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Big Dragon the series

(English Translation)
!!! WARNINGS !!!
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu


"Just leave it on the bed."

"Yes, Mr. Yai."

The sound of a man's body being thrown onto a bed was

felt. It was a large king-size bed in a luxurious suite on the
top floor of the Sunrise pub. Which is a famous trendy pub,
where young night owls constantly visit.

Of course, those young people who are able to use any of

the suits must have a high level, be an owner or be an
exclusive VIP client. Who is the "Big, the magnificent Singha
Watthana", who can come to use this room? Well he is the
son of the owner of the bar. Last month, Yai Big had just
turned 20 years old and recently his father put him in
charge of running the bar, which is one of the main family
businesses, so he has the right to come and go in one of the
luxurious suites whenever he wants.

Taking care of a pub isn’t difficult, you just have to go and

check detail by detail any day, just like his father did, who
wanted to find a suitable job for his son, so that he wouldn't
have to try too hard and that Yai Big wouldn't be either get
into trouble and disorder elsewhere. Fortunately, Yai likes
this job and doesn't get his father in trouble.

Well, he is a young tourist here.

He sits and lies down in the monitor room outside. In order

not to get bored, he goes to watch the girls who dance,
moving their hips through the glass. If he sees someone he
likes, he'll just go downstairs to meet her. If she agrees to
that, he will take her to his suite and play to ease her heart,
having sex all night.

Therefore, the luxury suite wasn't exactly a room to sleep in,

but rather a room where he frolics with beautiful women
exclusively. But today, the purpose of using his suite is
different, when a new customer came to use the toilet in the
pub, Big remembered his handsome face. But the other
person hides the glamor with a large tattoo of a Chinese
dragon that he has on his right arm and now wraps around a
The man was nothing more and nothing less than "Dragon
Akirah Chitsanupongkul", the heir to a famous banking
businessman in the country. A rival that he has had a feud
with countless times since a year ago. Every time these two
meet, they just have to resist the urge to fight. Many times
they end up in blows and with bruised cheeks, broken and
bloody mouths. The reason why both of them have such a
relationship is because they compete with each other, they
go on the same adventures. Therefore, 'Two tigers cannot
coexist together'.

For three days, Dragon had a date with a woman, with

whom Big was flirting, even though he pretended to be
ignorant, he knew everything.

Clearly this was a declaration of war.

Big didn't know how to retaliate. But Dragon suddenly

appeared in his pub 'He came alone, without friends or
bodyguards who often follow him in a pack!' some dishonest
trick, he didn't care.

Now Dragon should be ashamed.

"You're done with me!"

The young playboy, Big, was so excited that he felt his skin
goosebumps all over his body.

Big has a plan that just occurred to him, it was nothing more
than an order for his subordinates to sedate Dragon in the
alcohol he was drinking and then take him to his suite until
he was unconscious.

Although it is a bit disappointing to leave the person he

hates in his suite, it was something he had to do to achieve
his goals. Since, no place would be more suitable than this.
Here he could record his naked rival with some woman and
then upload all the videos to the dark porn sites he finds.
'Yes, that will certainly be fine!'

"What should we do now?" Asked one of the subordinates.

Big was about to reply that he had to help him make a

video. But after thinking about it, he shook his head in
denial, waving his hand to lead his subordinates outside. He
would let Dragon lie there naked on the big bed and do the
most lewd thing he could do. Somehow, he would find
something to shove up Dragon's ass. So if his subordinates
saw that a person like him had that kind of idea with a man,
it would be strange to continue looking like the Playboy
Master that he was. Then he would just take care of all the
"Oh, my lord, I brought you a bottle of..."

"Oh, it's fine." Big said annoyed.

He was upset because the subordinates had already entered

and had seen him with a man and alone in the room. But
after he locked the room, a big laugh of satisfaction burst
out of him.

"You're so handsome, so cool, hehe. Sure you can flirt with

whoever you want. But you can also break my face."

The tall figure Big jumped onto the bed, he used his hands
to shake the sleepy face of Dragon who was lying on the
bed unconsciously. He brought his slender finger up to the
Adam's apple, which was much larger and more prominent
than normal. He lowers himself onto his big beefy chest,
then narrows his eyes.

He's not in much better shape than he is. Big is also

handsome, he has had a six-pack since he was young, he
can hold two girls at the same time comfortably! He also
knows how to dismount very well! Only the outline of it can
be smaller and more fragile. But he has "a big dick and
nothing small, really."
Suddenly, he began pulling the branded shirt and jeans off
his stocky body, a black Chinese dragon tattoo wrapping
around his arm. Far past his elbow, it was clearly visible, he
stopped his actions and curiously crawled over to look at the
tattoo, this was the first time he had seen it up close, but
realizing that he had been looking for too long, he became
standing at the foot of Dragon's bed.

The other person's body lay on the big bed, wearing only
socks, a fancy watch and a pair of black Versace briefs, his
crotch was bulging, so he secretly swallowed a bit of saliva
down his throat.

He sat up, took off his socks, took off his watch and took the
phone from him and turned it into video mode setting it to
record and settling into a stand.

"Now, that's all that's left."

The black eyes lightly glanced at Dragon's inner part, he

was terrified at the sheer volume of his opponent. But if he
didn't, he probably wouldn't get the great video he
intended. He closed his eyes and grabbed the edge of his
pants and pulled them off. But then he was taken by
"Is this a person or a horse?"

Although there had been no reaction, what lay serenely

between Dragon's legs was too big and long, meaning it
exceeded the standard length. His head had no foreskin and
only showed a mushroom head that was beginning to bloom
pink. It was so beautiful, as if he invited every tongue to lick
it. His body shape was so formidable, the volume was
fantastic, the whole image in front of him was so formidable
that it took his breath away.

Big pulled down his pants and looked at himself, exchanging

glances with Dragon. He thought that he was very proud of
his own size, but now this boy was making him lose his
confidence like never before. He was so terrified.

It hurts! Wait and see, he's going to bury his pearl.


A soft moan sounded aloud, startling him.

"Will you wake up or not?" The tall figure shuddered.

Then he nervously turned to see a bottle of wine that he had
ordered his subordinates to manage for them to use for a
long time, until he was unconscious. But, 'why do I have two
big bottles?' Which one is which?' 'What is the one I ordered
from the subordinates? 'I can't tell.'

"Uh.. gulp."

The person on the bed began to moan loudly, so, he had to

act fast, he took the bottle of wine with the red label and
gave it to the person who began to react on the bed. A red
liquid entered through Dragon's mouth.

"Go to sleep." Said Big.

After a moment he used his left hand to cover the mouth of

the person lying on the bed so that no liquid would spill out.
When he was sure that Dragon had settled down again, Big
immediately began planning his target. He grabbed one of
the other person's muscled legs and spread them wide,
exposing Dragon's great sex machine to its full extent and
leaving him completely in front of the camera, which was so
well positioned that you could see everything from every

As soon as Big's white hand held his big member, the other
person began to moan again.

The beautiful face of the person on the bed twisted in

moans, while his big member began to rise, in front of Big's

"What the hell!" Big said surprised.

Suddenly, he was held tightly. Causing him to fall on

Dragon's body, who began to sniff at him from his neck and
throat. Then he muttered in a sibilant voice.

"You smell so good, it's so beautiful." He said, before biting

his lip. Big was stiff, surprised by the action, when he
regained consciousness he tried to slip away, but it was too
late. The other person said.

"Where are you going?"

A voice rang in Big's ears. His body trembled and he got

goosebumps all over him, for, never had a man whispered
to him like that. He raised his legs, preparing to escape. But
it turned out to be a unique opportunity for the other person
to hold between his crotches and his member to be easily
held. A large burning hand grasped his member completely,
gently stroking his head. Big shuddered at his hips as his
hand nimbly moved his fingers to reach his orifice.

"Where is your hole?" The owner of the voice was frustrated

at not being able to find what he was looking for. Big, when
he heard it, his eyes widened and he knew what the other
person was going to do. Then, he hit Dragon's shoulder
hard. But he was boldly bitten on the neck, he felt as if
blood was coming out of him and tears almost welled up in
his eyes.

"Phi Ingk always likes him to be violent."

When he finished speaking, he smacked Big's butt very

roughly. This indicated that Dragon liked to play with his
partner Ingk. Big was motionless, he couldn't escape his
face was flushed, both from anger and embarrassment.

"Bastard!!! Let go of me!! I'm not Ingk." Big yelled, but he

didn't help and his shirt was completely ripped off.

"I can't take it anymore, I'm so horny, my penis is

completely hard."
Dragon grabbed the other's hand and grabbed his big hot
cock that he throbbed and put it in Big's hands. Seeing that
fact, Big was stunned and was speechless. 'This is crazy!'

"I can't stand it... Gina, please help me." 'What? I used to be
Ingk, but now I've changed to Gina. He's a fucking
Bastard!!!' But when his favorite pants fell down, he was
quick to say:

"What are you going to do?"

"Eh... D..." He replied in a deep voice, making his face go

completely numb.

"Alright, enough, stop!"

"Why are you playing with me? I know you like it."

"Where is your hole!"

Dragon continued biting his lips and with his member at its
maximum and throbbing. He felt like he was burning inside.
He completely removed the pants from his feet. He brought
his hands up to his member and began to rock them up and
down vigorously, the head of the member slamming into
Big's soft base, into his tight orifice.



Big was terrified, his face full of anger and he cursed the
other person in his mind. 'Damn bastard!'

"Where is the hole?" Dragon said with his eyes still closed,
both hands were hugging the person on top of him, not
letting him get away easily. He moved his hips to encourage
Big to focus. Dragon continued moving his waist to reach
Big's narrow hole. When he got there he could notice that
this narrow channel had never been used, the fold of it was
sealed. Big dumbfounded, he was just trying to close his
entrance with force, and prevent Dragon from entering.
Dragon couldn't penetrate him, so he hit his white buttocks
hard several times, because he thought he was doing it with
his partner, who he liked to play with great sadism.

Large tears fell from Big's eyes, both in pain and anger. He
had to do something soon to maintain the well-being of his
orifice, of his little channel. So, he used both hands to hold
Dragon's hot member, starting to slide up and down. If he
finishes first, he will definitely leave him alone.
"Ahhh. .."

Dragon moaned with pleasure.

"Hurry up!" He muttered. Okay, moving his hand quickly.

Suddenly, a hot liquid came out of the Dragon member's
head. Big never thought the day would come, when he
would have to do something like this. Jerking off his worst
enemy was the worst thing that could happen to him. But
almost 15 minutes later, Dragon still wasn't done. His cock
is growing more pulsing and stiffer, even hotter than before,
like steel being hit by a great fire, so he slowly collapses.

"Shiaa!! Your ability sucks." Dragon cursed.

"Well, I've never seduced a man before!" Big yelled angrily.

Seeing that Dragon closed his eyes, he opened his mouth

and tilted his head, with his tongue he began to shake the
great member inside his mouth. His cheeks were flushed,
'This is bad!' But Big couldn't bear to be humiliated, he was
used to winning and this time it wouldn't be the opposite.
He wanted to win so much, he did everything possible with
his mouth to drain the liquid. He held the member in his
hands and massaged the pink head of Dragon's cock in
circular motions.

"Seee... I'm coming... I'm coming... Nong I'm coming...


'What the hell did I do!' Big thought secretly, then tried to
overcome his shyness to continue his work.

"Can I give it to you?"

The sweet words that came out of Dragon's mouth gave him
goosebumps again, but this time his cheeks were flushed
red as well. 'Give it to me? no way! No way!'

"Nong... I can't give up now, won't you finish it? I can't finish
it yet."

'Dammit! What the hell, I don't give the woman to him!'

Big thinks as he holds back. But he had been doing it for

half an hour and this guy still had no sign of finishing.
Confusion cleared his mind, causing his brain to contract
with a roar.
Dragon's eyes urged him on and... the smell of his body
reaching his nose left him dumbstruck...


Dragon took a deep breath as he gripped the head of the

person below him, feeling the peculiarity of his mouth on his
big cock. Big was well aware of the situation and thought it
was time to escape.

"Ow! Ohhh..."

But it was already too late, when he stopped making the

movements with his tongue and mouth, the other person's
stocky body stopped, spewing a hot liquid down his throat.
The large size of him passed through all of his oral quality,
reaching up to his pharynx. Tears of pain began to flow and
he tried to break away. His thin tongue continues to move to
push the other person's member away, feeling home one of
the throbs of Dragon's cock. But it turned out that he was
using his tongue to lick it off, further motivating Dragon,
who couldn't help himself until he could barely hold his
breath. Suddenly, transparent mucus flowed from his
protruding nose, his body was uncontrollably weak.

Finally, the long-awaited moment finally arrived, a stream of

white water rushed down his throat. His red lips curved into
a charming, happy smile. Even though a little blood oozed
from the corner of his throat, due to the enormity of the
member that had been in him, he was happy. The bliss that
slipped into his soft mouth was inevitably swallowed down
his throat while Dragon still held his head.

This was the first time Big had tasted a man. It wasn't as
bad as he thought... So Big couldn't help but be surprised.
'Would you like to try some more?' Fading awareness caused
the tall figure to cup his cheeks. The lingering liquid still on
the pink head of Dragon's penis, he licked it off completely
by stroking with his tongue, until there was nothing left. Big
was completely intoxicated with the smell and taste of

'What the hell am I doing!'

That voice echoed in his head. The young Playboy was

startled and let go of Dragon's member. He raised both
hands to wipe the corner of his mouth and spit out the
stains of sin on his face. But when he looked at Dragon's
body in its entirety, his huge eyes along with his mouth
panted again because Dragon hadn't yet stalled, his
member was still upright. His pink head, consummated,
moistened and raised until late at night. His hand groped for
something big, unbeknownst to himself, until he was hit in
the thigh, thinking maybe he'd run away.

"I'm hot... help me." Dragon muttered again.

"I won't do it anymore..."

"I'm too hot... Help me!"

The great member was back inside his mouth, passing

through the cleft of his lips. He inevitably broke away,
raising his hand to push on the other person's sweat-soaked
chest in desperation. The beautiful silver eyes of the other
person looked at him vigorously.

"What are you going to do?"

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translation : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 1: "Losing isn’t as good as repenting"


Finally Dragon reversed the situation, took hold of Big's

warm body and then squashed under him. He began
squeezing his sweet folds at once, gently massaging his
fragile entrance by inserting his fingers. Big could only feel
pain to the point that his tears fell. Therefore, he nailed his
ten fingers of white hands into the back of the person above
him. Dragon pressed his legs against the bed, spreading
them wide, he began to move his hips to insert his member
into the other person. However, he refused to enter.

"Leave me! It hurts Bastard!"

Big screamed until his whole body trembled.

"Why aren't you wet?"

A thick hand gently rubbed the entrance to Big's orifice, his

membranes were swollen, he couldn't get in. So, he started
fidgeting down there, so that the trembling body of the
other person would stop shaking. A hot finger swirled there,
massaging gently in a circular motion, then slowly inserted.
Big, who felt pain and shock, was startled.

"You're still a virgin, huh?" Dragon muttered.

Then he used his nose to sniff around his neck, inhaling the
scent himself he didn't recognize from his person. He could
only think that this new scent was too nice for him and that
he cheered him up even more. He was certainly not his
usual companion. In addition, the figure of this person was
very well formed and his abdomen was as hard as wood,
with his hands he began to go through that body, and then
return to attack that place that he didn’t want to open up for
him sincerely.

Big realized that he had made the wrong decision by using

this plan, but he didn't blame karma. Because he didn't
want to admit that what he was doing was going terribly
wrong. 'Now how am I going to blackmail the other person?
With this, I won't be able to embarrass him.'

"Let me go, ehhh."

Big said, but he didn't think that by speaking, the person

above would take the opportunity to enter his mouth. A hot
but hard kiss invaded him deeply. The smell and taste of
cigarettes mixed with the sweet taste of grape wine that he
had never tasted made him numb from head to toe. An
experienced and powerful tongue intervenes to invade
everything inside his mouth. Dragon's tongue invades each
corner of his mouth and tastes his tongue by sucking hard.
Big tried to avoid that tongue but failed. Finally, he had no
choice but to agree to cooperate with the person above him.
So, the thick liquid flowed from him and he wiped it off with
his big hand, gently rubbing his head down there.


Big moaned at Dragon's touch. The warmth on his soft skin

was abnormal now, so his body was suddenly only thirsty for
lust, his abdomen itched and shivered at the same time, he
just wanted sex. His member was fully erect, then he began
to sniff the person above, the scent entering his nostrils
enveloped him in complete madness. His eyes were blurred,
due to the intensity of the kiss and the strong touches of
that large hand. The kiss was so strong his jaw ached. He
was so hot that he wanted Dragon to suck on his tongue
even more.

"I'm hot..."

This time, he was exaggerating in saying it. It's like he's

been drugged... 'The sex pills!'

His black eyes widened. Yes, he ordered his subordinates to

put an extra bottle of wine with an aphrodisiac pill in case
Dragon reacts. So Dragon would have one more drink and
he would film him lying on his stomach with something
stuffed up his butt, 'That would have been so much fun!' But
now it all went wrong, when it should have been fun. The
cushion that had been prepared had already fallen to the
side of the bed and Dragon was now on it.

"No I can not."

Even though he resists, his body shows a different

expression. The two hands of his that should have pushed
that body over him, were now holding him closer. No doubt
this was because the sexual stimulants had been
transferred to him by that hot, teasing kiss. Dragon
continues to bite his red lips fiercely until they swell up.
Until finally Big trembled when a strange object broke into
his secret area, he was confused, but excited at the same
time. Dragon's long fingers tried to insert themselves into
Big's narrow cavity.


His fingers turned slowly. The pain turned into a tingling

sensation that cannot be explained. The narrow channel
began to open more easily, it was getting wetter. Dragon
then inserted a second and third finger without missing a

"Huhhh…" A groan sounded.

Dragon placed a soft reassuring kiss on his tear-stained

face. He then continued kissing him to stop again at his
swollen lips. It was a deep kiss, accompanied by the
insertion of a great member of his. He was suffocated.

"Ugh, don't be nervous, don't be stubborn."

Big can only lie with his legs apart so that his head sinks
into the bed and his gaze can only go ceiling to ceiling as
the soft cavity of his orifice expands more and more. The
pain was like a stab in his lower abdomen until he burst
through it, causing Big's tears to overflow. Dragon didn't
hesitate to move his waist in and out, as his big fist invaded
inside the other person. 'What can I do but try to lift my
hips? And keep up with the person above me. I can't let
myself get hurt on impact.'

"Haha, you are very fit, bite me, bite me, bite me so hard.
Your hole bites me, it's so cool."

Dragon with closed eyes took a deep breath. The corner of

his mouth lifts into a smile. Because he was extremely
comfortable. So he couldn't wait any longer.

"Uh huh..."

Inside the room you could only hear the sound of the meat,
of those soft buttocks rubbed by the hard pelvis to the point
of redness. A small open orifice completely envelops a large
member, sucking it home once again. A soft slimy liquid
flows down Big's thighs, making the penetration even
better. All this helps an insertion without discomfort.

The tingling sensation coupled with the burning flake makes

the young playboy shiver. He had never thought that he
would spread his legs like that for his vengeful opponent let
alone hear him moan like a bitch.

“Your voice… It sounds so sweet… I like it too much.”
Dragon whispered close to his flushed ear. Dragon began to
lick him, as if he were a piece of candy.

Head down, biting the neck, burying the fangs and sucking
marks, thick warm palms pressed against the white chest
squeezing. Funny drunk, even though he doesn't have soft
breasts like a woman. "Small shape, but the nipples are so
tight, I like it."

Before lowering his head, he bit down on his neck, sinking

his fangs in and sucking on each of the marks he left. The
thick, warm palms of Dragon's hands landed on his white
chest, squeezing his nipples. Despite being drunk he was
amused touching those flat breasts, very unlike a woman's.

"They're small, but the nipples are so erect and tight. I like
them. I like them a lot."

Dragon still thought that Big was the beautiful girl he was
with at the bar and had supposedly taken her to his bed. His
dark lips continued to whisper obscene words, his bottom
moving in and out more often. 'What could the person below
do, besides squeezing their bodies together tightly?' He
continued to bite his lips so hard that his blood splattered.
Big could only tell himself and to his heart that it will only be
one night and that he won't be emotionally involved. But his
hips like to rock back and forth to withstand the crushing
impact. His smooth, hard member rubs hard against his
stomach until the sizzle seeps with heat and sensitivity,
causing his brain to go completely numb.

"Stronger, stronger. "

"Uh, no, it's... ahhh..."

Big yelled, not knowing what to say or ask, but Dragon

delivered each thrust with intense fervor to come out on
top. The sound of meat hitting meat was heard with
increasing intensity. The thick member entered completely
inside his, reaching all his depths, he never thought
something like this would happen.


'It's so scary it's all dark!' Big doesn't know whether to cry
or moan he was just being taken from behind for the first
time. He felt bad, but it was impossible not to moan. Since,
it was good enough, even being taken by someone like
Dragon, but 'why is his style so good?' Without missing the
target, both the insertion and the speed felt good. His waist
was strong, but no matter what, surely if he continues like
this... 'It will break!'


"Finish me, together. A beautiful person shouldn't be afraid."

Dragon said in his husky voice, shaking his cock.

"Ah, ah... hahahahaha..."

But Big was at a disadvantage compared to Dragon. He

won't be able to finish, if it won't break. This sex is just bad
sex. 'I can't take it anymore. So…sex sucks.' Big thinks even
though his tongue sticks out of his mouth.

"I can not stand it anymore..."

Big's smooth rear channel was inserted by a hot forearm-

sized member, causing his body to tremble as if it were
going to snap in two. He still was unable to contain himself.
Suddenly, Dragon's slender body rose, accommodating
himself even better, bringing Big's legs to hug his waist,
then he lifted Big's body and Big's ten fingers embedded
themselves in Big's broad shoulders again. He stayed like
that, clawing at him hard, hoping that would help Dragon
slow down a bit. But in reality that only caused the flames of
lust to flare up even more.

Saliva drips from the corner of his mouth. The heat

generated by the elixir pill, combined with the cleverness of
Dragon's movements, caused Big's intentions to almost

"You have to fight."


As he aroused himself, the sensual lips landed on his

swollen lips once more, a thin, wicked tongue piercing his
palate. A wild beast roar rang in Big's ears. 'Ah... I can't take
it anymore.'


His waist flew up and down in a frantic interjection until at

last his toes stretched skyward. A milky white liquid shot out
of his member, completely staining the abdomen of the
person above him.
The man above trembled all over, his red mouth moaning
and flickering all over his lower belly. However, Dragon
continued to drown in the soft hollow of him.

"Hey!!!... Dragon... Eh, you… haven't finished yet?"

The person below said, but there was no answer back. Both
of his legs were now raised over his broad shoulders before
Dragon finished… Big had already finished before him more
than three times.

Now Big lay face down on the bed exhausted by his aching
body. His pale white skin was completely marred by suckling
and bite marks scattered everywhere. His lower waist was
almost indistinguishable. But the tingling in his stomach was
still full. His back carcass that was once completely closed
was now open, revealing the red meat inside him. The liquid
that was inside him came out in spurts and stained his
thighs and buttocks completely red from the strong blows of
the onslaught.

Big thought that everything would end.

"Let's go!"

A white hand reached out to hug him tight, the person's
thigh was behind him again. The drug that had hit Dragon,
by his subordinates and that he had ordered, made Dragon
ten times stronger. Although Big himself was also affected
by the drug, it was a much smaller amount. Which by now,
should have completely dissolved.

He was tired and exhausted causing him to pass out from

exhaustion. After less than an hour of passing out, he had to
wake up again because he was invaded by Dragon's soft
cock, which refused to stop.

"Kiss me!" Dragon whispered sweetly, holding the person

below him trying to turn him onto his back.

There was nothing Big could do except let him do what he

wanted. His red tongue was sucked on all night until he was
burned. Don't ask about his lips, because they were so
swollen that they were very different from his original state.
Dragon brushed his cheeks softly letting his breath make his
body tremble and contract completely.

He finished, he ejaculated but nothing came out. It seemed

that he couldn't produce any more liquid, so he could only
lie on his back, until Dragon groaned loudly.
As time passed, Dragon continued to moan, exerting all of
his energy, burning all the drug from his body. Dragon
began to regain consciousness. Then he was starting to get
very curious about who he was with.

Dragon wanted to know who was the owner of that sexy

voice, the owner of that irresistible sweet aroma, the owner
of that orifice that had squeezed him completely.

Dragon was forcing open his heavy eyelids and suddenly

opened his mouth.

"Ah... Big? You bastard! Ugh, what!"

His white face was red, his lips parted, his dark eyes


Big trembled irresistibly in the face of his mortal enemy.

Because happiness arose like a giant wave. Both of his legs
were hooked around the other person's hips.

Big accidentally bites and nibbles on it.

Releasing it, followed by a low roar mixed with the soft

moan of a big one, and it tickled his ears a bit, his sharp
eyes staring at the man who had always frowned at him, he
likes to come to him first every round like a Drosophila that
chases and slaps him, he never dies.

Dragon moved his body and released him. Followed by a

soft roar mixed with Big's faint moan, which caused him to
feel a tingle in his ears. His sharp eyes returned to look at
the man who had always frowned at him. But also in each
round he had come first. So he just wanted to slap him like a
fly that never dies.

But it still made Dragon feel energetic. From what he could

only say.

"Can you also make a provocative face? I thought you could

only make mocking faces."

Big bit his lip and looked at the owner of the slanderous
phrase who was giving him a mischievous smile. His right
hand clenched into a fist with his last breath to be more
precise and hit him in the face.

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 2: "A touching touch"

"Why do you hit me so hard?"

Dragon asked, his left hand braced against his newly

bruised, throbbing red cheekbone.

"Well well."

Big was surprised to hear that he was hurt, hearing those

words, he was afraid that Dragon would look at himself as
ruthless. Before using his hand to push the person's broad
chest that was still straddling his body and that part was still
embedded deep within him.
He was embarrassed to speak. But he thought Dragon
would understand. However, Dragon was completely still
and burrowed even deeper, sinking into him.

"Oh, you can come out now. Ugh, move your waist and get
away from me. Aaah!"

"This is in exchange for the hit."

The eyes of the person below him widened.

"No! Then I'd rather you hit me back."

Dragon frowned. It was hard to believe that two people who

often quarreled were now at this level of conversation. Big
tilted his face up at him, his sharp eyes looking at the
pinkish white skin of the person above and he was amazed.
'Do you have such smooth skin? It's like a baby's butt.'

"Hurry up and get it out... Get it out!!"

"No." Two-legged ones clung to bear a severe blow,

although not physically painful, but very painful. Again, this
time there were no sweet words. Even a single word came
out of the dragon's mouth, a purely barbaric emotion.

Dragon ignored him, as he continued to push his waist in

and out, slowly but deeply burying himself to the end of his
channel, gradually accelerating. Him biting his mouth hard
until he bled again. Both legs were raised in order to
withstand the strong impact. Even though it wasn't
physically painful, he still hurt a lot. Also, this time, not a
single sweet word came out of Dragon's mouth, just pure


The tall figure hiccuped in his throat. Pain spread through

his chest until Dragon released a jet of hot water into his
body for how many times? He couldn't remember anymore.
Big only knew that he had been subdued by Dragon so
many times that he had already woken up. It was already

"You bastard, ugh, ugh!"

A slender hand touched the head of the person above,

taking the fury out of him, but he was restrained.
"Don't think I don't know what you did last night."

When he was conscious, Dragon began to reconstruct what

had happened last night until he finally understood
everything. Numbness flowed across his white cheeks as his
thick hands went limp. Big looked at Dragon breathlessly
and had to frown, because the big member that had been
inside him all night was withdrawing. Finally creating a
sudden relief.

The tall figure trembled until he forgot everything and

dropped the slender legs that held his waist, letting him fall
onto the bed. Dragon saw that the other person's beautiful
hole didn't look the same. It was red meat now, its own
white liquid oozing from the folds of Big's buttocks, the soft
orifice now throbbing steadily. Pride arose from an unknown

"Did you know I've never penetrated a man's hole before?

You're the lucky one."

Dragon said before picking up the white underwear of the

person on the bed to clean his still stiff member. He then
picked up his own underwear and jeans and put them on.

"I don't need to know that. And I'm not lucky at all. Don't be
so confident!"
Saying so, he threw a pillow over the dressing person's face,
but Dragon dodged it in time.

"You can't force your bottom hole to open and close like
that. You still came many times."

"Bastard!" Big yelled, his face flushed with anger.

But Dragon's ears were against the wind... he was always

such a vicious person, especially with Big. Really, he can't
bear to see his face, he doesn't like him. But now 'what can I
do? What's done is done.' As he was about to zip up his
pants, he glanced at the phone on the stand beside the bed.

"Did you make a recording? Wow! But what a great camera


Big was surprised to hear that, because he just realized that

he set his camera to record all the time. Then he used what
strength he had left to sit up and crawl to grab the phone
from Dragon's hand. He didn't care how pathetic his
condition looked, he just had to get the phone. His torso
doesn't have a piece of clothing. There were bite marks
everywhere. And he had still flowed out of the wide open
back channel.
"Do you like Big?"

"Do I like you? You're crazy."

"So what is this, you drug me and allow me to take you and
possess you in bed until morning? Plus you make a
recording of it for me to see."

"I did it to blackmail you, Faye. Give it back to me!"

If it wasn't for Big's entire body going weak, the two would
definitely have started a fight again. But this time Big could
only move his hands from side to side, staying on his legs
unable to get up, so Dragon took the opportunity to share
the recording for himself, before returning the phone to the
owner, which not stupid because there was interesting

"What did you do just now? Where did you send the

"I like to keep some memories. But who would have thought
that these memories would be given to me by the person
who most…" He said as he grabbed his big chin to turn

"It seems that you are in a position to go to Wat Pai Wa. A

person like you with that style? You have certainly been
lucky with me."

Dragon dares to say, since Big's position seems to be doing

Wai to Buddha. Furthermore, he felt the need to make fun of
the person with whom he competed for girls' dates. Big
shook his head at the owner of that rude comment. 'Go to
the temple? For him?' Before pushing him away he replied.

"Check, okay! Delete it because your sex sucks!"

Now, Dragon is the one who is surprised. Since he was born,

this was the first time he had been scolded in bed, for bad

"This kind of thing can't be said casually. You have to try it

one more time."

'Why does he come back to me again?' Big started and sat

on the head of the bed.
"Don't worry it's alright."

"You said my sex sucks. So I'm damaged."

"Please don't do it."

"But what you said hurts me."

Dragon's thick eyebrows rose higher than usual. He was


Big's white cheeks turned crimson again, causing Dragon to

feel a shuddering itch in his chest. So he took the
opportunity when he could and held the wrists of the person
under him above his head, before following him to straddle

"So go on."

The black eyes looked at the sharp face of the other person,
transmitting hundreds of bad words, but he could see his
swollen mouth that was still full of anger, which he touched
with the tip of his nose, because he was cute too. Dragon
couldn't help but laugh at that and then his hands rubbed
the tight hips of the man below him. Both bodies rubbed
against each other. As his lips were forcefully based, Big was
shocked, his red lips pressed together. Now the two-fingered
pads of large hands entered his mouth, boldly caressing his
swollen lips and massaging his wet tongue. When his fingers
were inside his mouth, he could only let out a soft moan.
Finally, Dragon leaned down to suck on his throat, before
biting into his Adam's apple, slapping his tongue hard into
his neck, while Big now licked the three thick fingers that
were in his mouth.

Suddenly, Dragon quickly took his fingers to Big's bottom,

that part that caused him so much shame. Big couldn't
resist the tingling sensation that had built up again. Dragon
opens his legs and Big also agrees to cooperate. He also
secretly raised his hips and waited for the giant member to
easily enter.

"Rough like that on the outside, but very soft on the inside."

Dragon continued to use his deafening words as he hit his

thick waist with his now-loving big member, shaking every
molecule in Big's body. As Big searched for a sugar to hold
on to, he held his hand over the broad-backed man and
continued to support the moves. His eyes were watery and
his body stiffened, but still he cooperated in the strong

The two figures swayed in the same direction.

'Sex with Dagon doesn't suck. It's fabulous.' No matter how

much he lost himself, Big wouldn't lose himself in the heat.
But he finally had to give up. He pushed his member into his
belly, begging for blissful release.

"Eh... hahahahahahahaha."

"It feels good."

Dragon smiled as he pressed a kiss to his ruddy ears. At a

time when he was in a good mood, he got up, hugged his
antagonist tightly and licked all over his neck with his hot

Dragon wasn't done yet, so he grabbed Big, turned him on

his side and inserted his big member, in a deeper position
than before. Big squeezes and bites his lips to keep from
moaning with pleasure and pain. But Dragon inserted two
long fingers and pushed them to scratch the wet, slippery
roof of his palate, exiting the entire corner of his mouth.
Almost fifteen minutes later, the robust body collapsed on
top of the person on the bed. His thick hips slide in and out
a few more times and he releases all of his milky liquid into
Big's soft cavity. Then he put his nose back between his
ears, pressed on his big cock, before squeezing he said.

"How is he now? Do you still think my sex sucks? Did we

complete another round?"

Big was silent, then pulled the blanket up to cover his body.

"I want to play again, but I have my business." The person

on the bed realized that he still hadn't cleared up with this
guy about the recording. So he lifted his bedraggled body so
he could sit up.

"Give me your hand and never say nasa. Or you will die
wherever you go."

"It's stupid."

Dragon already dressed and ready to leave, he turned and

"Is this the first time you've been hit..."

Big despondent all over, the lips even more swollen even
than he could answer a word.

"Didn't you notice? That you need more answers."

"What the hell! Seriously, have you ever done it before?"

That's all… Dragon had already thought about it, honestly,

he wanted the person on the bed to nod and say yes,
because if that was the case, he wouldn't have to feel
anything. But....

"Does it hurt?" Dragon said.

Big, who had been taken by the other person last night, was
furious and his eyes turned green. His white hand reached
out to grab the lamp placed on the bedside table and threw
it at the angry person.

"Get out, get out!"

"What the hell are you doing? Big, Bastard!" The tall figure
raised his middle finger, before replying in a tired voice.


"Well… you're out of date, dad. You have to renew it soon."

"What the hell renovated? If you've come here to destroy

my entire building."

"Well, that's how my father designed the image of the sun.

He was outdated. I think you should hire a good architect to
redesign it."

Big responded without hesitation before taking another half

hour to listen to the sermon. Big was scolded by his father
because he had hired a demolition company to demolish the
Sunrise pub until it collapsed. The reason was that this place
was so stabbed into his heart, that he couldn't bear to look
at it anymore, especially the VIP suite. No, the big mistake
that Big made was to have his subordinates drag the bed
and bedding and burn it until there weren't even any

After hanging up his father's phone, Big then leaned back on

the couch. His right hand took a cigarette and blew out a
puff of smoke.

"Big… are you stressed?"

Asked a pretty girl who was kneeling sitting on the light

colored rug, trying to perk up Big's waist, but Big didn't feel
strong at all now.

"A little, Phi." Big said but it wasn't true that it was due to

Big was very stressed after arguing with Dragon that

morning. He let Dragon walk out of the room, unable to do

The video of him being attacked by Dragon through his back

channel had it pretty bad. He didn't know if Dragon would
hand it over to someone to see or not. 'Or have you put it on
any website before? Shiaaa!"

"Big... you should rest."

Tired of having to sit and play with Big's cock, she stood up
before pulling her robe over her underwear. Big stubbed out
the cigarette butt, took several swallows to relieve the
stress inside his body before hurriedly walking away.

"Phi Da, don't be mad at me. I'm busy right now."

The beautiful girl sighed before giggling as she touched the

sighing bottom of Big's neck. After smelling the scent of the
other person she continued to touch Big's now swollen
member who got excited. The big one will have some
emotions. He scooped the girl up into his arms and placed
her on the bed before removing her clothes. Leaving in
evidence the glorious entrance of love.


Feeling like this is what Big likes. So, he closes his eyes and
starts moving his waist in and out.

"Today sounds so sweet."

The girl didn't know that her own pranks had made him lose
almost half of his confidence in his member. But even so,
Big forced himself to penetrate the young woman. Inserting
his member on loan from her inside until the girl moaned.
Finally his mood was back, so he reached for the condom to
finish his job completely.
"This really is good."

Gentle hands traced the frame of her beautiful face. Then

the girl got out of bed, put on her robe, went to the
bathroom to clean up. Then the door opened, revealing a
tight red dress, high heels, and a fancy bag. The girl's face
was made up and she looked even more beautiful than she
did before.

"Are you going now? Aren't you going to sleep with Big?"

"I have work to do." She replied.

"Then go." Big sat down and the beautiful girl waved
goodbye, but Big caught her.

"Okay, I'll call the car and wait. Lie down and rest." She said,
then she leaned in and kissed Big's rounded forehead,
before turning and walking out of the room. She leaves the
young playboy alone in the big room.

Big lay back on the bed, sighing, even though he liked

dating women. He flirted like this, only with this girl and
took her everywhere. Big admitted that he likes Phi Da.
They had been in a relationship for a year now. Big always
wanted to formalize the relationship and leave the other
women but Phi Da wanted to further develop the
relationship. Big likes mature people. Therefore, the
relationship between the other college girls was
unimportant. He could only accept girls who were in their
third year of college like Phi Da.

Big pulled out his cell phone to look at the message his
sister had sent asking if he was coming home tonight. He
pressed to say no, because he would definitely be called by
his father to swear again.

Big thinks of the remodeling of the pub and the cost it would
mean, he had to bite his lip painfully. His white hand
clenched into fists before crashing to the bed.

He picked up the phone again, then opened Dragon's IG

which is open to the public and anyone can send messages
and see his posts.

His thin hands write a message in the chat box. But he

writes it and then deletes the content of the message.
'Shiaaaa!' He curses Dragon, because he would like to set
up a date with the other party, just to delete the video.
"..and finally I want you to rot!"

He wrote each message in capital letters, before stretching

out with a satisfied smile. But then he just pressed delete all
messages. He returns to the Dragon's IG page as usual. His
black eyes looked at the figure of a thick hand holding a pen
to draw a weak plan. And then there was a sense of overlap
of the long, mashed fingers that had penetrated him deep.
Big's body shuddered at the memory of something so
unpleasant, but his abdomen suddenly heated, he turned
away from the phone screen, tossing it away and taking a
blanket to cover himself, trying to sleep to quench some
feelings that were building up.

But he couldn't sleep, his rear canal began to sink, the

grooves in his orifice began to throb. It opened and closed
as if waiting for something, he finally had to use his own
finger to insert it.


A slight moan emitted. Before the sound of friction between

the rubbing of the liquid and the soft surface followed. With
Big's left hand, he used it to support the front of himself that
suddenly stiffened, trying to empty his brain. He just wanted
to finish soon. As he used his fingers on his rear inner ear,
he massaged his erection up and down. He was biting his
lips because he felt that something else was missing. 'But
why am I thinking of Dragon at a time like this?'
"Uh no."

The tall figure was fighting himself as best he could. But

when he inserted his fourth finger thinking it was Dragon's
thing, he squirmed completely and immediately started
releasing the liquid onto the bed. He lay trembling like that,
breathless, defeated, defeated on the bed and with his skin
completely flushed.


"I hate you Dragon!!!"

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 3: "Underwear Thief!"

"Khun Yai, Company G Design arrived." Big nodded before

ordering his subordinates to leave. It's time to take
responsibility for him. During the remaining two months of
the semi-annual vacation, Big canceled his trip to Hawaii
and organized the renovation of the Sunrise pub, as he had
told his father.

He today rents a temporary office in a hotel. He then called

the design firm and talked to many firms about possible
architecture designs. But he still hadn't found a design that
impressed him. But he decided to hire the G Design
company, one of the best architectural firms in the country.

"Hello, Khun Alangkarn. I'm Rat." The young architect raised

his hand to pay homage even though he was ten years
Big holds out his hand and invites the older person to sit
across from him. In the office there wasn't only a great
character, but his father, Borom, who was resting in
Germany, joined the decision through a large computer

"Wait a minute. My device won't turn on. I let the apprentice

bring a new device from the company to stay." Rat said as
he wiped away his sweat.

Big nodded and pretended to look at his wristwatch. This

creates a lot of tension for the job offerer.

After a while, the door to the room opened and a large,

burly figure appeared. Big while drinking his tea, was
surprised. He stared at that silhouette from head to toe.

The newcomer was Dragon, who smiled mischievously,

seeing that the customer's jaw dropped.

Dragon came over and sat down next to him, setting his
MacBook on the table, while the young architect breathed a
sigh of relief.
Dragon is a third year architecture student. Therefore, he
decided to use the vacations to apply as an intern in an
architectural firm to gain experience.

The person who introduced this company to Dragon was Phi


"Phi Rat, the code is ready. I'll just share the program."
Dragon manages to turn on his Mac and opens the program
of the plan that he had previously prepared, before turning
the screen towards the client.

"Leave the outlined duties to your company bosses

anyway." Big tries to persuade his father not to agree to hire
G-Design, but it is unsuccessful. Because the design work of
this company is very good.

After discussing the price, Rat, the chief architect, excused

himself to go to the bathroom. Big's father had turned off
the camera. In the office, only Big and Dragon remained,
who were sitting across from each other in silence.

"You have to demolish the building, are you gorgeous?" Big

clenched his jaw when he realized that his heart was
beating in a strange way, it was something like it was
tickling his heart. But, he had to take advantage of the
opportunity anyway, so he asked.
"That video..."

"It's still with me. I didn't give it to anyone, nor have I

published it anywhere." Dragon then raises an eyebrow, as
Big clenches his fist. Dragon said again.

"Besides, I watched it to the end, it was very hot sex. I can't

believe you're an embryo." Those words made his cheeks
turn white. Big didn't dare make eye contact with the person
in front of him, before swallowing the saliva in his throat he

"Things from that day, we can let it go. You can delete the
video right now." Dragon's thick eyebrows rose.

"Why would I delete that video?"

"I'm not kidding with you, Dragon. Just do it."

"Whoever said it's a joke, I won't delete it, I'll save it for my
own use."
"Use it? What for?"

"Do you really want to know?" Big can't stand the volatility
of that person. So he took a glass of water and splashed it
on his beautiful Dragon face.

Dragon slapped him across the face and grabbed Big's neck
tightly. But before the two could hit each other, there was
the sound of the bathroom door opening.

Dragon loosened his hand from Big's neck and then sat back
in his place, as if nothing had happened.

Big calls his subordinates to send their guests out. When he

was the only one left in the room, Big took a cigarette and lit
it. At least today he found out Dragon hadn't posted the
video anywhere. 'It's probably still in his cell phone. How to
destroy a Dragon's cell phone?'

The tall figure thought all the way home. When he got to his
room, he took a shower, changed his clothes, went to bed
and still couldn't figure it out. Finally, he called his
subordinates and ordered them to stalk Dragon, to find a
way to steal his phone, but...
"Master Big, we can't do that. Mr. Dragon said that if you
think of doing something bad again... He will definitely call
the police and they will come and arrest us. Many of us still
have a house, a car to pay for and parents to take care of."

"What, Dragon dared to give them orders?"

"Yeah, I think Master Big shouldn't get in trouble with Mr.

Dragon." Big was so angry that the veins on his forehead
throbbed. 'What right does Dragon have to order my
subordinates like that?'

"I'm ordering you to take his cell phone."

"Okay sir..."

"Will you obey my orders?"


After hearing his subordinate's response, Big slumped down

on the sofa and used two legs to kick up and down in anger,
Pong and Phak, nearby subordinates who were like his
babysitter. They both looked at each other and sighed,
waiting for the next orders.

Master Big, even though he was 20 years old, was always

acting like a little boy, so Brorom, his father, ordered them
to watch him closely.

"Master Big, please rest. Tomorrow, you have to go see the

work on the site again."

"I don't think wow. Damn!! You and Phak should go and do it
for me." Big said angrily.

After a while, he got a call on his phone, it was that girl who
used to be his girlfriend. She was calling him to invite him to
a party at a bar.

At first Big refused. But, after receiving a photograph of the

atmosphere at the event. He saw an image of a silhouette of
a man wearing a sleeveless shirt and showing a black
dragon tattoo around his right arm. After that he
immediately agreed.

It was just a typical drunken dance party where wealthy kids

organized themselves to spend their parents' money on a
daily basis. Big has also thrown such parties many times at
his local. But he felt that it was exhausting. Even if he
doesn't put any effort into organizing anything himself. Still
he prefers to promote parties to clog other people's work.

After setting foot on the spot. He didn't much care about

going after Dragon. Big was busy dancing with the girls in
the middle of the floor.

After dancing, shouting and singing, he felt tired. He sat on

the sofa, holding the waist of the person he liked. But
suddenly, he felt like urinating, so he got up and went to the
men's room. But when he came out, most of the people
surrounding the place had disappeared.

"Tammy, where are the others?"

"They all went to the pool."

"What are you talking about?" Big asked.

"Dragon is swimming in the water and he invited everyone

to a pool party." Said Tammy. Big swallowed secretly.
Dragon's body is very sexy. Where else would he show off
that tattoo? No doubt all the girls would want to see it.

Big moved closer to Tammy. If he doesn't stick with her, he's

probably going to flirt poolside with other friends, too.

"Come on, Tammy, I have a great cocktail." He tried to get

her to sit next to him.

"But I want to go to the pool. Let's go together."

But he still stood still. In general, Big and Dragon don't visit
the same places, so as not to see each other. So, he didn't
know that he was going to be taken by Dragon until this

"Wait a minute." He said as he walked over to look at

himself in the mirror near the exit.

Arriving at the pool, he noticed that Dragon was drinking a

bottle of beer. Big just sat listening to relaxing music by the
pool. Although there are many men and women in this area
in swimsuits, no one was as flashy as Dragon.
Dragon was wearing a black swimsuit. The upper part shows
strong muscles with shiny scales that were the drops of
water that soaked his striking body. He repeatedly ran his
hand through his hair combing it back as he closed his eyes
and licked his red lips.

