll go to the neighborhood together, and then I'll
go in a little later. If we go together, we will talk a lot more.”
Ethan promised to accompany him under the pretext of darkness.
Dorothea walked with him.
There was silence everywhere, and only the sound of the two of them
rang out.
And as they sneak out of the garden, a huge black shadow pops out in
front of them.
“… … !”
The two took a deep breath without screaming and froze on the spot.
“… … .”
“Shu, Stefan… … !”
Standing in front of them was none other than Stefan, who was
checking the area around the patrol.
The two men and women secretly came out holding hands in the
remote garden and hurriedly released their hands, but Stefan kept his
mouth shut and stared intently at them.
In those eyes, Dorothea had completely evaporated the faint alcohol
that remained.
“So we’re going to hang out for a while to get drunk… … .”
“… … .”
“The banquet hall smells so bad, everyone is drunk and noisy… … .”
“… … .”
Obviously, Stefan doesn't always say anything, but his silence is scary
these days.
And Stefan's eyes slowly focused on Ethan, who was next to
Those eyes were the coldest of Stefan's eyes that Dorothea had ever
seen in her life.
And Ethan nodded at those eyes.
"you're right. You are what you think you are.”
Ethan held Dorothea's hand in front of Stefan as if he were looking
for it.
He realized that there was no point in lying to Stefan.
Then, Stefan's forehead was wrinkled and he pulled out the famous
sword Settercalyps from his waist.
A cool, straight blade shone in the moonlight, and Dorothea's eyes
“Wait, Stephan… … !”
As Dorothea stopped in front of Ethan, Stefan withdrew his sword for
a moment.
“Me and Ethan… … date.”
At that, Stefan's brow twitched slightly again.
“I like Ethan.”
Dorothea looked up at Stefan and said.
Ethan, who did not blink an eye even as Stefan drew his sword, had
to forcibly put the corners of his lips up at Dorothea's indirect
confession of love.
Then Stefan's eyes glared at Ethan again. noticing that you don't like
'How much do you need to be satis ied?'
Ethan sighed softly as he saw Stefan staring at him with distasteful
His appearance is said to be the best in the empire, and he has
excellent musical talent and intellectual ability, and Ethan, who is eager
to get along with other young girls, does not seem to it into his
Not surprisingly, Stefan had recently heard from Joey about Dorothea
and Ethan.

'I want to die because I don't want to see the princess come every
day and smile at the princess!'

Joey used to grumble like that when he and Stefan were alone.
Stefan heard from Joey how Dorothea is doing.

'What I hate more is that the lirty look suits him so well. I'm more
annoyed because I'm handsome!'

Stefan remembered Joey, who was talking roughly as he ate the

Joey said that no man he'd ever met in his life could match Dorothea,
and that Ethan wouldn't be jealous.
Stefan agreed with Joey. Those who take the princess are all thieves.
Stefan turned to Dorothea.
Dorothea knew what he was trying to say just by looking at his eyes.
Separated from Ethan, he noticed that he wanted to return to the
banquet hall with himself.
“… … Where are you going to tell me?”
Stefan couldn't say anything, but Dorothea looked him in the eye and
Stefan nodded silently, but gently pushed Ethan away from Dorothea.
And a gesture of giving as if to go.
At that, Dorothea turned to Ethan.
'Well, we can't go in together.'
I want to stick with it even a little bit longer, but as long as Stefan
intervenes, it will be impossible.
Ethan, without being greedy any more, quietly bowed and sent
Dorothea to Stephan's hands.
'I have one more present... … .'
It was a secret gift he had prepared secretly from Dorothea that he
anonymously donated huge sums to disabled people's aid centers and
small town schools.


Dorothea walked with Stefan to the banquet hall.

It had been quite a while since I met Stefan.
After he became the deputy commander of the Knights Templar, he
occasionally met and greeted each other lightly, but never spent time
I often heard about him through Joey, but there were still those who
were dissatis ied with Stefan's origins, and it seemed like he was
having a hard time inding a seat.

'I'm very busy. I thought the vice-captain was a high position, but it's
not. It's a dif icult place up and down because it's stuck in the middle.
Besides, I didn't know that the knights were this strong. They are
stubborn and rigid people.'

Joey told Dorothea the stories he had picked up here and there.
Because Stefan didn't show his hard feelings, Joey was frustrated
that he couldn't understand how he was accepting and doing the work
of the Knights Templar.
Dorothea understood Joy's heart. No matter how accustomed to
reading Stefan's eyes, it was not easy to notice his feelings or condition.
Only Stefan always knows.
Dorothea never really knew about him.
“… … Happy birthday, Princess.”
It was then that Stefan greeted Dorothea happy birthday.
The crude greetings they gave while walking side by side without
being fancy, so it stayed in my heart for nothing.
“Thank you, Stefan.”
“… … .”
As Dorothea smiled, Stefan's lips twitched as if he had something to
He wanted to congratulate Dorothea more.
And I wanted to say that I am happy to have reached a place where
everyone is congratulated and loved like today.
But only one word came out of his lips.
"gift… … .”
'I wanted to give it to you, but I was so worried that I couldn't choose'
is omitted.
I wanted to choose a gift for Dorothea, but I couldn't decide.
If you like swordsmanship, would you like to present a sword? But I
have to give you a better sword than the famous sword Setter Calyps
that the princess gave me... … . I was eliminated because I couldn't ind
a better sword.
Since you're taking music classes recently, would you like to present
a sheet music book or piano-related items? … … I can't even tell what's
good because I don't know sheet music or piano.
There is a pretty jewelry box that immediately reminded me of a
princess... … I'm dismissing it because there are already a lot of good
jewelry boxes.
He missed the timing while choosing what to say after careful
thought, and it was the same this time.
He contemplated and pondered for Dorothea, who is so precious,
until she met her birthday.
So what he wanted to say was, if there's anything you want to have,
say anything.
Stefan said those words in his heart as he looked at Dorothea.
Then Dorothea burst into laughter.
“You don’t have to give me a present, Stephan.”
Stefan shook his head, saying he couldn't.
“Do you really want to give me my birthday present?”
His head nodded violently again.
At the same time, a good idea came to Dorothea.
“I want to see the lion warrior Leo.”
Dorothea looked up at Stefan with an innocent face.
Then, Stefan's always calm eyes trembled.
Dorothea burst out laughing at his unusual shaking.
“I still remember that day. It was the irst proper birthday present I
ever received.”
“… … .”
“Just like that day, walk with me a little longer, Stephan. It’s been a
long time.”
Dorothea said.
Then Stefan nodded once and held Dorothea in a lash.
“Shu, Stefan!”
“Like that day… … .”
Just as he walked the beach with Dorothea that day, today, no, he held
her up higher than ever.
“I’m heavy, Stephan!”
Dorothea grabbed his shoulder and said, Stefan shook his head.
It was light enough to throw and receive a Dorothea at him, who
wielded his long sword freely.
He felt that he was taking great care to make sure his hand didn't
disrespect her as he hugged her.
At that thoughtful touch, Dorothea relaxed a little and lifted her head.
Her head was already high enough to look down on Stephan.
Feeling taller as if riding a horse. It's been a long time since I've been
hugged and lifted up like this, so I felt a little refreshed.
Then Stefan stared at Dorothea.
“… … Lily scent.”
Dorothea's scent came from Ethan.
Dorothea trembled at him.
Stefan slowly lowered her to the ground again, bewildered.
The red stigma that was exposed under the wind-tangled hair.
Dorothea straightened her hair, her face red hot.
“… … Why do you like Ethan Bronte?”
Stefan's uncommon question.
Knowing the weight of his question, Dorothea answered.
“Ethan… … Make me feel loved.”
“… … .”
“No matter what mistakes I make, no matter what mistakes I make, I
think you will stay by my side.”
Dorothea was always afraid of mistakes and mistakes. I fear that I
will become a bad person again, or that my twisted desires will grow.
No matter how hard she tried, she could not be a perfectly good
person, and her occasional mistakes and errors returned as a stabbing
dagger in her chest.
At that time, Dorothea couldn't even love herself.
And seeing myself as unlovable, I despaired, thinking that others
might not be able to love me like this.
But Ethan was the only lower in the despair.
A being who believes and loves Dorothea more than Dorothea. A
being who kept reaching out to even the tyrant Dorothea.
Thinking of him gave me a little courage.
Even if I accidentally stumble for a while, there seems to be someone
to catch me. I'm terribly ugly, but I feel like I've become a person who
can be loved nonetheless.
“More than anything, I feel comfortable with Ethan.”
I wanted to show him a better side, but at the same time, I was
relieved because I showed him the ugliest side of me. You don't have to
hold on to the memories before your return.
It's not a beautiful memory, but being able to share the past with
someone was more important than I thought.
At least I don't have to hold it like a core alone.
A small smile spread across Dorothea's lips.
Stefan stared at Dorothea quietly.
"now… … I think I want to have a comfortable love.”
Dorothea smiled mischievously, and Stefan nodded, stroking her hair
I've seen Dorothea for a long time, but it's the irst time I've seen her
face so relaxed.
I didn't really like Ethan Bronte, but Stefan thought it would be ine if
he could give Dorothea this look.
“Thank you, Stefan.”
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Author : Ramgle
Publisher : Kwon Tae-wan, Woo Cheon-je

E-book publication date : 2021-07-02

List price : 3,600 won

Provided by: CL production

Address : Room 401, 38-9, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

ISBN 979-11-293-8404-1

This book has been published as an e-book by KWBOOKS under contract with the copyright
Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of the company
is prohibited by the Copyright Act.
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 3

"your majesty."
“Stay out for a moment, Robert.”
Carnan has bitten all of his attendants and is left alone.
A portrait of Alice hung on one wall of the room he was left with. And
the small box in front of it contained Alice's belongings and her hair.
The unburied collection of hair, nails, and small bones of the dead is
considered a superstition and taboo among the people, but Carnan still
could not leave her mark.
Carnan stood in front of her portrait and clenched her ists so that
her nails dig into her.
“I’m sorry, Alice… … .”
He bowed his head and muttered.
He laughed and talked in front of people, but he still seemed to have
committed a crime just by holding a banquet on Alice's anniversary.
“I want you to forgive me even for thinking of Dorothea… … It must
be sel ish greed.”
He remembered seeing Alice giving birth to Dorothea, trembling in
I still remember vividly the woman who asked me to hold her hand
because she was afraid of labor.
Until then, he thought it would be an ordinary childbirth. I didn't
worry too much about giving birth to a second child because I heard
that the risk was low.
So dare, said.

'I'll protect you, Alice.'

Unaware of the tragedy that would unfold before them hours later, he
made a petty promise.
I can't even keep it. Having no choice but to watch her pain and let
her go helplessly.
The tears she shed in pain, her fading lips, her pale, blood-fading
face, and the blood she spilled soaking the bedsheets and dripping onto
the loor. … !
Alice, who had lost her mind while stuttering as if to say something,
left without leaving a single will.
But it's a banquet on the day she died.
“Dorothea becomes more like you every year.”
To the extent that you can imagine that the moment you died, your
soul would dwell in Dorothea.
Carnan looked at the portrait of Alice.
Surprisingly, her face now looked like Dorothea.
“So I regret it.”
You kept your belongings in a precious box, so why couldn't you do
that to the last Dorothea you left behind?
This is because, unlike the memorabilia containing her memories of
her lifetime, Dorothea only contained the death of Alice.
“Looking back now, I feel so sorry for Dorothea.”
It wasn't that he didn't understand why Dorothea hated and
distanced himself from his father so much.
“Still, the nanny and maids of the imperial family seem competent.
Seeing Dorothea so big.”
He grew up so well despite being raised by nanny and maids without
the care of his mother and father.
Growing up without parents, Dorothea became such a wonderful
woman that there was no vacancy to be seen.
There will be no place for Carnan in Dorothea's life.
Carnan caresses Alice's memento.
“If you were alive… … A lot would have changed.”
He sneered at himself, leaning on meaningless imagination alone.

Returning to the palace after the banquet, Dorothea found gifts lying
on the desk.
The present received at the banquet today was moved by the
And in the middle was a gift from Theon Fried.
Dorothea hesitated for a moment when she saw Theon's gift.
It wasn't because Theon had any regrets, but because the
relationship between her and Ethan and Theon was a sensitive issue.
She wished that the gift was something to eat. Eating is simple
because you can share it with other people and get rid of it.
But when I lifted the weight, it seemed that something hard and
heavy would not be edible.
'Theon may have given it as a courtesy without any thought.'
Staring intently at Theon's gift, she slowly removed the wrapping
paper from the gift.
When the red wrapping paper was removed, there was a book
covered in leather inside.
The book with a beautiful sword pattern on the cover was engraved
with gold leaf, and it was a study documented on the swordsmanship of
a foreign country.
As I turned the irst few pages, there were quite interesting stories
and illustrations.
'Did you consider my hobbies?'
Still, an hour or two every day was a gift for Joyna Raymond and
Dorothea holding the sword.
When Dorothea is about to lip the back page a little more.
“Princess! Let’s have a party for a while too!”
Clara called her.
Stefan, Joey, and Po, who had led them to the palace, said they were
waiting downstairs.
“Yeah, go soon!”
Dorothea closed her book and hurriedly followed Clara downstairs.
Then, being so distracted, Dorothea forgot about the book for several


A few days later, Ethan came to take piano lessons.

“You take lessons almost every day. This will make our princesses
want to become pianists too.”
Clara smiled skeptically and led Ethan to Dorothea's study room.
After the swordsmanship practice, her hair was still wet.
Still, they say that they have something to see urgently, so they are
looking for some kind of material.
With the window open for ventilation, she was engrossed in looking
at something as her wet hair fell down her shoulders and wet her chest
and shoulders.
Her wet blonde hair shone in the sunlight coming in through the
window, and as she fell shallowly, her blue eyes were examining
documents with a pure, clear light.
“Princess, Master Ethan has arrived.”
After Clara knocked on the door and spoke, Dorothea raised her
Dorothea let go of what she was seeing and ran to him.
After washing, Dorothea had a soft loral scent. Ethan wanted to hold
her in his arms and inhale her scent.
But since Clara and Joy are watching, I have no choice but to be
“I think practice ended late today.”
“The ire suddenly caught on and I couldn’t put it out. it was very
tight Right, Joey?”
“I saw it.”
Joey said proudly.
Clara sighed a little and said to Dorothea.
“Princess, you need to dry your hair irst and treat the injured hand!”
“Are you hurt?”
“Ah, I got ripped off while holding the sword, but it’s not a big
It was a common wound for those holding swords, so it wasn't to the
point of making a fuss about the wound.
However, since she is still a princess, even a small wound had to be
taken care of by the Imperial Palace doctor.
“Hold on. I will be back. Because Clara is so holy.”
Dorothea smiled brightly and left the room with Clara, telling Ethan
to wait for a moment.
Everyone had known Ethan for a long time and had seen him often,
so I told him to tell me whenever he needed anything and left the room.
He glanced at Dorothea's desk for a moment, then found an
unfamiliar book in a corner.
The exotic binding method, not the Ubera style, caught his attention.
'A foreign language?'
When I read the cover, it was a book about foreign swordsmanship.
Ethan, who thought it was Dorothea somehow, smiled and picked up
the book.
However, something fell from the book.
Picking up what had fallen to the loor to put it back in, he saw him
and had to stop.

[Dreams still, dear princess, Theon Fried.]

The name on the envelope of the letter pricked his nerves.

Judging from the fact that the envelope has not been opened yet, it
seems that Dorothea did not notice that the letter was sandwiched
between the books.
“… … .”
Ethan stared at the letter with cold eyes.
'What the hell did you write down here, Theon Fried?'
He tapped the envelope on the edge of the desk.
'Edan's dog and dog, dog and dog… … .'
Ethan narrowed his eyes and repeated Dorothea's wish.
'It's just that it's still in the process of canine and cheonseonseon.'
He inally couldn't stand it and opened the envelope.
Inside the envelope was Frieda's handkerchief made of silk rather
than paper.
Ethan recognized the handkerchief at a glance.
A handkerchief stained with blueberry water.
'This... … Why Theon Fried?'
Ethan's brow wrinkled.
However, what is different from before is that the letters were
written on the handkerchief in a neat and calm handwriting.
Ethan read the letter, biting his teeth.

[I am writing a letter to congratulate the princess on her birthday at


Just reading the beginning of Theon's letter made me uncomfortable.

If it is a happy birthday letter, it will be at least on paper. But, why is
he sending a letter to this handkerchief?

[I hope you like the gift we send together.

As soon as I found this book while browsing the bookstore, I
immediately thought of the princess.
The appearance of the princess wielding a sword seems to have
impressed me quite a bit.]
Ethan couldn't understand why Theon thought of the princess in the
The golden eyes continued to read the next sentence without

[Given a handkerchief as a gift means farewell, but to me, this

handkerchief has come to mean meeting.
Whenever I met the princess, this handkerchief was always with me.
When we irst met in the Imperial Palace, in the detached palace, in

Ethan's eyebrows deepened as he read the letter.

'Friedia? Did the princess go to Freedia with Theon?'
It's something I've never heard of.
What would you two do? Did you go alone? Dorothea must have had
feelings for Theon back then?
Ethan ruf led his soft silver hair roughly.
His hair was as cluttered as the thoughts in his head.

[The princess returned this handkerchief and asked me to throw it

away, but I haven't been able to throw it away so far.
At irst, I didn't even know why.
But recently I realized why.
And the fact that I can no longer throw this handkerchief away with
my own hands.]

Ethan bit his teeth so tightly that his chin crumbled.

There was no need to read the backstory. It'll be just a bunch of dirty
'If you can't throw it away with your own hands, I'll throw it away.'
Ethan took the handkerchief and envelope to the ireplace on one
side of Dorothea's study. And threw it into the pit of ire without any
The ire from the ireplace transferred to the handkerchiefs and
envelopes, blowing white ashes.
Ethan watched Theon Fried's letter burn to the end in a dazzling
The handkerchief, which turned to white ashes, crumbled through
the irewood and disappeared.
at that time.
“Ethan, let’s go to the lesson.”
Dorothea, who was ready, returned to the study.
Ethan turned his head to look at her.
Her wet hair was drier than before, but she still had a soft loral
Her narrow eyes looked at him and urged him to come closer.
Ethan clenched his ists and strode towards Dorothea.
“Ethan? … … town!"
Unable to contain his burning jealousy, he pushed her against the
wall and kissed her.
So that there was no room for Theon Freed, his name was engraved
in her most intimate places.
Dorothea seemed to stop breathing at his rough kiss.
The kiss that gently cared for her was gone.
“Ethan… … !”
Dorothea groaned through the gap between her lips for a moment,
but Ethan didn't stop.
you are mine mine. I can't send you to Theon Fried in this lifetime.
Anxiety, jealousy, and love that were about to explode were
intertwined and drove him wildly.
May only my lips be allowed on her lips. May her beating heart be
directed only to me.
One day, he was grateful just for her existence, but his growing greed
tormented him.
Dorothea's bucket list of Ethan's canine splendor seemed to have to
be accomplished a little later.
Chapter 4

After the banquet, Dorothea's name grew day by day.

She could attend each meeting instead, and Raymond liked to get her
policy advice.
With Dorothea's proposal, the entire empire's water and sewage
maintenance project was put in place, the postal system was
reorganized and settled, banking institutions became completely
independent, and paper money began to be used in the market.
The dif icult tax system reform brought signi icant changes as the
inancial system was in place and banknotes, which were small deposit
certi icates of the imperial family, were distributed.
As the tax standards were inalized, the additional taxes collected by
the local nobles decreased.
Although she has never been named after her, her ideas have been
realized through multiple channels—mainly through Raymond, Theon,
and Ethan.
Over the years, the appearance of the empire has changed markedly.
It was still far from the utopia Dorothea had envisioned, but she
thought that maybe she was one step closer to it.
Meanwhile, despite their secret relationship, rumors about Dorothea
and Ethan's relationship spread widely in social circles.
Although not professed, their relationship was overtly con irmed as
lovers within a year.
It may have been impossible for the two to have a secret love affair
in the irst place.
And, as expected, Dorothea had to endure the stinging gaze of the
women who liked Ethan.
Should I be lucky that, thanks to my status as a princess, I'm not
threatened with an anonymous blackmail letter?
Rather, it was Ethan who suffered more.
He had to be told that he resembles his mother in the subject of
bastard and likes to bloom when he lures high-ranking people to sell
There were quite a few people who were openly insulted, ignored, or
As Dorothea's external status rose and her power and beauty were
revealed, some people ignored Ethan and proposed to Dorothea.
But they didn't care. It is enough to say no to a marriage proposal,
and to laugh at jealousy is enough.
They were too busy focusing on spending time alone.
Happiness has the power to turn the clock quickly.
The peaceful, small and happy time passed so quickly that it was
And Dorothea Milanaire had a year that marked a turning point in
her life.
The year of Carnon's death. And the year Dorothea killed Raymond
and put on the tyrant's crown.
“The spirits of light this year are more beautiful than last year!”
“After the awakening of Princess Dorothea, the ceremony of light
seems to be getting more splendid every year… … !”
Empire's Founding Day night. Ethan looked up at the sky while
listening to the story while maintaining a smile among the nobles.
Spirits scattered in beautiful light and shape illed the sky, creating a
huge spectacle.
In the ceremony of light held on every founding day, the spirit of light
was presented in the imperial family while reproducing the founding
period of the empire.
Unlike before the return, Dorothea now occupies a central position
in the Light Ceremony and has become a full- ledged Milanaire dealing
with spirits.
The power he had given lowed through Dorothea's hand and illed
the sky.
Ethan watched the beautiful night sky as he felt Dorothea resonate
with the Spirit Stone.


After the ceremony, Dorothea, who had changed clothes, ran to the
side of the fountain where he was waiting.
The white skirt she wore on the National Day of the Empire luttered
and luttered along with her golden hair.
Seeing that, Ethan once again fell in love with Dorothea.
“Thank you again this year, Ethan.”
It is thanks to him that he can handle spirits in the Light Ceremony,
and Dorothea thanked him again today and kissed him on the cheek.
Even after years of spending time with him, she still liked this love.
And it was the same with Ethan.
“Shall we go?”
Ethan reached out and asked, and Dorothea happily folded his arms.
Late in the evening, after the ceremony of light, the real festival
Founding Day is a day where day and night are of equal length, and
there is a custom of waking up and enjoying the night in honor of the
spirits of light and darkness, the roots of Ubera.
The streets were open all night with shops, and the squares were lit
up and brought to life by people who enjoyed singing and dancing all
night long.
Dorothea and Ethan headed to the downtown area near Episteme.
Even though it was quite late, the streets were full of people, and the
nearby high-end restaurants and bars were already full with
The two headed to Caro, the restaurant they had reserved.
It was the irst time the two of them had found Caro since the day
Dorothea and Theon and Ethan found them with Monica.
Caro is still very popular with lovers, so reservations for the night of
the National Day had to be made well in advance, three months in
Fortunately, thanks to the diligent Ethan's reservation, the two were
able to spend Founding Day night in Karo.
“It’s still a bit strange here.”
Dorothea looked at the heart-shaped handle and whispered.
“It’s de initely not the princess’s taste.”
“But sometimes it’s fun to come here.”
“That’s why I brought you here, Princess.”
Ethan opened the door for Caro himself and graciously welcomed
Dorothea burst out laughing at his attitude as if he had become a
Upon entering, the waitress led them to the back room.
The two of them sat down and talked while waiting for the food they
had ordered in advance.
“By the way, didn’t you say caro food wasn’t great before, Ethan?”
When Dorothea asked, Ethan's eyes widened and he smiled.
“Do you remember that?”
It wasn't even the time we started dating, but you still remember his
Ethan's heart trembled as Dorothea remembered each and every one
of him.
“No, I just came here because of me… … .”
As Dorothea spoke in embarrassment, Ethan shook his head.
“At that time, I didn’t even know what food was going into my mouth
or my nose.”
He couldn't remember how much he cared about Dorothea and
Theon, or whether they had no taste. No, did you eat it?
Then Dorothea looked into his eyes as if stabbed.
“That’s why, I’ve always wanted to visit with the princess. If I visit
Caro again, I hope I will be with the princess.”
Ethan reached out and grabbed her hand, which was on the table.
“That wish has come true today.”
he smiled
why are you talking like that make people excited
Dorothea felt like she was only getting excitement from Ethan every
time, but couldn't give it to her.
“Hey, Ethan… … . Shall we of icially announce that we are dating
Dorothea asked.
“Everyone knows we are dating.”
“But it wasn’t of icially recognized.”
To the imperial family, and to the Bronte family of Ethan.
The reason people don't talk more even though they know that the
two are dating is because the relationship between the two is not
recognized by the family.
For the imperial family and nobles, a lover was meaningful only when
the relationship was recognized by the family.
“It will be welcome in our family. Jonathan hyung may be skeptical,
but... … . But it won't be easy in the Imperial Household."
The reason Ethan has not dared to ask Dorothea formally until now,
the reason why he proposed a secret love affair with Aung blindfolded.
The imperial family, where honor and reputation are important, do
not accept ceremonies.
Historically, there have been instances of royal families marrying
adopted children, but no marriages with Seochul.
Especially, if he was labeled as the son of a bar girl, it would be even
more unacceptable.
“But Ethan, I want to marry you.”
Ethan stiffened at Dorothea's hooked words.
now… … Did you say you want to get married? is it a marriage
proposal? No, I'm not proposing, I'm just saying... … .
Thousands of thoughts ran through Ethan's mind.
“You get better as time goes by.”
At irst, I thought my heart was shaking because I was someone who
loved me, but now it is not.
Now Dorothea loves him as much as she is loved.
Ethan had now become her life and permeated all of her time and
It was hard to imagine what life would be like without Ethan.
“I want to have you by my side formally.”
Dorothea only confessed her sincerity, but it was a strong confession
of love to Ethan.
It's funny, but these words are so good that I'm still in tears.
“Anyway, I have no intention of succeeding the throne, and I have no
reason to ind a better political mate. So I'll try to get you permission
somehow. No, if you don't, I'll take off Milanaire's name."
Dorothea pondered this issue for quite some time, and came to the
Ethan smiled at Dorothea's eyes as he spoke quite irmly.
“Thank you, Princess. Thank you for thinking of me that way.”
“You don’t like my decision?”
“I like it, but I am worried that the princess will suffer. Besides, the
princess likes what she is doing now.”
Ethan said.
Even threatening to take off Milanaire's name, Dorothea was a good
it for the position of a princess.
Ethan feared that his lack would extinguish Dorothea's light.
“It's my problem, and I'll take care of it. It is more dif icult for me to
not be recognized for my relationship with you now.”
Then Ethan covered his face with one hand and lowered his head.
I'm really mad because it's lovely When you say things like that with
those eyes, how can you say you don't like it?
Ethan resented the fact that the night of the foundation day was too
Soon the food they ordered came out.
The special dinner commemorating the founding day was decorated
with black and white dishes that must be eaten on the founding day.
“Eat well this time, Ethan.”
Even the portion I couldn't eat last time.
Dorothea put the creamy pasta on his plate himself.
“Well, I don’t know if I can eat it deliciously. I need to be able to focus
on eating because I can only see the princess.”
Jokingly, his hands shifted the bowl so that Dorothea's favorite food
was on her side.
“Of course, if you eat with the princess, it would be delicious to eat a
crumbly potato on the cold street.”
Ethan smiled and put the pasta Dorothea had given him to his
White cream marks left on his red lips.
As Dorothea pointed to her lips, Ethan raised his eyebrows slightly
and tilted his head.
“I buried it.”
Ethan's eyes narrowed as Dorothea pointed to her upper lip.
"Here you go?"
Ethan slowly licked his lower lip with the tip of his tongue.
“No, above.”
Ethan stared intently at her with his golden eyes, and bit his pitiful
lips inward to hide it.
The cream, which had barely escaped, remained white on his red
His mischievous eyes staring at Dorothea as if raising a drug.
Dorothea knew what he wanted.
“Here you go, Ethan.”
So Dorothea pretended not to know and wiped the cream off his lips
with his ingertips.
Ethan's eyes narrowed somewhat dissatisfyingly, and Dorothea
smiled and took the cream from her ingertips to her lips, sucking it in.
Then Ethan dips the cream on the edge of the plate and places it on
her lips.
“It’s a punishment for pretending not to know.”
His head moved closer in an instant, and his tongue licked the cream
off her lips.
His hot tongue and lips brushed against her lips, and Dorothea felt a
tingling shiver all over her body.
Ethan licked his lips and met her eyes.
In the end, Dorothea succumbed to his temptation.
Their lips overlapped deeply, and each other's breath penetrated
between the slightly gapped lips.
Ethan's scent stimulated the tip of his nose, and creamy soft texture
was entangled.
The light of the incense candle lickered in their breath.
Dorothea grabbed Ethan's white collar tightly in the sweltering heat.
The night of Founding Day was as long as the day and at the same
time as short as the day.


Raymond picked up the letter on the table.

It was from Dorothea.
Her letter, thick enough to be called a pile of papers, was a summary
of my thoughts on what to discuss at the meeting instead of the next
“Why do you keep your mouth shut during meetings like this, really?”
Raymond muttered as he read her letter.
Theon nodded quietly, as if agreeing with Raymond.
Raymond and Theon recalled Dorothea's proposals over the past few
They thought that Dorothea was the one who cared for the Empire
more than anyone else.
He was very broad-minded, and Raymond would always give
important advice when making decisions.
“If it weren’t for Dorothy, I wouldn’t have done anything.”
Raymond added an exaggeration.
For many years, he had always wondered if Dorothea was the true
But still Dorothea just shut her mouth and stepped back behind the
veil of the stage.
Raymond didn't know why for a long time.
I was just guessing rather than trying to avoid it because it was
dif icult.
But a few years ago, he found out.

'Sometimes I wish I could stand in the position of the emperor and

do these things... … I think.'

He saw Dorothea muttering to herself at her birthday banquet.

He was looking for him to leave a message that he would only go in,
and he found her alone with Ethan.

'Instead, there were a lot of things I really wanted to say during the
meeting. But I couldn't... … .'
It wasn't that she didn't want to talk, it was that she was trying not to.
why… … ?
Raymond was shocked by her words and had to ponder for a long
maybe for me? for political reasons?

'I think I still haven't given up on my desire to become an emperor in

this deep place.'

It wasn't until he heard Dorothea's drunken joke that Raymond

realized her sincerity.
At the same time, the sight of Dorothea, who had been weeping in
front of him one day, lashed.

'I really hated you, Ray.'

Dorothea said that she was jealous of herself and suffered because
she hated her.
At the time, I thought I was just jealous of him who ate and got along
well in the imperial family.
I thought maybe he was jealous of him for being able to attend
However… … He realized later that it might have been the emperor.
So, Dorothea has been holding her breath as a princess and
successor to the throne for the stable preservation of her princely
After that, Raymond thought of Dorothea again and again.
and he saw
When she talks about Ubera's work, her eyes are shining. Ethan and
Ethan are having a heated discussion about policy.
Those moments that do not hesitate in front of the nobles, and lead
Raymond upright when he is in trouble.
“I was born wrong. I wish I was born later than Dorothea.”
Raymond smiled and turned to Theon.
“Then, you and I will go to Freedia with you and get some of my ield,
help you clean up as much as you can while cultivating it, and you will
follow in the footsteps of Archduke Fried and rule Freedia.”
There was sincerity in Raymond's light jokes.


“Princess Dorothea Milanaire!”

Dorothea was walking through the Imperial Palace with the pretext
of meeting Ethan, who came to take piano lessons, when someone
called her up.
When the two stopped and turned around, there was Marquis
“Heh heh, I enjoyed the last Light Ceremony. It was great.”
Dmitry praised Dorothea.
Dorothea smiled moderately and thanked him.
Dorothea didn't like Dmitry very much.
Before her return, she did not have good relations with most of the
nobles, but among them, Dmitry had a bad relationship with only a
Dorothea hated him because of his arrogance.
Akin to the wealthy Earl of Duncan, who owned the mines, he owned
the large port city of Riversouth.
In the shipbuilding industry, River South had a major in luence on the
Imperial Navy.
They also rented ships to merchants and made huge pro its in
The closest thing to him was Hark, who served the water spirit above
all else.
River South, located on the coast, had a very good geographical
condition for having an affair with Hark.
The capital of Hark, a city of water, had many exchanges with River
South, famous for its shipbuilding industry, and he had a pretty friendly
relationship with Hark.
Therefore, he was one of the major nobles who insisted on
friendship rather than checking even as Hark's power grew.
Dorothea felt that Dmitry was like Hark's minion, and he had no
choice but to feel hostility as a representative nobleman who kept the
imperial power in check.
Besides, he didn't like the way he had his head stiffened and
mumbled based on his enormous wealth.
'In the end, I also betrayed Hark for my interests.'
Always attached to Hark, he opposed Dorothea most iercely when
he insisted on war with Hark.
However, when she defeated Hark and drove up the army to Lampas,
he opened the door for her without hesitation.
'Hark was destroyed, so it was necessary to change the stance
When Hark, the corner he believed in, collapsed, he chose Dorothea,
the winner, as a new place to build.
In particular, the existence of Dorothea, who was in con lict with
Raymond and disturbed the internal affairs, would have been good for
him to use.
As a semi-imperial faction, he grew ambitious while accumulating
enormous wealth, he thought that Ubera was going to collapse, and
that a new imperial family could be established.
He had a false dream that he, not Dorothea, might become emperor.
He may have tried to drive Dorothea into a tyrant, and perhaps he
foresaw that Dorothea, whose roots were weak, would not last long.
However, Dmitry's life was killed before that.
Dorothea did not like him, who had been ambitious in the anti-
Imperial faction from an early age.
However, it was not easy to hit because Dorothea had the credit for
opening the gates of Lampas.
So Ethan moved.
He had someone to kill Dmitry.
So, in hindsight, Dmitry was also closely related to the two men's
past sins.
“You two always go together.”
"is that so?"
“I also have one son. He graduated from Episteme... … .”
Dmitry was proud of his son in front of Dorothea for a long time.
Even though he knows that Ethan is with Dorothea, the reason he
brags about his son is obvious.
Dorothea looked at Ethan, shedding his pride.
Ethan contorted one eyebrow in a somewhat displeased way, but
that didn't mean he didn't want to ight Dmitry.
“When my son comes to Lampas, I will make a seat for him.”
I never said I wanted to meet him, but Dmitry made a promise that I
wouldn't be able to ful ill alone.
Because he lived so well, he doesn't seem to be able to imagine that
someone would turn down his promise.
"Do by that way."
Then you can go ahead and say no.
Dorothea nodded, not paying attention to his words.
“Heh heh, then the princess will be busy too, so I can’t stop… … .”
Dmitry glanced at Ethan once, then smiled and walked away.
Ethan stared at the back of Dmitry's head as he moved away.
“The princess saved the author.”
Ethan said softly.
If it hadn't been for Dorothea's wish, 'Ethan's dog and dog,' he would
have written his hand as a target to be removed in advance.
“This year, His Majesty's health will deteriorate rapidly. Then
Jungkook will be anxious.”
Nereus also descended to Hark and inherited the throne.
By adopting a woman other than Monica as queen, he stabilized the
throne, and at the same time brought down Monica's family.
'It's hard to get revenge.'
Ethan felt a little responsible for Monica in that regard.
“Will there be another war?”
The greedy princess Dorothea, who threatens the imperial throne,
no longer exists.
The crop rotation that Raymond had promised was more effective
than expected, more than doubling food production and making the
empire richer.
Minor reforms also made the empire more stable.
Ethan was also not the target of Nereus' direct retaliation, thanks to
the early robbing of Monica.
Nereus will no longer be able to see the Empire with ease.
“It is said that it has changed a lot from the past, but it would be
better to set boundaries.”
Carnan is going to die, and Nereus has been making fun of Raymond
since the days of Episteme.
Nereus was very proud of Hark and dreamed of a second empire
beyond Ubera.
Besides, there are a lot of bat-like people like Dmitry, so it's hard to
know what's going to happen with one twist.
Because there are times when a huge thing like a war can become a
spark when it's trivial than you think.
“Of course, even if a war breaks out, Nereus’s army can be stopped
only by the princess, but it’s better if that doesn’t happen.”
“Even so, I told Raymond that he should always be careful with Hark.”
Dorothea nodded her head.

Dorothea was quite accustomed to sitting in front of the piano.
She struggled to even read sheet music, but now she can read
dif icult sheet music.
Of course, I couldn't play dif icult songs because my hands didn't
follow it, but I was able to play simple songs quite skillfully.
And the more I learned, the more I realized that Ethan's skills were
not unusual.
How dif icult it is to press distant keys quickly and accurately, and
how twisted your ingers and cramps feel when going from one note to
Someone said that when you look at the hands of someone who plays
the piano well, each inger has a soul, so it looks like it moves skillfully.
“It hurts so much.”
“Your talent.”
Dorothea said while listening to Ethan playing.
“I am living my life to the best of my talents right now.”
While teaching the princess, while seducing the princess.
Ethan smiled and kissed Dorothea lightly again.
at that time.
The door to the piano room swung open.
The two who were kissing were startled and hurriedly backed away.
It was none other than Joy who opened the door.
Joy, who would normally have a distasteful expression on seeing the
two of them in love, ran to Dorothea with an urgent expression today,
not paying attention to their actions.
“Princess, Po, Po is being punished!”
Joy's face was full of worry and fear.
"gun carriage?"
“They stole things from the imperial family… … !”
Joey's voice trembled and cried.
Ethan and Dorothea made eye contact at the same time.


The place where Joey ran to was the main kitchen of the imperial
The head chef in charge of the imperial kitchen was looking down at
Po, who was kneeling with his arms crossed and wrinkled, and Po was
kneeling on the loor, crying and begging for his hands.
“It is a great sin to steal imperial property, Four Greenwall.”
“Sorry, Head Chef… … .”
“Didn’t you know that was a sin, Poe?”
“… … .”
“Renier. Did you know that Po stole the royal food?”
“Oh, no! Renier didn't know at all. I did it alone.”
Po shook his head violently.
"What happened?"
Dorothea walked over to where the cooks had gathered.
The chefs greeted Dorothea with courtesy, and as soon as Po saw her,
he bowed his head and avoided his gaze.
“Princess, this is the kitchen’s job.”
“I asked what was going on.”
Dorothea looked at the head chef and spoke over and over again, and
the chef inally opened his mouth.
“… … Four Greenwall stole the imperial food.”
said the head chef.
“Is this true, Po?”
Dorothea turned her gaze to Po.
Then Po, who had his head bowed, opened his mouth after a long
“… … Yes."
Dorothea and Ethan's eyebrows wrinkled in response to Poe's
acknowledgment of his guilt.
“Po, really?!”
Joey, who was beside him, was also surprised and asked.
Poe then nodded and wiped away tears.
Dorothea couldn't believe it.
It was Po who always loved kitchen work and was always grateful
that such a precious opportunity came to him.
He came to the kitchen before anyone else and worked diligently, and
his skills steadily improved, becoming the sub-chief of the dessert part.
Then why did he do this?
“… … I'm sorry, but could you give me some time to talk to Po?"
“I know that the princess is close with Po, but if she wraps her up like
this, it negatively affects other kitchen people.”
“It doesn’t wrap. I just want to know the exact situation.”
If that's true, I'm very disappointed.
As Dorothea spoke coldly, the head chef pondered for a moment, then
“Ethan, I’m going to talk with Po for a moment. Joey, wait here for a
Dorothea looked down at Po, and Po, who was kneeling, trembled
and stood up.
Dorothea took Poe to a small break room next to the kitchen.
Throughout the journey, Po snarled, trying not to cry.
Dorothea's heart pounded at the sound.
Closing the door to the break room, Dorothea turned to Poe.
“Po, tell me honestly what’s going on.”
Poe of Dorothea's horse wiped her tear-stained eyes with her sleeve
and opened her mouth in a wet voice.
“I stole the royal food… … .”
Poe did not deny his guilt.
His trembling shoulders were visible.
“If you don’t have enough to eat, why did you steal the food?”
Dorothea was genuinely curious and asked.
He works in the kitchen, so he could eat if he wanted to eat without
stealing it.
I used to skip meals because I was busy, but whenever I had time, I
could cook and eat as much as I wanted or eat leftovers.
The imperial family was not so harsh that they asked the chefs for
their food.
In addition, Poe, now named Greenwall, had a small mansion in
Lampas where he and Joey and Stefan could live, and he could buy
enough food with his wages.
But why... … ?
“… … It hurts.”
“… … It was bad. Food wasted.”
Poe sighed and said.
There is always a large amount of food left over in the imperial court.
In the imperial court, where it was a virtue to serve each meal
generously, half of the food they made would be left over.
In particular, on days of parties, banquets, or events, whole cakes
were left as they are, fresh fruits in baskets were treated as sculptures,
or turkeys that ate just one piece were thrown away.
Expensive shrimp, which some people will never eat in their lifetime,
and mushrooms that are said to be more expensive than jewels were
also thrown away.
Food piled up like a mountain became fodder for livestock, compost,
or food waste that contaminates water and land.
“If you give it to the starving people on the street right now, it’s food
that dozens of people can eat for a few days… … . It was so wasteful to
throw it all away, so I stole it.”
Po misses wasted food, so he took the leftovers and sneaked them
And the food was distributed to the slum dwellers.
“That shouldn’t be… … .”
“I knew. So it was stolen... … .”
said Poe.
Leftover food is also the property of the imperial family, so it was
taught from an early age that it should never be used for anything else.
I knew why they didn't give it to the poor.
If the royal family distributes leftover food, those who receive it may
feel insulted saying that they are trying to dispose of food waste, and
those who do not share it may be angry because it is discrimination.
Quality issues and distribution issues. Since it is not possible to
distribute clean food to everyone on a fair and precise basis, food
leftovers from the imperial family should be thrown away.
Moreover, the inest ingredients used by the imperial family were a
right and privilege that only the wealthy could taste.
How dare the poor and lowly taste the mushrooms that cost more
than jewels for free? that could never happen.
But Poe knew this and broke it.
He also cooked a boat, so he couldn't just watch this precious food
being thrown away while someone starved to death.
Every time I threw away food, I had a bad idea.
'Even when I starved for days, these foods must have been thrown
away here.'
I was angry, sad, and miserable.
And it was painful to think of people who would be in the same
situation as you in the past.
“It’s my fault, Princess.”
Poe knelt before Dorothea again.
“I’m sorry, Princess. You raised me, taught me, and allowed me to
work in such a precious position... … . I committed such a crime and
painted the princess’s name.”
Poe bowed deeply as if banging his head on the ground and wept.
He committed a crime out of a beggar's grit and a vague sense of
justice to help the poor.
“Reniere-sama also tolerated me for my sake, but I was eventually
Leniè re, who has been caring for Po since he was living at the
Anastas Palace, a separate palace, tried to protect Po.
However, as Po, from a humble background, was gradually
recognized for his skills and ascended to a higher position, one of the
envy kitchen chefs reported him to the head chef.
Reniè re wanted to keep Po, but Poe didn't want to involve Renier as
After all, after all, this was his fault.
“Like the princess, I wanted to give someone hope. By the way… …
Patheticly, I did that by stealing the royal family's property, not my
ability. And whenever people were happy and thankful, I felt proud of
Po's voice was gradually blocked by tears.
Dorothea's in luence was also involved in his doing this.
Knowing how sweet salvation was by the hand that Dorothea held
out, he wanted to be that kind of salvation himself.
It may be an in initely small touch compared to Dorothea, but I want
to pass on the minimal hope of living.
But the way is wrong. He was foolish and incompetent, thinking that
he could become a great person like Dorothea, who changed his life.
Dorothea looked down at Po quietly.
It was a clear fact that he had committed a crime, and the princess
could not break the law of the imperial family.
“Good job, Po.”
Dorothea said so to Poe.
It was against the law, but I didn't want to get angry or point the
inger at what he had done.
"no… … . I had to do it with my own money. Don’t waste your food,
and if those people are pitiful, you have to help them with my own
Po shook his head to comfort Dorothea.
Dorothea then brushed Poe's frizzy hair.
really nice kid.
“I have no regrets for bringing you here.”
Dorothea sat down with her knees bent in front of him.
Poe raised his tear-soaked head to look at Dorothea.
“Of course, I can't make this happen. Because that's the royal law. But
that won't end your life either."
Poe's eyes trembled.
“Are you not disappointed with me?”
"Not at all."
Because the sins you committed are beautiful compared to the sins
I've committed.
Dorothea took Poe in her arms.
Poe then poured the barely stopped tears back down on her shoulder.


