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1. Define orthosis & prothesis.

2. Identify the Classifications & types of orthosis.

3. Explain the Mechanical principles of orthosis.
4. Discuss Clinical objectives of orthotic.
5. Identify General considerations in L.L orthosis.
6. Identify main indications & clinical objectives of L.L
7. Identify foot assessment
external medical device (such as a brace or splint)
for supporting, immobilizing, align, or treating
muscles/to improve function of movable joints, or
skeletal parts which are weak, ineffective, deformed,
or injured.
What kind of patient should wear

What are the indications of orthosis?

1. Pain e.g. heel pain, neck pain, knee OA

2. Fractures or Instability e.g. ligamentous injury /sprain, joint

dislocation, subluxation,….
3. Limited ROM as in contractures
4. Ms weakness/ imbalance
5. Postural deformity
6. Neurological disorders e.g Nerve injury, spinal cord injury
7. Burn & soft tissue injury

8. Impaired balance & poor postural control

What are the clinical objectives of
What are the materials used in
manufacturing of orthosis?
Orthosis can be constructed from:
1. Plastic either thermosetting or thermoplastics either high or
low temperature.
2. Metal e.g. Aluminum
3. Leather
4. Rubber
5. Adhesive straps
6. Textile
7. Sometimes wood (as standing frame) or plaster of paris
This table is for Reading only
What are common classifications of
How can we classify orthosis?
2. According to site of application i.e. regional
class. E.g.(Ankle foot orthosis (AFO), knee ankle
foot orthosis (KAFO), hip knee ankle foot orthosis
3. According to rigidity (i.e., rigid,

semirigid, or flexible).

4. According to their inventor or city

of the invention (Philadelphia collar).
1. Use only if necessary.
2. Orthosis should be comfortable, lightweight,
durable , cosmetic & (relatively functional if
3. Orthotic joints should be aligned at approximate
anatomic joints.
4. Allow joint movement wherever possible &
Lower limb orthoses I
1. Use only if necessary.
2. Orthosis should be comfortable, lightweight, durable ,
cosmetic & (relatively functional if allowed).
3. Orthotic joints should be aligned at approximate
anatomic joints.
4. Allow joint movement wherever possible & appropriate.
5. Some orthosis should be relatively functional during
1. Relieve pain
2. Control / limit or prevent motion.
3. Prevent/ correct deformity.
4. Compensation for ms weakness
5. Increase kinesthetic awareness & improve
Lusardi, M. M., Jorge M. M. & Nielsen C. (2013).
Orthotics & prosthetics in rehabilitation. 3rd
edition. Elsevier.
Magee, D. J. (2014). Orthopedic physical
assessment. 6th edition. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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