The girls looked at him secretly, then came up to him, to

talk to him or just didn't say anything and just stood there
with him.

Big remembered his plan and confirmed that Dragon didn't

have his phone in his hands. So quickly, he searched
through the pile of clothing belonging to his opponent. He
now had in his hands all of Dragon's clothes.

Big is confident that no one will find him, so he grabs

Dragon's clothes to his chest and runs to the nearest
bathroom. Praying Dragon's phone was between things.

"Hurrah!" He finally found it.

Big, without delay, managed to find Dragon's phone, threw

it on the ground and stomped on it several times, then
threw it into the toilet and pressed the water many times,
then took it out and stomped on it again, until he was sure
that Dragon was gone. He won't be able to use this
electronic junk again. He then used a tissue to wrap it up
and threw it in the trash.

Big was thinking of putting Dragon's clothes back in the

same place. But suddenly he thought something funny. So
he secretly took Dragon's boxers and put them in his own
pocket, then took the rest of the clothes, leaving them in his
original place.

'Dragon will be desperate for them. For sure. Hehe.' Then he

returned to the party with the girls in the inner area. Big is
still Big, fun loving. He danced and drank until he collapsed.
As soon as he was going to go home, people began to
announce that Dragon's boxers had been stolen at the
event, without anyone noticing.

"Who was the idiot who did this?" Said Lina, a girl who
danced huddled with Big, in the middle of the floor. Also
everyone around talked about the thief funny.

"Yes, that's right." Big smiled, preparing to find a way to

escape from the place. But suddenly, someone asked about
the surveillance cameras, and Big turned pale. 'I completely
forgot about it!'

"But there is no camera there. I want to know, who dares to

do it? To steal boxers, ha ha." One man said, laughing with
his group of friends. Hearing that, Big secretly sighed softly.

"I'll be back first." He said, walking away from the dance

floor. But as he was walking through the elevator lobby, he
was pushed into an open elevator. Big was surprised and
tried to sneak away, but the elevator door was already

"Hey thief."

A soft whisper echoed near Big's ears. Even without looking

back, he knew immediately who was standing back at his

"What did I steal?" Big pretended not to know.

The moment the elevator opened, Big was pushed into the
hotel suite located on the top floor. Above the pub below.

Dragon entered and closed the door. Big, sensing that all of
this was dangerous radiation, rushes to flee. But Dragon
was faster. He grabbed Big's body and laid him out on a
large bed.
"I want it back." Dragon extended his right hand in front of
Big's face.

"What do you say?"

"My phone and my underwear? My zipper is rubbing on me

here. I'm bare bottomed." He said as he rubbed his crotch.
Big saw that gesture and couldn't help but feel hot.

"Your clothes, I didn't take them." However, Big remained

stubborn, acting ignorant.

"This is what I like about you."

"Well, now why are we fighting each other?"

Big took off his jacket. He didn't feel a bit afraid of the

person in front of him because this wasn't the first time they
had fought each other. But Dragon answered.

"Don't change the subject and give me back my stuff."

"I don't know what you're saying!" Big refused, but by
pretending he remembered to change his attitude.

"Ah, uh!! That. I didn't steal anything. I don't know why you
blame me."

"I have proof." Dragon said in a soft but cold tone.

"What kind of evidence?" Big said again.

"I'll have it soon. My friends are helping to gather the

evidence." The man in front replied, a smile on his face.

"But if you show your sincerity. I could tell my friends to stop


"How can I show my sincerity?"

"Take off all your clothes. Now!!"

"What do you say?"

"Strip for me now!"
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 4: "Hunting the Underwear Thief" part 1

"Strip for me now!"

"You... are you crazy? No!!" Big answers surprised.

"Big, men's underwear thief... Ummm... I think you are a

person who will be exposed very soon." Dragon raised his
hand and stroked the tip of his chin.

"Anyway, take your clothes off. I'll check if you have any of
my belongings with you. If I don't find anything, I'll just let
you go." Big felt that he no longer had many options.
Dragon cell had already been destroyed. But the boxers
were still in his pocket.

"Turn around and show me your back first."

"Why do I have to turn around?"

"Well, that's something I want to see..."

A large hand grabbed the collar of his shirt and twisted it.

"Take off your clothes now!! I've already seen every corner

of your body. Even your orifice. You don't have to be
ashamed." Dragon said, sticking out his tongue.

Big seeing Dragon's mocking face like that, was furious. He

is quickly kicking off his slippers and throwing them at his
ample chest. "Okay, this is just the first garment." Dragon
picked up the Valenciaga slippers that Big had thrown at
him, before sitting down in an armchair at the end of the
bed. He settled down as if he was waiting for a special show.

Big felt uneasy, nervous being watched by Dragon's sharp

eyes, plus he started to feel hot all over.
Big looked at the person in front of him, who had his favorite
shoes in his hands, before clenching his jaw trying to think
of a way out. When he noticed that there was a gap under
the bed, he decided to do what the person in front of him
wanted first. When he accidentally found the right moment
he would leave the stolen product there.

"I'll start with the pants, okay?" Dragon was impressed.

after Big unbuttoned his pants. A big round of applause

came from the man on the couch. He then began to slowly
lower the pants down to his feet. Then he pretended to trip
and fell on the edge of the bed, he pulled the underwear
from inside his pocket. Then he pretended to sit up and take
off his socks. Blinking, he grabbed Dragon's boxers and led
him under the bed. 'I succeeded!' He thought to his heart
before getting up and throwing his jeans and socks at

"As you see... I have nothing." Dragon raised an eyebrow, as

he smirked and Big was full of confidence. Carelessly
Dragon took the jeans from his chest and got up from the

"Take off the rest too."

"I have nothing. You saw it."

The only thing that was left on Big's body was his boxers
and a t-shirt. Furthermore, he showed his body with his arms
outstretched. Dragon, just by looking at his eyes, knew that
in this state he could hide something. Dragon shook his

"I have to check every corner of your body. You know, living
without panties is hard for me. Being left with just my pants
and my skin all the time, it's uncomfortable. Plus the zipper
on the pants is annoying. Until now, I've got everything
frozen." Big, peeking down between the crotch of Dragon's
black jeans.

"Quick, take off your shirt!"

"Why do I need to take it off?" Big asked nonchalantly and

got a shake of the head in response.

"If you take everything off, I'll stop looking for evidence."

"Okay." He agreed to Dragon's request, so Big took off his

blue shirt and boxers from his slender legs. In addition, he
put his two hands together holding his member, so that the
owner of the beautiful face that was in front of him, couldn't
see anything.

"Turn around." Dragon ordered quietly. Big gradually

followed him. Dragon looked at the scars and bite marks on
Big's smooth, white skin.

At that moment Big felt that he was being absorbed by his

entire body, he felt as if the gaze of the other person was
burning him all over his skin. When they were standing
facing each other again, then Big asked:

"Are you satisfied, ah! Bring my pants and I'll put on my


"Who said I'm satisfied? I haven't started looking for

anything yet." Dragon said, sitting back down on the couch
again. Before crossing both hands in front of his chest.

"What, I didn't!" Big felt that he was being disrespected

more and more. But when he saw that Dragon had taken all
of his clothes off, he didn't feel good. His white cheeks were
now flushed red with embarrassment and anger. Dragon,
seeing Big in that state, smiled enormously.
"Get everything out of you. It has to be all visible to me.
Faster, do It!" Dragon said. So Big gradually withdrew his
hands from his member and raised them above his head.

The boy sitting on the couch, looked imperiously at the

secret part of Big. At first Dragon only thought of joking
around and playing with Big. But when he saw with his eyes
the other person was completely naked and even though he
knew that the size of Big's member wasn't as great as his
name and it was still smaller than his. He perked up his
emotions completely.

Looking closely at Big's member, seeing his pink and

circumcised head, made Dragon warm. When carefully
observing the member, he licked his lips and wet them with
his tongue, it was something that caused something strange
in him.

"Open up and show everything you've got. While I'll count to

ten. Count one..." Dragon said, even slapping his own
thoughts from him, as Big agreed to do so.

Big sat up and spread both of his skinny legs wide. Big
showed each part of his intimacy to the person in front of
him to analyze it in detail. Dragon's body was hot, but still
he continued to watch him closely from head to toe. Big
turned the other way, he didn't want to look at the other
person, because he felt Dragon's eyes burning him
completely. All of Big's moves were covered by Dragon.
Each of Dragon's glances caused a great shudder in Big.
Also, there was a trembling feeling in his stomach.

“4, 5, 6." Dragon kept counting. Big joined the counting

rhythm by opening his legs, until he was completely

"Stop." A deep sound made Big freeze.

Both of Big's legs were spread wide open in a very lewd way.
He tried to bend them and put them together a little, but it
was forbidden by Dragon's sharp eyes, but Big, strangely,
agreed to obey and continued crouching on the ground,
showing each of his parts... his member, his orifice, his
gaze. .... Well little by little, Big's consciousness had

"You're stiff." Dragon said, licking his lips and raising his feet
to approach the young man who was nodding his head

The beautiful pink buttons on Big's chest were erect. Big

tried to hide his embarrassment from him because he had
never been humiliated like that.
Big's dark eyes glared at the man holding his white sneakers
and his clothes. Dragon moved his feet to be closer to Big.

Big's body grew weaker and weaker. His heart skipped a

beat. His erect nipples were like an invitation to the person
in front of him. His abdomen was contracted, his member
completely hot and rigid. So stiff that he pointed to the sky
and stuck to his navel.

"This is all very high. Will you finish? Just one touch."
Dragon's fingers reached out and touched Big's erect
member. Big made a sound with his mouth as Dragon
pressed against his member and held it in his warm hands.
He held it for a moment, but with just a touch, water began
to flow from his member's head.

Big inadvertently made a sound, but when Dragon pressed

his member a bit and held it between his hands massaging
it, Big released a white liquid along with a long moan. Just
because he was excited to sit naked with his legs spread
wide for Dragon to touch. Big tried to control himself as best
he could. But it turned out that Dragon's expression towards
him had lit a fire inside him ever since he unbuttoned his leg

Big, in that moment, remembered Dragon's touch when

they were together that day… the warmth of him, the scent
of him… it enraptured his senses. As Big tried to back away,
trying to come to his senses.
A thick hand suddenly wrapped around his neck. Dragon
with his other hand began to move Big's extremely rigid
member, before grabbing his chest and pressing him
against his body. Dragon grabbed Big's body, rough and
savage… he really wanted to possess him. He made it too

"Hug me a little. Very strong!!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Big slapped Dragon and
pushed him away.

"Okay, but from now on, you'll be a... Damn Bastard!

Underwear thief."

"Animal! Leave me!" The first words heard were the sound
of a curse. The second sound was the sound of Dragon who
had crouched down and was holding Big's member in his
mouth. He did it clumsily but sucked hard.

"Hmmmm! Hey, hey, hey..."

Dragon looked at the person who was crouching down. As

he licked and sucked along Big's member with a miserable
expression, but he smiled slightly nonetheless. When he saw
that face, Big was furious. He thought Dragon was making
fun of himself.

"Aymmm." So he kicked hard as revenge.

"Big Bastard!! What are you doing?" Dragon pulled Big's

member out of his mouth, before looking back at him with
his sharp eyes. Big laughed happily, but then his body was
caught and thrown onto the bed.

"Have fun, or I'll hit you." Dragon took the small towel that
was folded on the headboard of the bed and tied it around
both of Big's arms. Then he hooked it to the slit in the
headboard of the bed. Big struggled to the point of exertion,
but he still couldn't let go.

Dragon grabbed Big's legs and spread them wide. He spat

between his hands and ran three fingers over Big's wet
orifice. Although Big denied all touching, his orifice was
completely wet.

"Ugh… it hurts."

"Then don't tense up." Dragon said, using his other hand to
massage Big's member up and down.
When the fingertips touched the tip of Big's member, he
nodded. Dragon saw that Big was excited, so he used his
hand to slide Big's soft member up and down.

Dragon had Big's open legs in front of him, with his member
in front of him and all of his orifice exposed.

"Ahhh… you're so excited." Big was embarrassed. Dragon

quickly began inserting more fingers into his orifice. His
fingers were thick and rough, but they were too hot.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

Thick fingers clawed at Big's soft, slippery walls. The tall and
smooth figure of Dragon with his muscles tightly binding the
other person shook fiercely and spread Big's two long legs.

Dragon was upset so he grabbed his own member and

pressed him against Big who was tied up on that big bed.

As Dragon's fingers massaged Big's canal. Big was about to
finish, his excitement was at the limit. Big's body was about
to finish again. But this time, Dragon pulled his fingers out
of his orifice. Big, then was completely dissatisfied. He
nodded and looked at the owner of the hand. But when he
met secretly his sharp brown eyes, he quickly turned his
head and averted his gaze the other way. Dragon lifted his

"What are you going to do?"

“You aren't a very innocent person.” Dragon said, leaning

down and whispering softly in his ear.

"Please no."

That whisper made Big blush even more. Big tried to escape
but he couldn't give up anymore. But this time he wasn't
whipped by the arousal pills, but by a need of his own that
exploded inside him. Dragon saw the confusion in Big's
eyes. So he threw himself hard into Big's mouth, beginning
to suck hard. Sucking hard on his lips, he enters his tongue
acknowledging all the quality of him around him.

Big was stunned because he had never been petted like this
before. Those kisses he was receiving now, he had never
been kissed like this before. So, Big was startled.
"What are you doing?"

"Kiss you."

"No, no." Big refused.

"We can still kiss tonight."

"You aren't my wife. I won't let you kiss me like this."

Big said he would only make out with someone who had
deep feelings for him like a wife. But tonight, it was as if he
was taken by the sex pills, so he got carried away.

"Just kiss me, this doesn't count as a special kiss." Dragon

said, as he spread his warm fingers along Big's pale pink

Big had never noticed that Dragon had such a soft face and
beautiful lips. Big froze, allowing the other person to caress
him as he wished, because he was stunned by the words he
had said to him a moment ago.
"Do you kiss all your partners like this?" He asked.

"This is something careless for me." Dragon replied

immediately, taking the opportunity to meet his lips and
kiss him deeper.

The tip of Dragon's soft tongue swept across Big's hot

cavity, as he gnashed along the pulsing nerves inside his
mouth in confusion. So, he let Dragon take the initiative
first. But when he heard a low, sharp voice say:

"So soft, so sexy… so hot." Dragon growled.


This time, he will make Dragon realize that he insulted the

wrong person.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 5: "Punishing the Underwear Thief" part 2

"The girls name this guy 'Great Eel Tongue' but this time,
he'll make Dragon realize that he insulted the wrong person.


Dragon's eyes widened as the person below him suddenly

began to invade his mouth. A soft tongue began to lick and
run over Dragon's cheeks, then entered his mouth and
teased the roof of his mouth. Dragon didn’t back down and
both began to kiss fiercely. Dragon's kiss was still as rough
and savage as it had been the night before. Big's heart
pounded as thick hands squeezed and massaged along his
chest. The long fingers of that large hand pulled the pink
nipples from his white chest, alternating with jerks from side
to side. As Dragon began to catch his breath, he then
released Big's slightly swollen lips. Then he kissed from
Big's neck to his nipples, which immediately hardened.

"Amm, I love, amm."

Dragon sucked on Big's nipples as if he wanted to squeeze

out liquid that wasn't there. Big moaned, because never
before, none of all the girls he had been with, had played
with his nipples like that.

After a moment, both of Big's legs were lifted and pinned

over the thick hips of the person above. Big was surprised
and immediately tried to push with his hands, as he had
forgotten that both hands were tied above his head. Dragon
didn't wait. He immediately tried to enter a completely open
channel, moreover his own member was released on his
abdomen. He couldn't believe that his member would
remove the hot liquid, with just a touch in the back channel.


Big let out a sigh of relief before roaring low. Dragon bit
down along the bound arm of the man below him, before
stopping at the armpit. Big was so embarrassed that his
face shone, but he was speechless, because the other
person clung more and more to him. Furthermore, Dragon
calmly rubbed his hips on the other person. As he caressed
his nose and tongue all over his armpits.

"Ah... ah, Dragon, don't lick."

Dragon didn't hear him and continued to use his tongue to

frantically poke at the large dimples under his arms. To then
mark his fangs into those muscles as opposed to soft
woman's arms as usual. This made Dragon even more
excited and he began to move his waist faster.

Big lifted his face and closed his eyes. The sex this time
wasn't as painful as the first time. Furthermore, Dragon had
worked effectively to prepare a channel for him properly,
causing his lower abdomen to contract and loosen. Then,
the hot cavity of him completely sucked the member that
had been inserted.

“It hurts… my arms… my arms hurt.” Big groaned, because

his arms were too tight. Also, he can't move according to
the swing of the person above.

Dragon was sympathetic and released his bonds. When his

wrists were free, his blood began to circulate normally. Big
was free and just wanted to hit Dragon, to vent his anger.
"Uh huh."

Big couldn't realize what he thought, as Dragon's heavy

body completely engulfs him. Big's strength was unmatched
by Dragon.

The night before, they both had wild sex and they did it
many times. The sex positions were clumsy, almost all the
time Big was supine and Dragon's thrusts were clumsy.
Either because Dragon wasn't fully conscious and also
because they had both never experienced backroom sex.

This time, the wretched Dragon yanked Big's body hard,

leaving him astride half of Big's own body. Now, Dragon's
big member was fully inserted into Big's little hole.


Big groaned loudly, because he felt as if he had been

stabbed in the stomach until the pain was gone. Dragon
didn't move, just stood still for a moment. He waited until
the person in front of him gradually adjusted his size.

Big, secretly expected to hear sweet words from Dragon's

mouth, comforting him like that night ... but no words were
Wack wack wack!

"Ahhh… ahhhh."

The sound of his waist bumping against the quivering point

of his body mixed with a groan, Big clawed at Dragon's
broad back again. He didn't know that the fingernail marks
he'd made the night before were still scattered on the
surface of his skin.

Dragon hadn't even hidden it. As he undressed by the pool,

some girls asked. But he didn't even bother, he just smiled

His bare thighs bumped into each other rapidly. A few

minutes later, the suffocating liquid spilled back into Big's
small belly. Big secretly rocked his waist back and forth to
let the heat radiate to the point where he wanted it. But
when he opened his eyes and saw Dragon's beautiful face,
he stopped his actions.

"Do it one more time, joker."

Big accidentally made his mouth so pointy that it almost
touched the tip of Dragon's nose, thus managing to place a
passionate kiss on Dragon's soft lips.

Big can no longer resist Dragon. As Big gradually increased

his speed once again, he let the body inside of him continue
to forcefully attack inside of him. Then, as he was attacked
with more and more intensity he managed to feel a hot
liquid seeping into his small fleshy cavity.

He then let the body inside his body continue to gradually

slow down.

Big, right now, didn't care how angry and how much he
hated Dragon before.

Big woke up the next morning. By the time he began to

open his eyes he was praying that he would never see
Dragon again. But that person was lying face down next to

A large Dragon tattoo wrapped around his right arm showed

a side Big had never seen. Big's black eyes looked at his
muscular arms. He spread his gaze to Dragon's back and
could see large squeezing marks and fingernail marks
scattered everywhere.
Big's white cheeks were now hot because he knew perfectly
well who had made those marks, both old and new.

Big was about to reach out his hand to touch him. But a
doubt appeared in his mind, what would be the purpose of
touching him? So he held his hand, so he did the opposite,
picked up his foot and kicked Dragon's side hard. But such a
movement suddenly caused a great pain in his lower
abdomen, in his rear channel.

Big frowned and used his hand to cup the swollen folds of
his asshole. The cloudy liquid Dragon had left behind was
still there and spilled out. Disgust!

'I must have been seriously ill last night... but why do I have
to think about treating Dragon so often? This time, it will be
the last time that he accidentally falls with him. I won't let it
happen again! I will definitely kill him!!'

“Wake up!!” Big used his feet to kick Dragon again.

The stocky figure moved slightly. Dragon lying on his
stomach raised his head, before lifting his hand to brush his
hair between his fingers, his eyes completely sleepy. Big
looked at that expression and his throat was oddly dry, then
he gulped down his throat and looked away.

"Do you have a cigarette?" Dragon asked.

"In my pants." Big answered unconsciously.

Dragon smiled before pulling a pack of cigarettes out of

Big's expensive pants, pulling one out and lighting it. Big
saw the casual look of the person next to him, so he
grabbed the pack of cigarettes and brought one to his lips.

"Fire, please." Said Big.

Dragon moved and brought the end of his lit cigarette closer
to Big's cigarette. The two looked directly into each other's
eyes without saying a word.

Dragon raised his eyebrows seductively, causing Big to stare

at him until white smoke billowed from his cigarette.
The two people lay silent on the bed, just smoking. It was as
if different people were thinking about everything that
happened last night and how it happened.

Dragon got up from the bed with a comfortable expression.

So Big knew he was probably overthinking himself, since
this guy didn't seem stressed at all.

Dragon brushed the blanket off his body, revealing all the

marks Big had left on him. Furthermore, he completely
displayed every single proportion of his body. Big stopped
looking at him, even knowing that he himself wasn't an
innocent person, but he also didn't accept the other
person's audacity, as if he wanted to impress someone by
showing every part of him. 'Or ... does he want to impress
me ?'

"What are you doing?" Big asked as the big man knelt by
the bed.

"Pick up my boxers and panties." Dragon said , still with a

cigarette in his mouth.

Before pulling his boxers out from under the bed, his big
thick hand held his giant member as it protruded from his
crotch, the same member that had been inserted all night
inside Big.
Big thought about what Dragon's expression could mean,
that called his attention. But when he remembered that he
himself had left the underwear hidden there. Big tried to
evade the situation and quickly crushed the butt of his
cigarette. But then he asked:

"Did you... know about underwear?"

"Yes." Dragon answered and pulled on his black jeans.

"How did you know?"

"I'm not blind." Big's white cheeks grew hot with

embarrassment. Dragon said something like that, then he
saw it all. So why did you ask to look at it and bring it to the
room? What does it mean!

"Did you trick me, Dragon?"

The person smiled.

"Yes, it was all a big deception. There was no evidence of
anything, it was all just jokes. When you hid my underwear
under the bed, pretending to be invisible, I saw it all. So, I
just wanted to find a way to intimidate you."

Hearing Dragon's confession like that, he was so angry that

he almost had smoke coming out of his ears. So, he forgot
about the pain in his waist and jumped on Dragon and
kicked him until Dragon fell to the ground.


The staggering Dragon rose. He put his hand on the belly of

him that had been hit by Big's feet. His sharp eyes looked at
the person on the bed sternly. As soon as he reached out for
him and grabbed him, by the legs.

"Don't touch me. Damn bastard!! Dragon."

"Angry? Last night, you still asked me to take you harder

and deeper."

"Animal! I'm going to kill you."

"Come on, I'll take you to the top."

Big looked at the faint wet marks on the bed. He knew that
what Dragon said just now wasn't an exaggeration.

Last night, he was attacked from behind again. His legs had
been spread open and his channel had opened wide and
something huge and hard had entered, pushing up and
down on that giant member. Worst of all, he had enjoyed it.
He had enjoyed it so much that he had peed all over the
bed. Big wanted to take his anger out on him, but he chose
to remain silent. His body was now almost completely
devoured by Dragon. He certainly couldn't fight now.

"You're hurting me you fucking bastard."

"Where did my cell phone go?" Dragon brought his hand up

to his face.


"Big, bastard! Are you a dog?" Big laughs, as his silver eyes
gaze with delight at the teeth embedded in the Dragon's
“Okay, where's my cell phone?” Dragon asked as he waved
his hand. Big saw that there was no longer any need to lie,
so he answered.

"Go with the garbage truck." Dragon looked calmly at the

man on the bed, it was a device he used to hang out with. It
wasn't just a normal device or a device that contains
important data, it was something much more important.

"Don't you know you can back up your phone? Just in case
your computer crashes."

"I know." Big replied.

Big wasn't stupid, but he was destroying something

important from Dragon. It was purely for satisfaction.

"I'm thinking of posting..."

"Why should I keep the secret clip to myself and not show it
to others?" Dragon said .

"But if you 're okay with it, it 'll be worth a try. What 's your
account name?"
"No, no, no, no, no, no one else can see that except you...
and me." Big yelled.

Seeing Dragon's mischievous smile, he hastily turned his

head the other way. His cheeks were flushed, hot, he was
completely embarrassed.

"Okay," Dragon replied, stroking Big's head from side to


" I apologize for misleading you."

His heartfelt words, coupled with a light touch on his head,

created a churning in Big's stomach. He was therefore
shocked and didn't want to feel like that anymore. So he
walked away and raised his middle finger at the person in
front of him.

After a while, Big took a handkerchief to absorb the liquid

that was still inside his swollen orifice. Seeing this image,
Dragon shook his head.

The idea of wanting to attack the person on the bed,

attacking him for another two rounds appeared in his head.
"Aww!" Big groaned suddenly.

Big, had gotten up from the bed and was approaching the
chair to look for his clothes that were stacked there and to
be able to get dressed.

Dragon, therefore, didn't hesitate to walk to stand behind

his back while his hand caressed the round hip of the other

Big's body was lifted to the top again, as the soft tips of
Dragon's big fingers caressed the swollen grooves of Big's
orifice. Those naughty big fingers played there.

Naughty fingertips enter Big's smooth slit, causing Big's

entire body to tremble immediately.

Again, he was no longer going back.

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 6: "Defeat Dragon"

Seeing that sight from Big, Dragon nodded deeply and the
idea of wanting to attack the person on the bed and attack
him for about two more rounds popped into his head.

“What are you doing?” Big asked, shivering, holding his own
shirt and pants, which he had just picked up from the couch.

"Cleaning your…" Dragon replied quietly.

"Do your own chores. Ah! Ohhhh!"

Large, smooth fingers traced Big's entrance, before breaking
inside him, entering Big's channel. Big was lifted up and
straddled Dragon's body on the couch. Dragon began to use
his other hand to rub it along Big's member, which had
already been raised.

At first rubbing slowly, then slowly accelerating, as he

continued to play in his back channel with his fingers. Big
kept his eyes closed, his hands clasped and clamped on the
back of the chair. Suddenly, his rear hole began to create his
own hot liquid.

"Dragon…" Big called out, thinking to tell Dragon to stop.

But his mouth betrayed him again, when Dragon's index

finger and middle finger were inserted into Big's hole, he
closed his eyes again, accepting what would happen next,
and immediately began to move his waist from one side to
the other, side to side with the rhythm of those delicious
fingers inside.

Dragon pressed a kiss to the fragrant nape of Big's neck,

then down his neck, sinking his teeth into him, alternating
with huge suckling.

Big could only moan as his hot member began to be

massaged harder. Big began to kiss Dragon's chest until he
reached both of his breasts, he began to suck them strongly
until those two buttons swelled. Dragon's beautiful nipples
were within reach of Big's breath, then Big shuddered. Big
moaned sensually as he took his hardened nipples into his
mouth, making him want to chew on them.

"A kiss like this doesn't count as a special kiss." Dragon said

Then a voice sounded in Big's head, he couldn't understand

what kind of satanic ghost had possessed him, so he opened
his mouth and stuck out his red tongue, asking for a kiss
from the person next to him.

"Kiss Me!"

Dragon wouldn't let himself be kissed. He just bit his lips as

if tempting the other person with a smile on his face. After a
while he inserted his slender tongue with burning fury into
Big's mouth. Then he pulled his long fingers out of him,
preparing to deliver the big blow and enter his hot, wet

Dragon opened Big's legs wide, seeing how liquid dripped

from that channel in front of him, he considered it as a
welcome and that everything was ready to enter. Therefore,
he grabbed his member and brought his head to the
entrance of the orifice, which was immediately sucked out,
as if he was waiting for him.

Big moaned, his hands hitting Dragon's back. He couldn't

take it anymore, so he could only bite his own lips.


Liver ! Liver ! Liver !

The great member entered Big, was warm, very hot, which
caused Big to be so happy that he felt he would die or go
crazy with that great muscle inside him.

Dragon with his strong arms, full of muscles, got up with

Bis's body on top of him and stepped on one of the armrests
to establish the center of gravity, while continuing inside
Big's hole. Big felt his back go numb because he knew
Dragon wasn't going to have mercy on his own hole.


The sound of bodies colliding was heard, but Dragon was

unaware of it and only thrust harder.
"Ahh... Ohhhh..."

Big's heart was beating strongly, his body was trembling but
without tenderness, only from the strong thrusts. Big was
grabbed again and settled, face down on the back of the
chair, great sweat flowed all over his body, turning red and
trembling with Dragon's impressive strength.

Dragon had already discovered Big's sensitive spot, so he

continued to charge countless times and in the same place.

“Ahhh… Ehmmm…. Ahhhhh.”

Big moaned, trembling. He finished first again, but this time

it was embarrassing, since not a single drop of water came
out, there was no liquid left inside him.


The sadistic Dragon slapped him on the butt, he was very

happy to see Big in that state. Then he took hold of his
sweat-slick face and kissed him again.
They continued like this for several hours, before Dragon
managed to calm down.


"Please sit."

Dragon said, indicating the passenger side of his Land

Rover's seat, the space in the cabin was quite ample. Then
Big looking at the owner of the car with a look in his eyes
thought what is he playing at now? Does Dragon have any

Dragon volunteered to send Big to his home. So, Big

accepted. But he never thought that on the way, Dragon
would turn the car around to take him to visit a doctor at the
nearest private hospital. Since he felt guilty, he had played
so brutally that the other person couldn't walk or sit, he was
unable to move from the entrance of the hole to his

Before being taken to bed, for the beautiful doctor to check

on him. Big was embarrassed, but… later it was worse.
Dragon lied to the doctor saying that the two of them were
lovers... This is even more embarrassing and frustrating!
Damn bastard!

"Why do you lie to the doctor? You and I are nothing at all."


Big felt a sudden contraction in his chest, he turned to look

at Dragon's face and then he continued:

"We are people who don't like each other, confused in

themselves, but who feel expected by the other."


Big's mouth was too fast, he had just asked a question that
a person like him shouldn't ask Dragon at all, since
everything between them was only caused by lust. "Do you
want to know the answer?" Dragon asked in response, his
hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel.

"I don't want to know. Just shut up and drive fast." Big said.

The person next to him laughed in his throat again.

"You are nervous?"

Big tossed him a packet of pills the doctor had recently

given him. He just wanted to get rid of the embarrassment.
Dragon used his left hand to pick up the packet of pills that
had fallen onto his lap and tossed it to his owner. His right
hand continued to steer the wheel and he continued to
drive. This guy had earned a reputation as Big's gorgeous
young lover. Therefore, he could only wear a cheerful smile
on his face.

"What are you laughing at, idiot?"

"I laugh at your sore butt." Answered the driver of the car,
who turned around and smiled, showing his perfect teeth.
'Once, a very beautiful beast.' Big thought, then pushed
Dragon's head back.

"The doctor gave me some medicine, so it will heal. It's easy

for you to tease. Would you like me to try to pierce my
thoughts and pierce your ass?" Big said angrily.

Big said that because he was upset. But after thinking of

that image he shook his head. 'I can't do that to Dragon!'

"After that, try to find toys and use them often, so that next
time you don't get hurt."

"Where am I going to find them?"

"Okay, I'll find it for you." Dragon took on this task with
great readiness and smiled like a superior.

'But wait, he's going to go get stuff, shove it up his own ass,
for what? What Dragon means is that we will have a next


Paff! Paff!

Big starts punching the person next to him.

"Why are you hitting me? You don't see me driving."

"What are you thinking? Damn Bastard!"

"Well, I thought I'd buy something to shove up your butt."

Big was embarrassed, flushed, his cheeks were hot. Dragon

is clearly asking for trouble, manipulating his nerves and

"I'm not sticking anything up my ass. Of course, there won't

be a next time either."

Dragon paid no attention to Big's words. He then parked the

car in front of a black fence that is over 5 meters high
according to the GPS.

"This is an anal cream, don't forget to apply it before you

sleep." Dragon said, taking the rest of the medications and
handing them to Big.
"Tomorrow I'll give you a rush order. Give me your number."
Dragon said, then he took out his main phone that he kept
in the glove compartment of his car and handed it to Big,
who could only shake his head.

"I won't give it to Birmingham."

"Why would I give you my number? Of course I won't."

"So, since I will give it to the delivery man, when he arrives

with the products he will call you for delivery. Have a little

'I'm already unconscious again... let him do what he wants, I

don't want to joke with this person anymore.'

"So 085 - xxx - xxxx, go ahead and finish with number 9,

that's all." Big said annoyed and opened the car door to get
out of there.

Dragon smiled nervously as usual, while Big continued with

his face full of anger, so he slammed the door shut before
heading as fast as possible to his house.
As he closed less than half the door to the house, a phone
message rang at the same time that came to Big's mind, a
single person.

[Tomorrow , I expect you to answer my call.]

Big reads the message and his pale face is suddenly hot and

Big dropped the medicine bag and took off his favorite pair
of Valenciaga shoes. He ran out of his house to follow the
silver Land Rover. But now he has disappeared from the
private road. But still he threw the shoes at him angrily.

"Dragon! Damn Bastard!"

A package arrived at Big's hands the next day, just seeing

the size of the box, his face blushed all the way to his ears,
not to mention that when he opened the contents, he
gasped as he looked at the content of it.

Big leaned both hands on the box and began going through
the items. A black dildo with knuckles around it, Dragon
clearly wanted him pissed off, since if he used that, he
would rip his hole harder than before.
"Bastard! You're crazy!"

Big began to remove the objects inside the box as usual, not
interested in picking up other toys to continue looking
because he was very angry with the buyer. So, he just
kicked the box and put it under the bed.

After a while, his cell phone rang.


Big hung up and turned the phone upside down before

getting up to play on the computer.

He plays comfortably. But he doesn't wear headphones

because he wants to hear the phone ring. The person who
calls doesn't seem to give up easily and he continues to call.

Big has a big smile on his face, he is happy to think that he

can make Dragon angry.
After many minutes, he decided to stop playing and sat up
in bed, his black eyes staring at the communication device
and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"I can take it. It's just a call."

Big picked up the phone to look at the screen, the sly smile
fading from his face because the person calling him wasn't
Dragon. He was a subordinate of Big. Pong's number was on
the screen of his phone.

[Why did you call?"]

Big answered the phone, his voice rising in frustration.

[Master Big. Today you must come to see everything...]

[I'm not going to deal with that, I'm sick.]

[It's okay ...]

Pong answered his boss and hung up the call. Big stood,
staring silently at the phone's screen before clicking through
to the missed call report and finding Dragon's number.

Dragon had only called once, the rest of the calls were from
Pong and Park, his subordinates. The smile that had been on
his red lips faded, so he decided to press the call back to his
closest subordinates.

[Will the architect come to see the event tomorrow?]

[Yes, Khun Yai.]

Pong answered, raising his eyebrows when the boss

suddenly called out and asked.

[So at 10 o'clock I will go to the pub to have a look.]

[Oh ... yes, that 's good.]

After hanging up the call, he turned off the phone screen

and sat back down and continued playing on the computer
with a sore feeling in his chest.
'He just won't call...'
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 7: "Dragon is not Kind at all"

"Can you change it to a light brown wall?"

Big pointed out where he wanted to change to G-Design

staff who continued to record information as needed.

Big was upset and dissatisfied that he didn't see that

disturbing face around, nervously he spoke to the staff.

"Uh… let me ask you a question." Big said reluctantly.

"Yes, Khun Yai." The young clerk was a bit surprised.

Big saw it and immediately understood that he would
secretly appreciate that it wasn't the work of that Damn

"The little Dragon. Well he left two days ago." The staff said.

Big was surprised and rolled his big round eyes, which
indicated that he was deeply sad, because he hadn't seen
the apprentice again. The handsome Dragon hadn't
appeared in front of him, nor had he called. He gritted his
teeth before nodding and walked over to inspect the
structure of the place.


Live music continued throughout the room. Many couples

sat snuggled up on the sofa in a romantic setting. But Big
was still, looking at the view up to the skyscraper, without
approaching or invading the soft body that was next to him,
as always.

"Lately, you rarely reply to my messages. Do you already

have a girlfriend?"

The person being asked doesn't know how to answer. So, he

took a glass of liquor and drank it down, then hurriedly
leaned over, inhaling the scent of the girl's neck.

"You're thinking of Da-Chan."

But Big refused. "Don't pretend to change the subject...."

"I'm not thinking about Phi Da, I don't want to be tied to


"If it was me, would you want to go out with me?"

"Big's eyes looked around the body of the girl next to him,
but her eyes didn't even blink. This happened now, even
though he had always tried to attack her before. But she
refused every time."

If it had been a few weeks ago, Big might have responded

immediately, but now he was so hesitant that he was

The girl lifted her hand and brought it up to her face to tuck
her hair behind her ear. Her expression indicated that she
was clearly losing, thus, she was beginning to freak out.

"So where do we go now?" He asked the young woman


"I have to go home to my father." Replied Big.

"I just reminded myself that tomorrow I have to go to the

bar early in the morning to organize an event."

The girl kept a cold smile as she picked up a luxurious

leather bag and carried it over her shoulder.

"Phi, then, go home and don't call me out again. I don't

have much free time myself."

Stunned, Big looked at the person in front of him and

nodded. The beautiful girl walked away. Big kept pouring
alcohol into his glass to continue drinking.

Dragon disappeared from Big's life for almost a week, the

playboy Big's life should return to its old colors. 'But why do
I feel that I am not the same ?'

Big these days, he has been partying almost every day,

inviting many girls to drink and in bed with him. He even
had a group swing two days ago. But it wasn't as nice as
before. But today, he had decided to call and invite Phi Da
over for dinner and was thinking of taking her to bed as

Big just got bored, but he didn't want to think it was

because of the dragon.

Big couldn't stop himself, that guy had made his whole body
go crazy, he was rubbing his face, he didn't know what to do
with the things he was thinking about right now, he also
didn't know how to react to what was happening to him
right now.

'I don't like Dragon!'

Big thinks that he hasn't reached that point. But if he was

asked if he still hated him now, he would hardly be able to

Big after paying the drink bill, plans to go home. But when
he passed a blind corner near the men's room, he saw a tall
figure of a man crushing his lips on a woman in a very tight

That silhouette of the man, he had a tattoo of a large black

dragon on his right arm, therefore, he could recognize it
immediately. Big, seeing Dragon there, could only squeeze
his fists tightly, while the other two people continued to hug
and kiss passionately.

Big thought that it shouldn't bother him what Dragon was

doing, since it wasn't part of his life. Still, he chose to
approach and secretly stand by the column that was close
to the couple.

"You're so intense today. Can't you take P'Ink to the

bedroom first?" The woman in the tight dress said, as a
large hot hand roughly pressed along her soft hips.

Dragon didn't reply, just gave a low growl in his throat in

frustration, before hugging the other person, preparing to
board the elevator.

The top floor has a five-star hotel. Dragon has had nothing
to do with anyone for days. But right now, only Phi Ink would
allow him to fully release his emotions. She likes violence,
she likes barbarism, others tend not to tolerate it for long,
but she likes it.
(Barbarism: Attitudes of the person or group that acts
outside the norms of culture, especially of an ethical nature,
are savage, cruel or lack compassion towards the life or
dignity of the other person. Sexual violation.)

Big saw that they were about to leave, but his feet were
heavy, motionless. Instead of moving to find a place to hide,
he stood still.

Dragon's deep eyes stared at him, then he put his hands on

the shoulders of a beautiful girl to walk past him, just not
paying attention to each other. It was irritating enough to
look at, Dragon continued hitting the girl's hip, until she
staggered. While Big's fist was clenched and he slid into the
big man's face with all his might.


The girl was shocked when the person next to her was
assaulted like that. On his dark lips, red blood began to
ooze. Dragon showed no attitude towards the attacker.
Whereas Big was in a very angry mood.

"I hate you, let's fight for it."

Big just wants to fight Dragon and hit him hard. Just like in
his first year, like when they hit each other every day, that
he even went to the hospital to get well.

Big's face was bruised and swollen for months. Big didn't
want his feelings for Dragon to change. He wanted to hate
the other person as much or more than before. Dragon
pulled Big's white hand from his neck. Big at first thought
that the person in front of him was going to punch him
tonight. But it wasn't like that, he was just taken violently to
the men's room.

"Right here." Said Big, who after being violently pushed and
thrown, his face fell on the black and gold tile floor.

Dragon turned to say goodbye to Phi Ink carelessly, closing

the door to the men's room. Blocking the door of the other
person, so that they couldn't enter to use it.

Big stood up and raised his fist in a stance to punch him, but
Dragon relied on his own rhythm to pull Big over the toilet.

"Hey wait."

Big said he thought he might be killed by the other party.

But when he saw Dragon unbutton his pants, he realized
that what was happening was much more terrifying.

"What are you going to do?" He asked as he sat on the


"I'll do what you want." Dragon said, pulling his big hot and
already hardening member out of his dark jeans. He then
pointed in front of the person below.

"Suck me now."

"You have no right to come... Oh... Hak."

Dragon grabbed his own member and stuffed it into Big's

mouth, as soon as he took a big hit, he intended to bite him.
But Dragon suddenly grabbed a strand of his dark hair
forcibly from him, while his waist violently slammed into
Big's throat.


Big was yelling loudly, his head bobbing in and out

according to the bioslow movements of the person above.
His eyes could see the tight abdomen of the other person.
Big's nose sniffed Dragon's body until his brain seemed to
be invaded by his mouth. The giant member caused him
pain and suffering throughout his jaw. A clear saliva slipped
down his throat. Dragon saw tears falling down the other
person's face and let go of his hand, also stopping pushing
because he was afraid he would suffocate and he might die

"Ugh, ugh."

Big raised his hand to cover his mouth, then, trying to

clench his jaw as if he wouldn't stop, raised his hand and
slapped Dragon's stomach furiously. But he caught him and
held him from behind.

Dragon turned Big so that he was standing astride the toilet,

his face to the wall before pulling his pants and boxers
down, wrapping them between his thighs.

Big was startled when the head of Dragon's giant member

poked into the entrance of his orifice. The big member's
head was pushed into his orifice. A little water and saliva
helped to wet that part.

"I told you to fight. But not like this." Big yelled as the
person behind him pressed hard.
The two Big legs were forced to spread wide. Dragon sticks
out his tongue and licks the taste of blood from the corner
of his mouth. Before lowering his head and biting into Big's
shoulder as if to recover.

"You made Phi Ink go home, it's your responsibility." Dragon


Dragon counted breathing close to Big's flushed ear, while

he squeezed Big's buttocks hard. Big turned to look at the
sharp face of the other person, while he kept his teeth
gritted. He did nothing to the woman and she had to go
home. 'Wasn't it Dragon who drove her away alone?'

"I'm not involved in that business." Big said.

"Ah." Before being inserted into his body by Dragon's long

fingers. Since, he had previously not been able to enter with
his big member.

"Be softer." Said Big, as Dragon added another finger.

"Did you use my toys?"

Big thought that Dragon wouldn't ask about the package, he
thought that he had forgotten and ignored it, he was about
to reply that he used a white toy. But Dragon stepped
forward to speak.

"Or you go to sleep with your legs open so that other people
can do what they want. Wherever they want or however
they want."

Big clenched his fists, inadvertently thinking that this man

would care about his feelings between the two of them. But
they were just people who hated each other, Dragon had
never been kind, even when he was inserted inside him.
'But why did he have a tingling pain in his chest?'

As Dragon removed his fingers from the orifice, the sweet

fold parted slightly, along with great moisture beginning to
flow. Knowing what Dragon planned to do from now on, he
tried to run away. But it was too late when his hip was
already seized by a strong hand.

"You haven't answered yet, what did you take?"

Big could only look at the person who asked the question
and answered confidently, but with a heavy heart.
"A lot of people, a lot of people, I don't remember how
many... Ugh!"

At the end of those words, Dragon immediately pushed his

boiling giant member into Big's body. Big was violently
invaded from the waist, he was furiously frightened and
stuck out his tongue from his mouth in great pain. But 'The
person behind me doesn't care about my pain!'


Big could only feel a strong pelvis hitting his butt until he
was completely red. He raised both hands, holding on to the
bathroom wall to prevent the entire body from tragically

"Wait. Softer." He said in a shaky voice.

But Dragon sped up and grabbed one of Big's legs and lifted
it up onto the dresser to one side, then moved his hips,
slightly pulled out his hot member, until only his head was
inside, and then slid his body down and up again. Softer.
Then he began with circular movements attacking Big's
orifice and sensitive spots. Dragon soaked in something
warm as he twirled around his waist.
"Why are you lying to me? Big."

"Oh! What a lie, what a lie."

"You lie about sleeping with other people, look, your style is
still as bad as ever."

Big bit his lip when he heard it. But when his nipples were
squeezed, he had to moan with a tingling sensation. His
body would collapse at any moment.

Dragon catches him so he leans against the toilet.The hand

that had been released reached out and grabbed the middle
of Big's white body. Until the member of Big, his light pink
head filled with liquid.

"Not the two of them… Ugh… Hmm… just with… Dragon."

Big's back was hit uncontrollably. He really can't help

himself, as Big stares up at the ceiling, his mouth filled with
saliva until he can barely breathe.
"Okay, so has anyone played with this hole?"

A thick hand caressed Big's red, swollen mouth. Panic built

in Big's heart, so he agreed to tell the truth.

"No... ah, just use your toys."

Damp and sweaty, Dragon spreading a smile, flashing his

sharp fangs before biting the back of his neck, is it really
just me?"

Dragon displayed a smile showing his sharp fangs. Before

collapsing on Big's sweaty white nape.

"Which one, the black?"

"Only the white one."

Dragon said and shook his head from side to side.