Joey anxiously waited for Dorothea and Po to come out.

In the meantime, Stefan came running from afar as he heard the
Stefan looked at Joey, and Joey wiped his eyes with his sleeve and
opened his mouth.
“The princess took me to talk with Po.”
“… … .”
“You will be beaten and kicked out of the Imperial Palace. What do
you do?”
“… … .”
At Joey's worried words, Stefan silently shut his mouth and fell into
He has no right to meddle in the kitchen affairs and argue.
But he believed in Poe, and no matter what he did, he was willing to
embrace him as a Greenwall and as a family and take responsibility for
Just then, Dorothea opened the door and came out with Po.
Joey ran towards Dorothea as if waiting.
Stefan also ran after Joey, but when Poe found Stefan, he shrugged.
"I'm sorry. I insulted Greenwall’s name.”
Po's tears, which had barely stopped due to Dorothea's extensive
reading, were about to low again.
"me… … You can excommunicate me.”
Poe clenched his trembling hands and said to Stefan.
Then Stephan grabbed Poe's shoulder tightly.
As Po raised his head, Stefan looked at him, as always, with his
unshaken eyes.
He didn't say anything, but the stillness was so warm that Po's lips
“Po will be punished.”
“I am really?”
“You should be punished for what you did, Joey.”
“… … .”
Joey clenched his ists.
Unable to admit that her sister had committed a crime, she had to
break her stubbornness.
“Head Chef, do this according to the imperial laws.”
At Dorothea's words, Stefan also linched.
Not only that, but the people in the other kitchens who had gathered
looked at each other in surprise.
“Are you acknowledging Poe’s guilt?”
the head chef asked.
“Because Poe can't lie to me. If everything he said is true, then he
deserves to be punished accordingly.”
Dorothea released Poe's hand like that.
Po and her eyes met, and Dorothea nodded once.
Poe then went to the head chef and bowed his head.
“I will take the punishment sweetly.”
Then, the head chef shut his mouth as if contemplating and looked
down at him.
“Yes, head chef.”
“Take Po. Pack your bags right now.”
“Really, Head Chef? This is my irst time with Po. If you give me one
chance, I'm sure I won't do it again... … !”
Reniere looked at Dorothea and Stefan for help, but Dorothea did not
support Poe.
Stefan, too, stood there like a giant tree with his mouth shut.
“Renier. The law is the law. It is a felony to continue to steal imperial
Reniè re's mouth shut at the strict head chef's words.
In a situation where the princess didn't say anything, there was no
room for Leniere to rebel any more.
“Considering that I am a irst-time offender, I will not be beaten. But
Four Greenwall will never set foot in the imperial kitchen.”
Poe's head fell to the loor as he met the dishonorable incident in
front of Stefan and Dorothea.
At the head chef's words, Leniè re took Po and left.
Then some of the cooks standing behind sneered as they looked at
Poe's small back.
Joey couldn't open his clenched ist as if it was unfair, and Stefan
gently patted her on the shoulder.
Ethan looked at Dorothea.
The expressionless woman was holding back her desire to defend
'… … A wise man.'
If Dorothea steps forward and side with Po, the princess will break
the rules of the imperial family.
In addition, Po will be criticized for being protected by the princess,
and will receive bad views.
However, she did not leave this place and was guarding it.
she knows The fact that the situation could be harmful just by being
here and by her gaze.
The head chef looked at her and took the beating considering that
she was a irst-time offender, and the other chefs standing behind him
could not speak harshly against Poe.
The princess had the power to kill her emotions and make her
contemplate again.
When Poga disappeared with Reniere, Dorothea turned her head to
meet Stephan's eyes.
Stefan, who was comforting Joey, quietly greeted her with her mouth
It means I understand her.
“Let’s go back, Ethan.”
Dorothea said in a subdued voice.


Po took off the robe he wore while working in the Imperial Palace
and folded it neatly.
Behind his hunched shoulders, he heard a squeaking sound.
“Hey, the garbage chef is leaving.”
“It’s not another crime, it’s just that guy who got caught stealing food
waste. This is why origin is important. If you’re like me, you can’t even
hold your head up because you’re embarrassed.”
“Stealing leftover food from others.”
Poe ran out of the kitchen break room as if escaping from the
criticism directed at him.
What's even more upsetting and sad is that their accusations weren't
entirely wrong.
so… … Should we take their words as criticism rather than criticism?
Poe gave strength by biting her teeth so as not to cry.
After being kicked out of the kitchen, he must return to the Greenwall
family's small mansion, but he didn't have the courage to set foot in
at that time.
“Po, the princess is calling.”
A servant from Lenaskor Palace summoned Po, who was about to
leave the palace.
"I… … Me?"
"okay. Are there any more Po in the Imperial Palace besides you?”
The servant gestured as if to follow him without bothering him.
Poe hesitated, then turned back.
When they arrived at Lenascor Palace, Dorothea, Joey, Clara, and
Stefan were there.
Facing their faces, Po stopped at the door and dared not enter.
“Come in, Po.”
Dorothea said, and the servant noticed that he had to go in.
Poe lifted his foot heavier than a piece of iron and managed to get
Then Joey couldn't stand it and ran to him and hugged Po.
“You did nothing wrong, Po!”
Joey let out the words he had been holding back for a long time.
"However… … .”
“That is against the imperial law!”
Joey got angry, and Po saw Dorothea behind him in surprise.
It was not something that could be said in front of the princess,
saying that the laws of the imperial family were wrong.
But Dorothea didn't say anything and just watched them.
“I’ll set up your shop! I'm going to give you all the money I've raised
so far to get your shop in Lampas!"
Joey hugged Poe tightly as if it was about to burst and vowed.
“Joy, it will be dif icult for you to ind a good shop in Lampas on your
Clara looked at the two of them and smiled while smirking.
It costs a lot more money than you think to open a shop in Lampas.
“Ha, but I have saved a lot! There are ifteen thousand blancs!”
The money came in the name of the Greenwall family, but Joy's share
was being managed separately.
Dorothea and Clara were surprised by Joey's words.
Do you know roughly what a knight's salary is, but you've saved so
much money in just a few years?
She has a habit of living, and while earning quite a bit of money, she
has been saving money like crazy.
If you add up what Poe collected, you can probably get a small shop.
"Hmm… … , but then you wouldn't be able to buy an oven, a shelf, a
table or chairs, or even lour in the store?”
What if I just need to loot my money and ind a store? You have to ill
it in.
Maybe the store you bought it from is in bad condition and needs
Whether it's a bakery or a dessert cafe that Po will run, we'll have to
design an interior that suits it.
“Well, you can borrow it.”
"great. That's a very good plan. So where are you going to borrow the
“It’s a bank.”
said Joey. With the establishment of a new banking system in a few
years, Lampas has made it easy to borrow and repay money through
“Do you know what the bank’s interest rate is, Joey?”
"Well… … . 5%?”
“Usually more than 15%.”
Dorothea said to Joy, who knew nothing of the world.
Joey rolled his eyes at him and counted.
If you borrow ive thousand blancs, you have to pay back seven
hundred and ifty blancs in interest every year... … !
Seven hundred and ifty blancs was much more than Joy's monthly
The sadness over Poe's condition disappeared, and a realistic shock
struck his head.
“Bah, there must be a way.”
“Yeah, I’ll tell you how.”
Dorothea placed a golden pendant on the table in front of her.
Joey knew right away what it was.
It was a medal that the royal family had.
With that medal, any big trade is possible, and the trader can charge
the imperial court for the trade.
“Clara, the maid of Lenascor Palace, will help you with the execution.”
Clara took a step forward.
As it is an important medal of the imperial family, no one can carry it
around and use it, so in principle, a person related to the imperial
family should accompany it.
“Po, I’m sorry I couldn’t prevent you from being punished because of
the imperial law.”
As a royal family, it seems like you can do everything, but there are
things that you cannot do because you are a princess.
“Princess… … .”
"I don't want you to lose your heart with this mistake, Poe. And that's
why I love you."
Dorothea hoped not to be too hesitant to reach out to help others for
fear of being wrong.
She wanted to support the choices and actions that Poi can make.
“… … Thank you, Princess.”
Poe wiped away his tears and bowed his head deeply.
Dorothea appeared like a hero and saved him whenever he was in
An unbelievable being who reaches out his hand without asking for
I can only bake desserts for her, and it is thanks to her that I can even
bake desserts.
Sometimes Dorotheara was afraid of too much luck.
Wouldn't one day be punished for this good fortune?
So he thought that he should live more faithfully and more rightly. So
that you don't get a big punishment later.


Po and Joey found a shop a little far from downtown Lampas.

“Po, isn’t the store too small? Besides, it's one block from
The day they put up the sign, Dorothea came to Po's shop.
I even lent the princess's name to get a better neck, but Po and Joy
chose this small shop.
It is a small space that ills up when the kitchen is placed in the store
and desserts are displayed.
However, Joy and Po smiled very proudly.
“It’s hard to ind a shop like this in Lampas.”
“Still, I would have gotten to a better place if possible.”
“You have to pay it all back. That's enough for our level! If things go
well, then we can go to a better place.”
Poe smiled broadly, as if he really liked my store.
“The only thing I asked you to pay back was… … .”
“I will pay you back. Somehow!”
Poe clenched his ists, saying he couldn't owe more.
Of course, Dorothea told Po to pay him back, but he had no intention
of accepting it. Because I have the ability to do that much for Po.
But Poe shook his head, saying that Dorothea had received too much.
“And this time, I’m going to help people with my own strength.”
Poe vowed not to steal the royal family's wealth, but to help those in
need with his own abilities.
Although it was a dessert shop for the aristocrats, he planned to
make a separate piece of bread every morning and distribute it to the
He still can't forget the thrill of eating freshly baked warm bread for
the irst time in his life.
I hope they feel that emotion too. I wish I had started the day
satiated with a bite of soft and warm bread.
Dorothea smiled and nodded at that bold aspiration and strong eyes.
At that moment, the signer came with the signboard on the cart.
The moment has inally come to give the store a name!
The signboard manager took out the signboard he had worked hard
on with the workers and climbed the ladder.
And hang a new signboard!
The people gathered at the place applauded as they saw the
signboard that read <Po's Dessert> in red with a picture of an apple pie.
“Congratulations, Po!”
“Congratulations, Po!”
Dorothea, Joey, Stefan, Clara, and Reniere, who had gathered to
celebrate Poe, congratulated them all at once.
Poe then sniffed his nose to see if he was feeling aroused, and
nodded in all directions saying thank you.
“It’s Po’s dessert! That's a cool name, Po."
Reniere said looking at the sign.
In fact, Dorothea decided that the simple name was not perfectly
surnamed, but it was meaningful that the naming sense prevented Po,
who had a bad sense of the name.
After all, the name of an old-fashioned dessert shop for the
aristocrats was almost like <Sour-Sweet Yum-Yum Dessert>, so it
would be better than that.
“Thank you everyone. I have prepared a present for you, so be sure to
get one before you go.”
Poe came out with beautifully wrapped apple pies.
They were pies made to serve guests on the pretext of taming
kitchen utensils from yesterday.
The guests were happy to receive the pie he had made.
Then Po took a pie and handed it to Dorothea.
“I made it for the princess!”
“Thank you, Po.”
“And the princess can come to my shop anytime she wants to eat. Of
course, you can send someone to take it.”
Poe said he could give Dorothea anything she wanted for free.
At that moment, a man wearing an old robe approached the two of
Stefan and Zoe stood close to Dorothea at the stranger's approach.
With a suspicious appearance, he wandered around them.
Then he slowly approached Dorothea and asked in a hoarse voice.
“Can I get just one pie?”
Poe smiled broadly at his hesitant voice.
Today, Poe had decided to give everyone a free pie.
Poe pointed to the side where the pies were piled up, and introduced
them to just taking the pies from the other side.
But instead of going to the pie stand, he turned to Dorothea.
“Hey, I want to share the pie with her.”
He slowly pointed to the pie with Dorothea.
“You’re a girl… … ! this person is!"
"Clara. done."
Dorothea raised her hand and sanctioned Clara. You don't have to go
around pretending that you're a princess.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t share this pie because the patissier made it for
me… … .”
“But can you share a bite with your brother?”
Dorothea raised her eyebrows and the suspicious man removed his
Everyone recognized him at the same time as his face exposed in the
sunlight, and his eyes widened.
“Wow, His Majesty the Crown Prince!”
Raymond burst out laughing at the people who were surprised by his
surprise appearance.
Only then, assistant Theon and Raymond's knights followed from
People belatedly respected him.
“Ray, how are you here… … ?”
“My baking teacher, Mr. Po, opened a shop, so I sneaked out. I don't
want to make a fuss."
“Hey, you’re a baking master… … !”
Po's face turned crimson. Perhaps because of the freckles, his face
looked like a strawberry.
“Dorothea. Would you like to share that pie with me?”
“Hey, I can give you a new pie!”
“It would be unreasonable for Dorothea to eat the whole pie by
herself anyway.”
Clara had her own pie to eat with Anton, and Joey and Stefan are Po
and family anyway.
The pie she handed to Dorothea was ultimately hers, but it wasn't
enough to eat the whole plate of pie by herself.
“Well, then, the people serving your Highness should also take the
Poe ran to the table where the pie was placed, and came with a pie
full of both hands and gave it to Theon and Raymond's knights and
their servants.
No matter how much they made, the pie was full even after sharing
This was probably enough for the oven to have no time to rest all day.
“You baked a lot of pies!”
Raymond looked at the pile of pie and said.
“It was deliberately made generously. Because there are a lot of
people in the world who will share the pie.”
Poe laughed happily, and Raymond looked at him for a moment, then
“You are doing what we are supposed to.”
“Thank you, Po.”
Raymond grinned at Poe.


Every summer, the nobles of Ubera enjoy hunting. The forest is a

retreat to escape the heat of summer, and lively animals make good
The imperial family also held hunting competitions, and the meat of
the animals they caught was rewarded.
“I am nervous because the Emperor was not able to attend this year
because he was not feeling well.”
An imperial villa connected to the forest.
Raymond, who was preparing before the start of the hunting
competition, said. Carnan's absence was unusual.
He used to attend hunting competitions every year to establish
relationships with the nobles and directly rank the hunting
competitions and award them.
However, he was unable to attend this year due to health issues.
'… … This year.'
Dorothea covered her dry lips for nothing.
Carnan's death draws near.
Carnan still thinks that his condition is getting worse, but the signs
of his death are slowly emerging.
I don't think there was any emotion in Carnon's death, but
nevertheless, whenever it was revealed that he wasn't in good shape,
my heart ached.
Knowing he's going to die, hiding it a secret, feeling like a criminal. A
bystander who watches the tragedy even when his father is dying.
Then Raymond woke her from deep thought.
“Dorothy, you should win an award this year!”
Raymond said, pulling tight his belt, as if trying to unwind.
However, Dorothea's reaction was merciless. Despite the ability to
achieve quite good results in hunting competitions, Dorothea inished
with modest results every year.
“I just came out to get some air.”
Dorothea thought of the hunting contest around forest bathing.
It is because they are unwilling to run around and make a fuss like a
deer to drive their prey, or to turn on their eyes and go up the mountain
to get better prey.
Of course, they hunt for prey that catches the eye while wandering
around, but compared to those who turn on their eyes and hunt for
bears or wolves, it is a small harvest.
“Would you like to go for a walk with Ethan Bronte again?”
Raymond put on his gloves and smiled.
Ethan took part in the annual hunting contest and proudly took the
last place.
everyone knows That he's coming to the hunting contest to hang out
with Dorothea.
Carnan had no intention of hunting, and was displeased with Ethan
who came to the hunting competition, and kept Dorothea by his side or
attached people to him.
But this year, there's no Carnon, so you don't have to worry about
“Anyway, there are many dangerous things in the forest, so be
careful, Dorothy.”
“I am not a child.”
“Even if you’re not a kid! In hunting competitions, both animals and
people have to be careful.”
Raymond worries about Dorothea every year and asks.
The forest has many dangerous terrain such as uneven land, steep
slopes of valleys, and rugged rocks.
Besides, it's a hunting ground that kills people, so you never know
when and where arrows will ly.
"Do not worry! This year too, I will be by your side to protect the
Joy's voice was heard from behind.
Raymond laughed as Dorothea shrugged her shoulders.
“Reliable, Sir Joey.”
Raymond gave a thumbs up towards Joey.


The lag to announce the start of the hunt luttered.

On two-legged horses, with hounds, and with servants. The
contestants were scattered into the forest in their own way.
Dorothea waited for everyone to disperse. When the people to hunt
left and the vacant lot became quiet, Dorothea and Joey slowly moved
to the promised place with Ethan.
The two walked along a narrow path in the forest.
“Princess, the people over there are following.”
At that moment, Joy whispered in Dorothea's ear.
I glanced back and saw a group of women following Dorothea, hiding
behind trees and bushes.
Knowing that Dorothea is going to meet Ethan, he follows her to see
That's why I decided to meet Ethan in a place other than the vacant
“Are you going to get rid of it?”
Even if I told them not to follow me, they would follow me secretly
with the excuse that they were on their way to hunting.
You can't threaten to kill the 'good' Dorothea if they follow you.
“Is that so?”
Fortunately, Dorothea was wearing comfortable pants and a shirt for
Besides, this is the royal hunting ground. Geography is clearly
pictured in my head as a place I've been to several times before and
after returning.
Joy and Dorothea made eye contact and nodded.
At the same time, the two of them broke off the path and ran into the
forest at the same time.
The only reason you can communicate with just your eyes is because
Stefan has trained the two of them.
As the two suddenly ran, the women who were following ran after
them in haste.
Branches and rocks swept past the ield of vision and disappeared.
The two used to practice swordsmanship together, and even their
running steps matched well.
“Be careful on the way down, Princess!”
"don't worry!"
Dorothea, like a squirrel, ran down the downhill, where the old fallen
leaves of last fall were moist.
Joey followed Dorothea closely and checked the women behind him.
Most of them had already given up or slipped and fell out of sight,
and only one or two were following.
'I don't think I came here to hunt, but to be prey.'
Dorothea, who was running away, thought so and smiled.
Dorothea looked at Joey and made eye contact.
As Joey nodded, they both jumped off the rock at the same time.
The women following them looked around in amazement, but the
two of them disappeared like magic, and they were nowhere to be seen.
The devil used to sing.
After wandering around looking for Dorothea for a while, they soon
“Aren’t you tired of doing this every year?”
Joey, who was crouching under Noorukbawi Rock, stood up and
“I think it might be a little fun.”
“Somehow, the imperial family mumbled and didn’t shout, so they
were enjoying it.”
Joy shook her head and brushed off the fallen leaves from her body.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
Joy reached out her hand to Dorothea, who was sitting there, and
made her stand up.
“Then let’s go.”


After walking a little further, I saw a man wearing a robe on a tree

Her face was hidden under the hood, but Dorothea was recognizable
by her silhouette alone.
And he too, feeling the presence of Dorothea walking from afar,
raised his head.
Ethan was surprised and ran to Dorothea.
“Are you being chased again?”
“So popular, Ethan.”
Ethan wiped the dirt off Dorothea's clothes.
“Whoever sees it would think they have already caught a deer.”
Dorothea laughed at Ethan's joke.
Ethan smoothed out her messy hair and took her hand naturally.
“Didn’t anyone follow you?”
“It wasn’t thanks to Jonathan.”
Ethan said.
Jonathan Bronte was with the same Bronte in the vacant lot, but
when he saw people snooping on Ethan, he got angry and kicked him
He probably didn't like Ethan, who received more attention than he
did, but thanks to Ethan, he was able to come here quite comfortably.
“Sometimes I like Jonathan Bronte.”
“I saved my life, so I have to do something like this.”
Ethan grumbled.
As usual, Jonathan Bronte had to die a few years ago while hunting.
Ethan thought a lot about Jonathan's death.
When he died, the heir to the Bronte family would be Ethan, and at
least he would be in a better position than he is now.
Carnan, who doesn't like him for hanging out with Dorothea, may
admit it when he of icially succeeds the Duke of Bronte.
However, he had Dorothea's special mission, the Gaegwacheon Line.
It's unconscionable to let Jonathan know he's going to die, but to let
it go.
So, a few years ago, Jonathan cut off his bow to prevent him from
hunting, and Jonathan was very angry with Ethan for that, but he saved
his life.
“Now then, instead of talking like Jonathan Bronte, let’s take a
hunting class in earnest, Princess.”
Ethan raised his bow and said.
At every hunting contest, Dorothea used to be Ethan's hunting
He said he would repay the kindness of Master Ethan, who taught
him the piano.
But at Ethan's words, a smirk was heard from behind.
Ethan opened his eyes narrowly to let it go, and Joey laughed at him
with haughty eyes.
“Please try to catch at least one rabbit this year, Master.”
“… … .”
Ethan didn't say anything to Joy's smirk.
People thought he would be proud to be last every year because he
entered hunting competitions with the intention of lirting with
But he didn't really intend to be last, but he couldn't really hunt.
Every year he and Dorothea wandered the hunting grounds to catch
the beasts they encountered, but his arrows never harmed his life.
He involuntarily walked the path of non-killing and respect for life.
“It’s okay, Ethan. You can't handle this bow, but you're good with the
violin bow."
Dorothea patted Ethan on the back.
Why? Her comfort makes him even more miserable.
Ethan vowed to go back after catching a rabbit or a bird for today.
Dorothea added that he saw his determined eyes.
“You don’t have to push yourself, Ethan. Then, if your hand hurts, you
won't be able to play the piano or the violin. How precious are your
hands when you play the piano!”
“That’s right, don’t overdo it, Master.”
At Dorothea's words, Joey added a squeak from behind.
'That potato... … .'
Ethan clenched his bow.
The guy who once cried while hiding to eat a rotten apple pie, and
the idiot who didn't even know the parable of the parasite, now knows
how to scoot him.
You should know that the princess is saving her life thanks to her
“Let’s go without arguing, Ethan.”
Dorothea headed to the forest with the two men who kept each other
in check.


“Ethan, now… … !”
At Dorothea's signal, Ethan lowered his bowstring.
However, the arrow that lew from his ingertips lew to the wrong
place, so that the wild duck sitting still by the waterside, picking its
feathers, did not even move.
Poop, Joy's laughter erupted from behind, and Ethan kept his mouth
“It’s okay, Ethan.”
Dorothea quietly comforted him.
“Because there is a reason I came out to hunt where there were no
Joey said that if he had hunted in a place where people passed,
Ethan's arrow, which lew in a wrong way, would have hit the person.
Even Dorothea couldn't deny that.
He had come to a remote place on purpose to avoid people's
attention, but Joey was right.
With Ethan's skill, he could accidentally hurt someone... … .
“Ethan, let’s do it again.”
Dorothea wrapped her arms around the back of Ethan's.
“You have to relax your shoulders and lean your arrow straight
against the bow. Don't be afraid, Ethan."
Dorothea took hold of his shaky arm and whispered.
But how can I not tremble?
Dorothea hugs him from behind, touches his arms and wrists, and
whispers sweetly in his ear.
“The master is lazy. Go home and practice. Don’t just linch at the
Joey looked at Ethan's body with a lot of energy and stuck out his
“Yes, Princess. I'll be quiet."
As Dorothea spoke, Joey shut her mouth while muttering.
Dorothea focused on Ethan again and took a stance.
“The west wind is blowing, so let’s aim slightly west.”
Dorothea took the pose and slowly released her hand.
Ethan held his breath and waited for a while, then trusted Dorothea
and released his bowstring.
The arrow lew iercely through the air.
The duck, startled by an arrow stuck in the sand nearby, cried brie ly
and lew into the sky.
Then Dorothea quickly drew an arrow from her back, aimed at the
lying duck, and ired the arrow.
Before Ethan could see properly, a duck that was lying through the
sky with an arrow that was stabbed in the sky crashed into the sand.
The duck that fell to the ground drooped like a dead pillow.
I've seen it a few times, but it's a bizarre technique.
“It’s a hit, Princess!”
Joy gave Dorothea a round of applause and smiled at Ethan.
Joey ran to the sand and picked up Ori and Ethan's missed arrows.
Dorothea's arrow pierced the duck's neck precisely.
“You are so wonderful. I don't know how to do that no matter what.”
"That's exactly how I feel when I see you playing the piano and violin,
"is that so… … ?”
“I guess we each have our share in our hands.”
Dorothea laughed.
Then the sound of a horn trumpeted faintly through the forest sky.
The three raised their heads at the same time.
“What do you mean?”
The sun was still in the middle of the sky.
The horn trumpet announcing the gathering when the water just
came up while hunting?
Dorothea had a somewhat ominous feeling.


Without delay, the three ran to the imperial villa where the hunting
competition had begun.
Many people had already returned from hunting.
Dorothea found Raymond and walked towards the villa.
Then I saw Theon talking to the doctor with a serious expression on
the back of the villa.
Theon rested his forehead nervously, looked into the air, and then
Dorothea ran to Theon with an anxious heart.
His eyes trembled when he saw Dorothea.
"What's up?"
“… … His Majesty the Crown Prince is wounded.”
"What… … ?”
Dorothea's heart pounded.
It wouldn't be just an injury if you summoned people with the horn.
Raymond's personality wouldn't stop the hunting contest with a
slight cut or injury.
Without Carnan, such an unfortunate incident happened.
My heart was pounding with anxiety.
“How come… … ?”
“He suffered a serious head injury from a fall. You are still
Instead of Theon, the doctor said.
If it is a falling horse, it is an accident that is dif icult to protect or
prevent even if the knights are nearby.
Dorothea could not believe this unfortunate news.
Raymond, who treats the horse like his own body, is a camel?
When Dorothea turned to Ethan, he also wrinkled his brow and
shook his head.
An accident that did not exist before the return.
But in this situation where Dorothea and Ethan changed so many
things, it was pointless to argue that it was the same as before the
“When will consciousness return… … ?”
Dorothea's voice trembled softly.
“I can't say for sure. The trauma is not severe, but the head is always
an unpredictable part... … .”
“That means… … Are you saying that Raymond could die?”
“… … In the worst case, yes.”
At the doctor's words, Dorothea's leg loosened.
Ethan, Theon, and Joy grabbed Dorothea, who was about to collapse,
at the same time.
Thoughts were scattered like an echo in my head.
Raymond is dead? The throne he must be.
In order to save him, I have lived until now, hoping that he will
inherit the throne... … .
“… … What should I do, Princess?”
The doctor asked Dorothea.
With Raymond down, the decision rested with Dorothea.
She has to judge. And you have to make important decisions. There is
no such thing as time to stumble in shock.
Dorothea made up her mind.
She straightened up her trembling body and slowly removed her
supportive hands.
“Where is Raymond?”
Dorothea asked.


The villa's room reserved for the Crown Prince.

The bandage around Raymond's head showed a faint blood.
His pale face looked alike to the white blanket he was covering.
Dorothea took Raymond's hand. My hands were cold as ice.
'You must never die, Raymond.'
Dorothea bit her lip.
“Inform the imperial family and prepare to take the Crown Prince
with you. And Theon.”
Dorothea turned to Theon, who was standing behind her.
“Yes, Princess.”
“You and your Majesty go back to Lampas. I'll clean up the rest of the
work here and go back."
“Then the state of Higher Raymond is… … .”
“I’m not going to tell you right now. I will tell people that I went up
irst because I was not feeling well. So, those who know about this
should be thoroughly disciplined.”
It is the national grave that the Crown Prince is in critical condition.
In addition, during Carnan's ill health, this could confuse Ubera.
“I understand, Princess.”
“Ethan, Joey. You must never talk about this either.”
“Yes, Princess.”
Ethan bowed his head, and Joey answered with a rigid voice.
“Prepare right away. I will go out and tell the nobles to start hunting
Dorothea ordered the doctor and Theon, and walked to the empty lot
where the people had gathered.


“Raymond is critical?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. They are coming right up from the hunting
grounds in a wagon.”
As soon as Carnan heard the report, he immediately stood up.
Fortunately, the imperial hunting grounds were not far from Lampas,
so Raymond's wagon would soon reach the imperial palace.
“What exactly is your condition?”
“He hurt his head, but he says he is still unconscious.”
Carnan moved quickly.
“Go to Stipes Palace.”
He made his way to the Crown Prince's palace before Raymond had
even arrived.
“Robert, leave the people of Stipes Palace and only those you can
trust, and transfer them all to other palaces. And the remaining ones
will be thoroughly cracked down.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Strictly check each department to avoid any strange rumors.”
When Carnan had inished preparing to meet Raymond as he looked
around Stipes Palace, Raymond's carriage came in.
Carnan greeted Raymond's carriage in person.
"your majesty."
Theon got off the carriage irst and bowed his head as if to apologize
for his insensitivity.
The knights who followed also knelt.
But since Carnan's condition was more important than their apology,
he passed them by and approached the carriage to check on Raymond.
As reported earlier, Raymond was still unconscious.
“Go to your room quietly.”
At Carnon's command, the servants did not make a fuss, but brought
Raymond into the room and laid him on the bed.
Carnan received detailed reports of Raymond's condition from the
doctor, and con irmed the circumstances of the accident from Theon
and other knights.
Since it was an accident that no one was to blame, the knights could
end up in prison for several weeks despite the Crown Prince's serious
“Theon, you always keep Raymond and report to me in detail every
day. When you wake up, you have to run to me irst and let me know.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Carnan inished her work and took a deep breath.
'If Raymond doesn't wake up like this... … .'
“Where is Dorothea?”
“The princess said that she would come up after inishing the
remaining hunting competitions instead of the Crown Prince.”
Theon replied.
Carnan nodded at him.
And as soon as Dorothea came up, he sent a message to come to him.

Dorothea quietly inished the hunting contest and headed straight to
the Imperial Palace.
“Princess, are you okay?”
Ethan knew what her stiff expression meant.
It is like a state of tension by giving strength to the whole body to not
be shaken.
“What do I do when Raymond dies, Ethan?”
Ethan did not answer Dorothea's question.
Because that assumption would destroy all the lives he and she had
built up until now.
Every moment I tried to suppress my desire to become emperor, to
accept Raymond again, and to resign is in vain.
"certainly… … Your Majesty will wake you up.”
“Stay by my side, Ethan.”
Dorothea grabbed Ethan's hand tightly. I needed a place to lean on
my shaking heart. He knows everything in detail.
Ethan clasped her hand as if to do so.


The two soon arrived at the Imperial Palace.

Clara, who was waiting for them at the entrance of the Imperial
Palace, immediately greeted Dorothea.
“Princess, Your Majesty the Emperor has ordered you to eat right
“… … okay. But Raymond, are you still there?”
“Yeah, he said he hasn’t woken up yet.”
“… … .”
Dorothea bit her lip and immediately went to meet Carnan.
Carnan, as if waiting, brought Dorothea into his room.
“Did you call?”
"For the time being, you must take over Raymond's work, Dorothea."
As soon as Dorothea came in, he was devastated and started talking.
“… … .”
“Yes, Your Majesty… … .”
The number of cases of rejection does not exist.
“All but important tasks were allotted or postponed. And if Raymond
doesn't wake up like this... … .”
Dorothea was upset at Carnon's family.
“You will succeed Raymond.”
Dorothea's heart pounded at his declaration.
I thought that the desire to become an emperor was still in my heart.
But as the incident drew near, Dorothea wanted to run away.
I can't be a good emperor. What if I get pointed again and fall into a
bad way? The emperor's seat is so scary.
She remembers the shouts of the crowd pointing at her, laughing and
swearing and throwing dirt and stones at her.
As the memory that I thought I had forgotten came to mind, my
whole body trembled.
“… … .”
“Keep your mind straight. You must be Milan.”
Milanaire, the sound of that ringing tightened Dorothea's chest.
Does Carnan know? Dorothea Milanaire, whom he believes, is in fact
unable to summon a single spirit, so he leans on someone else? Not the
Milanaire he wants?
You're deceiving everyone?
Dorothea gasped.
That was then.
"your majesty! your majesty!"
Robert rushed in looking for Carnan.
Dorothea's heart tightened, fearing that it might be a report of
Raymond's death.
“Sir Raymond is awake!”
Robert smiled broadly.


Carnan and Dorothea left everything behind and ran to Raymond.

As Carnan and Dorothea entered the room, Raymond was sitting
leaning on the bed, guarded by the doctor and Theon.
As Raymond's blue eyes turned to the two of them, Dorothea let out a
sigh of relief as if something was torn from her chest.
I felt like crying.
"your majesty."
Theon and the doctor bowed their heads in courtesy.
Carnan strode across Raymond's bed.
“Is Raymond’s body okay?”
Carnan looked at Raymond and asked the doctor.
Then the doctor looked at Theon.
“I’m… … .”
"your majesty… … ?”
Raymond's clear eyes looked confused as Theon and the doctor
alternately looked at each other.
Carnan noticed something odd about his reaction.
“… … .”
Raymond's eyes turned towards the doctor as if asking for help.
Then the doctor bowed deeply, trembling, and told Carnon.
“The Crown Prince has no memory.”

"Lay… … ?”
After Carnan hastily left to speak with the doctor, Dorothea
cautiously approached Raymond.
His eyes were as clear and clear as they had always been. It looked
like she would smile brightly and say, 'Dorothy!' at any moment.
"who… … ?”
But contrary to Dorothea's expectations, he looked at Dorothea and
“You really don’t remember?”
Dorothea wanted him to be joking.
As always, he makes fun of people and then goes on to say, 'Wow!'
and make you laugh.
But Raymond shook his head.
she burst out laughing.
“I couldn’t even remember who I was or what kind of person I was, so
after waking up, I explained it to you for quite some time.”
Theon, who was beside him, added.
It is said that all Raymond knows now is his name and status.
Stupid Ray has become really stupid.
"there, … … Who are you?"
Raymond's pure question again. He was trying to somehow ill his
empty head.
Where else should I start?
“… … Dorothea. Dorothea Milanaire.”
Dorothea introduced her name to him.
Then Raymond rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Milanaire. You are my family.”
“… … okay. It's your sister, you idiot."
Angry at Raymond, who knew nothing, Dorothea groaned and shot at
Then Raymond laughed like a fool.
“My little sister is very pretty.”
"What… … ?”
Raymond looked up at Dorothea and said.
“Don’t talk nonsense… … !”
It was Raymond, who was making a strange noise and babbling.
Is there really nothing in your head?
Just then, Ethan knocked on the door and came in.
Theon, who found Ethan, wrinkled his brow.
“Ethan, this is not your place.”
Raymond's condition is a sensitive issue to inform outsiders. But to
hear that he has nothing to do with the imperial family... … ?
“I’m sorry, Theon. I called.”
“But Princess Dorothea… … .”
“Theon, I need his help. He is a trustworthy person.”
She couldn't stand her nervousness and anxiety without Ethan. She
wasn't ready to accept this situation yet.
Ethan was her stabilizer and the only support that kept her from
being swayed by the shadows of her past.
The only person with whom she can con ide in Raymond's confusion
over her accident.
Theon shut his mouth. But he was still wary of this being told to
“I already listened while waiting outside. His Majesty the Crown
Prince has lost his memory.”
“Everyone has a light mouth.”
“My ears were a little bright.”
Ethan said, standing next to Dorothea.
He made eye contact with Raymond, who was sitting on the bed with
a bandage on his head.
Ethan politely greeted Raymond's eyes as if asking who he was.
“My name is Ethan Bronte of the Duke of Bronte.”
“Ethan Bronte… … ?”
“I am in charge of music lessons for Princess Dorothea Milanaire
"iced coffee… … .”
What's your relationship with me? Raymond seemed to want to ask
such a question.
“I often exchanged greetings with the Crown Prince. Because I see
the princess often.”
"I see… … . I don’t remember at all.”
Raymond shook his head.
Ethan looked at Raymond like that, then turned his gaze to Dorothea.
“Are you okay, Princess?”
Ethan asked quietly. It was because of Dorothea's still stiff
Dorothea shook her head without saying a word.
It's not okay.
"I… … I think you're embarrassing everyone."
Raymond hugged his knees and muttered.
Then Theon knelt next to him and made eye contact with him.
“Your Majesty, please concentrate on your recovery for now.”
"However… … .”
“Theon is right. Restoring the memories of His Majesty the Crown
Prince is our top priority.”
Dorothea nodded her head.
Making Raymond wither doesn't solve anything.
The most important thing now is for him to regain his memory.
Then Raymond looked at Dorothea and asked.
“If it were a prince and a princess… … Did you have a bad
relationship with me?”
“… … It wasn't bad.”
Then Raymond's face relaxed a little.
"thank god. What if I had a bad relationship with you?”
“Are you afraid that I will even threaten your life?”
“No, I think I would have been a really bad guy if I had a bad
relationship with my pretty little sister.”
“… … .”
Dorothea bit her lips inward at Raymond, who smiled bashfully.
If the relationship between the two is bad, it must be Dorothea's
But Raymond, who knew nothing, was still bright and kind.
Even if we lose our memories, where does our nature go?
That was then.
“Princess Dorothea. Your Majesty the Emperor is calling.”
Carnan's call.
Dorothea nodded her head. I already know what he's talking about.
"I will be back."
Dorothea made one last eye contact with Raymond before leaving.
Then Raymond opened his mouth.
“Please come back and tell me your story, Dorothy. I think it will be
helpful if you want to get your memories back.”
“… … .”
Instead of answering, Dorothea nodded and followed Robert out to
meet Carnan.
Soon, the eyes that embraced Ethan's golden eyes narrowed.
At that time, the doctor who had inished talking with Carnan came
and called Theon.
In the absence of Raymond, there seems to be something to give
prescriptions and precautions.
Theon looked at Ethan for a moment.
“Don’t worry. Because I'm careful not to do anything that will be
hated by the princess... … . I will take good care of the Crown Prince.”
Ethan grinned, and Theon followed the doctor as if he couldn't.
Then, strangely, only the two of them, Raymond and Ethan, were left
in the room.
“Hey, Ethan… … Did you say Bronte? Were you close with me?”
Raymond looked at Ethan and asked.
Then Ethan quietly looked down at Raymond.
Raymond's eyebrows narrowed slightly as Ethan's golden eyes
emanated a cheap feeling.
“You had a bad relationship with me… … ?”
"I do not know. Do you think the Crown Prince was close to me? Or do
you think it was bad?”
“… … I don't remember at all.”
Raymond, who wrinkled his brow as if trying to remember for a
moment, shook his head and answered.
Then Ethan grinned.
“It is quite impressive that Your Majesty has even done this, but you
have to be a little more delicate and thorough in order to do it.”
At Raymond's question, the corners of Ethan's lips rose slowly.
“You should be more precise with your lies, my lord.”
"What are you talking about… … ?”
Ethan leaned back slightly, bringing Raymond, who was sitting on the
bed, at eye level, and whispered softly.
“No one calls Princess Dorothea Dorothy. … … Except for you.”
Ethan's voice, like the wind, shuddered Raymond's spine.
Raymond's blue eyes trembled.