Big couldn't understand why the person behind him was

asking that. It's embarrassing, just confessing that he uses a
toy to stimulate himself. He pursed his lips, refusing to

Dragon gripped the person below him tightly in his hands.

Starting to move his waist faster and faster. The sensitive
spot inside Big's body was crushed over and over again.
Dragon with his hand held Big's member pressing him hard,
so that he couldn't finish.

"Dragon... ah, ah, ah, let go of your hand, I'll finish."

"I won't finish until you answer first."

Dragon saw his opponent's torment as amusing. His waist

still trembled until his great white skin had turned luscious
red from the heavy thrusts. His thin lips began to flicker
along the soft frame of his face. Big was surprised along
with a strange feeling of warmth in his chest. He felt that he
would go crazy if he didn't do something fast.

Right now, he wanted nothing more than to be released and


"I can't anymore, ah, ah, ah..."

Big accidentally spread both of his legs like a flutter. Big has
never been the target of such violent actions before. He
couldn't resist Dragon anymore. He felt that he would drown
if he didn't break free soon. His climax had come a long
time ago, but there was no chance of him ejaculating.

Big couldn't take it anymore, while the person in the back

smiled happily. Before letting go of his hand contracting and
hitting his waist in a heavy way, Big released his retarded
water, wetting all of Dragon's fingertips.

Dragon continued to pummel the person below him until

nothing more came out of Big's member.

He then grabbed Big's face and kissed him passionately on

the mouth, invading deep into his cavities.

Of course, he wasn't done yet. Therefore, Big must

withstand the intense insertion for several more tens of
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 8: "Can I get pregnant?"

Hmmm! Hmmm! Ohmm!

Dragon took a deep breath before pressing down on the

belly of the person below him, then released his hot liquid
into Big's small channel until it overflowed and everything
spilled out.

After Big had previously finished, just 45 minutes later

Dragon was able to complete it. While Big was able to finish
all five rounds. Dragon only finished two two of them.
'Dragon is like a demon or something.' Big was thinking
about his heart.
After fully cumming Dragon wanted to make a move to
move his waist again, Big turned around to push the sturdy
member out of his orifice.

"No more...." Big said, then took a handkerchief wiping his

deep orifice from which Dragon's hot liquid was dripping.

Big was going to put on his pants to get dressed, but was
drawn closer by Dragon, their faces were only a little further
apart, he could clearly see the brown eyes of the other
person, feeling the heat of Dragon's breath, which, he
leaned down, kissing him on his luscious red lips.


The tip of the soft tongue pressed into the cavity of Big's hot
mouth. A large palm caressed his back until a great
universal flash reached through Big's entire body. He was
fascinated, so delighted that he tangled his tongue for
several minutes to tangle with Dragon for as long as
possible. But when the big hand wanted to play pranks and
caress Big's member. Big came to his senses and pushed
himself out of Dragon's arms.

He raised the back of his hand to wipe the saliva that

trickled from the corner of his mouth. And he got dressed by
putting on his pants. He wiped his mouth completely,
although he didn't know if the saliva was his own or that of
the person in front of him.

"No. Do you think kissing a man is disgusting?" Big asked


"That's pretty disgusting…" Dragon replied with an

indifferent face, playing so hard that he couldn't help
himself, biting into Big's neck.

"Hey, don't bite me. Come on!"

There was a hustle and bustle outside the men's room,

where there was a sign on the floor that read. "Cleaning in
progress." Before a waiter and store manager come inside.
Big straightened his clothes, wiped his mouth and ran out of
the bathroom. His eyes were indifferent to the person next
to him. So he hurried to prevent the two young people from
being found in the same place. He ran out of the bathroom,
leaving Dragon to take care of the rest.

Big's bloodstained white hands were shaking on the wheel,

it was because Big was forcing himself not to cry. But he
couldn't, then suddenly copious clear tears streamed down
his smooth, bruised cheek.
Big couldn't understand why he had so much pain in his
chest. 'Is it because I was trampled by Dragon or because I
keep being humiliated and insulted by him.'

"Why are you crying? Stop crying?"

Big said to himself, raising his hands to wipe the tears from
his face. Dragon's blood that was dried on his hands had
been smeared on his face.

But at least today's fight made him realize that his

relationship with Dragon is still the same.

He means, they hate each other.

Even though he had been attacked by Dragon, he himself

had bruised the other person's face, hitting him hard until
he bled.

"That is good." Big said, as he turned the wheel, to park the

car in the garage of his house.

When the car was parked in the garage, he lay on the

steering wheel, as if he didn't have the strength to open the
car door.

He just stayed there for a while at night. His chest was tight
and he hurt too much. He again had been vilely humiliated
by Dragon. Because ? Why does everything have to end the

"Damn Dragon!"


Big spent the rest of his time, a month before the start of
the semester, taking care of the renovation of the pub and
helping his father and sister with other tasks of the

In addition, he volunteered to drive from north to south,

taking his father to manage land for him to buy and build
new entertainment venues in each province. After that
change in Big's behavior, his father and sister were
delighted, since finally the villain of the house began to take
the job seriously.

Although the truth is that Big just wants to find something

difficult to do to forget what happened, thus forgetting
about the history between him and Dragon, until the
semester starts to go back to studying. But if they meet
again, they won't have to feel anything for each other.

But, even though he thinks that way. Big has secretly

entered Dragon's Instagram, to see his posts. So there he
found out that he is happy resting in Switzerland. Big
checked the posts where Dragon was snowboarding in

'Hmmm Fall Downhill!' Big thought, while he continued

checking on the computer.

Big was studying management and was good at arithmetic

and accounting because his sister taught him everything
from high school. So that when he grew up he could take his
father's place. So that day he was stuck with numbers for
hours, trying to solve the problems of the reports that his
sister had left for him. Until suddenly, his phone rang.



Big was surprised because the one calling him was a famous
celebrity level girl. Besides Phi Da, she is one of the most
flashy and beautiful girls, because she is a very difficult
person to flirt with. They were all waiting in line to win her
heart, Big was one of them. She was a college girl in his last
year. She is from the same Dragon group, 4th year of the
Faculty of Architecture.

She is the object of the prank she played on Dragon. Even

though she went all wrong. Big doesn't blame her. Because
it is he who made the mistake.

[Are you busy?]

[No, not at all.] Big replied.

[Jet and I are having a party at the Penthouse today. You can
come and enjoy it. Before classes start next week. Come
and join us.]

Usually when Big gets invited to a big party, he'll say yes
without thinking. But this time he told her no first because
he didn't know how much work he had left. Phi Da
understood and hung up easily. Similarly, Big tried to play
strong, because he liked her a lot, but deep down he knew
that there was no easy way to get to the heart of a person
like Phi Da. Even for the final year students of the Faculty of
Engineering who constantly tried it, it did not work. Even
once Inter named Tyler, a man known to be at the top of the
Pyramid, one of the members of the Great Four Gods, still
he hadn't worked out with her.

But still, it's good that she still offers him a good friendship,
not to know if Dragon will be in her friend zone or not.


"Why do you think that? Idiot!"

Big says to himself and shakes his head. Even though he's
been busy for weeks, he still can't forget that luscious face?

His long hand grabs the mouse and prepares to continue his
work. But after half an hour, he got up and ran to take the
wheel and drove straight to the Phi Da party venue.

Entering the penthouse, he met a famous boy in various

social circles. He felt that most of the guests at the event
were actually a large group of people who didn't know much
about anyone.

He walked over to the teppanyaki stove to find something to

eat, when he noticed a female figure at the other end, he
was wearing a tight short skirt. Showing off her long slender
legs, he hurriedly walked over to greet.

"Big. I didn't think you'd come here."

"Well, if a beautiful girl like Phi Da invites me, how can I

refuse?" Da smiles with a slight shake of her head.

He didn't feel anything before provocation, he only let

himself be loved playing flirt. Big understood his behavior
very well. But the truth was, that Big had come to the event
because he wanted to solve his doubts, so he went ahead
and asked.

"What about your date?"

"Of whom you speak?"

"That guy, with the big Dragon tattoo on his arm. I saw you
having dinner at the Imperial building a while back."

Da listened to him and laughed a little.

"Dragon? He's a younger brother. We just share the same

Big had a giddy expression in his heart, before Da raised her

hand to beckon someone with a smile on her face in a way
he had never seen before.

Big turned around and saw his own superior, Phi Fei, a quiet
man, who has a good face, long hair, is of a suitable height
and is quite calm, introverted and somewhat naive. Even
Big can't figure out what he's doing at Da's party. But when
he realized that his girl was hurrying towards him, he was
able to understand. Phi Da, he had finally won her heart, or
at least she had already given it up.

"Frustrated. Damn Bastard!"

One of the guests was talking, but Big didn't know him.
Probably, he was from the circle of older groups.

"Not so much." Replied Big, thinking to walk away, because

it seemed that this person was drunk, but he was reached
by his arm first.

"No one believed me." He said in a sad tone and led him to
sit on the chair in the hall. Big couldn't find a way around
him and is forced to follow him and sit next to him.

"They think my medicine is useless. But I tried it and it


"What Phi, drug?" Big's interest kicked in, so the man looked
left and right before moving over and whispering in his ear.

"A pill that can make a man pregnant?!"

"Wait to?"

Big nearly fell off his chair before the man put a glass bottle
filled with blue liquid into Big's hand. But Big wasn't sure if
this person was normal or not.

"Do you have a husband?" The person in front of Big asked.

At that big question, his cheeks suddenly turned red, saying
that he was angry, but actually he felt embarrassed.

"I just flirted with Phi Da."

"Ah, forget it." Said the man and laughed.

'Dammit! Who's this guy who sits around bragging about

this kind of thing, with the guys around here.'

"Phi Nine, hello." Big raised his hand to pay homage to a


At this time, the man nodded and smiled at this person.

Although he wasn't 30 years old, he was the owner of many
entertainment businesses. He was known as one of the big
investors in the Baan Yai area. Nine has a unique
management vision, the entertainment venues owned by
him are among the best places to make big profits. Nine
apart from being handsome, rich and talented, he is also the
heir to a long-time businessman's family, so everyone
respects him as a senior with a lot of experience.

At Da's party, Nine, Fei are the most popular along with

“Mr. Big, how is he?” Nine asked about Big's father.

"Yeah, he's still as good at complaining as ever." Big replied,

Nine nodded. His arm wrapped around his friend's shoulder
and he continued to walk the other way.
"I'm not bragging, I just told my Nong that what I... can do
will change the world!"

The gifted scientist raised both hands in a gesture. But he

was captured by a friend.

"Well, but you're drunk, you can come back. I'll send you
right away."

"I'm not going back. I'll go to the guild. I'll go confirm


"But you said in your experiment that the mouse got away,

"That's why I'm looking for him. You help me find him with
Nine. He's already given birth to dozens of babies, huh?"


Big watched the two people walk away, alternately glancing

at the bottle of pills the drunk had left in his hands. Big
walked over to the garbage and thought about throwing it
out. But, without knowing why he only kept it, he kept the
pocket of it. He then went to say goodbye to Phi Da who was
having a serious conversation with Phi Fei.

She acted like she wanted him to stay. But when Phi Fei
walked away she agreed to let Big walk out of the event.

Although he doubted it, Big doesn't want to interfere in

anyone else's business again. Just knowing that Dragon
wasn't holding Da that night lovingly. It was enough.

Because of that stupid mistake, now his life had changed

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 9: "Heavenly Egg"

Big has been in much better spirits.

Big wasn't too busy with work anymore and spent the last
week pacing back and forth like he used to. He enjoyed
concerts, went out with beautiful girls. He was enjoying life,
like he always had.

"Big, he's really good at this."

Cherry, a girl with short hair, with a butterfly tattoo on her

back. She moved to whisper close to Big's ear as she
dressed and prepared to go home. Her large breasts rubbed
Big's arms from side to side, as if begging to stay. Big saw
her asking for that and I didn't want to embarrass her. He
grabbed the girl's waist and laid her down on the bed and
caressed his hands all over her body. The tip of his nose
pointed toward the white nape of her neck. But the girl's
hands suddenly tightened on Big's large thighs.

Big flinched because he made him think of someone else's

thick hand touching him like that, even if the strength of
Cherry's grip wasn't as strong as the touch that lingered on
his heart.

"Cherry, let's hurry up, college starts early tomorrow

morning." Said young Big, pulling away from her soft body,
before picking up his jacket and getting fully dressed. The
girl made a sulky face. Big didn't care and he just hurried
out of the condo.

Late at night, unable to sleep, he tossed and turned in bed

several times.

Big continued to turn from side to side in bed, due to the

tingling sensation in his stomach and the itchy feeling of
wanting something in his orifice below. Apart from using it
for day to day, Big hadn't interfered in that part again after
that disastrous night. His white hand resting on his pillow
slowly slid inside his pants. He only touched his member. Big
trembled all over his body, so he sat on his bed. He clapped
his hands twice to turn on the light in the room, then went
to pick up the box with the toys he had put away.
"Um…" Big moaned in his throat as he sat and stared at a
joystick that he considered his favorite toy for a long time.

"Not this better."

Big, he didn't want to get his butt used to big things, so he

started rummaging through all the unopened toys inside the
box, leaving his eyes in a box.

"Wireless Heaven Eggs."

Big , read the name and then unpacked the box to look
inside , just to see what this toy looks like .

Inside the box, there was a medium-long egg. The

characteristics of this toy were: the length was about half a
spherical palm, thin with dark purple skin, made of fine
materials, very soft to the touch, not plastic. He has a
purple remote control, Big had never seen this type of toy,
so he caught his attention. He read the manual, had
different vibration levels and learned how to use it. Besides,
he realized that this vibrating egg was more interesting than
it seemed. However, it doesn't seem very dangerous for the
small orifice of it.

Big turned on the egg's vibration level, a good one to start

with. He spread his legs, hips swayed, his free hand slipped
under him into his orifice, his middle finger stepped in and
entered his soft walls, when he felt ready he inserted the
purple egg on the little carcass of him.


The sound of the heavenly egg echoing over the wet and
slippery hollow of him resounded loudly. Big was lying with
his mouth open, both of his hands massaging his fully
hardened member, hot liquid beginning to ooze from the
rounded pink head of his member. Big, thought that only
this could be done, but he hasn't reached the peak yet. His
roast is soft and irritated. Big grabbed his hand to find his
favorite dildo. He uses the gel to moisten the entire body of
the dildo, before going to bed he lifts his buttocks up and
inserts it into his tight already occupied channel. Suddenly

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch."

"Ummm, ummm…"
Big's black eyes widened. A pressure almost the size of
Dragon dug into his body. He pushed the vibrating egg back
into the depths until it was close to his sensitive spot. Big
trembled all over his body. His upper chest was tight, his
nipples completely hard and firm. His member had swollen,
he was erect in all its fullness that came to hurt. Suddenly, a
jet of water rose from the top of the center of his member's
head. The hot liquid spread all over his flat, muscled
abdomen. It's unfortunate, but finally Big continues to think
about Dragon. He cursed himself, but then fell asleep.

The dildo slowly slides out of his channel and falls to the
side of the bed. But the deep purple egg was still buried
deep inside of him, not wanting to come out.


The first day of school begins, it must be a magnificent day

for Big, he will be able to shine again in the majestic world
among all in the university. Big thinks back to life where he
has always been someone's target. Everyone's eyes are
only on him. He thinks about having chats with new juniors
and flirting all the time. But that all comes crashing down
when he can't get the egg out of the inside of him.

In the morning, he tries to take the egg out for several

minutes, but fails. He then inserts a finger to move the tiny
strings that dangle from the egg. But these were broken
before his eyes.
Big can't take a day off because today, he has an
appointment to be photographed for each faculty month,
since, in each year, he makes posters to welcome new
students. Big doesn't want to be stupid, so he doesn't want
to miss out on important tasks.

"Nong looks tired today."

The students from the journalism faculty, who were in

charge of the event, greeted Big, who was half sitting on a
chair and somewhat uncomfortable.

"I feel a little sick. But it'll be gone soon, Phi," Big replied,
flashing a sweet smile.

The seniors nodded, so they went back to dealing with the

other boys.

Although the egg stuck inside him didn't work, having it

stuck close to his stomach made him very uncomfortable.
So if he still didn't come out today, he would have to rely on
a strong laxative. Big had to keep the discomfort and the
teeth clenched for more than three hours, until the filming
of the event finished. He then changed out of his college
uniform and walked to the parking lot behind the Journalism
College studio.

As Big walked to his car, he noticed a stocky shadow of a

man smoking, sitting cross-legged on a black Harley. His
student shirt was unbuttoned to numerous buttons revealing
a large, robust chest and a silver chain, his sleeves were
also rolled up almost to his shoulder, showing off the
formidable tattoo of a gleaming black dragon that wrapped
around his strong arm.

Big pretended not to notice and continued walking normally,

but Dragon looked at him with sharp eyes, spitting out a
long sample of smoke from his mouth.

'Well… it's just this… nothing more...'

Big thought and lifted the corner of his mouth. Then, he

quickly turned around and opened the door to his car,
immediately entering him. However, a beautiful girl ran
after him, to hand something into her hands. So Big had to
go to where the beautiful girl came from and meet her.

"I found it in the locker room. I saw that it fell while Nong
was getting dressed."
Big looked at the item that had been delivered into his
hands and realized that it was the remote control for the
purple egg that was still inside of him. The important thing
was that no one knew what that item was, which controlled
the Heavenly Egg, still submerged in its depths.

Big had brought him along, in case he had a chance to go to

the bathroom. So, apart from pushing, he would make it
vibrate so that it would come out more easily. But he didn't
have time to go to the bathroom the whole time he was
there. Surely, while opening and closing his bag, it
accidentally fell out of him. Fortunately, the person seemed
to be unable to figure out which remote control he was.

"Thank you, Phi… for delivering it." He grabbed the remote

and put it in his pocket. Before hurriedly walking away,
refusing to look at the person who was smoking very close
to him.

Suddenly, Dragon had just squashed his butt and moved

leaning beyond the motorcycle.

He handed the keys to the Harley to his older sister.

"What's wrong, Nong Dragon?"

He looked at the younger boy with sparkling eyes. The
young people of the Faculty of Architecture are the hottest,
both Phi Kong and Burapha.

"Where will Nong Dragon go?"

"Phi. Please tell Ai Bey that you can go home to her. I have
some business to attend to."

"Oh. It's okay." The girl answered, looking at Dragon's broad

back, who was disappearing around the corner of the
building in the same way as Big.

Today, Dragon came to wait in front of the study of the

Faculty of Journalism, until the end of the photo session.
Because his best friend Bey would drive him home to see
his newly delivered sports car kit. But he never thought that
he would suddenly be seduced by a person again, therefore,
he felt upset. Since he only made Big look away, he was
tempted by him.

'I want to break that beautiful white ass with my huge fangs

Big doesn't realize that danger is coming. As soon as he got

to his car, he was pushed by someone bigger than him until
his back hit the door hard. Strong arms encircle him, sharp
eyes looking deep into him, piercing the inside of his body.

"What the hell are you doing, Dragon?" Big tried to push
himself away from Dragon's chest. But he couldn't resist.

"You're different. Why are you flirting with me? I'm so


Big's cheeks go numb when he hears Dragon's phrase.

"I'm flirting with you? Isn't that right? I'm not flirting."

"Then why did you bring a remote control vibrating egg up

to my face?"

"Well last night..." Big was about to tell the truth. But as
soon as he caught it, he turned to lie and said.

"It's a pen, so what the hell do you think?"

Hearing this, Dragon laughed in his throat and said in a low
creepy voice.

"I am the one who chose each of the gifts with my own
hands. The type of model, color, size, everything I bought,
why can't I remember what I bought you? Hmm... You are

After hearing that, the young playboy is stunned. Then

Dragon took the opportunity, reached into the large bag and
easily pulled out the purple remote control. On the remote,
there is no button to indicate that it is an adult toy. But if the
head is pressed, there will be a light on the bar indicating
the strength of the vibrating egg, which can be selected in
many levels. It is a very high-tech touch system.

Big quickly raised his hand when he saw what Dragon was
going to do with that remote.



Dragon raised his eyebrows before swiping his thumb over

the remote's panel.

Big groaned and got goosebumps all over as the heavenly

egg, which had been submerged inside him for hours, began
to run inside him. Dragon looked puzzled at the person in
front of him, this guy's face suddenly turned red, what about

"Turn off that cos...." Big tried to say, but the other person
couldn't understand, so Dragon tried to increase his
strength to almost the maximum, the result was...

“Ahhh, ah-ah-ah-ah, that… is… ahhhhh.”

Big collapsed, crouching on the ground. Both hands gripped

the legs of his pants tightly. His black eyes were full of
liquid, until the person who was looking at him noticed that
something protruded from the crotch under the black pants.
It was something hard that swelled more and more.

"You put a vibrating egg up your butt and brought it to

college all this time?"
Dragon's simple question made him feel so embarrassed
that he didn't know where to look.

'No no no …'

"You are much more lewd than I thought."

Getting caught by his opponent for vibrating an egg up his

butt was embarrassing. But being accused in such a harsh
way by Dragon made Big's heart tighten even more. Big's
heart was squeezed and trampled over and over again by
Dragon. Therefore, he had to find a way to restore his
dignity. Well that was something he had to figure out at
some point because now...

"I'm coming... I'm coming... hmmmm... ahhhh... I'm going to


Big, on the ground, had to hold on to Dragon's legs, but

suddenly feeling the scent of Dragon's body, which entered
his nostrils with force, made him forget how embarrassing
the situation was.

Dragon let Big do his thing, gradually lowering and knowing

the level of the vibration of the egg, until…
"Uh… uhmmmm."

Big begins to feel great spasms throughout his body. Both of

his legs open wide, trembling. From his crotch, through his
pants, large wet stains came out.


That word caused Big, who was trembling with joy, to panic,
his face flushed red, he was buried hard in the thighs of the
person standing. Both hands hugged the great man's legs
like a baby. Fortunately, his position was blocked by Dragon.
For, beyond was a man sitting astride black Harley, but he
could only see the top half of Dragon.

"Where are you going, aren't you going to come back and
look at my new car?" He asked his friend.

"I have something to do. So go first." Replied Dragon, then

he said goodbye, Bey nodded, started the black motorcycle
and left the place.

"Ready, can you get up?" Dragon said, leaning over the
person sitting below.
Big raised his head and stared with his black eyes covered
with liquid. Both legs were still shaking like before. Because
Dragon forgot to turn off the power regulator on the
vibrating egg. So he made him unable to control himself.

Seeing the white and ruddy face, feeling the moisture

seeping out of the fabric of Big's pants. Dragon hurriedly
turned off the vibrator and walked over to ask Big for his car
keys. Big agreed to hand them over, trying to get up and
slowly reaching the doors of his car. But first, Dragon took a
blanket and covered the lower half of Big's body.

"No. It's a Dior blanket." Said Big.

“Then sit back and let the whole seat get dirty….”

“Oh, what a mess.” He didn't want Dragon to talk about his

own embarrassing things.

Everything happened very fast. Before he knew it, he was

sitting in the seat of his car, letting Dragon drive the wheel.

"Where are you taking me?" Asked Big.

"Let's go to my condo. Of course." Dragon answered.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 10: "Egg Collection Wizard"

"Let's go to my condo. Right now."

Big was stunned after hearing that answer. Will he be able

to go to Dragon's condo? Dragon has never taken anyone to
his apartment.

“In the meantime, clean up.” Dragon then pulled out a large
box of tissues and tossed it over to Big, as if he owned the
car. Big could only curse inside him, but he chose to remain

"That egg should be taken out, even if you like to play a lot.
But leaving it in there for a long time... It's not good."
The driver turns his handsome face in Big's direction, as he
spreads a beautiful smile nervously.

"Don't take me to your house. Besides, I can't get it out."

Dragon heard that and laughed, "And what are you going to
do to take it off?"

His cheeks didn't flush again, avoiding Dragon's sharp gaze.

But lying would be no use. He has no choice but to tell the

"Well last night I was alone..."

"Alone or hot?" Asked the driver, Big used the palm of his
hand and hit his left arm, to reduce his frustration and

"Bastard! I finished and fell asleep. You bought me

something shoddy. That's it!"

"Is it really that deep?"

"Maybe I also used the dildo!" The white hand hurriedly
covered his mouth, of course it was too late and his mouth
betrayed him again. Dragon's eyes widened, he gave him a
sly smile and said.

"Then, this time... I have to help you."

"There's no need." Big shook his head in denial.

"You blame me for buying bad things. For that I will take

“I don't need you to… me…” Big can't say, he's so

embarrassed he doesn't know where to turn his face.

"Then I'll take you to the hospital. Let the doctor help you."

"No no no ... "

Big was startled. The image of the beautiful doctor and

nurse appearing in front of him. They seem to still not leave
his mind. Of course, it was something he would never want
to experience again.


Dragon laughed again. Big was very angry that he had to

continually be at a disadvantage with this person. Big was
furious and turned the corner of his mouth up in anger.
Dragon, observing him in that state, couldn't help but play
with his finger on the tip of the remote control, which he still
carried in his hand.


But at least Big could now bite the other person, before

Dragon's condo, is a high level luxury condominium project,

where the wealthiest people in the country managed to pay
there. It was located in the heart of the capital.

The room has a ceiling height of almost five meters. The

interior was arranged like an architect's room. It was full of
perfectly lined up plans and models. It was certainly a nice
Dragon pulled the wet blanket from Big's waist. Then he
throws it to the laundry room where the maid will come pick
it up to clean it and return it. Big brought his hands to his
crotch, where his pants were completely wet, unable to act

"Take off your clothes and then go to the bathroom to clean

yourself up."

Big did as Dragon told him, stripping off piece by piece until

he was completely naked. He then handed the clothes over
to Dragon to put the clothes in the laundry. He then walked
to the bathroom, holding his member so it wouldn't be seen
by the other person.

"Wash yourself first." Dragon opened a large shower stall to

clean himself off. Even if he is embarrassed, but he had
already come this far, he couldn't help but put aside even
the embarrassment of him. Big turned on the shower to
wash his body, while Dragon sat in the open water putting
in a large bathtub. The sharp eyes turned to look at the
white figure who rubbed the soap along the flesh without
hiding it.

"Wash yourself first." Dragon opened a large shower stall to

clean himself despite being embarrassed. But having come
this far, he must have left with great embarrassment. He
turns on the shower to wash his body, stands under the
running water, and begins to rub the soap over his smooth
skin. As the water trickled down his smooth skin and joined
the soap suds, his body shimmered deliciously.

Meanwhile, Dragon was still there to regulate the water in

the big bathtub. Suddenly, his eyes are hypnotized, seeing
how the water fell on the other person's body. He was truly
mesmerized, biting his lips as he ran the entire length of the
leather under the water without even hiding.

"What are you looking at? Dragon." Shouted Big, because

his eyes licked all over his body until he was helpless.

"I looked at your butt, I looked at your breasts, I looked at

your cock and I looked at your milk falling through the

Dragon responds with a seductive grin, as he raises his

eyebrows. So he turned the water on full power, he pulled
out the shower head and sprayed water on the beautiful
face looking up at him. Dragon, not yet on his feet, fell back
into the tub. His body was all wet. Big laughed out loud, he
was satisfied with Dragon's situation. Adrenaline flowed
through his entire body. But when Big hurried to his feet and
looked at his situation, he realized that this satisfaction was
only a fleeting moment.
Dragon stripped off his clothes and headed towards the
corner of the bathroom. Big could see Dragon's long
member dangling between his legs. His face reddened as
heat approached to radiate throughout his body. His
stomach contracted and his orifice in his back began to itch.
Still he tried to keep his composure. Until Dragon got into
the same shower stall.

"This is too tight." Big yelled as his naked body rubbed

against someone else's tanned skin. Dragon didn't care
about him, he just stood there under the falling water.

Dragon picked up the shampoo and began to wash his body.

As Big, he retreated into a corner, but it was like stopping at
a place from which he could no longer escape. Dragon
raised his tattooed right arm and pushed his dark hair back
as he ran the water down his face. Big was breathless when
he saw that attractive gesture.

As he watched Dragon, his evil finger slammed into the top

of his rear carcass control. He accidentally moaned and both
of his long legs trembled.

"Dragon…" Big called out to the other person in a whiny

voice. Dragon held in his white hand and held the other
person's member in front of him. The suffocating heat of his
palm made Big's consciousness fade from time to time.
'Where is the fresh scent of the soap we both share?'BIG!!!
Reaction to !!!
"Give it to me." Dragon whispered close to his flushed ear.
Dragon's big mouth moved only breathing and without
touching Big's ear and neck, until from one moment to
another the tip of his soft tongue licked his ear. Big's hands
immediately grabbed the hot member. Dragon didn't let this
moment pass easily. He pushed Big's body closer to the
wall, before lifting him up. Both of Big's legs were now
around Dragon's waist. A prominent nose and dark lips
trailed down his sweet neck. He presses a kiss and absorbs
all the drops of water until his skin turns red.


Big groaned, unable to protest anything, a hot finger

penetrated his body. Dragon's finger was much larger than
his finger, so the sensation received was greater than when
he used his own fingers.

"Yeah, don't." Big took his hand away from his stiff body and
pushed against his strong, muscular chest. Dragon
immediately crushed a kiss on those red lips that were
trying to escape. A tanned tongue penetrates into Big's
mouth, a tongue so intense and with such force that the
owner of the mouth could no longer fight back.

Both fingers bumped into a round toy on the belly between
Big's two long legs, making Big shiver. Then he settled his
legs around Dragon's waist, hugging him tightly so as not to
fall. Dragon didn't hold him, but instead pressed hard on
Big's sensitive orifice, reaching to the point of tenderness.

Big accidentally put his arm around the other person's neck.
Then Dragon released himself from his tight thigh, grabbing
both hot members together and rubbing against each other.
The heads of both members, one pink and one red, brushed
against each other from side to side. Big's tingling was
already unbearable. The hot water from the shower made
him even more miserable, since he couldn't stand the heat
that welled up inside him anymore. The tingling in his lower
abdomen was already unbearable. Until finally the head of
his pink member spewed its own hot liquid.

Dragon dropped the other person's body, which sat weakly

on the ground. He then walked outside. When Big got up,
Dragon came back and caught him, pressing him to sit down
like before.

"What are you going to do?"

Dragon just didn't answer. But kneeling, he drew him

between his long, slender legs. He raised his right hand,
displaying the remote control, vibrating the egg.
"Ow!! Don't do it."

"Easy." Dragon said, as if annoyed. But he grabbed Big's

white face to kiss him, this time a much softer kiss than the

"Br, br, br..."

The exciting toy turned on again, Dragon chose to use the

medium level. But Big was already shaking all over his body.
He was then caught by Dragon and straddled his strong lap.
His back is braced against the shower wall. Both of his
hands don't know where to place it, therefore, it clings
tightly to the other person's back. Dragon continued to
invade Big's mouth relentlessly. His big fingers flew to that
back hole that he now throbbed. Big began to grit his teeth.
Big can't control it anymore and groans. As he further rubs
his finger along the folds it's swollen and throbbing.

"What are you going to do now? Ehh..."

“I'll help you get the egg out.” Dragon whispered softly and
kissed his neck and ear.
"No... you can't..." Big squirmed. But he didn't have enough
strength, his black eyes stared at the suffocating member
Dragon was holding, the size of it was more terrifying than
the big dildo he often used, surely this time he would die.

Dragon saw the boisterous person's body bend over. He

reached out and pressed coconut oil and rubbed it along
Big's tight slits and into his crotch, circling around the
opening before going over his body. The huge hot member
is twisted, it catches Big's attention. But that didn't make it
any less terrifying.

"Dragon... ah!"

Dragon moved his waist towards Big's hole, this time he had
prepared it well and he was able to enter easily. Then, he
only moved his hips slightly and his big member slammed
into the vibrating egg without interruption.

"Ummm, umm, umm, the egg hits my cock. Ahmmm…."

Dragon moaned with satisfaction.

Dragon had been trying to play like this for a long time. But
none of his sexual partners dared to play that way. Even Phi
Ink likes to play rough, but only on the outside. The channel
where his member had entered was soft, warm, wrapped
around him tightly and still sucked inside. He had never
been to a paradise like this. His body began to tremble as
the head of his cock was brushed by the vibrating egg.
Besides Big's narrow canal, he sucked in it with such
strength that he could barely move.

Big nibbled on Dragon's shoulders, holding on tight to keep

from falling. "The Celestial Egg continues to tremble inside?"
Waiting for the tip of his member to continue to be touched.
Dragon kisses Big's neck showing great pleasure, showing
great euphoria.


His eyes widened at the ceiling. Saliva drips from the edge
of his mouth.

"Br, br, br."

Dragon only swayed gently twice. Big opened up easily.

Both of his arms and legs trembled. He was about to open
his mouth to moan, but he had to wait a little longer, since
Dragon didn't let him moan and covered his mouth with his
big hand.

Dragon moved his hips up and down violently. His big

member terrified Big inside. So, he fit even better,
completely fading to Dragon's muscular body.

“Ah…ah, ah, ah, inside… uhmm Dragon.”

Big yells, against the sound of the blow to his waist and the
sound of the small canal being slaughtered he felt. Dragon
grabbed Big's butt and then hit him sadistically, the
vibrating egg embedded inside of him was also working
quite well vibrating in there.

"Why… Why did you say you were going to help me? Ahhh,
I'm going to break again."

Dragon swayed his waist ceaselessly, to reach Big with the

red head of his member. Before taking a deep breath Big
was rammed into the toy brutally five or six more times,
releasing a great spurt of hot liquid from his member, filling
the other person's burly chest, before being pushed and
pressed closer to the other person's chest.

"Ahhh, ahhh, hmmm."

Dragon crushed his large member inside Big intensely and

relentlessly. Before his stomach contracted, releasing the
hot liquid from him, which flowed until it overflowed from
Big's soft cavity. A great moan rang out as he opened his
mouth to draw air into his body. Both of Big's hands pecked
at Dragon's back so hard that he was bleeding.


Dragon crushed the chest of the person in front of him, he

was really exhausted because he had freed himself like
never before.

Dragon smiled before nuzzling the tip of his beautiful nose

down Big's neck. Big was stunned for a moment because
this action was clearly a snuggle after finishing his

Dragon… he was completely ecstatic….

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 11: "Danger Zone"

Big hits the chest of the person in front of him. He really was
hurt and lost his position… until he got it back.

Dragon smiled before nuzzling Big's neck with the tip of his
beautiful nose. Big was stunned for a moment because this
action was clearly a snuggle after finishing his homework.

"Why are you doing this? How will you help me take it off?"

Big asked Dragon, so, Dragon stopped his action before

pulling the giant member out of him, with a loud groan.
White liquid oozed from Big's thighs. His white face turned
dark red as he felt pressure in his back canal as his canal
moved slightly.
"Here it is." Dragon responded calmly before inserting two
hot fingers into Big's body once more.

"As soon as the liquid comes out, it will come out slowly.
Since, it's a bit deep." A soft whisper in Big's ear. Causing
him to tremble much more than before.

"Just take it out... Uffff, hmmmm!"

Dragon pressed the Heavenly Egg, hitting the soft walls of

Big's channel. Big shook all over his body once more, but
nothing came out. He burrowed into the owner's chest, his
thick hands weakly, his two legs that were spread out in the
shape of an M were trembling. Dragon pulled out the remote
and pressed it to turn it off, lifting Big off the ground. He
then turned him upside down in the tub full of water, he
stood up and yelled angrily.

"What the hell are you doing? It hurts." He said, lifting the
elbow that had hit the tub to show it to the man in front of
him. But Dragon took the black robe and wrapped it around
his body, ignoring him. He then approached the man who
was trembling in the tub.

"Stop complaining and spread your legs."

Those words rang in Big's ears like commands. Big was
pinning both of his legs against each other, refusing to obey.
Dragon then sighed and spread his slender legs with one
hand. Big protested but was struck by sharp eyes from the
person in front of him.

“Do you want me to help you?” Dragon asked, his voice

feeling heavier and more stubborn. Big nodded, allowing
Dragon to insert his finger into his still open channel. The
other free hand was pressed into Big's belly, it was in one
big back-and-forth motion. Dragon's finger was longer and
thicker than Big's, so he could reach the Heavenly Egg

"Eww !"

In an instant, he fell out of the small canal, with an

embarrassing sound. Big covered his face with his hands,
unable to look at Dragon. But Dragon was the worst. He just
smiled and used his hand to rub the orifice back and forth
until the owner couldn't stand it. So, he used one of his
hands to hit the strong tattooed arm.

"How are you feeling?" Dragon asked. Big was nodding,

before accepting the tingling sensation in his abdomen.
"You go first."


"It's hurt. Just go away." Big replied with a frown.

This was the first time Dragon couldn't do anything else. He

was speechless at all.

"Okay." Dragon simply nodded and hurried out of the

bathroom. Also, he closes the door and locks the deadbolt
as well.

Big stayed in the bathroom doing his personal hygiene. After

continuing to cleanse his body until completely refreshed.
He grabs a towel from the counter and wraps it around his
body and walks out.

Dragon had changed, now wearing an oversized rock band

T-shirt and black suede sweatpants. He was sitting,
reviewing a paper plan that he had drawn. Big is surprised,
since he had never seen this serious behavior from Dragon.
So, he couldn't help but watch silently.
"Go put on a shirt." Dragon said, not looking and just
focused on the blueprint he held in his hands.

“Where is it?” Big asked the owner, who pointed to a large

cream sofa in the living room. From the high ceiling hung
large chandeliers, from a famous designer. A large window
was in front, where you could see all the buildings around.
Big picked up a white shirt and put it on, then when he
wanted to find his pants he couldn't.

"Where are my boxers and pants?"

Dragon shrugged and smiled mischievously. The serious

look on his work from a moment ago was gone. So, Big
knew this person could never change. Deep down they both
like to bully each other. 'Bastard!'

"No, just one shirt is enough for you." Dragon said, getting
up from his work desk and approaching Big, to grab the
towel that covered his wet body inside him. Now only a
white shirt remained on him. Big had a feeling of relief,
because the shirt covered him to below his thighs. But he
doesn't know how he could move, because if he were to
walk, the pink tip of his member would have come out for

"Give me back the towel."

Dragon didn't listen, he took the towel and threw it in the
laundry drawer and stuck out his tongue at his enemy. Big
wanted to find something to slap that beautiful face on.

"Grrrrr. Grrr."

But his bloody stomach growled. Big hadn't eaten anything

all day because he felt sick. But when the celestial egg was
taken from him, he became hungry. Dragon heard that and
like a good host, he walked over to show him the counter,
opened the cupboard, took a large package of instant
noodles and threw it at him.

"Cook it yourself." He said, then sat back at the desk to work

on his plans.

Big gaped, watching Dragon's back disappear into his office


"Chi! Good."

The owner of the room gave him permission. So, Big walked
over to the U-shaped counter in the Western kitchen. Before
opening the refrigerator to see if there was enough to eat.
Fortunately, Dragon had eggs, frozen vegetables, unsalted
butter, and ham, so Big managed to boil a pot of water. He
opened the pot, took three instant noodles and made them
boil enough. Then he took them out and set them aside.
Then he picked up a frying pan, set it on the electric stove,
and added chunks of butter to melt. He followed by the ham
chopped into small pieces. Then the tri-colored vegetables
he had defrosted, two eggs, spicy pork flavor instant noodle
seasoning. Finally he stirs to combine the ingredients, until
the fragrance spreads everywhere.

His mouth watered, but suddenly, he felt a heavy, dark

shadow standing behind him.

“What are you doing?” Dragon asked, secretly placing his

chin on Big's fragrant shoulder.

"Stir-fried noodles." Big replied, as a playful hand slid under

his shirt and began squeezing his hips hard back and forth.

"Take that hand away or I'll hit you with the spatula.
Dragon." He raised the spatula to show it to Dragon, then he
withdrew his hand. But, he still kept his chin nestled
perfectly on Big's smooth shoulder.

"Give me some food."

"Cook it yourself." Big replied and turned off the stove. Then
poured the hot fried noodles onto a large plate, before
swaying to sit on the sofa, letting the owner of the room
look behind him.

"It's so delicious…" A large piece of noodles rolls out of Big's

mouth. As Dragon picked up a fork, he walked over to the
couch and sat down next to him.

"Do you know what your shirt says?" He said quietly. Big
looked down and found the pattern on his shirt. Then,
Dragon cunningly used the fork to roll the noodles on the
plate and brought them to his mouth. Big frowned seeing
that it was just a white shirt, no pattern, when he looked up,
he realized that he had been tricked.

"Are you funny? Hey, don't eat my food." Big hit Dragon's
hand. But still he managed to steal the food and bring it to
his mouth once more.

'Bad person! He even dares to steal my food.' Big hungrily

looked into the other person's eyes.

Dragon smiled and with his tongue he licked the oil from his
lips nonchalantly. Then the doorbell rang. Dragon got up
from the sofa and opened the door. Big doesn't care who
comes and goes in this house. So, he just sat down
comfortably to eat what was left on his plate. Bringing the
ham and vegetables to his mouth. He was so nonchalant but
just the same thing tightened on his chest and his eyes
burned. Then suddenly a great aroma of roasting meat
wafted into his nostrils.

Dragon, who was carrying a large bag of food, returned to

the room and placed it on the marble table. Across the way,
Big hurriedly put down the plate of fried noodles that had
already run out of noodles.

"What is it?"

"Barbecue pork ribs with baked potatoes. Steak lasagna and

carrot cake." Dragon replied, pulling out a box of food and
proceeding to organize. Huge pork ribs marinated in a
special sauce got the gastric juices in Big's stomach working
again. He inhaled the scent that filled his lungs. But when
he met Dragon's gaze, he came to his senses.

"Doesn't look appetizing." Said Big, and grimaced, dispelling

the appetizing aroma.

"Huh?" Dragon said, as he took a bite of the pork ribs,

showing off. Big just sat there and frowned at the other
person. This guy bought such a large amount of food. It's
not like he wants to invite him to dinner right?

"Go eat at the table, why are you eating here? Why are you
so messy?" Big couldn't resist the other party. Dragon raised
an eyebrow.

"In general, I will not eat it."

Big looked at the owner of those words for a moment with

incomprehension. Does that mean that Dragon invited him
to lunch? Is it okay that Dragon is ordering these things for
him? So why should he be excited? Dragon pretended to
pick up the tray of pork ribs, Big was quick to pat his arm to
set the tray down properly.

"Eat it." Then quickly ripped off the juicy ribs and bit into
them happily.

Everything was delicious. Big was with his eyes shining. His
other hand took out a plastic fork and popped it into his
mouth with a piece of lasagna. Dragon didn't say anything,
he just crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the
other person as he enjoyed the food.
"He's out." Dragon said quietly, his sharp eyes peering
through the quill in his hand from the desk.

Big just shrugged his shoulders, since he had already

realized that his secret part had emerged from the shirt. Big
sits up and raises one leg as usual and normally, not paying
attention because he was too embarrassed. Also, Dragon
wanted to provoke him, so he had only given him a shirt. If
they end up disliking each other later, they deserve it too,
after all, it has always been like that.

'Wait and look at me.'

Before he was getting up, Dragon used his mouth to hold a

cigarette and light it. He then went to the large balcony and
stood there smoking. Leaving Big in the room to eat his food
until he is full.

Big got up to wash his hands and wipe his mouth. He too
opened the fridge and took out a can of Dragon's beer,
opening the drink without asking. When Dragon re-entered
the living room, he stared at him simply. Suddenly, Dragon
reached over and took the beer can out of Big's hand.

"Hey, go get yours. Oh!"

Big just thought that Dragon would come to steal his food
again. He never imagined, nor did it ever cross his mind
what was happening. Big was stunned, really shocked by
Dragon's actions at that moment.

Dragon with one hand took the beer from him and with the
other he grabbed his face and crushed him with his mouth
kissing him on the lips. Dragon placed the beer can on the
counter, before scooping Big up into his arms and carrying
him straight into the room. Big felt attacked again and tried
to get away.

"What are you doing?" Big asked moving back. But since he
couldn't even look at it, he turned his back on the sofa with
both legs spread. As the shirt parted over his abdomen,
revealing his smooth, light-colored member and pink head.
Dragon's sharp eyes shone like the sight of a hungry beast.

Big noticed the danger signal, but it was too late to escape.
Dragon held both of his calves from both sides, before
pulling him to him. Getting his thighs to sit on his strong lap
in a stance ready to lose.

"No longer ..."

Big swung his legs from side to side to shoot the other
person away. But it seemed the opposite, as he was wide
open for Dragon to enter his hole at any time. Dragon
pressed a kiss to the white nape, before biting down on his
neck. The tip of his nose protruded along his neck, inhaling
his scent deeply, as if he had been waiting for this moment
for a long time. Dragon's hot lips hovered over Big's red lips
once more. A soft tongue swung inside his entire mouth
cavity. The faint smell of cigarettes mixed with the lingering
taste of beer made him lose control of himself. Instead of
using both hands to push Dragon's broad shoulders, he
pressed harder against them, forcing Dragon to come closer


Big was startled when Dragon took hold of his member with
his large hand. But when he was massaged by his hot palm,
he groaned in comfort. The longer he trailed his fingertips
across the soft head of his cock and then slid down. Big's
mouth trembled until his legs quivered. Both people
snuggled on the cream sofa until Dragon couldn't bear the
tingling and pain in his lower abdomen. He then pulled out
the giant member of him that was on fire and aimed at Big's
smooth and frequent entrance. Dragon bit his lips watching
the member of him that was right at the entrance that he
longed for so much, while Big clung his hands to the strong
and broad shoulders of the other person.

Suddenly, Dragon's phone began to vibrate, so he pulled his
member out of the small entrance, which was already
familiar to him.

"Um." Big said in frustration, as Dragon stuffed his hard

member into his sweatpants like before. Dragon glanced
slightly and picked up the phone to answer the call.


Big was puzzled when he heard a sweet voice come out in

greeting words from the other person, before settling down
to sit on the sofa in a kneeling position. Big's little mouth
twitched. Dull eyes stared at the person who was standing
on the phone, ignoring each other.

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

Dragon's words towards Big aren't as delicate as when he

talks to a girl in hopes of attacking her. He now speaks with
a deep voice combined with a calm expression. He adds
warmth and charm to the person on the other end of the

Big's mouth twitched, raising both arms and crossing them

over his chest. He was upset, as a result he was left
emotionally frozen. Therefore, he could only feel bitterness
starting to rise in his chest.

'Dragon has never treated me like that… I just want to

disappear from this place…'
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 12 : "Only the People who have it ..."

Dragon's words towards Big aren't as delicate as when he

talks to a girl in hopes of attacking her. He now speaks with
a deep voice combined with a calm expression. He adds
warmth and charm to the person on the other end of the

Big's mouth twitched, raising both arms and crossing them

over his chest. He was upset, as a result he was left
emotionally frozen. Therefore, he could only feel bitterness
starting to rise in his chest.

'I'd like to get out of here… but… why should I? I'll just
annoy him.'
The person on the other end of the phone looks very
important to Dragon, since, with just his words, it is seen
that he consents to her.

Big seeing how focused he was on the conversation. He

decided to act on the spot, so he got up from the sofa and
walked over to Dragon.

When he got to where Dragon was on the phone, he

grabbed the sweatpants around his waist and leaned down
and with the tip of his wet tongue began to lick the hard,
tanned belly of the person on the phone. He moved his soft
tongue from his navel to the edge of his pants, moving up
and down with small suctions.

Energized and focused on what he was doing, he wanted to

go further. Then he moved the edge of his sweatpants and
pulled out the other person's hot member and brought it to
his mouth to taste it.

Once the member was in his mouth, he began to lick the

crimson redhead sucking on that head. In addition, with his
white hand he covered the member with soft massages. His
tongue tasted that crimson red head with soft circular
strokes accompanied by small sucks. Which caused
Dragon's tanned abdomen to highlight his bulging veins.
"Would you like to have a Van Cleef? Well, if so, send me a
picture and I'll buy it for you." Dragon continued speaking in
a normal tone.

Listening to the conversation he was carrying on normally.

Big held the hot member tighter and took it deeper into his
mouth, taking it all the way down his throat.

'A Van Cleef?! Who wants that kind of thing...!' Big thoughts
with frustration.

Big, frustrated, wanted to play even better, he began to

move his face in and out with more intensity. As his tongue
continued to lick at the crimson redhead with his hands he
began to massage the two large roots that hung from that
member that lay in his mouth.

“Lock… Whaaaa…”

Hearing that seductive moan, Big's sucking grew deeper

and deeper and more emotional. Big was focused on the
movements of his mouth, since the more he licked, the
more fun he was and the more the other person sucked the
more he tensed.
Dragon stopped talking for a moment, then looked down at
his waist and stared at his enemy, very annoyed at him. So,
he gripped his hair tightly and pulled it in tighter to his


Big groaned and widened his eyes, since this time he wasn't
leading his work. Thick hands gently caressed his hair as he
began to move his waist to the point where the dripping
crimson red head collided with Big's pharynx. Now Big was
having difficulty breathing. He could only open his mouth
wide and stick his tongue out and suck hard. The person
standing inserted his member harder and harder, then
Dragon thrust three more times with great force and then
quickly withdrew the hot member from him and the hot
milky liquid sprayed all over Big's white face, spreading to
his hair.

Big wiped the liquid from his eyes and he looked up into
Dragon's sharp face as his heart pounded. Suddenly
realizing that he had done something wrong, Dragon pushed
him onto his stomach on the sofa, before following him and
kneeling on his back.

"You think that's it..."

Big gritted his teeth, not knowing what to say, before
squeezing his white thighs together and tensing completely.
His nose was to the side along his neck and he could see the
bite marks he had there. His body bristled more and more.
Dragon brought two of his fingers to Big's mouth, searching
for moisture, before bringing them to the narrow hole
behind him and inserting it there.

"Awwww! owww! It hurts!"

Dragon began to wiggle his fingers in and out. He pushed all

the way down to find the sensitivity of the man on the
couch. Then Dragon stood up in front of the other person's
thighs. When the orifice was fully open, Dragon grabbed his
hot member and immediately pushed him hard against the
other person. Big turned his face to his forearm, his body
being hit with intensity. Big's soft thighs were hit again and
again, Dragon continued like this until the end. His hips kept
bumping repeatedly, until Big was terrified until his eyes
filled with tears.


"Damn Big!! You're so good at this…" Dragon whispered

next to his red ear. As his waist continued the fierce blows
from him.
A thick hand wrapped around his hair and pulled it back,
before forcing the white-faced person to turn sideways to
accept a kiss. The kiss crushed his red lips with such
intensity that his actions were so hard his intestines twisted.
But it caused such a sensation that he groaned. His slick
rear channel sucked the member into him harder than
before, each time he squeezed his thighs. With his own
hand he massaged his own member, already hardened and
on the verge of exploding.


A great release trickled down from Big first. The liquid

splashed onto the shirt he was wearing over him and also
dripped down his thighs. Dragon, still satisfied, stood up and
his two strong hands lifted Big's hip while Big's upper half
continued to be propped up on the sofa cushions. One of
Dragon's legs braced itself on his back, before savagely
thrusting into the other person's soft orifice.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! You're so hot Big, I feel like I'm
going to pass out."

The tremor made him lose consciousness, before ....

Dragon moaned softly, shaking his body and releasing a
stream of hot water on Big's body. Eventually, after Big
finished, he got up. But the hands of the man behind him
wrapped around him completely.

"Where are you going?" Dragon asked the other party.

Dragon removed the shirt that covered Big's smooth skin,

exposing everything. Big wanted to open his mouth to
escape. But when he was kissed softly on the nape of his
neck, he stayed still, without moving away. Dragon saw that
his enemy calmed down and took the opportunity to take
him to his bedroom. Big was thrown onto a wide bed, before
Dragon overlapped again he took off his clothes until he was
left with nothing, seeing that Big's two white cheeks burned

"Kiss Me."

The thin lips pounced on the petals of Big's soft mouth very
quickly. This action was very shocking, Dragon saw the
person in front with his mouth open, he was satisfied, so he
bit the tip of the person's prominent nose another part
before crushing the kiss.
The thin lips pounced on the big soft lips quickly, this act
was very shocking. Dragon saw the person face to face, he
was satisfied. He opened his mouth, thus biting down to the
tip of the other party's prominent nose before crushing
another passionate kiss to his lips. Big was delighted by the
other person's touch. His mind was confused because he
didn't know why Dragon was doing this. 'What kind of
relationship do we have?'

It all happened for no reason, but if Big has to resist, he

believes he won't be able to.

Dragon spread his slender legs apart.

He fiercely penetrated the person on the bed, before

beginning to rock into the soft cavity without stopping. The
strong hips surged forward, both retracted and reattached
until they clenched all of Big's muscles. Big raised his arms
to embrace the other person, crushing his waist, causing
half of his body to rub against the robust belly unashamedly.

"Ah, um, right there, ha ha ha."

Big was hungry for sex. As he rose to a great climax, he bit

into the other person's upper right arm. Embedding his
teeth in the formidable Dragon tattoo. He was shaking from
head to toe and stretching. Dragon continued charging
without sear. He then slid all and completely over his
member so that nothing could come out, while he held Big
by the waist moving up and down to the end of the road.

Big's body was already tired from keeping up, but also
terrified as he tightly hugged the person in front of him. His
red mouth opened letting out a moan that gradually rose
and fell with excitement, before this round was over, a lot of
water had already flowed out.

Big was originally pretty sure he'd last a long time in bed.
But when he met Dragon. Big's confidence fell apart.
Nothing was as he thought.

"Let me lie down... lie down for a bit." Big said hoarsely, as
his body trembled because he had no more liquid to

"Let's go for the last round and I'll let you sleep." Dragon

His big hands lifted his bruised white thighs up, curving him
up. Showing how the hot white liquid drained out of his
orifice. Big clenched his teeth and didn't know what his fate
was, so he had come to meet a couple as cruel as Dragon.
'If we loved each other, I would feel better.'
Suddenly, a meaningless sentence appeared in his head as
Dragon entered Big immediately…


"Big, can I have the note of the conference please?"

Big nodded to his classmates and pressed to share the

worksheet, before collecting things from the auditorium.
Walking nowhere, there was first a call from Song Sri's

"Mr. Yai, are you going home today?"

He fell silent because he still didn't know the answer. Until a

thick hand grabbed his body in a corner of the building. Big
looked at the owner with a nervous smile, before completing
a voice to reply.

"I probably won't be back." Then he pressed the hang up.

Dragon didn't say anything. He simply took his big arm to
follow him in the big Land Rover to head to his luxury condo.

"Uah… ahhhhhhh"

A great moan in his throat was sped up by the sound of

pounding from the bedroom door. Even before he set foot in
the living room, Dragon pulled him from the hallway to the
front of the room. Big put his hand on the shoe rack to keep
from losing control. Both of his legs were wrapped around
Dragon's waist. Dragon quickly unbuttoned Big's shirt, then
bent down to bury the suck marks in wild amusement. The
soft tip of his tongue licks at that soft skin, until it stops at
the beautiful nipple.


Big's body blushes every time he gets sucked, everything is

extremely tingling. Dragon took off his pants in annoyance,
followed by his gray underwear. Dragon sticks out his
tongue and licks his long finger. Which indicates that he's
ready to use it and tuck it into Big's soft folds. The sexy
stance crushes Big's conscience until he explodes. A white
hand reached out to open his own Louis Vuitton backpack.
He picks up a green bottle with a tree seal pointed in front
of Dragon.
"What?" A sharp handsome face shows some curiosity
before picking up the bottle and reading.

"It helps to feel softer." His big cheeks warmed when Dragon
read the label so softly.

"Where did you buy it?"

"A general convenience store... I went to buy some food and

saw it, so I thought nothing of it and bought it." Big
stuttered, Dragon smiled.

"But in this he says: You can order online. Since it's a 100%
organic lube, you have to order it in rounds."

As soon as they led him like that, he was speechless before

being sniffed by the person in front of him down his throat
and sniffed until he made a sound. A big smile appeared on
Big's face, as he tickled him, he raised both of his arms,
wrapping them around each other's necks.

"Then let's try it." Dragon said, removing the cap from the
bottle. He squeezed the transparent gel that emits a natural
aroma in the palm of his hand and applied it to all of his
fingers, then they were inserted into his warm body.
Woof, woof, woof.

His thick fingers swung in and out, the soft tight hollow
enveloping and nipping at all three fingers as if to melt
them and making Dragon smile, for this is Big's sensitive
cavity. Big shifted into a comfortable position, resting his
head on strong shoulders, the tip of his soft tongue lapping
at Dragon's throat relentlessly. But when Dragon pulled his
fingers out of him, exchanging them for his hot member. Big
went from licking to biting, breathing in frustration.

“Ugh… uh, uh, uh. uh…”

Dragon's hip rhythm remained unchanged. Dragon

managed to hold Big in front of the bedroom door until the
cobbler fell to the ground. Each of them finished one round.
They were then joined on the couch two more times in dog


The thickened member continued in the small channel that

was wet with gel and hot liquid. Big bites his mouth for a
moment, then has to let out a low moan. Dragon caressed
his body, squeezing his chest extremely firmly in his hand.
"Sead... um, really tight, like it's biting me..."

Dragon's sharp eyes blanked at the soft hollow surrounding

his member nibbling on it incessantly. He was just soaking
wet and so satisfying, beyond description. Big was secretly
clenching his fists with pleasure because he was
embarrassed by Dragon's words, but it turned out that he
was making the other person feel more and more
comfortable all the same.

"You don't have to worry about that." Dragon said and

kissed the side of his soft cheek. Big didn't understand why
he was embarrassed either. So he turned his head towards
Dragon, hoping to get close to his face a bit.

But instead, he was kissed by Dragon's incomprehension,

moaning in his throat, even though he had more than just
enmity. But he always tried to avoid kissing, that was
because he didn't want to get carried away. He felt good,
therefore he wanted it to be just that.

'I just want it to be just that and nothing more.'

"Stick out your tongue." Dragon said, as if he were giving

him an order. Big didn't want to, but he was bitten on the lip
of the mouth by him. Finally, he had to accept it again. The
taste of Dragon's kiss can be called a soul-squeezing kiss.
Big himself still couldn't bring himself to kiss anyone as
brutal as him.

'I don't know where I want to go to die after this.' Big

thought, but he ran the tip of his tongue over the other
person's fiery palate.

Wak wak wak

"Wow... Waww... ahhh." Big moaned, as Dragon penetrated

his hot member into his orifice, full of excitement, the soft
tongue was sucked out of Dragon's mouth, licked the saliva
stains around him, and then returned and kissed him again
with a sudden movement of his hips.

"Aaah, Aaah, aah, ahaha!!!!!!!" Big yelled sweetly.

In fact, it was a voice that he absolutely hated. He hated

moaning so loud. But when he thought about it, he was so
embarrassed that he wanted to bury himself in the ground
and run away. As for Dragon, he likes it when he hears Big
moan like that, it's like he's tickling his ears.

"Don't worry, it won't break, huh! Hahaha!"


The white body twisted from side to side, his lower part
trembled, his light-colored member sprayed hot liquid again,
Dragon picked up the shirt in time, so as not to stain the
entire sofa.


"But it's my shirt."

But instead of ruining Big's shirt, he brought it up to his face

and licked it.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 13: "Evil Dragon"

"Ugh! It's my shirt."

"Why are you yelling? It's already screwed." Dragon said, his
member was still alive, so he still couldn't leave a small
hole. Big turned to look at the man in front of him
disapprovingly, but was caught sitting on his lap.


Dragon lunged at Big, to depths beyond description. Big's

jaw dropped wide with an uproar. Before he could scream,
he was rammed up and down in a raw and savage way.
Dragon's member's head pounded against the sensitive
spot until he became more irresistible again. Big smashed
his hands against his mate's hard chest, squeezing it tightly
until five fingerprints formed.

"Honey… you're excited, ohhh." Dragon said, while Big's

body bounced as if he was sitting on a rocking horse with
both legs spread apart vibrating. The reddish red orifice
ardently engulfed the swollen member that he had pierced
in and out countless times. Big will finish again, but this
time at the same time as Dragon.

"You, it expands, ugh, ugh, it's tight, ugh."

Fearing that his stomach would burst, he hastily placed his

hand on his swollen member on his pubis, no matter how
many times, sex with Dragon always caused him great fear,
but the vigor received made Big still yearn for it.

Even if they still go out with their partners to have a

physical relationship. Deep down he knew he wasn't doing it
for fun. But he did it to make himself feel that nothing had

"Oum." Dragon groaned. Strong arms wrapped tightly

around Big's waist, he was lifted up.

"I'm coming... I'm coming... I'm... Ummm..."

He hits the small channel, releasing hot cum inside Big's
body. Big collapsed, his back doubled over. He didn't care
how much his thighs and red folds would reveal against
each other. Dragon hit the white butt twice. He followed by
squeezing until the liquid that had remained inside came
out. While Big's abdomen was still wet, since this time they
had finished at the same time.

"Ugh, don't bite, ugh, it hurts, heh heh."

Big pats on the head from Dragon, who bites his butt like
crazy. Dragon looked annoyed. But when he saw his tear-
streaked black eyes, therefore red lips, he agreed to switch
to licking instead of biting. A mischievous tongue trailed
down Big's throat, snuggling there passionately. He moaned
passionately before placing a soft kiss on the side of his

The sound of the door opening and the sound of the drawers
sliding in and out made Big's eyes widen. That night after
three more rounds he was completely asleep. It was difficult
for him to get up and sit up in bed. He didn't feel sticky from
his orifice either. It's good that Dragon cleans the secret
area for him. At first Big was confused and he thought he
did it out of sympathy. But when he asked side by side
Dragon replied that he didn't want to dirty his bed.
Thinking of this, Big secretly gritted his teeth. 'Yes so afraid
of staining his great bed. When I asked to use a condom,
why didn't he?'

"Are you awake?"

Dragon came out of the dressing room dressed in a long,

unbuttoned shirt and tailored black pants from a designer
brand. Slicked back, revealing the perfect profile of his face.
He raised his right hand to place a Patek Phillippe watch on
his left wrist, then sprayed Tom Ford perfume. In fact , Big
also has this bottle of perfume. But he didn't like his scent
at all. But when he smells everything in Dragon's body, he
tastes different. Dragon always smells good.

"Where are you going?" Big asked, looking at the man in

front of him. Dragon pulled out a matching suit and placed it
on the edge of the bed.

"You work away from home." Dragon replied, going back to

the bathroom, but he didn't close the door, before waving a
hand at Big.


"Come here."
Frowning, he grabbed the Dragon shirt that had fallen
beside the bed, put it on and walked to the bathroom.
Observing that this one was affirmed in the lavatory
shaving, with wireless equipment.

"You know how to shave..."

"Yes." Said Big, to a man with a white mustache, that he

would be affected despite not having much hair.

"Then shave me." Dragon said and placed the razor in Big's
hand before sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi.

"Shave it yourself." But he was held by Dragon between his

hips so he wouldn't move away from him.

"I can't see around my neck very well, so don't complain too
much. Help me! It's almost time to go to work."

Big stared at the other person who raised a disturbing smile.

“If I accidentally cut your throat, aren't you afraid?” He

"If I were afraid, why would I ask you?" Dragon's calm reply
left him speechless. As his hand caressed his hips.

"Sit up straight. That will be fine." Big said in an unsure


"Hurry up, I'll be late."

"Okay, okay..." Dragon prompted him, so he straddled

Dragon's strong lap.

"Hugh!! There's a person who doesn't wear underwear."

A mischievous hand lifts the shirt Big was wearing, revealing

the lazy member and white thighs riddled with bite marks
and bruises.

"Why are you afraid you'll mess up your pants?" Big asked
as he ran the razor along that perfect face. Even though he
was already used to being discovered by Dragon. But even
so, Big's white cheeks still turned red.
"How can you mess it up? When you sleep I clean you well."
Replied Dragon in a low voice, as if he were speaking
between thunder and rain. Then Big's heart contracted.

"I'd like to thank you, so hurry up and say it."

"My home."

In the back, Dragon chuckled softly, before leaning back into

a comfortable position. It was like waiting to be attended by
a girl in a massage bath. Big saw this and thought that he
wanted to press the blade against this beautiful face and
break it completely. But he could only think about it. By the
way, he shaved Dragon's little growth until he was clean.
When he finished he squeezed out the lotion and applied it
all over his face.

But Dragon didn't let Big get up. Big had just realized how
close they were to each other, just by moving his head a
little, his lips would meet if Dragon wanted to kiss him. Big
didn't even know if he could refuse or not. Therefore, he
continued in the same position, where the breaths of both
could be felt. Both of their noses bumped into each other,
while both of their breaths hitched. But suddenly, Dragon
released him and went outside the bathroom to finish
Big sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and began to collect his
thoughts for a few minutes. Before following him, he saw
that Dragon had already finished dressing.

Big kept secretly looking at Dragon with a very different look

than in the past. It was true that he was handsome and very
elegant dressed in a suit. But pretending that he didn't care.
He walked over, picked up his pants and put them on.

"Where are you going?" This time Dragon asked.

"I'm going home." The owner of the room wouldn't be there.

Why do I stay?"

"What will you come back for?"

"I can't go to my own home. Or you'll change my mind." Big

said dryly.

"Don't go yet."
He paused as he zipped up his pants, Big's white face

'Dragon asked me to stay? What does he mean by it? Are

you going to choose not to go to work and stay with me?'
Thinking about it, he looked at the messy king size bed and
everything bristled up his back.

“Then why do you want me to stay in your room?” This

time, Big admitted that he expected an answer.

"Wait for me to get something later."

But Dragon remains Dragon all the time.


Big felt that it was a great waste of time to wait for a nice
answer, but he tried to calm his annoyance. In his heart, he
wanted Dragon to reach up and caress his face. But he
could only hide the rage without knowing how hot or cold
his cheeks were.
"You think I'll do what your pointy mouth says again." Then
he stuck out his middle finger. The person who was being
teased narrowed his eyes in anger.

"But I ordered Chinese egg noodles and pork satay. Eat

before you go back."

But Dragon wasn't a very good host or a great host,

because the purpose he brought him was just to do such a
thing. Hearing this, he was a little disconcerted, so Dragon
took the opportunity to lightly caress his head first, before
turning around and leaving the room.

Big walked in and sat curled up on the couch in the living

room, feeling these actions cause a great flush in his heart.
Because it was the first time that Dragon invited him to stay
alone in his condominium. 'Does that guy trust me or not ?
...' Big thoughts confused. Then he slapped his cheek twice
as he still couldn't decide whether to go back home or not.
So he thought about exploring Dragon's room for a while.
Big got up and took a shower to freshen up first. After
finishing and putting on his usual clothes, he then sneaks
into the closet looking at a luxury watch and Dragon's
collections in his dressing room, he takes the watches to put
them on and then leaves them on in the same place.

When he was bored, he went to look at Dragon's work plans

that were in the office. There were models of houses, hotels,
and shopping malls. The projects that Dragon has been
sending to teachers for three years. He likes to act violent
(with the big ones), but Dragon does these things so
delicately. The more Big watched, the more amazed he was.
But he thought that he had already seen too much, shook
his head, wrinkled his nose and hurriedly left the office.

Along with the food delivery staff, a large food order arrived.
He grabbed a bag of food to eat as he turned on the big
screen TV. He found a movie to watch while he enjoyed
himself. When he was full, he put the cup and saucer in the
sink. Because if he wants to wash the dishes for Dragon,
'Let him keep dreaming…'

As Big thought about going home, the doorbell rang across

the room. At first, Big thought it was Dragon. But, 'Why
would Dragon ring the doorbell of his own room? '

Big raised no doubts, so he went to open the screen to look.

Upon pressing the screen, he observed that the person who
pressed the bell was a very beautiful tall and slender
woman. Big's heart sped up, not knowing why. But what he
knew was that it was definitely not the same emotion of his
when he saw a beautiful person. Then he opened the door.

"Hello." She smiled .

"Hi…" Said Big, noticing the expensive Van Cleve necklace
the girl was wearing on the white nape of her neck. She felt
a bitter taste on the tip of her tongue. 'Is this the person
Dragon bought the necklace from? Heh, that's right.'

"I just came to get some T-shirts. Just now, I am called Phi

Finishing speaking, the girl entered the room, heading

towards Dragon's room. Big, only realizing that the state of
the room was quite messy and hadn't been cleaned yet,
hurriedly ran to see if he could pick up the debris in time.
However , the beautiful girl didn’t pay much attention to the
condition of Dragon 's room. She just went into the dressing
room, opened the closet in a familiar way. She pulled out a
nice t-shirt and a dress.

“Have you ever stayed in Dragon's room?” Big asked not

knowing what rights he had to ask such questions.

"Well…something like that." The beautiful woman said as

she folded her clothes and put them into the bag she had

'Why did Dragon never say that he brought a woman to the

condominium?...' This question arises.
Before Big thinks about self-pity, he realizes that he didn't
even ask Dragon if he brought someone here. It's just
something that people in the University mutter, 'Dragon
never takes anyone to his room…'

'How could it be just rumors? How could I believe it? '

"It must have been a difficult time." The woman said after
noticing the state of the room. Big quickly picked up the
things that fell to the side of the bed. He threw it in a nearby

“This Phi Dragon… Why are you so violent?” She said,

turning to look at him with a sympathetic face. Big had his
face embarrassed and annoyed that he was considered a
Dragon's person. But he couldn't deny it either, because the
evidence was scattered around his neck. Denying
everything would be in vain and she would laugh at him.

"I'm already gone and... You should too... don't be so serious

with someone like Phi Dragon, your tears will wipe your
knees at the least expected moment."

That's all she said before she smiled sweetly and hurried out
of the room. Big stood there not knowing if she was just
joking or chatting. He also didn't know what she meant to
Dragon, but as he could see, she was someone important,
since she had taken quite a lot of clothes out of his closet.

'Ex girlfriend ? Or an old friend?'

The more he searched for answers, the more he felt a pain

in his chest, he didn't know how but now...

'I hate Dragon's face! Evil Dragon!'

"Why do I have to feel this way?"

Big thought and then hit the pillow in the bedroom to vent
his resentment. But he suddenly felt his throat dry and
thirsty, so he went outside to open the refrigerator. There
were beer cans and soda cans. He hesitated for a moment,
but finally, he chose the beers and opened it to drink.

The wooden door opened and a burly man in a black suit

appeared. Annoyed Dragon loosened the tie around his
neck, but before removing his suit he entered the dimly lit
living room.
Walking into the living room he bumped into something on
his feet, to which he frowned because there were empty
beer cans scattered all over the place. A large hand turns on
the light, revealing Big's body curled up on the couch.

He uses his hands to caress the hips of the person lying on

the couch. "Um." Big brushed that hand away.

"Why did you come back?" Asked Big.

"This is my room, why can't I go back? I like it very much."

Big looked at the owner of the room and pointed his middle
finger at him. He was upset and drunk, so he said...

"I hate you."

"Now do what I like." He said and smiled. The more Big

listened to him, the angrier he was. Besides, he is now

"Yes! Well... Ask someone else to do what you like?"

Dragon raised an eyebrow before slowly sitting down next to
the person who smelled like beer.

"Just now, someone came to collect your clothes from your


"Oh, I told Nong Hong to pick it up."

Big heard the word Nong Hong and opened his mouth. 'With
other women he is always being gentle and kind, but with

“Okay, you're drunk. Get some sleep and let's go to bed.”

Dragon tried to lift Big's arm, but was pushed away.

"You! I've never done it lightly." Big yelled and poked at the
dragon's chest once.

"Whatever you want… just ask and I'm there. Your dick is as
big as… it's as big as a beast! My ass is all busted, you

Big knows exactly what he is saying. But it is inevitable for

him to stop talking.
"Come on, go to sleep." Dragon said acting nonchalant. This
time, he doesn't go. Dragon kept trying to pick him up
instead of letting him go.

"No, let me go." Big squirmed, refusing.

After adamantly refusing, he slapped Dragon's face with all

his might.


The sound echoed throughout the room, Dragon clenched

his jaw, using his sharp eyes to glare at Big, before dragging
him and pushing the drunk into the bedroom.

"Let go of me! Let me go, let me go."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Big doesn't answer the question, but he looked at Dragon

with a look of anger. He then lifted his leg and kicked
Dragon's ankle. Although he hurt him, Dragon kept his
expression. He blew out a breath before yanking Big by the
arm and leading him toward the bathroom.

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

"I won't do anything. You're drunk." Dragon said, pushing

him into the tub, stripping off his clothes.

His shirt was torn. Big angrily snatched the other person's
shirt as well.

Of course , the shirt Dragon was wearing was torn as well.

The two people were in the tub together. Until Dragon
grabbed the shower, he turned on the water and sprayed it
full force. Big yelled out loud.

"It's cold!!"

Big's white face was angry. His eyes were bloodshot, so

Dragon hurriedly covered Big's entire body with water. Big
swallowed a lump of sob in his throat and reached up to
wipe the wetness from his own face.

"Big..." Dragon called his name in a weak voice.

Big felt a great pain in his chest, he got out of the bathtub,
his body was soaked, his shirt was ripped, his pants were
ripped until the zipper came off, but he didn't care anymore.

"I'm going home now!!" Big said. "I'm not with you

Big finished speaking, abruptly exiting the bathroom. He

took his belongings one by one and left Dragon's room, not
looking back.

Big walked shakily as his heart beat faster and stronger and
a strong pressure was exerted on his chest.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 14 : "Let's Eat"

"I'm going home."

"I'm not with you anymore!"


"Khun Yai, Khun Borom called him down to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

The man on the bed yelled at his subordinates waiting in
front of the bedroom door. Phak turned to look at Pong and
shrugged. The master hadn't eaten anything for two days.
They were the symptoms of how when the first heartbreak
is wrong. But they won't be naughty and they won't accuse
Khun Yai of not eating. From now on, let the father take care
of his son. "Big. Bastard!"

Borom knocked on the door and called his son after

receiving an answer from the subordinate that he wouldn't
come down to eat again.

"Loud, father." Big staggered to open the door.

"What are you doing?" The father asked after seeing his son,
in such a deteriorated state.


"Then why don't you come down to eat?"

"I'm on a diet." Big lied and lay back down on the bed, in his
completely dark room. Then Borom came in and turned on
the light to illuminate him, so Big squinted slightly to adjust
the light.
"Are you heartbroken?" Borom spoke directly and bluntly.

"No, Father, what are you saying?" Big said, quickly shaking
his head. He wasn't heartbroken. It's just that his chest
hurts, that's all... It hurts, it hurts so much until he gets
frustrated and doesn't want to do anything.

"The other day, Ai Pong told me that you came home as if

you had struggled without being able to walk. With your
eyes and hands full of blood. I thought you had fought with
that person and robbed a woman again."

Borom knew it. He knew that his teenage son came home in
a state of incomprehension almost every day.

"Don't do that anymore." A twenty-two year old boy, he

can't walk around all bruised on his cheeks and unable to
walk. 'How did he even think of that?'

"In conclusion, I'm not heartbroken."

"It's fine."

"But then you fought with your girlfriend... right? Ban Chong
hasn't come back lately."

Big fell silent before secretly sighing. Dragon wasn't his

boyfriend. Why would he be a fool to associate with a
barbarian like that? Thinking about it, his lips twitched
slightly. Borom saw the state of his son and raised his

"So, do you already have a girlfriend? Well, why haven't you

brought her to pay tribute to me?"

“Father, what's the fuss you're making?” Big sat up and

pushed his father's back off the bed.

“To what extent?” Borom continued to urge his son on him.

But when he saw Big tilt his head, he knew immediately that
something was wrong.

"What about you? But don't forget to protect yourself and

your girlfriend. You should always take care of each other
with condoms."
Yai Borom has always warned his son since he was young.
Big also obeys his father because he knows that he still
loves to have fun and he doesn't want to be a burden or he
doesn't want to be responsible for anything later. But when
he meets Dragon... Big can't do anything his father taught
him. Fortunately , it's a good thing that both people 's
bodies are strong, no one will get sick, otherwise Big will
have to repent for the rest of their lives.

"I know, Father. Go away, I'm going to sleep."

Borom looked back at his son, before nodding. "Wait, I'll let
Phak bring you some rice. Get up and eat some."

"Okay." Big agreed, Borom agreed to leave the room.


The next day, Big showered and dressed for college as

usual. Forgetting the bad things that had happened over the
weekend. Today, he only had two class periods and they had
to show up to an event. Big was conscious and in good
spirits, so everything went well. After finishing the last class
of the day, he would meet up and go on a trip to play with
his friends.
Then, as soon as he left the room, he noticed a man in
ripped jeans and a T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and
revealing a large tattoo on his right arm. Little did he know
that as soon as he left the room, he saw a man in a shirt
that revealed his tattoos that he was waiting outside of him,
leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest
and his legs crossed.

"Dragon Pattaya, what are you doing at the College of


"Oh! I came to see someone."

"Look who's here?"

Silent murmurs echoed around the area.

'This damn bastard is so handsome. That he fools everyone.'

Big with killer eyes, he thought. But he quickly turned to

look at his friends, however, each of them was smiling
brightly at the other person. Big ignored the man and began
to walk and scurry off in another direction. Dragon noticing
that his target disappeared, he quickly hurries after him. In
a moment, he had already come face to face with the old
enemy of his. But Big pretended not to see him, despite how
close they were.

As he found a way to escape, Dragon grabbed his arm.

"Let me go, I'm not going with you anymore. It's already our
goodbye." Big flinched from the grip, because he was
impatient. Just two months of pleasure and indulgence were
more than enough.

"I can't. I... I'll take you back to your condo." His nonchalant
voice created a sharp pain in his chest. He narrowed his
eyes at the beautiful face of the other person. In his head,
the bad words repeated and hurt even more. But Dragon
kept talking.

"I'll take you out to eat."


Big raised his eyebrows, moving them until they were

almost touching each other.
"Let's go eat." Dragon said, grabbing the frowning person's
arm, for him to follow. Big, who was surprised by the change
in behavior in the Dragon state, felt that he was helpless.
Also, he didn't say anything to the classmates about him.

Dragon led Big to his own car in the parking lot. This time it
wasn't a Land Rover, but a pearl white Jaguar sports car, the
latest version of the F - Type, priced in eight figures. He put
it in it and then drove.

"Jim Jum Restaurant?"

Big looked at the sign for the Jim Jum restaurant, super hot
sauces. Before being forced to go inside and sit inside. This
restaurant is famous among the community of the Faculty of
Architecture. Then, Dragon found the elders and the minors
seated at a table in the back. But they sat in the opposite
direction. Suddenly, an older figure appeared.

"Is the Master Krung project finished?"

An older man with a handsome dark face asked Dragon who

was sitting at the table next to him. While waiting for the
change of money from the store staff, Big remembers that
this person used to belong to the Faculty of Architecture and
was called Burapha.
"It's done Phi." Dragon replied and handed the menu to Big
in his hands for him to check that he would order.

"A Plus." Burapha said and took the change from the clerk
who had brought it to fit. Before getting up to put his hands
on the young man's shoulder. Since the bride was making
faces outside the store. Big also meets Burapha's girlfriend,
Knight, she looks cute but not arrogant. When the news that
these two people were dating was heard, people began to
murmur everywhere. So , they were both dating two years
ago. But Big didn't pay much attention to that kind of news.

Dragon repeats the menu. He then ripped off a large piece

of writing paper and handed it to the store clerk. Big had
never come here before, because he had to go out the door
on the architecture side, which is several kilometers from
the side of the Faculty of Management. In addition, the road
on this side is usually congested, outside of how to get to a
store that is home to children architects. So it's quite an
annoying experience for Big.

Another important thing is that the person who brought him

here is Dragon...

When the food arrives to serve the appetizer that hasn't

worked for three days, the big things start to work. Bring to
a boil, mix with Jaew sauce flavor until enough. When the
meat is cooked, it is punctured in the mouth.

When the food was served, Big's gastric juice, which hadn't
worked for three days, began to work. Then he hurriedly put
the fresh, carefully selected meat into the slow cooker. I mix
the flavor of the dipping sauce until it is perfect. When the
meat was cooked, he popped it into his mouth.


Big talks to himself in his heart. Dragon didn't say anything,

he just sat in silence bringing meat to his mouth. But his
sharp eyes looked at the other party who enjoyed the food
all the time.

"Phi Dragon."

A petite girl in a pleated skirt came over to greet Dragon.

Big, who was chewing noodles in his mouth, quickly looked

"Thank you for helping me that day."

"No problem." Dragon answered the girl quietly. But just at
this, the girl's face turned red. Returning to smile a little and
smile with friends without stopping. Most of them cover
their mouths.

"So can I have a date please? Is Phi Dragon free tomorrow?"

"No. I don't have time." Dragon said nonchalantly. So, the

girl made a sad face, she gave up and left.

Dragon picked up his chopsticks and popped the meat into

his mouth. While Big was beginning to feel less hungry than
he had before.

"I guess you wanted to talk about grades?"

Big was sarcastic because he couldn't stop himself. But

Dragon smiled slightly, like a grimace. Big secretly made a
pointy mouth. So Dragon took a cup of tea, drank it and


"Used to?"
"My father taught me from a very young age. So I only have
one sister. So I am used to using women's medicine."

Big didn't expect to hear a serious response from Dragon.

He thought that he would be harassed like before. But he at
least knew that Dragon hadn't intentionally said pills to
persuade the women.

"Why are you smiling… this restaurant doesn't have


Dragon still liked to tease him like always. But, 'Why do I

feel happy?'

When he finished eating, Dragon drove the car to Big's

condo. Big was a bit confused. But when he thought to ask,
what did it all mean? The Jaguar was already out of sight.

Dragon took him out to eat, paid for the food and brought
him back to his home. Without being involved at all. 'Am I
being cheated?'

Even though he was drunk that night, he remembered

everything that had happened. But now Big was confused.
Dragon didn't say anything. He just took him out to eat and
agreed to talk about small unimportant matters, that was
all. What the heck is happening?

Big is majestic, there is no easy way to give up. No doubt he

would find out what was going on.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 15 : "Mad Dragon!"

"Big, Dragon came to see you."

A student who entered the lecture room with a bag of food

told Yai that he was sitting down to examine some slides, he
nodded in acknowledgment before replying.

"Leave it alone." He then took the sheet and continued


In recent days, Dragon has been hanging around the Faculty

of Management frequently. The purpose was just to bring
food to Big and then go back. Today Dragon brought Big's
group food as usual and then went back to his College to
continue working.
In the heart of it, Big admits that he wanted to hear the
words of repentance from Dragon's mouth. But that didn't
happen. Not even half a word came out of his mouth. Then
the whole situation became even more irritating.
Throughout the day he had been preparing a group
presentation of an important activity of the Faculty, so he
didn't think he went out to see the person who was waiting
outside, as usual. But after half an hour, he couldn't take it
anymore and went out to meet him.

Dragon was gone.

Big sighed in frustration and walked back into the meeting

room with a more serious expression than before. When it
was time to end class, Big gathered up his belongings and
then grabbed his bag and left the room. He was thinking of
calling a friend to talk to, to go to a bar and have a few
drinks. That way he wouldn't stay in bed thinking about all
the frustrations in his heart.

But when he was leaving the room, he noticed that there

was a tall man in a student shirt and dark jeans standing
very close to the room.

Still nothing came out of the dark lips. Eating delicious food
to reconcile them doesn't work.
Big, ignoring the other person, continued on his way in
silence. He really wanted to know what Dragon would tell
him or why he went every day to wait for him. But he didn't
say or do anything, just continued on his way to the parking
lot. Dragon followed faithfully, without saying a word. Big
secretly pouted, but he didn't want to be the first to start
talking. So he just rushed to his car . Once there he opened
the car door to let the other person know that he was
getting away from him. With that he would let him know
that sending delicious food daily would be of no use.

Suddenly, the sound of a luxury car could be heard arriving.

It was a yellow Lamborghini Urus pulling into the College
parking lot. When the owner of the car opened the door and
approached to get out. Big realized that it was Phi Nine, so
he hurriedly greeted him like a good polite person.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh! Big, how are you?" Nine greeted the person in front of

"Well ..."
"Well, I'm here to see an acquaintance." He answered,
blinking in the style of a young man that he was flirting
with. Big looked at Nine's splendor and couldn't help but
admire it. He had a perfect hairstyle, the clothes he wore
were perfect for his height and he always kept a big smile
on his face, which caused his eyes to sparkle. 'What kind of
person is so charming?'

He wanted to continue talking to the boy he was admiring,

but he was touched by someone's thick hand holding his
hair. Although he didn't hurt, he didn't feel anything. But
that attitude bothered him a little. Then, when he turned to
look, he saw the soft and beautiful face that had been
following him.

"What are you doing, Dragon?"

Dragon didn't say anything. He just kept playing with his

hand in Big's hair, kind of curling it between his fingers and
so he kept playing. Big felt a bit embarrassed when Phi Nine
stared at him puzzled, so he excused himself and then
hurriedly walked away, while Big blankly stared in

Opening his car, Dragon caught him with his large tattooed
arm. He dragged him to his own car and sneaked him into it.
Big wanted to fight not wanting to go in, but when he looked
into the other person's fierce eyes, he gave up and agreed.
Wondering, 'What does Dragon intend to do?'
"Do you know him?"

"Yes. We're close." Said Big, it wasn't entirely true, since he

wasn't close to Phi Nine. But, he said it because he wanted
to see Dragon's reaction.

"Really?" Dragon raised an eyebrow.

“Hmmh.” Big nodded with a slight moan, the corner of his

mouth secretly raising a smile as the other person frowned.

"Do you like him?" He continued asking Dragon. This time

Big was surprised.

"Oh why? Because Phi Nine, he's handsome, he's rich and
nice to me. He also never teased me like some dogs." Big
said admiringly. The person next to him secretly snorted,
before turning his car into a large shopping mall near the

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Let's go eat." Replied Dragon and opened the car door, to
go to the place.

"I'm not hungry." Big said, not wanting to get out of the car,
but he was pulled out by those big thick hands.

"But I'm hungry. Let's eat as friends."

"I don't want to." Big confirmed his words.

"Dragon is hungry for Big".

'Wait, he was deaf just now? Or didn't I hear right...' Big

turned quickly to look at Dragon's beautiful face, and found
that he was smiling nervously and flirting, not playing. But
why are his cheeks hot?


"Yeah, what the hell is wrong with you, man." Said Big,
He didn't think that talking to Dragon would cause such
severe damage to him. Now you don't know whether to
bother or not. But he also made Big lose control for a while,
not knowing how to act. Seeing this, Dragon slyly smiled,
quickly leading his big arm to carry him to the mall. Before
Big knew it, a variety of Chinese dishes were lined up in
front of him.

Big doesn't usually eat Chinese food. Because he feels that

it is a food that people his age eat, since it is mostly stewed
Chinese medicine, baked in red sauce and fried. But Dragon
said that the food in this restaurant was delicious, so he
tried it.

"Oh, it's delicious."

He said after trying the peanut fried chicken. Looking at the

person sitting across from him, he saw a nervous expression
on his face. Big angrily grimaced and stuck out his tongue at
Dragon, before going downstairs to continue enjoying the
tasty meal. Even though he wasn't hungry at all.

When he was full, he was in a good mood. He stopped by

the game center area to find something fun to do. Dragon
continued to follow him without hesitation. So, he issued a
large amount of money to exchange for coins, while Big
changed his cabinet to be separate, because he didn't have
to play with that Idiot.
"What are you shooting at? Shooting birds? You have to
shoot zombies."

"Shut the fuck up!" Big yelled at the person standing with
his hand in his pocket and commenting on why he couldn't
shoot zombies on screen with a gun. But no matter how
much he shoots, the zombies swarm back.

"Let's go." Dragon said, raising his arms open and wrapping
around the other person holding the gun from behind to
help him fire. Big turned to look at him through narrowed
eyes, swallowing hard in his throat.

"Bring another 300 to trade and play again."

"I don't want to. Let's play something else." Big said. So he
shrugged his shoulders in disgust several times. He didn't
even realize that he had revealed the childish side of him to
Dragon before walking away and standing in front of the doll

"Would you like to play this one? It's fine. With the tweezers
it's simpler, you still can't even aim."
In fact, he didn't want to play that game, since it was very
complex to hold the dolls with the tweezers. But Big was
being insulted like that, he had a strong grudge mixed with
anger. He took a coin from Dragon's hand and put it in the
entrance of the machine. Then he moved the lever and
chose the doll that is easier to take out.

Tek tek tek

The sound effect of the tweezers is evocative. But Big's

wrist didn't move properly and he didn't hold anything at all
in the clamp of the pliers. Frustrated, he added more coins
and chose a new doll to draw. But the results are still the

Pew pew pew!

"Wow, pick it up!" Big, slapping the glass with his hand.

"Pinch him a little harder, hehe." Dragon continued to sneer.

Pew pew pew!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Dragon sighed, looked at the easily excited person like a
child, then grabbed his shoulder and pushed him out of the

"What!" Big looked at the other person.

"Wait, let me show you how it's done." Dragon responded

with a smile that slid at the corner of his red lips.

"You think it's easy?" Big said.

"Oh!! Did you want to try again?"

"Then if you can lift it in one go, I'll call you Phi Dragon." Big
makes a meme gesture pointing at him. With a gesture he
makes it seem provocative.


Dragon laughs at the person next to him. How can you be so

childish? It's very different from when they met.
In the past, Dragon often felt upset and angry with Big,
because the other party likes to always act arrogant in front
of him. He always made him bitter, since he found him in
different places and with the people he wanted to get. Then
they smashed his face and left it covered in bruises, letting
it bleed to death with the blows.

But now everything has changed, Dragon still wants to

touch that white face, but not use his hands.

Rather, he wants to use something else instead.

"What, do you accept the challenge?"

Dragon didn't reply, but he slipped the coin in and

immediately strained the pliers. He chose the doll at the
end, which Big paid no attention to. Once he was able to
aim, he pressed the red button.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew

The large green body began to hum before moving towards

the launch hole.
Wow! Pack! Nak! Puk !

Echoing sound effects, a dazzling flash of light indicates that

Dragon is the one who was able to get the doll out of the
display case. Dragon leaned down, pulled out the doll, and
smiled brightly.

That's exactly the smile Big hates the most. 'I hate it so
much !'

"The first time, you're a fluke!" Big still didn't want to admit

"That... Should have been easy to pick up. By all means, try
a second round."

Dragon sighed and raised his index finger as if to say that

this time, he'll take a good look again before putting the
coin in the vending machine.

"Can I choose?" Big said and Dragon nodded.

"Take that."

Big was pointing to a green doll lying in the corner of the

vending machine. He was the last one left and he was in a
position that was harder to grab.

"Of course." Dragon said. Big smiled, thinking that the

person in front of him must have lacked confidence.

"Well, take it, if you can, I'll call you phi Dragon leg..." Big's
voice was sweet and shimmered.

Fortunately, the owner of the name laughed at Big,

thinking... 'This guy is so naive, I haven't done anything yet
and he has given me a reward.'

"What's wrong?" Big says, pouting, Dragon reacts and sticks

out his tongue, before again forcing the tweezers to match
the doll's position.

Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew

Wow! Pack! Nak! Puk !

Big gasped, watching the green doll fall into the hole in the
vending machine. He then turned to look at Dragon, who
was smiling that he was already waiting to get the doll out.
How can this guy do it? Why does it seem so easy?

“You don't have to see it.” Dragon said, as he crouched

down, pulling the rabbit doll out of the compartment where
the light flickered on to congratulate him.