'Please come back and tell me your story, Dorothy.'

What Raymond just said to Dorothea.

But after he woke up, no one had ever called Dorothea by the
nickname Dorothy.
Until now, only Raymond had called Dorothea by the nickname
If he has lost his memory, Dorothea is like a irst-timer to him. It
doesn't make sense to call them by nicknames as soon as they meet.
“Habits are scary.”
I called her Dorothy every day, so a familiar nickname popped up
However, neither Theon nor Dorothea seemed to feel strange
because the nickname was familiar.
Besides, there would be no circumstances, so I wouldn't even be in
the mood to pick up such a delicate thing.
But it wasn't Ethan.
“Oh, and one more. It's too bad that you said you were pretty to the
princess and didn't tell me you were handsome."
Seeing Ethan admiring everyone's looks, he didn't say anything.
Ethan almost felt a little proud of him.
But now he knew. It was Raymond's natural reaction that Dorothea
liked it but Ethan didn't like it very much.
Ethan slowly opened his mouth as he walked around the bed
Raymond was sitting on.
“Did you even plan all the horses?”
He still had doubts about the sudden occurrence of a horse accident
that had never happened before his return.
Even if a lot has changed with Dorothea and Ethan, it is strange that
Raymond, who is more con ident in horseback riding, suddenly falls out
of the hunting ground.
Then Raymond's expression slowly hardened.
"you… … It’s really not that common.”
“You are exaggerating, Your Majesty.”
Ethan greeted him theatrically. It was like responding to Raymond's
immature acting.
“Then, would you like to reward me for discovering your secret? Why
did you start this bold and dangerous play?”
Ethan slowly raised his gaze.
Then Raymond opened his mouth.
“I will hand over the throne to Dorothea.”
Ethan's eyes luttered at his words.
“Dorothy has what it takes to be an emperor. more than I."
“… … Was it something you discussed with the princess?”
“Dorothy doesn’t know.”
“You knew that if you spoke up, the princess would say no.”
“Dorothy always tries to hide herself. certainly… … Even though he
has the ability to threaten the throne.”
Historically, it is rare for a capable second to leave the succession of
the irst unattended.
So Dorothea could be angry at her injustice.
Besides, Dorothea's Spirit Skills are now stronger than Raymond's.
Still, Dorothea always seemed cautious.
“Dorothy is afraid to ight me. I hope the Empire does not fall into
Raymond laughed bitterly, thinking of his terribly kind brother.
Ethan bit his lip as if thinking about something, then asked a
“… … Would the princess want it?”
That was a question I asked Ethan himself as well.
To make Dorothea the rightful emperor. It was a grand dream he had
since he returned. So, in his heart, he wanted to hold hands with
But Dorothea is traumatized. Memories before her return hold her
And Ethan was the only one who knew how painful it was for her.
I knew how long it took to heal the wound.
Dorothea was only now barely surrendering herself to peace and was
building a happy daily life.
There has never been a more stable period in her life than now,
although she sometimes felt frustrated that she had to keep her mouth
shut at meetings instead.
But can you push him to walk the path of the emperor again? Who
knows her pain best?
Ethan clenched his ists, and Raymond, who was watching him,
opened his mouth.
"I know. Every time Dorothy talked about the affairs of the Empire,
her eyes glowed. That face that smiles as he sees the empire getting
better little by little.”
Raymond remembered Dorothea, who had come to him and had a
political chat.
For him, the troubled problems of the Empire are burdensome and
painful, but Dorothea was a person who enjoyed the process of
contemplating solving them.
She smiles when she sees her troubles make the Empire even a little
bit better.
When Raymond looked at Dorothea like that, his mouth was bitter
like a cow.
He felt as if he had become a chain that bound her.
If it hadn't been for the incompetent and pathetic me, Dorothea
wouldn't have been so withdrawn... … .
I have such a perfect little brother, is it right for me to rise to the
throne instead of Dorothea?
A place that doesn't suit each other. Tragedy of reversed fate.
He wanted to put it back in its place.
So they found a way to transfer power to Dorothea peacefully and
Just declaring that he will inherit the crown prince's seat is not
Raymond lost his legitimacy and ability to succeed the throne, and
had to make sure that everyone recognized Dorothea.
So Raymond drilled a hole in himself.
Carnan will not hand over the throne to a fool who can't remember
“You know, don’t you? Dorothy has a political desire.”
Raymond looked up at him with clear, clear eyes, as if he already
knew Ethan's heart.
Then there was a ripple in Ethan's eyes again.
Ethan knew her well.
Dorothea is a person who is naturally it for power. A person who
likes such things and shines when doing such things.
Knowing that Raymond was putting on a play, but bringing up the
story only after everyone left, means that you want to sympathize with
“I trust Dorothy.”
If Dorothea did not want the crown prince's seat and was truly
tormented, Raymond was willing to bear the burden again.
But Dorothea is strong.
It may be confusing and the weight that the Crown Prince has to bear
may be heavy, but Dorothea is a person who can overcome it.
So Raymond believed. Dorothea could be a saint.
“… … .”
Ethan met Raymond's unshakable eyes.
He was waiting for Ethan's answer.
In front of his clear blue eyes who truly believed in Dorothea, Ethan
burst out into a dismayed laugh.
How can I counter it?
It was Ethan Brontane who had believed in Dorothea the longest and
most desperately. She knows her passion and talent better than
“If the princess is having a hard time, I will tell the princess right
Ethan inally turned his head.
His desire has been helplessly succumbing to Raymond's persuasion.
Raymond thought as he looked at Ethan with his mouth shut.
'… … You really love Dorothy, Ethan Bronte.'
Throughout the conversation with him, Ethan put Dorothea irst.
All for Dorothea.
Raymond was a little grateful that someone like Ethan had to be with


Carnan took a deep breath and washed her face dry. Dorothea, too,
was forced to hold back the urge to sigh.
The doctor could not predict when Raymond's memory would
In this state, Raymond cannot perform the duties of the Crown
“As I said earlier, for the time being, you have to share Raymond’s
“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea's answer fell heavily.
Raymond's health could be circulating, so Raymond would take the
place where he had to show his face, but it was dif icult for him to get
the job done.
So part of that share must be shared by Dorothea.
“I don't know how long Raymond's condition will last, but we have to
consider the long-term situation as well. Slowly build yourself up,
“But if the Crown Prince regains his memory… … .”
“It doesn’t make a big difference if you touch the government a little
bit. Then Raymond will do his job again.”
“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea's head turned toward the ground.
Still she was confused. But, as usual, she wasn't given a choice.
As a replacement for Raymond, she only needs to handle the Crown
Prince's duties.
'okay… … . It's just a shock for a moment. Raymond will be back soon.'
It should be comforting that he wasn't dead.
If Raymond hadn't woken up, something worse would have
happened... … .
"Theon Fried, Raymond's assistant, will help you adjust to the job."
“It’s Theon… … ?”
Dorothea asked.
After rejecting his proposal, several years have passed, and now we
can say hello and chat like we don't know each other, but working close
together was also a concern.
Most of all, I think Ethan would hate it.
“He is the most capable aide in Ubera, so it will de initely help.”
But it was not in a position that Dorothea could refuse.
Besides, the only person who could tell Raymond what he was doing
was his assistant Theon.
“I see, Your Majesty.”
"Then let's go right back and discuss the matter with Theon and
At Carnan's words, Dorothea quietly retreated.


As soon as Dorothea left, Carnan leaned back in her chair.

“Your Majesty, are you okay?”
“It’s okay, Robert.”
Robert was worried about Carnan and made him prepare hot water.
Carnan said, taking a slow, deep breath.
He has recently been feeling that his body is different from usual.
I'm glad it was like this because I was tired for a while, but I also
thought that maybe not.
Raymond had become like this at such a time, and he was concerned
about the future of the imperial family.
"I've got to be prepared in case something goes wrong, Robert."
Robert comforted him by telling him not to say anything ominous,
but Carnon shook his head.
No matter how much preparation you do, it's not enough.
It was also necessary to consider the number of all cases for the
stability of the imperial family.


After talking with Carnan, Dorothea went straight to Raymond.

Ethan and Theon were still there.
As if waiting, both eyes turned to her.
Dorothea slowly passed between them and stood in front of
Raymond greeted her with a smile.
“His Majesty the Crown Prince… … .”
Dorothea couldn't call him 'Ray' because he felt so unfamiliar and
Dorothea wanted to say a few words to him as an idiot.
Why did the idiot suddenly fall off his riding horse... … !
Raymond grabbed her hand as Dorothea stared at him with her
mouth shut.
It was then that Dorothea realized that her hands were trembling.
Warmth came from Raymond's hand.
“Dorothea, Dorothea Milanaire.”
Raymond called her as if recalling her name.
“So, how much do you remember?”
"nothing. But here Theon and Ethan told me. Like my name and what
I was doing… … .”
Raymond listed what he knew.
“And I told you about it.”
"me… … ?”
“My only brother. A kind, pretty, and smart little brother.”
Dorothea couldn't understand why she was about to cry at
Raymond's bright smile.
Why does his voice, which doesn't know anything, feel so warm?
“I heard that you have to do what I was doing for a while until I
regain my memory.”
"okay. You'll have to ind your memory quickly so you don't lose your
place to me."
Dorothea was just threatening Raymond.
Then Raymond looked at her quietly, and grabbed her hand even
"Sorry. You are having a hard time because of me.”
Raymond apologized like a fool.
Did he lose his memory and forgot what the position of the Crown
Prince was and how important it was?
“… … It's okay because you're okay."
For Raymond's apology, she couldn't blame him.
Perhaps this way, she thought, was given him a chance to atone.
“I’ll just have to go.”
Dorothea let go of Raymond's hand and turned her head.
“And you two, give me some time.”
When Dorothea spoke to Ethan and Theon, they both nodded.
They left Raymond with the doctor and attendant and went out.
At Dorothea's call, he recognized her purpose and bowed his head.
“I just heard about it. While the princess takes over her work, help
him. If you have any questions or need anything, just call me.”
Her gaze then turned to Ethan.
Ethan nodded as if he couldn't.
“Theon, the work Raymond was handling by tomorrow, and go to
Lenascor Palace… … No, I'll come this way tomorrow. I'll clean it up by
morning, please."
Theon nodded and looked into Dorothea's eyes.
"really… … Are you okay?”
Theon was concerned about her condition. She must have been
surprised too.
"it's okay. It'll be alright, because Raymond is safe."
“… … If you are struggling, please tell me.”
“Thank you, Theon.”
Dorothea nodded, but Theon already knew. Dorothea would not lean
on him easily.
Since it had been a long time since the proposal, the irritating marks
left on their relationship had faded, but Dorothea still had a line at a
certain distance.
“Then, let’s go.”
One hour was too busy to handle Dorothea's request, so Theon
bowed politely and stepped back.
Then Dorothea sighed and shrugged her tense shoulders.
I didn't do anything and I was already exhausted.
Then a warm hand wrapped around her shoulder.
Dorothea turned to Ethan.
When I met him, it was as if something that had been tightly packed
in my chest was loosening.
Dorothea rested her head on his shoulder.
“Will I be able to... … ?”
Dorothea asked, and Ethan hugged her.
"sure. Princess.”
“I don’t understand what I used to be. What on earth were you
thinking of wanting to become an emperor?”
Right now, I feel like I'm about to vomit out of the burden.
How did you usurp such a terrifying place? Tyrant Dorothea
Milanaire was truly an ignorant ignorant.
Ethan held Dorothea tightly in his arms.
Dorothea clasped her chest and groaned, breathing colorfully.
is she crying I… … Am I making a choice for her now?
Dorothea, leaning on him, immediately raised her head.
“Can we continue our music lessons?”
Dorothea said as she walked out of his arms.
But Dorothea didn't have the time to laugh while playing Raymond's
job, playing the piano with him.
No, I didn't have time to spare.
But at the same time, he didn't want to lose the only time he had with
If even that time disappeared, I couldn't afford to survive the day.
“I was stupid. I'll let you get an of icial of ice."
It was because of her that Ethan had not taken a post until now,
several years later, and had only taken on Dorothea's piano lessons.
No matter how handsome Ethan was and was welcomed in the social
world, it was very dif icult to ind a place among the pure-blooded
central bureaucrats.
Dorothea didn't want him to get the of ice until he hit that wall
several times.
No, actually, that was just a small excuse.
Dorothea hated Ethan's rise to politics.
Ethan wanted him to raise his name to suit the princess, but
Dorothea wanted each other to pretend to be humble.
I was concerned that he would make his way into politics and make a
formal political impact.
It is burdensome for a young rookie to take control of the political
world for a princess who lives quietly in the corner of the Imperial
Palace and leaves.
Anyway, Carnan will soon die, and the biggest barrier against their
marriage will disappear.
Raymond was not a person to object to Dorothea's marriage to
Ethan, and the gossips of other royalty and nobles did not matter.
But Dorothea regretted it when she came.
“There are only a few months left until Carnon dies. what if… … If
Carnan does that before Raymond inds his memory... … .”
Dorothea trembled.
If that happens, Ubera will be thrown into chaos.
“Before that, His Majesty Raymond will ind his memory. Even if you
can’t ind it, you will be able to ful ill the role of the Crown Prince.”
Ethan couldn't make the choice that Dorothea would succeed to the
“The Princess is only helping Her Majesty Raymond. So you don’t
have to be afraid.”
Ethan's words seemed to fade his nervousness a little.
As he said, is there no need to be afraid in advance?
“… … Ethan, please keep coming to the Imperial Palace using lessons
as an excuse.”
Even if I can't play the piano, I want to see your face and talk to you.
"Do not worry. No matter what happens, I will always be by your
Ethan whispered sweetly in her ear.


“Raymond dropped the horse?”

A few days later, news of Raymond's accident spread to neighboring
The news reached the ears of Nereus, who became the king of Hark.
'Have you ever had that Raymond fall off his horse?'
Raymond always had poor grades in the episteme, but excelled in
swordsmanship and horseback riding, and by the time he graduated, he
was ranked irst in the subject.
But he's a loser. He was a very pathetic prince to make mistakes even
in the only ield he was good at.
“I hurt my head, but I came to my senses quickly.”
"I'm going to have to pray that I didn't get any more stupid by
hurting my head."
Nereus chuckled and laughed at Raymond.
“However, Princess Dorothea is acting on behalf of the Crown Prince
as he has not yet recovered.”
“A proxy execution of Dorothea?”
Nereus stopped laughing and iddled with his chin.
It was bad news.
Unlike Raymond, Dorothea was quite a concern.
In the corner of the imperial court, she had her mouth shut and was
relieved, but she poked her head above the surface of the water.
“But what can she do, who has lost relations with nobles?”
Nereus was muttering like that, but Ubera was concerned.
He paused for a moment, then opened his mouth again.
"still… … There's nothing wrong with being careful."
Nereus raised his head and called his servant.
“Send a gift of consolation to Ubera. The Crown Prince is injured, but
I have to pat him.”
He gave orders to his servant and got up.
He walked along a path with shallow waterways running on either
Hwidor, the capital of Hark and famous as the city of water, stretched
out like a spider's web.
The river running through its center soon led to the sea, which
supported Hark's strong naval forces.
To the west of Fidor, a lat area spreads around a large lake.
The plain was originally a ield, but Nereus has been using it as a
military training ground since last year.
Nereus visited the military training ground at least once a day, even
on a sunny day or on a rainy day, to directly check and guide the
soldiers' training status.
Every time he saw the soldiers standing in line with each other on a
wide plain and wielding their spears with a roaring spirit, his pride in
Haruk swelled in his chest.
Haruk, the land that received the energy of the water spirit, boasted
a strong naval force from generation to generation, but was always
weak in battles on land and was often pushed by Ubera.
However, Nereus intended to strengthen the army and make Hark a
more prosperous nation.
And in his generation, he had the ambition to develop Hark into a
power that rivaled Ubera.
“Ubera cannot be an empire forever.”
In the Ubera region, although the imperial family had external honor,
it did not have much in luence.
Fridia, who is already an independent kingdom, would have defeated
Ubera earlier if it had not been for solidarity with the imperial family.
Of course, Freed's power was weakening, and now he was leaning
against each other with the imperial family and holding on.
The nobility of Cerritians already ruled the area with their own
personal connections.
The Duke of Bronte was favored in Cerritian without much
interference from the imperial family, and the Earl of Duncan, who
accumulated wealth through mining, is a huge family that the imperial
family cannot touch.
Dmitry, the lord of River South, often stayed in Lampas to meet
people, but he has a strong internal and external power through trade
and shipbuilding.
So, even though Carnan wore the emperor's crown, he could not
control the nobles.
The symbol of the imperial family, but the scepter, which now lacks
the spirit stone and is shabby, was a symbol of the power of the worn-
out Milanaire imperial family.
Ubera is an old knight boasting a splendid past. Everyone
acknowledges and respects the glory of his former years, but in reality,
he was just an obsolete old man who would be knocked down with one
punch of a young man's bloody ists.
Nereus was clenching his ists for a shot to take the old man down.
He summoned foreign knights, introduced new training methods,
learned tactics, and taught Hark's soldiers weak riding skills.
They were also developing a new buildable catapult that would break
Ubera's hard walls.
“Okay, everything is going well.”
Nereus nodded happily as he looked back on his achievements as


Recently, Dorothea took over Raymond's work and often stayed at

his palace, Stipes Palace.
And when he had time, he went to Raymond to see if his condition
had gotten any better.
After morning work, Dorothea headed to the back of the palace to see
Raymond usually spent time in his beloved garden.
Even after the accident, his love did not change.
She irst visited his garden after he lost his memory.
The Crown Prince's garden, which I had only heard of in words, was
much wider than I thought, so it was awkward to call it a garden.
Dorothea wondered if Raymond might have used the term gardening
to describe his farming in the smallest possible way.
Instead of making a small ield on one side of the garden, the entire
area the size of a large garden was used as a ield.
The widest of them was a wheat ield, and crops such as barley, oats,
carrots, onions, various beans, and tomatoes were also cultivated in
designated areas.
On the left is some composted crop, right is another composted crop,
the northern wheat ield is wheat growing on turnip-growing land, the
southern wheat ield is wheat growing on soil that has been released
with a lot of earthworms… … .
His garden was not just a ield, but an agricultural research institute.

'Because it is dif icult for those who make a living by taking on the

I remembered something Raymond once said.

The farmer's job is to take good care of the current ields as they are
Therefore, it was not easy to grow other crops for new challenges, to
use soil for the irst time, or to release new insects and birds to prevent
pests and diseases.
This is because if they use the soil incorrectly and ruin their crops
for a year, they will have to starve for the whole year.
Therefore, Raymond thought that it was necessary for him to do it
for him, who could afford it.
His garden was managed not only by Raymond himself, but also by
his servants, chefs working in the imperial kitchen, and academics
studying agriculture.
“I like the smell of soil when I come to your garden.”
said Joy, who was following Dorothea.
As she said, Raymond's garden smelled pleasantly of dirt and grass.
According to one scholar who manages the garden, it smells like this
when the crops are healthy and the land is well-maintained.
Dorothea smelled the moist grass and set out to ind Raymond
somewhere in the garden.
However, near the basil ield in the distance, I saw long silver hair
shining in the sunlight.
When Dorothea stopped walking, he just turned his head.
The golden eyes found her and smiled.
Dorothea's heart raced.
It was really Ethan.
“Hello, Princess.”
Ethan politely greeted her.
Dorothea couldn't hide the smile that spread across her lips at the
same time as surprised.
Yesterday and today, she ended up not taking piano lessons.
It was because the nobles held her in place of Raymond and did not
let her go.
Besides, mentally, I couldn't afford the time for piano lessons.
But Danbi met in an unexpected place.
“Why are you here… … ?”
“I called you, Dorothy!”
Raymond, who had just been squatting in the garden, stood up and
Raymond, clad in boots and an apron, was holding a basket of weeds
in his muddy hands.
He had now removed all the bandages around his head, and he
looked completely ine on the outside.
The scar on the side of the head was also hidden from view.
"you… … ?”
“Theon is busy helping you. So I asked Ethan to come over today and
teach him a lot of things. By the way, they said they didn’t even have
your lessons these days, so they gladly came.”
Raymond said, wiping the dirt off his apron.
He said that not many people knew about his condition, and Ethan
said that among them, he was kind and smart and helped a lot.
Ethan seemed to have given him information about the rules of the
imperial family, what he had to do, and other nobles.
“Then why are you in the ield with Ethan?”
“I heard that going to a place where you can recall old memories or
doing something similar might help you ind them.”
Raymond explained that he had just come out of the garden after
studying this and that since morning.
As he said, the weed basket seemed to be just beginning to ill.
“The two of you usually seem to get along pretty badly, but after
losing your memory, you must have forgotten it all.”
Joey whispered into Dorothea's ear.
The combination of Ethan and Raymond was very unfamiliar.
Originally, Raymond didn't really like Ethan because of his
relationship with Theon.
Although he did not openly dislike him due to his personality, he did
not enjoy talking to Ethan or welcoming him with a wide smile.
Conversely, the same goes for Ethan.
In Joy's eyes, the relationship between the two of them seemed to be
creaking in many ways.
But due to the loss of the Crown Prince's memory, I'm sure we'll see
two people sticking together like that.
'The pretty Bocchan's expression is not very pleasant.'
Ethan is so good at managing his facial expressions that he's sly, but
it seems he's quite tired from pulling weeds in the garden.
Nevertheless, it is clear that Ethan will protect the Crown Prince,
who has lost his memory... … .
'It must be because of our princess!'
drug guy.
Joey muttered to himself.
In order to see Dorothea working at Raymond's palace recently, he
pretended to be nice and clings to Raymond, who lost his memory!
'You really are a dark-hearted master!'
Dorothea is the one she loves, so she treats her as pretty as she can,
but Joey still thinks that his overly half-faced face is a beautiful veil to
hide his insidious plans.
But on the contrary, Dorothea's face was bright, so she couldn't say
anything about Ethan's scheme.
That's because Dorothea has been looking pretty tough lately.
If the princess is happy, that's it.
“So what were you two doing?”
“I was pulling weeds that bothered basil.”
“Ethan, you too?”
Dorothea's eyes widened, and Ethan lifted up the weed roots as if to
show off.
Ethan, who always smelled like lilies, seemed to smell like basil
Raymond's garden was a very out of place with Ethan, but it felt good
to see him in a new way.
Dorothea felt as if the fatigue that had been weighing her down on
her body was fading away.
“Dorothy, would you like to see the basil I grew? I harvested the
leaves once this year, and the leaves have already grown this much!”
Raymond grabbed Dorothea's hand with his soiled hand and led him
into his basil ield.
Dorothea was drawn to him as if she couldn't do it.
As he followed him into the basil ield, every breath he took was illed
with a fragrant herbal scent.
“Do you like basil? Dorothea?”
“I prefer it.”
Ethan nodded at that.
Dorothea liked basil, so she was willing to help Raymond's ield
work, but if it had been a mustard ield that Dorothea didn't like, she
would have avoided it anyway.
I hate the smell of mustard on my body that Dorothea hates.
“The basil used in the imperial family, are you taking it all with you?
He grows up very well.”
“You seem to have a pretty good memory of the ield, Raymond?”
Dorothea saw Raymond excitedly talking about the ield and asked.
"iced coffee… … . is it? Maybe your body remembers it. Like I never
forgot how to speak and write in Ubera.”
Raymond laughed awkwardly.
Dorothea made eye contact with Ethan, who was standing behind
Ethan nodded his head.
“By the way, Raymond. You don't have any questions about the
Crown Prince... … ?”
Dorothea asked Raymond, who smelled the scent of basil.
"uh… … ? That’s what Ethan already told me a lot here.”
“It’s not that I mean, you don’t feel like you have to work as the
Crown Prince and get your place back.”
After losing his memory, Raymond had never been interested in the
work of the Crown Prince.
Even after getting out of bed and being able to move, Dorothea had
to do most of his work.
To Dorothea, that was very strange.
If he had lost his memory, he would have been curious about what he
was doing before, so he would have tried to look into the work of the
Crown Prince.
No matter how stupid you are, once you hear about the status of the
Crown Prince, you will have no choice but to be interested in its
Raymond scratched his head as Dorothea's eyes narrowed.
“Sorry, I just love being comfortable… … . Because I have a lot of
money and I have a ield like this... … .”
Having said that, Raymond hurriedly looked at Ethan and asked for
Then Ethan nodded and opened his mouth.
“In general, people are more interested in the enjoyment of rights
than obligations.”
The freedom and the right to run freely in the ields would be more
fascinating than the duties that the Crown Prince owed.
At Ethan's words, Dorothea nodded without asking further
Raymond secretly sighed in relief.
“And I heard. Dorothea, you are doing a great job.”
Raymond laughed again.
It wasn't an idle compliment. Dorothea did a really good job of acting
as Raymond's agent, and she was even recognized by the nobles.
Some even said that the transition from Raymond to Dorothea was
so natural that there was almost no disruption to the work.
There were also jokes that 'only the crown prince's gender had
This could be because Dorothea and Raymond often had political
discussions together.
Instead, they know everything about meetings and important
But that was the problem.
Dorothea became a little afraid that she was adjusting too quickly to
the role of Prince.
The nobles, who only thought they would be scary and hostile, were
more favorable than they thought.
Is there a spirit of light? Or is it because he's a 'just' meditator with
Carnan's permission?
Maybe it's because he doesn't seem to be using the badass like he
used to or trying to get his hands on it right now.
In any case, Dorothea didn't like how smooth it was for her to take on
Raymond's job.
But even so, he couldn't handle his work as a prince recklessly.
Because he can't ruin Ubera with his own hands again.
Not because she wanted to look good to Carnan or the nobles, but
because she didn't want to disappoint herself, so she had no choice but
to do her best.
“From what I’ve heard, it sounds like you’re a much better it for the
throne than me like this?”
Raymond said, taking care of Basil.
Then Dorothea looked at Raymond with a slightly angry look on her
“The Crown Prince.”
In private, she called Raymond by his name as he liked, and she called
him politely.
“I am just a representative of Your Majesty.”
“But as of now, when will I be able to properly play the role of the
Crown Prince… … .”
“You can learn and practice. You’ve done well so far, so I’m sure you
can do it.”
“Dorothy, but Ubera will need a lord as capable as you.”
“I am not competent, my lord.”
“Please, don’t call me to tell you, Dorothy. If I even call you to tell me,
who the hell calls my name?”
When he was young, the beings that everyone used to call him by his
irst name began to call him 'His Majesty' one by one, and his
relationship with them gradually changed accordingly.
After Theon became his aide, he became less and less called Ray, so
he only called him 'Sir,' unless he had a very personal conversation.
Julia now seemed to have settled in the name of Jeonju. It must have
been years since Ray was called from her name.
The difference between what is called a ray and what is called an
electric charge is the difference between heaven and earth.
At the moment called the Highness, there is an inaccessible distance
between Raymond and the other person.
Raymond was always uncomfortable with that distance.
I wanted to laugh kindly, joke around, and talk about useless things,
but that kind of everyday life gradually disappeared.
Only Dorothea had been calling Raymond's name until now.
But even she is trying to draw a line by calling her to tell.
As Raymond begged Dorothea, she glanced at Raymond and licked
her lips.
“Your name was given to record, not to call.”
The name of the crown prince and emperor will be used when
recorded in history books after death.
He will be called after his death more times than he will be called
during his lifetime.
So even if you don't have to stick to the name... … .
“I want a relationship where you can call each other names in
kindness, Dorothy. I am not the type of people who will judge my dead
name by one or the other without knowing my face.”
Dorothea's eyes widened at him.
I know what Raymond's wishes are.
The seat he is sitting in is a place where he has to be careful that
even a light meal with close friends will be read as political favoritism,
and personal greetings may be caught.
And he who loves free spirits hated those things very much.
“You can’t always have what you want, my lord.”
Dorothea made him face reality. This is not a place where you can
listen to childish complaints.
Then Raymond's eyes trembled as if they had been hurt.
“… … But you can live by trying to get what you want.”
Raymond hated a life where he was chosen as the crown prince from
birth, and not given him a chance to choose anything else.
Some may call it full, but unfortunately, humans are designed to
desire other things when they are full.
“There are things that you can't have. Just like the poor outside the
city want to be crown princes, but can’t.”
A farmer's child becomes a farmer, a hunter's child becomes a hunter,
and a lord's child becomes a lord.
If the day comes when a farmer's child can become a prince, the
prince will also become a farmer.
“… … So you're only going to be a princess, Dorothy?"
Raymond's blue eyes stared at her.
Dorothea hesitated for a moment to answer his question. It wasn't
just 'so', but I was thinking 'it should be so'. The princess is my place.
“… … I have no choice but to remain as a princess, Your Majesty. Just
as the Crown Prince has no choice but to be the Crown Prince.”
It's not that I want to stay, it's just that I have to.
Then Raymond's brow wrinkled slightly.
“Then what would you do if you could become a prince?”
"majesty… … . Please don't talk like that."
Dorothea shook her head and turned her back.
“I’ll just go.”
Dorothea strode out of the basil ield and headed back into the
Ethan stared at Dorothea's back, then turned his gaze to meet
At Ethan's call, Raymond nodded like a sinner.
As soon as permission was granted, Ethan ran after Dorothea.


“Princess! Princess Dorothea... … !”

Ethan catches up with Dorothea and captures her.
Dorothea's face looking back at him was holding back the fact that
she was about to cry.
“Are you okay… … ?”
“Ethan, you can’t leave the house to the robber again. right?"
Dorothea asked, clenching her hand.
Ethan noticed what she was thinking.
“A robber… … .”
You are also a member of that family. And yet you couldn't get a seat
Ethan wanted to say that, but knew that nothing would comfort her.
Because I didn't want to make him suffer again, questioning and
worrying about which is better, robbery or murder of his relatives.
“Even if the robber repents, how can I entrust the house to him? No,
if the robber tries to take over the house again in the irst place, he
doesn't regret it. right?”
“Raymond has no idea that I am a robber.”
Finally, a tear fell from the corner of Dorothea's eyes.
Ethan's heart also fell as tears fell to the loor.
He couldn't help but hug Dorothea.
He reached out and took her in his arms, and Dorothea buried her
head in his chest.
Holding Dorothea, who felt more dwarf than ever, Ethan bit her teeth
“Ethan, if only this was our irst life… … . So, if I had lived happily
without knowing anything, there would have been no need for con lict.”
He must have succumbed to Raymond's temptation.
I must have passed the rightful Crown Prince position, and maybe
Raymond had put down a crown that didn't suit me.
However, an indelible history was engraved in her memory and
Unbeknownst to others, the guilt engraved on her conscience.
No matter how hard he tried to think of this as a second chance, he
could not cast off his shackles.
Ethan knew Dorothea's heart better than anyone. Because he also
regretted his past life and suffered from the wrong choice.
His dogma, jealousy, and pride alone led to Dorothea's death, and
even the appearance of her suffering now was his fault.
“But it’s the second time, so we can live like this.”
Ethan hugged Dorothea tightly and whispered.
If it was your irst life, you wouldn't have been detached from
Carnan's discrimination, and I would have been helpless at Jonathan's
She must have rebelled by screaming and rebelling because she did
not know how to live under the charge of being a princess who could
not handle spirits.
So we can live this way because it is our second life.
“If you’re tired, you can stop, Princess.”
Whether Raymond has lost his memory or not, you can leave
everything to him and run away.
There are many people who can teach and advise if he doesn't know.
So, there is no need to bring out the agony of the past and drink it
“It’s enough for us to live happily together.”
Ethan regretted the choice he had made to it Raymond's silly plans.
While watching her suffer, over the years had she been drunk with
happiness and forgot again.
As Raymond said, Dorothea is a strong person, so she might be able
to overcome this hardship.
However, it was dif icult for me to watch the process, so I thought it
would be better to give up.
He says that he can only grow after being sick, and he's not wrong,
but Ethan liked it best if the woman he loved wasn't sick.
And maybe he's afraid. Once again Dorothea was in so much pain... …
Just like before the return, I fear that I will throw away the weight of life
that is too heavy and leave him alone.
If that happens, he will be unable to bring her back to life or turn back
He will have to live alone for the rest of his life, cursed.
That was the scariest thing for Ethan.
So whenever Dorothea is in danger, he hesitates instead of being
“Please do what the princess wants you to do.”

“Ethan Bronte.”
Ethan leaves Dorothea and Joey calls him in.
Ethan turned to look at her, and Joey glared at him with a sullen face.
“What’s going on?”
I'll have to follow the princess quickly, but did I really mean to call
him up and start an argument?
As Ethan stared coldly, she hesitated and spoke.
“The Princess… … You seem to be having a hard time these days.”
"So… … I want you to give the princess some strength.”
At Joey's words, Ethan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.
“I mean, I, I’m not good at doing things like over the princess, so you
have to do it! Because the princess likes you!”
Eventually, Joey closed his eyes and yelled at Ethan.
Then Ethan's eyebrows twitched gracefully.
“Isn’t the princess very dif icult in your opinion?”
At Joey's words, Ethan's expression hardened even more.
As Joey who doesn't usually talk about Dorothea, Ethan realized that
Dorothea was really struggling.
“I hardly slept these days. Even at night, if you stand guard, the light
in the princess’s room is on.”
“… … .”
“The maid, Clara, is worried too. Even if you turn off the lights to tell
them to sleep, you can’t sleep.”
At Joey's words, Ethan bit his lip.
Dorothea suffered from insomnia even before her return.
Instead of sleep, the feeling of burden, guilt, anxiety and loneliness.
All sorts of emotions engulfed her at night.
The imperial doctor said it was a disease of the mind, and no
medication could cure it.
“You do whatever you want, but I’m afraid that one day you will fall
over like that. The people of Lenaskor Palace are also very worried.”
So Joey is so worried about Dorothea that she turns to Ethan, whom
she doesn't like very much, for help.
I'm angry, but it seems that Ethan is the only one who can help
Dorothea in this situation.
“… … okay. I ask for time so that I can visit the princess separately.”
“Come as soon as possible. Before the princess falls.”
"of course."
Ethan nodded and started walking again.


Ethan returned to the mansion and took out an old book from the
inside of the drawer.
This very old book, which he bought at an old bookstore, did not
belong to him before his return.
A book that Julia obtained before Ethan before returning.
This book, which she possessed while scouring the spirits to help
Theon Fried, was in his hands this lifetime.
It was a study on the spirits, and among them was a mix of true
stories and unveri ied stories told only by word of mouth.
Ethan has been secretly investigating the spirit since he returned to
contract with the spirit.
In order to handle the spirit of light more skillfully, and to understand
the secret of the spirit that he did not know.
Thanks to that, I learned that from the old days, Milanaire died or
was in danger of dying from a malignant tumor.
It's not a secret, but the story of Milanaire and Fried becoming weak
and forgotten.
Paradoxically, the reason why Milanaire died a lot from malignant
tumors was because of the life force of the light spirit.
Tumors were easily created and grown using the energy of life that
comes from spirits.
And the tumor, which became so enlarged and serious that the owner
of the body could not handle, eventually kills him.
About half of the Milanaires died from malignant tumors, and the
same was true of Carnan's disease.
An ironic fate where the power of life corrodes life.
So light and darkness needed each other.
The previous Milanaires used Fried's power to suppress and heal
With the balance of the two powers, the two families and Ubera lead
a better life.
However, now that Fried also lost their strength, there was no cure
for Carnan's tumor.
'There is Theon Fried, but... … .'
He is also consuming his own life because he cannot properly handle
Fried's power. Therefore, he cannot entrust the life of the emperor to
But something more important than that.
A chapter that turns into a thorn and pierces his conscience.

[How to improve Elemental Af inity.]

According to this one-page chapter, you can improve your spirit

af inity to some extent through training.
Of course, although people with low spirit af inity cannot follow
people with high spirit af inity, they can at least raise it to a certain
So, this was a chapter about Theon Fried and also related to Carnan's
If you increase Theon's af inity with this training, Theon will be able
to control the dark spirits to some extent, and maybe even heal
Carnon's tumor.
The reason Ethan hasn't brought this book up until now is because
he doesn't want to help Theon and Carnan.
And it was also because I couldn't believe this untested chapter of
only one-page training methods.
Even more problematic is the phrase [If you do not take appropriate
measures, you may die during training].
I don't know if it's real or not, but I could die.
So Ethan dismissed it as a piece of the job book that he did not need
to worry about.
But if, really, if this could lighten Dorothea's burden... … .
That was then.
His name is called out from downstairs as if shouting.
Jonathan was the owner of the foul-smelling voice.
'Why again... … .'
At the sound of footsteps, Ethan put the book back into the drawer.
The door suddenly opens without knocking.
It seems that this rude habit will never be changed for the rest of my
"What's going on, brother?"
Ethan asked with a feeling of being confronted with a nuisance.
Although the two lived in the same mansion, they tried to avoid
encountering each other as much as possible, and did not interfere.
Tired of even ighting.
It's been a while since I realized that living without seeing your face
is the best, but what the hell is going on today?
“Is it true that the Crown Prince invited you to the Imperial Palace?”
With a bottle of wine in his hand, Jonathan asked, leaning his
staggering body against the door.
Oh, did you hear the news?
Jonathan was still in charge of managing the castle's soldiers, and
was unable to enter the Imperial Palace.
His rank has risen, but he hasn't been able to get much honor for
several years.
“The aide was busy, so the High Commander called me in for a while
to help.”
"you? why are you Have you ever rolled in bed with your lord?”
The drunken Jonathan spit out the words he couldn't say.
Then Ethan's expression turned cold.
If I had said something like that outside, I wouldn't have had
anything to say even if I was captured by the soldiers of the Imperial
Palace right away.
“I can only think of it that way.”
Ethan ignored the pathetic man's drunkenness, thinking that he was
not worthy of retaliate.
Then Jonathan's face wrinkled.
"What? What did you say to your brother now? like that? The Crown
Prince is arguing that he likes you!”
Jonathan staggered closer and swept the candlestick and notebook
from Ethan's table to the loor.
Things were scattered on the loor with a loud noise, and candle wax
stuck to the carpet.
Ethan felt disillusioned.
The author is a graduate of one of the world's most prestigious
educational institutions, who will later become the Duke of Bronte.
Surprisingly, graduating from a good institution does not guarantee
that a person will be moral or socially upright.
“Come on, tell me, Ethan. How the hell did you slay the princely
prince? Oh, did you and the Crown Prince and Princess roll around with
At that moment, Ethan couldn't contain his anger and clenched a ist
in his face.
Although Ethan is not good at ighting, it was not dif icult to put a ist
in the face of Jonathan, who was drunk and unable to greet him.
Is this what turning your eyes is like?
“I can tolerate insulting me, but I can’t stand insulting the princess.”
Ethan ran completely at Jonathan, smashing a few more ists in the
face of Jonathan as he fell.
I remembered saving him from death on a hunting ground a few
years ago.
The good deeds Dorothea commits impulsively for the canine
goodness she wants.
But what if I just let him die then? Then I would be able to live
comfortably without listening to such bullshit. If I succeed the duke, I
will be able to be an unshakable partner to Dorothea.
“Damn it… … ! I regret saving you.”
Ethan looked down at Jonathan and groaned in anger.
But soon after, Jonathan, who was lying underneath, knocked him
down like he was tossing Ethan, and in reverse pushed him down,
banging his head on the carpet.
“Did you hit me? A bastard who can't even hold a sword properly... …
Even though he lived with a failing ticket, Jonathan was the one who
learned from Episteme.
There, he learned swordsmanship, horseback riding, and archery
above a certain level, and at least was more adept at ighting than
Ethan. Besides, even though he was slightly shorter than Ethan, he was
taller than him.
Jonathan completely subdued Ethan and slapped his ist in the face.
Jonathan has always hated his brother. No, I don't want to be called a
younger brother.
Ethan, with a disgustingly pretty face, played with him skillfully from
an early age.
And Ethan is always recognized.
He was praised for being smarter than the one who went to
Episteme, and Ethan received more attention wherever he went.
After Ethan seduced the princess, and after the emperor showed
interest in Edan, the family also began to show Edan quite proudly.
Jonathan was always compared in it.

'You're less handsome than your brother. My younger brother is

smart without going to Episteme, but he always fails. Ethan is also very
good at piano and violin! Soooooooo AWESOME!'

In general, Jonathan wasn't really that bad. No matter how many

times he failed in the episteme, he passed the dif icult episteme with
his own strength.
Besides, he didn't look ugly. Jonathan still thought I looked pretty
However, when he was next to Ethan, he became less noticeable than
the shadows.
But at a meeting I attended today, a nobleman said to Jonathan.