"Okay, this time, you can call me Phi Long-legged Dragon

now." Dragon stood up. His left hand holds the two dolls.
While his right hand took the phone to record a video.

"Well, ummm, no." Big tilted his head, his cheeks flushed.

"Hurry up."

"Then why are you recording a video?"

Big raised his head and reached up to grab Dragon's phone.

But Dragon wouldn't accept being caught so easily and as
Big moved closer to catch him. Dragon began to tickle his
"I'll just take a picture and save it, why? Can't I?"

Big pursed his lips, cursing in his heart, he shouldn't be

acting so excited right now. 'But how could Dragon do it ? Is
he really too good? Wouldn't that be the mistake of an
arrogant, foul-mouthed braggart?'

Dragon continued to tickle the person in front of him. Big

secretly made a pointed mouth saying quietly.


Dragon continued to pick up the phone to take pictures, but

hearing that he murmured, his eyes fell on Big's
embarrassed face.


"A little louder. It's a little noisy, I couldn't hear you."

"Ow." Big yelled, unaware of his own behavior. He made

Dragon stare at him which caused his heart to stab at just
one word.

“Phi Dragon….long legs.”

Big was acting shy and his white cheeks had turned red.
Dragon's silver eyes looked at the other person who smiled

"I'm satisfied... Then I can stop taking pictures now." Big

quickly takes the phone away from him. Dragon laughed
heartily and pressed the record button before putting it back
in his pocket as before.


Dragon showed him the first doll he had brought out. It was
a green dragon doll with small golden wings in the middle of
its back, it had brown horns, round and light black eyes. But
he, too, stuck out his tongue mockingly. Even if it's not a
formidable Chinese dragon like the man's tattoo held it.
Well, it's also a dragon.

"Can you... give it to me?" Big asked uncertainty.

"This…" Dragon replied, holding up the dragon doll.

"Take it yourself..."

Big didn't pay much attention to that dragon doll. Besides,

Dragon paid for it all and picked it up himself, so if the
owner wants it, it 's no wonder.

'But does Dragon like cute things like this? So too ?'

Big thought. But the person in front of him walks over to

take the doll to the person standing next to the doll in the
closet, eyes fluttering.

"Keep him."

A soft voice said. Then he leaned over, grabbed the dummy

unsteadily, and handed it to Big.

"It's fine."
He smiled, gloating. He was standing and bowed his head,
thanking Dragon. Big's heart warmed at the sight of such a
beautiful sight.

"It's already after ten."

Dragon said after walking towards him. So Big nods. Both of

his hands are hugging the doll against his chest.

In case he can reduce the flashes that now appear

throughout the interior of his body.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 16 : "Give your Heart a new Heart"

A Jaguar hits the road at night. Big frowned when he didn't

turn around to head back to the university. Therefore, he
turned to look at the person driving the wheel.

"Where are you going?"

'Or is it that all this left him hallucinated? And in the end will
he take me to eat as usual? This doll looks too much like
him.' Big thought. His left hand squeezed the doll's tail to
hide his emotions.

"I'm taking you home." Dragon answered without looking at

Big, before turning on the turn signal on the road and
crossing onto the highway that runs past Big's house.

"But my car. My car is still at the university."

"Go get him tomorrow." Dragon said, driving back and forth.
Avoiding traffic jams until he gets home.

Big fell silent and made a point of arguing together.

Squeezing the doll to relieve the feeling of frustration,
because he fell into Dragon's trap again.
"Tomorrow morning, I'll come pick you up and we'll go to
college together."

At the end of the sentence, Big who was about to speak was
suddenly silent. But showing displeasure... he spoke

"I don't see the need. I'm wise enough to get myself to
college." He gasped. While his two arms tightly held the
green dragon doll.

"What time do you study tomorrow?" Dragon ignored Big's

sarcastic words.

"My first class is at 10 o'clock."

"Oh. Then I'll pick you up at 9 o'clock."

The interior of the car was silent. Big was looking at Dragon
with eyes that seemed to be annoyed at each other, but he
kept a small smile secret from the silly green dragon doll.
When the Jaguar stopped in front of Big's front door, he
opened the car door, but Dragon grabbed his arm before he
could get out.

"What the hell!"

Dragon walked over, took one of his hands and cupped Big's
face and kissed the top of Big's mouth. It was just a soft kiss
on his lips, like a spoiled child's lips being crushed.

Then he released his face. Both of Big's cheeks immediately

flushed red and his chest throbbed heavily.

Even though they had already exchanged tongues, they had

pierced each other's throats, bit each other's lips, and
sucked until they bled many time during sex. Dragon always
said that none of that mattered. Then Big also tried to think
the same.

This was the first time the two of them kissed, no sex
involved, Big just opening his mouth, long fingertips parting
the corners of his mouth. Big, before getting out of a sports
car, his expression showed no disdain for each other. This
was something strange, different. But totally moving.

He was so surprised that he couldn't react. He just stood

there doing nothing.

"Why? Not kisses... aren't they special?" Asked Big, when he

was able to react.

"I said kissing isn't special, but you're magnificent." Dragon

replied, rephrasing his words. Sticking out his lanky tongue
at him, he then reached out to shut the door and
immediately walked out the front of his house.

Dragon's words had already been completely exhausted,

but Big was still blushing. He then hurriedly ran into the
house without speaking to anyone.


The next morning, the housewives working in the kitchen

were surprised when they saw Khun Yai diligently cutting
bread, also humming in a good mood. Is it really Khun Yai?
Khun Yai is lazy and he doesn't like to get his hands dirty?
So every big meal is something... special to him.

"Be careful with the knife, khun Yai."

"I see." Big replied to the maid who stood up to him. But Big
cut the edges of the bread perfectly, took the butter and
spread it before placing the bread on the stove.
When the bread was toasted, he rested it and poured it with
tomato sauce, followed by fresh lettuce, tomato slices,
onion, ham slices, and cheese. Big squeezed on a special
honey mustard sauce to finish it off, then put another piece
of bread on it, then put the sandwich on the heated fries
and wrapped it into a shape before making another one for

The first sandwich made, he intended to hand it over to

Dragon to get his attention today.

Today Big had woken up at seven in the morning. He went in

to shower and brush his teeth and then dressed
meticulously in his college student uniform, checking every
detail in front of the large mirror in his room. Big went back
to his closet for perfume to spray, looking at the lineup of
bottles. He flips the bottles to choose and choose again
which one to use today. 'Wait, what's going on? It's just
going to college together and that's it.'

He washed his hands with a happy face. When he looked at

his wristwatch, he said it was past eight. So he put all the
sandwiches in a bag and went outside to sit in the hall near
the front door.

Borom, dressed in a suit and carrying a work bag,

accompanied by a secretary following him up the spiral
staircase. When he saw the anxious face of his son, sitting
in the doorway. He couldn't help but greet him.

"Sitting and smiling anxiously, so early in the morning. If

you haven't been to college on time even once."

"I'm waiting for someone to come pick me up, father. Can

you go to work now?" Big said, waving his hand gently to
evade the father from him.
"Who's going to pick you up, your girlfriend?"

Big heard that and was embarrassed. But his mouth still
stubbornly denied it. Saying;

"Not at all."

"Well someone said Khun Yai went to the kitchen to make

sandwiches early in the morning, didn't you make your

Big came over and pushed his father's back to get into the
Bentley that was parked in front of the house, Borom
laughed knowing that his son was very embarrassed. After
sending his father to work, Big sat back on the couch
waiting for Dragon.

But at nine fifty-five minutes later, there was still no sign of

Dragon. Big picked up the phone and got ready to call, but
in the end he kept it low.

'If I call him, Dragon will know how long I've been waiting,'

Big looked at the sandwich bag and tried to calm down.

After a while, a call came from Dragon.

[Where are you? You think I'll wait until the roots have
sprouted!] Big yelled, looking toward the front door hoping
to see a big Jaguar or Land Rover, but no car stopped.

[Big, I came to college alone today. I have an urgent matter.]

The voice heard on the other end of the line. It causes Big's
heart to race. Then the smile at the corner of his mouth
disappears in the blink of an eye. He wants to ask why? But
he didn't know what to say, in this position he just pursed
his lips and pressed ending the call. Then he called Phakdi
to take him to the university. His white face was so sullen
that the housewife he had talked to this morning, didn't
dare approach him. Since, Khun Yai suddenly changed into
this mode.

"Very late, you are late, why?"

Big was furious when he sat down in a luxury Mercedes


"Excuse me, I had to pick up Pong." Phak said, showing Pong

sitting in the front seat, who turned to smile at Khun Yai.

"Where were you two? Where are you going? I'm suing my
father for a pay cut." Big yelled.

"Khun Yai, calm down. Today we have to go see the

renovation of the pub that Khun Yai ordered to destroy
several months ago." Pong emphasized the name of the
person who ordered the pub to be demolished for no reason.
Both subordinates are full of demolition work and also have
to go back to take care of Big.

"Is Khun Yai going to watch the event this Saturday? It's
almost over." Pong asked.

Big frowned, "You two make all the arrangements for me,
I'm busy!"

Pong and Pak looked at each other helplessly, before

nodding at Khun Yai's command.

"But, don't tell father that. I don't usually go to the pub." Big
remembered something important, so he intercepted it and
leaned back in his seat. But his eyes looked at the sandwich
bag that he had made during the morning, he should have
left it at home but nothing, he continued with them in his
hands. As the car turned to park in front of the Business
School, Big took the bag of sandwiches and handed it to the
two subordinates.

"Take and eat it. I made them myself."

They both looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

But eating food made by the master is an interesting thing.
At least Pakk didn't say anything as he took the bag of
sandwiches, handing it to Pong for safekeeping. Big, when
he saw that at least someone would take advantage of the
food he had prepared. He got out of the car to go into the
faculty building to start the first class.

Big was in a wonderful mood at the beginning of the day. He

has become cranky for the rest of the day.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 17: "Wild tiger fighting with a wild bull"

"Answer me, where did your father go, what business does
he have? And who?"

Big was sitting on his bed, yelling angrily at the green

dragon doll.

"Don't knock, don't knock!" He said, then hit him on the

head until the dragon doll rolled to the ground.

Before opening the blanket on the bed and crawling into it,
ignoring him. Unlike the first night this doll came to his bed,
he spent the whole night hugging him, not wanting to get
away from him.
Tonight, he just tossed and turned, he couldn't sleep and he
also felt suffocated at times. Then, he got up and went to
the bathroom to drink water, when he returned he found the
dragon doll at his feet. So, he picked it up, carried it to his
bed and placed it on the headboard next to him as usual.

Dragon had been missing from Big's life for three days now.
In all this time there had been no contact, either, no calls or
messages. Big tried not to think about that beautiful face
and each time he got even more annoyed. But he can't get
him to call and text him! Why would he do that if he didn't
have any kind of relationship with that cranky Dragon?

But recently, Big has been secretly investigating. He heard

that Dragon was still going to class normally. But the days
come when he has to deliver some work and then he
immediately leaves.

Today is Friday. Big can't stand his frustration, so he decides

to drive in front of the Faculty of Architecture.


Khem Sao, a girl he had a concert with last year, came to

say hello. Therefore, Big smiles politely.
"Coming to meet a girl?"

"I came here..." Big was speechless. But his classmates

have come from everywhere. So, he asks first, so as not to
waste the trip.

"Dragon, is he there?"

"Oh!!.. he's already gone." Khem said.

"Dragon recently joined our class, but he only came to

deliver the project and then disappeared. He doesn't know
where a handsome man like him can go. But he thinks he
left with a tall boy, too handsome, he thinks he's from
another Faculty"

The fact that Dragon chose to go with other people instead

of Big, was already painful. But him disappearing with
another and more handsome boy was terrible.

"Thanks." Big said and headed back to his car and

immediately left the place. 'I don't want to breathe in this
place anymore.'
Big felt that he had been betrayed. He had been stranded in
the middle of the sea. 'What happened in the past? Dragon
came to do good deeds. They went out to eat, to play. He
brings food daily. After all, it doesn't make any sense, does
it? All those attempts don't compare to an apology. But
Dragon could still do it with me. But now he quits, changes
his mind, and besides, he goes looking for someone else. He
is stubborn?'

Many questions swirled in his head. When his brain reacted,

he drove the car to a bar. He came to the bar and ordered a
drink to help him relax. He also lit a cigarette and sat on the
sofa for a while. Very close to him, there was a very sexy girl
who came to ask to meet him.

Then he realized that it had been a long time since he had

had sex. 'I've used those toys so much to relieve my
discomfort, that I've almost forgotten what it's like to go to
bed with a woman.' Big thought, then clenched his jaw
furiously. 'How can I allow Dragon to interfere in my life like
this? Damn Bastard!!'

Big e clenched his fists tightly. He approached the girl to kiss

her on the neck.

"Um…so impatient." The young woman said as he lowered

his head to her throat. As he ran down that soft, fragrant
neck of hers, he thought about squeezing it a little with his
hands. But if he squeezes she'll probably scream, not like...


Big cursed angrily as the image of himself pressing down on

Dragon's throat popped into his head, causing the pretty girl
to gasp. He didn't act well, he looked at her without paying
attention, seriously, he wasn't in the mood to do things like
that to her. Before long, he asked to leave.

Big sat alone again. He gazed aimlessly around the

Bar.Then, he caught a glimpse of a man in a perfect gray
suit, talking to a customer at the bar counter.

Suddenly the man turned to meet Big's black eyes.

"Phi Nine." He greeted this newcomer from afar, and Nine

walked over to meet him.

"Are you coming alone?"

"Yes, suddenly I want to drink a delicious liquor."

"Then you have come to the right place because everything
in the bar is delicious, the food, the liquor, the beer, the
cocktails, the wine. If you see, the owner is also delicious."
Then Nine extended his hand to indicate that the owner he
was talking about was himself.

"Phi Nine has bought the bar?"

"Oh!! I just bought it about three months ago. I'll rename it

next month."

When the conversation went well, the two talked for quite
some time, before Nine asked to go to an upcoming event.

"Next Saturday 'The Romeo Association' will organize a

benefit meeting". Nine took out a dark blue envelope from
his suit jacket and handed it to Big.

"I'd like to invite you. Of course if you're free, but if you're

not. It'll be fine."

Big repeated "Romeo Association", took the card and looked

at the gold seal.
"Yes," Nine said, accidentally keeping the last invitation card
with him. And Big was in a position to attend the event as
his guest.

Big, with a smile, was delighted to be invited to join the

Association. Which is an old men's association that is
extremely famous in high society circles. Members of this
society must be descendants of the 12 exclusive founding
families only. And let's say that the membership application
doesn't accept outsiders at all. Just to visit their place, if you
are not familiar with the people of the guild or you weren't
invited, you will never be able to enter easily.

"I'm going upstairs to continue my work."

"Yeah. I'll be back too." Said Big, because if he didn't talk to

Phi Nine, he didn't know what to do in this place. Nine heard
that and offered to walk him to the car. But when they
arrived, Big's car was hit by a pole and the beam had fallen
on him.

"I was calling Mr. Nine." A security guard ran up to him, his
face pale. Of course, the bar owner must be upset. But he
didn't criticize his subordinates for no reason, he let Nine
clear up the matter with his own staff. Big called to inform
Pong to coordinate everything with the insurance company.
"I'm really sorry. Big being here in this situation. I just gave
the company a new hire. I don't think it's going to be a quick

"It's alright, Phi."

"So can I take you home?"

Nine wants to take full responsibility as the owner of the

bar, in the face of what happened. Big looked at him and
didn't want to refuse to feel sorry for him, so he agreed
before sending Pong a message. So that he wouldn't pick it

Big walked up to Nine's yellow Lamborghini Urus. On the

way he took a cell phone to take a picture of the person
behind the wheel. If he didn't have alcohol residue on him,
he probably wouldn't dare to have such bad manners.

"Are you taking a photo to report to your boyfriend?" Nine

didn't care.

"Just kidding, just let me delete it." Said Big. The person
next to him shook his head.
"It does not matter."

Big was ashamed of doing things without thinking. So he

intends to delete the image. But when he pressed on the
album. Instead, he saw a photo of a sleeping Dragon. '...this
photograph was taken in secret a long time ago. While I was
staying with him in his condo.'

Suddenly bitterness began to creep up his throat. So, Big

decided not to delete the image of Phi Nine, on the contrary,
he decided to upload it to his Instagram with the description

(Wild tiger fighting a wild bull)

The image has a blur. So you only see a person's forearm

with a fancy watch and the steering wheel with the big mark
of a Lamborghini, it seemed to increase the number of likes.
But Big just made fun of himself. 'What did I do this for?'

Big posted the image, after five minutes, but with enough
likes, he decided to delete the image. Then he put the
phone away like before. He didn't dare to look at Phi Nine's
face. When the car parked in front of his house. Big said
thanks, before opening the car door.
"See you next Saturday, Big. You can say you're a guest of
the Sirikawin family." Big smiles.

"Oh, I forgot.. We already know..."

Rrrrr Rrrrr.

The prayer must have been interrupted when an incoming

call rings. Nine raised his hand to tell Big to wait a moment,
before pressing reply.

"Hey! I dare you to blow up the guild lab again. What's up?
Phi, the person who practiced, oh, oh. Okay, I'll call him

"I have to go now." Nine said, after hanging up the phone.

Big completely forgets what he was going to say a moment
ago, so Big doesn't say anything before getting out and
watching the yellow car drive off and disappear from his

Walking until they reached the door of his house, Big sighed
quietly. But it wasn't long before he turned his back on the
house. The sound of car wheels squeezing the road surface
at his approach echoed loudly. In the distance, he spotted a
white Jaguar. He swallowed hard in his throat, both of his
feet froze refusing to enter the house.

Dragon parked the car in front of Big's house. Before

opening the door, Big noticed that he was wearing a black
polo shirt, white pants, but with dirty stains. The condition
was slightly different from normal Dragon. But Big didn't pay
much attention to that part. Since, he was admiring his
handsome face, which was filled with a dark and gloomy
aura surrounding him.

"Where is your bull?"

Dragon asked in a very loud and frustrated tone.

"What happen?"

Big pushed Dragon's chest wide, but was violently grabbed

by Dragon's arm. Before Dragon's furious eyes stared at Big,
as if he was going to push the body. Big felt a shiver run
down his spine, he didn't reply. Dragon tugged on Big's arm,
to walk out into the garden. Next to the walls of the house,
hide from the CCTV and avoid being noticed by the security
guards of the main house.
"Let go!"

Big tried to free his body from him, but he didn't easily
escape his grasp. Although there is no fence, this area is
considered the territory of all of Big's family homes. There is
an excavated lotus pond several tens of meters deep and
several kilometers long. There is a well built living pavilion.

Dragon realized the existence of that pavilion, so he

dragged his right arm so he could open the door and throw
Big's body into it.

"What are you going to do Dragon?"

Two white hands flickered back and forth as they pushed

him down onto the cushion. Dragon didn't speak, just
grabbed Big's body, then crushed a kiss violently. A hot
tongue floated in the warm cavity of his mouth. By savoring
the lingering taste of alcohol. He made Dragon's mood even
worse than before.

Dragon ripped off Big's shirt and the buttons frayed and

scattered all over the place. Before moving his face down to
bury his mouth in Big's soft white fur, biting fiercely on all
sides. The two hadn't seen each other in days. The red scars
Dragon had made had already faded.
“You…Uh, don't hurt me!” Big yelled until his mouth
trembled. Red eyes with drops of water beginning to fall.

Dragon had never been so hard on him before… Every touch

from him caused a great pain in his heart.

"Why the hell do you like making me so nervous?" Dragon

said, grabbing Big's face to look into his eyes. But Big
twisted and slammed his head into Dragon's mouth until he
bled. Then he hastily got up and ran away. But the sound of
thunder outside startled him. So, Dragon grabbed him by
the ankle and Big fell back onto the cushion in the middle of
the pavilion.

"What are you going to do, Dragon? Are you going to rape
me?!" Big yelled in terror. Competing with the sound of the
pouring rain that had begun to fall. Dragon clenched his jaw,
grabbed Big's arms, pinning them and bringing them over
his head.

"So can I do it?"

"What the hell no!" Big said furiously. "If you do, don't think
we'll meet again."
After saying that, the two silently looked at each other
amidst the wind, rain, and thunder, roaring outside. The
flashes of light reflected on Big's face, showing a face that
Dragon had never seen before. So, seeing him, Dragon sank
into his chest. He stood there inhaling the scent of that silky

He then got up and left the pavilion.

Dragon ran through the pouring rain. Two nearly collapsed

from his emotions. He climbed into the Jaguar hitting the
steering wheel with all his might. Luckily, it's made from
premium materials, so it's all good. He then picked up the
umbrella that was attached to the car. He is going back to
the pavilion. But Big was no longer there. Dragon clenched
his jaw until it covered his entire face, then sat up, facing his
own forearm, staring at something alone.

Big stumbled into the house through a small door at the

other end. Through the house of the housekeeper and
butler. He then entered the hallway of the house with a little
more calm, since today his father went to see the business
in the provinces and his sister has moved in with her
husband. Therefore, he would not have the need to answer
confusing questions.

Going up to the bedroom, Big took off his clothes. He then

walked in and sat under the shower, letting his tears flow
uncontrollably all over his face.
'When you want to come to me you just come. When you
don't want to be by my side, you just disappear with
someone else.'

'Does Dragon only see me as something to vent his lust for?

This is too much.'

"Ugh!!! I hate you more than anyone in the world, Dragon."

Big said and raised his hands to cover his face, before
wiping his tear-stained lips. The pain that he felt at this
moment was like burning needles that stabbed all over his
chest. He was still suffocating, preventing himself from
breathing normally while the tears still didn't stop flowing


Sunlight shines through blinds that weren't fully closed. Big

lay silent on his side on his bed. His eyes were red, he didn't
want to get up, as his body was unable to move from all the
Today was a holiday, so he didn't have to go out to meet
anyone. Big picked him up and brought him up to his neck,
to caress his red throat and the constant teeth marks on his.
The pain in his heart hadn't gone away, it was just burying
itself much deeper in him.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Khun Yai."

A housekeeper knocked on his door, since he was the only

head of the house.

"I'm going to sleep". Yai yelled back at him.

"Khun Yai, there's just... There's a car parked in front of the

house. Is he a friend of yours?"

Hearing that, Big jumped up and sat up, getting off the bed
to open the curtains. Big's bedroom was located in a place
where he could see the entire front of the house and when
he saw a white Jaguar parked in the same spot as the night
before, he immediately opened the door to the room.
"I was looking for the owner, but I couldn't find him. So I
came to inform Khun Yai first. Do you want me to turn on the
surveillance cameras?"

"No, you don't have to." Big shook his head at the maid and
told her to find the old house security guard, there was no
need to look at the CCTV tape. Because Big didn't know, if
the image that he would show there, was of himself being
passionately kissed by Dragon.

Big came out of the fence, Dragon's car was still parked
there. Worry really arose in Big's heart. He looked left and
right, then walked towards the lotus pond next to the house,
a black umbrella lying on him. Facing the stairs down on the
way to the great pavilion, he picked it up, turned it over and
saw that it was Dragon's umbrella, a Jaguar umbrella.

'And where did its owner go?'


Big called out to him, his heart beating wildly, but there was
no answer. Therefore, he tried to walk to the other end of
the pavilion with an anguish and anxiety that seemed to
increase with time.
Suddenly, he came across the stocky figure of a man lying
on the side of a great pillar.

The black dragon tattoo on his right arm meant that he no

longer had to guess who it was.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 18 : "Sick"


Big called out to him, his heart beating wildly, but there was
no answer. Therefore, he tried to walk to the other end of
the pavilion with an anguish and anxiety that seemed to
increase with time.

Suddenly, he came across the stocky figure of a man lying

on the side of a great pillar.

The black dragon tattoo on his right arm meant that he no

longer had to guess who it was.

Big touches Dragon's upper arm with his hand, before

quickly pulling him out because he was on fire.

"Dragon, did you stay here all night?" Asked Big, holding up
the other person's clothes to confirm that he was wet.

Big suddenly heard a groan of pain. He kept touching

Dragon's face, without a doubt he had a fever, his hair was
completely wet. So, he hurried Dragon into his house.

"Take off your clothes."

Big should hate this person, as he told himself last night.

But when he saw Dragon sick, he couldn't bear it. Big, in the
room, desisted from Dragon, stripping him of all his clothes,
until he was completely naked. Even though he was
unconscious from fever, the center of his body still stood
out. Big swallows down his throat, not wanting to think

Big quickly rushes to the bathroom for a damp cloth to clean

it up.
Dragon frowned as he felt a foreign object come into
contact with his body, but then relaxed as he felt a coolness
envelop him. Suddenly, something in his crotch hardened a
little. Big's cheeks flushed red, he looked at the person lying
on the bed, who didn't even show any death from being
embarrassed. Then, he quickly put pajamas on Dragon's

He then continued cleaning the rest of Dragon's body.

Starting with gentle movements through the neck and nape,
then down to the neck, the forearms to finish in a strong

"Hmm." Came a low moan, as Big ran the damp cloth along
that burning skin. When he finished cleaning up, Big
hurriedly put on a shirt for Dragon and let him rest for a few
more hours.

Big sat on the edge of the bed looking at him the whole
time. When he confirmed that he was still asleep, he was
able to rely on leaving the room to cook hot soup for him.

"Are you awake?"

As soon as he opened the door to the room, Dragon sat on

the bed and waited for him.
"Hmm." He replied, looking at Big, bringing the tray of food

"This is your room?"

"Yes, eat and take the medicine." Big put the tray down next
to the bed before holding up the heat proof mug for Dragon.

"I have no energy." Said the dying man. As if he asked him

to feed him.

"Eat alone."

Big's cheeks flushed. However, Dragon didn’t accept the

cup of soup for a while. He then began to cough pitifully. Big
agreed to use a spoon to blow out boiled rice, eventually
bringing the spoon to Dragon's burning lips. Dragon calmly
ate whatever he was fed. Eating everything, what Big had

"Did you do it yourself?"

Dragon asked after taking the pill that he had been given.
Big didn't reply, just saw the embarrassment on the
interrogator's face.

"And these clothes. Did you change me?Did you clean me

yourself?" Dragon asked.

"Get well and go home." Big didn't want to talk anymore. He

was still very angry with Dragon.

He didn't let him die by the pavilion, in the lotus pond, just
because… because he only sympathized with humans.


Dragon called him in a soft voice. The owner of the name

refused to look. He pretended to remove Dragon's clothes
from the room. The other person saw this and went to bed.

"Get well! Get lost and go back to your own house."

"I haven't recovered yet, I'm still hot. Are you so evil? That
you'll let me die."
Dragon finished speaking, lay down and turned to the other
direction. Big looked at the broad back of the person who
was already numb and trembling. He gasped, cursing inside
him, put his hand on Dragon's cheek, but he was still hot.

"Ugh!! Why are you biting me?"

Big said after being bitten on the tips of his fingers. Dragon
didn't reply, but secretly smiled slightly. Seeing that, Big
raised his hands and hit Dragon's tattooed forearm, but
Dragon wasn't even shaken. Big was furious for fighting him,
so he called the maid to come in and collect the dirty bowls.

Big annoyed went to take a shower, to refresh his own body.

He barely got out of the bathroom, Dragon was asleep, the
pill he had given him had taken effect.

Big walked over and sat on the bed next to the sleeping
person. Seeing his beautiful face now peaceful and eyes
closed, he wanted to bruise that high nose. 'When you don't
say a word that bothers me, you look cute… you're so

After thinking about it, he secretly took his mobile phone to

take a picture and save it. He then went to get Dragon's
clothes that the housewife had given him, he hung them in
the closet in front of the dressing room.

He picked up Dragon's mobile phone, which was turned off

since he had left it charging all this time. Suddenly a light
flashed, immediately there was an incoming call.

Big looked at the name of the person he was calling and

there was a bitter taste in his throat, so he decided to turn
off Dragon's phone. He didn't know anything else.

8 pm

Dragon hasn't woken up yet. Big is tired and sleepy,

because he has spent the day taking care of the sick
person. Also, he hasn't slept peacefully since the night. So
he turned off the light in the room, then staggering, he lay
down on the other side of the bed.

Dragon's silver eyes looked at the person next to him in

silence, before sleepiness finally put both people to sleep.

Finally, the next morning, Big woke up uncomfortable. After

looking around he realized that he was lying on Dragon's
strong chest, who had him trapped in his arms.
Dragon invariably breathed deeply into the crook of Big's
neck. That breath, he began to tickle, that raised all the skin
and his cheeks blushed. However, this wasn't like sleeping
after sex when he was staying in his condo. This was like
sleeping like when he is in a relationship.

The two slept cuddled up to each other. Still holding the

pieces of clothing, not knowing if Dragon had acted out of
ignorance. But it created a slight warmth in his heart as he
slowly walked away. But Dragon held his white white arm

"Where are you going?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"I'm going to pee."

Big answered, so Dragon gave in and kindly let go of his

arm. Big noticed that Dragon's hand was warmer than usual.
The fever had probably returned. After completing his
personal business, he placed a bowl of cold water in a bowl
and soaked a soft towel.

"Clean yourself first."

"Do you want to clean me?"

The person on the bed asked, if it was a simple sentence,

Big wouldn't feel anything at all, but he doesn't know if this
person is serious or just teasing him.

"Stop messing around now. Take it and clean yourself up."

Big placed the sink on the nightstand. Then he got up to

leave. But Dragon took his hand first.

"Clean me up? Why can't you do it Big?"

The more Dragon talked like that, it only made Big's cheeks
blush. Big didn't know if Dragon was trying to play him or
not. But looking at Dragon's face, he can't see that defiant
smile as usual.


Big is embarrassed when he starts to take Dragon's shirt off.

Dragon sat motionless, until a white hand caught hold of
him, flipping him onto the bed when the top was finished.
Then he continued to remove the bottom part. Dragon
doesn't wear underwear. After removing his pants, a big hot
long member appeared in front of his eyes. Dragon's scent
stunned him for a moment. His throat was dry as if he
needed moisture.

"Here, do it yourself."

Big put the towel over Dragon's hard belly. He then

pretended to take Dragon's freshly taken clothes and leave
them in the laundry basket. Until he gets to the closet and
hides there for a moment, he looks for a new outfit for the
other person to change into.

But in reality, Big just wants to calm his mind and body,
since he suddenly became hot for no reason and this
symptom is not due to fever.

Dragon secretly got up with a smile at the corner of his

mouth. Then take the cloth to clean every secret part of his
body, in every corner. After several minutes Big agreed to
come out with a new set of clothes. But Big was surprised
when Dragon slowly raised his head before his eyes.

Dragon said, grabbing Big's waist, causing him to fall on top
of him as he tried to escape.

"Help me!"
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 19 : "Caring for the Sick"

"Please help me."

"I won't do that... help yourself."

Big tried to get up, but Dragon grabbed his giant member
with bulging veins and gently touched the corner of his red
lips. The fresh scent of bubble-free soap mixed with the
scent of his body easily pinned Big's body to the bed, his
white-hot cheeks were now against the head of that giant
member. His sanity slowly begins to disperse.

"Big, please help. I can't take it anymore."

Dragon said with a broken voice and moving the center of
his body, until he was right in front of Big's lips. Big looked
at what he already had on his face and then swallowed

'Where else would I find that invitation?' Seeing him like

this, Dragon took the other person's white hand and
grabbed onto his hot and swollen member, so he had to
slide it up and down.

"Hurry up and suck it up."

"You know I'm hard to break." Dragon said, raising an


Big makes a face with his mouth. He holds the member in

front of him with both hands and begins to move it up and
down, but the more he does it, the more it resembles a pillar
of rocks. As much as he used his hands, there were no signs
that Dragon would finish.

"Just... use your mouth for a moment."

'This is like the first time I lost to Dragon... At that time I

pretended to speak well due to the effect of the drug. The
sex awakening drug... This time. He talks like that. I won't
lose control... Are you talking sweetly because you're sick?'

"I'm not your girl. That's why I don't have to act like that."

Big said with a frown. Dragon agrees to stay with him like
this, since his fever has not been cured. Big just continues
to lightly massage that member.

"I haven't been with any girls anywhere.I only do it with


Big despite hearing those words, didn’t keep any change.

"Big, use your mouth a little... just a little. I want to burst

into Big's mouth!!"

Such vulgar words and not pleasant at all for the ears. But
they make the listener's heart tingle. Big sucks in a breath
into his lungs, then sticks out his tongue and starts licking
the overly juicy pink head in front of him. He starts with
gentle movements and then wraps his tongue around
him.Big lowered his head completely staring at the member
that began to slowly enter his mouth.
"Er..." Dragon groaned, stretching comfortably.

With his eyes half closed and biting his lips he stared at the
bowed head that was slumping up and down. At the same
time he was looking at the little butt that had gotten up on
the bed, without the owner noticing.

Big was doing his best to free Dragon using every

conceivable move. Which, most of them had learned with
Dragon. Either wrapping the mouth, sucking the little hole in
the pink head, licking up and down, or moving the neck to
get the member to penetrate deep to the end. Big could do
it now without choking, crying or his eyes turning red.

But with it, he instead formed a collective mood.

Never before had Big imagined that he could get so

animated with a man's member in his mouth. Two men
together, never. But now, he could no longer contain his
own body. Then his white hand reached out and he began to
caress his own swollen member. While the other hand held
Dragon's member and used his own mouth to hold back the

"Now! I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming! Ouch..."

A moan mixed with a sucking sound echoed throughout the
room. Dragon closed his eyes as he inhaled and exhaled
slowly, his stomach contracting until his muscles tightened,
then he lifted his hips as he neared climax.

"Just open your mouth." He said.

While holding Big's head, the waist enters the soft cavity of
the mouth mercilessly while Big can only open his mouth as
wide as possible and use his soft tongue to get the right
point, but this wasn't enough to satisfy him.

Dragon then rolled Big over onto his back as he knelt over
his white face, the hot member still inserted deep into Big's
red mouth.

"Huh." Big, seeing Dragon's posture, his eyes widened.


But it's too late Big's mouth was severely pierced in and out
by the hot member, or more or less called 'giant member'.
Fortunately, this isn't the first time for him. So he wasn't
hurt. On the contrary, he was also excited that his own
member spewed his hot liquid in front of the other party. A
white hand lifted and patted his strong leg, while his lower
part trembled.


Soon, liquid spurted into Big's mouth. The familiar taste

made it impossible to resist. He covered his mouth and
swallowed every last drop of tasty cum.

Dragon enjoyed admiring that image, that of his own hot

liquid dripping from him. Those luscious red lips, he smiled
slightly casually, before moving, bowing slowly. Big raises
his hand and brings it up to his face to wipe his cheeks. Big
knew what the shameful behaviors were doing, therefore he
didn't dare to look at Dragon's face. As he was slipping out
of bed, Dragon threw himself on top of Big's body. Two
fingers spread along the edge of his slightly reddish mouth
before kissing him tenderly.

Big, somewhat confused by what was happening, resists a

bit. But when Dragon inserted his tongue into his mouth, he
opened it wide. The two of them kissed deeply, fervently,
interspersed with the rumbling sound of the liquid absorbing
their saliva.

"Big... Can we do it?" Dragon said, snuggling into his

fragrant neck like a big dog trying to snuggle up to please
his owner.

"Usually you never ask." But Big still responded like a

person who was still stubborn.

Hearing that, Dragon managed to remove all of Big's

clothes. Big grabbed the perfume oil: that he had opened
while playing with the toy and squeezed it in his hand,
before rubbing it and sliding it down the length of Dragon's
still-stiff member, fast, because at this point there was no
shame. Big must prepare everything to make sure he
doesn't get hurt. Then Dragon poured scented oil on his
hand and inserted a finger into Big's small canal.

"Ouch." Big yelled because his orifice wasn't as flexible as it

was a few weeks ago. He himself didn’t use the toys that
Dragon bought him. It can be said that in recent days, Big
hasn't had sexual activity, he was introverted like a girl in

Dragon gently kisses the length of Big's face. He felt so

good that he wanted to do his best to be as nice as possible.

Tek tek tek

Dragon's long fingers moved in and out. Gradually from slow
to fast, as his tight, hot cavity began to soften, he inserted
his third and then fourth fingers into his. Big bit his mouth
and his stomach tightened. Now his nipples and the middle
of him were erect.

When Dragon's claws slid along the narrow soft wall, fixed.

"Spread your legs a little." Dragon said Big followed his

command, thus, his fingers went even deeper.

"Ouch... ohhh ohhh."

Big's waist, which is slightly bent down, is lifted off the

mattress before following Dragon's fingers into the
beautifully colored hole. Dragon then used his other hand to
catch Big's member. Dragon grabbed Big's member, pulled
his skin back until his pink head was free. Then he pressed
his thumb against the crack where the liquid came out,
causing Big to squirm, because he couldn't resist the action
from both directions.

"Well, it's over."

"Everything is done. It's ready." Dragon used sweet words.

Big in less than two seconds his legs contracted. Big once
again washed the hot liquid off of him, followed by drops of
clear water scattered on the bed, indicating that he reached
the highest point of him.


Big's body was trembling all over, his legs were spread wide,
showing off his smooth, reddish white member. So, Dragon
leaned down to his waist to suck on Big's soft member.

"Ah... Dragon."

Big moaned softly, he knew that only Dragon could give him
happiness and wildness at the same time.

Big wants Dragon now.

"Can't you take it anymore?"

Dragon was still Dragon. Big, no matter how well he

thought, ultimately Dragon never stopped picking on the
other person. Big had a sharp mouth, his black eyes were
frustrated staring at the other person's beautiful face.
"Quick put it in."

"How fast?" Dragon said. Big raised his hand and slapped
the broad shoulders.

Big who had begged him minutes before had disappeared


"Well, you... ugh! OK."

As soon as he heard the words Dragon fully penetrated him,

his body immediately tensed. Saliva came out of his mouth.
Drops of clear water flowed from his eyes, before looking at
the mocking face once more. It was too big for him.

"Comfortable...tight, unchanging." Dragon whispered softly,

passionately licking Big's ear, then turned into a roar as his
thick hips began to move in and out.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Dragon crushed his body nonstop, withdrawing almost to
the end and reinserting himself until the head end of his
giant member crushed, ruthlessly squeezing Big's sensitive

He lifted his slender white legs and bit into his skin, like
heated sadism. Dragon smiled, showing his sharp blood-
stained teeth.

Big knew that from now on he would surely be taken

savagely by Dragon, but he was no longer afraid…

Dragon accelerates his hips even more. He holds one leg of

Big's legs over Big's shoulder. He then lifted his body
forward, penetrating that long-awaited orifice. He starts
ramming the sensitive spot incessantly so that the other
person doesn't survive.

Big begins to settle in, raising his hands to grab the person
above as if he wants to hold on.

"Ha… ahhhh… I can't take it anymore." Big said, tears in his


"Patience, let's finish together."

Dragon kissed him to comfort him. His thick waist slipped
into the small gap again, feeling how he hungrily wrapped
around and nibbled on his giant member. Big bit his mouth
and looked at the other person with bloodshot eyes.

'It's so cute I want to eat it, until I want to cry.'

Dragon thought and brought his mouth to the other person's

cheeks biting them hard enough, but without making a
wound. Then he moved up the length of his white neck and
continued up his breast, nipping at the tops of the sweet
nipples that peaked there.


The canal was so small that the red petals at the entrance
to it shivered. Holding the giant member that was smashing
into him fiercely. His thick waist swayed endlessly, as violent
as a raging storm. Big can only be held in Dragon's arms. As
his body stretched to his climax over and over again.

Big's soft, smooth body trembled, bending in the center of
his body. In the middle of Dragon's body, the beautiful color
of his skin kept swaying in the direction of the oscillating
force. But liquid didn’t come out in Big.


Dragon moaned as he released the liquid into Big's hot

cavity. Big, who felt hot and contracted his hole
uncontrollably from him. Causing Dragon to feel more
comfortable. Dragon kissed, his face flushed red. Before he
grabs Big and straddles him on his lap.

"I'm coming."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh… Ahhhhhhhhh."

The giant member, still rigid, sank further into the hole in a
straight line. Big's body jerked, twisting until his mouth
trembled. Dragon swayed forward at a slow pace. Big was
startled and hugged the other person tightly.

"Are you okay?" Dragon whispered softly.

"Ah ah... yeah... uh."

Big nodded in response, while he continued to moan at the

edge of Dragon's ear. Which was like pouring oil on a fire.
Dragon then got down on his knees, grabbed both of Big's
legs and spread them wide, as he moved up and down at
the waist.


Big never thought that he would be penetrated by Dragon in

his bedroom. But he had already allowed it to happen. His
red lips bit down on the other person's hard throat,
alternately sucking and crushing kisses. When Dragon saw
Big's action, he raised his arms and hugged him tightly,
tenderness mixed with warmth.

It's sex that the two of them... have never had.


Dragon woke up and sat up in bed at dawn the next day. He

had recovered from the fever thanks to Big's great care.
Besides, he had been sweating for many hours during the
night with Big. His sharp eyes closed to look at the person
who was lying on his stomach with his hair disheveled.
He continued admiring the body of the other person who
was lying on the bed and observed that his neck and back
had bite marks, suck marks everywhere. He then brought
his hands up to touch his swollen lips. Big frowned, but still
didn't wake up.

Then Dragon leaned down to kiss Big's head softly and

tenderly. He then got up to take a shower and wipe his body
to freshen up. He put on the clothes he wore the day before
yesterday, before looking for his mobile phone. In front of
the dresser in the dressing room, next to his mobile phone,
there was a glass bottle with a blue liquid. Dragon picked it
up and looked at it, frowning, then put it back in its original

He turned on the phone and many messages including

missed calls appeared.

Dragon sighed, before calling again.

"Phi Dragon!" A sharp voice sounded as soon as he

answered the call.

"Where have you been? What have you been doing? Your
cell phone was ringing off."

"I wasn't feeling good."

"Oh… are you okay?"

"No, I'm already cured."

"Are you coming to practice today?"


Dragon answered, before starting to order each of his

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translation : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 20 : "Player Number 3"

Sunlight shimmered through the parted curtains of the large

windows in one particular room.

Big lay slightly crooked on his messy bed. When he felt pain.
His eyes widened slowly. He turned to his side, hoping to
find Dragon sleeping next to him. But the other end of the
bed was empty.

Big slowly leaned into a sitting position and grabbed a robe

to put on. He then walked around the room to find Dragon,
but he wasn't there. So, he changed his clothes and went
downstairs, with the slightest flicker of hope in his heart that
he would find him.
Dragon wasn't there either.

So, he tried to ask the housewife.

"Mr. Dragon returned at five in the morning."

Big pursed his lips after hearing that answer.

"So, did he say something?"

"No, he just came to ask to help him open the front door.
That was all."

Big sparks his tongue against his cheeks. He then walked

back to his room, as usual he sat on the bed. He looked
around him, taking in the crumpled mattress on the other
side where his mighty Dragon lay.

Big felt as if he had been fooled by Dragon's sweet words

and gentle actions. 'Finally, nothing is really true?'

Big felt that his chest was so tight that he couldn't speak.
'Or should I be used to it by now?'

Big was giggling, feeling sorry for himself for toying with this
crazy relationship. Then he took off his clothes and took a
shower to clean his body. But when he came out of the
bathroom, there was a text message from a number that he
had never recorded on his phone. But he had it very well
engraved in the bottom of his heart.

[I'll call you at night. Now I have an urgent matter. Thank

you for taking care of me when I was sick.]

After reading the message Big frowned and shook his head.

"Call me and I won't answer!"

Big said furiously and put the phone face down on the table.
Before a smile landed at the corner of his red lips.

"Big, why doesn't your grumpy face look like a human's?
Besides, why do you dress up so much... if you look the

"I'm just going out for a bit, Father."

The person who was being teased and preparing to leave,

turned to his father.

Big was standing in front of the mirror dressing in a style he

doesn't often wear: a classy, Preppy Oxford style. He was
wearing cream colored chinos, a dark blue shirt with gold
buttons, brown leather shoes that are designed not to look
too old. He took out an invitation card and placed it on the
counter. Then he found a bottle of perfume and sprayed it
around him, smoothed his hair down the sides a bit and
finally it was done.

"Didn't you go to the office today?"

"Why do you ask? It's Saturday and I want to stay home."

Borom said, reaching up to rub the tip of his chin.
Congratulating himself because his only son in his heart was
too handsome. He then left the room.
"Well, say hello to Khun Nine and behave yourself. Don't be

"It's fine".

"Now give me a beautiful smile."

Big smiled, then his father nodded in satisfaction before

walking away. He goes down the other stairs to sit and look
at the garden that he plants as a great hobby.

Seeing his father leave, after smiling, he puts on a serious

face. He was like this, because the last few days, Big was
hardly contacted by Dragon like he should have been.

It might be his own fault, because when Dragon calls him

Big tends to ignore his calls. Not answering the phone, he
even hangs up the call sometimes. After doing this 405
times, Dragon never called again. But he sent a message
cursing him instead.

'Why can't he play and help himself?'

Big cursed, not at himself, but at the person he was thinking
of. He only cut a couple of calls, he was a bit indifferent. But
for him to refuse to keep calling, he wasn't right. Big just
wanted to play. 'And if he goes out with someone else, it's
going to be terrible!'

Big's lips twitched as he walked down the stairs, Pong, who

was talking to Phak below, turned to look at the handsome
young master.

"Why did you come home?"

"Oh! Khun Borom called us to help fix the garden." Phak

replied, pushing Pong's arm away from his grumpy boss. Big
frowned and didn't ask any more questions. Before heading
straight to the parking lot.

Big, last night was playing in his room, thinking about

whether or not he would go to Polo's benefit event, for
better or for worse. He wasn't sure about going.

At that time, Phi Nine called Big, to ask if he would attend

the meeting, with a strange feeling in his mouth, he didn't
know what to answer. Until he finally agreed, just because it
was a new experience. Meeting new people, maybe it was
better than staying home alone cursing Dragon.