'No, Ethan-nim said that the Crown Prince personally asked the
Crown Prince to come to the Imperial Palace and help.

All the nobles around him compared him to Ethan and ignored him.
A guy who's worse than Ethan, a bad guy, a bad guy.
“What are you, block my way! uh?"
Jonathan unleashed years of anger on Ethan.
“Do, master!”
Butlers and employees rushed to the commotion upstairs to dry
them and separate them.
Ethan's lips were parted, and it looked like he had a bruise on his
“Hey! You bastard like a beggar.”
As the servants grabbed their arms and dried them, Jonathan spat at
His actions were way too much for him to laugh at the drunkenness.
The butlers dragged him away drunk, and Ethan sat on the loor and
couldn't stand up.
The hand holding the ist trembled.
In this life, he was the irst to roll Jonathan on the palm of his hand,
so I forgot for a while, but he had been hit by Jonathan so often before
At that time, he was smaller than Jonathan, and it was a time when
everything was terrifying as he entered an unfamiliar peasant family
and adjusted.
In my childhood before the return, there were many days when the
duke hid in a corner and trembled so as not to run into Jonathan.
therefore… … I was happy when he died.
Ethan shuddered at the old memory that came to mind after a long


“Are you okay, master?”

After Jonathan left, the servants locked to watch him.
As if sorry for the scar on his handsome face, they tried to take care
of Ethan's wound.
“It’s okay, let’s go.”
“But, Master… … .”
“Go away.”
Only after Ethan's voice became ice-cold did the servants leave the
room and leave the room.
Ethan saw the room messed up with Jonathan's ight.
A smirk leaked out between the blood-soaked lips.
A mirror placed on one side of the wall re lected his messy face.
I saw a man with a bruised bluish color due to the blood vessels
under his eyes bursting out.
Ethan stared at his shabby self in the mirror.
It seemed that neither playing the violin nor playing the piano could
reveal the expression of the man in the mirror.
However, I really missed Dorothea.


“Master Ethan! It’s been so long!”

It had been over a week since Ethan returned to the palace to meet
Clara and Joey greeted him as if they had waited.
“I told you to come as soon as possible, but why are you here now!”
Joy is worried about Dorothea, but she resents Ethan for coming so
Ethan didn't dare say he couldn't meet Dorothea with a bruise on his
“You said you were late to prepare a present.”
Ethan gave the gift excuse.
No, it wasn't entirely an excuse. It is true that this gift took some
time to prepare.
“Sometimes you sent me to prepare a present!”
“It’s because I didn’t prepare just looking at you. So, is the princess
“Yeah, come on in. Because the princess doesn't know that the
master is coming."
Joy, who had always been wary of Ethan, has now even pushed him
on the back.
At that, Ethan smiled and headed to the study where Dorothea was.


“This is the report on the border of Haruk that the Princess has
speci ically requested.”
“Thank you, Theon.”
Dorothea received a report from Theon.
“As expected, the army has been augmented at the Khark border.”
Dorothea glanced through the Hark-related reports.
As before the return, Nereus was concentrating on increasing his
military power.
'But there's no reason to start a war... … .'
Thinking so, Dorothea burst into arsenic.
When in the world did you go to war for a reason? I did it out of
The cause is to make something plausible and it it together.
"Hark bought a small boat from Riversouth."
“Yes, it is a considerable amount, but since it is a ishing boat, there
is no special obligation to report to the Imperial Family.”
“But it would be enough to convert it into a military ship and use it.”
Dorothea murmured.
Although it was marked as a ' ishing boat', only Dmitry and Nereus
would know what type of ship it was.
Any boat carrying a net rather than a weapon is marked as a ' ishing
Converting a ishing vessel into a military vessel is simple as long as
it its the shape of the boat.
Dorothea remembered how Hark invaded Ubera before returning.
“I wonder if Marquis Dmitry would have delivered the warships… …
Still, Dmitry is an imperial nobleman. Riga to deliver military ships to
Hark... … .
“There is nothing that cannot be done without money.”
Dorothea said. Besides, if you have political connections, we'd be
happy to help.
Nereus would have said that it was 'to check other countries than
Ubera', so it would be enough excuse for Dmitry to close his eyes.
Besides, it's not even loaded with cannons... … .
“However, the size of the delivered ship is small for naval battles. It
would be useful in rivers and shallow waters, but the river that
connects the Empire and Hark is dammed to prevent unauthorized
access. There are chains in the bay.”
Dorothea nodded her head.
But it is so dangerous.
'The ship will come over the mountains, not the water.'
Dorothea remembered the ight with Hark before returning.
They will attack key points along the river, attracting attention from
the front, and sneak over the mountains behind them.
The spirit of water makes a small waterway in the mountain to pass
the boat.
Therefore, Nereus did not need a large ship.
A large ship is too big to go over a mountain, and it is dif icult to loat
it in a river.
Thus, they entered the river of the empire without blood, and they
went up the river to the depths of the empire.
An attack that no one could block because it was a strategy that no
one could have imagined.
Apparently, Carnan was in a critical period, so Ubera was completely
The freedom of the nobles, who treated Hark lightly and tried to
solve it only with local troops, was broken like that.
Under the command of Nereus, who knows how to deal with the
water spirits, Hark's naval forces quickly ascended to the center of the
city with wings.
Dorothea, who had gone down earlier, blocked it.
When she insisted that there is no need to go down because it is a
small battle that everyone can solve below, she dragged the army down,
saying that she would destroy Hark.
When Dorothea heard that the border had been breached, she
headed straight for the river.
And when Haruk's naval forces rushed up the river with equal
momentum, they broke the dam that had been blocked in advance.
No matter how much Nereus had a water spirit, he could not stop the
huge current from the broken bank, and the small ships were swept
'We are preparing a strategy like this again.'
The situation of the Empire is better than before the return, but
Nereus' will does not seem to be broken.
Moreover, if his ears hear of the unstable situation of Carnon and
Raymond, Nereus may attack with the aim of supremacy.
'But if you tell a story like this, you won't believe it because everyone
thinks you've gone too far.'
You will laugh at Hark for making a fuss over the purchase of a few
ishing boats.
Still, knowing the future is enough to prevent it, but... … .
'The dam broke and several villages were swept away.'
Ubera's sacri ice was as signi icant as the enemy's sacri ice.
In the name of protecting the empire, the people living downstream
of the bank were sacri iced.
At that time, Dorothea mercilessly blew up the dam because Ubera's
survival was more important than their lives.
One line of sin to add to the name of a tyrant.
But this time, I can't make the sacri ices happen again.
“Does your Majesty the Emperor know about this?”
“The same will go up to Your Majesty by the middle of this week. Oh,
and if you look at the noteworthy part here... … .”
Then, Theon's inger, who was going to point out a part of the report,
passed Dorothea's inger as she was about to move on to the next page.
"ah… … ! I'm sorry, Princess."
When Theon touched her inger, he quickly removed his hand and
stepped back.
The wind caused the brooch on the desk to fall to the loor.
“I’m really sorry, Princess.”
Theon hurriedly picked up the dropped brooch.
At that moment, he felt a strange feeling. What used to be heavy on
the body becomes lighter... … .
'Spirit of Light... … ?'
At Dorothea's call, Theon woke up and returned the brooch to her.
She looked at Theon for a moment, then put the brooch back on her
Theon looked at her brooch, feeling the lingering aftertaste in his
“… … Come to think of it, you always wear that brooch.”
"Yeah, it's a gift from Ethan."
A smile crept across her lips as she wrote Ethan's name.
“… … Are you Ethan Bronte?”
Dorothea nodded her head.
“I think I’ve seen that brooch for quite some time… … .”
“Well, a lot of time has already passed. I got it as a gift around the
time I debuted.”
Dorothea smiled and looked back at the fast passing of time.
Years have already passed, and now the spirit stone has become
accustomed to being a part of her body.
'The Debut of the Princess... … ?'
At that time, didn't Dorothea awaken the spirits for the irst time?
“By the way, Theon, is Jeonghwa okay?”
At that moment, Dorothea remembered the spirit and asked Theon.
I didn't know before, but now I can see what the mood was like when
he was holding his power for a long time.
Holding down the spirit's power, he exudes a subdued atmosphere.
And every action became cautious and sensitive.
Like, for example, you just ran a inger with her and hastily backed
The fear of hurting others because of the dark spirits is something he
has acquired.
“Even if not, I will visit the Crown Prince tomorrow.”
It seems that Dorothea's guess was not wrong.
Theon hadn't been able to ask Raymond to clean it up for a week.
Partly because he had less time to be with Dorothea instead of
Raymond, and partly because it became dif icult to ask Raymond to
clean up after the accident.
“Theon, you can ask me.”
“You must also take care of the health of the princess.”
Puri ication had to use a lot of the spirit's power, so Raymond was
quite tired after puri ication.
In Theon's eyes, Dorothea has been overworked lately.
Asking her to clean up like that... … .
“Haha, I’m ine, Theon. I'm no longer a princess who only used to
recuperate. Besides, I handle spirits better than the Crown Prince.”
Dorothea laughed.
I didn't mean it that way... … .
“Am I still uncomfortable?”
“No, it is not.”
Theon hurriedly shook his head.
“Then I will help you.”
Dorothea led him to the reception couch.
Dorothea wanted to purify Theon someday.
The reason she dared to take on the role of Jeonghwa was in the
sense of atonement for the past.
I want to pay back even a little bit of my regret for the life she had
Purifying him was the most meaningful thing she could do with the
Spirit of Light.
“I’ve already learned how to purify, but I’m just trying to do it now.”
Dorothea smiled sheepishly and sat down with Theon, placing her
hand on his.
Then he felt Theon's ingertips tremble.
“I might be a little clumsy, so tell me if it makes you uncomfortable.”
Dorothea took his hand and slowly summoned the Spirit of Light.
The power of life illed Theon as clean water illed a parched land.
As Dorothea said, the spirit power she possessed was much stronger
than that of Raymond.
Theon looked at her wrapped in a bright light.
She was so dazzling that it was hard to open her eyes properly.
The energy of death, which had been accumulating heavily, was
gradually swept away by her power.
She ills his life. Slowly and full.
Theon inally lowered his head and looked away from her glaring
Even after several years have passed, my feelings have not been
completely puri ied.
I thought it was ine, but it wasn't.
When the gloomy darkness was removed, the emotions hidden
under it were exposed to the light.
Unlike when receiving Raymond's puri ication, the hand touching
her tickles and the ive senses tingle.
My heart was pounding violently as if reminding me that I was alive.
A real sense of life.
I like that feeling so much, I want to ask her to clean it up again and
“Theon. Theon... … ?”
At that time, Dorothea, who had been purged, called Theon, who was
lowering her head.
“Thank you, Princess.”
He stood up without raising his head.
“Then, today’s report is over, so let’s go.”
“Theon… … !”
He left Dorothea's room, knowing he was rude.
It felt like I was going to do anything if I stayed with her.
at that time.
“Theon Fried.”
A cold voice called out to him as he rushed down the stairs.
Theon paused as if frozen in place.
“… … Ethan Bronte.”
Theon met the slender golden eyes staring at him.
His eyes staring at him quietly, as if he were listening to the sound of
his heart beating.
“Are you on your way to see the Princess?”
"That's right."
Theon clenched his ists. Something soared inside.
“By the way, Ethan Bronte-sama often comes to see the princess.”
Unbeknownst to me, a vulgar tone of speech came out.
“Only the assistant manager. I'm here in a week."
Clara and Joey, who were behind Ethan in the snowball ight between
the two, took a step back.
Theon did not take his eyes off Ethan.
“Anything more to say?”
Ethan asked Theon, who blocked the stairs and didn't move.
Theon bit his teeth for a moment, then opened his mouth.
“The brooch I gave as a gift to the princess… … no. no."
“You have to say it to the end.”
Ethan wrinkled his brow.
I was annoyed that Dorothea was mentioned in Theon's mouth and
ended in a sloppy way.
“No, it’s nothing. Let’s go up.”
Theon turned to the side and looked away.

Ethan hid the gift behind his back and knocked on the door of the
study where Dorothea was.
“Come in.”
At the sound of her voice he had not heard in a long time, Ethan's
heart, which had sunk heavily, began to lutter lightly like the wings of a
butter ly.
Like an idiot, he seems to have just forgotten about Theon's work.
He carefully opened the door and stepped inside.
Dorothea, unaware of Ethan's arrival, ixed her gaze on the typefaces
scattered on the desk, and then raised her head belatedly.
And a bright smile slowly spread across her face.
“Ethan… … !”
Dorothea, who looked busy, almost threw down her pen as soon as
she saw him, ran to him and hugged him.
Dorothea was pleased with the familiar smell of Ethan's arms.
“Am I not disturbing you?”
At Ethan's clever question, Dorothea shook her head.
"I miss you."
As soon as he saw Ethan, like a spring of water bursting out of a
parched land, he was released.
“Are you busy?”
“Ah, a report about Hark just came up.”
“From Theon Fried?”
Jealousy that had been crouching in Ethan burst out.
“Oh, have you met Theon?”
“Can I ask what happened?”
Ethan asked, quenching the jealousy boiling inside.
“I purged Theon’s spirit. It’s because I haven’t been cleansed for a
At Dorothea's words, Ethan thought of Theon.
It's been a long time since I've felt Dorothea use a Spirit Stone, was it
for him?
“… … Do you not want me to purify Theon?”
Dorothea asked, holding his hand tightly.
"I know. That the princess owes her heart. And I know he's guilty too.
But I can't say it's good either."
Ethan kissed Dorothea's forehead and whispered.
Saving Theon is an important item on Dorothea's 'Live a Good
Bucket List', so I can't tell you not to do it... … Still, jealousy cannot be
“There will be nothing wrong with you.”
“I also believe in the princess.”
Ethan kissed her lips lightly as if stamping them.
Then Dorothea smiled bashfully.
“More than that, look at this. A report on Hark. Nereus is as busy as
ever in reinforcing his military power.”
Dorothea took Ethan's hand and dragged him.
“Really? I'm sure you won't be able to beat the Empire easily, but
what do you think... … I'm really curious if that's the case, but I'd like
you to stop for today and give me time."
Ethan was barely able to come to his senses as he was almost taken
aback by Dorothea's story.
After all, we were excited to work together again, discussing Hark.
He captured Dorothea, recalling the day's mission again.
The reason he came to see Dorothea today was to give her a rest.
That's why I've been working hard to prepare a gift.
Still, Dorothea's face had a tired glow all over it.
“Just looking at it, it looks like you’ve received all the reports, so can
we just rest?”
“But Ethan.”
“I heard that you are not sleeping well these days. Did you close your
eyes last night?”
Ethan looked into her bloodshot eyes and asked.
"no. But I slept a little the day before yesterday.”
“How long?”
"one… … three or four hours?”
“It would be nice if you slept for two hours.”
Dorothea lowered her gaze and answered timidly, and Ethan's sharp
eyes immediately recognized her excuse.
It would have been better to ask how long you slept in a week.
“I’m ready, Master.”
“What are you preparing for?”
“Today, I was ordered to put the princess to sleep.”
Ethan grinned and Clara hurriedly dragged Dorothea into the
Clara changed Dorothea's clothes into a comfortable, spacious white
pajama dress and washed it lightly with warm water.
Meanwhile, other servants prepared milk and igs with a spoonful of
As Dorothea washed up, Ethan met her in front of the bedroom.
“Ethan, I have work to do.”
“Getting a good night's sleep is also important. Insomnia reduces
work ef iciency.”
Ethan grabbed her hand and led her into the bedroom.
On the bedside table lay warm milk and igs prepared by the
Ethan laid Dorothea on the bed and sat down on the chair next to it.
A room with only one soft light left with the curtains drawn and only
one candle lit.
But Dorothea couldn't sleep at all. As I lay down, my heart started
beating louder and I became more anxious.
What could I have miscommunicated? Maybe my judgment was
wrong? You should also look at the data beforehand. Oh, I have to ask
Clara to bring her that too. I heard that Raymond is going to see him
today. Are you okay? Should I go see it?
All sorts of thoughts illed the dark room.
Then Ethan took her hand and drove the thought away.
"I'm here, can't you put your thoughts down for a while?"
Ethan looked a little dismayed as he noticed that Dorothea was
thinking about this and that in her head.
“I’m sorry, Ethan.”
Dorothea grabbed Ethan's hand again.
“I can’t sleep because I’m anxious.”
“What makes the princess uneasy?”
“I’m afraid I’ll do something bad again. My choices affect the lives of
Dorothea was serious and smiled as if she wasn't.
"I do not know. Am I really a good person? Are you doing well? … .”
“The Princess is already doing well enough. Everyone will
understand the hard work and heart of the princess.”
“Is it really… … ?”
There was no con idence in Dorothea's voice.
Ethan found that she lacked con idence in her particular political and
social aspects. It was because of the memory of failing once and being
pointed at.
Ethan glanced at her face, the glowing red light of a candle, and pulled
out the present he had brought.
“This is a present I brought to the princess today.”
What he took out was a thick bundle of letters.
There were dozens of letters, perhaps more than a hundred, and they
were neatly tied with a red ribbon.
"this… … what?"
“These are letters from the princess.”
Ethan untied the ribbon and showed Dorothea the letters.
One of the reasons he came to her so late was to collect these letters.
“I will read you one by one. Please listen to the princess as if you
were listening to a fairy tale book.”
Ethan had Dorothea pick and pick any of the several letters.
He opened the rough envelope of letter Dorothea had picked and
took out the letter inside.
“Ah, this is a letter from the orphanage that the princess helped me
last time.”
According to Dorothea's 'Being Kind Bucket List', she continued to
donate, and the nursery school of the letter was one of her donations.
Ethan cleared his throat and read the crooked letters.
“Hello, pretty princess. Thanks for the gift of the book. I've already
read the book ive times. I will read it over ten times. The letter teacher
will come and teach you. This is a letter I wrote myself. And today I ran
irst place. Good-bye."
Ethan read the letter in a calm voice.
Dorothea laughed at the contextualized letter.
“There is also a picture drawn below.”
“I want to see you too, Ethan.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan returned the letter and showed it to him.
Underneath the letter, written in crooked, large letters, was a picture
of a book and a stone tablet.
The very cute picture warmed my heart.
Ethan read the next letter from the stack of letters sent from the
“Is this letter really going to the princess? Princess, if you read this,
please visit the nursery school. … … I must have wondered if the letter
was really going to the princess.”
There was an odd corner to the curious child's letter.
“Really… … . When should I go?”
Dorothea mumbled shyly. Then he moved to the side of the bed a
little and looked at Ethan.
“I want to see you too. Read it from your side.”
Dorothea gently lifted the blanket away as if to climb onto the bed.
Ethan struggled for a moment, and Dorothea grabbed one of his
ingers and pulled him gently.
“Lying alone, empty and lonely.”
It seemed like Ethan would be able to lessen his anxiety if he lay
down next to him and just shared the warmth.
Then Ethan took a deep breath.
How can I overcome the temptation of Dorothea? He also wanted to
see her crazy.
Ethan climbed onto the bed and sat with his back on the head.
Dorothea leaned in his arms and groaned.
Then Ethan gave her an arm.
As I cut his arms and put him in my arms, I could feel his warm body
temperature and his familiar body. His arms were warmer than a
feather blanket.
“Read it again, Ethan.”
Dorothea strangled Ethan like a child begging him to read a fairy tale.
When she was young, she had never done anything like this before.
Ethan laughed at Dorothea's grumbling, picked up another letter and
read it.
The letters he received didn't just come from the orphanage.
Anton and the people at the support center for the disabled, those
who one day lost their homes in a lood, children in elementary school,
widows raising children alone… … . And even letters from Poe and Joey,
Stefan and Clara, who do not know when they were written.
Until now, many of the people who had been favored by her were
letters that they were willing to send their time and devotion for her.
And what they say all the time.
“Thank you, Princess.”
In the end, Dorothea buried her head to hide the burning tears.
All of the letters Ethan read calmly seemed to be overdone.
“How can I sleep after hearing this?”
Everyone is looking forward to this. I think I have to work harder to
respond to those people saying thank you.
Ethan did not anticipate Dorothea's resentment and said, 'Oh... … ' I
saw Dorothea crying.
“They will all be praying for a peaceful night for the princess.”
Ethan put the letter down and turned around to wrap his arms
around Dorothea.
His hand gently stroked Dorothea's back.
“You have always done well, Princess.”
It's really nothing. It's just type on the same paper you see every day.
Dorothea was encouraged by these small prints.


Clara carefully opened the door to Dorothea's bedroom. It was to

make sure Dorothea was asleep.
“Princess, are you sleeping?”
“Shh- yes, sleep. It also sleeps very hard.”
At Joey's question, Clara smiled and nodded.
Clara carefully silenced the footsteps and went inside.
Two people buried in a white blanket.
Dorothea was on Ethan's arm pillow, and Ethan was holding
red carpet. Thick velvet curtains to block the sun. A pile of
disorganized letters on the side table. Cold milk and igs. The warm
scent of almost burnt aroma candles.
The colorful breathing sounds of two people leaning on each other's
Clara took the tray on the side table, extinguished the burning candle
and quietly left the room.
The two were sleeping soundly, not knowing Clara had come and
Quietly shut the door so that there is no sound, and Joey, who was
waiting outside, asked.
“What about Ethan Bronte? Would you like to sleep together?”
As Joey wrinkled her eyebrows, Clara nodded.
“Then what do you do?”
Joey muf led her voice and rolled her feet.
It would be very upsetting for an unmarried man to sleep in the
princess's bed. If this is known, it will be a scandal that will turn the
social world upside down.
“Aren’t you supposed to wake up? Even just him, Ethan!”
Clara shook her head and brought her index inger to her lips.
This is a secret only they know. How can I wake you up? I saw the
smile on the sleeping Dorothea's lips.
Clara loved Dorothea too much to break her smile.


“Ethan Bronte visited Dorothea again?”

“Yeah, it looks like you stayed there for quite some time.”
“I didn’t want to see him again after Dorothea took Raymond’s job…
… .”
A deep groove pierced Carnan's forehead.
So far, he has let Dorothea hang out with Ethan.
As Robert said, I thought it could be a young stroke.
In particular, Ethan Bronte's appearance was enough to steal the
eyes of the princess.
Carnan hoped that Dorothea would ind a more lucrative match after
spending a little time with Ethan.
However, as the years went by, the relationship between the two only
deepened and did not fade away.
“I had to leave early, too.”
He waited, not wanting to ight Dorothea, leaving her to some extent
as she wanted, hoping that the short romance of youth would become
boring in the face of reality.
But now I couldn't.
After Raymond's amnesia, Dorothea did an excellent job of playing
Raymond's role, contrary to his concerns.
I didn't expect that she, who was always uncooperative and sitting
still, would show such an active and zealous igure.
Dorothea was satisfying Carnan with performance beyond
At the same time, Dorothea needed a suitable mate.
“Now that Raymond’s marriage has also been canceled due to an
accident, if rumors about Ethan are mixed, the face of the imperial
family will go down.”
Carnan took a deep breath as she washed her face.
Originally, Carnan was trying to promote Raymond's arranged
Not only is Raymond old enough, but Carnan's recent health has not
been very good.
Carnan promoted her marriage to the princess of Mulkibel, a
neighboring country.
The red-haired princess of Mulky Bell, who was like a lame, said that
she knew how to deal with the spirits of ire.
In that case, it may be possible to pass down the power of a stronger
spirit to the future generations of Milanaire.
When Carnan ordered Raymond to talk about marriage, Raymond
nodded obediently in front of Carnon.
Unlike Dorothea, Raymond was a kind and gentle child.
A person who knows how to obey the fate of a prince who has to
marry a princess whom he has never seen before. A clever child who
has adapted to the logic and laws of the imperial family from an early
However, Raymond's memory loss in an accident put the brakes on
his marriage.
Raymond, who doesn't know anything, can't be presented in front of
a foreign princess.
As a result, Carnon's already frequent headaches got worse.
Now that Raymond is like that, Dorothea will also need to center
herself properly.
There are many people who want Dorothea as their companion. It
would be good to marry a prince of a foreign country, and it was also
good to marry the Fried family.
However, there is no way to mix the blood of a bar girl who doesn't
know where she has been with the imperial family.
“But the princess… … .”
“I know, Robert.”
Carnan is also a man with a head.
If you tell him to stop meeting Ethan, Dorothea will resist.
Unlike Raymond, Dorothea was not a daughter who obeyed Carnan's
Carnan didn't want to wrestle again with her daughter, who had been
doing well in a long time.
He shook his brittle hair and said to Robert.
“I have to meet Ethan Bronte in person.”


Ethan stood in front of a gigantic gate with a huge gold-clad sun

pattern and spirit-shaped decorations lashing dazzlingly.
Ethan rearranged his collar once again in front of the door that was
overpoweringly lashy but familiar and ordinary.
Then Robert said Ethan's name.
Soon, the door slowly pushed the heavy body to reveal the inside.
Ethan, as always, entered the Emperor's audience with an elegant
and digni ied gait.
Carnan sat upright on the huge throne in the center.
“I see His Majesty the Emperor, who is the living water of all things in
the Empire, the original contractor, the ful iller of the spirits, the father
of Ubera, and the light that dispels all darkness.”
Ethan politely bowed and bowed.
I could feel Carnan's eyes searching for him.
Ethan secretly looked into his complexion.
Although she was sitting with her back and neck stiffened with
makeup on purpose, the clear vitality and health of her former life were
“Ethan Bronte, I’ve heard that you often visit the Imperial Palace
“If I can be of little help to the imperial family, I am ready to answer
any call.”
Carnan looked at Ethan, who shook his head.
Although he was obviously hunched over in front of him, there was
no sign of fear or nervousness.
No matter how many times he saw it, he was a man who felt strange
and even more sinister.
The appearance of humility and politeness overlaid on a large bowl
that was not pressed down at all even in front of the emperor made me
wonder if one day I would swallow and tilt Milanaire.
I heard that Raymond had also recently called Ethan apart and had
some time with him. All the brothers and sisters of the imperial family
are close to that bar woman's child.
It has long since spread through the mouths of other nobles.
Carnan feared that one day the author would become a great danger
to the imperial family.
“Do you know why I called you?”
“In my humble opinion, your Majesty may have been concerned
about who the imperial family would become due to my insuf icient
Ethan's response was quite provocative.
Having read the thought that he does not welcome him, he does not
speak back to the emperor, and dares to face it head-on.
Even though he knew that the situation was not good for him, there
was no sign of hesitation.
Rather, it was Karnon whose expression shook in front of him.
“I heard you are close to Dorothea.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“You also know that Dorothea is very busy taking care of the Crown
“Yes, I know.”
“Do you want to use Dorothea to get ahead?”
Carnan's eyes narrowed.
Ethan was not unfamiliar with his question. Because everyone is
looking at him.
Everyone thinks that the only reason he can approach the princess is
to seduce the princess with the skills handed down from her mother to
gain power.
As if true love was impossible for him, who was born with a blemish.
So Ethan raised his head and dared to look at Carnan.
“I just love the princess.”
The one sentence he uttered short and calm was his scream.
I beg you to believe in my truth.
But the imperial family is a cold, cold and rational place.
No, was this reason or a prejudice disguised as a coolness?
It was an instant when a sneer appeared on Carnan's lips.
“It’s love… … ?”
I never thought that such cliché d and unconvincing words would
come out of the mouth of Ethan, who seemed like a clever fox.
It would have been nice to have come up with a cleaner and smarter
After all, it was none of Carnan's business.
“If you love me, it will be easier to tell.”
Carnan's voice seemed like a young laugh.
“Will you leave for Dorothea?”
For Dorothea. What could be more cowardly than that?
As if his very existence was harmful to Dorothea.
Ethan clenched his ists under his sleeves.
“If the princess wants it, I will gladly do it.”
Ethan replied with a calm face pretending to be nothing.
Carnan's eyes narrowed.
“Did you know that you have a negative effect on Dorothea?”
negative impact?
“It’s not that it negatively affects the princess, it’s something other
people don’t want to see.”
Ethan said with a bright smile.
I'm sick of being pointed at because of where I came from.
“I intend to stay for the sake of the princess’s happiness.”
Carnan's brow wrinkled at him.
“What if it was the Emperor’s order?”
“Of course, if you get me out of Ubera because of twilight, there’s no
way for me to do it.”
But Ethan is sure Carnon won't be able to.
Not because of fear of Dorothea's rebellion, but because of his
political relationship with the Duke of Bronte.
No matter how bastard you are, Bronte is a Bronte, and it is dif icult
to touch it carelessly.
Carnan knew that Ethan had seen the point and would not back down
in front of me.
That young aristocrat was a thing. If he had a good origin, he would
de initely consider him as Dorothea's companion.
“After all, if there is no price, there is no reason for you to back down
Carnan nodded and signaled to Robert.
Then the servants and servants came in one after another, dragging
boxes. They piled up heavy boxes one by one next to Karnan.
Robert lowered one of the boxes taller than the throne forward and
opened the lid to show him.
It was full of gold coins.
“If you take me away from Dorothea, I will give you a million blancs.”
No matter how the duke's son may be, there are not many chances in
a lifetime to see this kind of money.
One million blancs is enough to eat and play for the rest of your life. It
was enough money to buy a small noble family.
A huge amount of money given just to fall from Dorothea.
One million blancs was a lot more than Ethan had expected.
Carnan must have wanted to distance herself from Dorothea that
The gleaming gold piled up like a mountain made him more
It felt like he was treated like a vulgar thing that could buy and sell
his love for money.
Am I being treated like this because my mother is a bar girl?
He was just trying to ind the reason in his complex origin.
“Your Majesty, this million blancs would be good for Ubera, not me.”
Of course, his answer was no.
Only a million blancs were wasted, so he didn't even return.
Yes, if you give me Ubera, I will consider his offer. If you become the
emperor of Ubera, you will be able to hold Dorothea proudly in your
“Ethan Bronte, this is a warning, not a request.”
In the end, Carnan wrinkled her brow. At the same time, the soldiers
raised their spears, and the air in the audience suddenly subsided.
Ethan quietly scanned the blade towards him.
'Have I committed such a great sin?'
It was as if he had become a traitor.
Anyone who sees it will know that he attempted to assassinate the
The only thing he did was love Dorothea.
This was it. What made him most anxious when he was in love with
Dorothea. His existence becomes a sin just because his natural blood is
At the same time, Ethan realized why Carnon was being so forceful.
'I know I won't last long... … I'm already feeling it.'
He read the emperor's anxious eyes.
Carnan wants to complete Raymond, Dorothea, and the family of the
Milanese royal family before she dies.
Therefore, he wants to quickly deal with Ethan, who will be the
imperial family's fault.
“Choose between a million blancs and death.”
Carnan's threat echoes in the audience.
A very biased choice. clear answer.
“Before I choose, I want to ask you just one thing, Your Majesty.”
“… … .”
“Your Majesty, would you abandon your Majesty the deceased
Empress under this circumstance?”
The mention of the dead empress brought agitation to Carnan's face.
Losing Alice and suffering for a long time.
He was now trying to take Ethan from Dorothea and Dorothea from
Carnan stared into his golden eyes that pierced his weakness.
There was no fear of death or despair about his own situation in
those eyes.
The beautiful man was surrounded by soldiers and stood upright like
a victor.
But that was it.
Carnan knew that as an emperor, he should not be swayed by
personal feelings at this moment.
“Wealth and death, choose.”
There is no way for the emperor to step down to the nobles of the
young Seochul.
The soldiers' spears pointed at him sharper.
A chilling silence hastened his choice.
Ethan closed his eyes for a moment and thought about it, then
“I am never extraordinary. They just make the same choices as the
He said he would take the money and leave.
Then the soldiers took a step back and took the spear they were
aiming for.
“From the moment he accepts this, Ethan Bronte will be barred from
entering Lampas by the twilight.”
In front of Hwangmyeong, Ethan quietly lowered his head.
“I also do not allow any contact with Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
Kissing, hugging, holding hands, talking, and eye contact.
Furthermore, being in one place and exchanging letters are all
prohibited by Hwang Myung.
Violation of this would be treason against the emperor, and death
would pay the penalty.
Ethan made no resistance in the face of Huangming. Just obey, bow
and bow again.
Still, there was an uneasy feeling in a part of Karnon's heart.
In front of Ethan Bronte, the weight of his own horse as an emperor
seemed to become in initely lighter.
As if blown away by the breeze and scattered with a meaningless
“Ethan Bronte, leave Lampas within tonight.”
Hwang Myung fell in front of everyone listening.

“Wow, Princess!”
While Dorothea was working with Theon, Clara rushed in.
Dorothea raised her head, and Clara stomped her feet.
“Eh, Master Ethan said he left… … !”
Dorothea's pen stopped moving.
After a moment of silence, Dorothea spit out a word she had
struggled with.
" inally… … .”
Clara's eyes widened at Dorothea's calm reaction.
I thought Ethan would run right away if he said he was leaving... … ?
“Wait, are you okay?”
"why… … Did you hear me leaving?”
Guessing all the reasons, Dorothea asked Clara.
“His Majesty the Emperor… … .”
Before Clara could inish her sentence, Dorothea nodded as if she
Then he bit his lip and started moving the pen again.
Theon, Clara, who was by her side, and Joey, who was waiting
outside, stopped like a broken machine.
square square.
There was a suffocating silence as the sound of her pen scraping the
Her calm behavior was rather frightening.
But soon her pen stopped again and she trembled.
“Are you okay, Princess?”
Theon asked worriedly.
Dorothea put down her pen.
“I’m sorry, Theon. Today is… … I have to stop.”
Dorothea got up from her seat and took a step forward.
As Dorothea left the room, Clara hurriedly called her, and Joey ran
after her.


Ethan didn't cheat or trick Carnan's orders.

He calmly packed his belongings.
Seeing this, Jonathan giggled with excitement.
“Your Majesty is indeed wise.”
Jonathan seemed happy that Ethan wasn't staying at the mansion
any longer.
No, more than that, Ethan was not recognized by the imperial family
and seemed to be happy that he was being kicked out.
Now there will be no idiots who claim that Ethan is better than
Ethan closed the bag as he listened to Jonathan's sarcasm.
“Do, lord. Are you really leaving?”
“How can I break the Huangming?”
Ethan said calmly, as if he had resigned from everything. Then I went
down the stairs and headed for the carriage in front of Bronte Street.
A servant loaded his belongings, and a wagon was waiting behind
him carrying the property given to him by the imperial palace.
Ethan turned his eyes and looked around the Bronte mansion.
The imperial soldiers who watched him were waiting everywhere.
At that moment, the sound of horseshoes cutting through the night
air resounded.
Where everyone's eyes turned, Ethan found a woman riding a white
“Princess… … !”
Ethan couldn't hide his brightening face without realizing it.
I knew she wasn't supposed to come, but I was hoping she would.
Even the soldiers who were monitoring him were bewildered by
Dorothea's appearance.
Dorothea stopped in front of Ethan, jumped off his horse and hugged
him tightly.
“Ethan… … !”
Ethan couldn't resist her embrace, and the soldiers couldn't stop
"Sorry. I couldn't keep my promise."
Dorothea hugged him tightly and said.


Dorothea and Ethan had predicted this day ever since Raymond's
Carnan had previously disliked Ethan, and as Dorothea took on more
important tasks, Ethan was treated as a lawed princess.
“The more your majesty’s health deteriorates, the more you will try
to separate me from the princess.”
Before he died, he thought he had to deal with the imperial
“I’ll stop you, Ethan. After all, when His Majesty the Emperor dies,
you... … .”
“War is coming.”
Ethan shook his head at Dorothea's words and said.
Hark has already bought ships, and Nereus is building up his forces.
There seems to be a history that cannot be changed no matter how
hard we try. Perhaps their efforts were not enough to change history.
“So I need you.”
Dorothea said.
Before returning, he fought a battle with her. An excellent
bookkeeper who knows everything with just his eyes. The only
companion she can count on.
Ethan caressed her cheek as he was about to grab him.
“A lot has changed, Princess.”
Nereus seems ready to go to war as before, but no one knows when
he will move.
Probably because the date he bought the ship from River South was
also different from before.
The time and shape of the war will certainly be different from before.
“But we know what strategy he will use.”
“But the princess is not having any in luence on the military power.”
Before returning, she showed off her swordsmanship and strategic
talent, and was recognized for her skills by knights and soldiers.
Despite her personality laws, she was recognized early as her
But in this life she lived very quietly.
If she suddenly leads the army in the battle against Hark, it will not
be the same as before the return.
"Besides, I'm not the heir to the duke, and I haven't been able to buy
any worthy sources of information."
Before returning, he became the heir to the Duke of Bronte after
Jonathan's death, and was able to be recognized by the people even
though he was a young man.
But now he had not graduated from Episteme, had no of ice, and was
only a half-faced, musically talented sergeant.
If Dorothea appointed him to a key position before the war, what
would follow was obvious.
Everyone in the world knows that his swordsmanship and hunting
skills are a mess.
So even if a war breaks out, he cannot be with Dorothea.
“The princess should hold the military power before the war begins.”
Dorothea couldn't deny Ethan's words.
Raymond and Theon cannot go to the war against Hark.
Only Dorothea knows that Hark will come over the mountain by boat.
“Then you?”
“I have to do what I can for the princess.”
“What can you do?”
“I’m sorry if you ask me like that. There are things I can do.”
Ethan chuckled. You're making fun of me knowing that I didn't mean
it that way.
But Dorothea's laughter was more heartbreaking than offensive.
Because I know how much trouble is hidden behind that smile.
Dorothea knows the pain of being ignored because of her birthplace.
“I have to stand up for the ball so that I can stand next to the princess
a little more comfortably.”
As a shadow fell on Dorothea's face, Ethan stroked her hair as if to
soothe her.
“I will go one step ahead of the princess and wait for you.”


So Dorothea knew he was leaving.

'When the day I leave, don't come to me. When I see the princess's
face, my heart is weak and I don't think my steps will fall.'

I know very well why Ethan made this request. But in the end, she ran
to meet him, who broke her promise.
“I just couldn’t let it go.”
“… … In fact, I was hoping that the princess would come.”
Ethan wrapped his arms around her. Even if we break up, I think we
will have to look at each other in the end.
“You have to be careful, Ethan.”
"sure. If you want to see the princess again, you have to do that.”
Ethan smiled and kissed her forehead.
“If you can’t sleep from the princess, please read the letters I gave
She nodded.
Ethan looked into her without blinking an eye.
“And do your work in moderation, take care of yourself, and… … Don't
make things that use spirits."
His voice, which had been soft as if nothing had happened, gradually
diminished in regret.
“So that the princess can sleep comfortably… … I always wanted to be
by your side.”
I was thinking of breaking up without seeing your face. It felt heavy
to leave Dorothea alone.
It's only been falling for a while, but I'm so anxious. Been together for
too long
A long time ago, we certainly got along well apart... … .
“I will see you again soon. right?"
Ethan nodded at Dorothea's question as she tried to shake off the
Yes, we will meet again. You should also practice staying apart for a
“I’ll be doing well so you don’t worry.”
Dorothea's blue eyes looking up at him were for him.
In the end, Ethan couldn't stand it and put a hot brand on her red lips.
His hot blood boiled and his pulsating heart drove him.
He dug into Dorothea's sweet lips, swearing densely that they would
surely meet in the future.
Then Dorothea's breath trembled.
She pretended to be okay with her words, but her lips couldn't help
but catch him. She bit his lip and took a deep breath and hung.
How can I get away if I hold on to you like this?
Ethan hugged her tightly to the temptation stronger than the words
to not go.
And before he left, he conveyed all the words, sincerity and faith to
her in his kiss.
The next time we meet, we promised to see each other in a better


Robert was waiting for a moment outside Carnan's of ice.

But beyond that hallway, a familiar igure was rapidly approaching.
stridely. Somewhere in an angry gait.
“Princess… … ?”
She had never come to Carnan's palace on her own feet. But Robert
had an intuition for why she had come.
'You knew about Ethan Bronte... … !'
While Robert panicked, Dorothea stopped in front of him.
“I need to see your Majesty.”
“I’m sorry, Princess. Your Majesty has commanded that no one be
brought in.”
“Tell me.”
Despite Robert's reluctance, Dorothea only repeated his words
When he saw Dorothea for the irst time, Robert sweated and
eventually nodded.
“Your Majesty, Princess Dorothea ate.”
Albert said inside, but permission was not granted from inside.
Eventually, Dorothea opened the door with her own hands and went
When Dorothea came in, Carnan was sitting on the couch, seeing the
Dorothea saw his hands trembling, and also saw the doctor hurried
to cover the basin.
His face was pale, as if he had just vomited.
“Dorothea. What nonsense is this?”
Carnan wrinkled her brow as she tidied up her disheveled sleeves.
“You kicked out Ethan Bronte.”
Dorothea looked at Carnon, and Carnon stood up.
“He also agreed. I took a million blancs and left.”
Dorothea asked absurdly.
How do you describe intimidation as consent?
A million blancs is just what Carnon paid to lighten his heart.
Carnan wrinkled his brow and told Dorothea.
“It’s all for you.”
At his words, Dorothea's expression hardened coldly.
She clenched her ists as if suppressing her emotions.
“It’s a decision for me… … ?”
Didn't you think about the imperial family and face?
"okay. If it wasn't for you, there would be no reason for me to call in
and talk to such a person."
Dorothea had a lot to say. But Carnan's blue lips and skinny wrists
were blocking her like a shield.
'Do what you have to do, Dorothea.'
Dorothea parted her lips, calming her rising emotions.
“You said you were for me.”
“… … okay."
“Then please allow me to attend this military exercise.”
Dorothea looked at Carnan with a bold look.


After returning from the Imperial Palace, Theon has been immersed
in thought.
He quietly looked down at his empty palms.
He was more sensitive to the spirit of light than anyone else. It was
weak, but it was de initely a feeling of puri ication. It feels as if the
spirit of light is by your side.
'why? Can you make a spirit dwell on the brooch?'
Theon remembered Dorothea's brooch.
On the outside, it was an unusual brooch. No, it's a bit unusual. It
looks like a piece of gold the size of a pebble.
Its size is subtly larger than that of a regular brooch, so it seemed
more suitable to use it for display rather than to wear it.
It was a strange thing when I remember that Dorothea doesn't
usually wear fancy accessories.
As I began to feel strange, the existence of the brooch became more
and more unfamiliar.
Even if it's a gift from Ethan, how can you wear it so often?
'Come to think of it, on the side of the brooch… … .'
Theon looked back at his memory and remembered that there was a
small hinge on the side of the brooch.
He jumped from his seat and pulled out a small jewelry box from
under his chest of drawers.
As he wiped the shallow dust on the jewel box, the faint crest of the
Fried family was revealed.
It had been passed down to him from his mother, Archduke Fried,
when he came from Fridia.
He took out the key from his pocket and opened the long-closed
jewelry box.
Then a stone blacker than obsidian appeared.
The stone did not re lect a single light, so it was so dark that even a
shadow could not be seen, and it had a dark energy that seemed to
absorb the surrounding light.
And Theon felt the spirits he had barely suppressed go wild.
Theon couldn't even touch the stone out of fear, and tried to estimate
the size of the stone whose shape was unclear.
Is it about the length of your thumb? maybe a little smaller than that?
He took a guess, then hurriedly closed the box and locked it with the
Even for a brief moment, I felt sick to my stomach and my heart was
beating fast.
Archduke Fried sent the Dark Spirit Stone to help him in any way.
However, the spirit stone only stimulated the spirit again, making it
dif icult to control.
He put the jewelry box back into the deepest part of the drawer.
Then, after leaning on the desk for a while to cool down, he went to
the bookshelf, found a book, and took it out.
It was a history book about the legitimacy of the imperial family that
has been passed down from the myth of the founding of Ubera, which
many people know.
He opened the book and quickly turned the pages. And the page he
stopped at.
History of Emperor Corresus Milanaire.
Although it is a history that he has heard and learned countless times
since he was a child, he thoroughly read the work of the Coresus as if he
were seeing it for the irst time.
And one illustration caught his eye.
It was the imperial scepter.


The next day, Theon went to Raymond, not Dorothea.

Raymond, who was practicing swordsmanship alone, greeted Theon
with a bright smile as soon as he saw it.
“Good morning, Your Majesty. How is your health?”
“It has improved a lot. Except for this head.”
Raymond smiled and patted his head, not remembering.
“Moreover, did you hear the news?”
“What news… … ?”
“It is said that His Majesty the Emperor forbade Ethan Bronte from
entering Lampas and expelled him.”
Raymond's bright face sunk with seriousness.
“Yes, I heard… … .”
“… … It's probably because of the origin. Have you seen Dorothy
Raymond was quite concerned about Dorothea.
“No, I haven’t seen you today… … .”
Theon was also worried about her.
It was obvious that her relationship with Carnan would deteriorate
Besides, there was something I wanted to ask Ethan.
"I see… … . But what happened to me from the early hours?”
“Ah, I have a favor to ask you.”
“I want to see the imperial scepter, but usually only the imperial
family can take it out and see it… … .”
Theon hesitated.
After Raymond lost his memory, he stayed by Dorothea's side, so to
Raymond today, Theon must be quite a stranger.
He would come to visit us often to talk and tell us important things,
but until he was able to grant such a private request... … .
"Ok, ine."
However, contrary to Theon's concerns, Raymond gladly accepted his
Theon looked at him with puzzled eyes.
You agree to show the royal treasures without asking why?

'You must be asking for a reason.'

It's just like his close friend who always listened to his requests
without asking.
“I have time right now, so why not go right now?”
Raymond put the knife he was holding and gave it to the attendant
standing by.


Raymond and Theon headed to the royal courtroom.

Raymond opened the door with the key he always kept with him and
went inside.
The long room that receives sunlight through the wide window was
also called the 'Emperor's Room'.
At the top of the wall were portraits of successive Milanaires one
after another.
The wooden cabinets displayed the important treasures of
Milanaire, or glorious documents and paintings.
And the scepter that Theon wanted to see was stored along with the
emperor's cof in in the innermost center.
Theon stood in front of the display case of the scepter and looked at
A beautifully sculpted spirit igure at the tip of the scepter. It looks as
if she is embracing something, but her arms are empty.
Theon looked more carefully at the tip of the scepter.
Then, I made a ring shape with my ingers and tried to estimate its
“Shall I take it out and show you?”
“No, it’s ine. majesty."
“Did you suddenly become interested in the Scepter?”
"no. I have a question. However… … It seems to have been resolved.”
Raymond looked at Theon's expression.
It was a rather serious and dark expression for a question that had
been resolved.
"Do you have any problem… … ?”
“… … it's nothing. majesty."
Theon shook his head, wiping the shadows off his face.


'The spirit stone of light belongs to the princess.'

Back home, Theon was convinced.
The size of the empty space at the end of the scepter was similar to
that of Dorothea's brooch.
Only now did Dorothea, who woke up unusually late, understood.
'But ordinary people wouldn't be able to deal with spirits just
because they have a spirit stone... … .'
Only those who have contracted with the spirits and those who know
how to handle the spirits can amplify their power and resonate with
them through the Spirit Stone.
The Fried family has been protecting the Stone of Darkness from
generation to generation, but since the generation of the Spirit Master
ceased, there was no one who could resonate with the Stone of
Theon's mother, Archduke Fried, can only store the Spirit Stone and
cannot use it, and so did his predecessors.
'Did the princess hide her power? Where did you get the spirit stone
that disappeared more than a hundred years ago?'
Numerous questions illed my mind.
at that time.
“Master, a letter has been sent to you.”
The butler handed him a letter.
In the center of the envelope, there was only one sentence, 'To Theon
Fried,' written in elegant handwriting.
“Who sent it?”
"I do not know. A little boy told me that he had been asked to run an
errand. I thought I was going to throw it away because I was
embarrassed, but I thought the master should check it once. … … Shall I
throw it away?”
Theon thought for a moment while holding the letter of question,
then shook his head.
“No, I will check.”
Theon took the letter and went up to the room.
After pondering for a moment, he opened the suspicious anonymous

[Dear Theon Fried.

My time is too precious to write for a long time, so I will brie ly
convey the purpose.
I know you are the Awakening of the Dark Spirit.
Also, I know that you are suffering quite a bit due to the low spirit
af inity.]

Theon's brow wrinkled at the unexpected content.

Except for Archduke Fried, Raymond, Dorothea, Carnan and Julia, no
one knows of his abilities.
He shook his head to deduce the sender of the letter, but no one he
knew would ever send such a letter.
Moreover, it is rare to ind a person who writes such an elegant and
beautiful handwriting.
Theon was an old woman who wanted to see anyone, so she checked
the door and the windows were closed again, and read the next line

[I think you already know how to increase Spirit Af inity.

I know someone who can help increase your Elemental Af inity.
You won't get a lot of power, but at least you won't have to struggle
with puri ication.
Of course, as you know, increasing af inity comes with signi icant
If you're willing to take the risk and increase your spirit af inity, take
the Dark Spirit Stone and come here on the outskirts of Lampas on the
next full night.
Of course, you will have to come alone.]

Every sentence was a suspicious letter.

No one believes this letter.
However, Theon's heart was shaken by the letter that seemed to
clearly understand his situation.
As written in the letter, he knew how to increase elemental af inity.
After awakening the spirits, I studied the spirits like crazy.
'But there is no one who can increase my af inity... … .'
Had he known, he would have already come and asked for help.
There was a risk of losing my life, but that didn't matter.
For him, the power of the spirit is an incurable disease that requires
treatment by visiting a doctor for the rest of his life.
Besides, only Milanaire can cure him.
Therefore, he will have to spend the rest of his life with the only
doctor, Milanaire.
There was something more terrifying.
His illness can eat away at his life, but on the contrary, it can also
harm others.
He always wanted to be free from this terrible disease.

[This will be your irst and last chance in your life.]

Theon's hands trembled as he read the last sentence.

Behind the letter was a map showing the meeting place.
It is a letter that ordinary people would have thrown away without
even looking at it. But Theon didn't even think about it.
Even if this letter is false, if anyone knows his secret, he should see it.


Military training is held once a year.

The Knights of Brilliance, who were in charge of the imperial escort
and moved as separate units, also participated in this, as well as the
generals and general soldiers of the empire.
And this year in particular, Dorothea also attended and watched the
soldiers' training.
The princess who attended the military training was wearing a
sword with a belt around her pants, just like everyone else.
It is enough to be overwhelmed by the loud sounds and atmosphere
of the soldiers, but Dorothea was looking around the trainees with a
cold and careful look, as if they had been watching the soldiers for a
long time.
She talked with the generals about training methods and tactics, as
well as new weapons and weaknesses of the Ubera army.
Raymond glanced at Dorothea and raised the corners of his lips
It was quite different from the way she used to just keep her mouth
“I didn’t know that the princess was thinking so deeply about the
The knights and generals were surprised that Dorothea knew more
than they thought.
If I had to pick the part that Dorothea read the most in 'The Study of
Kings', it was military science, and even before her return, she was
quite con ident in military affairs.
“Dorothy, is this your irst time attending military training?”
“I thought it was necessary to check the military power of Ubera at
least once.”
“Do you think there will be a war?”
Theon said that Dorothea was concerned about a war with Hark.
I heard that the other nobles were gathering information because
Dorothea was the only one worried about Hark, who didn't even care.
And according to the information she gathered, it was true that
Hark's movements were unusual.
“It is not unusual for a war to occur at any time. Your Majesty is not in
good health, and Your Majesty has lost her memory.”
At that, Raymond secretly hid his sullen expression and lowered his
At that time, Arthur, the leader of the Knights of Brilliance,
approached the two.
"If it's okay with you two, could you show me your swords in front of
the soldiers?"
Dorothea and Raymond met their eyes.
“As far as I know, I have heard that the two of them are as talented as
any other knights. If you two are okay with it, it will help boost the
morale of the soldiers.”
Historically, it is often the case that the imperial family showed their
skills in front of knights.
Rather than showing off their skills, the imperial family strengthens
solidarity and boosts morale by acting like knights and soldiers.
“Especially, the soldiers are curious about the princess’s skills.”
Arthur smiled softly and added, 'The rumors abound.'
Whether he defeated Nereus, the current king of Hark, when he was
young, or defeated Raymond in a swordsmanship contest, or that
Stefan possessed a skill that could be recognized, or that he accurately
hit a certain part of another target in the Episteme transfer test.
Dorothea's skills were well known by word of mouth, but she never
of icially showed her skills in public.
“Um, I’m not feeling well.”
Raymond turned back and glanced at Dorothea as an excuse for his
falling horse.
Dorothea thought for a moment, then nodded.


She accepted Arthur's offer because she thought it was necessary to

make her name known to the soldiers ahead of the war with Hark.
And personally, it's also because I wanted a position like this since
I've been ighting for the sword less since I took the place of Raymond.
Even before her return, her swordsmanship skills were on par with
Although it took a long time to take a break from practice after
returning, it had been a while since I practiced again and made a body,
and thanks to the accumulated amount of practice and know-how, it
was comparable to the previous level.
However, I just didn't show it to anyone.
“Princess, your opponent… … .”
“Anyone, anyone who wants. Still, I wish I had good skills.”
Arthur laughed at Dorothea's clear answer.
Soon several knights volunteered.
Arthur picked one of them and made him a match for Dorothea.
“Paul, that child deserves to compete with the princess.”
Joy, who was helping Dorothea's preparations, nodded as if
admitting it.
Paul's skills are not comparable to mine, but he said that he would be
quite fun to play against because of his unique skills.
Dorothea nodded, tied her hair together and climbed onto the pitch.
“It is an honor to give you a chance to compete with the princess in a
The knight, who was called foul, set a courtesy in front of Dorothea to
suit his chivalry.
The onlookers around them cheered with their exciting eyes shining.


Shouts poured out at Dorothy.

It was a famous match. The ight was so tight that it made the
viewers sweat.
The skills and techniques that could be seen as a sword were lashy,
but it was not a show-off technique.
Even if victory and defeat incline slowly, it boils again, and at some
point it reverses.
Dorothea's heart was beating pleasantly, and sweat was forming on
her cheek.
“It was a good match, Sir Paul.”
Dorothea reached out to the foul.
Paul admitted defeat and took her hand.
“You were wonderful, Princess.”
The hand holding the foul was thrilling.
Dorothea remembered a feeling she had loved for a very long time.
The onlookers could not hide their excitement at the unexpected
victory of the princess and raised their voices.
“That’s Princess Dorothea Milanaire.”
“Oh, that wine!”
The buzzing soldiers recalled the ine wine they had received as a
reward a few years ago.
The wine bearing the name of Dorothea remained in memory
because it was too good for ordinary soldiers to drink.
“There were only rumors that he was good at it! If you had that level
of skill, you would have entered the Knights Templar.”
“Well, Sir Stefan, is he the kind of person who goes about lying for
People's words made Joy's nose higher for nothing.
A smile crept across Stefan's lips as he watched.
After the match, Raymond ran out of his seat.
“You are amazing!”
“It’s amazing.”
“Awesome! Sir Paul is one of the most powerful men in the Knights
Dorothea, who beat Raymond to keep from making a fuss, also had a
pleasant smile on her lips.
Then Dorothea suddenly remembered Ethan.
It would have been better if Ethan had been here.
I wondered what Ethan was doing now.


In the deserted forest road, only the sounds of insects and beasts
spread occasionally.
A long black shadow passed through the shadows of the trees under
the moonlight.
The full night promised by an anonymous letter, the forest marked
on the map.
In the middle of the night, it is a remote land where even a hunter
cannot pass.
Theon depended on only a small lamp and a sword under his cloak.
He reached the promised place, hiding a small jewelry box under his
A small vacant lot in the forest where the moonlight falls and the
stars in the sky are sparsely obscured.
Theon hid behind a tree for a while, waiting for the sender of the
letter to arrive.
At that time, the light gradually brightened from one side of the dark
vacant lot, and the slowly spreading light drove away the shadows of
the forest in an instant.
'A spirit of light?'
Theon looked at the light that lit the forest in bewilderment.
'Is that Raymond? No, Princess Dorothea... … ?'
At that time, a man who had been there since then walked out under
the full moon.
He stared at Theon revealed in the light.
He covered his face with a white mask and pressed down his robe, as
if trying to completely hide his identity.
But at least given his height and size, it was clear that he wasn't
Raymond or Dorothea.
So who are you? Does anyone know how to deal with light spirits like
Maybe it's a distant descendant of the imperial family.
But, how could there be such a strong elemental in the room... … .
The black eyes in the mask stared at the wandering Theon.
Theon slowly stepped forward at the silent staring gaze as if to come
“… … Are you the one who sent this letter?”
As Theon pulled out an anonymous letter and showed it to him, the
faceless man nodded.
Theon gripped the hilt under the cloak.
Fortunately, the other party seems to have come alone. One person is
enough to deal with.
“Is it possible to increase the spirit af inity?”
The mask nodded again at Theon's question. Shortly thereafter, the
masked man without a word handed him a piece of torn paper from his
A piece of old paper that looked like it had been torn from a book had
instructions on how to increase the spirit's af inity.
It seemed to be from a book different from Theon's, but it was not
different from what he found out.
[Raising the spirit af inity is simple. It is to train and adapt with the
power of a spirit that goes beyond one's own limits.
But going beyond the limits comes with risks.
A force that one cannot control or accept can harm the trainee.
Therefore, if there is no appropriate action for this, death may occur
during training.]

According to records, long ago, when Milanaire and Freed were

strong enough to control the light of the sky, it was often the case that
they improved their Elemental Af inity.
However, as the spirits that can control the power of strong spirits
become rare, this method has only been passed down through records.
To amplify the power to the limit, you can borrow the power of the
Spirit Stone.
However, there is no good elemental commander to control him.
Because the spirits of light who can suppress the spirits of darkness
are all weakened.
A dangerous challenge that neither Raymond nor Dorothea could
“Is there really anyone who can take appropriate action?”
Then, the masked man called the spirit directly instead of answering.
The spirits that lit up the forest multiplied in number and enveloped
Theon's whole body.
It was as if he had summoned the moon loating in the sky to his side.
No matter how sparsely populated the place is, with this kind of light,
you can probably see it from afar.
Theon felt awe more than any other emotion.
But as soon as he was overwhelmed with awe, the light disappeared
as if sucked into a single point in an instant.
Numerous lights condensed around the unknown man and
brightened his surroundings.
Theon couldn't take his eyes off him, who suddenly glowed in the
dark forest.
“Who are you… … ?”
Now he felt like a divine being.
It seemed to understand why those who had seen Milanaire and
Fried in the irst place admired them.
But even to Theon's question, the unknown didn't answer.
Instead, he reached out his hand as if to take out the spirit stone.
Theon could no longer refuse him.
After facing his light, his heart was beating nonstop with
Maybe the author can cure my long incurable disease.
Hoping that the old curse would be lifted, he took out the jewelry box
he had in his arms and opened it.
When I opened the lid, black darkness sprouted from the box and
The dark spirit resonated with the black stone and began to harass
They wanted to come out right away, color the world in darkness,
and spread the silence and silence of death.
At that time, the masked man picked up the spirit stone and handed
it to him.
It means to grab the spirit stone directly.
But Theon hesitated.
The moment he grabs the spirit stone, he will not be able to control
the spirit.
The darkness that spreads from it will kill birds, wither lowers,
devour sounds, and trample the little lights that light up the night.
And like a hound that bites its master's neck, it will covet Theon's
But the mask that faced him was staring at him without wavering.
The endless darkness resting on the white-gloved man's hand was
waiting for Theon.
catch it Don't run away, ight Don't be afraid of death.
The masked man seemed to whisper to him like that.
Theon nodded his head.
You can't live your life entangled in spirits. He must try everything he
can to escape this curse.
He mustered up the courage to grab hold of the dark mass that
awaited him.
Then, in an instant, darkness climbed up his hand and clinged to him
as if to devour him.
Spirits who wanted to get out of the world drove him, and Theon, as
always, tried to stop it.
However, as if he could not close the lid of the boiling pot, dark
spirits began to bloom one by one around him.
Theon was afraid of the power of darkness that he could not control
and wanted to place the Spirit Stone.
Then, an unknown man grabbed his hand.
never let go
he was talking
"However… … ”
I can't stand it any longer.
Theon looked at the mask with trembling red eyes, and the mouth
behind the mask opened.
“Call the spirits. Don't suppress it, but on the contrary, release that
power to the fullest."
He said in a voice that touched Theon's sense of dread.
“Then the spirit… … .”
It will take away the little life around it, and it will wither the grass
and trees.
Also, even Theon's life, who can't handle that power... … .
“You have to go beyond the limits.”
Power entered the white gloved hands.
Theon then recalled his purpose hidden behind fear.
As if encouraging his bravery, the faceless man summoned the spirit
of light.
Then the spirits of light and darkness lew into the sky as if dancing
in harmony with each other.
Theon then bit his dry lips once and decided.
As if stepping on a cliff, he closed his eyes tightly and let go of the
power he was holding back.
Soon, it was a night without the moon and stars.


It felt like hot sulfuric acid was running through my veins.

An unbearable silence weighed down on him, and darkness dragged
his life down to the deepest depths.
He felt his breath slowly fading.
The spirits seemed to want to bury even the sound of his breath in
the silence.
Furthermore, even the sound of his heartbeat.
As he was dying, he couldn't even breathe. It would be better to say
that life is coming to an end.
He faced my death without a single scream.
It was pure darkness.
at that time.
“You must not die.”
someone called him
At the same time, he felt the darkness that had engulfed him
disappear, swept away by a huge tidal wave of light.
It was then that he was freed from the heavy darkness that had
weighed on him and was able to breathe.
“Huh, huh… … .”
My vision, which had been darkened, gradually brightened and
accepted the shape of the surroundings.
The irst thing he saw was a man with a light source.
Seeing Theon open his eyes, he sighed in relief and sat down next to
“Damn it.”
In the place where Goyo had left, swear words lowed softly.
Theon lay down next to him and looked up at the sky quietly.
It felt strange to get up.
Perhaps because I had come back from the threshold of death, the
life I had to face again felt a different weight than before.
No, not just that... … . Even though the spirits of darkness were not
suppressed, the spirits did not riot at will.
Theon raised his hand and looked up.
After hesitating a few times as he looked at his raised hands toward
the sky, he gathered courage and slowly called out the spirit.
Then, as he had hoped, the spirit slowly spread out. It was a very
weak force compared to before.
Only enough to color a small room with darkness.
The fading darkness now even looked cute.
Theon burst into laughter as he looked at the spirit of darkness that
circled his ingertips. At the same time, I felt like crying.
At that moment, an anonymous man who had been watching him
quietly stood up.
Theon hurriedly followed him and stood up.
Putting on the mask, he moved as if he had no more business.
“Ethan Bronte!”
Then, Theon called Ethan's name. Then the footsteps of the man who
was about to leave stopped on the spot.
“… … .”
“Yeah, you were right. The person who presented the spirit stone to
the princess.”
When Dorothea was mentioned, he instinctively turned to Theon.
Theon looked at him with conviction.
The face of a beautiful man with a frown frowned under the mask,
which was slowly removed, was revealed.
“How did you know that… … ?”
“You hid it well for years.”
Theon said, making eye contact with Ethan.
Then Ethan's ine eyebrows wrinkled even more.
“I asked how did you know?”
"I'm the one who wants to ask how you use your spirit power?"
Theon walked over to Ethan.
There is no way that Ethan's biological mother, who is known for
being a bar girl, was Milanaire.
“That you don't need to know. Don't even wonder All you have to do
is keep quiet like Fried.”
Ethan frowned as he saw Theon who dared to bite him. There is no
need to reveal all of his past to Theon and the like.
“Why don’t you tell the imperial family?”
“If His Majesty the Emperor knew about your abilities, he would
accept you.”
Ethan thought Theon had a lot to say about Fried.
Who are you worried about now?
“Because the princess must be a pure awakening in front of people.”
Ethan answered this question as easily as possible.
He didn't want to see the beasts biting Dorothea's little blemishes.
“Then why did you help me… … ?”
Theon asked again.
At that, Ethan quietly rolled his eyes and looked at him again.
“Because I don’t want you to lirt with the princess using Jeonghwa
as an excuse.”
Because I don't want you to have an excuse to be with her while I'm
not with her.
Theon laughed at him as if it was ridiculous.
Did you help me with this just for that reason? The greatest salvation
in his life, without asking for anything in return?
Ethan's temples twitched at Theon's laugh.
“Since the Dark Spirit problem has staked your whole life at risk, the
Princess is that kind of existence to me.”
Ethan said, cutting Theon's laughter relentlessly.
But at that answer, Theon couldn't help but laugh once more.
'Ethan Bronte. Pretty crazy'
he thought
Ethan Bronte was crazy about Dorothea so much that his feelings for
Dorothea could be dismissed as a mere 'like'.
Theon admitted that he had lost.
He also dreamed of becoming Dorothea's companion, but compared
to the author, his love was nothing more than a playing house.
As if reading Theon's consent, Ethan glanced at him for a moment,
then turned and walked away as if he didn't like him.
“Where are you planning to go?”
Theon asked him who was forbidden to enter Lampas.
Then Ethan answered, showing only his back.
"I'm afraid I'm going to throw away the money your Majesty gave


“Hark going to war?”

Instead, those present at the meeting frowned at Dorothea's
Dorothea explained Hark's dynamics and the purchase of a ship in
front of the ministers.
The point was that Hark was building up his military force, the
deployment of troops at the border had doubled, and he had bought
ships, chains, and horses necessary for war.
But few agreed with her assertions.
“The relationship between Hark and Ubera is strong. But suddenly
there is no way to start a war, right?”
They gasped for an absurd claim.
“It must have been close with some nobles who were friendly to
Hark. You have recently expressed your dissatisfaction, directly or
indirectly, and don't you send the tribute you sent every year for a few
years ago?"
“Yeah, isn’t it a complaint that our food production has increased
over the years and the wheat trade with hark has slowed down?
Besides, we also raised tariffs.”
“The Marquis Dmitry seems to be on the side of Hark.”
Dorothea stared at Dmitry.
He has been speaking as Hark's spokesperson ever since the story
about Hark came out.
“I’m not on the side of Hark… … .”
“You sold a large number of ships to Hark.”
“It was never military. It relies on small sails and has to be moved by
rowing. The size isn't great either. It’s always been a deal.”
“It looks like the side of the ship is high and there is a hole to look
According to Dorothea's reports, it was clearly different from the
normal ship's shape.
“It was ordered by Hark to block the wind.”
“I think it will be able to prevent not only the wind, but also the
invasion and attack of the enemy.”
“You’re making an absurd rant!”
Dmitry's face turned red and he spoke to Dorothea.
Then Carnan looked at Dorothea and blinked as if to stop.
Dorothea kept her mouth shut.
“Hark also sent a gift of consolation to Prince Raymond when he
suffered a fall. I'm not going to argue with some vague information."
Instead, they were defensive.
Because preparing for war itself is a loss to them.
War means that they have to give up what they have for their troops
and supplies.
It also means that the good deals and daily routines that have been
carried on until now are uncomfortable.
It is not easy for them to accept the emergency situation of war given
their stable environment.
Although there were several signs, the complacency of the full-
ledged ministers clouded their judgment.
Thanks to that, Dorothea before her return could have succeeded in
rebellion more easily.
“Besides, war is a time when your Majesty and His Majesty the
Crown Prince are not in good health… … . Isn't it the princess who really
wants war?"
"I beg your pardon… … ?”
“Didn’t the princess just become able to wield power? Do you think
that power will be completely in the hands of the princess if war is
Dmitry shook his head as if to understand Dorothea's intentions.
Then, Raymond, who had been standing still with his mouth shut,
stepped out.
“Marquis Dmitry. Be careful.”
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. However, recently, the princess seems to be
continuing her powers by taking care of the Crown Prince's affairs... … .”
“It’s not a pass, but it’s something I personally requested because I’m
not feeling well.”
Raymond, who had a cold expression on his face, said irmly.
“I wonder why the Crown Prince is able to move now, and why the
Princess is still taking care of his work.”
"that… … .”
Because of my amnesia, I don't have the ability to get things done.
But Carnan kept Raymond's amnesia a secret.
“Marquis Dmitry, don’t waste your time on pointless discussions.”
At that moment, Carnan, who had her forehead wrinkled, opened her
mouth to organize the conversation.


After the meeting, the busy ministers left without looking back.
“Okay, I expected this to happen… … .”
After reviewing all the material with Dorothea, Theon found her
argument to be fairly plausible.
He also agreed that if there is such a risk, it is necessary to prepare at
any cost.
You shouldn't lock the stable door after losing your horse.
Then Raymond caught Dorothea as she was about to leave the
meeting room.
“So, that’s what you’re worried about, Hark. If your investigation is
correct, I think it would be okay to send some of the Imperial Knights to
the Cerritians to strengthen the border.”
“The Knights?”
“Not all of them, but a small number of elites can do it. Someone you
can trust.”
“We will make sure that Freedia can also apply.”
Raymond patted the discouraged Dorothea on the back, and Theon
promised to help prepare for Hark as heir to the Fried family.
Dorothea met the eyes of two people who trusted her.
Suddenly, the eyes they had met before returning passed by.
what did i do to you To you who are such a good person.
"thank you. Really… … .”
Dorothea said, clenching her ists.
Neither ignores her claims as nonsense, nor doubts whether she has
a political motive.
Accept what she wants to say as it is.
“What thanks! It’s for Ubera, but it’s a natural decision.”
Raymond laughed and said thank you for everything.
at that time.
"your majesty!"
A loud noise echoed from the far end of the hallway.
The three of them made eye contact at the same time. And no matter
who came irst, I ran towards the sound.
There, Robert, who had been following Carnon, and other servants
surrounded the fallen Carnan.
“Come on, call the doctor!”
The servant, following Robert's orders, ran quickly.
Dorothea looked at Carnan who had fallen.
Even in her eyes, who did not have deep medical knowledge, she
could feel the shadow of death on his face.
Not just her, but Raymond and Theon.
"your majesty… … .”
Raymond's blue eyes were agitated.
Carnan's health had never been known precisely to Raymond or
Dorothea until now.
So Raymond thought it was just a passing cold or a treatable disease.
However, Dorothea only knew of her memories before her return.
The servants hurriedly picked up Carnan and went up to the
bedroom, and they followed suit.


“Your Majesty will be unable to perform your duties for the time
being, so the Crown Prince must take over.”
Robert said while Carnan was being treated.
“No, I… … .”
Raymond shook his head.
I couldn't accept this situation. His father, who is in critical condition,
and his future approaching too quickly.
'Since when did your Majesty become so ill?'
Had I known earlier, I wouldn't have been able to live this way.
Ray's lips trembled nervously.
“Your Majesty, you must eat your heart out. Your Majesty will soon
become emperor.”
Robert grabbed Raymond's confused hand.
Rei's ingertips twitched.
“I, I don’t remember.”
Raymond pulled out Robert's hand and turned his head to the side.
Raymond believed that Carnan would one day stand up as strong as
he was when he urged him to study.
That's how it should be.
He was not yet ready to let his father go.
Carnan was a strict, terrifying, and still dif icult person to approach,
but nonetheless he was a father with whom he lived his whole life.
Carnan and Dorothea are his only family, the few who genuinely care
about him, and whom he can trust.
Therefore, Raymond has always depended on Carnon's existence.
Even if he lacked a little bit, he was able to hide behind him because
he was there, and it was Carnon who took all the responsibility for
Ubera whether he made a mistake or made a mistake.
So he feared and respected his father, but at the same time did not
have the courage to take his place.
"it's okay. Competent servants will help you. You just have to learn it
step by step.”
“Your Majesty will be well. certainly… … .”
"majesty… … .”
“Dorothy, you do it. I am not ready yet.”
Raymond took a step back and turned to Dorothea.
Then Dorothea looked at him with determined eyes.
“Sir Raymond.”
“Please, Dorothy. Don’t call me to tell you.”
“It’s not going to be solved by avoiding it. You are the Crown Prince of
Raymond looked back at those around him like a cornered rat.
Everyone was looking at him.
become emperor give the command Lead Ubera.
Raymond seemed to choke at the gaze.
And the blue eyes staring at him most resolutely.
Dorothea Milanaire.
does she know What did he do to pass the throne to her?


“Are you okay, Your Majesty?”

When Dorothea came out irst, Theon, who was waiting outside,
“… … No, the Crown Prince will take over your majesty's duties. So,
Theon, you must help His Majesty from now on.”
“The Emperor’s illness is… … .”
"tumor. The doctor said it was impossible to cure him.”
“… … .”
"If this happens to Hark, I'm sure Nereus will use this crisis as an
Dorothea hurriedly set out to send knights and troops to Cerritian.
If Dorothea makes a plan, Raymond will allow it.
Then, Theon called her out.
When Dorothea turned around, Theon parted her lips after
hesitating for a moment.
“The Emperor’s illness made me a little… … I think we can help.”
“What does that mean?”
“The power of Fried.”
Theon parted his lips quietly.
Dorothea tilted her head at him.
“But to cure tumors with Fried’s power, only a spiritist who can
properly handle dark spirits… … .”
At that moment, a black mass rose from Theon's ingertips.
It was a dark spirit. An endless black mass as if blinded.
Dorothea looked at him in disbelief.
“The spirit… … Can you handle it now?”
Theon nodded at Dorothea's words. And he came one step closer to
“Ethan Bronte, he gave the princess the power of the spirit.”
Dorothea's eyes luttered at Theon's confession.
“I didn’t hear the details, but Ethan Bronte helped me out when I left
“Ethan… … ?”
Dorothea's eyes widened at his name.
Then Dorothea remembered that Theon had not talked about
puri ication recently.
I just thought Raymond was doing a good job of purifying him... … .
“Even though it is a weak force, it seems to be able to slow the
progression of the disease.”
Theon knows that he cannot cure Carnan's illness on his own.
He doesn't have the power to change human life and death.
But at least until Raymond is ready to ascend the throne and prepare
himself for Hark's threat of war, his strength will help.
Also, the dark spirit with the character of 'quiet and rest' will be able
to reduce Karnan's pain a little.
“Do you know Raymond?”
“No, not yet.”
“… … If you're okay with it, I'll ask you. Talk to Raymond, too.”
Theon nodded at him.
And Dorothea looked at Theon and hesitated for a moment, then
asked a question that was a little off topic but impatient.
“Ethan… … How did you look?”
I tried to pretend it was okay, but when I heard his name, I couldn't
resist to hear his news.
Every night, just iddling with the brooch he gave me and missing
him did not quench my thirst for him.
Theon seemed hesitant at Dorothea's worrying question, but then
opened her mouth.
“… … He seemed to care a lot about the princess.”
There were still feelings for Dorothea in the corner of his heart, but
now he knows.
that there is no room for me to intervene between the two of them.
“He will be back soon.”
A faint smile spread across Dorothea's lips, comforting Theon.
“I believe so too.”


“Sir Stephan.”
At the Crown Prince's call, Stefan knelt politely.
The order of the Crown Prince in place of the Emperor's name.
“Lead your troops and check the borders of Cerritian.”
Stefan formed an elite detachment of ten or so knights and soldiers
and was tasked with inspecting and reporting on the borders of
Cerritian adjacent to Hark.
It was because the emperor could not send a large number of troops
out of Lampas during this critical period.
However, Theon asked Freedia to provide troops so that the border
defenses could be strengthened.
Stefan, taking Raymond's orders, immediately moved to prepare to
go to Cerritian.
at that time.
When he turned his head to the sound of quietly calling himself,
Dorothea was waiting for him.
Stefan, who had been seriously sunk by the imperial misery, looked
at her and smiled.
He approached Dorothea with a happy heart.
“Go and be careful.”
Dorothea said goodbye to Stefan carefully.
In fact, I didn't really like the idea of sending only Stefan and a small
number of people down to Cerritian.
Once Haruk decides to invade, it won't be easy to hold on with that
Dorothea's worried look, Stefan reassured Dorothea with his dark
eyes, and tapped the setter calips on her waist.
Dorothea smiled at his con ident look and nodded.
“And take this.”
Dorothea handed him a letter.
“Open it when you get to Cerritian.”
Stefan nodded at Dorothea's enigmatic letter.
“Don’t get hurt.”
At Dorothea's greeting, Stefan bowed his head deeply, bowed, and left
to prepare.
Dorothea stood there and stared at Stefan's back as he moved away.
“Are you okay with them?”
When she came, Raymond was watching Stefan and the knights
behind her.
“Even if you can’t stop it, you can survive.”
Dorothea's voice was full of conviction.
Although it is a small number, the Cerritians have their own troops,
and it would be enough to protect the castle and lead it to a siege.
Rather than capture the castle anyway, Hark will ight to distract his
gaze while crossing the mountain.
Rather than a boring and unsuccessful siege, they would think it
would be wise to in iltrate the naval forces in their favor and come up
to Lampas right away.


“Is it true that Carnon is not feeling well?”

Nereus heard a report from Ubera.
“I used to hide my fatigue and overwork as an excuse, but it seems
that I recently collapsed in front of people.”
“What’s your name?”
“It appears to be a tumor. It’s a common disease for Milanaires.”
“… … ho.”
Nereus shook his head and nodded curiously.
Carnan's illness is too serious to hide, and Raymond's amnesia?
If so, Ubera's imperial family is as if empty.
'Even if Dorothea Milanaire is a little smart, it will be dif icult to cope
with a surprise attack.'
I've never held a military ticket before, so the knights and soldiers
won't follow me well.
“I need to advance the plan a little bit.”
Nereus stood up from his seat.
“Let’s go to the training ground.”
“Yes, my lord!”
Nereus stopped walking and looked back at the servant following
“Oh, and… … .”
The corners of Nereus' lips rose signi icantly.

Stefan took on the nostalgic Cerritian air.
“Sir Stephan! You are back in Cerritian.”
The eldest son of the Duke of Bronte, Jonathan Bronte, greeted them
as they descended from Lampas.
Stefan looked around in the absence of the Duke and Duchess of
“Ah, when my father and mother heard the news that His Majesty the
Emperor was in critical condition, they hurried up to Lampas. You must
have crossed the road on the way down.”
As a result, the Cerritians and Brontë families were led by Jonathan.
Jonathan was very excited that he had been given an important
assignment for the irst time.
In the absence of the Bronte and his wife, he was inally able to be
treated as a 'duke'.
"Didn't you get the order to strengthen the border guards of the
asked Paul the knight who was following Stephan.
“That’s why you came, aren’t you?”
Jonathan looked around Stefan's party and asked.
Stefan, as well as the ten soldiers who followed him, frowned.
“Are you going to inish reinforcing the troops on our own?”
Didn't you come all this way to protect the border?
They came to encourage those who stand guard at the border, to
guide training, and to check for shortcomings.
Along the way, if necessary, they stood guard together and tried to
understand the situation on the border of Cerritian.
But are you going to use the Imperial Knights and Soldiers as guards?
“There are not many soldiers in Cerritians. It's not enough to keep
this wide land safe.”
“The lord of the border… … I don't think that's what I'm talking
Stefan's mouth opened unbearably.
We have to protect the border, but there aren't many soldiers.
Cerritian is often used as a resort for nobles because it is adjacent to
a beautiful sandy beach.
That is why the Bronte family has focused more on socializing with
the various nobles visiting the Cerritians than on increasing their
I guessed that when Dorothea was a child and staying in the
detached palace, that kind of atmosphere was the main thing... … .
“We are aiming for a friendship through diplomacy rather than a
military antagonism with Hark.”
At Jonathan's words, from the mouth of a soldier behind Stefan, 'I'll
turn!' a voice was heard
Then Jonathan also wrinkled his eyebrows and looked at Stefan's
“Even with this, the number of Cerritians is twice as many as in other
Jonathan complained as if his pride had been hurt.
“Do you know how much it costs to keep soldiers?”
The tax revenue from the estate of the Bronte family was on the high
side, but the Bronte family did not enjoy that much wealth because of
the expenses that were wasted in maintaining the army.
“How often do you train for military service members?”
“A year… … Twice?”
Jonathan's voice was vague.
Stefan knew that if he usually answered in such a voice, it would be
better to think of less than half the value of the answer.
So, it's a matter of whether or not to train only once a year.
Calling peasants for training is expensive, annoying to peasants, and
cumbersome to soldiers.
Stefan bit his teeth in the complacency created by the long peace.
“Hmm, since you’ve come a long way, let go of your poisons today
and go around the fortress on the border tomorrow… … .”
Stefan shook his head resolutely.
“… … I will check right away.”


“I’m glad you know how to play the drums!”

Shortly after coming to see Cerritian's border guards, the knight Foul
They did not expect the same level of training as the Imperial
Knights Templar, but they were only concerned about whether they
could leave the border to them.
Fortunately, they seem to have been training consistently, but it is
impossible to predict what will happen if a war actually breaks out.
The grumbled Paul shut his mouth at Stefan's quiet gaze.
No matter how dissatis ied they are, if there is a war, they have to
trust each other and leave them alone, so we have no choice but to
accept it and adjust to it.
Stefan went up to the room, contemplating what to do with this place
in the future.
'It's not to the point where I can't use it, but... … .'
He might be able to ix his complacency right away, but I was worried
that it would be fuzzy when they return to Lampas.
'The peace was long... … .'
Returning to his room, he recalled a letter from Dorothea.
All the way down, he was curious about what kind of letter it was, so
he wanted to open it quickly, so he closed the door and took out the
letter he had in his arms.
Perhaps it was because he had hidden it in his arms, the precious
envelope was a little crumpled.
He swung the envelope, which would not even open, to shape it, and
then carefully opened the envelope's seal.
He opened her letter quietly and secretly.

That night, a Cerritian soldier standing guard saw a moving black

shadow in the border area of Hark.
'Is it a wild beast?'
He leaned against the stone wall, basking in the ire, and yawning
It could be a wolf, a deer, a wild boar, or a large raptor.
The guard stared loosely at the shadow with his eyes half closed.
The wandering beasts were a sight to soothe the boredom of the
night guard.
As he slowly gazed at the shadow, the shadow approached Ubera's
And at the clearer igure, the guard raised his leaning body and held
out his head to take a closer look at the shadow.
It was de initely a person.
The soldier standing on the guard gave an order, threatening anyone
approaching the wall with a bow.
However, despite his threat, the suspicious person with a cloak
covering his face did not stop and approached the wall.
“Stop! If you come any closer, I will shoot you!”
Other soldiers nearby in the commotion also followed the movement
of the suspicious person.
As he continued to approach without revealing his identity, the guard
eventually ired a threatening arrow.
The black shadow ran away with a scream that broke the stillness of
the night air.
The soldiers then ired several more arrows at him.
However, the shadow, which had suddenly faded away, hid itself in
the darkness where the arrow could not reach.
Soldiers ran to report strange movements.
at that time.
“Hey, what is that?”
They saw a light approaching slowly in the darkness.