'And if Dragon asks why Big didn't call back. He would

answer why I have to call. It is not a big thing.'


Big cursed as he got into his own luxury car for the sentence
that pierced his heart.

"Come on, make yourself comfortable. The race hasn't

started yet. Let's get something to eat first."

Nine picked it up himself as he drove up to the front of the

club's entrance, which looked like the Palace of Versailles,
but blank. Just knowing that this association has a private
road of several kilometers, anything can be expected.

But it isn't a surprise, because in the club there are also polo
arenas, Olympic-level swimming pools, tennis courts,
shooting ranges, first-class cinemas, observatories and art
galleries with works by world-class artists. There were so
many things that were inside this luxurious guild, which was
exclusively male and was open to almost everything.
Nine took Big to introduce him to many young people
belonging to the club. Each of them was tall and well built.
They all had acquaintances at Big's university. The same
goes for a lot of people that Big knows, they were there. The
two most popular college couples were there too. A couple
of them wore a Yin Yan style, one is a knight style, and the
other is sharp and fierce. The other both are handsome and
flirting with each other, with a charming aura.

Big talked to them for a while. It's race time. Nine is very
careful with his guests. Both are taken to the cold air-
conditioned tent next to the field. They had arranged an
angle where they could see the competition from almost
every degree.

There is a list of polo players on the giant screen that shows

the location of each of them at the side of the field. The
local team roster is the young Tawao Association team, who
are gradually moving up.

The four runners rode gracefully across the field. All the
guests there start clapping when it comes to their team. But
when the visiting team arrives.

"Akirah Chitsanupongkul."
Big rubbed his eyes over and over. Seeing the name and
surname of the athlete number 3, which he considers
himself the best position in the team.

"Our friend is out." Said Nine, who was sitting next to him,
before chuckling a bit.

"Well Big, I forgot to tell you that your great friend has been
invited to join the race."

'It's definitely Dragon...or am I wrong?'

Big looked at the burly man galloping his Arabian horse with
shiny black hair toward the field. The best away player now
entered the field, dressed in a dark green away shirt,
marked with the number three, white shorts, knee-high
boots, traditional protective cap, on his bare right arm a
Chinese dragon tattoo peeked out.It covered his entire
forearm. With his serious face, but a big smile.

Without a doubt, he was Dragon.

Big looking at Dragon and everything around him, suddenly

remembers that outfit. That clothing was the one that
Dragon was wearing the day he came driving his white
Jaguar in front of his house in a rage. With the difference
that today, he was more ragged, without a hat or knee-high

'Then. It means... What was he practicing polo that day?'

Thinking about it, Big's cheeks heat up. Until his pounding
heart strangles him to the liver.

'However. Dragon looks so sexy today.'

"Who's number three? I like that sour style. I want to buy

him a drink."

“Dragon, Phi, is the younger generation of Bu and Kong. The

other day, I told Ai Ithi to go and invite him to the university
for an audition.

Nine turned to the president of the association. A young

man in his thirties named Michael, who was enchanted by
the galloping Dragon figure. His smiling eyes sparkled.

'So, the day before? The day he found out that Dragon left
with another man?'
Big analyzed the different situations that had occurred.

"This year, the team has finally found something powerful,

heh heh. I'll get it, no doubt."

Michael excitedly applauded, while he sipped his wine. Most

of them just sat down and gulped down their throats. Big
hoped in his heart that Dragon wouldn't gallop near this
audience tent.

But that was something Big could only hope for, because
Dragon on his horse when galloping to warm up and got
used to the grassy field on that side. In one of those
moments, the eyes of both met with an indifferent look. Big
didn't know what Dragon was thinking because his sharp
face turned first.

When Big saw him he wanted to get up, jump up and kick
his legs to make him fall off the horse. But suddenly, the
fight began.

As the match started, Dragon scored for the away team as

the galloping player. Player number 3 galloped, swinging the
mollettes and hitting the ball. This caused the girls in fancy
clothes to look at each other with smiling eyes and shout for
player number 3. Michael didn't even blink in admiration of
him. Big frowns, annoyed at all the praise for Dragon.

"Isn't that fun?" Nine asked, lowering his pocket binoculars

from his face.

"Nong, have fun." Big smiled hurriedly, replying.

"But I don't quite understand it."

Big knew enough about this sport, but superficially. So,

listening to him, Nine tried to explain to him what the
important strategies and rules were for playing polo. The
two seemed to be chatting animatedly.

However, Big wasn't interested in the competition on the

field at all, because he always kept his eyes on Dragon.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 21 : "The Dragon's Plea"

At halftime, the spectators go out to the racecourse. Which

is one of the charms and traditions of this sport, the
trampling of the ground helps to level the ground that has
been dug by the gallops of the horses and thus flatten the
playing field. The important thing is that the public and the
athletes have time to meet, talk, relax and get to know each
other while waiting for the second half.

However, Big wasn't interested in going for walks with other

people. He just sat quietly smoking in the back of the
bushes, not far from the store. As he sat he closed his eyes
to let go of a bad feeling and make it go away, thinking that
he didn't want to be in that place anymore.

Suddenly, he could feel something approaching and

suddenly someone's thick hand patted him on the shoulder
and then grabbed him fiercely, pulling him around and
kissing him violently.

"Ah! "Ah",

Big yelled in shock. But when he saw that he was Dragon,

he raised his foot and kicked his ankles.


But the wounded one is Big, because Dragon was wearing

thick boots up to the knees, therefore, he didn't feel any

Big gave Dragon an annoyed look and stubbed out his

cigarette in the ashtray. Now the strong gazes of both faced
each other.

Both people were standing, facing each other.

"What's wrong?" Dragon asked in an intimidating voice.


"Then why don't you answer my calls?"

Big refused to answer and pretended to be ignorant. Then

Dragon carried his body, to leave him in a long chair. Big hit
him on the shoulders to get him to release him. But Dragon
went to bite down hard on his neck through his shirt.

"Yuck! It hurts, Dragon!"

A white hand smashed into his sharp face. But the owner
didn't even flinch.

"What do you like about him?He's heavy. He just drives a

Lamborghini, I can buy it."

Dragon said in a deep voice. Hearing this, Big frowned.

Before he could answer anything, his lips were crushed and
kissed again.

"Ah! Ugh!!"
Big trying to resist hitting the shoulders of the other person.
But when his lips were bitten so fiercely, his entire body

Finally, the two were kissing on a bench until their clothes

were loose. Big walked over and straddled the wide lap of
the person who made him so hot. In his mind, the image of
Dragon galloping across the field caused a flurry of
emotions along with a gentle swaying of the hips. Then he
dared to insert his tongue to passionately invade the other
person's mouth.

Click click click

While those two men kissed with such vigor, between the
agitated breaths the sound of Dragon's clock was heard. It
was the alarm.

Dragon pulled away from Big, his long fingers wiping the
saliva from the corner of his mouth. Then he straightened
his clothes, to return to the field in order.

"After the race, we have things to talk about." Dragon said,

walking away quickly, to prepare for the second half of the
Big raised his middle finger on Dragon's broad back as he
backed away from him. He then began ordering clothes to
make his way into the store. His lips were still hot. Dragon's
flavor still lingers and never fades inside him.

'Crazy people like to be violent all the time, so you know

you'll get hurt.' Big thoughts are sad. Suddenly he saw the
bushes tremble behind him, so he got up from the bench
and went to check what was happening with his own hands.

"I found it!"

A body jumped in front of Big, surprising him. Before it

showed a white rat and a black rat in front of him.


A man's screams sounded behind him. He turned to look

and saw Phi Kla. One of the members of the DOTTA Biggest
Association, he had met him before at Da's party. He picked
up the two mice, but instead grabbed the white rat and
turned it over to look at its stomach from side to side.

"Did you give birth? Where are your children?"

The stupid man was talking to the mouse, which reminded
Big of that strange medicine bottle. Before smiling, he
walked away the other way. Leaving him alone to continue
the conversation with his little friend.

Returning to the store. The second half of the match had

already started around one o'clock. The home team and the
away team scored close to each other. But Big felt that
Dragon's fierce and intimidating eyes were constantly
staring at him, preventing him from acting normally.

After a while he got up to chat and have fun with everyone

in the room. He takes advantage of his conquest skills to
talk and get the contact of many girls. Finally Big continues
to be a playboy for the female sex.

But still, he doesn't even think about contacting them, he

just asked.

When the competition ended, the visiting team emerged

victorious, amid euphoric applause from the spectators
cheering Dragon on all sides. At the Dragon trophies and
awards ceremony, his expression was so dry that no one
wanted to get close to him.

"Why are you mad?"

Elder Kong, the Dragon Lord, came over to greet him.

"My lover doesn't like me well." Dragon answered with a


"Are you nice to him? Even to talk like that."

Dragon didn't reply, but stared at his superior. Before

nodding as if to say hello and walk gently and find a way to
get away from the designated area to get the prizes, which
is quite chaotic.

Big came and waited for the driver to deliver his car in front
of the exit. But a thick hand grabbed his arm first.

"Where are you going?"

"Home, I'm going." Said Big trying to let go of his hand, but
the other person didn't let go.
"I said we needed to talk."

"I don't want to talk, hey!"

Before he could finish speaking, Dragon carried him over his

shoulder, leading him to his own white Jaguar, which the
driver had parked right in front of him. Just as Big was about
to escape, Dragon shoved him into a seat inside, fastened
his seat belt tight, and hurried into the driver's side.

"Where are you going, my car?" Big turned to look at the

Mercedes Benz AMG, his own silver car being driven in the
back of the Jaguar. Big alternately glared at Dragon with
anger and a giddy gaze.

"I called your babysitter to come get it."

"Huh? Who?"

"Phi Phak," Dragon said smiling.

"I said you were too drunk to drive, so you were going to
sleep with me in my condo today."

"Drunk... in your house, Dragon, you lied!"

The driver smiled nervously. "Why? Do you want to play

first? In that place."

"Then why can't I play? Do you think I'm easy?!"

Big cried out helplessly before quickly closing his mouth. He

can't say anything, since he doesn't even know what words
will come out of his mouth. Fortunately, Dragon was no
longer joking, he stopped raising his eyebrows.

Big hasn't been to Dragon's condo in a long time. The last

time they set foot in that room was the day they had a
serious argument. There was a strange pain in his chest, but
saying that Big didn't feel any tension. He was still familiar
with the things in that room.

Arriving at the condo, Big sat down on the cream couch. His
cheeks secretly heat up. Remembering the countless things
the two of them had done there.
"What do you want to drink?" Dragon asked.

"If you have to say something, just say it."

Dragon didn't say anything, but he made his way over to

the couch, lying on top of Big. His messy head rested on the
warm chest of his person.

Breathing in that long-awaited scent, allowing it to fully

enter his nostrils, Big was dizzy and confused. They were
both embarrassed.

"You... Hey, what do you want to talk about?"

"Give me a break, I'm tired." Said Dragon pressing further

into his chest, his expression looking really tired.

Thus, galloping after the ball to score points for the visiting
team, it was one of the positions that rested the least. After
thinking about it, he couldn't do anything but let the person
on his chest continue to sleep. Dragon secretly rubbed his
hips, Big could feel that great size gloriously.

"Enough… get up." Big said after almost five minutes.

"Why can't I hug you for a bit?"

His sharp face lit up with a wide look. He frowned in a way

that he didn't often see.

"Why did you come to Tawatosa's polo party?"

"Phi Nine invited me to be a guest of the Sirikawin family."

Hearing that, Dragon bit into Big's white cheeks, like a

mouthful. The bitten person groaned and slammed into the
broad shoulders of the person above him, pushing him back.

"Like?" Dragon asked, Big still not fully understanding the

exact meaning of the question, he thought he was joking as
usual and contested me with another question.

"Because you want to know?"

Big made a secret face. Dragon then pressed a soft kiss,

before lightly biting his lips. But this act infuriated him.
Because he thought Dragon was good, but he keeps making
fun of him.

"You're never serious." Big said.

"Well, but you just take me until you feel relieved and then
you go." The haughty words gradually spilled out from his
luscious red lips. Big thinking that he would try to be calm.
But when he meets Dragon, he can't help himself.

"I'm sorry… everything." Dragon said, frowning, because he

didn't expect Big to be willing to say those words.

"Do you think that you're sorry... everything will change?"

Big said in a stuttering voice.

"So what should I do to change it?"

Big felt that he would disappear. His white cheeks turned

red and his heart began to race.

'It's a trap.'
"What are you going to do, don't tell me, I've never been
interested in that." Big said, turning his gaze to another
direction. He didn't want to look at his beautiful face, since
he was only a few inches from his own face.

"Who said I don't care? It's you who doesn't care. You didn't
care how many times I called you, you always hung up."

This is a great way he was reluctant to turn it around and

just refused to accept it so he said: "Well... it's you... you
never tell me anything... you just come and go. Play polo
but you don't say a word."

Dragon didn't open his mouth or say a single word, while Big
continued to row alongside the ditch. Yes, in the past
Dragon thought that this guy was really annoying. But now
he sees in a situation like this, he looks cute and nice and
doesn't joke around.

"So why are you cutting off my calls? So how can I talk?"

"Then why didn't you text to tell me." He returned his words.

"But you never answered the phone. So I thought you were

mad. And I didn't know if you wanted to know what was
going on in my life or not. So I didn't text you."
Dragon's last sentence reached Big's heart, since the other
person wasn't speaking lightly. So, Big felt guilty that he
wasn't doing as well as he'd hoped.

"I… please… Can you blame me?" Big said in a broken


Big said like a stubborn person.

"Okay." Dragon replied.

"Cut it out. We can be fine as usual." Said Big.

"Well, you like it that way." Dragon said, before raising his
eyebrows. "Right?" He is sliding his big hands down his hips.

'Really crazy!' Big thought of his heart, while both his

cheeks burned. So he said...

"Get up and go out, you're heavy, you're sweaty and

In fact, he didn't stink at all. The smell of his sweat mingled
with the deep scent of his perfume, which made Big inhale it
over and over again because he loved it to the point of
driving him crazy.

'...I like it… I like it so much. But I will never tell.'

"Go take a shower and change your clothes."

"Shall we take a shower together?"

"Huh." Big exclaimed.

Suddenly, he was lifted from the sofa and taken to the

bathroom. Dragon quickly managed to remove Big's clothes.
He couldn't resist, but when he was touched down there, he
was weak and limp. Having that comforting conversation
earlier filled him with nostalgia. Still, he was placed in the
tub filled with water next to Dragon.

"It's too cold?"

Dragon asked in a whisper as he swept water over Big's
smooth white skin. He shook his head in embarrassment.
Because it's the first time they've taken a bath together
without starting to have sex. It is really a bath together. So
he squeezed out a handful of shampoo before rubbing his
body. Dragon saw him and groaned in his throat. Big, who
was conscious, quickly slipped the rest of the shampoo into
his hand and rubbed it into his hair.

"Lie down and I'll wash your hair." Dragon said, as he slowly
leaned in closer.

Strong, thick hands that were both warm and rough gently
swept through Big's hair. Squeezing and massaging his head
comfortably, Big closes his eyes, flooding with warmth. Then
Dragon pressed a light, sweet kiss to his temple. Big then
turned around with a head full of white foam. He looked so
cute that Dragon had to use his tongue to push out his own
sharp fangs to attack, but...

"Ugh! Let me wash your hair, huh."


Dragon simply nodded, so he squeezed the shampoo to

immediately coat his head with pleasure. He then began to
design a new hairstyle for Dragon. Either pointing to the sky
like Vegeta from the Dragon Ball cartoon, slightly split, or
extending it like a buffalo horn. Dragon allowed him to play
with his own head as he wished. In exchange for a soft kiss,
on the white cheeks, followed by the fragrant neck of him.

The two bathed together and the tense relationship

gradually faded.

When they leave, Dragon chooses his own clothes. Unlike

before, he always gave him only one shirt to wear. After this
behavior, so different and changed, Big's heart beats faster,
maybe it's because he's getting used to it.

"Are you hungry?" Big asked, as Dragon kept his trembling

hands stroking the soft hips under Big's shirt for a long time.

"I'm hungry!"

"So let's eat something. I'll prepare for it."

Big said and grabbed a naughty hand, removed it from his

butt and went into the kitchen. Dragon hurriedly walked
over to stand behind him.
It doesn't matter if Big, open the refrigerator, open the
cabinet, open the counter, Dragon continues behind him
hugging him and resting his head on his shoulder all the

Big is usually annoying, when people come to touch him a

lot. But with Dragon, he feels none of that. By hiring all this
he quite liked it. When he already had everything ready, he

"Would you like to eat instant noodles?"

"Will you do that...?"

"Yes, let's eat together." He said dryly.

"Your stir fry noodles are delicious, I want to eat them


After receiving unexpected compliments, Big's face blushed

to the ears. So, he gets to start cooking again with Dragon
following on his back like before.

"Don't bite me, it's skipping..."

"Well, it's not my fault you smell good."

"I just had a shower, of course I smell good."

Said Big, who was being stalked around his neck like a
madman by the person hugging him from behind while he
was frying vegetables. The noodles aren't as good as they
should be.

"I don't want to eat fried noodles anymore." Dragon

whispered, but Big, who didn't keep up, thought Dragon was
distracting him by cooking for herself, so he lowered the
spatula until he made a thud and said.

"So what do you want to eat?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

While Dragon secretly laughed.

"Hmmm… Dragon wants to eat… Big."

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 22: "If you want to eat, you just have to


"Dragon wants to eat Big."

The whispered reply sparkled with a seductive tone and

eyes. Causing all of Big's skin to stand on end.

"Because you are hungry?" Big said, his hand was already
pressed, shutting off the stove.

"Now I'm hungrier for you."

Big cursed the other party. But he smiled too and allowed
Dragon to turn his body, reaching his hands to his waist and
sitting him on the back counter, away from the hot stove to
avoid accidents.

His two long legs spread out and wrapped around Dragon's
thick waist, pulling him close and pressing against him. The
sound of kisses and tongues echoed throughout the place,
Big wrapped his arms around Dragon's neck and Dragon
wrapped himself around Big's body so that not even air
passed through the two of them.

Down to his slender legs, when his lips parted.

Then the rough thick hand gently swept up the slender legs.
When the lips parted, Dragon leaned over his ruddy ears,
showering kisses down to his fragrant throat. Big isn't the
only one being comforted. For he himself slipped his hand
under Dragon's shirt squeezing his nipples, gently moving
down his hard abdomen until he reached the bottom of the
sweatpants Dragon loved to wear at home.

"Um… so good."
He then slipped his hand inside his pants, before playing
with the hot member that had already started to swell until
he couldn't get around the hand. Dragon moaned softly as
Big began to massage, squeezing the small crack in his
crimson red head in a circular motion. His fingertips
caressed each of his sensitive folds, in a circular pattern, up
and down.

"Big, you're scary."

"So scary, huh! Do you like it?"

Big used his legs to catch Dragon even tighter, also moving
both hands on the member up and down rhythmically. Big's
member also stiffened until he could feel it, Dragon, starting
to play too.

"I like it. I like it too much."

Dragon nodded, before placing a kiss on the red lips once

more, inserting his tongue along the slick palate, he hooked
his soft tongue with Big's tongue and the intertwined ones
massaged each other, forming a swarm.

Then he took some olive oil and applied it all over his hand.
Big already knows what Dragon will do, so he raised his
hips. Waiting for the penetrations of his fingers to be
inserted into his orifice.


"Eww! ahhh!"


He hadn't even moved his knuckles yet. Big was already

done with his body. Dragon looked at his face reddened by
trembling, he couldn't resist.

Then, lifting Big's hips, inserting his massive member.


Big yelled in shock. The narrow channel of his that was

blocking the entrance opened wildly. The abutment that
hadn't fully expanded was fiercely inserted and penetrated.

"I'm still... ugh, not yet, ah huh."

He had finished entering, but he wasn't at all happy and was
severely hit again with a great tingle. Dragon sucked on the
white nape, made red marks along the neck, collarbone and
shoulders. As he moved his hips in and out in a frantically
slippery little channel.

"You're so tight… so hot. Are you going to suck Dragon's

cock until it melts?"

He whispered in a vulgar way, which is hidden in a soft and

deep tone. Big bit his lip as his entire body swayed from
Dragon's impact.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Umm… you're so good… Kiss me." Dark lips kissed Big's

soft cheeks.

"Ugh, I will. Ahhh. I'll break. Ohhh, Dragon. Why is yours so

big? Ahhh."

Big, scared, hugged his neck tightly, while Dragon lowered

him from the counter and kept him on his waist, whipping
him, keeping his back against the wall. The giant member
withdrew and re-entered the small channel, pressing and
crushing relentlessly until his smooth face twisted tingly.

Poke poke poke

The sound of meat hitting each other invaded the whole

place, Big's waist bounced off the counter, hitting his back,
Big had lost control of himself, he could only rest on his
broad shoulders, his moist eyes stared at the tattoo black
dragon on his right arm. He contracted his orifice to suck
and bite at the large member inside him, to drain the
frustration that had built like a raging storm.

"Dragon. Dragon, already, I'm about to explode."

"It's done..." Dragon grabbed Big's member, helping him

slide to reach the peak of him.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"

"Let's go together." Big already finished a lap, while Dragon

still had no sign of it. 'Isn't this a small advantage?'
"Together... oh, together." Big looked at Dragon with
bloodshot eyes. His mouths pressed into each other's
mouths as they refrained from advancing past the other

Dragon saw this frustration and punched several more

times: he reached out to those white cheeks that had now
flushed red, whispering.

"Big, how long can you take it?"

"Wow, hey, ah!"

Big was quick to put the rest of his hand behind him,
intending to nibble Dragon's hot body to bring him to
climax. At the same time, Dragon saw Big's adorable efforts,
not wanting to let him down.


He crushed his member's red head into the glistening canal

until a great moan came out wordlessly. The light-colored
member swelled, ready to be released at any moment, but
was squeezed by Dragon's thick hand, while the two
trembling bodies moaned with joy. Holding each other not
far away, the hot member plugged deep into Big's bottom


Dragon injected a milky white liquid into Big's large canal.

Then Big's member the hot liquid was expelled, spreading
all over the strong abdomen. Inside Big, the hot, sticky
liquid was beginning to trickle down his thighs. But Big still
didn't want Dragon to back down. So, he nestled into his
collarbone rubbing back and forth down his neck, leaving
soft suctions as he passed.

Dragon lifted his chin and planted a kiss between his lips.

Then, he cradled Big in his arms in a baby position to carry

him into his bedroom, not finishing popping the noodles in
the pan.

Big was placed on the bed, before Dragon descended on

him. At this point, Dragon's member had already come out
and the hot liquid had trickled down to Big's calves.

Dragon leaned over him to kiss him, biting from Big's white
chest, testing his nipples, until reaching his navel, finding
himself there, with his erect member and his beautiful
crimson red head.


Big writhed in sensitivity from the suction the other person

was beginning to do as he used both hands to hold the
member and gently rub it with his hot, wet tongue.

"Put it in... put it in some more." Big yelled, lifting his waist
and turning around. In show of how much is the need for

"What are you saying, pretty boy?"

"D… Dragon… take me."


After the sound, Dragon shoved it all in at once, full, so Big

couldn't speak, two legs up, then groaned loudly.
"Huh… he's so tight, he's so big… so big he's a beast, ah..."

Big's eyes looked at Dragon's beautiful face with drops of

water in them.


"Ahh... wow, like, ah, ah, ah, kiss me, kiss me."

The person below him yelled, moving his body following

Dragon's impact. He raised both hands and brought his
beautiful face close. Dragon opened his mouth and licked it.
The tip of his red tongue is soft before being sucked on. It
starts out light, then changes to intense, depending on the
strength of the swinging hips. Causing a beautiful sound of
two people bumping into each other.


Big groaned, shaking. His right hand caresses his own hot,
very swollen mouth. He didn't care how hungry Dragon
looked at him. He just massaged it up and down.

"So sexy, I want to break you again."

Dragon said, still biting the reddish nipples burying his fangs
more and more savagely.

"Ah, Dragon, I'm coming. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Before Big's words, he got goosebumps all over his body. His
body trembled, but no stream of white water came out.
Dragon let him enjoy his dry climax for a while.

"You are dry…"

He then began to roughly ram the person below. The thick

waist that the big member had moved wildly in tandem with
the smaller waist that the member had inside. Accelerating
more and more.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh, ahhhhhh!!"

Big screamed because his body was suddenly aroused from

bliss to the point of choking and now he was nearly
"No... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh."

"Shh, I'm coming. You're so hot... you squeeze me...


Dragon got up and hugged his whole body. He hits a hard

rhythm with his member in the small cavity until he has to
cum again.

Then Dragon groaned. Once again, he hurled the hot liquid

into the narrow hole at high speed. He moves his hips back
and forth so that the tip of his wet member's head is
injected into every secret spot on Big's body.

The two of them hugged and kissed on the bed, no matter

how much time had passed. When Big has recovered,
Dragon then puts him on his stomach. His hot hand broke
into a narrow, moist cleft, caressing the slightly reddish
prickly folds.

'You look so sexy, so seductive...' Dragon thought to himself.

Then in fury he sank his sharp teeth into his pink-white
thighs before turning.

Big groaned in pain, but didn't push Dragon away, instead
secretly flexing his butt up.

"Let's fuck again or do you want to have dinner."

"You are enough..."

Big said because he knew how tough and insatiable Dragon


But when he saw Dragon, he realized that his own sexual

desires were probably in line with the hormones of today's
teenagers, he couldn't stop himself.

"So can we do three or four more rounds?"

Big looked at the beautiful face that was very disturbing.

But refuse... no. He would no longer be able to contain

"Take me..."
"Big… he's hungry for Dragon…"
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 23: "Without a name, but with meaning"

"Wake up! You didn't eat, will you just drink fish juice?"

Big walked into the bedroom where the lights were off. He
used his feet to kick Dragon, who was lying naked face
down on a large bed. Dragon groaned, not wanting to move,
but he nodded. Big pressed the switch, to turn on the light
and illuminate the room.

"I didn’t sleep last night." Dragon said, as he turned around

and lay back on the pillow.

Last night, he stayed until 5 am doing the last model project

of a hotel that had to be sent to the teacher the day after
tomorrow. He collected and arranged things and went to bed
at almost seven in the morning. So he slept until four in the

"Did you finish early today?" He asked the man who was
crouched down, picking up the clothes that Dragon had left
at the foot of the bed.

"Oh, I only had two lessons. I told you many times to put
your nice clothes in the laundry basket."

Dragon smiled, looking at Big, walking as he arranged his

clothes in a basket for him. Generally, he isn't a messy
person. But during this period, he has a lot of projects, a lot
of work. So, he doesn't want to call the housekeepers to
come bother him to clean up the room, for fear they will
destroy his concentration.

Therefore, he may not be able to handle household chores

on his own. It's a good thing that during this time, Big came
to stay with him often.In addition to helping with these jobs,
he also helps Dragon keep his gastritis from flaring up.

"I bought crab fried rice and grilled shrimp. Let's eat."

Dragon didn't reply. He simply took a pitcher and poured

water into a drinking glass to refresh his body.
"Get up!" Big said, but when he saw the other person's eyes
devouring him whole, his cheeks turned hot.

'This guy must be thinking of something bad.'

"What pants are you wearing today?"

"It's Dave's normal pants. Haven't you seen it?" Big said,
raising an eyebrow.

He is now wearing an oversized student t-shirt. The hem of

the shirt is partially tucked into the black Dave jeans, the
rest is out because that's the fashion. He also wears shoes
like Dr. Martin ankle boots. In conclusion, he wore an avant-
garde style.

"I want to take it all away from you." Dragon said.

"Take what off me, you bastard?" Big took the pen that was
stuck in his pocket and threw it at his irritated face. Dragon
laughed, biting his lower lip.
"Let's eat".

"Give me a blowjob. He picked me up and I'm going to eat."

A rude request resounded on his beautiful angelic face. Also,

his voice was still as calm as asking to go to the bathroom
again. Big looked at him and thought in his mind what kind
of person he was. There is no romantic warmth at all.

"No." He raised his middle finger.

Big knows that if he fell for that beautiful, grilled shrimp

fried rice he bought, they would probably eat it when it was
cold and tasteless. Since, Dragon's requests go beyond one
round, if not many rounds. Just thinking about it makes Big
tired and his butt hurts.

"Then kiss me. Come here and kiss me."

Dragon still hadn't given up and was still determined to lure


"This is a little more acceptable." Big said, hopping onto the

bed straddling a wide lap.
Dragon cringed a little before he caught the scent of him
along his white neck. He gets tired of absorbing the scent of
him, which was unique. He then crushes his lips gently
kissing Big's mouth, who was willing to open his mouth and
give in to the sweetness.

It has been more than a month since the charity polo event.
Even though both people scold each other. Dragon also likes
to tease Big and Big also likes to tease Dragon.

Up to this point, their relationship is developing for the

better. They talk more and aren't arrogant with each other.


There was a soft smack on the butt, before it was followed

by the sound of someone being hit on his shoulder.

"It hurts." Big rubbed his thighs.

"You're good at moving your hands." Dragon said as he

continued to fill himself with kisses from him.
Big and Dragon were still in bed touching each other, still as
raw and wild as ever. Although Big no longer felt forced,
sometimes he did. It was probably the result of having sex
where Dragon bit and sucked on his ass, but coddled him in
bed just the same.

"Lustful Bastard."

"What do you think, do you think I'm obscene?"

Dragon scoffs when he sees Big blushing.

"You are..."

Big grabbed the hand of the octopus that had sneaked into
his underwear to pet him, before running out of bed. He
flees to the dressing room to change his clothes. To change
into a comfortable outfit for home. Of course, Big was
wearing Dragon's clothes.

When he finished changing, Dragon was no longer in bed,

but he was setting the dining room table carefully. He had
prepared the fried rice on a plate. Putting the cutlery back in
its place, the smell of food made Big's stomach rumble. So,
he sat down to eat, filling the glasses with water, helping
the owner of the room. To finally have dinner together.

Big began to eat a large shrimp in a hurry, since he was

very hungry. When he peeled off the shell, the sharp point of
the shrimp cut his finger.

"Clumsy." The dragon said, taking his hand to look at the

not-so-deep cut. But still blood came out. He got up to get
the kit and clean the wound and stop the bleeding.

"It's just a cut." Big said and withdrew his hand. Although he
felt a little pain, he wouldn't die. He will disappear by
himself. Dragon took the shrimp, cut them up and put them
on Big's plate of fried rice.

"Eat it now."

Big looked at the situation surprised. 'Did Dragon prepare

the shrimp for me?'

"Why do you want to eat this? It's the same." said Dragon.
When he saw that Big didn't say anything. So he added
"So if you want to eat any of them, just eat them. Come on,

Big smiled at the corner of his mouth. He nods a bit, then he

takes the shrimp and dips them in seafood sauce.

'The shrimp at this store are sweet. I suppose…'

"I'll take a shower."

"Oh." Replied Dragon as he sat in the study to inspect the

mock-up of his project.

Which meant Big's gonna sleep over tonight. Dragon wasn't

stuck enough to inspect the work, so he just smiled.

After finishing, Big changed into an oversized t-shirt,

showing off his skinny legs. Dragon looked at Big in that
condition and couldn't resist. He ran up to him and hugged
him like a maniac.

"Go take a shower first."

Big pushed Dragon, hitting him in the head. Then he flopped
onto the bed, gathered up blankets to cover himself, but
didn't sleep. When Dragon showered and brushed his teeth,
without much to say, he took off his shirt, took off his pants,
and quickly got ready.

"So soft, have you spread it yet?" Said Dragon as he

inserted himself under Big's clothes and pulled out his white

"Yes, where is yours, where is the little one?" Big replied and
secretly used his foot to kick Dragon's shoulder. So he bit his
thumb, it hurt a lot, it just tickled him. Causing his channel
to open.

When a small channel is ready, it's ready. Dragon pushed his

body hard and stubbornly into the warmth of the soft orifice.
He gave a low moan of satisfaction as his member
continued to envelop himself, as if he were melting.

Dragon rocked in and out at a slow, steady pace. Both

hands caressed the soft skin on Big's chest, crushing his
nipples. His lips exchanged kisses and their tongues
passionately entwined with the person beneath him. Before
chasing to bite Big's white throat.
"Ah… so deep, um, well… ah ah, ah, ah." Big's eyes closed
as Dragon gradually accelerated.

"I like, I like…"

Dragon continually crashed wildly into Big, tremors

appearing all over Big's body.

"Oh, ah, ah, ah... Dragon there..., ah..."

Big hugged the person above. His red lips parted, unable to

"Right now?"

Big was startled. When the reddish-crimson head slammed

into his carcass, crushing him so ruthlessly with a huge
bang that he couldn't bear it, writhing and releasing the hot
liquid from him. Before Dragon gave him a heated kiss on
his face.

Big was trembling, then Dragon laid him on his side, holding
one of his long legs over his shoulder, Big's waist trembled
"Ahh… I'm coming." Dragon's sharp and handsome face
frowned slightly. Indicating how much sensitivity there is in
the middle of his body.

"You... Uh, hit inside, ah, I'm gutted."

"This time, let's get there together."

"Um… again huh…"

Big nodded as he tried to suppress his voice. His black eyes

sparkled with water. Dragon looked at him and thought that
it was really good that he had slept all night, because
tonight he could spend many hours inside Big.

Fortunately, the next day there were no classes. So he lay

spread out like a dead ghost on the wide crumpled bed.
Before Dragon calmed down, he landed three heavy blows
on him. He wanted to sleep, he woke up until he couldn't go
back to sleep. Good thing Dragon didn't even think of doing
it. Although it was still a worry.

Big lay still in bed after waking up for a while. Before

supporting the body and walking towards the large Jacuzzi.
Dragon left to join the group early in the morning, because
he had an appointment to speak with an advisor about the
project to send.

He had announced that he would be back at noon, after

taking a shower, Big prepared the bed for him. He changed
the sheets until everything was ready. The room was bigger
than Big's own bedroom, yet he was doing what he never
did at home.

'Why did I do it for Dragon... Do we have a lover's



Big had never seriously discussed this matter, not once with

Big sat on the bed, stroking his jaw. 'But as we are now, it's
not bad either. Dragon is better with me, he is serious,
sincere and he has nothing to do with women anywhere.'

Big thought and a sigh came out of his mouth. Let go of this
half relationship first. He went out to the kitchen to cook the
rice, then he took the leftover prawns from yesterday and
sauté them with garlic sauce.
Dragon opened the door and re-entered the room.

"What are you doing?" Dragon asked, carelessly placing his

bag on the counter. He walked over and leaned against the
refrigerator next to Big.

"Garlic shrimp. Are you hungry yet?"

"Very hungry." Dragon nodded. When he saw that the rice

was cooked in the pot, he smiled.

"Did you know my condo was never like this before?"

"How?" Big asked and served the shrimp on a plate.

"Like... it smells."

Big lowered his head after hearing the answer. 'Is this guy
going to try to mess with me again? Why does he smell like
garlic? It smells good! trying to cook rice to eat, should I
throw it away?'
“Wait a minute, you think differently.” Dragon said hastily
when he saw Big handle the dish that was ready to be
thrown this time.

"I mean, there's an aura of life. My room is alive."

Dragon has lived in this condo for more than three years. He
often buys food for the room, but occasionally he will cook.
Most of the time he just goes out or orders to eat. The
clothes were never washed at home, because they were
taken to the laundry. The room was never maintained,
because there was a monthly hired maid to look after it. 'But
ever since Big came... I feel like my condo is more
welcoming. But strange too.'

"So it's good, isn't it?" Asked Big, not daring to meet the
owner's eyes.

Hearing this, Dragon's cheeks turned red, and he replied


After eating, Dragon went downstairs. Big didn't know where
he had gone, but he didn't care either. He was eagerly
playing on the new PlayStation that had just come out.
When Dragon came back, he walked over to him, sat down
on the couch next to him.

They were both there, sitting together side by side.

"Stop the game for a moment."


“Just pause it.” Dragon said so, he paused the game and
turned to the person next to him with a grumpy face.

But suddenly, he saw Dragon's hands and he had a golden

key card, his eyes lit up and his face froze.

"For me..."

"Hm." Dragon nod.

"Actually, I ordered it from the lobby a while ago and just
received it today." He finished speaking and put the key
card in Big's hand.

"What do you mean?"

"It means you can come to me whenever you want. That's

all I have to tell you."

Dragon answered, sticking out his lanky tongue, not

departing from the original pattern, but not much, right?
Likewise he was so happy that he couldn't help but lean
over and kiss Dragon's cheek once.

"Kiss me."

After doing so, he realized that he had accidentally gone too


"You like to flirt with me, don't change."

“What a flirt?” The mouth sneered, but a hand caressed

Dragon's sharp face.
Big was so happy... that he wanted to touch Dragon deeper.
Of course, Dragon doesn't let the good opportunity pass by
so easily.

The two had a passionate affair on the couch.

Regardless of how long the characters in the game will have

to endure looking at them.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 24: "I can't lose!"

"Pong. Where is Big now? He has a fan."

Borom secretly asked. As he sits and looks at the large

plants and trees that buzz happily in the garden next to the

"I'm not sure. Do you have something to ask the


The people who were speaking nearly choked on the lotus

flowers they were eating. Why don't they give it to each
other like this?
"What's up Phak? Where does my son have that girl?"

"Well, as far as I know he doesn't have any girls, Khun


Phak answered indirectly.

"What! They don't care at all. Make an effort to take care of

that bastard. Where are you when you don't find out who he

"I think Khun Yai won't like him, Khun Borom. When it comes
to personal matters, it's impossible to follow up on him.
Surely when he's ready, he'll tell Khun Borom himself."

He said Phong and raised his hand as a signal for Phak to

quickly move away from that place.

"These bastards are unusable."

Borom said, then picked up the newspaper and waved it.

Showing dissatisfaction Phak and Pong saw this and shook
their heads. Both father and son are equal.

"I'm full, my belly is about to explode."

Big said, then rubbed his abdomen like he often did after
dealing with the desserts that were served until the end of
the day. Big came to see Dragon at his usual condominium,
so Dragon took him out to eat at a restaurant in a nearby

The selected restaurant is a Japanese restaurant with a

Yakiniku grill, but it can also be ordered as a set menu.

Big and Dragon ordered grilled meat, craving the imported

grilled meat like no one else. But it seems that the person
who eats the most capacity is Big and he is very proud to
win over Dragon.

And he was very proud to have defeated Dragon.

"Where are we going after we eat?" Big asked, after Dragon

handed over the bank card to the staff.
"Go back to the condo." Dragon said, hearing that, the
target's face softened a bit. Because he didn't want to go
back. He wanted to hang out at the mall with Dragon and
enjoy himself for hours.

"Or would you like to see a movie?" Dragon said suddenly.

The red lips that featured a pout smiled.

"Watch a movie?" Big pretended to think, though his heart

was happy.

"If you want to see it, then I can be a friend." Dragon said.

Then Big walked forward. He grabbed Dragon and dragged

him to take the elevator to the top floor of the theater.
Dragon saw how cute he was... 'I want to grab him and
corner him. To bite him, then hear the loud moans from

Thinking about it, he secretly approached Big, held his face,

put his tongue in his mouth to gently push the sharp teeth
and bite him. Then he let him go. 'Once we get back I'll give
him what he deserves.'

"If you want to see something, go buy it. I'll sit here and
wait. I'm too lazy to walk."
Big made a dissatisfied face. Dragon saw it and got up from
the place. He came over to book a movie ticket with a
mischievous smile. Then he went to buy some popcorn,
which included a tabletop doll. It is a superhero character
from a famous movie and it comes with him.

"You brought flavored cheese, right?" Asked Big. Dragon

nodded. A beautiful smile spread across Big's red lips.

Big never said he liked cheese popcorn. But when they were
together, he would often buy cheese-flavored snacks to eat
together with Dragon. He didn't think Dragon would

"Only this flavor remained."

At the end of the sentence, the hand that was holding the
popcorn ready to pop it into his mouth immediately turned
and threw it at Dragon's handsome face.

"Just kidding." Dragon said and gently patted Big's head.

It was the way he had just discovered that he could calm Big
down. The person whose head is being rubbed makes a
face. But he accepted the popcorn and continued eating
without discussing anything.

"So what is this, you keep it?" Asked Big, picking up the bag
from the superhero doll.

"No. I brought it, in case you like it." Replied Dragon and
took some popcorn to eat.

His white cheeks darkened. In fact, he really didn't like this

character but he accepted it for fear of disappointing the
other person. Dragon slowly caressed the doll and handed it
to Big, showing a slight smile. The two sat down to eat
popcorn and continued talking to wait for the time to enter
the cinema.

"But what movie are you taking me to see?"

Dragon didn't answer, but gave Big a suspicious smile.

(ADV Cinema welcomes ticket holders to see The Vengeful

Ghost at 5:00 pm The 8th Cinema is now ready to serve you
all. Thank you.)
"Buh!!" Dragon said and pulled the arm of the person in
front, so that he got up from the red sofa.

The tickets that Dragon bought was a seat on the top deck,
in the middle. It was definitely a honeymoon chair, but there
was an armrest that could be lowered in the middle. Big is
sweating, he cursed Dragon in his heart. Seeing the happy
expression on his handsome face, he knew Dragon intended
to pick this movie to clearly tease him. 'It's nice for you…'

'I'll kick you until you roll to Row A!'

Although he doesn't like to watch ghost movies, Big tried to

do something in the dark, so he couldn't do it anymore....


A loud scream rang out as buckets of cheese-flavored

popcorn spilled. Big raised his hand to cover his eyes, since
he didn't want to look at the horrible sight on the movie
screen anymore. But when he realized that Dragon was next
to him he quickly lowered his hand.


But the rhythm of Phi Tung Chae isn't finished yet. Even
though the lights in the theater were dark, Dragon could see
that the person next to him was sweating, shaking, and
secretly made his mouth as if someone was about to cry.

'This time, I went too far.'

"Hug me."

Big raised his hand to wipe the overflowing liquid from his
eyes. He just wanted to have a fun time together, but this
person is trying to prank him again. 'I think it's too much
and I'm very disappointed.'

"Big, come here." Dragon called, as he lifted the cup holder

sandwiched between them. He then pulled the person next
to him into a comforting hug.

"Huh, I'm scared." Big yelled, as heat slid down his chest.

"So, let's go out?"

"No…" He replied, because actually he also wanted to know
the end of the story, who was the murderer. Dragon noticed
that Big had calmed down and used a clean handkerchief to
gently wipe Big's damp eyes.

"You like to joke." Said Big, as he buried his face in Dragon's

ample chest, because the ghost appeared again.

"Sorry, I won't joke like that again."

Dragon admitted his mistake perfectly, before squeezing his

arms. The fragrant body and strong arms make Big feel
much better. The more ghosts appear, the more Big moves
towards Dragon, until at the end of the movie he realizes
that he sat on top of Dragon for two hours and Dragon
didn't say anything, although he was embarrassed, Big tried
to keep his expression. But the red cheeks made Dragon
unable to refuse to squeeze them with his hand.


Big shook his head, unaware that his gesture stimulated

Dragon more than before. So he pulled Big into a corner, so
no one would see him. Then he kissed his soft cheeks and
his white neck like crazy.
"Dragon.. ah… ah… aahh… ahh."

He moaned Big, like he didn't like it, but he didn't fight back.
Also, Dragon is soft and he snuggled Big all the time, until
the end of the movie.

As they were leaving the movie theater, a door to a nearby

room opened.

Little children ran out. Because this cinema had been set up
as a special nursery for young children. The interior was
designed to have a children's playground as well. Dragon
looked at the boys and girls who were chasing each other in
the chaos, with eyes that were softer than usual.

"You like children?" Big said and the other person nodded.

"Oh, they're so cute." Without thinking, Dragon answered.

"If all goes well, I would like to have three or four children."

"Three or four, can't you raise them?"

"If not, then I'll hire a good babysitter or two."

"How trustworthy is a babysitter?"

"Then we will need to help each other."

When Dragon said these words with a wide expression on

his face, he couldn't tell if he was just joking or serious. Big's
white cheeks flushed.

"Help how?" He asked, but Dragon stuck his tongue out at

him and led him away from that area. Big frowned, many
questions running through his mind, along with a burning
sensation in his abdomen.

The two continued walking and bought food at the mall

before returning to the condominium.

In Big's car, he looked at the driver's left hand holding the

change periodically. He couldn't even tell himself what to
look at. But when Dragon took his hand to hold his hand and
took him in his lap. Big smiled secretly.
"Your hand is soft." Dragon said.

"Your hand is rough." He answered and squeezed the owner

of that hand.

"This is why I like to play with your knuckles. You are so


Dragon has very muscular arms, a broad and robust chest.

Big looked at the driver and shook his head slightly. This
guy's stubbornness was full of coldness, but suddenly a call


Dragon nodded, picked up the phone and pressed a call for

him. But when Big saw who called, his hand just dropped.


Big said the name of the person he was calling, Dragon

immediately grabbed the phone and answered it.
"What's happening?"

Big was silent as he turned his head to look out the window.
However, his ears could still hear what Dragon had said.

"Yes... then why did you just tell me? Tell Nong Hong that
she can wait in my room."

After saying that, Dragon hung up the call and left his
mobile phone on the console of the car, while he put on the
turn signal.

"Where we go?"

"I'll take you back home." Dragon said.


"There are guests coming to my condo."

"Is that Nong Hong?" Big said, his tone of voice quite short.
Dragon didn't say anything, just nodded. As far as he knows,
from what he heard, Dragon has three sisters. May is in high
school. The other two hadn't yet passed primary school. The
person named Swan is definitely not the Dragon's sister.

"Who is she?"

Dragon fell silent, before taking a breath without thinking.

"Do you really want to know now? Can we talk about it


"Well, who's your boyfriend?"