“Ha, is it Hark’s invasion?”

At the urgent telegram from the Cerritians, the people gathered in
the conference hall murmured.
In the middle of it was Raymond.
Within days of Stefan's arrival in Cerritian, Hark's army appeared
across the horizon.
And Nereus said.

'The soldier of Ubera killed a pitiful infant. As the king of Hark, there
is no way to suppress his sorrow!'

They said as they lifted up the infant's corpse with Ubera's arrows in
who would have known A suspicious person who came to the border
must have been holding the baby's body.
He thought he had manipulated the case by picking up Ubera's arrow
that was shot at him.
As always, wars are waged out of greed, not because of a cause.
Haruk has demanded unreasonable compensation for brutally killing
Haruk's people in Ubera irst.
“Let’s listen to the conditions! Your Majesty the Emperor is also in
critical condition, but war. No way!”
“It’s okay. You cannot choose war over a peaceful path.”
The nobles nodded their heads to grant Hark's request.
it's war What a great loss to see!
Dorothea had seen this scene before her return.
Dorothea, who watched him silently, inally opened her mouth.
“Does this sound like something you were doing to claim
The nobles shut their mouths when she asked coldly, suppressing her
Even if Ubera actually killed a baby, a non-royal baby would go to war
and die while approaching the border?
Moreover, within a few days of the incident, Hark's central army
reached the border?
The enemy had already advanced at the time when the news of the
accident had barely reached Fidor.
At Hark, he is not even hiding his will for war.
After all, if the war is won, history will have to be rewritten for their
own sake.
But why is everyone pretending not to know Hark's intentions?
Raymond agreed with Dorothea and nodded.
“If they pay compensation the way they want, they will continue to
make unreasonable demands like this.”
They will continue to haunt Ubera until war breaks out. Or accept
these unreasonable demands and stand on top of Ubera diplomatically.
Raymond hates war and wants to avoid it, but even as a coward, he
knew this was inevitable.
“But now the situation is not the situation.”
The nobles pointed to Carnan, who was sitting in bed without even
attending this important meeting.
The emperor's seriousness was a good excuse to prevent war.
That was then.
“Hark’s request cannot be granted.”
The door to the conference room opened and Carnan entered.
He was barely guiding himself with his cane, but he stood on his own
two feet.
"your majesty!"
Surprised by this, everyone stood up and bowed their backs.
Raymond hurriedly stepped down from the chair of the meeting
room and went down to the lower seat.
Carnan limped very slowly to his seat.
Then Robert and Theon followed.
Carnan's face was full of sickness.
His face was yellow and swollen against his deeply fanned eyelids,
his lips were pale and his skin was rough.
But he was king.
“Tell Hark. Not a single request you sent me will be accepted.”
“Ha, but, Your Majesty, there will be war. Then who will lead the
army... … .”
“I will go down to Cerritian.”
Before the aristocrats' grievances got longer, Dorothea stepped
“Give me just three knights and a soldier to follow them.”


As soon as the meeting was over, Raymond caught her.
“Are you going to go down by yourself? Are you crazy?”
The irst harsh words came out of Rey's mouth, and Dorothea smiled
at him with round eyes.
But Raymond was desperate.
“There are plenty of knights who will pay their allegiance to Ubera.
You just need to be here!”
I mean, who would welcome the sound of a younger sister going to
“You’re sending soldiers from other places afterward, aren’t you?”
There are aristocrats who oppose conservatively, but there are also
those who are determined to protect Ubera.
“Then send the others.”
"Lay. Ubera's army. One of the royals must go down anyway.”
Ubera-kun not led by Milanaire.
This is the same thing as handing over the military power to other
Whether now or later, Milanaire must go forward to lead the army.
“Then when I go down… … !”
“You never know when your Majesty the Emperor will die, Rei.”
However, it would be unacceptable for the Crown Prince Raymond to
be absent.
If Carnan dies, there must be Raymond in this lampas and next to
Carnan's cof in.
Dorothea looked straight into Raymond's eyes as if she understood
what he was saying.
Raymond then clenched his teeth.
“You don’t have to be in the vanguard. as late as possible, go late You
can put it off until the generals and knights who preceded you are
At Raymond's words, the corners of Dorothea's lips rose warmly.
“Thanks for your concern, Ray.”
“Stop knowing that you are worried… … .”
“No need to worry. 'Cause I'm going to win I will inish my line so that
there is no need to bring a soldier behind me, whether it be a general or
a knight.”
Dorothea patted Raymond on the shoulder.
Raymond frowned at Dorothea's unfounded con idence.
“Dorothea, no matter how you are, war is not that simple.”
I've never been through a war or two. Before returning, I heard that
they traveled all over the continent to expand their territory.
And the nickname he got was the tyrant and the incarnation of war.
Even for such Dorothea, war is not always light.
But what can I do? what you have to do
“You protect the center of Ubera. I will come to protect Ubera’s
Dorothea reached out to shake hands.
But Raymond did not hold her hand, but glared at her with a
furrowed eyebrow.
“Maybe it will be the last time, so are you going to spend it like this?”
"do not say that… … !”
Raymond's lips trembled as Dorothea urged him to shake his hand.
Seeing that, Dorothea laughed.
“Okay, I’ll come back healthy.”
I want to cry like this.
Instead of shaking hands, Dorothea pulled Raymond and hugged him
Then Raymond held his breath and froze.
Dorothea... … hug?
Raymond was very surprised because she had always hated hugs,
but soon embraced her.
“I don’t think I can see you anymore.”
As Raymond spoke anxiously, Dorothea sighed heavily.
“Then let it go.”
I gave him a big heart and gave him a hug, and he complained even
As Dorothea grumbled, Raymond hugged her like she was about to
break, and then let her go.
“I wish I could follow you.”
“It’s not going to happen.”
Dorothea smiled at him and set off to head towards Cerritian.
Raymond wanted to hold her, but he couldn't.
at that time.
Dorothea took a few steps and looked back at him.
“When I get back, bring back your memories. Until then, if you're
doing stupid things like amnesia, I really won't let you go."
Dorothea narrowed her eyes as if warning Raymond's blue eyes.
Then Raymond's eyes widened.
'Stupid Ray.'
Dorothea shook her head, smiled, and started walking again.


Cerritian's night was lit with lames.

At night, the battle entered a lull, but the groans of the soldiers
guarding the Cerritians were deep.
“Sir Stefan, how long can you stand like this… … ?”
While standing the night watch in a bloody atmosphere, Paul, who
was checking the wounded, asked.
The number of Hark's army was overwhelming by ten times their
Their weapons, well-prepared for war in advance, were far superior
to those of Ubera's soldiers.
The reason why Ubera did not collapse now was that Stefan had a
little bit of readiness, and that he was in charge of defending the siege,
so it was advantageous to hold out.
The lames soaring from the village outside the castle made Stefan
feel angry and embarrassed.
Nevertheless, they relentlessly defended Cerritian's castle.
When this place is captured, Ubera's front line is greatly retreated.
“If I had known this would happen, I would have brought at least one
more when I came down… … !”
No one thought war would be this close until we came down here
from Lampas.
Stefan tried to motivate the lamenting soldiers.
“Everyone is doing well. Great.”
Even though he was not good at speaking, he had to gather all the
words he would say for the rest of his life and become the strength of
the soldiers.
It was true that he was doing well, as he was holding out this much
despite being outnumbered.
Contrary to their anxiety, the soldiers persevered and endured well.
Probably to protect their village and family.
"Where's the Jonathan Bronte ball... … ?”
Stefan asked Paul as he passed the wounded soldiers.
“I was going to the duke’s house to see the food distribution plan in
the castle.”
At the report of the foul, Stefan got on his horse and headed for the
Duke of Bronte in the center of Cerritian.
With all the people outside the castle leeing to the inside, it's
unclear how long they will survive.
Therefore, the most important issue is how stable food, drinking
water, irewood, arrows, etc. are secured within the castle.
Allocating limited resources is the most important issue in war.
"Where's the Jonathan Ball?"
Upon reaching the Duke of Bronte, Stephan hurried to ind Jonathan.
The butler guided him by saying that Jonathan and nearby nobles
were having a meeting in the drawing room.
At the long table in the duke's spacious drawing room, Count Duncan
and the nearby nobles were gathered.
As Stefan opened the door and entered, excited voices were heard
over the table.
“Gold mines are about to be captured! How much is it worth... … !”
“What is out there right now is just the vanguard. According to
reports, the number of Hark forces to follow is 500,000. But even if we
give the rakes to the farmers, it's only 2 million... … . It's been a while
for the Imperial Army to come down... … .”
“Let’s take it as soon as we can. Whether it be a mine or a mansion,
you have to live.”
As soon as Stefan entered, he wrinkled his eyebrows at the sound of
a twist in his ear.
Weren't we together to discuss resource acquisition and
distribution? The soldiers ighting outside there and the people who
tremble in fear and hug each other and cry?
“This is already over. Once you give up, you have to retreat. We
cannot beat that number.”
“… … How about surrender? Wouldn't that be peaceful and stable?
Then you can keep mine as it is... … .”
They didn't even care that Stefan had come, and were busy
protecting the nape of their neck.
In the end, Stefan struck the loor with his scabbard.
Then there was a huge sound as if the mansion was collapsing, and
the white marble cracked like ice.
The surprised nobles turned to him.
“No surrender, no retreat.”
Stefan's low voice echoed in the drawing room.
Even though they are outnumbered, they are holding up well, but
seeing them already thinking about escaping, it makes my stomach
When it comes to devising a strategy and devising ways to defend
the border as much as possible, it's not enough, surrender and retreat.
When you think of the soldiers who are ighting desperately, you
would never think like that.
A long time ago, Bronte of the predecessors obtained this land as a
war hero and kept honor and pride for a long time, but now it seems
that blood has faded.
“Sir Stefan, think rationally. Fifty thousand and twenty thousand.”
“We have a castle and reinforcements will arrive.”
“Reinforcement! From Freedia? How much would you spend if you
could send me!”
It is a reinforcement manpower that is sent roughly without knowing
that there will be a war. Sending only a hundred people would be
terrifying, but what would change if that was the case!
Could it be more than a hundred more victims?
Even if the reinforcements are sent later, this place will already be
captured while the reinforcements arrive.
“They are bringing siege weapons from Hark. They'll arrive in a few
days, and if the gates break, they'll all die anyway. It is a matter of
whether to open it or not.”
“… … I did not come here to surrender or retreat.”
Stefan stared at them on horseback to the nobles.
The reason Dorothea sent him here despite opposition from other
nobles was because the borders must be defended.
“If we were at a reasonable age, of course we would have resisted. I
will hold on to this until the very end. Who will suffer the most if this
land is lost? We are not! You think we're doing this because we're
Count Duncan said angrily at Stefan's insistence.
They are not giving up because they want to give up this land.
They were born and raised here, and it is here that all their fortunes,
foundations, honors, and powers are found.
If this land is given to Hark, they have the most to lose.
So, if there is a possibility, they will endure even to protect their own
“But isn’t it possible?”
They were 'learners' who were incredibly bright in the numbers
They know better than anyone that an army of 20,000 men has a slim
chance of defeating an army of 500,000.
Of course, there are also legendary victories that have been passed
down through history. However, it is possible because the
environment, factors, and time are well matched.
Because of those few victories or two, it is impossible to forget the
teachings of hundreds and thousands of defeated ones.
“But their attacks are still passive.”
Despite the siege, they did not build ladders or wooden towers to
climb the walls.
According to the skirmishers, there was no sign of digging a tunnel.
They boast of overwhelming force and threaten to surrender.
You can't put up a white lag without trying to the end.
“Besides, Hark's army is not as strong as Ubera. Most of them must
have been naval forces.”
“Nereus has been training steadily to raise his army after he
ascended to the throne. You must not be vigilant about being the
former Hark-kun.”
“Princess Dorothea’s letter… … .”
“That is nonsense! Reducing pointless sacri ices is the answer we
must choose, Sir Stefan. The death penalty is an ignorant word.”
ignorance? So what about the soldiers over there watching the
enemy's movements with their heart pounding on the wall? Are the
soldiers who fought and endured wounded out there because they
were ignorant?
Stefan clenched his ists with a force that could break even the hilt of
the hilt.
“If we surrender now, the next saint cannot stand.”
“That's what they do. We have time to prepare, so it will be better
than us.”
“Then everyone run away. I will protect this place with the soldiers.”
Stefan couldn't contain his anger and left the drawing room, closing
the door roughly.
It was the irst time he showed his emotions like this, so everyone
stood there with their mouths open.

"It's true that Stefan Greenwall will be in Cerritian."
Nereus said, looking at the map under the torch.
Although he had never spoken to Stefan, Nereus was familiar with
the rumors about him.
As the deputy commander of the Knights of Brilliance, he is a power
comparable to the leader.
In addition, he said that thanks to his tireless efforts to gain trust and
support within the Knights Templar, the number of knights following
him increased considerably.
It is not known why he came to the change at this time, nonetheless
Nereus was not embarrassed by his presence.
"Do not worry. After all, isn't this the place the Emperor really
Then a soft voice came from Nereus' side.
Nereus' gaze shifted to him.
His eyes met the golden eyes of a beautiful man.
“Yes, you are right.”
Nereus nodded at Ethan Bronte's words.


About two months ago, Ethan, who was expelled from Lampas, was
headed to River South.
If Cerritian is adjacent to Hark by land, River South is in contact with
Hark through a narrow strait.
Although River South faces a border with Hark militarily,
economically, it has frequent trade with Hark and has a pro-Hark
In the harbor of Riversouth, a ship larger than a mansion was
moored, thick ropes and nets were piled up, and porters were busy
loading and unloading foreign goods.
The tavern was full of people since noon and noisy.
It wasn't Ethan's favorite atmosphere, but he's here for a reason.
He watched one of the large ships anchored in the harbor. It was a
ship with the coat of arms of the Hark royal family engraved on the
He counted the date with his slender eyes and looked up to see the
white mansion perched on a high hill.
It was the residence of the lord of this place, Marquis Dmitry.
You said you were going back to your estate from Lampas a while
ago, so you must be staying here.
He turned the wagon to the marquis' mansion.


“Ethan Bronte?”
The Marquis widened her eyes when she heard the name of the
unexpected guest from the butler.
“When I heard about it, I was expelled from Lampas in twilight.”
The butler whispered into Dmitry's ear.
'Oh... … .'
After sticking close to the princess, in the end, she was abandoned.
Dmitry nodded as if he knew it.
And soon Dmitry's eyes turned to the customer sitting opposite.
“The guests are here, so take them to the drawing room.”
When the butler left his seat, the woman sitting opposite Dmitry
“Are you Ethan Bronte?”
With hair as light as the deep sea, she responded to the name with
sharp eyes.
“Ah, Briel-sama, do you know him too?”
"sure. Even Hark is known by his name. There are also reports that
your Highness was fascinated by his violin skills.”
Briel smiled and spoke about him, then sat up straight, with his legs
crossed all the time.
At that moment, Dmitry realized how widespread the rumors of
Ethan Bronte were.
Briel, who sat in front of him, was Hark's treasurer, and to Dmitry, he
had been a valuable customer for a long time.
But even Briel knew Ubera's bastard, Ethan.
He was said to be the most famous bastard in the world, and it
doesn't seem to be wrong.
“I want to meet you too, can you introduce me?”
Briel's eyes gleamed with interest.


Ethan followed the butler up to the VIP room.

“This is Marquis, Ethan Bronte.”
With the guidance of the butler, the door to the VIP room opened.
Marquis Dmitry's VIP room was gleaming everywhere with rather
excessive gold decorations.
“Welcome, Ethan Bronte. That bird is more handsome!”
Dmitry stood up and greeted him.
“See you after a long time, Marquis Dmitry.”
Ethan's eyes, who greeted him politely, turned to the woman next to
As if surprised to see Ethan, she stood there, forgetting to say hello.
Dmitry looked at him and chuckled.
“You are very surprised, Briel! I was shocked the irst time I saw him.”
Briel couldn't keep her mouth shut at the sight of a much more
handsome young man than he had expected.
Each person has their own preferences, but his face was not
something that could be discussed with his ideal type or taste.
No other beautiful painting in the world could be more beautiful than
this, so his existence could be called an art in itself.
“Ethan, this is Briel Consiglia from Hark. You asked me to meet you
once, so I did.”
At Dmitry's introduction, Briel belatedly bowed to greet him.
Ethan pretended to be surprised that there was another guest, but
with a soft smile, he bowed his head to Briel.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Ethan Bronte.”
His soft voice surprised Briel once again.
Hearing her sweet voice that matched her looks, I could fully
understand why Monica Aponita liked him, why Nereus was jealous of
him, and why so many rumors followed only one bastard.
"Nice to meet you. I heard a lot from Monica.”
“If it’s Monica… … . Are you talking about Monica Aponita?”
"Oh oh! You remember that kid. I'm sure Monica will be delighted."
Briel introduced that he loved Monica very much.
I've seen Monica since she was young and she was very sad when she
said she was going to Episteme.
Ethan nodded curiously.
It was all already known.
The reason he came here was to meet Briel.
“Please sit down, both of you, so that I don’t become a rude person
who puts guests down.”
Dmitry led the two men, standing by the entrance, talking on the sofa
in the VIP room.
The tea that Dmitry and Briel were drinking was already on the table.
As they exchanged greetings and introductions, the servant brought
Ethan's teacup and poured the tea.
“But Ethan, what are you doing here?”
“Your Marquis has good ears, so I think you will know how I was
treated in Lampas and came here.”
Ethan's expression, who had just been talking with a gentle smile,
turned cold.
Dmitry nodded his head with a sad expression on his face.
Briel, who was beside him, looked at Ethan with curious eyes, not
knowing what was going on.
“The Emperor gave me money insultingly and ordered me to break
up with the princess. He also made it impossible for me to enter
Lampas for the rest of my life.”
Ethan said in a voice that seemed to contain his somewhat angry
Then Briel looked at him with a pitiful expression on his face.
“I am very sorry about that.”
Although Dmitry expressed regret on the surface, he thought the
emperor's choice was right.
No matter how handsome and romantic you are, you can't bring a
bastard, even a man from a bar woman's belly, into the imperial family.
If Dmitry had a daughter, and if her daughter had been trying to
marry Ethan, then Dmitry would have dealt with Ethan, too.
However, Dmitry was not ignorant enough to stand up for the
emperor in front of Ethan.
“I left after receiving money from the imperial family, not because I
wanted money. As you know, although I am a bastard, I have grown up
well and am not foolish enough to sell me for a few bucks.”
“I know you well.”
“I left because I couldn’t stand the insults of my humanity.”
“Yeah, I must have been upset.”
Dmitry didn't seem to agree, but he nodded in response.
Where is the humanity that a bastard would take care of in front of
the emperor? We should thank His Majesty the Emperor for watching.
Dmitry thought to himself.
“So, why did you come here instead of going to Cerritian?”
“It is to leave.”
“Are you leaving?”
At that moment, Dmitry's eyes shone with an exciting light.
“It’s hard to get recognition for me in Ubera, so I’m going to go
somewhere far away.”
Ethan's golden eyes shone resolutely.
“I understand your heart, but think again. Living in another country
is not easy.”
Dmitry tried to calm the spirit of the energetic young man.
The current insult is temporary. You can eat and live well in the
Bronte family, so why do you need to go abroad and suffer?
You might be able to choose wisely when you get older, but it's hard
because you're young.
“I think the Marquis also knows that you and I have a bad
Ethan said.
Sun Jonathan, who will die in Lampas, will soon return to Cerritian.
After that, Jonathan will take over the Duchy, and Ethan should be
under him.
“Rather than that, I want to go to a land that welcomes me.”
At Ethan's words, Dmitry shook his head as if he couldn't help it.
It was well known that Ethan and Jonathan had a bad relationship.
Ethan, who had been talking for a while, turned to Briel.
“I was just thinking about leaving for Hark.”
At Ethan's words, Briel's face turned red.
“Are you going to come to Hark?”
“I have an offer that High Lord Nereus gave me the other day.”
Ethan recalled that Nereus had promised full support for his musical
career when he came to Hark.
Nereus' interest in music was still there, and there is also a street of
musicians in Huidor, the capital of Hark.
"It's been a while, but if you haven't forgotten, I'd like to ask you a
favor... … .”
At Ethan's concern, Briel nodded with a happy face.
“Then why don’t you go with us?”
"Yes? Would you mind?”
Ethan's eyes widened, pretending not to have been expected at all.
"Sure! Your Majesty will welcome Ethan.”
“Still, I can’t be indebted to you unilaterally… … .”
Ethan called the servant who had been following him.
Then the servants whimpered and came in with a large box
containing gold coins.
“Yeah, you have to pay for it.”
The money Carnan threw at him shone at River South.
Ethan said he would thank not only Briel, but also Dmitry for
connecting him to Briel. And to keep it a secret that he passed over to
Dmitry's clown, who was watching the conversation between the
two of them with a disliked expression on his face, rose up.
“You are a young man who knows manners!”
Ethan smiled at Dmitry's praise.


After exile, it was easy.

Nereus was suspicious of him, but soon opened his mind to the
information he had revealed.
“Everything you said was true.”
Carnan's criticality, Raymond's amnesia, and Dorothea's acting.
Ethan Bronte's information was correct.
“Why are you giving me this important information?”
“I don’t want to live like I’m dead. Shouldn't I take revenge on the
Ubera imperial family who abandoned me?"
Nereus smiled at Ethan's bewildered eyes.
Haha, Ethan Bronte has always been proud of his off-topic. There
was also persistence.
The shock of being abandoned by the imperial family and the
princess must have been quite big.
“Are you going to miss out on this great opportunity?”
This unstable timing for both the Emperor and the Crown Prince will
never come again.
Nereus decided to advance on him, and arrived in front of Ubera very
“The next ive days will be important.”
Nereus said while looking at the map completed based on the
information Ethan Bronte gave him.
In front of him is an army of half a million.
“For ive days, we focus on the siege. Stick like a leech and torment it.
So that I can't sleep all night."
They will attack the castle so that their souls run away and make
them tremble in fear.
And in the meantime, he will make a way by cutting the low cliff that
Ethan taught, and cross the mountain by boat.
Then, Ubera, unable to handle the waterway, is nothing but an empty
Nereus was certain of victory for this groundbreaking and
formidable idea.


It's been four days since I endured the onslaught of heavy rain.
“Sir Stephan! I can't stand it any longer... … !”
The soldiers could not sleep for four days and had to stop the
constant attacks of Hark.
Ubera's few soldiers all had to cling to the wall to block the attack,
but in the large number of Haruks, each unit took turns pouring an
They were also outnumbered, and the arrows in the castle, as well as
the irewood for boiling oil and water, were being exhausted. The
number of wounded also increased noticeably.
A bigger problem was that of fraud.
They fell into despair at the endlessly in lux of hark troops.
'Can't win.'
Poisonous thoughts began to take root in the soldiers' heads.
Paul, who was guarding Stefan's side, also bit his teeth.
The nobles may have been right. Facing them with this small number
of manpower is no different than dog death.
I wondered if I would be able to see the sun tomorrow in this state.
Was it unfortunate or fortunate that the soldiers were not informed
that some nobles had already led? Or is it just bad luck?
Would it be better to tell them to take care of their families and run
away to save their lives?
That was then.
“Hey, there’s the catapult… … !”
A huge catapult appeared among the newly arriving Haruk forces.
The sight was enough to take away the remaining morale of Ubera-
When a huge boulder comes lying, they can no longer defend this
The walls will be destroyed, and many will be crushed to death by
lying rocks and collapsing walls, and Haruk's soldiers will rush through
the cracks in the collapsed walls.
The soldiers, who sensed their fate, did not even shout.
A cold, bitter stillness as if waiting for death only lowed along the
border of Ubera.
It was already too late to even run away, the moment I couldn't even
A few people looked at Stefan, and Stefan bowed his head.
He will remain and ight until the end, but not those with families
Only their families had to survive.
After Stefan's permission was granted, some soldiers ran down the
wall to tell them to lee.
at that time.
Before the feet of the soldiers who descended the wall irst touched
the ground, shouts that shook the ground were heard from all
Everyone's heads lashed at the same time.
Is the enemy trying to launch a massive offensive?
Some rushed to the edge of the wall.
However, none of the Haruk army was shouting.
Then this echo that ills the room... … .
“There is an army in the west… … !”
The brightest one pointed to the western hill.
A group of troops was illing the hill.
At that moment, he wondered if it was the enemy's reinforcements.
The black lag of the Fried family becomes evident.
It was Freedia's reinforcements. Moreover, there were far more
troops than they had expected.
“You can see the army from the east!”
Looking to the east at the report of another soldier, another army
was coming from the plains.
“This is the Imperial Army!”
Stefan also saw a gleaming golden lag re lecting the sunlight. And
the knight who leads them, Joey Greenwall.
The soldiers who were trying to run away also came up again to
check the reinforcements.
The morale of the soldiers, who had fallen to the depths of the earth,
began to ill with hope again.
“Sir Stephan.”
A familiar voice echoed with the sound of footsteps irmly hitting the
Dorothea Milanaire has arrived.
Stefan shut his mouth as soon as he saw Dorothea.
If his lacrimal glands had opened easily, he would have burst into
tears at her.
But he quietly bowed his head towards her, holding the hilt tightly.
“It’s urgent, so don’t be polite.”
When the other knights and soldiers tried to be polite to her,
Dorothea raised her hand and refused.
“Sir Stefan, lead the soldiers out. It is impossible to entrust the battle
to only the soldiers on the lank.”
A small smile spread across Stefan's lips at Dorothea's command.
He nodded and arranged the soldiers.
In the meantime, Dorothea climbed up the castle tower.
Hark-kun was confused by the sudden appearance of Ubera-kun and
was going back and forth.
Then Nereus stepped forward, leading the confused soldiers.
“Dorothea Milanaire… … !”
Dorothea looked down at Nereus from the top of the castle tower.
“It’s been a while, Nereus.”
“How can you do this so quickly… … !”
Nereus sharpened his teeth.
“It’s fast. It's late. I am grateful to the soldiers here for persevering so
Dorothea trembled with humility when she saw the great number of
Hark's army.
At that time, the door, which had been tightly closed after the
confrontation with the Haruk army, inally pushed the body heavily to
reveal the inside.
And Stefan appeared through the gap in the door.
Nereus, who met Stefan's black eyes and eyes, unknowingly took a
step back.
As if he had been waiting for this moment, like a wild beast waiting
to be released from the cage, he rushed towards Hark's army with a
ierce force as soon as he came out of the door.
Following him, the soldiers of Cerritian ran out with a shout.
“Don’t be afraid! Even with their reinforcements, they are fewer than
Nereus shouted as he led the soldiers to and fro.
Dorothea looked down at Nereus and drew his sword.
“You will never defeat the Ubera I command.”
Nereus and Dorothea's eyes met, and the corners of Dorothea's lips
rose leisurely.
And a pillar of dazzling light soaring from her.
The beams of light that climbed high enough to pierce the clouds
became huge pillars that supported the soldiers.
Hark's soldiers were unable to keep their mouths shut at the
marvelous yet overwhelming scene.
The light spread in all directions and dominated the battle ield, and
according to the waves of light, Ubera's army moved as if they had
become one body.
And Hark-kun knew. Nereus couldn't command the Haruk army with
such a powerful force.
That you can't defeat an army that moves as if they became one body
along the low of light.
“Dorothea Milanaire!”
Nereus raised his sword and shouted.
He seemed to be accusing her of being a coward, who remained in
the castle tower and cared for herself.
It was Nereus' provocation, and Dorothea gladly accepted it.
Actually, I was waiting.
she drew her sword And willingly descended from the castle tower
and set foot on the battle ield.
Nereus ran towards Dorothea from the castle.
'If you just pick that neck, the charter will be reversed again.'
If that happens, the Ubera forces scattered in all directions will lose
their commander and lean in an instant.
Nereus clashed with Dorothea's sword. The sound of metal ruptures
tore my ears.
“You have never been a match for me, Nereus.”
Dorothea whispered, pushing her sword tight as if in a struggle.
Then Nereus' temple trembled.
He pushed Dorothea's sword back, and in the blink of an eye, the two
swords collided again.
Dorothea took Nereus's sword and grinned, turning it around and
twisting his sword.
Due to the sudden loss of strength, Nereus' body lost its center and
“Ugh… … !”
“Don’t take it so easily. I use spirits better than you, but I don't try to
win by using them like you."
Dorothea whispered mockingly at him.
There was no sign of fear or nervousness on her face when she
appeared on the battle ield.
no one will know Long ago, there was a time when she was called the
incarnation of war.
Nereus felt that it was impossible for him to defeat Dorothea before
He stepped back and separated himself from Dorothea for a moment.
'We have one more operation... … !'
You don't have to win now.
If time passes, tonight the ships he has prepared will pass over the
mountains into the river of Ubera.
Then those foolish troops who stand here anyway will be hit in the
head and be devastated.
“Are you running away, Nereus?”
“Escape. You will have to run away, Dorothea.”
"Well. Is that true?”
Dorothea's eyes narrowed.
Nereus's spine became cold at the look of her eyes with a certain
corner of faith.
Instinctively, he looked back.
Smoke billows far away. It was the direction of Hark's forti ication.
“I, that… … .”
"majesty! The boat is on ire... … !”
Their boat, which was preparing to cross the mountain tomorrow,
caught ire and burned, and the embers spread by the wind burned
their camps.
“Who is this kind of ire? … !”
For a moment, Nereus remembered one Uverain who joined his
“Ethan Bronte… … !”
The ire that had already begun to spread reached a level that was
dif icult to put out even with the power of Nereus' spirit.
The remaining morale of Hark's army was burned down with the
devastating news.


So, before Ethan left Lampas. When Dorothea and he were worried
about the war with Hark.
“Breaking a dam is effective against large armies. But in the end, all
the damage after that is the responsibility of the local people.”
Even if people from looded areas are evacuated in advance after the
dam burst, the damage Ubera will in lict will be enormous.
Roads, paddy ields, bridges, houses, and even forests will all be
Ethan laughed at him.
“Then we will have to defeat Hark before he passes over to Ubera.”
Haruk must be disposed of in the Haruk land so as not to leave scars
on the Ubera land.
“But how?”
As it is now, the number of troops will inevitably be different. Ubera
can't even attack Hark irst.
“Let me go to Hark.”
“Neraus has always been interested in me, so give me a few reasons
to trust and he will accept me.”
“But you are in danger… … !”
“As you know, I have a natural talent for beating people.”
Ethan smiled brightly, boasting 'a handsome appearance that
automatically creates a sense of trust'.
“And if the Hark Army advances, I will send the Spirit of Light to the
Ubera border.”
Ethan promised.
And Dorothea warned Stefan in a letter.

[When the spirit of light appears on the border, prepare for war.]

And the day a suspicious person appeared at the border and then
I caught the eye of a soldier running to report a strange movement.

'I, what is that?'

They saw a light approaching slowly in the darkness.
The light, which looked like a large ire ly, hovered around the
They reported this strange phenomenon to Stefan, who recalled
Dorothea's prophecy.
The reason Cerritian's border was able to hold out for so long was
thanks to the signal that the Spirit of Light gave.
And Dorothea came down to Cerritian and did not take the Spirit
Stone away from her body for even a single moment.
One night as she approached the border, she realized when the Spirit
of Light answered her from the Spirit Stone.
Ethan is not far away.
And when she summoned the spirit, Ethan Bronte also realized.
Dorothea has come close to him.
It wasn't dif icult to get the timing right.
The two could feel each other even though they were far away.
Dorothea commanded Ubera's army as a spirit of light, and Ethan
was a brilliant performer and set ire to the conductor's command.


Nereus and Hark's forces were surrounded by lames and enemies.

"retreat! Retreat!”
Nereus hurriedly returned to the camp of the burning Hark, hiding
among the soldiers.
Dealing with water spirits, he was able to extinguish at least enough
ire to pass through.
As King Hark marched, the morale of Ubera's army soared to the sky.
Nereus ran away with all his might, leaving behind the fervent shouts
that burned his back.
Dorothea was following him closely.
“Damn Ethan Bronte… … !”
Nereus gripped his sword and sharpened his teeth.
After Ethan Bronte moved over to Hark, he offered Ethan a lot.
He provided an af luent environment to make him loyal to Hark.
A large mansion with a hundred servants had three practice rooms
where they could practice their instruments at any time, and there was
also a beautiful water garden.
Not only did he eat, wear, and sleep, but he also generously bought
violins and pianos made by artisans.
He said that he had given him a much greater favor than the emperor
of Ubera who had expelled him.
But do you betray it like this?
Then he found Ethan Bronte riding a white horse from afar.
His outstanding appearance stood out even on the battle ield where
Pia was mixed with each other.
Ethan came out of Haruk's camp and headed toward Ubera's army.
Dorothea also found Ethan coming out of Hark's camp.
Ethan made eye contact with her.
A moment as if calling her, Princess.
An arrow pierced his arm, which was holding the reins.
Dorothea screamed at him, and, losing the reins, he fell off his horse.
Then Nereus turned to the camp and ran towards Ethan.
“Nereus… … !”
Dorothea drew her sword again and followed closely behind Nereus.
“Surrender, Dorothea.”
Nereus was one step faster than her.
Nereus' blade touched Ethan's neck.
Ethan was gripped by Nereus in pain with an arrow stuck in his arm.
Then the sword of Dorothea, which was heading towards Nereus,
Seeing this, Nereus grinned, revealing his white teeth.
Did you really love this half-baked bastard?
“Order Ubera-kun. surrender.”
Nereus said to Dorothea with a triumphant expression.
“Princess… … .”
Ethan shook his head.
A stream of red blood ran down the white nape of his neck.
If we surrender here, the tide of war that was barely reversed is
reversed again.
It is also dif icult to aim for the future.
If Hark, who is superior in numbers, takes advantage of this
opportunity to launch an attack, the current Ubera Army will not have
the strength to withstand it.
Dorothea clutched the hilt of her sword and glared at Nereus.
“Do you think the threat of the cornered mouse will work?”
“First of all, did the great princess lower her sword? Do you think I
can't kill this guy because his face and talent are so bad?"
Nereus grunted and brought the sword closer to Ethan's neck.
The neck of the traitor who set ire to Hark's fortress can be taken at
any time.
Nereus looked at Dorothea's trembling eyes.
And Ethan saw Dorothea's shaking.
It was both happy and sad.
That she thinks of him so much.
And that he is so helpless.
She worked hard to ind another solution, but they both knew that
there was no other option right now.
So Ethan knew what choice he had to make.
Maybe the end he thought for a long time.
The moment she looked into the eyes of Ethan with young
determination, Dorothea's heart sank.
Ethan's gaze was on the brooch on her chest.
To be precise, the Spirit Stone, which is the medium of a contract
with the Spirit King.
At that moment, Dorothea had a gut feeling what he was thinking.
She shook her head towards him.
But Ethan closed his eyes with the most beautiful smile in the world
as if to say goodbye to her.
"no… … !”
Before Dorothea's screams could end, a cold blade cut through
Ethan's neck.
Red blood lowed, and Ethan's body leaned as it was.
The whole process was done slowly, as if time had turned back
The beautiful man's body fell on the muddy loor of the battle ield
that had become muddy.
Nereus had no more hostages, and Dorothea no longer thought
about how to live a good life.


he dreamed
It was a scene similar to the day I read a letter in bed with her one
The blanket was cozy, incense candles were burning softly, and
sleeping igs and warm milk were laid out.
A soft piano melody was heard from somewhere, and Dorothea read
the letter, leaning on his arm with an arm pillow.
There was a soft smile on her lips.
It was his greatest happiness.
So, he could now realize that he was dreaming.
At the same time as that realization, he felt pain.
Pain that tightens as if twisting the whole body.
A muf led voice could be heard through them.
“… … But, Ethan… … .”
A voice that lifts him from the deep subconscious.
“Ethan… … !”
The moment he listened because he wanted to hear the voice so
much, he felt a warm touch passing through his ingertips.
At the touch, he opened his heavy eyes.
Clearly, her vision was blurry, and even her focus was dizzyingly, but
for some reason, only her face was clear.
“… … Princess.”
The moment he looked at her face, he forgot the pain that plagued
his body and called out her name.
Then she hugged him warmly in his arms.
Ethan thought for a moment if this was an extension of his dream.
But the hot tears that wet his shoulders were unfamiliar.
“Obviously, we wanted to see each other again… … ! You really
thought you were going to die... … !”
Dorothea let out a grudge.
He grabbed her hand.
Her hands were trembling.
Ethan realized he was alive.
And Dorothea... … .
“Princess, are you okay… … ?”
He asked her how to say goodbye through the suffocating breath.
It was war. Nereus was confronting her.
I wanted to see Dorothea's face.
No injuries, no pain.
Then Dorothea raised her head and met his eyes.
His eyes were wet with tears, but fortunately he didn't appear to
have been injured.
She looked at him and opened her trembling lips.
“It’s not okay at all.”
Dorothea's hand, which he was holding, clenched into force.
There were no injuries. also won
But she wasn't okay at all.
Ethan knew what she wanted to say.
Why do you resent him?
“I’m sorry, Princess… … .”
So he could only say sorry.
If he had a talent for martial arts like Raymond or Stefan, at least he
wouldn't be a burden to Dorothea.
Then Dorothea shook her head.
"I didn't wait to hear that, Ethan."
tell me what else i want to hear
Dorothea looked at him.
A soft smile spread across Ethan's lips.
What she wanted to hear was probably what he wanted to say.
“I missed you, Princess.”
A smile spread across Dorothea's face, which was wet with tears at
the confession that lowed from his lips.
"me too."
With a short reply, her lips overlapped his.


Fortunately, the knife de lected his vital blood vessels and nerves.
A deep wound was left on the back of his neck, but his life was saved.
Maybe it was because Ethan had no talent for using a sword, so he
failed to die. very fortunately.
And Dorothea, on the other hand, wondered if the spirit had
protected him.
He is a spirit of light that is said to have the power of life, so he might
not let the contractor die easily.
“The princess killed Nereus with a single blow.”
Joey eagerly explained the day's events to Ethan, who was leaning on
the bed.
Dorothea completely subdued Nereus, and the Haruk camp all raised
a white lag announcing the surrender.
“But because of you, I couldn’t even enjoy the victory!”
Joy, who had been talking about Dorothea's heroic story for a while,
got angry.
Due to Ethan's criticality, Dorothea had an atmosphere of defeat
even in victory.
Because of that, Joey had to panic even after winning.
“The other soldiers are excited to sing and drink, but the princess
doesn’t even eat.”
Ethan apologized to the grumbling Joey.
Then, Dorothea, who had gone out to chat for a while, returned.
“How is it, Princess?”
“I will go up to Lampas tomorrow.”
"then… … !”
Joey turned his head to look at Ethan.
"Your Majesty has promised to lift the ban on Lampas in recognition
of Ethan Bronte's work."
Saying that, Dorothea was holding back the laughter that was about
to come out of her joy.
We can go back to Lampas together.
“Let’s go back together, Ethan.”


“A total of 500,000 soldiers defeated the 500,000 Haruk army!”

As the news of the victory was delivered, the atmosphere in Lampas
also heated up.
Thousands of Cerritian soldiers, Thousands of Frida's
reinforcements, and tens of thousands of Vanguards of the Imperial
Army. Ten thousand volunteers in other areas.
“Besides, Princess Dorothea commanded the spirit of light and
commanded the entire army scattered in all directions in perfect
“Did the Hark soldiers pee after seeing that?”
Raymond was quietly listening to the chatter of the servants coming
from outside the window.
Harkue's victory was a topic of discussion so much that no one knew
about it, regardless of age or gender.
Because even the beggars who went to beg with a gourd knew
Dorothea's name.
This battle will decorate a page of history in a splendid way.
Raymond's concerns were negligible.
“Princess, are you wonderful?”
As I was looking out the window and thinking, Theon, who had just
cleansed Carnan, spoke to him.
Raymond nodded.

'Because I'm jealous and hate you... … It made me want to put a knife
in your heart and kill you. know?'

Dorothea once confessed to Raymond that she was jealous of him.

But it was the same with him.
A younger brother who is smarter and more talented than him since
In front of him, he had no choice but to deeply realize his
At the age he barely uttered the word 'Mamma', Dorothea made the
perfect sentence and said it.
At an age when he was barely accustomed to riding a horse,
Dorothea was able to ride and run.
At the age when he had barely memorized the irst chapter of
cesarean, Dorothea had memorized the cesarean in its entirety.
The nanny felt comfortable that Dorothea was grown-up and out of
reach. Unlike Raymond, who buys and sells every day.
Now she was able to handle even the spirits better, and she won the
war a great deal.
jealousy? did it Someday, for a very brief moment.
However, when a person encounters a wall that he cannot overcome,
he can no longer add the emotion of jealousy.
The reason he couldn't be jealous and hate Dorothea was because
she evoked a yearning beyond jealousy.
He couldn't help but be humbled in front of him.
I lost my con idence, and I accepted that I was a 'poor person' early
He's such a great little brother. Smart, wise, calm, mature and
capable, the perfect little brother.
how do you hate it you will admire Also, I can't help but love you.
And there was a greater emotion in him than jealousy.
guilty. I feel guilty for trampling on my younger brother who is
smarter than me.
Dorothea said of him that he was good.
But in reality he is just an incompetent and cowardly person.
A person who can only do anything other than cover up his
incompetence with a smile.
A person who is too afraid to shoulder the lives of the people of
Raymond clenched his ists.
“Your Majesty?”
He looked away from the window and turned to Theon.
“Once the pain has been relieved… … .”
It was not enough to stop the disease with Theon's power.
Carnan was unable to get up from the bed, and it was painful to
swallow food.
For a sick person, a day is like ten years, and his condition worsened
day by day.
“The princess should come back soon.”
“Can I speak with your Majesty now?”
Raymond asked, and Theon nodded.


“Princess Dorothea, long live!”

“Hurray, hero of victory! Ubera, live!”
When Dorothea and the knights entered Lampas, enthusiastic cheers
poured in.
People waved and threw lowers on their way.
Children were hanging from the trees to watch the Ubera army
return with their victory tidings, and colorful garlands were hung on
the roof like a festival.
Dorothea looked around at the scene as if she had been new to the
Was victory like this?
Even before the return, he clearly won against Hark.
But before she could enjoy the joy of victory, she became a traitor.
And the people gave the crowned traitor the name tyrant.
She suddenly remembered the moment she was heading to the
execution room.
It's not clear, but the memories left as scars from her past.
Pointing ingers, blaming, swearing, stoning, baptism.
She thought it was a look that suited her.
Since I was born, I have been such a hateful and bad person that no
one will ever love me.
To me, walking barefoot on the thorny path suits me better than the
red carpet for the emperor.
But what was unfolding before my eyes was an unfamiliar sight.
Instead of spitting and throwing stones on her way, people sprinkled
petals and applauded her.
Dorothea couldn't explain this feeling, which warmed her heart.
A feeling that resonates deep within her, too complex to describe as
the joy of victory.
“Everyone loves the princess.”
As Ethan said, she was loved a little more than before.


As soon as she arrived at the Imperial Palace, the irst thing that
greeted her was Raymond.
Perhaps it was because I hugged her once before going to war, this
time I hugged her tightly without asking Dorothea.
“Congratulations, Dorothy.”
“Your Majesty, everyone sees it.”
It's still in front of the Imperial Palace, so there are a lot of onlookers.
She wasn't ready to take it that far.
Then Raymond shyly fell from Dorothea.
Dorothea looked at those who had come to meet her.
Carnan wasn't there.
Instead, there was no obituary.
By the time he returned, he should have already been carrying out
Carnon's funeral, but fortunately, Theon's power seems to be working
to some extent.
“How is your Majesty’s condition?”
Dorothea asked Raymond as he entered the Imperial Palace.
Raymond shook his head as if it wasn't a good thing.
“It's going to be hard to get past this month, according to the doctor.”
Raymond's words made Dorothea strangely heavy.
Carnan's death was expected.
Besides, I don't even like him.
“Let’s go inside and talk.”
Dorothea went with Raymond to her palace.
Clara and her servants retreated so they could spend some time
Dorothea glanced at Raymond as she drank the fragrant tea.
“Then, did your memories come back?”
Raymond shrugged at the natural slurred words.
“… … Since when did you know? I am acting.”
Dorothea chuckled at Raymond's question, murmuring with his eyes
wide open.
“From the beginning.”
Ever since you called me Dorothy.
From the time you smile sincerely and happily in the garden.
From the time you looked at me with affectionate eyes.
At irst, I was deceived and almost had my heart luttered, but his
stupid smoke was soon discovered.

'Even the princess knew... … ?'

When Ethan hinted at the pain of deceiving her, she already knew.

'Then why don't you tell the Crown Prince not to reveal it to the
Crown Princess?'
'… … For the time being.'

At irst, I was angry at Raymond's play.

But I thought that there must be a reason for Raymond to do such a
reckless thing.
I used to call him an idiot, but that doesn't mean he's a real idiot.
Raymond has his own deep thoughts, and is sometimes wiser than
Besides, watching Raymond happy while spending time in the
garden, he couldn't help but get angry.
So, for a moment, I thought I'd give him a chance to breathe.
After Carnon dies, he won't be allowed that time.
“Now my role is over, Raymond. Now come back to your role.”
Dorothea put down her teacup and said calmly.
Then, after closing his eyes for a moment, he carefully opened his
“Be honest, Dorothy. you… … Have you really never even thought
about the throne?”
Raymond's clear eyes stared at her.
In front of him, Dorothea couldn't bear to lie.
“… … I don't know. But this is for sure. I am not the owner of the
“I’m not saying you don’t want to.”
At Raymond's point, Dorothea averted her gaze.
I want to. I want to become a better emperor and make a better
But, as I told Ethan, you can't sit in a house that a robber has robbed.
“Why do you think you can't be the master? Am I the irst to sit
“… … Because I don't deserve it."
"Quali ication? Do I have one?”
Raymond opened his eyes and pointed to himself.
“You are the prince.”
“Then you are the prince. Then will you be eligible too?”
“It’s not like that… … .”
“If not that kind of problem, then what?”
Raymond's eyes were uncomfortably bitter.
Dorothea murmured with the past he could not open before him.
Raymond looked at Dorothea carefully and spoke irst.
"great. I'll be honest with you irst. Then you are being honest.”
Raymond opened his eyes for no reason and laid his palms down on
the table.
And the over-honesty that follows.
“I don’t want to be a prince or emperor!”
It was a harsh tone, as if declaring in front of everyone.
It was natural for Dorothea's brow to wrinkle.
"Lay… … .”
“Listen, Dorothy. Now it is my turn to speak.”
When Dorothea was about to say something, Raymond irmly shut
her mouth.
“I feel like throwing up whenever I am called Prince. No lies, Dorothy.
… … Sometimes I really do.”
Raymond clasped his hands and iddled with them.
It was the irst story I heard.
He said that he found it dif icult to bear the burden and stress of
being a Crown Prince.
“Your Majesty said I was strange. I've been the Crown Prince since I
was little, so why is that uncomfortable?"
Why can't we conform to the fate we were given from birth, and also
to the good fate?
But he couldn't stop asking questions.
'Why am I the Crown Prince?'
He thought from a young age.
Strangely, he did not accept the Crown Prince as his name.
Maybe it was because I couldn't do what I wanted to do under the
name of 'Prince'.
Going to Episteme, his doubts grew bigger.
'There are so many handsome people in the world, why am I the
Crown Prince?'
No matter how hard you work, you can't be at the top.
There were many people who were better than him.
Of course he wasn't completely incompetent.
He certainly had something he liked and was good at.
However, his talent was not worthy of the emperor.
“I felt like a dead person every time I existed as Crown Prince.”
A part that was forcibly itted into the machines of the Empire and
the Imperial Family.
A living being who works non-stop, spinning round and round to the
point that it gives me motion sickness, but is dead.
An inanimate object that has neither vitality nor pleasure.
“How terrible it is to have to live doing something I hate until the day
I die.”
The prince's name was like a murderer named Raymond.
And if you ask him to choose his own name, he will abandon the
Crown Prince and choose Raymond.
Because I want to have people by my side who call me 'Ray' rather
than the Crown Prince.
So I thought it would be better to be an idiot, and disguised the
“Are you pathetic and sel ish?”
Raymond gave a self-helpful bitter laugh.
He knew how foolish and foolish what he had done.
“So sometimes I envy you. I can't see the emperor when I look in the
mirror, but sometimes I see the emperor in your face."
Dorothea's eyes widened.
Dorothea is moved by Raymond's stupid words again.
“I will be honest. I want to live in Ubera, where a person like you is
the emperor.”
An emperor more trustworthy than me, more trustworthy than me.
Dorothea's heart pounded at Raymond's words.
Her greed, which had sprouted little by little—Ethan said, her dream
—is growing more and more prosperous.
I can't. If you are greedy... … .
“So tell me, what are you serious about?”
Blue eyes ask her again.
And she tries to uncover the truth hidden inside her.
“Even if I tell you, you won’t believe me.”
“Dorothy, you don’t know how much I trust you.”
Raymond laughed.
Dorothea hesitated and wet her dry lips before deciding.
Now, as far as Raymond was concerned, it seemed as if he could tell
the truth.
No, I thought I should con ide in it at least once.
In order not to repeat the argument with the same story as him.
Dorothea took a deep breath.
Even if Raymond treats him like a madman, he is prepared to accept
“Actually, there was once a woman. Jealousy and greed... … .”
Dorothea looked into Raymond's eyes and bowed her head, not
having the courage to speak.
And he told the story of his long life.
She tried to express her ugliness as objectively as possible.
Because I didn't want to defend myself in front of him.
So I left out things that weren't important, such as the misery or pain
she felt.
And, as if telling the story of a tyrant, she told him about her life.
“… … So the tyrant was executed.”
Dorothea said, barely recalling her nightmarish past.
Still, it wasn't as painful as it used to be to go over it one by one now.
“But for some reason she had to live again. You are back to the time
you were born.”
Raymond did not respond to Dorothea's words.
Perhaps they do not feel the value of responding to a nonsensical
I couldn't tell Ethan's secret, so I couldn't explain the Spirit Stone and
the Spirit King.
So it will sound even weirder.
But Dorothea inished the story to the end.
“So she thought. I want to not repeat the same mistake in this
lifetime. kindly... … I want to live.”
new life. new choice.
"So… … It would be unacceptable for her to become emperor again.”
Dorothea shut her mouth when she inished her last words.
After saying this, I felt a little relieved.
Raymond's reaction was a little scary, but I thought it was good to
have courage.
Now he will never again seduce her to the throne.
Dorothea thought so and waited for Raymond's response.
By the way.
I heard the sound of eating noses, not words.
Dorothea involuntarily raised her head to look at Raymond.
Raymond wiped his eyes and nose with his sleeve, trying to stop the
"Lay… … ?”
“Dorothy… … !”
Raymond, who was crying, ran up to her and hugged her tightly, and
whispered in her ear.
She was taken aback by the unexpected reaction.
“You are so sad.”
Raymond took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his tears
and runny nose.
It was because he couldn't get a runny nose on Dorothea's shoulder.
What the hell are you sad about?
What she confessed was the story of a tyrant.
A terrifying and horrifying story.
Also, the story that killed him.
"I know you've been thinking like that all along... … .”
Raymond was about to say something, but then choked again, unable
to speak.
“Do you believe me, Ray?”
“You have no reason to lie like that.”
Raymond nodded and said.
Frankly, her words were unrealistic.
But it's not Dorothea.
Someone who has no reason to make up a story like that.
Raymond therefore believed that Dorothea's words were true, or at
least a clever and clever metaphor of another truth.
Anyway, her story.
He is not used to doubting others.
So, it was more unsuitable for the position of emperor.
“Am I bad enough to kill you?”
“It’s sad that you call yourself a bad person, I… … !”
Raymond seemed to be angry with Dorothea.
“How can you say your life so badly?”
Raymond was more heartbroken by Dorothea's calm tone.
Even if he lived a bad life, wouldn't it be natural to defend himself at
least as much as he did?
But Dorothea seemed to be judging and punishing herself.
“… … Because it was really bad.”
“Not really bad.”
Raymond got angry again and grabbed her.
“From the moment you were born until now, in my eyes, you’re like,
‘It’s really not that bad.’”
“… … .”
“I have never seen you do such a bad thing in my life. Whether your
confession is real or a metaphor.”
“Of course it was before… … .”
“Anyway, the Dorothea I know is not bad.”
You are not like that in this life.
Don't end your life without being able to do anything in the past that
doesn't exist now.
“You have come this far by working hard not to make the same
Raymond's warm hand wrapped around hers.
“If I had given up on ruining the farm once, my garden wouldn’t have
been so lush. They wouldn't have discovered a new rotation method."
Dorothea had a life of failure.
And when she was given the chance again, she had a choice.
He could take revenge on those who made him this way.
He could have used numbers to gain the throne from an early age.
Perhaps he could have eliminated Raymond earlier.
Knowing the future, he could harm others and change it to the
advantage of his own wealth and power.
Smart and clever Dorothea can do enough.
But among the many options, Dorothea chose this life.
“You don’t deserve it, that’s wrong. You deserve it more than anyone.”
Behind Raymond's voice as she spoke to her, he could still hear the
laughter of the people celebrating the victory.
Dorothea's heart was beating hotly.
Can I really be a good emperor?
One more time, can I truly dive into what I want to do?
Raymond looked at her in doubt and nodded.
“If you try to do well again, you can become a better emperor than
anyone else.”
Eventually, Dorothea buried her head in his arms and burst into
More than anyone else, Raymond said that, thank you.

Shortly thereafter, news came that Carnan had been allowed to
Maybe his health was really bad, and even though he had returned
from the war, the audience was delayed.
Fortunately, Dorothea didn't mind too much because she was used to
living without seeing Carnon's face.
“You are very ill, but you are still very clear and able to speak, so I am
sure you will be welcome.”
Raymond and Dorothea headed to Carnan's bedroom.
When the two arrived, Robert opened the door.
As soon as they entered, a different scent greeted them.
The emperor's bedroom, which always had a luxurious aroma,
smelled of medicine and musty smoke.
When the two entered, Carnan, who was lying down, barely got up
with the support of the servants next to him.
He leaned his upper body on the cushion and looked at Dorothea.
He was completely different from the last time Dorothea had seen
If you didn't know him at all, you probably thought he was someone
“Dorothea Milanaire.”
The voice coming out of his lips was different from before.
Most of it was wind and crackling, so his solemn tone had faded.
Now he was more likely to be called a sick man rather than an
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea licked her lips heavily.
Carnan, who looked at her daughter silently, waved helplessly
towards the others.
At his signal, the servants, Robert, and Raymond went out a little
As Raymond left and the door closed, Carnan beckoned her to sit by
her side.
With his helpless gaze, Dorothea quietly followed his request.
He looked at her again with hazy eyes.
The eyes, which were full of dignity and clarity, were cloudy and
Dorothea faced his silence quietly.
“… … I heard that you defeated Hark. … … That's great, Dorothea."
He took a moment to catch his breath, and he opened his chapped
'That's great, Dorothea'. The word was very unfamiliar.
When connected, it seemed like two awkward words were forcibly
joined together.
But it wasn't bad.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
Dorothea quietly bowed her head.
Carnan glanced at her again.
Dorothea did not say anything before him and waited again.
It was long enough for her to open her mouth irst.
Dorothea wanted to thank Carnon for lifting Ethan's ban, or ask him
if he was okay.
But the tightly closed lips did not come off easily.
Come to think of it, the irst time I spoke to Carnon… … was there?
Her conversations with Carnon were always one-sided.
If Karnan speaks to you, no, if you command, Dorothea will answer.
The answer is largely de iant, so Carnon didn't always like her
The relationship between the two was like that.
Carnan, who looked at her without saying a word, struggled to move
and picked up the paper and pen beside her.
“Because I hit the ball… … There should be a reward for it.”
Even while sick, he did not forget what he had to do as an emperor.
“Tell me. The reward you want to receive.”
Carnan waited for an answer, but Dorothea didn't answer.
I've never asked him for a gift.
I don't want expensive jewels, rare books, or spacious palaces.
So there's nothing to ask for.
“… … hurry."
As Dorothea's reply was delayed, Carnan slapped her with her
squinted eyes.
He thought this would be his last gift.
Dorothea saw the tip of the pen he was holding trembled and slowly
closed her eyes.
There was only one thing he wanted.
“I am married to Ethan Bronte… … I want to do it."
She doesn't need expensive jewels or af luent estates.
All he wants is Ethan Bronte.
Carnan looked at her with a pen.
Dorothea thought he had no choice but to refuse.
He had no intention of ighting stubbornly with him who was about
to die.
As Dorothea sat down with a blank expression on her face, Carnan
looked at her silently and nodded.
“… … Do it.”
At his words, Dorothea raised her head and looked at him.
permission... … do you?
Dorothea looked at him in disbelief, but Carnon didn't answer again.
Instead, he painstakingly moved the pen and wrote the letter.

[The Emperor of Ubera, Carnan Milanaire, grants the marriage of

Princess Dorothea Milanaire and Ethan Bronte of the Bronte family.]

He didn't even have the strength to make up a sentence with

He wrote the most concise line of permission for Dorothea and
Ethan to marry, and then put his signature at the bottom.
“… … As much as this present, I hope you like it.”
he already knew
The gifts he sent to Dorothea are all unused and piled up in dust in
the palace warehouse.
Or that he gave it to others like a gift of wine.
Knowing that, he didn't get angry or question him.
If you send a gift, will you ever be able to open that child's heart?
I knew I had missed the time, but I couldn't give up.
If I give up even that, I feel like I'm letting go of Dorothea completely.
After inishing his last words, Carnan took a deep breath and
Dorothea hurriedly called the people outside, fearing that the
incessant coughing alone would suffocate him.
The doctor rushed in, and the servants laid him on the bed.
It's because he's straining his lungs just by sitting.
Dorothea stepped back to see the doctor.
Carnan handed the letter to Robert with a trembling hand in a
constant cough.
Robert checked the letter and made eye contact with Dorothea.
Then, after con irming that Carnan nodded, he stamped the seal of
the imperial family at the end of Carnan's signature.


A few days later, punishments and rewards were given to the knights
and soldiers who fought the war.
Dmitry, who sailed to Hark, was stripped of his title and lost his land.
Some nobles who ran away were also punished accordingly.
Jonathan Bronte, who was about to give up on Cerritian's estate and
run away, also lost his credibility greatly through disgrace, although it
was not a big punishment.
On the other hand, Joy received a big reward along with the
promotion, and another large medal was hung on Stefan's chest.
House Greenwall's title was elevated from baron to earl.
Stefan was very embarrassed when he called him 'Earl Stefan
It was so funny that Clara joked around a few more times.
And Ethan Bronte.
He was given small posts in the territories and imperial courts that
Hark had given him as compensation for defeat.
Expensive gifts were given to Dorothea, who, in principle, could not
receive of icial posts and territories.
But the greatest gift to Dorothea.
Ethan came to visit after the awards ceremony.
In his hand was a small dessert box.
“I bought it from Po's dessert shop. I haven't had a Madeleine there
for quite some time.”
As soon as he handed the box to Clara, Dorothea hugged him.
"I miss you."
I didn't want to say anything between seeing you yesterday, but I
wanted to see you.
"Me too."
Ethan looked at Dorothea like that and kissed her.
A sweet smile spread across their lips.
Dorothea felt as if her body were tickled with the slightest touch with
They hugged each other and shared bird kisses over and over again.
Their little kiss ended only after Clara brought Madeleine to the
“The two of you seem to have gotten better with each other ahead of
your engagement.”
Clara smiled as she put Madeleine and her teacup on the table.
At the suggestion of Raymond and others, the two decided to get
engaged before Carnon became more critical.
As the decision was made hastily, it will be played in an abbreviated
form without calling anyone else.
Raymond asked if he was dissatis ied with the engagement
ceremony, where only a small exchange of rings was held.
But neither Dorothea nor Ethan took the engagement ceremony
It's okay if you two are together.
“It’s your engagement, and you can’t even it a new dress.”
Clara said sullenly.
It would take another few days to it the dress, but Carnan couldn't
waste time itting her clothes in a situation where the future could not
be guaranteed.
But Dorothea and Ethan didn't care.
Dorothea decided one day to wear the blue dress that Carnon gave
her as a birthday present.
And Ethan decided to wear the blue vest and tailcoat she wore on her
It was an old out it, but it was meaningful to the two of them.
“It still feels like a dream.”
After Clara left, Ethan said, holding her hand.
“Me too, Ethan.”
Dorothea also interlocked with Ethan's hand.
“Thank you for this opportunity you gave me.”
Dorothea lightly pressed her lips to the back of Ethan's interlaced
Ethan's ingers tickled.
Then Ethan's gaze fell on Dorothea's desk.
Various documents and materials were laid out on the desk as if they
were about to start a new job.
“You haven’t been back in a while, have you already taken on your
“… … Actually, Ethan.”
Dorothea con ided to him a thought that had haunted her the past
few days.
"I… … I still want to be emperor.”
Dorothea said while iddling with the Spirit Stone.
Raymond was waiting for her to make up his mind.
about the throne.
And Dorothea still hasn't made up her mind.
She showed determination in many things, but she was not ready to
make up her mind on this one.
He was pathetic and timid, thought Dorothea.
“You want to be emperor.”
Again, Ethan's eyes narrowed signi icantly.
“Coming back from the war, it felt weird.”
“If it’s weird… … .”
“People are happy, feeling proud as an Uverainian, being happy,
personally… … It felt good to feel recognized.”
I was so happy and full of tears.
Unlike Raymond, who is burdened with those moments, she felt alive
from them.
“Of course, when I become emperor, there won’t be only such days.”
Surely there will be days when you will be pointed at and there will
be days when you will be criticized.
You won't always be able to win, and you won't be able to please
“But I want to try to make a day like that.”
For just one day, to make people happy and happy.
Even if I'm not happy enough to be overwhelmed, so that I can
lighten the weight of my unhappiness a little.
A smile spread across Ethan's lips.
From a very long time ago, he knew well where Dorothea's heart was
He gently wrapped Dorothea's hand around and kissed the back of
her hand.
“For me, the only emperor was the princess.”
His only ruler and master.
A man whom he would dedicate his life to serving.
“Whatever path you take, I will follow you.”


The next day, Dorothea and Ethan's engagement ceremony.

The participants were Raymond, Theon, and Bronte, and Stefan and
Joey who were escorts, a few nobles to hold the engagement ceremony
and publicize it, and medical staff just in case.
The place of engagement is Carnan's bedroom.
The emperor's bedroom had quite a lot of space when the furniture
was removed and a seat was set up.
The servants decorated Carnan's room with white curtains and
paper and cloth lowers.
It was because of the doctor's advice that fresh lowers were not
good for Karnan.
Still, the skillfully cut and tied paper and fabric created a rather
bright atmosphere.
The two shared their engagement rings in public celebrations.
Poe's specially requested three-tiered cake was placed in the center,
and Dorothea and Ethan cut the cake together so that those who came
to the engagement could share.
No one was dissatis ied or displeased with this engagement that the
emperor had permitted.
Dorothea must have married Ethan somehow, but there was a big
difference between admitting the emperor or not.
This is the irst time that the blood of a bastard has been mixed in
the imperial family.
However, the two were not afraid of that ' irst scar'.
“Our child will gain the power of strong spirits again.”
Ethan whispered softly and laughed.
It was okay to sacri ice his life to hand over the contractor to
Dorothea, but it was more pleasing to pass it on to the children
between him and her.
Dorothea nodded at his smile and kissed her.
Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and bit her lip.
When Dorothea and Ethan shared a deep kiss, the people blessed
Carnan sat leaning on the bed, watching their engagement.
“Your Majesty, would you like to say something?”
As the engagement ceremony drew to a close, Robert asked.
Carnan nodded.
Dorothea and Ethan saw him, and the attendees focused on him.
“In the future of the two of us… … May there be light.”
A short-lived blessing. But the emperor's language was enough.
Ethan Bronte was recognized as a full member of the imperial family.
Carnan took a moment to catch her breath, then looked at Dorothea
and opened her rough, dry lips again.
“… … Dorothea. Finally, I miss your light.”
Carnan's vision was blurred and Dorothea could not be seen clearly.
But if it was her spirit, it would be a little brighter and more distinct.
Ethan and Dorothea met their eyes.
Ethan nodded his head.
Dorothea raised her hand over her chest to touch the brooch to
summon the spirit.
But apparently, there was no brooch until the beginning of the
engagement ceremony.
'ah… … !'
It seems that something that had been caught on his sleeve for a
while fell off as he said hello to those who attended the engagement
ceremony earlier.
Dorothea hurriedly scanned the loor of Carnan's bedroom, looking
for the brooch.
Ethan was also aware of the situation.
“Princess, then, I will instead… … .”
Raymond grabs Dorothea's wrist as Ethan sets out to deal with the
spirits instead of Dorothea.
A brooch secretly held in her hand.
As Dorothea looked at him in embarrassment, Raymond smiled and
whispered softly.
“I think you should show it to me.”
Raymond naturally stepped back, and Dorothea looked at Ethan.
How does Raymond know about brooches?
Dorothea's eyes widened, but Ethan shook his head as if he didn't
Then Robert called her.
Dorothea couldn't ind the time to ask Raymond for more details.
She could not delay any longer, so she carefully summoned the Spirit
of Light.
Perhaps the spirits might make Karnan's illness worse, so we kept
some distance and lew the spirits into the air.
She had always refused Carnan's request, but today it seemed that
she had to grant his request.
Somehow, I think it will be his last request.
As a little thank you for allowing Ethan.
Carnan looked at Dorothea's light with her defocused eyes.
It had been a long time since he had been weakened and could no
longer summon the spirits.
He exhaled a rough breath and looked at the spirits that one day
protected him.
The spirits now leave him and pass on to the next generation.
Carnan smiled faintly, as if satis ied, and nodded.


right after the engagement ceremony.

“Wait, Ethan.”
Dorothea made Ethan wait for a while before returning to the room
and ran to Raymond.
When Dorothea called, Raymond turned to look at her.
Theon was with him.
"this… … .”
Dorothea looked at him, showing him the brooch he had handed him.
How do you not know? That my power is not really my power.
“Theon, maybe you… … ?”
Dorothea looked at Theon, and Theon shook her head.
Theon kept the secrets of Ethan, Dorothea, and the Spirit Stone until
the end.
Then Raymond laughed.
“How long do you think I’ve been watching you, Dorothy?”
His smile was very meaningful.
did you watch me?
“What does that mean… … ?”
Raymond shrugged as Dorothea wrinkled her brow.
“I must be Milan.”
“It’s called the Spirit Temple.”
Raymond turned to Theon and himself.
He and Theon, the same spirit warrior.
Theon felt the spirit's energy as she touched her brooch.
Ordinary people like Clara and Joy didn't notice at all, but Theon did.
Because he knows how to deal with spirits.
So, when Raymond also got close to the Spirit Stone, he could feel the
spirit energy lowing from the Spirit Stone.
He met Dorothea frequently, clashed several times in sword ighting,
and even hugged.
It means I've had the opportunity to rub and touch her brooch
several times.
After a few touches like that, he noticed.
The brooch that she does not forget during the ceremony is the
Spirit Stone.
So he knew it long before Theon Fried.
However… … I didn't bother to disclose that fact.
Because I didn't have to, and I didn't want to.
For him, Dorothea was enough to be a wonderful and wonderful
“In the meantime… … !”
Dorothea was speechless.
It felt like he had been hit in the back even more than when he
pretended to be amnesiac.
I thought I wasn't fooled by his acting... … !
Raymond smiled at Dorothea's eyes widened.
His bright smile seemed to be the same today.
“More than that, go ahead. Your iance is waiting for you.”
Raymond pointed to Ethan Bronte, who stood at a distance, and
pushed her back.


“All that High Lord Raymond would know… … .”

Upon hearing Dorothea's story, Ethan was astonished.
Raymond Milanaire, seemingly simple but surprisingly smart.
Ethan sometimes wondered if Raymond was playing an idiot
pretending to be bright.
Maybe amnesia is also acting as a deliberate act?
“He’s my brother, but he’s a very special person… … .”
The expression on Dorothea's muttering expression was so serious
that Ethan burst out laughing.
The two headed to Dorothea's study, holding hands with their
engagement rings on.
After the engagement ceremony, the place I went to was probably a
study room for work.
“I’m sorry, Ethan.”
Dorothea looked at Ethan and bowed his head.
“I’m sorry. I like just being with the princess.”
It was a hastily arranged engagement for Carnan.
As the engagement was unplanned, Dorothea had to work after the
engagement was over.
It would have been a bit delayed during normal times, but
unfortunately it wasn't.
It was because the enormous amount of paperwork that followed
after the war was over and the work that had to be done on behalf of
the critically ill emperor was piled up.
Ethan understood Dorothea well enough to know the importance of
the matter.
“Instead, let’s have dinner together after work.”
"like. Can I wait here instead?”
“I would be happy if you did.”
Dorothea grinned, and Ethan nodded, iddling with her hand.
While Dorothea worked, Ethan waited, sipping tea at the small tea
table next to him.
Hearing the sound of the creaking pen and looking at Dorothea, who
was concentrating on her work, the shadow gradually grew longer.
The blonde hair that fell gently to the side of the ear, the gaze that
focused on the letters, the white nape of the neck and the wrist holding
the pen were used as refreshments for a long time.
He did nothing, but the time was full.
He played the violin when Dorothea got a little tired.
Dorothea used his sweet violin playing as the background music to
comfortably concentrate on her work.
Occasionally, if she was curious about what she was doing, she would
ask about it or give advice.
To Dorothea, he was a good adviser.
The sun went down while we was wasting time on this and that.
“I’m sorry, Ethan. I was going to inish it early.”
Dorothea apologized to Ethan for not being able to inish work so
late in the evening.
I tried to inish it as quickly as possible, but it wasn't as simple as I
thought it would be.
Ethan laughed.
“Aren’t you tired?”
Ethan asked, rubbing her shoulder.
Dorothea smiled at his warm hand, and Dorothea shook her head.
“Even if it’s hard, I think this is the most luxurious time of my life.”
Dorothea lifted her head and looked up at Ethan.
There was a time when building new palaces, buying rare birds, or
collecting famous swords.
But now it felt more luxurious than that.
Surprisingly, just having Ethan by his side.
“It feels good to say that.”
“I think I have become the most precious and valuable existence to
the princess.”
Ethan leaned over and kissed her cheek.
Close enough to breathe.
Jewel-like eyes stared at her under long eyelashes.
Dorothea's heart pounded at the beautiful face that got closer in an
I see him every day, but my heart trembles every time.
Ethan took a deep breath and gently stroked her frozen arm.
And the hand that was wrapped around her arm slowly descended to
her ingertips.
Finally, his hand wrapped around Dorothea's with the pen.
Tuk, he took the pen from her inger.
“If you are tired, take a break today. It's an engagement day, though."
He gently picked up the pen and put it down.
To be honest, he waited a long time.
On the day of the engagement, until the evening.
So, for today, I have to interrupt the princess's affairs a little.
Ethan clasped her hands and wiggled them to prevent them from
holding the pen.
His intense grudge seduced Dorothea.
'Even from my perspective, it was a bit harsh today.'
Dorothea smiled and stood up as if she couldn't help it.
“You thought well.”
Ethan stood up, pulled her up and took her straight to his arms.
With a strong lily scent, his beautiful golden eyes stared at her.
Dorothea's eyes became hazy, as if drunk.
“I will make the most luxurious dinner for the princess.”
He whispered a small whisper in her ear and placed his lips on hers.
He bit Dorothea's lower lip and sucked like a whimper.
Dorothea bit his upper lip and smiled as he teased her soft lips with
the tip of his lips.
Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and opened his moist lips.
The tip of his tongue reaching through his gaping teeth was
irritating, Dorothea took in a breath full of Ethan's sweet scent and bit
his tongue into his mouth.
A dense sound of gentle rubbing resounded in the study.
The two hugged each other so close that their chests touched, feeling
each other's heartbeats increasing.
Deeply entangled, the heated body temperature mingled.
The two swallowed each other's saliva and stroked their clinging
Dorothea's ingers, leaning against Ethan's chest, ran along his toned
body, unbuttoning his shirt.
The buttons that had been neatly locked for the engagement
ceremony were unlocked, revealing Ethan's chest.
"ha… … .”
A hot breath lew through the tip of his tongue for a moment.
The scar left by the war was visible on the nape of Ethan's neck,
whose shirt was untied.
Dorothea kissed the scar on his beautiful body.
Sorry and thanks again.
Ethan wrapped her thighs up in a strange kiss that stimulated her.
Dorothea grabbed him in his arms and hugged him.
He took Dorothea and went to the couch on one side of the study.
He laid Dorothea down on the couch and pulled the sleeves of the
dress from her shoulders.
Below that, the white collarbones and shoulders were exposed.
“My iancee.”
Dorothea took off his shirt and whispered hotly.
It was only then that Ethan realized that my iancé e was a wonderful
being that awakened his ive senses.
The iancee's cheeks, which were wet and red with passion, were
insanely lovely.
His white shirt tumbled down the couch, and Dorothea's dress was
barely dangling.
The soft touch of each other's skins awakened all his nerves.
“My iancee.”
He put a hot brand on the nape of her neck and chest, as if in
response to Dorothea.
each other's iancees. I belong to you and you are mine.
A relationship between you and me that I can raise my head in front
of everyone and let everyone know.
Perhaps Dorothea doesn't know what emotions are mingling behind
the heat that makes him swell.
How long have you been uneasy in love with her?
How I hated myself for being too shabby to stand by her.
How overwhelming this moment is.
He cherished the many emotions he had accumulated on her body.
His stigma spread like iery lowers through Dorothea's body.
Each time his lips touched, Dorothea felt a shiver that ran through
her body.
“I love you, Ethan.”
She twisted her waist and hugged Ethan.
His lust boiled over as he brushed his skin.
"I love you too."
Ethan melted her away, stroking her softly.
Dorothea was deeply immersed in Ethan's touch.
A shallow moan escaped from the tip of Dorothea's lips.
As he wrapped his arms around Ethan as if he was clinging to him, he
felt his warm body temperature.
His love was as hot as a sword on ire.
He entered her deepest depths and encroached upon her.
"ah… … !”
Dorothea sighed as she felt him completely engulfed her.
The tingling electric current that ran from his waist to the nape of his
neck was so dizzying.
Ethan Bronte.
A person who af irms everything about her.
The one person who loved 'Dorothea Milanaire' even when others
hated her, even herself.
Dorothea thought as she hugged Ethan.
If the book of her life had a lock on it, only Ethan could unlock it.
He is the only one who can understand and open up to her the most.


Two days after the engagement.

“Princess Dorothea!”
Just one word. Even after calling her, Dorothea knew what Clara had
to say.
She stood up before Clara opened the door.
“Your Majesty, your Majesty is in critical condition, quickly… … !”
Clara gave the news urgently, and Dorothea hurriedly moved.
When she arrived at the Emperor's bedroom, a silence that seemed
to have erased all noise from the air met her.
Strictly speaking, it wasn't gloomy.
Because the rough sound of Karnon's breathing was interrupted and
continued again and again.
However, the gloomy weight that lows through the air is only
suppressing even the sound.
Raymond and Theon were already guarding Carnon's side.
A doctor and a priest who will pray for him.
Dorothea, guided by Robert, went to bedside to watch over his
Theon summoned the Spirit of Darkness to alleviate his suffering.
Perhaps thanks to that, he had a relaxed expression while breathing
in a sound that seemed to be clogged at any moment.
He scanned the air with eyes that looked hard to even open properly.
And he barely stared at Dorothea, who had just arrived.
“… … You are here.”
He managed to close his darkening eyes and smiled at Dorothea.
His eyes were blurry and he couldn't see clearly, but he could
recognize that it was his daughter.
He thought that Dorothea might not be with him on his deathbed.
I thought I wouldn't be upset if I didn't have to come to see it.
But the moment you see Dorothea's face, you feel relieved, it means
you expected even a little.
Carnan beckoned Dorothea to come a little closer.
His wink wasn't too big, but Dorothea could understand what he
She moved closer to him.
His skinny body was deformedly swollen, his eyes had lost their
luster as if they were already dead, and his white skin that had gleamed
with redness was dark.
His rough breath smelled of death.
Dorothea saw Carnan lying in the hospital bed, and her heart
I hated him to death, so why is he doing this?
Is it compassion for a human being helplessly waiting for death?
Or is it because I once earnestly begged for your love?
Was it futile that you, who felt like an impenetrable wall, collapsed?
It was dif icult to express what exactly.
Dorothea shut her mouth in an unacceptable sadness.
Carnan put Dorothea's eyes, nose, and mouth into her eyes one after
Carnan realized she had never looked so closely at her daughter.
“… … You grew up beautiful and wise.”
He said, with his daughter's face resembling Alice carved into her
I'll see more when the snow is clear.
Carnan regretted it.
Only after the disease has clouded her eyes and dulled her head, she
catches the faint outline of her.
I want to look more carefully, and I want to remember.
I didn't even have time to remember.
“For you… … I can't see my empty space therefore… … thank god."
He let out a sigh of relief through the rough breath of phlegm.
At that, Dorothea bit her trembling lips.
'You can't see your empty seat?'
was irresponsible
She struggled all her life to ill her father's vacancy.
I was trying to get attention, hoping that he would laugh at least
To Carnan Milanaire... … I wanted to be recognized.
The empty hole he left behind can't be illed for the rest of his life.
The cowardly attitude was so unfair that Dorothea lowered her head.
Carnan then reached out and grabbed Dorothea's hand.
His hand, which had been strong and large, had now lost its strength
and was trembling.
The power to hold her was only weaker than that of a baby.
“… … I'm sorry, Dorothea."
A self-sacri icing bitter smile appeared on the corner of Carnon's lips
as he spoke faintly.
His senses were dulled before death, and strangely, his memories
became clear.
And as the memories became clearer, the regrets also deepened.
Laying in a hospital bed and waiting for death alone, he felt lonely.
Thought he had met so many people and had his own people by his
side, he was terribly lonely in the face of death.
A feeling of loneliness as if the whole world turned its back on him
even though he was the emperor.
It was then that he realized how terrible he had done to Dorothea.
He neglected his weak and young daughter for a very long time.
He seemed to know now how deep the loneliness and alienation his
daughter must have felt.
He was a really bad father.
He misunderstood that he had done his duty as a father just by
passing on the blood of Milanaire to his children.
He realized he had never gone on a picnic with the children.
I never kindly asked what their day was like or listened to what their
worries were.
He called Dorothea like an object, calling him when he needed it and
leaving him alone when he didn't.
How am I supposed to go to the underworld and see Alice's face?
What should I tell her?
How much resentment would she feel if she knew how coldly she had
been with the last gift she had left him?
“… … I'm really sorry."
Dorothea bit her teeth in Carnan's regret.
'Are you sorry for coming?'
sel ish to the end
If you hold on to me with these hands and say you're sorry, how do
you say you're resentful?
Dorothea never intended to forgive him for the rest of her life.
He returned and made new relationships with many, but not as much
as Carnon.
But I'm sorry to hear that you're dying.
To get angry, shout, resent and run away without giving them time to
Eventually, tears ran down her cheeks and fell on the back of Carnan's
Carnan swallowed bitter saliva and shut her mouth.
He was so helpless that he could not wrap his daughter's trembling
Once called the Emperor, he was now nothing more than a dying,
feeble human.
I'm just a human being who can only do anything but repeat that I'm
sorry in front of my daughter's resentment.
After losing all his authority and fame, all that was left was
Dorothea's tears, proof of his stingy life.
Poor Carnan Milanaire. You live a life pretending to be great, but do
you realize that only before you die?
“… … you… … excellent… … She was a daughter and a princess.”
With all his might, Carnan spit out the last words.
And his hand that was holding Dorothea lost its strength and fell
"your majesty!"
Raymond grabbed Carnan and called.
Carnan's eyes were closed, unable to see the world anymore.
Dorothea kept her mouth shut.
The dark spirits summoned by Theon soon retreated and
disappeared as if there was nothing more they could do.
The doctor checked Karnon's condition and shook his head.
Soon, the rough and hoarse sound of Carnan's breathing disappeared
into silence.


Black lags were hung on the streets of the Imperial Palace and
There was no princess who led the army to the emperor's funeral.
However, the princess stood at the closest seat to the emperor's
cof in.
Raymond cried for quite some time.
He did the same despite Robert's insistence that the Crown Prince
should keep his body.
Perhaps Raymond truly loved Carnan.
But it wasn't Dorothea.
She didn't shed a single tear during the funeral.
only kept silent.
Dorothea still hated and resented Carnon.
But it wasn't like it used to be.