Big pretended to smile and put his hand on Dragon's waist

to cover the bitterness welling up in his throat.


Dragon's response caused a huge lump to form in his throat.

"Oh, I got engaged. But it hasn't been released yet. Her
mom and my mom are friends. My name and her name are
like this. Dragon and Swan. Hehehe."

Seeing the unyielding expression of the person next to him,

a sharp pain rose in his chest. In conclusion, their
relationship is like the weather. They are people who change
every day. Is that so?

"Park the car." Said Big.


"I have some business."

"Big, I'm talkin..."


Big doesn't want to hear anything from the mouth of the

Dragon anymore.

The phone rings again and the person he calls is still Nong
Hong herself.

Big took this opportunity, decided to open the door of the

car, which was parked at a red light, and then hurriedly
walked to the curb. He ran down the Skywalk, not looking
back at the silver Land Rover left behind.

He returned home refusing to talk to everyone.He went up

to the room, closed the door and lay down on the bed in

'Dragon doesn't like me at all?'

Big thought to himself...

'I'm handsome, good at cooking and good in bed, I think I'm

second to none. Having slept with Dragon over a hundred
times, I thought that Dragon would be attracted to me.
What else do I have to do to compete with that woman?'
"If everything is fine and I want to have three or four

He suddenly remembers that phrase in his mind... 'Is that

woman going to have a baby with Dragon?'

Big thinks and then gets angry. The feeling of wanting to win
flashed through his head.Suddenly he got up from the bed,
went into the dressing room, opened the drawer and took
out a blue glass bottle.

Big couldn't think of anything else. So, he opened the bottle

and drank all the liquid down his throat.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 25: "Sincere, not Obsessed"

"If everything is fine and I want to have three or four


Suddenly he remembers that phrase in his mind... 'Is that

woman going to have a baby with Dragon?'

Big thinks and then gets angry. The feeling of wanting to win
flashed through his head. Suddenly, he got up from the bed,
went into the dressing room, opened the drawer and took
out a blue glass bottle.

Big couldn't think of anything else. So, he opened the bottle

and drank all the liquid down his throat.
The result was ...

"Phak drives fast! I'm going to curse him."

"Khun Yai, I think Khun Yai had better calm down."

Pong, who was sitting next to Phak, tried to tell the furious
boss in the backseat to calm down. But he didn't help,
because after drinking all the medicine from the glass bottle
he felt like he couldn't control himself. He wanted to invade
Dragon's condominium and rampage through it to break and
destroy everything in his path.

"Symptoms like when I was dumped by my ex-girlfriend,

there's nothing wrong with that."

"Ex girlfriend?" Pong frowned, Phak smiled slightly.

"Well, it's already been five months since it's over."

"Oh… so, that's to be celebrated. Would you like to have a

drink at my apartment tonight?"
"Yes." Phak replied.

Big sat and watched his two babysitters talk happily and
then got even more annoyed than before. His red lips began
to point a bit. Then he lay down on the soft cushion. In less
than ten minutes, the luxury car turned around and parked
in front of the Dragon family's condominium building. Phak
and Pong would go up with him, but Big forbade them and
ordered them to wait below.

Big quickly entered the elevator, using the key card that
Dragon had given him. But when he reached the front of the
room, he refused to enter, just stood there in confusion.
'Why does my mood fluctuate like hormones? Why did my
subordinates let me be led to Dragon's condo? Do I want to
curse Dragon? What's wrong with that? Do you have a
history with a girlfriend? Do I really want to know the history
of this woman named Swan? Is the history that took him
without status? Is that why our relationship has no name?'

As he thought about the answer, he heard a loud knock, so

he hurriedly put his ear to the door.

Tuksh tuksh tuksh


Suddenly, the sound of a passionate kiss escaped, joining

the moans of a woman with little consciousness left. He
didn't hesitate, he raised the key card to the front of the
keyboard and immediately kicked the door with his feet.

"Wow. Big!"

The screams sounded in unison. Big, who was standing up,

making a wrong face. Because the image he sees in front of
him is a beautiful girl named Hong, who was hugging and
kissing another beautiful woman. Her clothes were messy
and her lips were smeared with lipstick and lip gloss. It isn't
known who attacks whom.

"May, go into the room first." He said. Hong, pushing May's

body into the small bedroom that Dragon hadn't activated,
before arranging her clothes in her place.

"You're confused, right? I know Phi Dragon must not have

told you anything yet."

Big was confused by what Swan said, who was the same girl
who had picked up her clothes long ago. But he's starting to
feel better anyway. Therefore, he no longer has to stay and
make a fuss.

"Where did Dragon go?" He asked the beautiful girl.

"I know he was going to see Phi Yai."

Swan didn't finish speaking and the door opened again,

when she turned to look around her, she saw that the
person who opened it was Dragon.

"Well, I didn't."

Dragon ignored Swan's taunts, instead he turned his head,

for her to go into the small bedroom. Swan saw that Dragon
was in a bad mood and quietly entered the room.

"Where were you?" Big asked, when they were both in the
living room.

"I was going to find you. But I ran into your subordinates
downstairs. So they told me you came to see me first."
Big was embarrassed, by the fact, that he went to Dragon
first. He didn't go to see him because he missed him. It was
because he was going to insult and hurt Dragon. But when
he got home. He's confused! What's going on!

"What are you doing with your mouth?" Dragon said, then
put his hands on Big's cheeks. But this one fled.

"You are a bastard!"

Big pointed at Dragon. He acted like he was about to cry, his

eyes reddened and his lips curved. "You already have a
girlfriend. Then why did you come looking for me, beast!"

Big's white hand picked up a cushion and slammed it into

Dragon's face. His face... didn't express any feelings. So Big
was prepared to say exactly what he meant.

Of course, he has already come to Dragon's lair. It will be

hard to survive!

"Let me go, I'm going home." Big yelled.

After being carried over the shoulder to Dragon's room.
They then threw him on the bed.

"What are you going to do? Phak and Phong are waiting
downstairs. If they see I'm late, then."

"I told them to come back."

"Huh!" Exclaimed Big.

"What right do you have, to order my subordinates to


"The rights of your Husband."

The answer that came with that evil smile was too much for

"What a jerk." He said.

He then climbed into bed, but was grabbed by the ankle and
dragged closer to Dragon's body.
"Don't be mad, just listen to me first."

"To hear that?" Big tries to squirm.

As he tried to escape the most, the arm with the black

dragon tattoo still wrapped tightly around him.

"Listen to me until the end. When you asked me about Nong

Hong, I hadn't finished talking yet."

"Why haven't you finished yet? You already told me that she
is your beloved fiancée."

"What beloved? Beloved, I only have one."

Dragon said as he looked at him, making the other person

look shy, until he had to stubbornly look away from him.

"Hugh! If you want to say something, just say it."

"Nong Hong is the bride my mother took for me. But it's
nothing serious." Dragon continued. "She and I are just
close to Phi Nong."

"Lie!" Yelled Big. "You think I'm stupid?"

"They're not Phi and Nong. She took clothes from your room.
Why can she and she leave her belongings in your room."

Dragon sighed heavily, before wrapping his arms around his


"My Nong is a lesbian."

The sound of the two girls flirting at the bedroom door

appeared in Big's brain.

He had completely forgotten about it, even though he had

just seen it. Another important thing was that he noticed
that May was also wearing a Van Cleef necklace like Nong
Hong's. A couple of necklaces. 'Couple necklaces'

"At Nong's house they still don't accept her. So Nong came
to ask for more help, trusting me."
Dragon began to tell him in detail that Nong Hong had a lot
of problems at home, about her dating a woman. She had
had a fight over her today at home. She didn't know who to
trust, so she asked to hide in Dragon's condo, like she
always does with his girlfriend. When Dragon found out, he
returned to her condo to comfort her. As for the clothes, the
things are actually things that Swan bought for his
girlfriend. But her girlfriend didn’t accept to take them
home, she was afraid that her parents would suspect her,
because the clothes she bought weren't the ones she used,
so she thought of leaving them at Dragon's house. As for
Nong Hong's necklaces, she transferred the money to
Dragon, leaving the models for Dragon to buy to surprise
her girlfriend.

"It's just that." Dragon said as Big calmed down.

"That's it…?" The person on his chest used his hand to pull
Dragon's neck to stop his embarrassment.


Knock Knock knock

There was a knock on the door. Dragon took Big from his
lap, laying him on the bed, and got up to open the door.

"Phi Dragon, I plan to travel today."

"All of a sudden? Do you have all your belongings ready?"

Dragon asked, concerned.

"I have already collected everything. Important documents.

May's visa has also been approved. We will book tickets

"Good idea." Dragon said, Swan turned to look at his

girlfriend with a smile.

"Okay, we're both 19, May has relatives, we'll go to them.

We'll stay there, then we'll look for a job."

"Then I will send you..."

"No need, Phi Dragon... I've been bothering you a lot lately.
Thank you for taking care of me all this time."
Big saw Swan's look at Dragon. So the question arises, 'does
this man have so much to respect and admire?'

But when Swan looked over at Big. Big quickly avoided the
beautiful girl. Swan smiled sweetly before continuing.

"It's good that you understand Phi Dragon."

Then clear tears flowed after finishing talking, May, the

girlfriend who was standing next to each other, hugged her
and comforted her. Dragon raised his hand and gently
stroked her head.

Big got up and stood next to Dragon, even though he didn't

know much about anything. But he felt that sitting still and
just watching wouldn't be very good.

"Hong, sorry, Phi. If I accidentally made you and Phi Dragon

fight." She said.

He then raised his hands to pay homage, and hurriedly

shook his head.
“Okay. Me too… I apologize to Nong Hong for
misunderstanding you so many times.” Big said,

After clarifying the matter until there was nothing left to talk
about, the two girls dragged a large suitcase and carried a
backpack on their backs, their faces full of happiness. Hand
in hand they left Dragon's room.

"Where are you going?"

"England." They replied to Dragon.

"Run away like this?"

Big was amazed, secretly admiring the hearts of two 19-

year-old girls in love.

"Oh! Like I said, Nong Hong's family doesn't accept it. And
they'll probably do something else, so they break up. So
they decide to run away first."

Dragon said, his eyes full of concern. When Big saw him, he
felt a great pain in him, which made his heart stop.
"Why are you so good with other people? But when you're

When Big realized what he was going to say, he held his

mouth. Still, Dragon understood Big's words and what he
wanted to convey.

"It's normal, I'm usually nice to everyone."

"Don't come here and tell me that. I still can't see it."

"Yes." Dragon admitted easily. Big's mouth twisted in


"It's only you, who I can fuck with."

It may be a sentence that sounds irritating to ordinary

people. But Big took his heart to the top.

"But... I don't like the way you treat me." Said Big.
"Oh! I'll try to be less rude and love you more instead."
Dragon said, giving him a nervous smile. But Big made a
face. 'Did I hear something wrong?'

"You love Me"

"Why? What's wrong with telling your lover that you love
him more than yourself?"

Dragon said with a frown. As for the person listening to him,

his cheeks turned red.

'This guy is... so annoying! Whatever it is, his words are so

sweet. So get ready!'

"Who is your wife? When did I agree to be with you?"

Big answered, grabbing a pillow and hugging it against his

chest. Both hands twisted him from side to side to ease the
embarrassment. His black eyes avoid looking at Dragon.

"Well, after polo. But actually, our relationship started from

our first time."
"Relationship…" Big said, before being rocked off the soft
pillow. Dragon slid slowly onto the bed before landing a
heavy body on top of him.

"So, we're not in a relationship yet?"

"Fuck, you never asked me for a relationship. You just asked

for sex all the time."

Dragon listened to the murmured words, then he laughed

softly and kissed Big's cheeks.

"Oh I'm sorry…"

Now, he speaks sweetly. Big looked at Dragon who was

making a dog face with his tongue sticking out on his chest.
But well, he can forgive him because he is a generous

"Let's get together."

"What's the problem? When I'm sweet, you always get
offended." Dragon said, reaching up to brush the tip of Big's
pretty nose. Big turned his face away and wrinkled his nose.
His expression was so cute that Dragon had to move to
touch his cheek again.

"Concluding. We are leaving now."

Big froze before raising his index finger between his faces.
"If you think of cheating, tricking me and making fun of me
even once, Dragon. I will surely kill you."

Dragon raised his eyebrows before licking the white

fingertips that were pointing at his face, seductively with his

"Why would I? When my boyfriend is sad, I'll be sad too so

why would I want to make him cry?" He said, biting his big
toe. "And you?"

"Well, I'm not that kind of person anymore." He replied


He was still confused about whether it's a good idea to let

go of his love life and enjoy it easily. But when he looked at
his beautiful pious face… he knew he loved something more
than temporary fun.

"It's okay to be in a relationship… I like it." Big finally said.

Then the corner of his red lips raised a faint smile. In his
stomach, there was a certain wave that caused great
happiness that was hard to describe. His two long, thin
hands wrapped around Dragon's neck, before his thin lips
found Dragon and kissed him tenderly.

"Now can we fuck?" Dragon says.

"You have to have a mind like that, all the time." Big said.

Then Big smiled enticingly. He raised both legs and crashed

into Dragon's legs.

Dragon smiled nervously, before crashing into his white

neck right away. Then he managed to take Big away from
him. While Big also hurriedly took Dragon's clothes off.

Now both people were completely naked.

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 26: "Dragon... shows his Love"

His soft white hands ran desperately over the taut muscles,
reaching the edge of the Armani boxers. Big was licking
along his crotch through the fine weave of the fabric. He ran
his tongue back and forth sliding on that giant member.
Dragon raised his hand to gently stroke his head. Big pulled
out the large member, which was beginning to harden, the
aroma accompanied by a scorching heat invaded him.

Those trembling white hands held Dragon's member,

fighting slowly against his own shame. But when the
crimson red head of Dragon's member appeared, holding
him together in front of him.

"I want to suck it…"

That thought was superficial, but he was betrayed and came
out loud. Big was embarrassed, but just the same, he
opened his mouth to suck on Dragon's majestic masculinity
until he shoved it right into his mouth.

"Hugh... hmmm." Dragon tensed.

Even though there was a slight choke, Big's skills had

improved a lot. His thin tongue unmistakably touches
Dragon's sensitive spots. Big's hands cupped and sucked
smoothly. The swollen red head ecarimesi enters deep into
Big's pharynx, which can be swallowed without injury.
Dragon doesn't force the pace like he likes to do, he just lets
Big play how he pleases. But it seems that Big was already
close to being carried away by the head. No matter what he
does, he isn't satisfied. So Dragon returned the savagery.


He pushed his waist into his mouth, before grabbing Big's

black hair. Turning the smooth movements into frantic hips.

Yuck! Yuck! Oh! Boop! Oh!

Tears flowed as Dragon ravenously entered through his

mouth, Big's body trembling in every part of him. A greasy
liquid began to flow from Dragon's member, he tried to get
it out. But Big used his mouth to forcefully suck the liquid
that came out of the orifice of that red head, preventing it
from withdrawing.

"Are you going to take it in your mouth?" Asked Dragon who

was lifting his head to look at Big's flushed white cheeks. His
beautiful mouth treated the swollen and hot member, which
could barely speak, since he was choking. Even though he


Dragon saw his desire and didn't want to interrupt, so he lay

on his back. He lifts Big's butt up onto his face. In
alternation, Big's head continued in Dragon's member. Big
was embarrassed with his new position. Because it was a
position they had never done before. Now, Big was sucking
Dragon's member and Dragon was licking Big's member,
with each lick the members were hotter.

Dragon suddenly did something that he had never done


"You... ah Dragon."
"Suck your head hard." Dragon said. Big did the same.

"Ah… very good, comfortable."

"Let's just suck it together."

Big spreads the other person's legs, until he reveals a sweet

pleated hole. Big was embarrassed to have to look at a
secret like that, but he still continued to lick the soft red
head that contained the hot liquid. Right now he was
extremely emotional.


Big was both surprised and very happy Dragon was doing
this for him. He kissed and licked the red head lovingly, then
continued rubbing his tongue, not allowing Dragon alone to
play with his body. Suddenly a playful tongue licked at the
folds of his orifice. Then they dragged the league slowly
along the canal, until they reached the coccyx.

"Um...hmm, sorry."
Dragon licked the member and orifice until it was huge and
fully swollen. He then slowly slid the tip of his tongue into
the small hole. When he was wet and slippery, he inserted a
long finger inside.

Dragon bites, alternating with sucking and tugging at the

soft buttocks until leaving many red marks.

Big bites his lips, his heart will be torn. He lies face down on
the hot and hard to release member. But he can't lose. The
big head slid into his mouth again. His white hand
massaged the member up and down and his tongue worked
on the head licking, sucking, intensely.

As for Dragon, he furiously penetrated his tongue into Big's

small orifice, moving it in a circular motion with force.


"Ahhhh, ouch! Phew!! ahh, ahh, ahh."

Big groaned as he got up. His waist swayed, allowing the

other person's long fingers and tongue to penetrate him
deep to the desired point. His mouth sucked around Big's
pink head, moving it up and down until finally Dragon began
to moan softly, ramming into his throat, releasing hot liquid
that overflowed from the corners of Big's mouth.

Big moving up into a position where his hips still hung over
Dragon's face. He reaches up to wipe the liquid from his
cheek, then licks it with his tongue to wipe away every last

Dragon saw Big's sensuality, so he stuck his three fingers

into a small hole without stopping. Big groaned happily,
rocking his hips, rocking on Dragon's tongue and fingers,
until he finally expelled the liquid from him again.

"Uh uh uh uh!"

"Mmm tasty." Dragon said, as he squeezed the red nipples

of the man who was moaning sweetly and trembling all over
his body.

"Oh, if you want to fuck, just fuck me."

Big narrowed his eyes at the person looking down. His

beautiful, seductive hips rose up and down. Then, he
straddled the body of the person below. Dragon turned to
Big to look at each other and kissed him on the lips.
Big, straddling Dragon lifted his left hand and brought it up
to his orifice, penetrating his own middle finger. While his
right hand stroked Dragon's member up and down. After a
moment, Big stood up, took hold of Dragon's swollen
member and inserted it into his own already wet orifice.

"Ah... it's tight. It's hot... it burns me... hmmm."


He had never done this before. When he felt the great

length of the other part, he got scared. Dragon stroked his
smooth skin as if to comfort him, before pulling the person
above him to lean down and kiss his strong hips with his
tongue. As he slowly stabbed into the narrow, hot channel
until finally…


Dragon successfully buried all his big members. Big moaned

loudly to relax but after he adjusted, his waist began to
sway. His two long legs clamped onto Dragon's side. His
black eyes stared into Dragon's deep face.
"You're so good." Dragon said, as he stood up and gently
extended his hand over Big's face.

Pak pak pak pak

"Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh." Big moaned as he contracted his

orifice to nibble the member inside him, continuing the up
and down motion with his knees braced on the mattress.
Then Dragon sat on the bed, stretched Big's legs up behind
him, lifted his hips for him to thrust deeper.

Pack, pack, pack, pack


"Um... ah aww aww deep aww..."

Big put both hands on Dragon's strong chest, to hold himself

tight against Dragon's maddening thrusts. But he himself
also tried to balance his waist and await the impact of the
giant member below him. That was a seductive gesture, too
sexy, seeing Dragon get more and more excited.

"Ah! Why is it so big? Oh, it's so big!"

The person who was floating above his waist was screaming
in agony. But the facial expressions indicated that that
tingling, was that it would come to the end.

"Is it so… bad…?"

"I like it... put it more... more..."

"Ohhhm... you'll be done... hmm"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I'm coming…"

"Come on finish… finish soon… give me your milk." Dragon



Big raised his waist and slammed into it with furious heat
and shivered. Hot liquid was expelled from the pink tip of his
member. Dragon used his hand to receive it and held the
member until nothing else came out. Before he catches Big
and lays him down under him.
Smashing his body into a small hole mercilessly until the
pulsing red fold opens.

"Tight... Big is so good, hmmmm Big! You're so tight… so

hot… hmmm."

Dragon moans, alternating with sweet whispers in his ear,

he raises both his hands, to hold Big's face and kiss him.
Then he moved his waist to his strong, fearless hips, though
he had finished before. Dragon wanted them to end up

"Let's finish together."

"Tee… mmm let's finish."

"Where do I do it?" Dragon whispered. He had never asked


"Do it inside..." Said Big biting his lips violently. Dragon then
let out a low moan.
"Here? Like this?" He asked him again, but he began to
tremble and focused hard on the movement of his hips.

"Yes… Dragon do it a little, fuck me deep, deep, deep. Give

me everything."

"Take it seriously, what are we going to do with a baby?"

Dragon continued to comfort him with his words. He also

rubbed Big's member, rubbing harder and harder up and

"I want to have a baby."

Big said unconsciously and then says it according to his own


"Give me a baby."

Dragon looks at the person who was in his arms that he

loves so much. He grabbed his white face to kiss him and
exchange his tongue, not letting go. Before thrusting in a
wave of fervor and depth until every drop of cum plunged
into Big's hole to the very depths.

" you still want to do it again?"

A muffled voice sounded, along with the sound of his

buttocks being smacked from behind in voice. Dragon
leaned down to say good morning to Big, before biting the
entire back of Big's neck leaving it covered in red blotches.

Big couldn't remember how many times they had done it.
The only thing he knows is that Dragon refuses to sleep. Big
had fallen asleep, but was awakened by the penetration so
deep of Dragon's big member, that it stabbed into his little
canal, but his canal no longer hurt. He only openly received
the big member. Therefore, at this hour there was muddy
and slippery water flowing from his thighs, indicating that
Dragon bursts into him whenever it wants.

Big that it occurs to him to touch Dragon's member with his

hand... as he already knew, he was erect again.

But it turned out that he was hit by Dragon pushing his
member into the weak hole so hard that his nerves

Big's waist, which couldn't bear it, bit his lip and snorted on
the sheet until climax without anything coming out, because
his soft member couldn't produce more semen in time, his
member trembled, his body trembled from him. Dragon
then lifted him up to sit on his lap in front of him, swaying
frantically until he vanished and finally, a low roar rang in
his ears. Dragon lay on his back, with Big lying on top of
him, exhausted and out of breath.

"Dragon I'm dead." Big said and nibbled at the weakened

limb in his abdomen.

"Fucking me all night, I almost died." He said, kissing

Dragon's cheeks all over the place.

"So what kind of things are those?"

"What should my lover provoke me to do?" Dragon replied,

sticking out his tongue.

So he patted the side of his ribs once to cure the heat.

Dragon laughed heartily, but he was tired.
Both people went to the bathroom to clean his body. Dragon
helps wash out Big's hole by spraying it with water.

Later, Dragon changed the bedding. Then he carries Big

over to the already clean and tidy bed to hug him and sleep
next to him.

At one point, they both fell asleep in the early hours of the
morning. Waking up almost at midnight.

"Shall we fuck?!"
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 27: "A Boyfriend"

"Phi Dragon has a girlfriend, doesn't he?"

The interview of the girl from the Faculty newspaper is loud

and noisy. She also pointed the strange-looking microphone
at the handsome face of the gentleman. Dragon frowned at
the younger girl. She gave him a sweet smile that made
Big's heart flutter.

Today, the Faculty of Dragon organized an open house for

juniors from other faculties. The activity consisted of the
juniors being able to see the great works of the Faculty of
Architecture. But instead of talking about work, they asked
him about his personal relationship.
"Yes. I'm in a relationship." He replied politely.

The young woman addressed her friends who were

cameramen and producers who controlled the interview.
Dragon smiled calmly and then turned to talk to his friends.
The juniors from the Faculty of Journalism turned to look for
the other young architects.

Big was close to that area. Hearing Dragon's reply, he felt

embarrassed and didn't dare to walk up to him. But while he
was standing behind, a beautiful girl with the title of being
the Star of the Faculty of Engineering came to greet him,
since they were all participating in the celebration and Big
stayed with her to ease the embarrassment.

Suddenly, a thick hand wrapped around his neck. Turning

around, he saw Dragon's beautiful face, which was staring
back at him sharply.

"You come to stand before this young lady here. You are no
longer single, are you?"

"You already have a girlfriend?" The girl said.

Big smiled and reached up a hand to pinch Dragon's back.

"Answer him, do you have a girlfriend?"

Dragon wasn't shaken by the force of the pinch at that

moment. He even gave him a big bewildering smile, but
finally Big nodded at the beautiful girl. He then hurriedly
pulled Dragon's arm into the parking lot behind the building.

"Are you crazy? Why do you say that?"

"Why can't you answer?" Dragon answered, opening the car

door. He then pushes Big to sit inside.

"Well…" Big was speechless. Embarrassed, he yanked on his

seat belt.

"Or... you don't want to be in a relationship with me?"

"Not at all." Big answered loudly.

Dragon smiled secretly before reaching out and gently

kissing his lips once.
"I just… I can't get used to having a boyfriend."

"Why?" Dragon asked, frowning but still close to Big's

smooth face.

"Well, I've never been serious. Have you ever been in a

relationship before?"

"Yes." Dragon said.

"The first one was in high school, the second and the third
were in high school. But in less than three months it was all

Big looked at Dragon that he was talking about his ex and

his heart ached. His beautiful lips slowly pointed upwards
until they touched his nose. Then, Dragon took his hand to
play gently. Before grabbing a big cheek and kissing it
several times.

"But no one is as special as you."

"It feels so good." Big replies wryly.

"And I didn't feel like I loved them, as much as you do."

At the end of the words, Big's face was hot. Before

extending his hand to Dragon's cheek, he then grabs it and
happily kisses his dark lips. Dragon bit down on his soft
mouth and then the two of them exchanged a passionate
kiss inside the car.

"Dragon only loves Big."

He said as the feeling overflowed in his chest.


"Honey, don't look at me like that."

"I only ask for a kiss." Dragon said to the man sitting on the
lap of the couch and kissed his bare shoulders.
Big's just wearing his oversized t-shirt. Dragon's playful
hand reached out and caressed his flat stomach, moving
steadily down his inner thighs, squeezing and rolling, never
giving up. He himself allowed Dragon to touch his own body
as he wished..

"Delicious." After saying that, Big stuffs his pizza into

Dragon's mouth. Dragon took only one bite. So, Big took the
rest and ate it all. Then he took a new piece and continued
eating, while his eyes continued to happily watch the

In recent days, he has been very hungry and wants to eat

everything. One night, he wanted to eat Pad Thai with river
prawns. If he didn't eat, he would get frustrated and refuse
to continue playing with Dragon. Therefore, Dragon had to
go out to buy it almost at ten o'clock at night. But Dragon
didn't care, as long as Big was by his side, he was happy to
eat delicious food. He would be satisfied.

"After we eat, we go to the shower, brush our teeth, and go

to bed."

"I'll keep working."

"What work?"
"A Project." Dragon said.

Big put down the slice of pizza, raised his arms and legs to
hug him like a monkey.

"Why are you doing it so late?"

"It is a lot of work."

"Can you not do it?"

"If I don't, I won't finish the school year."


Big, irritated, nuzzled his face into Dragon's neck. In

addition to being very good at eating during this time, he
was also very addicted to Dragon. But it wasn't a difficult
thing to handle, because Dragon also likes Big to be
"Are you stiff?"

"Why did you put your butt on my crotch? Also, you

caressed my neck." Dragon replied, squeezing his soft

"I want…" Big bit his lip, as he looked at Dragon with

seductive eyes. Dragon saw this and gritted his teeth,
leaving the blueprint in his office first and leading Big into
the bedroom.


The two kissed furiously. Dragon knelt on Big's lap. Big

lowered his face and used his mouth to lick the giant
member in front of him until he stood up, while with his
white hand he massaged the large roots of that member
and also went down to lick and suck it. Then, he comes back
and plays with the crimson redhead, sucking on his little
orifice. Then he lies on the bed fully opening both legs,
Dragon proceeds to penetrate him with his fingers.

"Ahhh, Dragon is scary."

His slim waist slid along with Dragon's long fingers, moaning
with a dizzying sound. Then Dragon, who had thought of
something, opened the drawer and took out the pink dildo.
It was smaller than Dragon's member, but he can shake it
just the same. It was a toy that he had just bought a few
days ago.


The toy is easily inserted into the small channel. Because

Big's body was being prepared by Dragon all this time. Big
clings to Dragon's shoulders, while he was sitting with his
legs apart, Dragon moved his wrists to force the toy into the
small hole.

"Ah… Dragon is so deep."

"Is he scary?"

"Very… ugh, ugh." Big responded with a groan.

After the white body leans forward, Big's eyes widened as

Dragon turned on the vibrate system, without warning.
'What kind of sadist is this?'
"Half, just... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah."

"Shiaaa!!!, it's like he's about to pee. Ouch… ah."

The white figure was pushed onto the bed. Both of his
slender legs were spread wide open. Dragon grabbed the
dildo stick and gently moved in and out of the orifice. So Big
reached out to play with Dragon's member that was still up.

Big massaged the crimson redhead with his fingertips,

because he didn't want to enjoy and please himself. But
Dragon's sex is still mercilessly hot. Even though the two of
them are in love with each other. He used one hand to press
down on Big's member that lay across his belly.

"Stay awake, halfway."


Big was moaning, his feet were tight, holding onto the
sheets. His abdomen trembled as he pressed down on the
vibrations. The nerves in his soft cavity were severely
bruised, twisted until his heart nearly broke, saliva flowing,
tears flowing.
"Keep going…"

"Dragon... ah ah, I can't take it. I'm coming..."

"Ahhh! Ahh!"

Br br br br

The sound of the toy vibrating accompanied by the sound of

a small insertion into the cavity could be heard throughout
the room. Big jerked his waist to accept the rhythm.
Meanwhile, he moved to grab the large member in his
mouth, using the tip of his tongue to intoxicatedly lick and
suck on the juicy crimson red head. Shortly after, a long
moan bursts from his throat because he had finished first.

"A… aaahhhhhhh."

The hot liquid was expelled from the pink head of Big's
member, splashing onto the mattress. His white body was
now reddish and wet with sweat, his nipples were also red
and erect.
After that, Dragon pulled the toy out of the hot hole, tossing
it to the side of the bed, before using his hand to massage
his own member faster until he ejaculated on Big's face. Big
just wiped it off with his hands then licked it off and
swallowed it.


The man lying sprawled out on the bed was a little taken
aback that Dragon hadn't barged in as usual, but he had still
been wildly sexy.

After taking a deep breath, Dragon gripped his hips tightly,

flipping him up and then inserting himself firmly, because
the small channel was waiting for him. The moment he
entered it, the little channel forcefully sucked him in,
squeezing as if he were going to disintegrate. He was so hot
that he felt as if he was being bitten, so Dragon groaned

"Ahhh… it's so tight… ahhhh..."

Dragon's hips hit his strong pelvis uncontrollably. Big began

to moan sweetly, so Dragon leaned down and kissed his red,
swollen lips. He reaches up to squeeze his chest. Pinching
the erect nipples from side to side.
"Um… hot, good, very tight." Dragon yelled as he slid his
waist in and out. Each one already knows what to do and
where it affects them, to help their partner to be happy
together and finish at the same time.

"Mmm, Dragon, harder... put it all in... hmmm I'm coming...


"Okay, um, I'll hurry… hmmmm."

The two people gave each other an uncompromising fervor.

Dragon managed three big rounds. Until Big fell asleep from
exhaustion, he cleaned himself and cleaned the body of his

After that Dragon leaves the room and prepares a deep

black coffee. He drinks two cups and continues to work in
the office.

Big woke up exhausted the next morning. He sat up in bed,

picked up the phone, and called his father, as usual.
Because now he has decided to move in with Dragon to his
condominium. He will go home only twice a week. Borom
himself didn’t care and wasn't an obstacle in the
relationship of his and Dragon's son.
Because the happiness of a child... is the happiness of a
father. Borom thought.

Dragon came out of the bathroom wearing only his boxers.

He lifted his tattooed muscular arm, taking it to his damp
hair and combing it back, while his face shone from the
drops of water impacted by the sparkles of the sun's rays.
Every drop on his face flowed slowly to end up on his neck.
He looks sexy as if he stepped out of the cover of a male
model magazine. Big saw it and swallowed hard in his

"Shall we fuck this morning?"

Dragon knew what the person in front of him was thinking.

When Big heard it, he was embarrassed and helpless and
raised his middle finger towards Dragon. Once Dragon lay
down on the bed he tenderly kissed his lover's cheeks.

"We fuck."

At first, he was surprised and very embarrassed. But when

Dragon used to do this every morning, he got used to it and
lost his embarrassment.
Big likes Dragon, when he's sweet, so he likes to play. But
when he pretends to taunt him, he's the ultimate villain.
Since they've been dating, Big has rarely been teased by
Dragon again. There may be some nuisance, but they are
always at an acceptable point.

"Put me on your back." Big pleaded.

Dragon took a shirt and pants and put them on. Then he
turned his back on Big, so that he climbed on top of him.

"I ordered your favorite porridge. You must eat it hot in the


Dragon took him from behind to seat him at the dining

table. Then he took a bag of fish porridge, unwrapped it,
and poured it into a large china cup. The aroma of fried
garlic, broth, and fresh fish filets began to spread

Big put his hand up to cover his mouth. Dragon frowned and
before he could ask anything, Big quickly ran to the
bathroom to throw up.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 28: "Baby?"

"Would you like to go back to your room and sleep?"

"I'm good."

Big turned to answer the man next to him who was


Dragon was worried. But he looked cute too.

"What's happening to you?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I probably ate too much." Replied Big,
unbuckling his seat belt, before getting out of the Jaguar.

"Honey, call me if anything happens and I'll come get you

right away."

"It's okay." Big nodded, before closing the car door and
entering his College building. As for Dragon, he went to the
Faculty of Architecture to deliver the work and prepare to
present his project.

This morning, he had vomited until his stomach had nothing

left to digest. While Dragon, he always kept patting his
back, handing him something to drink. At first Dragon would
take him to the doctor, but Big insisted that it wasn't
something that serious. Maybe it's just that lately he's
eating too much, getting too little rest. Also, he is stressed
about the research he has to send to the teachers.


But today, all day, he has felt like throwing up all the time.
He smelled something strange and his face immediately
turned pale.
"Are you okay?" His friend asked. When he saw Big, sitting
with his hand over his mouth.

"I feel a little sick." Big answered, lowering his hand, to try
to continue writing on his MacBook.

"I've seen you walk and vomit a couple of times. Has food
made you sick, has this given you diarrhea?"

"No, I don't have diarrhea either." Big said.

"So are you pregnant?"

At the end of the sentence, his friends burst out laughing,

because they wanted to joke. But... Big felt numb from head
to toe. He was paralyzed. His face whitened to the color of a
piece of paper.

"I was joking, I didn't mean to."

Fortunately, his friend noticed Big's discomfort and

apologized. But Big wasn't interested in that provocation, he
put his Mac Book down, before packing his own things into
his bag.
"I'll go back first. There's something I have to do."

After saying that, he immediately took his bag and left the
room. He didn't call Dragon. But he went to call a taxi to
take him home. When he arrived, he hurriedly ran into his
room, which was now clean and tidy. Big opened the dresser
drawer. He reached for the blue glass bottle, which didn't
have a drop of liquid left in it. He left the dressing room and
slumped on the couch thinking.

Since the day Dragon opened his heart, he had completely

forgotten about this medicine. 'But did it really work? Will a
medicine that tastes like a baby elixir be able to get me
pregnant? But, I don't feel any change inside my body.'

Big pondered as he raised his hand and rubbed his stomach

back and forth.

For several months now he and Dragon have sex every day.
Well, that's not a big deal, deep down it's always like that.
But, now the one asking for it over and over again was Big.
'If I am really pregnant, what will my father say? What will
happen to Dragon?'

'But he loves children to death… then, he'll be happy.'

Big thought, a small smile appearing at the corner of his

Big called Dragon to come home, urgently. Even though

Dragon was a bit offended that Big didn't say what was
going on, he had already dropped out of college first,
without saying anything. Borom had invited Dragon to
dinner together, to talk about gardening and plants. Dragon
was interested in landscape architecture, so he spoke
directly to Borom and accepted his invitation.

"Do you still want to throw up?"

"No." Big said, as his eyes flicked into the mirror.

"You're sure…"

"YES." Big replied Dragon as he drove the car.

"If you had a child now, would it be good?"

Dragon frowned, eyes narrowed in astonishment for a

"Do you want to have it now?"

"Um, if I had him now, would you be able to raise him?"

"Are you ready? If you're ready, I can take care of it."

Hearing that, he smiled widely before reaching out to join

his warm hands with Dragon's thick hands.

The next day, Big woke up at half past six. So he got up to

prepare breakfast in high spirits. Today, he doesn't have to
go to college because the professor left the class to
complete the research. But just by thinking about work,
Big's mind immediately snapped.


He covered his mouth with his hand and ran to the

bathroom vomiting again. After washing his face, he
reached up and rubbed his small belly from side to side. He
couldn't even think of what he should do next. Even if
Dragon seems to accept it, there are still many levels to

"Stomach ache?"

The sound of Dragon's voice caused Big to jump, since he

hadn't realized when Dragon woke up.

Dragon stood up, at the entrance to the bathroom door, with

one of his arms braced on the door. He was only wearing
pajama bottoms and his entire back was exposed, showing
bite marks all over the place. His handsome face looked
shaky and his hair that was always slicked back was now
messy, his strands falling across his face, past his eyes. But
he looked pretty good, actually he looked sexy.

"No, I just wash my face and brush my teeth." Said Big, then
Dragon came over to him, hugged him and gave him a big

"I woke up without seeing you by my side, I was totally

shocked." Dragon said quietly.

When they were at home, it was always like this. He was like
a big petulant dog, but as soon as his master raised his
hand to pet him, he became the sweetest of animals. Big
turned around, hugged his broad back and Dragon took his
rounded chin and forcefully kissed his sweet lips.

"Go to sleep, I'll go make some food first. Then you get up
and we'll eat."

Dragon nodded and went to lie down on the bed. Big went
out to get things ready, plain American fried rice until it was
finished, then went to take a shower. He made hot
chocolate, before holding a glass to sit and turn on the
computer. He consults the investigation report and waits for
Dragon to wake up, while he sorts out his stressful job.
Suddenly, Big was nauseous, so he ran to the bathroom to
throw up again.

The sound of vomiting woke Dragon up again. Dragon

hurriedly got up from the bed, to see the state of his
boyfriend and saw that Big was squatting with his head in
the toilet, he looked pitiful.

"What's wrong with you, Big? We better go see a doctor."

"No... not a good idea." Said Big, quietly. He raises his hand
and brushes them lightly, to clean them.

"Not good, why do you say that?"

Dragon reached out and caressed his pale cheeks. Seeing
the concern on Dragon's sharp face, Big felt everything in
his face shudder and not just his heart. Even if this is not
the time.

"If what I think comes true. I think the doctor would be in


"Really what are you talking about?" Dragon asked, puzzled.

And Big remembered who he had to contact right now.

"I would like to call Phi Nine first."

"Do you have his number? Why would you call him? BIG!"

Dragon called his boyfriend who was walking quickly to pick

up the mobile phone and pressed the number of his
handsome senior.

"Why do you call him?!"

"Uhm." Big didn't reply, then bristled slightly when Dragon
hugged him from behind. He put his head on his shoulder,
before biting down on his neck, leaving his teeth etched in

"Phi Nine."

"Oh, what's up Nong?"

Nine's voice sounded sleepy. He was calling at seven in the

morning. Anyone could beat him up for it, so he gave it

"Can you give me a number, please?"

Dragon heard this and looked puzzled at the person he had

in his arms.

"What number do you want?" He asked on the other end of

the phone, his tone not as monotonous as before.

"Okay, something happened. I have to consult that person

urgently." Big replied.
Dragon somewhat confused, continued stroking his head.
Then his hand slipped under his shirt, caressing his white
abdomen all over.

"Wait a second." Nine said, before looking at the person

lying next to him.

"Damn, wake up, someone wants to talk to you."

“Who is it?” Asked the person who woke up from seeing

Nine with a tight face.

The two of them were now lying on mattresses, on the floor,

in the basement laboratory of the Ravana Society. Because
a few days ago he dared to dedicate his life to building a
rescue robot with an intelligent AI system. He refused to eat
and sleep. Nine, who was worried about his friend, went to
see him. 'The other thing is that he cared about the
association too, because this guy is famous for making lab

"Big, the junior I invited to the polo event." Nine said,

handing the phone to the person next to him, before going
back to sleep.
"Are you okay? Nong."

Big swallowed down his throat. He didn't think he'd be able

to talk to him that fast. He turned to look at Dragon who
was staring at him. Before making a decision, he said:

"Phi Dare, do you remember the medicine you gave me?"

"Medicine?" Repeated Dare, frowning.

"Yeah, the blue bottle at the Phi Da party."

"Oh... that baby… baby."

He dared to say, the small smile of his slowly faded and he

began to remember that at Da's party...

"What did I accidentally do?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yes, you gave it to me."

"I gave it to Nong?!" He repeated.

"Yeah, and I've already had it too." Said Big.

Big looking Dragon, who looked puzzled, and didn't

understand anything. The person on the nitro side of the
line, his mouth open, hit the person who was lying asleep on
the bed from behind and said.

"Send me your location. I'll come find you."

"Uh, it's alright Phi."

Big couldn't deny it, because Dare's voice was so serious.

Then he sends the location through the chat system to Nine,
in less than two seconds, there is a tag that accepts.

"Did you call him to come to our room?" Dragon asked in a

stern voice.

Even Big is still embarrassed to represent this room as our

room. But first he has to explain everything that happened.
"It's really important."

"How important is it?"

Big's mouth twitched before he hugged Dragon. Both hands

rubbed the broad back of his back to soothe him.

"Let's wait for him. We'll talk at once."

Dragon stared at Big's face, but gave a nod, before raising

his arms and hugging Big. He also covered his neck with
kisses, leaving his red spots, as usual.

"You smell good today." Dragon said.

Then he pushed Big's body, so that he lay down on the bed.

Afterward, he leaned in to kiss his entire white face, as Big
smiled with both of his hands wrapped around Dragon's
neck. But when he felt the force of the other person's
crotch, his delicate hand moved to gently caress.

"You'll take me in the morning, right?"

"Well, my lover is so tempting. I can't stand it."

"If you're hot, don't blame me." Big replied.

Then he got up and bit the tip of the person's tall nose.
Before Dragon began removing his clothes interspersed with
his own.

"We have half an hour.

"No problem." Dragon answered, clenching his teeth. Seeing

how exciting his man is.

"Ouch! Uhhhhhhh."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!"

Time is short, so Dragon skipped several steps. When he

finished the taunt, he didn't care much for him and
immediately crashed into Big's body. Suddenly, the sound of
the bed could be heard, plus a loud terrifying moan. Big also
quite enjoys the wild sex of Dragons. So he got up and
straddled his strong lap, staggering and hitting his waist
without refusing to fight.
"Hummm! Ouch! Uhhhhh."

Dragon's hard member was all the way inside Big, his
crimson red head slamming and smashing into the
sensitivity of his slippery carcass, crushing him over and
over again. Dragon sat up, shrugged, walked up to the face
of the person above him and kissed him deeply. Big
responded to Dragon's deep kisses as he continued to move
up and down, then intertwined his hands with Dragon's and
continued moving faster up and down.


Dragon kissed the face of the trembling person, who had

difficulty breathing. His thick-waisted buttocks continued to
move in the small channel without stopping. Both of his
arms tightly hugged the pinkish-white figure and let out a
soft moan, finished in succession.

Big let Dragon finish out this time. On his abdomen, leaving
all of his hot liquid in his belly for a while. In his mind he
thought that if the medicine worked, he wouldn't get
Then he pushed Dragon's shoulders, saying that it's time to
receive the guests. Then Dragon carries Big to the bathroom
in his arms, in the position of a monkey. But before they
started showering, they both had erections again. So, they
had to organize another round, standing inside the shower

Hmm! hmm! hmm!

"Aww, aww, aww, aww, aww, aww, aww."

Big was moaning, both of his hands were up and wrapped

around Big's neck. His right leg was caught by Dragon's
hand and lifted up to his shoulder. His reddish orifice is
being rammed by Dragon's members up and down,
relentlessly. While the water flowed through the joined body
of both people.


"Please, Phi Nine, Phi Dare."

"What are you doing, honey?" Nine asked his friend. The
person he asked smiled.
Big walked on his shaky legs. Opening the door for the
guests who were waiting in front of the room, being
supported by Dragon behind him. Both men nodded, then
walked after Big, to sit in the living room area.

"Can I take a look at the medicine bottle?" Dare said, a stern

look on his face. Big reached for the empty medicine bottle
in his pocket. He dared to show the empty bottle to his
guests and collapsed and sat on the sofa.

"Did you drink it all?"

"Yes." Big nodded.

"So this is your boyfriend?" Dare asked, pointing to Dragon,

who was standing with his arms crossed as if by Big's side.

"Yes. And we have always been unprotected."

Saying that, Big's white cheeks flushed red. Dragon who

heard his lover talk about his own intimacy coughed, a little
embarrassed, but smiling.
"What are you guys talking about, honey." Nine asked his
friend. The person who was asked smiled.

Then Big began to tell the story from beginning to end.


Dragon said in shock, Nine's jaw dropped. Then he turned to

ask Dare if he heard the truth or not. Everyone was stunned,
when he started to say that he has two male mice, one
black and one white. He brought it as a pet to cure
loneliness while he invented things in the lab, and suddenly
one day he straddled it. Then later, the white mouse's
stomach was bloated. Therefore, Dare abandoned all
inventions to support the white mouse because he had a
baby in his stomach. But one day, he didn't know anything
about it and he took his blood to analyze his DNA and
extracted the Baby Pill.

"What kind of medicine did you give my boyfriend to drink?"

Dragon asked. But Dare makes a bored face.