The day the black lag was lowered announcing the emperor's
The date of the release of Carnan Milanaire's will and the accession
of the new emperor.
“I, Crown Prince Raymond Milanaire, renounce all rights and duties,
including the right to heir to the Crown, in accordance with the will of
His Majesty the Crown Prince, and recognize Princess Dorothea
Milanaire as the rightful heir to the throne.”
Crown Prince Raymond Milanaire declared.
Ubera's greetings gathered in the huge hall were buzzing.
But no one was against it.
It was Carnan's will, and because his party, Raymond Milanaire,
obeyed it.
“From now on, I will serve Dorothea Milanair, the only and right
Emperor of Ubera, and I swear to him allegiance.”
His con ident and undistorted voice echoed through the hall.
Raymond had the most imperial dignity like a prince, more than any
other appearance he had ever shown.
Raymond looked at Dorothea standing in front of him.
And knelt before her.
“The water of life of all things in the empire, the original contractor,
and the implementer of the spirit. The mother of Ubera and the light
that casts away all darkness. To His Majesty Dorothea Milanaire, the
in inite light.”
Raymond's two hands raised to the height of his forehead.
Above his hand lay the emperor's crown and scepter.
Dorothea paused for a moment and looked around the crowd.
Everyone was looking at her with a solemn and solemn expression.
Some seemed not to accept her accession yet.
The moment those eyes became a little frightened, Ethan standing in
the middle caught her attention.
Ethan did nothing.
He just stood there and stood there, looking at her.
But, shining alone in the crowd, his existence gave her strength.
Dorothea mustered up the courage to pick up the scepter in
Raymond's hand.
At the same time, the emperor's crown was placed on her head.
“To His Majesty the New Emperor, endless light!”
The spirit of light illuminated the hall with praise that illed the great
The people who had already made a puzzled expression were
nodding their heads and applauding.
Dorothea clenched her ists, trying to hide her irritated eyes in the
dazzling sight.
Her life, the second emperor was crowned.
But this time, there was no sense of despair when the crown was
worn on the head for the irst time.
Instead, the crown whispered to her the weight of the emperor's
There was no darkness that illed the blood- illed room.
This huge hall was full of light.
Not even a scream of death could be heard from afar.
However, applause and cheers congratulated the new emperor.
There was no look in Theon's resentment towards her.
There was only Ethan looking at her with loving eyes.
So Dorothea thought.
In this lifetime, I want to be called a saint, not a tyrant.


Ubera, which had been shadowed by the death of the emperor, soon
lit up with the accession of a new emperor.
Musical performances, parties, and trade in alcohol and luxuries
were permitted during the emperor's funeral.
People sang songs and held festivals to celebrate the new emperor's
After the coronation ceremony, Dorothea went to the emperor's
Portraits of successive emperors were hung one after another.
At the end, there was also a portrait of Carnan Milanaire.
She traces the portraits of successive emperors from Carnon.
And when she reached the portrait of the irst Milanaire, she faced a
display stand.
The crown and scepter used for the coronation ceremony were kept
in the original storage case.
Dorothea looked at him blankly.
It was this room.
The place where she killed Raymond and became emperor, usurping
the crown and scepter.
But now it was very peaceful.
Outside, instead of the cries of war, the music of a joyful festival was
heard, and a soft sunset shone down on her.
"your majesty."
A familiar voice woke her up.
Your Majesty, you must have heard many times before your return,
but for some reason, the name feels new to you.
Dorothea looked back awkwardly at the unfamiliar name.
Then Ethan greeted her with a smile.
A smile naturally spread across Dorothea's lips.
She turned her back on the crown and the scepter and ran to Ethan
and hugged him.
The long white emperor's robes rustled pleasantly.
“Your clothes will be wrinkled.”
"it's okay."
Dorothea laughed bashfully, and Ethan inally gave her strength and
hugged her tightly.
“It’s all thanks to you, Ethan.”
“It is the result of your work.”
Ethan whispered sweetly, and Dorothea shook her head.
“If you hadn’t loved me, I would have died as a tyrant on the
execution table.”
I didn't even get a chance to re lect on my stupidity and wrongdoings
at that time.
I didn't even know I could live like this.
I didn't even know there was such happiness.
I didn't even know I could dream.
“I won’t let you down.”
I'm going to do my best so that the opportunity you gave me doesn't
go in vain.
Ethan smiled at Dorothea's determined eyes and kissed her
“I am so grateful.”
Thank you for not letting my love go wrong.
Thank you for allowing me to be your strength.
Ethan looked at her lovingly, and Dorothea couldn't help but kiss his
At the warmth of her poking her lips, Ethan willingly shared her own
warmth as well.
The two felt each other's breath and thought.
I will live a good life even for you.
I want to become a slightly better person than yesterday.


A carriage decorated with white lowers and ribbons was waiting in

front of the main gate of the Imperial Palace.
That day, the sky was blue without a single cloud, and a fresh wind
“It’s Ethan Bronte!”
“You’re cooler than the rumors! How could there be such a person!”
People who had gathered around the carriage were buzzing with the
story of Ethan standing in front of the carriage.
Her silver hair, neatly tied down, glistened in the sunlight and
luttered in the wind.
His facial features stayed in place like the constellations in the sky.
Long legs, a slender but irm waist, straight shoulders, and a
beautiful curved neckline.
From the collar to the hem of his white robe that it his body,
gorgeous lilies and leaf patterns were embroidered with gold thread.
Ornate epaulets with ornate tassels, red silk scenes on the chest, and
delicately braided golden pews.
The robe went well with his impeccable beauty.
People lifted their heels and raised their heads high to catch Ethan's
eyes one more time.
The escorting knights and soldiers tried to stop the crowd.
But even in the chaos, Ethan was standing upright in front of the
carriage and ixed his gaze on one place.
Normally, he would have cheered for himself and smiled at those
who showed interest, but today he did not have the spirit to do so.
Ethan looked at the main gate of the Imperial Palace with a nervous
and trembling heart.
And he checked his out it over and over again to make sure he wasn't
“Are you nervous, Ethan?”
At that moment, a voice mixed with laughter called him.
Turning his head, Raymond was standing next to him.
Raymond was neatly brushing his free-spirited curly hair, and was
wearing a stuffy robe he hated so much.
With only one button untied, which I had been contemplating on
whether to ill it all the way to the end of the neck.
“… … Do you seem to be trembling?”
"no. But I feel like I’m going to tremble.”
Raymond laughed, and Ethan didn't deny it.
Today is the day he has been waiting for all his life.
It was the wedding of Ubera emperor Dorothea Milanaire, and his
wedding day.
Then, a long trumpet sounded the signal and the band started
Ethan straightened his body in a more rigid position.
Gradually, the main gate of the Imperial Palace opened and the red
carpet was spread out.
And a splendid procession coming from afar.
The lowers in front of them were spraying lowers and coloring the
carpet with fragrance.
Thump-thump, their step closer made Ethan's heart pound.
Soon, his bride appeared through the luttering petals.
Ethan stared at Dorothea walking towards him.
With every step she took, a piece of crystal on her white dress
The white veil on his head descended as long as the Milky Way.
No lie, she was dazzlingly beautiful. Even without summoning the
Ordinary people will not know.
Dorothea cut her budget for dresses and accessories in half, saying
she doesn't want to be extravagant.
That's why I replaced it with crystals instead of diamonds.
But now, Ethan thinks he's lucky enough to cut the budget.
Even the current Dorothea is beautiful and looks like it will take her
breath away, but if she had worn a more elaborate dress, her legs might
have loosened and collapsed during the wedding.
It must have been a funny spectacle at the emperor's wedding.
Dorothea made eye contact with him and smiled softly.
With that smile, blood circulated all over his body, his stiff cheeks
loosened, and he laughed.
Ethan struggled to keep his feet trembling as he wanted to run
towards her.
She approached him, carefully stepping on the petals in front of her.
She was holding a scepter in her hand.
At the end of the scepter was a spirit stone that had been lost a long
time ago.

'Things that require spirits will gradually disappear. Because I'll

make it happen.'

After ascending the throne, Dorothea returned the spirit stone to the
scepter and said so.
Now that you've barely gained the power of the spirit, you say you'll
turn away from it.

'I hate that there will be people like me again in the future.'

One day, when a child was born whose blood became cloudy again
and was unable to use the powers of spirits like her, Dorothea hoped
that the child would also qualify as emperor.
Ethan nodded his head.

'But I'll keep wearing this brooch.'

Dorothea looked at the brooch without the Spirit Stone.
The inside was empty.

'Then, I'll have to ill it with something else.'

'Yeah, there's actually one thing I want to ill in.'

Dorothea pulled out a handkerchief Ethan had given her a long time
ago from the depths of her drawer.
The tip of the handkerchief was embroidered with a sword shape.
A long time ago, it was a gift Ethan gave her while recuperating in a
separate palace.

'You still have this... … ?'

'I couldn't let it go. I thought I shouldn't throw it away.'

At that time, I didn't even know that Ethan had returned, nor did I
know his sincerity.
But for some reason, I couldn't handle this old, old handkerchief
Ethan saw the little handkerchief that had not been thrown away.
My heart just warmed up.
How much thought did you put into preparing the gift?
A gift given to her after she was rejected for a brooch studded with
gorgeous jewels, and spent all night contemplating what to give her and
what she liked.
An object that contains both his jealousy towards Theon Fried, his
sincerity and Dorothea's taste.
Do you know how much I trembled the day I gave it to you?

'Looking at it now, I like it. You knew my taste all too well.'
He laughed at Dorothea's words.
Dorothea rolled up a small handkerchief and tucked it inside the
It was a handkerchief I used when I was young, so it its snugly inside
thanks to its small size.
Therefore, Dorothea did not leave the brooch at the wedding.
Her heart, the nearest brooch he had presented shone.
She suddenly stopped in front of him and smiled broadly.
Ethan's heart raced at the soft red lips that opened.
"your majesty."
Ethan kissed the back of her hand softly.
And Dorothea took his hand and got into the carriage.
As the two of them sat down, the wagon headed for Hwa-dong
started, followed by Stefan and other escort knights and a lower
People looked at the two with longing eyes.
Congratulatory words, lowers and laughter abounded wherever they
“Joey Greenwall’s advice was wrong.”
Ethan whispered in her ear secretly.
Dorothea asked what he meant, and Ethan smiled.
“I was told I was going to get cramps in my face to keep smiling
throughout the procession.”
Ethan shrugged.
As they circled Lampas, it was essential for the two of them to
respond to the crowd with bright smiles.
Joey was very concerned about it and told him to pull the corners of
his mouth with glue on his cheeks.
It was really useless advice.
No matter how hard you try, the corners of your lips don't go down.
Dorothea nodded as if agreeing with Ethan's words.
The white carriage carrying the two of them stopped in front of the
Temple of Light in cheers.
The pure white exterior wall of the temple, which contrasts with the
blue sky, is engraved with the igure of a spirit, and the stained glass is
engraved with the creation myths of the ancient Milanaires and Fried.
Pink lowers were blooming on both sides of the white carpet leading
up to the temple.
Ethan got out of the carriage and took Dorothea's hand and made it
touch the ground.
Raymond, Theon, and Joy, who had parted in front of the Imperial
Palace, also arrived irst and were waiting for the two of them.
The two of them walked side by side along the white road with the
orchestra playing.
Watching Dorothea climb the steps of the temple, Raymond
hurriedly wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
Theon gently handed him a handkerchief.
“Thank you, Theon.”
Raymond patted the corners of his eyes and wiped the tears away.
“It’s a good day, but why are you crying?”
“I like it so much.”
It's nice to see Dorothea so happy.
I thought it was good that I didn't become an emperor.
"sorry. Is that right?”
Theon and Julia, who were next to Raymond, burst into laughter at
the same time.
Ethan and Dorothea climbed the steps of the temple holding hands.
The stairs leading to the tower gradually darkened with no light.
Until they climbed high, they depended on only a single point of light
to guide them.
And at the end of the stairs, a wide window with light greeted the
two of them.
There was silence everywhere in front of the tightly closed window.
The priest who was leading the way with a lamp held a candle in
their hands.
Ethan looked at Dorothea.
Dorothea was looking at him too.
They smiled at each other.
“In any darkness, I promise to be your light.”
The two lit the candle they were holding together.
A single candle lit between the two of them.
you are my light And I am your light.
A scorching warmth spread from the light to the depths of his chest.
With the covenant, the priest opened a wide window.
At the same time, a bright light poured into the tower of the temple.
Dorothea and Ethan marched side by side to the terrace leading to
the window.
At the same time, shouts came rushing in like waves.
People gathered in a large square.
The two placed candles on the hands of a marble sculpture that
resembled a spirit igure in the middle of the terrace.
And the two made eye contact.
They knew what they were waiting for.
spirit light. The legendary authority of the imperial family.
A spirit summoning ceremony held in every royal marriage.
But Dorothea intended to disappoint the people for the irst time
"Do not worry."
Ethan grabbed her trembling hand.
He looked at Dorothea with warm eyes.
His eyes full of con idence calm Dorothea.
Encouraged by this, Dorothea faced the people gathered in the
and licked his lips.
“Today, there is no spirit summoning ceremony.”
Dorothea thanked the congratulations and inally spoke up.
At her words, the square shook.
“And in the future, there will be no spirit summoning ceremonies at
all imperial ceremonies.”
Dorothea's remarks sparked a bit of dissatisfaction in the square.
Before the complaint grew any further, Dorothea spoke up.
“I want to show the imperial family not as a spirit, but as something
the world needs more.”
The reaction of the square was not very good.
Undoubtedly, the spirit summoning ceremony was a very special
ceremony that only the imperial family could show.
Some came from afar to see the supernatural scenery.
In front of the negative atmosphere, Dorothea was a little afraid, but
Ethan was by her side.
Dorothea nodded her head.
“For three days of the wedding, the imperial family will provide free
food to everyone in Lampas.”
At Dorothea's words, the noisy square became quiet.
So many people created silence in an instant.
However, soon there were people who realized the meaning, one by
Free food distribution centers will be set up in the ive plazas of
Lampas, and any identi iable imperial citizen can pick up food there.
If you have not registered your identity, you can register and receive
your identity through due process.
This was not just to distribute food, but it was also a plan to
ascertain the number of people and households in Lampas.
Furthermore, it may be possible to catch dangerous criminals hiding
in Lampas.
Those who understood the situation cheered once again.
“Long live Your Majesty!”
Raymond looked at the two of them and smiled amid the crowd's
“I don’t know how to use it for a wedding like that.”
“Your Majesty.”
Theon smiled at Raymond's words and nodded.
Dorothea and Ethan looked around and laughed.
And they looked into each other's eyes.
“Thank you, Ethan.”
Dorothea whispered to him softly.
He's busy just preparing for the wedding, but Ethan also had a hard
time preparing for such a thing.
To prepare for all cases that may cause security or problems, and to
cooperate with restaurants and bakeries in Lampas.
“You don’t have to thank me.”
Your will is my will, and what you want to do is what I want to do.
Ethan kissed Dorothea's lips.
The cheers of the people were far away, and the sensation on the tip
of his tongue took over his whole body.
A sweet, fragrant sense of life.
And that sensation seeped into Dorothea again, eroding her
ingertips and toes.
Even when I close my eyes, my light is clearly felt.
You exist completely without spirits.
Dorothea took a deep breath with him.

“I prepared more diligently. It’s an important day.”
Clara opened the door to the imperial bath, and the steamy warm air
rushed in.
Clouds of steam rose from the large bathtub, and petals and small
pieces of mandarin were loating on the pinkish water surface.
A sparse incense stick was placed on the edge of the bathtub.
“You did a great job, Clara.”
Dorothea smiled at the overly romantic bathtub.
I'm not even going to spend my irst night here.
“It’s a once in a lifetime day, and you have to do it!”
Clara said, rolling up her arms.
Dorothea carefully dipped herself into the bathtub.
As I sat on the edge of the bathtub, the water came up to my
The scent of rose and citrus blended in the bath water with the bath
Clara washed Dorothea's hair and massaged her gently. Then he
combed his wet hair.
“Can I bring you a cup of banjo?”
Dorothea nodded at Clara's question.
After rinsing her hair, Clara left the bath to warm herself up for a
When Clara left, there was silence.
However, there was the sound of a festival taking place in the
A smile spread across his lips as he heard a distant, pleasant sound.
Dorothea leaned back in the water.
The water glided and spread, and the body relaxed in the warm
'marriage… … .'
Dorothea looked at the sparkling diamonds in her ingers.
I didn't realize that I was inally with Ethan, that the people of the
world had come to know that the two were one.
And the fact that I'm preparing a night to spend with him.
'What is Ethan doing?'
Is he washing too? Or is it already over and waiting for me?
Maybe he's resting for a while because he's been out all day today.
Then, the sound of the door opening was heard.
It seemed that Clara had brought her bangshaw.
A glass of cinnamon-infused banjo was placed on the rim of the
bathtub on which Dorothea placed her arm.
“Thank you, Clara. Actually, I was a little nervous... … .”
Dorothea looked at the ring and said.
Even though I had been with Ethan for a long time, for some reason
my heart was pounding tonight.
“Thank you for the bath system. I wanted to show you a little prettier
side... … . Isn't that funny? I’m thinking of wanting to look better again.”
It's not the irst time, but I've been paying attention to every single
hair on my face today.
I want to look prettier to Ethan.
By the way.
A small laugh erupted from behind Dorothea.
“It’s already pretty enough.”
A voice whispered in her ear, bitterly biting her earlobe.
“He’s the one who looks better to me than anyone else.”
“Ethan… … !”
As soon as she realized that it was Ethan and not Clara, Dorothea's
face turned bright red.
“Is the water very hot? Your face has turned red.”
Ethan asked playfully and entered the bathtub and sat down next to
Dorothea's skin became sensitive to the ripple of his gestures.
The hot water swayed and luttered against her with just one
movement of his.
“Hey, Clara?”
“I went to tidy up my bedroom. This is what I decided to do.”
he smiled
My heart was pounding and pounding.
So, Clara knew beforehand.
There was a slight sense of betrayal.
But for a while.
When I see Ethan in front of me, my thoughts ly away.
Only his straight shoulders and chest were exposed above the water.
It is dif icult to see underwater because of the pink water surface,
loating petals, and steam that is slowly blooming.
However, his body exposed above the water was stimulating enough.
The lit candle shimmered in the water, and the petals loating on it
spread in the waves and lowed from him to her.
With each slight movement, his body gently brushed beneath the
surface of the water.
Every time he rubs, he gets nervous.
His silver hair luttered gently over the water and shimmered like
the Milky Way.
He was beautiful. Like a mermaid trying to lure people into the water.
Even the scar left on the back of her neck fascinates her.
At his alluring gaze, Dorothea moistened her dry mouth with banjo.
“I came on behalf of Clara, so I have to do Clara’s job.”
He picked up a sponge that had been lying on one side of the bathtub.
“If you stay still, I’ll do it for you.”
He lowered his head and raised his eyelashes and looked up at her.
The small water droplets on the tip of her eyelashes made her heart
tremble even more.
Ethan sat close to her.
Along with that, the scent of citrus and rose hit me.
Hot waves rumbled across her chest.
Dorothea's heart pounded as if she had met a tidal wave at the wave
he caused.
White foam bubbled up from his ingertips.
Ethan's eyes stared at her quietly.
He grabbed Dorothea's hand and gently wiped the back of her hand.
The foamy sponge wiped her skin soft and slippery.
From the back of the hand to the wrist, arm, shoulder, and nape of the
White foam lowed over her skin like white splashes on the surf.
And every time the bubble scatters and bursts, it awakens
Dorothea's nerves.
“It’s beautiful, Your Majesty.”
Ethan sighed, wiping her body.
His hand swam along the beautiful lines drawn by her body.
And Dorothea's body trembled as his hand touched the sensitive
“Hey, Ethan.”
At Dorothea's trembling, Ethan tenaciously rubbed her sensitive
areas and wiped them away.
His skin brushed against hers into the water, and the temperature of
the water grew even hotter.
“You’re so pretty, did you want to look prettier?”
Ethan looked at Dorothea, the moon in the heat, and asked.
His hand felt even hotter because of the bath water.
“Ethan… … .”
As Dorothea looked at him with wet eyes, Ethan released the sponge
and pulled her back.
Suddenly, the water surface shook violently and attacked her.
Dorothea swallowed her breath in Ethan's body, which was close to
He felt his skin touching it.
“Actually, so am I.”
Today, I wanted to look better to you.
Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist and bit her lips.
Dorothea's lips had a bitter-sweet taste of banjo.
Perhaps because of the steaming hot air, Dorothea was distracted by
his kiss.
His breath gave her heat.
Next, Ethan bit the wet nape of her neck.
The white, moist lesh was engraved with the symbol of lust in red.
“Ethan, I love you.”
Dorothea hugged him in a voice illed with delight.
Ethan's emotions surged as she embraced her soft body.
He hugged her deeply.
“Me too, Your Majesty.”
Water sloshed with his movement and over lowed out of the
White foam scatters and the sound of wet water echoed in the
Dorothea sighed and grabbed his shoulder tightly.
The warmth of the hot bath water seemed to penetrate deep into his
The scent grew stronger, the heat did not cool, and the steaming hot
air enveloped the two of them.


It smelled of warm Ethan.

Dorothea slowly opened her eyes to see Ethan's golden eyes.
He looked quietly, ruf led his hair, and kissed her forehead.
“Aren’t you tired?”
At Ethan's question, she shook her head.
He hugged Ethan tightly and smiled bashfully.
It was so lovely to see him smiling with his half-closed eyes still not
awake, so Ethan kissed her forehead again.
“I am happy to be able to be your majesty’s happiness.”
“Then you should stay by my side, Ethan.”
“As long as Your Majesty desires, always.”
Ethan grinned, and Dorothea looked at him with thoughtful eyes.
“… … I think I can understand Raymond a little.”
Ethan blinked at Raymond's sudden name.
“I want you to call me ‘Dorothea’ and not ‘Your Majesty’. You can call
me ‘Dorothy’.”
He hated the walls and streets with the name His Majesty.
I wish someone would call my name
Before leaving the name of an emperor written in history books.
“When you are alone, call my name.”
A smile spread across his lips as Dorothea met his eyes.
“Okay, Dorothy.”
At the nickname she had not heard in a long time, Dorothea's eyes
led from sleep.
Has Ethan ever called you by a nickname? Have you ever had a
But my heart is pounding
It felt like he, who had always been respectful, had crossed the line he
had always drawn and came to the depths of her.
Dorothea's eyes widened, and Ethan's eyes widened.
“… … Do you hate it, Dorothy?”
He asks with a mischievous look, as if testing Dorothea.
Those eyes tickled my heart.
“No, good.”
Because you are the one who will call my name

If there was a schedule that Dorothea was trying to keep, it was

dinner with Ethan.
She wanted to be a good wife as much as a good emperor.
“Today, I made juice by grinding fresh oranges.”
"thanks. I just wanted to eat an orange today.”
“Prince Ethan taught me in the morning.”
The chef smiled and walked away.
I said this while passing by yesterday, but Ethan remembered it and
took it in the morning.
“Thank you, Ethan.”
"You're welcome. It is my hobby to do work that will be loved by His
Dorothea laughed at Ethan's light joke.
The reason I wanted to spend dinner with Ethan was not only
because I wanted to be a good wife, but also because I wanted to be
with Ethan.
From morning to evening, even if you are af licted with affairs ( 政
事), your fatigue will be relieved by this time.
The two ate and talked about today, yesterday, or tomorrow.
Tonight's main dish was a light ish dish.
By the way.
“Wow… … .”
Dorothea immediately smelled the grilled ish and felt disgusted.
"your majesty."
Seeing Dorothea's distorted expression, Ethan looked at him with
“Are you unwell?”
“No, a little… … .”
Dorothea took a seat and held her breath.
The surprised chef ran to see if there was a problem with the food.
But no one except Dorothea felt the strangeness of the food.
“Wow… … !”
As Dorothea felt disgusted again and left the room, Ethan followed
After leaving the dining room, Dorothea stopped against the wall.
Ethan checked her condition.
And the moment his eyes met her, he felt it.
“Your Majesty, please… … .”
When Ethan asked, Dorothea nodded.
They both felt their hearts beating at the same time.


“You have resigned.”

Even at the doctor's words, Dorothea was stunned.
Really? Do I really have children?
Dorothea patted her unborn belly.
A new life that never existed before is sprouting in me.
She had learned and knew about pregnancy and childbirth, but she
felt a sense of wonder.
“Ethan… … .”
When he looked up at Ethan, he looked at her with eyes that didn't
believe him either.
What makes this even more surprising to them is that they
remember before the return.
So a life that could not exist before they changed their destiny.
A new future descended upon them.
Ethan couldn't stand the overwhelming emotions and took Dorothea
in his arms.
“Thank you, Dorothy.”
Ethan muttered, unable to hold her tight, for fear that the sun might
set on the child.
The fruit of precious love.
And his love, Dorothea Milanaire, became more precious.
Dorothea rested her head on his shoulder at Ethan's embrace.
I felt a warm breath.
Today I feel more loved than ever before.


Eating love, the child in the belly grew up healthy.

Except for mild morning sickness, she passed the early stages of
pregnancy without any major crisis and entered a stable phase.
Dorothea's ship also began to bring the child's presence to the fore.
The birth of the child was also felt.
Dorothea would share that strange feeling with Ethan.
Late at night, the two ended the day in bed together.
“When my child is a little older, we go out together. I like the lakeside
and the lowered ields.”
At Ethan's words, Dorothea nodded in favor.
It became their routine to imagine every night after the child was
We have already prepared small and pretty clothes for the baby, a
cradle, blankets and handkerchiefs, diapers, and toys.
If you think about it, both Dorothea and Ethan were far from 'a good
So, there was a vague longing for 'a harmonious family'.
They never learned how to create such a home, but both wanted to
“We also play the piano together. I also play stick marches.”
I drew a scene where three people played a stick march together
with a child in the middle.
It was a picture that made me happy just thinking about it.
“Shall I teach you swordsmanship?”
“May I ask Joey. This time, he taught the Squires of the Knights
“I don’t like him… … .”
Dorothea laughed as Ethan pretended to be disgusted.
Dorothea, who laughed at the small stories, shut her mouth at the
blank space that had come for a moment.
Ethan looked at her face.
“Your expression is dark, Your Majesty.”
For some time now, Dorothea has often been lost in thought with a
dark expression on her face.
Ethan was concerned that the emperor's work would be too heavy
for her pregnant woman.
Even after pregnancy, she was doing her job as an emperor, but he
The burden of an empire is too heavy for a woman who is not alone.
“Did you have any dif iculties today?”
Dorothea shook her head at Ethan's question.
“It’s good to work. It's what I wanted to do, and it's what I have to do.
I will do it as long as I can.”
Dorothea said.
It was not the Emperor's business that she was concerned about.
Ethan looked at her quietly, as if ready to hear what her concerns
Dorothea hesitated and then opened her mouth.
“The more I feel the baby grow, the more scared I am.”
At Dorothea's words, Ethan paused for a moment, then turned his
body, which had only turned his head, to lie down.
He was completely focused on Dorothea.
Dorothea looked away for a moment, then looked at Ethan and spoke
“… … Even if bad things happen, love this child. more than I."
Ethan's eyes luttered at her serious words.
Because I knew right away what she was worried about.
It wasn't that Ethan didn't worry about giving birth at all.
But I thought about a more hopeful future.
But Dorothea was different.
Dorothea had this fear from the moment she found out she was
having a child.
You may die giving birth to a child. As her mother, Empress Alice, did.
But Dorothea's bigger worries lie elsewhere.
I feared that this little life would become an 'abandoned child' rather
than my death.
Will Ethan possibly turn the arrow of my deathly resentment
towards the child?
Could it not be that the life I wanted to escape from would lead to my
Wouldn't unhappiness come before happiness in a child's life?
It was a fear she had inherited from birth.
The closer the sandal came, the greater the fear.
I also had nightmares.
To dream of a child whose umbilical cord has not yet fallen off is
abandoned in a dark snowy ield and weeps.
Dorothea called him again as if he wanted to con irm Ethan's heart.
Ethan held Dorothea tightly in his arms.
I felt the child between him and Dorothea.
“We will be ine.”
Ethan gently comforted her.
“… … Promise me though. I will love this child to the end. I will too... …
Dorothea put her in his arms and asked.
Ethan nodded his head.
“There is no other child in the world prettier and more adorable than
Then Dorothea smiled and nodded her head.
Dorothea soon fell asleep in his arms.
Ethan covered Dorothea with a blanket and looked at her angelic
Perhaps her worries had shifted, and he became a little scared.
'If she really left after giving birth, how would I... … .'
Seeing Dorothea doing her job with good health and courage, she
believed that it would be okay.
Overjoyed at the birth of a child, Dorothea's heart was not
Ethan hated himself for not noticing her fear sooner.
'Nothing happens. It will be.'
Ethan looked at her silently and kissed her forehead.


From the next day, Dorothea would ind Ethan diligently watching
and studying something.
After Dorothea became emperor, Ethan, who had only been clinging
to her help, took an interest in other things, and Dorothea was also
It's nice what Ethan gives for her, but because he felt it was
necessary to ind another hobby that he liked.
Then one night, Ethan took Dorothea's hand and begged him to go
for a walk.
Dorothea, who just needed a change of mood, gladly followed him.
The cool, clear wind took my breath away.
“I like sitting in front of my desk these days, but it’s been a while
since I took a walk.”
“Isn’t your body heavy?”
“This is all right, Ethan.”
Within a month or two, Dorothea's stomach was noticeably swollen,
making it uncomfortable to walk for a long time.
“I had to keep exercising.”
Dorothea said as she walked alongside Ethan.
Ethan slowly walked in stride with Dorothea, escorting her as if
carrying a precious jewel.
“Shall we take a break over there?”
Ethan pointed to the white domed gazebo on one side of the garden.
It was there that he once played the violin as a birthday present for
“It’s been a while, here.”
Dorothea smiled as she sat on the gazebo bench.
It seemed like it had been years since Ethan and I had been visiting
this place alone.
“Every time I come here, I think of you, Ethan.”
"okay? I wasn’t really like that.”
Ethan tilted his head.
Still, we thought it was a meaningful place for each other, but when
Ethan seemed okay, Dorothea was deeply saddened.
Then Ethan kissed her on the cheek and smiled.
“No matter where I am, I always think of your Majesty… … .”
At Ethan's words, Dorothea burst into laughter.
Dorothea thought every day, 'I'm so glad I married this person'.
“But there is de initely one thing that comes to mind when you come
to this place.”
He sat side by side with Dorothea, wrapped her arms around her
shoulders, and sent the little spirits into the air.
The spirits rising one by one soon illed the garden like stars.
It felt as if he had gone back to the day he gave her a birthday present
a long time ago.
The day we con irmed our love for each other.
“It’s always beautiful to look at.”
Dorothea felt like she was loating in space.
After her accession, many unnecessary spirit show-offs were
eliminated, so it had been a long time since I saw a spirit like this.
It's a power I don't have, but now I'm not jealous.
You can enjoy the beauty of this power.
Ethan gently clasped her hand, appreciating the spirits.
“It is said that the spirit of light has the power of life. So, Dorothea,
you will smile and hold the child in your arms. I will be by your side to
protect you.”
Ethan's soft voice permeated her.
Only then did Dorothea know what he had been thinking and
studying the past few days.
All the books he saw were related to spirits.
He's been looking for a way to deal with Dorothea's worries after she
complained about her fears of giving birth.
“Of course, even if there is no spirit, we can safely go on an outing
with our children, but if you are afraid, please do not forget me and
remember me.”
Even with the power of the light spirit, I will not let you go.
At Ethan's words, Dorothea hugged him tightly with both arms.
“I was really worried about stupid things.”
Dorothea laughed and muttered.
With Ethan by my side, what was I afraid of?
When you are so happy that even good thoughts are not enough.
Then Ethan looked at Dorothea in his arms and kissed him.
Soft lips touched hers.
"You're a fool to worry, Dorothy."
He whispered softly with the tip of his lips, and took in her breath
more deeply.
Too sweet and seductive to be a bee, Dorothea bit his lip in protest.
Their tongues dug into their folded lips, and they tasted each other.
The sound of wet rubbing in the still garden seemed to echo in my
The hot and thrilling sensation made her heart beat loudly.
It was as if the breath that lowed through the veins reached the child
in the belly, breathing in deeper life force.
And with his breath, even the fear that had been deeply rooted in her
from birth disappeared as if washed away.


A few months later, the cry of a newborn baby echoed through the
Imperial Palace.
"your majesty! You are a healthy prince!”
Ethan cut the umbilical cord with trembling hands, and doctors and
assistants completed the inal stages of the birth.
After a long time, Ethan wiped Dorothea's forehead with a towel.
“Good job, really.”
He wanted to say something else, but no particular 'language' came
to his mind.
I was grateful that Dorothea gave birth safely, and I was
overwhelmed by the fact that the child was born healthy.
His instincts shivered, realizing that his life had entered a new phase
he had never experienced before.
I thought I knew a lot after living for quite a long time, from before
the return to the time after the return, but it was not.
A future he had never experienced made his blood boil.
Just then, the doctor gave Dorothea a baby.
Dorothea held the baby in her arms.
It was small enough to be said to be a handful of clean towels
wrapped around her chubby stomach and her limbs that were
Without exaggerating his face, he really made a ist, and he couldn't
open his eyes properly.
Red skin was wrinkled and could not be called pretty.
However, the thick, thick hair that looked like a newborn baby had
already dried up and stood up as soft as a feather.
Dorothea held her in her arms and grew up a few times, then the
crying child stopped and yawned loudly.
The back of the nose was wrinkled, and a tongue the size of a thumb
was visible in the toothless mouth.
"Pretty. So pretty."
I was born ugly, but I was pretty.
It was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Dorothea had foolish worries.
What if, because of the pain of childbirth, the child looks disgusting?
What if, like Carnan, you can't give your child love for some reason?
Yesterday morning, I was worried about that, but it was all rain.
How could you hate such a small and precious child?
“That’s right, it’s pretty.”
both you and the child.
Ethan nodded in agreement.
Dorothea was always believed to be the most beautiful in the world,
but today's Dorothea looked more beautiful than yesterday.
“Can I be a good mother, Ethan?”
Dorothea looked at the baby wriggling in her arms and asked.
I ask if I am enough for such a pretty and precious baby.
Having never experienced a mother, she could not set the standard
for how to be a good mother.
It was the same with Ethan.
He was born and raised in a closet behind a bar, and was handed over
by his mother as a duke when he was a little older.
Although the Duke and Duchess of Bronte liked him quite a bit, they
were reluctant to show it in public.
Good parents, good families. lacking in both.
“You can do it. I don’t know what a good parent looks like, but I know
better than anyone what kind of parent I want.”
A person who smiles kindly. A person who gives unconditional love.
Someone who believes in me and supports me. Someone who will be
genuinely worried and angry when I make the wrong choice.
“Because the way to love is no different.”
It seemed that we could love our children as we loved them.


The two named the child Hezen.

Hezen grew up healthy without major ailments.
He was particularly interested in music because he resembled his
father, Ethan.
From a young age, I liked musical instruments more than toys, so I
played with violins and lutes.
Ethan himself taught Hezen how to read sheet music and how to play
the violin and piano.
After Eden taught for an hour or so, Hezen was so excited that he
would be so engrossed in the performance that he forgot mealtime.
"your majesty!"
The day I took a vacation after a long time after work in the morning.
As Dorothea entered the piano room, Hezen, who was playing with
Ethan, jumped to his feet.
Hezen, who was still only a little over her knee, ran up and down with
her short, chubby legs.
Then I slipped and my body slipped forward.
Dorothea quickly opened her arms and grabbed Hezen.
Hezen smiled and hugged Dorothea wide.
“Your Majesty, I missed you!”
Dorothea looked at the blue eyes that looked just like her.
Her eyes, as transparent as round glass beads without a single speck,
were directed only at her.
“I missed you too, Hezen.”
Dorothea lifted her son and took him into his arms.
“I missed you too, Your Majesty.”
With that in mind, Ethan quickly came over with her long legs and
kissed her on the lips.
“I want to kiss you too!”
Seeing the two kissing, Hezen grabbed Dorothea's collar with a small
hand and squeezed it.
Dorothea couldn't help but fall for the kiss of her son, who was
eagerly demanding with her eyes shining.
On the other hand, Dorothea kissed Hezen's small, plump pink lips.
However, Hezen shook his head to make sure he was not satis ied
with the castle.
“It’s three! three!”
Hezen reached out a short arm and pulled Ethan's collar.
The third, Hezen's favorite, a kiss with the three of them.
Dorothea and Ethan made eye contact, and Ethan nodded,
pretending not to win.
In fact, both of them really liked the third.
The lips of the three men gathered in one place and then fell apart.
And again, indigo, indigo, warmth gathered and spread to each other.
After three kisses, Hezen smiled contentedly.
"right! Your Majesty, I wrote a song for you!”
“A song?”
When Dorothea opened her eyes like a rabbit, Hezen nodded and
pointed to the piano.
Dorothea sat Hezen on the piano chair.
Meanwhile, Ethan pushed the wing chair on one side to a place
where the player could be seen clearly.
“Sit down, Your Majesty.”
Ethan reached out and made Dorothea sit on the wingchair.
Ethan and Hezen got along very well, probably because they played
music together every day.
Hezen nodded her head to make sure she was seated well, and
smiled mischievously.
“This song was made while thinking of His Majesty!”
Hezen then put his inger on the keyboard quite proudly.
It looked exactly like Ethan's childhood.
Soon, a small hand pounded the keys and ran.
A loud and clear sound rang out and rang out.
It was a minuet with the lightness and cheerfulness of a child.
Dorothea couldn't hide the smile that spread across her lips.
I thought there was such a pretty song in that little head.
Besides, the song I wrote with me in mind is so cute and pretty.
Dorothea had to look back to see if she was a lovely person who
suited this song.
And I didn't want to disappoint Hezen.
I must be a person not ashamed of that child, thought Dorothea.
When Hezen inished playing, Dorothea and Ethan applauded
Then Hezen got down from the chair and fell into Dorothea's arms
“It’s such a wonderful song, Hezen.”
"Absolutely! Your Majesty is wonderful.”
“Isn’t it? Your father even wrote a song and gave it to me.”
"I know! My father was already proud of me.”
It seems that Ethan had already played the song he had written for
Dorothea to Hezen.
“But I will beat my father. I will spend more and give it to your
Hezen said, rubbing her blushing cheek against the hem of
Dorothea's robe.
I'm so happy, how can I stop laughing?
Dorothea thought that life had become more solid because of this
lovable being.
And Hezen became the reason she had to make the Empire Ubera a
better country.
As a mother and emperor, she had an obligation to leave a better
world for Hezen in the future.
“Hezen, I am so happy that you are my son.”
“I am very, very happy that Your Majesty is my mother! And I’m so
happy that he’s a father too!”
Hezen laughed bashfully.
Dorothea's heart trembled at those words.
She had never in her life felt grateful and happy that Carnon and Alice
were my parents.
So every time Hezen expressed her deep love for her, she was
Being a parent loved by a child was something special for her.
“You’re going to die pretty because you resemble me, right?”
Ethan laughed and whispered next to him and shook his head saying
it wasn't Hezen.
“I look more like Your Majesty than my father!”
“Yeah, hey? So is it that pretty in my eyes too?”
At Hezen's plea, Ethan held Hezen in a lash.
As he loated up to the ceiling height, Hezen burst out laughing at the
feeling of lying in the sky like a bird.
Seeing that, Dorothea's heart luttered warmly.
Looking at Ethan and Hezen, it seemed that all languages would
disappear from the world and only the word 'I love you' would not be

That night, the two read a book to Hezen and put the child to sleep.
As Hezen fell asleep, Dorothea and Ethan returned to the bedroom
holding hands.
Time alone for the two of us after a long time.
The two lay side by side on the bed.
“When I see Hezen, I have a second desire.”
At irst, I was not con ident that I would dare to have a second child
because I was afraid of giving my child an unhappy life.
However, seeing Hezen growing up, I started to have a second greed.
At Dorothea's confession, Ethan suddenly turned around and came
up on top of her.
“Yeah, Dorothy?”
Seductive eyes shining through the narrowed eyes.
“I like the third, fourth, and ifth too.”
“Ethan… … !”
Ethan bit her earlobe lightly, and Dorothea's face turned red.
But he didn't care and asked, licking her ear.
A hot breath brushed his ears, and a tingling sensation lowed down
his back, closing his legs.
But he did not stop caressing Dorothea.
He was always preparing a night for the second.
However, since Dorothea is working as 'Emperor', she did not dare to
have a second child and did her best in contraception.
However, it is different when the wind blows on the embers that
have barely been put to sleep.
“Second, let’s go.”
His lips fell from his earlobe and whispered.
This was the most seductive threat in the world.
Because Dorothea whispers in her eyes that she can't refuse, and a
voice she can't refuse.
Dorothea nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Okay, Ethan.”
Ethan slowly prepares her body, leaving red lip marks on her white
He knew Dorothea well.
In particular, Dorothea knew better than herself what to do to please
The two were perfectly intertwined like a lock and a key, the only pair
in the world.
The only person in the world who opened the lock Dorothea had
The person who made me know love, reconciliation, and happiness.
In front of the key called Ethan, Dorothea was loosely released.
And the key dug deep into her.
His gesture seemed to touch her heart.
Dorothea let out a small sigh.
A single tear fell from the ecstasy of happiness.
Then Ethan wiped the tears from her eyes with the tip of his tongue.
“It’s nice to cry, Dorothy.”
He pulled Dorothea deeper and hugged her and kissed her.
Her messy hair, her loosely ruf led hem, her hot breath, and her hazy
gaze looking at him were insanely beautiful.
As the years passed, Dorothea became more and more beautiful.
A person who wants to be together even in the future when he turns
eighty, wrinkles appear and his hair is gray.
“I love you, Dorothy.”
Ethan took her in his arms and gave her all the love he could give.

Gaiden <Complete>
Tyrant wants to live a good life

Ramgle Novel

Author : Ramgle
Publisher : Kwon Tae-wan, Woo Cheon-je

E-book publication date : 2021-07-02

List price : 3,600 won

Provided by: CL production

Address : Room 401, 38-9, Digital-ro 31-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul

ISBN 979-11-293-8405-8

This book has been published as an e-book by KWBOOKS under contract with the copyright
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