On the day of Da's party, Dare brought a bottle of medicine

to show off to Nine. But when he did, he told him that it was
impossible. He secretly neglected himself to get drunk.
Between him rolling that, he met Big and handed him the
medicine. As soon as he got drunk, he just thought he had
lost the medicine bottle. He couldn't even remember giving
the medicine to Big.

He never thought that Big... would dare to drink the


"If something happens to my boyfriend. You will go to jail,

rest assured."

"You can calm down."

Big held Dragon's hand. As he dared, he bowed his head to

admit his mistake.

"If something happens. I'm ready to take full responsibility."

He said, then looked at his friend sitting next to him.

Nine sighed, because he often liked to invent things and get

into mischief in the lab. Often by blowing it up, but see, he
had already gone too far.

Dragon was very upset. Big thought that Dragon would be

more than happy when he was about to have a baby.
He suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to throw up again.
He excused himself, ran to the bathroom. Dragon pretended
to follow him, but instead dared to hold Dare's arm first, to
ask to speak with him in private. Nine volunteered to follow
up and take care of Big in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Nine asked, stroking Big's back, which was
bent over his neck on the toilet.

"Let's go to the living room, Phi." Big said, pressing the


Before going to wash his mouth and wash his face, he

returns to the living room. As the two of them walked back
to the living room, someone called out to Nine. So, he lets
Nine talk on the phone privately in his own bathroom and
leaves first.

"Do you have a pill to stop it?"

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 29: "Escaping"

"Do you have any medicine to stop it?"

That voice prevented him from entering the living room. But
he listened to Dragon, who dared to speak to the other
person instead.

"Okay, a guy holding a uterus like that is weird..."

Big's heart fell on Astragalus hearing Dragon speak in such

a stressful tone, his expression indicating that he didn’t
agree and didn’t accept this matter. Suddenly, Big's eyes
were full of drops of clear water, so he ran back to the

Big, his eyes watering, was sobbing. He was willing to put in

so much effort. Instead, Dragon saw it as unacceptable. And
not only that, he also asked for another medication to
intervene in the pregnancy. What a cruel person who was
next to him.

'Eh, so what's on Dragon's head? I have the wisdom to raise

my own children. I'll stay with the baby.'

"What's wrong? Nong." Nine came out of the bathroom, he

asked doubtfully because he saw a bag on Big's back. His
face was white with tears running down his face.

"I don't want to be here." Big said.

Then he left the room and ran through the living room.
While Dragon seriously talked to Dare. Big ran away without
saying anything and Dragon hurriedly ran after him.

"Big! Where are you going?" Dragon yelled.

Big got into his own car and sped out of the private garage.
He refused to look at Dragon for even a second. Big, just ran
away from the place, while tears fell down his face.

And he doesn't even know what really happened between

Dragon and Dare's conversation.


"Big… come on.You have to eat some rice."

Borom walked over to his son, who was hugging a silly

green dragon doll and was keeping quiet in his bedroom. He
knew everything and he was still stunned. But when he saw
his son so sad like that, he didn't want to leave his son
alone, to think too much. He prepared a tray of food and
carried it to Big's master bedroom.

"Father. I'm not hungry." Replied Big, who was lying on the

"You, you're not hungry, but... if my grandson is hungry?"

Hearing that, Big reluctantly sat up on the bed. Then he
took the tray of food and placed it on his lap. Besides, it was
already late and he hadn't eaten a single grain of rice.

Yai, are you sure you will give me grandchildren?

"I don't know, Father, but the symptoms are very similar."
Big replied.

Then he brought a spoonful of chicken soup to his mouth.

Borom patted his son's head.

"If it's true, I think it's wonderful. I'll call the family doctor to
come and help you check on you. In the meantime, eat your
rice and then rest."

Big, already finishing eating, pretended to lie down and

went back to sleep.

Suddenly, a knock on Big's door was heard.

"Khun Borom, Khun Yai, I am Phak."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Borom replied as he covered his son
with a blanket.

"Khun Dragon has come. He said that he would like to speak

with Khun Yai."


Big jumped out of bed, yelling at him.

"Don't let him in the house, chase him away! Drag him
wherever you want. Just get him away from here."

"Yai, calm down. Father will go talk to him." Borom said.

Then he left the room. 'This whole situation really is

unbelievable for a person of my age. But if my son is really
capable of conceiving a baby and his mistress told him to
terminate the pregnancy. I, Borom, cannot accept it. They're
talking about my grandson.'

Thinking about it, Borom got annoyed and got even angrier
when he saw Dragon sitting in the waiting room waiting for
him. So he immediately rushed inside, starting to curse.
"What right do you have to think like that?! Why don't you
think about my son's heart? If Yai agrees with you, I'll accept
the decision. But here you are, thinking for yourself, what's
wrong with you? You know, I'm sorry very much and I am so
disappointed in myself, for letting my precious son go out
with you".

Borom placed Dragon in a game. Dragon stood still before


"I'm sorry…but can I talk to Yai myself? It's about…"

"Father, don't listen to him." Said Big, after eavesdropping

on the stairs, before revealing himself.

"Big… just…"

"I don't want to listen to you. You're an evil person." Big

yelled, bringing his hands to his abdomen.

The bigger he yelled, when he saw Dragon's face. But he

echoed in his head the phrase that he wanted to intervene
in the pregnancy, "Come on, come on, my child, I'll take
care of you, ups!"
After saying that, he was about to throw up. Therefore, he
had to run to the nearby bathroom. Dragon saw that and
walked towards him, but he was feeling blocked.

"Come back, you don't have to come here again. You are no
longer welcome."


"Ai Pong Ai Phak... send the guest out." Borom said in a

solemn voice.

Phak and Pong were waiting at the door and went to get
Dragon to leave the house. Dragon didn't give up. But Phak
said before.

"Khun Dragon, don't make us suffer like this. Khun Borom

isn't nice when he gets angry."

Dragon looked at the indifferent faces of the two

subordinates. Furthermore, their body sizes were enormous.
If he had to take action, he would be left hurt, empty, so he
left the house immediately from Big's house.

Big cursed, sitting next to the toilet sobbing. So Borom

hurried to help his son up, before taking him to rest in his

Big's eyes were teary. Even under his eyes they were
swollen and red from loud crying. Big is usually not a
sensitive person. He knew he was in that state, just because
it was Dragon. Big, no longer able to stop his feelings,
rushed to take out his cell phone, which had been off the
whole time to take a look.

In his mind, Big was thinking all the time about turning on
the device or not. But he finally decided not to turn it on.

Bang Splash Bang

Suddenly, a thunderous rumbling sound was heard, followed

by a flash of light from the lightning. Big saw that the
curtains in his room weren't completely closed. Therefore,
reluctantly, he got up from the bed and closed it. At that
moment, he saw a white Jaguar parked in front of his house.
So Big's heart beats at a different rate. He came back and
sat on the bed. Contemplating why Dragon's car was still
there. 'Father gave orders to Phak and Pong... but what is he
doing there?'

Big thought and went to open the door to go out to see his
father. But he saw Pong sitting on the couch reading a book
in the second floor living room.

"What's wrong Khun Yai?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Khun Borom left me in Khun Yai's care. What do you want?"

Pong replied.

"Dragon… has he returned yet?" Big asked honestly.

"I told him to come back. But Khun Dragon insisted that he
would wait for Khun Yai."

"Where is he now and with whom?" He asked out loud.

"Khun Borom has Phak to keep watch at the entrance. At
first, Khun Dragon was sitting in front of the house waiting.
But now Phak sent a message saying that he had
disappeared and he didn't know where to find him. When he
was looking for him, Khun Borom told him to let him go and
not let him in the house anymore."

Big's jaw dropped when he heard that.

"Do you want me to find it for you?"

"No." He replied. "Leave him alone. Go and tell Phak that he

doesn't have to worry about anything, both of you go
rest.He won't dare to do anything stupid, with Father at

Pong nodded to his master before putting the book away

and going downstairs to call Phak. Then they went to eat in
the servants' dining room at the back of the house. Big went
back to his father's room and watched him sleep. He then
went back to his room, trying not to think about anything.
But the sound of rain falling from the sky made him start
living unhappily.

That night, Big tossed and turned in bed for hours, unable to
sleep. He finally got up and opened the curtain, to see if the
Jaguar had disappeared from the front of the house.
But there he wasn't still parked as before.

'Where is it? Has it disappeared?'

Big thought... then hiccuped his own words. When his

ignorance didn't work, he decided to grab an umbrella and
ran downstairs. He secretly opened the side exit door,
unseen by anyone in the house, and walked with an
umbrella through the rain to the big fence. Looking up,
peering through the steel bars, he couldn't see Dragon's

Bang Splash Bang

The sound of thunder startled them slightly. But that didn't

make him feel scared. He searched for Dragon around the
fence of his house and couldn't find him. But when the past
events of the heavy rains several months ago came back to
haunt him. Big bit his lips.

Then, half walking and half running, he hastened to the

pavilion by the lotus pond. In the backyard of the house.

"Do you have medicine to stop it?"

Dragon said with a serious expression.

"I can't, a man holding a belly like that is weird… I'm so

scared I can't stand it. I'm worried about giving birth. How
should I give birth? Who can guarantee my boyfriend's life?
If my boyfriend dies Who will be held responsible? Who?

Dragon was furious and confused, while he dared to stutter,

saying that.

"I know a good doctor, he has treated many people around

the world. Anyway, we will find a way to deal with this
situation, but first we will have to take Nong to check on
him." Dare said.

Dragon clenched his jaw tightly, stressed and afraid that

something would happen to his loved one.

But suddenly, Big with a large backpack, came out of the

room with tears in his eyes and ran to his car. Dragon
immediately realized what he had just said a moment ago,
he could have been heard by Big and that must have hurt
his heart.

'It's not that this doesn't make me happy... I'm very happy
to have a child with my loved one. But if Big is in any
danger, I can't take it. I don't want him to take any risk. His
life is not a game. And if something happens to Big...'

Thinking about it, Dragon's heart ached deeply. 'I love Big.
But I don't know if that person knows or not. Because I like
to be mean, bad habit, I always like to tease him, but what
can I do? I had never fallen in love with a man before. But
loving this man hurts.'

On the other hand... 'Big also likes to be sarcastic all the

time. Since we met... since a year ago. He wanted to go in
and pinch his cheeks until he cried. But I was stuck with the
flag that he was an enemy first. So I had to give in to him.
Big always appeared everywhere, like a fly that bothered
me and pecked me. He has always been like that, ever since
I met him. Big has always created a nuisance in my heart,
digging deep into it. Now, he's finally accepted me…I can't
lose him.'

'I didn't think he could love me. A person like him, but now I
don't know what I can do, for him to come back to me... '
Dragon followed Big to his house. But he had been
forbidden to see him, strictly forbidden to meet him. Now he
didn't know what to do. After Dragon was kicked out of the
house, he walked back and forth with no destination in his
head, but refused to drive back and forth from there.

The sky was unbearably dark. After a while, the rain began
to fall. So, he decided to go hide in the pavilion by the lotus

That pavilion where, that night... emotion nearly prevailed

over reason and unforgivably damaged Big. Dragon lowered
his head totally sorry for that horrible night, until…
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 30: "Take a risk"

The sky was unbearably dark. After a while, the rain began
to fall. So, he decided to go hide in the pavilion by the lotus

That pavilion where, that night... emotion nearly prevailed

over reason and unforgivably damaged Big. Dragon lowered
his head totally sorry for that horrible night, until...


Big opened the door and stepped into the hallway. So, he
found Dragon sitting on the floor on the cushions.

Dragon said, greatly surprised to see Big in a slightly damp


"Why did you go out? It's raining, you're going to catch a

cold." He asked in a soft, concerned voice.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you go back to the

Big didn't answer, closing the umbrella, he asked the person

who was lying crestfallen on the ground with concern. Then
he closed the umbrella and placed it against the door.

"I still don't want to go back. I'll wait for my boyfriend and
talk first."

"You don't have to wait, you can come back."

"You don't have to run away…"

Big's eyes began to turn red. Then Dragon got up and

walked towards him. Big was about to step back and run.
But his legs pushed into the ground until he nearly fell over.
Dragon caught him in time, so Big's body slammed into a
broad, robust chest.

"Let me go…"

"Big you're a smart grown man, can we talk first?" Dragon


He then gently hugged the person in his arms. Before

holding him and taking him to sit on a cushion. Big
struggled at the same time and began to sob. It is very
disrespectful to Dragon, since he cursed him. Dragon
hugged and rubbed his back until finally Big agreed to stay

"I'm not going to murder the baby."

"Yes. I don't want you to."

"You don't love me at all, Ugh!" Big shouted, reproaching the
other person, still with his heart aching, thinking that it was
just a game for the other person. Dragon saw this and
quickly kissed his soft lips.

"I love you, but do you know what will happen to you from
carrying a baby in your womb? How will you give birth? Will
there be any effect on your body? It will be nine months."
Dragon's eyes were serious and fearful as he spoke. Big can
see him and he can't say anything.

"Well... I want to give you a baby."

"Thank you." Dragon said, then sprayed a kiss to his white

face, deeply moved by his boyfriend, who was willing to
take medicine for him.

"No, you don't need to thank me, at that time I was

unconscious and upset, so I accidentally ingested the
medicine." Big realized that he had accidentally revealed his
feelings. So he put his finger up and rubbed his nose a little,
but still Dragon guessed that Big just wanted to cover up
what he just said.

"Accidentally or not, but now we need to go see a doctor

first. I talked to Phi Nine and he knows a very trustworthy
and talented doctor. He's here and I made an appointment
to visit him together."

During the long drive home, Dragon managed to complete

all the doctor's appointments. At first, he even wanted to
make an appointment today. But the doctor was busy, so it
had to be the day after tomorrow instead.

"If he's big or small, then can I be his father too?" Dragon
asked after explaining everything in great detail. A warm,
thick hand caressed Big's small belly.

"Let's see Father's behavior first." Said Big, then pretended

to withdraw his hand. Dragon looked disappointed. He made
a big disappointed expression on his face, so he pinched his

"Have you lost your anger yet?" Dragon said, then pressed a
soft kiss to the back of his white neck, before rubbing his
head like a dog demanding his owner's attention.

"Oh, it's gone." Said Big dryly, the corners of his red lips
slightly raising into a smile.

The rain continued to fall from the sky. Therefore, both of

them had no idea how to get out of that place. By the way,
they both wanted to sit and hug each other as long as
possible. They wanted to remain as in a world just the two
of them, a private world.

"Do you sleep?" Big turned to ask the man hugging himself
from behind.

"How can I sleep?" Dragon asked, turning to look at the

cushions surrounding the U-shaped pavilion.

Certainly the two of them couldn't sleep, Big didn't answer,

but he reached out his hand to open the box below, in which
there is a soft folded cushion. Because when he was a little,
he liked to lie down and roll around in the fresh air there, so
he was addicted to that place. So Borom put a fan on the
door and window for this pavilion, which was near the lotus
pond, to prevent insects and reptiles or any dangerous
animals that he might get. Every week, there will be a
housekeeper to clean all the time.

Big managed to put a soft cushion in the middle of the

pavilion, then lay down, pulling Dragon to lie down next to
him. Big's head rested on the strong tattooed forearm.

Dragon couldn't resist. He lowered his head and kissed his

lips in a soft kiss on his forehead. Then with his free hand he
began to pull out one by one the strands of hair that
covered Big's face. Suddenly, both people are face to face,
in a burning gaze.

At one point, Big worked up the courage to use his legs to

brush Dragon's crotch from side to side.

"What is this? You always scold me for wanting to fuck."

Dragon said and kissed his mouth biting him with his fangs.

"Why? Can't I play a bit?"

"Who forbids it? You can hold it comfortably." Dragon said,

beginning to stroke the other person's hip.

"I'm always nice to you." Big said to himself.

'Many times I feel sad and offended by Dragon, but when I

reconcile with Dragon, my heart always beats harder. If he
left me with no heart, what would I do now?'

"You love me..." Dragon said, smiling happily.

'His smile is so perfect. It is one of the main factors that
made me fall for him and fall in love with him. But this guy
dared to scold me. Where did he get the medicine from? Did
he drink it for me?'

Big grimaced as he thought and pinched Dragon's upper

arm and yelled loudly. But from the looks of it, it's probably
just one more of his performance.

"It hurts, please comfort me." Dragon said and got up from
the other side.

"No." Big refused, but smiled.

Then he lifted his legs and hooked himself around Dragon's

waist. Seeing this, Dragon immediately settled on his
fragrant throat. One hand slipped under his soft shirt,
rubbing along his smooth skin. Focusing on the lower
abdomen gently, he then gradually lifts the shirt up and rolls
it over Big's chest. As he leaned down to suck on the tips of
his rosy nipples.


Both of Big's hands lightly reached up and wrapped around

Dragon's black hair, messing it up completely. Dragon broke
those soft kisses and lifted his head, then began biting and
sucking on the center of his chest, leaving red spots. He
then trailed the tip of his tongue down to his umbilical
socket, reaching to his groin.


Big laughed as Dragon used his tongue to nibble at him.

Before he took off his pants and underwear. Dragon stood
up to look at Big's soft white figure, his eyes unblinking as
he spoke as if he were delighted.

"Big, your body is so beautiful..."

The auricle of his nipples were reddish red, Big's eyes were
half-closed and his member was already beginning to
harden. Dragon, seeing that image in front of him, leaned
down and kissed his soft member. He inhaled the scent in
both groins. The tip of his nose sticks out along the great
fissure of Big's canal. Dragon licks that channel up and
down and then bites his butt cheeks. Big bites his tingling
lips, because Dragon has never done such a gentle act.

"Ah… Dragon, you don't have to."

Big was startled when his hot tongue slammed into the
small orifice.

"Oh, I haven't showered yet."

Dragon didn't mind and continued to push the tip of his

tongue into the narrow channel, before raising an eyebrow.
Big was embarrassed to the point of being completely red.
But he had no defense force. He rocked his hips too, waiting
for the sensational insertion. Dragon made this place
smoother and then inserted a long finger inside it.

Whoop, whoop

The finger stroke is gentle, because he's afraid his lover will
get hurt, but Big wasn't content. He leaned down and
grabbed Dragon's third finger, thrusting his hand deeper.

"Wait a minute inside…" Dragon was about to talk about the

baby in his stomach. But Big put his hand up and covered
his mouth.

"Okay. How many times have you crashed into me until the
bed shook? I don't see anything wrong. We're already
Dragon laughed mischievously at the other person, before
getting up and kissing both of his soft cheeks. Big reached
down and tore Dragon's pants off. He releases his member
which was extremely hard and hot. The member slid down
his soft belly. The white hand pulled that member until the
owner moaned softly. Big's gentle fingers slid into the small
crevice of his member, then he licked and sucked vigorously.
While massaging its two large dangling roots. Dragon
writhed with tremors.

The two then exchanged tongues for a while, before Dragon

inserted himself into Big's smooth, slick cavity.

Big, with his ten fingers, grips onto Dragon's large back,
venting the tingling sensation and discomfort of Dragon's
size, which is so tight his stomach quivers. After taking a
few breaths.

"Uh… uh… uhmm."

Dragon swung his waist slowly, but hit Big's entire orifice,
then gradually continued to increase speed.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, well... ahh, amazing." Big moaned, along with

the sound of light rain.
The weather outside was cool. A gentle breeze blew through
the pavilion's window frames inward. The smell of rain and
the smell of earth made his sex different and very exciting.

"I love you so much, you know." Dragon whispered close to

Big's flushed ear as he hugged his body tightly. Big's eyes
filled with tears, but this time not with pain. They were tears
of joy that overflowed with happiness.

"Oh." Big nodded, then pulled Dragon in for a passionate

kiss once more. The soft tip of his mouth licked at the other
party's hot mouth to convey all the feelings.

"Ah… ahhhh."

They groaned in harmony with joy. Clinging to each other,

the sound of bare flesh colliding with each other resounded.
The long, slender legs were lifted and wrapped tightly
around Dragon's waist. As Dragon fervently pushed his hips
against the body of the person below. Big broke free into his
lover's abdomen.

"Ah… ahhhhhhh."
Then Dragon moaned loudly, releasing the hot liquid from
him with a big sweet smile on his face. Dragon then pressed
a soft kiss. Big looked at his lover for less than a minute and
he fell asleep exhausted. He didn't realize that Dragon was
secretly crying just like him.

Dragon managed to clean his body, dressed him in his

clothes and let him sleep in his arms. Then he finished
dressing. As it continues to heavily rain down Dragon, he
takes Big riding on his back. He walks through the lotus
pond and goes straight to the main gate, asking to enter it.

Phak and Pong, already waiting, came over to open the door
for them. At first they would take Big to the room
themselves. But when they observed that he was sleeping
so happily on Dragon's back, they let them go to the room


Borom saw Dragon enter the house like that… he was

supposed to curse him. But when he saw Big on his back, a
small smile landed on the corner of his red lips, so, he
understood and raised his hand to signal that they will be
taken to the elevator.
"Take him to the elevator, the elevator is over there. Yai's
room, it's to the right."

"Thanks, huh."

"You can call me father."

Dragon raised his eyebrows, but said politely.

"Thanks, Dad."

Then he bowed his head, in merit. Then he took Big for a

walk to the elevator back to the bedroom. He gently laid the
tall, slender figure on the bed. Then he went to the
bathroom to pick up a container to clean the body of his
lover and clean him again until he was spotless. He went to
open the closet to get a pair of pajamas to change into. Big
moaned comfortably. Dragon sat grinning contently at the
end of the bed, then lifted his white feet and pressed kisses
all over the place lovingly.

'Am I really going to have a baby with this person or is it a

Dragon thought, while he bit his jaw.

"Well, I'm not dreaming." He said, then laughed in his throat.

Then he took off his clothes and took a shower in the


As he left, he arrived, he saw that Big groaned with both

hands to find something, Dragon thought that Big could be
looking for him, he thought of lying down next to him, but
Big wasn't looking for him. Rather, he was looking for a silly
green Dragon doll, who was sitting on the head of the bed
with his tongue hanging out. When Big's hand found it, he
hugged it close to his chest with his eyes closed.

Dragon frowned, feeling very annoyed. The real one was

here and his boyfriend ignored him like that. He walked
hoping to get that Dragon doll out and thinking of where to
hide it. But he wasn't sure about doing it… 'But if he wakes
up and cries…'

Thinking of that, Dragon felt excited. But when he saw the

innocent sleeping face of the other party, he couldn't resist.
'Maybe I have to break this bad habit, but this guy is so
embarrassing… what should I do?'

Dragon sighed and gave up the bad thoughts of him, went

to turn off the lights and lay down next to his boyfriend. He
raised his head and passed his arm under him, to hug him
and not separate more.

The tip of his beautiful nose sniffed at the sweet scent on

his soft cheeks once more, before Dragon finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Big woke up to find Dragon lying next to

him. He smiled before placing the adorable dragon doll he
was hugging and placing it on the headboard as usual. He
then moved to hug the sleeping Dragon with his hand on his
leg. His head nestled happily in the other's embrace. About
an hour later, they both woke up at the same time.

Dragon looked both ways, before seeing his boyfriend next

to him. After kissing him, he got up and carried him in his
arms to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth.
Fortunately, both don't have to go to university during this
period, because the teachers of the Faculty of
Administration allow students to spend time researching.
The Faculty of Architecture also asks students to submit
projects before the end of the year. Only periodic
inspections will be carried out.
Big and Dragon went down to breakfast with Borom. Dragon
generously knelt down and Big climbed on his back. Then
Dragon gave a big ride on the back, plus Dragon had
noticed that his boyfriend's legs were trembling. This was
the result of the two of them having a passionate affair last
night. Big was very hungry, he couldn't stop eating, his face
was bright and he didn't seem to be throwing up like he had
in the last few days.

Borom offered both of them to stay at home. Tomorrow Big

will be taken to meet the Doctor, for whom Dragon and Dare
have made an appointment.

Today is a big day, so there is almost nothing to do. If Big

wants to go to the bathroom, he calls Dragon to take him. If
he wants to eat and whatever he wants to eat, Dragon goes
and finds him.

Father asked Phak and Pong to come help Dragon, to

pamper his son. In fact, it was no big deal. Big doesn't feel
tired, but he just wanted to find something for Dragon to
take care of. Dragon was very happy and willing to take care
of him.

'If you can walk, you will walk. This isn't that big yet.'
Big thought as he rolled over on the wide bed. As Dragon
sat and looked at the 3D model of him on his MacBook.

"Can I help by investigating?" He asked.

"Do it a bit." Big replied.

"Where are you detained, to help you?"

Usually when Big talks about helping with the investigation

(he's just kidding, not really helping), Dragon always
responds by harassing him. This time, he saw the look in the
other's eyes ready to help. Big shook his head and smiled
and then jumped up and hugged him tight. Big knows that
Dragon's project is complex. Going on all day like this was a
waste of time for him.

"Keep doing your job." Big whispered in Dragon's ear.

Dragon grabbed him and kissed his mouth. Before they both
began to roll on the bed, lustful and passionate kisses
resounded in the room.
Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 31: "Broken Dreams"

The day of the appointment with the doctor. The doctor

dared to send a luxury VIP van to pick up everyone at Big's
house. When Dare arrived, he felt remorse for giving Khun
Borom's son an unknown medicine. But Borom didn’t
complain about anything, half of him was happy to have a
grandson, the other half was worried that they were

When the van came to park in front of a semi-private

hospital, Borom and Big frowned in confusion.

Small Hospital by Dr. Dr. Yodying Campbell.

But after meeting the obstetrician's face, Dare learned that
the smart doctor was his Jae (older sister).

Ying, is a chubby woman with big eyes, who just found out
who is the specific case.

She is the only one who will study this, her own case, who
will be in charge of Nong Big. When the appointment was
made, only brief information on the situation was given. In
addition, he was asked to hide the personal information of
the patient because he was afraid that he wasn't well and
Dragon agreed to hide all kinds of data, Dragon now entered
the examination room, with Big who was wearing a large hat
that covered his face.

In the end, they became Jae and Nong. Ying, the older sister
when she got married, changed her last name. Dare himself
paid no attention to looking at her personal history. He
didn't mind looking at the personal history of the beautiful
doctor, the family history, because it wasn't important to
treat patients. Besides, they just had to talk.

"Okay, let's talk a bit."

"Why didn't dad tell me about this?"

"Well, it isn't something that I should tell yet. I think it isn't
necessary to communicate it yet." Dragon, Borom and his
son shook their heads.

"Where is he, the father?" The woman asked her younger

brother. Big pulled Dragon closer to him.

"Wow… if you compare it to a cow, you're a stud." The

strange doctor's hands gripped Dragon's robust muscles.
Big, who shines like a younger brother, looks at his beautiful
face without blinking.

"Little Jae has a husband." She said, then led Big to sit in the
doctor's chair as before.

"He's fine, let's get started. He calls for an ultrasound first."

Afterward, the woman immediately began Nong's pregnancy


"Huh... Huh."
"No, don't cry. "

"I am puzzled"


Big sighed as he sat on Dragon's lap, his flushed face

against his broad shoulders, his strong arms wrapped
around him.

After returning from the clinic. Tears welled up on Big's face

all the way. Once in the Dragon room, he didn't allow
anyone to enter and no one to come check on Big's
condition. And this is because Big already knows that...

He isn't pregnant...

But the frequent vomiting is probably due to the stress of

the research he had to do, because when he thinks about it,
he is always nauseous and then because of it, he thought
that by giving himself the medicine he was pregnant.
Dragon was relieved, since nothing serious would happen to
his boyfriend and he wouldn't get hurt. But he couldn't deny
that he was very sad… so sad that tears welled up in his
The more he saw it, he cried until he was even sadder.

As for the medicine Big had taken, the doctor had it in her
hands and dared to taste the content inside her.

Then she realized that it was actually just normal baby

syrup. There was no effect on Big's body at all. Dare then
began to remember that when he prepared the medicine, he
prepared it with baby syrup for flavor.

"But I must have done something wrong. So I accidentally

spilled the baby medicine into the glass bottle. Which
means the actual medicine extracted from the guinea pig.
It's probably somewhere in the lab."

"But you do blow up the guild lab frequently."

Nine mocked the scientist.

He immediately returned to the guild to find the medicine to

destroy it.
Some time later Nine called Dragon to tell him that weeks
later the white guinea pig was actually a female. But there
was a small tumor sticking out near the genitals. It was
what had confused Dare into thinking he was a male.

Finally everything cleared up without any fear, leaving only

disappointment and sadness in the hearts of a young
couple. They needed time to heal.

Big sleeps at home, along with his family, he has his father
who takes care of him and closely follows him. Until he felt
better, he went back to living with Dragon in his condo as

Three weeks have passed, both have completed their three

weeks of research work through important projects. They
got excellent grades. Big has forgotten some sadness, but if
he thinks about it again, the sadness appears. Dragon, the
more he saw his boyfriend in that state he loved him even

Last week Dragon opened the closet to collect Big's things,

he accidentally saw a book that was hidden... where he
named the baby in it.

So, he took the opportunity to secretly open it and read it.

So, he discovered that Big had secretly circled the names of
4 children, 2 men, 2 women...

'It's up to this point… this hurts too much.'

Dragon thought, his heart ached with mercy, love and

passion until he couldn't control himself. He walked over to
Big and hugged him from behind.

"So if you're going to be greedy, why not?"

"Just kidding, I didn't think about it one bit."

But then Big agrees to tell the truth.

His eyes were still fixed on the exit of the cinema, when the
children ran around him and had fun. Then Dragon was
fascinated and he said that he wanted many children.

"Would you like to come and take one to our house?"

Dragon said.

"Your house, don't talk nonsense."

"So, do we wait five or six years? Then we will have our own
house, our own cars.Of course, more maturity and
responsibility and then let's raise beautiful babies."

Big turned to look at Dragon. "Are you kidding?"

"I'm telling the truth." Said Dragon. "I really want to have
children with you."

"But how will I get pregnant?" Big said, still frowning like he
was about to cry. Dragon then quickly pulled the other
person into a hug, to prevent him from thinking of
something and going too far.

"It doesn't mean you have to get pregnant. Nowadays, there

are many ways to have children. You can adopt, you can
take merit, I don't think you need to think too much, you're
a smart person." Dragon said, using his thick hand to gently
wipe his cheeks teary corners of his eyes...

"We will be together for a long time. We will raise many

babies and help each other."
Dragon told Big before finally smiling. The two then walked
hand in hand down the escalator to the parking lot floor. Big
squeezed Dragon's thick hand and played with it, Dragon
smiled, not caring about anything but his beloved boyfriend.

"This semester break will you take me to Switzerland?"

"Come on, but I won't pay for it." Big answered, turning to
swing Dragon's hand to play.

"Your are my wife."

"Who is your wife?"

"Oh that's all, who is my wife?" Dragon pretended to cross

over his head. The person who started first became irritable.
He lifts his leg and kicks one of Dragon's ankles.

Dragon let out a moan and brought his face close to kiss
him. He even bit his ear gently. Big laughed because he
didn't hurt, he just opened the car door and quickly got in

"Dragon… hmm." He said, biting his lips.

“Hummh.” Dragon moaned, as he turned the wheel out of
the mall.

"Don't… go back to the condo… please." Said Big before

Big Dragon the series
(English Translation)

Co-translator : yukifeebleu

CHAPTER 32: "New Smile"

"Can we not go back to the condo?"


"Let's go to New Sunrise." New Sunrise is the name of the

new Sunrise Pub, which was destroyed and remodeled
several months ago. Big got a message from Pong saying
that all the remodels were now 100% complete. Dragon
nodded, before driving to the pub. When they arrived, they
noticed that many cars were parked in front of the pub, as
this was the time when young tourists began to arrive.

Although it wasn't finished yet, but still, the New Sunrise

pub has been open for its customers for more than a month
now. In which, new and old customers continue to arrive
who frequent it. Besides, he was still as boisterous as ever.

The pub has been renovated, Signs or symbols that are

prominent in the pub have been changed. Big led Dragon to
the top floor of the pub before opening the door to the
master suite.

This was the room where that night, they both had their first

"Why… Why don't you want to keep this room?" Dragon

said, raising an eyebrow at the other enticingly. Big's face
flushed immediately.

Originally, Big was thinking of converting this place into a

bathroom or multipurpose room. But thinking about it for a
long time, he called the company to order them to
immediately drop that plan and turn it into a suite as usual.
Although with a fresh look, the furnishings and fixtures were
now all new. The size of the room, the location of all the
furniture was the same, the big bed was located in the same
place, the same corner.

Dragon was beginning to understand why he had been

brought here.
"You want to take a new video of us, right?"

"No!" Having said that, Dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Woah!! Then why are you bringing me here?" Dragon said,

then he reached out and hugged Big's body from behind
him and his lips kissed Big's white cheeks.

"I just wanted to show you around." Said the stubborn Big.

Deep down, he couldn't find a deeper reason. When Pong

sent him a picture of the room, memories of that day came
back to Big and he felt like taking Dragon there again.

Big was frowning. He was then spun around by Dragon,

bringing the two face to face.


Dragon gently kissed the top of his forehead, then lifted his
hand to gently stroke Big's head.
"That night. I was unconscious, so I accidentally offended
you and hurt you."

"Yeah, bastard." Said Big, before Dragon's long finger

touched the tip of his nose.

"But don't forget that you are also to blame."

Big was completely embarrassed because he himself did no

good. How would a normal person come up with such an evil
plan to cause suffering? That is bad, very bad.

"Let's start again."

Dragon was beginning to understand why Big brought him

back to the beginning of their relationship tonight. Big didn't
reply, but held his arms tightly around Dragon's neck.

He now didn't think Dragon sucked. But he never imagined

that with whom he fought so much, he would become the
person he loves the most, a year later.
"Why did we fight each other so much during our freshman
year?" Asked Big.

“But what if you hit me first?” Dragon asked as he gently

snuggled up on the bed.

"Well, it was the day of the university sporting event, I had

just won the Moon contest. Then you came to talk to me and
bother me at the faculty."

"Hey, who said I was looking for you?" Dragon replied.

The first time Dragon met Big, it was during the freshman
orientation event. All first-year students were to meet in the
Central Auditorium. Dragon was walking to meet a friend,
but he accidentally passed a group of girls who were
laughing because they were looking and chatting funny with
Big, whispering among themselves.

At first, Dragon didn't care. He just watched as a handsome

man was sneaky around girls in general. But his bright smile
and sweet laugh prevented Dragon from walking normally.
His sharp eyes locked on Big's face as if he was charmed by
a spell.
Even both people turned to look at each other's eyes,
unfortunately. Big had never heard the name of Dragon, a
freshman at the College of Architecture, who had a tattoo of
a black dragon all over his arm. But he could see that he
was handsome and sexy. Many beautiful girls broke off their
relationships to be seen by that man with the tattooed arm.

Big saw Dragon for the first time. He cannot deny that he
was impressed with the beauty. But when he knew his
reputation, he was more arrogant.

"What are you looking at?" He said hoarsely.

"I'm not even looking at you." Dragon replied, because he

didn't imagine that this boy would ask first. So he walked

Big's face went numb… because Dragon had kind of

punched him in the face, in front of all those beautiful girls.
Plus, they were flirting with Big, without batting an eye.
From there, they declared themselves enemies, clearly.

After that, every time they came face to face, it was Big who
bothered. Because he couldn't stand Dragon's nonchalant
behavior. Dragon himself was more inclined to use silence to
distract and annoy the other person. He knew what he
didn't like. 'Who do you think you're talking to? If you feel
like joking around, we'll play... I'll secretly go out with those
girls to eat, take them on a date, to play on your nerves.'

'It will be fun…'

On the day of the university sporting event and the Moon

and Star contest, Dragon heard the news that Big would
participate in that contest representing his faculty. Seeing
the big picture of the activity at the university, he thought it
was nice to go see it. So, he wanted to go see it with his
own eyes. Therefore, he went with his group of friends to
visit the Faculty of Administration. But Big thought that that
day he had come to the event to bother him and make fun
of him, so Big rushed Dragon to hit him in front of everyone.
Because he admits that it was a hassle to have him in front
of him, he was really upset.

So he dropped his fist causing Dragon great pain. Not losing

to Big, he hit back, both hitting each other with big punches.
All the friends joined each other, to separate them.
Fortunately, neither teacher realized what had happened.
Friends turned off the news quietly, with no trace or
evidence of what happened, therefore no one was punished.

"At that time, you hit me in all my joints and my cheeks

were bruised."
"You kicked me in the face and even busted my mouth. You
were wearing Dr. Martin's boots at the time, do you know
how painful that was?"

The two of them were arguing in bed about the past. But the
look in his eyes didn't have the slightest bit of anger, like
before. It was more like making fun of two people hating
each other, but now going to bed together, like lovers.

"You came to my college just because you wanted to see

me, right?" Big asked quietly.

"Yes, but you were anxious and hastily pushed my shoulder


"Well, you were talking to Demi."

"Were you jealous of her?"

Big was silent… he wasn't very jealous of that woman. But if

he was a little upset to see Dragon smile like that.

"Or… Jealous of me?"

"Shut!!" But he was caught by Dragon, he kissed his cheeks,
biting him as usual.

"If you don't succumb to me, what will it be like now?"

"Wow, sorry for Dragon, he probably didn't know that Big

was so good, that he can make you run."

"How lewd!!"

Big raised his hand to hit Dragon's forehead as he laughed,

showing off his beautiful teeth.

"I'm already in the mood." Big said, raising his long hand to
cover his crotch.

"Ugh." Big yelled because what was under the jeans, it was
getting really hard.

"That day, you brought me here unconscious and I hurt you.

Can I make new memories today?"
"Uh..." Big said. "You won't call me Nong Kaew, Nong Yi,
Nong Gina, Sister Ink, what else?"

Although he doesn't want to remember and tries to forget.

Big remembers everything Dragon said Dragon that night
and tries to spell it.

"Why didn't you call? Stopping everything." Dragon replied

honestly and cunningly, reaching for the two small nipples
under Big's shirt. Big squeezes back and forth in

"You... Phi Da, Cherry, Tammy, Lina Khem. Have you

dumped them all yet?"

"Wow… yeah ouch." Big said and then was squeezed hard
once across the top of his chest.

"Come on... you left everyone." Dragon said. "It's enough to

have me as your husband."

Big secretly sticks out his tongue and sucks with the finger
of Dragon's big hand.
"You must be very confident. Do you want to check it out?"

'So why did he come back to me?'

Big wondered when his jeans were ripped off his toes

followed by his boxers. Dragon slid down and kissed the tips
of his toes and the soles of his feet, drawing them together
until he moaned.

Big was embarrassed to see Dragon in such a pose, he

couldn't help but shudder. Dragon's white teeth were
embedded in his thumb, before licking up to his inner thigh.
The faint red marks from previous bites and suckling are still
there. But Dragon absorbed him again. As if he didn't want
those marks to go away.

"Um haha."

Big's member was erect as Dragon's hot tongue licked its

way up to his orifice. Meanwhile, a thick hand squeezed and
pinched his nipples. Then his mouth came to Big's already
erect member, which was beginning to flow with precum,
and he sucked on it fiercely. While a mischievous finger slid
between his channel and with the other hand he opened the
gel container.

Using his mouth, he slid his gel-soaked fingers into Big's soft
cavity, and as he was attacked from the front and back, a
huge groan erupted from him.

"Ahhh, ahhh, Dragon, no, no, no."

Both of Big's long legs were spread wide open. His hands
dug into Dragon's broad shoulders and his body spread out
on the bed, before his entire body shuddered and writhed
with happiness flooding through him. His black eyes closed
with a few drops of water. His nose and lips turned red,
trying to suck air into his lungs. The member that was in an
upright position sprayed the liquid until it stained all over
his smooth white belly.

"How are you? Do you still think about messing with those
people? Do you think you can do it now?"

Dragon asked, before wiping and licking up the stream of

cum, which had been splashed onto his lips. Then he licked
his tongue wildly at Big's totally wet member.
"I… haven't messed with them in a long time.

Hearing that, Dragon smiled and lovingly kissed his

member. Then he continued kissing upwards, transmitting
warmth to Big's smooth white body. Dragon crushed a soft
kiss to his red lips, before crushing more and more of the
body under him. The tip of his tongue slid across the soft
lips of his mouth, then inserted into his mouth, sweeping
across the roof of his mouth and teeth.


They exchanged kisses with their tongues wrapped around

each other until it flowed from the corners of his lips.

Big reached out to unbutton Dragon's pants, seductively

removing his pants and boxers. Big flips Dragon over so he
lies on the bed. He uses his mouth to kiss and bite the
tanned skin of the other person. He begins to suck leaving
red marks until he creates a path of suction until he reaches
the red head of his big member.

Dragon's face was red every time he looked closely at the

other person with his big member in his small mouth. He
was also amazed that it reached his throat. And into his
mouth the little tongue slides over the juicy crimson head,
followed by harder licks until Dragon takes a deep, gasping

Then he decided to cover his entire mouth with one of his

hands, while Big vigorously licked and sucked his member.
Dragon reached out and caressed Big's head, slamming it
savagely against his waist. He then began to move his hips
hard forward and out of the other person's mouth.

Other couples may see Dragon as a very bad lover because

of his wild sex, but Big loves that. He is so provocative that
he can't help but suck and suck hard on that big hot

"Will I just end up with your blow job again?" Dragon said.


Big watching the rhythmic bounce of Dragon's waist inside

his mouth. He didn't give up and with his hands caressed
the roots of that great member, massaging and squeezing
vigorously. Dragon, watched as Big sucked and licked his
member, his member almost didn't enter that little mouth
anymore, since it was at its peak and that image drove him
even more crazy.
Dragon loved it when Big looked at him like that.

"You are sexy, hot and adorable to the point that my body

Unfortunately, Dragon didn't bring a video camera.

Otherwise, he would take some pictures. That angle was
really unreadable and it was a shame not to use a mobile

Both Dragon and Big felt that this was far from certain. It is
better to use a personal video camera. From the beginning
of their relationship until now, they have both made dozens
of adult movies for themselves.

"I'm about to ahhh... Yeah, you're good... ahhh... you're

amazing..." Dragon moaned, taking a deep breath.

He was at his peak climax, his stomach was all hot, Big
shook his head.

"Uh…uh hmm."
Dragon moaned into Big's throat, then squirted the hot
liquid into Big's warm mouth. Big licked and sucked on
everything. Then he moved his mouth and gave a great
suck on the crimson red head of the member in front of him.

Dragon held Big with just his right arm, showing his large
tattoo, between his legs to straddle his lap, kissed his
cheeks, down his neck and ended in beautiful erect pink

"Aahh… aaaaahhhhhh."

His fully erect nipples were bitten and sucked hard, while his
entire body trembled and climaxed again. Dragon kissed his
cheek affectionately.

Startled, he began to slowly rock back and forth, rubbing

hard on that member that was beginning to swell again.
Squeezing his tight hips, he rubbed his body back and forth,
crushing his face against Dragon's shoulder, he let out a
groan too, it was comfortable yet terrifying.


But when Dragon saw that he had started to adjust his body
according to the size of his member. He lifted Big's waist
and inserted his crimson red head to his fully erect member,
rushing to break the depths of that small orifice. Raising a
vertiginous puddle of tenderness...

Big can't complain about Dragon doing that. Because he

knows how sex with Dragon tastes. His tastes... are
definitely similar.

'He's hot, heady, sweet and wild, I like him. I like it until I
can no longer control my own body.'

Big's waist jerked strongly. Both of his legs were spread

wide, while he continued to straddle Dragon's lap.

As he jerked in the face of Dragon's large, vigorous thrusts,

he brought his hand up to his face and kissed him
passionately, biting his lips and tongue.

Dragon slaps Big's butt, then squeezes his five fingers into
Big's thighs tightly. With this act, Big's narrow channel sucks
with its slippery walls strongly. Big contracts and Dragon's
member feels tight, bitten and sucked deep. Both bodies
merge as one.

"Ahhh, I'm coming.... Huh, Dragon, ah, ah, ah."

"The talented person... is my boyfriend... my lover..."

Dragon then reaches down and sucks on Big's member. He

licks and sucks on it, matching the motions of his thick hips
moving up and down until the sound of wet, bare flesh
colliding echoes throughout the room. His entire body
trembled before he hugged Dragon. Big lifts both of his legs
and wraps them around a thick waist that is tightly bound
by muscle.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah"

They were both finally able to finish at the same time.

Dragon exploded inside Big's body burying his cock deep,
until a murky white stream flowed down his thighs.

Big hugged Dragon to kiss him again and also inserted the
tip of his tongue into the other person's mouth. His eyes
were bloodshot red with drops of water coming out. Dragon
gave in for his swollen lips. Then he licked the tears off his
face gently from him.

"You make me so happy." Big said, shaking.


Big frowns slightly. "Is that all you're going to say?"

"Just like my boyfriend. I'm immensely happy." Dragon said,

his face flushed and with a satisfied smile. "I want to do it

His member was as hot as it was a few minutes ago, Big

could feel it inside his own abdomen, and began to move
him in a circular motion.

"Wow!!!! My boyfriend is so daring to fuck..."

"I want to fuck my boyfriend… that's all… I want to tease


Big replied, both cheeks flushed, from the heat continuing to

move his hips gradually increasing his speed…
embarrassing was gone. Shame at this time didn't exist.

Dragon heard that and his ears perked up. Being tempted
by a lover like this, how could he resist himself?
Big won't be able to make excuses in time. When he is
caught, Dragon picks him up and lays him down on the bed.
The tip of his nose protrudes into the corner of his neck until
he tickles it.

Big smiles happily. He raised both hands and hugged

Dragon without letting go and sweetly pressed a kiss to the
black dragon tattoo.

Soon that smile turned into a moan, combined with sweet

words of love that they both whispered to each other

**** FINISH****

* This is the last part of this novel, i wont uplod special parts
!!! and some chapters might be deleted if the series near
aired so just enjoy this before that things happend :)

*thanks to the author Aiden for allowing me to do the trans

and samantha for wonderfull spanish trans !

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